These are letters, presented in the reality of life/ that are important to me, and thereby I believe define matters important to all. The foundation is quite simple: you don't have a right to ask who it is written to/ nor do you have a right to discuss who it is written to/ nor is there any matter written about herein subject to anything but your instruction in the simple truth "nobodies life is perfect"/ we all have matters we do need to address from time to time, and these are not open to outside influence. They are however instructive and would be written anyway, therein it is fair to include them. So say I, that view may however not be shared. The critical assembly of whether any life situation is suitable to the betterment of what could easily be at least millions of lives, does develop according to whether the people involved are affected/ and whether there is anything to be ashamed of in the telling. I would say to you simply; perhaps these things occurred "just for you"/ the reader. Because my life is open for instruction and debate, therein all the people I have known/ have contributed something. And you are the beneficiary.
The question of any relationship is based upon the truths that compose & distribute the fundamental structure as the braces & fittings & fasteners which do hold it all together.
You have chosen to believe I cannot be trusted because what you referred to as joking/ I saw as the first steps to a divorce. You have chosen to believe, NO MATTER what the outcome/ you have a right to privacy that was violated; even though this was said with 3 people listening. You have chosen to condemn me as meddling in your affairs, although you know divorce is not easy, & entire families on both sides are affected. You have chosen to believe I am unworthy, or "cost too much", because I insisted that you talk with your spouse, before anything else gets worse: as surely there was a problem, that needed to be discussed. You have chosen that your pride is more important than our friendship.
And you still believe I owe you an apology.
I DO accept the truth that each & every one, has a right to do whatever they please/ I did not violate that by expecting you to "talk to your spouse".
I DO accept the truth, that you are free to do or harm according to whatever you want to do/ I did NOT violate that by forewarning the party to be injured.
I DO accept the truth, that you may measure my life in any way you please/ HOW can I violate that, by being the person you know me to be?
Therefore I do see no need for an apology. I am just as free as you.
Instead I will state, as you should know it is true: that I would support you in divorce it is your right, not mine to decide/ all I demand is you do not hide, there is no reason. I have supported you in your life, & would have done more, if the situation had allowed.
An assumption of control has been created/ BUT the only right I accept is the one that understands 2 families are affected by this type of decision, and you may NOT "choose for everybody, without a minimum of at least an understanding between spouses. Did I ask for more? No, nor would I.
This is not to great a price: for my friendship, I AM worth the price.
I do not say/ NOR did I suggest, "divorce was eminent"/ I merely suggested TALKING; because sparks "turn, or can turn into flames".
Just a letter, because I am thinking of you. I DO hope you are happy. YOU are a blessing.
I am a tiny bit worried, that the increase in your weight, is a sign of unhappiness, as I know moving away is always hard. It is NOT easy to meet an entire community, when starting over: but if you intend to stay, you must. So accept the challenge and go where the people go, do what they do for honest fun, and participate as best you can.
I love you, "too much weight/ or too little" its your decision. I will add however the opposite sex is only attracted to a healthy body, UNLESS they are a little unhealthy in their own lifestyle as well: is it not true for you to? Dating is a problem for nearly everyone/ don't give up, there are very many people "in the shadows", who would love to meet someone. Not so long ago, a lady my age was "using a lot of words and gestures that would normally say please ask me out"/ BUT even recognizing that, my reaction was, "WHO ME", nobody is interested in me: so the opportunity passed. The lesson of course, BELIEVE someone else is interested in you; and if you approach someone and they don't respond: try again. Always remember, you only need one, out of very many people. Always understand as you grow older, people look for someone they can live with/ rather than just looks: so pay attention to what you say, and search inside for WHY you said it; that you may always be honest with everyone, including yourself.
I know, a lot of people are unhappy with their body, but if you don't take care of it/ life "goes to poverty", because the body is that important. And nobody gets a "new one"/ this one is yours, or mine as the case may be. it is still true, build your body now, and use it for the rest of your life. A lot of very unfortunate people WOULD be happy to trade you lives & bodies; be happy with yours. Re-shape it if you wish, I know you can.
