The sealing document

The final assembly of simple truths, just to keep understanding plain and without the "disease of guessing". I am just a plain man, invited or directed to enter into spiritualities beyond my own existence. The result is this work/ it is roughly 20 years of various research and commitment: provided to you, because life is far too important, than let it be thrown away for the tragedies you have prepared. Not without this, an opportunity for you to survive.

Of spiritual matters it IS VERY important to remember only to enter where & when you are invited to go. YOU have then been prepared, as sufficient truth to survive/ if you are indeed invited. As to spiritual journey's all but the last experience WAS "Very male (not women involved)" by content and substance: meaning I understood the experience by what is considered to be "standard or basic male premises". Such as: very direct, clear enemies or friend, simple life or death make your choice realities, etc. Only once was there a deception involved/ and that was due to what the "soul" wanted to believe (actually what the mind expected)/ rather than what truth would reveal. Understand then: do not preconceive ideas for the spiritual world. Where spirit can be described as male/ then clearly an alternate experience lives as female/ understand that as true. Remember this, that all spirit lives in the essence of thought, the realities that express truth, and live without the boundaries of time. Life is not about time, true life is about the interrelationships of creation itself, and how we become the decision called harmony. Harmony is then the evidence of life, while balance is the discipline of thought/ and spirit, is the essence of all that we can be. True thought has no boundaries, it exists, and finds the means to participate in the expansion of all eternity.

What is spiritual SIMPLY: or the first phase, is in reality a trip inside the definitions that form your own thoughts & declare your own desires and belief! While that may not sound deadly or dangerous: IT IS! The foundation of your soul MUST, be completely stable, or your own existence and life will be challenged & your soul could die. JESUS, as written of in the Bible, IS my foundation: "The place where beliefs have formed, the honesty of a desire to live as HIS LIFE described came to be, and the determination to accept life on its own terms/ not mine was understood, and thereby claimed as my identity in creation.

As to "the door, the spirit of woman" recently opened in me/ it seems absolutely clear: man is not invited into the female spiritual domain/ exactly what that means, I don't know. If not for Revelation 12, I would never have thought to look/ I am not a woman, never once interested in being a woman: simply had enough to do as a man. It just didn't come up to be interested in female, as my own life, an aspect of life which is still not known. Time will tell how that part of my own life is going to end. Irregardless, I live life rather than predict life/ I have given my body & life to GOD , and if HE desires me to be woman: then I am truly, more than happy to be woman. It would be an honor. As to predictions, the words that prophecy disaster for you/ are plain and simple, and only a liar cannot see the future of these things.

A relationship conceived by the SPIRIT WORLD, for me or you/ IS NOT as you expect it to be from the physical world: SPIRIT exists in thought and in the dimensions thought creates from energy. Thought controls the reality, and you or me cannot participate: unless disciplined & orderly thought exists in reality. To attain this, you must enter the journey's within your mind, & you not only must survive them/ you MUST find honor in them as the MIRACLE of freedom & life & the experience of love inside yourself from them. If you do not, either you will become mentally unstable/ or establish hate in yourself, & seek revenge because you were unable & failed. YOU simply did not care enough, to build this relationship with GOD ! Or you would not fail. This is a tragedy for you/ but do repent and pray for another chance; GOD does love you. PREPARE with your heart, and understand death shall open the door someday, & then life shall decide for you at that time/ therefore it is not necessary to enter spirit beforehand. If you don't change this plan, with actions within the spirit world/ it is however a very lovely and interesting experience as well. I HAVE been BLESSED, and survived completely intact. But you may not/ IT IS a very dangerous reality. Stay away, unless the truth of love in you is complete: even then PRAY MUCH FIRST, OR DON'T GO.

As to more common things, the relationship we share on earth is dedicated by the wisdom of our minds/ to the honesty of what we will share or care with/ for each other; or for love about the miracles that inhabit our lives. Knowledge is the first step toward wisdom/ understanding comes only when truth & reality control the variations as a discussion in fact & by the evidence. Current science & university PRIDE THEMSELVES to the point of "putting themselves on a pedestal so high/ they have nose bleed": believing "the know practically everything". BUT REALITY looks at life today, as these have been in control/ & truth says: what is incredible is the consequence and amount of your failures; Thereby these "little things" in your mind are worthless/ or more correctly extremely dangerous to all. The quest for an easy life, BLINDS your every hope. The demand of your own WANT, has made you deaf to every living thing. The consequence of your GREED & SELFISHNESS, is the basis for all these LIES, all this THEFT, and the FUEL that inflames failure in men to destroy life/ as they are ready to do today: because they have no other answers. All because " a little knowledge, truly is a dangerous thing"! The university will claim, "we are your source of jobs/ we are the important ones/ and you won't survive without us". Well lets look clearly at reality: first a bigger liar was not born, than those who used evolution. Second, the consequence of science has already nearly destroyed the entire earth many times with genetic mutilation, fusion "lite the earth on fire" disgrace, and weapons of mass destruction: should we thank you: bigger fools have never lived. Third the consequence of your math skills is before us all, take a look: we are completely bankrupt as a nation, and largely as a world. You engineered a nightmare, and want credit for it. How much more STUPID could you be. The reality of human life is quite simple: better ways are important for life because they do give us greater options for our personal lives. Engineering is important because it allows us to use less resources and fundamentally improve on specific realities by focusing on "little things"/ but engineers never invent, people invent, and it doesn't matter what your education or background is; inventing takes an understanding in reality, engineering is just a measurement and no more. Science is the repeated exercise in "what else could we do, or use"/ many a young person would make a better scientist than most, because they do have new ideas: but not the experience to go with it. Irregardless new materials or methods are important when they can improve society/ BUT NOT ENDANGER IT. As to college itself, everything they say they built for us is JUST PLAIN WRONG. It is the assumption that resources will last forever, and we can throw away or do anything to the earth we choose to do/ without concern or consequence. Take a look, the earth is dying/ but the liars know, their lives will change: so they hide everything they can. And people agree to let them lie, because they know their lives are going to change too: so they hide and whine and cry and whimper/ so they don't have to face the truth/ YOU DID EXTREMELY POOR, and YOU must change or die. Hiding won't help/ fears won't help/ reality will not improve/ and truth will not disgrace itself for you, and become a lie too: truth will carry out the order of the universe, and you will die in horrendous disgrace/ or you will change. DO NOT let the "educated people" tell you: we are your jobs, we keep you alive. There are few lies bigger/ we keep each other alive, by participating in society. Like a body and mind, we need each other equally or every other part dies too. None is more important/ we do need them all. Do not accept the extortion of medicine/ or their selfishness: simply educate more doctors and more interim helpers. Your reality is quite simple: either you will respect the resources, and the life of the earth itself today/ or you are going to die as it dies, you are going to starve as the resources disappear/ you are going to sink into religious insanity and war/ you are going to die, in true hatred of everyone. And there will be NO MERCY, AND NO END. Because hades does not end/ and Armageddon is a choice you will make. Choose honor, respect, honesty, truth, love, and all the rest That is of GOD / why should you die? Why should you continue to believe the liars? Search for yourself, and find the truth you are willing to live for, or die for/ because life is at the door, of Armageddon; and only you, can change this destiny, by supporting women, so that they can help us all. Man is discarded as ruler/ this is his work/ this is his decision/ this is his reality that brings us to a life or death moment for the world itself; and he will never be allowed to do so again. Take a look, are the lies not a horrendous failure for your money/ are not the weapons of mass destruction not the end of the world, just because men are afraid of themselves/ is not greed and lust ruling your world, take an honest look, and quit hiding in the bushes "fucking with perverts". Women will rule, or the world ends. Answer this question HONESTLY, and with DISCIPLINE: would you rather have NO choice? Because man has no choice/ his destiny is death: it is woman who must save life on earth. It is woman who will choose a new destiny, and change the world. Neither woman or man or child has a choice/ man is done: if woman fails, then all fail. Life will end, and the earth disappear. Within 30 years.

The consequence of man is: he looks to do something more horrendous, than the last: to prove he should be feared/ stay away from me. He does this because torture and the failures of men demand that he can not only be killed, but that he might come to wish he had never lived, because of other men. The rule of law, is the fundamental answer/ BUT men, prefer power and the intensity of being able to say, "I will kill you/ or worse". They have chosen this method over any other throughout history as a group/ not as an individual. Therefore they do lack the discipline necessary, to be at peace with the world. That is a critical flaw generated by their desire "to play king of the hill/ and stomp on the others"; like animals proving " he will be the stud here". It is a pitiful disgrace. Women cannot rule without law/ law cannot succeed without men; real men with honor, integrity, valor, and courage. Therefore you will build together/ but women will determine how to shape and sustain society itself/ you WILL give her that right. Man failed and is removed.

As humanity we do, have to make choices as best we can/ therefore every increase in "friendly knowledge" is a blessing. As humanity we are assaulted by predators & must defend ourselves as best we can, by HONOR & DISCIPLINE. That can mean war, but every effort must be used prior to any consideration called war. Education is the most effective weapon for peace! Determination the most significant deterrent for war. BUT men love force, worship power, desire cunning and stealth/ and fail at every level through the persistent pursuit of trophies: so you have chosen weapons of mass destruction, and all the rest. Even so, mechanical warfare is also very harsh as well.

The day has come, that all your pride, wants, greed, & selfishness HAVE MADE PLANS for you. Population pressures make war! You know this is true. Resource loss & scarcity makes war! You know this is true. Biological (genetic) failure, WILL produce HATE & THEN TERROR/ such as the world has never seen. You will know this is to become true, when your "arms & legs" begin to fall off. WILL YOU "thank those who crucified nature"/ you WILL mutilate them instead. But revenge is pointless, you are extinct.

