In our reality of existence, is the certainty of very many people: that believe everything is just fine/ leave it alone! These are PROUD AND ARROGANT, claiming or intending to claim everything they could want: just so, they can shove it under someone else's nose and say "loser". These are blind & ignorant, and a failure if they will not repent and be equal. The question of this day, is our future survival as a world. Instead of running away, it is ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT, to accept the understanding of this moment and be completely honest & true with ourselves/ so that wisdom may reflect & recognize our destiny.
Today, "I see", in the tragedies of greed, gluttony, want, pride, lust, hatred, etc, etc. The relationship humanity assumes with life is: "I can have anything I WANT/ so long as I am the winner: that means you must be made a loser". Herein the creation of weapons of mass destruction, did form. This is the simpleton declaring "it is good to be stupid"! OUR TRUTH IS: our humanity is dependent upon fertilizers of which one at least will soon disappear/ & another be prohibitive due to energy realities. we are dependent upon an Ocean dying: global warming is changing food distribution by altering currents and more/ pollution/ the coral reefs & other shore structures "the incubators of ocean life", are quickly being destroyed/ over-fishing/ etc. a thousand assaults, from every direction are clearly occurring or about to occur because of human pride & want (nothing more or less/ just pride and want). These threats are going to change our lives, our planet, the nature that is life {our genetic structures}, etc INTO HELL. This is the destiny we as humanity have chosen/ even a fool can see it: therefore no excuse exists. Life says, change or die.
Change begins with understanding, but occurs because of the truth of your decision. What is honest & pure, creates a new truth in you. What is less than real, becomes the temptations & manipulations of power as time goes on. The critical question of change exists as "seeds": these are "full of information & the energy required to begin"/ but then life MUST take over, and the desire to survive the situation "personal to you" MUST be accepted. This is NOT, why did this or did this not happen to me! Rather life is about the opportunity and possibility that is yours alone/ the relationship that governs our existence together is all, that "is ours". So then these ARE personal decisions/ that prove either "for life/ or for death" IS indeed your choice.
1. We must REMOVE WANT, and therein achieve the first step to accepting happiness, as our reward for life. The resources will soon be gone/ leaving humanity with only WAR, to divide the rest: or you will remove want, and share. This is your choice/ and you have no other.
2. PRIDE MUST DIE, in its every form/ thereby allowing and protecting the truth, that WE ARE EQUAL.
3. HAPPINESS is a complex beginning to a life beyond yourself. Therefore the KEY is to remove your focus from everything that is less than true life/ and expand your living into the blessing of miracles.
4. SEX is NOT a complex relationship/ without love, it is merely a "little war". Sexual behaviors at every level of HONEST life & love, IS a complicated expression of value & hope & courage & peace & ecstasy {the joy of true friendship, forever}, and more. This will become a study in reality, that will define your future, as it is essential to the happiness of being human. This will NOT remain as it is today, a tragedy of many levels/ but will form around the honesty and truth of NEW relationships between men & women. Man has had his chance, and failed/ it is woman's turn.
5. Business is our participation in survival & the expression of life. Therefore work is a right, and SHARING the possibilities an absolute REQUIREMENT! The result of sharing returns society to a more diverse, friendly, & stable local economy/ wherein every reasonable effort is made to use energy & materials wisely/ becomes the norm.
6. FREE means simply: to do what you please, so long as you don't hurt any other. Some zoning is required/ but the use of "community law, etc" to control the others SHALL be discarded, and life will be whatever it will be. LAW will control/ but not "frivolous" excuses for control or disrespect.
7. Religion must accept the responsibility of assembling BASIC acceptance of each other: by some form, "a we are the same; attitude"/ find some common ground, and share it. Otherwise, as time goes on, it shall become a wedge to drive the others to war.
8. EDUCATION is required, because it opens the doors, for a life you do choose. Therefore every education IS ABOUT THE INDIVIDUAL reality of what the student desires to learn (of honest things). But everyone will be taught skills for parenting, physical fitness, BASIC skills, financial realities, & government responsibilities as WE THE PEOPLE.
9. Social responsibility, IS your agreement to do your share, and NOT ridicule the others. JUSTICE DEPENDS UPON HONOR, & honor depends upon you. Freedom declares, "I CAN be a wretched mess"/ if I so choose to be! But duty says: this is NOT our judgment to make as a society/ rather the law must decide what cannot be tolerated as a nation. Because anything more, will bring "justice down; to apathy, anarchy, & disrespect". JUSTICE MUST BE PROTECTED, and that includes freedom, like it or not.
10. CHILDREN ARE more than we can honorably describe, therefore miracles in their own right. IT IS a responsibility of society to care for all its children CAREFULLY/ Even, if that means the old are abandoned: because we must choose. This is not a death sentence for the old/ nor shall it be said "I hate the old"/ I do not. Rather this is a critical sentence demanding those who are ending their lives will not supercede those who are beginning their own. What constitutes a critical decision in this concept of responsibility, is a nation by nation choose for yourself vote: with NO OTHER DISTRACTIONS, an issue and discussion presented: majority rules. What constitutes a responsibility to the child is NOT a vote. She and he, will get access to commonly used foods, medical care that is NOT extreme, parental help (because it is important), and an honest beginning to their lives. BUT no woman shall have more than 2 children/ we are simply too many now. There is no choice in this; with extremely few exceptions.
The time to plant, has clearly come. The reality itself has been "reexamined" with fundamental prayer and thought/ to bring about the discovery: that my soul and spirits agree, "I may not proceed"/ instead this is indeed a necessity applied to women, and they must do the planting themselves. My life and mind argue: perhaps they need help/ are they ready? But reality & truth reply: the foundations are laid, "all the cultivating of weeds & field preparations are complete" and if they will not participate now; or very/ very soon: then they are not able, and more work will not change that. I have otherwise prepared to help women, and pay accordingly if necessary/ but women shall do the "planting as best they can/ with the help of children and men as will help"/ because women must lead the earth and humanity very soon. There is NO choice in this matter/ women shall lead, or the earth dies.
Planting IS "the struggle to place seeds in the appropriate time & place/ where GOD then , HAS prepared the opportunity for growth and life." NO farmer, "grows a crop"/ he or she merely plants the seed, weeds the ground, fertilizes where possible, and the crop grows or fails, due to all the things a farmer cannot do. Your job, requires prayer/ and the honesty and truth of where your own heart leads you to go. Do the best you can, no more than this is required of each one. There are NO "souls" to be saved/ that work is done. All have been saved, if they accept the price. Therefore as farmers, woman's job is to understand and do, what it takes, "to save the earth itself, from man". This is a decision/ this is a commitment, this is an honor or a curse/ dependent upon whether you and the others do your best. The blessing is, an honest opportunity to alter life and establish "A woman's way". The curse is: even though men have failed for themselves and all life on earth, and will descend into hell without woman leading/ they will still blame you, if you fail as well. Fair is irrelevant, if you do fail/ hell, is hell; a truth beyond your true comprehension in this day.. DO NOT fail.
As to me, I will help woman so long as she seeks peace and happiness for all/ until the day I die, if she desires it to be so/ and GOD allows it. Life is that important, and the children do simply require all the assistance they can get. As to the "spirit of woman" in me/ I have come to understand, learning more requires I actually surrender the "male parts and pieces to her", and be a threat to who controls no more: more simply, I will never get the controls back/ never again have a say, as to anything sexual/ in every sense "become a baby; by the truth woman gets to do to this body anything she likes"/ but she must also protect it, or it will die. As a truth to me, this is harder to surrender than it sounds (I have never not liked being a man/ never desired a moment without the opportunity of a choice/ not even a complaint); but as a reality, the day will come. The distinction is quite simple: the human decisions of this day will become a dead earth/ and an end to all life; that is what men have done, we are "the living dead"/ even if they won't admit to it, it is true. Because we cannot survive the reality coming. Woman is the only answer there is/ therefore no real choice exists. I am asked before to accept the task of a "journey to what is female"/ and agreed, therefore irregardless of anything else the decision has already been made. GOD DECIDES and HE literally owns my body & life. "it is a good thing/ because GOD KNOWS , I do not/ what is important"! I would have to say, the consequence of these possibilities are not gentle/ the reality of "the woman in charge" of my reality, is likely to mean the tits presented to me are likely to grow/ as this would separate me from men. As a man it seems likely "the woman would raise her flags, a little higher/ as her demands are met". The reality though is "the fact these tits are small, have been a respectful of my life/ and the honesty is, accepting her demands, does not make a victory for her or a loss for me/ it is just the price, and I have chosen to pay; so I don't know. As these words are to be viewed on a much bigger scale soon/ it really won't matter much anymore. The possibilities of being a woman are not a threat, truly I don't care; although I have never considered it before this period of time; for even a moment. I do find peace in the understanding granted to me; that the man and his identity will not be lost/ instead my little nephew (who was much like me, shall inherit it/ as he had very little time to form his own); he holds a "little peace of the spirit in me already, and will be found"/ this is NOT a physical description. There are questions, but there need not be further answers/ time will tell, I have no predictions. Time on earth, is now up to women/ this is her day and her decision, for all life.
The accusations against me in this day, are all lies: "I did not & cannot cause an american depression (did I borrow the money for you? NO)/ I do not honestly have any desire to lead anyone/ I can easily think of "a thousand things" I'd rather do, than face your tragedy, but there is no choice; you are going to change or die/ and no amount of whining, hiding, or crying will change that. I am not your enemy; instead I am a believer in JESUS , and it is my duty & honor to deliver this possibility of life to you/ and this warning of hell is required as well, so that you do have a true and honest choice for life, and a future on earth. Even so, when the men honestly believe there is a chance woman will rule them/ they will revolt, and an attack against me is very likely. The truth is, "humanity today, represents the living dead; because that is the future of your decisions"/ therefore it is literally insane to work against woman: but to many that will not matter/ they are insane. Just like today, when people come to understand the reality of american money/ they choose to be angry with me "for telling the lie/ and the theft/ and the cannibalism of children": that too is insane, but because they do not desire to pay the price, most do attack or hide. If you continue to hide, you will die/ and the earth and its future with you. DO NOT do that! Find some courage, and live as life intended you to be. As a fundamental truth, this your planting now represents the 6th version of this message; what you do/ what you choose/ & why all determine what will happen to you and life on earth: it is your choice to make, my participation in your decision is done. I have become a tool, and a property for learning. If you choose wisely, you will expand your lives into spirituality and life/ if not, then that too was your choice.
Reality states, although it was never intended as a bribe, the use of inventions to "stimulate an interest, using foreign governments" is WRONG. Therefore it shall not de done. If women do not accept it honestly, it will be unnecessary to do anything else. Truth states simply: this work is sufficient to its design and task. Therefore if women refuse, it is their choice, and I will respect that. The critical issues of survival do NOT exist without them/ therefore I will simply "do whatever pleases me to do" / until the day "the rapture" comes; and the living go home. YOU will remember, this is a day of failure/ it is the surrender of human life on earth, as well as all that lives with them/ to their own hell. Pray for humanity and life on earth/ until that day is decided at the very least. Remember as well, This is also a day for those who are alive, and will enter eternity or heaven in joy; an eternity of MIRACLES & LOVE.
GOD !!!!!!!
It is, simple and true: if not before, then on the day you know for sure, that you are in terrible trouble/ you will come to me. But it is true, I have no use for that/ only GOD Can save you. Do not come here/ instead pray that your own pride and want do not destroy everything. Support all the women, and protect them/ if they fail, you go to hell. Believe it or not!
As life decides, it is only proper and fair to add:
If it is necessary, for simple understanding ; to add what is strictly personal/ just to be clear, about my own intentions/ my own needs: so that no one confuses you. Then this is my statement.
It is real in me, that my true desire is To HONOR GOD, And to THANK JESUS / FULLY RESPECTING BOTH. Life is a blessing because, GOD Made it to be so. My own life is a blessing, because of the lessons & truths granted to me By JESUS. I am not more complicated than this.
LOVE is an honor, an experience that becomes absolute as life, transforms "moments" into the fearless expression of a discipline conceived within the order truth describes as "JOY", and HOPE, COURAGE, & RESPECT. Love is "more than words allow".
Some will argue, "he only WANTS SEX, he only intends to use women". But I will tell you true: if you understood or comprehended the possibility of these numbers, and a complete lack of control for me/ NO ONE would believe "for sex". No one, who can recognize the reality of a life or death situation approaching us/ can honestly or honorably say, "he intends to use women"/ it is NOT so.
I DO have love inside, I do not "feel in need"; but love always "reveals a door" to those who honestly come looking. And I do have room for others in my life. SOME will view these words to be: "he wants MANY women"/ but that too is wrong. As a man, the only question that concerns me: is can YOU be happy with me, & this life I live, and the help I can give to your life? If the answer is honorably yes, then love has a place for you. If that answer is no, then as it is required for life, at best a need can be filled if necessary/ before your journey continues. As best I can/ reality decides.
LIFE is a decision, not to be measured or judged/ but embraced as a reality in freedom, that brings Value, Passion, & Purpose to the essence of "Being me". It is LOVE, held within the truth of a destiny worth living that opens the soul, and reveals a home, to each one.
The reality of "returning to innocense", and accepting dependency upon women as my life, SEEMS harsh. But I will hope & time will prove if women can and will do better than men. I have NO prediction, I simply cannot know what is in the mind of women: all extremes exist, the question is, WHY do YOU, desire life?
As a man, my existence here, represents the opportunity miracles present/ therein the possibility provided to me, by the question: WHAT is life? As a man, my journey is to understand the question, and find answers. I cannot conceive of "female"/ I simply have no reference apart from what woman provides: and they hide. It is NOT polite/ kind/ respectful/ or wise, to search where man is clearly not wanted. Therein a question exists: DO I work here in this way "for women" OR, is my own need for understanding so great/ that I would endure whatever it takes to learn what is hidden from my grasp? I DO suspect this is WHY the "spirit of woman inside" DEMANDS ABSOLUTE control. But I do say to you truly, I AM plain and simple (life has become a little hard to describe, any better than this), and completely without a desire to control woman/ women/ or child/ or men either: not anyone. But I honestly would like to continue controlling me/ that however is surrendered, and will remain so as honor in women, allows it to be/ even then, my choice would be simply to quietly "move away". I give you my word, there is nothing here to harm you/ I AM honorably and honestly here to help you. I guarantee, women are not the only ones adjusting their lives to the concept and reality of what these truths could mean. The reality is, I am having trouble adjusting to the idea of absolutely no control sexually or in other ways/ it is given, and that is true. But it is still a consequence that requires acceptance as a reality; completely and with no alternatives. A reality that proves in all honesty, unless women reject me completely/ that I will never get these controls back, they will be gone forever. There are no questions, simply truth and the need for order in my life that goes beyond myself. It is the order of life and truth, the honesty of what women will be that decides life or death for us all. I KNOW, that you are worthy (are you not GOD'S CREATION )/ but I know not, if you can defeat your pride/ or your want. This is not a question of life/ but a reality of mind and heart: only you can answer it. The reality in my heart is simply, how do I survive if everything is stolen/ the heart says, have faith in woman? The truth is, GOD WILL DECIDE What shall be allowed to happen to me. Therefore the answer and its truth are given/ the reality simply lags a little behind. In all truth, if I should indeed become physically and mentally woman as a true miracle/ these things are simply blessings to come. If I am to remain a man, as I am, then I will do the best I can. Only time will tell.
These are "the final developments for decision"/ what is critical for survival/ for life/ for society/ for women, and ALL other "hard decisions" always come first. What is life for me, does not even belong on this list. But honesty knows, "the confusions/ the delusions/ & the fantasies" MUST be altered & healed, before honor, honesty, & work can begin. The potential confusion is, that conversations in "love, sex, & even knowledge" can lead to the comprehension "he's talking to me, and that is true"/ but these can also lead to expectations which are physically impossible. Therefore a beginning has been made to alter expectation, by presenting situations which remove the romance, & demand a more careful, or different look at the very same thing. The delusions are potentially, an acceptance that I might be, more than I am/ because of the content of the message extends beyond common parameters, and that leads to misconceptions, about the impact I can have on any other life. I am a simple man, or "even in some sense, a mother"/ but NOT an alien, NOT a god, NOT an enemy or a leader/ just a messenger. Therefore attempts have been made to reinforce reality. What could become a fantasy, is the expectation "that I can fix the world/ smarter than average/ or something else: none are true. Instead, as humanity, we must work together, or we will all die together: it is NOT a hard concept. I can however help woman to achieve leadership & understanding, and that is my goal here/ as to personal help. Fantasy also allows men to believe, "kill him" and our troubles will go away/ this is not "far-fetched", take a look: men led you to evolution/ they have tried to murder the planet in a hundred ways/ war is their method of dealing with any problem they don't like. Insanity, stupidity, failure & disrespect do surround us all/ therefore it is NECESSARY to seek the protection of women. Even though I really cannot imagine what being surrounded by women is like/ reality and prophecy state there is no other way. Recently I have been considering the details to all this, & the reality of complete dependence on women, and find "even one in a million women" is a great many women/ because this is a world wide matter. The possibilities, prove it is unwise to continue/ but the reality, truth, and consequence all prove it must be done; if not for women, then for me/ because I just can't stand by and do nothing. Prayer accepts my participation, therefore life agrees.
It is sure & certain, the respect necessary for life itself, to be aware, to participate/ investigate/ & educate yourself as to the possibilities and opportunities of life, are lacking in many. Therefore they won't understand, and will fail to comprehend: tomorrow is simply an extension of today. It is sad & true, the value & passions necessary to engage yourself in life, and prepare the disciplines required for survival, are lacking in many. It is a foundation of existence, that creation means: YOU MUST participate. Therefore no one is allowed to hide, even though many will and die. Much of all this is caused by a failure between the sexes; to be what each needs the other to be. As a critical comprehension, reality states & truth knows: that man must know more about woman/ and woman must know much more about man. Because nothing is healed, unless you do understand what has been wounded. To that end, the woman's chest I have been given, is studied when life requires it to be; after the chemicals arrived, the experience of them can feel, "kind and gentle"/ definitely for peace and not for war. As a man, that's really about all I have learned, "it's a little strange to me/ hard to describe". Women shall know much more, because men have chosen the basic & true dimension that is humanity and the sexes today/ and woman is in hiding because of it. Women have badly damaged men too/ but the reality is, "the more injured party/ must be dealt with first".
These are all big issues, & fundamental translations of life, at a different level of existence. Therefore pride, the demand to be MORE, will fight against being equal/ pride wants you to be less. Want is the expressions of selfishness, carelessness, & disrespect, and these too will war against peace & justice, that is the foundation of our harmony together. The reality, some will never surrender their passions "for either side"/ this is true, and you must always be aware. If humanity survives, these few will eventually be separated. If humanity surrenders & falls into hell, then these few will experience what people call "the rapture" and be separated in that way. THIS MESSAGE and THIS PURPOSE is about all the billions, who cannot commit one way or the other. This reality is then about your decision and your eternity, if you will not decide/ you are being forced to choose. The difference between those who shall be able to survive, & those who will die, is the simple truth: can you be who you truly are inside, and not judge, not measure; And RESPECT LIFE, GOD, AND JESUS ?
NO matter, how much you may wish to be blind/ the reality is: the introduction of love, dignity, truth, mercy, forgiveness, courage, RESPECT, and incalculable more: as does the life of JESUS Represents: means WE ALL DO OWE HIM RESPECT; NO exceptions or excuses! Your religions could not do this for you [not judaism either], JESUS AND HIS STORY , did bring these things to earth. Christianity is not about belief, it is about the rules & behaviors, "that don't get christian's killed"/ but they do tell & repeat the story. Confused, deluded, or not! The foundation of human society, is then based upon the single truth: what doe it take to survive? The answer is, more than man can grasp! He has had 2 thousand years.
Critical to a woman's understanding of man is: WHAT causes behavior "to kill its own happiness"? A primary cause of happiness is romance {the recognition, this one can honor my heart, my life, & enter my soul}. The common description from man facing romance is: "this is an invasion I must protect against/ this happiness is trying to kill or control me/ or make me vulnerable to attack". The reality of fear, is then a constant disgrace, "of being possessed by assumptions called lies." The issue of life on earth for humanity is then as simple as TRUST! Here, the cause & concern of early Christians (more correctly believers), comes to say: WE WERE murdered, abused, and even raped! HOW can you say, trust?
The answer is: forgiveness grants to your own heart, passages beyond time, that honor life, and nurture love, as your life. Justice defines & defends by the LAW/ but love establishes peace & life. Two thousand years ago, there was very little justice, & less love on earth. The death of many who trusted in love, proved to the others "the reality of their own lives!" And truth began the journey as the creation of heart! Heart means: I have found in miracles, a destiny that is my own. Soul means: life has removed my selfishness and given me trust! Trust means: GOD has entered my experience, my expression, and become my world. Therefore courage & hope & eternity begins. The value of human existence can never be measured against the true value & miracle of life/ therefore trust is the mercy we embrace, as life struggles to sustain our place in the destiny called hope. Hope is the offering of honor, as wisdom "replaces our humanity" with creation itself, and eternity leads us into family. What is wise, exists/ what is love, expands as eternity itself/ what is life, creates the beautiful expressions, the honest intensity of purpose, and the true passion for what has value: into the home we give to ourselves.
Man has always WANTED to be more, without work, or honor! Therefrom one taught the other to steal, & kill, & lie, & fail: simply because LAZINESS was his goal. Being unhappy inside with this reward/ men turned to competition, and when winning still proved to be "empty inside"/ he then chose to create teams; so that winning would not be so lonely. But that too failed; because NO prize was worth the work, without woman. Woman then became "his prize", and because she was weaker, the gluttony of man caused her to be "slave". The fall from equal occurred because reality would not let "equal, be his prize"/ therefore he traded, and woman became a prize; instead of a life to share.
NOAH'S flood, a real event proven conclusively by the vast deposits of oil and coal/ was GOD'S Anger against all this failure in man. WE ARE very lucky to be alive/ through Noah and all his family; that's the truth.
In our world today, these factors still control human existence. Men still compete; still lie, cheat, & steal to prove "winner"/ still are gluttonous and lazy/ and still view woman as their prize, "rather than the opportunity to experience soul." LOVE has made a tremendous impact on all of humanity/ the words to define & express it: as s JESUS STORY / HAVE presented us all with possibilities beyond ourselves. The impact of woman "as a creator of human destiny"/ has never been told; without doubt, because man has "over-ruled her". TODAY HOWEVER, WOMEN WILL be granted and given the right and the authority, and the power to rule over all societies across the earth/ because if she is not, a curse WILL come upon man. Men have ruled over life on earth, and chosen HELL. Therefore this message, & this opportunity for change and for life, is then about women. THEY WILL RULE.
To women, DO NOT be "fraudulent, sneaking or tempting or manipulating, to anyone. BE REAL, BE FAIR, BE JUST, & BE RESPECTFUL/ do this and life on earth will survive.
Understand this simply, you are not greater than man/ YOU are humanities "last chance for survival". I am sent now, because everything is in place for you/ this is to be "A women's time, on earth". IF YOU FAIL, no man shall you be allowed to blame: LIFE OR DEATH, IS UP TO YOU.
No one is perfect, you need not be/ perfection is a judgment against all life,
including your own. It measures only failure, and pronounces shame as this exists in your own mind/ you are NOT god, and life is more important than control. Knowledge however must be held to truth, wherever the violence of failure can cause injury or death.
As to living, it has been my own life, that reality always needed more. And truth always demanded, in the creation of my own life: I must choose to continue building my own/ because if I die, who then can I help. I too, would wish it possible to go back and explain more, do better, and fix all the failures and all the lives that could have been challenged better, to be more. The consequence of personal freedom & choice, may have proven "too much to ask though"/ as even in this day, the VAST majority hides instead of learns. Irregardless of that, the message before your eyes is a "return to explanations, a reality that meets the needs I can help with, and is the honor of saying to you "choose the truth, and understanding will fix your lives". My own desire to assist in your development is now completed. Only to help you, for the sake of your future is left. If you are to be wise, YOU will find in the miracles of living creation, all that you need to build respect in your heart and life. If you are to find harmony & peace, YOU WILL look inside each other and accept equality shall indeed, be your way: no measurements allowed. If you will become eternal/ THEN begin your journey, and encounter your SOUL.
The issues of anger, jealousy, & revenge will be addressed. The foundations of evil: want, pride, & selfishness/ will be conquered. Anger is the essence of failure, controlling you. Jealousy is a knowledge bound by the certainty of failure, and the lack of your own personal identity. Revenge is "the predator, looking for its prey"/ to kill or maim, just to prove "you can". Evil is the critical relationship between knowledge & understanding, where RESPECT/ HONOR/ DISCIPLINE/ & TRUTH are all cast aside; to allow those who consume, whore, murder, & fail to control. Humanity then blames GOD , and fights to prove, "they are superior". HELL IS COMING, very quickly, unless you change truly. Your assumptions of "being superior to every other generation of man or woman is hereby removed". Written simply, of all human history bigger fools & more horrific behaviors than yours, cannot be found/ due to the absolute arrogance of your failures; your "big brains" are your assassins. As proof, even the castrated demons who sacrificed virgins, KNEW better, than to play with nature itself [but NOT YOU, you not only gamble with all life on earth/ many thousands are desperately trying to cause genetic structural failure: the end of nature itself/ on purpose, what a big brain you have; should we measure it alongside a worm/ it would be hard to tell who wins]. Even the hordes from hell, who killed & mutilated just because they could: WOULD NOT have chosen & then worshiped weapons to make the earth extinct [BUT YOU DID]. Even the most belligerent devils and satan worshipers, would NOT have worked & worshiped, and pleaded & prayed for a fire (fusion) that would completely consume the earth [BUT YOU DO]. YOU, look in the damn mirror (are you not headed for abandonment?) YOU are participating in the extinction of life from earth/ from all sides: YOU consume, YOU hate, YOU fear, YOU fail; all because your "big brain, & the disgrace you follow called university" have led you into a deep pit of poverty, revenge, panic, & potential curses. YOU, look in the mirror, have chosen to exterminate all life from earth: BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO RESPECT, and little value for life in your heart. YOU, look in the mirror, have traded the honor of life, "for trinkets, bobbles, & worthless vanity; dispensing ridicule & extortion/ worshiping gluttony, and greed and power and selfishness; FAILING at every important reality & truth; to choose lies. How pathetic you are. The quest for wisdom is not a game/ there are NO winners or losers. WISDOM is the honesty to accept truth/ the honor to let reality decide/ & the respect to change for life and hope; whatever discipline and work can provide. Your "big brains" have measured you, and fitted you for your own casket/ your own grave. It is your own brain that threatens to consume you from earth, look in the mirror: your brain leads you into HELL.
In the consequence of life, the road to hell literally consists on a personal basis, of 3 things. People choose and thereby fail because of WANT: want is the measurement of others, which then becomes "I am more/ I am less/ I will take/ Or I WILL HATE". These are the "measurements of satan", which means quite simply: GOD cheated me! Truth states GOD Owes you nothing! Those who insist on tempers, tantrums, violence, & power are: "saying in the courtroom of reality GOD HIMSELF was and is unfair to me". It is completely unnecessary in truth to establish what is fair to you. Reality states, either we exist with GOD / or you are abandoned by GOD ; wherein you must become god yourself and create your own world/ or descend into what truth will do to you. LIFE DEMANDS WITH GOD/ Or without: one or the other. Your gift from GOD Is your life/ what you do with that life, is your "gift to creation itself".
The second road, to hell is PRIDE: the judgment of others/ which then becomes "I am superior/ I am a god compared to them/ I will use & abuse because I can/ and THIS IS REFUSE, and I will destroy them, ridicule for my own pleasures, or simply play with their lives like a toy". These are the judgments of "the devil" which means simply: I DON'T care about GOD OR HIS CREATIONS, And I won't share my world with anything I can RULE. Reality states this is "the thief, or predator who intends and works to steal from GOD And then consume or destroy the evidence/ to keep from being punished. TRUTH uses these to display failure, apathy, and tragedy; to prove what love is not/ what respect or dignity is not/ what causes true judgments to occur. These WILL go to judgment and be condemned, whenever order has convicted them to the depths of hell to which they will belong.
The third road is SELFISHNESS, the foundation on which the many other failures of humanity depend. Lust & rape are here, proving your heart is nothing more than a description of LIES. Gluttony & rampant consumption are here, proving your mind "sees, nothing but you/ life means nothing". Laziness & sloth are here, proving the value of your existence has little or no meaning to you. There are issues applied by "being rich". More simply the so-called wealthy, "see in an educated person in financial straits, an opportunity to use rather than help or share with. Therein the struggle for equality and life intensifies as reality pushes the consequence of control to demand either fight, or capitulate and do what you are told. The wealthy "see, the uneducated poor" as an opportunity to abuse/ and do so with words/ decisions/ & realities that force disgrace upon society: as one human is considered as rubbish, while yet another proclaims themselves as god. Wealth is therein an irrelevant reality as it regards eternity/ HOWEVER what it allows you to do to other people is a distinct decision, that DOES participate in your truth. Wealth is a bit like morality/ the human version "of the right to judge someone else"! More simply, it is like the fact "that you have clothes, and another is naked". In reality this is absolutely irrelevant/ it is the humanity that is important not the clothes, not your possessions or title or the lack of them; no matter what they are. Here humanity consecrates the description of possessions, as "THE WINNER, according to man/ a leader of men & women". Want then comes forth and measures these clothes and proclaims the BEST/ therefore pride is earned, who can prove otherwise! Selfishness then adds: "I WILL BURN the rest of these clothes/ before anyone else can use them, & claim equality." All these things "live in the rich man or woman's world"/ to consume them from eternity with greed/ disrespect/ & failure. The wealthy, WILL protest: then it's a trap/ UNFAIR"! Even though truth states the trap is by your own design/ your own decisions/ and your own goals; conceived by the purposes of your own rewards. The reality that greed consumes the heart, leaving you without true friend or family or life, is a choice you make. The reality of disrespect, that you use as evidence "these are worthless, next to me"/ is the discovery of evil and the power inside & outside to play god: this is your own purpose revealed. Whose shame is it? The tragedy of "selling your own soul", just to play the game, for a few years of human existence, simply proves "the mirror you have set in close to your eyeballs, has given you a focus so small that it does not conceive of truth, or life/ just selfishness and failure: because the mind, cannot save your life. HOW POOR you truly are. The poverty of words used by those who assume wealth, against the others: is conceived to judge or measure the others. This is a critical injury to your own heart, a wound that threatens eternity itself, because you have chosen to do so. Can you be GOD ? It is only treachery, deceit, arrogance, or a traitor who would even try/ which one are you? REPENT OR DIE/ because eternity decides who loves/ and truth does not care who you are, it simply does what order tells it to do/ or it defines order, and discipline does what order tells it to do: either way, to hell you go: WHY DO YOU NOT REPENT? The answer is, you desire to prove, "Not me/ I am a winner"/ Even when absolute reality proves this is not a game, and there is no winners. Only those who live, and those who die or descend into hell. STOP PLAYING and grow up.
These are the primary descriptions that lead you: to being abandoned by GOD A fate far whose than death.
The path that opens the door, to life, love, & eternity: Lives in your soul. That path is a life held in respect/ that path is a life honored by miracles, that can not be less than respect/ that path is the honesty of true desire that seeks value from the understanding of love, treasure from the heart that shares eternity/ and from wisdom, knocks at the door of thought, to share the experience of family. These are the beginning of a journey toward life, home, and Creation: as GOD has granted to all who choose life. It is freedom that grants to you "the body & life provided by human choices from those who preceded you".
The blessing of life is, our soul forms the destiny that becomes the intensity and environment of our existence in thought: if your soul is love, to love you shall ascend.
The curse of life is, your brain consumes creation from you, "from dust to dust"/ but reality controls life, and if your reality is hate/ violence/ fear/ or terror: then the truth, that KNOWS "You chose this"/ allows order to complete its task, and give you your TRUE rewards. REPENT OF YOUR FAILURES, OR HELL WILL COME.
There are those who suggest "I spend a lot of time thinking (trying to figure stuff out)"/ I do not. Instead I investigate/ educate myself/ & search for truth. It is truth "that does all the thinking"/ reality that produces the evidence; "my job, and yours", is to decide what is truth and life/ or lie and death. To establish the beginning of thought, some experimentation is necessary; so long as it endangers no one but me. The brain participates in want, pride, selfishness, and simply everything that turns to lies, and tries to consume you. YOUR expectation "your big brain will supply all the greed, power, lust, and more that you can demand/ is merely the latest incarnation of Idol worship; a bowing down to the brain. You are no different than those of thousands of years ago, the same pitiful wretches without a clue for life/ merely an intense want to consume everything. A disgrace from every angle.
There is a small part written about desperation and the right to intervene, when very serious issues arise/ as male to female/ female to male. The reality of severe depression, violence, suicide, or other similar consequences of a world, that simply doesn't care; need not be disputed. The honesty of when does this become a question, requires an honorable understanding of life & the person involved. Too soon, and you change their life, by limiting their own search/ to gentle and kind, and they will never look for another/ too late, and no one recovers completely. It is necessary to talk, and be informed and be honest with each reality. As to the reality of sexual intercourse, the constant and unsustainable increase in population must be dealt with. Therein an understanding of when it is time to die, comes with this reality. As to discipline, reality will provide the old with a percentage of national income, from which they will take everything they need; and decide for themselves by vote, who shall receive and who shall not. They will choose, who lives and who dies by their reality and their vote. The same is true for the rest of society: NO MORE LIES/ either you pay, or you die. As to health issues/ good or bad, healthcare belongs to us all; therefore NO "buying your own health": period. All or none, no exceptions. NO more fertility treatments, but for a few: honestly prepared, perhaps just one child. NO more child welfare, making children "a job". NO more insanity, the earth is FULL!
The simplest concept of being sexually male, "is mine". The active ingredient is, the chemicals do conceive of a personal experience called "me or mine"/ these come from a focus so small, that reality & truth do not escape to become as life/ just as male. Therefrom it is focus and the distraction fundamentally controlled as "mine"/ that disturbs & destroys the value of woman, in some men. Education critically assigns behavior in men to destroy the concept of mine/ and let "OURS" become the expression of honesty, that lives and grows between us/ there is "NO mine". What is male therefrom becomes a door that "lifts & opens our hearts". What is honor, therein becomes the experience of you in my life, the honesty of us, as a gift to your life and mine.
Time is a commitment, that compliments order by proving with evidence, the existence of truth & the consequence of reality. Time applies the purpose of your own life, to the passions of your own heart. Time is the beginning of measurement, measurement is the beginning of judgment/ and death is the answer provided to both. Critical truth participates in our human experience, by assigning to us, one and all, GO & FIND the meaning of your own life. Therefore we are alone/ until the day that meaning includes another. We are forced to recognize love is not free/ but a gift of "the heart", as life pauses for a moment in soul, to become an identity formed as the potential called eternity. We are NOT allowed to become "too interdependent"/ because that would force one to inherit the death of the other even eternally, should they be unworthy. Therein we are separate/ that we ourselves shall decide if we might live eternally. Time does NOT promise love/ GOD DOES , if you are willing to search honorably, honestly, and respectfully: these are the meaning of : "ask, seek, & knock". The question called death descends from the purpose of life/ which is to build an identity in truth, and ask for an eternity in life. If you have sought this with grace, & courage/ then you will come, at least to heaven. If you have journeyed, but knocked on death's door/ instead of GOD'S OFFER/ Stating I am afraid, instead of have mercy on me! Then to death you go/ instead of eternity in life. BE BRAVE, and know GOD LOVES YOU Read John 3: 16 in the bible/ but do remember this, eternity requires everything that you are, "for the journey"; only truth survives/ therefore be all you can be, as truth. Be content "only with heaven"/ if you know inside, this is honest and true for you. There is no place, for whining, NO CHOICE except what your own truth provides: this is the price of your freedom/ and if you fail to accept it, YOU shall leave. The reality of time does not allow for extended whining either, we are a truth called body & mind/ and our place on this earth is determined by the truths that precede us. We have only a few choices physically & mentally to refine the reality we have been given. What we do with the "life inside" defines our own eternity/ because this is our truth and identity. The body or mind, you were given has NO say, in the day of your death: that part of life is over. The price of this freedom to choose, is the identity you must create. The reality of your existence, your body &mind, & your time all contribute to the consequence that becomes your own truth.
My life has known considerable experiences VERY FEW would accept/ these are the realities that have shaped much of me. But contrary to most who do find themselves "the same", many choices existed for a different experience/ and not all opportunities were rejected. The concept of life, is then a question deliberately assigned by time, to prove what is true about you/ and to learn to believe who you honestly desire to be. Sex as a friend, alters a personal existence, by demanding you are not alone; that is a reality both good and bad. It allows "lovely expressions & experience"/ but it also removes the barriers that separate us; and therein critical needs arise. It is an extreme decision, to face these needs and know "you/ I must simply journey on; life demands it". I have NO answer for this truth/ it has no answer that is kind or gentle in the living of life [sometimes it is important to be a friend]. Thereby as to the truths of life, which do shape our lives, sex can literally change everything for one or both. It does take time to learn if this is the person who will truly share my life in reality, or if I/ you can share their life in reality. Sexuality is tied to looks, only for the sake of the child/ anything less than sexual intercourse then has no bearing on looks. Therefore it can only be pride/ arrogance/ lust/ or power. The reality then: if your potential husband/ wife/ or lover rejects or ridicules "the less socially attractive or skilled"/ the reason is, he or she has only one of these 4 purposes in mind for you too. Pay attention and avoid the heartache.
It is my reality, once in a great while, to focus on a solution to a problem/ and completely forget I could be wrong. ONLY when someone else could have been hurt/ do I then remember the failure of my ways: so far, none have been hurt. But it is still a tragedy, to recognize life could have suffered or died/ I DO honestly work at being more stable with these decisions. Accidents do come from all possibilities; most simply from not being disciplined enough, or a failure in the person, or anywhere in between. Be careful how you judge, because truth knows, we are all guilty of possibilities/ even if not by fact. Pride is called "the devil inside"/ because of your own WANT, "to be the winner" is attacking you. Those who do have large mood swings, or exhibit tempers/ do experience this battle between life & death. To live, your life knows you must defeat this expression chosen by your mind. While to die, only means your mind demands to make another life: a loser to you. DO NOT play this game/ DO NOT go back to abusers, unless order plainly returns in their life to prove they have "won their battle with want". The key for this person, the abuser, to survive and even to live eternally is NOT "to win a prize"/ but to accept the honor of life, the discipline and respect of being equal, and the justice of truth and law that protects us all. THESE COME WITH YOUR LIFE, therefore no reality exists to keep you from them/ LIFE is at least 10,000 times stronger than your mind or body or want: please grow up.
