The existence of man & woman, MUST be held in reverence and respect by BOTH! It is clear & certain, that we are not only good for each other/ but necessary to each other for health & happiness & hope. Although some lives will always be "confiscated, by greater needs": society itself is determined IN PEACE, by the simple expressions of man to woman/ and woman to man. Therein what is sexual, participates as a foundation for peace or war. Therefrom what is lust and the violence it creates, must be defeated by what is plain, clear, and critical in the behavioral relationships of male to female/ and what is fundamental to love between the sexes. This is done, by critical understanding of truth, and the reality we both as male & female desire and need for balance and thereby for human life.

The consequence of this as a truth, develops the critical question: HOW does our relationships with each other go WRONG? The answers are largely discussed in these documents/ but here below, the beginning arguments are raised: so that "you may talk more candidly with each other". They start as follows:

As a man, talking to a woman/ there are often moments where words have ended "for a short time/ for various reasons". Therein the question erupts, should you continue "looking at her face": if you do, either you are romantically inclined or involved, and invited to do so by her/ OR you could easily be some kind of pervert or stalker of some sort, and therein a threat "and a disease". As a man, UNLESS it is by mutual agreed romance, we are NOT allowed to continue looking at a face, without penalty. If we look away, then we are distracted (not appreciating you), and a failure of some sort/ not worthy of romance/ or simply discarded as "the trash". If we raise our glance to "the ceiling"/ then we are weirdo's. But if we lower our glance, then we stare at the chest or body, and are again: "Freaks or perverts/ or assassins" that only want one thing: lust of some kind.

The reality is, and as is constantly presented in media: that women want men to be "simple-minded" toward them. They WANT a switch, to "turn men on or off/ tempt or not tempt/ buy or not buy." The purpose here, is a behavior seen many times in men. That purpose is: "let me be cheap"/ let me do virtually nothing/ and let you do exactly what I want you to do to me.

The women WILL reply, "men taught us this", and it is true. The women will reply, "men can be little more than animals, and we must have a fence, to keep the predators away", and it is true. The women will reply, "we cannot know what is inside the mind, and the price is too high/ if we are wrong."

Therefore the question of peace in this scenario is: because men have superior strength, & the ability to fight much better/ HOW then do we as men allow women to be at ease? Those who would fight for the sake of women, MUST lead the way.

WOMEN decide who can be trusted, by exchanging detailed information/ on those they don't want to keep: "This is what he is like". By group analysis, men are then diagnosed, and assigned a designated role, by women in their group. This is their method/ and in small settings, it works well. But we are now, very many people/ and this only works in small groups. Men gather in groups & then armies to protect themselves from the superior strength of other men. Women gather themselves in smaller groups, with far more diversity to investigate, examine, and discover the individual strengths and weaknesses of specific men.

THE QUEST, FOR A WORLD AT PEACE, begins here: HOW DO we limit and control superior strength? The answer begins as freedom in government/ rather than freedom through government: or more clearly "WE THE PEOPLE"! Secondary, but equally important: HOW do we control governments of superior strength? THE ANSWER IS: WE THE WORLD, DO DECREE! And enforce, NOT by actions against nations/ but actions against leaders! When you remove the leadership, the military fails: UNLESS hunger and poverty unite them. Therefore all must share.

As to the foundation of all human society: the relationship between man and woman, we MUST achieve an environment where women are equal in strength to men. That they may NOT fear, and thereby use methods that become abusive. Sex, as a "competition MUST end"!

To do that, it must not be seen as a "goal, a reward, or a trophy"/ to do that, it must NOT be considered as a possession or ownership of either one. A warning, the end of competition "or the games for sex"/ will cause short term depression in many.

When or if, women take control of sex/ the competition of men will end. As to superior strength/ reality knows, it is women who have far superior strength as stamina sexually than men: "Whose balls, are not allowed to retreat/ thereby they can be raped as well". As all accomplished fighters know, "you only need to let the opponent wear himself out, and get weak/ then you do control the fight and the ending." This then can be used "to equalize the reality".

The question of life here, WHERE is the honor in controlling each other? The answer of life, ACCEPT truth and give each other the RESPECT OF EQUALS: be then as kind and compassionate as possible/ but be honest and search for justice. WHAT IS BEAUTIFUL, Is the freedom that blossoms into a blessing for us all!

I tell you the truth, we MUST "fix our reality" or we will die/ even as a world. That consequence is NEW methods, and a NEW reality. We are TOO MANY for any other way/ we must fix all these problems, that your lies across the world have created, and now threaten our very existence: investigate, examine, and decide! BUT KNOW THIS: if you continue to lie, or even gamble/ it is your life and nothing less that you hold before the executioner.

The quest for a valued experience as life REQUIRES your participation. It is not more complicated that this/ YOU are an adversary or, a friend to yourself; apart from ALL other influences. Some believe "the consequence of an adversary, is excitement"/ and they then spend their humanity looking for ways "to safely, be a threat or an enemy of the others". This results as: FAILURE, RAPE, WAR, & DESTRUCTION/ the reactions solicited by the actions or expectations of an enemy, or threat.

Some believe that FRIENDSHIP is an action we express, in the experience of awe, as life itself reveals to us the honesty & honor & respect of a freedom, a presence, and a purpose called FAMILY. This is where trust compliments our existence with the passage of life called spirit, that shares and cares for us all. Here, as family, the intensity of love is far more than anything else as life! Love bears witness to the truth, and creates the discipline/ the order/ & the thought which then completes our environment as we choose. Love establishes the foundations of friendship that transform "The presence of your soul, as my companion for eternity." Soul therein comes to mean "the door" through which spirit and life join to become "the true miracle of you"! These words are extremely insufficient/ but it is all we can share.

As to the majority of humanity: they desire openly, to be both friend and enemy/ at their "whim of the moment". Never forgetting those who have been an enemy to them. Never understanding they cannot have a friend/ when they choose to treat them as an enemy, as well. This is the price & the description of pride.

Humility and/ or humiliation ARE required to destroy pride from yourself: IS NOT your life worth this price? The price of humiliation is RIDICULE, SCORN, & SHUNNING/ therefore the consequence becomes for many: a VIOLENCE, as their pride refuses to die, and become revenge instead. Those who face humiliation only in themselves DO FAR BETTER. Therefore leave them all alone, and be as compassionate as you can. Humility is better/ but the reality depends upon the consequence of your own pride: "too much pride, will not die/ it must be destroyed by your own humiliation."(like it or not). LIFE IS WORTH, "far more than your own shit"/ is it not? PAY whatever price you must, and be free.

Freedom in the consequence of friendship, searches for KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, & WISDOM. These "are the footsteps", to a new world conceived within the vision called thought. Thought is the blessing "that lives beyond time" and defines eternity as the "consequence of our lives." life then is a decision to participate within the existence of energy, as best you can! Life then is the transition from developmental possibilities/ into the expression & experience of LOVE, FREEDOM, ENERGY, AND THOUGHT as it creates the definitions and density of you.

