no choice

no choice

DISCIPLINE KNOWS: let the law we have made for our own lives and nation and world decide/not male or female, but the values we shape as our own, kingdom of choice. Let that law be true, as best the evidence of our own reality can make it certain; this is, “without intentional corruption”, the best we can, and did do. As is, the basis of ORDER. The balance of that choice is confronted with the interpretation of what does life, and world allow? The answer to that is: a vote, that conceives of “the very best we did do, for life, world, and child”. Simple as that.

Men are men; and nearly all of them want to prove they can win; if they had the chance. Which is why war fails to stop, until reality wants to cry. The curse of men is: they have no brain (if they don’t win: they want to prove they are the superior one/ oblivious to the consequences, as is pride. The cost of war for men: now handcuffed to the wall, “its fight/ or be killed anyway”. The cost to women for war: endure their curse.), Because they do fall into war, en-mass/ CAN’T get out. The only way out of that for a world: IS TO PROVE THE COST OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, is no game they can win    / THE REALITY of what their own choices to participate WILL MEAN.  THEIR WORLD, THEIR FAMILY, THEIR FUTURE,      THEIR ETERNITY:  IN THE HAND OF A TINY FEW!    IN WORLD COURT; best we can!       So nobody escapes: THIS REALITY, IS A CHOICE. Therefrom removing; the satanic disease of university; as is ALREADY being realized. Just as the evidence of; an increasing “UNIVERITY HELL”; has been released. In the cost of tears/ tragedy of arrogance; like “covid and monkeypox”: what they did do!

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: the purpose of that trial before the world is/ to insure we the people KNOW the price, TO OUR OWN LIVES: of letting these other few: BE WRONG. The purpose of knowledge is: WE THE WORLD SHALL INSIST; by whatever means necessary. THAT EVERY NATION ON EARTH: SHALL SURRENDER THEIR WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION FOREVER. And reduce their military: to the point of defense/ NOT aggression. Surrendering that control TO WORLD LAW, enforced literally, by soldiers from all nations working to police this earth. Who shall NOT, be allowed to police this earth for us all/ more than 8 years maximum; every single one. OR MORE DISTINCTLY: your world is on the edge of mass extinction/ by any number of means. The reality of too many people/ and not enough resources: is war. WHICH MAKES THIS YOUR LAST CHANCE; to intervene in that, and reduce the threats, to something our world could survive. Dealing with reality, by its truth: instead of the parasitic curse that is “university knows”; which brings us to this moment of extinction stands at the door. STAND UP, AND DEMAND WORLD COURT; SAY TO THE WORLD, I AM HERE: the introduction of evidence so diligently pure of contamination/ that every doubter must believe what is true; as best we can for life and world and child.

As to the claim of leadership in Russia: they want to prove superiority, “yes we can; by stealing what they want; a true constant of history (nothing has changed)”. As to the claim of leadership in China; they want to win in Taiwan, demanding we are the owners here. But as is the constant of human existence throughout history; the claim of ownership does not extend into an “excessive past”. For over one hundred years Taiwan has built itself/ and as such claimed independent ownership, without subservient ties to China. Same throughout the world; while war is always unfair/ the reality of work and sacrifice to build and rebuild; identifies the owner.  Even though that is no longer true, leadership in china claims pride; as owner/ but fails life, threatening a world. As to the USA; Afghanistan, was initiated as a defense; and then failed; because they wanted superiority rather than justice: fear rather than fair play. As to the USA: Iraq; leadership failed with fear, becoming pride/ which always becomes a tyrant trying to prove “fear me instead”. Etcetera as always history proves true; war is for fools. As to N. Korea: their fear and failures, refuse to surrender pride, living in want of more/ while pride, fails life and eternity will fail them; without true change. EVERY LEADER who attacks another nation, without severe and serious cause to claim defense: merely wants, to assemble a greater military base, from which it can attack an “even greater group”; in order to steal more for itself. Or is using war, as its own version of population control. No claim of justice or fair play exists: when destroying the work, life, future, safety and security of others; that is an outright lie. No claim of ownership exists; not even within the nation: when reality asserts, THIS IS OUR WORK, not yours.

And all the people say: THIS AIN’T MY JOB/ I WANT WHAT I WANT/ AND I DON’T want NO DAMN target on my back. It ain’t worth the cost to fight back; NOBODY listens to me/ go the hell away! And don’t come back. So reality continues on; universities create HELL on earth; weapons of mass destruction still exist; and the collapse of all life, ending in the sewer of universities changed this; causes your own extinction. YET YOU CLAIM, “you don’t care”. Because the sheep, have no real weapons. So the answer is: stop being sheep! BE ALIVE IN YOUR HUMANITY instead. Which means: to accept death as a part of life/ and duty is a participation in society as life/ and responsibilities are what we owe each other, in the value of living with you. Which does mean: STAND UP AND BE COUNTED; sign your name/ and accept the price for keeping this world alive; is whatever it will be. NOT because that is fair/ BUT because we have no other choice, except to let extinction remove life forever.

So the question is: WHY, does media and other things we have trusted fail us all? The answer is: because power, pride, and want invade whatever is trusted to assume and take control whenever they can/ in order to destroy the values of trust, peace, justice, fair play, sanity, reality, truth, love, values, respect, hope, happiness, courage, security, harmony, and more. Because HATE, disguises itself, as a participant in life; when in reality it is only a participant in chaos, and death. Universities worship evolution as their religion: which states, “all life comes from chaos”/ so they mutilate all of nature; to create that chaos in blind worship of their god called death. To your shame; you let them; “the few who control, what you believe”; by placing blinders on your own eyes; with media control. THERE ARE “devils (the disease of hate) hiding in the midst” of what you trust. And since hate worships power/ whenever it can, “only the sheep (let me be your cult; make me rich; or, I can blame you). Mice (go steal what we want Never confront power, nor question leadership/ or I let you die; as is “university taught”). And worms (be a traitor, or be squashed)”:  will be hired or allowed to decide. So none can interfere with their own disguise of hate inside. The common university purpose to destroy whatever exists: in order to take control over everything. Does not university say: “we are, the superior ones”/ does not media claim the “expert” proves that, “they are like gods”? And does not reality prove:  whosoever has been “in charge”; leads us to extinction. IS THAT NOT, “UNIVERSITY”?   While it is considered true; someone must make a decision; so that life can go on. The evidence proves: only truth produces the result we expect/ therefore truth must decide: NOT humanity. but the evidence of our reality, untainted by want, pride, or power. AS truth makes it clear. CONTRARY to university claims: as evidenced by our being surrounded with real world threats of extinction/ THE UNIVERSITIES DO NOT KNOW; and playing god is to become SATAN on earth; with only horror and hell to result; as is the proof of evidence, the consequence of fantasy, delusion, imagination and failure; as is known, true today.

The historical average; human population growth of the twentieth century was roughly 3% as a world. The constant liars of university describe it as less: because they take the rise in population numbers over one hundred years; and then claim that as the rise of numbers. But the rise of each year, shows a far different picture of what is true. And the reality of this day, is more likely to have sustained that number as a world, than not. 3% more per year over deaths (as evidenced by immigration) multiplied by 8 billion people= 240,000,000 MORE mouths to feed this year/ than last. In this very finite world, where every other living thing; needs food, and water and more; too. World over genocide is coming; as the reality of numbers faces the truth: someone else, has to die; so we don’t.

In this america; 90% of the population lives in the fantasy and delusions of fools; who believe whatever they can imagine to be true; as taught by universities. None of which is true; because reality itself does not recognize survival, as anything less than truth. Your truth is: the universities led you with bribes and beliefs that are lies; into the tragedy of “we cannot go back/ life and earth, has been changed”. You do face extinction/ starvation/ war/ and HELL, as the cost of your cult worshiping university as god. To your shame! Wake up, recognize lies won’t save you from the evidence of realities you cannot control with lies, betrayal, or terrorism; as is everything “university knows”. EVEN YOU: know the cost of adding a quarter billion more people to feed each year more. Until broken forever, as the world itself dies/ and every chain of life is destroyed. All “hail hitler/ oh wait, that is all hail university as god”; instead/ to your shame.

The cost of that reality is: “it will no longer be, women and children first”. The cost of media “empowering women”, with we can fight like men/ or be like men: is now you can die like men, as they have set you up to “be first to die”. FIGHT FOR LAW, it is your only hope: because overpopulation is now a cause for extinction too.

While it is true, that none should lead (I decide/ not you); the reality is, we the people must all decide what our own laws, AS A WORLD; shall be/ or what is allowed in this our we the people world, as of today. Because if you let leaders decide; they will choose for power, want, and pride among themselves; as history has proven beyond any doubt. The laws we live by MUST be our own; as a world or nation granting some direction shall be given/ some boundaries and limits must be kept to sustain life and peace.

Given that, freedom then becomes the basis of our own happiness, and reality governs what we can or cannot do according to the resources that are available on this VERY FINITE EARTH. Want more: GO DIG THROUGH YOUR TRASH. Dumbass.

Regardless: capitalism is the most basic element of freedom, or “everybody chooses for themselves based upon what truth will allow.” Unfortunately, reality has shifted to a world overpopulated, and resources ruined or destroyed, with only a little left to sustain our future. Which removes primary freedoms, for limited truths we must share; by finding the need to care.

Communism; assumes that the few can lead and control the rest because they are the superior ones/ but that has been proven without doubt, to be wrong. Even though community ownership must be incorporated into capitalism in order to make it work, for today. The difference being we all decide what that must be/ instead of those who call themselves the superior ones deciding for us.

Socialism; assembles what we the people can do as a society that is shaped by the values of the whole/ rather than the individual. It is the strongest contender of the three to assemble what we need as a society to survive. But it lacks the foundations, which recognize all people are equal, and equally free to decide for themselves. Or more distinctly limited capitalism will correct these problems and open the door of ownership and independent choice; to all, for the equal distribution of wealth according to the choices we the individual do make. The critical: everyone needs a job, and is therefore entitled to a job at a realistic wage; is a foundation to begin that search for what each can or will do for themselves. As is “build your own”/ don’t whimper or demand I should be your slave or you mine. That ain’t fair. Community based housing will be critical; because we cannot consume any more ground agriculture needs to feed us. Which makes “high-rises” our own real option. Each building then becomes a cooperative (every tenant is an owner), with its own set of rules; so long as justice is served/ and you don’t bring your failures to us: fix them yourselves.

