For the sake of completion, a useful summary to all these words would be this: that life is more than pride; it is dependent upon truth, not want; discovered in happiness by the freedom to express yourself in safety; it is held together by the honesty of death {life is not a game}; developed in value by honor {life is a miracle}; completed by discipline, but respected only when heart & soul combine as spirit.
The failure to complete yourself as spirit/ means you cannot find eternity in you: the possibility of mercy still exists. But the failure to be spiritual by some description in value and truth, means mercy shall not be extended to you. SPIRIT is a relationship conceived by the value you place in your heart, & the truth of your life as conceived by your soul. The SOUL IS "GOD IN you" / this is the miracle, waiting to accept you into eternity.
Of human things, heartbreak & tragedy seem the least likely to be found valuable. But in reality, where nothing else will reach you/ these remove from you the pride, want, & selfishness that has invaded your life, and threatens to steal your eternity; these have made you a slave to time. Life is not about these things. Life is about miracles, & love, & possibilities you cannot even imagine. Therefore when your "heart is breaking", honor says: truly it is only your pride that is being lost in you. The consequence of pride is a relationship with time, that measures EVERYTHING by its ability to present you with gifts, such as: want, greed, lust, power, and so one. Acceptance of these leads you to a destiny in time called death. While it is true, that all heartbreak and tragedy involves other lives/ the reality of personal loss, is distinctly "what this means to you/ NOT to the other lives". Therein it is your pride, being measured by what is love and life to the meaning that is your life itself. How much is pride worth? Ask yourself, what you would have paid, if only another chance existed. Love will say, "the tongues and opinions of the other people, could not be less: the honesty of a decision for life itself, is all that has honor."
The truth of love is creation itself, whereby "the creator" assigns value to his or her creations by giving of themselves the realities that truly share life & honor through the caring and respect that is for you "the outcome of a life worth living for every existence created". The truth of life is a relationship beyond existence that allows love to be our experience, because truth is our expression and reality our gift to life itself. Truth in us, completes the comprehension of our lives, and thought then begins the development of eternity in you. The true miracle is: WE ARE ALL, inheritors of the right "to request eternity for us": THANK GOD !!!!!!!!!!! But it is our work, & our job to establish truth, love, heart, & soul; through honor, discipline, & respect/ thereby becoming trust within ourselves, because it is necessary "for the ride". EVERY SINGLE PERSON is able/ every soul can repent if they are willing, and receive mercy.
The tragedy of human existence has always been a desire "to get MORE, for free"/ Thereby making someone or something else pay the price of your pride. Clearly tragic in america today: as the war of want, selfishness, & pride consumes everything in sight. By deliberate actions therefrom, they have chosen to cannibalize the lives of their own children, and the world besides. What is even MORE tragic is, MOST of the world of humanity WANTS to be just like them, and more so. BUT if you do not change and accept sharing and caring for life/ then it is decreed: YOU SHALL PAY/ MORE, than the children you have chosen to slaughter. YOU WILL NOT, go free!