

The reality of our time is quite simple, all the evidence of what has been done to create threats against all life on earth add up to:   our lives/ our planet/ your children/ everything; can be lost in just a few minutes, and will be unless we change these truths.

Everybody says:  “I want what I want, and I don’t want NOTHING, that won’t make me happier than I am today”; to HELL with this world, I want what I want! And I DON’T want to pay nothing for a future that I might not enjoy. So the march to extinction continues.

As indicated on this web site, the economic nightmare put into place by the counterfeiting of currency, by demanding “it’s not inflation/ you just gained more”. Is at its peak; and will fail, because fantasies and lies do not survive time or eternity. That means humanity IS going to face its own truth, and then decide if it is to be WAR, or CHANGE for life comes first; without the same dependency on money. At that time, I predict you will come looking for me; as I have presented to you alternatives to extinction! They are merely the evidence of thought, combined with the realities of truth; so as to conceive of change that will survive. I cannot change anything, because it is you; that must change you. Accepting LIFE comes first, not simply what you want. You will do that for a time, because you will be faced with catastrophe. But then comes reality, and all the games men have played and women have participated in:  not for life/ but for want. Whether this earth shall be destroyed or not; depends entirely upon your decision to live for life first, or return to those games which have brought you here to the edge of extinction. Many will argue, “we can’t all die” & GOD won’t let that happen!

In contrast to that want: is the evidence of your truth, the realities of what you have done which are severe and extreme; even to the point of gambling with this entire world by igniting a nuclear fire; which will in fact turn this planet into a sun, for a short time.  Are you not free? Murder/ war/ weapons of mass destruction/ catastrophes prepared across this earth/ altering nature itself by genetic mutilation/destroying every resource/ discarding every pollinator and chain of life/ putting every food source at risk/ killing the oceans/ poisoning the water supplies; and more. PROVE THE LEADERS WHO YOU CHOSE TO FOLLOW, are in fact by all forms of accounting for what has been done:  “simply satan”. The destroyer of a world, by their arrogance and lack of discipline, balance, or order. A failure to life, nation, and world.

So we return again to the truth:  your lives cannot be lived as you have been doing; or the world itself will fail. That means true change, that will NOT be discarded for “this is easier”! What is true must decide the future. What is real, must decide by the evidence:  NOT your want. What is justice, peace, and harmony must be established by respect.  GOD MUST BE RESPECTED BY LIFE ON EARTH, and that includes YOU. These are simple demands, but if they prove to be too much for you to accept:  then truth says, you are the living dead, and will not be revived.  Your choice is simple:  LIFE by the elements of love, respect, discipline, truth, and courage. OR DEATH, which will grow daily through your own hate released upon this earth.   NOT A HARD CONCEPT, YOU DO “UNDERSTAND PERFECTLY”! and you will make your decision, and accept that price, either way!   I am simply the messenger that tells you:  change or you will die/ so says all the evidence of our reality, by its own truth. Or more simply CHOOSE A BETTER WAY, and live that choice.

The reality of our time is quite simple, all the evidence of what has been done to create threats against all life on earth add up to:   our lives/ our planet/ your children/ everything; can be lost in just a few minutes, and will be unless we change these truths.

Everybody says:  “I want what I want, and I don’t want NOTHING, that won’t make me happier than I am today”; to HELL with this world, I want what I want! And I DON’T want to pay nothing for a future that I might not enjoy. So the march to extinction continues.

As indicated on this web site, the economic nightmare put into place by the counterfeiting of currency, by demanding “it’s not inflation/ you just gained more”. Is at its peak; and will fail, because fantasies and lies do not survive time or eternity. That means humanity IS going to face its own truth, and then decide if it is to be WAR, or CHANGE for life comes first; without the same dependency on money. At that time, I predict you will come looking for me; as I have presented to you alternatives to extinction! They are merely the evidence of thought, combined with the realities of truth; so as to conceive of change that will survive. I cannot change anything, because it is you; that must change you. Accepting LIFE comes first, not simply what you want. You will do that for a time, because you will be faced with catastrophe. But then comes reality, and all the games men have played and women have participated in:  not for life/ but for want. Whether this earth shall be destroyed or not; depends entirely upon your decision to live for life first, or return to those games which have brought you here to the edge of extinction. Many will argue, “we can’t all die” & GOD won’t let that happen!