In the greater elevations of that: city blocks or larger shall be individual cooperative owned/ each self-containing its own jobs, healthcare, schooling, restaurants and so forth. No welfare/ no medicaid or medicare; (hire and train your own) only social security and your decision; plus the resources available: you are the owner/ act like it. Those who need it most can bid on them; those who don’t need, cannot. Those who wasted their resources, are excluded until such time as that proves to have ended. Those who do not control their population count; shall not be allowed to bid on anything, regardless of need. Birth control or discarded until you do. Unfortunately only female counts; which means barter with your men; as they pay; and the nation, city, or world enforces it as true: SAME for all. The primary bid is: work that benefits the future, world, or nation. IF UNCLEAR: either the law instituted by nation or world decides who has the greater influence to own that resource, by their work. OR, it goes to a blind vote; whereby the reality of the purpose shall be decided by the public on an appropriate scale (as we all want the resource). FAILURE to attain what was deliberately promised as work; removes your group from bidding over a period clearly defined by “majority rules”. Failure to deliver the resources promised in good order; relies upon public inspection of that reality; and will be determined on the greater scope of things as is either national or world law decides; if this is justice or not. CHOOSE your law with care. Learn with truth, and protect what is yours.

The foundation of resources, as are natural and undisturbed; planet or nature formed: should be owned by all. BUT that includes the future, not just today; so you will never own it, nor will your society. Which requires the world itself to take ownership of these things; and by the law we the world create to protect our future; these things shall be distributed till they end; as will be found. Want more: LOOK in your TRASH.

In case it was not clear: each of these micro cities; shall provide community services: ending the outside transportation to work/ ending independent refrigeration/ ending the need to go beyond these walls so to speak: which requires “unless you have a sponsor”; you may not come in. thereby reducing in energy consumption, in all possible ways: to a level that can be sustained. Including, changes in “everything”.

The foundation of human existence is truth, ONLY TRUTH SURVIVES/ nothing less. That fact designed by the laws we know must exist for justice and fair play to rule our lives instead of leaders. Aligns with democracy; as is, by our constitution which is THE LAW of our government, and extends over our employees; we shall rule over ourselves.

But that will fail without the protection of the people; as the insurgency of university (we are the superior ones) take over, proves true. That will fail without the protection OVER THE COURTS; by the removal of any judge or lawyer who fails our constitutional law and its protection of and for this people; so they have sworn.

When the law rules, leaders do not.

When truth and reality control the resources: want, power, and prideful people and their wealth do not. Limited capitalism supports and defends that: with periodic votes to insure we do remain in control. World law is demanded to survive; nothing less will do!

In case you don’t know: WHOSOEVER controls the resource/ controls the job, and the future; as well.  SO, if we all control those natural resources, BY OUR LAWS. Then we control ourselves, and limit “the war machines” of men, as as a world/ not a leader.

IF, you evict the dead weight of disease, death, & pure rebellion against democracy: as is “a university expert, and its propaganda arm the media”. THEN, at least you have the possibility to survive. if not, extinction is certain.

In the end; this earth and its nature upon which we all depend; decides our future. The most insane, vile, defecation of sewage history has ever seen: is called “university”/ and the experiments to destroy both world and nature MUST BE STOPPED; or HADES (eternal punishment) will arrive to prove you wrong.

The curse of insanity is: there are people who believe they have the right, to enforce GENETIC MUTILATION; by vaccine or other source of university is god reasoning. Their religious zeal outstanding: NO VALID LAW EXISTS, nor is there any form of pandemic proven beyond a doubt; by the evidence of real world truth: to support this example of Marshal law (the Nazi’s; you have no rights; you have no value; we the superior ones decide. Are back);  preparing their attack, to overtake society again.

And all the people say: “I DON’T want, what I don’t want”/ the price is too high! But reality replies: either you will change these lies, theft, cheating, stealing, betrayal, terrorism, failure, foolishness, whoring, corruption, collusion, conspiracies of all kinds, insurgency, rebellion, anarchy, manipulation, control, temptations, mutilation, insanity, the sacrifice of every life on earth, and every future life: OR YOU, and this earth; WILL BE EXTINCT.  So says the evidence.

The foundation of democracy: IS NOT who gets the most votes! Rather the foundation of democracy: IS, THE LAW, AS WRITTEN AND ENFORCED, by constitutional government. Which is the law/ NOT the ruler decides. The ruler so called is our employee; who has sworn to obey and support our constitutional guidelines; as created by our own we the people vote. Equality, freedoms, rights, guarantees, opportunities, and everything else: IS GOVERNED by the law of our government which is the constitution itself. OUR employees are NOT THE GOVERNMENT/ they are our employees, who must take an oath of obedience in order to serve us.

THE JOB: for which people get elected is: to establish the rights and rule of we the people under and within the definitions and descriptions of our constitutional government. TO PROTECT US from those who rebel against that form of government/ and betray the foundations of we the people are the owners here; by law we rule ourselves. NOT by presidents or judges or others/ but by the constitutional laws we the people established in order to unite and declare ourselves to be the literal and true owners here. NO EMPLOYEE governs: which is to decide the fate of the nation by his or her choices. CRITICAL CHANGES must be made to insure the option of war is removed entirely from any elected officials hand: the laws of defense/ the bill of rights to every soldier/ the value of such things as WORLD LAW to us all, and so on.

POWER fails democracy; which is why the amendments serve to discredit and deny pride must win. A reality disrespected and discarded by “university leads”.

PRIDE fails democracy: which is why the foundation of democracy is to remove those employees with reasonable speed; chooses a periodic vote.

WANT fails democracy: which is why changing the constitution is intentionally hard/ and requires many people to agree.

THE LAW WE THE PEOPLE DECIDE FOR OURSELVES: IS THE LAW WE LIVE BY, work by, educate ourselves by, and so on. That is democracy. It is no longer voting for someone to vote for me; as was needed 200+ years ago. Today, real democracy allows: we shall vote for ourselves; because we can.

Taxation and all branches of government: CAN BE DEDICATED to we the people chose this to be our form of governing ourselves; which is to provide such things as. Let the IRS be disbanded; and each individual “county” be responsible to its people/ and to this government for the collection of those taxes. A business which will bid on the work/ chosen by the people being represented; for an allotted period of time, not to exceed 12 years. Which shall be regulated: this tax, shall ONLY be spent here, for these specific purposes, and nothing else. So that we do have control.

As it is, and must be: “with the judiciary”/ graded and removed if not adequate to our needs and laws. So must the leadership we have hired to work for us; is subjected to “grades” with respect to their decisions. A foundation of democracy being: the people who work for us, are living under our laws/ NOT we the people, living under theirs. That decision/ that work: relies upon: the constitution shall decide. To facilitate that grading system: you will create the foundation upon which each job depends. You will rank the importance of everything you expect to have done for you; and YOU WILL establish an alternate decision, along with what you know is justified to predict; if this decision is implemented. THAT alternate decision(s); must be supported; by a majority of the voting public/ or it is no grade sustained. NO GUESSING; only the evidence of reality serves life by its critical support of truth knows this is so. If that total grade falls below your critical compliance: the next in line takes control.

The foundation of democracy is: that you SHALL NOT, use your vote to invade the lives of others/ cause them intentional grief/ destroy their work, life, reputation, extort, or in any other fashion enslave the rest. YOU SHALL use your vote ONLY: to accomplish and sustain JUSTICE, FAIR PLAY, EQUAL RIGHTS, and foundations upon which we all support and create happiness and respect for life, planet, child, and self. YOU SHALL use your vote to solidify and defend: the human reality is healthcare constructs a monopoly over the individual/ and is never to be again, by any form: simply left to private criminal enterprise, as is today. YOU SHALL use your vote to solidify and defend the reality of a courtroom is NEVER to make any individual wealthy, far beyond the rest. A criminal is responsible for their own decisions/ NOT all of society or its organizations; but the individual who did the crime. A courtroom is NOT for ransacking or raping all of society; so a few extortionists can manipulate society into making them wealthy; as is the case of so many lawyers and the failures of so many courts today. A vote is NOT so you can make the others pay for whatever you want. A vote, a law, and a rule is only: to increase the value of democracy, by sustaining its purpose of uniting us as one force, in support of justice for all. The disgrace, of university rules shall not stand. The disrespect of university is god, shall not be allowed. The terrorism of university in charge; MUST be ended; so that life can go on. INSTEAD OF THEIR CURSE; respect demands, “we share the work, we share the values of living, we care for the future and our participation as a world, we establish fair play, and we work for the foundations which will make a difference to life and planet as our own contribution respecting “the gift of life itself”. NOT the bastardization and death; of an entire living world; as is “university knows/ university plays god”.

Just so its clear: those who hire you, “are NOT, your mommy or daddy”/ NOT your caretaker, or in charge of your future/ NOT your master or slave. They are merely your employer/ just like you are merely their employee for what has value to society, and not more. Which means: contrary to what the “university union” has done/ or other trade unions have cultivated for themselves. Society will choose to abandon: all forms of pension/ all forms of employee owned insurance/ all forms of “you owe me”; beyond a paycheck. You may only barter for “daycare”/ or even schooling; but no more. NOTHING else is added or subtracted; only a paycheck. Each is responsible for self; only social security remains/ and that is a realistic percentage of GDP. Divided among yourselves; to cover all things chosen by your group.

