THIS IS NOT A PROSECUTION, this is the fundamental descriptions of
critical behaviors and foundations in social structure, that are quickly coming to declare war against us. Not with weapons and enemies, but with reality and truth/ as these confront the lies and failures of human decisions that have changed our world, into a trap or pit or hole, that we must now escape. If possible, it is your eyes and ears that are assaulted herein, because life is more important than your pride/ more valuable than your want/ more deserving than your arrogance or ridicule. Therein let your knowledge be simply this: I am not your judge/ GOD is not judging you/ You will judge you, and your answer will define your future. There will be NO fight, to win or lose/ no trophy/ no temptation or manipulation; simply the truth of whether you desire life sufficiently to accept the responsibility required of you/ & the foundation in truth to save you, from extinction.
LET ALL UNDERSTAND, this is a discussion in basic reality which seeks the reality, of equalizing all sides of the primary debate: what shall we do when this depression hits? What are our options? What are the probabilities of all the other failure/ and from whom, shall they come. What about the failure of the earth itself/ will there not be horrendous consequences? The options to investigate the consequence of behaviors "unbecoming the United States"/ the opportunity to remove a destructive and blatantly wrong, arrogant pride, and failure: is NOT an attempt to create an enemy. LET ALL UNDERSTAND, if you make an enemy of anyone/ you simply create the potentials for war. Therein the purpose of this narrative in disciplined response for the people, is to avoid all bloodshed/ and establish the foundation for critical jurisdictional confrontation of all parties; through the court. The evidence as best you can describe/ and the honesty that subjects the truth, present, past, & future, to a vote of the masses. As yes, we do desire to live and avoid all the tragedies that are coming/ or no, we are so proud, we just don't care, "because after all, nothing bad can happen in america". A fool deceived or not/ this is the choice you shall make/ and it will determine your life or your death: believe it or not. This is about the evidence of a world heading directly into Armageddon.
Understand this with absolute certainty: there is NO CAUSE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE WHATSOEVER, to believe such ignorance as "this is a holy war" or whatever blatantly stupid association you may have.
This message, and this work, and this purpose: is distinctly to identify the truth and investigate the reality of our situation as humanity on earth. After that, then by vote you shall determine your future. If you fail, you fail.
If hurricane Katrina teaches anything about human behavior/ its when the going gets tough, some of the people will steal/ kill/ and demand chaos. [take pictures of them, get names, get dates, get locations: and DO YOUR CITIZENS DUTY of reporting them for justice; that no one may accuse you, for their behaviors.]While others will "close the door"/ and threaten with force: "its all mine, and you can't have anything/ because there is not enough, and I won't starve for you". If you learned the lesson of american government, it is: we can't do nothing/ and we are too stupid and proud and arrogant to even try: "we're college educated/ what do you expect": Something like common sense or reality or truth to lead/ "WE (the smart people) SNEER AT COMMON SENSE, and we are better than reality or truth"! Their "big brains, blindly going where only idiots and morons, and fools go." But make no mistake, all education is important/ it's the power and selfishness and greed that makes it go bad. Not the person, but the truth is: no one should have any power over anyone/ that is not absolutely necessary. YOU have allowed the educated in little things, achieve great power over the masses/ and look where you are; in a very deep pit! The most critical difference between those who can lead and those who do lead you, is those who do; are the people who will listen to your whining and crying/ and do whatever you want. The people who can lead, understand tomorrow is just at least as important as today/ and what functions in the best interest of both must be done: EVEN IF the majority whine and cry.
BE CERTAIN OF THIS: EVERY ACT OF VIOLENCE, is like a nail in your own coffins. Every intent of hatred, every act of revenge, jealousy, selfishness, power, greed, or want merely the proof; YOU will not survive. Because we are so many people on this earth today/ if there is not true understanding and acceptance of each other; only war is left. 7 billion people standing 3 feet apart (91.44cm) one adult touching the next adult/ results in a continuous line of people that will literally wrap the earth surface at the equator about 256 times. Standing in a square area 1 yard square each person; means literally we cover 63 billion square yards of the earth's surface/ and still can't move, because we are packed in "like eggs". Only slightly more room; it is 7 billion square meters, of solid "one person per one square meter: can't move, humanity on earth". Still think : Reality does not, prove YOU WILL: BE "Friends or enemies"? I tell you truly, "be GOOD FRIENDS"/ or be dead. But, if you will not/ consider this well because there will be no compromise: the weapons you have built/ WILL EXTERMINATE US ALL! If all the rest of the tragedies you have laid before us, don't kill us first. Like all liars, there will be those who say: "we'll just use lies and people, a little/ we will be fine"! How much ignorance, lies, and deceit will you accept/ "a grave full"? Its ok to be angry, that's what it takes among you, to get your attention/ BUT YOU WILL BE VERY CAREFUL, NOT TO BE VIOLENT; LEST YOU TIP THE SCALE, AND LOSE THE ENTIRE WORLD.
In america the reality is, for the last 30 years and more, you have used your abundance to build garbage dumps, and toxic waste sewers and weapons for extinction; so you could have life EASY. So you could pretend, these would not destroy you. You have used your wealth to consume each other with the games I "am more important than you"; so you could pretend "to be god, over your little environments". I say to you clearly, "your diplomas are worthless", even if those who did get an education in little things. The reality and honest learning were lost, {as to life and hope and respect}, these were simply discarded. One of the worst things university did to destroy the foundation of america, was to instill diploma's with corruption and stupidity; providing personnel directors whose only interest was in holding up the barricade to let only university idiots in to all important jobs: what fools you are. What kept america together from its beginning is everyone had a concept of making a decision that mattered; that no longer exists/ "the university replaced you, with experts": didn't they do a good job/ you are nearly dead, and don't know it "sheep" truly is a good illustration? Get your life back, or you will fail. Life is not about one simple little thing (a focus so small nothing else exists except you)/ life is about the consequence and certainty that order follows truth, and truth alone decides what and who shall exist. The reality is: the changes in American culture and value comes directly from the "professor, and their institutions" which hold an incredible amount of power over the student: causing them to accept anything: "because your future is at stake/DO WHAT I SAY"! This is not more clear than a student who was complaining to me: in taking a legitimate class, required for the degree: the "professor/ bastard" changed the class to watching and talking about movies on homosexual prostitution/ that was the class, no complaints/ or you fail. It was my intent to go and intervene/ but was told not to because the student loan required, getting at least a "c grade"/ and it was almost over; if this "professor" got mad; the student felt everything could be lost for the future! Not true, or it would have been worth the price, to me/ but it was not my life; so I stayed away: were there not many others in the class? "The professor"/ is irrelevant: little more than the crud on a pig's tits, because the reality as proven from all the horrendous, and terrible troubles life now potentially face as extermination/ describe all these as worthless. You taught slop/ while life died a little every day. What is POWER, is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT/ therefore reality says the diploma is trashed. Replaced with truth and the foundations of knowledge that lead to wisdom. These are not found in any university diploma as is clearly proven: another tragedy around EVERY corner. Instead truth develops from life/ and life develops from knowledge of living/ and wisdom comes when "what is common to the world and its ways, are discarded for the disciplines that only order can create. Let, Every business produce its own tests/ and every applicant take it to decide who knows what. What is true is true, and he or she who teaches truth is extremely important / BUT those who interrupt horse shit, and describe it as "gold", have been proving the stupidity of human perceptions/ the absolute failure of "your big brains". The use of any institution that can control the young/ IS BLATANTLY AGAINST DEMOCRACY, and an absolute failure/ therefore the university may no longer make any statement of diploma/ no constrictions only suggestions as to class requirements/ they are done. Let the student prepare/ let the needs of the "consumer" test/ let the test decide. What has been the power to create a "diploma" HAS LITERALLY proven a war; Against FREEDOM, INDEPENDENCE, LIFE, AND THE VALUES OF ANY CULTURE; because no matter how innocent it begins/ power will creep in. The work of life is about deciding what is true, what will be true, and how discipline interacts and controls the relationship of truth to order. Life is about EVERYTHING, at once/ IT IS NOT about what "you think"! It is about the destiny of decisions, and their relationship to truth, as these determine our lives and our future: it is about life, and life is translated by definitions beyond the mind/ life is more than mind or body. And your truth is nothing more than lies: using evolution (the most ludicrous lie of any pitiful religion that has ever existed) has resulted in misery and death: the consequence of weapons of mass destruction/ the consequence of genetic mutilation (it is coming with ferocity) and all the rest: prove your weapons will not be used/ take a look "the american leaders, FEAR them terribly"(that is why they went to Iraq). Because on any day, at any time from anywhere in the world, a nuclear bomb can be delivered and detonated: it is the beginning of your extinction and extermination from the earth. "But not to worry/ these weapons are your saviors, are they not". CHANGE NOW, or die as a fool and failure. Change or surrender your life.
The growing list of predators to your "lifestyle" is:
1) you are, each worker in debt, beyond all hope of repayment/ only bankruptcy is left look to: For an interpretation of the information found at Flow of funds/ table L.5 currently on Page68 total assets and liabilities of the United States. [ about how you are 300 million people in debt beyond your wildest dreams.] HOW did this happen: "it wasn't the children"! It was the belief, you could have anything you wanted/ you just had to pay for it with money. Avoiding the truth and defying the reality; people must do the work/ and the resources must be available for the taking. Your money, is simply: your numbers are nothing/ your pensions & contracts, new or old/ your securities, stocks, bonds, and other claims: very little more than toilet paper. Because your promises cannot be kept, even if the children wanted to/ and they do not. It is easiest to understand as a world population of 7 billion people, divided into; with a slight increase in your debt to 100 trillion dollars (the level at current practice in two years) = $14,285.71 dollars per face on the planet. Or more simply 300 million people in america have promised in effect to provide the resources and do the work, to provide every face on the planet with fourteen thousand two hundred and eighty five dollars ; and then your debt free/ except for taxes, penalties, interest, and necessities. This is in effect your promise/ except for the fact that you don't have the resources, you don't have 300 million workers, and you just can't keep your promises: YOU LIED TO YOURSELVES, mostly. And I tell you for sure; each and every one of you said: don't tell me the truth, I DON'T CARE, "I'm making good money today/ and don't you do nothing to change that. The truth, of imminent failure, was like a poison to you. Truly, you have no excuse/ not from the least to the most successful, YOU didn't care. Life is not about selfishness/ life is about the desire to succeed as an existence surrounded by freedom, and energy. But every year you increase your lies/ just to the outside world, this year by about 725.8 billion dollars (the trade deficit for 2005): $7258.00 per each of one hundred million workers/ but you are NOT one hundred million workers: one hundred million amercians did not pay their bill, to the rest of the world by $7258.00 dollars, just for the year 2005. This is a 1.9885 billion dollar theft each and every day of 2005. Or in more simple terms: each of 300 million people in america steal $6.62 dollars every single day, from foreigners. How long do you really believe this will continue? It is not long! Consider what next year shall mean/ it is probable most of the year will not see oil production resumed or increased to August of 2005/ you need far more now because of reconstruction costs, war costs, everything: You are LIARS. The year 2006 will likely ask for one trillion dollars of support from the rest of the world: if they comply, it is because they are foolish and blind or cowards/ or simply don't care about their own people. Think about how much you are costing the other nations by driving up their costs/ would YOU expect this to continue if america was doing the work for someone else to steal? WHAT WOULD YOU DO? The problems MUST be fixed/ not hidden; the reality defined, examined, investigated properly, and the answer appropriate to the truth.