Discipline states, the body human is a tool, nothing more as a human experience. Discipline, order, reality, & truth all testify: the human body is a true miracle of UNIMAGINABLE complexity/ a composition so far beyond human understanding "the term GOD " must be used to assemble a concept to grasp, "of a reality beyond anything we are"/ a dimension without explanation. Honor recognizes the intensity of our existence & forms the structural integrity of our beginning in wisdom: the conception of "Our life, with GOD ; the recognition of density as it forms the path beyond ourselves To GOD ! Like a "blank page of paper", our existence creates the expression of our "personal world" inside. What is your decision, populates the integrity & intensity of the "space" that is you. Density forms as passion isolates the development of discipline, and order constructs density as wisdom allows. What is wisdom controls RESPECT! What is respect, isolates and reveals "the doors" of each and every possibility that functions through fundamental formation, as the opportunity called a relationship. Every relationship MUST achieve & accept a disciplined expression of density/ density therein binds each participant into an environment. Each environment (such as your own body) then shares the energy, and conceives of freedom by the movement of mass. The human mind IS a measurement of the density created as a personal environment. The human mind is also a human experience, that allows the personal (your creation) of "devil or satan": to translate selfishness, into the freedom that confuses destruction with life. The composition of life cannot be measured, because it is more than any physical dimension or form! LIFE is the expression of CREATION, as it reaches for & ascends from constant awareness, to the cradle of wisdom wherein thought begins to transform experience into eternity. Life is the creation of love, as the opportunity to reach for & ascend to, The EXISTENCE OF GOD !!!!!!!!!!!! The question called love, is then an environment formed inside respect, where honor uses respect: to explain YOU are "my destiny, my purpose, & my desire in life". REALITY then asks: will or can you be "my family"? This is a decision, formed equally by both sides of every relationship. A decision formed and created without threat or temptation or possessions; simply EQUAL and JUST. To accomplish this decision, life uses time, as the gift of an evidence & a testimony that YOU may method to prove whether you may share "our existence" or not. Here the concept of human judgment arises, the rebellion of measured ways, & the formations that do fail/ DO all conceive of "devil (the demand to win)"/ "satan (the measure of your consumption, thereby your power)/ & selfishness, the expression of a human mind without hope or love. These opportunities, descend from respect & miracles to the foundation of man & woman as time: therein they demonstrate destruction, and produce fears. Fear is the opposite of love, critically assembling the diseases of want, power, greed, violence, & a "hundred more". Fear as a festering disease, then threatens to consume the participants and others/ and as a result, becomes the cause of "idol worship/ sacrifice/ & various other evils that are strictly man-made". EVIL is the measurement of life, and the assumption: "I can, & I will/ irregardless of the cost to any other life: thereby it is the decision to destroy". Evil is the judgment that allows you, "to play god, and endanger or kill life/ even yours". Evil is the foundation that separates living creation from its rightful possession, & fundamental needs/ for your own purposes of failure. The mind works, to control all evil, by its participation in selfishness/ therefore it is KNOWN: that all selfishness WILL BE REMOVED , or eternity will condemn YOU. Whoring, "the addiction, like a drug addict", that chooses and uses people and life to supply you with want/ pride/ selfishness/ power / and more, WILL simply buy you HELL/ AND HADES.
The concept & conquest of the mind, is your participation in creation itself. the fundamental damages, the critical work, the understanding of freedom, & the foundation of knowledge are all minimal experiences that attest to the difficulties of life, & function of reality to establish respect, & the need for wisdom, discipline, truth, & hope in your life. LOVE, PEACE, FRIENDSHIP, & HAPPINESS all build the existence of a life beyond ourselves; that then conceives of an environment far beyond what our experience here will allow. The essence of eternity is CREATION ITSELF! The essence of your participation in creation is the honor of your BELIEF, as a participant in " THE FAMILY OF
The reality of heaven, simply the truth of whether true love lives within you or not/ love is the key "to heaven"/ if you fail, you shall not go. It is simply impossible to describe OUR
The very best we can do, is given to us, as JOHN 3: 16 (from the holy bible). WE ARE LOVED! But truth knows, without respect, we do face the shame, the sins, & the evil of human decisions that are a tragedy about to descend upon us as Armageddon in this world: IF YOU DO NOT CHANGE. Simply humanity is about to be abandoned (DAMNED). THE DEMAND IS REAL/ and women shall rule over all human life on earth, VERY SOON/ or HELL will consume the entire earth, and it will die. This is a "package deal"/ change and women will rule: There are NO negotiations, no options. Change means: YOU will choose for life, for honor, for friendship, and for peace in the honesty and reality truth provides, forever from these days forward; NO exceptions, NOT for any generation that may come. Truth means, NOT by "want/ pride/ or selfishness shall you rule or live"/ but as LOVE demands life shall be, as sharing allows life to go on, and as caring proves it is your decision to do so, and not as a sacrifice. Humanity itself, WILL dictate its own reality from these: UNDERSTANDING CLEARLY, you shall not cannibalize the future anymore.
This is NOT a game/ and there are very few "second chances"/ and none, if you fail to respect! The authority to establish boundaries and limits, comes from the ability to interpret the spiritual reality of Revelations: it proves "an ear exists".
In living, our expression is limited by body, mind, & purpose. It is heart, life, & soul that "lends us an ear, to hear the definitions we would ask of life and truth/ and reveal the moments we are willing to become". The cost of living is the very precious existence of time/ the price of life, the very essence of who we choose to become. Sometimes it is a competition that reminds us, each decision is a proof that we are indeed equal/ even though "the parts & pieces" of our life refuse to testify on our behalf. Life is the treasure that fits in your soul, and reflects the purpose that proves you are more, "than you could every be/ just because you are alive". The strength of love, between true & honest disciplines between man & woman as lovers, and the life they have chosen to form, is the home wherein life & existence meet in the purity of respect; this is found in the grace they do extend to each other, in friendship, forgiveness, & soul. Grace means: I have found in your heart, the message of love for me, that exceeds the things found in time to defeat it... therefore the quest for all that life can be, the honor of blessings you do provide, & the consequence of your truth, is held to be all the evidence needed to prove your value to me. May you find equal & more in me/ a blessing to your heart, & an honor to your soul.
The concept & dignity of strength is the acceptance of truth, and the honesty of your reality. What cannot be changed, cannot be defeated/ therefore if your decision is true/ what is then honest by the consequence of your decision in reality, will defend your life. The dignity of life itself does not participate directly with body or mind/ therefore time itself is not, simply defended/ but your life is. The essence of love, is the essence of existence itself. Existence displays every aspect of value & discipline & order as truth allows & beauty reveals. Miracle, completes the descriptions of life by proving: the respect, the care, & the shared expressions of OUR CREATOR Is love! Love allows soul to be immersed in spirit, and therein life accepts: "The impossible gift", of an eternity found. Love explains value in the sacred reverence of life, supported as spirit grants to our own soul. The place GOD has allowed to us/ to be home. Love does "transform the reality" of our lives, love does establish peace in our heart, love does give us an eternity, in JOY. It is time for you to begin the journey of your own lives. STOP the insanity of reacting/ understand the basic premise of "your own decision"/ and journey in life, to the destiny you are to create for yourself. DO NOT "be what the others would make of you". BE the truth of life inside you: YOU are a miracle, embrace this truth/ even if no one else seems to care. GOD DOES! The past is forever gone, only "the lessons, you have been taught" have value/ nothing else matters, if you have asked for and received mercy/ your own soul knows.
There is a small section of humanity that will always rejoice in anyone else's failure/ because in their mind, it makes them less of one. The essence of being yourself, DEMANDS "the actions, opinions, & methods of the rest, CANNOT determine your life/ you are not part of a flock, "You are a CHILD OF GOD ". If you own soul defends you/ what is humanity will not matter. What is humanity is going to die/ leaving only the truth of your life to defend you, for an eternity. It is true, of the things JESUS taught, that there are references to the concept, "that those who believe HIS teachings, are HIS flock". Given the day, the culture, & the people of his time on earth/ I personally do not accept this as a metaphor in time/ but a description in spirit that suggests we need never feel alone, or without some degree of protection for our lives. My own description of life, accepts the concept and understanding of Matthew 22: 37-40. Perhaps you will find them useful too.
It is true and simple, most commitment issues with men, START because young women especially REFUSE to accept most men need to "talk to many women", before the idea of a commitment will arise. Doesn't mean, they need to sleep with them/ simply learn what women are like, and understand the blessings and the commitment they are asked. If you try to buy a man with sex/ a divorce is likely to follow, because sex is not enough. If they have to buy you with anything/ you have failed as a couple before you begin. The composition of romance is not "how do you like my body"/ but the honest reality of "have you met my heart, have you heard the voice of my soul". If you both have/ then there will be romance. To meet a heart means, to participate in the moment, not as a separate individual, but as a foundation upon which my life can build us a door. To hear the soul of man or woman, is to honor the love in their heart, with your own: you recognized the love, and responded in kind. Reality and truth always establish compassion, honesty, hope, respect, honor, caring & sharing, wherever love is born. If these are ALL not clearly in evidence, then love does not yet exist. If you accept less than love, the value of your own life will diminish. Be yourself, your love is not for sale, and neither will that be true for anyone else/ if it is hardship and pain will soon make them regret it: love must be true. Be at peace with life, don't judge, & don't react, & don't measure (are you sure, that is not you: most are wrong). Live with your heart, don't bury it.
My heart lives in the essence of the day, neither concerned with people, or life, or death; simply living the life granted to me. The consequence of breasts, has now presented a new concept to my existence/ there seems to be an emotional aspect, never experienced before. Just a hint, brought about by "what, am I suppose to do with these"? This is not a fight, just a curiosity/ but not really certain is it's a male or female response (seems female). Never any doubt as a man with a woman what to do with them. An odd feeling of a feminine reaction to the idea of fighting/ DON'T like it. The purpose of this "conversation" is quite simply, an introduction exists/ therefore if the compensation of dialogue does not exist: you will simply make up your own endings, & various other descriptions. I PREFER simple truth. It is of some interest, my mind is still quite different from all those chemicals (tits). It is hard to describe, something is missing/ not as adventurous or free/ a lot of memories are gone. I now seem to be dedicated to some purpose/ but I do not know what it is; it is a little strange. But not all bad.
I have no predictions for the future apart from the physical evidence for the planet/ and the proven history of men, BOTH clearly state hell is coming. If I had guessed at my own future (I never have), it is absolutely true/ only the desire to honor GOD AND JESUS Would have been correct. As to current reality, I am losing considerable memory, a little more each day. Actually starting to feel a bit like a child; innocent, with a lot of room to use in a mind just beginning/ strange but pleasant. I do believe they are honored in these writings/ but you may disagree. Irregardless, may you pray as you should/ and live as life and truth would be honored in you as well.
There is one area of a few more, left essentially untouched: the statement "the insurance industry is bankrupt"/ is not simply a "financial disclosure", instead much need changing here too. [this too, simply adds a few more assassins, it seemed prudent to let them wait].
May you all have "good prayers".
Today is may 17, 2006 and I would have to say, although few would understand the concept: plain & simply male/ but dedicated to the essence of life, and a journey to understand myself. Therefore the following exists. For 52 years, although mistakes were made, & prices paid, as to how people would perceive me, as well as the price of simple ignorance in me/ the reality has always been male. the truth applied to life always clear: simply I do understand "male". 9 months or so ago, the book of Revelation 12 suggested "female", and having no reference for this/ I sought information to clarify how could this be? I consequently do warn any male/ DO NOT open the spiritual door to woman/ just don't do it. I suspect the same would be true for any woman attempting to open the door to spiritual existence as male as well. The reality of today is "the spirit of woman inside"/ she has begun talking to me (not verbally/ spiritually, is essentially an intermingling of thought itself; wherein I may enter the spirits thought/ and "that spirit" may enter mine, making us both aware of reality and truth as defined in each). Spirit is not, "an easy subject matter"/ and you have a great deal to understand before any possibility of interaction exists/ extreme realities in freedom, trust, and faith are required. As to this spirit: She immediately presented a long list of complaints & irritations to me/ only a few of which I could understand. No hello or would you like to be friends or something/ just a long list "to be fixed"/ as if "I am a genie in a bottle, or something". Even so, as is common in most human relationships the problems have to be fixed/ before a true relationship can begin. So I started, on what I could understand/ the spirit of woman then appeared as a vision, in a wedding gown, which was immediately taken off to reveal a very lovely, very visual and close female body. In plain terms, my penis arose/ which was the very first male response sexually, I have had in months/ the instant question in me was: DO I get the controls back/ do you wish to be friends? The answer was NO/ only a test, which I apparently failed. However I was given a "quick tour" of female spirituality; it is NOTHING like a male spirit. This started, as a kind of collage of people and things, then an overweight police officer obstructing reality was seen/ and then a number of patterns became visible (a 5 minute quickie experience): which then changed as if basically my head was thrown out the door/ and my only reference to body or time, the next 2 or 3 hours was, the male testicles being "over-used" (rather like a 50 lb child stepping on your fingers barefoot). At the end a door or curtain is pushed back, & I am in a little room, on the side of a very big room: which is a very large, very/ very feminine, very palatial room of soft colors, mostly empty with a few naked women still leaving at the far other end. I try to move/ but my left foot is literally cemented in the floor: completely stuck. This beside the point
The first question is "why was an acceptance of male existence wrong"? The reality of removing the very last male response to female sexuality means: even if, women reject this message, & the opportunity of my help for their world/ I then cannot go back to being man: at least not without permission from woman. Further to remove this response requires I DO "need to believe, I am a woman in a male body". Which then removes gender & sexuality completely because it is being caught in the middle between male or female/ a life alone, not as you expect. If the body and mind continues, & then becomes woman completely/ then female in that day: otherwise, it means alone. Truly a strange journey/ and yet not a journey at all/ but a participation in a new reality.
What is male spiritually is a journey; and results in definitions and threats that will kill you/ therefore survival is about learning what is a threat, and how to defend yourself. Male means to always recognize the destiny is your structural building, of what male is intended to be/ the path is austere, & plain, almost colorless and without sex or woman (these are only temptations in spirituality/ because they do not contain love). These temptations and more, are all capable of removing the guards that protect your life.
The short visit to female spirituality seems completely different/ it is a participation in "woman's things", with many colors, without basic threat, or journeys or destiny: and apparently with sex. Really, really different.
The question of my own heart: do I desire to continue writing of this/ as so many things about human understanding can go so very wrong? But you were invited at this beginning because it was so "strange to me", and the severity of the message to you, by my hand/ so severe. Some form of humor was needed. Today, there is no humor left. But since you were allowed at the beginning/ you would make up your own ending/ and that is unacceptable, as you would be so very wrong. Therefore plain & simple as I can/ good or bad for either of us/ this is simply my reality, today.
Some will assume "they know why"/ as always, you are wrong. My primary decision in life, IS TO HONOR GOD ! That said, the decision has already been made to journey as life allows to female: read the transcript primarily called journal to understand. As a male, every journey is a potential battlefield, and every battlefield, is a place to be wounded or killed: there are no options, but to continue or die. Therefore I continue, not because woman is a threat to me or an enemy or anything like that; rather it appears quite certain to understand her, she demands to "feel safe"/ and that means no control of male sexuality at all. The battlefield is in "what is male, seems lost & confused". To believe I am a woman "inside a man's body"/ means life will be lived as a woman in terms of defense, participation, concepts, & more/ everything that does not include male: man is forbidden. The fact that I am separated from male or female as a result, is a simply compensated by "life is interesting"/ even if not predictable. The decision is made, although the reality is going to take some time.
Just so you know, being able to defend yourself, strength, courage, and all the rest that is male, as it is intended to be/ ARE worth the price, and not easy to surrender. Doesn't mean women are not the same in different ways, to some degree/ I only know what male means to me. This is really such a change, I cannot even imagine the destiny/ I simply do not understand female, to any real degree. But this is not a question about me/ rather why does the difference between male and female exist: only the reality is confusing, not the purpose. My purpose is to live the life GOD Chooses for me: HE KNOWS BEST. Of all things, the possibilities of life suggest: nothing less than a life with GOD Has any value to me at all. I am honestly and truly honored, just to be noticed/ and don't care about human consequences.
The value of a purpose that teaches, "is a life, that is more than you suspect". That life then provides an opportunity to examine & expand the dimensions of who you are in truth. The clear & certain price is discarding everything humanity will say/ and living in truth, as reality declares it to be. That means GOD IS FIRST, in your life and your reality too. The journey of man is a destiny to be what GOD intended you to be/ therefore the path is as individual as you. The decision to trust creation, and accept GOD Can re-create me, allows for a new identity completely dependent upon love and the reality of a participation in that love. Love is NOT social/ love is personal. Therefore what society says, or does is irrelevant apart from destruction. Thereby what is destruction cannot be allowed to enter what is love. Freedom exists in part, because the message of life is more than survival, it is the decision to enter love/ or pass by. Love shares & cares/ life does not. Therefore love sustains life through respect, work, & honor/ honesty & discipline/ while life then simply competes for energy/ space/ & time. Love needs life, energy, & space/ but it exists as its own creation within its own dimension, and by its own experience/ expression/ & thought. Spirituality is the evidence of love/ creation is the evidence of life/ thought, the ability, the purpose, the desire, and everything called miracle, is THE EVIDENCE OF GOD! JESUS, the evidence, we are not abandoned.
Religions are about society, "the great amen"/ love in personal, therefore religion has NO meaning to me. Death is the recognition, "I cannot go on". Love is the miracle, WE WILL go on together. Life is the experience & expression of energy, freedom, structure (order), & decision; BUT WITHOUT RESPECT, it cannot survive. Thought is the expansion of life, beyond every barrier or restraint/ that transforms experience, expression, energy, & freedom into the consequence called eternity. Therein eternity becomes whatever thought discovers it to be: and this can change or be changed, dramatically.
I do NOT "believe in me"/ rather love is an experience expressed in the treasury of miracles, the life of JESUS , & the blessings of our own humanity. I do believe in love, and the opportunities shared as the beginning of life: the decision to care about life as love: & the purpose of existence as the integrity of thought allows. discipline in then necessary/ & respect an absolute: as GOD IS EVERYTHING To me. I do pray for you/ but only you can decide "the relationships: that will become your life and truth". I DO warn you about all mental understanding, these all lead to treachery, traps, & death: particularly when applied to your own descriptions of personal truth. Truth leads, & reality decides/ the mind merely translates the evidence. In the distance beyond physical time, whatever you have accepted as your personal truth, will lead you astray/ from life/ therein it is fair to say: you must abandon all lies/ or they will kill you.
In life, all life, truth decides by the evidence of reality: we are participants in that reality, and it becomes our truth if we let it choose for us. The mind measures, but the soul is alive: Alive means: GOD Knows me! In humanity, the mind passes by miracles/ only when want, pride, or selfishness blind & cheat the experience of life, from their victims. It is a horrendous human tragedy, because no life, not even your own can be measured/ therefore lost without meaning or value. Instead of living in CREATION as a participant in the magnificent demonstrations of color, movement, sensual expression, comprehension, freedom, & a few billion more/ humanity often trades for: "I AM somebody; to society, or against society". This is failure! WHAT do you really get from "being a success in society"? The answer: greed, jealousy, lust, the power to ruin or change lives, people who lie, cheat, use, steal; and a whole host of other expectation & complaints "what about me"/ not to mention, anger, hate and more, if you do not meet their expectations. Critical invasion of life, if you do.
As to my own life, reality states: I have shared more than expected/ more than intended/ perhaps even more than most will find appropriate or desirable. I don't care, but there is certain to be a backlash/ ridicule/ and some insanity "in every flavor": is all but a guarantee. Reality states to you, change or die/ and I know this to be true: therefore I have no real choice, you must be warned/ even if you refuse or hide or whatever. Revelations warns, & is interpreted to you/ truth also agrees: everything is in place to bring Armageddon to your door, very quickly. Women may or may not come from this invitation/ I do not know, it is not my decision. Life may or may not dramatically change for me/ GOD knows, I do not. The longer your economic depression stays away/ the less chance you have to survive: simply reality. Your gluttony, greed, consumption, and the rest are killing or preparing to kill the planet/ and that means tremendous change to you/ or death; it is literally your choice/ take your pick.
I have done the best I can for you/ I will not tempt or lead you; because this is not "your free will choice then". Don't hide/ WHY DIE in a whimper?
Currently, I am waiting for the IRS to challenge me for the money, to initiate court proceedings/ with or without woman, I will go, to establish the truth/ that you did have this chance. If you fail/ then you fail; there is nothing else I can do/ because it is your behavior that must change, and only you can do that personally, I cannot make you; no matter how important the reason. As to the possibilities of life and living; they begin or end with women, man is done. It is not my right to change their life or anyone's/ I have made my own personal decisions, and these are the days of your own personal decisions: believe this or not.
The current controversy of whether JESUS had a wife/ is NOT relevant to anything you have to decide! There is no great anything associated with celibacy/ did GOD not make sexuality between male and female/ there can be no doubt. Neither is there anything blessed about "numerous partners in sex"/ it removes the potential of what has real value; the honesty of life and the truth and blessing of acceptance: with respect. Innocense is a lovely thing/ but it is not the creation of life: therefore it is personal, and true only to you. The reality is: an education requires great amounts of time and effort/ which leaves little room for all the needs that come with sexuality and interpersonal acceptance, therefore it is very likely JESUS was celibate until the time of HIS TEACHING. The question of an offspring or child, is simply possible/ but that too is irrelevant to anything you have to decide: WHAT is this to you? The answer is nothing! It is however fair to analyze the reality of the biblical description of Luke 7 and the "sinful woman- who loved much"; allows reality to say, "her heart was broken"and JESUS healed her spirit. The question that remains is very simply, many times love needs to feel accepted as well/ and it is here, love may have chosen to do just that. Other women would then ask too/ that would be normal. The assertion by the christian religions of an absolute celibate JESUS , is held by the teachings of paul. Paul was the terrorist of his day initially. Just like "osma bin laden, of today" his targeted enemy was Christians. But GOD saved him, and gave him HIS PURPOSE; whether celibacy is good or bad, depends upon your need for an education. The questions and lies presented by heretics and idiots regarding Noah and the biblical flood/ ARE easily dismantled: THERE IS massive evidence of a global scale flood, particularly in oil and coal deposits. WE ARE ALL TAUGHT, and believe: oil is the result of creatures buried and crushed, in the same place at the same time. that coal is the result of plant life buried and crushed in the same place at the same time. The reality of these reserves cannot be explained by anything less than a global flood. End of discussion.
If it remains your wish to follow lies & liars/ evil as has been described to you/ and so on; then it is also your right to do so. If however you wish to live/ then woman will lead the earth itself, in every nation and land/ truth will decide what shall or shall not be done/ RESPECT shall not be questioned, but upheld as best you can. Freedom is not free, rather it requires wisdom, work, & honor.
I do pray for you/ pray for me as well
James F. Osterbur
It occurs to me, that some will decide spirituality "is the place they WANT to be" (verbal pictures of naked women & other human desires for power considered possible)! THIS WOULD be a very bad decision for most if not all. Want in a spiritual world is literally a TRAP/ power in a spiritual world, simply a war with reality, truth, thought, & GOD .
I have dedicated my life to truth. Only after many years & constant struggles, and true prayer did the door to spirituality open. Even then critical mistakes were made, such as: I am missing 3 front teeth, because 2 were false and I was challenged on validity of these. A mental decision, "to error on the side of caution/ better not be wrong": WAS COMPLETELY WRONG/ because the mind has no place or business in the spiritual world. Only thought, truth, & wisdom. The mind will simply get you killed, or insane. Any judgment, is a disgrace to order & will cause sever alterations in discipline, from which you must be rescued. Any pride will cause you to follow temptation (doesn't matter how great or how low you accept for yourself: anything not simple equal, is a pride)/ you will be consumed, if you do not recognize the lie. Liars do go to hell, which means simply: nothing exists but terror/ because every lie is an intent to destroy something/ therefore your own truth is destruction. What is physical or mental by the value of true life, is minimal. Thought is the comprehension & cohesion of order/ desire is the creation of bonds, and life is the re-creation of living by the freedom to enter inside your own existence. I have lived male, meaning simply a plain & simple experience of "sharp & critical encounters with life or death". The introduction of female, to the consequence of order, HAS introduced a new reality of "soft & gentle curves, where peace & home reside". BOTH have distinct values. BOTH have distinct flaws; thereby need is created, to give each one what the other lacks/ therein creating an expanded reality for both. I find myself, caught in the middle.
The lessons here begin as, the understanding of keys, conceives a new transparency to life, that lives not as male or female, but in the essence of reality itself/ that which is thought itself. Thought transforms existence as life/ life translates existence as thought/ and heart, becomes "the engine" of our passions, desire, hope, love, and many, many more. Heart literally means; "The assembly of parts & pieces/ the creation of hope & belief/ & the possibility that drives our opportunity called life."
JESUS IS MY TEACHER, MY SAVIOR and more! This is my personal testimony/ & I do not care if you don't like it. I am a plain human being, but simply when allowed by the spirit of life inside; as has been taught to me by JESUS : then trust, respect, & truth all grant an opportunity beyond simple humanity. You must be invited here, or you will die/ or go insane.
The first lesson of this reality, is you cannot make life, ANY LIFE, what you want it to be/ not what you demand or expect it to be either. LIFE is the existence of an opportunity, & freedom will decide its truth. HOWEVER only truth that is respectful, accepted, and real will survive beyond this humanity. LOVE AND MERCY, repair the soul! Life is not a game/ the consequence is, miracles as you ascend into GOD'S WORLD / or terrors, as you descend into your own truths
That's how it is/ like it or not. Whining or fears, will not change anything for life.
It seems good to continue just a bit more.
The soul asks: what do you see, in "the colors of you or me"? Life replies, I see in creation the foundation for a quest beyond heart & mind, beyond experience or existence, the opportunity that lives as eternity: the grace & peace of love itself! Humanity replies to this question: how dare you interrupt me with such drivel as "fantasies which cannot possibly exist/ haven't you seen a dead body". The world is proven to be a place defined by human power & greed: colors are for losers". The other basic half of humanity says: what a good question, now if we work it right, "we can be lazy & free, cashing in for money, by confronting people with words & in unedo to use against their boredom". Death says, "what is friendly & free, no longer exists/ therefore reality is all "shades of gray to pure black". The soul is then refined, not by the mind or body/ but by the reality of who you choose to be. WHO then are you? The difference between humanity and soul, is the relationship that forms each decision: humanity uses the mind & body, to control and manipulate their own existence/ by then competing & consuming against the lives of one another. it is their way. Soul is the development of an intensity expressed by love and encompassing the human heart, to give life the essence & grace of an expression in bloom; the reality & truth of a heartbeat that lives in the discovery of love. LOVE is the most beautiful of colors, forming "the halo" of liberty and truth surrounding honor, that then becomes more than any combination of effects the earth can know. The color of love, "Is the reflection of GOD In you". This is a glimpse beyond truth, as the creation of a light beyond miracles.
Creation is a foundation prepared for which life may then arise. Life is a creation, because discipline allows it to find truth. Truth is a blessing, because it binds reality together/ therefore you may survive. On a personal level, I do not disturb the intensity of truth/ but participate willingly in the disciplines that conceive of order & describe relationships. I do respect creation, and therefrom examine & investigate the "true soul" that grants to us all, life. When I am invited to do so. I am blessed by the single reality: that JESUS IS The foundation of my own creation, called myself. For we must attain an identity, or truth cannot conceive of life in eternity/ therefore it is lost.
Life has now changed, for me. Or more correctly, the consequence called male has died/ so says life itself. The issues of want, arise here, as truly I wanted to honor GOD & JESUS And thereby "jumped into a destiny, I did not understand". I would still make the same decision today, because this was not a sacrifice, but a true and honest desire/ colored by want: the want is now gone. The reality questioned me, as if I could accept the same basic vulnerability as a woman: it is after all, their basic reality and truth? I said yes, and have later abandoned "the tools & weapons of extreme fighting". It was a sad moment, mixed with the truth, that women need more defenses/ but I do not feel greatly vulnerable, more simply; aware of potential troubles. This is a consequence not unlike the world faces today; men and their nations, are to be asked to give up their most powerful weapons/ so that life may survive. As men, we do use a substantial amount of life, preparing to use these/ if we must: therefore it is only fitting to accept the fact, me first.
It was my expectation, that because life itself is interesting, that would be enough to survive, "once the male in me died". I was wrong/ and began to be lonely & sad! Therefore I prayed equally to both GOD AND JESUS and they did heal me! PRAISE THEM, I DO! I now "live in trust", a very lovely & blessed experience/ a new delight, as I was unaware to live in trust was allowed. Truth confronts me differently today, before my job here was a messenger/ and was expected to be "a challenger for all that you do against creation, life, and everything else". As such the human decision facing you of life or death/ was not a part of my world, therefore nothing was required of me beyond this/ except NOT to interfere further. I DO now accept, the possibility to contribute "as a woman/ or more correctly as a life to be defined by the spirit of woman inside, Or GOD "/ does now allow me to contribute to your decision. The fact I live in trust, means the issues of male or female are gone/ but this is a place of sexual reference and as such, I suspect to remain/ female or male must emerge in me. The body & mind, are given to "the woman inside"/ and she will do with them whatever she wants or desires to. I have found her loving/ but very determined/ and already some happiness has been replaced by her need to help life itself to survive. I honestly do not care anymore, about the male parts & pieces/ apart from critical pain and basic health: a very simple "not mine anymore". However the breasts do seem completely natural now. The "well-cared for female body is still lovely to me/ but in a different way {well-cared for is the evidence of a valued body, a desired gift from GOD/ therefore a true treasure in your heart, a proven miracle to you. Not because others are not valued/ but it is abuse, errant, and thereby wrong not to value the truth of your own body & mind. Build your body, and use it for your life}. The male body is almost irrelevant/ certainly NOT desired by me in any way. There are now more serious questions of what does it truly mean to be a woman; pregnancy, and all the rest? It cannot be defined/ because I don't know how. As anyone who reads these words can tell: I have no predictions for my own existence/ clearly I would be wrong, will just have to wait.
As to society itself: we are approaching division among all peoples. Because finances will end, and resources are limited or under critical assault. That means certain catastrophic unemployment & abandonment of the poor. That means prejudice, hatred, bigotry, slavery, hopelessness, and no justice will soon be coming to you. Therefore truth states a new & different life will be born/ for you too. Your gluttony, consumption, pride, selfishness, want & power will be traded: for a shared existence with careful respect for all, as justice, equality, & truth allow: or there will be war: your choice! An absolute acceptance of this, and a true belief inside yourself are all that stands between life and happiness/ or death of all that is honor/ respect/ & justice; thereby war. You are then "like me as well" in this change for life. The question is, will you accept HAPPINESS is enough? The blessing of life & the knowledge & grace of freedom sufficient in love, for you? & will the honor of miracles, ascend to the passions of your heart, and let you work, let you respect, and let you live/ are all questions that will soon be answered in you. The quest in your own heart for honor or selfishness will be answered/ the removal of pride, your first test: the reality of love or hate in you. There is no "middle ground"/ either your pride, or your life.
I am a messenger to man, NO MORE/ but have become a participant with woman, instead. All men should thank all women, because this is not the reality expected/ it is a reprieve. The tragedy of male behavior has caused this/ the reality, of how and what you chose. The consequence of truth is, as a man I cannot participate/ the reality I cannot change myself has granted to the spirit of woman, ownership instead: a reality I am still trying to accomplish. The quest to help you to survive, is a gift to women; not simply from me! Therefore it is perhaps only fair, that you are invited, "to visit, a bit", if you wish, with me. At the place I currently live, on September 12, 2006 starting at 10:00 AM . Whether there is only one person/ or more: there will be only one camera & only one microphone. This is ONLY ONE opportunity to visit or ask, & no more/ aside from what woman decides for herself, IN THESE DAYS/within the terms already discussed. There is NO room for discussion/ interview/ or anything else before or after this one time. This is not a media event/ this is for life, or the evidence of your death. Choose.
This brings to "the light" then, 3 fundamental realities.
The first, that time is a teacher/ establishing second by second, day by day, & year by year the steps that identify order. While memory creates a fundamental foundation upon which we build discipline in ourselves: "in this moment, the cause of all this grief or happiness was born", and so on. The critical nature of your relationship with time, must then compete with your gluttony/ or this is a complete waste of my time.
The second confronts reality by the variations in truth, deliberately examined as my existence changing to encounter female spirit. Truth declares, what is female controls the body, by controlling what is male/ not the body itself. The male in me has died, and with it the fundamental control of women. Leaving the question, WHAT did you gain? Discussion then as to the consequence of male & female behaviors assigns to female an explanation of why, did you desire control over man/ when in fact, he would have provided all you asked, if only honor would be found. The similar question to men: WHY, do you abuse woman, to control her sexuality/ that she may not recognize you as weak or afraid? Is this truly her fault or yours? This leads to the comprehension of consumption, and the disgrace you must end.
The last question establishes the beginning of spirituality, as the lesson learned. There are 3 variations of spirit (male, female, & life) for this earth. Each is separated by the reality to which they belong. For instance I cannot fully understand female, because I have a very limited reality. But I can understand male & life. The difference is applied by truth: what is not true cannot be perceived as valued or real. The spiritual realm is "a bit like, (for the purpose of discussion only) the space between your reflection and yourself". The closer you are to the disciplines of time & creation, the more detail you will see. Therefore development as creation in the form of identity, is fundamental to the value & treasury of life/ and you must find in yourself, the respect necessary to begin this path/ if you will learn here. The discussion is limited to the defined or development of respect.
YOU shall come to teach me of the things you have learned/ & I will help you to understand by questioning the reality and truth of your decisions. If many come/ then you will teach each other, & I will referee. Do provide for your own needs/ as I will not be doing so. I will trust, GOD & JESUS / and pray for you/ you are to pray for me: if you do not, then I may not survive. The days for decision called "time begins" start on September 12, 2006/ there is no reason for another date later on. You will know at the appropriate time, if you are to live or die/ by descending into hell. IF IT IS ABSOLUTELY CLEAR, many will come and it is necessary/ "the door will open on September 1, 2006" for those who must make preparations only. Some degree of extra allowances will then be made for media if I BELIEVE it is now necessary. If you fail to adhere to respect/ then either those with disrespect will leave, or I will. This is your opportunity to begin, this is your opportunity to assess the possibilities before you, and decide if you will create a new society on earth/ or let it die. This is not my opportunity to lead you, this is your opportunity to accept your reality/ search for your truth/ and assign the methods and ways of change. It occurs whether I live or die/ can attend or not/ rain or shine. As to the realities of starting this, at the place I live: simply, it is impossible to say, how many will come. Therefore it is unrealistic for me to rent something/ and I will not any longer consider a different decision: you had your chance to be involved in this beginning, and none chose to do so. This is largely open farm ground, and if necessary parking is available BUT you must pay the farmers, etc, honestly. If this meeting continues for a time/ then we will all consider the possibilities of how and where to go, and choose together. This is not a circus/ there is no entertainment here: this is the best I can do, to give you an opportunity to use your own abilities to change your world. This is not about money or rulers as you know them/ this is about life, and the reality: we are "the power of this earth". This is not about media, at this time/ but some allowance will be made. A small test will be provided if there are many/ and from it, your leaders will be chosen; if there is cause to do so. If I am not here, you will pick by lottery/ and each time the crowd increases by approximately double, you will pick again: or if the need arises due to sufficient discontent. There is now, little use for court, in the form of a beginning: therefore if not required prior to September / then it will wait for those who may come. Your own desires form the basis and direction that will become justice or not, for us all/ if you fail, court is irrelevant and useless. If you choose equality and life/ then to court we will go/ and we will be using it: as the power and humanity of all life on earth dictates justice shall be. This is not a game/ this is your beginning: of life or death. This is YOUR CHANCE, to organize/ to network/ to exchange and develop information and tactics/ to establish foundations for the purpose of attacking the fundamental wrongs of society/ to design and prepare and decide if women will organize, etc: in other words, you have no excuse/ you will begin, or you will accept your failures, and its outcome.
Also, do not believe these are the days of glory for you/ as reality comes first; and man has done very many things wrong, and we must fix them to survive. Therefore be assured, and without doubt: this is critically and truly about work, and the needs of life and the hope of eternity for all. There is no place for pride, or flattery, or arrogance, or the rest of what has no value: either accept respect, truth, discipline, order, and reality Or do not come. That is not an order, it is a matter of respect for all! On the issue of respect, it is fair and fundamental to say: although what has been written about questionable sexual consequences to me, was true/ the primary ingredient therein is dedicated to the simple truth, these are issues that many if not all, of the rich and powerful would assault with the intent to destroy. The consequence of establishing critical "questionable values, easily assaulted by themselves/ has left the work free, to expand and infiltrate with the various mailings and other work; it also extends the conversation and thereby greets more people with the true work." Until this day, the work and the purpose are now clear/ the reality we will now face together as life or death. As to the possibility of sexuality: it will be something that is derived from what women want: because the reality is simply "the spirit of woman inside of me"/ does not allow me a choice/ she has a choice, I do not. And I am aware of how strange that sounds; it has been a strange 9 months. The compromise of confronting you; by defining questions for your mind to deal with as to sexuality/ is now removed. Thereby the reality now extends to the discipline and reality of life: the question of how to react, is yours. It is up to you/ I have no clue, as to my own future here on earth: patience is required. The validity of female life on earth is, that you must see to the responsibility of all things concerned with all these words/ and keeping the information available to all people; is now women's responsibility: you are in charge. Of extending the reach of these words to others, and seeing to the outcome of what is to be done here "at time begins": it is your responsibility/ let no man take it from you. This is your time/ that all humanity may have an honest opportunity to defend and choose for their own lives/ and for respect, thereby representing the dignity of all life on earth: is required of you/ not me: I am done here. Only what is dedicated to helping woman is left/ I am not your leader, but I will help you to succeed for peace and love and life.
