JAMES F. OSTERBUR and those women who may join





THIS IS a constitutional demand to determine the primary value of money for the nation of the USA. It is held together as a function of constitutional law, by the following :

1. It is held in the constitution Article 1, section 8, item 5: that the congress shall have power to regulate the value of money/ and as such it is fair & legitimate to understand the true value of what I and all other citizens hold as currency of the USA. As we accept this as having merit/ when in fact the tables produced by the federal reserve flow of funds table L.5 clearly indicate the money does not have merit/ but is in fact a lie.

Therefore the employees of government shall explain the numbers and how they correlate to value in terms of numbers and the people, this money, represents.

2. Article 1 section 8, item 2: provides the congress shall have power to borrow money on credit of the USA/ it is therein understood, "to borrow" declares this money lent, shall be returned by the borrower. The question consumed by the accounting statements of the US agency "the treasury". Is HOW, AND BY WHO?

Therefore the employees of government shall declare the method and the manner of repayment/ as well as who has stolen the value from the money. This is , MORE that a fair question/ as the life's work & future of all financial decisions of the people of the USA, DOES require such information. Their very lives hinge on the accuracy and fairness of their relationship to the money protected by the employees of government; THIS IS NOT a frivolous matter.

3. Item 4 : recognizes bankruptcy & the requirement that all shall accept, the uniform rules governing who & what shall define bankruptcy. the question then remains/ is the USA bankrupt by its own terms?

Summary information declaring the terms of bankruptcy is required by the court, and by the treasury, and by all government employees that have access or authority over said information: that we may see the truth.

4. item 6: to provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the USA. the question is: if counterfeiting is indeed the "intent to deceive, as to the value of what is presented to us as money/ an insincere & feigned imitation of the real thing": then at what defiance of value & truth, does the american dollar become counterfeit?

Who is going to pay? The answer is: since you have no money, to compensate those who you have defiled. The organization of women who bring this trial or join this trial: SHALL TAKE YOUR JOBS, as they see fit. In so doing, the criminal behaviors of the people responsible may be disbursed if this organization deems it reasonable and right.

5. Section 9, article 1, item 7: demands "a regular statement and account of the receipts & expenditures of all public money"..... It is certain and sure, this is to be a true & complete statement of the facts/ that does not confer lies, as the basis of the numbers. Or lies as the foundation for stealing from the future. Or lies as the method most used in pillaging & economically raping the nation itself. Federal reserve, flow of funds, table L.5 total liabilities and assets of the United States.

Explain the numbers as they correlate to work, resources, and the future.

6. While it is true item 4, section 9 was declared null & void by amendment 16/ that cannot be said about section 10, item 1: Wherein "no state .....shall use anything but gold & silver coin as a tender in payment of debts....!"

Explain how you deliberately denounced the constitution of the USA, and did just that when you failed/ and took away the base recognition of value in the money supply? You had no legal right.

7. Article 2, section 4: proclaims "the president/ vice-president, and ALL civil officers of the USA, SHALL be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of , treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors the court is demanded to accept this as truth/ and fundamentally declare: exactly HOW the bankruptcy of the nation fits into this demand for punishment & justice: for the people of the USA.

8. Article 3 section 2, item 1: the judicial power shall extend to ALL CASES in law & equity, arising under the constitution...... There is NO "frivolous clause" for treason & traitorous behaviors against the nation. ANY COURT or any judge, who proclaims differently assigns and declares him or herself as a conspirator with the others: a traitor, liar, & thief.

9. Article 3 section 3, item 1 understands that removing the people's trust, by stealing their money is akin to a war against them. aiding and abetting those who "stole the value of the money" consists of giving the enemy aid and comfort. it is your job as employees of the people, to protect / this theft cannot exist without the aid and hidden contracts with the court. Amendment 14, section 4: "The validity of the public debt.....". Asserts a FAIR & justifiable debt! And does NOT give authority to "steal the nation blind and broke". Article 6, item 1 "All debts contracted and engagements entered into,...... shall be as valid against the USA under this constitution.

