There are questions about, "what good is buying gold or silver"/ how can it possibly make a difference: what we will need is "food/ water/ & supplies", there is not enough gold or silver to use for money: it cannot work. Therefore "the smart people" say: you are a fool, to buy gold or silver! The fantasies will end/ either with money becoming tied directly to something real, or in complete collapse. Therefore what is real, and suited to the task is gold: as women, you must buy the gold and prepare to take control of the money. Do not accept male control of the money.
The answer to this is simply: YOUR TRAGEDY of financial failure across most of the world/ is based entirely upon the lies and failures of thieves/ the utter and complete stupidity and failure of "the smart ones". Your dependency upon "looking at the stock market to judge: is in error/ as you have just spent 9 trillion dollars in credit [$163,000.00 dollars per worker, for the entire american workforce], within 6 months: the books look good, even though NO one is going to pay". How much did you make today, and the year is not done? Take a look at reality {no one removes truth from reality/ you are bankrupt, &will very soon have no choice but to accept it, and if you are not prepared; it will be the end of the USA}. This is a direct result of removing the gold & silver standard that backed the American dollar years ago. "The college-educated whore's, male prostitutes, corrupt officials, homosexuals, and other sewer excretions" / DROVE YOUR MONEY into its own little humanized grave of fantasies, graft, disease, and pathological lying: and made the people accept it! Money is not a right/ money is an opportunity that ascends with honor as a blessing to all involved/ or descends with selfishness to the disgrace of america and all others. When the government pensions are spent, you will be done: ALL gone! BECAUSE THESE PRETENDED MONEY, was just a number/ instead of human trust. They lied and made the numbers lie: they are now irrelevant/ because they do not actually mean something real! Your money today is real, only in the sense, not even bankruptcy can save you/ the only numbers you truly own as money, is what you cannibalize from children EVERYDAY. The apathy and disgrace of your disrespect for the young, has killed the honor of this society: only honor can save it again/ but that requires you, "to give the children back their lives".
OUR TRUTH IS: our humanity is dependent upon fertilizers of which one at least will soon disappear/ & another be prohibitive due to energy realities. we are dependent upon an Ocean dying: global warming is changing food distribution by altering currents and more/ pollution/ the coral reefs & other shore structures "the incubators of ocean life", are quickly being destroyed/ over-fishing/ etc. a thousand assaults, from every direction are clearly occurring or about to occur because of human pride & want (nothing more or less/ just pride and want). These threats are going to change our lives, our planet, the nature that is life {our genetic structures}, etc INTO HELL. This is the destiny we as humanity have chosen/ even a fool can see it: therefore no excuse exists. Life says, change or die.
As a reality of WE THE PEOPLE You are in charge. NO MATTER how many or how few may come/ you shall not physically begin until September 1st . In this way, you will prove to yourselves and to the world/ that we ourselves are sufficient for this task. We are "educated, and ready". We are prepared to pay the price of survival: simply put, "to remove the weapons of mass destruction/ understand and remedy the financial disasters facing us/ and accept the limitations that our extreme humanity as a population count demands of us." If you are not ready for this/ then you may not come: YOU are unwelcome/ and will be cursed should you interfere. This is a woman's time, and a woman's way: my expectation was far more confrontational, and far less likely to have been of benefit. This includes: insuring the web site stays open, or appears at your own sites with your own advertizing to allow this to be seen. DO whatever you can do/ do not make excuses or hide. Because man has already failed, he has no choice but to help woman, or he fails completely and the earth dies too: but if woman fails too, it is not because she "is worse/ or let men down; simply, she is the same". Take an honest look: the weapons men have chosen, and their ways, will kill all life on earth: they defend no one/ but are simply the means of extermination, not even of the "enemy/ but all life on earth/ a creeping death of terrible consequences. The business they created, are bankrupted; they could not control their greed. The "technology" they have used particularly as genetics/ simply have attacked all life on earth, and it will die soon, if not stopped: fools "stick their hand in chemical tragedy/ pull it out and declare: its all good, I didn't die"/ BUT REALITY SAYS, the end of mercy is quickly coming: and the truth will become your new reality. Weeping will not buy you more. This is not a statement of "men are all bad"/ rather it is a reality, life has changed: and the old ways of doing things do not work anymore. It is especially true of men, as they are fenced in/ some will surrender, but others will simply become more desperate using whatever they can find to declare "you can't make me". That reality is also quickly becoming "weapons of mass destruction, in the hands of terrorists". Women will lead, or life will end: man has no choice, but to help women.
Therefore what we discuss, and why we discuss it constitutes the opportunities of freedom, and the critical realities that provide the truth of whether we can survive. The male answer to population control is war (always has been/ pick a definable enemy, and kill them). Today, you must kill at least 2 million people a week/ just to stay at the current population: every week! Extinction, is all you will gain by any method to do this: man has no answer. His failure then extends to "blaming women" for having too many babies/ as if he did not help. Because the reality of war is bad/ and young men don't fully recognize it, until too late: sex then becomes angry, and if "woman is responsible"/ then rape is justified by the theology of fools. At the place I currently live, on September 12, 2006 starting at 10:00 AM . We will discuss the reality of life on earth, and find the beginning truth, if humanity is to survive. As defined in the documents {and will appear in this website indicated soon} sent to you/ specifically "seeds"/ no permission will be asked to do this; no permission required because this is literally the purpose called life or death for the earth. Opportunity is given to women to prepare first, to understand first, and to establish themselves first; therefore the website will wait a very short time. DO your best. The question of "what do you want/ is a fools' dream! The reality of truth is: either we change what we can today/ or tomorrow life will disappear. If you make the wrong choice/ then you are dead. This is not a game/ and these are not simple matters to play with: EITHER YOU understand the weight of life, that is upon your own shoulders as a living participant in life on earth: or you will be damned.