In contrast to that want: is the evidence of your truth, the realities of what you have done which are severe and extreme; even to the point of gambling with this entire world by igniting a nuclear fire; which will in fact turn this planet into a sun, for a short time.  Are you not free? Murder/ war/ weapons of mass destruction/ catastrophes prepared across this earth/ altering nature itself by genetic mutilation/destroying every resource/ discarding every pollinator and chain of life/ putting every food source at risk/ killing the oceans/ poisoning the water supplies; and more. PROVE THE LEADERS WHO YOU CHOSE TO FOLLOW, are in fact by all forms of accounting for what has been done:  “simply satan”. The destroyer of a world, by their arrogance and lack of discipline, balance, or order. A failure to life, nation, and world.

So we return again to the truth:  your lives cannot be lived as you have been doing; or the world itself will fail. That means true change, that will NOT be discarded for “this is easier”! What is true must decide the future. What is real, must decide by the evidence:  NOT your want. What is justice, peace, and harmony must be established by respect.  GOD MUST BE RESPECTED BY LIFE ON EARTH, and that includes YOU. These are simple demands, but if they prove to be too much for you to accept:  then truth says, you are the living dead, and will not be revived.  Your choice is simple:  LIFE by the elements of love, respect, discipline, truth, and courage. OR DEATH, which will grow daily through your own hate released upon this earth.   NOT A HARD CONCEPT, YOU DO “UNDERSTAND PERFECTLY”! and you will make your decision, and accept that price, either way!   I am simply the messenger that tells you:  change or you will die/ so says all the evidence of our reality, by its own truth. Or more simply CHOOSE A BETTER WAY, and live that choice.

As all men do, if you come you will come to judge me; to ask must we follow this guy or not/ for a time! But I will tell you plain; there will be none of that! reminding you again: that it is the law you create that rules society, and creates the future you will have. Therefore you WILL decide to create new laws for the purposes of a new society that WILL OPERATE FOR THE PURPOSE  OF LIFE COMES FIRST FOR THIS WHOLE PLANET.   Or you will fail. I have searched diligently, and there is no possibility “the ways of men, as history proves will always return”/ can continue without extinction. So it is time for women to contribute, and create the law that all of society will vote for:  adding in, “what is different”. Because different MUST occur or this world will die. Simple and plain, as that. men will demand “it AIN’T SO”. But your own reality & your own choices have created a world filled with threats that can each exterminate all life on earth:  because you followed the university, and because that is your way. What you believe is irrelevant;  what is true will decide the future.  Whether you like it or not!  Going to have a war instead/ as is the way of men? Well, humanity increases over deaths by over a billion more mouths to feed within the decade:  better buy more bullets, cause you can’t kill them all with a gun.  Want to drop a bomb or other?  Well then the earth has that much less resources to keep you alive too: so you kill yourselves! Etcetera/ etcetera/ etcetera…………..etcetera!      Go ahead continue being stupid, discard all life to HELL; “you can only die once, right”?  Well let’s ask truth? The most powerful answer it has is:  YOUR OWN BODY IS A MIRACLE, that cannot be explained in any other way without lies, ignorance, and the intent to destroy. Since that points directly “TO A   GOD”!  The reality that you don’t understand    what is or is not possible with your future:  goes without saying, or explaining anything more!  I ask you plainly:  WHAT IS, the price of being WRONG?