If YOU the humanity of earth, DO NOT accept an honorable, disciplined, & loving life from this moment forward/ THEN you will reap as you have sown. And YOU shall be abandoned By GOD , to your own devices. This is (Armageddon)! This is a truth, your own heart can recognize, a reality that cannot be denied without lies; because everything is prepared.

I DO have a lot of sympathy, for those who spend their lives in search of knowledge/ I too have done so. Leaving behind MANY personal life-fulfilling moments/ because understanding HOW to survive all these problems, is simply more important than me.

I HAVE done my work/ now it is your turn.

To survive means: the end of weapons of mass destruction, EVERY SINGLE ONE/ NO EXCUSES! It means population controls/ resource control/ limiting individual influences & choosing justice. IT DOES MEAN, WOMEN SHALL RULE/ NO EXCUSES, If you fail at this/ you all die. If they fail at this/ you all die: HELP THEM TO SUCCEED.

Survival means, YOU SHALL share & care honestly/ and respect all life, being friends to each other: not the pitiful excuses of today, truly FRIENDS! And it means ALL the traps, tragedy, destruction, power, & failure must end. No more games/ YOU must grow up.

Reality knows, you ARE drowning in your own fantasies, because you are swimming in the stench & sewer of your own lies! TRUTH thereby states: come out/ clean up/ REPENT of this, & then prepare to work. DO NOT hide, or fear, or run away: trust simply in LOVE, and hope plainly in life itself/ PRAY with your soul. NOT as you do now/ but HONESTLY in the HONOR and PRESENCE OF GOD , near you. Prayer is NOT a list of your wants, lusts, or demands: or any other sewer filled expressions. PRAYER is the heart found only in your soul, expressing the relationship you wish to share with Our FATHER. What is important, will be done: As GOD Sees fit! What is important for you IS: learn self-respect/ self-reliance/ an identity beyond self/ and a hope through faith & trust, that will never die. What is important for our humanity is RESPECT for all life, and the honesty required to survive in you. Not as a body/ but as life in the presence of GOD.

I AM aware, many will find cause & reason to attack any aspect of sexuality that is not consistent with current or historical morality. BUT YOU have walked in these paths/ coming to this moment in time, where you do stand at the door of extermination. In large part do to your sexual realities. It is by far, the game you choose to play the most/ followed by, your own demands of " even if I cannot build or buy it/ I can tear it all down". This is the second most popular game. This destruction accounts for tremendous damage, "It is the satan in you". Not as a participant/ but as a description simply in destruction, of a failure in hate. Therefore, by removing the games/ the trophies/ the winner & loser/ & the ownership: we as a humanity will also remove "the satan" in your lives. By leaving you with the decision of respect or disrespect/ and the consequences thereof. The consequence of respect is honor/ the consequence of disrespect is shame and failure and all that becomes as evil.

If you don't demand boys get control of their penis at an early age, for peaceful and productive purposes/ if you don't allow young girls to "relieve the burdens of growing tits"/ and so forth. Then you will fail and the games return. LIFE IS NOT A GAME, it is a miracle expressed in the freedom of an experience in truth. If you reject truth, not only do you reject eternity, but time and reality as well. Hiding in simple fantasies, and worthless pursuits, as you do today.

The foundation of want, is adultery: "I want their life, and their possessions/ not mine". The foundation of adultery: "I don't care, who is harmed/ I am alone, and I will not share with anyone; let greed be my only friend, and power my only ally. These are the things of a destiny soiled with the blight of sexual lust.

The foundation of life is : I have found a miracle in me; and I pray to be worthy of this opportunity: thank you GOD !

The foundation of society, is the critical composition of its law & constitutional truths. But the maze of images and idols are the traitors that steal life & destroy truth from society. The images of today are little different that ten thousand years ago/ they are just called by a different name, & worshiped as a different cause; but they are the same. One of these is political correctness/ wherein the intent & purpose of any law or truth is held up to perfection, and called a liar. Perfection is an enemy/ a deception used to solicit control, and rule the day even though you have no right, or real knowledge. What is important about any law, and its purpose is how it is being used for or against society. That must be addressed/ but the liars & thieves of words are not to be given authority in these matters. Simply add explanations as necessary, and leave the law alone. Another image, simply believes work is all you need to do, to do well in life. In the real world outside the protections of unions & things/ that is simply not true. You must understand the problems, recognize the solution, deliberately search for knowledge, & fundamentally accept truth as your leader: NOT want, pride, power, or the rest. Unions (another type of idol), merely mask these lessons, "in the delusion of us". We all die alone/ therefore if you are not prepared from life/ you will lose. An extremely stubborn idol is laziness! Wherein the mind proclaims, they owe me/ therefore I will make them do the work for me. It just ain't true/ and you shall learn better; and if you do not/ know it is to hell with you. There are hundreds of variations to all human idols and images, that you must discard. Sexuality has a LONG list of variants, which when abused transform what is beautiful and honest/ into "the creation of man/ woman", these become "little armageddon's" for you. What is beautiful, is a freedom found in creation that gives us life in the foundation of a simple truth: I love you/ you love me. sex as a chemical, changes that by using lust to decide its ok to use this one/ and his or her body, for chemicals in mine. Love does not exist for chemicals, not simply for bodies/ but for life and the expressions of a freedom that cherishes each other, because we are not alone/ it is above the rest a thank you for making my life better, an honor to recognize OUR CREATOR provided this for us. This is life in sexuality/ most of the rest is simply idols and images, used for temptation/ to steal your love, and give you tears. Tears are the evidence of destruction inside/ therefore the trophy of games that failures play. But tears are also the evidence of love inside, the honesty of a relationship that bonds our souls together.

As to time-lines, reality says: on the day this web site is available on its internet site, the first schedule of life begins; the first trial. Should that be March 20, 2006 then judgment day for women/ thereby the earth is September 1, 2009. This is the day, by which your own decisions have been made/ even if you hide or run away; and will determine how/ when/ & what the next few years or many, shall be before it ends. Perhaps a 1000 years if you are truly honest, and search for truth well/ perhaps less than ten years, if you are horrible, apathetic, or just plain hide and run away.

If a child is to be potentially possible for you, by being born through me (as Revelation 12 suggests)/ because honor is found to some degree, in discipline and hope in you. Then my own body shall complete its miracle transformation/ to become a woman in reality & truth. Should I become a woman before judgment day arrives, then the clock is reset 1260 days past this date, as a fact. NO child is guaranteed, even if my life becomes woman/ but it is an excellent sign to you: to continue in honor, accept discipline, love, faith, & trust in your life, and pray for "heaven on earth to come". This shall happen if the second miracle occurs, "that I should give birth, without any man". That is the prophecy of Revelation 12, the possibility given to you/ to prove your destiny is real. The child will teach you of spirituality, and life beyond time. Truth asks: "is it true, that JESUS would return to become a baby again"? In reality I have asked in prayer, and find the answer for this is, I don't know. BUT whosoever is sent; will do as the prophecy and GOD allows for you/ and you will be truly happy .

As a man, my work is over except for whatever "the women who are working hard for peace, love, & life for this world" will ask. I honestly have no idea or expectation (that simply is not my way), its entirely up to them. But I will intervene and suggest, if my own identity is secured (so that I no longer need proof I am the messenger sent: no one can impersonate me)/ the work is being done, the search for truth, respect, and reality has arrived/ and hope itself arrives in woman for her life and her future; then, IF my own body begins to change "into the consequences of a true woman"/ I would be happy to provide the big motor suggested earlier/ prior to its scheduled time; that benefits may arrive earlier. Or as GOD allows. I do believe it will be a blessing to you/ but truth will prove that, not me. Time reveals all things, by the measure of their worth/ that worth is not human, but truth itself/ as this shapes our lives. What is human is a gift of GOD .

It is clear, as a man, I have become simply a sign & a tool. However if my soul is to become strictly female/ then she, at the moment of ownership will inherit the work, and the reality called me. I am NOT woman at this time/ if this is to be, SHE must then find her own way. DO help her. DO NOT fear her, She is the potential mother of "The son of man". HE is the only one, when honesty and reality and honor prove, TRUTH HAS ARRIVED. That can then lead humanity to "heaven on earth".

WORK HARD, why should you die?

The words of a mother are these: do not die, before me/ do not live without me/ do not assemble the realities that make me ashamed of you or you ashamed of me/ & LOVE ME for who I am, not for what has been done for you. the consequence of family is RESPECT; as best you can. The consequence of freedom is the honor of a decision; even if it is wrong. The reality of love, simply: "I have given what was mine to give/ only you can grant the honor of your love in return: my gift is yours.

The failure of so many in love is found in the distractions so intensive/ that life is lost in the maze & panic of a world without structure. The essence of a life that fails to understand truth is a demand for YOUR participation in life/ your opportunity to share or help, and your choice to conceive of responsibility: NOT in frivolous distractions from the meaning and truth of what life means in honor. The foundation of a life is NOT "the womb", it is creation itself. Creation here means: "the blank page of your existence", beckons you to experience & express the moments in time: as life itself finds the message of your soul, "that GOD put there," for you to find. The foundation of a child is the expression of a moment. The creation of an experience, the moment itself translated by the message of you. YOU are the writer that gives light or darkness to the meaning of your life. YOU are the creator of a destiny that reveals your soul. If you refuse to search inside your heart/ LIFE WILL pass you by.

MAN HAS FAILED, in every account & every way! With life (he is ready, to exterminate), with love (he has hidden in lust, & rape, because too many were afraid), with all that is important (look at your genetics/ your excrement called science/ that clearly now threatens every life on earth)!



WOMEN WILL DEFINE SEXUAL CONDUCT: and men will behave & do what is required of them! YOU, have no choice/ if woman fails, the world dies. SHE WILL DECIDE.

Because man has built & chosen everything necessary for Armageddon.

