To: THE DISCOVERY OF CHOICES, a depression and bankruptcy averted for the USA.
These are excerpts from [the women's trial]
Assembling the difference between :
What is WE THE PEOPLE, and what is the responsibility and the authority of those who control a government for the benefit of its people? Questions then come as to the reality and truth of what it means when these employees of the people become thieves and liars. Reality confronts the question: when do the lies and theft and consequences of treason [the bankruptcy of the nation] demand actions shall be taken? The opportunity to defend the nation and our existence as a world, or as part of the world: IS hinged upon the simple truth that sanity and reason must remain a vital part of our existence. The truth of 300 million people suddenly learning their world as an economic reality has been turned into nothing but lies and failure/ that they have indeed lost everything financial in their lives or stand to lose everything financial in their lives: because government was too weak and too stupid, and too arrogant, and too proud to make the decisions required/ means civil war is a true possibility. Therefore we MUST go to court to fix this problem/ while sanity and reason have at least the possibility of holding the nation together, and let truth sort as truth must sort/ that we may begin again. The fact that no one wants the truth/ NEARLY EVERYONE HIDES IN THE LIES/ has become irrelevant, because the reality of the day proves the lies are now dead, and the funeral for them is just around the corner. YOUR WAYS, and YOUR EMPLOYEES DECISIONS, have made the nation broke. The money has no value/ so says the truth about the financial statistics reported by the United States treasury dept. Therefore to court we must go. Table L.5 currently on Page68 total liabilities and assets of the USA use to be on page 165. Under the flow of funds catagory.
The federal reserve flow of funds table says 109 trillion in assets last June 2005 divided by 300 million people = $363,000.00 dollars apiece divided equally/ there is no way. Dependent upon which week it was reviewed we will use the 84 trillion in debt that they made up for themselves. 84 trillion dollars in debt divided by 100 million people for easy calculations = $840,000.00 each: or a debt load that has no reality to it; it simply cannot exist. Add 8.2 trillion dollars, that Americans used in credit for the first 4 and a half months of this fiscal year= $164,000.00 dollars per each of 50 million workers. Your credit needs have suddenly risen dramatically/ always the signal, that it is about to end. Therefore depression begins very soon/ NOT because of this small trial; did I fail to write you an 8.2 trillion dollar check to cover your first 4 months of spending? No/ it is you who took the credit. Did I fail to pay the 725.8 billion dollars trade deficit, that you took last year/ this is $7258.00 dollars in non-payment per each one of one hundred million people, that you did not pay the people who give you their work and resources. Is this not your fault? Your credit needs have suddenly almost doubled or more/ a clear and certain sign, this economy is now done. Therefore we can either begin talking about truth and reality; what we can do/ what we cannot do/ and what we will do? Or you can wait until tragedy causes panic, and revenge controls society/ by whatever methods hate will choose. My way is better. But it will be your choice/ because without support, only revenge is left.
This is "a brief, for the purpose of mailing", primary definitions of what is to be contended in trial/ the assumption that it is "frivolous"/ could not be more unwarranted. These kinds of numbers cannot be escaped, we will go to bankruptcy, like it or not/ because this nation deserves to go to bankruptcy; did you not ask for it? You did indeed/ and even insisted.
Paragraph 1 of form letter 3175 C (rev. 3-1-2004) says: "we have determined that the arguments you raised are frivolous and have no basis in law. Federal courts have consistently ruled against such arguments and imposed significant fines for taking such frivolous positions."