Join whatever groups there are, including churches; it is the easiest way to meet new people. Go with honesty, and let NO one, steal it from you. honesty leads to honor/ honor leads to courage/ & courage to discipline, ALL support and defend your life.
If ever you are lonely, ALWAYS look inside the miracle that is your body, & this earth, and then search for your CREATOR: "Can you build these things? None of it, is an accident/ except what humanity causes.
A few months ago, I had a need to eat an "unhealthy amount", so I let that continue to understand the reality: "looked pregnant, NOT a pretty sight". But finally understood, my own life was a little stressed/ because I accepted the work before me, was more than I could do. It involved other people, HOW to reach them is NOT an easy matter. But irregardless of that, the part food played was to "stop time", so that tomorrow & its troubles would "slow down". It doesn't work of course, just adds to problems in fact/ but my mind was content with that until I chose "no more". My solution was a simple one: as always, I will simply do the best I can. NO ONE does better, NO ONE does more than this, & there is never any shame if honor is your guide. That doesn't mean people won't ridicule you or me, it just understands the purpose of life is to live. And we are free to do that, as we choose.
The foundation of love is freedom/ the foundation of life is then acceptance of our responsibility in that freedom. It is up to other life, to respond accordingly. Wouldn't life be lovely, if everyone did their share: or at least cared.
Choose to do my part. I hope for all, that each one will do theirs. Do remember this, that asking for a lifetime, is a big request/ but do remind each other, to live alone, is also a big commitment: that makes each one ready to accept the courage required to go, and find someone else.
May GOD bless you.
What is clear & certain in life, is choices must be made/ life demands it, because reality depends upon the discipline that conceives of order in every life. The consequence of your decision to believe the money was more important than our relationship, NOW means that our relationship must change. You are one more step distant from those I will help & those I will defend. This is your choice it is not mine.
The reality of need, the constant request of wife and children: are critical truths that must be dealt with everyday. But even when a child needs hospital treatment/ you may NOT steal, you may ask. And you must trust. The critical questions of human needs, are then met as political & social solutions when all else fails. Demanding your own participation in these matters, if life, society, or family let you down. That's how it is, like it or not.
The understanding of life, IS IN DUTY: who owe you & why/ who do you owe, & will you pay! The question translated is simply; live or die. There are a lot of inequities in life, such as YOU were spoiled with everything you wanted as a child, and asked little of. But these were all taken away as a teenager, & the price was too high. Irregardless of that, you were NOT alone, where "life changed, & I don't like it". The reality of your choices then, forgiven, because you were not prepared. The reality of your life today, not forgiven/ because YOU KNOW the reality your previous decisions did create. And you chose in this matter, to "fall back in anyway". I DO hope you have the strength, to stay away from the rest.
The critical question confronting you is simply: where is your courage? Those who steal, do so because they believe inside, society HAS made them fail/ therefore justified, in their mind. It is NOT true for you: un-justified, you had choices. COURAGE is the opportunity to protect the ones you love, the right to stand with those who protect life & society, from those who prey upon it. Look inside & understand the excuses you made where not from courage.
Fear, is failure; because everything else is lost/ as if a storm took it away. I DO know you are brave; but willing to die/ is NOT for small matters. Life is about courage, & living does require more than dying; if it is not a matter of life or death.
My advise to you is: open your eyes, beyond the extremely small world you have chosen to create for yourself. Understand with HONESTY & HONOR, that every other person is your equal: and you must treat them as you expect life should treat you. If I stole from you; It would not be fair, would it? DO NOT make excuses; be who you choose to be. if that is to continue as a thief, then understand there WILL be penalties.
Courage says: I KNOW my life, my wife & children, even all my family & friends; ARE A GIFT, that can be lost! Courage means, TODAY I WILL accept the truth and cherish the moments as best I can, because these are the treasures of my heart/ and tomorrow may not come. COURAGE SAYS,
may there always be hope for tomorrow.
Life and death create an opportunity to know value, and remember LIFE. Courage is an opportunity to express the values you create, as the "experience of US"! Be then who you are/ NOT what fear makes you.
Don't be lost to stupidity!