The quest for JOY, is then a consequence of your own truth, a treasury of your own soul, and a foundation of your own purpose as determination proves the existence of respect in you. there is NO joy without true respect/ because entrance within the disciplines and order of energy is denied to all without sufficient respect. Without this energy you shall vanish/ therefore hades is the dimension that the destructive power of energy controls.

LIFE is the expansion of all possibilities in freedom & thought/ by the understanding of truth and the compassion of love. we cannot enter life apart from GOD!

NO POSSIBILITY exists that I would want to do that/ WHY would you? Thereby want constructs the failure of perfection in eternity/ by designing in personal structural faults & defects. Want is thereby & therefrom an enemy to eternity; and will never be tolerated. DESIRE is the truth & accomplishment of doing works together, for the safety and happiness of all. Desire is a foundation in love, & the expression of family. Family is the consequence of eternal life.

PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!

The second lesson is (as "mother/ to child"); as you consider the coming crisis/ the first response of many will be, "I can't face this"/ I must steal/ I must attack first/ I must DO something quickly: "BECAUSE those bastard's don't care about me! Therefore take a look in the mirror, "and see, who the bastard/ bitch is".

A great depression is: like finding yourself suddenly without a home, even though society itself caused this to happen/ the reality is: "you are homeless"/ or easily could be. BUT YOU are literally a part of society too, and if you were not peacefully working for justice & life/ then YOU were participating in the lies that now threaten your own existence. Guilty, because you didn't care enough, about the truth to at least try.

The only real question is: WHAT NOW? The answer is two-fold/ find enough courage in yourself, your heart, & your honesty: to accept the price of honor is discipline, and that means as long as you can survive/ you WILL work for justice & let truth lead society as necessary. The second is understand very clearly, "a vote is meaningless/ UNLESS what shall be voted upon is RESPECTFUL of all, & determined with EQUITY for all!" If you fail these two, then society will not heal, & true depression will overtake the world/ followed by war. It is YOUR CHOICE!

The third lesson is "business oriented". The most critical factor in all your current decision making is WANT/ that want has corrupted your world in every aspect from the beginnings that will become starvation, to what can easily become extinction; and everything else: IT IS your want that has established these enemies/ nothing more, little less.

Therefore it is your want, that is on trial, and must die! Your survival is much more complicated, but your want is a critical reality that must be replaced with truth & equity for all. Want is nothing more than the formation of a lie. It is the basis & foundation you describe to convince yourself & others: that even though truth, reality, love, & respect all deny you/ YOU WILL do this anyway, "and those things, can go to hell (your words not mine)". As with all lies, the foundation of "disease, destruction, pride, death, & selfishness are all used by want, to construct a reason; therefore want is these things." Leaving in this case & throughout history a relationship of lies & liars/ greed & desperation/ & lust & violence, among the others that then DO tear society apart.

If you will not find HONOR, HONESTY, LOVE, & RESPECT among the other noble virtues for your future/ then you SHALL keep the future you have selected: it is Armageddon or worse.

The fourth lesson is about business itself. The critical lesson selects 4 basic foundations/ each of which must be obeyed to "find the money". 1) want NEVER decides/ truth & reality do. 2) the cost of equipment & supplies are irrelevant/ INCOME and the security provided by a dedicated need [that will pay for the equipment and supplies] for your "product" is all that matters. 3) the resource PAYS FOR ITSELF/ whatever is left over is what you earned. YOU have NO investment, not even in yourself/ instead the resource, whether it is schooling, machinery, land, or whatever determines what is real & valued enough to support with your personal effort & savings. 4) the addition of others, demands: nothing of business is made/ that much not be sold! YOU MUST accept the responsibility to sell your product, or yourself, or hire someone to do so for you/ or you will fail.

The fifth lesson is about love! LOVE is the essence of everything WONDERFUL! Therefore the desire for love must be real, or it will become damaging or destructive to you/ even deadly. Throughout time, I have seen people choose love, & then fail because they could not find the courage to be love in themselves. They "wanted to" be loving/ therefore they failed: because want is the foundation for nearly every lie. "Wanting love" means simply: your heart yearns, BUT the demand for selfishness is (at this time) too strong for you/ and it shall win.

ACCEPTING LOVE inside yourself, literally means: to GIVE YOUR LIFE, to the experience & expression of love, as truth shall allow reality to be. that does mean simply: love decides, and YOU accept the consequences as the price you will pay! Selfishness has then died in you/ replaced with the honesty & honor of discipline & respect. The foundation of truth then assembles your heart, "to meet your own soul". From here, true love exists!

The sixth lesson is, courage itself! What is the price YOU ARE WILLING TO PAY, to decide your freedom, your destiny, your truth, & your existence? Courage accepts: I will pay honestly, for whatever HONOR, DISCIPLINE, & RESPECT shall bring to me! Courage declares, I will share whatever true love requires of me, as it is my right and my honor to share whatever "I have", that is mine. Courage accepts, the miracles of life, that do teach all "good things"/ are the lessons & testimony of me: "Therefore I am".

The seventh lesson is an understanding in time, that appreciates the foundation of EVERY living thing, IS BY THE CREATION OF THOUGHT! Thought is not "accidental". It is deliberate, determined, defined, and "dense: meaning FORCED to accept the limits and boundaries of law"! Law is the foundation of truth. It completes the experience of thought by becoming the barrier that separates "good from bad". Law thereby establishes judgment, and controls the function of every fundamental that conceives of life & eternity. WE ARE DEAD, without law/ therefore it does rule over life throughout the universe.

Of some interest; in the playgrounds of thought, are the similarities between time & water. Viewed by its association with weight, motion, & energy: fluids represent time by their allowance for predictable movement & fundamental physics. Water is a base component, confined to balance/ within which energy finds life. [evolution, "is a PIGS DREAM"/ BEGIN again].

The lessons of discipline are (start as)

1. That we are, what we are; because we can only change what HONESTY will allow us to change. The consequence of this as truth, "visits the reality" of our true desire and therein REFINES our existence through the dedication & determination of disciplined acceptance. The question of: who am I? Therefrom initiates as truth, assembles as desire, forms through dedication & determination of our respect, but rests upon the distinct decision: of what or who, do you accept as the foundation & treasure of your life? FOR ME, THIS IS JESUS!

2. Discipline represents the transformation of fear into the values of courage/ through the relationship honesty forms with honor. HONOR is the "building of a life", through the structural compilations & formations of law. Law, establishes and creates with discipline, all that achieves strength, by bonding truth with life and forming the basis of an environment secured by the reality of energy controlled. Energy is both friend & enemy! It will "save your life/ or eat it"/ therefore RESPECT is not only mandatory, it is fundamental to your survival. Control DOES NOT mean "whatever you want; that is a lie"! Control does examine the parameters & possibilities of distinct consequences in reality and therefrom uses the integration of thought to detect & assemble destiny. This destiny is then evaluated for form & function as the beginning of a journey that examines your own truth & forms your own existence in the disciplines of thought itself. Identities are solidified through this journey. You are ALIVE, rather than an existence in time, through the function of this process.