There are questions about, "what good is buying gold or silver"/ how can it possibly make a difference: what we will need is "food/ water/ & supplies", there is not enough gold or silver to use for money: it cannot work. Therefore "the smart people" say: you are a fool, to buy gold or silver! The fantasies will end/ either with money becoming tied directly to something real, or in complete collapse. Therefore what is real, and suited to the task is gold: as women, you must buy the gold and prepare to take control of the money. Do not accept male control of the money.
The answer to this is simply: YOUR TRAGEDY of financial failure across most of the world/ is based entirely upon the lies and failures of thieves/ the utter and complete stupidity and failure of "the smart ones". What you must understand in your own mind, is your dependency upon numbers: that are simply NOT REAL as a reality in trust. Money is essentially trust/ you accept this simple thing, believing at a later date, YOU will receive something equitable in return. In america, your government officials claimed 109 trillion dollars in assets one year ago: divided by 300 million people= $363,000.00 PER individual face in america today (everyone divided equally owns three hundred and sixty three thousand dollars worth of assets) can you not see the lies? How blind must you be! Your dependency upon "looking at the stock market to judge: is in error/ as you have just spent 9 trillion dollars in credit [$163,000.00 dollars per worker, for the entire american workforce], within 6 months: the books look good, even though NO one is going to pay". How much did you make today, and the year is not done? Can you do this next year/ the year after? Can you continue to consume everything, and return next to nothing to the earth? How long? Take a look at reality {no one removes truth from reality/ you are bankrupt, &will very soon have no choice but to accept it, and if you are not prepared; it will be the end of the USA}. This is a direct result of removing the gold & silver standard that backed the American dollar years ago. "The college-educated whore's, male prostitutes, corrupt officials, homosexuals, and other sewer excretions" / DROVE YOUR MONEY into its own little humanized grave of fantasies, graft, disease, and pathological lying: and made the people accept it! These believed and caused others to believe that the numbers didn't matter/ just pay the interest, because until the money comes out of savings: NO ONE has to pay! After years of lying and theft/ consuming all the integrity out of the american dollar, the day has come, when you cannot pay the interest anymore! Why is this a surprise? Money is not a right/ money is an opportunity that ascends with honor as a blessing to all involved/ or descends with selfishness to the disgrace of america and all others. When the government pensions are spent, you will be done: ALL gone! BECAUSE THESE PRETENDED MONEY, was just a number/ instead of human trust. They lied and made the numbers lie: they are now irrelevant/ because they do not actually mean something real! Your money today is real, only in the sense, not even bankruptcy can save you/ the only numbers you truly own as money, is what you cannibalize from children EVERYDAY. The apathy and disgrace of your disrespect for the young, has killed the honor of this society: only honor can save it again/ but that requires you, "to give the children back their lives". LEARN what honor is, obviously, it does not come from the "college educated/ or the politician/ or media". FIND IT, or die. For clarity; I am not angry or judgmental about those described as people above/ rather I am angry at the pride that made you do it/ at the want, that pushed everyone else aside for your greed & gluttony/ at the selfishness, that inflicted disasters across the earth, because you did not care/ and the power that made you assume, life was a toy you could play with. As to education/ have I not spent my own life in pursuit of an education as well: I have much sympathy for those who have invested time, and the reality of choices; that made love less available because of that work.
These things occurred primarily, because the "college educated sniveling human creations in selfishness, pride, want, and power" DEMANDED more than their share/ and did not care about anyone or anything but themselves! BUT some allowance is granted, because of the absolute failure of weapons of mass destruction/ knowledge of what over-population means/ and the pitiful disaster, of "hell's devils"/ who chose to make these be gods over you". Irregardless of these excuses, extremely little was done to change it/ you surrendered, without a true fight of any kind! Therefore it is fair to say, "to please themselves, the college educated" STOLE the american nation, and then threw it into the garbage, just to keep the majority from sharing in it/ just to punish those who would not listen to them. To increase their power, they then turned to temptation, and demanded your children "to be as their slaves, or face poverty and rejection": a college education is NOT A WISDOM/ it simply says, I memorized/ and did what I was told, without complaint". Ass's kissed.
Does this sound unfair/ an affront to all things "college-educated"? It is exactly the same as you do to those without a college degree/ therefore it is more than fair: because YOU stole their trust/ but they may only demand your pride. As to me, a college degree is nothing: only truth, knowledge, understanding, & wisdom have a place in life/ if you are wise, truthful, have knowledge about reality, or understand basic life principles we can get along.
Thereby understanding comes to say, BEFORE truth can repair ANYTHING, the reality of money, WILL have to become backed by gold & silver again [it is the most useable alternative/ and it is known]. You will also insure it with a constitutional amendment, that requires at least a 90% acceptance by vote of the american people to make any change.. And an initial legislative acceptance by at least 90% to bring it to the people for a vote. The pathetic disrespect and disgrace of the college educated swine must be removed, as well: no more bastards or bitches using words to lie and steal and commit treason through traitorous acts. So that then the paper & credit & other things you will call money/ can not be used for this disease and pandemic cancer that has threatened human life on earth, again/ and so many times in the past. You WILL control the greed with social actions, as described. You will cause the "rich" to pay for all wars/ by intervening in their lives with increased taxes at the hint of war. Are they not the "big winners" in war/ are not the poor, the people who really pay for war? They are indeed: if the rich man or woman refuses in any way/ YOU WILL CHARGE them with desertion, and throw them in jail: taking whatever you need. You will erect foundations which share and care equally for all. And you WILL accept life HAS limits to human want: and cannibalize the children/ the world/ the ocean/ and life NO MORE! Or HELL IS COMING, to declare UNREPENTANT WAR upon you!
There are questions about WHAT is a male spirit/ HOW does it support the reality of body & mind/ and WHY does this exist?
The participation of all 3 depends upon the destiny, the man has chosen! NO destiny, and man becomes LOST, and may even end in "fairy land" so to speak. BUT if man chooses a goal instead of a destiny/ there is NO journey, therefore NO true spirit can be found. and he will travel from one lie to the next: without honor!
A male spirit is: THE DESIRE FOR HONOR!
This search & this journey prove to the life inside of man, the value of living/ the hope of courage, bravery, strength, & discipline/ this honesty performs the "surgery" of removing the debris & disease, that is NOT a part of man! Therefore the male spirit is born in the essence of destiny/ where purpose comes ALIVE (because YOU have chosen its VALUE to life), and its value HAS become your trusted friend.
Destiny is: the place RESPECT Reveals as HOME! Therefore the journey of all creation is, to return to the "essence of life itself". Called
GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A few will demand, WHY do we have to do all this work? The answer is: to remove those whose heart asks this question/ to challenge those, who shall live with the treasure that is LOVE/ and to divide those who will choose to fail [because they simply WANT TO], by separating "the chaff from the seed".
Some advise to young men: ALWAYS set aside one day a week, for your wife! Dress up a little for her, treat her & all children KINDLY, participate without complaint in each others lives, and learn to be orderly and fair. RESPECT says: when you accept a wife, YOU have declared: this is my best friend, for life. Therefore ACT LIKE IT. Or don't make these promises. If you wish to, "you can choose to hate work"/ BUT if you choose to, you can easily accept this is the price of life/ and my life is worth the price. If you desire it, woman can enter as a loving description of dignity and desire/ but this does come with the responsibility of life. Do not be changed by woman/ change together as life teaches you both: it is necessary. Learn the discipline of life; pride is always ignorant, stupid, and wrong/ want is always foolish, and rarely succeeds at anything: it is the constant, making men work for nothing/ learn selfishness is for fools, because it takes everything of love, and throws it away/ & learn power is a disgrace, because life and love, is more important than anything power can add to your life. Respect yourself, your work, your life, and the people who make it your reality: or find a way to make the necessary changes. The difference between a strong man, and a weak piece of shit, IS: strength does not punish the weak, a man does not demand the disgrace or ridicule of another, and what is life/ Does NOT excrete rape or failure, or abuse, or anything other than courage, honor, honesty, and respect.
To young women: ALWAYS set aside one day a week, "to be attentive" to your husband, or your man, if you have one". ALWAYS believe someone loves you! ALWAYS believe, life is a participation, in a value & treasure we cannot even imagine/ do your share, and be at peace! GOD LOVES YOU DEARLY! Remember honor, and serve it well. But DO NOT believe in "pampering & luxury"/ believe in life, and honor love, with caring/ sharing/ & truth. Remember this well: YOU CANNOT buy a man with your body/ if you do, you become as property and "when the new models come out/ his thoughts will be to replace you". If you sell yourself/ then you become a slave: this as a reality devalues you, and when that happens respect is soon lost/ and with it honor leaves as well/ making you vulnerable to insanity and failure in both of you. Believe in LOVE! Believe in respect as the path to happiness together/ it is the truth. Materialism is simple selfishness/ the result will be: YOU are then measured too/ and YOU will measure others. Thereby losing life and miracles, to the ignorance of being a fool. Life is about love, reality is about miracles, and truth is about the essence of being alive, within the values and responsibilities that sustain your existence. Learn, the meaning of life is: happiness comes from your acceptance of grace/ thereby if you understand truly, that your life is a gift to you; then surely you will find the treasure "buried within your heart"/ the love of GOD.
As to practical matters, the rules "for time begins" are: as to all organizations as may come/ you will collect whatever money you feel may be necessary before arrival here, and allow one person to represent you with regard to paying farmers, food, etc. There will be NO money collected here/ the only money to be exchanged is this amount represented by this person: and you will organize yourselves into one single group that then "pays the bills/ with whatever money you have collected." If, "you run out of money"/ you will not collect it here, nor from this location: you will leave. NO ONE, AND NO ORGANIZATION will advertize anything, at all. If you wish to provide anything for the rest/ you are free to do so : To GOD , and HE will know the purpose of your heart/ do not sacrifice, give freely or not at all; or be cursed! NO RELIGION will use this place to further their purpose/ this is about life or death, and religion has no place here: only belief, and your belief is your own: remember this clearly, the others have a right to their beliefs as do you/ and you shall not use this time, for personal purposes. There will NOT be "rights sold/ or any other monetary purpose gathered here: including media usage, sold for advertizing/ you may report it, but not collect money from it. There is to be NO BUSINESS done here/ only the work for life on earth, in happiness and peace: the learning necessary to survive. IF you come/ then you come strictly because your heart leads you here/ and your soul provides a purpose that is honorable/ respectful/ loving/ and dedicated to truth. Whatever you take away, Is then from GOD . It ends, when GOD Allows it to rain/ whenever that is.
In strictly fundamental terms, there will be NO PERMISSION ASKED/ for the farm grounds needed: {THEY BELONG TO GOD } this is truly for the life or death of the nation, and the world itself/ whether you believe that or not. Truth will prove it to you soon. NO games will be played in the court/ NO excuses given or accepted, this will occur here as described, or not at all. Therefore decide early, that nothing will get in your way, this is for life/ even if I am dead or jailed or whatever: THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO LIVE/ do not surrender it for any reason period! Or you die. Neither will there be any aspect of control allowed over what is needed in physical matters, for the duration of this event: we will return it to its proper condition when through. If anyone comes "with the law"/ to intervene: you will go with them, BUT EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO COMES, SHALL GO TO THAT JAIL AND DEMAND THEIR RELEASE, as needed! If this fails, then we shall go immediately to court and demand RELEASE, restitution, and penalties through the law: BECAUSE WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE LAW/ AND IT IS OUR NATION! NO BASTARD'S ALLOWED!!! The covenant we share with the United States of America through its constitution is simple:
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish............. {THE CONSTITUTION IS NOT DEAD, it is the life and breath of this nation}. It is the constitution that gives a president the right to work/ a judge, the right to sit and assume credibility/ and a legislature the honor to work within the limits the people have set for them. THERE ARE NO EMPLOYEES, AND THERE IS NO WORK DONE, by any employee, that supersedes the constitution: it is the ruler of every employee/ as is granted by WE THE PEOPLE !
A SEVERE THREAT TO THE NATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED; and any who do stand in the way of WE THE PEOPLE and their needs to secure the nation, against "the enemy inside": WILL BE TREATED, LIKE THE TRAITOR/ TERRORIST THEY TRULY ARE!
YOU are to accept the duty and responsibility guaranteed by the constitution/ and do your part: if you are a citizen. If you are not/ then, The world as well, shall consider its own duty and responsibility/ and find no excuse. Because the realities we will soon face, are a threat to us all/ the realities we face today, a very real potential of extermination. The possibilities of horrendous/ heinous/ horrific/ tragic/ & terrifying are all just the beginning. The liars and thieves will ridicule/ the failures of media and entertainment will continue to assault you with fantasy and the definitions that attack respect in you and in others. BUT if you don't find enough courage, to assemble an honest defense here at this time/ then you are just like the people " who let JESUS die", only they had an excuse; they didn't know, those would come in the middle of the night, and murder his life. Today, it is your life being murdered, your children, and more/ and it is you, that will choose to defend each other: or it is you that will be crucified in ways never dreamt of in man before. Genetics will mutilate you/ life will hate you/ reality will blind you/ and truth will make you believe HELL has arrived. And there is no doubt/ but this is only the beginning: if you are so unworthy of life, as to throw it in the garbage as well. This is not a game, the consequences are real/ and your mind can easily "see the future". But you hide badly, even when you can do some little thing to help yourself and others: therefore it is impossible to know the outcome. BE BRAVE/ that is my advise to you. Be courageous, will you not die someday/ why then worry about what comes anyway: instead understand, the question is not "today/ but tomorrow, and eternally". "For tiny worthless pennies/ material goods or pride", I have seen people threaten each other over what is nothing/ become angry and upset to the point of revenge for what is less than nothing, it is not their choice. Yet the value and sanctity of life, the truth of reality, & the honesty of love; for these the vast majority simply turns away. Afraid! Find your courage.
The discipline of life says: you will respect the "home grounds, of each resident here: and leave them and their personal property entirely alone/ unless invited." If there is a fence around this home place, YOU WILL leave them alone completely/ you will not talk to them or participate with them in any way: unless they take the fence down ! If there is a fence around farming lands/ you will disregard this entirely: but we will pay for any damage done, within honest terms. YOUR participation in this beginning: is to be, "the great and wondrous sign" of Revelation 12, IF you are to live. This will be the evidence of HELL COMING, if it is not. THEREFORE UNDERSTAND THIS VERY CLEARLY: I am not your leader, THIS is your show, THIS IS your decision as the humanity of earth, THIS IS your work or this is YOUR failure; I HAVE done my part/ and I need to do no more. GOOD OR BAD, THIS is your opportunity. THIS IS HUMANITY SAYING TO GOD "IN HEAVEN ABOVE" PLEASE HELP US TO SURVIVE. If you feel this is unnecessary, then you will be abandoned, and this earth will end. If your pride will not allow it/ then HELL is your answer and your destiny.
My own male destiny ends here/ with your understanding of the importance of your decision: YOU DO understand/ whether you get up off your ass, is up to you! However I will participate with women, according to their needs, and simple reality: "the woman inside" needs it, and we do have respect for each other. I am aware "spiritual aspects" are hard for you to understand/ thereby I will add, "this female existence" that came inside HAS done what she needed to do, to get my attention/ to make me listen/ to assign to me the need to participate with her/ and to make me understand, "her's is a better way, than mine". Ours is the same desire; She did not ridicule me, did not use me for anything BUT what she needed to do: and I understand that the lives she protects, ARE worth more than " my own irritations, & annoyances". Therefore I find acceptance for her presence in my life. Even to the point of suddenly wishing the tits would grow just a little, as a sign of my acceptance for her; seems silly or something/ has consequences, but I do appreciate the fact her way to intervene in your lives and require you to listen, is better/ than mine. That is not an acceptance "of her methods": I don't see why we could not have "talked: not verbally" and worked together/ but she did not trust, and thereby did what she had to do. This is a strange conversation to you, as to spiritual reference/ but there is no other way to express; woman has intervened. Do pray continuously, for this sign from humanity to GOD , because if humanity fails here! The reality of this day is, the difference between "our staying here"as believers/ or your own delivery from this world; by what you call "the rapture" will occur. I do not know the hour or the day, or the year/ but. Truth says, the reality is truly VERY NEAR: if this is not a great & wondrous sign/ then it means we have failed to help humanity/ but it is their fault, and not ours. You will remember these words: "Being in charge", is irrelevant to life/ what is life, means literally: the right to participate. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE, use it wisely/ and for peace through happiness. As to the reality of "inventions promised"/ if there is a suitable response, and the women are honest & honorable; I will give you the designs and explain them: so long as organized women for peace, and life; will be granted full and complete rights to all patents that are applicable for at least 3 years; after that, others may apply. They will decide with me/ you have one vote, I have one vote: if there is a disagreement; we will decide by "coin toss", if this will be done. I will not help you disgrace and defecate and decimate this world/ I will only help you save it, by working for peace in love. I will not tolerate pride, we are enemies: it's a package deal/ leave your pride behind, or I will leave instead.
Believe this: no permits, no codes, no human laws for restricting access or doing what needs to be done are allowed. No opportunity to "be the man or woman in charge" exists: you will consider the needs of this environment/ and you will do the best you can, helping each other as best you can. But remembering, it is their soul, and not yours BE KIND, or you will be removed. The language is english/ bring an interpreter if you need one. As a reality of WE THE PEOPLE You are in charge. NO MATTER how many or how few may come/ you shall not physically begin until September 1st . In this way, you will prove to yourselves and to the world/ that we ourselves are sufficient for this task. We are "educated, and ready". We are prepared to pay the price of survival: simply put, "to remove the weapons of mass destruction/ understand and remedy the financial disasters facing us/ and accept the limitations that our extreme humanity as a population count demands of us." If you are not ready for this/ then you may not come: YOU are unwelcome/ and will be cursed should you interfere. This is a woman's time, and a woman's way: my expectation was far more confrontational, and far less likely to have been of benefit. This includes: insuring the web site stays open, or appears at your own sites with your own advertizing to allow this to be seen. DO whatever you can do/ do not make excuses or hide. Because man has already failed, he has no choice but to help woman, or he fails completely: but if she fails too, it is not because she "is worse/ or let men down; simply, she is the same". Take an honest look: the weapons men have chosen, and their ways, will kill all life on earth: they defend no one/ but are simply the means of extermination, not even of the "enemy/ but all life on earth/ a creeping death of terrible consequences. The business they created, are bankrupted; they could not control their greed. The "technology" they have used/ simply have attacked all life on earth, and it will die soon, if not stopped. And more! This is not a statement of "men are all bad"/ rather it is a reality, life has changed: and the old ways of doing things do not work anymore. Women will lead, or life will end: man has no choice, but to help women. If you can hear it, the impact of a demand to listen to "the woman's side"/ HAS greatly benefitted my ability to help you. It is the difference between "as similar to a war/ or based upon the discussion of those involved, in free opportunity to be heard". The past allowed men to separate/ making critical differences as easy as moving or causing someone to move somewhere else: THAT DAY HAS PASTED. It will never be again. Therefore what we discuss, and why we discuss it constitutes the opportunities of freedom, and the critical realities that provide the truth of whether we can survive. The male answer to population control is war (always has been/ pick a definable enemy, and kill them). Today, you must kill at least 2 million people a week/ just to stay at the current population: every week! Extinction, is all you will gain by any method to do this: man has no answer. His failure then extends to "blaming women" for having too many babies/ as if he did not help. Because the reality of war is bad/ and young men don't fully recognize it, until too late: sex then becomes angry, and if "woman is responsible"/ then rape is justified by the theology of fools. The question of sexuality really begins by illustration, with the biblical accounting of man and woman/ initially, it would have been extremely valuable in populating the earth if only females were born/ until more males were needed. The bible is written by men/ and they didn't account for woman to any degree. But in the need to populate the world, "the men would have been busy". This does present many questions, as to simple reality and the relationships between men and women/ for instance, if large numbers of women were available/ then they were in charge. The questions of sex, obviously became fused with failure/ and are not yet resolved even today. Woman wants children to make her happy, keep her company, and provide something important, worth doing for her life/ but two is all anyone gets, simply because there is no more room: this is her choice, but reality states the population count must stabilize or drop/ the earth is full. Idiots and fools will whine and whimper and bitch/ but it is true. The thought patterns of man, will always lean to: a quick solution. Thereby he cannot be trusted. I will suggest, women can do better/ but they must desire it, and man must help. The critical expression of woman is like the saying "don't get between a mother bear, and her cubs; or you could be killed". The critical reality we will depend upon is simply: woman desires her child to live, and will make decisions accordingly. A man does too/ but he is inclined to believe: we have to do this/ without reviewing all the options, and choosing the least violent method; even if it takes more effort. Man will spend/ the lives of other men too easily/ to prove "he is not afraid": a foolish game, that brings revenge with it. It is hoped woman will not. It is hoped, women will declare what they honestly feel they need from man/ and help him deliver it: not as material things but honestly and with honor. One of the first lessons for man is simply: "there is no honor and no honestly is pumping the machine"/ RESPECT WOMAN, get your head out of your penis; it is irrelevant to life. Learn and accept SHE IS a miracle! Respect man/ he is too! But life needs honor, or happiness fails.
As to basic procedural rules, to get started here: the reality is quite simple: women will establish the area where I live/ the farm field where I live, will be used effectively/ after that the reality forms a circle: if it is necessary. Those who want to contribute, will do what they honorably can; no license/ no diploma/ no restrictions beyond do your best, and be honorable, disciplined, and bend so that no one breaks: as necessary. If there is a true problem/ then come to me. The biggest problem that exists is sewer/ the simplest solution is to use field tile already in place and pump it back out of the ditches, with either tanks and sewage pumps/ or dams, before it gets to the rivers, and simple covers over the ditches to confine and control the reality [just north of this farm, from vertical start to vertical start, the ditch measure 30 feet across, or 9 meters; and goes for a mile], then pump it out down stream. Consider what you can do/ and do it. As stated earlier, I could not be less interested in what the state or federal government has to say: they are the problem/ without their extreme disgrace and failure, this would not need to be. In simple terms, I have tinnitus an ear problem ,with noise. Thereby understand this, if you want me to stay, you will be quiet: not with people noise, but machinery noises/ for at least a mile. I will be lucky to stay the entire time possible {I hope and pray GOD will bless this time/ but if it rains after 10 am (more than a drizzle) on September 12 or any time thereafter, it is over}. The grain bin fans that will be running anyway: it will be fall, a time of much noise/ hard on me. But I am a minimal participant/ and will be working as best I can. This is your opportunity, it is not mine. Participation means; women will decide/ they must lead. It is a matter of discipline and respect.
Contrary to what the disgrace of fools and idiots will tell you/ the primary work of humanity, will be/ and should always have been: making a better society, by improving the knowledge and behaviors of the people: particularly the children. This is not a "controlled society"/ this is a working society, and those who produce the best results for a peaceful and wise society, will be paid accordingly. If you believe payment means access to wanton selfishness, and gluttony as is today/ you are wrong. Rather it is freedom to pursue the things that do interest you, and are important to society; happiness does not come with "what you can trash"/ happiness is a part of what you choose to become, and how you succeed in the reality of creating the evidence that is you. It is: Not with the arrogance and failures of "the university"/ but with truth in spirit, evidence of life, investigation of reality, that all things necessary to describe and sustain a just and equal society for the benefit of all, come to be. The current method, is "he who has the gold rules"/ the new methods will be: those who are a blessing to society, an honest value to life; will rule. NOT by power or gold/ but as truth and reality value the existence of the foundations that become our world, and our future together. The consequence of need will be addressed/ the reality of want: will be controlled. WE ARE THE WORLD, and we can accept the responsibility of government/ because we are WE THE PEOPLE! The failures of politics in america today, are the direct result of money! It has been the easy answer/ thereby without thought or direction, simply "here, take it and leave me alone". YOU WILL do better than this. The reality of election, also a disgrace of money/ instead the community will understand the basis of all necessary government is fundamentally the control of those with money/ and those who desire power/ therefore a true and educated and real vote shall be given! No more "sound bites"/ NO more anything that is not critical to understanding the truth. That would also be accountable as written accounts of problems and answers/ fundamental analysis of these things by others/ and critical review by all. Then and only then, will an election be held: when the people decide by their participation, that a change is necessary. What is important is not change/ what is important is the reality and truth of any given situation. Many will bitch and moan/ saying this cannot be: BUT look at the disgrace of your world, what you have was worthless/ or almost. And that is because money and power excreted it. It is critical tragedies like starvation, that have ruined your possibilities for better/ therefore, YOU WILL be careful to accept the responsibilities assigned by simple needs among all the people: no one gets to be lazy/ no one gets to take more than the community allows by vote/ no one controls, we agree or disagree; and we control the natural resources that determine life or death; either now or in the future for someone else: YOU WILL NOT forget the future.
I do wish you well. PRAY FOR US ALL, AND BEGIN. Even today, in understanding what is needed/ and what you can do. The first and main lesson of any organization is: "all with the same basic desire". The first and only purpose of this decision, for you and all involved is: for the world/ NOT simply for myself. The first and most important lesson of leadership is not control or power/ it is the honesty and honor to let truth decide, therefore reality confronts no one/ because we have chosen to participate as best we can. Words are tools, the lesson of words is simple: they are what you choose to make them be/ they represent what you choose to allow people to see/ they change lives, only when they are necessary, or abused.
In a separated issue, the reality of war: and those accused in Iraq of killing innocent women and children. The truth of war is murder, and being murdered or maimed/ therefore reality says, this cannot be called murder in a situation where friends and comrades are lost: it is manslaughter, and for the one beginning it, second degree murder/ if proven true. The reality defined of critical importance to humanity is simply: because of a very few women, and a very few forced children who chose or were coerced to be a violent threat, by participating in death. They destroyed the sanctity of all women and children by declaring "these are a threat too". Thereby be very careful as women/ be very protective of children: that no more may there be cause to be afraid/ or find cause "to make certain, the threat is dead". Women who are in the military forces/ are a threat, and must be considered an armed combatant irregardless of whether that is true: it is the price you pay, for your decision. BUT let no woman out of uniform be a threat/ that all women may be considered "safe". OR let all women band together and declare themselves: as we will protect each other, and our children as best we can/ NOT by aggression, but by a suitable response to your aggressions. I will warn you again: even though you grieve and feel sad for a few today, as are killed and maimed and injured/ because men are so proud. The reality of your future is billions to be killed/ and you will mourn for yourselves, if you are still alive. That is the truth, regarding the insanity of your war machines/ your population counts/ and your reality. You can play, you can be insane, you can fantasize about all your pride and the power of your ignorance: but you cannot change the truth. EITHER you will remove these weapons of your disgrace and disrespect for life/ or you will use them, and go to hell. This is your only choice. Either come and save this world/ or hide in the sewer of your own disgrace, and blindly eat the failures of those who disease the future, and propagate satan [the courage of lies]. Perhaps you believe in ALL the leaders of this world, "they would never unleash such weapons; not one of them"/ what a good fantasy, we can pretend, we can play, and when the game is over; someone else will change your diaper for you. Perhaps you believe the pride and overwhelming hatred of terrorists, CANNOT or will not find a nuclear bomb [nuclear because even the terrorists can understand biological weapons, can easily hunt them down, no matter where they hide, and will never be stopped]/ perhaps the insane/ the serial murderer/ and the pathological liar will not try to make you fear them: nightmares are UNKIND you know, so you can pretend. Perhaps revenge won't come/ after all america wouldn't fear, or seek revenge: would they? There are a thousand threats roughly, any one of which will be devastating: either get to work/ or dig your graves.
PRAISE GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because we cannot save ourselves/ HE MUST HELP/ AND HE IS WORTHY OF PRAISE.
This is May 31, 2006 and I am a girl, in a man's body/ no matter how strange that sounds: it is a matter of soul, and these are definitions that require your understanding, not simply mine. The male spirit has died, and all male memories are quickly fading away. Soon I will begin, in a complicated world, simply as a girl/ but not. Already life is different: I am happy to be a girl, but I look in the mirror, or look down and see a man. I can only describe honest "what an ugly girl", I am. That does make me feel "like having a good cry: no help needed". More simply, by the terms of body, I now understand this is something I cannot control or change, and must surrender to it/ there is no choice, I am ugly; but this is the body I have.
When the male died, the female spirit from 9 months ago, came out. She is or was a lesbian, the kind that has no respect for men at all. She decided to teach me as a girl, to ridicule the male parts & pieces/ but I refused; I do have respect for this body. Then she decided "to push me a little harder/ but instead of convincing me; suddenly she became addicted to the male parts & pieces, and used them"/ I have seen her only once shortly after, "completely drunk"/ and then simply desperate to make the male body work again, as what is male is leaving. Another female spirit is here too, she is wise/ but is doing something and has no time for me. I now find the breasts that are of woman, like home to me; they are small but comforting, and "of woman". I have been a little belligerent lately, being bare chested; "thinking this is my house, and no one is allowed to tell me what to do with them. But caught a little by surprise, I am now aware this is not a good attitude, for this time and place. Therein I have learned I DO need to be wise, and I must study.
The spirit of life, brings me back to Revelation 12, verse 5 "the male" has gone to GOD , the words he wrote, to accomplish WE THE PEOPLE are the iron scepter noted. I am not a woman yet, I don't have any reference/ and could not have any less interest in man. The now, non-lesbian woman, still has control of the male parts & pieces/ but she treats them differently. I am busy, trying to salvage whatever memories I can from life/ the knowledge base still seems intact mostly, if I can find the keys. Its just anything male that is being removed/ its not my choice/ but I don't need or want them either. I have decided to look for anything of male, that might be important/ before its gone. The question of a male spirit comes to mind/ but I cannot explain it. It seems to late for those things. What I do know, from the spirit of life, is our human bodies die, when the male or female spirit dies/ not the spirit of life, it remains. I can describe; while the male always searched for a destiny, an opportunity to create just a little more from life or for life/ IT DOES seem to me a bit foolish, as he had a life to live; WHY did he not work on that? I know he has made contributions/ BUT if men were not off searching so much: WOULDN'T there have been LESS needs, & more happiness? I cannot live his life/ but I will have to use his body: that is the strange part to me. The male parts & pieces belong to "the non-lesbian" now, she worked for them. She is a little angry with the man too: WHY didn't he do more for women; he was just being selfish/ in reality a lot could have been done for woman; but he refused. The "wise woman" is still very busy; doing what, I don't know. The non-lesbian has started to find the keys/ it has been made clear I have to share this body with her. But the male only left because, "our true desires are the very same". Therefore as the girl, I inherited, she did not: BUT she did do the work, "to drag him to this door". Kind of a reverse neanderthal thing, in a weird way/ so she earned it.
I am aware, the human reality involving spiritual existence, knowledge, bodies as such, and a lot more are bewildering. If you have no knowledge of "beyond mind and body". I cannot make you understand, I can only tell you the truth, and let you find your own way. I now have to live the life I am given: whatever that will be. I have NO predictions/ but for now, it will be "the life" that man has left to me: until wisdom can accept change. Life is a "package deal"/ either you accept the whole package/ or you will be very unhappy or dead. The things that are human pride, want, selfishness, power, hate, greed, lust, jealousy, violence, and all the rest, ARE CHOICES: they are truths that do not come with our humanity, or its miracles/ and it is wise NOT to accept them.
I am not here to lead you/ but I will help woman. I DO PRAY, may you find the freedom in your heart, to hear correctly; the honesty in your soul to believe what is true; and the courage to discover the honor of life in you.
There are 2 endings to Revelation 22. The first is a reality of discipline & life, that transforms living as humanity; will be peaceful & fair & happy/ because the people believe and accept GOD AND JESUS. The second ending is a separation of people's, wherein judgment has come/ but in this case life on earth does go on.
Some will argue, "you cannot make a woman out of a man"/ Genesis 2: 23 disagrees: GOD can. At any rate, I cannot. The question of validity, as to the bible itself, particularly this part; is quite simply, why is this not sufficient/ what difference would it truly make? Any demand of humanity for perfection, "in the things they read, or write" falls under the heading, "it cannot be perfect/ humanity is involved". How can your understanding be perfect/ therefore how can the bible be perfect in itself: rather it is for your education/ rather than your religion. For me, in the disciplines of my life, " The eyes say man/ but the soul inside says woman"! That part is very strange. Some will ridicule & disrespect, the concept and belief, that GOD Can do whatever HE CHOOSES TO DO: believing instead, only in themselves. I say, PRAISE GOD For the miracle we are/ I am; and I give thanks therefrom, for the creation of my life; and always look forward to the life HE has given me to live. Not one piece of it, NOT one opportunity, could I have made for myself: it is a gift. Therefore I am, whatever life leads me to be, in RESPECT for GOD. I do not claim ownership/ rather I DO, live for the love GOD Gives to me.
James F. Osterbur
I do wish you well!
But you shall make your own decision, about life or death/
this is in your hands, Not mine!
Do not concern yourself with this last matter of gender/ what does it have to do with you? The answer is nothing. You are told, only because you will make up your own ending to the matter, if you are not. This is not an introduction to spirituality/ not a suggestion, that you can enter within a different gender if you wish. Instead honesty says, it is the simple expression of a life being changed/ and the consequence of a new reality. What is honor, cares nothing about gender.
Today, life is again different, the "non-lesbian has been sad & whining, "the male parts & pieces still physically work, by her controls/ but the male desire is gone/ and she is upset & sad. As a consequence it has been necessary to try to find something to help her use. Tits did have some effect, still do a little/ the possibility of "digging through the male trash" offends me, I don't want to. The question then requires : what is a male desire for female? Not a clue. The non-lesbian is still upset, so we tried the both tits/ when suddenly they became much more feminine: very different on the inside/ the parts & pieces then worked: but intensity is required. Thereby it is believed the male desire is simply "for true female/ the expressions and honesty that cannot be less": not more complicated than that; the reality only GOD can create. This is an interesting effect, and brings many questions: why, what, when, how, & more. This particular man (my body/ his life) now has much more interest to me, and will be studied.
The critical resolution & respect necessary for your own understanding is found partially in the descriptions of "bouncing" (earlier words). I have "bounced" literally to the other side of human existence, and now view life as a completely different reflection. "The idiots & liars" will suggest many theories of their own delusions and fantasies of this. I will tell you simply GOD Has allowed me to be led here, and I go wherever I am allowed or directed, by RESPECT to go. This is not a game/ but a reality and truth that requires discipline & order: "If you tease the spiritual world"/ all fail together; it will not be done. Consequently I have found a new life, different, because the man was only interested in 2 things: the evidence of energy, mass, & physical dimension as they conceive & create & protect life/ and women. I am interested in life, and the participants that must be joined and balanced/ those realities that then must be shared to remain alive and happy.
The question of predators has arrived, the foundation of woman has been seen: because one man, has arisen "as interesting to me" [NO other]. Time is then required to study and learn and live. Truth says, the ONLY possibility to return back, "to the other side" is to understand female completely. I say, WHY would I return? He found a need to come here/ because life itself on earth is in mortal danger. The only question I see is: why return to male, if man created the danger? The question then arrives: WHAT is the purpose & value of man? And many more.
The foundation of spiritual definition is applied, & the consequence of a parallel dimension assigned.
It would be extremely easy, NOT to explain any more, but life is truly in danger of complete collapse: therefore we will go a little farther. Those who will compete and believe "everything is just fine"/ have failed, to see the obvious future of life on earth: LOOK HARDER. Spirituality is a dimension in thought itself, that exists beyond the relationship of mind & matter/ therefore it has no reflection, a consequence of "no real physical presence". Instead it exists in the boundaries of truth, where rhythms that fluctuate out of time, ARE conceived as the basis of identity, and the development of reality is understood as the foundation herein where life reaches to the edge of creation itself: and if invited, beyond. The composition of thought considers truth to be the participant in its reality/ therein truth as the worker involved, which stabilizes existence/ then uses thought, as the basis and plan for creating new identities.
DO NOT abuse this information/ or HELL will come to your own door.
As to the intricacies of thought & life, YOU do not deserve to know.
As to simple things, "the man" is NOT a toy/ NOR is he to be abused extensively. Rather he is a GIFT, to woman! That she might learn everything required to control men. Therefore women ARE to use "his body, and whatever is left of the male mind" to establish critical understanding over men, by any and all means. You may do whatever you want with the male parts & pieces/ BUT RESPECT the breasts, and if there is NOT significant cause/ leave the head alone, so you don't accidently kill him. He is YOUR WIFE, and by the terms of many men over all time: HE is your property. Truth says: HE CANNOT hurt woman, NOR to any degree, can he refuse woman: that is removed. BUT he can die/ he can be a prey, just as woman has been/ and you must protect him, and share him, or you will fail: to take control from man. {there will never be another/ use him wisely}! If you wish/ then you may refuse him: you are free! However, as was true of his life: if you enter an environment, which will demand TRUE UNDERSTANDING from you/ and you have none/ then the outcome will NOT be within your control. When this man entered (opened the door) to female/ he was completely lost. The same WILL happen to you/ IF you enter the world of man without true understanding. Then the world will die with you. DO prepare well/ but also remember, very soon, he will become a prey; among many predators. Do not be blind or arrogant/ be wise.
You are hereby warned: if you as women, allow sexual contamination of his body by any man/ any failure of man: then you as women will be cursed as well. "Control the gate" and make sure, "there is NO possibility of man allowed." Do not allow any possibility.
We have now entered the introduction; into the dimension known as thought, the comprehension of basic participation is created by truth/ IF a lie is found in you, "the list, of critical failures from death to insanity, to eternal consequences; is what happens". Thereby entry is a very distinct decision intensely tied to absolute truth, or you fail.
Thought is a dimension that builds! It conceives of a development (in time, here)/ and then forms a partnership with truth, to consider or complete the reality defined as "the order of life". Creation is a separated environment and NOT the same. The participation in thought is by "invitation only". As humanity we contribute our truth & identity, to enter here/ as life, we distribute the effects of thought as the disciplines, honor, & respect that then becomes our lives. Thought exists on a wide range of levels throughout every living thing. At a human level, perception is allowed between gender & life, the relationship that gives us our humanity. Male and female contribute greatly to the consequence that is human: on a true intellectual level, a part of thinking rather than thought; the difference is the mind is involved. The consequence of life and male/ OR life and female, is a distinction of boundaries: NEVER to be crossed, because order should NOT be confronted, or threatened, or abused. Death changes order/ thereby the question of male or female arrives. The disciplines of how do I live and not die, but am allowed to confront gender/ but not threaten it, do not require discussion. The question concentrating the density of presence so that time may be erased, is a dependency upon those who shall or shall not invite you into a relationship within their own thoughts: therein, "the spirit of woman" comes to mean; she who participates with LIFE in time.