As reality summarizes the truth: extinction is near. The foundation of a university cult intervenes to demand: “we are gods, so say the worshiper, as any good zealous fanatic would say”. CAN’T be wrong. But lets ask this question: since covid, “ a moment in history, that turned an obscure sickness, in twenty people; never heard before in China; into a worldwide pandemic 3 weeks later “FEAR”/ ALL must believe. “SAVED/ saved” the universities have a vaccine; just give us trillions, and let us do anything we want to life; by adding chaos to the very essence of nature itself. As reality puts it: “it takes true believers” to do that; and they cannot see anything beyond the cult they worship. As is proven by: since 2019, I have not heard of, nor talked too anyone, who even knew of anyone: who had a common cold, who had the flu, who had pneumonia; and only rarely something else without covid attached. Yet how could that be? ANSWER the question; because I have run into people claiming to have had covid; very few with any symptoms beyond a cold. Yet the cult, through their propaganda arm of media: enforced, those who had a business, family, house, friend, organization, or anything else; shall surrender them all, including their face. Because the UNIVERSITY says so. Yet the university is a blanket description; which houses only a very tiny few “experts”, who do get paid excessively for the very little work they do. And all the students shout “hurrah”; because they are in debt, and want a job when they graduate “don’t rock the boat” or be thrown to the sharks is real. And that of course, “applies directly” to anyone in media: don’t make the power mad. UNTAINTED EVIDENCE; is none of that.

A mother reminds you: “life is not about what you want, or don’t want/ rather life is about living as best truth will allow”. Because only truth can survive, or make you happy with life and love and hope. The failure of “university leads” is MASSIVE; and beyond small fixes. You must begin again, with a determination to rebuild with truth, courage, values that have meaning, a clear decision to protect: life and earth and child/ or be extinct. The threats are massive, and they will take control unless you do; from a list of universities so arrogant and traitorous, they literally believe they are gods. But alas, for both you and them; its called DEVIL/ rather than life.

You simply need to control the food and water supply/ you need to control the court to establish what is true, without tolerance for lies/ you need to restructure the money/ you need to be fair with the future/ you need to accomplish what will be happy for us all, even if personal want must be sacrificed for the good of society instead. You need to separate hate; and you need to choose what will survive, in peace and harmony, by changing this world from war into laws that are justified for all. As it always should have been.

The zealot says: “YOU can’t question our gods”/ the courts say: “YOU can’t question our gods”/ the politician says: “YOU can’t question our gods”. BUT REALITY REPLIES; YOU CANNOT legally mutilate NATURE; as is done every single day, by those who claim evolution will fix anything they destroy; “in a billion years or so”. REALITY REPLIES: your experts claimed every drug or chemical now proven to cause cancer and more; were all described as “perfectly safe”. REALITY REPLIES: universities deliberately crossing genetic species boundaries, to inject DNA from “plants and fish and insects and animals and birds and ANY DAMN THING they can find into the genetics of other living creatures including human: ARE SEARCHING FOR A PANDEMIC BEYOND COMPREHENSION. As reality proves Armageddon (nature in chaos) is here. “monkeypox, AIDS, covid” are only the tip of the needle pushed inside with “a million consequences” all because of you. EXTINCTION circles us like a vulture; because of, “university knows; university is SATAN”.

The foundation of failure in men is “money”/ because too much money allows men to control the others and remove their freedom and rights. Therefore limited capitalism is absolutely necessary: we the people decide how much or how little, by our own vote.

The foundation of failure in men is “chemical addiction”/ as does drive rape, abuse, and more. Therefore an entire redefinition of respect, truth, and fair play: for women/ respect for men; is a necessity for survival. That is done with real world honesty, so that none can hide, or run away from the truth of life and living.

The foundation of failure in men is: nature no longer allows for taking whatever you want, and discarding the destruction as not your problem; at 8 billion people, we are long past that excuse. Therefore a real world participation in EXACTLY what is left, and EXACTLY what will be the future, that allows your child, and “the next thousand years” to exist: WILL CONTROL.

The foundation of failure in men is: turning life and living into a game. The desire for pride makes living into a competition, which turns life into enemies all around; “them or us/ me or you”. Which causes power to erupt, and violence to answer it. These are all caused by wants, and wants are the foundation to every lie; because if you don’t want it or unless you do; there is no excuse to lie. The end of a game is up to women, because this is what the majority of men did do throughout history. Warring primarily when confronted with “our lies did not work/ nor did we care”. Therefore ONLY TRUTH DECIDES, and nothing less; because unless you do care: this world, and all its life will end. So says the damage done, “by universities know”.

You know how to do, what you need to do: in order to resurrect a future. IF YOU CHOOSE NOT to do that; then you do deserve the extinction that will take you by surprise, proving too late now. Lay down the weapons, and choose law. Stop being insane, or pay more than you can imagine; in your eternity. SHARE THE WORK, SHARE THE LIVING, SHARE THE FUTURE, SHARE RESPECT FOR EACH OTHER; BUT CHOOSE, for a world that will be at peace, within the harmony of “we are similar”; because that works better, than any other way. As history does prove true. Divide the world, so that each group MUST face the cost of their own decisions! Choose world law, so that we the world SHALL ENFORCE THAT LAW, on our leaders: CHOOSE what we must do, in order to let truth survive and share our world as humanity was intended to be.

The curse of the believer is: as with every cult, “the leader cannot be questioned”. The courts have NO JURISDICTION over nature inside your body. The claim of government, has NO JURISDICTION OR RIGHT TO CLAIM any form of power over the miracles of NATURE. The destruction of terrorists, who use their blanket of covering as is a university diploma: to annihilate and exterminate, the balance, disciplines, order, truth, respect and reality of nature; by playing god with life. These things are SATANIC in origin, and their religious fervor has no basis in life or truth; as is governed by ONLY THE EVIDENCE may decide. And that evidence includes “a forty year trial; as drug lawsuits prove is a real world cost of believing”. NO claim of their vaccine; to prove it shall not harm; is valid.  No claim; it is not genetic mutilation is true. The evidence must include: those who initiated the disease, and then profited, by power and money; in countless ways: as their curse of life itself, takes over nature to create their HORRORS. LET THE WHOLE WORLD SEE, “YOUR EVIDENCE, untainted by fools; as is the cult who worships university knows”. We are surrounded by real world threats of extinction; proving without question or doubt: the university is “the evidence of Satan” on earth.total health expenditure does not include insurance costsReality says: THIS USA, is either a very very sick nation/ OR, a very very foolish nation; as the evidence of 4.1 trillion equals $41,000.00 per each worker, of one hundred million people working.  YOUR LEADERS are in collusion, with your “university medicine: producing one of the very oldest of all con games;  make them sick, and pretend to heal;  if you just give me your fortune”. YOUR universities: have been making biological weapons out of every disease, “for one hundred + years”; and MORE.   NOW, they get paid trillions!

Reality proves: those who pick up a gun or other form of hate, will lose everything they want to keep for themselves/ as is evident by every battlefield of every war. The insurgency of the dead, “university playing god”; has been fueled by counterfeiting money/ claiming expertise they did not own/ operating and controlling the propaganda/ stealing the future by cult worshiping “university knows”. All of it based upon; “never question your cult leaders”. TO REMOVE THEM FROM POWER; it is necessary, to end the fantasy of counterfeiting assets to create insurmountable debts; AND RETURN TO REALITY. TO REMOVE THEM FROM PRIDE: it is necessary to use the law, and demand a courtroom, to decide by the evidence what is true, and what is liar. Thereby constructing a foundation that has no imagination or claim of delusions are enough. TO REMOVE THEM FROM WANT; it is necessary to establish the cost of being WRONG/ and let that decide how far, will we let these universities go; in risking our lives, our world, your child, or extinction. DECLARE WAR AND YOU LOSE/ DECLARE THE LAW as is redress of grievances/ AND WE DECIDE THEIR FATE; instead of them deciding ours.

And the men say: “you can’t defeat an army with law/ they won’t care”.

But reality replies: “until you give them the excuse to kill you: within your own nation”/ the soldiers are you, and you do know enough not to kill yourselves. GIVE THE SOLDIER, THEIR OWN BILL OF RIGHTS, as a people who will defend that law you chose. Anything less approaching war, is criminal, and proves murders: with an appropriate response (as the US second amendment recognizes is true). WORLD LAW, that governs leaders; to make them responsible for their nation/ to PROVE AS A WORLD DEMANDS: YOU SHALL NOT, cross this line; is enough. Will prove: every weapon of mass destruction shall now be confiscated and removed from all nations: by the international force we design for ourselves. Primarily that will include: NOBODY stays within that international force, more than 2; four year terms of service. With all real weapons stored among the nations of this world; with strict guidelines about their use.

The foundation of war is: either as thieves and murderers/ or as reality will prove, “we are about to die; so its you or us”. Every other excuse is the pride of power; and that is akin to hate. Hate has no value whatsoever, and the response should reflect that truth.

So, you know: if a group of people is about to starve to death/ the world must take action prior to catastrophe. But only if it is a problem they did not cause for themselves; refusing truth, and describing themselves by want, pride, or power. Such as is overpopulation, destruction of resources, etc!

Primary to all life are resources; put here by GOD AND THE NATURE HE CREATED. As a consequence to that, it is functionally vile to assert; any man, woman, or nation should claim what they did not/ or did little work for to get. As is the constant of every nation: those who built it, deserve it; as they sacrificed what was necessary to create what they did create. That is work YOU did not do/ work they did; and it is not functionally correct to come demanding “we want that too”. BUILD YOUR OWN. But in order to do that, “room must be given, and realities must be shared”. Which is why for only one last time: every group gets their own nation/ every such nation is protected by world law which includes: YOU shall not cross that line. Those who came first, DO have the greater claim. As those who immigrate are similar to people getting out of prison: you lost that time, “fair or not”/ you cannot take what the others built. Begin again. This ends the delusion of “the screaming rage; we don’t have enough/ your group took it all; and the reply, this is ours, and you can’t have none of it”. Reality demands: the separation of groups, means: “you can no longer blame, them”. Look only to yourselves/ fix yourselves/ define justice and fair play to you/ pick your religion if you must; and so on.  THIS SOLUTION ENDS IMMIGRATION: if you are not a citizen here/ you will not live here. Each must take care of their own; NO running away from the reality, you and your group chose. IT IS, however wisdom: for this world to establish ONE LANGUAGE for all/ keeping your own: so we all learn two. that language would come from the blind and deaf; as they KNOW what is needed! You must be able to “sign” the language; NO extreme change/ use what is available; let each nation create its own words for a particular thing;  as is “each nation gets to spell and sound “fifty, drawn from a hat, words”; kind of thing. SIMPLE, ONLY “a few letters”.