3. TRUST is the single form of discipline, capable of creation! Trust is "HONESTY freed, to become the inherent respect of our discipline, SHARED with the process called Creation"! We cannot discuss creation.

4. RESPECT is "an obedience" to the reality of all truth, all energy, & all that is process! Respect is the separation of lies/ the acceptance of truth/ & the integration of law into the creation, that becomes a critical influence upon the values that exist in the disciplines of life. Respect is then "like the blood of your body", the fundamental medium, that keeps us alive.

5. LOVE is a participant in discipline/ NOT as master or slave/ NOT as owner or possession: but within HONESTY, love becomes the disciplines of home & family. Love therein accepts the freedom of another life inside, love therefore understands the needs that must be met, the lives that must be cared for, & the honor that must be served. It shares the essence of happiness, to transform each relationshi0p into a bond with soul. SOUL is Creation; as it assembles the introduction of life into the consequence that is your own truth! Thereby love is "like a marriage" without fault or flaws. It is these "faults or flaws" that preform the surgery called destruction or death. The consequence of faults or flaws/ or its relationship to death or destruction has led many to "the abyss of perfection". Wherein discipline is "considered as a god, if only you can control it". Truth proves, that discipline is NOT an investment in reality/ rather discipline is like the human body, it is "a house wherein you live with the consequences of your truth". The body is NOT your truth. The decision to use or abuse your body is. Love is NOT a perfection/ because any measurement of imperfection then separates all life from you. LOVE is an honesty, that chooses you, as your love chooses me: to build us a bridge beyond perfection, that we may find JOY "together".

6. Eternity IS a discipline MULTIPLIED by the expansion of energy into the Creation of NEW & different dimensions, beyond ALL time. It is ruled by LAW/ because it must be. it is ruled by perfection, because it cannot exist with less. Therefor our only possibility of life therein, IS AS LOVE. Heaven is NOT a place of perfection, but an honesty of love. If you are allowed entrance as eternity, then you WILL accomplish the disciplines of these new laws within yourself, as love & life invite you to accept these challenges. NO FEAR & absolute TRUST are required. As to heaven, what is not eternal, CAN remain as if it were eternal: so long as GOD, WHO CREATED IT / allows it to remain.

7. The disciplines that accept the dimensions & creation of thought are: NOT to be discussed/ ARE still being learned. These are the concepts & realities that give "new birth" to the existence of new disciplines and law. The variations attributed to environmental & dimensional alteration are NOT expressed until thought distinguishes the existence of SPIRIT itself.

SPIRIT is "the treasury of knowledge & life that SHARES the dimension of energy with the constant acceleration of thought". Spirit therein becomes the environment of our expression & experience just as we become inheritors of the reality called thought & the truth called energy. These then reveal, the basis of your existence here; is as the treasury you chose to keep: the disciplines you elected to lead you.

LIFE or more correctly, the relationship designated to assemble the bonds necessary to instill energy & thought, with the freedom & purpose of your own Identity: finds us, in the essence of MERCY/ or the disgrace of failure: those who deserve REVENGE, find hades on their own.

MERCY is the grace that lets FAITH, replace our needs: with life, as given through JESUS our SAVIOR , because of HIS SACRIFICE. The critical revelation is NOT "His death, or even HIS LIFE here"/ BUT more correctly it is HIS LOVE AND HIS DISCIPLINES. These are guides to everyone who follows HIM, into a new and different reality and truth, as revealed by spirit within our soul. How would we have ever known, even to look, without JESUS. Anything less, is simply not true.



GOD !!!!!!!

AND GIVE THANKS, for all that is true about your life.

These are your "first lessons", may you study, pray, and do well.

One last discovery for you, and apparent change for both you and me!

Over time, it has become clear, that most men & boys believe the art of sexual compassion is little more, "than a game of push-ups, and pumping". They are content to believe "happiness for either side, is a demonstration of physical endurance (for 5 minutes or so)/ they are wrong! I DO personally suspect "this game" is responsible for the lesbian/ "therefore it is a particularly bad game."

Women on the opposite side commonly believe SEX is all men truly want/ and quickly get frustrated with "the five-minute or so experience". For understanding of men/ men ARE "somewhat entranced" by a healthy happy female/ a body well taken care of. Boys are more interested in proving "I CAN get me some": boys have VERY little long term interests in girls/ believe it. [this is not a conversation about predators/ those interested in conquest: it is about men & boys]. Therefore women need to understand & do understand: an attractive body "reels men & boys in", but that's directly do to the female body itself, NOT the function of sex, but an honest attraction to the female body. The difference is "sex is an after-thought for most". It is something that comes up, rather than something planned for. Instead of intercourse, the natural direction of man and boy is a critical sequence: Do we like each other/ do we desire each other/ do we care about each other/ & then will WE honestly share with each other?

Boys DON'T come with manners/ they come with a penis; that will quickly lead them around, UNTIL they get control of it! Young women must simply endure them/ or change them as best they can. Young men have learned: women ARE a "GOOD THING"/ and do honestly appreciate them; BUT they are NOT afraid to accept whatever is offered; so remember that! Older men, "have met the world"/ and it can be cruel, distressing, & distrustful for a VERY wide variety of reasons: therefore they commonly desire a "helper"/ BUT if that comes too easy/ they are likely to turn LAZY/ and that becomes selfish. Therefore the keys to men are understanding:

1. The purpose of a man is to exist in life with the benefits of a woman

2. The desire of a man is to experience life WITHIN the honor a woman and her body brings to his

3. The passion of a man is the discovery of HOPE & COURAGE that a woman provides to his life.

4. The discipline of a man is found in the RESPECT for woman/ woman is a TRUE participant in respect/ therefore respect yourself first, and demand it from men and all others.

The discovery of intercourse and all that leads there, is a participation in the opportunity that grants to our lives an experience that begins and ends with respect! You MUST attain respect first, or it will become a game as predator & prey. Both men and women are guilty of this game, each pretending to be either predator or prey equally.

If you have respect, HONOR will follow! Honor {the acceptance of sharing, as the truth of our expression; and CARING as the honesty of our experience} begins the journey we find in ourselves. This journey then becomes OUR journey/ OUR life, as we meet in the expansion of our dimensions to become love and the experience of family: irregardless of "a license"/ it is a commitment before GOD, and must not be taken "lightly". That does NOT mean sexual intercourse is the same as an agreement to live life together/ it is not. Rather the relationship generated between man & woman here, is more than a moment/ it is an opportunity in life. Beware of the thieves, and swindlers!

Love, is NOT a "five minute affair"/ EVERYTHING about love or a sexual meeting of lives, takes a lot longer "than that". Neither is it about "how much pumping or push-ups" you can do! Bodies united, are about the essence of that specific & special experience; it becomes a "place for souls", if you are both worthy. Sex is very simple/ LOVE IS NOT. Choose before you "play the game"/ live before you express love as the only avenue of your truth, because there will come distractions/ and it is a sin to love and then turn away.... {turning away is not about "lifetimes"/ it is about the respect and compassion that forever seeks happiness for each other, but requires the journey of your own life to be true to you as well}. We are more than lovers, we are life. In life it is freedom that establishes the foundations that desire eternity. If you do not have freedom/ then you will not desire eternity; it is a requirement.