It is a very precious reality to be accepted within thought/ irregardless of the small and meaningless matters such as gender: LIFE is worth far more than that. The proof of thought & the proof of life beyond time is literally found in "where does thought go"? The answer is, "it travels from its source, beyond all consequence & truth to conceive of new & different realities (male)/ OR it travels as the source which created it, into environments & hopes, & realities left by the one which formed a new existence, (female). What is refined by the needs of human reality is their need to comprehend an influence of truth/ as it creates the work necessary for a new reality. Your own mind, is fully capable here, simply begin: the training of time/ the disciplines of knowledge/ the understanding that breeds the exchange of life for wisdom, all reveal situations in everyday life, that you can & do predict. From extremely simple: the sun comes up & the sun goes down, every day. To the more complex matters of today, such as population pressures/ resource depletion/ extinction & more, ARE all easily predicted: because you can comprehend these truths & DO understand the impact and influence they represent to your life. The development of reality beyond the influence of time DO, REQUIRE MUCH MORE!
Revelation 12 verses 7 to 13 are a complex example of integration between what is real, and what is order and life. What is real asserts the concentration of ignorance that has infected the world from early times, will end. "The dragon" represents the fears and shadows and terrors of the night, the reality of fear that holds people from their belief. The consequence of order and human life, will then be confronted with the testimony of critical truths that they MUST accept, or they will die. Dependent upon the extent of humanity, and their desire for ignorance/ thereby control and power over life on earth, the order consequent to humanity WILL be tested/ the prophecy says, these humans will choose wisdom, and those who do not will then seek to destroy those who do lead/ particularly "me": for bringing the message that transforms their world. Verse 14- 17 predict, "that women will be sufficient" to stop the power hungry and greedy from controlling life. It predicts, the men will gather together and rally their forces and money to remove her new influences/ BUT GOD "Takes it all away". Having failed to remove organized women from their new place as the leadership of the world/ the "rest of the men, who have chosen hate"/ become as terrorists, resulting to small groups: looking out upon what they used to control, but do not anymore. Honor determines the fate of life on earth; the honor of women/ choose well. If you do well, the book of Revelations ends, with chapter 12. The predictions for your future and your new life, begin with Revelation 21: the fortress of rulers is complete, and only woman may enter. Life then solidifies with Revelation 22, according to your choice.
As to this day, and its influence upon your time & your truth: the question is, WHAT will be believed by you, as to a life that is not "normal, me"? The answer is irrelevant by content, as the fact is: the greater question is what is true, what is "I am", is therein irrelevant to you. However this fact is given to you: the man "I am" has literally built his life upon GOD AND JESUS His Savior/ it is certain therefrom, that he is literally extremely stable. Even so, if you cause any consequence that causes his foundation to alter, he WILL be removed from you/ his body left as a witness against you. He WILL NOT be sacrificed, merely used and abused. As to the existence of "the 3 women who have become "his life"/ the question is more simple: WHAT is spiritual?
SPIRIT means : LIFE! LIFE means, by the essence of its freedom, "we know it is real". The source of freedom is thought, the source of all thought is from GOD ! Therefore every life is bound, by the single reality of one source.
Those who DO seek a close & personal relationship with GOD Are entitled to "meet the others", who belong to this family. Those who do not, are entitled to create their own world, from the beginning/ separated & without GOD; it is your choice.
This male body is given to a female soul. Therein "the girl" is the expression of this new beginning & she must learn HOW to accept its reality and be happy/ this is her job. The non-lesbian, forms the experiences of female existence, her needs, & her desires are as they establish the reality of what confronts & conceives of the existence of woman/ because of man. The wise woman does NOT control body or mind/ rather she exists as this opportunity for WOMEN, "By demanding of men, that they will learn better/ and surrender power to women". She has the only key, for this man (me) and therein owns the property. The work to be done by women, is to use the man given to understand the controls necessary to confront men. It is your job, to find them/ and to understand their reality.
The desire and purpose of this "truth"/ is then simply to allow women to keep MEN from exterminating the earth, and survive. The price all men will pay, is the power SHALL shift from man to woman, for the whole earth/ this is the price of continued life on earth. It is not a consequence derived from the male given to you/ but a reality of whether women have enough courage, hope, and discipline to rule men. The man given to you is merely a tool/ but as a life, women are his protectors: he is important to you. All men are through ruling the earth, if women are unable/ then to HELL, you shall all go. The lesson of "the 3 spirits inside" is simply: WHAT DO YOU NEED TO KNOW?
"Your wife/ this man", will be given a short reprieve in intensity for a very limited time, while women are informed/ and choose. Then his body will be used by women to interrogate reality, and you will see yourselves as women in his search/ you will understand and confront the same realities as men have dealt with in your presence as "his owner/ husband"; and choose your ways, because he has no power against any woman, he CANNOT hurt you/ nor can he truly refuse a single woman, or more than can be counted; who demands sex from him [is that not the way of men]. It is NOT likely, "you will simply be given sex/ rather as man has done to woman: you can take it, no legal ramifications allowed." He is completely vulnerable/ no one to protect him from women, but other women. Is this not how it is with men! You must learn to choose honor/ you must learn to respect his needs/ you must be better than men; even though it is not required of you: or you will fail, and die. This is then a test/ but some allowances will be made in the beginning. The "non-lesbian" inside, decides sexually: he has NO say/ but she does have some, HE IS literally the property of woman. But, YOU will remember: YOU can kill him, if you are too many/ or too aggressive. PROTECT YOUR GIFT, he is the only one woman shall ever receive. DO remember "there is the soul of a young girl, struggling inside his body"/ do NOT kill her either, have some small degree of respect for her: she WILL help you understand yourselves. It is this "girl" that must define and determine what and how the male body reacts to women and why/ and she does not yet know: because what is man is irrelevant. What woman will do for man, to establish control is! Do not show your knowledge about man, to man/ keep it to yourselves. Do not show what you learn about yourselves to men either, help each other to do better. Reality does not allow for pride/ truth does not accept arrogance: if you fail to find honor quickly enough, he will die. Your own education dies with him, and if you are lacking; so then does life on earth. He is not "your savior"/ but the tool selected by life to help women "save the earth". Be wise, and not foolish.
There are a few moments, for personal expression. It is fair & just to say, IF I believe insufficient numbers to accomplish anything for the sake of the world & life of this planet are all who will come/ then the matter will end at my discretion/ or be moved at my whim, to a new location: YOU have no choice.
The reality and consequence of spiritual definitions are completely foreign to all but a few/ I AM aware of this, but truth is not so simple as it stops for ignorance: therefore learn as best you can. Beware of spirituality, as has been clearly shown. IF you don't understand the true composition of the question/ then DON'T enter within a spiritual relationship with that question. Because it is understanding that gives your own life its freedom. Fail, and you will remain inside the question, until you understand/ or if you try to escape instead: the vast majority will go insane instead. Do not fear/ BELIEVE in JESUS, and in GOD.
As to my life and "gender issues"/ the truth is: I DON'T care about male or female, BOTH are equal in " GOD'S EYES" , HE CREATED BOTH FOR LOVE. I am grateful to participate in HIS CREATION, As a part of HIS LOVE, in my life.
As to possible sexual consequences, I simply do walk wherever life & GOD lead me/ BUT that is not a statement of doubt or ignorance or stupidity: it is instead, a reality of thousands of hours and many years in truth; struggling to define honor & truth in me, that I might understand the meaning of RESPECT. GOD KNOWS those who truly seek HIM, and in time, each will know a "little bit" of spiritual understanding that they too may search & refine respect in their lives/ and in their hearts, to ask and be given the keys of understanding / and then life. Respect from humanity for your own life or mine/ is NOT necessary! Respect for yourself, cannot be bought with pride, or want, or selfishness. Instead discipline asks of YOU: What does love mean? When you can answer with honor/ then you have respect for yourself. My answer is GOD IS FIRST ! Even if my own reality is abandoned, ridiculed, abused, used, or simply discarded by humanity as worthless.
JESUS Died, to prove what LOVE really is! Surely then, I will live to prove I understood the lesson, & cherish the hope of life! This is my way.
Of some simple things: the money required to pay property owners & farmers for the use, & problems a significant number of people will create in this community, for this purpose/ is at your expense. Those expenses SHALL be paid in advance. At a cost (detailed list), plus 10% for anything forgotten. The price is so much per acre used, & will be determined by those directly involved: everyone, gets the same price per similar item detailed as a cost. No additional charges/ no entry or exit, NOTHING. You WILL however accept the responsibility, for any lawsuits as may arise: all this effort if you indeed come/ IS FOR YOU, it is not for me, nor is it the responsibility of anyone else to assume risk for you. ACCEPT THE TERMS, or do not come. Set money aside/ until it is clear and evident all financial matters have ended. The land is dormant until spring/ no charges needed. However much land you do rent, determines how crowded you will be. YOU WILL not bring cash! You will bring "electronic money" in a separated account so that details may be known by you and those in your group. You will pay weekly for whatever provisions are required/ ALL SHARE, it doesn't matter how little or how much you give, all share as family. DO come in a group/ or don't come! Because this is about humanity and working with people/ it is not about you, the reality is: we are here, to prepare to work with people/ if you refuse, there is no room for you. Start a group or join one/ size doesn't matter. This is literally about life or death of this planet, even if you don't recognize it/ that is the truth. YOU DO have enough time/ if you work.
The question of acceptance, that life itself really does "hang in the balance" can be understood. For instance, extremely few have recognized the reality of your money, even now. Extremely few recognize or accept the HORRIFIC consequences to your children/ because you as pigs/ have been literally throwing their resources in the garbage! Extremely few understand the method of removal for weapons of mass destruction is NOT "the government"/ but themselves: IF YOU DON'T do this work/ YOU WILL die very soon. It is utter selfishness & absolute contempt that opened the door to genetic mutilation: a failure of your pride and your fears. HOW FEW, understand, PRIDE IS A CURSE, that condemns you everyday, for participating in the failure of others/ just so you can be "winner, for a second or two"/ beyond belief stupidity! Pride is a true enemy, the arrogance it creates, is a consequence called the devil. And only a small handful actually accept that eternity is TRUE! How pathetic, that you destroy your own eternal life; just so you can whine & whimper & play the child with tantrums: GROW UP. Recognize reality/ recognize the miracles of life, that we all are. Recognize the lies [no one is going to defeat truth, its impossible]. Recognize the stealing [the resources you do NOT need, belong to the children, not your gluttony, and sloth, and foolishness]. Recognize the FAILURE [ YOU surrendered your world, & your life to a handful of traitors/ because they BRIBED YOU, with nothing but numbers and arrogance and pride: YOU swallowed it whole, like a snake] and you agreed "LET THE CHILDREN PAY".
Instead of thought, the opportunity provided by complete acceptance of truth/ you sold your reality to "your god, selfishness". And as you sank deeper into the pit of lies/ pride alone defends you, with all manner of WANT. Causing you to believe in your own lies/ and ignore reality and truth. Because you don't want, to pay for happiness/ or be condemned (in your estimation) to a life of duty, honor, discipline, or order. Therefore you steal from those who do/ to keep the lies, and silence the truth: so that you may hide. "Hiding time" is over.
YOU, THE HUMANITY OF THIS EARTH, are literally provided with ONE LAST OPPORTUNITY, to do better. It begins or ends with this single event, as your choice to continue hiding, or repent and accept the need for work is established: one way or the other. Make NO mistake, IT IS work, commitment, truth, and honor that is demanded here/ If you don't want these/ then don't come: if you fail to respect these/ then hell will multiply on you.
Man, is through ruling the earth.
SPIRITUALITY IS, "entering within the true questions of your own heart". One at a time/ the intensity of these critical truths will then search inside of you! If you have dimension. In reality dimensions exists as three separate components of the same faith/ such as: honor, truth, & respect. This is the relationship that explains the foundation of FAITH: if you are healed, by the consequence of dimension in your life/ then the soul has found a home. The reality of experience that lives in you as soul, extends the description of your life as spirit when YOU explain the definitions of your existence/ by the companions of life. Those companions are: honor, truth, reality, respect, discipline, order, honesty, happiness, freedom, hope, love, dignity (as GOD sees it), courage, strength, bravery, passions in grace, mercy, forgiveness, thought, and life. As a true miracle of GOD Your faith, then becomes an inheritance, the essence of PEACE in your soul: which opens the experience of spirit itself. This is the evidence of "a true friendship" in your soul/ a happiness that lives with you. Once you have entered here, "the consequence of doors" appears/ and man may then journey into destiny by opening these doors in faith (if he has prepared, and survives) OR woman may learn to express acceptance of these miracles as the treasury and value of life, as she changes into the reality of Woman, as a CHILD OF GOD ! You must be careful with this information, as it can easily send you into a "world, you do not understand"/ as is true for me today, once inside the education requires order, patience, and prayer. Or it may kill you. Not because "GOD is not nice"/ but because you have volunteered to spend your life and your freedoms here: it is your decision/ and you must accept the consequences of your life and your freedom. It is the reality of life/ and it exists to increase your truth, and expand your world, and your eternity. PRAY VERY MUCH, "for months" at least/ or do not "open any doors".
The reality that opens the door to eternity, as CHILDREN OF GOD / exists as the acceptance and truth of those companions listed above. When your soul accepts them all as "friends" to your life/ then you may enter the maze of truth: wherein you will pass through, only if your own judgments do not make you fail. Do not judge/ let truth decide. If you do this/ then trust will build a life in you, and it is this life that extends into eternity. If you fail/ then heaven will give you another chance, as long as you need it. You will not be asked for trust, without gender/ be at peace. Simply trust as truth will accept it must be.
Those things that are not of life/ are not about friendship: are then about liars & enemies. Those who enter therein, find themselves surrounded/ and the demand to surrender occurs: suicide/ jealousy/ power, and more arise here, "to make war with you". Those who accept, turn to hatred and then violence/ descending down, into terror and tragedy, as they learn to destroy. True fears come next. True failure follows. The days of LIARS AND THIEVES are almost over/ do they not lead you in every blind excuse to destroy everything of value to you? It is not a case of ravaging the world, with blind rage/ rather truth says: you don't care enough, to honor anything/ you don't care enough to respect any living thing/ you don't care enough, to discipline yourself in any way, "just so something else can survive". You are then like a creeping disease upon the earth, not because you want to be that/ but because your true wants/ your arrogance and pride do not include other realities: they only include you. "I know, you are going to die"/ it is a big deal, but order says: it is not what you expect. If you don't have an honest clue about the miracle of who you are/ how then can you claim to understand the intricacies of what comes next. A dead body, reveals only the physical end of time; the tragedy is: it doesn't reveal what happens "to the complex destiny called thought, or the integrity called respect". The assumption of humanity is "these end"/ but the reality of life is, as it begins with the creation of order and discipline controlled by energy/ the consequence generated by thought (these three combined as one) is an expression on its own. The variables are complex and unwise to suggest anything more than this to you. In the more simple terms: They (the smart people) have indeed taken your money (american)/ they have indeed endangered your world, your life, and your everything; including your children or those you love/ and you helped them do it, even begged them. These will never stop/ until they are required to do so, because it means the end of their pride/ the stripping away of their arrogance: therefore if you believe in them, it is to your own failure. Pride is the murderer of humanity, arrogance the assumption of a judge. Believe in the evidence of life and reality, investigate and determine the truth, accept the decision that is not want, or selfishness, or greed, or all the rest: and find honor in your heart/ that you may respect life. If you will not/ then you deserve failure. It is true what they say/ "life is good today"; that is not contended. Tomorrow however is bleak and sad and dying, because you don't care enough to respect the lives you are destroying/ even your own. Find your soul/ destroy your pride, before it murders you/ remove your want, so that life may survive. Or you will enter Armageddon. You WILL NOT come to this meeting dedicated to life on earth, as you do to other things or places. YOU WILL COME, to this meeting in September, created for you: to prepare for what YOU WILL DO PERSONALLY! This is not a meeting of leaders/ not a meeting of organizations/ THIS IS a demand, to participate in your world, by preventing its coming suicide. It is YOUR RIGHT to attend, it is YOUR DUTY, to participate and do your best; in whatever you decide. If you fail, it is your fault/ NOT "GOD'S FAULT"/ THIS is your opportunity, to do better, and survive. Discipline is greater than pride/ it cannot be defeated: UNLESS you desire pride to win. Want is an irrelevant desire to be selfish/ HONOR AND RESPECT are at least 70,000 times stronger: therefore you have no excuse. Make your decision, NOW. AND DO YOUR BEST, FOR LIFE. BUT , understand this very clearly: there is no room for violence/ beyond what is organized to eliminate weapons of mass destruction. An honest police action is not violence/ but the truth, that society has needs beyond simply saying this is wrong: sometimes people require you to prove it with jail, or other methods voted upon and sanctioned by discussion and then truth. Whatever will be/ will be done in a courtroom with the world watching/ OR with political realities and understanding that assures life: the destruction is over/ not simply different. If this fails, then all who cared will receive their reward/ the rest will then receive theirs, as hell comes to earth. The consequence of "being mad" about reality, IS simply a ticket to hell: don't be mad or angry or other descents into failure. Instead, recognize life begins and ends "in a second"/ and we have no say. Therefore accept the truth, that a crisis exists: even if you don't see it now/ and either do what you can to sustain life on earth, or pray. Let GOD DECIDE , it is not up to you or me/ no one is HIS judge. Be at peace inside yourself, because you are loved. And you know it. Judge no one/ help them, but honestly not with sacrifice. GOD LOVES US ALL/ THAT IS THE TRUTH. BELIEVE IT IS TRUE, AND REPENT OF ALL THAT YOU SHOULD NOT BE.
PRAY WITH YOUR SOUL, It is the "place" inside/ where life, becomes reality. PRAY with your spirit, it is the honor inside that distinguishes truth!
What is spiritual comes from the "decision for honor"! What is life chooses the distinction of male {literally, I must have a home}/ or female { literally I must find value beyond my own life}. The composition WE, creates as life from 3 disciplines: the identity chosen as mind/ the body revealed as work/ & the intensity of who, do you believe completes your life?
The foundation of male says: I believe, in the one who helps me. The foundation of female says: I believe in the discipline that share my heart/ those who respect my life as an equal. The foundation of heart is: the plain & simple truth, of who do you truly RESPECT! Love is the foundation of respect.
LOVE is not a foundation in reality/ but a flow of expressions assembled into a stream of experience, that becomes as "an ocean of feelings". As is true of the ocean, nearly everything; "Is hidden unless, you go inside". From the reality of man, the body had always felt like, "I have a RIGHT to survive"! From the approaching female; the body expresses the honesty of a house/ my chest, a living experience of companions/ and from life, a desire as yet unclear. From the development of 3 separate female entities inside, an environment is created wherein the life that I am may learn to understand the relationships of who I will be. The distance created from being male, to an approaching female admits to the gender gap is so great: that no possibility exists to return to a male spirit/ unless granted by female spirit. The difference is so dramatic, that unless I become female honestly: I will remain forever lost/ and a slave to woman. But because there are 3, the possibility exists for ownership of the understanding necessary to be the life I have chosen to be. That exists from words provided earlier/ a commitment to GOD and to JESUS For the purpose of honoring them: and I will not turn away. There are many questions/ but one thing is certain; there will never be a time when any man is welcomed here sexually: male or female body it doesn't matter. Only one man throughout all of history would be invited/ and it is not you. I will never fear, neither man or woman/ it does not matter what occurs to me: my life belongs to GOD . Therefore you are given warning: that whoever comes to me, either for good or for bad, WILL be remembered, for good or for bad. YOU SHOULD take this very seriously/ because it is an eternal matter. The mind has stopped deleting everything/ some is left of the man, to aid in his life for this day; but nothing sexual, instead the breasts have become lovely and comforting to me/ happy. The consequence of both male as a body and female as a soul, has required "talking"/ and we both have prayed together for a female body; to end this simple excuse for conflict. The simple reality then "a marriage of truth, between the girl and this life/ because we need each other". The consequence of spirituality is: an existence held within the three parameters that have become "my life". Those parameters are the non-lesbian, the girl, and the wise woman": this is an environment and the existence of order conceives of a possibility, rather than a life. Life is the consequence of order/ allowed the freedom/ to display and discover reality through existence & truth. In humanity, the parameters are male/ female/ & life (even if only at a bare minimum). In me this has changed to the parameters of woman, and the existence of order as is the foundation of my own presence. Life occurs in the possibility that is conceived by the order. The 3 parameters of woman, must talk to achieve a decision/ as all are involved. I, or the order of I/ exist between these parameters, which makes me a participant even though the women may not desire it/ they have no choice. This means "the order of I" will be allowed to listen, to all the intricacies of female choice/ and learn the lessons thereof. When the "women" start talking; when they take control of the body and life. They do have almost all the control: the only thing they cannot control is male desire/ but neither can I: so we must discuss and identify: what is true about women, as GOD intended them to be, or it is just an exercise in physical reality. The critical question is then simplified as to what completes desire in man? The critical decision is then why does a desire for women exist? The reality of why not, is known: simply, his heart cannot cherish abuse. The essential reality asks: as participants in the environment of human existence, what is life and its relationship to existence/ that gives us joy and happiness in each other? The "unfortunate reality" of "the girl inside" is, she appears to be "approaching puberty"; a consequence that is certain to generate considerable strife, but also a great deal of knowledge. The essence of identity, will be tested and changed through this time. As a truth, this begins only as the decision of women to participate in this life; because it is unnecessary in the spiritual world/ the consequence of body is the meaning of life here, not beyond. The consequence of a female spirit is however eternal/ unless GOD changes it. I am aware of how men and women are, the endless reality of pride and all the rest, even the consequence to others who know me/ but I follow life, wherever it goes. I choose to honor and respect GOD AND JESUS Because of all they have done for me! A few, will deny this is respectful or honorable : because they judge it by religious standards/ the intention to control the world, by words they use rather than believe/ by things they possess, rather than own as life. It is dishonorable to cross gender lines in any form/ UNLESS you are accepted, UNLESS GOD Allows it to be true. I would happily return to "male"/ but only if GOD sends me there. I would happily become female completely, but only if GOD sends me there. The reality of life is then simply a mystery to me: for I know not what GOD Will do.
It is strange to look in a mirror and see a man: he is not welcome here/ but I do understand somehow/ I must live "his life too". Life as a body is both kind, & unkind/ a strange mixture at this moment; a reality searching for truth. The critical question of an opportunity beyond existence/ as either man or woman; or in this exceptional case, as both for the moment demonstrates the potential reality of freedom as either energy or mass (check earlier writings)/ more clearly "you may choose to be: either attached to a specific reality/ firmly set in the opportunities of a known reality OR "Released in space" to conceive of journeys and time and destinies, that are dangerous to you, but also exciting and real. This is the essence of male or female/ the consequence of eternity, that is held by physical existence. Life as a disciplined expression of thought, forms around identity to explain the parameters of desire and purpose and hope. Thought then confines expression to the variables conceived by " a place/ or home" within which you may always return. Love then expands expression to the boundaries of life, and the eternity of an experience held complete, in the JOY of a shared message in honor and respect. GOD then Gives to us: the treasury of HIS SOUL That we may embrace HIS EXISTENCE, and become HIS CHILDREN. "WELCOME TO A UNIVERSE OF MIRACLES."
From this moment on, is limited to women.
Yes, I am aware, it is " a little insane" to suggest the sexual conditions {I can be raped} listed here; I do have concerns/ but truth says: "I can die, if it is too bad". As to the multiple threats from sexual disease/ I cannot protect me or you; either women shall protect, or GOD must. Or reality will not be kind to either of us: therefore women must be honest with yourselves and with life/ if there is cause. There is no good reason, why women would attack me/ just because they can. It is however clear and certain, "the woman inside" intends to give me "the full picture" of what life as a woman has been like/ for too many. The demand for absolute behavioral control, particularly sexually/ proves there is no trust in man. The woman inside demands this possibility shall exist/ therefore so shall it be, I have no choice/ until life will accept its truth no more. It is my hope a new experience will come between all men & women, as each learns about the other, and why. What was male, has reached his destiny, the purpose of his heart; to give you a new opportunity to change and survive, a new understanding of "life is a miracle". What is to be female or why, is a mystery yet to be revealed. It seems likely, this is for your educations; I am just a tool. My teeth are also quite poor now/ still don't know why. Kindly do not get lost is spiritual things you do not understand/ these are expressions, that present new and different consequences to life itself/ a compilation of basic references that remove the mind & body {thereby death} to assert "Life goes on". I cannot save you/ can't "get you another chance: this is all you get"/ cannot help you beyond teaching you what I have been taught. Cannot make you understand, what you refuse to believe/ no matter how much evidence exists, or proof of potential tragedy is apparent: you are free/ for good, or for bad. Believe not in me/ believe in the miracles you are, and the evidence of life around you. Believe in love, as defined by John 3: 16 as written in the Holy Bible : I do.
There is no "measure of a man/ or a woman". Reality states: there are only descriptions of the heart! What is value, understands respect is all we have between us, as human life/ or more specifically male and female. Respect, is our lifeline, the foundation of our hope, the meaning of soul, and the display of life. What fails as respect/ turns to destruction, to hide the reality of a truth they cannot share. Without respect, there is NO soul. With respect, the treasury of miracles, exists as the evidence of honor & the truth of love that lives as our heart itself. Heart then means: to transform existence into the rhythms & creation of an Identity called you. Heart means, I HAVE accepted the truth of life: that my time here, is held by a body that needs MY acceptance/ a mind, that cherishes the freedom that is me in the honor & respect of order/ and a soul, that believes in the eternity of love. There are NO games, "in a heart"/ only the truth that we share this experience of life together/ and the honesty, we are "male to female, female to male, inseparable" as the essence & character of human life. The value of sexuality has NEVER been "simply physical for anyone/ it only steals what you will not give"/ that is called lust. People do steal love, leaving the other desperate and afraid/ if not depressed and alone. To steal love means: "you have taken, the peace from their heart/ and given your truth instead: that you don't care". The consequence of this knowledge is the understanding of a world "that has deceived you, into believing in sharing: because they cannot steal, what you will not share". The reality then for so very many is, "I will trust no one/ I will hide/ & I will seek revenge on others, or even suicide(revenge against myself). Love is, the honor of a shared opportunity, beyond the "measured walls of simple existence"/ where life bounds freely, in the joy and happiness of an experience beyond freedom: where life comes to mean "we are essential, we are life, & we are alive in each other". That transformation explains: the discipline and order of thought, wherein we have traveled together has changed/ honor is the ecstacy of belief in ourselves as one. We have arrived, in the essence of love. Sexuality as life, in truth is the intensity of a discipline that opens "each moment, to the ecstacy of living in a truth": that then leaves everything and everyone else behind, to become as one. It is the truth of love inside your soul, that gives eternity the expression of your soul, as your heart defines. Love thereby translates the decisions of your soul, to establish the naked existence of your own truth. It is this truth, that completes the relationship of eternity and you. Love is "a consequence of critical separation"/ wherein we LEARN as reality: the capacity of truth to begin & end our ways. Therein we believe, that truth must also be held in the greatest of respect/ because it is the essence of our survival, it is our need. Love is the foundation of our beginning, TO SHARE a freedom beyond ourselves, that is called beautiful: a freedom that gives an opening and pleasure to everything we would choose to be/ without condemnation or judgment of any kind. Love is the environment called beautiful, because it lifts our hearts & souls to GOD . Love is the essence of our beginning as eternal/ because it opens the door, beyond all physical existence, and grants access to what is true. Truth is not so simple as a physical dimension: does your body understand truth/ a little, but concepts are generated by the mental capacity to explain and define integrated relationship examined by time. Or more simply, thought exists as the only reality capable of accepting truth as inherent in our existence. Without truth/ we are little more than a plant/ without understanding of truth, we are barely more than an animal: but truth itself grants an opportunity to expand beyond the barriers of ourselves, to participate in relationships that are not limited to ourselves. Thought grants to us an experience capable of believing in creations that are eternal. The examination of eternity applies equally to expression and experience/ therefore it is 2 dimensional/ the addition of life as an identity completes the environment of 3. The opportunity in thought of an expression is belief/ the possibility of an experience in thought is creation/ the desire of an identity and its purpose in eternity is love: where peace will reside. It is hate where destruction will rule.
There is a biblical description of satan as a snake, among other things; in reality this is meant to depict a human being who constantly looks for a way around the truth (swaying back and forth/ instead of straight ahead). In actuality, by the terms of heaven satan simply means "the garbage dump". It is emptied as soon as it is used. These are questions without meaning/ as nothing of value exists here. It is however worth saying: "the visions" of an angel propagate here/ as it is true and real, those who are "children of GOD" DO have the ability to escape from temptation "quickly"/ back into truth.
The disciplines of thought seek those who honor them with their own decisions to participate in the existence of reality, and the purposes of life: all life. The foundation of life is simply: to be happy/ because if you are not happy, or hope to be happy, or desire truth in love........ then you will not desire life. By the definitions of reality then, "if you attack me, it is to the death of happiness/ if you fail to understand respect and honor"; even though you may not intend that it should be so. I too, need to understand and respect you: that means an honorable and disciplined reality. The consequence of freedom is then extremely important to the validity of life, the understanding "I can be, or am happy". The consequence of happiness then leads all to the treasury of an understanding "that freedom is essential to life". The common denominator of human existence is: someone is trying to make you their slave/ by money or lies or temptations, etc. The consequence of human revenge and jealousy is: someone is always hated. The consequence of human pride is: LOSER/ I am winner, or I will hate you. The consequence of human want & selfishness is: I don't care about you. The reality of human existence is then filled with all manner of "I am not happy": therefore they choose to steal, lie, etc!
The quest for a better existence in human society, is a development of justice/ therein we all share. If we share the burden/ then we share the happiness as well: we are equal. If we share the responsibility and education/ then we share the freedoms, that life offers to all. There is no room left for mass migration to end your troubles/ no room left for failure and simple stupidity: YOU must grow up. The consequent reality of "personal issues raised herein"/ are for conversational purposes, as you are not prone to listen; but prefer to be amused. Therein reality understands that sexual expressions, are the preferred interest: take a look at most women's magazines. As to me, at least a thousand things would be chosen first above and before such things as this/ for simple personal pleasures: they are not here. This is entirely about a true threat of death for humanity/ and what we as humanity must do to confront those who are our assassins. Instead of simple peace, reality states clearly: there is no place to hide/ either we as humanity change the tragedies waiting for us/ or we die. Therein no place or time for pleasure or a simple life exists, in this day. The reality of "being wife and property to women" is then simply extended in the honesty: you do not listen or work/ therefore it has become necessary, to present one last opportunity to let women be in complete charge (so long as, peace & happiness, and all women, are the purpose and plan and hope of that truth). No intent to tell you what to do with me exists/ instead, I will tell you: when you have gathered as a clear and present organization for these purposes/ THEN you may have charge of my reality. If you do not do this, then I am not yours. The question is then not, simply personal to you or to me: but a definition of who will women of honor desire me to be for them. Again, it is your choice/ not mine! The reality and truth involved here is not about me: this is a situation designed BY GOD To remove all excuses from "the long lists so many have"/ do you not see this? You are given basically everything called control, if only you will protect life on earth. The value to you, "Of a man", who will tell you what you need to know about men, will benefit you. I do believe, at least most of what is necessary is left/ some exists in the writings/ some exists in the reality/ and some exists from what you can teach me: at any time, you may turn away. It is your choice, and your decision/ not society, not men, not GOD / HE has given me, to women for this purpose of women: to find their ability to rule. This is the only stipulation/ that my life truly be for the purposes of this document/ not selfishness or power or wealth or other failures of life: but the honesty of life, in search of the disciplined needs that are required to be happy, to be at peace, to be honorable, and honest, and respectful of life, and sexually honest in the search for happiness between the sexes: and so forth. There is a period of "Simple demand"/ but in reality, it must end with all that fills and supports the purpose of this document which is a true love And a honest message : that intentionally gives humanity the opportunity to live, and change the destruction that is coming. I will choose to be happy to be your slave, your property, & your wife: But as you would ask of "your husband"/ I say to you, YOU must respect my wishes and my life too: even if I cannot stop you from taking rights you do not have/ reality knows, "I can die": BUT NOT until it is clearly and truly evident, you have failed.
the consequent reality of spiritual existence, conforms to the base elements of fundamental truth. These consist of expressions and experience that establish a personal truth in the basis of memory; that these memories may then support the examination of critical supervision, as life desires it to be. Supervision means: the mirrored reflection of your own actions by the examination of relationships you have formed: from a suitable distance, of absolute honesty. Critical expression therein assembles the primary and fundamental foundations of influence/ that change or depict the purposes of Identity, and form the desire that becomes either love or hate. Pride is a thief/ a murderer/ and a liar: therefore if you accept any pride within your life: you may not enter spirituality. What is spirit is truth, confined in the creation of fundamental thought/ as this drives the essence of identity to accept the decisions required for expansion into the greater dimensions of intensity and discipline. Formed by order, the allowance of individuality conceives of freedom; while the dignity of discipline confines humanity to the elements called gender. Gender is the foundation division, that separates human existence into the wisdom of love/ without death. Death is a separation that will convince you, LOVE is extremely important/ but death also is unending, therein allowing no repentance for failure. LOVE between man & woman is the opposite, becoming the evidence of separation that convinces existence requires love/ and love requires the opportunity to be together. Sexuality enforces fundamental experience with complex issues of life/ therein "cementing" the reality of love as a human being explained by the depth and grace and hopes of another human being: that forms a bond "made by GOD". Simple sex, does nothing but steal/ it is pride, or it is the soul crying out "I am alone".
Within this document issues of substance are raised as to the reality or delusion of individual concepts called "the women inside". Truth divides this question into the layers of consistent thought, that then form truth out of the memories that are substantive teachers of base experience. Reality does not accept the function of "a man, defining a woman"/ therein only the environment of 3 separated expressions known to be woman, are allowed to explain discipline by the order expressed, and the foundations known. Life teaches from the environment of interaction: primary to all male to female relationship, is a lack of trust throughout human experience/ it has been earned. Life teaches the reality of basic mistrust between man & woman is sexually related, and cannot be dismissed unless woman is in control. Life understands the tragedy of human environment is primarily male/ therein change demands critical alterations in the basic concept of life and what life means: the only substitute for man is woman.
Spirituality is by the terms of reality, an existence in truth. Therein what is true controls the dimension, the terms, and the reality that will follow. What is not true/ or not pure enough to be consistent truth; cannot be spiritual. There are however "liars"/ for those who can be deceived and held within temptation by want. It is want, that controls who shall be deceived/ and how they shall be controlled. It is truth and the demand to be true to your decision/ that conforms all participants to the experience of that truth: NO exceptions.
The ability to find in spiritual woman a truth or door/ and her then a door in me: was a complete surprise to me. Spiritual woman is the existence of a purpose that completes human experience, by the understanding of a foundation desire. Opportunity existed, because the soul said "same". Gender issues, are a reality of boundary developments that I was not expecting/ as in all other spiritual experience, there were no boundaries apart from truth. The discussion then of 3 participants in my experience (not people, but compilations of many women) derive the basic reality of woman as 3 separate experience: "the girl/ the sexual companion (many being hurt)/ and the woman who understands existence as a fortress, to be defended. Existence is a fortress, but it is also a life/ and must be held with wisdom, rather than fears. The girl conceives of the relationships that complete existence through the examination of her own interests. "The issue of puberty" comes then to mean, she is ready to understand men or boys mean something to her: a fact I would not like to tolerate/ but may have no choice. The sexual expression of woman, understands the base knowledge of desire: the formation of an opportunity to be free, but integrated within the protection of that freedom by another; that peace may also enter. The opportunity of "the wise woman"/ examines life, and finds the development of a future that is more to her liking can be found; therein she assembles the need to be in control. These are the parameters developed by truth within the instance of a spiritual expression that will not truly end, until absolute understanding occurs.
That understanding involves women. I cannot translate the basic dimensions of what it truly means to be woman without women to explain it to me. If I cannot understand it, then I cannot escape it. The literal existence of truth does not allow it/ once entered within the dimension of a truth itself, the examination of life is reflected by that truth; if it is pure enough, only one door exists. Truth exists as an experience/ life exists as a decision/ the ability to decide is conceived by distinct elements of a specific truth in environment: there is a purpose: or more correctly, there will be an outcome when truths combine. By the definitions of spirituality, that outcome is the evidence of a desire. A side note to this is the understanding of autism: it comes as those who enter within an environment of truth cannot understand how to "get out"/ primarily because they do not yet know what truth actually is: therefore lost. The primary cause of entering within distinct "emotional cavities" is the fear of abandonment/ or the failure to accept life requires some solitude: there are those who fear it. There are also those whose mental design allows "easy entry". To attempt a cure/ temporary or not, it is necessary to understand which specific emotional truth they hide within. For myself, I do need women to help me, find the purity of purpose they were born with. I do need to help women to understand themselves and men; because the world requires it. It is important to me, that men and women create a new world and a new environment for themselves, in happiness; therefore I do ask for women to teach me about themselves/ I will return the favor, and expand it. Even though "I crossed the boundary to a great extent/ reality requires a teacher or many teachers; who will honestly commit to at least a small truth, about what life means to be female/ what is her purpose/ what is her truth ". NOT simple humanity/ but as GOD intended her to be? I do clearly state; the information gathered will benefit only you/ as I will provide none of it to men. This is not a quest, as would be male by definition/ it is a reality of environment, and the association of interwoven relationships that complete experience as life. If you do not come, the battlegrounds formed by human behavior will follow. This is not a threat, because it is a plain fact/ that you can understand: simply look at reality, or understand the future through simple math: human needs times 7 billion people/ 8 billion people within twenty years: where will all the resources come from. Man says WAR. In every sense, nature is under siege; what happens when it dies? You tell me.
Even so, if that is your choice so be it. It is your right/ and I will live as a man, unless "the woman inside" insists upon change. The critical change from a male spirit to a female spirit consists of an expression in time, that demands control. Thereby I cannot say, exactly what the limited truth of woman will or will not do: it is her body, because the female spirit controls. You tell me?