Explain HOW this will be paid.

10. Amendment 1 congress shall make no law.....freedom of speech.... right of the people...... To petition the government for a redress of grievances."

YOU AS THE EMPLOYEES OF THE PEOPLE, are given the demand to answer/ when an accounting is required. THE BANKRUPTCY OF THE NATION as orchestrated & allowed by its officials, COULD NOT BE MORE CLEAR. Today is that day/ and you are required to give an account.

11. Amendment 4 "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, paper, & effects, against unreasonable searches & seizures shall not be violated....". this command to our employees, could not have been more breeched/ discarded and disrespected. These employees and their predecessors, HAVE indeed entered every home & seized nearly everything. By devaluing the money into nothing. Explain how the employees who have done this will correct the matter/ explain how you will declare to the people : they are financially broke.

The disgrace that is your debt/ our debt, proves this is true.

12. Due process of law is required, before any person shall be deprived of property! Is this not so! Or did you over-rule the 5th and 14th amendments and grant yourself another power beyond the constitution? Are you or are you not governed by the constitution and its authority? Answer the question clearly. Answer and explain how the 13th amendment declares "you shall NOT make us slaves"/ HAS indeed been corrupted by all those we depended upon, only to be enslaved by their debt. Instead of our choice.

EXPLAIN: We are the owners, of WE THE PEOPLE! Either declare this is true/ or prove it is not so.

As owners, we do demand an accounting/ justice/ equity/ and the supervisory powers over the employees of our government. It is NOT a government of our employees/ but a government of OURSELVES.

13. THIS reality has been shown to prove FAILURE & SEVERE CONSEQUENCES due to: the diseases of lying, cheating, stealing, & arrogance beyond belief: as has been proven "in the money". Every aspect of control as is held by the employees of our government MUST THEN BE SCRUTINIZED for them rest of the tragedies lurking behind closed doors. Every unwarranted, unconstitutional, and cause that jeopardizes our lives with even MORE SEVERE consequences than just money SHALL BE REVIEWED. and dealt with as a nation/ "not by our employees of ruin". WE ARE THE OWNERS/ AND WE DO RULE. Critical evaluation and investigation and fundamental decision by the people is or will be applied to:

A. weapons of mass destruction/ and the fundamental lie: they protect us because, if they exterminate us/ we will exterminate them! Even hitler was less stupid. Only the fool, and the completely INSANE see protection in insanity! Even the criminally insane/ the very worst, of those who inhabit the prisons: do not plan to exterminate the world. WHAT THEN, DOES THAT MAKE YOU?

B. Environmental destruction; is the damage humanity causes that directly impacts our survival and whether life on earth continues to exist. There IS NO CAUSE AND NO ALLOWANCE for "Gambling with the earth"/ there is NO authority in the constitution for either threatening our lives with direct destruction/ or a slow death by the cancer of human arrogance and disrespect. There is NO AUTHORITY to mutilate or disease or destroy the very NATURE THAT GIVES US LIFE: NATURE IS THE GENETIC STRUCTURE OF LIFE! And you will leave it alone completely from now on/ or you will not only terrorize life: BUT I WILL GUARANTEE TO YOU/ HADES WILL TERRORIZE YOU AND SHOW YOU THE MEANING OF HORRIFIC.

C. Resource loss, is fundamentally the death of this society and every other, there is NO AUTHORITY to steal from the future everything they need to survive/ there is NO AUTHORITY to steal from the world, just to make your lives easy. YOU have made your children slaves/ YOU have caused them to pay for your insanity, YOUR GREED, YOUR GLUTTONY, AND YOUR ARROGANCE and "no one pays/ but the future": so you say! This is the way of BASTARD'S AND WOLVES/ of PREDATORS, DEVILS, AND SATAN HIMSELF.

