The question: WHY, is the relationship between male and female so limited in value or truth?
The answer: want and pride have defiled your lives to the point of failure/ the disgrace of believing the human body is nothing more than a trophy; or a toy you can mutilate, or gamble with. The reality of believing "you can shop, for love"/ and gain anything but possessions.
Given that fundamental, and the development of "many distractions"/ the reality of human existence is now descending into the consequence of lies, games, and disease. Extinction looms, because disrespect for this entire world rules.
The critical question of both value and truth in life, between male and female; and for the essence of sexual existence is: elevating RESPECT to its proper place in reality, body, sex, and life. The critical question to be established in your own heart is: does life exist as a miracle/ or are you nothing more than chaos strapped into a cage; fighting for sex, stealing for lust, lying for pride, and failing for want? How you answer that, determines your future in existence.
Let us assume, that for a moment or two, you can actually find yourselves as a miracle of creation ( it is NOT hard), living in the essence of a relationship so extreme: as is "GOD, loves you". Unless you return that love honestly and without manipulation or control; even though love exists, no bond or trust will form/ or it can fail, if trust or truth fails; leaving you outside the walls of eternity. When you accept that love, and the essence of a miracle is a participant within your heart, respect follows. If you learn to be honest, and share the miracle of living, because you now care about truth, respect, discipline, order, and all things called value; love will heal, and family be returned, if your decision lacks pride. Because nothing less is accepted as truth.
When you fail life, the opportunity given to humanity; to be more than simply want or pride; as is the animal kingdom. Even if, they too understand the value "of a friend". The reality of want (NOTHING matters, but me, and what I want) owns your decision/ and the consequence of pride (I want to WIN) owns your participation in life. Want is an abyss/ it has no ending, the more you want; the deeper you go into a reality that has no exit door. Until the day you yourself stop it from being in control over you. Your religion evolution, has made this much harder over time. Harder than you think, because the darkness of want has turned into "I want to be god"; which then requires, "someone to hold your hand/ someone that has love, and will share with you"; so you do not fall into the endless traps. Of people who want to control, own, or hate you.
Nonetheless, since you obviously hate learning anything, that requires more than want or pride from you. This lesson is limited to the simple truths of "Lets talk" between male and female, about lesser things than the foundation of respect.
The elemental reality of male and female relationships is discovered simply by understanding three things: I want controls/ I win decides/ and I AM LONELY makes people take chances; do things that they would not otherwise do. The first two have been discussed; each is an enemy living inside you; in its own reality. Consequently "voices exist"; pushing, pulling, tempting, manipulating, and seeking control/ pride adds hate, jealousy, and lust. But alas, the common majority believe want and pride are "friends", because they assume it keeps me from loneliness. Although the price of them, is an end to friends; its just the price you pay, to use, abuse, and demand "YOU LOSE". Thereby; pushing you, ever deeper into the reality: "none of humanity have value, or exist as friend, but me".
The third development in relationships is, "I want someone to share my life, and my body with, who worships me/ or at least gives me things I want, and keeps sadness away". Loneliness is not more complex for the majority.
Bribery is the constant in loneliness: I will give you this, if you choose me. The common lie is, "its free"/ the fundamental reality is: "I BOUGHT YOU with this, you OWE me." Even if it was entirely your idea, and no option was given. Of the many forms of bribery used are the constant female design which is: I will give you sex, in exchange for your life. OR demand and steal if necessary a child to control you; or make me happy "to hell with you; just pay". The constant in male design is: I will "worship you"; you are my treasure and trophy/ until someone better comes along.
The endless lie is: "I, CAN have both love and power/ I CAN hate and love, and do anything I please without consequence, because I AM superior." In the realities of male and female relationships, this is a primary battleground. Rather than letting truth, reality, and the consequences that build love, life, hope, and value for every living creation decide, the war is: I WIN/ you lose! Bribes usually follow, or sadness, which results in depression, and then a wide variety of consequences which does include divorce. A tiny few learn, particularly if they are young/ because if sex still has value: it will bridge the gap. While all others involved go to their personal, "hidden corners of the mind" and let the voices of want or pride rule their decisions. HELL NO, we won't learn peace and harmony: both want MORE "FOR ME", than this. Both lose much.
Every decision of human existence is controlled by one of three things: they are NOT the same, and they do not work together. Those three are: LOVE/ hate/ OR survival. Love is a decision that builds life for friendships, passionate embraces for sex, romance for value, honesty and truth for trust and the bonding called family; and everything called value itself. Hate is the elemental essence of pride gone insane: NOBODY is worth life/ and I want them all to suffer or die. Survival is the essence of time in body and mind, it is not consistent with the rules of thought, as thought is not mandatory to existence; you are given the option to learn, NOT the command you must learn. It is a choice. Love lives in thought. Hate lives in want/ and want only wants "for me; to hell with you". Survival lives in time. Each is separate, but each is an environment that controls a distinct element of humanity: when you choose one, you enter its dimension.