The book of Revelation consists of 11 chapters for male, the first chapter is over; we have just entered the experience of chapters 2&3 wherein all religions will conceive of their own idea's, about this message and work. Chapter 4 is their expectations as they confront GOD With their idea's. Chapter 5 is the Christian version . Chapter 6 controls the expression of these religions by depicting the male version of what needs to be done. Chapter 7 understands some will in fact be forgiven, and attain eternity. Chapter 8 is the war of the world, an ending by weapons of mass destruction. Chapter 9 is the expectation of GOD taking revenge out on humanity for destroying HIS WORLD/ it will become true, if change does not exist. Chapter 10 is the genetic turmoil that will terrorize all life that remains on earth. Chapter 11 is the end of all possibility called mercy: the world is dead.
The book of Revelation consists of consists of 8 chapters dedicated to women in control. The first is chapter 12, which we are now involved in. The critical realities involved; are predictions of what will go wrong, if women choose only to rule in power or fear. Chapter 13 is the consequence of fear, and the realities that will exist because women lead humanity in that fear and failure. Chapter 14 is the understanding some will attain forgiveness and enter eternity in heaven or above. Chapter 15 is woman's expectation of GOD'S WRATH "On the others"/ it is her pride and her selfishness in control of the earth. Chapter 16 is the war of women, as they plot and plan apart from men to contaminate and plague and poison man/ she dooms herself too. Chapter 17 allows the existence of fear to consume woman, sexual man abandons them/ and those who are left, turn with all that is in them to sexual hiding, sexual everything with anything. Chapter 18 is the end of all business on earth/ nothing works, and no one cares; the earth is in absolute chaos and anarchy. Chapter 19 IS JUDGMENT DAY ON EARTH.
Chapters 20 & 21 have already been explained. If you let truth lead you, in honesty/ and reality decide as it is necessary to decide; you shall inherit peace instead of Armageddon.
The questions of life or death, are assembled only because of their importance to you. Women shall rule the earth/ women shall save the earth, by leading "with a different purpose, than man"/ and a different way. Or you shall die/ NOT because of me or this saying, but simply because the reality of human ways and behaviors says it is so. Prove me wrong. I am not your savior/ I am given to woman as her helper, that she may do all she needs to do: if women desire the help. If not, then I am free.
This is truly NOT A GAME, This is the reality of life or death. I cannot hurt any woman, nor can I control any woman. Not even a defense am I allowed of any kind; women must protect me from women, or men: or I must endure or die/ that's just how it is. I can however curse men, but that would affect life on earth: not because I can/ but because I do belong to GOD , literally. I am given to women as a property/ HE has transferred ownership in time to you, simply because it says to you clearly: women are in charge of me, I cannot make your decision/ you must do so, for all life on earth. My job is done, as a man; therefore whatever will be will be, honestly I don't care about little things/ in the importance of life, gender is small. The consequence of sex is not an issue either: I am NOT attempting to find sex/ if I so chose, "I would achieve that end without all the potential consequences of this". It is not so.
Some will surely say; "He is delusional/ this is a fantasy/ or an imaginary game of his". He has ulterior motives. He is using religious rhetoric to influence this decision. He is ...................etc, etc, etc. The intentional purpose of this is to sway you away from the intentional reality of examining our situation in life/ and discovering what is important to our own survival. Personal issues aside, it is only necessary to understand and change the circumstances that will surely kill us all. This is not "yelling fire"/ this is confronting disease, and asking you to aid in sustaining and developing a definite cure; that it may not destroy us all. The understanding required to aid humanity, and establish peace and happiness are dependent upon women/ and it is my position, all the help they can get only means a better life for us all. Let the, "smart people": prove their numbers for your money, is not delusional/ let them prove the possibilities of genetic crucifixion and absolute collapse of genetic structure cannot happen, to the mutilation of all life: prove it is not fantasy and delusion that suggests these are not playing devil with our lives. Let them prove the imaginary game of "No one is so stupid", that they would actually use weapons of mass destruction/ that would be insane. Prove it is not more insane to allow the situation to exist at all: And on and on. How blind can humanity be? Come out of hiding, gather up anything left of your courage or find some, any way you can whether by sex, or whatever: and help women keep us alive. Find something, that lets you work, for life! Man clearly cannot do it/ he has completely failed, be honest! If you look "under the covers/ past the delusions and fantasies/ lies and theft: all there is, simply proves Armageddon is all but here. Therefore woman is all that can stand between life or death/ if she does not, or the majority of men fail to help her: there simply is no other possibility for the destruction of ecosystems, resources, and war; but to conclude death, by horrific means/ and terrible consequences. You cannot prove this wrong, therefore you can only gamble or hide or lie (for the purpose of stealing and pride).
It is a basic framework of construction, as to these "parts and pieces of social examination" establishing human change on earth/ that expectation would allow a fairly quiet existence for me, until "time begins" in September. That may not be so/ but it would be nice. Women will decide, it is not my right/ a reality of basic ownership. I have always been free, adjustment is required/ not an easy thing: BUT DO REMEMBER, this is about all women and for all women, and through them, even all life on earth/ NOT just a few/ NOT selfishness or power/ NOT pride or arrogance.
Simply an honorable opportunity to support each other.
The discipline of examination requires the final expanse, of expending with human disciplines, and discussing the parameters of levels beyond those created above for your discussion and the essence of your resource, for comprehension's above the level of common mental abilities. The consequence of "the 3 women inside" are in fact at higher levels of composition, a relationship decided by the reality: they are in control of my life. The existence of an environment by 3 means/ since I do not understand the necessary foundation truths about women, there is "no way out for me, I will be a slave until released (this would be a sign, that men are no longer in control of women; life has changed), or until allowed to learn as needed"/ but that is fine, in the truth; that I do not care if I am male or female. The reality of spiritual expressions, is when these three "women" can combine into one identity/ by a relationship they create among themselves, then my identity will cease to exist, as I know it to be. THIS would be "a great and wondrous sign"/ nothing less than a true miracle in every sense: clearly telling all life on earth, that man has lost his place, and woman will rule. Life will become one way or the other/ unless GOD Would choose different, and I am clearly a gift to the women inside. The only other choice is to "return to male"/ because life will end, and you have failed: therefore it is unnecessary to teach you anything. The spirit of woman is stronger than me/ therefore she controls. Stronger means: of a greater purity in truth. Therefore she does anything she decides to do, a property/ as she owns the right to do this, a right given to her by me earlier: in truth. The consequence of an existence that is weaker by definitions in reality, is I have no say/ no options/ and must accept the decisions that will affect my life: "a wife", by many methods of human decision. Therefore it is considered necessary by me to prepare in some way, that at least the potential exists to enter within discussion and be heard. I must understand the discussion to do this/ therefore I must understand women, that is the final truth of this situation. It may not matter/ but I have lived as a man entirely, and have not studied women/ I have studied life, and what it means to be a man. Life says, I must prepare, it is my duty; BUT I AM NOT A WOMAN, in the disciplines and reality that would allow me to prepare. This is a very different reality, from everything I have known: instead of order presenting a disciplined path to a defined journey and destination/ truth applies the present, to a consequence of relationships that I do not understand. I am lost/ truly it is different.
As to the validity of a spiritual existence, that applies truth to reality: all truth has consequences/ but it is only the truth in motion that presents an experience. Perhaps you can think of truth "Like a brick falling off a building/ dependent upon exactly what happens in the environment below/ air flow/ and other assorted details, lives could change if it destroys something. In the alternative of that, a bird distributes seed upon the earth, and life grows because the seed has an impact on its environment, if it grows". Truth is a very present reality, that has a very important relationship to the foundation of life or death. The essence of discovery says: the laws of the universe, distribute truth according to the dimension that investigation or change grants. Investigation allows the integration of basic elements, and consequence constructs the framework of an event or experience. Change rapidly asserts, an alteration in order/ that subsequently explains the disciplines associated with truth in that order/ shall be reassigned, and the consequence of that: is an expression different than existed before. Critical studies into the basic nature of thought, as it conforms to the ordered reality of energy and densities are not for discussion here.
The relationship of change to your lives, as provided within this document, is to construct a new framework, for your own minds to express a new truth of your own. The issues of "weird/ strange" or whatever, do not change the fundamental reality: that with all truth there is a consequence, when implemented/ and all lies end in destruction of something, in this case your world. It is common and sure, that the majority feel safe today: why should you not, "you with your fantasies and delusions about credit and money/ you don't care about the consequences of what you do to other lives/ and you have convinced yourselves "can't do anything/ therefore its not my problem". Just another LIE. The death of life on earth is your problem, the extent to which you are responsible or do not help: WILL BE A JUDGMENT against you; even eternally. The foundation of hate is: I ............. and all you assert, was not fair/ this is commonly confronted with, the evidence of what you do not see; is more than what you believe you understand. Therefore it is important to make you understand, the relationships I do cherish, are not simple gifts to me/ but common things, that are grown from the basic understanding that discipline creates order, order creates love and life, love and life create respect, and as you yourself ascend the ladder of respect: YOU TOO, may inherit much of the same. The reality however is not without a cost/ the very first price you must pay, is your pride & selfishness. If you will not/ then YOU have chosen to be less. The foundation of pride is, "I.......... want". I AM aware many will read this/ I am aware of the consequences that potentially exist/ I am NOT concerned: life is no longer a journey, it is a relationship, and this is who I am/ the question is, will you accept me/ teach me/ listen "as the woman inside demands an education must occur" /work with me/ or not? You cannot help me, IF: you hide from your life/ from sex/ men/ anything, you must be honest and true, and you must seek inside yourself honor, and respect life, including your own! Even if you do not desire anything to do with me (it is your right)/ I will still help you, if you are honorable in your desire to help humanity survive. As to "dreams" depicted herein, they are NOT an effort to influence you, or lead you in any direction/ instead all dreams are either a mental effort to "go inside of a want/ and explain how to achieve your goal"/ OR as were these, they are the intensity of extremes as may occur if a situation is entered into/ and must be decided upon as to the price prior to entry into that situation. I would suggest to you, they are not "my expectations of an extreme"/ but were provided for my own decision. Relayed to you, because it eliminates the variables "no mental recognition of the potential, its cause, or its impact/ therein a decision is made: before the outcome can proceed". I have no predictions as to the future/ too many human variables exist. It is however very clear, WOMAN is coming into or to be, my life: my decision was made/ and I will be glad for it. It is my belief, GOD Will be honored; I ask no more in truth. It is lovely, to be asked to do something. I will not complain.
There are certain to be complaints as to the nature of gender issues as represented/ my own reality is very simply: GOD CAN DO ANYTHING HE WANTS! Except make you "love HIM". GOD HAS PROVEN HE LOVES US ALL! Through JESUS, It is true!
The certain "excrement, referring to homosexual in any way"/ is their failure speaking to their own lies. What is not true/ does not come from GOD . Therefore the lies are surely conceived by man himself: either in cowardice toward women/ abandonment by women/ or the failures that destroy their own dignity. Dignity is irrelevant in terms of the destruction of pride: pride is a murderer and a thief and liar. In the war to destroy pride, some simply fail. You did not "pay enough"/ pride won.
But it would surely not have been "Your way" Would it!
The body is not held in high esteem "In heaven"/ because too much has been, to cause it to lose the honor it once held. The request of life is simply: all truth has a consequence/ the constant repair for the poverty of your failure and fantasy is over: you have no choice, either grow up and find truth and respect, or die. This is a reality, not a threat: "Like a fire that is smoldering"/ if you don't put it out, it is going to consume your very world. You are free to "prove me wrong"! Clearly and truly you are! If you do not use your mind, and understand the threats that challenge your very existence here on earth/ then you are very lazy and blind, stupid beyond belief: YOU not just them! "Your leaders, and smart people" have given you a world of risk/ constantly gambling "we will stop, if it doesn't work": BUT like a damn breaking, how will you stop any of the things you gamble with? Can you stop weapons of mass destruction? You have roughly 1 hour in all probability to try: a billion to one shot. Can you stop genetic collapse? Can you/ HOW? YOU are not smart enough to even understand evolution as such a simple lie: BRING THEM TO ME/ before the world, and I will do so; if you are too weak, and too stupid, and too gullible. Do not let them continue: it must stop: utter ignorance and delusion is killing YOU. What can you stop, when it is too late: can you stop civil war in america/ when everyone understands how you hated them, how you arranged and terrorized them with a foolish and infantile pyramid scheme to take their money from them: when they realize "money in the bank or not/ YOU are bankrupt". Can you stop the death of entire ecosystems when they truly collapse? WHAT CAN YOU DO: when it is too late? IF YOU DON'T START NOW, then all you will have are fears/ it is all you do deserve: but even so, GOD Has seen fit to provide you with this message/ as the bible predicted HE WOULD . I am a simple messenger/ nothing more. JESUS predicted "A son of man" would come, and tell you everything you needed to know. I am a simple son of man, irregardless of the rest/ that is true of this day: JESUS Taught me , therefore these are the lessons of my life. It has been my duty, to give them to you.
YOU are also, quite simply GOD'S OWN CREATION/ AND THE LIFE THAT JESUS DID DIE FOR! You are now taught by the same consequence as I have been: YOU TOO, have inherited a duty, To help your brothers and sisters and all life on earth. There are NO ISSUES of who you are/ who you have been/ what you have or don't have: essentially, time starts now, for each one. Because this is your chance to change everything: do you desire it? If not, then you will not be invited further. I am literally done here/ I have done my share, as a man: there is nothing left for me to do as a man. Today, life or death for this world, & the rest is up to you. But women shall rule over all humanity: you have no option, women will rule!
The questions regarding my life being granted to women, must still be resolved: it is not my concern, I DO Belong to GOD / FIRST and always. It is not my right to judge/ not my right to decide, beyond "for all women, who work for peace, life, and happiness": you may do what you choose to do. Find your courage, and live for the world itself.
GOD LOVES US ALL, rich or poor/ colors don't matter/ gender is irrelevant/ bodies don't matter: only the mind stands between this love and you. Therefore find your strength, and let the mind do what it was intended to do: simply measure the effects of reality and truth. It is your soul, that searches and finds thought. Be at peace, if you are searching/ do not surrender, but pray often. Prayer means: GOD Is first in my own life; Yours is your own decision/ it is not mine.
James F. Osterbur
THE KNOWLEDGE required to enter within soul and search for spirit/ now begins. Subsequent to this section is the reference to 3 women in spiritual recognition as to my life. The concentration necessary to establish complexity in your life, fundamentally consist of the details and elements of any given situation/ and the truth that can be gleaned from them.
What was spiritual man, has entered within " GOD'S WORLD" / my life exists in trust, and the outcome of whether spiritual woman in me, can survive. I am happy today/ because the spirit of woman inside, is closer to GOD than I could ever be on my own. Therefore the opportunity to participate in "her spirit"/ is truly wonderful (after adjustments have been made). The trust that is my spiritual existence says: no matter what the consequences that shall befall me in these matters, my eternity shall not be less than the male that has gone before/ therefore I am secure in all things. The opportunity to proceed as the soul of woman, defined by "these 3 women inside"/ creates the existence of an environment that can literally become "the woman I am". That would mean literally, "my eternity would be closer to GOD , than ever I could have hoped for": it is a very lovely possibility.
This is a search, for things unknown to me/ in places I have never been/ for purposes I do not completely understand: therefore the opportunity to participate with women here, is also a wonderful expression of a possibility that is more than I am. What is critical and plain is: women also have needs for which I can help/ it is how we achieve these ends together that will matter for us both. JESUS declared, "HIS FATHER'S HOUSE, has many rooms"! The interpretation of that is, your personal freedom has many great and wonderful variations/ and no one needs to feel wrong: if you have respect, and honor, life will give you the freedom to be whatever you desire to be. As a consequence women and I are given the opportunity to examine male and female relationships in all ways: I, to understand and become female/ YOU, as women to understand male, and find the ways necessary to "fix all the problems of this world". That does require you to examine man, learn how to make your men happy, and understand his basic needs/ while protecting your own, and ruling over his life. What is left of the male body here, is all the parts & pieces and some of the reality that defines a male/ but not simple desire for woman. The body can react, it is your purpose to find why it reacts; and comprehend true male desires. The 3 spirits of women inside, must examine the truth and help you/ and find what women can understand: so that you as women can choose to make life better on earth. You however must encounter and participate in the process, and learn as well/ teaching also, so that I can be happy too. Whether the reality of my own life can survive these demands, and be happy, defines my eternity. Whether you can share the responsibility, discard the pride, care about the outcome for us both, and learn wisdom defines your existence on earth/ and in eternity. If you can understand this little bit/ then I do predict the door will open for you, and spiritual recognition begin. PRAY for us both/ as we each stand at a true opportunity. An honorable hope, and a grateful experience.
What is critical and sure is simply; although many will surrender to their pride: the reality is not sexual/ but more simply the search inside for love. From my own heart, I do ask these: can you not see eternity/ can you not understand the time you have sold to pride is so small, as to be meaningless? To be a "winner, in someone else's life/ is to consume them intentionally: are we not worth more than that/ are you not greater inside, than that? To be alive, is a wonderful gift that requires respect to achieve honor/ with honor, all life is a true miracle, a great and wonderful experience and expression of value. Is this not more than "making someone else a loser/ by admitting you won that tiny game: it is a true poverty of heart in you. This quest is not physical/ but exists in the truth of who we are, and how body and mind affect the essence and elements of our lives. The discipline of gender, simply divides the work/ so that more of what is precious and true becomes our ways.
It is contrary to female ways, to journey beyond their own relationships/ but truth says, "to lead" demands that even you shall move beyond your current expression and find new experience: that is the purpose of a leader: and women are now leaders of all human life on earth. Therefore you must journey a little. If you do well/ then when man has become what you desire him to be: at that time, with critical supervision/ you may let him do the leading for you. NOT as he has/ for he is finished ruling over the earth. But as he becomes "the honor, that gives life to your soul". This is not a temptation/ this is a possibility of new life for all. You must make the rules, you have all the power/ I must survive, please be kind. My life matters too.
The purpose of the man's body is then quite simple/ it is to be used to define a woman's impact and subsequent ways on a man's body: that she may learn to control him. The purpose of "a woman inside, or girl"/ is also the same, she will be used to define the impact on a man's body and subsequent ways: that she will understand the intricate realities that shape his desire: and control him. The primary cause is also distinctly simple: to redefine, the relationship between man and woman/ by letting woman know the intimate details of every man: by sustaining an experimentation that leaves nothing hidden. SHE MUST then use this knowledge, as best she can/ there are NO RULES for her behavior: she is in charge of changing men, and thereby giving life back to the earth. WOMEN shall rule/ or all shall die: therefore make your decision early, and keep it. WOMEN shall order society/ they shall tell men what they are to do, for the women; and they shall do it, OR GOD Shall teach them to submit. But remember this: your power is granted by the demand to remove the corruption from all of government, do not fail! As you do this/ true power over society will become yours: By similar methods to which man has chosen to make women submit to them: GOD is not subtle, nor is man's body a temple anymore. Women shall select men, and be head of the household/ those men who refuse, shall not be tolerated: there shall be "a man for every woman that wants one". Those who refuse: Women shall give these men to their, own incarcerated male homosexuals: "helpless, NOT even the ability to bite shall they take/ helpless and at the mercy of someone else/ you will attach a penis size hole to their face, to give them breath": until such time as they are willing to submit to women as women desire [SOUNDS BAD, DOESN'T IT!]. BUT WOMEN will give them opportunity to capitulate, and prove they are willing; just before reality proves it/ YOU WILL save them if you can. Nothing you will receive, gives to women the right to "own men"/ nothing women will receive grants them superiority/ instead, woman shall understand: love decides every relationship of value/ and she will use her knowledge to confront pride, control selfishness, and let truth decide as reality allows. If she fails to extract life with respect and honor; a life through honesty with love/ then the world fails with her. What is man, shall help her, or die with her.
The purpose of being in control, accepting the responsibility of power, and confronting those who are not fair: are created above, because the majority of men have used their penis to simply amuse themselves/ no purpose beyond that; therefore they most often fail women. The critical reality of discipline in men/ the foundation created as: you will not use woman as a tool, to amuse yourself/ the understanding, of a shared resource, and NOT a toy/ the opportunity for life to participate in GOD'S CREATION As he should/ and the joy of a honest expression capable of love and hope and eternity, are all held within the distinct acceptance: man will do as he was created to do. Therefore the power of society is: to instill discipline/ to accept responsibility/ to understand the distance between respect and reality, and choose the direction that conforms both, to the honor the gives society peace and life. You will "recreate man"/ as best a woman can, or you will die. Believe or not: the world itself stands at the precipice of destruction/ IF YOU DO NOT, look at life from a clearly opposite view (woman)/ then you shall indeed fall over the edge, and it shall truly be horrendous and far worse than anything you can imagine. Take a look at the damage of hurricane Katrina, in New Orleans: the whole world, shall be the same/ only far worse. Depend on men you say: well man had at least 70 years to improve the barriers that protected the city/ yet he did nothing but pretend, and when reality proved him wrong: "take a good look, at what you really get". Either change/ or over the edge you go.
Simple sexuality is like a trap door, either side "pulls the lever"/ and then the other side is confined to experience that depends upon whether that person sees them/ OR USES them, and sees only their own reflection, only their own needs or wants: as if a mirror existed, and the person on the other side, did not exist at all. Simply a tool. This is a "knife, in the reality of society, causing great harm". And it will stop. YOU WILL demand of men sexual responsibility/ and teach them exactly what you mean: if they do not respond correctly, then you will teach them exactly/ what disrespect, and disgrace, and failure means.
Women shall determine sexual responsibilities, and they will control. Because the person not in control, becomes a prey. The question is then: will you be a predator, or not? The question of women as a predator, although some are/ the majority have no opportunity: therefore no decision has been made in them. They now get their chance to decide: love or hate? The morality of man is dead, as is all morality inspired by man: women shall make their own, and man obey. The law and the legal agreements of men, regarding sexual predators of women and children shall be thrown out: women shall revisit any they choose and make a new ruling as they wish. Sexual predation of men, shall be at a woman's discretion: it that not how men do! BUT if women are not honorable/ then all shall be lost: THEY MUST, CHOOSE RESPECT FOR LIFE. Pride has NO place here/ do what is important for life: but do NOT sacrifice yourself, do not sacrifice someone else/ make an honorable and honest decision to respect reality and create a new and responsible existence for all. BUT DO, remember this: the man's body you are given to use, abuse, and investigate, is just like any other man/ and the girl, and later woman inside is held as the soul of any woman or girl: it will be a harsh and difficult job/ help "her, and be careful for him". You cannot simply be given this information/ as is true of all honest love: the intensity of your desire provides the honor that becomes your decision: therefore to achieve honor, these things must be earned. OR IF there is nothing but dishonor/ disrespect/ and destruction in the majority, then you will earn your hell: just as man has earned the right to be destroyed. The question of the writer is quite simple: woman is to surround him as the male body he is/ they will "take advantage of his body", learning distinctly: what makes a man cry/ weep/ or surrender their own body and their own respect. The question to woman is then: once you learn/ fully aware, you are in control; are you, or are you not going to be like a majority of men? Are you, or are you not going to repent of all that has been done/ and never do it again? As to the man, is he not a tool for women to use; just as women have been to men: "to amuse yourselves"? He has literally no control sexually, "if the non-lesbian cannot make the parts and pieces work"/ the alternate controls are in his breasts, simply use them; he cannot refuse. {to operate, it may take two, particularly as time goes on/ but once the chemicals have convinced him "he is a girl/ woman"/ then the male parts and pieces will simply react, without any interference. Since they are disconnected "from female", he won't even remember/ so long as you keep him sedated, by working the breasts as necessary. But he is man, LIMITED, there will be pain if you are too many/ and he can be killed.} Just remember, if there is no honor or respect, especially after the beginning: GOD can take "him/her" away. PRAY , he is to be used, even abused, BUT the body shall not be ridiculed/ taken for granted/ or disgraced: do remember this carefully. From the elements and essence of his sexual memories, reality has put a mechanism inside men: that makes them need women sexually/ not as a tool, but as a true need. It can be tripped, by increased intensity once the sperm is "on its way": the very simplest method is with your mouth {this is NOT a request, it is the least invasive to women, thereby safest for her, and most efficient: the possibility exists, with intercourse, women may find a much stronger need as well}/ is not woman completely in charge here, use help / it seems almost certain "a fully loaded sperm bank" is required to complete the trigger and set it off. NEED means a respect is inherent, because power cannot create desire/ in some manner, you must earn it. Therefore you WILL test him intently to determine what he needs, what he can do to dissipate the need if you refuse, and what he can do for woman, if allowed. A need means: you cannot avoid this/ you cannot live without this/ and if you do not respect this reality and support it: it will die. Men will quickly learn, this is a need, that only women will control. This can be used against men/ BUT so that you do not assume power over men, it is necessary that you discover what it is that makes a man's body desire a woman: there is NO purpose in attempting to make a man's body need you/ until you can create desire. The truth of your association with this trigger, is NOT FOR POWER, over men/ but to carefully, be capable of directing their behaviors, as you desire them to be: therefore you must discover your own as well. The harder you look/ the more passionate you will be when the answer comes. But beware: needs are not simple, and if they cannot be fulfilled: BAD things happen outside this "writer". YOU must be prepared, first/ AND, YOU MUST BE CAREFUL, in selecting the men who will need you; WHY tolerate, bastard's and trash! If men try to create it in themselves, or use a woman to do so/ THEN they will receive exactly what they deserve. As to the writer/ remember this: once you see the damage you have done/ IF YOU DO NOT QUICKLY, REPENT IN YOUR HEARTS, then you as women will be abandoned too. This world will no longer be given "to the trash". If woman is wise, she will carefully learn how to encourage men to trust her and love him, and especially respect her/ then she will establish discipline and honor in the men of her environment. If women are too foolish/ then they too will rape, abuse, and use violence in an effort to attain and keep power over men. WHAT will you decide? The reality of this is yet to be completely proven/ as the man's memories prove a very distinct power exists, but was never tested completely; he avoided it, because it was clearly too powerful for him to control, a true need coming. The question of truth, applies the concept here, of "the beginning of man and women on earth"/ and the reality, of a man pushed sexually to the point of needing relief (because truth would bring many women first, to begin the population of earth): so begins the essence of control/ and the understanding "the mechanism almost certainly exists"/ because truth would have needed it. That simple reality then understands "Noah's flood, a real event as written" occurred in part: because women had this control, and man did not remain honorable/ nor did woman! The question exists today; what are the terms, the duration, the reality, the need, and the truth in all men, and what does control do to them? The consequence of these questions is a reality expressed in the extremes of what sexual power can do to women as they gain critical control, and to man, as they understand "sex is dangerous". The truth simply expects women to, create the examination and investigation "of his breaking points/ and why". What is good, or bad, and why/ etc. The majority will rule, the question is: who shall win among the women who will compete/ to establish dominance or love? The question is: how shall you control the women who do not desire "your way"? You will answer this question? Women must then decide "the price they are willing to pay", for the answer of their choice/ the price they will demand from the man: to break him if you can, or define mercy, or love: it is your choice . IF YOU WISH, to be certain of weapons at this meeting/ then not one woman in the entire area around the man's body, shall wear clothes of any kind/ not even shoes, unless the shoes are provided. It is the price "of disarmament".
BE VERY AWARE, IF MAN HARMS THE WRITER in any way/ or he does not stop any man who would, even though this one has no choice, but to write as he must: an eternal curse shall fall upon men! He has no choice but to endure whatever women will do to his body/ is there anything possible that man has not done to women throughout history, that he will endure: NO there is not. BUT EVEN SO, if woman uses "sodomy or any such deviant sexual event because of woman or her failures, shall fall upon this man"/ then woman herself will be eternally cursed, and there will be no mercy.
The question of the writer/ the question of his future is quite simple too: he requires real love to survive/ anything less and he will die. If woman sees in the man absolute control, and desires him to be a woman: then so shall he be/ and all men shall soon follow. If woman sees in the man, the opportunity of "better men"/ and desires all men to be the same: then she will PRAY WITH HER SOUL, TO GOD , that HE might return to the man, a male spirit that loves woman/ and reveal to all men, the possibilities that are of life with women. GOD AND JESUS Will decide what shall be done with the writer/ if the body becomes female, then she shall ascend: EARNING the right to be woman/ accepting the honor to have GOD AND JESUS Visit with her, on the inside, where life truly exists. What is man, can only be friends! OR if women prove worthy, she may remain to help women change this earth. Eternity will wait/ but only because she will be then pregnant, with the child that will become ruler of this world establishing HONOR, RESPECT, DISCIPLINE, AND LOVE IN THIS WORLD, and this life, if you cannot: after the child's 12th birthday. Diligent teaching is required.
The assignment of life asks: WHAT is a critical development in the relationship we share with existence? In more simple terms: WHAT constitutes the complexity between that which is life (a freedom and a decision), and what is existence (an identity, a presence, and an energy controlled by order)? The consequent relationship discovered between these variables is thought. The consistency of thought demonstrates discipline, but it is THE RESPECT for truth & the essence of honor that gives us MIRACLES. It is the evidence of miracles, that completes the value of our lives. HERE, where value creates the definitions of a home, the essence & elements of LOVE are understood. HERE where understanding lives in the creation of "our hearts": THE HONOR OF CREATION AND OUR CREATOR Is found inside the SPIRIT the completes your own life, as a participant in all that is freedom. Not all that is everything. Sexuality gives you a glimpse of what eternity can be, NOT by physical constraints/ but by the intensity of honor as it exists for the few, who do experience true love. TRUST is the essence, of every single glimpse of love/ without trust, love does not exist, in anyone. Therefore the writer will experience {if insufficient honor does not exist in woman } the consequence of love stolen completely: ALL GONE! The truth of absolute trust, will then come to question "him/ her" in the intensity of an absolute decision that is eternity. If you do not steal the love from inside/ then the writer escapes, to be free in this life, if he/ or she, is to remain as a helper to women or not. GOD DECIDES.
The question erupts: WHAT is love, that it can be owned/ stolen/ or ALIVE? The answer accepts love is owned, because you must directly participate, and be responsible "for your share, of its contribution, to your life". It can be stolen or more correctly "tempted, lured, or required by the life of another"/ therein, it does exist as a fluid expression & experience VALUED as the essence of your life itself. All people who are literally alive in their soul, have love inside. All people who have been deceived/ tragically deprived, because of want or pride/ or who surrender their love on purpose, or due to death or tragedy of someone they do share love with: DO face the poverty of an experience akin to the death of a very close friend, a true companion. Because by its essence love is a very close friend and companion/ that you have learned to trust completely, or whom you wish to trust completely. The elements involved include: the conception of a true friend and presence in your life, trustworthy, honest, & pure. Thereby the loss of these realities in the mind, contribute to the consequence of a foundation hidden in life (that no one may find me again, and hurt me again). This is the darkness of hiding from life itself/ because you believe the pain is too great to risk again. It is in your heart, a burden that cannot be held/ a price that was too harsh to bear. The reality as truth experienced, is the moment of separation from yourself. The truth of humanity, then asks: HOW can we possibly be separated from ourselves/ are we not one body & mind, one life upon this earth: how can we be separated inside ourselves? The answer is: our lives are conceived in time, each and every moment of every day. Throughout time, we MUST redefine & recreate ourselves with every new opportunity. It is here, where past & present meet/ that LOVE exists, as a beginning! Love being, the single most important moment of our lives: the opportunity to share the experience of thought as freedom, & the honesty of that freedom, to exchange as our desire for movement. Love then, has captured the essence and honor of being ALIVE/ And transformed it, into the RESPECT for: GOD And HIS CREATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE is the truth, that gives our experience as MIRACLES, a relationship with all that we can be. When love is lost/ the reality is an experience confronted by the honesty "of another miracle, that proved unworthy of your love: how could this be, LOVE cannot be this way". But reality demands a decision from YOU: to be judge, or NOT to be judge/ because your trust in these truths, this love, has been stolen from you/ or given away. Judgment demands a division/ because yes or no, CANNOT stand together, it is one way or the other. Therein, inside your soul, you have become separated & revealed, by the truth called want/ and what you will do with that want. Want explains to you, "all the reasons, a humanity YOU, should judge. TRUTH explains simply: the price of freedom IS, the right to decide, even if it is wrong/ law decides all the rest, or violence and hate participate to consume your own soul. The consequence of freedom is love/ but the truth of freedom, allows each one, the option not to love. It is the price of your soul, to make this decision for life. Soul therefrom comes to mean: the values we place within ourselves, As love, To create heart! Heart is "the foundation from which we exist BY CHOICE! Heart is everything that combines to give to thought itself: "The honor & intensity & passion of WHO do I truly desire to be"?
My everything.
Your reality as women begins here. The primary understanding of the human dimensions involved, depicted as "the writer" are: his foundation is built on FAITH in GOD & JESUS / (2) his remaining & very limited rights as a man, inside a man's body/ (3) "the young girl" called freedom, whom the spirit of woman from GOD Brings: she hates the male body, but not the man/ (4) the non-lesbian has been given all the rights and reality of motion to control all male sexual existence, and responsibilities/ (5) "the wise woman" who decides the relationship that shall exist, between these 4 participants/ (6) heart, the end result of a decision from "the life inside"/ (7) the fundamental threat that women of the earth, have become to this life. He can not ever harm you, do not fear him ever/ it is not true.
The decisions of women across the world, every single one [ will be known by the definitions of spirit and soul and life, BY GOD ; you cannot hide/ what you truly desire to do to the male will be your vote]. YOU, the women of the world, have been given the right, and absolute control over "the writers body". YOU by your decisions will literally choose: IF you will protect the life of this man, and merely change him? Or, IF you will ignore all threats of men, to the life of this planet/ and simply ignore the male provided to you? Or, if you will literally crucify "his penis and balls/ all the male parts & pieces", just because you can/ or simply do not care enough to save him: you must also stop those who would, or you fail? One of these 3 choices is going to happen/ it is your choice.
If you refuse & ignore, the prophecy is: Armageddon will come very quickly. If you "protect him too well"/ then you will fail, because you learned little, and your chance to change men and redirect life on earth, has failed because of it. If you crucify "his male parts & pieces" or kill by carelessness, because you didn't care enough, or simply were unable to see the danger / then Revelation chapters 13 - 19 shall come, as described. The reality given to women is: to find a complete and new respect for men, and then control men, by removing the male threats to women! The "male parts & pieces" are NOT a threat in themselves, but an asset to women/ when it is the women who shall control. MAN IS DONE, ruling the earth; his choice to create everything necessary to exterminate life on earth/ or slow extinction by horrific means: HAS brought his rule to an end. BUT if women find no honor or discipline, if they fail to respect life, or if love fails the majority, then the world dies. This reality increases, because the removal of want & pride in women and men/ increases the price they must pay or die. ALL WILL BE EQUAL, in your new life/ but only women will rule. If you doubt GOD Cannot accomplish this, You are a fool, an idiot, and a liar.
The reality of men, will follow whatever women do to "the writer"/ either love or hate, failure of respect or not, the "will of women" will decide; and their lives will change: either Armageddon/ or woman, take your pick, but understand this: you truly have NO SAY, your decision will help or hinder women/ but you have no say. Whatever the future is to be, "the penis and balls" will NEVER RULE AGAIN. If it tries, and women do not crush it completely/ life as humanity on earth, WILL cease to exist; very quickly.
As to "the writer: the body, woman now controls"/ he has been divided inside, as both male & female (the breasts are true). The "spirit of woman" now controls! Every nation of women, now does have the right, "to assault, love, use, or abuse this body"/ BUT THE MAJORITY rules, and if you don't enforce the rules, he will die. DECIDE EARLY! The evidence of your ownership of man, will become clear. GOD has given this male to women, & she does own it. What then, WILL YOU DO with it? If you fail to organize early, he will die. If you fail to respect his body, he will die. If you fail to provide real love, at least a tiny bit: then his ability to survive will end. But if you don't find the critical understanding of man that is necessary, you will die. WHAT WILL YOU DO? Answer the question, inside yourselves. His truth consists of "the spirit of woman inside"/ therefore if he dies, the true spirit of woman departs with him, and women will suffer. This is then a very serious matter, & these decisions will control your eternity as well. The question is not, how can his life make a difference/ it does not: HE is irrelevant! Instead, the question reality asks of you, is how can the spirit of woman inside/ knowledge of the inner workings of man/ and GOD'S HELP change & refine your world! The answer is, YOU must accept the decision honestly, to find out.
As to body, the reality WILL be harsh/ "the male left inside", MAY curse at woman because of the pain/ but it will mean NOTHING. YOU ARE "to increase the intensity and multiply the effects, if he does/ that pain may increase, and he learn the lesson: trying to escape is absolutely impossible! He will, and he must join "the young girl inside" completely, OR go insane. SHE WILL RESIST, and life will be difficult, particularly as she is now frustrated in puberty. IF he does go insane/ then give him time, & love, & he will recover: THEN BEGIN AGAIN. When the girl allows him to join her, "they, will become woman". Here, protected from all male sexual realities, because the body is male, but the mind is now completely female: and these are not physically connected, except as the breasts you will manipulate to achieve your desire for knowledge/ both to understand what man does to himself, when at your breasts, & what you want man to do for you/ and to achieve other reactions as needed. The body WILL then react simply, as any other male body does, FOR YOUR STUDY; but the complications of a male identity will be gone, although true pain will remain! The question of toothaches, will moderate the other pains/ although if women desire it, they may moderate the toothaches instead.
The discussion of ownership is a discussion in equality, ALL WOMEN OWN HIM, until "He/ she" is returned to man/ becomes truly female/ or Whatever GOD DESIRES .
No authority will be granted, UNTIL the evidence of postcards as described/ HAS CLEARLY occurred. In that day, he belongs to women/ and not before.
Our human existence is under siege: even if you don't understand it/ it is true. Because the environment of reality HAS encountered NUMEROUS AND DEADLY human LIES, and FAILURE. YOU can see them for yourselves/ you just turn away and hide instead, lie to yourself, & terrorize yourselves with WANTS that you shall not keep or never attain if this is true: and it is. Not one person is one million attains their own goals to any degree/ even though nearly all goals are worthless: for most, it is a tragedy either way/ because your lives are spent in constant upheaval, because your pride demands you must play the game.