My reply: when people steal & corrupt the value of ANY currency/ then they steal from themselves, their nation, & any other nation & people which does business with them. Statistical documents provided within the statistical abstract of the United States, & generated from the United States federal reserve at Table L.5 currently on Page68 flow of funds, total liabilities & assets of the United States Do prove factually and beyond ANY doubt; THAT THE THIEVES AND LIARS have indeed stripped and disgraced the USA, and made them bankrupt as a nation. YOUR assertion that this is frivolous, and has no basis in law/ is absurd: and fundamentally supports those at war against the United States, by their acts of treason, & disrespect for the work of the people and their sovereign right to be secured in their home, possessions, and future. YOU are a participant in these traitorous acts. The consequence of a nation secretly driven into bankruptcy is the clear and certain possibility of civil war/ because your corruption has broken a direct decree of the constitution of the United States: YOU have invaded their households, and robbed them deliberately as if you had held a gun to their head. Therefore pick your side with the traitors/ or with me and whosoever will join me in this denial of absolute anarchy as developed against the nation by its leaders, through the advise of its universities. I AM FIGHTING FOR responsibility, truth, respect for the people, and honor: what then do you fight for if not the opposite. By what right, do you suggest, "significant penalties" are justified/ this is a sign of organized crime, not justice. This case and my cause is necessary and proper/ and I accept no claim of penalty or fine; let the constitution decide. The constitution is the law/ and no employee can supercede it: to even suggest that is possible is an act of treason against the United States; because the credibility of the United States rests upon "the rights and guaranteed freedoms, liberty, and justice due to each citizen. The flag waves, and you point, "this is our way"/ NOW PAY THE PRICE.
Secondary to this is the tyranny and blatant failure of the court system of america in their use of "Frivolous". It is, "the courts all out attack" on the people of the United States, because like a disease/ it has infiltrated every aspect of the possibility of judicial relief within the USA. It is used as an imprisonment of "inalienable rights", and therein becomes the tool for absolute anarchy against the people themselves. It is irrelevant what the subject matter, the social value, or the demand for fair play is/ the blanket statement of frivolous, like a cancer without end: "frivolous by the court," HAS DESTROYED the summary demand for law, justice, constitutional decree, or fair play. Further it is used by the legal profession to impute life and its trials and tribulations to the hands of the greedy and violent; "the lawyer, that kidnaps the rights of the citizen; to their personal greed, and the violence; of a nation that must be bought, or there shall be NO "justice"/ america, the courtroom owned by the money, the power, and the fool. I personally have a list of cases (select abstract files ) that prove this very thing.
Tyranny by the dictionary is: 1. Oppressive power exerted by the government. 2. A government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler (b) the office, authority, and administration of a tyrant. 3. A rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force. A tyrant, by dictionary meaning is; a absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution. (b). A usurper of sovereignty 2. A ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally (b). One resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power.
The constitution grants to me, a citizen of these United States the right to ask and demand of my government, that it shall obey the laws of the United States. That law is you shall not invade my world without "fair play"/ yet you the employees of government, HAVE INDEED invaded my world and stripped all the value from the money upon which this society depends. That law is, you shall not remove justice from my own desire and duty to insure this nation survives, therein it is necessary to approach the court with legitimate concerns and have the law read to me, concerning any question that exists between me and my country: as employees YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to claim anything is frivolous/ you have none. Instead it is my right to demand a detailed list of fundamental and expressive rights and realities that are critical to the creation of "good citizenship"/ and you HAVE NO RIGHT, to hide these things behind the disgrace of lawyers or words or doctrine or anything that might hinder the adequate and real demands for a country that lives up to its constitution. YOU MAY NOT HIDE THE LAW, you must admit to the law and follow it without regard for personal prejudice. What is important to me as a citizen in protecting and honoring this society is YOUR SWORN DUTY to uphold. That is your job. Your authority is bound inside the law of the constitution, and those documents which indeed DO SUPPORT the constitution and its intent. YOU do not/ therefore a traitor by any measure.