The question of leadership is simply proving the reality and comprehending THE TRUTH, by removing the lies. To do so, WOMEN shall demand an accounting of facts, & proven truths/ and WOMEN SHALL DEMAND, "Life is more important than this!" The difference between women (as individuals you go) and woman (as one united humanity) Is plainly/ the leader is WOMAN! If the male population will follow behind/ then they are welcome and encouraged to join. But be absolutely sure, Man has NO VOTE, Whether life remains on earth or not/ he can neither choose to kill it: because GOD will demand revenge on man if he does. WOMAN WILL CHOSE. She has no choice.

The primary description of woman therein becomes: the one who chooses for life, and demands the earth shall NOT be sacrificed anymore!

The question of values/ hopes/ sharing/ sex/ & punishment ALL fall into the hands of women. The disciplines of life as will be followed by society/ shall be determined ONLY by woman. Everything required for a fair, honest, & happy life ruled by woman: IS IN PLACE! YOU have NO excuse for failure. Either succeed, or Armageddon comes. Man will never rule again. If woman does well/ then she may add a 25th law: that woman may do what she desires with man, and he shall not hurt her: or the law will subject him to punishments as women decide. That would include such things as "if women decide they wish to walk around naked and not be touched, harmed, or harassed/ then she will do so". However if woman says to man, "you must cover up/ then he shall." Is this not what man has done with woman throughout history? It is fair.

If you are male and desire life on earth, and NOT HELL/ then help HER to succeed anyway you can. Your life depends upon woman, and nothing else here on earth. She is your life or your death/ respect her.

YOU, humanity itself, DO UNDERSTAND !


As to the life of the messenger, me/ WOMEN are responsible for the outcome. The reality WILL determine much about what your truth shall be. FIND respect/ be KIND, be honest & honorable, choose discipline, and learn about life, sex, love, & happiness. May GOD Be with us all.

As a plain man, the reality of living has truly become a complete surprise. It must be said, although it is the man who wrote the message/ it is the introduction of woman, that changed the message from a battleground, to the honor of a decision for life in respect: do remember that. I find a growing love for the woman inside, not for "taking control"/ but for removing the battleground, and returning balance, as a passion for life/ rather than simple truth and discipline. Love requires truth and discipline/ but life requires balance and forgiveness wherever repentance has occurred. This is a lesson, that needed renewal in me. I am grateful for that.

I have no predictions for my humanity, none/ but it is easy to understand in a world of billions of women, some few will probably find value in me; or if they do not, it is their right to decide. I am relieved of the opportunity to choose. The future is not my choice, or right to decide; although many will believe I should be killed. The woman's chest I have, clearly holds "keys" to me/ apparently women are going to learn all man's secrets: honestly, I have no choice. Instead of these things, it is from my own life: to "I have little concern for the journey of time"/ I believe in eternity, and live for that, time is simply time, except for love, which is an honor in time. I am alive today/ and honored by any work, that I am allowed to do, for OUR FATHER .


I tell you the truth, It is JESUS That has kept me alive, to help you.

It is , fundamental to my life to understand the near future will participate in death by some measure, even if the woman survives in me/ if a child is to be born and heaven to arrive as in Revelation 21, the male must leave. If apathy is all there is, then "the survivors" are going to leave, including me. IF you do well enough, then it is possible that we will all survive for many years together/ even though the end will still come, but gently: this is up to you. If hatred and violence are all that is left, then my life will be used for evidence and proof; that no one may say, "Judgment was not deserved". These are your decisions, and they do NOT include me/ you must do the work, and make the decision. So thereby preparations have begun to enter into eternity, as to the possibilities that do exist/ as best I can. But only GOD knows how this will all end. As for you/ it is your decision; because you will live the reality of that decision, and the reality is life or death. Do not assume, learn/ do / investigate/ examine/ and decide by truth, letting reality teach you. Honor and respect, teaching you of love. DO PRAY.

For your understanding, the question called soul, fundamentally isolates life by the capture of energy/ & the sustained release of harmonic rhythms that "give to time, its ability to create". It is irresponsible to say more.

However, here it can be understood how we come to "feel isolated, from our beginnings"/ but are in touch with creation itself, through the rhythms of our soul. Every life in time, "has a rhythm"/ but only humanity lives with soul. The difference is "the message left for us, by OUR CREATOR ". This message lives inside creation itself, as soul, and if we choose to search for our beginning in life, that message will become real. It is the message, that is soul.

Each must search for their own message, NONE are the same. DO NOT believe in imagination/ do NOT accept any "soul finders, etc"/ NONE of it. As you live, reality & truth will establish the message of your life: it is the love that begins as hope, & establishes your heart, in compassion for GOD'S CREATION And as your TRUST In GOD ! Trust is extremely important to you.

Before we continue, the spirit world "lives in thought", your opportunity to enter therein is dependent upon your relationship to thought/ and the "distance" you are willing to travel from "the chains of your mind"/ thereby discarding time, to expand beyond self, into the environment of life. THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS TO YOU! PRAY VERY MUCH, FIRST! "I prayed for days continuously/ before asking to enter: and prepared for years. Even then I could easily have died to life. Remember that, and be truthful beyond yourself: trust GOD to help you/ by understand if you are lying, you are in very serious trouble/ FAR beyond anything you could imagine.

The consequence of death is a subject entirely of its own. It does not conceive of life/ but it does not have to destroy life itself: only time. Leaving "the creation of you" within the environment of energy, without the compensation of rhythms, "to soothe your soul". The result, is your identity demands escape. BUT "once out, of the environment that protected you"/ that environment, begins to crush. YOU will recognize without energy, you are nothing: THEREFORE YOU must immediately return to this environment of energy/ but compression produces fire, and if you are caught in the fire; you are in hades and will not get out. If you pass through whatever is not true/ has disappeared, and your spiritual self, will be condensed as a density conceived by energy. Your life still exists, your identity still conceives of you/ but your reality has changed. Mercy forms the boundary that sustains your existence and life HAS become your world/ body nor mind exist no more. What is now critical to your existence IS your soul; for the message you were given at your creation/ IS the literal path you were chosen to follow "As a child of The LIVING GOD !" Those who never searched are given entrance to the reality & truth of "Heaven: a place prepared in LOVE, where all things are recognized & discovered in the blessings of peace and harmony." IT IS a HAPPY place with spiritual bodies and honorable lives similar to all that is wonderful here. Heaven exists at the boundary between distance & eternity! What exists beyond this boundary is "the sea of courage" {it is called the sea of courage because energy will invade everything, of the reality, of who you are/ causing images capable of extreme distress: BUT THEY ARE ONLY IMAGES, and will not harm you: simply trust, and you will be well} OR more correctly "any turbulence from fear, means you will die. The cause of this is EXTREME ENERGY, and the reality is UNFORGIVING! IT IS true, because only purity can survive/ and no one will be allowed to "Kill us all". Only thought can travel here/ BUT ONLY TRUST, Can endure the ride. You will be accelerated "into eternity, where speed is so extreme, no reaction can exist to it: thereby time ends". Life is condensed into a greater density to resist the ride, and ease the reality. When you have arrived, it is "your mass that will expand (NOT as a bomb, but as the growing realization, "I AM ALIVE, in eternity", TO BECOME, the energy that is you. Be not afraid, GOD HAS PROMISED "We are like HIM" , there is no need to fear. Do you not see the love of miracles/ the promise of things far beyond our comprehension. Do not fear "intellect"/ it is worthless, instead ask for wisdom here and now, and do your best: no matter who you are, if you are true to this wisdom/ you will be welcomed.

If you have found or searched for the message of your soul/ but are NOT ready; then you may ascend only to heaven, until YOU are prepared for the relationship that shall take you to eternity.

We are facing a true crisis in America, the world is next: because pride, arrogance, and all the rest/ refused to accept limitations on their WANT! 7 billion people, CANNOT have everything they can want or fantasize about/ the earth is not "your store". The EARTH is a living creation, supporting your needs, and all the rest: And humanity is killing the earth with its greed and just plain evil ways. You have not cared, about the earth, about life, about the rest of humanity, or even yourself/ because WANT has carried you away, and became a pit of desperation [you will see it]. IF YOU PERSONALLY DECIDE, to change, and if the others will change as well/ then you will all survive and do well. If you do not/ then you will die/ because your actions, or reactions have produced every possible destruction "ready to go".

The LIARS will come "bleeding arrogance, apathy, selfishness, & ignorance"/ they WILL use power, and demand lust & greed/ they will come swearing and cursing (without power) saying we cannot live any other way: "they won't allow it." BUT, if you fail to change properly (I can help you), YOU will die/ and soon.

Primary change MEANS: decisions, actions, purposes, & passions that reduce consumption of ALL resources/ that protect and heal the earth/ and that establish PEACE on earth! This must be done, HONORABLY/ by letting truth decide and reality determine the way and the means. WOMEN WILL LEAD YOU/ because it is decreed to you, as a result of all the failures of men. WOMEN MUST LEAD, because only they can march against "the army of power"/ and demand that they are NO PHYSICAL THREAT of death, to the men who will stand in the way: THIS IS emphasized by NAKEDNESS! [IF YOU as women choose it/ prepare first/ decide/ and do as your heart tells you to do]. THEREIN YOU WILL MARCH on any who stand in your way: demanding and proving NO CAUSE/ NO JUSTIFICATION/ AND NO RIGHT of violence to any degree, against these women for peace, life, and love can exist. THEREBY MAKE IS ABSOLUTELY CLEAR, before you go: that any man/ woman/ or child who causes even one significant harm: WILL BE HUNTED DOWN, and punished dramatically/ if it is murder: YOU WILL tear them limb from limb as public proof/ WE WILL NOT be turned away. You will then go back, WOMEN in front/ But an ARMY of men and women behind; ARMED AND DANGEROUS. NO more trouble will be allowed/ or everyone on the wrong side will die. Ask yourself: would it not have been better to kill the man who spread A.I.D.S. To the world/ OR is it better now, that millions have died, and a whole world is in danger of infection.