Dimension means: the three developments of length/ width/ and depth, called time: are joined to the dimensional realities of thought, which expands our journey to the endless relationships of what thought can do. OR in the opposite consequence: want contracts our existence, to the minimal space, or experience and expression tolerable, by which pride can control everything, "I am god, here". Until that means a prison, at which time hate becomes violence. You cannot escape becomes: "The devil inside, (you are worthless to me)" has formed.
In the more simple consequences of dating and marriage, if we set aside all the behavioral failures and fantasies: the end result is, that every relationship lives or dies by respect. The fundamental called sexual desire exists, because the essence of our humanity in time requires it to be so. That desire lives within seven distinctions of our bodies or mind. They are: I find you happy. I believe you are safe. Your body, and your ways say healthy. Your body says disciplined, balanced, and orderly. Your body says "miracle to me". Your mind shares friendship. Your soul lives, by the caring I see in you, for me or others.
We are, the experience we have found through the expressions of our life. In terms of male and female relationship, little is more damaging than an endless succession of "I am pregnant/ or had an abortion"; real or not. In contrast, little is more damaging than an endless promise by anyone important, that is not kept/ particularly when talking about love or a future together; and in the morning its "why are you still here". Want is not enough. Life is not a game. There is nothing fair about war/ and there is nothing fair in relationships between men and women or anyone; but the truth. Neither male or female is a trophy to be won/ a prize to be owned, controlled, or ruled. When you are asking for a lifetime, as is consistent with the "concept of marriage": be grateful if a clear decision is made. NOT one established by you/ but a decision you have both considered and chosen together. Some will be lost, but you do not know if another may "suit your needs better". Some will be "the best you can find"/ but are lost simply because "Life, or this creation" simply had a different plan. Some will be owned, and then revolt. Some will be abused, and die inside becoming slave. This is called "human freedom"/ and it exists because your purpose is want or pride, rather than love and life. The difference is truth, trust, order, discipline, and the boundaries which protect rather than confine our lives.
The common joke among adult men is, "you don't get married to get sex/ women will shut you off". But the reality is, that women like sex; which means, it is your participation in sex as a male, that they intent to stop. The most common reason: Men don't have sex with women/ they have sex with their penis. They love their penis, and use women to play with it. IF YOU CHOOSE a different path; that is, to respect women and make "honest, sharing, and caring sex" with them: they won't let you out of the bedroom. Just how it is. That does mean: "We are equals, your happiness is just as important as mine, and I can or will be open to your needs and desires. Listening for your moments, rather than want". Every truth is subject to the parameters of individual reality; when that truth involves you. All are NOT the same/ compatible with you is important, therefore sexual relations are necessary prior to long term commitments; but only when it is safe, and acceptable for both, in all ways. On the other side, women use sex to manipulate, control, and assert, "I can get anything I want"/ with sex. Women consider sex "a debt"/ if they don't enjoy it; they are convinced, "you owe", even if they do! That changes only if real love is involved, and you become as one.
Women use men to conceive of their own happiness, provide their own substance and work, and in general "enslave" for their own purposes, including having a child in many cases; even if the man says no. Happiness exists, because we have the freedom to express ourselves, in ways that expand, and share our experiences in this world. Without honesty, you cannot shape a relationship together as you need it to be. Without truth, trust will die/ your bond ends. Without respect, distance is required. Just how it is. Choose your battles wisely, why be thrown aside, just because of some "little things"? If you share and care properly: truth will decide/ the greater the cost, "that I will pay", the greater the right to "make this my decision". If truth "doesn't care much"/ then the right to choose passes back and forth as it is realistic to do. Never separate, and remain silent/ unless you want to end that relationship: DO what needs to be done. Know what each other's needs are, and listen to their world. Which means simply, "if the man works physically hard all week/ he doesn't have a lot of energy or desire for sex until a time to rest helps." If the struggle for equality seems lost, needs arise. Women do "live in the moments", that are like flowers; they grow for awhile, and then "bloom" for awhile/ and someone needs to notice. They surrender for awhile, and fight for a time; and someone needs to care. There is a song that rightly says of the relationship between man and woman in love: that I would die for you/ while woman says, "I would live for you". Translated it means, that my life experience is overwhelmed by your participation here, and every bit of courage I have, is yours/ because nothing has more value to me, "than you". Same for both/ just different ends of the same existence. YOU Should remember that, if it ever applied to you. The only thing that can shake it, is the destruction of want and pride. Choose life instead, and find a little courage; it just means, "willing to die sooner, if you must". We all die/ then eternity comes; what happens there, is the only thing that truly matters of life in time.
Same for this world/ find courage, respect, and truth; how is the very cradle, that gives you life/ NOT worth your time, or effort.