In the distance, I hear the churches complaining: why him, he is nothing special/ I will not accept instruction or a message so blatant as to say: "a message taught by GOD ". What IS that, but blasphemy and disrespect?
In the answer of SPIRIT A body, nor a mind matters/ because GOD does not judge us so. Rather GOD Chooses according to HIS OWN WAYS, AND HIS OWN DESIGN.
As for me, I do not tell you "anything but look at this message, as I have done". The reality and truth of it, the severity of it, and the mercy of it all suggest to me: That this is indeed the message that precedes the judgment of life on earth. If I am wrong, then you will kindly prove it is so. If I am correct and these are the last days/ then do not come to me, I cannot save you: PRAY AND BELIEVE IN JESUS !
I do not ask of you anything/ I do not command of you anything/ I do not lead you/ nor will I participate in your trials for life, beyond the purposes of removing the lies in trial, that you may not say to me: he has a motive unclean. I will not be made critical to your process/ that you may not say of me "he was our savior/ what now".
These matters are about your decisions here on earth/ it is about your ability to understand and your stubbornness to refuse to understand/ and it is about who shall be GOD ON EARTH ! You or your CREATOR.
If you say, it is you/ then you will very soon begin to prove this is true in and by reality: or you will die. You will prove your claim is not a lie/ which you cannot do.
It is clear and without doubt, humanity will look to attack me with pride and arrogance: how could you tell our lie/ and cause all this grief. As if I had something to do with the lies that are responsible/ and the thievery that you are going to suffer for: this is you, not me. If you do not accept responsibility for your actions/ what does that say of you: honor or respect for life, it is not.
Without doubt some will try to kill me/ or plot and plan violence to prove they hate me. That is "merely a fire"/ that will turn against you, even if you are allowed to kill me; eternity will remember, and your destiny WILL be horrendous. Irregardless, nothing you can do or complain about, will change the truth/ that either humanity will change/ or humanity will die. It is certain men & women & children will all have their own brand of "fire"/ for me. It is not my concern, I do belong to GOD / and as it becomes necessary, I can leave time forever. Its up to you, if you will be helped by me: or not! Respect is required, but not more than any other person desires and expects respect for their lives, in honorable ways: that's all. Its hard to predict pain and suffering, I do "have a lot of practice"/ but the human body is able to produce very significant pain; so we will see. I have no expectations/ but will deal with this body & mind as best I can. That's all.
The question of humanity is really quite simple, time defines us/ but identity creates our destiny: what is yours? "Look in the mirror", be honest, be fair, be honorable and change it/ if it is not what you desire to be.
Life is not about watching tv, or the rest of diversions away from reality. Life is about reality, and the honor of being alive. If you are lonely, then go find someone else who is also lonely and be a friend/ help them, and they hopefully will help you as well. Don't choose friends with your eyes, listen with your heart. Remember the children, and their needs. Remember "us all" and our needs/ because nearly everyone struggles with loneliness at times. It prepares you for a friend/ but it is also hard, and deserves the respect of that trial as it occupies our time until we are ready to make a change in our lives. Death is not about graves or decompositions/ that is time revealed as ended and done. Instead death is merely the opportunity to reveal the truth you have created within yourself, as body doesn't matter anymore. Thought is where we live/ do you not experience everything as a relationship with your mind? Thought is a destiny, developed within the consistency of your truth, the reality of your desire. Therefore be careful what truth says about you/ or what you do desire as love or hate. All decisions are about love, or hate/ even survival: because if you do not "love your life"/ you won't care if you survive. Here the reality of life/ versus the reality of body &mind display the purpose of critical compositions in truth, as the identity you cherish/ and why. Love is all that matters, and truth/ because the rest will be destroyed. Therefore why do you love? Is an excellent question to begin your journey toward life in eternity. Do answer the question.
Whether you understand how thought, or any other reality works/ is absolutely irrelevant. That does not matter! What matters is the truth of your desire in respect. The honor of your heart. And the mercy your soul will provide when death does come. Pray often/ it is good for you.
Just so you know, I am restrained from eternity, and all it means; because my life is needed here at this moment. The JOY and the LIFE and THE LOVE, are not allowed for the most part/ because I am here. But not forever.
YOU are not to believe life is a reward/ it is not. Life is a duty, a responsibility, an honor, and a respect that searches for love and provides happiness and peace to all who can achieve these things: the question to you is, are you this one?
As there are things about humanity most will never understand, they begin as: your decisions cannot be dismissed/ they are the moments that become the rest of your life. Do think about that, and choose carefully.
Reality is a friend, that makes discipline worthwhile.