If you cannot tell yet/ I AM personally challenging you; as I am directed by prayer to do: To accept the costs to you, of survival. It is your choice. But to survive, "WANT, power, selfishness, & pride first; must all die to you". To give you your chance to survive. As a consequence, my own list of enemies is huge, and will continue to grow/ because those who choose to fail saying: "we don't care about life/ we WANT wealth, luxury, & lust or greed". These WILL believe "not in my lifetime/ as their reason not to care". They are wrong/ and HADES WILL be waiting for them all.

As for you, "the life" on earth of humanity/ you will accept the responsibility to protect the physical property of my own body, & mind/ or you will "lose me" to their ignorance and hate. It is that simple! Its up to you, but GOD Will help you/ if only you have made an honorable decision.

A few WILL accuse me of "wanting sex, and using women". The demand is, I WILL NOT lead you/ does not mean I am using women. Instead it means, NO ONE is allowed power/ all possible power must be distributed as equally as possible. As to sex, "I" have NEVER wanted simple "chemical sex", the simple lust for a body to use. However if it were not for creating a target/ after all these years, "flowers, the honesty & honor of love in bloom, between man & woman" would be very nice. Even so, life is not the same as it was/ I honestly have no idea what is male can do as to romance, or "a gentle happiness"/ neither do I know what the spirit of woman would do. She does not "talk to me" spiritually, because if she did, I would find her; and expect all the controls back. I do not ask her to/ this is by GOD'S Decision for my life, I will not interfere. So if you can hear it, "we all live together, the spirit of male/ female/ and the identity of me" as best we can: this is far too complicated to bother explaining to you. Instead of having a male and female spirit inside to "clear it all up"/ everything in that regard is actually a little fuzzy, romance is not likely anyway. The very simple truth is, I have lost all understanding of what is personal, and could be personal, it just doesn't work with "being a property, or slave"; that's just how it is. What is personal, IS NOT what has been presented to you. Instead, as a property/ GOD Has given this body to be used by women (HIS choice, not mine), to learn the sharing & caring for a LIMITED resource. This is a demand you are required to master {concerning, the RESOURCES OF THE EARTH}. You will remember, other nations will hold resources you desire from them as well, and everyone must be fair; to all, to the future, and to the earth as well. Or if you do not find a way to share and care among yourselves, your future is bleak. My literal body is given to woman, "to practice with"/ for this purpose. That means: women as leader of this world must understand the reality or resource in question, and protect it as necessary. If it is work with financial rewards that is asked/ then you must be prepared to protect the money for all women; if it is generated. If it turns to sex, The women must find a way to protect the resource me, from those who would destroy it/ they must find a way to determine who would destroy it; by investigating reality/ they must share even though some people WILL be abusive, destructive, and unkind. They must find a way to rescue their property if necessary, and so on: just as you will need to do, with regard to every resource that is scarce. Do you "wish to trade me places"? The last few months, have been a "preparation, to be raped, used, and abused"/ so do not get overly zealous about the property, but do remember I have to breathe, and just because the body and mind must endure it/ that doesn't mean I don't have feelings, or needs. Do what you can. As to men: even if I DO "need rescuing"/ YOU may NOT do so; irregardless of the outcome, I am the property of women. If they do not protect me, the time to leave has come. If man intervenes at all, he will be cursed: not by me, but by GOD/ do not do it. How I can possibly survive as a reality/ still no clue! Women however ARE completely free to refuse/ it is your decision how/ what/ when/ why/ or not at all for any reason you desire. I am free however/ to refuse all those who do NOT work for peace, life, & love: but that means basically the organizations of women are required to do their best to insure it is these who get my life. I do not make a statement of "You have to fight for me/ or that I am worth anything to you" instead this is the message prayer has designed, and I do deliver it to you. What you do with the message is entirely your decision, I have no say. I will just do the best I can, and die when the day arrives. There will be NO assault, or demand, or war to convince you, to fight for your life or mine: either you will choose life, or you will not/ and then die. As to the reality of this statement, I DO fully understand, that even one in one million women, in a world of billions, is still at least 2000 women, and just me: and I have no say, " not a little or a lot/ if they are working for peace, love, and life," I have none. It is not a small matter, this is a life committed to GOD. I have no clue if "the spirit of woman asked for this"/ or GOD simply decided: but I do know it is true, irregardless of what I might choose. Still no clue how to survive it.

A summary of personal definitions explains: "I cannot" accept any temptations, I DO react instead of thinking and considering the options & understanding the request. BECAUSE temptation is someone else's desire, "to lead you live/ where they believe without temptation, you do not belong, would not go/ or should not go". Therefore even if I would have helped/ had you asked honestly: I do refuse. This is a lesson to you: these things are a consequence of life & eternity/ that says to each: believe in yourself, believe in your own values, accept the price of the decision that you have made/ and do NOT hide in temptation or ANY other disguise: BE FAIR, to all. Morality is dead/ it is a social demand for control of your life; the consequence of critical threats to life, are the demands to choose for yourself. But if you do not choose honor, you will be lost. Honor is not sexual/ it is personal. Sexual is body/ honor is heart & soul. BUT it has a cost to you/ be certain you are willing to pay: or don't.

More times than I would choose to remember, reality has presented needs; and MANY could not be met/ this applies to all people. As to women, simple things are complicated by loneliness & frustrations/ that in turn finally made me lonely & frustrated as well. Eventually causing the same actions & reactions that ruin beginning relationships, or remove the honor of existing relationships: much has to do with sex. As to the dating years, especially: "the rules of engagement" MUST be changed. Simplicity IS better, no games/ but that means women must be in charge. Because women intentionally confuse men, so they can judge you/ as a potential mate. Women play the game, because they do not have control/ and they do not trust men. Men who become disenchanted with women because of the game, then discard sincerity & passion/ & hide, mostly to avoid ridicule by women, or use the barrier "I don't care/ or as women would say, they won't commit". These are BOTH bad games. The only way to solve it, is give the women control/ so they find a way to trust men.

Reality states: it is a bad thing to be noticed "a lot of the time"/ people start planning "how they can take advantage of you/ to use you". If you are better or cheaper than most/ then people will demand "me too"/ even if you say no; they will insist. Only "small errors in judgment or conversation will convince them otherwise". This is a failure in respect/ other people have needs and rights too: not just you. "Pretty people" use snobbery & other tools to "get space"/ be kind to them and let them approach you if they wish/ don't harass: but if you are a woman, it may help to understand, the majority of men who will approach do so, because they are certain to be turned down: so you are safe. Instead of turning them away/ take them by the hand and give them to your girlfriends. A lesson: lovely people in life, don't come with "outer clues"/ you must spend time & a little effort, or you will pass them by. DON'T BE SHY/ pull it all together/ understand everybody gets rejected, and just go on to the next. BUT BE HONEST look in the mirror at the real body & mind called you: be kind to yourself/ don't judge anyone else/ and don't forget to give the other person just as much leniency as you would expect, or more. BE KIND.

The coming American & then world crisis, IS about a humanity that escaped HARD & REAL DECISIONS, by hiding in fantasy, lies, theft, and fears: this is nearly ALL OF YOU. EVEN the fools who have done the most damage. YOU as a society, or world, as a large percentage of the people CHOSE to invite disaster, by following fools, and you will soon find tragedy. EVEN YOU, can understand this is coming. That means simply, even harder questions must be answered, and our reality has become even more harsh, than before. "Tomorrow" you will undeniably know this is true. If you fail to let truth decide, or refuse reality or the work, as you have continually done under men: with no real doubt, throughout human history. Then you ARE going to enter Armageddon: humanity abandoned by GOD ! The result is ABSOLUTE HELL ON EARTH!

As to our current reality of a very few years "Grace period", to comprehend the truth, and make WOMAN'S UNDENIABLE DECISION , for the future of life on earth: WE ARE very blessed, for the time!

PRAISE GOD , and pray.

The reality and truth of man, is quite simply as history proves without the slightest doubt: When in trouble, MAN USES WAR/ to solve all his problems. Its that simple. If man continues to lead, with crisis after crisis coming/ and critical truths to deal with right now: the end result CANNOT be in doubt! Men will war/ and I tell you the truth, they have already made this decision/ and will use it clearly within 30 years, and more likely within 10 years: MEN WILL exterminate this earth, completely: YOU TOO.

The reality we do face then DEPENDS ENTIRELY upon whether women will face her fears, & honestly participate in real & truthful solutions/ and whether men & children will help her! PRAYER, SPIRIT, AND SOUL, ALL tell me without ANY DOUBT whatsoever: WOMEN SHALL RULE THIS EARTH From this day forward/ if man continues all die. That as fact, demands; men shall be discarded as leaders, entirely. Either woman rules or man will demand HELL, AND BRING HELL ON EARTH.