This is January 29, 2006 and I am forced to concede, nothing below the head is mine anymore. The head alone is a sanctuary to me, and even it is having a little trouble focusing on the clear differences between male and female behaviors. That's just how it is. Clearly I am being prepared for something.

Consequently, it seems irrelevant to not explain the last dream that is listed in "journal or passions"/ but not revealed. Surely it doesn't matter anymore.

In that one, I choose to begin a journey away, intending to go a short distance on a motorcycle. Quickly I pass that place, and find myself approaching the most heavily populated areas of the eastern coast of the United States. I go over a hill, wherein I am lifted in the air (the motorcycle is lost) and go toward what is clearly a metaphor for woman ( a small lovely city on the shore; more descriptions are not necessary). Having recognized that, I am suddenly find myself into a large commercial kitchen, and naked being gently put into what looks like an extremely large mound of ice cream/ there is a hole in the center for me: but it is not cold, sticky, or unpleasant. Then kitchen helpers use cans of whipped cream to fill in up to my head/ and other kitchen help pick up this whole dessert, and begin through the doors into what has to be a dining room with a LOT of diners (it's a very big dessert)/ I do not see past the door, but it is worrying (I AM the dessert / a size suited to thousands of diners). It ends.

Why tell anything that might cause my own distress, etc? The only answer I have is I am a messenger, and this is the message/ I have NO right to change it, or abuse it: whatever must be, will simply be.

James Frank Osterbur

In simple terms, it has been my life to follow truth wherever it leads, "a constant search for life by its own terms". For a time as a teenager, I just wanted to experience simple humanity, as others do/ but came back to truth. I have now encountered life more directly. Truth "lives" as a separation from simple reality, and enters within the complexity of paths & dimensions that exist only to instruct the few, who truly do desire to see GOD. As a consequence, the discipline & duty of this life must accept the reality that transforms dignity into the compositions & foundations which create the integrity assigned by creation to form soul. Composition means, the critical traits & methods that influence direction & destiny. Foundation means, a reliance fundamentally dedicated upon the single premise: life SHALL visit eternity because of this path. JESUS of the Bible, IS the path I choose to walk. HIS traits & HIS methods of dealing with life & GOD are my methods & influence my ways; JESUS IS MY SAVIOR. Is my testimony to you.

I am aware, the reality of my current life descriptions are not among the majority, thereby "an outsider to you". I am aware, the truths of this message is NOT what you want to hear/ they do require your decisions, and will punish those who run away. I am aware, accepting certain parameters & descriptions regarding Revelation 12 allow you to consider me, "less than it is possible to be to you": I have no interest in this. BUT I am in awe of Creation & you are not/ therefore an intensely large divide exists between us. You attacking and approaching your humanity "to stay alive, & have fun or revenge as it suits you". Me & those like me, living for the respect & honor of life, as love teaches the soul, to provide a blessing as only peace & humility can bring: happiness inside comes naturally. You look for excitement, I ask for honesty. You choose violence, because life forces your decisions/ I ask for honor: before GOD, not humanity. I will do the best I can/ no one can do better than that/ and die when that time has come. It is a part of Creation and therefore ought not to be feared.

As to our existence as all humanity: tremendous & extreme change is coming/ your LIES have cause that. Resource usage MUST dramatically fall, and will, because economic realities which YOU have chosen will force this to happen/ therefore what you depend upon will fail, leaving you "feeling helpless"/ unless you work for change/ or strike out in violence, as is the common human reaction. The earth itself is the potential winner of all your calamity/ BUT because of your weapons, your population, & your other choices: it is LIKELY no one will survive the results of any major human violence, including the earth. YOUR ONLY CHOICE IS CRITICAL CHANGE, NOW! Even if you don't believe it/ it is true. Your critical enemy to this change is yourselves: because you DO like confrontation, and you DO compete to establish heartache, thereby proving your power, & "your right to be selfish: I am superior". The question of survival is simply "too close to call"/ I cannot tell. The question of love, is clouded by apathy & arrogance, "I cannot see" if your heart will move you/ & in truth simply don't wish to know/ I choose HOPE. The reality of disciplined change rests upon 4 distinct creations of women: that they must achieve/ men must follow, or you are dead. This is not "my rule"/ but your reality: history proves men cannot do it.

1. A fair & honest distribution of sustainable food, water, & usable housing for all [basic needs, for the next 3 years].

2. A respectful understanding that self-sufficiency: NOT any of your current intents & methods will work to keep you alive. The new ways are important to reduce consumption & establish actual legitimate living conditions that can be sustained by humanity. It will be a "basic small community approach" where you will work in this community as so on/ much like it use to be. Because happiness comes with friendship, sustainable relationships, and working together in honest methods of social integrity: we need this/ instead of I want this.

3. The honorable relationships called SHARING & CARING must be formed or re-formed & recognized as valued above simple possessions. This is basic happiness & functional stability. This is an honesty bound by friendship, equality, justice, and hope.

4. You and all must accept truth SHALL LEAD, with justice & equity; as WE THE PEOPLE have chosen and caused it to be. Reality will decide as a fundamental decision that protects life, and not the ignorance of money, power, pride, or selfishness; just to name a few/ because you WILL give truth the right to decide for you.

DO THIS and you will grow, a whole new world! FIGHT peacefully for your life, in court as much as possible/ is this not worth your efforts?

Fail to do this, and violence, catastrophe, mutilation, and death are all you shall see.

WE ALL have stresses, when confronted with true change: PRAY & BELIEVE GOD TRULY DOES LOVE YOU, And life, especially eternity shall be ok/ or much more than you believe.

Don't hide/ BE BRAVE & accept your responsibility to defend all life on earth, and even the earth itself; because you must or you will die. You are sufficient, and you will be needed, everyone is needed / we are 7 billion people and rising: do you have no comprehension about resources and this number of lives? How can you be so stupid?

I KNOW you want desperately to keep what you cannot have & did not earn: but that does "make you a thief". Life says, it truly is fear, that caused this disgrace, and so mercy WILL grant you a reprieve/ if you surrender your failures peacefully. If you do not/ then war will come, because as you divide and remove billions of people from their resources to sustain their lives/ so that you can be gluttonous: they WILL truly hate you/ do you not see this already beginning? So the demand will be: if you take from me "my life and happiness"/ we will multiply beyond anything you can survive.

WE have both come "to a fork in the road: a decision of monumental consequences to our lives here/ and to your eternity". I WILL DO as has been written of me to do herein (as best I can)/ it is not really a decision, it is my way to simply follow truth, and enter where asked to do so. But you will decide what your life, your future, & your eternity SHALL BE/ in these next few years. No matter what you desire, reality has come for judgment/ and truth will win unless you change the truth you have set into place: it is death. That too, "is just how it is". PRAY/ EXAMINE/ AND INVESTIGATE, you do owe this to life; even if you do not respect your own. Work and you will survive.