The week of March 20, 2006; according to the US treasury secretary Mr. Snow, the government of the united states will run out of money. There are NO more countries left to take your credit/ you used it up: and sold the american job, to get every penny you could. The american government is done; BANKRUPT and without an answer. Immense taxes increases will not even help/ it is too late. That leaves the reality of depression and failure of the american economy on all sides: because the "experts in charge"/ did not care enough about the future, to pay their bills. So it is only fair/ that reality demands truth. The United States of America says: we owe already for the fiscal year of 2006/ not even half over, 8.2 trillion dollars. 8.2 trillion dollars divided by 100,000,000 people = $82,000.00 each of one hundred million people already owe and cannot pay for the first half of 2006. IS THIS MY FAULT, for telling you/ get a life preserver before you drown? NO none of this is my fault/ DON'T BLAME ME. What happens next, is either WE THE PEOPLE, go get the "money" from the people who were the greediest fools/ Or these very selfish people, are going to come and use, abuse, threaten, chain, and jail the rest of us: to make us pay for them and their theft. Make no mistake/ they had plenty of help, from nearly every citizen: how much credit did you use? Irregardless of that, the reality is someone is going to have to pay at least a portion of the debt, and it is them or us. I Recommend the "rich pay". Then deal honestly with reality and the others in this world. WE are the government/ and WE CAN DECIDE, at this very critical juncture of life in America. It is possible, a slight delay can occur/ BUT the government officials must raid their own pension plans and securities: these are their own words/ not mine. I find that unlikely, even so, it is the last "little bit"/ and will buy only a very few months. How much more clear could it be, than the chief financial officer of the United States saying: we have to steal from ourselves (the politicians and officials of government), or go bankrupt as a nation. Everything else is gone, your pensions/ your social security/ your primary excess resources/ your job/ your government (because no one will listen anymore)/ your polluted resources (its just hidden out of sight)/ your everything but guns, anger, & bombs. Gee, what could happen next? Don't bother to buy a gun, we are 7 billion people/ DON'T bother to say "lets take theirs"/ because there are plenty of weapons of mass destruction to kill us all, in fifteen minutes: "Its all over, but a little waiting." YOU WILL BE DEAD. Take your "whoppin", and grow up.
Start working now, for life/ and understand very clearly, we will have to return the government to "we the people"/ or hell is coming. It is not a hard concept. Investigate for yourself, and see what you can find. This is not "yelling fire"/ this is a fire already started, and the attempt to gain "fire-fighters, before it gets out of hand any further".
2)the door to bankruptcy, that has been "for free"/ is closing on Oct 11, 2005, therefore a flood is due to arrive/ particularly with hurricane Katrina. Millions are going into bankruptcy due to hurricanes/ where will the money come from. Millions more, from these bankruptcies/ as one forces the other. Where will the resources come from/ how many more foreign nations will you be allowed to plunder for your own selfishness? Everything you have built, is held together with lies/ so says your own government accounting. Everything you expect or will demand is nothing more than a fantasy, except for your ability to destroy, and the power to be selfish. That power is war, and the ability to produce war. Like those who let "movie magic" control their lives/ the problem is: war is not a movie/ and there will be NO "off button to push". Therefore what you have is extinction/ because what you built is expressly for your extermination. The consequence of economic devastation/ resource loss/ & over-population are in fact; the historical reality that causes war. In the last 4 years, America has not paid, according to trade deficits about $20,000.00 primarily to those who supply oil to us: and they know we cannot pay. Much more for years past. Many of the arab terrorist groups, know it to/ why do you think they tried to stop Saudi Arabia from pumping oil, by bombing the refinery? Because they don't want their oil stolen/ ignorance is apparently infectious, as their actions are extremely stupid; the question is not limited to you, it is a question for the entire nation/ and no one can stop you from forming the question, even if it is not public. The wealthy are not stopped by marches/ mania/ or tears: they respond only to "a light bulb, that brings them out of hiding for real/ NOT under their terms/ NOT by making you the bad guy/ SIMPLE REALITY, and undeniable truth: NO HIDING. Why does the american media not report such findings as these (I found it)/ because it makes for BAD propaganda. But of course this is america "where the government doesn't use propaganda on you"/ do they? How far in debt are you? Ask the experts: don't they know, or were they just blind and ignorant pigs/ without a single clue. Be certain to ask the architects of your primary misery, "the college boy/ the college diploma", just exactly what went wrong? Explain it/ tell us again why you are allowed to steal a $1000.00 an hour or more, crying, whimpering, and frolicking around in your little homosexual to too's; about how we deserve to be your slaves / and you nearly destroy "we the people". Is this "too broad a brush"/ of course it is: just like everyone without a degree is compromised by being discarded as the trash, just because " some College boys, learned to band together for greed"/ and push irregardless of who would be hurt; just business, nothing personal.
3) all your pensions including social security are held together with lies/ you literally have nothing but promises that will be broken. You will refuse to keep/ because they cannot be paid; not with people, not with resources, not with life. You are asking for a "thousand years of work, for nothing"/ it is not going to happen. You should be ashamed/ instead you are proud of your lies, and your theft. Americans owe roughly a million dollars per each and every worker; can you pay? Not a chance. REMEMBER THIS: society pays for you, as a child until you begin work/ as a college graduate, for many more years; society continues to pay. As an inventor/ business person, society teaches you and provides for you/ government helps or hinders, provides peace/ or presents you with war. And you expect to live in retirement now 20 years or so with someone else not only paying all your bills/ but with free and easy access to tremendous healthcare costs and more. That means literally, "SOCIETY is by your fantasy; expected to pay for you for at least 40 years of your life". That's not a guess/ YOU WANT 40 years, with benefits, healthcare, luxuries, and greed. Saying to the young in particular; you pay, we worked 40 years, and now we are done. To them: you give lost resources/ "garbage dumps, the gold mine of the future"/ a very seriously injured ecosystem/ mutilations of every genetic structure/ and extermination, because you were too proud to believe in any other way than war; with the most heinous weapons your arrogance could build. What a good trade/ what a "good parent" you are; don't you think/ surely the trinkets you bought them are enough. If that were not enough, now you have prepared to let the children pay another 700 billion dollars a year or so ("the baby boomers are coming"/ that's why now suddenly there is room for prescriptions: they want the children to pay), in increased benefits for the old/ with increases in medicare/ drug benefits and a long list of "You be my slave/ even though I will give you nothing".
As has been detailed earlier, by vote, the elderly will receive a percentage of the national output of work/ and they will decide for themselves who gets what and why; with a minimum payment to all. The most immediate desperate attempt to salvage greed, is to finance the country by raiding the only asset left: the politician and government worker pension and insurance funds! Do you really think they will. I do suggest we the people have a better use, and should take them to help the nation/ not support the greed. Even so, the reality is national debt requires a "loan guarantor"/ such as the pensions, social security, jobs, etc: of ours that these people already sold. Without collateral, (to prove to the other nations, its not just "paper money") they must find another nation to finance the debt. Do you suppose the deal with the United Arab Emirates over ports, was a "under the counter/ don't tell on us" method of collecting money for non payment of debts? In fact, nobody is likely to loan this money, it is far too much and reality has proven: american needs about 18 trillion dollars just for this year "a rat hole/ without a chance of getting it back". That leaves inflation, printing money without collateral, or guarantor. 8.2 trillion dollars for not even the first half of the year 2006 at 1% one percent inflation: equals 82 billion dollars. Divided by the actual workforce, which the government hides very well: of approximately, but not more than at best guess 50 million workers (the people who pay/ the numbers are dreams and fantasies, there are NO investments) equals a billing just for inflation of one percent is an additional $1640.00 per worker/ on top of the $164,000.00 already accumulated in debt for the start of the year per worker (50 million/ not 100 million). But YOU NEED way more than 1 percent inflation you need an addition 10 trillion dollars/ before inflation is factored in: add the resulting inflation impact, and that leaves you with an imaginary figure of about 40 trillion dollars debt in "paper money/ electronic numbers/ & credit" that ain't nobody going to pay. Before the year is done. When you know the numbers are bad: how many more will it take to satisfy you: "A thousand numbers isn't enough/ well here then take ten thousand numbers: just don't spend them all in the same place".