D. The sewer of american education/ such as it is, has been used to create the people who have been in charge for these last 50 plus years; wherein the reality of their ways is one tragedy after another/ one lie held together by a hundred liars and more. This Is going to end/ who will believe you anymore: the damage you have done is severe. Did you not create the world where every "college degree" is worth money that does not exist/ where every college degree is clearly responsible for the depression and catastrophes you face? Because money is literally, people and resources; and you have no right to claim, "to be more" than any other human being just because of a degree. Are you not responsible for the terrorizing of the earth, in nearly every way that causes extinction. while it is clearly true, the rest of humanity is responsible for terrorizing themselves/ the reality is, at least the damage done was to themselves/ and not to the future of life on earth. This is your "legacy of intellect"/ and it is to your shame.

E. The world impact of your behaviors have stripped the earth clean while protecting american property to a minimal degree/ you stole theirs; teaching how to wreck the environment and steal the cultures of other nations/ you should be ashamed. Why should the world support your arrogance and your disgrace? Your ways are treachery and failure and disease.

F. The responsibility and purpose of degrading the lives of the children/ by making them pay for your arrogance, gluttony, and stupidity. Wrecking the lives of all those in the future, and stealing everything they need: just to throw it away. Is not constitutional/ it is THIEVERY! And you are clearly THIEVES.

G. The critical reality and fundamental rights of life on earth/ IS NOT A GAME. a planet that will survive, MEANS there can be NO GUESSING. This, Is a fact that cannot be dismissed. The world is dying, and you are responsible: the others do not matter at this moment/ because life is talking to you. Because of your gluttony and arrogance, you have elected to butcher the future and all its inhabitants: and the world helps you do it. It is time for change/ OR complete failure; so that YOU shall reap your rewards.

It is women who SHALL lead in the REPAIR of all these things. They shall join this lawsuit, or the earth and its life shall "slip away." Who can claim: that behind every one of these doors described above/ where shameful is the rule, and failure is the reality: That there is not a man standing there, in charge!

Should I die, or in any other way NOT be able to file this brief before June of 2006 ends/ and support and sustain this lawsuit, to its completion: then women shall do so for themselves, and proceed without me.

If for any reason at all, they are unable/ then to HELL you shall go. Today is the day, & NOW is the time: there will be NO OTHER WAY. This is your opportunity to avoid hell/ do it or die. This is then the beginning of "the new ark"/ that women will build to help sustain us all/ if you do poorly, then you "sink".

The history of human existence FUNDAMENTALLY PROVES, that being stubborn & unwilling to learn/ is considered a matter of personal pride, by most. the perceived value of stubbornness is: "they can't get me now/ they will hurt me no more". The fundamental truth of stubbornness: "we are tired of you/ the way you are; and this exists from both sides". What is pride, suffocates the tears of honesty, & conceals the honor of listening. to destroy the respect of one human to another, and separate us from each other. The critical relationship we experience as society, defines our existence by forcing the expression of ourselves as within the parameters which society allows. the fundamental lack of true freedom/ and the foundation of survival through work: DO assault the relationships we form oir have pushed upon us, by assigning conformity, to be leader. this leader, whether they or we are young or old/ establishes controls by the acceptance of other people; who then apply the pressures of society to those it deems undesirables. These then become the "truly stubborn"/ because their world is tragically assaulted, and their place in society assigned without the "common flattery, & basic bribes: to keep the people doing as they are told". This is the reward of the others/ do what you are told; or be treated "like them".

The question of a world, conceived as a human freedom rather than a social development of leaders & their servants/ slaves/ or outcasts: IS tied directly to the understanding of 3 BASIC fundamentals in the practice of human living in time. They are: survival/ the desire for wealth/ and the intent for slaves "to do my work". The consequence of these things has given us a reality today: that is a world that shall NOT survive tomorrow without distinct and permanent change. the impact of human population HAS PROVEN, a crisis will come in every aspect of survival/ work/ & life. our truth is we shall learn to SHARE PROPERLY, with each other/ OR WE WILL WAR, with each other/ because WE are too many for any other way.