The pregnancy of Revelation 12: if it is to be/ IS "the second coming of JESUS CHRIST ! Therein reality says: 3 choices exist ACCEPTANCE of this BLESSING/ A life of depression and minimal opportunity which will end as humanity having consumed everything, and then death/ Or being CURSED, and entering within critical Armageddon: the demand to "be the gods, you have wanted to be/ but without GOD HIMSELF intervening in all your lies and failures."

Very many will disbelieve this statement; WITH ALL MANNER of lies and innuendo there will be discontent. But it is the prophecy of Revelation 12, and it cannot be changed/ not by me or you. Sexuality shall change as well, irregardless of your current descriptions of morality and ownership/ it shall change, so that you may survive. You shall talk to each other bluntly/ and find the needs and fix them for everyone (as best you can), or you will fail: because the open and honest relationship of man to woman/ and woman to man is especially critical as your lives prove. People fall back on sex, as their method of escaping reality and fixing themselves. That SHALL BECOME: people "look forward to the honor of sexuality"/ working within their needs to become the creation of their souls, and the hope of life on earth. This is about RESPECTING EACH OTHER.

The human psychosis [mental battleground, between superiority & failure] is a derivative of "let's do this the easy way". The consequence is nearly always failure, but the initial lies are anticipated as a success: therefore superior to those who struggle to build a life, in honor and discipline. The intent of easy is: "let's not work/ let's play: and then worship me, for getting us out of work". Therein this battleground occurs on "two fronts": one being, do what I do, because I am your leader and friend "I got you out of work"/ the other is, PAY me, because you owe me for making the others do your work. The critical relationship formed by easy thereby becomes master & slave/ or owner & possession. The foundation of each is a debt/ the purpose of each is control. Therefore the understanding of easy is "significant" to the creation of peace, hope, & friend: all are disrupted, and fail because of "easy." The boundary of discipline is the decision to participate or defend the premise of "I". To achieve this decision, your truth must align reality with the SEVERE consequence, that your experience, expression, & existence is of LESS value, that what will become true if you do not do your duty, and share life! Thereby discipline demands the consequence of death be dealt with honestly, with honor, & with faith. The reality of easy is therein the failure of discipline, duty, honor, & respect: easy, is an enemy! The critical question therefrom assembles value as the foundation of every decision, & confronts life as the basis for an understanding that expands the "depth/ height/ & width" of the creation called you. YOU ARE responsible for the truth that is your existence/ YOU are responsible for the expression that translates the values of your life/ YOU are responsible for the fear you accept, demonstrate, or transfer onto another life. Each of these "writes in the book of life"; about who shall enter eternity.

These are then the most important decisions the mind shall ever make. Therefore respect is first: it asks, WHAT has value? WHY does this have value? WHAT is the price of value? & WHY do you believe or fail to believe?

Value is the consequence of life which demands "I CHOOSE to live". Therein the question, WHY asserts: because definable experience has given me happiness & hope for tomorrow. The assumption of hope is "more", while the reality of happiness is "momentary"/ because the expression requires the building of a relationship (it is a work). This demands work, as the essence of your identity searches and shares within and because of the boundaries of your own love. Faith is then the ascension of disciplined decisions that form the path from one life to another life. It is a path, because only one at a time can enter thought as the basis or "Our, existence". Thought is NOT an energy or motion (attributable to mass), it is the binding of an experience to its truth. Thereby thought processes reality and confronts truth to establish a dimension that then expresses itself.

Honor uses this respect for existence to assimilate the development of values as the expression of an identity. Honor therein comes to mean the definitions which give respect a foundation to create "the consequence of life": it is an opportunity to say THANK YOU! Do you understand how lovely this is?

Duty therein confronts development by separating the relationship of life from its creation/ into formations deliberately assembled to confront existence with LONELINESS. The consequence of failure/ and therein asks "Identity to Identity": WILL you share/ WILL you care/ & WILL you love? If not, a bond shall not form.

Discipline asserts: prove to each of us, "what is your truth?" the foundation created by your work therein becomes the truth of your relationship with creation.

These are fundamental to the mental process of altering existence into life itself, as your identity/ your own creation in truth. The mind uses freedom to ascend or descend from the purposes of life, which functionally grow with love/ or die, because of a failure to believe: that the most important thing about life is life. Here the liars all say: "life is so important to me/ I am willing to KILL just to keep it for myself". The failures all say, "life is too hard for me, but death is too frightening". The depressed sell their life for "pennies"/ but the proud use & abuse the depressed and others, as if living were a game. Only those who accept the value of every life, is the possibility & potential of eternity, "Will find their soul".

SOUL is the expression of life, as found in the relationship between "(CREATOR) FATHER & daughter or son". It is the honesty of this miracle as honor displays in your heart, that becomes as a treasure grown in love. Faith then adheres to the consequence of "this seed", and life/ soul/ & you all grow together as one existence in GOD !

The truth called death/ becomes irrelevant to these relationships in life. Therefore duty can & does accept: the consequences of this life in time, ARE or can be surrendered/ because soul has become "my home, & GOD is now my family. Eternity therein, the place where we truly begin. These are all things of life, rather than mind/ as each extends beyond what is simply human as a journey past our relationship with time & into creation itself. What is love, expands the acceptance of life, into all that life can be! Therein becoming VALUE, HOPE, TREASURE, and above all RESPECT becomes the composition & experience: WE ARE ALIVE! Are you not in awe?

The fundamental disgrace of every religion is "the battering ram"/ simply, WE DEMAND control & righteousness, & authority over you! EVERY religion does conceive of an opportunity to be superior. Every aspect of superiority is intended by man & woman to make "the other OBEY". Each religion is therein designed as a "club"/ capable of beating the others into submission. Each religion intends to use a mental desire to establish a personal weapon/ therein the right and method of judgment against the others: Simply to prove, you cannot ignore or reject me! The division of power is regulated by RULES, the rules are determined by what man, HAS written down in his own poverty of knowledge and language/ his own failure to understand or believe in truth: even so, some basic knowledge is valuable, in most religions.

The foundation of truth IS NOT a rule! Rather truth grows each seed of evidentiary wisdom into a competency of knowledge that then becomes "as a light upon this world".

The common use of every religion is to gather a mass/ present a motion of "kinetic energy/ so to speak"; and then use this blatant force to attain and control the ground called power. Therein "this we", claims, we have taken away their power to control us/ so that now we can control them: commonly lets rape and steal all we can. THIS IS THE USE AND ABUSE OF GOD Trading the grace and miracles of life, for trivial & blatantly arrogant LIES. The pride that erupts, claiming: we are greater than you/ we are superior to you/ we are fit to judge you/ we are given all resources, &YOU will be slaves to us: etc, etc, etc. THESE ARE AS TREASON & TRAITOR TO GOD

HIMSELF, BE ASHAMED OR BE DEAD TO ETERNITY ITSELF. For you are a LIAR, and YOU have used GOD For your "toy, your idol, your excuse, & your reason for violence" against HIS OWN CREATION. DO REPENT.

JUSTICE, the appreciation of peace & life that transforms the reality of behavior into a constant & fair equity for us all, IS the essence of an honorable & disciplined life. It is life , that GOD gave to each of us, and if we HONOR HIM Then we will describe justice, equity, & peace with our lives.

