To the internal revenue service

from James F. Osterbur

2191 cr 2500 e

St. Joseph, IL 61873

REPLY dated: June 6, 2006

As has been sent and explained to you/ I do wish to go to court in this matter/ NOT because I dispute the taxes levied (and do appreciate the change). But because the reality of the numbers you provide specifically on your web site Flow of funds, table L.5 currently on Page68 total assets & liabilities of the United States: CLEARLY INDICATES, lying and cheating and stealing has been going on.

The reality of your numbers clearly cannot be correct/ and approximately one year ago, I noticed the site change by 3 trillion dollars from the debt column to the asset column: a "error" or $60,000.00 per one hundred million people; so I have abandoned the site.

The proper method of debating accounting fraud is through the tax court/ therefore I am appearing or intent upon appearing in tax court first: on my way to civil court.

Once the truth is defined and revealed in court, I have no problem with paying the money or accepting the tax: but I do have a problem with liars and thieves. Therefore I am politely asking for "you the legal treasury dept" of the United States of America to explain the reality of these numbers: or declare them insolvent and in error. Be advised: I do intend to pursue the matter through all legal and media channels that are available to me. Therefore kindly be careful with your words: for your sake.

Caller ID 309399

notice number: CP 11

dated: may 29, 2006

taxpayer ID

tax form 1040

tax year dec 31, 2005


RE: taxpayer notification dated June 22, 2006

labeled #BWNHSDR

Tax year 2005


2191 cr 2500 e

St. Joseph IL 61873

dated: 6/ 23/ 2006


Form letter ITR-76 (R-12/05)

A detailed letter about penalties and payments.

Mr. Osterbur RESPONDS:

The question of taxes is not contended/ the amount of taxation is not contended/ the ability to pay exists: THE PROBLEM IS:

In simple undetailed form, having looked at your financial statements/ and understanding the relationship required for truth to exist: it appears certain YOU, the employees of the people of IL/ have been lying about your ability to pay.

There is no contention about your right to decide how to spend taxpayer money. There is no contention about your right to acquire a debt. There is no contention about your right to demand payment: and there is no intent not to pay.

Rather, this is a demand to be taken to court, as a citizen of Illinois; and shown exactly how it is your numbers can be translated into reality. Explain to me, how these numbers are not a lie: how you can in fact pay the people of Illinois or the world, with your promises. Defend yourself from the words: these are just numbers, and they represent nothing in fact/ and shall indeed do the people great harm. Defend yourself from the fact: that when all these promises fail, will the people NOT revolt/ will they not seek violence/ will they not destroy the state of Illinois or its government because of YOUR LIES ! Defend yourself from the fact: why should the numbers my government gives to me, in the form of money, NOT be held to an accounting in reality. Defend yourselves from the words: is this not a criminal act of conspiracy among all the leaders of this state to defraud and disgrace the citizens of Illinois?

And so on.

Be aware, anything you use to reply to this letter shall be considered as legal materials suitable for a court case/ applied to a public forum, for public discussion/ and expected to translate as TRUTH, because is this not intended for a Court of LAW : wherein all people shall be prosecuted for perjury and lies.

There is NO INTENT OF POWER here/ this is about truth, and the consequences that must be dealt with honestly in a court of law: BEFORE the reality "melts society into plain anarchy and hatred". If you fail to be fair/ you will be very sorry.

The fact NO ONE wants to accept the costs and penalties of lies and theft and treason, is no excuse.

Everyone does know these things exist/ everyone does know the reality is coming/ everyone does say, NOT in my time: but then who should pay FOR YOUR FAILURES AND GREED "The children"? Prove you are not predators, throwing your children to hatred and revenge and death.

Correspondence at my discretion will appear at



DATED 7/ 03/ 06

RE: notice number cp 503 Notice date 07- 03 -2006

ssn/ ein

caller ID 309399

a claim that I have not contacted you/ is untrue. The letter resent to you and dated 6/ 6/ 06 is clear and deliberate and was definitely sent on the date stated by US mail. This is resent to you with this note attached and the letter sent to the Illinois revenue service as well to indicate this is not a mistake/ the intent is to identify in reality: what is the truth about "our money"/ have you been stealing? The truth is necessary/ and my right to question my government as to the validity of their accounting and their actions could not be more constitutional. You will kindly, establish an appropriate time to appear in court, to discuss the matters indicated as well as the claims of your financial statement table L.5 total assets and liabilities of the United States to explain how it is 106 trillion dollars or whatever your current claim can be believed as the population of 300 million people divided into 106 trillion dollars (your claim not mine) would be equal to $363,000.00 three hundred and sixty three thousand dollars per face in the nation as their asset. Or the alternative last year of 87 trillion dollars debt equal to $870,000.00 dollars debt per each of 100 million people. There is no use in looking at your claims further/ you are lying. Simple as that. Explain this in the reality of life. Or prove you are not thieves. The question is not about whether you did or did not intentionally do this/ or why/ or any such matter: not even if you can declare a constitutional exemption. The question is simply: we are completely bankrupt as a nation are we not!


No intent exists or is claimed to not pay the tax/ rather, take me to court, I want the truth about our future as a nation. It is a right and a duty to challenge such evidence as this. Make no mistake, I do not challenge the constitution/ I am challenging the people who work for the nation, as their employees: YOU HAVE NO EXEMPTION. YOU are required to be faithful and true to the nation or suffer the consequences from your own criminal actions. This is then a "whistle blower legal action" against those who the evidence suggests: have failed their responsibilities.

THIS letter will be sent in certified mail July 5, 2006 IRS cincinnati OH, 45999-0025

AS A SEPARATED ISSUE: TO THE PEOPLE WHO WILL BE ASKED TO GIVE BACK ALL THESE STOLEN NUMBERS AND EXPECTATIONS: THE FACT, that you banded together to lie and steal and cheat, irregardless of the fact that it was not your expectation, the reality is; these numbers and their expectations belong to the children from which they were stolen. GIVE THEM BACK THEIR FUTURE. And deal with your reality, because YOU chose it, and deserve the price required to pay for it.