I will however add for you: prison means, "someone who does not get to share life with or care about anything, until the opportunity to start over, again, opens the door. STOP before it is someone else who must do for your family, what you can no longer do.
WANT is a never-ending cycle of greed/ even when people have everything it is never enough, so they throw what they have just bought or gotten away, into the garbage, to make room for more. It is a pitiful reality, a worthless sense of accomplishment/ because it is never enough.
Build YOUR LIFE: "Courage, love, hope, truth, trust, honor, respect, duty, discipline, honesty, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, acceptance, strength, responsibility, family, work, society, possibilities, happiness, foundations, spirituality, discovery, thought, destiny, etc: IS THIS TOO LITTLE?" Why be, less than you were meant to be? WHY? Answer the question.
Hopefully, you will read this letter through.
Since I reprimanded you once for interfering in your child's dating life, and you chose to hate me for it. The question arises, WHY say anything at all, as finally the contempt is disappearing? The answer is: this is who I am, simple as that.
Therein it does seem only right to say, you ARE a strong & willing BLESSING in your child's life today. I have NO other dispute with you. But since I am writing, and since you did find me "beyond, at fault", it seems important to straighten that out a bit, hopefully so it does not come back. Are you angry yet? Because I am talking to you; on a piece of paper so that reactions may give way to truth/ and truth can reply, detail for detail, if you believe this is inappropriate to you. It is your life, and if this is too hard or high a price for you, I will simply politely say goodbye/ as life allows: If that is your choice.
Life is about the creation of moments that are worth living. YOU were an important part of my life once, and surely that is worth one more chance to understand the differences, and find a common ground. Therein the question of courtship arises first/ as the unfortunate reality of a sexual partner that was not entirely monogamous. I DO understand the contempt, & desire to protect/ but you forgot how important/ or more correctly the most important part of a male/ female relationship is NOT the sex/ but the happiness. There was happiness in both.
As to the truth of why you were so angry with me, for so long: there is only one possibility/ your pride was offended. Pride is a weapon, to keep the others away/ and I know, life has not been completely fair. The cost required by pride, is to make the others, "losers"/ therein many such weapons exist in the hands of many people; all of them to control the others. The quest for happiness is a battleground, devoted to the removal of pride/ because pride is a game, and life is about life; it is NOT a game. The reality of HAPPINESS is a respect that cannot be measured; but can be understood as our relationship with miracles. Instead of fundamental demands to survive/ these are the simple yet critical invitations to an expression of existence that gave US love. Does your body not work well? Could you build for yourself ANY part of it, or even understand & comprehend the complexity of it? The body is completely automatic; but it is also your slave as well. It is a true miracle. Therefore life truly is a wondrous reality, that only people can contaminate. But survival never lets us forget; life is precious. I do know people are unfair, and everybody gets tired of being "picked on"/ but NOT every action or reaction is a judgment. Rather as has been the information provided to you, some is simply important to your future, or someone else's. We are going into economic depression, & choices made today WILL greatly impact tomorrow. As is important to the world of dating, memories are required if balance in your life becomes lacking. No one knows how it will all turn out. My own life is not what I would have expected. But expectations are commonly wrong.
Irregardless of that, PRIDE is a formidable enemy to us all. It asserts the right to believe anything we WANT to believe/ and that pushes truth aside. If it ain't truth/ then it is a lie. The consequence of pride being a foundation of lies, that then defines life, by the lies you chose. It was a terrible struggle to kill pride off/ but still, for my own life, one of the BEST decisions I ever made: without a doubt. I am NOT saying, "you are different in this, than the vast majority; you are not." but I am saying, happiness "lives elsewhere". And of course "now I am preaching"/ because there are better ways than pride, for life. Pride of course attacks with: "I,I,I,I,,,,,,,,I, etc." Ever wonder where it comes from? The answer is; pride uses an image of who we create, and then applies life by lying about anything that does not fit. The more "I's" a person uses, the more elaborate the delusions are that exist.