Frivolous is nothing more than prejudice and bigotry, hidden within a different word. A distinct threat, to my freedom, my rights, and my reality within this society, HAS BEEN ISSUED by you; because you are hiding behind an authority you do not own: you are an employee, and nothing more. And you do not have the authority to threaten me/ for insisting upon truth and reality from this or any other government employee. The constitution IS THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; and every living member of that nation is its governing body/ those who are hired as employees are literally given the job/ sworn to uphold the job/ of what that constitution provides. YOU have NO AUTHORITY, beyond what the constitution provides/ BUT I HAVE EVERY RIGHT assigned by the constitution as freedom and liberty and justice. Anything less is a blend of tyranny, treason, corruption and failure most foul. Any thing less is an attempt to escape from the duty under law & under oath, by the use of a term called "frivolous" as a virtual sword, to kill society and its supporters, by attacking and extorting those who would defend her. Any judge who resorts to such prejudicial actions is literally a tyrant and fundamentally a traitor to this country. I AM ENTITLED to justice/ and that does not include being treated "like waste to be discarded in the trash"; because that is exactly what frivolous means. YOU ARE GIVEN A QUESTION REGARDING CITIZENSHIP AND THE APPROPRIATE MEANS TO A BETTER SOCIETY/ YOU ARE REQUIRED TO OBEY THE LAW AND THE CONSTITUTION; AND PROVIDE AN HONEST ANSWER; not the sneers, not the ridicule, not the arrogance, not a criminal attack on a citizen (do you not threaten jail and extortion; indeed you do)/ YOU ARE A THUG, nothing more or less than "mafia-styled traitors". Do you not refuse to answer any foundation element, or support or deny any guaranteed right/ these are excuses, for your not obeying the law. Your delusions of grandeur, immunity, or authority/ that you do not possess are a matter that demands a dutiful investigation, and a fundamental criminal process ; with civil penalties, critically involving the nation itself. The cries of immunity for a judge, who fails to keep his or her sworn duty to uphold the constitution, DOES NOT EXIST. If you fail/ then YOU are vulnerable.
Paragraph 3: "There are some people who encourage others to violate our nation's tax laws by arguing that there is no legal requirement for them to file income tax returns or pay income taxes. These people base their arguments on legal statements taken out of context and on frivolous arguments that have been repeatedly rejected by federal courts. People who rely on this kind of information can ultimately pay more in taxes, interest and penalties that they would have paid simply by filing correct tax returns".
My reply: this is a continuation of arguments that do not exist/ if such is contained in the stated letter, it erupts from a previous attempt to enter tax court: a demand by me to be heard on a simple personal tax argument. Wherein I searched, and at every door the answer was the same: NO ENTRY to tax court unless I provide a signed written statement that declares I do owe the money/ ONLY THEN can I go and declare, "I do not owe the money"/ a game for fools. Going to tax court thereby demands I must be taken to court by the IRS. To get a fair hearing/ I MUST INVITE THE NATION. It is that simple. Thereby creating a sustainable argument suitable for transference to civil court requires the question WHY! Again no intent to avoid "my fair share" exists/ HOWEVER the slaughter of critical realities necessary for the future of the nation and the children who will inherit it or die, IS MY DUTY TO DEFEND; and you are the butcher that cannibalizes their lives.
Paragraph 4; "people who violate the tax laws also may be subject to federal criminal prosecution and imprisonment. Information about the IRS'S criminal enforcement program is available on the internet at Once there, enter the IRS keyword: fraud.
My reply: simply more threats from those who are committing the fraud by disguising the numbers as having value when indeed they do not. That means those who are participating in this fraud against the nation/ and deluding those who believe they have "money" when in fact they do not, ARE GUILTY of perjury (you are lying, if your actions in the collection of money sustains treason & supports traitors; we have been robbed, as a nation), extortion (if you have NO legally sustainable right, then it is extortion: your right to collect taxes, exists as a defense of the nation, and as a support for the nation/ YOU ARE supporting the thieves and butchers of the nation [because the children need the resources and rights being stolen], making you conspirators). The LAW SUPPORTS SOCIETY, as do I/ in all terms and all ways. YOU have declared war on society by the delusions you have helped to create, as money without merit, and weapons from that money without even the opportunity for mercy for life. THIS IS YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATION: mine is a fight for life, and a nation that will survive.