The difference honesty makes: is inside you.
Honor is a reward for your truth, a valor inside grown from your own respect for life and reality.
Life is a treasure that must be lived {do the best you can/ do not surrender it to easy/ or lazy/ or useless things}/ fears then are simply the death of hope, and thereby an end to what makes life beautiful. Abandon them, and live/ but do not be stupid.
The stars are lovely at night, the moon a sign of peace, BE HAPPY/ but understand that the poverty of the mind/ the delusions or images people fear, are never going to be friends: stay away from them. Or carefully in an organized manner with help, go together to intervene and bring these sheep back to where they can grow into men & women. I do consider it a sad commentary of ignorance/ the skies are now strewn with space debris, that interferes with star gazing.
LOVE is a heartbeat that fills your soul, and lets you know; life is the moments we share.
LOVE is the miracle we become, as creation lifts our hearts as one single beat, to give us a truth that we share/ and the other beat, a journey that is beyond each of us: we must be together.
LOVE is an intensity learned in pain, defined in suffering, and held sacred by the very simple truth: YOU are the essence of my life.
Life is a message, learned without compromise as the place we grow, the responsibilities of our soul. Here thought cascades down in the creation of miracles/ to give us a hope, that we may climb.
Learn what this means/ by searching inside yourself.
Of the various consequences of living SEX is the most volatile, because it creates chemicals which then create needs. The tragedy of human sexuality is then an attempt to "OWN access, to those chemicals" and prove possession/ by outright violence or subversive violence such as using children as bait or reward/ or using money or title as a weapon. The foundation of failure described by human sexuality is the constant excuse to "let this need, RULE over your behaviors, & thereby threaten your life."
Chemicals are NOT your friend, they are your body &mind. A friend is the experience of an "asset" to your life/ that needs "no chains/ demands no work/ & does NOT control your freedoms thereby your life". The body is none of these/ but instead exists as your house/ the place of your existence. The mind is in fact, merely a place where measurements & chemical are noted, & catalogued as memory for your education and reference. The chemicals of sex do infiltrate "the lining of our experience as life"/ making the experience of decision, death, survival, & loneliness easier. But in reality ONLY the part that is love, can make these connections to your body. The mind "wants, to be shared"/ sex is the easy way, the lazy way. Life uses the mind to search for love and defend against hate/ body and mind, the identity of a possession in time, uses its position in time to search for easy, wants, selfishness, and all that time itself possesses. The difference is, what can survive in eternity and make you happy.
The reality of hate, instead of love/ makes sex a dangerous game, because liars are everywhere, & the games are easy and the people less astute due to manipulation by mass media. LOVE is an expression of real happiness/ this is a clue to the inside. These are NOT people who play with the lives of others, boast, are aggressive, or dishonest or disrespectful/ but instead people who are HONEST, kind, helpful (without hidden goals), and respectful of all life: especially you. The tragedy of sexual aggression comes from hate: it doesn't matter who or what they hate/ every life goes to one direction or the other: love or hate/ THIS is an absolute, no excuses. Hate measures all life, and all things/ then you are compared as a trophy or an excuse: at a whim, these measurements of YOUR value as life, will go up or down, making you a target therefore an excuse/ or a trophy, a possession used to prove the others are a loser: I win. If someone you do love is lost "somewhere in the middle"/ then abandon them until they decide for love for real. No excuses! The foundation of sexual battery & abuse is OWNERSHIP: because "it IT is mine/ then I can do anything I want to IT"! Every object of aggression is an "IT". Society must provide relief to all people in situations of aggression. NOT "extras"/ but relief as needs met, an opportunity for change.
If there is respect, and an honorable intent to help/ then sex has NO boundaries for either side: BUT AGE/ LEAVE THE CHILDREN ALONE. If there is truth in the honesty of shared love, then there is no shame/ ONLY the people who can be hurt, or threatened by loneliness.
SEX IS NOT a cure for your failures, as a person.
SEX IS NOT a game, and it NEVER proves "winner or loser".
Sexuality is an opportunity to help someone heal themselves, IF you have love and are willing to "invest it"/ with respect and honor for that life.
SEX is an enemy, where it is used, sold for any reason, or held as a ransom for your behavior. It is not a toy or a tool, for power. Sex is a friend where love fills the need.
SEX IS NOT an answer: It is a question: DO YOU love me enough, to enter all my "trials & tribulations" to grant to me, this peace that togetherness fills in my heart?