YOU are a lovely person, hiding in there/ but I know people are simply cruel, as pride forces each one to be measured. The value of a life, does become measured against the lies/ while the reality of a life is simply defined as a winner or loser. This is a human poverty, because every life is immeasurable. With two exceptions, the mass murderer, who judges all as beneath them, trash. And the pervert: those who become so frightened by life and/ or death; that the only control the lies will accept is with "the least frightening thing (a child) that they can find". So they hunt for sanity through the various stages of disgrace/ sex is merely the tool that proves they are in control; until it then convicts them and demands submission. This is the opposite of control, and proves insanity. These ARE "life's failures". Because instead of finding order & discipline "in religion or something"/ they choose violence over the innocent, and prove themselves worthless. ONLY true repentance, and HONEST belief can keep them from HELL. At any rate this is certainly NOT YOU.
The question is happiness, the answer is life as honesty & honor will make it for each of us. Discipline is important, but love is the honest understanding of a gift in my heart for you/ and you an honest gift of happiness for me: so that we share & prove we do care. This is true for every loving relationship; between you & your child/ etc.
Hate is the opposite of love/ hate is the decision to prove someone else is worthless, & of NO value to you. At any rate, I wish for you happiness, and while I cannot "wave a magic wand"/ I can share "a little knowledge" and a little life, by accepting you are important to me. love is a blessing, that is NOT perfect here. The reality is, a foundation in forgiveness & mercy/ a simple truth, rather than rules/ and life goes on, "Happily".
The last letter, exists for you the reader.
The essence of love, is " a cradle, that blesses the heart, with its beginning in peace". Love thereby becomes the resting place of all who give their lives to the reality of peace, and understand this is the beginning of life itself.
The heart is our own contribution to the stability & truth of peace in this world; therein every decision is weighed for the purpose of peace, life, love, or respect/ and our world changes because of who we are. The heart is your blessing from GOD , because inside the soul, where your heart is born, life becomes eternal. Love & heart are not the same. Love is an expression formed from trust, our belief in truth, created through our obedience to order & discipline. Love is a destiny shared, in the creation of FAMILY, and the hopes of a home to believe the value of our lives, together, has created this. Heart is the experience that journeys through the truth that is our life, to become a preparation in eternity BEYOND the discipline & order of living: as the beginning of JOY.
SOUL, therein reveals an opportunity, "to see, beyond this earth, a new & different reality"/ a love beyond life as we know it, a reality beyond ourselves. Soul explains CREATION HAS A PURPOSE/ And that purpose is YOU.
Are you NOT in AWE, of your importance to Our CREATOR?
If you are not, either you choose to be stupid/ or you refuse to care about your life and future.
Much is written here, about sexual matters. The truth is, CRITICAL to all foundations in life is the support of understanding/ the bonds formed by sufficient wisdom & knowledge/ and the reality of discipline and honor: as these form our decisions and grant us choices. To simply act or react sexually is primarily selfish/ this is to encounter all the problems (and there are many) that selfishness brings. The heartbreaks of dating & sexuality are about selfishness/ it is simply "nothing desired/ simply used". The heartaches of loneliness are quenched only for a time by sexuality, because truth & needs WILL arise, and make you choose. Chemical sex is a game, "for losers"/ because no one wins, and everyone has needs; therefore it will "cost far more than you think". Friendship & needs, allow for sex to intervene in loneliness & the honesty that respect then grants to our lives together: but these too, come with expectations beyond the gifts. TRUE LOVE is the honor of your soul in mine/ mine in yours; therefore it is like NO other experience on earth.
Human society under the direction of men, have used sexuality as a game, a trophy, & a trap: IT IS A PITIFUL & ARROGANT display of their fears, and the battleground they have created "to keep the women away". The game is take whatever you want/ and leave the rest". The purpose is to protect man from "using too much sperm"/ it can be painful. The reality is a foundation in failure!
WOMEN WILL soon be in charge of society, and ALL sexual behaviors. They WILL choose death or life for all. THEY WILL CHOOSE, wrong or right regarding EVERYTHING sexual. These decisions, ARE THEIRS/ man has no say.
The assumption of every religion is control. But the reality of our lives is freedom. The cost of freedom quite simply is, the decisions which keep us alive. Truth knows, the days of abundance have passed. The problems & realities of our future ARE going to be determined in part, by what WOMEN CHOOSE to do sexually/ because it is a human escape, used by every society. Therefore the damage coming, is going to have an effect on your lives. You must choose/ NOT simply react and hide. OR ALL WILL DIE.