4)the credit and lending institutions have spent the last 20 years trying desperately to entrap citizens/ it worked: BUT now they are entrapped themselves with no way out. They think closing the bankruptcy laws will reset the trap: so they can continue to take whatever they can find/ they believe "as wolves among sheep" that you have no choice; you will simply let them. They will be proven wrong, either by war, or by public confirmation of this trial. Let us review what you bought with all this credit: hidden beneath the surface, where all the toxic waste is pumped/ where all the water is stored, where barriers are crushed by one earthquake; is a tremendous tragedy waiting/ can you live without water? Can you? Hidden under the ocean is a long list of discards and death and destruction, to numerous to mention; but the majority disasters are oil releases, chemical and weapon depositories, and extreme over-fishing. In the air, global warming and ozone depletion/ changing the ocean currents, the ice shelves and resultant food supplies it creates, raising the ocean level; and changing the relationship of plant life to the sun it uses for food (plant tumors and diseases will erupt). The trees you do cut around the world, for use here; are eating your oxygen supply; where do you think the oxygen for all your fires come from? Where? Where do you think genetic mutilation will end; "Do you not cry and carry on, for acne on your face/ how much more when limbs grow out of your ear, and your foot falls off; not to worry though, the possibility of death can be taken away from you: no matter what you do. YOU are horrendously bad children. BUT NOT DEAD YET/ CHANGE AND LIVE.
5) your basic costs have risen dramatically and will soon multiply without end/ because famine is coming, and resources are ending. The concept of plenty, extends from the simple expectation "nothing will change". But population growth is already at roughly 2 million more mouths to feed EACH WEEK/ every week. The possibility of many things going wrong, is tremendous/ including the end of fishing in the ocean (half your food); the tragedy is growing. The reality of agriculture today, is many are now ready to declare bankruptcy, like it or not/ fuel, and all input costs have risen, and prices are too low to survive. Therefore when these fail, with input prices too high, lending dead, and prices too low; none will farm those places left behind/ this is then famine. [unless you wake up in time to change the outcome/ and you better hurry]. It is true, the factory farms will come/ but when no one cares, fundamentally about what happens; farming will quickly change like all communist countries of the past: we just don't care! Fuel pays the bill in many countries, as a consequence/ these have extended credit you don't deserve. The question is: when will it end? The reality is expected to continue to remain mostly steady at this current level, until depression comes, and then fall, as speculators are forced to sell to retain any of their investments/ and then simply disappear. Because money causes it to move, and you have none. Unless you face your problems and resolve to pay for your life/ rather than sneak it from the kids; and simply kill the grandchildren. And what of the elderly, whose job it is to keep the future secured for the children/ and prove character is worth the price? They are so selfish, so drugged, and so pitiful, that their only concern is "hide me while I cry/ I don't want to die".
6) healthcare has been reduced to extortion (I will get mine, to hell with the others; I don't care) / and will soon be reserved only for the "rich"/ that in turn will bring internal wars; because pride here, is not expecting to seeing family die. Do you not become the enemy, when that happens/ what do you do, with an enemy who kills your family? And why? This occurred, Because insurance has allowed you to choose "to play the rich man or woman/ and demand : whoever charges the most/ wherever the richest buildings exist; that's where you want to go". Discarding the people who do care/ in exchange "for the livestock farmers/ who see you only as dollar signs". Is it any wonder, the people in healthcare just want out too? IDIOTS! The tragedy of healthcare is not laid at the insurance industry/ but at the medical professionals and their cohorts who believe they can extort anything! And do. Even here, it still returns to the customer/ because none still has the courage to admit even this little bit "you charge too much"/ all are frightened like little boys and girls, "They will let me die/ if I make them mad". It is pitiful! You should be ashamed/ you are blind puppets, mimicking anything they want. STOP BEING DRUG ADDICTS with your prescriptions/ the bastard's are sucking you dry, and making you sick. Stop it. EVEN HERE in ignorance and gluttony, all the pills are not enough for you/ To satisfy you lust to play god the very antibiotics that keep so many alive and make your medicine and your surgery possible/ are discarded and used as if it were "candy for the hogs", JUST to make you one more penny, in your livestock industries. Because tight confinement practices cannot be done without all the antibiotics: PITIFUL IS NOT SUFFICIENT, and you may lose them all.
7) hurricane Katrina represents a tremendous loss, 100 billion dollars just to start/ resource loss/ job loss/ welfare needs/ production losses/ healthcare losses/ bankruptcies, and more. All because you wouldn't "spend the money" to secure the property even though you have known for a long time, it was coming; this is your biggest disgrace; instead you spent the money on "drunkenness". And your government played with the need, as they always do: at the whore house. WHAT do you expect of your governments, "be our saviors"/ what do you get, "livestock herders, without a concern or a care/ but for the money". Now all government/ industry/ and citizens expect the money to pay someone else to do all the work for your failures and theirs/ and make this resource and labor appear out of lies. The lies are over/ and soon you will know it. Build the levy, and go back home; demand it is yours if indeed it was/ leave a open space of at least 70 feet then dig a trench at least 40 feet deep on the back side of the levy, to create a second berm with a "small valley in-between / and then excavate more of the earth in front of the levy to fill this valley (this is wet dirt, and you must contain it until it dries). Therein the levy, becomes bigger berm behind the levy, with the least cost possible. THIS is cheaper, easier, less vulnerable to human stupidity or apathy, and more sustainable over time/ and you have enough digging equipment and operators, to do all of the second berm, in 3 months: once the idiots in government get out of the way [if you were not idiots/ we would not be discussing this]. Simply contract specific segments no more than a mile long, to individuals with the equipment/ supply them with fuel and expendables. Put the segments up for bids, [NO ONE controls more than one segment at a time/ when you are done/ then you can bid on the next one] and make the government pay: this is their duty. Take it out in trade if you can. The barrier islands can receive significant protection from the addition of simple fences parallel to the waves like a snow fence that catches a snow drift/ the proper installation of a simple fence will help sustain vegetation and earth: this is the cheap method.
8)add to this a war, people of the world growing tired of you, and the fact you depend upon many nations just to survive. Without Chinese, and other labor, your shelves are empty; as you have trained all your labor to "work for your pride, and enslave the others". This now returns as we won't work, give us what we want. By building huge coffins you call housing/ the resources you stole, charge you with the destruction of life on earth. You are very foolish. Just to heat your houses, and everything else you throw away/ WILL bring you tremendous earthquakes, and great shifts in the tectonic plates; have you not weakened the structures that literally hold up the world? Do not all these oils represent a hydraulic system of support to the earths surface/ do not the gouges in the earth from your minds represent major structural faults; what happens when plates move a little/ what happens when the pressures from the center of the earth, find a "soft place" to push?
9) the damage done to coastal water from your foolish behaviors in New Orleans especially, amount to the potential death of the fishing industry in the gulf for a long time/ maybe forever. These already go out a long way, to get past the previous damages. How many oil rigs are leaking oil into the sea "your own statement is: one gallon of oil pollutes one billion gallons of water/ and your shipping industry loses several ships a year; probably a trillion of barrels of oil have been lost. In one form or another: or more simply FAR TO MUCH. How do we know, the oil rigs don't leak under the sea; pictures can be from years ago/ other places, or just plain fabricated. You just don't care about resources/ because you want toys. You just don't care because "we have more"/ but unlike the past, that is quickly ending; there is no more/ and the future needs every bit there is. Unlike your mind, the fantasy: only truth is relevant to life/ only truth counts. The incubators of ocean life, the ocean currents, lots of realities have no possibility that you can repair any of the damage done. How much time do you have, when the food or water runs out; can you wait a month while you work for water? Can you? No, when the damage is completely evident to you/ you will never survive the time required; even if it were possible to fix the reality/ you will die first. Look at your methods, at your reality; even the possibilities within your grasp are too much, you just play instead/ look at the gulf coast: easily avoided, but no "hurricane parties" were just too much fun: "we are brave/ not smart." Consider this as well; if it is true the magnetic north pole is shifting/ that means the volcanic molten mass at the center of the earth is shifting its mass. That means the "pressure vessel" which contains this mass is re-shaping itself: no doubt do to the man-made changes in the upper structures due to resource consumption. The possibilities conceived of, in changing the dynamics of the volcanic core of the entire earth/ changing the rhythmic structures of the earth, are virtually impossible to predict. It is sufficient to say, unbelievable forces with more than sufficient power to destroy the earth itself exist; although a significant structural fault would have to present itself / and that is unlikely, unless of course the nuclear stockpile at yucca mountain suddenly goes bad: if a nuclear reaction begins, there is nothing you can do. Not to worry though, "men know everything."
10) your insurance industry cannot pay for much of the destruction, that has occurred in the recent past/ and they will pass along whatever they can. Increasing all premiums as much as possible, adding to an already crushing burden for the majority. That means no money for many, and no possibility to pay for most of the others. That means if you destroy the buildings or fail to use what is useable from the wreckage/ you will have nothing instead. You live by assuming credit; but your credit is dead.
11) your banking industry is now ready to fail, as Katrina has dissolved the ability to pay debts even a little; for millions of people/ and your FDIC is worthless too/ as are all the government lies and concepts, programs and assumptions. They are dependent upon money/ and you have none. Because you chose to play games and not accept the burdens of your own life, and the honesty of your own reality. NOR would you consider the future for even a moment; instead all the days long, you said: "GIVE IT TO ME NOW/ OR I WILL TAKE IT/ OR MURDER YOU". You lied and kept on lying, until now you have no choice but to lie; and truth will stop you, BECAUSE YOUR LIES ARE NOW DEAD AS WELL. Truth always wins, always.
12) and your work force has already had to begin to renegotiate, with anger and hate in their hearts/ because they don't want to give anything back: many will say, "I would rather die first". If you don't convince them of reality and truth/ then they will take you with them; because death is exactly what they will get. What you like is completely irrelevant/ truth doesn't care. Because their businesses are bankrupt too/ that means the majority of these workers, having extended themselves out with credit, will go personally bankrupt too ; and take their creditors with them. Extend all this out, to all the people these will effect, add the rest, and you end in total depression; with over 70 percent unemployed. What then if not civil war? You think a gun will protect you/ there ain't enough bullets in the world to protect you. Kill ALL who come today/ that must mean you have something worth having, and 7 times more will soon be coming: "you have been advertizing" with your gun, and these deaths/ and the world will be listening. 300,000,000 three hundred million people, in a world of 7 billion hungry people/ can you kill them all/ how many?