IF YOU SUSTAIN ZERO POPULATION GROWTH/ then, you are stable and secure in the knowledge this is, “the best we did do”. THIS EARTH IS FULL, and if you refuse to obey that/ the consequences are entirely yours. That reality is: for women to decide, they alone have babies/ a vasectomy fails life. WOMEN shall find their own way; and men shall pay them accordingly; “their body/ their decision”. But it ain’t free; so men pay.

To this USA; it is an absolute certainty, that white america is being replaced with anything else america; led by university delusions. A primary factor in that decision has been covid. Hiding in your counterfeit numbers; is the fantasy for fools. While your leaders shout: TURN THEM into beggars, which results in mass shooting; as reality proves to be unfair. “all worship the university imagination; where nothing matters but playing god”. But make no mistake; the world you knew fifty years ago is dead; AND YOU, were determined to help them do it, with greed and selfishness. Because human overpopulation DOUBLING IN SIZE during that time; demands that is so. At 3% population rise 3 new babies per year over deaths per one hundred people: that equals nearly, one quarter of a billion more mouths to feed per year. Even so: pick up a gun for war, and you lose everything; because there is nothing left to rebuild with; AND THE BATTLEFIELD, leaves you no food, water, or future.

What is not so extreme is the reason why you are failing: like all cult worshipers/ you never questioned “the leader called university”. But fell down like fools to be completely blind. They steal counterfeiting assets to claim a bigger debt/ to build their toys to take control over hiring and every job/ destroyed all manufacturing to disable your nation/ threw every child into the sewer with their education of no value (how will you survive beyond playing video games, and fake money, with no resources, and not even a home to claim as a nation? the universities SOLD YOU OUT). Beyond university worshiper/ DELUSION put all your money into war machines/ FANTASY, designed destitution with “make them beggars”; remove every property by selling it to foreigners/ destroy the foundations of america with the treason of endless debt/ MEDIA deny the rebellion against democracy, to enforce communism (only we decide)/ use university anarchy to remove the constitution as our government/ curse every form of reality or work, as in ONLY THE FANTASY, DELUSION, AND IMAGINATION of the universities matter. until reality takes over!  MEDIA Propagates HELL is not coming; by blinding the fools of society, with universities are god; even though they mutilate nature, “a two year old” knows better/ destroy resources, to sacrifice every child/ poison the water, so you have no choice but die or war/ risk the planet itself (we hate you), and threaten to literally throw YOU into the lake of fire (SATAN, your university god; is real) as will be the ignition of atoms on fire. On this planet made out of fuel. And the cult worshipers say: we want what we want/ LIE TO US; WITHOUT even raising their face out of the shit university left behind to keep them stupid. Shame on you. WAKE UP OR BE EXTINCT.

THE ONLY WAY; you force the tyranny of government employees into obeying the law is by taking them to court: TO DEMAND THEY SHALL OBEY THE LAW; “WHICH IS REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES IN AMERICAN CONSTITUTION”; which guarantees our right to exercise OUR OWNERSHIP. You cannot force them to comply; as they will remain silent and lock the door to avoid that law. But you can force them as a massive group: that we will not pay taxes/ nor will we pay penalties or interest: FOR THIS DEMAND, THAT YOU MUST OBEY OUR LAW.     When that trial fully exists,    as a right of the people guaranteed by our government which is the constitution. It is then that you owe the taxes you withhold. ORGANIZE, AND PROVE THAT REFUSING OUR GOVERNMENT, is an act of treason for all who took an oath to obey it; for their job.   REDRESS IS: WE DECIDE/ WE JUDGE/ WE CHOOSE THE DIRECTION/ AND WE CHANGE WHAT WE THE PEOPLE ACCEPT AS IS NECESSARY, TO INSURE AND PROTECT OUR DEMOCRACY FOR OURSELVES!    I REMIND; “we the people”: reality is, if you have a billion dollars of counterfeit money/ its still counterfeit money. When you buy with counterfeit money; there are legal consequences to that action.    When we control our own bankruptcy: we own the nation, and choose for ourselves.    AS IS TRUE ALL OVER THIS WORLD!  AS IS, “universities in charge”.

“a standard 22 caliber bullet; will go through the average 4×4 block of wood”/ and those guns can hold many bullets. A public without weapons is a group waiting for genocide; even if they don’t know it/ history proves it true. And then, there are trucks, etc; on down to stoning people. EVERY HATE group is a liar/ every intellectual liar redirects you to something else. Focus only on a constitutional oath/ BY DEMANDING REDRESS:  as is “now we the people decide for ourselves”; what is true, and what our constitution demands from each employee who swore they would obey. MAKE THEM TALK; demand a courtroom to exercise THE INVESTIGATION TO PROVE WHAT IS AND IS NOT: TRUE.

If you want police to enter a very dangerous situation, particularly in a school: THEY NEED an appropriate vehicle. Which is basically a smaller version of an old style phone booth; armored to withstand bullets. It is generally only necessary to get inside the door.  Wheeled to push around; feet on the floor: with a gun hole. If anyone escapes past them: officers need to be waiting for that. This “booth tank”; can be stored on scene/ or wherever police desire it to be. Variations of that, can be used in multiple situations. a footnote: if you are confronted by someone in bullet armor/ then shoot his legs out. While “rubber bullets” would likely be enough: if the situation is bad enough, “they made their choice”.  REALITY KNOWS: a simple old style shield; gun through front (even with body armor), IS  a valuable asset; enough in most situations, to make a difference. TRY IT. Yes the offender might use this; but it advertises “on the way in”/ shouting “bad/ shoot” (other than the police). “the building does have four walls (some on the outside)”. think about it. 

The Jack Webb telescope; is a little clearer; but how many billions spent? They claim 14 billion years old; but in reality they also claim “the big bang”. Both do not exist within the same framework of order. As an explosion produces force in all “planar directions” equally. Which means the explosion began in the area they are looking through. Or more distinctly, cut the age in half. But don’t stop there: because once you have an action going one direction and a reaction going the other direction: you multiply that speed twice. Which again halves the age. Then the greatest speed created in this universe is not light: but the eruption that occurs in a black hole. Which mimics “the big bang explosion”. MORE correctly; due to the distribution of “all mass in the universe”: WE KNOW that mass had to be collected together first/ WE KNOW, that the expansion of that mass is too much for a singular black hole to contain/ therefore WE KNOW that more than one black hole existed: and when they collided together in one violent impact: the energy released was more massive than we can realize. We know that, because in order for an atom to retain “nuclear energy”; the only possibility is spin of the nucleus. Which is caused by the energy from a black hole encountering mass. “already discussed”. But we do not know, the critical relationship of that crash; ONLY the result of a black hole which reproduces time, by constructing the atom by the eruption of (a pulsar) “dark or pull, energy”. That speed of an atom; can be calculated from an atomic explosion; by damage done: but I have not done so. Because it is irrelevant to our lives. What you believe however is not: as the cult of university continues to claim fantasy first.  An element of the big bang was: that before the theoretical “all mass in the universe”; WAS exploded at the very same time, in one massive blast. IT HAD TO BE COLLECTED into one mass; which means a gigantic black hole existed. The explosive energy required; to end that entire structure and disperse it into the universe of today: was beyond anything conceivable; unless we allow for more than one black hole; which then explains “the dimensions” of a planal universe. Which means the acceleration of particles beyond the speed of light; was absolutely true. Which literally means: ANY assertion of knowledge as to exactly how much time has pasted since the big bang; is nothing more than a delusion.  While the addition of more than one black holes adds complexity; it does enforce the conclusion, “YOU have no idea” of the speed or intensity of mass being distributed. All claims of university knowledge, are then a lie/ as is, the claim of “we know” how the sun works, or igniting atoms is safe.  Even circus clowns, have a better grip on reality.

I will even offer a theory based upon the composition of space: that in order to achieve the collection of mass needed to assemble “a big bang”. The essence of space already at “no motion cold”/ needed a drain to establish the negative dark energy of pull, required to collect that mass. As with the internal collapse of an exploding star; caused by energy that cannot escape; and must be turned back to create a black hole. An elemental “colder than cold discipline/ reversing motion” had to be created. While mass cannot enter that dimension, by its physical existence/ reversing energy, the essence of energy itself can. Making that dimension itself; the greatest power ever created. A reality that is more, “than you will comprehend”.  “her choice is”:

It could be said: “that physical life forms as the sieve, which filters power from mass.”

Just because university claims to know so much, and relies upon so little as their claim of fact. I add, that an exploding big bang; in a vacuum of space/ with speeds beyond comprehension: will warm that space, creating the separation of heated mass from extreme cold. That temperature difference forces the extreme velocity mass together as it cools from convection to create planets. The initial outer layer of that “PRE-EXPLOSION” event is the largest objects (not as hot), but everything that follows is extremely small and going faster, (and is much hotter); because the pressure wave which forces it is much faster.  Spinning throws off the protruding parts to form globes. Just as spinning of an atomic nucleus; cannot sustain a mass larger than what dark energy can sustain. Which is why elemental atomic size is regulated by centrifugal spin. There is no “higgs bozon” as is a constant of CERN/ nor have they discovered any other element; they simply lie, to keep their job. HOW FAR an object traveling at extreme velocity, in the vacuum of space will travel/ depends entirely upon how much directional energy is spent in the assembly of that mass into a spinning globe. Gravity does that by its earliest form of transition; which is convection: the transfer of energy from one discipline, into the order of a different discipline, shaped by balancing both concepts of change as now joined. But either way: an explosive event in the vacuum of space; will expend its energy in all directions; dependent upon the plane of a dimension, that energy will create. Which is dependent upon how the originating mass was formed. There are multiple dimensional planes in energy, and the fabric tracing of motion. Not infinite, but many. Just so its simple: there is sound in space, if the vibrations constructed by variations in radiation are significant enough: YOU become “the speaker” from the inside out.