The opportunity to survive means, very simply: we WILL conserve resources as best we can/ WE WILL protect the whole environment as best we can/ OR WE WILL DIE. Because we cannot survive without either of these. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS/ NO EXCUSES: We will protect each of these or humanity and all life on earth is dead.

The opportunity for wealth DOES NOT include a life for anyone without financial limits in possession and power. instead the discovery of personal value, the honesty of honorable friends, and the use of shared possessions in a respectful fashion. Do present us with a life worth living, and a happiness blessed with peace worth owning. it is your choice/ and there are no others.

The consequence of laziness, and the behaviors fundamental to pride, & want ARE an ever present threat to human existence. Stubbornness exists because ridicule is easier than respect. Failure of respect is the foundation of pride. The demand to be superior, the critical war with peace & happiness called want. The disappearance of "the leader, as it is known today"/ IS a fundamental function of a new life. The understanding and vote, for a better world: translated by the freedom to conceive of BETTER, & the honesty to work & support reality, as truth declares it is necessary to do: are absolute requirements for life.

IF humanity chooses in their heart to accept the consequences of HOPE, TRUTH, & REALITY to build a new world. Then it starts with friendship & responsibility to each other. NO MORE ridicule/ FIND your respect.

IF humanity finds & accepts RESPECT/ then it shall understand DUTY, and the disciplines that precede the order that preserves life on earth.

IF humanity ACCEPTS order/ then love will bloom, and life will be better "than it has ever been".

TO FAIL, means you die/ and the world with you.

If you don't protect the earth and everything of life, from yourselves/ then who will? Your option is war/ and your weapon is extinction. TRY using your mind/ instead of just FUCKING IT, with delusions of grandeur.

THE TRUTH SAYS: LIFE OR DEATH WILL, be decided in these next 4 years/ everything is at stake. NOTHING you can say or do will stop that. if you choose life and do not turn away/ then everything will become as truth & life intended living to be from its beginning.

But if you choose death/ then to HELL you shall indeed go/ Armageddon shall begin/ and there will be no second chances/ NO MERCY/ and NO opportunity to survive.


From your drunken stupor/ the reality of your decisions upon this "man-made moment" on earth: reveals shame on YOU. Open your eyes and see the damage you have chosen to bring to your children's lives, and your own! IF you do not change/ then look into their faces and know: YOU LIED to them about everything/ YOU STOLE from them everything they needed/ and YOU MURDERED THEM, because YOU didn't care enough! This is the decision facing you: To step away from this deceit, and evil/ and choose life: or pay with your own! YOU SHALL NOT escape one consequence or the other.

REALITY SAYS: IN AMERICA, THE TIME HAS COME, for a new amendments to the constitution! NOT ratified by politicians/ NOT written by lawyers/ SIMPLY defined & voted upon by people.

That amendment shall read, "in similar content & style": EQUALITY DEMANDS, NO person shall be allowed to obtain, control, or hold more money or wealth, in any form: than 3 times the average worker/ as income, inheritance, or any other. NO person shall be allowed to obtain, control, hold, or use any property, possession, or right of authority, that is valued more than double the property & possessions of the average worker: at any time in their lives.

In doing this, you WILL avoid the depression you have earned.

The second amendment: JUSTICE DEMANDS, there shall be NO threats of extinction or extermination allowed in any form/ against the people of this nation or any other nation. NOT from this military or any other/ NOT from industrial desecration of the environment/ NOT from pollution or any other means. RATHER work shall be committed to removing these threats, and America shall lead in their removal: did you not bring the majority to the world.

The third amendment: FAIR PLAY exists WITHOUT preferential treatment to anyone. That means literally "NO pensions/ NO anything" that divides the nation into those who have & those who have not! It shall forever remain: ALL OR NONE.

YOU WILL support & sustain all three amendments always/ as "sacred" to you: because LIFE AND SOCIETY NEED THEM.

With them, YOU SHALL avoid the war you deserve.


