For every truth there is a consequence/ for every consequence there is a reality.  The question: as creator of your own human consequences to life/ what then does the future hold?  The answer is, you are choosing hell.  Because this is the freedom that removes honor, respect, love, and all blessings from life: a  decision that is quickly overcoming all other realities in your life/ look closely, and you will understand the consequences in your own words, that prove this is true.  From global warming, to resource loss, to economic meltdowns, to weapons of mass destruction, to a population crisis, and many more.

As these realities become undeniable & well-defined by death and the destruction of everything valuable to you/    you WILL then Asearch for your savior@.    One who WILL tell you all the lies you want to hear.  Thereby accelerating your descent into hell.  Only truth can help you, and the common refrain of men and women is:   ATo hell with that, I WANT..................@!


THE ALTERNATIVE to all these horrific HUMAN generated truths & tragedies IS: to accept the responsibilities we share as life;   to let honest truth decide, to honor & respect reality and life, and to love each other as best we can/ sharing and caring about life and each other with honesty, discipline, and respect.


Time is not an enemy:   lies are the enemy, pride is the enemy, and want completes the cycle called destruction.    DO NOT CHOOSE THEM/ if you continue to, you will die: because human population has increased, along with human interventions in nature to the critical point of Aits your decision now@!  Therefore failure to choose for life, means you have chosen death.

Sex is not an enemy:   lust, fear, & the failure of equality is the enemy!  DO NOT CHOOSE THEM/ sexual happiness is a gift capable of sustaining your world, but only if you honor it.  Nakedness is a simple tool, not the key to anything, not an invitation; just simple and yet elegantly true, that I am human too.  The discipline necessary to survive is held simply in the understanding of a decision to be FAIR, JUST, & HONORABLE!  The entry into hell, by your own hands/   AAs simple as,   you just don=t care enough@.


THEREIN, this warning from REALITY SAYS,    YOU ARE FAILING!  


Honesty demands: that you take a good look at Iraq (started from fear and pride/ escalated from the desire for power and pride) & Israel/ Lebanon & Palestine, (started from fear and pride/ escalating from the desire for power, and the expectation Awe can win/ let=s pillage and rape them@: a very common expectation in man across the world; many consider it their do Aright, because it is a life or death situation@)........and then multiply this across the entire world.   Because this is Aman=s answer,   to all his serious problems: kill them and take what is theirs@.

            Then remember and understand, EVERY RESOURCE IS DISAPPEARING/ and with them your opportunity to survive/ AND MAN=S DESIRE FOR WAR WILL MULTIPLY SEVERELY.

 Take a look at the destruction carefully, and ask yourself: if the infrastructure and primary disciplines necessary to support society can be so quickly and easily destroyed,     WHAT will happen when world war 3 breaks out?    Where will this take you if not to hell/ to weapons of mass destruction/ and to biologic terrors, when Athe enemy says:   if I die/ then so must you@?  Understand  men carefully and recognize: apart from leadership where choice is power, and the reality of killing, stealing, raping, and enslaving other people IS THE PURPOSE OF HUMAN POWER:     It is the reality of most common men who are abused, or abandoned by women and society,  to claim Agreatness, by accepting a crusade for a purpose beyond all human life: therein failure is acceptable@.  It is this primary and critical reality that serves to infiltrate and incarcerate men into religious and other fundamental failures by making them believe in words stripped of their critical truths: SUCH AS,       GOD    CREATED   LIFE ON EARTH    , and it is not your right to destroy it.    As leaders replace these words with Awe must/ and we will/ and it is our right and our duty@.   Men believe, because it is simple, and it is a purpose they can become a literal part of.  BUT INSTEAD OF LIFE,  It is the surrender of love, and the acceptance that pride shall rule.  Women do this too/ for different reasons.   Consider further your own reality, and understand that genetics THE ESSENCE AND REALITY OF NATURE ITSELF,       IS BEING CRUCIFIED           Because humanity treats genetics as so much trash and garbage, a toy and a game to play with:   TO YOUR OWN EXTREME SHAME!    AND MORE.   You will say NO, it is our right and our need to search for answers to our ailments and our problems/ BUT IN REALITY, your choices are nothing more than an excuse NOT to accept truth and let honor search for answers instead.  YOU CHOOSE TO GAMBLE WILL LIFE ITSELF/ even though the odds of complete failure in all of nature and life on earth:   are billions to one against you.   YOU are horrific examples of an addiction to lies.


The option of women for a meeting, designed for   hope, happiness, & life,  will remain until September 12, 2006.   But reality insists, woman is failing/ therefore the meeting is dissolved unless the 1 ton of true participants by postcard do apply/ and now the evidence of mass media does make the reality happen by participating/ as well.   The reality of this moment in time, simply because of your women=s pride and fears/ and the complete failure of men is becoming:   AA tear, in the universe of life itself, because you are about to die@.  YOU SHALL NOT blame your failure on   GOD,   for HE IS     GOD:     And that means simply, even all the men combined are no more than a pin head buried in the deepest ocean/ as to a true threat.    GOD IS   ON   AYour side@.      But, you are not to believe in this/ YOU are to understand its reality, and accept its consequence.   And let HIM DECIDE, the critical reality of your lives.  I tell you true, without honest, honorable, respectful,  and immediate disciplined change, there will be NO blessing to remaining alive/ in fact every day, will bring more failure.  Therein death is not an enemy to you,    If you work for life.  But if you work for death/ then even the grave shall not give you peace: you will know the worms are eating you alive.  Such is the penalty, for destroying    GOD=S    WORK   .