SEX FOR HATE is a purpose of war/ it is used to steal your peace of mind, & invade to rape & plunder "the love of your heart, even for yourself". Love here, is at its beginning; an innocense that lives in the hope & trust of a friendly world, where I may be vulnerable, peaceful, & secure, "in the treasury of your soul". Hate searches for these very places: tempts, pretends, lies, bribes, cheats, and steals, JUST to make war against you, by destroying your peace/ your love, and by threatening you life with love itself. The consequence is: YOU MUST REBUILD.
I tell you the truth, a truly vast number of tears are hidden "behind closed doors", because of this sexual reality, and the damage it has done.
The sexual society of man, HAS built all the rules of sexual conduct that occur in society today. Ownership, MAKES YOU A POSSESSION/ therefore it should end: no marriage, because it is false and you may stand before your god/ but you believe it not. Marriage is a simple contractual agreement, and no more. A child, the obligation of society itself: they will do the work/ and make society good or bad/ IT IS CLEARLY the job and responsibility of society to care directly for the children. BUT IT IS ALSO clearly the responsibility of society to declare to women, we can no longer accept uncontrolled child birth/ YOU WILL limit your children to two, and then be done. ANY MAN who believes this is not fair/ may go to court, and prove he should not be thrown into jail. Women decide/ but reality says: this must be so.
As women begin to rule this earth/ THEY MUST rewrite the reality of sexuality their way/ and find ways to "share, and concede ways to honor needs and life". Just as many men have existed to prove "even if they cannot build it/ they can tear it down: and make the other cry". THE REALITY OF WOMEN in authority must now be: if you make us cry/ just because you are violent, deceitful, & a failure of life, is all you will share: THEN WE will tear you down, and make you cry!
In this same vein, the demand to be heard as a society/ comes down to "in a man's world, what is not fair/ is held in reserve for the penis". Therefore to control the penis is to control justice, if women can be honorable. To women: make no demand that is not fair and useful to society/ DO stay within financial barriers of society, not whim or wants: these are choices and do demand "Family first/ life first/ justice for all". Wherever this is avoided or refused by man in authority: take your lesbians with you [they are only 2 kinds: "I want revenge against men/ or I hide behind this one who protects me from men]. And drag the men out naked, from their little perches and prove you are not going to stop for less than justice. Keep yourselves out of jail/ by proving failure occurred, and these are merely the traitors to the life we all deserve. Sue for treason/ and take their possessions, fight for life, by understanding WE THE PEOPLE ARE SEEKING JUSTICE FOR ALL, And we will accept nothing less. To prove this, you must have a "list of truths, that are compatible with constitutional demands/ and realistic with conditions of the day". Such truths would be included as: WE WILL NOT accept any discretionary money spent on luxuries/ NONE, until every child is fully supported/ and every woman, below old age, is completely safe. Be honorable/ and you will be safe. BUT DO NOT let anyone take you behind the closed doors of injustice/ make them come outside in view of all.
The reality we face of survival and consequence in lies, is quite simply: those who do the work, and those who will be doing the work/ GET FIRST CHOICE, FIRST OPPORTUNITY, the rest will have to do without or wait as best they can. It is a rule in survival of the fittest/ and this is nature's way.
There are women, who live a lesbian existence/ who have simply given up on men, and having an honorable relationship; therefore they choose not to be lonely. I regard this as a sad commentary on the reality of this day, rather than lesbian. Things must change/ and in that discussion; it is not only probable, but possible: that women in need of simple sex, could be used to determine if male prisoners are fit for society. If the woman is not satisfied, the man stays behind bars: because sexuality says a lot about who you are, and what you are thinking inside/ therefore this is the surest way to decide what these men are going to do. This is social evaluation, at a base level in real world circumstances. Men at women prisons can be used for the same. NO "picking and choosing"allowed. It is not against marriage/ this is for society.
The entire world, "sits at the cross-roads of life or death". IT IS TRUE, ONLY WOMEN have the right of vote, the opportunity to continue life on earth or let it die! Man rules NO MORE.
People WILL say "this is easy; believing in their hearts and minds, we will give them a few tokens/ & keep the rest for ourselves".
Truth says: want is irrelevant/ only truth matters, and truth says "if humanity were judged by women today/ life on earth would die".
Instead of easy/ BELIEVE this is a hard lesson/ because not only must the spirit of women choose true love & discard want: but she must also find in herself & her society the honesty, honor, & respect NECESSARY to lead her society "TO LIFE". SHE IS ABLE/ but man must help or all die.
The words of life or death, & the proof of ownership that is provided in these documents/ this message, are clear and certain, for all to see. EITHER PROVE them wrong/ or understand Armageddon is truly at the door, and WOMAN does hold all the keys, and your lives in her hands. HELP HER SUCCEED! Or all die.