13) add to this the reality of trillions of dollars spent on the "war on terrorism. Or more correctly your intent to "put fear" in the heart of others, at what an impressive war machine you are. Did it work? Or did you fail/ terrorists are not countries/ they are individuals. Even when they control a country, and demand their pride such as in Iran today: these are still a very few individuals/ and where it is clearly necessary: "You drive to the gate with your war machine and tell the people inside to deliver the insane out to you!" Not because your better/ but because this person has blatantly proven by actions and intent/ that they hate peace & do want war. Therefore the world says; you must select another leader/ bring us these who fail the whole world, and to trial they shall go. The people will do so in a hurry, and with thanks in very many hearts. You will then help them with an election, and leave.
14) the foundation of credit necessary for america to continue their lies, from other countries, is a new record every month. The dwindling resource base for the entire world, from which you cannot sustain any of your current methods of working, manufacture, living, or economic stability: must change. And the list grows and grows, of all things which are simply contrived in "easy"/ but are in fact simply digging your grave.
15) THE LIST OF THINGS COMING, especially from genetic terrorism "of whom america leads the way, but in no way is alone"/ will only cause you depression/ CHANGE and stop, before you cannot survive. Or "I know, you can pray to your false god of evolution/ your smart people say: OUR god, OUR creator: to this pitiful expression of failure in you as humanity/ and you follow". Think not/ then consider the argument of evolution and your genetic terrorists: "we don't have to worry/ evolution will fix, whatever we break"/ and again; from the biggest brains " we won't really learn much until the genetic structure fails". Go ahead wait for them to destroy it/ its only NATURE, what's the harm. Surely you can go on without nature, you have "big brains". And on and on and on.
"but will YOU not laugh and sneer", and still say: its all worth it though, after all you drove the USSR into bankruptcy, proving you're the best". And all for the sake of your pride, to say "we have the big bomb"/ FEAR US. Besides this is america: "we're invincible". Of all the people of history, surely none have been more blind and stupid, than you. HOW BLIND can you be/ believing death and murder even to extinction for the world, is your friend/ even the worms know better. Certainly none are more cynical, none have been bigger liars (you refuse to see your reality/ you hide in your pride/ and truth as described by the evidence sitting before your face, is as pig shit to you). Do you not refuse truth and choose lies? Happy? The answer for many is yes/ because after all, "you didn't pay for anything you have, did you/ you bought it all with lies: "You're a big success", aren't you. After all, didn't you make a fortune with the labor and money of the others/ but alas, it wasn't real money, which means your success was also a lie; even though the effort and risk was real. And of course you are a success/ because the fantasies haven't killed you yet; but that is very quickly changing! What is a fantasy; it is believing in lies, rather than truth. The failure of every human civilization from the beginning of time is quite simple; ease follows "good work"/ and then apathy and arrogance/ pride and want/ selfishness and power all come to tempt. Leaders are then "wormed into place" by those who want power for themselves/ by whatever method is available, and life becomes a lie.
I KNOW many of you work hard, "many"/ but reality says, look at your own numbers (money) and prove it was anything but lies: respect is earned, it is the result of honesty and value; it is the definition of those who have paid the price for what they have. YOU DID NOT. The value given to you as human life is enough to respect you in all ways/ BUT the lies, you have served to get you into such trouble, as your in: DESERVE NOTHING from me. For many decades, I have looked for ANY that would accept the truth about consequences and the reality about these decisions; and all I found, "were frightened and bigoted [i don't care about anything or anyone but me] people". This is not "an everyone is worthless speech"/ RATHER THIS IS a clear and real demand: NO more lies/ NO more games/ NO more pride/ NO more want/ NO more selfishness: or you will die, because if these things continue, they will kill you . Your destiny has changed, you must now choose another/ either truth and life, or complete failure by lies and death; the human disgrace of want, the human failure of pride, & the human disrespect of selfishness is over or it will kill you. The reality you face you deserve, you bought it/ you insisted upon it/ you refused truth as if it were poison to you: WHY should you not receive exactly what you wanted? That would be hell on earth/ buried under the truth, "hurry, before they kill us": the foundation reason you failed so badly; the destruction and impending doom from all your leaders and university and business does? Because here in america, we do know the tragedy that awaits the world in all these weapons of mass destruction; after all america started it/ and all the rest, most have surrendered to a fate they cannot control. How did this happen "to a great nation"/ a nation of we the people? The answer is, in your ease you began to "construct your humanity, instead of living your life: losing the grace and beauty of life; for the poverty of your voice, and your intent to command and control the others, and even yourselves with these weapons. The existence of human intent simply became: how do I get the most out of this life, before they kill me/ how do I BECOME as god?
The reality of life is: HOW GREAT IS THE MIRACLE of my presence, the consequence of my energy, the honesty of our shared experience, the treasure of our own expression/ the beauty of honor, duty, & respect. And these only begin the journey into love. How foolish you are/ consumed by arrogance, swallowed by pride, nearly destroyed by want, and functionally illiterate because you do desire "to be as god". Take a good look at yourselves, arguing over nothing/ fighting over nothing/ interfering in each others lives, because you can/ because someone else interferes in yours; and you want revenge, or a place to direct your hatred. Take a look at where you are, just in the battle with 9/11 a tragedy of the moment/ but multiplied a thousand time, into a tragedy of life, in Iraq. The first lesson is: although the people who died directly in the towers were killed by pathetic human terrorists (most actually deluded and ignorant, but a terrorist because reality proved it). The people who die in a car accident for any reason are also killed by "a terrorist in their life"/ not just your lame excuse for alcohol -related causes everything. But sleep deprivation, and a hundred other human failures: such as putting on your make-up/ looking in your briefcase, computer, dropping a cigarette, and on and on. Get your head out of your ass/ like it or not. We all make mistakes/ that's how it is. Do you drink and drive at all/ then you have made the same decision as these; you just haven't experienced the consequences yet: everyone one says, NOT ME/ every one; do you have a mind? The same is true with sleep deprivation and the rest, "can't happen to me"/ is just another lie: sorry won't "get it done". If it is the decision rather than the reality that convicts you/ then you are nearly all guilty, and as such should be condemned the same.
UNDERSTAND life is about living, NOT about your control. It is about what you do/ don't do/ and why you chose this path or road; or being "part of the group" or not. This hypocrisy of judging someone to prison for doing exactly what you do (but didn't get caught at yet), is just like driving to your own death, without a clue about your life: understand who you are. So that you may understand who you can become/ and not punish the others for being just like yourself: NO, you are not "more able than they/ you are lucky, not yet caught by the odds". UNDERSTAND the death of another, is not about your emotion, that is worthless/ rather death is about assigning the memories to their rightful place in your heart, that these memories may direct and aid your future in grace, and truth, and the hope for peace (now you know how valuable life can be): are you doing your part? No, you just hide, and whine. Those who use death to control and confront themselves as a reason to hide, as an excuse to retract from life, and throw their own away/ are a disgrace to their dead. USE YOUR LIFE, to work for peace, and the disciplines and order that bring that peace: is it not proved to you, just how valuable a single life can be? Do not throw the others away, for revenge or for apathy or for tears/ even if that revenge is so trivial to demand, such sewer gas, as "picking on the others, they must cry too". We do not live by the humanity we are/ we only exist as the humanity we are: death means the body is now worthless. IF YOU DESIRE LIFE, then ascend to the consequence of truth, and allow truth to teach you about destiny and the grace, beauty, and soul of being blessed with life, and the love of an exceptional truth: which is another life, to share with you. You do choose to be alone/ you need not be; if there is no one else/ then there are children who need your support. The discipline required of us all, is simple: LIFE IS IMPORTANT, therefore you must appreciate all the moments in grace. But you must also assign your life to the eternal question: what will become of me/ and that does not include any other. Eternity is a decision you will make, through the definitions of your own heart and soul. But I am not your judge, I am the messenger, and you will get anything GOD directs me to give to you. BUT YOU, MUST GROW UP/ I am very tired of babies all around. GROW UP ! I am not your wet nurse/ it is necessary for me, only to deliver the message to you. What then shall you do, with your new knowledge? Will you measure my life? If you do/ then know for sure, you have entered into death, simply because life cannot be measured; instead all value for all people, can be found only in your own heart. Money is the distance, by which you fail the people you love. Why, because money assigns measurement, and that completes the distance we are apart. Money is not essential to life/ money is the opportunity to separate from life, by letting the money interact for you. Work is essential to life, for ease we choose to let money define the work. Therein the question exists: how far from the others do you wish to stand? The more you have, or want, the farther you have gone away. Money is also about what you can and do give "to become closer" to the people you love. Money or the blessing of a gift to ease the burden of your day/ with a little bit of my life, is a foundation in value between us. And so on/ money is neither evil or good; it is your choices that make it either. But in america and much of the world, your money is a lie/ your promises are dead/ and your reality is poverty. That is what you have built for yourselves, "let the children pay/ not me". A reality of failure beyond any other generation that lived.
Because my life, is about GOD , not power or revenge/ but love and grace, and happiness and hope and life. Truth is more clear, when nothing gets in the way. You and all those around you, much prefer to hide in your pride/ and fear everything you see. You Do live in your want, and become the selfishness you planted and grew. Answer the question, "what profit has blindness been for you"? I see none! Answer the question, what profit has it been, being sheep; crowded into the same livestock chute, going down the same road together: "To the slaughter house". Are you proud: VERY/ you should be ashamed! Machines are not life, steel is not harmony, pride is not a blessing. And dollars are a "poor rich man or woman's excuse", not to live life, but avoid it. OR dollars become a fools' paradise wherein they prove hell is where you will choose to go/ because "they are god, over you/ the money, your savior". There is NOTHING evil about money! The only tragedy here, is you choose money over people and life and everything else/ because you believe it makes you a god.
Add the simple words: where do you put your faith when, things go bad? The answer is GUNS, BOMBS, WAR MACHINES, AND DEATH (kill them, and they won't give you any more trouble) DISCARD IT ALL, we have more/ or we will take it. And the simple words from the majority, "I'll steal if I have too, or kill if they won't let me". I then ask you to explain to me exactly; What is your future, if you don't change? QUICKLY by the historical evidence; and by the definitions of truth applied for the blessings of life, can you choose life/ not your greed, lust, and power or intense selfishness? Can you at least be truthful here? Can you be honest with yourself? Or is the infection of LIAR simply more than you shall survive.
Tell me, should I be gracious to you/ for all these failures in you? In this nation of "God's people" : WHY?