Oh wait, I know:  “you” can create 640 individual muscles/ 206 individual specially crafted individual bones/ 33 vertebra for a back/ and hook them all together with a brain, feed them with blood created in ways no doctor understands; and give them birth as an infant that will then grow by roughly 22 times bigger when done; adding freedom, thought, love, heart, courage, disciplines to move your body with, order to keep your body going, balance in all things to keep you alive, immunization, and healing just to name a few. Why HELL, “who couldn’t design that”, with what is in reality likely to be a trillion or so genetic instructions, all packed into “a single hair”! Just because you can count, doesn’t mean the participants in DNA are strictly used as pairs/ rather than in combinations , or as signals, rhythms along the strand, heat impulses and other. And then make, the body of LIFE build itself. Why sure, that’s you; now, Ain’t that right? “oh wait”; then we have to add in eyesight, sound, smell, touch, the ability to think or move with fluidity and rhythm, run, jump, have sex, reproduce and SO MUCH more:  “so it’s not you”. It is not even the possibility of “you”!  Only the biggest fools and idiots ever born, would argue or claim “evolution”. Only a cult, would conceive of infecting every child, with death by stupidity as is “university knows”! The unbridled arrogance of people who “fish in a toilet, to find their micro-organism” they call Mother:  just so they can demand “the university is YOUR god”! The term is Neanderthal (or, looks like a human; just doesn’t have the brain).    Only an absolute fool, plays with the basis and realities of body and life; gambling they can play god. Only the worst of the worst of hate, demands they can gamble with an entire world of life: wrong is we all die, a horrific death! Sorry won’t do/ torturing you won’t help; truth is truth/ death is death, the open door into eternity.

The horrifying reality of a university dead brain is, tragedy after tragedy is coming:  consider the consequences of atom’s on fire (they have spent trillions, to make this happen).  Consider genetics: the universities have resolved that DNA is the builder and all they have to do is change this or that, and presto “they can play god”. Instead the reality is more clearly DNA are the instructions/ but something else relays the message to the builders of life. More simply “you can shout into the wind”/ but if no one who understands hears your words and can translate them or carry them out; then you have done nothing, and your words are worthless. The same is true of all instructions; without the builder/ without the language we both understand, there will be no work. Fools argue “we have been breeding genetics for decades”/ which is a good program for better:  BECAUSE NATURE decides what will or will not be incorporated. NOT the same thing! No going back, Armageddon means nature in chaos; or people chose to mutilate nature itself.

So, let’s examine the simple things of rebuilding human society in a better way!

It begins with the understanding, NOTHING gets built because of money/ contrary to your delusions!  Every possibility of human endeavor occurs because someone says “I will do it/ and has enough sense and enough time and health to get that done”. Money is the promise, that I can get MORE for my time, than it is worth; thereby creating a game for those who want to conclude I am a winner/ YOU, are the loser. Resources are the primary cause and effect of what can or cannot be done by human endeavors: no resources to build with, or survive with/ means no society at all, and very little life. Whereas what can or cannot be done because of human labor and time, is dependent upon knowing what you can do/ and then the decision to do what can be done. That is completely unattached to money; until we get to specialties. As in I need this “little thing” to be done for me. So the question is how do I demand of someone else: that they must do for me or for us, what we require? The answer is money, but the reality is not. Money resolves to make this EASY/ which is the draw and desire money exerts on humanity. The reality of life is not easy, when survival is required: as a consequence the lack of an option, or the conception of being trapped in a situation about to go beyond control: establishes crime. Money makes crime/ when society does not protect itself, from the predators. Therefore reality needs society to provide options at all times, to all participants: that does NOT include money/ but does include the purchase of needs, by my willingness to participate for myself, or others. To do that: the more that know how to do “everything we need to be done”/ establishes competition. Which means if one refuses/ go to the next, and so on. But competition provides the impetus to make this a game/ rather than about life. The end result is pride: life is a game/ and as a game there must be winners and losers; which implants depression, suicides, greed, hatred, jealousy, and more. So the fundamental required of every society is:  “the more who know how to do what can be done”; establishes the possibilities of every society that does have a resource to use. BUT, that also creates the demand:   I want this job/ I want more for me/ I want greater respect for me/ I want more for my family/ I want more for my nation; etcetera! So the critical question is:  how do we protect the resources, and divide the work? The answer is limited capitalism;  the public right & the national decision, to establish by vote the legal limits to demand “YOU, shall not have the right, to earn more within a year, than this amount”. Thereby presenting the rest, with an opportunity to “be like you”/ and find work for themselves. That right includes establishing the minimum anyone working shall earn in a given period of time. That right includes:  every natural resource is ours/ not yours;  therefore we get to choose.  This however is the key to horrifying results IF NOT respected, for its own truth!