My advise to you is, DO NOT allow sex, to be what it is NOT! It is not a game/ it is not a trophy/ it is not a possession (it is a gift)/ nor is it an ownership (we are FREE)/ IT IS NOT a tool for use by religion/ it is NOT a sin/ & it is NOT for sale, unless survival is all you have left.
Sexuality is a human experience binding male to female/ female to male as the treasure of "miracles, that we share one life to another". It is a blessing/ that ONLY you can make into a curse. BE HAPPY, DEMAND HONOR, AND CHERISH RESPECT; As these do predict the formations of love.
MAY GOD Be with you, and your decisions.
I add this: "perspectives of the mind"
the human dimension is fixed upon the "distance of I, as it converges to form the 3 basic parts of want". These are: "I WANT to be noticed/ I WANT to not be alone (therefore I desire control)/ & I WANT to be special!" The race of human existence is then a composition of parts & pieces deliberately designed by personality, to lead the escape from reality and gather as fast as possible; to prove your value to the others/ who then simply wish you would either help them, or die that they may take yours. Nothing here speaks of friendship. Nothing here reflects the true values of your life. Nothing here is happiness or peace or love! They are "a fool's game".
The understanding of reality is assembled by its expression as life. The composition of time, simply designated as the foundation delivered, "upon which we build our own truth." The definition & desire of love, is the discipline of a destiny shaped to expand freedom into the wonder & grace of everything we would ask of love to be. It is up to the participants to provide & direct the relationship of living to the essence of a life built upon the creation of love, as their own contribution to family. You CANNOT be forced to participate in love, it is your gift! BUT you cannot be accepted as a true member of family, without love/ because it is the price that gives family its home.
The games people play, are NOT of love, life, family, or anything valued by reality/ rather they are fantasies played out as the excuse to deliberately avoid the consequence of life: which is our dependence on truth. Truth is NOT A GAME. Truth requires the relationship of life & death, to be viewed as an endless cycle of disciplines , extruding existence from the human perspective of survival as our own relationship to knowledge, understanding, wisdom, work, and just plain chance. Humanity hates this fact/ therefore they play games to pretend it doesn't exist, and curse, swear, & excuse themselves from reality when truth destroys the lies they do cherish. What is clear today is these games cannot be played anymore. Reality as shaped by the destiny created by men in humanity is prepared to "push you into HELL". BECAUSE THESE ARE THE CHOICE YOU HAVE MADE. Simple as that. Therein this truth exists: that either you shall quickly learn to choose better/ or you will die. No possibility exists that humanity will or can continue as it is doing now/ YOU have come to "the end of the road", because gluttony and greed do not work with 7 billion people and the tragedies your choices have prepared: YOU WILL WAR, AND SOON.
What must occur for you to survive as life on earth is the simple acceptance of truth in your life as the basis for your existence, and the foundation upon which a new life begins. The words provided to you in these documents are for the purpose of your survival, your wisdom, your understanding, & your knowledge. The truth that you despise death is BASED upon your fears/ NOT of life, but of time. Time ends for us all/ the body & mind will die/ and there is nothing you or I can do to prevent it. The question for you is then: is life that part of you identified by time (you did not create it), it is given to you as a gift/ OR IS LIFE, the truth that exists in freedom, "the right to use energy & mass, to create your own beginnings"? And your own destiny beyond time? Answer the questions.
My work is finally done, and the need to stay/ where reality supported this work, is now over. The opportunities and possibilities declared and shared are now yours to do with as you please; live or die. The web sites are paid for through March of 2007. After that date women will support them or not, they belong to you. I will wait for a time, for women to decide if they desire my help/ but after the IRS is dealt with by payment or court; then I will do whatever I please.
GOODBYE , Peace be with you, as it should be.
A FINAL LETTER TO MEN, as they are certain to be too proud to listen.