Once again: even if you do not have a mountain lake to pump water into; in order to generate electricity later. Old strip mined coal seams provide the lake below/ and the digging machine to create a “one hundred foot tall mountain lake” above; for storing that water for later use; as an electric generating source “flowing back down”. Additionally, no inverters are required to “clean up turbine or solar power”; as cycles per minute are not greatly concerning for a pump motor. It is probable; instead of individual inverters on each turbine: just BIG ONES on the main transmission lines; before it bleeds into use. In practice; that would look like “two large capacitors” on each wind turbine; one loading/ one unloading; based upon controls at the grid source. Half the turbines in a wind field as one wave/ half the turbines releasing in the opposite wave.

 [lakes and rivers need to be dredged periodically; put it in a barge; to go where it is needed “to raise a lake”] Again: simple wave pumps on the shore of the ocean can be used to fill a water tower; which can then be used for electrical generation as well. And again: there is a tremendous amount of heat in “the attic”; so very simple methods of collecting that heat for heating water/ for reducing the air conditioning billing/ for heat production by radiator accessory; dries clothes. Etcetera. And yes you do drive me to be, a little irritable; but alas, you have no brain/ as is the constant of every cult. These are long term solutions.

MAKING HEAT from the power plant exhaust or steam; work for you; is another obvious choice.

 Another option would be digging down; to the correct low level storage of an abandoned oil [simply raising and lowering the “pump/generator”; might be the best option] or other well; abandoned mine/ crevasse; as well:  for pump placement. Lets you work creating storage for electrical generation; by placing high water storage at ground level.

Oh wait, silly me; “I must have forgot, one single second too late; in stopping the people trying to ignite a nuclear fire; and you have no world to live in. OR one second too late in genetic mutilation, and all of nature “becomes a HORROR”. OR one second too late and weapons of mass destruction fall everywhere. OR the world is poisoned beyond repair/ life in the oceans is dead/ every resource is gone/ every chain of life is broken/ and SO DAMN MUCH MORE; why would anyone bother, “To conceive of a future”; for humanity? “all hail university; your gods of death”. Go ahead: answer that question, or work for life and world; this ain’t no game.   Oh wait; so sorry: media hasn’t told you “what you think” yet; after all, “a cult is a cult”. alas, a dead world/ is a dead world too; “but you don’t care”/ or respect ANYTHING of real value.   My mistake, for a moment, “I considered you more than animals”; silly me.

And all the people say: I DON’T know how to “march or protest or complain; that we need to know the truth”. Don’t know how to say: democracy is more important than your treason: REDRESS is our legal guaranteed right. INSTEAD all shout; “we want what we want/ and what we want is LEAVE US ALONE”/ damn you, for wrecking the fantasy, explaining the delusion, or discarding imagination; as is our chosen road. But hey, why worry eternity is forever/ and killing off an entire world of life, surely doesn’t have any consequences for you. “just like university” you have an excuse; “WE WANT WHAT WE WANT”/ and to hell with reality or truth or consequences: anyone who gets in our way, is worthless and should be dead; as is the stampeding animals called a mob. Now, isn’t that so, after all, you got things to do & endless debts to pay: and more important, YOU can’t make us do anything, we don’t want? The children are already damned; and discarded; so who cares. GIVE US MORE, or be condemned; “a worthless slave”.

While all the predators hide, believing “I WILL steal this”; even though it is a free gift. While the thieves all say: “here, let me give you ten dollars” for a billion dollar gift. And if you accept; they turn around screaming, “LOOK AT ME, I AM A god”; I made him take nothing, for what had value/ its MINE all MINE. Because I AM greater than you all. As is, the cost of pride; the greatest enemy, of being human. My answer: “save yourselves”: done.  And yet; the spiritual woman inside of me; says no.

IT IS said that Russia is threatening an “unpredictable response” to the USA if they don’t stop interfering with their war of genocide (let Ukraine die).

The correct response to that is: THE USA AND NATO:  will respond with a very predictable, very specific: you crossed the line/ and the purpose of this response will target both primary leaders and the very wealthiest: who support and entitle those leaders to exist.  THE DEMAND FOR WORLD LAW, BEGINS! let the military of both sides: be so informed.   “Should the Russian military” not respond: to the removal of their leader/  the assault WILL continue, with only specific and deliberate intent: until he, “the leader” and his close associates are dead!  Thereby removing the claim of    “you failed to obey; a failed leader”.  CHOOSING INSTEAD, for your own nation deserves more!

THE WAR machine, will then be sent back home; ending this disgrace of humanity on earth!   NOT defeated/ because war is not a game. It is only death and destruction; caused by the people who want NO LAW.

IF however the Russian military does initiate war on NATO and its allies/ they have chosen it for themselves. The cost of that conflict could easily become; a destroyed nation/ or even world. But make no mistake: the cost of letting war on Ukraine end without WORLD LAW taking control/ WILL BE the end of this world. Because arrogance does not stop, until it knows: you chose this death march, for yourself.  THAT IS of course: the price of your weapons of mass destruction;  those humanity learned to call “its saviors”; by media propaganda.

IT IS, literally true: that a world without law, is a world that will soon become extinct. While weapons of mass destruction allow the arrogant to believe they CANNOT be stopped; the reality is, this world is filled with weapons of mass destruction, and the only thing that cannot be stopped is: ONCE ANYONE releases them, this world is DEAD.

The most fundamental of all enemies; is pride. Pride insists that life is a game to be won or lost; because want wants what it wants. Therefore power asserts, I can get that, if you let me “play this game”. The cost of that is: humanity fails life itself, and turns to be an animal; as the price for playing instead of being alive. Pride is a terrible enemy, very hard to destroy from your life; you must be willing to accept ridicule, and more; because the game will not let you leave without “compensation”. But pride leads to power, and power leads to hate; and hate will consume you, UNLESS you are forced to accept that what you personally, by your own choice have become; LESS than you do desire your life to be. It is that understanding; which presents the release called change, or changing back. I AM, confronting you: with your pride/ CHOOSE, because pride fails life: in eternity. ALL DIE.    ONLY TRUTH, survives.

Democracy will only protect those, who protect it with law; that is the law of life on earth. Same is true of this world, only by law are we safe/ same is true of your own individual self, without law there is carnage. We must use the law to survive, as the law protects life and world. The universities say: WE DON’T NEED NO DAMN LAW/ WE ARE THE LAW; “as is the enemy”. As is proven by their constant takeover of everything; they want control, and do anything to get that control from the grip of law, planet, and life: by playing god. Unless we protect ourselves from the greatest threat that has ever been: which is university arrogance, disrespect, apathy, and terrorism, we will die. As extinction proves how truly wrong they were. TRUTH SURVIVES, nothing less does. But truth survives by the laws which create it; the limits and boundaries which protect it; and the fundamental treasury of values, which give life meaning; in order to be happy, and therefrom live. Universities mean: we cannot take control, UNLESS we remove what is in control now. We cannot become gods unless we defeat the laws that exist. We cannot be your savior/ unless there is a real enemy to fight. So they cultivated religion as an enemy/ all forms of government are the enemy, unless they bow down to universities is god/ and every child is indoctrinated into the religious cult that is “the universities cannot be wrong”. Even though reality proves they are.

The university diploma; runs government, media, everything in this USA; not the constitution. A brief footnote is: since they gave away too much money, opened for immigration beyond reality; for free, inflation got out of hand. So now to control that frenzy of buying property by raising the interest rate. But since that is not enough; when poor people have money to spend: they control that demand for resources by raising the fuel price; which is VERY effective in “chopping down” the rise of the poor. Unfortunately as with mass shootings: the cost of covid, which is “destroy all small business”; destroys lives as well. The coward kills; believing that will show them I can fight back. But they are wrong: and eternity will show them, they can be forever dying in terror and pain; until every single tear is paid for or beyond.

THE MOST CRITICAL LESSON TO BE LEARNED, REGARDING WAR IS: WE THE WORLD DO HAVE A SAY IN WHETHER YOU KEEP WHAT YOU CLAIM/ AND WHETHER YOU GO TO TRIAL; AS WE THE WORLD DEMAND JUSTICE; for all the people, for all the time, for every child. WORLD LAW: OUR LAW! ENFORCED BY WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD: DECIDES the fate of leaders. PROVING WE THE WORLD SHALL JUDGE YOU!  DECIDING: WHAT YOU WILL PAY: AS the cost of your nation, to put back what you destroyed. IF there is genocide; THEN you opened the door to every immigrant in this world: to prove you shall not gain anything/ but shall lose the resources they will need to rebuild.         PROVE YOU WILL FIGHT FOR YOUR WORLD; BY ESTABLISHING LAW.

EVERY PENNY MADE; in support of that war, by the invader nation, or those who helped/ SHALL BE COLLECTED back, from those whosoever they are; who benefited by supporting chaos and death. SHALL SURRENDER their money and resources, and property; or be put on trial for murder. Those factories/ those people in charge, and more: shall be reformed, to remove all potential for doing so again. and if there are objections, which include threats of weapons of mass destruction: LET THE WORLD AGREE, every nuclear missile shall be trained on you. As your nation/ YOUR people; are dissolved into dust; if a single WOM threat is used.

There is, nothing more distinctly happy, than to be in love. Because love is a shared existence with someone who has proven to care about you; proven to respect the reality of your life and freedoms to choose; proven to honor justice as the aid of peace; and describe fair play as the aiding of harmony for us all. Given that truth: the question to you is, IS THAT, the world you live in/ or not?

And the people say: we have stuff instead, to prove who rules this life. “we are gods”.

But the future says: you have “run out of stuff, and killed your every child”.