Paragraph 5: "the IRS is working with the United States department of justice and state taxing authorities to ensure that all taxpayers pay their lawful share of taxes and to seek criminal indictments or civil enforcement actions against people who promote or join in abusive and fraudulent tax schemes."
My reply: More threats, this time using the employees REQUIRED for fictitious & fanciful delusions as is required to HIDE THE CRIMINAL ACTIONS of the employees of government. In the matter of criminal actions; such as theft from the nation itself, and its future (passing all payment and debt to the children and grandchildren is THEFT) . The deliberate and disgraceful hiding of debt in numbers that cannot be real in terms of truth or reality IS AN ACCOUNTING FRAUD, deliberately breeching every duty of the employee of government in protecting the nation. THE HOME GROWN TERRORISM that exists in the form of weapons of mass destruction, THAT DO THREATEN THE NATION AND THE WORLD: BECAUSE WE CANNOT SURVIVE THEIR USE. Could not be more traitorous and treasonous/ an absolute failure to abide within constitutional law.
Your scheme to intimidate & injure this cause for justice & the duties implied and required of me by citizenship is akin to constitutional desertion. As you have taken everything required by the citizen and abused it with tyrannical arraignment and a purpose known to be corruption.
Issues are taken within your disgrace establishing "promote or join in"/ as a fundamental threat, specifically denied to you in the amendments of the constitution regarding freedom of speech. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to tell me I may not contest or argue against the government employees of the United States who have robbed us of our guaranteed rights. Issues of money are of less value than human rights, and human property as guaranteed rights is a critical reality that you are not allowed to attack without fundamental truth, that it is indeed proven necessary. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to threaten me without substantive proof, that I do not do my part. I tell you today, I have done my part/ and I have paid my tax bill, in full: not yet accounting for 2005 which is now a soon to be part of this trial. The assertion that you can supercede, the constitution to the United States and declare : no one may talk about any matter that is primary to governing itself, such as taxation is nothing less than the very reason the American revolution occurred in the first place; making YOU "the new king george": thereby LIAR and THIEF. THIS Develops arguments that you have indeed taken over the government with "mafia-style based confessions of conspiracy (it is you that suggests, I must surrender to your taxation, without even a complaint or right to truth and reality)", not me. THIS IS against this government of WE THE PEOPLE. Which then forms the necessity of a judgment and a trial against those employees who have declared themselves to be a tyrant, and immune from constitutional decree/ and the judiciary which has supported the blatant and forcible larceny of our constitutional rights..
This is a very simple matter: PROVE THE LEGITIMACY OF YOUR TREASURY DOCUMENT " Table L.5 total liabilities and assets of the United States, and I will go away, and declare leave this issues alone: PROVE you have not broken constitutional law, and my guaranteed rights, in writing! I give you till May 12, 2006 to provide substantive proof / and no trial will be formed.
Paragraph 6: "The claims presented in your correspondence do not relieve you from your legal responsibilities to file federal tax returns and pay taxes. We urge you to honor these legal duties.
My reply: I will require the letter dated march 8, 2005 to determine the validity of this claim. As to honor, YOU and those YOU represent ARE THE GUILTY PARTY/ as you have sneaked inside the government and attempted to destroy foundations that cause it to exist. I do not refuse to pay any tax/ BUT I DO DEMAND AN ACCOUNTING! I DO, expect fair and reasonable actions by the employees of the US constitution. And I DO ACCEPT and EXPECT the disciplines and law necessary to DEMAND JUSTICE AND HONOR FOR THE NATION: Do you? Or are these things lacking in you/ do you continue to defame the integrity and dignity of the United States of America further, by refusing its decrees and its justice and its honor and its rights under constitutional law? Or will the notorious possession and performance of what is clearly the criminal mind and actions that make you a criminal against the USA, make you GUILTY, of participating in treason. IT IS YOUR CHOICE.