It is fair to understand & accept the reality of "thousands of years ago"/ that is presented in religious text of various forms/ each of these are presented with the distinct problems of communication, and the truth of greed, selfishness, failure, and all the rest. These against the compositions of humanity that WANTED better for their own lives. These conflicts always resulted in war/ because the "greedy, selfish, proud, and powerful NEVER freely surrender anything". These were then a human process/ NOT "a work of GOD", But a failure of people to understand and demonstrate the honor required of them. Or more simple, this conflict is a demand called WANT, to take over & control; because more than anything else, humanity covets EASY !

It can be NO MORE! If you fail to grow up in this day/ the reality or crush of your own human population, combined with any of numerous other decisions you have made, WILL simply exterminate all humanity from the earth. YOU are too many for any other result/ except war. Therefore GROW UP or die.

Justice requires freedom, happiness, a minimum of rules, RESOURCES/ and fundamental LAW; then an open court, and those who will intervene for truth and life. These definitions of social duty must be written down, accepted and learned by the majority (all ages, all varieties; use the media, and schools). Respect for all, is mandatory, no excuses. From here, you will be able to build a peaceful & happy world, anything less will become war.

Many will argue, "I AM doing good, right now/ LEAVE ME ALONE"! MOST, look to "the end of their nose, and say that's far enough"! They just don't care about anything or anyone else; is this you/ then you are a "worm". The majority will say, "just give me sex, and I will take the rest that I want"/ or steal, lie, rape, and/ or demand revenge if I fail: either way, it is my choice. Either way, I will fight, to prove you can't make me do anything. Adult humanity has failed, for these reasons/ among many others. Not only do you prepare to "butcher your own children [because resource loss is severe/ and resources decide everything about the human body in need]"/ but you do fail at every attempt to control your want/ selfishness/ & pride. How else do you explain; standing at the door to Armageddon: the place where humanity meets the reality of their own decisions/ their own truths, without intervention.

Like it or not/ accept it or not/ these are the final days, to accept justice and truth as your reality: or descend into the chaos & tragedy & terror of what it means to "be god yourself". That is NOT a statement of power/ but a reality born in energy & confronted with TRUE VIOLENCE. You will fail HORRENDOUSLY! Not only are you not prepared, you have no clue about anything but time/ nothing could be more absurd, than believing you will have any choice at all; energy will control you in every way.

YOU WILL turn away from your religions/ and TO GOD ! There is "no amen"/ only the truth, that a relationship with GOD Is an individual reality, and the foundation of an individual truth/ BORN as a relationship of life called "THE CREATOR And you"! Justice and all good things will follow, if you accept the work and the life that begins with love.

Do not sell your eternity for revenge/ DO PRAY INSTEAD.

The opportunity for a new life is BY VOTE. The reality of a vote IS NOT in casting a ballot/ BUT IN WHAT YOU VOTE UPON! Therefore you, or more correctly WE THE PEOPLE, Must control the basic process of what will be voted upon: not simply who. Who is about the employee/ not the law, the right, or the purpose. "Who" is about the care-taker/ employee who does say to all: we will/ I will produce the equity and the justice you have chosen and do seek for society and for life: your laws, I will follow. An open & fair courtroom is the basis of every government/ and every society: when the courtroom fails/ society fails. Therefore the court must be studied, respected, controlled by the people as a society and by the law {they are not the law/ the judge is most severely under the law}, and worthy of you just as you must be worthy of them.

There will always be issues of "they have better than us". The critical question is WHAT & HOW do we share/ the work, the rights, and the resource! If you care & share well/ then all will accept, that some do or have done more than the others; that's how life is. As to bartering: school teachers can barter with those who pay/ no more taking the school board to prison for your greed: by vote you go to the taxpayer/ the people who pay based on income will decide your pay. You are free to go as a group, from one location to another, if you wish through the summer. As to business, every individual where more than 12 employees are working is entitled to profit sharing/ you will barter about the percentage. Eternity is watching, BE FAIR with each other.

There are the issues of death, that humanity continually blame GOD for! The consequence of dying for whatever reason/ that then plague the comprehension and "conscious mind of man/ woman" About a fair & loving GOD ! THE CONSEQUENCE of over-population is now becoming quite clear, even to you! The reality quite simply: YOU are here, because the population counts of history, were controlled. Thereby if YOU think death is unfair/ then UNDERSTAND YOU would never have been born without death: that too, is how it is in the real world/ like it or not. As to disease and the rest/ it is indiscriminate and thereby fair: simply a gamble created to remove judgment, so that all would receive equal opportunity for death or life. YOU are now in complete charge of your own population/ apart from whatever GOD chooses to do. That means if you continue to hide from reality and fail the truth that the earth is limited and must be respected : or all die. THEREFORE you will decide what is fair; go ahead and keep everyone alive/ go ahead and keep having all the babies you want/ go ahead and wreck the environment and everything you depend upon "playing your games"; as history proves clearly and without doubt, you are going to WAR. Where you will then cry out, "How could you let us"/ Where mercy exists no more. Truth is here, and you must accept it.

CAN YOU, don't look to the others/ CAN YOU be fair with life, and each other? The answer rests upon discipline, honesty, honor, & happiness. If you are NOT fair/ life will deteriorate and fail; extermination comes. Therefore discipline, honesty, & honor must be taught and established in all aspects of life including the media, schools, work, etc. These must then be refined by caring, to the interactions of every relationship in society and life; not just human, but all life must be respected: EVERYTHING.

HAPPINESS, exists in freedom/ but only love grants a peaceful existence in the miracles of JOY. Male to female/ female to male experience is an absolute necessity in the understanding : we are a participant in the destiny we choose to create! Therefore it MUST be held as precious, and valued as wonderful: YOU DO have much to learn. These are beginnings/ it is time for you to decide what your future will be.

The final major definition of whether you live or die is; WHAT & WHY will you let time control you with power? Or more simply, the common responses to time are games, work, competition, war, & sex. Each of these are now under attack, as the reality of resource depletion and other factors will change your lives to cooperation, helping, sharing, justice, & honor/ or you will make war; that simple. The true question is: CAN YOU accept life as an individual: NOT as a pack or herd? All will cry, we are individuals/ not animals! But reality says the responses above are not of individuals, but more clearly the reactions/ based upon actions that contribute to your failures. An individual, MUST accept the truth of separation from the herd or pack/ that in and of itself produces loneliness, which then applies the purpose of life TO FIND YOUR CREATOR . This then gives all good lessons, and fundamentally prepares you for society, and your future/ and your death. Death must be prepared for, or you will fail. Life must be answered with the purposes of your CREATOR / or you shall not become HIS CHILDREN . There will be "outrage"/ demanding "we are god's children right now"/ and so it is that you are "the seed of life, as a child of GOD" . BUT you shall not be children of GOD Unless you accept the price of growth, it is a relationship with purpose through respect and love. DO YOU respect life, including your own/ DO YOU love the opportunity and education in miracles, that give us the evidence of eternity, because GOD EXISTS? Your answer shall become apparent as time completes this cycle of preparation for your life or death.