The requirements of understanding suggest: if there is anything left, that is necessary or useful to add, it would simply be, the issues and relationships of what is called "the spirit world": a reality without its basis in physical fact. The human mind measures/ therefore it cannot comprehend spirit/ because it does not exist to the human mind. CREATION, does not exist to the human mind, nor can existence itself be measured by its creation/ because the mind cannot conceive of its beginning or end, in the more complex definitions of life. More simply, the mind is irrelevant. We ARE 3 parts to one humanity: body, mind, & life/ they are NOT the same, but live in unison with each other. SPIRIT is the development in harmony of these 3 identities, as they begin their association with creation itself. More simply: what is physical, what is "sensed" , and what is energy and the control of function/ must learn the disciplines & responsibility of all three parts: so that they can achieve the "question called KNOWLEDGE", as it assigns BASIC understanding of an existence beyond ourselves. The explanation of doors, accepts the fundamental boundary between ourselves &our creation. The honor of an invitation to pass beyond this boundary, is the existence of fundamental thought. The relationship that forms RESPECT, between "both parties" IS SPIRIT! Spirit then acts as the communicator, allowing the translation of thought to exist. Thought does NOT accept measurement/ thought accepts only truth. Reality accepts measurements, but only as a "sign or tool" of the process or method that is working to achieve the destiny being created. There is a question in the separation of disciplines, wherein the body & mind become as mute, & life itself takes over. The consequence of truth explains: that our reality as evidenced by the truth of our existence, assembles conscious recognition within 3 distinct levels of creation, here on earth. What is mind/ what is life or miracle/ & what is thought. Each person must attain an organization compiled in discipline as knowledge, before understanding of the next level can occur. Knowledge of the mind is the measurement of base relationships, that provide for us, a platform in reasoning as the understanding of critical research described as: HOW did that happen/ why does this exist/ what is life/ & when does life mean more than time. Time is the evidence produced in loneliness, that life has value. Therein a demand is made, to search, investigate, examine, & decide: WHY is life more important than time/ WHOSE life is more important than time/ WHEN does a question about death become necessary/ & HOW do we enter within the miracles of life, rather than just time?

Thought must arise here, or your journey ends. Thought accomplishes "a visit, inside creation"/ by understanding the mind & body no longer matter to you/ ONLY LIFE does. Therefore by expanding BEYOND the limits of time, body, mind, & self/ into the honor and respect of miracles (as best you understand them to be), an opportunity arises to believe in the existence of questions, that can & will be answered through the relationship RESPECT FORMS, and honor allows.

The truth about disciplines and honor in your own hearts, will be tested for life or for death. If women do the best they can, ALL WILL SURVIVE. But if they run away, or hide, or fail to do the work honestly/ then ALL WILL DIE.

THEREFORE TO MEN AND CHILDREN; ENCOURAGE and honor the women in your lives/ honor their requests "and make them leaders in your midst, push them if you must: like it or not, the world is at stake/ grow up and take charge." BECAUSE, NOT ONLY are women the solution or the problem to population controls/ as each problem grows & erupts as a potential crisis: men will turn to the battlefield and war. WOMEN WILL LOOK FOR ANY OTHER WAY, and you WILL face many crisis moments in the years to come. Truth says: women will decide/ because their ways are different, than men. Therefore because the world is now dependent upon woman: whatever they choose as fundamentally right or wrong, it IS their right of leadership to demand that is how this will be. Women must choose, give them control, support them and protect them from harm. EVEN if she chooses to have sex, with other men: BECAUSE SHE MUST, find the courage to do the job/ {a part of that process is to honestly "make mistakes" if you are wrong, and either survive, or accept the terms of death, or lesser punishments: is this NOT the way of many men/ clearly it is: thereby it is fair} give woman control, or die. But do ask for honor and discipline, because these determine if she can do it/ at least after the first year, she must find that too. DO NOT believe in your pride/ choose your life. What you expect is irrelevant/ because reality now demands: "The war of woman has arrived, and there will be consequences: pray for her, it is important". It is today, as she defines for herself and the others, exactly how she will rule the earth/ and what she will do, and what she will demand. If there is no honor in her, then you die. If there is no passion in her, then you deserve to die. Woman will lead, or hell comes very soon. All of history proves this is true/ because man does not expand reality into a need to salvage all life: he chooses to expand reality into a need to destroy enough life/ to give me room, and possessions, and winner. You have no choice, man is done/ even if he refuses, man is done. It is completely irrelevant whether "you/ I / or she likes the reality"/ we absolutely have no choice: do you not understand what weapons of mass destruction means/ it is man's answer, literally! If you don't believe they will be used/ then you are a fool, and an idiot. If you don't think so, then consider this: at the current rate of 2 million more mouths to feed each week/ you must kill 2 million people each week from now on/ just to stay at the population level of today. You must kill about 3 billion people just to get back to the population level before world war 1/ and men could not sustain that population; they went to war. Do you truly believe population reductions by war in these numbers could be achieved without extinction? Really/ Your life, depends upon your answer. The world depends upon these decisions/ you the world, are in crisis; even though the coffin has not yet been built.

Some advise, as has been true of my whole life/ you cannot help everybody either, I could not/neither can you. As to the financial crisis of the world, if you have found an honest way (an no one steals it) to get "a life preserver"/ then when reality has bottomed out/ go and purchase what will make you money: NOT what is luxury or want. Be aware of resources required, needs of people, and realities that will affect you and the others. Learn the lesson of whatever business you enter first/ and remember BEFORE you can make money, you must build a customer base, and be able to keep them as customers: what you can do, is less important than what you can in fact sell.

Motivation means, I have come to the moment my own decision has purpose. Inspiration means, my life now, understands a decision must be made. The difference is WHY. The consequence of why, is the foundation upon which we build ourselves. Therefore : WHY do you exist/ WHY do you desire to exist/ & WHY do you believe in eternity or not? Are important questions for you.

Reality states our existence is 3-fold: the energy which gives us life/ the genetic instructions which compose body & mind/ & the creation of eternity which is "built into us as a message/ as a soul". To achieve inspiration you must accomplish the reality of belief in each of these as respect/ no respect, means no function within the parameters that lead to thought. The energy or freedom of movement & hopes for expression & experience are dependent upon "the house: body/mind" within which you live as an identity worthy of an invitation to find life. What is not to respect? Should not everyone be inspired/ excuses are unworthy of you.

The desire to exist is our communication with ourselves as an identity of creation. It is our presence as a body and our appreciation as a mind. It is the composition of miracles that begins the journey into destiny, and it is destiny that searches & motivates us to seek meaning & the purposes we initiate as our life. The expression called belief, is our communion with the examination of our soul. Belief investigates the understanding of descriptions in reality & comprehends the instructions in truth to assemble & assign creation: to a conversation in spirit! As you grow "into creation", an ascension beyond the gift of genetic invitations/ reality shifts, and honor reveals "the light of life, in you or me". Light thereby comes to mean, the evidence of my truth, the beginning of my eternity, & the soul that has become my home: instead of body or mind. These are steps in the creation of eternal life for you.

There are many people who surrender their lives because they feel their body, mind, or reality HAS or will fail them, and they "wish to HIDE, in their fears". It is an extremely poor decision/ leaving you vulnerable in all ways, to the invasion of mental failures and the formations of futility. DO NOT surrender/ it is always wrong. Instead live the life you are granted, as best you can/ to the very last hour of the very last day: and be happy, "as miracles ought to be". Understand this simply: when GOD Decides to use your body, mind, or life for HIS WORK. Then it will be made quite clear. This is not a surrender, to be HIS SIGN OR TOOL, IT IS your honor.

If you can, honestly help others, then provide food, & basic needs only. If you cannot/ then remember this HAS been coming in plain sight, for a long time/ and since the others REFUSED to help themselves/ it is not up to you or me, "to wipe their butt, and change their diapers, they chose". Plenty of opportunity was evident, to investigate, examine, and decide for themselves. A lesson, "it don't matter if you don't like the tornado, headed right for you/ IT DOESN'T CARE about you" [this is a financial tornado]. YOU are required to make the correct decision or you die/ that's the simple truth of it. Like it or not, ALL the weapons and various plans, images, idols, numbers, prides, etc than men have devised cannot protect anyone from the truth of resource loss, population explosions, or destruction. Your machines are useless, your medicines are worthless, against all that is coming: Only true change will let you survive.

I have considered and understood the problems of today for a long time/ but since NO ONE would work, listen, or help/ ALONE I prepared as best I could. A lesson, "everyone said, happiness must be bought, but very few are happy; they need wants to replace their soul". But very many are PROUD and selfish. Everyone has said, "can't happen here, we are all in the same boat together, therefore we cannot sink/ {but boats do sink}." WHAT IS IMPORTANT, is life is about MIRACLES, and they are simply magnificent, if you would only open your eyes. Life itself is about a clear invitation: where such true miracles exist, [minus all the human failure]/ they show true love, and the possibilities of MUCH MORE could easily exist. The search for life is a true adventure, with almost no rules: except put GOD FIRST, and don't hurt anyone/ especially someone else. You may however protect; even yourself, as necessary. LOVE is about our reality, and our truth as we find ourselves faced with tears, & opportunities that need us. I DO wish, these all could be honored/ but current reality simply refuses.

Because power has ruled this earth for a VERY long time. Power is a failure, a competition to deceive love, and steal hearts/ because these people WANT; PRIDE & SELFISHNESS: more than love. love does not tolerate these. So today, the real question is: will humanity accept the price of love; Or cast love aside, and reap what they have sown?

To the reader, YOU

the questions presented/ the answers given assemble a distinct proof, that I am the messenger of Revelations. The possibilities assigned by Revelation 12 are clearly in evidence as well. EVEN IF you do not believe this, the realities established/ and the foundations built in knowledge and wisdom depict a future that even YOU CAN see & understand. Therefore the life or death of this planet is NOW IN YOUR HANDS. YOU, man/ woman/ child are all responsible for the outcome of these truths, and the formation of these realities. It is YOUR CHOICE, to pass the information along, or not/ and seek discussion. It is YOUR CHOICE to establish woman {THE ROLE of women is NOT for power/ but peacemaker} as leaders of this entire world, or not. It is YOUR CHOICE to examine, investigate, identify, & decide about every potential tragedy that awaits you, and change the outcome, or not. It is YOUR CHOICE personally to work, to pray, to accept reality and truth, to love, to honor & respect/ Or to die. IT IS NOT ANY OTHER, THIS IS YOUR DECISION, for your life: Just as it is any other persons decision for theirs.

HONOR WOMEN, if they succeed, you live/ BUT if they fail, all die. Do what you can for them all, do not be stupid, careless, or proud, Be alive.

This is not, a men will be their slaves; this is, women will simply decide for society, they will determine wars, rights, sexuality, and control government: because the evidence states, men have literally decided to kill and exterminate us all. Do you want them to act on that? It is true.