The one reality proven over time in history is:  given the opportunity to rape/ ravage/ steal/ kill/ destroy/ poison/ mutilate/ or anything else that crosses the mind of men, and some women:  humanity will in fact do that very thing.  Completely destroying the future, to take for themselves what they will only throw in the trash a few days later;  all the while proclaiming themselves to be “winners”. Indeed they are, winners of hell!  Because without resources, as history proves again and again:  the men attack the people next door, by surprise! So they can take their stuff. Or more distinctly, the rich exist so they can protect the resources from complete devastation by the rest;  because one “filthy excuse” is better than a million demands for more. So to remove the rich, and take control over the resources by laws you create:  ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES, A FUNDAMENTAL RESPECT for the fact this earth has limited resources, and the future children NEED their chance to survive. SO YOU can’t have everything you want. Simple as that!  Bear it in mind, or dissolve quickly into world war/ that cascades into HELL! FIX THE OCEAN, which you have devastated;  or you won’t survive long. That will include feeding ocean life; and since you can spare NOTHING else. The need to properly prepare dead human bodies for feeding that life is required/ along with deep ocean feeding stations. Like it or not:  choose/ food to eat, and a future to repair; or WAR.  Your own decisions have brought you to this place:  where reality rules instead of your want. Fail to realize that is true; and  earth itself will die.

The liars, traitors, failures, and thieves along with all terrorists will tell you, “nothing bad can happen on this earth/ its too big”. While the religious and the righteous will tell you” GOD won’t let this world die, its impossible”. But lets review:  you are growing at roughly one billion more mouths to feed within ten years/ and you are barely able to supply the drinking water now. You eat living things, or you starve yourselves:  therefore the living things you have no respect for, are the key to your own survival. EVERYTHING about the reality of creatures and even plants on earth; face extinction/ because you have been led to poison/ mutilate/ assume university knows/ deplete the ocean/ and ruin in all ways, everything life, even your life; needs to survive. No pollinators, every food source mutilated by university, and endless amount of people all wanting more; the only way they get it is to share:  which means war, because the powerful don’t share. Enough resources are in the   garbage dump  to supply a thousand years of careful planning/ however you as the basis of careless and complete disrespect for every child, continue to make this world empty within ten years. You not wanting to die, are destroying every chance for the future to live; by invading genetics and claiming the university is god;  “no need to fear”. Yet championed by a chorus of university minds, are machines trying to ignite atoms on fire “just like the sun” here on earth. A reality that when the so called lack of gravity fails to extinguish the flames; our earth becomes another sun. Even destroying the solar system as we know it.  DAMN ain’t you smart!  What could go wrong? Go ahead answer the question. The religious of course are believers in any fantasy they want; so they cannot be told:  REALITY PROVES EXTINCTION IS COMING!  That is a constant of all cult worshipers, just like those who believe in “university knows”/ and utterly refuse to acknowledge what is plainly true.  Religion is:  “belief is triumphant,  over truth (we got a book)”/ every time.   FAILING the singular truth:  your book is a guide/ NOT a god!

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Jim Osterbur

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