I know, that the vast majority are pleasant, happy, hard working people/ I know that the leadership are just children playing with their toys, and their fantasies/ I know your "stars", are merely fixations in fantasy, and you want to play "superman or superwoman or whatever" through them/ and I know that the purpose of your religions is just to ease your hardships: But look where you are/ did you not drag me here with you? There is no place on earth, that can avoid the realities of a world you have helped to create; a world literally dying/ a world of filth [the excess effluent of lies, hate, power, and the true desire to play god] , discharged from arrogance, ridicule, greed, power, and lust. This is not "negative thinking"/ THIS IS A POSITIVE ASSURANCE, that you are entering Armageddon and once there, no way out is all you have left! There are still things to be done, to insure and attain a happy and peaceful, even loving life, in respect: INSTEAD OF DEATH but you do have to choose it! What is negative about that? Instead it is also positive assurance, that if you don't change/ then truth will take over, and you are DEAD. This is simple truth, supported by the evidence.
There will be those who assume failure/ what can we do/ I am nobody, woe is me. There are those who will assume, "the others are coming to change my world/ and there is nothing I or any of "us" can do about it [but kill them/ or let them take our lives]. There are people who will assume equality is the same as "the devil in our house"/ because it removes the power of a leader, and gives it to every person. The result is "the gangs, the numbers of white or black or whatever" ends! No more "little we's/ everybody is included; therefore no one can be made the slave/ no one can become the victim/ no one can be excluded for simple things. The consequence of each of these things, removes power from a few and gives it to all/ this is a disgrace to you, if you fear it, more than desire it. REALITY knows, you do want to be equal yourself, to all who have more than you! Therefore what you really say is: you are afraid of being less than you are now/ because instead of the little group, "your clique"/ you are now part of all of us, and have disappeared from focus therefore from view. That is insufficient to destroy equality, because YOU are afraid! Instead remember this, equality as a truth, makes you equal with all those who you believe have more power than you: this is the reward of WE THE PEOPLE. That you are equal too/ power says, we control them; thereby we are better/ our lives are better: even if theirs is worse. Our lives are more important! Even so, primary to your coming new reality is: if we do not become equal/ we will war, because we are far to many people for any other way. Choose then, equal or dead. If you fail to be equal/ if you fail to surrender your power to truth, and the reality of disciplined work for the benefit of the world and each other/ then truly, you will be exterminated: every one. This is not a gamble or a guess/ you are very many people; living in a world of what is now very few resources, more dying every day. You have one choice to make: life together/ or death together? How do you choose.
Therefore know for sure, I will not play any games/ not any simple excuses will be allowed/ not any experts, to choose for you; if you desire respect from me/ prove you deserve it. Do something according to truth and life, with respect for all, and the future as well. If you desire respect for yourselves/ then prove it, by working for truth and honor and life. I say this not because I am important/ but because life is important, and if you won't find respect for me (as I do help you)/ then you will not find it for each other; you are done.
If you believe you can simply kill me and all your troubles are dead/ then we will let truth decide. Don't believe you can be in such trouble/ then continue to be blind/ don't investigate/ don't accept responsibility for your life or the others/ go ahead and believe anything you wish! Go ahead, who is stopping you? Not me. Its your death, not mine. Eternity begins in the day you die, and we will all enter death. This is a fight, but it is not a fight for my life/ it is a fight for human future. Therefore, "I am kicking you in the shins"/ because it IS the minimum necessary to get your attention and attack your fears, as is required: before YOU will listen to ANYTHING. "Your too smart, to listen; are you not/ therefore in your poverty, you must get mad enough to look for answers". I DO wish you well, but make NO MISTAKE, this is not a game/ it is your destiny and your decision, be that death or life; it is still your decision. Because YOU WILL PAY the price of either, and you may not change your mind; it is "dead or alive". Intellect or "smarts"/ is nothing more than a game of language, to see who can run the maze the fastest and consume the most; in a game of worthless pursuits. Math is not the language of science, it is the method of hiding the language of science/ to keep you, from any knowledge gained. "Its mine/ pay me". Life is about the truth, the evidence which supports that truth, and the duty required of you and presented to you that demands your attention and your participation in life. If you fail, its not because you "aren't smart enough"/ its because you just don't care enough/ and you refuse to share: CHOOSE. The existence of passion is based upon a decision, that converts time into the appreciation of possibilities/ then passion "takes over", to accomplish the expression of your life. Do something to save your life! Still can't, then understand simply; your decision is to die, and enter hell.
As to the controversy of " GOD AND JESUS " as both, are OUR SAVIORS, The reality is : you may believe in GOD ONLY! It is your choice/ and you will be remembered/ but you will never attain eternity, only heaven; Because the "gift of GOD'S SON " For your life/ shall never be forgotten or diminished: it is eternal.
I will caution you, to beware of the buildings that are flooded from hurricanes/ they hold many molds and such. If you use chemicals to kill the mold, understand that the real danger from mold spores that can infect you, comes the day after it is killed. Mold reacts to death by closing its outer wall and containing itself/ as it decomposes, the internal gases then release the spores roughly on the next day as the membrane is erupted. So spray it to kill it/ and then wait at least 3 days. Then spray it again, and do the same: do wear suitable "paint masks" for protection. When the house is "too bad" for basic treatments/ heat the entire house to 180 degrees/ all the way to the outside wall. Then it should be ready in 1 day after, but wait at least 2. You use heaters (torpedo style will work) on the outside of the house and blow the heat through the lowest windows/ or create a new hole.
A decent levy for new orleans, is taller than yours/ and it contains a monorail track along its full length at the top, set on pillars driven deep. Then useable cars with side unloaders, are used to dump suitable materials where needed/ as needed. Assuming you are wise enough to place the materials in protected installations prior to a need arising. A secondary wall, but smaller would contain tremendous damage, in a huge storm. You know the rain is coming/ how hard could it be to; catch it in upside down parachutes, temporary containers, small pumps, etc; for drinking just in case/ stand alone toilets. Think, don't just abandon thought and live for alcohol. Is that everyone? NO, but when too many do, there is no one to do the work; you just survive/ until the day, the environment you chose, tries to kill you, and all those with you. Do better. Do you call yourselves "the big easy" for nothing? No there is a reason. Work harder/ and demand what you need, by doing what you can.
The consequence of devastating circumstances, examines the need for resources / to the suddenly poor and homeless. The reality of the situation is: "the debit card is the proper solution". Because the money can be tracked, and it can be limited as per day and where and what, and it can be controlled! Therefore a simple software program will establish a significant awareness as to how the money is spent. It would be wise and necessary; to establish, distinct awareness of what the money may be spent for/ identify specific stores where the money would be spent: the business must have clearance/ allow only rent to be paid where "half the rent is paid through other sources/ thereby controlling the issues"/ and so forth. Employ the people in clean-up/ don't send them away. Most will spend reasonably, for their needs. Those who don't: literally ruin the possibilities for the majority, and must be informed: to spend this money in any way that is not acceptable and informed to you/ shall be considered as theft, and determined as prison. The consequence of theft shall be, to work in the worst of the devastated areas until the bill is paid, as a chain gang. No work/ no food. Be responsible, it is necessary. If you run/ you are a criminal, and shall be exempt from all welfare programs/ including whatever is left of social security; this is not a game, you must do your part: if you return before you are caught/ then you may do twice the work in compensation for your failure. But remain eligible for all programs of assistance. To re-establish reality and balance in the devastated areas, it is necessary in a bankrupt country such as the USA, to finish declaring property loss/ then declare bankruptcy for the entire devastated areas/ then go to auction on each property: letting the occupants of the building meet the bid and accept the property as is/ or if not them the owners of the property next/ then the mortgage company/ then the insurance company/ then the city/ then the government state/ then federal. You will then provide incentives as declared prior to the building, for individuals and their personal needs/ NOT to business. All will then go to court against the insurance companies, and settle as one. The insurance and mortgage companies will complain, saying unfair/ as they will pay more than they intend. They will threaten, NO more will they come here. But then say to them, it is your own fault as well/ for not insisting from the government that they must protect your investments as well. When the levy failed/ it failed for you too/ NOW THEN, go and do for the other areas for the country what you should have done in the first place: make the area suitable for property value to extend therein first! Give notice for the future thereby: if the buildings and property are not suited to the area, any company giving insurance therein anyway/ shall be made to pay for all, as new; no exceptions. The mortgage company will surrender all/ because they failed to provide adequate protection for themselves and their customers; they become responsible/ for making the government do, what the governments must do.
The recent update on the general motors bankruptcy shows the company intending to hide in their corruption/ believing they are too big to be told what to do; they will do this their way [ a simple case of "you can't make me responsible]. I regard this approach very unlikely, as what creditor desires to continue losing billions each and every quarter, just because the "economic terrorists at GM" spent the investors money, on themselves. Working capitol is not an asset/ it is money already spent. They will go to bankruptcy instead/ personal loss will be substantial. Clearly they are too arrogant, and vain to believe they must give the money back. They cannot, even if they did. The reality of this manufacturer like so many others, is a failure from selfishness/ not a failure from design or manufacturing. But a demand to be associated with the wealthy/ letting the poor , fend for themselves. The poor/ majority are seen as irrelevant, "there are no utilitarian vehicles of true value provided". American manufacturing gave this away to the competition: let them deal with the poor. The foundation for this disassociation with the american public can be seen directly in GREED. While it is true, the management is an extreme measure of selfishness/ the reality is: the unions are an extreme measure of selfishness as well ( let the public pay for, as much as we can get: "Fuck you/ to the rest of society") proving once again: if you don't respect me/ I won't respect you either: so says the public who won't buy the vehicle. The language of the street, in the definitions of the gutter as "fuck you" means simply: I do hate you enough, to use you/ and abuse you/ and make you a slave. To which, the unions will all cry "we are for the public"! But reality says: although the past reflects honorably on all unions/ the present is nothing but selfishness and greed: you do not work for society anymore/ its all greed. Instead of we, the people of this nation/ its ME AND MINE: GET YOUR FUCKING ASS, OUT OF MY WAY, I WILL TAKE WHAT I CAN GET/ you mean nothing to me/ you are my slave, obey me. A pathetic ending for a true measure of integrity at its beginning. If you had only continued in the path of making things better for everyone/ you would have created a true democracy, of we the people. But selfishness is easier for a moment or two/ than making life honestly better, and then easier for a lifetime. A lesson in the reality of business, is clear with GM/ in an effort to provide luxury to "the max"; they designed an ignition system which is easily left on without the consumer recognizing it. Therein the buyer is sooner or later left stranded, angry, and swearing at the company for such an imbecile, ignorant, and stupid reality this. What is more important: the radio continues on till the door opens/ or the vehicle runs when you turn on the key. True butt-heads without a doubt, or a clue. Learn this lesson about the public: "Don't make decisions for me/ get out of my life"/ is a reality, described because people push where they don't belong. Provide a switch or something instead, for your little extras.