The focus of time assigns to the relationship we have with life here, a need, "for contingence plans"/ as survival, the potential for pain, and the honesty of a current destiny that reveals humanity will die: without change. Therein survival means, I have come to the moment of death, and passed by. The compensation of death is simply: its over, I need not do this anymore. The reality of death is, I WILL NEVER do this anymore! The opportunity of survival; life gives me choices and the freedom to be alive. living thereby assumes the identity of your most precious moments/ and time functions as a focus that references these moments as your life, the treasury of your existence. NO ONE, who survives a test, ever says, "I just had to go shopping/ buy a bigger whatever/ win another game/ or steal something else: etc/ etc/ etc. These do not describe life/ they are each one a diversion from your life, that you DO use to avoid the constant truth: that YOU are indeed ALIVE!

Life says: your freedom is a gift, and an adventure in time, that reflects the creation of you, as a value & a friend in the eternity of existence. If you are convinced in yourself: "That you are an enemy, a disgrace, or would simply rather be dead"/ then existence is a threat that people attempt to avoid, with diversions. Either direction, becomes the reality of your life/ your truth.

The consequence of people who do die for you, or become badly injured because of you: resides in the truth of their soul, "you may have {the extra}, but NOT my soul". Therein a declaration of life is made, that I do find "your humanity, worth more than my time/ BUT NOT more valued than me, as life itself". The reality of pain WILL attack this nobility, and confront each one with the SIMPLE truth: Your time is a gift to you, a blessing to you/ not to them, they have their own, WHY do you regard this so cheaply?

The foundation truth of your/ my life, must then be; it is NOT a failure to respect my own life, but the honesty and reality beyond my own, that assigns to me a NEED to help the others with all I do have. The "coward" says of truth, "lets believe in the LIE! They then do often stand and declare in public, the lies to hide truth, intending to deceive, even themselves. It is the "price" that makes them afraid of truth/ but it is the truth that makes them cower, and fear their shame. EVERY BAD decision, is a reality that cannot be changed/ once set into truth, the reality is completed. As life in time, our reality in time can change, but our truth as life remains "fluid" until death sets existence apart from time, and reality is then judged. A bad decision is common in humanity, we ALL experience this truth, MOST of the time the consequences are NOT horrific, and we DO learn to be more careful with bodies and lives. If you are one of those whose decision was a catastrophe for yourself or others/ then understand simply, a focus too small, IS an accident waiting to happen. An excuse inside yourself, that removed the humanity or life involved and replaced it with a purpose and a mission. These are dangerous realities, having been judged as necessary to claim your full attention/ the people or life surrounding you, are diminished as a presence in your life, to be ruled by your own composition of work, time, or space. Therein leadership occurs, and lives are sometimes lost. This IS a part of who we are! Because focus is a demand for detail sufficient enough to make decisions necessary for our survival. Where that focus is for power, your failure will be judges as EVIL: you chose NOT to care/ or YOU chose to destroy. Where that focus is about survival and lesser things than life/ IF you are truly sorry {your life changed}, forgiveness by humanity is appropriate and fair. WE ALL FAIL, at times and in many ways/ even when we don't recognize it. The lesson of life here, EXPAND your existence beyond the moments or tests of survival, & experience the essence of eternity BEYOND time. More simply, allow existence to teach you, that life itself is the only purpose necessary/ and survival the only mission required. That DOES NOT eliminate the need for focus upon distinct problems or failures of life or the possibilities of life/ but it does understand the basis of critical truth is NOT upon destruction/ but upon creation itself. Here the opportunity to survive, becomes the will to survive: where you choose to accept life, by building upon yourself, a new creation in truth of you.

Truth is a foundation that brings you to thought/ & thought is a foundation that brings YOU To GOD ! You cannot come without both.

Pain is a leader/ because it does demand your attention/ and changes existence to the expressions of survival. It confronts discipline, and demands your participation & focus in the reality called time. The question presented: DO YOU love your life/ or do you love you time?

The answer you give, is a destiny you create BEYOND yourself, for yourself. We are an existence & experience in time/ but LIFE is an existence and an expression in energy beyond time. The constant battleground of a relationship built as one life or the other. If you build only as time; then death will destroy your relationship with energy: either as dissipation/ evaporation, or as HADES (A WAR, to remove your truth judged evil, "one atom at a time") therein you will NEVER win/ but continually fight for "every atom"/ because the "furnace that eats life, will then eat you when you lose."

BUILD a relationship with energy, as creation transforms self, into a destiny called life: a place where existence is FREE, and honor gives you the right to participate in eternity, AS LOVE.

LOVE is a discipline formed in the truth of CREATION, HONOR is transformed "as the light of this world". HONOR therein exists as the seed that becomes valued in eternity/ while LOVE is the reality convinced by truth,

"That YOU are my SOUL"

this is the foundation that brings us life.


For every life.

The invitation to you, is simply are you Worthy to be loved?

This is not a hard question, Read JOHN 3: 16 in the bible and believe it. Your own truth, at the time of your death, is your own answer. I do not regard this as a religious passage/ but more correctly a simple truth.

In returning to pain & the compositions required of each of our lives; reality can be VERY harsh. A simple toothache, a demonstration of pain that can be over-whelming: I do know exactly what that means. But pain is a generator of many questions, and is always very specific about its truth. A question in regard to the demand to abandon my own teeth: is translated by me, as a lesson to you/ instead of abandoning the poor, & choosing to punish them more with pain {so you can buy something to throw in the garbage, instead of helping them} is a pitiful expression of who you are: YOU MUST DO MUCH BETTER, as a society.

As to the other pains which DO seem likely, "to be coming"/ honor protects: while WANT deceives, and selfishness controls! WHO then will truth prove you to be? CAN YOU choose well, or better? Can you/ then will you? The destiny of life on earth is based upon the honor of women/ man HAS already failed and HIS destiny on earth is sealed: if he refuses the rule of women, HE DIES. If he refuses to help women succeed, he dies. Truth alone will help. Every truth and reality, in soul, life, spirit, prayer, and even mind & body agree: this is true. And cannot be changed. Women will rule, or life ends.

WOMEN EACH HAVE ONE VOTE/ as to the reality of this vote, since their lives are literally on the line too. When any girl achieves "a period", it is her sign/ that she has indeed achieved the right to vote, and will be called woman as of this purpose. She will vote. ALL LIFE ON EARTH, is truly in the hands of woman/ she will decide; THIS IS FAIR, AND TRUE. MAN is done.

The world, and the universe itself, Is literally waiting for their decision.

The reality of this world, will literally quickly force change to come. The destruction of the american economy is complete, "like it or not/ a few remnants or not"/ only the lies are left: to die. The question is WHAT NOW? Is as simple as survival itself. For the first few weeks, when everything is slowing down or stopping/ it is critical for the nation, and the world/ that humanity brings itself to face this new reality and accept the truth of fundamental change. Or it will sink into REVENGE, and the catastrophe of "rivers of blood". The difference is as simple as a court case of significant reality, & truth: to establish a foundation that "we as society, and the world" can accept: that this is enough, to re-establish our lives. The fact you will not want to, could not be more irrelevant.

All basic ingredients for this purpose are established in the four documents presented here to you. Their only purpose is simply to salvage society, from itself.

The most primary need of life, is food & water/ apart from health, & winter. That means simply all local governments must use their available funds to feed the people & provide water and sewage. ALL other expenditures for government are done/ their jobs, or their salary as officials are lost, just like the others. Because survival demands priority/ and a primary component of failure, is the government official: you failed/ you pay. When you have accomplished this/ then it is time to start the process of examining reality and understanding truth, NOT as simple wants/ but a destiny decided by your previous actions and reactions: THEREFORE a true need to do much better, and look at life in a different way, before you are destroyed: because that is the destiny you have chose for today. The consequence of leadership of the past, is death/ YOU have attacked nature, in every sense/ YOU have failed by accepting destruction as your only savior, and spent every penny of your wealth, because you did/ YOU have failed in everything. Whether you like it or not/ you are done, by replacement with women and their ways, or death: This is your only option, and your only choice.

There are a few critical responsibilities that must be dealt with, such as nuclear power plants: don't neglect them/ identify them and understand your options before giving anyone the right to make decisions for you. THAT CRITICAL FAILURE, "letting the expert decide"/ is literally the principle cause of your disgrace. Throw the expert in jail (if you wish)/ and find RESPECT: for the honor and honesty of making your own decisions and living the life you do choose/ not them. Voting for someone else to decide for you/ is not a vote, it is "voodoo"/ a guess at how they will vote for themselves, instead of you. You must vote on the issues themselves, for yourself. Keep it simple, keep it short, and don't be pushed into more than you do in fact, need: want is completely irrelevant/ life rules, and want is a disgrace and a lie. If you do well, in a very few years, america and the world will benefit from life choices that have never before existed for the majority/ you will have peace/ if you refuse power, selfishness, greed, pride, and lust. You will "like it well". BUT you must choose life and live as love, and friendship/ or you will fail: and sink into Armageddon. I have news, "freedom of expression does NOT include the right to manifest, participate in, or infect others with hate". Sufficient detail is included to examine and define the limits between hate, and reality. What you want IS IRRELEVANT/ what is honor, truth, & reality all deserve RESPECT: Not the disgrace, evil, apathy, or violence of your ways/ these simply degrade life & society. What purpose exists, that fails or causes failure/ that would allow you to "call it free" in any society. Hate is removed, from all media/ all public conversation/ etc. The reality of life is for peace/ the reality of peace is for life. You will discuss harmony, not war.