Since there is always hope/ until death appears, I will suggest to you these are the beginning things, required of you to understand, in ruling life on earth.  It was written for business, but you will understand.



1.  EVERYONE IS EQUAL, as is every customer/ no matter who they are, or what they do.


2.  Equal means entitled to RESPECT, honored with the right to their own opinion and decision, and granted the authority to find their own way/ so long as no harm is done!

3.  Management means, the one who must take responsibility for the other lives/ they depend upon you.

4.  Responsibility means an acceptance of the integral part truth plays in every aspect of work & life.  If you accept lies/ then everyone fails with you: it is your fault!  If you do the best you can/ then NO one does better, even if they are more skilled in some particular aspect of business: YOU are free, it is not your fault.

5.  Efficiency is about understanding the difference between what benefits our lives, and what uses our lives as machinery, without a cause.

6.   Money is the cause and the reason for business/ there is NO other!  Therefore everyone who works, deserves a share in the reality Aof a good day@/ because everyone shares in the consequence of a Abad day (being unemployed)@ as well.  Thereby things such as Abusiness in excess of normal@, constitutes a right to the reward for that extra effort:   things like a ten percent over the norm business day, is a ten percent increase in wages for that day: or whatever is honest & fair.

7.  TIME is the essential ingredient in business.  TIME is the essence of your participation in this life.  Therefore TIME is the most important consideration, when all true needs are met.  BALANCE is then truly critical to all lives.

8.  Balance means, the right amount of people for the job.  The correct training for each one.  Pay at the level granted by AAN HONEST society@.  And acceptance of the personal duty required, to fundamentally support each other/ BUT NOT sell your life for such little things as money, or trinkets, or sex.  Find a way, to grant your own life time, and the freedom for happiness.

9.  Shared wealth is NOT happiness/ BUT GREED will bring thoughts of jealousy and revenge!  Happiness is a participant in freedom and the expression of individual lives that are respected and honored for who they are/ who you are.  THEREFORE BE FAIR, about the money/ and you will be fair to life, and life will reward you with happiness for all.  Work is only about money/ but these are the people you spend you life with:   WHY should you want these others to hate, despise, or fail you/ the owners job, is to insure respect to each one.  The workers are responsible for the work/ the owner is responsible for a respectful and tolerant environment.  The decision required by all is:   BE FAIR/ BE RESPECTFUL/ AND BE KIND, we need each other.

10.  There is Ano right to rule@ over any other person!  Rather business requires teamwork, and teamwork uses the contributions of each one according to their own specific skills and abilities, and health.  AThe boss@ is determined by who organizes these skills and abilities for the benefit and happiness of all.  AThe ass@ is determined by Athe excrement@ oozing stupidity and blatant arrogance, because corruption has become their way!   DON=T BE AN ASS!

11.  If you are the owner or the boss, it is because you asked for the position, or are needed by the work:   don=t whine/ do your best.

AND WHEN you learn these rules and understand their consequences/ then rule #12 is.    It is necessary to refuse continued employment to some people/ do to their own unhappiness.  As the owner/ manager, it is important that all people who share the environment have respect for themselves and the others.  It is also necessary, if someone is unhappy/ that they look for their own happiness elsewhere; even if they don=t want the risk.


Most would say to me: without all these Atoys@ what is living worth/ without pride and winning, what is my reward?   The answer is:   LIFE IS NOT A TOY/ LIFE IS NOT A GAME!           LIFE, is the ability to decide for yourself/ and the freedom energy provides to experience the destiny you have chose.    If this is not enough for you/ then do not worry, YOU shall not continue into eternity.


I do pray,   may you find your soul, and your life, before all the possibilities of mercy end for you.   As to the reality of my life/ it is not for me to decide.   The prayers and purposes of women will decide:    AS   GOD    ALLOWS.    Until that time too has passed.  Do NOT tell me your excuses/ what you do not have, or what you cannot do.    DO WHAT YOU CAN DO/ USE WHAT YOU DO HAVE, and do your best to survive: these are the moments that define your future as heaven or hell.  Is this not worth your best effort!  This is not a crusade/ this is reality knocking at your door, and if you do not answer truthfully and with honor, you will fail.  To those who say:   AIt is not so/ we will not believe/ life has always been this way/ and so on@,      Reality says to you:       MAN has always been this way too, and in a day when man can now destroy the very fabric of nature by many means/ when population pressures will multiply every day/ and when resources are literally gone:   WHAT DO YOU HONESTLY THINK HE WILL DO!                  Why do you lie/   BE HONEST, OR DIE.


These 4 web sites are now closed permanently/ if any change appears, it is not me; and it is not a part of this message to you.  Just so you know, the issues with the IRS and court will be displayed before you/ because you are interested and the media responds accordingly .   Or,   it will be whatever it will be; because you are not interested.   Thereby I will allow the matter to be resolved simply & dismissed.  Because I am NOT here to entertain you.