The foundation for change is: WE MUST GO TO COURT, AND PROVE WHAT IS TRUE/ SO THAT NONE CAN DENY THE RESULTS OF OUR EVIDENCE AS PROOF OF LIFE OR DEATH FOR OUR WORLD. Simple as that, nobody gets to claim “just believe”; we let the evidence of our own truth decide/ and accept reality cannot be wrong, or lost to “imagination”. Stand up and be noticed/ sign your real name and be verified as: demanding, I TOO shout: WE MUST NOT LET THESE PEOPLE BE WRONG/ our world depends upon we the people. We must go to court, we will NOT believe. We will prove what has value/ what is plainly wrong/ and what we do have to lose; to those who gamble with life or planet.



Reality says: instead of respect for the true gifts of: life, planet, nature, truth, values, love, hope, discipline, order, balance, courage, trust, body, sharing, caring, justice, and eternity. The things reality proves to have real value. The treasury of a body that works and lives, beyond your comprehension.      A body you now, let universities mutilate and create disease against; as they rape and ravage you and society and world.

YOU chose; to believe in, and accept: chaos/ lies/ cheating/ stealing/ fantasy/ failure/ fool/ delusions/ imagination/ betrayal/ terrorism/ war/ and HELL. To your shame; to play god with life and planet, by injecting chaos, arrogance, and apathy for this living world. This earth, nor its life; will no longer accept that disgrace; CHOOSE BETTER OR DIE.

And the people say: we believe the future is better than the past, because the universities have changed our relationship with life and planet.

But let’s review: they changed weapons of mass destruction; distributing nuclear across the globe; have formed biological weapons into aerosols which can infect millions in a single day/ or individuals just trying to go through a door; have distributed chemical weapons throughout cities; have created slaughter robots of many types and kinds which can kill by the millions; at the command of individuals. Have created poisons which can completely destroy the water supplies; have created counterfeiting methods which have destroyed the currency reality of nations and this world already; have been mutilating and releasing into nature biological chaos by the millions; have established species extermination by the millions; have polluted the oceans to the point of critical crucifixion of life therein; have caused the planet itself to overheat; have distributed endless radiation at all levels; have destroyed the very resources needed for the future; have been attempting to ignite “atoms on fire” claiming they don’t need to care; because there is not enough gravity here to sustain the fire. Even though reality can prove it is the fire itself that releases solar gravity. Human population levels that are catastrophic; mutilation of food and super-diseases to the point of collapsing. Propagate and manipulate and invade society at will. Corrupt democracy into anarchy; as is proven in the courts by their refusal to acknowledge constitutional law. Have literally destroyed the chains of life we need to survive/ ending the future of this world; in a very short time. All hail the universities; who release artificial intelligence to enslave and sacrifice at whoever controls the computer: “will”. Have released nano particles which invade the biological bodies of life, “and plug up every hole/ alter every immune response/ and can basically dissolve life into sludge. All hail the universities; the slaughter house formed by your cult worship of people playing god. But then hey, “not to worry”/ not in your lifetime right? After all, you don’t care. And don’t you worry about privacy issues; after all, “they just want to find you” if you object.

As has every hitler before; killing those you love. NOTHING has changed.

But don’t worry, as with all cult worshipers; there comes a time when “you have to drink the poison”/ as if the disguise of a vaccine was any different: it is not. Lets suppose its just a two part mix; oh well, here comes the next/ and it will only cost you your face, your body, your mind, your senses, and your soul. HELL, its just chaos in biological chemistry what could go wrong! Its just letting people playing god, who have absolutely no respect for life, or planet, or child, or anything but power; choose “evolution will be great”. Instead of life or reality as is nature in charge. But alas, “you don’t care”/ right? And the cult screams: YOU, can’t scare us! Proving with certainty, a believer is the greatest fool of all. Because they built their prison cell around themselves, to keep every truth out; screaming WE WANT what we want. While faith is the opposite of that; which is, let truth lead us into reality, as only truth survives beyond time.

THE LAW, and nothing less: is our army/ the reality of weapons and numbers that is sufficient to repel an invader within our own nation. Because that means: we are our own invaders/ and our own defenders: the fight, is against by us/ for us/ and against us. NOT anyone else: we are the enemy/ and we are the protectors of our nation. Simple as that. SAME AS: we are the enemy and we are the protectors of our world/ at a different scale.

THE LAW, are the words and intent of what unites us as a nation/ and there are no enemies UNLESS those words and that intent of we the people of this nation; is literally under attack. The foundation of defense is: to understand what we are about to lose, regardless of the whiners, liars, criers, fools, failures, traitors, and terrorists who want every defender stopped. Crying can’t you at least compromise with them? The answer is no: because the foundation of who we are as a nation or a world: is not optional/ is not guaranteed to those who let it die.

THE LAW: RECOGNIZES NO MAN OR WOMAN, as superior/ or in charge of our lives or our society; because the law is in charge, and it does govern all the actions and intent of this nation or this world. Those who fail the law, ARE INDIVIDUAL ENEMIES; who can be stopped by the rest of us: they broke our law. And that does give us the right, to single them out for punishment. What is grievous, and a failed state of affairs: must be dealt with absolute “clarity in the evidence”/ no games will be played, only truth is allowed. NO theory, or construction of imagination: only the real cost of being WRONG, with our lives, our world, our reality and every child.

THE LAW RULES SOCIETY OR THERE IS CHAOS, GRAFT, CORRUPTION, CONSPIRACY, COLLUSION, BETRAYAL, TERRORISM, AND THEN WAR. Therefore the insertion of OUR LAW, into that disgrace and disrespect for life and world; is a decision that will not conceive of cowardice/ as is true desertion of duty (people are going to die, because of you). WE MUST DO, what life and nation and world require us all to do. That does mean: by the law, WE DEMAND A COURTROOM; to gather the evidence, assemble the task of understanding what is or is not true of that evidence, and then making our own decision as to the reality of our society, by the laws and enforcement of those laws: as WE THE PEOPLE, are now in charge.

THAT LAW OF DEMOCRACY RULES US; THAT LAW OF PROTECTION FOR THIS DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA, BY “THE BATTLES OF A COURTROOM”; to understand what is true/ to understand the cost of being wrong/ to understand the value of what we could lose if we fail. IS FIRST AMENDMENT REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES. OUR CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEE: “that we the people, ARE in fact; the owners here.”

The difference between “words and rights”; are the law. Words can be endless, and go nowhere. RIGHTS ARE the foundation between justice and fair play through equal and equitable treatment for each one. That foundation is: by our choices, we live the result of what we choose. EXTREME GREED and ARROGANCE, by university is god, and cannot be questioned (so says the courts as media screams FEAR/ BELIEVE/ OBEY): LEADS US TO THIS MOMENT. TO MOVE BACK into justice, reality, truth, law, rights, values, courage, respect, a future we could survive, and a democracy owned by we the people instead of our invaders: WE NEED TO EXAMINE FOR REAL, the true cost of letting “university decide”. As they move to destroy nature/ destroy the balance and laws of energy/ poison the entire earth/ collect and control all power for this world/ and dissolve the very fabric of life and planet that lets us survive.

And all the people say: “we want what we want”/ but reality has proven that is the foundation of failure; only truth can resurrect. And all the people say: “we are great, proud and powerful and perfect/ the best who have ever been”. But reality has proven your games to be a fraud, and your power the result of sacrificing every child, even life and planet itself; to play god. Which truth knows you are not. The universities say: “we can do better than god/ we will mutilate nature into chaos, and evolution will change everything/ we will ignite the same fire here as on the sun; and every problem will be fixed”. But they are not gods, and extreme arrogance will prove your disrespect is extinction. So the question is: “CHANGE/ OR DIE”? Pick the truth of you; because it is your only choice. Reality says, past the point of no return; your world is extinct. Your game is over; the consequences “stand outside the door”/ and will take control if you do not; bringing the chaos you deserve.

REALITY PROVES: YOUR CHOICE IS VERY SIMPLE, RESPECT LIFE AND PLANET AND CREATION/ or die, descending into pure chaos as the universities have designed; and go extinct as a world. Even the least wise among you understand that choice. Your game is dead, the consequences of your choice to worship university; are real. Because the evidence which convicts you; has been established, as true. All the liars in this world, cannot undo that fact/ only truth survives. NATURE is being crucified (the genetic code is nature)/ energy is being unbalanced (atomic stability is attacked)/ every resource is facing disaster (a world in poverty at war)/ every chain of life is being exterminated (millions of species at risk of extinction)/ weapons of mass destruction will be used (putin wanted to end “a hero”/ and losing is what arrogance hates most. but neither can you let him win: which means his own army needs to displace him/ or close the door on these weapons); and much more. STOP, OR FACE YOUR FUTURE, without the option to change. GO TO COURT, open every door & turn on every light  AND DEMAND THE REALITY OF EVERY THREAT SHALL BE LEARNED.

Learn the lesson of the “small woman on tv”: its NOT, what you can’t do/ it is, WHAT YOU CAN DO, that matters. And then work for life and planet and a future we all survive as best we can: because respect and reality returned as truth defines. AS honesty and justice for all, even our world;  will provide.

I DID do, “my job”. At 69 years old, and basically a lifetime of work, and more elements of strife and controversy and cost, than you can imagine: my job is done. YOU are the enemies of this world/ and that means YOU, will save it from yourselves; or go extinct, because you just didn’t care enough. Didn’t respect enough, life or planet or child. The choice is yours. Regardless, I did my job, the rest if up to you/ NOT me. If allowed, my life will be different; as I search for whatever it is, my own future and eternity; now brings. As life has changed me. A WARNING: I am NOT, the decision you will make! “merely the messenger”.