As an "apparent mother", a new life for you, is more than a job for me/ it is a duty. The relationship we are then destined to share, is quite simply: your own freedom is important/ BUT when I prove by truth, that your decision is errant or will fail: THEN we will "do this my way". That's how it will be. Until you grow sufficiently to understand and respect the consequences of your actions and reaction: it is then, that I am free.

If I die, you will "live as an orphan", because your new life is delivered through me. BUT if you turn to: belligerent/ unworthy/ or to failure, then you shall be abandoned/ Your new life, left to die.

That is the price; there are NO second chances/ these are all life or death decisions for all creation. Are you not important/ did you not always want to be god? Now you are, over this tiny input about whether you have enough stamina, respect, strength, or just plain mental ability to understand the decision/ and not simply run away and hide.


And be WORTHY.

As to the consequence, I am given as a sexual slave to women {those assembled for peace on earth/ and love, justice, & life}: we will simply wait, and let reality, truth, and GOD Show us what that means. It is NOT up to me/ I have no say. I WILL simply do my best. In spiritual terms, "the I" must remain separate from "life"/ instead of integrated completely into life to be protected. Because woman must be respected, by the body & mind of man.

The reality of me, is then simply: I am a messenger, delivering the message GOD SENDS TO YOU , and all humanity. Life has given the duty to attend each new life, to "its mother"/ therefore destiny has chosen your mother. I am a sign, granted by the reality of your decisions, by the evidence of how you will affect my life: therein you may clearly see (BEFORE complete failure) your direction in life or death. Thereby you may work harder, or be at peace with your needs and understanding. GOD HAS given me, "As a limited resource/ a property" to women (those who desire peace and love). Therefore this body & mind are a tool to use & declare HOW BEST WOMEN shall use and respect this limited resource with the women of the world. How you share will determine how you rule the earth, and divide its resources; therefore this is about leadership, respect for each other, and life itself as a future called humanity. OR if you fail, then the "resource" shall be destroyed, and you will have NOTHING to share or even fight about. It is your choice/ and your right to decide. Show the world, what they will get/ as you lead them to life or to death.... that is your duty/ because they must follow woman or die.

WOMEN decide the fate of life on earth! THEREFORE With extreme truth, AS THE REALITY WILL BE Armageddon or WORSE (this can easily come)/ I do say to all men & children everywhere: protect/ defend/ help/ honor/ RESPECT/ & love her (every woman on earth) for each one, HAS ONE VOTE; irregardless of her station, looks, or anything else: EACH WOMAN has one vote, whether you die or live.

As men have NO other input except for what they may assist woman with/ you are reminded: IF WOMAN FAILS/ YOU FAIL! This is not a game/ it is completely correct and true. MAN has brought all life, to the door of extinction: the price of this disaster and disgrace is/ YOU are through; PRAY WOMAN is enough, And HELP HER.

As to "my own body & mind" still no clue/ and I am having a "Little trouble" adjusting to the concept of being "SIMPLY SEXUAL PROPERTY". BUT I do understand, "other men have done this to many women over history"/ therefore it is FAIR, that your own lives as men, SHOULD be determined by whether women can overcome their desire for revenge against man, and choose life, mercy, and respect. IF THEY DO choose severe revenge, and show you by abusing my own body & mind (from any nation) on earth/ then all will die. Your lives, and mine are then given into the hands of women/ because if it is revenge, that will be your lives as well: AND TO WAR YOU WILL GO.

I DO, STRONGLY SUGGEST/ YOU MAKE AMENDS TO WOMEN QUICKLY , HONESTLY, AND WITH RESPECT FOR THEIR POSITION OVER YOUR LIVES. They have become your leader/ whether you like it or not. THEY decide if you live or die, and what the future holds.

This is not a game/ there are NO excuses: life or death is your outcome.

Truth says: I am no longer a participant (when published on )/ but instead a property, "for the next 3 or so years: [that WILL be bought by someone]. The question is WHO? If woman fails to rescue me/ evil will not hesitate and life will be much harder to survive. Woman will fail to lead, and that means Armageddon according to the decisions you make it will be less or more aggressive and mean.

The reality of my own life is then as described, NOT your savior/ but I can be a help-mate to woman. NOT your priest, but not entirely "useless" either. Simply a tool and a sign/ and if you do well, then a mother. This reality is NOT a sacrifice, as my decision, my life (and this body & mind with it), & my eternity are all given FREELY To GOD .

THIS IS HIS WORK, Not mine; my desire is to HONOR HIM. As best I can/ that's all. You are free to believe anything you like/ do anything you want to do: inherit what GOD WILL DO FOR YOU/ OR inherit what you have done to yourselves! But you are not free to make a different decision once this one is made: Either life or death is your only choice.

YOU are responsible, YOU are the people in need, YOU are the recipients of an opportunity to survive (that YOU can easily understand)/ and YOU are even granted and guaranteed HEAVEN ON EARTH / if you do well.

The proof, the evidence, and the truth about how vulnerable you are to extermination from the earth/ already exists: SIMPLY STOP RUNNING AWAY. You can gamble if you like, no one will stop you: but if you are wrong ARMAGEDDON will come/ You bet with everything, your life, your future, nothing is left out; to lose is to enter HELL. Are you sure, you are prepared? If you say yes/ then LIAR is all that can describe you. This is not a game/ your lives are about to change: one way, or the other.

There will be many who lie, and say: "We WILL be just fine/ there are NO problems, or we will fix them when we must"!

In answer: "Look clearly, AT ALL THE PROBLEMS" you have not fixed/ nor do you show any sign of preparing to do so. Look at the reality of government and human life; do you not search for war first; truly there is only tragedy ahead without change. In america, you have the hurricanes as evidence/ you have the accounting of your own government to prove "lies, are the only fix you will get". Consider the reality and truth of what happens when ANY resource fails? All that depends upon that resource fails with it/ big or little/ important or not, all will fail. Answer in truth, WHAT is the revenge any nation WILL seek if an atomic bomb goes off: terrorist or not? Or describe how you will feed billions more? Or famine, plague, resource & fertilizer depletion (soon you will run out, and your abundance with it). Be honest with weather changes/ a dead ocean (no more food for billions)/ the consequences of changing the sub-structure of the earth (by opening chambers with the extraction of resources). The HORRENDOUS consequences of genetic MUTILATION & the crucifixion of nature. AND A HUNDRED MORE.

Explain how you have "not cut off the heads, of your children" so that your own gluttony and shame may consume their lives from them: by taking their resources and destroying their future? Explain, how this is not so!

STOP , or you will face the consequences and die.