JAMES F. OSTERBUR, and those women of the state of IL who shall join





The critical reality known as DEBT, fundamentally affects every member of this state of Il. Debt by its legal definition: money, goods, or services owing from one person to another. 238 P 316, 324. an absolute promise to pay a certain sum on a certain date, see 281 S.W. 968, 972; OR any obligation of one person to pay or compensate another.

1). It appears the state of IL does NOT understand this meaning of debt/ and it is directly asked as a response to its accounting statistics: WHAT person is going to pay all these debts/ incurred by the employees of the citizens of the state of IL? HOW will they be paid/ and to its employees: explain how this is not a lie?


The critical reality of DEBTOR, by its legal definition: one who has the obligation of paying a debt; one who owes a debt: "one who owes another anything, or is under any obligation, arising from express agreement, implication of law, or from the principles of natural justice, to render and pay a sum of money". 38 S.W. 13, 14 see U.C.C. ~ 9-105

2). The employees of the state of IL, who have been hired to oversee the accounts of the state of IL, are asked directly: by what method should I, a citizen of the state of IL be directed to pay a list of debts incurred by you: that we as a society and citizenry of this state cannot pay. YOU have bankrupted US/ by your failure to understand limits and reality. Prove this is not so?

Just because "everyone else was doing it/ is NO defense. The lives of millions are affected, it was your job to insure this very thing did not happen: "To serve and protect", must then mean "just yourselves"?


The critical reality of DECEIT, by its legal definition: the tort of fraudulent representation. "the elements of actionable deceit are: a false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce RELIANCE thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury." 300 P. 2d 14, 16.

3. ) the employees of the state of IL having full knowledge of an increasing debt/ and the lack of funds to pay it now or in the future: DID with complete disregard for the future discard responsibility, and incur a reality upon the time that has come: a debt that cannot be paid. The employees of the state of IL did in fact cause sufficient numbers of people to believe that money was to be paid/ and securities were to be relied upon; when in fact/ the money had been spent/ and the debt meant all securities and reliance upon this state of IL must now be discounted as worthless. That is FRAUD. and theft. PROVE IT IS NOT SO.

by the presentation of facts.


Section B

Argument is hereby made, that beyond the facts concerning the money/ the secretive world of toxic waste dumping particularly concerning entrapment underground SHALL BE REVIEWED: as reality suggests a "toxic time bomb" has been created by this state/ discarding the reality of how then shall we drink or survive.


Section C

Opportunity is hereby created for citizens of the state of IL to present grievances of like manner for the discussion , examination, and review in court of the arrogance and failures attributed to our "college educated leaders". The foundation of life, cannot support significant tragedy at any level of existence/ and we must protect ourselves from what can clearly destroy our way of life. Just as these have not been truthful or wise/ reality now demands a clear and determined look at all things and all methods and all impacts of decisions that put our lives at risk. there is no choice/ we must investigate, or lose even our lives; because the world is now overrun with people, and everything matters today.

Summary: this is not a case in law looking for approval from our employees. THIS is a constitutional ownership case, forming a legal battleground concerned with and intent upon proving: that the employees in our hire, HAVE FAILED US/ and the consequence is a tragedy to the people of IL that we must face/ and we must fix today! Life is easy "when no one pays the bill, we will pay later"/ well it is later, and the bill is due: take a look, before any more time and effort/ plans and purpose/ hopes and dreams are stripped naked to be raped. These lies made by the state of IL, to pay what cannot be paid/ just as the nation has done the same/ have made us bankrupt. the reality as simple as "every credit supply runs out/ when you put nothing back. Every trust that is necessary to get credit dies/ when you take no responsibility, and always make the others pay". This is bad/ but every day that goes by, it only gets worse. your pensions are dead/ the healthcare, and every other state sponsored disaster must be reviewed for what can be salvaged. no aspect of expenditure from the state of IL can be simply accepted: we are financially broke. And if you will not fix the problem now/ then what will stop civil war from coming to your door? THIS HAS BEEN GRAND LARCENY, of the people of the state of IL/ and the nation who has led us into it. NOW IS THE TIME to remove the threat of civil war/ NOW is the time to remove the threat that is a depression of true severity. NOW is the time to give the children back their future. BEFORE IT FALLS INTO A COMPLETE DISASTER.