In terms of business, walmart is a suitable example of your reality. The cheap one rules, even if it is only hype. Because the majority (the poor) must compete, and the only way they can is by "the dollar". This extends to, we must then be the lowest price/ which translates as: we must buy from the cheapest labor, where the destruction of the earth is sold for dollars; such as china/ or other places, and then sell our own jobs to the junkyard, because they are gone. But without jobs/ there can only be credit. Without credit, there are no jobs and no more credit/ because there are no jobs, no more money/ no more anything. Society fails/ because reality says: the tragedy of money is power, the tragedy of power is slavery/ but the tragedy of no work, is no options. That is the situation in china because of over-population/ and it will come here: unless you choose to be WE THE PEOPLE in a true democracy, for real. Challenging truth for the answers to our needs. Instead of power, apathy, or pride. Nothing less will keep the predators away. You have chosen "no work"/ because you have chosen no money, no resources, and no truth. Establishing business means to take what you have/ and use that to benefit life. It is not more complicated. Your problems reside in want/ not in life, the question of want fundamentally decides your future: do you want life? Then you must pay the price of life, it is life first/ not want. Happiness is not derived from anything less than life itself, and the freedom to live it honestly and with honor. Will you pay the price? Will you change and be fair/ limiting credit card companies/ limiting cell phone companies (a customer chosen spending limit per month/ no more big surprises)/ and a thousand other expressions of reality expressed in honesty, rather than greed and all the rest. Will you be fair to parents/ to the needs of children? Your lives are literally about to change; for good or to an ending for life on earth. Pray for life! Pray to GOD .
The question of government, as left to "the experts/ politicians" are not sufficient, when up against the powers of the wealthy. The army of dollars and temptations, against them is simply too strong: could you do better? NO, you would not. Therein reality has proven without doubt or compromise: we must be, WE THE PEOPLE as true democracy allows. That does mean, power will be surrendered to equality/ because there is NO DEMOCRACY without equality and therein justice for all. There is no control of power/ without limits. There is no control of the future, unless the people control all the natural resources and use them appropriately for now and the future. There is no sustainable police force, without the public participation. There is no judicial possibility without true honor on the bench: that means every aspect of corruption is dealt with/ and any lack of honesty or honor, and the judge is immediately REMOVED. Truth says, work is going to change/ if you refuse to accept the limits required to share the reality; then you will not survive. Because we all have needs/ and there is NO REASON why I would let you have everything, just to let me starve or have nothing. FAIR PLAY for all, is necessary and absolute.
Reality knows the housing boom will end/ the reality of many housing loans being placed with only an interest payment means the actual assets of the consumer of these houses is negligible/ therein any fluctuation in the economy crashes on these consumers. A small change in the interest rate, a short lay-off; Any unexpected debt, such as a vehicle repair or medical bill or whatever and they cannot pay. Truth says, the banks and mortgage companies are simply playing a game as described by the government of the United States. To keep itself afloat in an ocean of debt from which it cannot escape/ they are choosing to place your name on their assets. When bankruptcy occurs, it is you that will be taken to court/ you that will be thrown in the streets; and they will sell to the next one at whatever price they can find/ and leave you with the bills. For themselves, they will write off their portion of the reality, as an expense; and the government (the wealthy) will let them. You/ we the people, will never see a vote on this: unless you demand it, you alone will lose, and carry their burdens with yours. Although the numbers will change/ the wealthy will own you. Because the numbers don't matter, only what the numbers will buy matters/ but more importantly, ONLY WHAT THE WORKER WILL ACCEPT, determines the reality. The resources, and access to them; determines who may do the work. The resources of the world today, are used to keep reality away/ so long as sufficient resources are found, (stolen or not), we can continue until its all nearly gone [less than 20 years]: then we die. Those resources are what keeps the world alive, and the people, and other lives living/ and the economies & health of other nations as well. Those resources are the difference between living and dying for the future of humanity/ and YOU KNOW THIS IS TRUE, even if you won't admit it. Your greed's, lust, selfishness, and failures are all plainly evident in such evil as this/ to keep yourself from paying for your own debts. By becoming the lies; you choose to corrupt the world, and sell the souls of your children: for what? Take a look/ it is your ticket to hell; that is what you bought. All of this and so much more continues because a few are in control of the lies/ and view it as their job, to stall reality as long as possible; do you not want them to. Of course you do/ otherwise this could not have happened.
As to the more simple realities of theft by stealing the resources of others/ making them responsible for your own arrogance, by producing scenarios that will leave them bankrupt instead of you. Those who are left, who can make the payment, for the interest/ are allowed to stay. Because the mortgage company want's the property/ rather than the paper, they know it is bad paper ( money), therefore they want your promise, something to take to court. Therefore it is allowed: you buy them, "your house" saying yes I will work for thirty or forty years for you as a mortgage, forever as an interest only payment "plus maintenance and upkeep"/ and pretend you are not their slave. It is a game for idiots. But where competition is extreme/ reality takes a back seat to truth, and insanity strangles people one by one. Competition is here to stay/ thereby we the people : must make new rules to protect ourselves. Let not the world consider "they are better, than the americans/ you are NOT". I have yet to meet one immigrant who did not come to America: "for the money/ the greed/ the power of money/ and the excess", even more, than the americans: you are absolutely the same. One such rule would be to return to the reality of the past, when you did have money: the down-payment for a loan is required (no more free money)/ secondary to that loan would be length of time at any specific job (set by society/ not the bank). "If its not the amount for the house you want/ then build the house you can afford". The run from high school to a new house is over: because it is unfair to life. The horrendous disgrace, apathy, and treason of the elderly: MAKE the young pay/ let them find something else: WE DEMAND ALL the resources we can grab/ is over, and if these fail to accept it in hades you will long for something as simple and gentle as complete mutilation of everything precious to you. There is nothing to replace a resource/ there is NO CAUSE, to let one group mutilate and terrorize the other (that is literally what you are doing to the young/ and no amount of fantasy will remove this murder from your head. ACCEPT REALITY, AND WORK FOR TRUTH, or understand Luke 11, and believe: Hitler shall be your enemy in hades/ your relationship in hell because taking their resources is the same as hitler passing judgment upon the Jews/ the result is MASS MURDER! There are NO EXCUSES, for selling the future of the young for your own gluttony and lusts, and ease! You WILL get your reward, or you will REPENT VERY QUICKLY.
Some will quickly and severely accuse me of hating the old/ it is not true. Instead I am distinctly angry with those who choose to terrorize the others/ and I do hate mass murderers; particularly those who do so, strictly because they are too selfish and too lazy to live a life in respect. Prove that isn't you! OR CHANGE! For balance and for reality, it is unfair to believe the intent to terrorize or murder was at the beginning of this/ it was not, the Vietnam war, the cold war games were more costly in many directions, than people believed/ the reality of weapons of mass destruction, more than simple fears. Instead of truth; the lies have grown so costly and so extreme, that the older generations simply want to die/ before they must pay: therefore they do worship and bow down to the lies, with all they can muster. We now stand at the door to many things; if you don't think your lies are ending quickly/ then you are liar still, or just to afraid to look. Hundred's of millions of people ARE going to be affected by the end of all these lies/ BUT WHAT MATTERS, is what they do. Anything less than true change/ fundamental courtroom examination and decision/ and critical political change: to an HONEST, WE THE PEOPLE Will lead you to civil war; and it will be violent and bloody/ the world will follow. Because they like you, are living in many lies, about reality/ and the bill is due.
The reality of giving "someone" a house, cause they are poor is over as well: THIS IS COMPLETELY UNFAIR! As it ignores the plight of the masses/ for a simple "pat myself on the back, what a goody I am; we saved that one"! This is a horrendous disservice to society; BECAUSE everyone who is just as worthy, but left "out in the cold"/ has just found a reason to hate either themselves or you, or the society that judges them less. STOP IT! INSTEAD, help these people, build very small shelters for themselves/ that they may have something, an {8 by 10 building, no water/ no kitchen} or some such thing, and not freeze to death. You have done nothing. It is not much different for your food baskets/ instead of "making the people feel small/ give them a job to do, that earns "the holiday basket or toy, quickly for themselves" for the honor of their life", not "a pat on the back for you. It is not giving, if you are the intended recipient. Honor life/ with the grace and beauty of a shared moment in the creation of hope.
It is necessary to learn discipline in all things, and provide the honor to yourself; of proving you do deserve this resource; because you worked for it. Therefore if you will provide shelters/ then you will provide teachers, and these will do their own work, with adequate resources from you: preferably recycled/ but not junk. Truth says/ the consequence of this society is: "but we have to have a really big house, cause the others got one". They make me "feel small". Therefore you will start very small, with limits to the size of any house for sale dependent upon age. The reality is very simple, take a look: 7 billion people who choose to save 1 pound of anything per day is 7 billion pounds times 365 days per year= 2 trillion, five hundred and fifty five billion pounds 2,555,000,000,000/ or 1 billion, 277 million, 500 thousand tons american. It matters, this is just 1 pound per person per year. Think about it/ think about the opposite/ think about the end of these resources. Think about your future/ your child's/ your life/ and your eternity because these are all In the decisions you will make in these next few days/ years.