Of the various values; which could aid humanity, some simple things stand out; as is the forest fire control and other methods presented in videos or descriptions here. But of significant use is: the crawler that is “a autonomous welder mechanism: used in industry”. Adapted to crawl down a ship that has been punctured: with a patch to place over the hole and seal the ship. That patch would contain a suitable variety of clamps and methods for operating; such as a single hydraulic piston to push out arms. Methods for adjustment should be included. Methods for stabilizing large ships in open water against rough seas: include the net opening methods for fishing trawlers. Cabling that aggressive directional anchor into the sea by the ship pushing forward; adds stability. Bring it back in, when done. The newer electric planes; would be most valuable in emergency pickup of the injured in rural locations. MUCH CHEAPER to operate; they will save more than they injure. Refueling could be as simple as landing in someone’s yard, or meeting a truck with a generator/ or meeting an ambulance part way to the hospital to cut the time by over half. And yes there is a mountain of words produced by me; but your comprehension is small; and you largely fail to grasp what is important. So its just more and more and more. Making the reality of your understanding; a need to separate all those words into the “appropriate hills” from which knowledge will appear, as you sift through the rubble, to find what has value.

And the people all say “we are gods/ we know everything/ the universities prove that”. Yet you don’t even know: evolution is a complete and truly vile lie; mutilating genetics a coming HORROR/ resource destruction of all kinds, is extinction/ oceans must be protected or you starve and war/ trying to ignite a nuclear “lets burn atoms” fire is INSANE/ and a billion more. Because cult worshipers, don’t think/ they can only believe. Probably the least wise of any generation in history; as is “led by university”.

The plague of extreme disgrace, as is the combination of media and university fed television; is again waging war on American life with “give to the heart association/ people are dying”. BUT FAILING to advise all but a tiny percentage of people dying of heart failure are very old. As is the manipulation numbers: “nobody dies of old age”.

Nothing of course is worse than: “the septic tank gagged, and vomited out; the university diploma”. Who then said; “we CAN play god”/ and succeeded in becoming Satan on earth. AS IS, the reality of genetic mutilation/ trying to ignite the same fire here as is on the sun/ and much more. The consequence: extinction is coming. “think not”? CAN YOU build a seed/ CAN YOU build life/ CAN YOU undo the tragedy of what they do? No, you cannot.

HOW can humanity be so blind? Answer: the animal, only wants, what it wants; and never achieves what it means to be human: as is the conception of thought, that is defined and created, by the miracles of life. Alas: you didn’t care!

WORLD LAW, AND A WORLD COURT: TO GOVERN LEADERS, BY THE LAW WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD CREATE/ AND ENFORCE. Is no less important than national law and a national court; to govern our employees. The foundation of law is: that the traitor of peace and harmony, MUST NOT be rewarded for their disgrace, disrespect, or violation of trust. Which then gives the power of our world: to redistribute and demand from any nation/ that they shall not be rewarded for war. The removal of weapons of mass destruction: IS CONSISTENT with now we have LAW to rule over us all/ instead of leaders. Therefore the trillions of dollars spent for the military in every nation; shall be reduced until the future defends itself. LAW separates us from the animal: therefore to be alive as a human being searching for truth/ there is no place, for hate; & the human animals who want it, to live among us; and must be separated into their own nation with borders that will not be violated.

The foundation of world change is VERY SIMPLE: When the law rules us all equally, as it should, there is no corruption because the law is our ruler/ and it is as fair as we the people enforce it to be. When the law is as simple and plain and short as it is possible to make it: there is no conspiracy to defeat the law, because it cannot be done: we justified our purpose with truth. When the law is the guarantee of our freedoms, our right to coexist and participate as order will allow: then there is no collusion against us, because we understand how to protect ourselves, by enforcing “our constitution”. BUILDING THE LAW we must obey, for ourselves; so that we know how to protect and defend it from the insurgency of “university”.

In America: all of that has been displaced with “university is god/ university knows/ university expert/ media propaganda/ stealing/ lying /cheating/ betrayal/ terrorism/ cult worship; and more. As the indoctrination of every child into the religion of university; destroys democracy, and endangers this world; with fraud, fantasy, delusions, and imagination without truth. The criminal healthcare extortion, currency fraud, claims of no inflation, now a minimum inflation/ infrastructure disgrace/ mutilating nature, and destroying our every chance for survival/ and even trying to ignite this planet into another sun; with energy experiments beyond insanity. And still the cult believes; because its priests as are media tell them “what they think”.

The law is an army, for even one citizen: because it is greater than a ruler, it is our government. BUT ONLY if the law itself is enforced; and that does not happen behind closed doors as is the common courtroom; where rules, and silence (we will not answer to the law of our government) are used to destroy laws. As is treason.

So the real question is: HOW DO WE THE PEOPLE ENFORCE OUR LAWS, AS IS OUR DEMOCRACY BY LAW? The answer is: first amendment redress of grievances, as is our constitutional guarantee: that we are the owners here, and if we are unhappy with our employees. WE DO, have a guaranteed right: to evaluate and judge their obedience to our constitutional laws, as they sworn to us, they would do. Making we the people their judge! WE DO, have a right to take control of our government, by changing its direction or those laws; with our substantive vote. NO employee, is greater than our government, which is constitutional law; and no employee can undermine the constant color, of our Declaration of Independence or “Virginia bill of rights”; as did form the framework for that constitution, and create the army that did form this nation.

That is the formation of war by democracy, instead of weapons that can only destroy what we must sustain to survive. That is the foundation upon which the young may enforce their right; to a future. That is the substance of value for this American nation: BECAUSE when we turn on the lights, open the doors, and uncover what has been hidden. We then learn: what the law itself means. And we find, what TREASON, anarchy, insurgency, terrorism, theft, cheating, manipulation, lies and more; means to ourselves and our world.

Your terrorists are turning America into a desert wasteland, by the burning of trees; which will prove you cannot rebuild anymore. Your universities are turning nature into chaos, as is their intent; as they worship evolution which has been declared to be “chaos is god”. Your politicians have invaded life and nation to become thieves under universities direction; causing insurgency, to corrupt and discard democracy; by proving we can manipulate anyone we want: WITH MEDIA AS OUR WEAPON. The people ransack, rape, ravage, ruin, SCREAM WE WANT MORE; and destroy every chain of life that exists; by invading an entire planet with human over population. Your “great ones” are trying to ignite this planet into a sun; just to prove they are “gods, and no consequences for us”. NO GREATER FOOLS have ever lived. The planet is overheating/ the atmosphere is beginning to generate winds which will overcome the planet itself. Ethanol, and crop production will end the water supplies, returning the plains states into a dust bowl without relief. Fertilizer phosphate ending, seed sterilization, pollinator destruction, oceans dying, even Yellowstone supervolcano threatening, along with all weapons of mass destruction. And yet humanity prides itself “on being great”. As reality proves; destroying the future, has a price.

ONLY YOU, can move this message from being basically hidden/ into a world that chooses to remain alive, by letting truth decide. That fact; Makes us all equal, in the participation of the message: “we, the humanity of this world: must change/ the game is dead”. The cost: YOU are the messenger now, not me! We step back from the “road to HELL”. BY: YOU will, choose for life or death or duty; as is the truth of evidence proves, “WE cannot let them be this wrong”: by confronting this fate, of what “universities have created, by leading us all”. WE, Cannot survive as life or world or a future: by destroying our world: TRUTH MUST BE FOUND/ reality must be known. Only change by the definitions of “let truth itself decide”, are capable of our survival. Confronting realities, “without want, pride, or power” IS TO DEMAND: with world court/ national court/ TO PROVE THE EVIDENCE AND COST OF BEING WRONG. We then encounter our choice for life and world: truth by design/ truth by knowledge, understanding, and wisdom; for us all! Instead of theory, imagination, greed, selfishness, delusions, fantasies, corruption, extortion, conspiracy, collusion, apathy or arrogance; as is the university way. The cult will scream, “we are the superior ones/ we decide, and media will present its experts”. But just like global warming and their experts for the last few decades: WRONG is too important to deny. WE MUST, LET THE EVIDENCE LEAD, proven in court for validity, SEPARATING fact from fiction; and with penalties to prove what is true. As best we can.

We stand on the edge of extinction: because you chose a bribe instead of life. To step back from that edge, YOU MUST CHOOSE LIFE, not want; or its “trophies, trinkets, or toys”; reality knows, you will simply throw away. I DO NOT tell you to believe, as the universities do. I DO tell you investigate and learn what reality will teach to survive; as only truth can help us do.

In this America, the herd fumbles without a leader, their assertion: we want our lives back [alas, that day is dead]. As is seen in the stupidity of what the rebellion calls an insurrection. Wanting trump; but failing to recognize he has no value. Nonetheless, with criminal extortion in healthcare/ fundamental anarchy in government/ propagation of fantasy and delusions throughout media/ religious indoctrination of every child; as is “believe the university is your god”/ fear covid and be ransacked, raped, and ruined. “just to start; before the real threats are recognized”. Constructs the assertion: if you can do better/ then lead!

In contrast to that is the truth: human animals cannot survive the future you have built, by universities leadership. Nothing you will do, can survive your want! So the only form of leadership that matters: is you must turn back from want; and let life itself be ruled by truth. Only being alive as humanity was meant to be; can rebuild this world for survival, if in fact that is still possible to do; no guarantee. Therefrom, I tell you NOT as your leader; but as a reality of life saying: GO TO COURT! As a world, nation, state, etc: to prove what is true, establish the cost of being wrong [particularly with university experimentation], understand what the questions we can control are, and then turn back “from HELL”. To become a living world, once more; as defined by the laws which will then govern us all. That is your choice. To separate from the herd; and find your humanity. In order to respect the life and living that is true to our existence; and rebuild from the edge of extinction: so as to survive, and keep our planet from extermination; as is “university plays god”. The foundation of “human versus animal” IS: a true functional respect, for the reality that every living thing is a miracle of design and of nature by the creation of genetic stability and truth. “that we MUST NEVER: destroy what we cannot rebuild; NO GAMBLING ALLOWED”. No sacrificing all life, with extreme experimentation, for a few. No discarding the future ANYMORE.  top image from July 22, 2021 bottom June 20, 2022. the math is: one trillion dollars is equal too: one hundred million people x ten thousand dollars each. as a relationship to this nation of 330 million citizens; babies and all. Nonetheless, you should know; that is summer 2007; I caught the federal reserve website moving 3trillion dollars; from debts into the asset column= a 6 trillion dollar move, and not a peek was heard; before that website was changed to hide the numbers. I don’t remember if I informed media or not. Regardless, “how much don’t you know”?   guess?consider the inflation between 2000-2021 to achieve these numbers; media refuses to informfantasy numbers that have no relation to reality form the basis of US life

Just like livestock; the university elite have trained you to be livestock, “trading an easy life now”/ for what will suddenly turns into a slaughter house; because “they want to eat you, for slaves”. Throwing away a nation (even a world); to play with trinkets, toys, and trophies! “to fill,  garbage mountains”/ and remove the future.