The relationship we hold as human life, is dependent upon RESPECT for each other as well/ not just life and GOD : but every human being. The constant parade of media influences are largely about temptations, & influences intentionally generated to produce DISRESPECT, for everything. Man's answer to life, is LUST, GREED, AND A GUN. But the world here on earth is different now/ your population count, & your decisions "have made you god". In other words, YOUR DECISIONS either support life, or destroy it. Because you HAVE taken the power, to control life on earth. Are you not PROUD? Of course you are, so proud you can hardly stand the others surrounding you/ YOU have achieved POWER! And you are now granted the right of authority, over all life on earth/ every process & every resource, and every need: is in your hands! YOU are god. YOUR DEMAND, has been met/ because your pride is so complete/ your drunkenness so extensive! Power is the assertion: I can change whatever confronts me, I can create a truth because of what I can do. But truth says: EVERY ACTION HAS A CONSEQUENCE, no matter how small/ and that consequence alters the environment and changes your relationship to life. Such is the cause and learning associated with sexuality and pregnancy/ that although you do have distinct powers within your grasp, the consequences of that power are important not only to you/ but to life itself. As to your relationship with religion/ it is the reality of rules that ascends or descends from the positions of peace to war, because you did or did not accept the consequences of your actions/ but proved instead to be "too simple, to seek understanding and accept truth". Truth is not your belief/ truth is the foundation that sustains life, and it is your job, to choose what sustains life, instead of destroying it: THIS requires evidence, examination of details, fundamental investigations, and critical reality as it exists/ NOT as you believe "the fantasies and delusions of your power to cause change" ; but the reality of time, energy, and mass to confront your existence and demand your answer: fail and you may die. The existence of love, alters every truth & consequence as WHAT would GOD Teach us or lead us to do? Therein we have all been sustained in our lives.
Because you fail completely in understanding the consequences of your power to alter reality/ and have searched diligently in pride to find cause to destroy and murder: the only reality you will sustain, is the destruction of every living thing. That is your destiny "as god": you have become "the garbage dump, called satan". Because it is true, your life is at the door to hell/ substantial understanding says: critical knowledge, will not change to reality and truth of your lives/ because either you will respect life and GOD Or you will die and destroy everything anyway. Therefore some small and simple acceleration in your education is allowed: the opportunity for life, exists in the plasma created where fundamental energy transforms the disciplines of mass into critical stress/ here at the gate of consequence, truth applies order/ and life begins. IF YOU FAIL/ this knowledge will destroy your world. This is then the key to hell/ because it is enough to give "your genetic and physical scientists" the opportunity to make life in their way. And that will be the complete death of nature: death by the proud face of insanity and delusion. You will now control these completely, by taking over their weapons: "the tools the use"/ or they will defeat you completely, and bring what is crucified, to completely horrify YOU. Make your decision/ if you are wrong, there will be NO second chance: NATURE is all that keeps you alive/ provides your body/ allows everything you are as humanity/ and everything you can be. ONLY A COMPLETELY INSANE ASS, would contemplate this gamble/ but you are insane, it is the degree, and whether your pride can be defeated that remains as a question. Held under the sewage of human excrement/ from all the lies that have paraded before you, the question is: are YOU ALIVE?
YOU DO have one opportunity left, Begin your change/ or face Armageddon. YOU ARE LOVED BUT you will be abandoned, if you fail to prove LIFE is more important to you/ Than power, or pride/ hate or lust/ ...... and all the rest.
The key to heaven (simply a place of peace and life for you)/ is the ability of women to lead you with honor and respect, with work and the opportunity to redesign human life on earth: this begins in the meeting set, in this document. Man's help is required, even to the point and moments of demanding truth and reality must lead/ and helping woman to find respect for all life, including his. Man has proven insane, because of his choices: the world is ready to die/ how much more is needed to prove he cannot rule or judge human life on earth. Man is done, and will never rule or judge life on earth again: lest you be consumed. HELP WOMAN, PRAY FOR HER, and submit to her even when she is wrong, because without her/ your life is over, the future of life on earth is dead. Pride will refuse to believe, saying life is not "up to him"/ and they are surely correct, it is not up to me. However, life is dependent upon reality, and truth will decide: therefore if truth says you will die/ then nothing can stop the consequences that you created. Once the point of no return has been crossed, there is no going back. Remember this, it is man that has chosen to wreck everything that keeps life alive: how can nature help you, after it is dead? Do you not believe that death is the end of "the creature that existed"? If nature is dead/ then you are too.
IF you do not come to the meeting designed to assist you this September 12, 2006/ to return the earth and its life, back to sustainable and honest and honorable existence: IRREGARDLESS of the truth your pride, want, and selfishness must be surrendered? IF YOU fail to do the actual work involved/ or refuse to surrender your pride: then to ARMAGEDDON you shall go.
More than enough information & reality exists to prove this is true: NO EXCUSES, will be allowed. This is not a game/ this is your reality.
This is not a threat/ this is an opportunity to change your truth, and interrupt your consequences: to establish a new and different world/ by your own decisions. Therefore in truth, THIS IS MERCY!
As you have been told, by the consequences of your own actions,
It SHALL now come upon your lives that judgment
With the voracity you deserve/ shall fall upon you.
As a direct consequence to this level of reality, there shall be NO possibility that you will accept less than this meeting at this place/ so long as sufficient proof of critical acceptance is available. It does not matter, if the place is sold/ the army stands at the ready/ the police threaten you: or anything else! YOU WILL surround them if necessary, and carry on. You will come/ unless this site Says different, by my hand. You will search for proof, by demanding of media interests or your own/ that the Royal postoffice will prove the level of postcards that it has received. You will require it of them/ they will be informed any media or person representing any organization is entitled to know, their estimate of postcards received. NO LESS THAN, One ton (2000 pounds) of postcards shall be mailed HONESTLY (why should you be judged, a liar) FROM WOMEN ONLY, if you are female, and have had your period, you may join to the address JOIN box 91, Royal IL 61871 [do sign it] OR THIS MEETING is cancelled. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT/ NO AUTHORITY, to ask of the writer ANYTHING, unless this sign of your life inside, has been met! The men are irrelevant, and should NOT attempt to join/ NONE of them BUT UNLESS THEY HELP, life is over/ because woman needs them too. Less than that cannot change the world: but if this many or more are received/ then nothing will stop you, except you. There is only love or pride, in truth they are enemies of each other, just like hate or love are also enemies/ therefore the whole world shall now begin to decide: WHO ARE YOU? Pride and hate are allies, in your personal decision to create war on "the others"/ love is a companion; defined by the beauty of your soul, and the honesty of your heart: LOVE lives inside where only friendship and trust may come. This is the division, predicted in the new testament of the bible/ that you must choose between your pride as want and selfishness demand. Or as love, wherein change represents a completely new kind of world, where pride and hate shall not remain among you: you will be divided! You shall not have both, any more: one way/ or the other, you WILL CHOOSE love and the world it defines/ or hate, and the pride of killing this world, because you could.
But do remember this, I cannot even begin to tell you how extremely serious this reality is. I am effectively removed from the consequence of your decision/ by becoming "something of a ridicule"/ different to an obvious point of fact. The reality, "you cannot follow me/ the others will not come". Therefore only what you have understood as true; or worth examining/ investigating/ or confronting, stands before you and them, to explain how important your own decision is: and whether you live or die. And even this is nothing compared with the consequences of this day, eternity is not a game/ it is the foundation that will consume you with horrendous consequences, or grant you life beyond your imagination. Truth will demand: you must come to the meeting! But pride will attack you with all the vanity and want, that you desire/ and arrogance will hold many away, because selfishness demands it: if you fail, it is because want is more important to you/ than life. The question that remains is: of those who are still alive, can you feel the intensity of your own heart? If you do, then come and save those who need you/ the earth itself is calling you. This is beyond important/ this is everything called life on earth.
Truth asks, of all these words; are they not harsh and disrespectful, especially to this man who writes? The consequence of respect replies: IF MAN had NOT done so extremely poorly/ then this man would have great respect today & so would every man. Today, honesty & honor/ discipline & courage/ truth & REAL RESPECT for women is required: only those capable need apply! While it is true, the reality is a complete surprise to him/ the truth is "his desire (the application) to support GOD'S CREATIONS " Is the very same as mine, the true spirit of woman. He WILL be cherished, if not here/ then even more so in ETERNITY!
YOUR reality is now to decide, if these things are a hoax, a lie, simply for sex, or power, or lust/ are they a game to steal from you, did all these words come to you for the sake of ridicule: or are they real? The answer is important as the document says/ because the tragedy is: life is under siege. Do you believe this/ or is your reality and truth, so simple? These are truly very important questions, and you are free to do whatever you wish. Is this not true? The reality of all manipulation is, there must be a purpose, or it is not real. The truth of all consequences is, in the end it is life/ or it is death.
With the understanding of parameters and faith. The very first dimension in values is life LEADS, & I/you are to follow, rather than lead ourselves. Life is a lesson, and we are all students. The discussion of value cannot exist without death/ because the comprehension of life is not complete without an opposite dimension, that details the reality of what life is or is not. Thereby presenting each one of us, with decisions & parameters of choice, from love to hate. You cannot change the outcome of any decision with confronts you, as a problem or tragedy/ UNLESS you make a different decision, which then presents a different conclusion. YOUR decisions matter/ especially to you.
More critical that learning today, is the disciplines that keep us alive. Therein all remaining discussions will aspire to "survival first". The consequent lesson of "human dimensions" as listed in the 7 environments of my current existence herein/ are discussed as the influences on my own life at this moment in time. Each are an environment, within the larger framework of an existence. They exist as a spiritual reality in me/ DUE to the understanding that man has NO answer for the reality and truth he has created in this day. He is through, and will die if woman does not save him.
This then begins in the knowledge, " humanity & this earth, cannot survive what man has designed and built"/ it all leads to a hell of his own creations (Armageddon). This hell on earth is coming/ it is the truth and consequences of all male decisions combined: and does indeed, stand at "the door of human existence today".
MY reality begins simply as a desire: to help humanity STOP THIS DESTRUCTION! But reality has proved "there is nothing I can do/ people will not listen": even if I prove beyond any doubt/ take away their defenses/ & demand admission to what they NOW FULLY understand as true/ instead of acceptance that truth must lead, all hide in fear, behind want & pride, because these they believe [they can control themselves]. That is a lie, because pride & want control you/ you do not control them, unless you remove them: they are enemies and liars. Because of the intense need, one last major assault had been prepared by me, TO DEMAND TRUTH MUST LEAD, by information/ evidence / and reality. Knowing full well, it would end without hope. Here I was "drawn to Revelations chapter 1"/ the interpretation, looked directly at me! The understanding says: "judgment days are here."
As a truth, the composition required to assist GOD'S CREATION , and help humanity to survive, was NOT found in man/ he has failed, as a man, so have I. The prophecy of the first 11 chapters predicts what I did recognize to be true/ this is man's fate, of his own accord. Recognizing that; I was again drawn to Revelation 12 , the interpretation of what can women do: here to the degree that they/ we can pass by the consequence that separate us from the end chapters, a possibility of life and true happiness arose. THANK GOD ! Truly.
The introduction of a new and different approach, to a new and different life on earth, then comes from woman/ but my reality & truth exist as a man. GOD did, at my request/ introduce WOMAN in me. As time has progressed, and understanding asserted: "I can survive, female"/ truth ended time: as a man inside! Time ending is death/ therein the "crash of disciplines" that has become the identity of a life, is divided to sort and establish the environments truth will use to recreate LIFE in eternity. I am allowed to stay here/ because it was the end of the man/ not the end of his life: it is an odd arrangement of variables, that must soon be recombined, back into the humanity I shall become/ or the death that I have only visited. This WILL happen/ but I have NO prediction as to how it shall end or if it begins anew. IT IS NOT MY CHOICE/ I have no say.
The primary boundary establishing FAITH, so that I may continue living in the present, even though at this moment I have "no real right to be here"/ is simply: GOD DECIDES ! FAITH then allows "the essence & elements" Of GOD "Inside". Faith then asks: "please choose for me/ according to the needs of life, and YOUR DESIRE for me." Faith then demands: this decision from you too/ NOT as a surrender, (therein a refusal to work)/ but as a trust beyond this humanity, that discovers LOVE, and accepts its truth, and shared responsibilities for life.
Faith "removes the mountain of human experiences"/ and lets us understand: That GOD LOVES US !!!!!!!! Therein LOVE "Lights the way" to true life.
As time has progressed, and the identity of woman in me, has grown/ the essence & elements of "weaker, more vulnerable, easily challenged physically, make women" demand: That women shall control all sexuality, NO exceptions/ women SHALL be allowed final say, on all important issues, NO exceptions/ & women NEED "a tool" , to help them "change men". Each of these are now designed and ready "for trial"/ TO TEST INSIDE YOURSELVES, if woman can find the courage, and hope; to save life on earth. Women, are judge and jury in this trial; of what they can or cannot do. The foundation elements of human decision have been grown, the critical elements of human participation are in evidence, the understanding necessary to remove the excuses have occurred, & the relationship introductions, to your NEW life have been arranged, and thereby achieved: the decision is for women to make/ it belongs to them, man is irrelevant to this decision/ unless he shows women he is ready to help. Man, in its most simple sense, is the cause of all these problems we face/ therein man is what must be changed: and women are the solution! Women must change too, but they must also lead, by their own truths. We are not threatened as a humanity, but by man and his decisions: therefore the important decisions he may not make any more. The question is: WILL WOMEN accept the need for changing men, accept the costs involved to change men, and accept the reality and truth of a world ruled by men/ that must be changed, or we die. The only other choice is surrender/ and if woman does, then life on earth is dead.
Man is not an enemy, rather he is completely lost; threatened on all sides, fear makes him choose badly/ pride makes him choose against life/ and want pushes him to destroy what he knows he should not. Therein change means: acceptance as friends/ the removal of threats, not by force, but by actions that do not surrender/ and the safety of peace as a life, that is shared rather than destroyed. Change these things, and life will know happiness. Fail, and humanity dies.
The pride of woman WILL say: what do I need to know about men/ I know everything I need to know: they take what they want, and leave. Tempt them and they are easy, manipulate them too much and they leave. They are too simple to be believed, its all about their sex. The pride of woman WILL say: men need to satisfy ME, what do I care about them; they don't care about my sexual needs/ do they. The pride of woman WILL SAY; they are suppose to take care of me/ fulfill my needs and wants for things or children or whatever: I DON'T have to fulfill theirs, they are the man/ all I have to do is lay down and put up with their sexual apathy, and I'm done. Pride is all about winning, as clearly defined/ to win, YOU MUST make someone else the loser, whether it's the man who uses woman to displace sperm/ or the woman who uses man for whatever she wants: both lose, and both claim "winner". It is a pathetic circle of poverty. For the proud american woman/ take a good look at reality: consider the number of divorces/ the reality of dating/ the reality of lesbians/ the reality and number of homosexuals/ the various tragedies of all kinds between men and women; and the resulting tragedies you apply to your children/ consider your drug problems & the fact that you too have sunk into the failures of looking for happiness in what you can buy/ the power you can control/ and whether you can use someone else for your sex: I say to YOU CLEARLY, "You are in need/ and have MUCH to learn about sex, life, hope, truth, and much more". USE THIS BODY provided, and learn what you need to know about male desire, what you need to know about female desires and needs, what you can do and why/ and what you should not do, because it brings failure. LEARN AND DO BETTER! Then go and "fix the men"/ and make them "fix you". Listen to the 3 females inside of him, listen to the body of man, and understand man and woman are intended to support each others lives in every way; YOU make it happen. UNDERSTAND simply that journeys and destinies need time and space; to have an honest & disciplined man accept "he would die for you" REQUIRES his heart/ you cannot make him, you cannot even ask: he must choose it.
The demand for perfection CANNOT be achieved on earth, WE are too flawed! Therefore mistakes will be made/ repent & continue on. Instead of believing in love as this life provides/ Truly BELIEVE in a love GOD Provides to you/ and you will be called "perfect; as mercy allows". I have made countless mistakes, and will make more: am I not human/ certainly I am/ and so is every other human being. The reality of LOVE LOST, "is a tragedy" that says: YOU did NOT Put GOD FIRST , in your life! This is necessary, because reality takes away our confidence to share, what is truly precious, "to the very essence & elements of who we are". When GOD IS FIRST, HE becomes "the essence & elements of who we desire to be: friends then for life". And friends with all who care, because they are GOD'S CREATION.
The pride of man will say: "I am great at sex, no woman needs more than me". The pride of man will say: "I give her anything she wants/ why should I do ANY more for her". The pride of man, believes "you have to pay, for all the sex you get/ nothing is free". The pride of man contends, "she uses me, she tempts me, she laughs at me; and then she wants be to be MORE vulnerable than that/ for what: probably to steal all I own/ its not fair". The pride of man accepts, "woman is, his most valuable possession (mine), failing the honesty required to believe she will be true to him/ discarding the honesty, he must be true to her: that is the price of possession for either side." The pride of man understands: the lesson of marriage is/ every flaw, on every side can be used against you. The pride of man compromises life by: becoming what he needs to be/ rather than what he is born to be: therein woman becomes a work. The pride of man explains woman this way: "I love her/ I hate her/ I need her/ I don't want her/ I can't live without her/ I don't want to be this way"! The pride of man defines himself as: " I gave and she took/ I worked and she complained/ I loved and cared, but she teased and did not love me back/ she loved, but did not hear my need/ I shared, but there was pride & want & things first; and I was not first, or maybe not even second: my life is not fair. Even then in the question of children, and a life long change in my life too/ is there not only a little say? And more/ these things are left unsaid by both sides; because the answers are feared, therefore one forces the other, and both suffer their relationships to bear the burden.
Honesty would say to a man, from woman: if you desire sex from me, I NEED you to be kind, sincere, happy, and above all respectful of my life. THEN, I need you "to kiss as an equal/ to hold as a friend/ to play as lovers do/ and to be the truth that sets us both free. Asking along the way, where a decision belongs to me/ and taking the friendship I offer as a value beyond all other things. BE KIND, and compassionate/ but listen to my request, and do what I do for you/ in your own way, but with appreciation.
Honesty would say to a woman, from man: If you desire sex to be MORE, than simple things; then treat me honorably, with all honesty & hope that your heart can find. Then I will use respect for you, to discipline my own body & life: that we may each share an intimacy that knows "we are blessed". { Passion is not about clothes, it is the decision, "you are my true friend"}. Lover then comes to mean: the happiness of my soul, greets yours as joy/ well beyond humanity, as the essence of life itself!
The true destiny of a man, is his journey "to find GOD".
The true honor of a woman, her glory, is "To know GOD inside".
The love that binds them together, is this shared hope/ even if they don't know it.
The life that gives them this hope, IS TRUTH/ therefore give your soul to truth, and it will return to you joy, and happiness in all things.
The most important question of sexuality is: WHY? The most important question of marriage is: ME OR MY POSSESSIONS? The most important question of life is not sexuality or possession/ but who shall you choose to be, and will you share: both sides, the ability to accomplish honor is multiplied when both choose the same. Happiness is necessary, not just a right, but a need that must be serviced from time to time; so that human beings do not "go blind" to the miracles of life. Sex is a basic component to every adult, and their honesty about happiness, it is a need because the intensity and passions necessary to create happiness without, is too great for very many people/ both man & woman. Freedom is a need/ and there is no happiness without it! Thereby both must learn the lesson: DO what you can do for each other, be gracious/ honest with yourself/ don't sacrifice, but do understand/ and live for life: NOT CONTROL. If your love cannot hold your lover/ if you don't want or need, "him for a woman/ or her for a man", then let go and be grateful for the happiness you achieved. All religions are conceived by what a man wanted/ it is now time for women, and YOU will rewrite all the rules, your way. BUT TO INSURE INDEPENDENCE FOR BOTH, so that each is free to choose: all children will be entitled to "social child support"/ all income shall be subjected to, a new social security specifically designed to give women a "new lease on life", whether she leaves a man or he leaves her. Write the rules, and enforce it!
The question of behaviors with regard to sexual actions comes as 3 parts for inappropriate behaviors: I fear sex/ I have more pride than you, " I win"/ and I WANT to be selfish & uncaring, because I believe sex is degrading: BUT give to me pleasure/ but don't expect it from me, or I might reject you and call you "bad". The issues of pride are a competition to prove to someone: not necessarily your sex partner; that you are the master here/ therefore he/ she is the slave. The fears of sex is very wide ranging/ from I am insufficient & lacking/ therefore unworthy of you, all the way to; I am so superior to you, that being here will contaminate me. FAILURE is then a by-word of behavioral sex, because the term behavior assigns actions or reactions to the classifications of: If he or she does this/ THEN they are expected & assigned by expectation the next step, or they fail: you didn't do what you were told, you failed to follow the rules. Sexual freedoms are NOT selfish! Sexual freedoms are NOT disrespectful! Sexual understanding means, I AM ALIVE , how lovely that I might share with you the blessings of what we are given to be as adults who understand the responsibilities: man to woman/ woman to man. The questions of body do impact the existence of reality: we are programmed "to look for" those who are healthy, happy, and at peace with life. these 3 do not entertain a wide variety of mental and physical complications common to humanity/ the consequence is then divided by 3 fundamental facets of mental disguise. I am not like them/ I am better than that/ & I hate myself. The foundation of each of these is held together by a desire to "find a way out: Help me, be someone else". The reality then isolates specific parts and says, "better or equal here". The reality then assumes, "the mirror is talking to someone else". The reality compromises existence with plans & purposes called revenge, "because they got what you wanted". The critical relationship of detailed analysis, to the functions of identity, is then to isolate & examine & express "the conflicts & lies in your heart". Those that surrender your own elected truths. Heart means, where body & mind meet, LIFE comes to express the value of miracles/ and your own answer displays "the heart inside". The discovery of life, as the understanding measured by the existence of body & mind; assembles life by the distance body & mind understand to be desirable: therein the foundation is laid for happiness as a depiction of want. Pride then joins as a reflection of superiority, and arrogance follows to insure your reality, "knows who is boss". The consequence of a measured existence is an association with grief: because truth establishes miracles, and YOU cannot compete: YOU are thereby "next to worthless and devoid of value, as compared with true miracles". Therefore failure means: if I cannot defeat a miracle/ then I will kill any that do not call me god. The purpose being, "therefore you need not admit, everything is basically a gift to me, and I am equal to all other miracles/ NOT more than." The demand for superiority found in the very simple words: "I am better". The actual reality, simply you are less! Because truth conceives & creates/ everything else destroys, and you are lying.
Being human means, you are a spiritual reality/ rather than simply a physical one: thereby to accept the relationship in full; "an opening door to worlds and realities beyond our own existence will appear": when you are ready. THE CONSEQUENCE AND TRUTH NECESSARY: being the acceptance of TRUST, RESPECT, HONOR, LOVE, TRUTH, LIFE, & DISCIPLINE, when these are combined to create your own spirituality, then at your request, the doors will open "to let you in". This is an inheritance received.
SPIRITUALITY is " a great gatherer". It goes forth from truth to find & translate every experience & every expression & every moment (here on earth) into an identity defined by its creation. In the case of humanity YOU create an identity, inside the life that you are/ bound then by the disciplines you have created; eternity comes to "crush these disciplines of life" into one single identity. You create an identity, by the things you choose to do and accept as your thought, within the reality of your life. No one else can choose for you/ YOU create yourself, by the boundaries that are your decisions alone. Spiritual influence of CREATION itself, is actual true "Thought" , compounding the truth that you have created as yourself, into your blessings. As a man this becomes a journey, (if you have soul)/ as a woman with soul, this becomes "a love, without a home": therein both seek, but the needs of each one bind man to woman & woman to man. What is lovely & beautiful, understands the gift of love is "transient", meaning YOU CANNOT own it! Therefore when love enters your heart, you must accept/ respect/ & appreciate its presence, as the honor of your life. Love is the honor of life, because its purpose in truth, believes in you! That honor, then becomes all that is VALUABLE or necessary to your heart (life in soul), to survive. The body has needs/ but only the mind has wants. The body "can be supported"/ but the mind must choose between the essence of truth and its path called love, OR the experience of want, and all the destruction that comes with it. These are opposites, love & want: therein those who choose want, find themselves consuming, just to stay away from insanity, and sorrow/ While those who choose love want very little, or not at all; and find happiness in the wonder & splendor of miracles "how blessed, we are to be alive". NO ONE chooses for you/ NO ONE can remove your soul, only you. The question of CRUELTY and extreme violence, is found within the terms of consumption: these DEAD, and DESPERATE to FLEE From Hades; live in the reality of a "death grip" on the mind: the mind then turns to seek and consume whatever is alive, that it may NOT enter the terrors ahead: therein adding "coal to the fires inside". Humanity CHOSE "absolute freedom", don't even talk to GOD / "because we want, what we want: right or wrong, leave us alone". The price & consequence of this is, because you are LOVED, That some will be used to instruct the others in all manners of the truth that you have chosen instead of life/ believing and knowing some will be saved because of it. Those lost, did not desire life. Some will instruct the others, from both sides: either as love with honesty and honor/ or as consumption: the slow destruction of everything called value.
The reality of human life presents many opportunities to make decisions that will impact the life of someone else as well as your own. The honor & honesty of sexuality as adults; is a decision that judges your desire "to share & care" or use, abuse, & hate: there is NO love in obsession, NO honor in compulsion, & NO order where discipline does not rule. Current human moralities look only to the most simple commands and rules/ and literally does MORE harm than good. The true harm of sexuality, is to freedom/ thereby the needs of one can turn to consume the other. The honesty required by adult humanity is: a sexuality created by LOVE & completed by freedom/ NOT "AS the common pigs & dogs, romping through the garden of life". But as lovers who share the common boundary of responsibility to your life; but as an understanding simply "a need can be cruel". There is NO judgment in love, therefore no judgment exists upon ANY sexual expression of love: this is where honor & discipline comes first, and NEED exists beyond what can be fixed, "in any other way, because time is short/ life ends". The body knows NOT the difference between right or wrong. It is only the mind, that confronts life and says: THIS IS MINE! DAMN YOU. The result is a terrorist confronting love, and a demand to remove love/ that slavery may begin: a failure without mercy. A judgment without a right. Life is the essence & expression of miracles/ the mind is an experience in truth, or an experience in lies; YOU get to choose.
The essence & foundation of discipline is SIMPLY; "To look BEYOND the compositions and purposes of yourself: into the elements of destiny, truth, & life! If you do this, time will heal all who give their lives to hope.
But again, the SPIRIT WORLD is truly a very dangerous place/ and you must Go with JESUS : because HIS LIFE, teaches us how to survive. If you do not, the foundation of your own existence will shake, and you may crumble into insanity. MERCY is "your door" into eternity, nothing more & nothing else will do: only MERCY. Therefore do not believe "the spirit world" is a place you should go/ VERY FEW are allowed, of all who ask; those who insist without an invitation, do go insane/ and if not that, then fear consumes them totally and they become the criminally insane, & violently corrupt.
A clear & consistent truth about man is: he is required by life, to understand threats exist/ and he must defend himself and be brave enough to defend others, or he fails. This does lead to "the military"/as this adds to his existence, others to aid in his defense, and the cause of courage. Life as a man, is then a personal journey, into the disciplines that aid and connect courage, to the strength that is honor and the loneliness that means: he must stand alone, if necessary. Sex to a disciplined and honorable man means, "she loves me, or at least needs me"/ whereas, physical sex to an undisciplined man means; "I am accepted/ I win". The question to woman is why do you choose undisciplined men? The answer is: YOU want to be undisciplined yourself/ you as woman choose those who carry you: because you don't choose honor for yourself. The problem with these men is: they do "get tired of carrying you/ and they don't care", so they drop you, and leave you with the honesty of change/ or repeat this time and again until you do learn better. When so many do the same thing/ either gender adjusts and compromises many more, just to have a chance to be with you; then hate appears, sexual deviation changes life to failure, and the world itself begins to crumble as humanity begins to consume, just to survive. It is a terrible disgrace.
A clear conception of woman is; she is allowed by life, to look to other women for her substance, deriving happiness in the joint pursuit of freedoms/ but life does confront her too, as the needs that must be fulfilled, one way or the other. Therein it is especially cruel, for any woman/ girl to be left out. You are to understand this clearly, my life is given to women; I cannot change that/ BUT if you respect me even a little, YOU WILL make certain all women and girls are included, if no one else will/ then you go, and make a difference. Sexuality to a woman is undefined, but the concepts of order and disorder assigned by the question of " puberty", understand the idea of men as a wide variety of emotions that begin and end with "I am used/ I am violated/ I am potentially happy/ or not". The question of pregnancy, a reality that must be contended with, as defined by the needs and realities of life: for we are already, "too many, and must stabilize or reduce population densities"/ or who can survive. If you neuter men, YOU will have no sex/ or they will be "frozen in time", and of little value for sex to you. Irregardless of men/ it is women that must decide 2 children are enough, and no more. Can 10,000 men have a single baby/ no. Yet 10,000 women or more, are able to use the sperm of even one man, and create a great many babies/ population control, is about women. It is not about men, insure society removes ANY concept of male control, and keep it that way. Abortion is a terrible thing/ but, so is the reality of a woman who is not prepared or able to care for a child. The instructions given are fair/ even though the reality is harsh, it is shared by a truth: neither one has a right to demand more than the other can give. YOU as women must create, your own solution/ in this too, irregardless of their participation or expectation, men have no say.
Again and with all clarity, as to the human reality of this body and this personal life: "I, am a wife and property TO ALL WOMEN/ NOT to any individual woman, or group of women, or nation of women". More simply, my life and body are given to the purposes of women, for their help and education/ NOT for their own indulgence. Because it has been accepted completely that man has condemned the earth, and only women are left to save it: THIS IS SIMPLE AND TRUE, the prophecy of Revelation will be proven correct/ it is only a final human decision that remains. If all women do not discipline themselves, watch over each other, and so on: very easily, a few can kill this body and then "we have nothing as a tool, to learn or experiment with". . Therefore understand this very clearly again; although I cannot stop women/ neither can I survive "too many": so it is up to you, to police yourselves, and be patient. Once you have attained the postcard evidence required, you may then ask as a group: if there is something I can in fact help you with, to prepare for your meeting; no physical work here at this property shall exist until September 1st, at the earliest. This is about planning, primarily; if you desire it. Ownership comes with responsibility/ NOT "a free ride". Be respectful of the people involved. I say this to and about everyone involved. Do pray. Do understand, "I am not trying to restrict your rights, as an owner"/ instead, I am telling you as plainly as possible: there are physical restrictions to this work/ to your lives, and mine: and we must all make decisions that are in the BEST INTEREST of all women, and the world, not simple selfishness. That too, is up to all women as a individual group to decide/ but then you must find a majority among all women as a whole. This is not a game/ there are many potentially severe consequences: for all of us, and the world besides. Be happy, it is your own decisions, that will change the world. Your own decisions, that will change your sexuality. Your own decisions, that will bring women throughout the world, a new and deserved respect/ Or not. The questions then of physical security/ because there are literally, even as a small percentage/ a large number of people in this world: who do not want you to succeed; they could not be bigger fools/ but unless GOD removes them. You are responsible for the security required. There are also a large number of women, who would not accept the disciplines required, and abuse him to the point of death/ they too are foolish, because life, love, truth, & respect are far more valuable than want or lust! There is the potential consequence of disease, and the reality required for honest work, and life. There are even women who would kill him on purpose/ just to say they did. The protection of physical life is yours/ fail and he dies. Do pray.
May GOD Be with us all.
The foundation of human life is not "your existence"/ rather in the blessing of a reality that "seems more fantasy, than truth: what can you build {do not look at the consequences of men or women, but from GOD}", the miracles in life prove your/ our existence "Is in GOD ". Be honest with yourself, and learn the lesson of building, the lessons of learning, the lessons of survival, and accept: nothing here, could I have ever built/ certainly not even myself.
OUR GOD !!!!!!!
AND JESUS / it is HIS LIFE, that teaches us so many things.
(All 4 web sites together)
Much has been said about the reality & consequences of various human & real threats to nature and life on earth. That said, if only, change occurs: my prophecy is; a life of lovely and blessed happiness, where PEACE ON EARTH exists, and life on earth is true: and will never look back. YOU DO have everything you need, the direction and purposes are clear, and contain the certainty necessary to establish little doubt, if at all. Consequently having been told, gaining in all areas the opportunity, and definitions of change; and being presented even with a life to use, that you may encourage yourselves with actual experimentation: there is truly NO EXCUSE left to you. Either you will change, or you will be abandoned.
May GOD grant to life, GRACE, HOPE, & ETERNITY.
The warning of "judas, he who sold JESUS to his murderers"/ there was NO REPRIEVE for this man. The lesson, judas believed, he would "be in a powerful place"/ because He assumed, JESUS WOULD be priest, or ruler, or someone with great power/ of which he would then share. When he believed, all his dreams were lost/ because JESUS proved to him, that JESUS HIMSELF was going to be crucified: no doubt the evidence at the temple when he removed the merchants and threw their money on the ground, was clear enough. The last supper, the end of believing he would share power. YOU are also, to be afflicted with those who do not desire life/ but want power, and use pride to assign themselves to positions for the sake of power. YOU must then be alert, to remove those who have pride/ and assign them ONLY to the least reality available, unless they change. Failure to do so, means at the moments when you are most vulnerable/ they will sell you. The question is not about love, many proud people are loved, GOD loves them too, but/ the reality is about what do they desire most: because love and pride are literally ENEMIES. They cannot stand together/ but if they repent honorably and truly, take them back. LIFE "is a package deal" either love and all that goes with it that can be eternal OR Pride and want, selfishness and power and hell.
Some very simple things: DON'T LIE, DON'T CHEAT, DON'T STEAL/ WORK HARD, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR DECISIONS, AND BE FAIR, AND DO YOUR BEST! American women will represent the world in this decision/ but the whole world of women are invited/ "asked to attend, if you can."
The reality of ethanol production means extreme demands on this water supply/ and that means, all the toxic waste, and other traitorous acts that have been occurring for decades/ WILL multiply their effects: And give you "water that tastes like wormwood". AS WITH all other things, man takes without regard to one second past his indulgence and want: leaving the consequences to others. Be forewarned: it is without doubt, a tragedy to drain all the reservoirs of water for use as fuel/ WHAT will you drink? Your choice is: to stop consuming everything as fast as you can/ and respect life, the future, and the environment with choices that prove this is true. Choose well or die/ it is your only option.
The reality of government numbers is: they are lying faster than they can think/ remember the Vietnam war, when every week one or two thousand enemy soldiers would be reported dead/ a hundred or less americans: after a time, the entire enemy nation should have been dead/ but it was all a lie. [remember Iraq]. So are your numbers regarding anything financial or economic/ simple lies, to keep the truth at bay. The next phase will be, to control the concept of money/ by insisting "gold backed money/ is unnecessary, wrong, or a complete disaster", because the "government employees" will lose all power over the nation when that happens. If they succeed in convincing the people, then within 2 years, YOU will enter a tremendous and terrible civil war/ because the people will blame each other, and turn to guns. That WILL happen, because the reality of american money is: NO ONE IS GOING TO PAY YOU. The money is now worthless.
Of things to be changed, the medical industry is one of the first/ they have literally participated in the greatest organized theft of individuals in all of history: even the slavers, did not do as bad; a truly pitiful reality in their leadership. Therefore their leaders WILL be required to pay the expenses of changing all they are responsible for. They WILL GRATEFULLY HELP YOU, spend "their money for them"/ or you will throw these leaders in jail, and if that is not enough, you will take every penny and throw them out into the poorest of countries: where if they prove repentance by their efforts, only then may they come back. You will discard all "plastic surgeries"/ no matter who it is or what they offer. You will provide reconstructive surgeries as needed, and society will pay. You will, decide who lives and who dies/ by what method: BECAUSE every life you leave here on earth today/ IS A LIFE, that you WILL sacrifice in the future; because resources are that precious. You cannot save a single one now/ without sacrificing another that may or may not yet be born. CHOOSE, and quit whining/ this is reality and truth; and you cannot change it.
America has borrowed 9 trillion dollars in six months to sustain their consumption of goods/ this has supported the stock market and every business, but will run out this fall, as all the purchases begin to come to a close. What then: borrow another 9,000,000,000,000 dollars divided by 50,000,000 workers= $ 180,000.00 dollars per worker: do you really think you will be paid? Think again/ not to mention, there is NO possibility this level of consumption in resources can be sustained for any length of time: your own population counts have indeed changed the world, and you have no excuse not to change with it; or die. The true question to all the world is then simply: what will you surrender to survive? It WILL be your pride, your consumption without need (simple employment does not count), your selfishness, your power to decide (truth must lead)? You will indeed surrender all these things, and accept love as your passion/ or Armageddon will come. It is your choice/ but you will not get to change your mind: one way or the other, you & all the world with you, shall indeed go! Make your decision.
But remember, there is NO going back/ either direction, if you begin only to fail, then you will multiply your tragedy; Either begin in truth and accept your responsibility and life/ or turn completely away: that your end may be immediate and complete without long term horrors.
The reality of teenage frustrations & primary angst is simply: they recognize all these rules & all this instruction in schools especially/ is quite simply, they have been prepared for nothing of life! The schools, nor the rest: didn't teach work/ they didn't teach life, family, finances, or understanding: therefore are they not useless to me? Even the college bound, is simply put into a different trap, intending the promise of money to be the key to enslaving them/ therefore held by their own greed, and societies promise of "success".
The reality of an education requires base elements to prepare the opportunity for "greater elements in understanding". These base elements DO NOT include at least 70% of all the schooling they get/ it is very poor. An assumption of teaching what we can understand by the adults/ because this is what we were told to memorize. Critical reality explains, the cycle of poverty in all areas is a direct correlation between those who discover new elements/ and those who insist upon base elements "considered known/ or true". In the consequence of life, ANY change in these base elements or the promise of new elements, represents a shift in the balance of power/ THEREFORE those in power, do their best to squash any change/ that they may indeed remain in control. Right or wrong is irrelevant to power/ slavery, luxury, & stealth are all the substance discussed and demanded by the myth of power. It is a myth, BECAUSE eternity rules life/ & time is thereby completely irrelevant. The consequence of knowledge does represent change. But the reality of wisdom, produces a grace that is conceived in the respect for us all. Primary respect is NOT "I did, I didn't, I want, ,,,,,,,,,, or even I love. Respect is the acceptance: I am not alone here/ and what matters for us all, must be my choice. Respect is, those who choose for the rest and do well, deserve the honor and dignity in reality of my honest and true appreciation. And thanks. Is that not fair?