YOU ARE sheep; constantly running away/ hiding from/ fearing reality/ and surrendering your lives to those you believe to be more powerful & dangerous than you. STOP IT, and understand simply: those who have led you for at least the last 50 years in america, WERE FAR MORE STUPID and FOOLISH, than the majority of common people could have ever been. The life of the majority teaches truth, and reality/ and those who don't understand get a more severe or repeated lesson. The lives of those from the university, have used power to insulate their existence from reality and truth/ and therein simply fell into lies and theft, as they searched for pleasure and the freedom of making you their slaves. They succeeded/ but only in lies; now it is their turn to lose. They DO owe you an apology, but pride will choose arrogance instead: the purpose is to beat you into submission with more words. These are the wolves, a pitiful human existence. Stop all those who try, by removing their platform to get your attention/ shove them into a corner, put a dunce cap on their head; and refuse to listen, until reality proves they understand the shame, for all. If you refuse to "FIX THE PROBLEMS, BY LETTING TRUTH DECIDE NOW"/ then the balance will soon turn, and you will have no choice but to die/ because the earth and its reality will turn against life itself; causing all life to die; YOUR contributions to this reality, will make it Armageddon or hell on earth. Because your contributions to life, ARE of a murderous intent. YOU DON'T WANT, to pay the price/ well too bad: YOU stole the merchandise/ you said pay later/ you attacked the planet, nature, and decided to depend upon extinction as your savior/ and when it has been demanded of you, change now: YOU SAID, "Not now, I am going to get mine first/ or not now, let me die peacefully of old age first/ or not now, we are addicted to consumerism and greed and drugs and gluttony and everything we can grab: NOT NOW! Ok then, the lies are dead/ and your reality is changing: today is the day/ because you would not do so, any earlier. You demanded to be forced!

If we examine just a little history, to find clues to the consequences of this day/ president reagan comes to mind. His solution was to bribe, flatter, & give the nation away to foreigners as fast as he could do it. Reaganomics simply the most severe case of moral dysentery the world has seen in a long time. Reaganomics stole everything it could, and people praised him for it: because they didn't want the truth/ "tell them a lie". The most blatant greed of course was the dot. Com's. Of the stock market/ wherein the country was convinced to abandon all restraint and surrender to greed. A vile and corrupt mix of insanity and failure. President Carter did much better/ but he too proved to terrorists, "that we could be bullied". A very serious error. As to current reality, in the same way the techniques used to buy ground for the nation of Israel, and force the Palestinians out changed their world/ the americans have slept, only to find their nation sold as well. Take a look, at who owns what. "But its ok"/ because you got your stuff, didn't you: pity its all worthless.

As to Israel & Palestine/ these 2 have fought for thousands of years. Which means literally, neither has a justifiable claim to the property/ they used blood to determine possession/ NOT to build a life. Instead of nations/ these can only claim the religions that they serve. Instead of simple humanity; it is the rules & religious laws that compete for power. History proves, what is man: CANNOT resolve this reality: He is too proud! Therefore what is woman, MUST endure the task of dividing the property for & between the 2 main religions of the area, with a small but honest piece in-between for Christianity. JUST DO IT, as women/ and present it honestly as a compromise that respects life. The results will give you peace/ do you not know who the men are that make all the trouble: then you also have the opportunity to convince them however you choose to support life/ rather than death. Let every woman write a list, of problem men/ and assemble an organization of women to demand justice, if any woman gets hurt. GO AND SCREAM at the men in your lives, and make them understand reality. BUT FIRST, organize/ understand what it is you truly desire/ and choose to fight for peace, life, and love: let the american women go first/ if they cannot, you cannot: pray instead and choose eternity.

These are then the conversations & definitions set before you, to assemble an invitation to recognize the failures of man, and the opportunity of women/ that humanity may begin again. We all know, unless tragedy hits your life/ nearly all are deaf/ because to hear, MEANS: you are literally required to act, to change, and to accept the price of your actions/ and or purpose. The realities and truth of this day, ARE CLEARLY SET BEFORE YOU: there is no place to hide/ no possibility to run away: you will die. This is NOT A GAME, this is your true choice. The message is delivered, from me to you/ "As a child" that will die in your arms, unless you care enough to keep it alive. The reality, like a woman or more correctly mother/ "this child" has grown without my true influence as a living creation: it has simply revealed its own life, in its own time. But now I am done, with all the words that were to be given to you. It is your turn, to let the others die/ turn away/ or simply do the best you can do: like want the others are irrelevant to your reality/ to your eternity, DO the best YOU can. Understand, what is ridicule, is primarily a sing of "the dead" in that person/ or more simply, it is the regur gestation of judgments against people in their past, that were called insignificant or less. These measurements are then the ridicule of the day, they are judgments, that will turn into a measure of hell for them. Simply leave them alone.

The consequence of being done with the prophecy of Revelation as written in the Christian bible, means simply: "that I may now step out" of the experience and assess the consequences particularly to my own life. Revelation is a complex forecast of the future, as built upon earlier prophecy, described in the Hebrew bible. Both are complex associations of "visions" that had to be told in fantasy, because there were NO WORDS, to describe what the prophets saw, in any other way. He who interprets the message/ IS the messenger. When it is interpreted, the time for its prophecies to be fulfilled has come. Reality knows it is impossible to understand anything; unless you enter within the relationships that distinguish & depict the formation of the events that display and reveal destiny. The destiny of Revelation is simple & sure: it says DRAMATIC CHANGE will occur in humanity, or life on earth will die. This has been discussed herein, and is true!

As to "the messenger", the words herein defend the statement it is me, and the reality is sure: because the content of the message proves it is so. I do not defend it otherwise/ nor am I interested in defending this further.

As to Revelation 12: This is female response to the reality of life in the book described by Revelation. But the writer is male/ which means he NEVER truly understood this part of his vision. The consequence is: the search for what it means to be woman, somehow fell to me/ I don't know why. Which therein became the story you have read. You should then understand the relationship in prophecy, HAD to be displayed by the truth of woman in life. The consequence is "a spirit of woman, DID take me completely by surprise, and enter my own. In many occurrences, I always entered/ therefore I NEVER expected to open the spiritual door of woman, and have "what is the essence of woman" come out. Clearly I could not be invited in/ therefore it was appropriate for "the spirit to come out".

I KNOW, that for nearly ALL, a conversation involving "realities, that do not exist in time": IS WAY TOO COMPLEX for simple conversation. But you may think of it a little like this. Before you can identify something, you must be able to recognize "at least some of the parts, & pieces", in reality. "Woman got a look at me too". We both got an education, without my permission : I just didn't know it was coming. Even so, before it is possible to understand a truth, that is completely foreign to you, it is required that you enter their world, & learn to at least communicate with each other. While literally "a little too shocked" at the process and methods employed to instruct me: I have now come to the point of acceptance, that allows an opportunity to examine foundations, actions, & decisions/ therein NOT completely "baffled, by the reality anymore."

The DEMAND of Revelation 12 IS WOMAN WILL take control of human society and rule it, or all will die. It is her right, to accept the last chance of humanity or turn away/ because she is just as worthy as any man, and it is her life. Man HAS decided to kill humanity, because pride refuses to stop all that threatens life, and a thousand things are standing ready to destroy the earth and you. not just weapons of mass destruction. Men are lost, and have no clue what else to do/ but they will never again have the opportunity, because they have built a destiny to destroy life on earth: man is removed, and his fate is sealed/ only woman can save his life: only women can keep him and the earth from Armageddon, because he has damaged so much.

As to the issues presented of sexual property and me/ rather than a personal life to return to. The demand is real/ because the consequence of life or death to the whole earth is SO SEVERE. NOT as your savior/ but as a property to be used, abused, or raped by women in their own quest to find a way to deal with their new responsibilities. I don't understand how to survive it, or endure it/ nor do I understand why me. Instead by its simplicity, I do know the body is given as a tool, and a sign of what is right/ and what is wrong; should women use it on their own journey to leadership and life. The actual reality cannot be considered as sexual, at least by me/ but is more correctly the visual confirmation of what men should expect if women rule. A tool to decide how a resource could best be used/ and what do we do, if it is abused. A reality that is "a touch" over-whelming/ and that, IS enough whining. What will be, will be/ good, bad, or indifferent: because my life is literally dedicated to honoring GOD with my own honesty and truth. I cannot be what I am not/ therefore whatever is, is allowed by GOD, and I will simply do the best I can; no more whining.

Irregardless of that, "By ruling as women"/ DOES NOT MEAN, everything remains the same. Instead, AS WOMEN organized for life, love, peace, and harmony: YOU WILL design a new world order and social life, as women would choose it to be. Women will begin anew! This is the end of what man has built/ because man has used his time to prepare to destroy all of GOD'S CREATION. Therefore he is abandoned as ruler of humanity/ never to return. You will all die, if man remains or becomes ruler again/ YOU SHALL NOT do this, irregardless of what woman wants; she is ruler of life on earth from this day forward. IT IS TRUE, or Armageddon comes, which means GOD WILL NO LONGER INTERVENE to keep us alive. If man rules/ he will rule only for WAR, and the end of life

As to my own life, and the woman inside: it is true, that I have abandoned confrontation as a means to "an end". I NO LONGER desire the common male malady, "either kill it or cure it". But instead the introduction of woman has proven, it is time to seek new ways, & new methods of interaction that fundamentally create new balance/ rather than conflict to resolve issues, fundamental truth must determine the way, the reality, and the actions used. The difference is; instead of war, the foundation of law must control completely. There are no more heros, or villain's/ instead we are people living under law, and we the people must then control the law completely, by our own vote. What is law, must control international dispute/ with an international policing force/ and an international court: no "security council"/ equals under the law. What is war/ shall not ever again be "people to people"/ but rather the removal of leadership as decided by law, and the failure of leaders under the rules of law. What is war, (beyond the removal of weapons of mass destruction) is then "an army of international police with backing from every nation/ and every nation represented in that army/ navy/ air force: that goes and stands at the door of the nation, and says to its people/ give us these leaders, that we may put them on trial for you. If the people fail/ this army proceeds to the door of leadership in that country and says: surrender yourselves, to trial/ and we will insure, no death sentence will be issued by the court. If the leaders fail to surrender, then they will be attacked by the most efficient and least deadly means available to this army. If the leaders are killed/ the army goes home. If surrendered to them or wounded, the army goes home. If the people, or the military fail to surrender their leaders, then every direct confrontation will be deadly, however if it proves necessary: every option to redirect the people's opinion shall be used instead of death to the people/ such as the sewage plant will be demolished first/ then distinct infrastructure, as desired by this army will be targeted: warnings given, and then destroyed, until the leadership is removed/ then this army will go home. If all goes without significant conflict the people will be asked: ARE THERE ANY OTHERS, who must go to trial here/ that are too powerful for you? And these too, will go to trial. The court of all nations, decides.