In the elemental search for what is life/ what is identity? The foundation response is: whatever truth allows/ whatever your own independent decision lets your truth become.

In the consequences of this day in time, as a world: our truth is, extinction seems certain/ because the evidence of human decisions is: clearly threatening to life and planet itself.

As with all decisions: the fate of animals (we want what we want/ we judge and thereby rule), or destiny of humans being alive (love decides by truth, as thought becomes the definition of our hope, to participate “among the miracles”): depends upon your decision to participate. Do you see the difference?

Participation extends to all those who herd together/ those who rule the herd and let hate or judgment become the realities of war.

Participation in contrast, extends: to the justice and fair play love requires of our respect to enlighten with hope, and build with trust; dependent upon truth. That, which becomes the peace and harmony of “our happy home”.

Unfortunately; few desire life, by turning away from hate; as pride forms the boundary between eternal life or death. Pride demands I AM winner/ which requires the others to be, YOU ARE loser; and revenge erupts. Even though only the power of humans believing they can play god; sees living as a game. The masses want a trophy (pride), to convince the others: “look at me/ listen to me; or I will make you cry”; as is the scream called: power.

But as reality does prove, the consequences of university knows; as become a catastrophe waiting to dissolve this world into dust or fire; as experimentation by universities becomes real. Instead of fantasy and delusion is all we need to know.

Or as is the reality of university plays god: weapons of mass destruction: sit under the thumb of simple human animals/ who believe whatever they want to believe. Making this world life or death; by the curse of military, and its mayhem against life. While it is true; “we must defend ourselves”/ it is also true, unless law decides; there is literally no possibility weapons of mass destruction will not be used. Ending for the military as well as life on earth: this lovely home called earth. Because you didn’t care enough, to stop the insane; even in leaders by laws which you can do for yourselves.

To your shame.

Protecting life, is about protecting hope: they are in partnership with survival. If you have no hope, you fail the desire to survive. Therefore ultimately, this entire work is about hope; even if it allows for so very little to effectively be cultivated. Because the cult of university is god; controls your world. Little is less hopeful, by the evidence already established: than letting the universities choose for life or planet; as they are the very foundation of every threat called extinction. While they constantly declare themselves as “consequence free”/ the opposite is true.

Stability and securities are the blessing to those who came first and built their nation with some degree of caring and sharing; so that the future would be well for their child. Stability and securities are the enemy of all those who come later; and want more than reality will allow: those who arrived first have control. To remove that: chaos must occur/ currencies must be devastated/ business and industry must exchange hands/ education and media must point to a new leader/ religion must be erased. So the reality of insurrection can be hidden until the day of war. UNFORTUNATELY for this world: overpopulation has declared, “there is NO going back” to what use to be. That is the choice you made, when changing how nature resolved the problem: because there are consequences for everything.

Communication is required for change of any kind/ a gun simply destroys, until one side or the other says enough. Anger Communication among the animals: is regulated to “a bellow or scream/ a whimper or roar”/ as is the constant of the human herd as well. To construct a value with words and the work required to make those words heard; if possible. The reality is: communication MUST PROVE the evidence is true/ and it MUST PROVE that we have a choice. THEREFORE, in plain and simple terms: the elements we can change MUST BE consolidated into a real world example of what we know/ what the consequences are/ what is the price of being wrong/ and how do we implement our decision to change this? Answer is: “like the ten commandments”/ you choose what the limits are; and identify what the boundaries will be. Therefrom our decision as humans without a cloak to hide behind: will be the law, that governs us all. BOTH a world, and a nation court MUST be assembled to prove what is true, to the best of our ability/ and PUNISH those who fail our need to know, WHAT IS true.

IN THIS USA; the constitutional authority, for we the people; TO DEMAND that trial. Is granted within first amendment redress of grievances;as our legally guaranteed right: TO KNOW, CHOOSE, AND DIRECT the nation itself as owners of the law: by authority of:  the constitution WHICH IS OUR GOVERNMENT. No employee, of any standing is.

Which brings us in this USA; to the reality of our lives is being remodeled to remove those who built the nation, in order to give it to those who did not. In general a Nazi takeover in progress. Because soon: due to complete destruction of the US currency, along with endless debts that cannot be paid. The attack of covid; damaged a great number of people who had a claim to wealth and property. This attack of inflated expenses; particularly in gas; is being use to regulate the economy; so as to finish off all those “under the one percent richest”. Which will give them complete control over the nation itself. As with Israel: corporations were set up to buy property/ then rented back to the Palestine people at cheap prices; so they all said hurrah. UNTIL they got their eviction notices; while the ships docked, and tanks, machine guns and soldiers walked in to push them out. Same here; so the nation becomes an endless sea of beggars/ and what little is left, will be lost to taxes. So that only the few, and the foreigners: now own it all. And they will get all the benefits; because we the people have been WARRED against. But not to worry after all: “just like the Palestinians”; you had your day of “its so easy and free”;  screaming: “not in your lifetime: sacrifice every child” has become; THE DEBT IS DUE. the universities are your god/ your cult; and they sold you out. “don’t like it, go drink the poison”.

Reality allows ONLY: we the people take control by redress of grievances; OUR LEGAL AUTHORITY OVER OUR EMPLOYEES. And decide for ourselves; what, and who: the bankruptcy of this nation will cost or be held accountable. WE ARE THE OWNERS, but not for much longer; because their house of cards; is falling down on purpose; so that the newer version of “hitler” shall rise! Don’t worry though; after all, once the foreigners own all the business and industry: they will employ their own group. Same as you, only with fervor, and absolutely no intent to share anything as they push you aside. And they scream: WE HAVE GUNS!  but alas, the military is no longer “whites are in charge; as is the majority ready to fall”. Even so, I am sure you can devastate everything; as is seen in every war. Just no resources to put it back. weapons of mass destruction released for real. “that will show them”; as all starve, thirst, and result to anarchy, rape, and ruin.  But hey: men can get raped too now; right? So go ahead and war. OR turn to law, and demand democracy will decide.

Oh wait; “you got a white; diploma”/ they have to hire you. Alas, no they don’t: PAY your damn debt/ after all, we know: “university debts don’t go away”. Not even in complete national bankruptcy; cause “they are gods”. Relax, its just a taste of what the American Indians faced; centuries ago (an unending flow). Well unless they commit genocide on whites. How many planes or ships does it take to bring over a billion+, people anyway? Don’t you worry, plenty will come.  WELL THANK GOODNESS media tells us everything we need to know;  who could ask for more. “FEAR DAMN YOU FEAR/ and don’t forget, believe but never question; cults have no rights. OBEY, and swallow your propaganda dosage for today.

WHAT YOU WANT, OR DON’T WANT; is absolutely irrelevant.  TRUTH DECIDES, and REALITY will prove the consequence of throwing away your nation is real.

I CANNOT make you think; it is a decision, that requires your life to decide/ by accepting soul. That is a reality that will refuse to form, unless heart leads you to it. Love is recognized by respect/ respect is the beginning of heart. The disciplines of life form the order of our lives, as a living example of how we balance each other, through the ascension of sharing and caring. Proving by our own truth: where we belong in the treasury of what and who does/ or does not have value beyond self. Eternity will NOT let you take the body along/ it is “purely time” and nothing more. TRUTH is all you get! But the door formed by death; separates truth by the spiritual existence of laws, which then govern the realities and environment of where “your contribution to thought” / shall be interned. Love is the opposite direction of hate; and they will never meet again.   While humanity searches for little things:   “the living” must search for truth/ the value of love/ and the respect earned by “every life is a miracle”. Beyond human comprehension!    unlike the universities, which get their imagination from the trash.

In your news: The new addition of a mob; attacking a crowd/ will intensify, as the critical cost of covid and more; turns more ugly; as lives are discarded/ bankrupted/ and every failed policy of “university knows” turns deadly. Fighting back, requires that the public should be organized with “hand repulsing grenades”. Simple devices of various shapes; that when thrown diffuse odor (I smell you), color dust (I see you), noise (I hear you), or more. Each chemistry set should be identifiable; to witness against. Public gathering areas of all kinds can be outfitted with “grenade launchers of this type”; operated remotely, so as to be effective. Using sound isolating technology to identify weapons discharge; to alert.

It is, necessary to add: that time is a measure of living/ but existence is the reality of life. To exist requires thought, because without recognition, there is no life. Thought is not constructed by a brain/ it resides, at the core of elemental energy. Therefore it is transformed, rather than killed. Making what has value in eternity; a relationship, with what makes living a value, to life.

For the sake of critical construction; in this USA; the cost of the coming economic depression will be severe; as it should be. The choice you made. The difference between complete chaos, and potential realistic recovery: is you must choose to become a true democracy. Which means WE THE PEOPLE WILL DECIDE; not our leaders, or their power to control media or money/ nor the experts of universities who brought us all here to disgrace. Be happy when it hits; because if it does not: the end of your world is certain/ the end of your nation is civil war of an “apocalyptic style”. Prepare as best you can; understand we must communicate with truth, NOT “EXPERT” LIARS. And that requires redress of grievances; as is our constitutional guaranteed legal right to proceed as and with the authority of ownership. They failed/ we choose now.

MORE  https://www.justtalking7.info/2024/06/28/no-choice-2/

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Jim Osterbur