THIS IS NOT A GAME/ the consequence of depression or civil war, a reality and a risk that must not be gambled with. You are going into bankruptcy/ but what happens to the nation, will be determined by this lawsuit. That is not arrogance/ that is reality, because if you are not talking honestly; YOU WILL be fighting, and almost certainly dying. Are these not broken dreams, homes, and lives/ just because you wanted to live for free? The bill is due.
The question and validity of the preliminary lawsuit, herein is understood within the simple [scope and limitations: the power of judicial review asserted in Marbury v. Madison is not a monopoly of the supreme court. Because all federal and state judges take an oath to support the constitution, and because unconstitutional statutes are not the "law of the land", every judge must refuse to enforce them. This obligation assures that the courts themselves cannot be used as instruments for infringing the constitutional rights of the individual". Taken from David P. Currie "the Edward H. Levi Distinguished service professor of law at the University of Chicago law school/ a primer for the people published 2000]
The composition of this work, includes the demand that no court can enforce what is distinctly unconstitutional! There is nothing more unconstitutional than to threaten the nation and the world. There is nothing more unconstitutional than to behave and cause by employee behaviors a situation that could easily plunge the nation into civil war. There is nothing more unconstitutional than the threat received by me that I cannot freely talk about the employees that function to preserve and protect the government of WE THE PEOPLE: particularly when those very employees have indeed bankrupted the nation, and corrupted our good nation and station in this world. There is nothing more corrupt and unconstitutional than the deliberate disgrace and disrespect of amendment 4; wherein my life/ our lives have truly been affected by the actions of our employees by bankrupting us. Because we are bankrupt, it is absolutely clear, that the government employee has indeed came into our very houses and businesses, and seized our money/ our possessions/ our securities/ and our peace in direct and unreasonable opposition and traitorous conduct against the 4 amendment. There is nothing more corrupt than the foundation of the 1st amendment which declares deliberately and with clarity and purpose ....." congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances".
This then is clearly a lawsuit intent not only on bringing reality and truth to light, and expecting truth to identify the reality by examining the evidence and investigating the people who are indeed charged with traitorous acts against the people of the United States. Were these not charged with protecting the union, with protecting our sacred rights, with honoring the people, and with the responsibility and duty of making choices no matter how difficult, for the benefit of the nation. IF I AM WRONG/ will they not be exonerated? I am here DEMANDING TRUTH IN GOVERNMENT. I AM HERE declaring LIAR, THIEF, AND FAILURE against the employees who did not do their sworn duty; and prepared to testify this is a treason against us all. I DEMAND THE TRUTH/ and from the truth WE THE PEOPLE will decide the reality and the way.
WE ARE THE OWNERS OF THE CONSTITUTION: WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE AUTHORITY/ AND THE CONSTITUTION DECIDES WHO IS RIGHT AND WHO IS WRONG. Show me the right to threaten the citizen/ show me the right to steal from the citizen/ show me the right to declare this is not a direct threat to the nation, and therein can in any form be discarded without trial? SHOW ME THE LAW. THIS does apply to original jurisdiction within the court, fundamentally multiplying all the people in all the states as one voice critically involved in the money that rules over their world. YOU HAVE PARTICIPATED IN STEALING MONEY, FROM US ALL. Today is the day that comes to ask for order before the court/ and before the world. Today is the day america takes; " the official employees of the people, to court". And demands of them: WHAT ARE THE MEANING OF THESE NUMBERS, found in the statistical abstract/ the accounting of the nation. Particularly table L.5 total liabilities and assets of the United States.
But here this, the question of people involved is far less important, than what we as a nation will do/ the nation itself has participated, and made itself bankrupt: THEREFORE no single individual, or group can be blamed. However without the influence of the university, it could never have gotten this bad.
There are many issues to be resolved in America, this is only the beginning/ because life cannot be gambled with anymore. The reality of every truth and every disrespect that assaults the world, the earth, and our lives requires the same attention. If you refuse, the your gamble will fail and the result of risking all life on earth/ just because you want: Means literally the world will teach you the truth about "risking it all".