While it is true, you could continue to steal 4-7 years more, with the continued collusion & graft of other leaders in other nations; the "writing is on the wall" so to speak. HELL IS COMING. Take a look at your practices, an environment that means literally nothing to you, but money/ life is worthless to you, except fo the money you can collect/ & every resource (doesn't matter what) is simply the tool for your gluttony and greed. MAN has consumed from the earth, in the last 40 years, more than the previous 10000 years combined. MAN has failed the assault of population, and now population threatens to consume the earth entirely. MAN has driven the economy of all industrial nations with LIES, CHEATING, STEALING, GREED, LUST, AND HIS DESIRE FOR -POWER.
The balance between life & death for the planet itself is just 4-7 years away/ believe it or not; it will matter only to you. If humanity refuses to change [MEN ARE DRUNK/ THEREFORE WOMEN RULE] then life will end. Your drunkenness over power and greed and want, IS A STATE OF STUPOR, wherein even stupidity "sounds good".
Take a look at yourselves, evolutionists have you by the balls; "A little tug, and you sing like the coyotes howling at the moon"/ anything they tell you to say. FOOLS DON'T COME BIGGER! FOOLS DON'T COME PROUDER! Take a look at your hand: WHY doesn't it wear out/ WHY do you see it/ WHY does your mind know it exists/ WHAT MADE YOUR BODY WORK? A few million of you working for years, cannot make a robot of value/ yet you gleefully accept any ignorance, & desire to follow any lie, because you prefer gluttony, and drunkenness to truth and honor. YOU ARE THROUGH ruling the earth; one way or the other/ man is done. NO GENERATION of men, throughout the entire history of man, has done worse than YOU: "You are the best/ at being the worst", congratulations.
Genetics will END COMPLETELY; Or VERY SOON, "Terrors will seem like child's play"/ as your desire to believe in evolution will come true for you. Mutilations will rule over your lives! You are gods, aren't you/ you will only get what you WANT, won't you? How about a penis the size of your leg, growing out of your nose, "a new elephant man"/ surely you will praise yourself, after all YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for this; are you not in charge! And what is your excuse, "because one whimpers/ the lives of billions and even the earth itself is gambled with by FOOLS AND IDIOTS, who actually believe/ well we will just stop if it goes wrong. BASTARD'S , genetics are NOT steel and girders that you put together/ they are "automatic, forming the instructions that you cannot correct". What can you do, when it all fails; YOU WILL KILL ENDLESSLY, and WAR TILL EXTERMINATION COMES. That is the legacy of your pitiful existence. CHANGE NOW, OR BE DAMNED; it means, held responsible for destroying GOD'S WORK !
Even without the terrors and horrific realities of mutilation/ the slurry of your blood and guts, will soon be like a river; IF YOU DON'T CHANGE. Millions are prepared today, to prove they are less than happy/ by destroying something or someone else. Reality will prove: MULTIPLY THIS BY 1000 TIMES in the next twenty years, as you continue to ruin, destroy, or mutilate all that you must have to survive. The only solution left is weapons of mass destruction: BECAUSE SOMEONE WILL HAVE TO DIE!
EXTINCTION OR CHANGE is your legacy for the earth. These are your DECISIONS, come to show man that all lies will die. And YOU are TOO DRUNK to even recognize LIFE is now controlled by human choice. YOU WANTED to be a god/ well NOW YOU ARE. Therefore given the demand to make the choices that WILL BECOME LIFE OR DEATH for the planet/ GIVEN the reality that MAN WILL REMOVE HIMSELF FROM RULING THE EARTH, And give WOMAN her chance to survive.
IF WOMAN FAILS, THEN ALL DIE, WITHOUT MERCY. Because man created this terrible reality, that a change has to be made; or the earth becomes EXTINCT.
Let no man say, that I hate men/ I do not. Instead, understand this fully, I do hate the reality that man has placed upon all our lives. I despise the consequence of a truth, that destroys the entire work of GOD On this planet. But hate it or not, THIS IS THE REALITY OF TODAY. And anyone who does not work to change it, for the sake of life on earth/ is the same as satan;
"Literally the trash heap, where refuse is discarded/ to be seen no more". MAKE UP YOUR MIND.
But do remember this/ there will be NO "going back".