The consequence of men & their universities (the tool of their greed's & lust) in this nation has by the evidence created an intense delusion & fantasy: that we, "the privileged" can have anything they want/ LET THE FUTURE PAY. By the evidence of university influences over the last 40 years especially, these have brought "america to its knees"/ MORE devastating by far than any other reality on these lands, than at any other time in its history. THE MAJORITY, shall arise and proclaim: "IT AIN'T TRUE/ WE ARE RICH" . But truth syas by your own numbers, and accounting: YOU are the poorest, most debt-ridden nation the history of the world has ever known. The truth says: the weapons you call "your saviors", WILL make you extinct, UNLESS YOU REMOVE THEM/ making you "the least wise people, who ever walked the earth". Your medicine extorts, & makes slaves of your own fears/ who among you challenges even the least of them: because you are afraid/ and they ride rough-shod over you, gloating and deriding you as slaves. Your antibiotics changed the world, doubling man's influence: therefore he sought ease & wealth & set about breeding "super diseases" through complete laziness and greed/ while women increased the population to create a threat of extinction. The chemicals changed agriculture, destroying rural america: because only the weeds, kept the wealthy/ the greedy/ & the human failures of pride and power, at bay. The pollution of all things, threatens far more than you can believe. American universities, crucify genetics, the very essence of nature/ making it a toy: even ALL the people who have ever lived in history, WOULD CALL YOU A TRAITOR, & A FOOL! YOU are a pitiful people, lost & blind in the tragedies of "a thousand intentional gambles" with life, as the toy you bet with: NOTHING on earth is as blind and gullible as you. THIS IS your last chance to stop Armageddon from destroying EVERY LIFE on earth. THIS IS your last chance to understand PRIDE is your enemy. THIS IS your decision, to let truth decide & reality rule: BECAUSE PLAINLY the men of america, AND the world, CANNOT. Look at yourselves, plainly creating everything necessary to cause absolute destruction: food and the environments that create it are toys/ resources are completely useless, unless they buy you toys/ you are ready to kill each other, because it is easier than dealing with each other: no trust/ and on and on.
The expansion of woman on earth, IS YOUR ONLY HOPE! Man is too corrupt/ history proves it is true: where is the peace, where is the learning/ man repeats himself, and learns nothing. War is coming/ it is his way: you will not survive it. Woman is yet to be known as a ruler of men/ therefore help her honestly, or everyone dies. If you lie/ you die, find the truth and learn from it. If you accept the truth, then change will be dramatic, & work for life, a necessity you cannot avoid. IF you give to women the dignity and respect they deserve: AS YOUR last & only chance of survival/ then will they not be more likely to succeed? WHAT MAN, having inherited the consequences of his brethren, would say to GOD " women shall NOT be my ruler". By the prophecy of Revelation, that statement would make you, "An enemy of life": because Revelation has only one ending for men/ it is death to all! Revelation has 2 possibilities for women: failure by degrees, or PEACE & HAPPINESS on earth! Be then VERY careful how all women are treated: every single one/ because "the enemies of life" DO go to hell, & HADES/ a fate FAR beyond terror.
WHAT woman, with ALL LIFE ON EARTH, depending on her decisions, would say, "I refuse: Is that not treason?"
The quest of life, is a journey/ the path you choose, the existence of moments creating your soul! Be brave, & live: the whole universe, desires it to be so/ WHY FAIL? The relationship we then share with life is the opportunity to join, in the freedoms of your own heart and way, your own joys and sorrows, & your own existence! Life is the environment between the boundaries, that cherish your soul: RESPECT THESE BOUNDARIES. AND YOUR
GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is a question expressed by eternity: simply, what does it mean? The answer comes in the simple words: what is a question? The reality of a destiny, disguised as a journey into truth! Truth then states, the composition in thought of an eternity, completes the essence of thought as it ponders reality BEYOND the consequence and relationships called existence. Being the eternal question, WHAT EXISTS, where no boundary is yet formed/ WHAT may be learned where no comprehension yet exists/ & WHY are the opportunities of thought (male), of any more importance/ if so/ than the realities of thought (female). Eternity conceives of a distance between what we are/ & what we could be. Therefore time exists! The evidence of death is a consequence of time. The essence of truth, the evidence of an eternity! We ARE, "the elements of that truth", a miracle of thought & life & spirit.
The decisions called motivation are explanations of your own desires established by a comprehension in discipline, while accepting an order, that may or may not be correct. Motivation or the desire to move in a specific direction, to assume an opportunity will exist/ solidifies the concept of at least a foundation to build the identity you have chosen to be. [the gambler, gambles because he or she WANTS the reward in pride, "for being rich". The honorable work, because it fundamentally becomes an identification attributed to the honesty of their desire to participate with respect for all/ or at least for you]. Motivation thereby refines the decision and ascends to the possibilities assigned by honor & work & respect/ OR it descends to the disgrace of simple selfishness, and functions only to destroy equality, because your purpose has only one truth: nothing else matters but you. The tragedy of human indifference, "no motivation" for anything, is quite simply an expression in contempt: contempt means, YOU have made my life worthless, to me! The tragedies of contempt are NUMEROUS, from a lack of responsibility, all the way down to suicides and murder. Contempt IS THE DECISION, to surrender your life, to failure/ fatigue/ & fighting because YOU have lost your way/ and are simply surviving because you do not know how to begin again. The majority here, have fundamentally convinced themselves/ it doesn't matter what they try to do: someone will steal/ destroy/ ridicule/ con/ or just plain disgrace their best efforts: leaving them only with hate. Is it not better to have nothing, than to accept hate? Is it not better to be called "nothing", than to breed violence and depression? The answer is: IT IS BETTER, to live as you choose, with reality as it is/ rather than against reality or the world or another person. That means BE YOURSELF, although the body & even mind can be disgraced or humiliated: the soul survives & becomes stronger, whenever pride is removed. Soul means: the desire inside my heart IS GIVEN TO GOD !!!!!!!
Body and mind follow, as the path beyond yourself opens and life assists you to experience desire itself. True desire is an opportunity "chained to your heart" that will complete your soul. True desire is an identity transformed by the expression of "this treasure you have accepted"/ as it becomes the base values of your soul. True desire for life, is LOVE. True love is the expression & experience dedicated to respect, and found in honor; that then shares life, because the comprehension of care, VALUES you.
Motivation is then the process of your desire undergoing the structural changes to your body & mind that will define your experience and conceive of a life, that is your own creation (as much as possible). You choose your own motivation, or lack thereof/ it does not choose you: YOU are literally responsible/ no excuses, it is you. Failure is a relationship confined by WANT and/ or PRIDE: that then controls or removes the beauty & elegance of freedom & truth: to insist upon becoming as "master & slave (as defined by want or pride)." The primary failure of want is the assertion of desire/ but it is a lie. Desire expands the definitions of your everything, in honor! Want constructs "prison bars" around your experience of life, leaving you selfish. Pride hides behind the illusion of a mirror: "Its just you, here as life/ nothing else matters or cares". Why be concerned with anyone or anything else?
The essence of love, begins in the moment of honest & honorable sharing; because you cared/ nothing else trashing you, a purity even if minimal reality. The elements of love extend to the descriptions of life, because respect has a place for everyone who chooses love/ and grants equality & justice to all the rest. The expression of love is an evidence in truth/ the examination of a soul, "in the light"/ the investigation of honesty & the hope of discipline & order so that peace & happiness may rule us all. True love assembles a home, a freedom, and a respect that cannot die. Eternal love is a passage BEYOND the experience of boundaries, where love itself grants life, because the value of your presence is enough! The universe assembles truth, thought creates consequence, & order assigns the relationship that forms the new boundaries of your soul. LOVE then says, to you: BE FREE! Your life therein exists as the template of your freedom, the creation of your identity that you may not assume: YOU will know! LIFE thereby assembles the participants, grants to you company {what is male is company to your life/ what is female is company to your life} because they expand the parameters of your experience; creating distinct experience and expression because "they exist in you, and as you". Life reveals creation as the miracles surrounding you/ and life completes the miracle that you are, as truth: so long as, truth (honesty), love, respect, honor, discipline, courage, hope, And GOD
One of the most fundamental relationships we share, is a need for the same things. That simple truth, makes us vulnerable to each other, if we don't share or respect our basic realities. That simple reality means, EACH ONE has an opportunity to harm the rest/ just as the majority has an opportunity to harm each one. The consequence of our truth is then: we are, as one life to another/ either friend or foe, until simple survival is replaced by love.
The complex analysis of life asserts, the structural integrity of our experience is dependent upon the bond & component descriptions of our decisions. Therefore the development & design of fundamental aspects that become both individual & social dimensions contribute deeply, to the assembly of what is to be "the function of disciplines" in our lives. The creation of discipline is the understanding & knowledge of cause & effect. Therein understanding says, there is an order to this action & knowledge becomes the comprehension of process. Critical expression called possibilities, form the potential for discovery & experimentation due to an expectation formulated by process/ making a decision "possible", because we believe a distinct or potential outcome will then exist.
This is opportunity, whereby the creation of order by the introduction of decision alters the environment & mediates the influences which actually formed the boundaries within which we exist. This is knowledge: that life has taught us the difference between what did exist without our influence/ and what does exist because of our influence. The relationship in-between these 2 levels of understanding do search the parameters of what is called heart! Heart is then the effort used to understand "what is good"! And the devil, "represents the interest in realities that fundamentally control, destroy, or damage." The compromise of basic identity to include "both good & bad" as a potential for the future of you/ is an assertion of common humanity: that they must have an option to destroy. Thereby the term "we are gods" comes to be. This is not a function of honorable justice/ but exists instead as a deliberate decision to establish order in violence, jealousy, or revenge: that order is "you are god/ these are less". The quest for honor assigns an absolute & complete removal or cleanup of all such debris, and "killers" of your heart. If you attain the experience of honor, then you may inherit the foundations in purity (to the degree you have earned) of wisdom. Wisdom is the ascension of your own reality into the complex environments of truth. Truth leads your experience from here & expresses consequence by the integration of relationships to form "real life: the introduction of spiritual existence". What respect & truth allow for you, then becomes the environment through which you may enter within the discussions called thought. Thought accepts the decision "to let freedom expand your world"/ but it comes only within the truth: YOU MUST trust that freedom shall NOT take you beyond a relationship with your life, and leave your life without a reference to the foundations you have selected to control and be your own life. Those foundations are the stability necessary to assemble experience into dimensions using boundaries to identify the essence & elements of your own life. If after experiencing freedom/ you fail to "find your own life back"/ then you are called insane, or dead. Amnesia is also born here, a case of sanity/ but without foundation or merit to life( you were playing). GOD AND JESUS Are the only true stable foundations for any human life to experience spirituality/ because they are PROVEN FRIENDS , replacing survival with the basis & hope created as LOVE! Love is not simple, rather it is the most complex of all environments called life, it challenges the relationships we have chosen to be "everything good, & wonderful, that they can be". This means, honor must come forward to direct & support experience/ respect must be accepted to explain expression as the process of becoming a stronger bond with you, or between us. Life establishes a forum to explain the parameters & freedoms & desires of existence/ and then truth must lead, so that reality may understand, your decision of love is formed in the search for happiness. The home called love is the opportunity in life beyond ourselves that completes the spiritual world, wherein freedom need not return simply to foundations/ but may find in love itself the environment of friendship & trust called ecstacy. We are then home.
In the understanding of your life, there are words & expressions of merit/ but none more simple or compelling than "I am alone". The question of loneliness fundamentally applies the essence of life to the elements of existence and states: truth has assembled the consequence of creation, but reality understands the distance between life and a relationship born of love & life/ from the essence of death & power: HAS then given the complexity of life its foundation called thought. More simply, being alive means, the possibility or human certainty of death exists. This in turn accomplishes the single expression: "I"! Because it is "I", translated from existence as the moment of creation that transcends the accomplishments of life and looks to a distant experience called death. The composition of I AM ALIVE/ therein includes a definition called death and the understanding then of "I will not be alive". The question proposed by explanation is then: WHY is life important to me/ WHAT is happiness that I may see, "my own future" in its face/ & HOW do I escape from the destiny that lurks within, to take my life away?
Complex understanding assembles a quest for understanding/ a development called time to initiate the consequence of an answer/ & assigns all behavioral aspects as the purpose of happiness, as no other true desire exists to live. Complex association refines happiness as the love of a relationship supporting expanding, or restoring happiness to you. Love is then, " like breath to human life"/ passing the experience inside as if to the whole body; and yet again, using the honesty therein to expel what is unclean, from your own heart & life. Complex interaction here, as the essence of love transfers reality from "the outside, to what grows inside" asks, to understand the difference between life & love/ as both are clearly necessary for true life and true happiness. The answer is life is the boundary that holds us together (an environment)/ but love is the experience that expresses life beyond disciplines into the desires called freedom. Freedom is then a significant display of love. Freedom is a significant understanding of order & boundaries, relaxed from the more stringent needs of true discipline. Freedom is the opportunity in truth granted by respect, to "carry the heart & soul" in its journey's outside the line (this is male)/ or our reality inside the line (this is female). Love gives us our relationship to life, from reality conceived by the evidence of an order that gives us life itself. That order cannot be discussed/ you are not worthy. You may understand simply, you are not worthy of much herein/ but this is a battleground: and your life/ this world/ and the future are all at stake.
The question called loneliness describes the essence of freedom, but a lack of desire to participate in the freedoms that exist/ therefore a relationship lost within the definitions of self. Self is a reflection of the boundaries you have applied to yourself: thereby conceived in part by lies. The reality of these lies applies barriers, and the function of barriers is "to keep the enemy out". Therein self translates the descriptions of your heart, to the reality of your mind. Heart means, "I exist, therefore I am a god/ heart thinks this here, because life has provided time & ease sufficient to begin the luxury of displaying the picture or reflection, of what you decided to create within yourself. Heart is then a relationship inside of your own truth/ that must be cleaned from its beginning as life/ to its reality as truth. Truth understands miracles make us ALL EQUAL! But lies exhibit the subtle existence of a failure to obey truth. The true heart dies a little each time you steal from it, the essence of its pure life/ the freedom to honor and display real truth. Loneliness describes the function in time that destroys the evidence of human existence/ thereby selecting one (only me), & giving reality as the essence of loss (no one cares about me). Loss is the evidence of friendship lost as well/ therein the predators of a gentle existence come, and the battleground of survival asks you: where is the justice for ME! But truth says, if there were no loss/ then there would be no cause to survive. Loss consumes the heart/ because a true heart lives in love. Love displaces the meaning of life, with the honesty called love/ because love IS more valuable than life. Simply being alive, has value/ but love transforms that value into a treasure which gives eternity the foundation of its reality: love is worth the price/ and loss represents what that price truly is. The foundation of love then becomes: my life, is worth this love.
Loneliness also descends as an existence formed by the display of hate, power, or indifference; the cause limited to a forced separation from the honesty that we are indeed equal: EVERY ONE! Forced separation is the intent to control freedoms & thereby life/ making the reality a composition of "winner/ loser [this one is a theft & a misery]: Master/ slave [this one is about sorrow & sadness] : or jealousy/ revenge [the last being capable of a decision rather than a reaction to the consequence called violence]. Loneliness is a separation from happiness because what you have chosen as family/ has departed. Here the question of gender participates as our family in life, it creates the boundaries of our experience & it controls the relationships discipline conceives as our rights to freedom: and what honor dictates that freedom might be. In more simple terms, gender is our guide/ to the responsibilities life gives to us to share. Gender as a friend, is a constant companion defining and proving the value of disciplines & boundaries that begin our experience with honor. Gender as an enemy removes honor to become personal failure.
The foundation of disciplines explaining spirit are many/ but the reality of human existence needs only 3: To be respectful/ to accept honor as your only way/ and to choose love as your gift to life itself. If you do these/ then eternity will remember you.
Life leads, and I follow/ not with mind, but soul. This is a truth that brings me to the consequence of these writings. If you find wisdom & the cause of life therein/ then I suggest you do the same.
Our relationship with time includes death because true loss teaches true value. True value presents respect, and asks YOU to honor existence because every life is precious. The heartbreak of pride is, it steals your hope, and replaces that portion of your life with the vain & foolish reality called selfishness. Therein pride creates want: while life creates hope by the simple rule; where there is life, there is cause for hope! The disciplines of living assemble the choices of life/ the realities of life display predator & prey/ the constant battle between life or death, all participate to teach: LIFE & DEATH, are not a game. Therefore understanding explains hope as the fundamental jewel conceived by life/ but understood as eternity through the truth:
The translation reads
Choose your life/ why die.
In reality, every cause has an effect. In humanity every effect produces a cause which then propagates a "mass decision". Within personalities these opportunities assemble the transmission of good or bad, as you give your life to insist that they must be/ or must not. The creation of a decision is not linked to cause or effect. Rather each and every decision is about "good or bad". The consequence to your personality is then a relationship dictated by good or bad/ because your own chosen truth has given you cause "for one direction or the other". Every human action therein depicts or "trademarks" the road of your life, at this moment in time. The acceptance of dishonor: I am "what I have degenerated to become"/ because people didn't treat me fairly, or because you are so sad inside the consumption of someone else's happiness/ is your only means of revenge/ or because life has passed you by, & jealousy now reigns inside of you: these are the excuses of the damned. To be damned, concludes the existence of your life by the descriptions you have judged against the others. More simply every assertion in minute detail will be applied to your existence, because of your judgments/ and if you fail to uphold absolute perfection/ then your own terms & punishments shall be applied to you.
By the terms of our lives together, the question is: how do we survive together, in ways that are peaceful, friendly, & honorable? The answer begins within the comprehension of 4 BASIC parameters of human existence: (1) those who do not have discipline, will find want, or commit suicide. (2) those who do not accept love, WILL choose power & pride; expecting YOU to pay the price of being their target or slave. (3) the common human desire is GREED, if my life is better/ then who cares about you. (4) the existence of sexuality is either a true blessing, a curse "because they can, and you cannot", or a "pain-killer" because your life is in turmoil and like any other drug addiction/ it removes the failures for just a little while. These 4 boundaries create human society. Individuality is a participation in the other 3 truths provided by life: they are (5) your chosen association with life or death [which is more important and why] . (6) the foundation chosen inside as the basis of everything you believe about truth. (7) the trust you have chosen to be " the life eternity, shall know as you". These 3 do not participate as society/ but as your individual contribution for or against society. These are the personal characteristics of your life/ the definition of you. Your choice, thereby your answer & society benefits or loses accordingly.
The failure of every religion is the "great amen", wherein all are expected to agree to what the majority have decided. It is failure, because life is NOT "Up to the majority to decide"/ it is an individual right. Here we return to society and the consequence of a reality defined by the failure of discipline, love, care, & sharing: the four primary truths that give us all hope, happiness, honor, justice, peace, friendship, respect, & compassion. The critical truth to be confronted is then HOW & WHY do people fail? We, is a composition of basic needs, fundamental desires, and the relationship of simple truths/ everything else is as an individual "I must walk it". Basic needs are not wants/ WANTS are the debris of arrogance as it searches for new & different ways to prove "you are inferior to me". Wants therein are intended to solicit and tempt the others, therein substantiating "your claim to be superior". The primary structure of social collapse from this assault is then the introduction & subsequent utilization of want to separate & divide the humanity into classes & competitions wherein they prove to themselves: we are not equal. These are then the weapons of social discontent, and the consequence called civil war in its beginnings. The consequence of a truth deliberately established by the reality of ease or wealth is simply/ that humanity has erected barriers and controlled want, to create needs in others, for the benefit of the few: rather than equality for all. This fundamentally solicits, tempts, & controls the relationships of power (I WILL get mine) & politics ( we WILL get ours), to then challenge those who have erected these barriers, and take from them a fear so that they will give to us, what we want. By establishing a consequence they do not want. The end result is "bed-fellows"/ who choose to take more from the masses by concentrating their powers into a military might. Organization then appears: I will do this/ IF you do that. The rest of society, thereby become the "targets of their combined greed".
A society being consumed by greed, continually focuses on self. Selfishness then disguises the tragedy of failure by committing action & reaction to the limits of personal experience. Thereby excluding all others for the sake of simple want & critical pride. Simple want is the association between what is called contentment and what is called luxury: more simply, YOU have everything, because those have nothing. Critical pride is your decision to accept: I do deserve this/ and then they are useless to me. The consequence being: YOU SELL your own soul, to inherit the existence of a destiny in human time. Defined by pride, selfishness, greed, and then Lust arrives. Lust or the abandonment of individual rights for the others, forms the basis of power & completes control by establishing: not only do I control your existence/ but I will control your body as well; making you a slave to me. Therein failure multiplies the tragedy assigned by the loss of your soul, and condemns this particular selfishness to HADES, & the consequence of a reality that will control your truth by the demands of punishment and the threat of terror or tragedy. IT IS NOW YOU, that will have absolutely NO control. If the person you have violated, has caused their soul to die/ then YOUR reality will be given to satan. To become an extermination "molecule by molecule/ atom by atom, simply as an entertainment to devils. Satan is a garbage dump/ the reality of which is designed as a SLOW death (consider it "your life" as a part of the sun). Devil means: those who have it worse than you/ will use you for food.
The quest for a happy & peaceful society understands the limits of our dependency & our reality, as each one. Meaning if you choose to discard or disregard the realities that make life possible/ or the considerations that allow honesty & honor & respect to share with you; rather than choose against you. You will die. If instead, you choose truth, and let life lead you in honor to the reality experience shall prepare for you. You will live.
Those who desire leadership are foolish; only truth can lead/ only life understands the consequence of relationships beyond your control; therefore reality is assigned by your trust & your acceptance of individual values as they define your life. My life says, "I/ we are a miracle" and it would be extremely foolish of me to pretend " THE ONE WHO CREATED ME"/ does not know better than I: does not know better what I should be: or where I should go or do with my life.
Here begins the debate of every religion: "I KNOW" because these are the rules! But reality says: the love and care granted to us/ the freedom & rights allowed to us/ ..... demand our own decisions, as they participate within the boundaries & disciplines of an individual life. Here the argument forms: are these rules not the boundaries or descriptions of a disciplined life that we are to lead? The answer is: only you, can choose your relationship with life or with death/ NO rules can accomplish this. Only you can choose the foundation upon which everything you believe about life or death shall be formed/ NO ONE can do this for you. Only you can choose to surrender your life as trust: because only you can choose to love enough inside yourself, to let love decide this for you. This is not simply personal, but a home created by the participants: love, you, & loved in you. NONE of these participate in "a great amen". Each is an individual decision, and rules are irrelevant/ although LAW shall not be broken. Law is the foundation of life, NOT destruction. Love is the foundation of disciplined family: therefore find love, and may you then go forth in love, as your own identity.
When truth & peace rule, honor will allow the creation of new & different human experiences.
Reality knows the descriptions of my life & body & mind ARE open to ridicule; people are unkind with any & all differences/ because they fear them: "are you a predator/ or going to take something else from me"? It is then prudent or necessary to state simply: I BELONG TO GOD / this is a reality, the evidence of words here, and the life and body I live bear witness to. I am not a predator/ rather a messenger, currently participating in your lives as a mother: to help you find the life presented to you.
The issues of sexuality, using me as a classroom for your benefit, are simple ones. This is "the end of human time" without change, here on earth/ therefore nothing is held back [that will not harm you]. The question of life & death presented, is a discussion granting wisdom that you did not earn: it comes from the life and reality "Of JESUS , in me/ as the bible predicts for us all". Spirituality is also tested in your hearts, to discover the limits of your own desires to learn. The key to hell, WAS prayed about/ BUT it is a witness against you, should you fail badly. If you choose so poorly/ then the door will be allowed to open: "And man given complete authority over nature": the consequences WILL be so far beyond HORRENDOUS/ not even heaven could lift humanity from your failures. It will be a terrifying truth.
The key to heaven on earth, simply is a true reference to happiness and joy/ as you will find, if you accept the price of survival. The decision is yours/ because only you can make a decision for your life, or death: YOU ARE FREE!
There are issues assembled from the probable consequences of accepting a fate called "the wife or property of women". A reality extending beyond simplicity to truths I cannot control/ consequences I cannot stop/ and disciplines associated in all probability with a body in great pain & hard to tolerate. By physical sign: it is understood by me, that women will also lead me around wherever they wish/ put me on display as they wish/ and simply expose me to pictures for all the world to see: and I have no say. In some limited sense, it is fair, as this is what men have done to women throughout history. The spiritual woman inside is still very determined I should recognize & relate "to everything women have hated about men". Everything men have abused about women, including her tits.
However, clearly a softening has occurred in this relationship in me, on both sides. Life is whatever it will be, I cannot create it/ I just live it. Assumptions that create judgments such as rules, morality, pride, failure, success, and more ARE useless to me. Life is about "individual existence" and the opportunities and tragedies in time this represents. My nephew died at nine months old, harshly! There was nothing I could, or was allowed to do/ therefore too little to late. In this matter of life or death for the humanity and life on earth: I WILL at least give the part of humanity that is mine (to a degree anyway)/ not as a sacrifice meaning essentially: separated to become as GOD / OR To die. But instead as a simple gift of the happiness I can spare/ to help you understand life is good; just make different decisions. But the end of time, as eternity with GOD Is BETTER!
Do not believe death should then come/ because so very many would not survive into eternity; and the future would be lost. Instead of this, help each other/ be brave/ be strong/ and choose TRUE LOVE in your heart and in your life. Choose justice for your world/ equality for your society/ and happiness as the treasure inside your soul: because you know GOD LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!
As an ending, to far more words than expected: what will you gain "from a dead world/ what will your money buy, when life is literally ruined and slain?" What? BE HONEST with human reality, and life on earth/ then you will understand that without change: Armageddon is already here.
There is a necessary warning: the opportunity to ask for investigation, examination, & the decision for change/ IS NOT a manipulation or command or demand to change your life: truth provides these warnings, but your own reality produces the future, through your own decisions: you will choose. EACH ONE. The opportunities prepared for women are however a relationship with change that is a critical impact on men. This power is fair, due to man's impact on women/ but if you as women abuse the truth and use power against men/ rather than for societies good: then bad things are sure to follow. The quest for a better relationship and therefrom a better life & a peaceful society is NOT simple. Want is irrelevant/ needs do provide all the answers you must deal with. Therefore understand all your own needs including sexuality/ understand men, so they can & will support you honorably & honestly/ & understand simply "we are society" & we will make the rules: leaders can only pick directions/ and more often than not, they are wrong. Dictators believe "they are the law/ living like worms and burrowing in". WE THE PEOPLE, is an explanation of basic rights/ a vote is the preference of common interests, but NOT common responsibilities, because the righteous don't care: they are selfish. Justice is the single event, where you "are expected to be treated honestly, as if your were me". And law is the fundamental & functional value of any society/ but there are no rights to interfere in the free expressions of self: SO LONG AS, no other is substantially hurt by your freedoms, or you do not completely disregard the lives of the others. Freedom first, but reality cannot be thrown aside. BE FAIR.
Sexuality is simple/ but with complex results. Adult honor translated as sexual honesty in a relationship of love is always a blessing. We OWN, no other: period! Not a wife or husband/ not a child either; they are gifts to be cherished by you. Be fair to the others, and love will cherish you/ if it does not, then it cannot be love. Often men & women use each other, because life is easier, or its required for survival, or the demand for pride simply wants a game to play. Want is an enemy translating life as an opportunity for body or mind to control life/ instead of life controlling body or mind. Body is the experience of fundamentals, a relationship with elements that ascend or descend from expressions that exist in energy & motion & time. Mind is a format, structurally integrated as the trigger for basic behaviors & critical measurements of influence that the body identifies. Life is everything at once, BOUND into a consequence called truth; that then develops the single thread of discipline that becomes your truth, into your heart & soul. Energy, motion, & time are the basis of creation/ SOUL, heart, & life are the fundamental requirements of eternity/ an environment allowed to conceive of life within your soul. Your truth as a living experience translates heart (the desire & passion of your chosen environment) into the reality of your soul (your participation in the direction & path of your creation as you design your truth to be within yourself). The consequence of living binds all three; life, heart, & soul into a relationship that becomes or is able to become an eternal truth. The constant expression of humanity "look at me/ pay attention to me/ entertain me", assemble body parts according to your will to succeed in some aspect of life/ and expect reality to "say wow, aren't you special." Even the "extra fat or skinny or exerciser or whatever" believe this was a necessary decision/ and deserve praise for their efforts. But we are in fact, ALL special/ and therein if not equal; then at war to be superior. If at war, then violent. If violent, then lost, in the truth of being destroyed by simple failures of a life lost within simple wants and pride.
It is a function of human life, that peace brings time, for the separation of "parts & pieces of living", to be examined for value (now), treasure (the future), and love (eternity). Most refuse, believing instead that some form of excitement is now missing: leading humanity to the door of "let's do this, even if its wrong". The critical question for NOW, is then what has value enough to you/ to establish peace on earth today? I would answer life itself/ because everything about miracles is interesting, & worthy of my time & efforts: your answer must be your own truth, or it will not survive.
The critical question for tomorrow is, WHAT exists in you as a treasure "an investment of your own identity that is worth an eternity, or at least a tomorrow" / that will then give to peace on earth the substance required to survive & flourish in time? I would answer, LOVE is a beautiful experience that gives us freedom & life. It is the essence & elements of eternity, because it replaces "me" with the existence, experience, & blessings of us: a shared response to disciplines & the compensations of life & body & time.
The critical question of eternal truth is very simply: DO YOU desire to be a true miracle of life? Because if you do, then life must lead. Life leads as truth defines & controls the abilities of love, justice, and honor to change you, into a "world conceived by freedom, into FAMILY"/ and therefrom into a child of the universe itself. Humanity will ridicule, because "this is a package deal"/ all or nothing is the price. Heaven is a second chance, where all violence has been removed/ but only you can prove yourself worthy to be family: the door is open/ but only you can walk through, it is literally a decision you must make/ or you fail.
The body/ mind is irrelevant, and unimportant. The question is: WHAT do you choose, TODAY? Your answer becomes your tomorrow. Nature reflects the association between life's parts and pieces. Nature is not "dull or life-less" but demands respect, order, discipline, your input, and your reality to compose "the rhythms of your life". If you don't like the "song of yourself"/ its because of you. If you fear the consequence of death, its because "Your song, is truly selfish": why then should any other, care or share with you/ when you, having every opportunity, have refused to care or share with anyone else? DO YOU not deserve your fears? GOD IS VERY GENEROUS, perfection is not important/ but your true desire and honest love is
Your life will change; because these thoughts, & actions will be for love, & the prides of other people against you will cease to matter, and you will be free. There will be love inside for you.
This is July 2, 2006 since the time "the spiritual woman inside" has softened, she no longer distrusts me completely/ what is male has returned a little: an apparent gift to me. Though I am not certain if it's a good sign or a bad sign for humanity. Even so, the possibility seems to exist, to potentially revisit and understand male desire, from both sides/ instead of neither. It is a fundamental question of life, never studied by me, because like the human body, "it always worked fine/ provided everything needed, and never needed fixing": so it could easily be ignored.
Today, I understand more clearly male desire is directly tied to female desires & the formation of acceptance through the embodiment of trust. The partnership formed between man & woman , is then an honor created from behaviors that share the destinies of human experience through the care of human expressions. Life says; the boundaries we share as humanity, lifts from the oppressions of survival to become an elation of spirit/ because man & woman meet, "beyond themselves in love and sexuality." This is the beginning to a world called family.
The cost of human indifference to the value of freedom for each other, then places the burdens of "a failure to be free" upon that relationship called trust/ and the result is, people who do not share or care will arise. They then become selfish lovers, lusting & using bodies for the power of their own drug addiction called sexuality. Sex (every kind) uses drugs to illicit compensations for the price of sex. Sex requires actions & reactions that establish the desire to continue/ even if psychologically you would otherwise choose to quit. This is nature at work, preforming "basic maintenance" on the machinery, to bring another generation to life/ it is one of many items used by nature for this purpose. The desire of sexuality is different from the reality called trust. Sexual desire admits to the lesson of life, "I am alone/ isolated in this body"; that participation within the life of man to woman/ woman to man then does confront this isolation and presents the very closest possibility to "I am NOT alone/ we experience this together". Therefore sexual desire stems from isolation & builds upon the intensity of sexual togetherness. Lust removes desire by attacking trust. Trust builds desire by understanding the consequence of our lives together is greater, than either life apart: we have become "like family" to each other. Therefore GOD'S CREATION Of male & female "parts &pieces" explains with honesty, "the love or hate" assembled by your trust/ or its demise as assaulted by power upon your life. The possibility of family defined by your trust and mine, is a freedom assigned by all sexuality is an equal gift. It is NOT from male or female/ but to each other. Life assembles sexuality as the participation of equals, NOT "master or slave" but equal in whatever you do: BE FAIR. According to honest & honorable disciplines.
The parts & pieces of a man, respond to the respect required from it by a woman's body. It is discipline or hate or fears, that removes this response. The honor of understanding the "woman inside yourself: both sides", is the foundation for building a relationship that benefits both. Every man "has a relationship with what is woman"/ because every man understands the difference is not life/ but body; therein we are similar, but not the same. Expect men to react/ but understand it is woman who builds the foundation, & man who builds the rest with a woman's help. A foundation consists of time, acts with discipline, & order to secure the reality and functions in the experiences of man as his expression of value, to your life. He then begins when he chooses that value over his time, and as a part of his energy. Woman becomes intertwined in the energies of man/ as life introduces them both to "the creation of one/ instead of two".
The transaction of marriage requires a passionate acceptance of the boundaries & means that are your life &mine. "If we agree" to social interventions/ then we also agree that our lives together are worth more than our lives separately. The opportunity of one, becomes the opportunities of the other: the realities of the one, a consequence to the other. If you are not prepared for all the possibilities of life, both good and bad/ then you are not ready for marriage. If you cannot say to the other, truly, you are my very best friend/ then life has not given you love/ but something much less.
The values & dignity of life are not sexual issues. The human body both male & female in every aspect except sexual deviations: are simply a body you were born into. There is NOTHING about the human body or sexual conduct between consenting adults of the opposite sex that is evil. What is evil comes from the inside, to participate as violence, jealousy, or power. The opportunities of love do not include entrapment, "by babies". This is a decision for both/ not for you to force the other. RESPECT demands your honor to accept the reality if this was indeed your choice [you knew, a child could come/ but did so anyway]. What is fair assembles participation/ because life assembles a child. DON'T get pregnant unless both sides are prepared. Society must help. The children who have been afflicted with sexual confusion by society/ do have rights. Society owes them honesty/ as a function of reality: not "right or wrong"/ not how to use the parts & pieces"/ but as the consequence of interactions and how these change lives and remove choices. Sex is a drug & is clearly addictive/ but babies deserve respect, NOT your indifference, but your honesty. Male means, "for your benefit more than mine/ while female means then "for our love, a reality completed in time". Past the age of 22 or so, adult constitutes a relationship VOID of all excuses: do as you wish/ because you DO understand truth has consequences and you are fully aware/ NO excuses.
The greatest asset of woman to man: is NOT her body, her sex, her mind, or her possessions/ rather her greatest contribution to the life of man is the dignity & honor her presence adds to his life. Therefore when woman changes that through lies, pride, want, power, or the rest: She chooses to damage or even destroy both lives/ as does man. Because when honor ends, respect dies with it. Talk, & keep talking honestly, about life and love as necessary: but don't simply abuse each other with words or actions..... LISTEN, then think, then talk & listen some more.....until truth asks you to believe. Let the evidence decide.
The same is true for this work/ this message. Nothing is required of you/ every aspect of good or bad is entirely at your choice. My own personal descriptions are irrelevant to you (merely examples or efforts to explain); but descriptions of me, past & present will be used. To ridicule me/ for controversy and confusion and control over you, by those who will hate me.
If you are expecting perfection/ it is not here. If you are expecting whatever it is your own pride demands/ it is not here. Neither of these are real. Instead reality uses my life & body to prove by words: It is the spirit & soul & heart inside That is the evidence of GOD In me/ or more correctly for you, a part of this work, for which I have been used. I am simply the messenger/ although the lessons have been taught to me; it is not a "dictation".
There are various methods used to confront & conflict your potential desire "For humanity to lead you (including even me)"/ BUT you may not be led anymore: it is time for you to understand PRAYER, TRUTH, AND YOUR OWN SOUL must lead your life on earth. Together you will decide/ not that you may judge another, but as your own decisions as life on earth.
I am simply a man, with faults and a heart that listens, no matter where the body goes. I don't care what you think of me/ but it would be extremely unwise to be "too belligerent". As to demands for perfection in me, read your bible correctly for a change: who but JESUS could be described as anything near perfection.
As to your expectations for leadership, learn instead Spirit, heart, & soul WILL lead you/ or simply you are blind. YOU CANNOT follow me!