It is my prediction oil prices will decline dramatically, for a short time/ HOWEVER it may be the opposite, if foreign countries are willing to accept their own losses and needs, because america can no longer afford to buy anything. As oil prices continue to decline, for the world: it is my own prediction that will continue for gas, down to about $1.00 a gallon/ and then gas will disappear to america. [natural disaster HAS changed oil production, to become a reality of decreased production in america/ which has then dramatically increased foreign sales to us. The result of which is, at the moment foreign countries: believe no more in the american dollars/ they will end production and sales to america. The oil will end, and america run dry; except for what it can produce.
The consequence of an extreme oil glut for the world market, is a quandary of political wills: and foreign nations will stockpile oils, but without a real american market, no matter how much they sell, the reality of lost revenue for the oil producers WILL have extreme consequences: not simply american fault/ YOU participated. The question is: how to survive, without the jobs, the resources, the stability, and the security of such a gigantic market? This is why, the americans were not tested/ because the reality is critically destabilizing. Unlike america, these nations will be facing a different test/ like america they must determine the nation they desire to live in from here: it must be a reality directed to self-support instead of ease, luxury, gluttony, and greed: for a few. Women will rule here too, or you will fail. Because men will demand revenge/ therefore women must intervene and prove life is more important than this. Here too, organized woman is the fundamental key to opening the door: where organizing is impossible "move across the border/ and meet there". Where this is denied, WAIT for the women of america to help you, by showing you the way.
All the oil america can produce will be absolutely necessary for food production/ and the oil required to bring all troops home (from everywhere, unless the foreign countries support them entirely). YOU MAY NOT "sell military services"/ these are men and women, not property or machines! But if they wish to participate in an action agreed upon by nations, then those who accept the reality may do as is their choice. We will trade food directly for oil.] The reason is, if demand is going down, it is only because people are running out of credit, they already have no money; just can't afford it no more. As demand drops, and depression begins, all the speculators in oil and any other investments WILL NEED THE MONEY, just to stave off bankruptcy/ THEY WILL HAVE TO SELL/or it will be sold for them. But if they hold international stocks, these may be confiscated, because they were bought with american money. But when enough is sold to prove this has worked or this will not work, for the stock market/ all sales will end, for a time; we have no more credit. A further reason is the US government will quietly intend to prop up the economy, by subsidizing this fuel/ when that clearly fails, it will end. Just like they (the us government officials) "doctor the books, in accounting". Who will sell us fuel for a dollar that means nothing? Don't believe the US government would do that, then you must believe the numbers they produce as well: from a government that will move 3 trillion dollars from the debt column and add it to the asset column last June 2005 or thereabouts. This, Represents 3 trillion dollars, or $30,000.00 thirty thousand dollars per each person, of one hundred million people; or more clearly when they move it from a debt to an asset it doubles in value, representing a $60,000.00 change. Yet not a word from the government, or the media; all lie together. Or perhaps you believe the numbers the government puts out as to "average US income"/ DID you know you are averaged with "Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and all the people who cannot hide everything they can collect". Just think about how much they intend to collect from you! It is also most probable you are grouped as one worker even though you are two, if married. Do you not file together as one? Even so/ to keep the lies working, more lies are required: do you not understand this is true, everyone who lies or has been affected by lies/ knows this is the only truth that a lie gives. Reality says, these lies are given "comfort to the people" because: the poor hide from devastating poverty/ the rich hide from truth, to sustain and multiply its gluttony and horrendous decisions to destroy the earth itself: Trying hard, to consume everything they can before someone else can get it. Think not, then you are too simple/ learn better. A simple thing; the hybrid vehicle will consume all your savings/ just as soon as you replace the batteries, with maybe a little left over. It is not a true answer.
It is true, that american business expects to sell much this coming year/ (is there not billions in damage, all kinds/ that HAS to mean business is coming: does it not) therefore they are ramping up to meet the demand of all the hurricane damage. A good plan if there was ANY money, but there is not. The problems are your insurance industry will go bankrupt before paying all these bills/ your governments (local, state, federal) have NO MONEY at all/ and you have borrowed everything you are likely to borrow from any other nation already. THE ONLY ONE probable will be China, who uses your lies against you/ to build what you have thrown away, for their own lives. BUT they are too late/ the resources are already gone, and it will not happen for them: they too, live in lies. That leaves the american citizen, and they have no money either. Many will laugh at this statement saying to themselves WE HAVE MUCH MONEY/ but the truth is they/you, have only numbers, and no one to do the work, very soon. Numbers without workers is irrelevant, go ahead burn it for heat/ it has no value beyond toilet paper; as a reality of merit. Your government accounting proves it true Flow of funds table L.5 currently on Page68 total assets and liabilities of the United States. 87 trillion dollars debt months ago (more now), is equal to 870 billion hours of labor, at one hundred dollars an hour . $87,000,000,000,000 hours of labor divided by $100.00 per hour per worker =870,000,000,000 eight hundred and seventy billion hours: divided by 2000 hours a 40 hour week for a year= 435,000,000 Four hundred and thirty five million years of labor, for a person working for $100.00 per hour for 2000 hours a year. This is the promises you made, without taxes/ penalties/ interest/ or needs! How many people do you know who actually make $100.00 dollars per hour/ the equivalent of $200,000.00 two hundred thousand dollars a year? WHO, is going to do the work/ that you may cash in "your $100 dollars an hour": very soon/ NO ONE. Just think for a moment, "HOW MANY PEOPLE" believe you and your families and friends owe them this type of work, can and DO hold this kind of property demands upon you? Do think about the few, who literally own the masses; by the standards of what you call money. You have sold america, for garbage dumps and toxic waste and weapons of mass destruction/ and all you could throw away, or steal from someone else. YOU have sold the earth, for such little things, as gluttony, luxury, obesity, & failure. You allowed the university diploma, to rape you: while it is true you do need some of their specialized skills/ they desperately need you too: for houses, fuels, water, food, simply everything else/ don't let them cheat you anymore. Take control as we the people, and demand equity. You are done, with the lies of numbers/ that means, we will be starting over: all of us. The reality is again: when the economic truth proves the time has come/ all who desire to remove the chains of their slavery to these lies from the people who intend to be your slavers; requires very LARGE numbers of people to declare bankruptcy immediately/ tying the courts up, and removing the pigs who will come to declare the court is simply to protect their numbers; they will be insistent/ so then must you. But if you tie up the courts/ and insist upon food and necessities, by calm and legally sustainable manners; we the people WILL CONTROL. You will win: begin by demanding an accounting of these numbers, produced by the federal government to start. Money is nothing more than your promise to work/ or your actual work: if you refuse/ the money is worthless. If you eat and survive in acceptable circumstances; then you can negotiate. AND DEMAND WE ARE WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES. If you do not/ then you will be thrown into the sewers, where the rich will shit continually upon you. choose. Say to the military, the police, and every other type of intervention: WE THE PEOPLE need not be slaves to these ideas anymore/ WE will decide; the lies give no one power over us. Not them either/ UNLESS it is for balance and truth in participation with justice. This is not rebellion/ this is simple fact. Even the amounts of debt declared above, does not include the taxes, the penalties, the interest, not even the minimum needs of survival for the worker; add these and you are forever slaves/ with NO possibility of better without civil war. If you do not accept resources are better than money or gluttony or luxuries, because therein we survive/ than the useless and stupid destruction of everything required for your survival will continue. Becoming what you chose to do: simply, you do deserve to die then, it is that simple, and you will. If you believe civil orderly demands for justice for all, are not necessary/ then consider your own reality. Do the credit card people treat you well/ bounce a check at the bank, and they do take all they can get/ in every way, and in every thing; the wealthy DO intend to keep you as their slaves. The only way out is to take away their power: by taking away their money and possessions: this is in fact, already gone for you/ you need only claim your rights. To do that you must remove the influence of money from politics/ you must limit the possibility of power by limiting all possessions. This is your job/ and you must do it. These are realities of government/ NOT realities of war or rebellion or tragic insurrections, etc: NOTHING will help you, unless you help yourself with law, and justice, and fair play for all, through equality to all; and nothing less. This need not be devastating/ simply become WE THE PEOPLE, and recognize what is justice, and do it. The wealthy will fight you "for every single scrap"/ it is their way. But they are few, they hold only numbers/ not real money; thereby the power is already stripped from them (they just don't know it yet). Taxes on property in excess of __________/ will quickly strip them of the rest of their power, and make them equal. They will attack your jobs in return/ but with government, YOU can introduce a law that says: any factory which intentionally shuts down, shall be sold to the previous employees after 7 months have pasted/ at a rate of ten cents on the dollar. The community shall join and provide the money/ becoming investors and owners, in their own fate. And so on: YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT, and this is not only your right/ it is the only chance for change you will get/ MAKE YOUR DECISION!
The america of today says: YOU ARE LIARS, saying to yourselves we have much/ by handing the billing for every single thing, to the children! YOU should be ashamed! In america, the question for you is not absolute poverty/ but reality! You can hide no more. And if you don't change, you will die from your lies/ no one needs to, or must raise a hand; because of your own decisions, your world will end. It has ended, because the lies are done. The entire world will without doubt find the same thing, for themselves; religious zealot or not. The reality of your own actions/ your own decisions/ your own thirst for power is all that is required for you to kill you. The ocean will soon die/ laugh if you like, but nothing will revive it {it is half your food/ where is the abundance now}. I know," you believe", teaching the children as you do: nothing but sex, gluttony, and greed/ that will save you:" won't it"? A thousand things will soon go wrong/ and not one will you be able to fix/ because you are too selfish to work together: and too proud to pray/ too arrogant to believe in, and seek the only help that can save you. [it is not me]. GOD ! PROVE ME WRONG! Or accept you are dead. DO NOT "look to America" and gloat/ what nation in the world does any better: there are none. As a world, everything that damages and destroys, now attacks us all/ there is NO DIFFERENCE from one pole to the other, it is the earth that is dying. IF YOU REFUSE TRUTH, YOU ARE DEAD. YOU JUST DON'T KNOW IT YET! BUT IT IS MY GUARANTEE TO YOU/ SOON YOU WILL. Because of your own hands/ your own decisions/ your own lies and failures and pride beyond description: YOU ARE, and will KILL YOURSELVES. Extinction is the decision you are choosing with LIES/ Do better and live. Let no one say this is a threat from me to you/ IT IS NOT, it is your reality as truth describes it: nothing more and nothing less.
