ultimately, as life on earth we are equals/ even if some got way too much for their own good, and others got too little, to make life fair. The constant is: that nature allows for individual decisions, opportunities, and costs of being wrong; that is not consistent with fair for life or the next generation. It is then necessary, to accept what you did receive, and go on as best you can. Because life is the greatest gift of all.
And the people say: “we want EVERYTHING we can get/ and we want NOTHING, we don’t want; and to get it all: WE WANT to be rich. Even though few do not recognize, that means enslaving the others. Greed and selfishness are then the primary means of “getting what you want”/ while belief, obedience, and fear; are used as the primary means of not getting what you don’t want. As is the organization of all criminal activities.
From that understanding we do arrive at 4 critical confrontations: in order to have freedoms, we must be allowed to make our own mistakes. In order for there to be “a unique human being”/ there must be differences all people identify with, as is not a herd. In order to be the superior one, who gets everything (the new nobility); there must be those who “Lose, not a diploma”. And in order to construct the games people play to divide humanity into love, “want”, or hate; there are criminal actions and reactions that occur/ organizing to get more. Society is then dependent upon how much and how many; are demanding more, to prove what they can take from the rest. Which becomes: manipulation, temptation,propaganda, lies, cheating, stealing, betrayal, terrorism, and more.
So we turn to healthcare; and find it ripe with the fraud of believing “we can play god”/ even though they cannot replace (create_) a single living cell.
Arrogance exists, demanding “I saved a life”. But in fact nature decides who lives or dies/ humanity intervenes with “cutting something out/ or poisoning what exists”. Which beyond arrogance, becomes apathy for life itself; because healthcare then becomes work, and work leads to disrespect; unless I get to be rich.
We examine the reality of healthcare and find: it is the universities elite who gain nearly everything from the work of healthcare. The constant of education is “not free until 30 years old/ with over a half million dollars of debt to pay back: which will not be forgiven until you die”. Because they, the few called elite; are in charge of government.
But they are not the only players in healthcare; as reality proves time and again: WHEREVER THE MONEY IS, the invasion will begin.
That means: insurance participates, but nearly all the money beyond a universities demand; goes to “wall street”. And nearly all the money they create from fraud, is through; let government pay. Which means simply; that the foundation of wall street gambling; is the organization to “launder the money”/ and make it appear as if legal. When in reality it is stolen funding from the counterfeiting of currency and beyond by those in government; who care nothing about truth.
We have then identified in part: how the crime works/ but not the consequence to those who do the work. Because at thirty years old, and with nothing to show for it apart from a diploma: each must decide “what now”/ as they dip into the pool of needs, BUT MUST make, and give most of their money : to the universities for their diploma. And that reality does cover most workers in healthcare. So greed arises; and selfishness appears, because as with all of society in its essence; demands “either me or you”/ will cause this decision. Love creates “us”/ but hate creates revenge, theft, lies, cheating, loser, traitor, terrorist, and more; while want is willing to believe anything they are told. Because there is no coming back from death.
The consequences are: if I can make you a long term patient/ I DO get much more money, and find an easy life. While the patient offers: if I do believe, and fear/ then I get what I want, and avoid what I don’t want. So they work together to create the criminal conspiracy of destroying one of the foundations of society itself. As is reality don’t matter!
Reality does matter! Debts matter! Wants interfere with life, and deconstruct truth; with terms like “compromise”. FAIR PLAY matters. Justified by the evidence matters. And insurance while it was sought to make all things fair/ as it is intended to do with property and such. Becomes the key to more for me; as is selfishness enhanced for the patient/ and greed enhanced for healthcare.
We then search for: WHAT can we do?
The answer is, as always: BEGINS with universities under extreme scrutiny, and critical control by society! No more controlling the competition/ no more enhancing your claim to superiority/ no more enforcing slavery onto, the student/ no more insurance as it is today/ no more wall street allowed/ reality not let government pay/ focused learning, as will begin in grade school. So as to create real world solutions.
And then deciding on “what is too much for society to pay/ identifying the evidence of what is true (no more believing)/ justifying what is fair and a deliberate decision for the patient. NO MORE ADVERTIZING for drugs, etcetera. Public not private hospitals/ groups of people pay in exchange for work; to educate for their needs/ all realities of surgery and MUCH MORE, opened to all/ the end of lawsuits in medicine (either criminal (prisoner now)/ incompetent/ accidental/ or costs of our truth as humans on earth). Payment will be same for all who have endured what was not fair/ as chosen by society; not courts. The statistical review of every procedure/ every drug opened to society itself. The critical review of every decision medicine in healthcare makes; OPEN for all to see/ which includes every operation; numbers not names/ but with clear understanding of doctor, purpose, evidence to support or deny, and so on. Along with the options that were not taken and why. REALITY not judgment; which presents us all with truth in our decisions; by the evidence. Which includes a framework for the public to participate in decisions/ the evaluation of evidence: which can wait a bit. No more demanding doctors are on call/ you will take the people who are on call; until a work schedule presents; if an option exists.
OR MORE DISTINCTLY: when healthcare presents itself with a need, we do deserve a fair and legitimate resolution of these issues if that can be attained. NOBODY should die of little things/ but everyone must die of “the big things”; which does include old age.
Realities of diet and more exist within the realm of healthcare/ and should be given a justified response herein.
A percentage of income and possession is appropriate for healthcare; same for all. However that money is divided throughout healthcare: which makes us all equal/ no longer the rich and poor; but equal. Critical discovery of what the poor can and must do for their care is a constant; and that requires a job (they can do), dividing what you will create for them to do.
Money is a promise, nothing more. Consequently you will return money to its rightful place, of participating to benefit society/ rather than tearing it down.