The critical reality here is not whether you believe me/ that is irrelevant. The critical truth here is quite simply: what is true? The only method we have is to examine, investigate, understand, seek wisdom/ and then decide: plus PRAYER. The consequence of not taking a document this serious, or a stated reality of extreme severity with honesty: is simply inexcusable and wrong. It is your life/ and we both know, you do care about that life in particular; even if no one else's. Do look carefully, and quit hiding from the truth. One last simple truth, I am a messenger/ not the one to direct your love or hate to. Just a messenger/ and I cannot accept what does not belong to me, I am taught, and sent: go to GOD . In all other concepts and things, "for 52 years, I have been a simple & plain man" today however it is not so simple; "there are pieces everywhere that must be reassembled, it is a strange experience." It is "my decision" to enter within every "door" that GOD presents me with/ I consider it a duty and an honor to do so. The consequences are literally "Up to GOD". It is my way. Time will tell, what GOD Will define for this life: I no longer know. What is simple is gone, "what is to be me" must be made "more plain". May GOD, Bless us all.

A final warning

The question is, WHY do people become animals, and leave humanity to be as predator or prey? The answer is quite simple: they choose to abandon complexity, for the expressions of fear, & hate. Therein life is as simple as the excitement of an action/ reaction. This is a foundation built upon the very simple premise: "that I need NOT choose my destiny, it is forced upon me; thereby, I am innocent of the consequences."

THIS IGNORANCE AND BLASPHEMY, is in turn the subtle supposition "that GOD Made me do what I do, and fate controls all my decisions": therefore I am not responsible for myself or my actions/ reactions/ or purposes. "I am then FREE", to do anything I like. This in turn generates the "voice inside"/ as reality turns to convict and truth demands an answer, from your life for the things you have done/ and your choice is to create LIES. Every action is then determined by the expressions assigned to you, by fear. Every reaction dedicated to the displacement of fear, as hatred: instead of repentance, "the demand to fight with GOD ". HOW FOOLISH YOU ARE.

This as a consequence forms the foundations of ignorance: "I DON'T, want to know"/ so I refuse to learn, & hide in failure to prove I cannot: therefore I cannot be judged. This is a stupidity born of violence/ the demand to "kill what has value, to keep it from revealing what has not". This too, is beyond belief/ that you could be so completely without understanding. The basic premise of an animal is, "this is NOT my fault, I was born this way"! The basic foundation of a human life is: I/ we have a right to choose, and the obligation to accept the honor given to us: this is a respect for you. The question is then why would you choose to be an animal/ when you are fully equipped to understand easily: "YOU can be more than humanity"? The critical question becomes: why do people fear GOD ?

The answer understands the basic relationship of life to existence and energy, and states: this is "too much for me to bear/ I cannot accept the courage required: please let me die"! Please accept my apology, and let me be an animal instead. Thereby the critical question of fear, is assigned by cowardice. While the fundamental question of hate, is found to be: let NO human see me as this/ instead of humility, I will form hate/ to hide behind the cover of darkness. Fear and hate are both, the prisoners of cowardice, and do form all the failures of man & woman.

The question of life is: HOW can cowardice be defeated, & reality prove even YOU, can stand?

The truth of Our GOD Is love beyond measure, read John 3: 16 of the Bible and believe it is true. The reality placed upon our lives by experience and our need to learn is however, a relationship that does not accept tears: what will be, will be! So then, there are two clear signs in life: one of love and miracles/ and one of death & pain & loss, without apparent compassion. These are opposites, but they influence our lives equally: it is a balance, that demands a decision by each one. The fundamental experience of life is thereby: WHY, is our own decision so intensely important?

The answer is, "because we could contaminate GOD'S WORLD / therefore we must PROVE, we are worthy of this risk. {it is the same as expecting a worker to understand his or her job/ before you give them the possibility to wreck everything you built: it is FAIR}. As to our decision, everything necessary to choose love and life is here, for you to grasp and desire. Only the consequence of reality as it changes & confronts our world causes upheaval and the resultant fears. The question: WHY IS THAT necessary? Is fundamentally answered: because energy is the foundation of life, and energy has NO tears! We must choose to deal with it, ON ITS OWN TERMS! That does mean, along with all good things, reality demands: you must accept authority to rule over energy. Truth states: authority means, " disciplined, orderly, respectful, honest, and honorable. Because there is work required of you for life, "part-time", to keep the energy "abiding in the laws of the universe".

The critical question of humanity then shifts, to will you do your work? Or will you fail? If you will fail, but have love/ then heaven is for you. You will there be valued and protected/ but NOT honored or respected. If you can do this work, then you are and will be called a "TRUE child of GOD".

The consequence of cowardice is beneath heaven/ the decision of hate, is the expulsion beyond GOD'S WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What then is courage? The answer accepts truth as the discipline of order/ and order as the strength of LAW (of the universe). It is then law that confronts energy, and courage that accepts the wisdom of "being perfect in the law". If you do your work as reality, the law will provide/ and therein there is NO reason to fear! If however you refuse to obey the laws of the universe/ then YOU DO have every cause to be afraid. It is that simple.

What then is death, for it goes beyond fear/ to descend past existence, to the very elements of which we were made? The answer understands: the body & time are separated from life. For life is about the energy, and the order, and the law. Time is a beginning/ death is an ending/ but life itself is about the expansion of time beyond its boundaries and border, as it ascends to the miracles & grace of our own creation. Creation means: "The seed of life, from which we grow". We cannot discuss this further/ you are too corrupt!

Even so, I cannot give you courage/ I can only truly witness to the life JESUS Lived for us; to give us courage. And therein help you understand, as JESUS HIMSELF Has taught me to give to you this message. Reality knows this statement will cause a "storm of conflict"/ but it is nonetheless true. If the words in these documents do not convince you/ then more words are useless, and will NOT be given.

The question of WHY, must we work? Is simply an honor and a respect for our own BENEFIT. WE are here, then "in eternity" literally as children of GOD." It is our duty, to learn as GOD Teaches us. It is also FAIR, that we should "work for our environment, our family, and our lives." these things are then "seeds planted in you"/ do you desire to grow: then PRAY much. No one can stop you, only your own honor and your own respect are required of you/ LOVE ALWAYS, follows these things.

There is NO cause to "Fear GOD" We are truly loved. Instead FEAR YOURSELVES/ because today the games will stop, and you will choose: to be judge, OR to be RESPECTFUL! It is one or the other. If you are judge, then you SHALL BE "In charge of life on earth/ wherein EVERY mistake you make will HAVE REAL consequences/ no more games/ no more mercy/ and NO more life. With mercy removed/ there will be NO more death either/ instead only the intensity of your terrors will be multiplied, the reality of your truth will be HORRENDOUS. You would not believe it, even if you were told.

RESPECT comes with duty, responsibility, & work: that you may find your HONOR.

The consequence of human freedom, and the curse of true human suffering are the same: YOU or the others who preceded you/ have chosen your truth. Reality then decides who loses, or who gains. Freedom itself is NOT wrong. Rather all freedom comes with responsibility, and every truth has a consequence. Therefore you must learn respect. If you do not/ then honor dies. Life begins as respect, do not confuse it with freedom. Humanity begins as your decision, and participates as your direction & purpose. Try NOT to let the few CURSE the majority anymore. You are worse than little children in your understanding of life, truth, & reality. YOU ARE idolater's / constantly worshiping your ability to ridicule each other, and enslave the world itself: this is said of ALL humanity.