"Should I be more polite"? GROW UP before it is too late.
In America, The reality of "lost hope" as it sinks in how truly terrible all personal loss is/ means that soon the people will turn violent; believing they have nothing to lose, and you are not helping them honestly. I SAY TO THESE, you must not be violent/ it will defeat you. But humanity listens very little/ too proud. The extent of this possible violence will determine how quickly, or whether you do or do not turn to civil war. Therefore to compensate their distress/ YOU MUST develop a proper plan QUICKLY. a proper plan for New Orleans includes; do not set up big trailer park camps in strange areas/ DON'T do this! Instead select specific area's of total devastation in the neighborhoods, and set up small trailer parks for the neighborhood: FOR THE PEOPLE OF THAT NEIGHBORHOOD. Then you shall employ them to work for the government, in rebuilding their own neighborhood. Teach them how/ tell them to gather whatever they can that could be used, and the most successful scavengers of materials will get the most money for their neighborhood to use. Present cheap tools, so theft is not a problem and expect: all the insulation shall be cleaned, dried in the sun, molds killed, and reused, as would be true for the rest. Let questionable materials go into the first houses or businesses so that compensation is faster entry into useable buildings. Furniture is not to be discarded, it is to be remade as needed/ that includes mattresses with the sides removed the materials cleaned dried, and new sides installed; and so on. If you bulldoze everything/ then you will have nothing, because depression is coming very fast. If you do nothing for these people/ then guns and depression are coming together/ and you won't like the results. The question of blame is irrelevant beyond preparing for the next hurricane or disaster/ what is important is survival, hope (thereby let the neighborhoods be in charge of their own destiny), life (the understanding "we can do this"), and opportunity (they need you to supply a minimum possibility, right now)/ as foods, knowledge, utilities, and some money and relief (some entertainers to help the day). The end result of starting over is not failure/ until you surrender to violence. The end result of violence is, you will war until all die. BE PATIENT or die! How do you expect other people to find money for you/ if they cannot find money for themselves: america is bankrupt, therefore understand this VERY simple fact/ If we work together, then we live together as one, building a future we can all survive. If you refuse to work together with caring and sharing as is necessary/ then you will war; until the end of the story reads {humanity is dead}. Choose. This reality will be scoffed at/ "can't happen to america"! Look closer, it already has/ and like a tornado coming, all the lies won't change its direction.
A proper plan for the nation, includes directly going to court as WE THE PEOPLE, NOT demanding / but seeking understanding and absolute truth in all things: so that WE THE PEOPLE, can fix this ourselves. WHEN THESE FAIL/ THEN DEMAND AND MAKE IT CLEAR, NO MORE PLAYING It is plain and clear, your experts, your government official, your university, your media, and all the other "smart people"; led you to this moment in time/ THEY CANNOT HELP YOU/ THEY have all but killed you, with lies. THEREFORE EITHER YOU, THE PEOPLE OF THIS NATION WILL TAKE IT UPON YOURSELVES TO EXAMINE, INVESTIGATE, AND MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS: WITHIN A COURT TO MITIGATE THE VIOLENCE. OR TO CIVIL WAR YOU GO! Pick the right answer. I choose to remind you only this once/ it was the lies of economic depression, and political upheaval, and courtroom injustice; that brought world war 2/ and prepared the United States as well, for its participation; due to the lies of the 1920's. Nothing has changed, reality doesn't care about your wants, wishes, or ignorance: Your fate awaits you, if you will not change honestly, and honorably with respect. What you want is the lie to continue "happily"/ that makes your life entirely irrelevant, where truth rules. We live, because truth continues as order describes. A failed order because of lies, means truth will compensate by changing your reality. Reality will then decide/ and it WILL demand war, if you won't truly change and accept truth. Not because I say so/ but because truth says; so many are broken financially today/ there is only slavery or civil war left. Choose the court, and we the people instead; Don't continue to be so very stupid! You are needed/ learn about your world, and your future, and your truth.
I say to you truly: where is your thanks to GOD For all the trouble facing you/ WHERE, Because without these dramatic realities/ your fantasies and arrogance and apathy, would have you dead: without even the possibility of survival, in just 7 years or less. By then, without absolute upheaval and change; the earth, the plants, the life, and you; Would have absolutely no chance, for change at all. Once the scale has tipped against you and the balance of life on earth has died (more death than life is occurring) you are done, or in extremely serious trouble. "you are the top of the food chain"/ what matters is the bottom of the food chain/ and everything in-between: until you begin to eat each other: will that be a problem? It is coming. A fact that is certain to happen, without dramatic change. Death is all that is left for you, by the decisions you have made/ that is where they lead YOU; through a process of extinction, that even hate cannot describe. Terror and the horrendous mutilation of all that exists; is your future (have YOU not demanded this with genetic crucifixion/ clearly mutilation is not only a demand; you have declared it a right). Unless you change NOW and DO PRAY HONESTLY. There is NO TREATY, by which you may pick and choose and argue: NO GENETIC CRUCIFIXION AT ALL/ NO EXCEPTION this is the demand to you. {this is not about medicines, or other things not genetically humanly modified by mutilation} This is no threat from me/ this is not an exclamation of "fire"/ this is simply the truth, and you will change OR you will live the reality as ARMAGEDDON: wherein "humanity is god"/ and you will reap the consequences of that, as your reality and your truth and your eternity; because you chose it. Nothing you believe about that, (as to your benefit) will come true/ because without the GOD OF ALL LIFE Everything dies/ can you change death/ can you make a seed grow? No, you just plant it at most/ and expect perfection. Can you heal yourself, or each other; or does not reality prove, it is the body that decides? The body belongs to CREATION/ without creation, what do you have left? Only nothing, every life will surrender and die slowly.
Kill the messenger, and you nail the coffin shut [this is the prediction of Matthew 21: 33-46! I do not claim "son"/ but clearly I am here collect from you what is owed to GOD . Even so, if you believe JESUS is going to come back as a human that you could kill, "to collect the rent from you"/ then YOU are a fool ]. There are prophecies in the New Testament for today; such as "the multiplication of food and fish/ for the people": there are many. The question of a right to deliver the message/ and demand you must do better: says simply: life has not enough value to you. Therefore an intervention for your benefit HAS occurred/ but not from me, I am only a messenger. Reality says, if you truly want to kill me: there are only two realities that apply. "if it is an individual decision/ then GOD Has allowed it to be" / but if it is a mob decision; then you as a humanity have chosen, irregardless of your chance to change. JESUS DIED At the hands of the mob/ at the hands of the powerful, through deceit, and because they did it quickly and quietly while the people slept. I do suggest, to you/ This is not likely to happen again in any manner at all, even though I am just a messenger (not the same by any measure). Simply put: the day of judgment has arrived/ your answer determines your reality!
Even so, I DO belong to "The FATHER OF ALL LIFE, In the entire UNIVERSE ITSELF"/ the reality of this message is then, Not simply human: but demands the respect for its content As from GOD !
Choose within yourselves, if this is not so/ it is your choice/ but it will become your truth as well. For your good/ or your bad, it is your choice.
Find your RESPECT FOR GOD, Or die. This is your chance to survive/ not your chance to continue in violence, shame, deceit, disrespect, dishonor, and all the rest: You will choose HONOR, RESPECT, LOVE, HOPE, COURAGE, STRENGTH, LIFE AND SO MUCH MORE, called value, or your end has come; extinction will examine you, and find you guilty.
The odd part is: Without all this destruction/ you would have perished, without even a hope to stem the tide of extinction, of life on earth. Because you will NOT listen without severe punishment, [such as the tragedies being shown to you] and even then it is by no means certain that you will learn your lesson, and turn to life instead of all that you do, to destroy yourselves and this world. Thereby remember this as the days go by: nothing you will endure here, is from GOD Except the opportunity to change and therein remain alive. Did HE Cause you to lie/ build weapons/ create genetic crucifixion/ and a thousand others? Do not lie/ or you will die. The foolish never heed a warning/ "they are too smart" to be concerned with truth; it doesn't go, with their pride or selfishness: they have to be "fashionable". Leave them alone, if they choose to be dead/ what is that to you. CHOOSE for yourself, the decision that will become your life or death/ your evidence in eternity of whether you are "with GOD "/ or one who destroys HIS WORK.
The question of life to you, is then: What does your mind believe/ What does your soul answer you, when asked: Are you god? If not god/ what is life, that you may decide anything?? The answer to life, is CREATION. The answer to creation, is an order that does not lie.
The reality that must come forth is then life first/ economies and resource use for life, and not gluttony/ trade that supports life around the world, not individual greed's. And as you do so/ you will remove the weapons of mass destruction through law/ and if not accepted by law/ then through war.
You have no true economy now/ just lies.
Therefore you must begin as new. If you cannot accept your life is worth more than your possessions/ then you are done, you will not survive. If you do accept life is all that is truly important. That humanity is my equal, my family, and what's important to me; then you will choose as life and reality will teach you to choose as truth. It will not be hard for you/ but you will NOT have ease: you do, have enormous responsibilities to life: to remove the death traps you have set, and all you should never have done.
The message then, a simple: Live in truth, or you will die.
Life asks you, TO SURVIVE/ but you will never survive without GOD . IT IS Your choice/ if you have questions ask HIM.
Nearly all will say: This cannot be "the beginning of Revelations"/ this is only one person. But I will remind you, JESUS came by HIMSELF, and HE "saved the world" simply by proving HIS LOVE. The prophets of Israel/ the disciples and apostles/ and many more came as only one person or very few. I say to you clearly, The message is in the words that touch your own soul/ therefore it then becomes you, that must choose to honor your soul, or fail. There is no "middle"/ this is Life Or Death, it is no longer both. DO PRAY, AND BELIEVE.
Truth says simply: It is impossible to express, just how serious today is.
A footnote: since I must leave and protect my existence from you for the next 3 and a half years or so{ I know not, if it is necessary to leave quickly or much later.} I have spent the last year writing for your benefit, and for your needs/ and I will spend the next several years, influenced directly from your intervention in my life: it is clearly more than fair. Idiots and thieves will of course decide otherwise. This particular work is the fulfillment of Ezekiel 9: I am the writer.