THE ISSUES OF BALANCE, AND THE PURPOSE OF A WORKSHOP FOR WOMEN, as is suggested elsewhere, becomes the forum for change as it directly impacts the validity of women in powerful positions. The consequence of a change in power/ a change in management style and impact is: there will be a vacuum at sensitive positions, and a failure to comprehend the basic as well as long term assignments of various decisions and demands. The variables which will be encountered and the information necessary to assemble the moments of discovery as a "group" are then fundamental to the over all ability of women to sustain themselves in charge of society and of reality as they begin in the knowledge of what is important/ what can be done/ and how to establish control over the distance that will be necessary to accomplish structural and fundamental disciplines for the sake of public happiness and survival. A workshop consists of women invited by their peers, an association of community based individuals asked to "provide a female representative" for the purpose of disciplined participation in the foundation development of women in government/ and powerful positions. Opportunity to discuss and learn the basics and fundamentals of a wide range in understanding of the variables present in today's life/ and the opportunity to educate each other in the wisdom of what has value and what does not: exist as the main thrust of your appointment to this workshop. It is not for free/ rather your introduction and support and graduation from this schooling, is a basis for public service/ and the expectation that you shall accept the duty and position granted to you/ and do your best. Not only for women, but for all humanity. Critical discovery of what is important to men; as best I can provide will be allowed, assigned by your questions. Relationship issues, of how to deal with men, will also be confronted; as best I can/ assigned by your questions and answered by the words already written. Apart from intervention as "a referee"/ my participation is intended to be in writing; and will not be repeated if it has already been written or is inadvisable to you.

I am not for women/ I am for life; and truth says, woman must lead/ therefore I WILL help you as best I can. My compensation for that will be YOUR honesty, YOUR honor, YOUR RESPECT, and YOUR work as life requires it to be for you and all humanity. THIS IS NOT A GAME, this is the beginning of a new life/ whether you participate or not. The only difference is, what kind of life it will be. I do not travel well/ therefore it is important that whatever venue you desire shall keep that in mind. If you do not wish my help, that is OK/ it is your future, not mine. My participation in your life is for your benefit/ not for mine. The writings provided will produce a distinct view of life, you are not required to accept them. This is a workshop intended to be about establishing public servants that are not only willing to lead humanity, but schooled sufficiently so that they will never lose that opportunity. It will be your responsibility to keep the school for women. It will be your responsibility to pay the expenses (simple living expenses for me)/ the costs of the school, etc are yours as a community of women. The trial of a workshop establishes, an opportunity to exchange basic ideas/ fundamental expressions/ and in simple terms prepare you for public debate. Therein no one is leader/ as you are the leaders to be: therefore these are refinements challenging you to be the best you can be. MAY GOD BLESS US ALL. That is my prayer for you; you need not agree. It is however unfortunate, that men shall be angry with me/ and if you desire to keep my experience and hope for you alive/ it will be necessary for you to provide the protection required, or it is likely I could be killed. Just how it is.

You have had sufficient time and information, to discuss the variables concerning this relationship/ it is not my choice: it is yours. The question of placement "of a school"/ is irrelevant. The question of a building is equally irrelevant, as what is important is the information and value of the people inside/ or outside as the case may be. The compensation declared is an expansion of basic and complex awareness, that then becomes a prominent discovery of potential and understanding sufficient to establish critical wisdom in the dealings required of those who will then direct and guide the foundations of society. YOU are to be, capable of understanding truth, accepting reality, and conforming disciplines to the basic development of freedom, equality, justice and the work necessary for survival. You are given information in the words of the 4 web sites as written by me! I am certain many among you will have much to add in your own way. Those who attain exceptional leadership skills, shall lead you: it is your job to find these women, and fulfill what life has given them an opportunity to do for you.