There will be NO weapons of mass destruction/ no instructions/ no anything that leads to weapons of mass destruction or their tools: you will calmly declare to the scientists involved, that they shall declare their locations and jobs for the remainder of their lives; so that they may be tracked. You shall warn them of true torture and disgrace, should they be found participating in any manner or way with the re-introduction of any weapon of mass destruction. You shall tell them distinctly: YOU shall never work for any military, or commercial, or industrial interests with military connections again/ if you knowingly do, you will be jailed, not less than 7 years, for minimal hazards/ and you will be killed for anything beyond minimal. The issues of a comet hurdling to earth/ therefore we must have a nuclear device, are very minimal. If the world agrees however, 12 nuclear devices may be held at one facility somewhere in the world/ by world agreement, to confront this: but at least 3 component devices that detonate, or allow the rocket to be used/ shall be held somewhere in different countries, on the other side of the world/ preferably in at least, twelve different countries, no one with all 3 components . Only the international court, can bring documents and men to gather them.

The issues of national peace, are commonly secured with a happy society/ that does not steal from itself/ and that is not threatened with eminent extinction. Equality, a useful and honest and honorable PUBLIC court with fair proceedings/ accounts for nearly everything except access: that is fundamentally completed with an education/ tools/ and shared resources. The reality of sexual conduct and needs, MUST be dealt with fairly for both sexes/ not on current moral grounds, but as women see it as being done: men did poorly/ they are removed from leadership. Those men who fail to behave will be dealt with as women decide, not men. The foundation of business is not "how fast can you grab"/ as is the current situation; formed by men. Instead the foundation of business shall be, "of what benefit is your work to society". Here, the reality as reward, is not to be "power, control, sex, or slavery"/ but an honorable society, in which you are acknowledged as a life force for us all. We share the work/ the risk/ and the rewards. Very minimal criminal activity will result.

I have no real clue as to the further presence of my own spiritual or physical existence. I see NO difference, between the value of male or female/ its just a different body, spirit, & life. BOTH ARE GIFTS, FROM THE VERY SAME GOD ! How honored and lucky, we both are.

I have one niece, who desires to save the life of every critter she can (a lovely thought); and it presents a lesson to you for this day. As I have explained to her, if you save every one, then pretty soon: it will be necessary to eat them, because the "money: environment & its ability to sustain us all", will run out. Reality REFUSES the consequence of what we consider to be "better". Instead of our opinion, truth will demand order, & the consequence to the whole of life on earth, will be considered more important than your decisions. When we interfere in nature greatly, we all fail: every time.

In this regard, an issue not sufficiently discussed earlier, is the removal of gas from under volcano's/ to remove the primary explosive power, and limit destruction. DO NOT assume, the removal of gases from under all volcano's is a good idea/ it is not, that gas gives room to the fundamental processes going on at the crushing depth in the center of the earth. To remove it all would lead to a nuclear disaster/ as the failure of process would then restrict the movement of magma, and that would lead to intensely hot spots within the center of the earth. A BAD situation. But in very sensitive area's, of eminent eruption, "the gas will be let go anyway": but the reality is the magma still needs relief in this area, and "drilled fissures" for stress relief should be incorporated instead. These too are not simple, as the relief of volcano's does represents a delicate balancing act for the earth in rotation itself/ both as a counterweight distribution, and the effect of fluid motion colliding deep inside the earth with obstructions, on rotation itself. Be careful what you do, the reality is severe/ but in the case of yellowstone especially, the failure to act will change the environment of earth for generations: you must do the work. As you have been told already, the volcano under Yellowstone national park, is ready to erupt at any time: literally! Every day you delay, is another gamble that would result in hundreds of millions of lives lost: it is that big. If not america/ then as a world, come and do the work: of relieving the gas pressure, that endangers the lives of so many people, environments, and places we need. Don't be stupid. And don't let words, and the liars that use them get in the way either: DEMAND an immediate world conference on the reality and the solutions available/ and do something, even if it is wrong: the danger is real, and the threat is sure/ time is NOT on your side.

Another lesson from nature is: if you stay in the wilderness long enough, there will be predators, who WILL look at you as food. It is the level of starvation that matters in this. In the end, when humanity begins to starve also, these same predators will also begin to look like food/ and sooner or later in starvation, one predator or the other will attack. If you know you are going to die/ then the weapons or danger, no longer matter: and that is the truth. If you add woman & child/ the woman will demand of the man: go, and kill that predator before it kills this child or me. Asked to help, most women will refuse/ even if they know, "without the man/ they will not survive". Do you understand the lesson?

In summary, there is no hate for any relationship that does not intend to destroy all life from the earth/ not for people, places, or things. BUT if you don't stop destroying everything/ if you don't let women have their chance/ & if you don't RESPECT LIFE AND GOD !

THEN when you are dying and now willing to change because you are forced by death itself, and at the door to hell itself. THEN KNOW THIS, YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE/ AND YOU MADE YOUR DECISION.


Investigate, examine, pray, & decide before all possibility ends; if you fail to understand this as truth/ then you will be slaughtered, AS THE SHEEP you are.


Do not assume/ there is NO "going back"! Whether I live or die/ whether this message is attacked or not/ whether man, woman, or child says no: the days of decision HAVE COME. THE REALITY OF JUDGMENT IS HERE.

My choice is over/ only the reality is left. Make your own decision, and accept the price, and pay it as best you can: Don't be lazy or lost/ BE HAPPY, that we as a humanity, are given this grace period to rediscover life; instead of simply being discarded. PRAISE GOD AND JESUS. (He brought me here to you). I am not, here to lead you/ not here to control you/ not here to convince you: my job was, to deliver the message, and that is done. Neither do I say, I am so valuable that women would fight over me, or even consider me a resource/ instead, as I have done with my whole life, "I live the message given to me"/ no matter what: that is what belief comes to mean. Simply, once accepted as the path of your life, you must go where that path leads: how else can you reach your chosen destination. Whether I live or die: Follow the truth, and you will survive, at least for a significant amount of time and generations. Or do better, it is up to you. " BUT WHY" WOULD characterize a great deal of my life/ as it identifies many a critical moment of doubt as to "is this correct/ or am I just wrong" in spiritual understanding: most of these were about pride/ but others were about the maladies of life, and how people came to behave the way they do/ choose the way they do. It was an education, revealed here: therefore I do say to you, I have no idea why on certain things, but they have always revealed knowledge that I could never have gathered in any other way. This is not a temptation, " it is my understanding of spiritual questions, that I have no immediate answer for"/ and that is all. YOU must pray intently for yourselves, because whatever is chosen in life/ must be dealt with as a truth; either for good or bad. If I had walked away simply, "it is certain, I would not be here". Still my life is not a reward to me, it is simply the construction of a man: a far harder thing, that is perceived. Just because life is found, only when pride is removed. Although simply being a man, has come to be "but why"/ the reality is we just have to live it sometimes to find out? Irregardless of the consequences, the journey is shared for your benefit. Good prayers to you. My work is done, I do wish you well. The rest is up to you.

For absolute clarity, nothing written by any man or woman can be considered perfect/ we are not perfect/ no language is perfect/ perfection is simply not a human reality. The words are however "of good quality, and can be used successfully to assert and discover many things". They are honest, and honorable; even if they allow ridicule of me, and fundamental "slap in the face" grow up consequences to you. Even if they are less than you might expect of them. It is up to you to pray and believe as your life defines your destiny and your fate. Eternity is a personal reality/ and should never be confused with religion: eternity is decided upon your beliefs and your truths and your actions, not upon the others/ therefore they have no say. The book of life understands the creation of you/ the relationships which made you who you are/ and it knows why, you have done the things you have done. The book of life is inside your mind/ to be revealed, on the day of your death: it will testify for or against you. It will curse you, or it will bless you/ pray for forgiveness and be healed by repentance: why should you die to eternity?

One last thing, as to the question of frustrations and anger and hatred that will be directed at me/ it is only a matter of time. Women will come to my aid, or "I will be gone from here, dead in all probability/ because I have proven, I could be a threat to many with money, or hatred, or religious zeal, or just too proud". Already, someone has been throwing rocks against the vehicle windshield, that I own/ I was not in it (several new "rock cracks" are suddenly visible): as if it were my fault, the others ruined their own expectations. My responsibility for your problems, does not exist/ when I could not convince ANYONE, to work for better: I simply refused to participate in these tragedies anymore: until today, when you are forced to make your decision/ for life or death. But as we all know, humanity is far less than noble. This too is your choice as women/ it is not mine. Neither is this for my benefit, as I would not ask/ and do not ask for that; instead these are very serious matters, and I do believe I can help woman lead, and life survive. Time will tell, but as it is with life, one serious mistake at the beginning/ and most never recover. Therefore I do say to women, "I am not going to attack you in any way, simply help if reality requires it: or truth demands it."

A side note: a useful drawing was removed without permission from my office/ although the primary description has been given away, the reality of "parts and pieces" involved was not, and intended and drawn for the purposes of women. I do expect any financial reward that would be generated due to that drawing be returned to woman.