The MOST amazing thing about humanity is, their/ your desire to gamble! A few "become the casino"/ the rest, "the losers" who play the game. You play for: "I WANT to be more than I am/ don't care about the rest." Therein because it's a game, pride takes over & reality becomes as an illusion faced with the consequences of truth/ OR the acceptance of lies. There are NO winners in gambling/ only the disgraced because greed/ lust/ or power control their world. The majority WILL BITTERLY dispute this/ conforming their losses or their play to the excuse "its an entertainment, an excitement/ ITS SOMETHING TO DO"! But in reality this exists on the strength of your own desire to "play among the rich and powerful". Nothing more and nothing less. The assembly of expectations, a foundation for failure, because even if "you win"/ all you will get is pride for yourself (an enemy to your life), & the selfishness in others who will assault you with "in one form or another, GIVE ME my share/ my prize for putting up with you/ or my price for being your slave". Therein winning is set to destroy the love in your heart, & the purpose of honor in your soul. Yet billions, line up pleading everyday: "let me play too". Reality states gambling arises as more than "just for money or play". As, People constantly demanding "I can have all the children I WANT"/ irregardless of reality. But part of that is no matter how well you do your own part to aid life on this earth/ there will be very many, "just waiting in the shadows" for their chance to steal, or destroy everything they touch: to prove you or I cannot have what they do not have; even if it is for all of us/ they will take it to prove they have more "superior to the rest/ and to keep the rest from saying we have more than you; therefore you are inferior to me". Theft, violence, hatred, etc are irrelevant to their own belief in "what is visible to the eye". They "want to be rich", and could care less how they get there/ or who they kill, cripple, or destroy. Is this you? If it is not, then you DO make choices based entirely upon life and peace on earth/ NOT on want, pride, or selfishness: take your pick. A fool, is the essence of destruction, proving time & again; reality can be destroyed. Therefore constantly searching for their next victim and never recognizing this is their destruction too. This is the essence of male history throughout the world/ and the base reason, man cannot save the world from himself, because too many want to prove superiority/ therein the right to rule, irregardless of life or justice. The right to demand sexuality, irregardless of life. A fool understands wealth, as the door to their pride, & control over the others/ even to the point of making people their slaves, & less. A fool cannot understand: life is a blessing/ cherish it as life. Because a fool believes in money. Money is a gateway to pride, arrogance comes tagging along to prove pride is the winner here: worship me. Power seeps in from this infection, like a cancer establishing control over the body or mind. And selfishness compensates by determining "those are inferior to me/ THEREFORE I deserve everything they could have, and I have a right to take it, because I AM worth that much more." Money is NOT evil/ but very few accept it as a responsibility to the others/ thereby causing WIDE spread grief among very many lives, even creating tragedies among the others; simply to say "you are trash/ I am a god compared to you". It is these effects upon the others, that cause them to want to be rich too/ that they may avoid all the problems these few, do design and instigate upon their lives. It is the wealthy, that make every war of choice/ because when the poor threaten to take away their easy life; war is used to redirect them from their cause. It is the poor that make every war without a choice/ because the tragedies of over population leave them without resources, therefore without opportunities to say no: it is "you or me"/ consequently "let's fight those instead", it is easier than to fight with the people you live with. The poor cause genocide, because when the invasion of immigrants (people by babies or any other form) cause a population increase that cannot be allowed (there is no room, no patience, & no opportunities left) the stability of the region & the life of everyone who is established there is threatened. These then turn upon the others to force them away/ dead or alive. Re-assigning stability as their right to control, GAMBLING That a human life can be murdered without eternal consequences/ just because choices to over-populate were made. IT IS true, an over-population cannot be sustained: BUT THEY ARE WRONG, to believe they can play god. YOU must find another way/ all of you. The consequence of being human/ is you and they ARE GOD'S CREATION , it is simply as a human reality. The consequence of our reality is a definition that requires our decision. Therefore cause & effect says: if you intentionally populate the earth beyond its capacity to support your lives/ because you refuse instruction as honor, duty, discipline, or as honesty would advise: then YOU are just as guilty, as those who choose to commit murder/ as your choice came first: neither of you chose to care. Do you not deserve each other? The gamble of a fool, is to believe reality & truth/ even law does not apply to you. You will lose, even if the lies support the illusion and fantasy that your deeds are hidden for a time; they are not, to life. The gamble of liars, is to believe "truth doesn't care"/ they can then do anything, so long as it remains hidden. But every lie takes something from you/ and you die a little each time; death is then your answer/ and life is taken away. In the leadership of america [NOT just the president and legislatures] "such is the sewer effluents and diseases" of those who suggest "numbers are money, credit is a dream come true, and humanity will never know/ because all want these same things: therefore they keep the lies for us. Let the children pay! And they have won this game of stealing from the future, and from life/ until tragedies prove life is dying, and no one will pay; you lived to long [do you want to die now/ if you do, then prepare to meet your truth, as assassins and failures]. The game is over, and the liars only proved: if liars are in control, then lies among the people will multiply as well. You did not die as expected/ and the bill is due! Stealing from your children is over too. Because reality cannot support liars and thieves but so long/ then wars, depression/ formations called evil/ & the selling, abuse, rape, & disease of bodies without souls begins. The mind lies and says NO, it won't be/ but history, reality, & truth all agree the consequence of all these lies will prove this is about life or death for the whole world/ if you play, you will lose your life, because you will finish destroying the earth. Armageddon will surround you.
The consequence of american decisions, as well as the rest of mankind, is a severe attack upon the earth: even though it is visible only if you look today/ it is being accomplished without concern for anything, but greed and lust and power. In america today and the world, "the smart people" have been lying, cheating, stealing, raping, & destroying everything they could, from resources, to honor and honesty for the last few decades in particular. The truth is failure is not only eminent/ it is now necessary: to remove the pitiful excretions of blatant evil (your war against honor)/ to remove the cancerous tumors (the intense destruction of resources, the blind crucifixion of nature, and a long list of other deaths) that threaten all life on earth. It is also necessary to REMOVE the pride, selfishness, power, WANT, and all the rest that is not capable of sustaining peace & justice for life on earth. Therefore you must endure the lessons, of what you should not have done. The end of life on earth is "in clear view"/ and you cannot go back, therefore you must choose. You can only STOP, what you are doing, and change to accept what is honor, honesty, discipline, order, & the possibilities called love.
It used to be, people would grow old and lose at least a little of their disrespect & arrogance because their eternity WAS coming. Today the endless pride and arrogance cause people even in old age to be fooled/ believing "dead & done"/ therefore planning funerals for one last "look at me/ pay attention to me". This is largely due to "the smart people" providing insistence and support to "alternative human ideas, to miracles" saying such things as "just a gamble that paid off for us/ just a lump of mud, accidently bred with a piece of asteroid; or whatever other shit their "big brains" can come up with from fantasy land. The extreme concentration of ignorance at so many levels/ about so many realities is a consequence of the others, DEMANDING "give us an answer to these things, we can use". So that we can do whatever we want/ and not pretend to be disciplined or respectful at all. The question is WHY do you desire this in your hearts? The answer is all foundations are built upon respect, therefore what you desire to build does not include your CREATOR . But if you have no respect, all you can build are lies/ simply waiting to be washed away. The question of no respect asks: HOW can you be so blind? The simple answer is "you want to be god". And these are the excuses that let you pretend. The question WHY? Is understood simply: because life is good to you, and you WANT more. Believing instead of knowledge, understanding, work, & wisdom/ that more exists in your own excuses, to create your own pride, greed, lust, and power to control, use, and abuse. YOU LOSE, because life is not a game/ and you cannot survive alone. Therefore anything you do gain as your excess/ takes from your own soul the ability to conceive of life, love, or happiness; because these belong to truth, not to lies. Pride rules your failures/ because life refuses your heart. YOU WIN, all the greed, lust, hatred, power, violence, and more than humanity can offer. The "smart people" get less respect than the others, only because they offer NO respect to the others/ therefore they deserve nothing as well.
A song asks: "Teach me what its like to be the last man standing"? The answer is: let the discipline of my life be honest/ let my honor always be true to life (humanity is irrelevant), honor is about life inside/ accept love is my own answer/ let happiness be my gift to others/ & let respect be MY WAY. With these the battleground is NOT about me, but the truth of my life, as it defends my heart & the consequence of my love, as it grants the price that will be paid, shall not defeat my soul.
I cannot save you or me, I too, must be saved. It is TRUST that understands the possibility called MERCY. It is life that understands truth, can believe in eternity: therefore always be true to your life and your existence and your love.
Consider the reality of being wrong today, about the end of time on earth, for all life! Conceive as well, the honor inherited by your soul, as the soldier that must now defend life on earth/ from all these attacks. BELIEVE JESUS DIED FOR YOU.
TO PROVE GOD LOVES YOU !!!!!!!!! Are you not important/ how dare you believe, not for you: Are you not a bigot and liar, if you do so. STOP IT AND REPENT.
Today I am reminded, nothing was written about a woman's desire for man. But the consequence of being "returned to male, mentally" is now I don't know/ the door is again shut, and I am moved to a new experience. Reality says of today, "I am not a free man as before". Instead of the "universe to explore", my world has become quite small. I do apparently still belong to women/ apparently this body is still hers to use or abuse for sex, as I still have no say, & no controls. "She" is still the environment of my life, because life ends if women so not save the world from men/ reality is true, man will kill everything. Because he wants superiority. Consequently it seems "my body is to be her tool". My own complaints as regards this "situation", are rejected with a "ride em cowboy response"/ and I just have to tolerate it. A development requiring acceptance of the possibility women will indeed use me as a classroom. It is her choice, and I must prepare for the possibility; although I will become free, if she does not. The concepts of being used, bring a list of: what about me, why do I have to be used, where is my dignity; and what if women desire me only for sex, is that all I am to be. And if so, then without sex am I simply nothing but a slave or something else. What about me? Accordingly there are questions demanding to be more/ that will be my responsibility. There is an understanding present of "protect me, from the world of aggressions against me", that my heart my then be honest and honorable with you/ and love be free. The truth of such a reality, is a relationship called "wife"/ a consequence never defined as property, because of love; but is honestly assigned by reality to be a relationship in support of peace. Because the "other person" is the one who must go out and "save the world/ or at least fight with it". Therefore marriage is allowing the opportunity "not to be afraid of humanity", at least for a little while, that courage may grow, and honor may find you at home with me. What is fair, is then a free world, at peace in the love Of GOD !
IT IS our destiny, as humanity, to work for this or die.
These are the fundamental descriptions of " a very strange year"/ but not an uncommon description of "schooling, as it occurs to my life". The intensity of an investment in reality and truth, combine to create the stimulus required to enter within a truth and live accordingly as life requires it to be/ the outcome always discards the identity of humanity, body, and mind; to begin the journey into what are the dimensions of an integrated truth, as this is the only method of participating in that truth, and combining what is true, with what is life: to achieve the honesty of a relationship conceived with the sanctity of discipline and respect for the truth being studied. I know, that the vast majority have NO desire for truth/ much less, for such studies as these/ they prefer/ you prefer, whatever you choose to believe. And are happy in that, as it is very easy; simply discard anything you don't want.
As for me, the question of truth herein, and the content & validity of references and life, simply stated is: I do follow wherever life leads; NOT for goals, power, or treasure: but for the honesty it reveals about the experiences called life. The fundamental introduction to women, as was created in me, cannot be proven but by these words, "and my new chest". YOU simply have to decide true or false beyond anything else. As for me, I do live wherever life takes me; therefore I AM as has been described.
The question of evidence as it is linked to the life or death for this earth itself, IS VERY MUCH the same. These words and there are MANY more from a wide variety of people, do testify to what your own future holds. There is plenty of physical evidence, although instead of what you WANT your reality to be: YOU MUST investigate, examine, and decide in your own truth, for life or death. If you do not/ then your soul cannot come with you, and you will surrender and lose this world. If you gamble even a little/ YOU WILL LOSE.
YOU and your life, WILL become as you choose to describe it as your truth, within these next few weeks and months. YOU WILL live or die, by the choices you make and the work you do or fail to do, from your decisions in these next few years: the whole world depends on women, and man will HELP HER, or all die.
In reality and truth, NOTHING else matters, because life or death is that important. Remember this well: "You cannot dig your dignity out of a grave"/ if you sell your soul for your pride, or your want; if you hide from your body or say "I cannot do this, just because people may ridicule you"/ then you are not worthy of your body or life. If you look to the others and say, "what will they say/ what will they do/ what will they think"/ then I ask you: what have they to do with your death, can you control their tongues, it matters not what is real & true, people make up whatever they want/ choose for your life, do not let them choose your life for you. If you are waiting for the "crowd" to come/ then you are unworthy as well: because you are looking for an excuse, a way to not be committed to the reality of what truth will ask of you. I say, the body is just a tool/ the mind just an instrument to discover the reality of time and translate it as a decision you can make. The others are irrelevant/ all die alone, therefore live as you are. Life is not a game, and there are no second chances. Let the truth in your heart decide, let the people take care of their own lives, and let discipline decide because humanity will not be with you at the moment of your death: therefore be true to yourself. True to the life inside of you/ true to your needs to learn/ and true to your duty. Dignity is inside as well, let that be enough/ if you know, this is a decision for life. Reality is depending on YOU, FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE HONORABLY, or lose it.
Love is the only completely true decision of your life: it is yours alone/ which is why you must be alone to decide if this is for you. If you choose love, if you accept truth, and if you honor understanding with evidence, investigation, & honest values/ then you will need no leader ever again. You will attain a peaceful life. And earth will be glad.
But if you prefer ridicule, pride, & gluttony/ destroying everything/ then everything you have chosen WILL come as the consequence of truth, called ARMAGEDDON. MAKE YOUR DECISION. You do not have a choice/ it will be one way or the other. BUT even if the world is lost/ DO continue to pray for yourselves; it is necessary.
Patience requires the understanding, that it is not my right to interfere or change the decisions of another/ it is only fair, to establish understanding through knowledge, and participate as wisdom allows. The relationship I personally seek is with eternity/ for the vast & great majority, you seek life with time. Therefore reality has designed the opportunity to participate only as a "supporting role". The question of life says: the consequence of our bodies as governed by the mind, is a value developed through the experience & expression of decisions/ both yours & as your heritage. The truth of value asks: is the body more important that life? Time replies BOTH are necessary because life here, "ticks by" as the evidence of body. The question called life develops as the intensity of a desire to explain the mystery & consequence of a single truth: that I/ we are ALIVE. Life is then a discovery of existence tied to the opportunity called more. This is a quest to man/ while the conception of woman in me, expects that life itself is sufficient; and discovery should be tied to the relationships of our existence/ rather than a fight to grapple with things beyond ourselves. BOTH have value, both have purpose, and "I am" caught in-between.
The question of density allows for intensity to select the compensation of direction/ but for me a spiritual composition decides. Therein "as a male supporting female, I must live. The question of life desires an answer: for what purpose do we live? The critical truth replies, that love is the evidence of a "different world"/ completed only by the introduction of lives that will honor & respect the experience of family. Therein love is a foundation, and existence in that love, the essence of a new life. The quality of our existence here, is in direct proportion to love/ money beyond what is needed, simply an excuse for pride. Therein hope & prayer that is NOT for love, life, or freedom is simply about want, pride, or power; all are enemies to love, life, and freedom. The true question of family asks: if you love ME; then did I love you first/ or did you love me first/ or did we choose this relationship because time "gave us moments to decide"?
The value of a friendship is more than time/ therefore the value of family is NOT about time, but the honesty of disciplines & boundaries that exchange those moments for respect. Respect is then fundamental to family and family does not exist without this contribution to the dignity of life. Respect means: that although we are equal as life/ reality and truth participate in our lives as energy; and energy simply doesn't care about life. Therefore the essence of discipline and boundaries in favor of life, are those relationships that do care about life, & the honesty described by honor as those who do share/ for the benefit of all. Respect assembles behavior, as the fundamental tool of respect, creating in that behavior the honor necessary to support & defend life from the consequence of what would otherwise seek to destroy it. The question of destruction is then, "the opportunity to destroy"/ while the question of both life & family is the opportunity to care, because the relationship is worth sharing, my/ our possibilities & realities of life. This however illustrates that those who do not share or care/ are not acceptable, and cannot come within the inner world of love.
Love is a passage inside that creates an opportunity beyond all or many barriers, and accomplishes the absolute end of loneliness/ because we are now a completed part of each others lives. We are MORE than married, we are the evidence of each other inside the reality of our own existence and theirs. We become, the truth of each other/ as reality transforms the meanings of your own truth into the purity of our soul together. Love is the essence of a shared soul! Love is the beginning of a new truth, completing reality by the evidence of care & respect; the honesty & honor of our decision to experience life together.
Be at peace if you choose these things/ but if you do: then you must work for the others/ that they too may share life eternal.
The question of male, and/or female as applied to the reality & existence of our lives is not as simple as it sounds. The consequence of our existence benefits from our individual truth as male or female/ by allowing us to participate as separated environments dedicated to the experience of what it means to be completed by the evidence of what is male & female combined; as one. History & reality have disturbed the essence and foundation of male & female as family by introducing "violence, power, apathy, arrogance, & lust into human lives. Therein what is precious & true has failed, in human experience/ because what is a human life, fails in its comprehension of love. Love is the path designed by freedom, expressed as happiness & transformed in time as "the peace in our hearts". That discovers a world dedicated to sharing & caring about each other, as family. Family assigns to each member a value that shall not be measured, but accepted as real: although, at times distinct decisions must be made in human life, to accomplish repair to the damages done. Therein family discovers males as a dimension composed in parallel expressions to life/ designed to be an extension of values beyond life for the whole. Wherein what is living to man, is the acceptance of truth as it completes his world. The operations of a man and his life are compounded into one expression of living within the destinies of journey's that must be taken/ or courage shall fail, & strength disappear. Man is then a composition of disciplines designed by the influence of self, life, & male. All three combine as the opportunities held together by a forum of experience. That then becomes as an honor or dishonor based upon the acceptance of what he chose to become.
Life programs "the very same, sexual responses in every man". The consequence of individual rejection of what is male, by the supposition simply: I cannot compete with them/ therefore I must be different. [a fool's paradise]. The very same dignity of sexual expression, gives the opportunity to choose failure/ as it does to choose love: because it cannot be a true choice, unless the reality actually exists. The very same honesty of a disciplined and active response to honorable sexuality, exists in every man as well: (just for simplicity) penis size can grow up to 7 times, from small to large/ BASED UPON disciplines in his heart; it is not an excuse. A male sexual response to woman is governed not by nudity/ not by "female parts & pieces"/ but by the honesty and honor of acceptance. Everything else is lust, and lust is not desire/ it is the intent to use, or abuse, or be violent against. It is true men are visual, but like a lovely setting or picture (visual anything), it cannot make you desire. Desire is the understanding "this is for me, an opportunity to be free in life". Only a soul can offer that. What is visual gets you noticed, but what is life allows you to be loved. Do not assume sex will buy you anything/ all it buys is pride. Instead understand, that love is not determined by your pride either: when pride is gone for both honestly and honorably, then discipline will decide whether sexuality is right for you both/ and respect will tell you when. Acceptance of sexuality are governed within the limits of normal male sperm limits, "when the machinery runs on empty, men quit because of pain". Therefore be kind, and understand men have limits too/ governed by the presence of sperm (no sperm, too bad for both) or governed by the honesty, that I need a little time for me. Acceptance is in truth a consequence of whether you as woman have defined him as a man. When this honor exists, he will share it with you/ as your reward. The things that woman can define about a man is: a desire to share his life, "not your version, but his"/ an honesty completed by your presence, as man "because he is worth the price of your honor"/ a discipline because you need him to be identified by truth/ a reality dependent upon a shared response to life itself, both your way and his, "not a battleground, but a respect". The value of sex, is the sharing of life/ if you do not share experience and expression and time, then all that is value slips away. What is sexy to a man, is not "your clothes"/ but the possibility that you may choose him, and are willing to take the risk of his being interested enough in you, to pursue your time, as a means of getting to know you as a person. Immediate sex is not "sexy, or desired/ apart from needs and lusts"/ rather sexuality is a shared expression of life, do you not also have to learn and trust someone before you are willing to share something of great value to you? Why then do you consider sexuality so simple or so cheap? The answer is: "We have to compete/ with the other women"; a reality only women can solve in themselves. Men will let you / because although most will follow their penis if you let them, or if woman insists, the contest for men (since you have made it a game/ is winner or loser, let the other men be jealous). The consequence of sex is, nothing more than bedroom walls/ and if you continue, it will not be for love or happiness: but needs, and the end result a reality that satisfies no one. Sex will buy you time/ but it will not buy you love; love will be given, because you earned the right of trust. If there is no trust, then there is no true love. If you desire marriage/ the reality is you will choose to accept the man on his terms; not because they are better, but because men are required to defend with bravery: to give up their lives if necessary, it is a part of their honor. Would you give up your life, for someone who doesn't respect you, for who you are? No you would not. The question of courage, another critical task of men, is to understand the basis of life is not what "we want/ or can obtain" but to accept the certainty of a relationship with creation that allows disciplined actions/ rather than panicked attacks on the others, buy stealing etc. Therefore to attain this type of existence, IT IS NECESSARY "not to have little predators gnawing at your feet". If they don't believe, you won't accept life as a reality, life will not accept you as a friend. A penis is an irrelevant trigger to chemical dependency/ OR it is an opportunity to share the value of your life, with a woman capable of understanding; what is man, believes in you. What is strength accepts the challenge to conceive of us, rather than you or me. But marriage is expected to be, for a lifetime; therefore do not be sad, simply because a lifetime cannot be promised to you/ instead recognize reality, and accept honesty rather than sex. If you need sex, honestly, most will help you if they can.
The consequence of being male is defined simply by the opportunity of expression beyond a simple physical environment. Therein the "man outside", visits life & self, inside/ and together these 3 become an identity displayed as man. These are foundation elements, and form the basis of discovery as time allows each one to explain existence as their own participation in time. This is an expression in friendship/ and whether male understands the reality, "the man outside" becomes a companion to all that is inside, creating a constant relationship between what a man should be/ and what a man is not. Failure here allows critical depression to turn to violence, and reality then becomes a loneliness that governs everything/ turning all life into prey. The concept of "the man outside"/ is as a reference to the consequence called honor, and its relationship with life as an honorable man; instead of simply male. Simply male, recognizes only the basis of animal instinct, and operates as a failure called predator or prey.
The operations of woman, are far less clear to me, and simply stated: can only be discovered through the common dimensions assigned by peace through love. There are MANY questions unanswered; and perhaps life intends it should stay that way/ or not. But only woman can explain herself/ therefore I am done, at least for now.
Understand this as well, I have often been told "you look like a bum"/ most would agree, as appearance is not important to me: I have not been trying to attract women/ the only importance appearance actually is for/ except to honor the one your with. But as a consequence most do perceive me, as far different than what my life is/ I simply do not choose their way: am I not free? They also do not choose my life/ therefore they cannot understand: and make decisions about me based on their purposes, not mine/ consequently, completely wrong. Consider then the truth of this, in your own interpretations of life and people/ and quit being: So scared, you hide from life itself. What you see on the outside, is irrelevant to the inside/ but what is on the inside, determines how you will be treated in life. Choose for your life/ not your want, your eyes, or your pride.
Understand this as well, it is a terrible tragedy if you "lump everyone together" just because they are similar in some sense: DO NOT do that/ it is not only wrong, it becomes extremely destructive to your/ our world. From the descriptions provided of my own body and life, who among you would have selected me as a friend or romantic interest: almost no one/ yet as you read the values of "the heart inside"/ it is true, you who desire love did error. Because love exists here. Consider this in every other person/ because you cannot see the inside, it must be revealed to you; time is thereby required. The evidence is provided in words and deeds, even though you say "no it cannot be/ when truth declares, it is so". The wise ones will surrender the relationship as necessary to avoid liars, anger, hatred, power, apathy, and so on. Those who have only the beginnings of these things are worthy of your efforts to "fix them"/ if you can. Never surrender, to those who threaten you/ always be wise, and find your options from society, or in yourself. Never surrender to those who threaten your family, tell them/ tell the police/ tell everyone you can/ write a letter, containing evidence and put it where it can be found; do the best you can, but do not accept the blame for anything someone else can do, but probably won't: none of it is your fault, and life is about eternity, not fears. Opportunity therefore must be surrendered by both sides, and honor through discipline must be the evidence that decides all things/ from failure to friend. Do not judge your participants in this your life: do you really know them? Be kind to each other/ it is a guarantee, YOU have misjudged very many people/ and their lives. Happiness is a gift to you, but only if you choose to deserve it/ by selecting to honor your life with peace and the disciplines required of you.
In a complex beginning of associations, the reality of human behaviors to the consequence of human body and mind/ is defined by the "triggers" inside existence. In a complicated relationship of allowing body and mind to react "any way they wish/ without violence or dishonor to life (the body is irrelevant)" the reality is accepted to study the consequence of such behaviors in a distinct search for "the switches of life"/ the internal programming that keeps us alive. Critical substance is given to cause and effect/ critical freedom is given to body and mind, establishing behaviors for the development of a path back to the source. Critical research is given to the encounters of violations in freedom, and their association with spiritual aspects in the creation of truth as it exists in fundamental states of time. Spirit here means the fundamental truths incorporating basic existence as a foundation dependent upon specific orders and discipline/ as defined by the nature of thought itself. The study of time exists in the body and mind/ therefore all aspects incorporating specific behaviors develop from the structural instructions assigned by DNA, in the specific sequencing required for movement or mind. It is a field in need of study, a reality composed of individual comprehension's of communal elements in time. If you are not honest/ you cannot be fair. Therein the elements of honesty, and the aspects of communal concepts concerned with what is fair, consist of an environment intentionally devoid of experimentation as to the influences on life/ and fundamentally corrupted by the disrespect of all things considered uncommon. It is the concentration and bulk of failure among the people, that allows simplicity to control man. It is a relationship with freedom that consists of elements joined to life by the considerations of what is spiritual and what is life. Each of these considers truth their vital link to the essence of thought/ as thought is the essence of life itself. Critical values are then not learned, but criticized as humility/ whereas critical failures and fundamental simplicity are applauded as the essence of humanity. It is a fool's game. Learn from your body and mind/ the values that apply truth to behaviors, and fundamental life to the intricacies of experimental thought. Spirit is the essence of truth as it exists within the instructions inherited as "the life of man or woman"/ the foundation of expression, and the base behaviors which lead to complex designs are all illustrated in the truth inside. Therefore YOU study what is true in you, as to instruction generated as male or female behaviors/ and the world shall open "just a bit". Truth, not body or mind exists as the creation of identity/ your truth is the essence of why; therefore what constitutes the creation of why, illustrates and translates the existence of thought. What is thought, fundamentally develops as the function capable of leading you into eternity, through mercy. What is mercy, begins the journey toward GOD And the essence of "what is HIS CHILD". THE ANSWER IS, Born into spirit, an honest association with truth/ life becomes an essence created from the decision to respect reality and learn. Without truth, you are nothing but debris. With truth inside as the fountain of your life, "the spring of living waters": The opportunities of energy, are truly awesome. The consequence of human interference, simply an inconvenience. Some things such as "tooth deterioration" are complicated experiences (learning practices), relying on reality to teach the values inherent in the understanding allowed/ rather than a question of body parts and the impact on life as a body; it is simply a relationship based upon critical knowledge/ the acceptance of truth as leader, even if the outcome seems wrong. This is then a structural lesson in basic comprehension's of time versus truth. It may also become a critical relationship between pain and the alternate, simply letting human interferences in me compete for control over the outcome and intensity of the pain. time will tell, there is no winner in this game/ simply a relationship with human reality versus human trust: the outcome merely limits or refuses limits by choosing the pain and its complications or not. This is a strange and unfamiliar decision/ and not yet completely understood.
This is said to detonate the complex associations generated within the attack on human pride/ and specifically university prides. Do you believe honestly, that awareness does not exist as to the influences in humanity, as to your absolute arrogance that says "not even a penny will you sacrifice or spend for life/ it is all for your own selfishness and power". And so on. The consequence of absolute failure is death/ the truth of human decisions, is an attack on everything you need to survive: not only what is common among man, but now due to realities of human population, you have attacked everything. It is clear and certain, the intent was not to attack all of life in the beginning/ it is also clear and certain, knowing what must be done to save life on earth, man has turned completely away; because "the price is too high/ he doesn't want to pay". So now it is up to women to make him pay the price of survival, it is up to women to prove life is ok without all the greed, lust, want, selfishness, power, and failures/ lies/ extortion/ destruction/ and death: because if you don't stop, at this moment it is fair to say; YOU do know what is coming to rule this world, it is ARMAGEDDON [the time given for man to rule exactly as he pleases/ and reap his reward]. You will die a horrendous death, and don't even know how stupid your ways are. If you will not seek the truth/ and let honor and honesty and discipline and reality and respect and love lead: then you get exactly what you deserve. Just a small perspective adds: You are consuming far more oxygen than is being created/ you are destroying your drinking water/ you are destroying your food supply from every possibility, to every aspect of its sustain ability/ YOU have prepared to murder/ you have built your own terrorists, by attempting to control every life with manipulation, temptation, and greed/ you are crucifying nature, pretending "you are gods". And if you don't stop, you will be your own gods/ abandoned by truth, and left to destroy yourselves. And for what? Because pride is "your chosen friend/ want your chosen lover/ power the essence of your thought/ and selfishness the purpose of your heart; among all the rest". How pitiful you truly are! It is fair to ask: how can women possibly "rule the world/ by removing men from their control"? The answer is: the men have already surrendered their controls/ they just don't know it yet! Because all the lies will end, and their very foundations will crumble and consume them: leaving them grasping for anyone to save them. If not women/ they are completely lost and will die. If not women/ as a last resort to establish power, they will use all the weapons they have created. But reality says, it is not necessary to end the world with war/ because the world is already at the brink of failure; due to the activities of men. I do not enjoy these words, it is not fair to life that they exist/ but this is your reality, and whining or hatred or whatever your excuse is: will not fix these problems! Women must accept the burden of demanding the men remove all their weapons/ by creating an opportunity in world policing that gives them the opportunity to believe without fears, that it can be done. Women must accept the burden of redistributing the wealth, and controlling the credit, and limiting the influences of individuals; so that hate will diminish and life begin again in peace. Women must understand the consequence of reality, and choose for life as it exists; NOT as the fantasies that are a plague and a disease today/ but the reality that understands resources are life, and consumption MUST change completely. Women must organize and use their influences on men, whether by sex, nakedness, or any other means necessary to strip away their pride, and cause them to believe "they will be accepted by women, irregardless of what they have; instead, by honor and discipline and respect they will be selected": with love they will be loved. Women WILL control all sexuality from now on/ it is her way, because she is in control; man is removed, because he has decided to kill the world. Women are a new and different reality, to the base leadership of this world/ therefore as the consequences of men cause them to deteriorate in power and control, the reality of women will be looked upon as their saviors: because women are expected to be about peace and life/ not war and death, as is man's final option in his mind. What is woman, is not power/ not physical strength/ not greater anything than man. What is woman is the ability to see life as the most important part/ the honesty to give to man all he needs to be happy/ the honor of saving this world from man/ and the respect necessary to give all peoples the opportunity to survive and be happy. This is your job/ and if woman does not do so with substantial honor and respect, then the world will die. Simple as that/ RESPECT WOMEN OR DIE. The vast majority will say: "I have everything I want/ or I am going to get everything I want: WHY should I change?" Many WILL demand: I am a MAN/ and I won't accept women over me; no way! The answer is: you have no choice, your resources will end/ look at your consumption. Your world will end/ look at your reality/. Your money is dead/ soon you will know it is true: because of the things men have done/ not me. And your attack on nature is going to terrorize you with unimaginable fears; change quickly, or even death will be so horrendous, no one leaves unless consumed "alive" by worms. This is not a game/ your life is at stake/ your futures/ your everything. So be what you want to be: alive or dead/ what is your pride worth? Some will complain, "he should not have come/ he is destroying the peace here; and so on". It is true, the warning you are given is not about "pleasant realities"/ but if I had not been sent, TRUTH SAYS: the world would simply die, without understanding the possibility of change/ or being told the consequence of their actions. Today however, you have been told/ WOMEN DO have options to change the world/ and your decision is now your own: there are no excuses/ you will get what you choose. If man refuses woman/ refuses to let her lead, and she cannot change him; then all die, because pride destroyed you, and want will come to terrorize YOU. Just how it is/ your " male input" is irrelevant or for death/ unless you help women to rule over you. The reality is again, simply because man has chosen to kill the world, by his decisions and his ways: the evidence is clear and certain. It is also clear and certain your "experts" will find in their illusions and fantasies "something to attack me with". Reality has applied the concept of "split personality developments, in the above descriptions"/ these are provided, to say in truth: you must choose with your heart & soul, the mind is insufficient to you. You must understand, life is more than measurements. The relationships established from the words, inside of me, are consequences of basic truths as they recreate the disciplines of the mind; into expressions and experiences that are mentally derived from understandings and knowledge associated with women/ therein these expressions are allowed freedoms, to experiment with the basic relationship of this body and this mind, to accomplish the driven expanse of a new and different direction in parallel terms with man. A comprehension called woman created from the spiritual existence of definitions applied by reality, to the consequences called truth. As best I can/ WITH the aid of life itself, as GOD Presents it to me.
Much has been said in derogatory terms about university driven pride, and the truth about all the extortions, etc. But life says, it is only the pride, the want, the stealing, the selfishness, and all the rest that is assaulted or derided as such a sin. The people are left alone, to their own realities, and their own repentance/ thereby their own decisions for life or death. If you cannot believe you are equal/ then you cannot help; you are in fact an enemy of life; because being equal is absolutely necessary for peace. We are 7 billion people/ and there is no place for arrogance anymore. We will live together for peace/ sharing with each other for life/ or we will die, and the earth collapse because you didn't care enough. Choose/ means change.
Do not hide in the assumptions of fear, saying "oh no, we are caught/ no one was suppose to see: my life is ruined". It is a fools' game/ as there are no options but to accept the truth and live the life designed by you, or to change it and accept the disciplines and the instruction in reality. Neither may you hide in stubbornness, believing this will protect you from the people "who could lead you into more ridicule, or pain"/ instead YOU must let truth decide, YOU cannot hide in the failure of absolute stupidity anymore. The reality is not what can happen to you/ truth says, its already here: it is now up to you too, to decide what you will do, what will change in your life, and what life means to you.
Ridicule of my life is certain, foundations in greed, corruption and power are sure to assault me, the consequence of women may ask too much/ or too little: therein becoming bad for all of us. IT IS absolutely essential, that foundations in sharing be created; the fundamental existence of a resource understood as "for us all/ owned by none/ but protected by all for all". The realities of the next few years, WILL be as needs that must be dealt with honorably; NOT "its free"/ but YOUR REALITY/ our reality demands this of you, so that life can survive. {for instance, population control is a requirement for food assistance, no excuses/ no exceptions}. Reality and truth is up to women/ you must do, you cannot whine and cry; let the men do that/ YOU choose for life! I cannot and will not guess as to the outcome of all these things/ it is not up to me, to choose for you. The older people will cry and whine and threaten/ the younger will pout and complain why me, and on and on it will go, until YOU decide: human family or not, the earth is worth fighting for/ ridicule or not, the body is just a tool and it will be used accordingly without regard for human tongues. Therefore of my own life I will again simply say: there is no cause to be less than "the best I can" in these matters of life or death/ but if less than 2000 pounds of female postcards do not come; then it is irrelevant what else can be done, the outcome is assured. The consequence being, I will quit as well, & You will die. Because the world will not change itself, and if women will not do their best, there is no hope for you as life on earth. The time is short, for you to decide: thereby to remove the reality that a few will attempt to organize and control if this were not so. Therein the reality is SAID TO EACH WOMAN (and those men who will aid women): ITS UP TO YOU/ not to them; YOU must decide for yourself, not as a group/ but as an individual: what are YOU going to do! Choose for life/ or let fear, apathy, & failure destroy everything; man can only help/ life or death is literally up to women. Life is not fair, get over it; male humanity has had its desire completed: or more correctly almost. The opportunities to wait for someone else to do the work for you/ are over; men failed to find a way to protect life from themselves: because you waited for man to provide everything, women failed too; but even so reality gives woman her chance. The common Man will not do this, they love power and selfishness more than life/ the reality of today is what they built for themselves, and to establish their rule, they failed in themselves to admit the reality of their dishonor, and their disgrace. Because then they must change, and pay the price of life instead of power. It is not simply man/ but reality will overlook woman, and give her, her own chance to survive. WOMEN DO have a deliberate and distinct decision to intervene and begin again, to control men to save the world/ YOU WILL NOT BE DENIED. But that doesn't mean it will be easy, or without a cost to you. If you do not have the strength to fight for your children, or your families children, or yourself, your husband or your future/ then so be it, I cannot give you passion; this is your decision, not mine. You will succeed if you find the necessary strength, because man knows he is in trouble and cannot get out on his own/ therefore he will worship woman and do as she asks, if she succeeds. If any significant numbers doubt, in the possibilities that are described as threatening life on earth/ then you may come at any time: "a small group of women, clearly identified as asking questions for the majority of women to me if you wish/ with questions. Some I will answer/ some I will not, but instead of providing the information already available to you: the reality will be to instruct you, in the questions you must ask of life and man and reality/ through truth. Let there be no excuse! Instruction in dedicated answers to specific problems will only present confusion, as these will rely upon your own "scientific information" and no matter what I might use of it/ there will be many who attack me because of it; thereby misleading you, without cause/ by redirecting reality on me. I am not an answer/ or a threat/ not a question; but a messenger delivering this message to you. DO NOT consider your answer as "for or against me", I am irrelevant to the process of your decision; I have no importance to you in deciding yes or no. However I can help you/ if you choose for life; you can use or abuse this body if you are willing to learn from it, the things that will help you to understand and even control men. That is the extent of my participation/ it is your job, "to save the earth from men". If you are willing to continue gambling with life as do men , you will lose everything. But, If woman does well, then you will see "the earth blossom" as a rose/ because of your work. However, if your work is completed as a failure, Armageddon comes and life ends/ because humanity has poisoned and murdered its way, To hell. BUT for today, and the near future YOU may choose the outcome of your life and your world/ all you have to do: is the work/ find the respect in yourself/ listen and let the truth lead/ and accept love really is the most important honor that exists in life. If you do so/ "heaven on earth" will come, and peace be happiness for all.
This is not a threat of immediate consequences should women choose not to become involved in the reality of their own truth. Instead, as has been written/ within twenty years, life will be "hell"/ and within thirty, you will die. The reality of this day is dependent upon the question: how much farther before we cross the point of no return? The answer is not long/ and from there, nothing else matters, the earth is dead/ the disease of human failure has won: your game is over, even if time is left to play. As for me/ I have no interest in proving anything to you; that is worthless to me. If you do not desire my efforts on your behalf, I respect your right/ and wish you well; it is entirely your choice. My choice should that be, is simply to live however life will allow/ wherever I choose, doing whatever is personal to me: I HAVE spent the last twenty some years working for you/ is it not my time, for simple things? This is "a once in a lifetime, opportunity/ never again." The reality of substantial survival then over/ I will simply be without cause to interfere or help anyone again, it is irrelevant if you cannot survive as life on earth/ a future lost forever. Until life as eternity calls, I will be free/ if you do not desire the opportunity allowed. GOOD PRAYERS, TO US ALL.
The question of revelations, is quite simply: look at all the prophecies of the bible, and see if in truth "these visions of the future" are really quite good. Are they not? The question of your experts lying as fast as they can: "We aren't sure/ where is the proof, the earth will die"? Well the reality is, only a dead earth will convince them, and even then they will be far too busy sacrificing you, and selling your flesh for meat: to even notice their own dead bodies. Until hades takes them in to the prison of fire.