Of the many changes that have occurred to me in the last four+ years, the single most significant started with the words: “its female, how dangerous could it be”.  An underestimation beyond description/ and yet not incorrect.  For I have not found female dangerous/ but very effective in changing my life in ways I find simply incomprehensible.  You can’t imagine.
Even so, I needed a solution for this world, male had none/ and I am writing to you for the last four years by the constraints and direction that are entirely based in female; through the eyes, work, and life of male.  “It’s a strange composition”.  The end result continues to be, “like being remade or reborn all over again as female, instead of male”.  NOT a religious “reborn”/ but a reality of life the same; but a relationship to body, time, and a lot more is different.  Strange, surrounded by female spirituality;   changing without the slightest possibility of escape/ NOT perverse in any method or way.  Just different in truth.                So much for the introduction!

Of lessons learned.  The passions of “I must defend this world/ even if none will help me honestly” are abandoned, to the reality of:   UNLESS WE choose as a world to defend this world/ there is nothing that can save us from going extinct.
The passions of, “if they will listen to nothing else, only force (not violence or revenge) is left”.  Are abandoned to the reality of:   UNLESS WE CHOOSE LAW as a world, to defend ourselves from all confrontation, ONLY WAR is left!

The passions of, “listen to me”/ are turned aside, to understand: THERE MUST be an education in law, democracy, discipline, and fact; to balance the need for a decision based in wisdom, as must be governed by truth.  Until enough understand, and accept the premise: together we will live or die/ nothing can be done.  Because survival in this time,  demands us all.
The passions of “honesty and respect” demand: those who are proven failures/ those who have threatened us with extinction as a world, CANNOT lead anymore!  Those leaders are men, whose proven history for thousands of years/ cannot be wrong.  Their answer is confrontation and then war; their answer is as dead as we are/ unless there is true change!  These things are replaced with the only possible change:   women must lead!  Not female is an answer/ but women as a body of life unto itself, choosing by vote as women of this world:   for a different life, and a change in human society, as is required to survive.  THEY CANNOT do worse/ as we DO stand at the gates of hell and Armageddon today.  Regardless what they choose among themselves, it cannot be worse than men, and their decision as leaders and those who supported their leaders to prepare our extermination from this planet.  As is real and true today.

The passions of “sexual decision/ judgment/ and definition by law” pass over to women as a world by vote.  Because they need this, to be secured in their decisions for a world/ to be leaders of life.   Like it or not. We will not continue as a living earth without true, significant, and real change.  Nothing else exists, it is women rule or death for this world.  Because thousands of years have proven what men can and will do/ and nothing will change, if they are not literally removed from choosing the true direction of this world, or if women are not allowed to contain their behaviors so that time can heal everything wrong.  Just how it is.
The composition as a reality is:   to organize women around the world, in a distinct effort to identify and create the laws and structures and justice of society for this world.  To choose what is in the best interest of us all, by vote/ and then command the necessary actions to replace what is bad, with what will be sustainable and thereby “good for life”.  Money IS NOT to remain your god.  WANT is not, to remain your identity.  Life MUST BE FIRST.  And justice through the essence of law, must allow as much freedom and equity as is humanly possible to do.  These are the base restrictions of what can and will be done for life:   or more simply CHOOSE RESPECT.


May 5, 2010

As we come to the close of humanity on earth, the essential question is NOT, what do you want/ but what WILL you accept in terms of your own payment, to save life on earth?  It is a simple question really:   WHAT is life worth to you?  Its been free, apart from the price humanity adds/ or a failure to respect critical reality/ but now, after all the destruction of men; the end of life is really quite simply clear:   didn’t care/ didn’t respect/ didn’t share/ wouldn’t present justice, or fair play, or equality/ just didn’t like discipline/ refused balance/ bastardized law/  cowards (hell no, I won’t investigate or examine trouble and threats: let me hide or run away/ AND DON’T DO NOTHING, to interrupt my want or selfishness).  And so on.

Even so, what is important IF the tiny possibility still exists than sanity could return, and life could find itself confronted with an opportunity to survive.  The question is:   what do we do?
That answer is divided into three distinct parts: all threats must end/ life itself MUST be respected in every way/ and new leadership and direction MUST be found.  Not so hard, new leadership and direction is as simple as let women lead/ like it or not:   we do stand at the edge of hell/ women simply CANNOT do worse.  It is that simple.

Stopping all threats is as simple as world law and policing;  women MUST be allowed to design and create that: have not men had their chance?  Men cannot do it, or it would be done/ life and time proves it, consequently women must rule this area too.  They cannot do worse, it’s a world filled with weapons of mass destruction/ and the men who believe “they are our saviors”.  How utterly blind and stupid, unbelievable the fantasies that are accepted.  An absolute failure of men.  As to the rest, let the universities be closed for not less than one complete year:   “The spoiled babies MUST have their diapers changed”.   Be required to grow up, and understand life/ rather than a focus on want.
As to the rest, YOU KNOW that without resources there is no work, and no life/ consequently no more wasting them/ no more failure/ foolishness/ stupidity/ greed/ disgrace/ disrespect/ etc.  You know how, removing the games of men; and relying on women to find a new way/ is the only way.  Because without truly different attitudes, history proves the leadership of men will simply go back to their old ways of greed and games and selfishness just as soon as they possibly can.
Money is the game of men, with it they say to each other: “every man for himself/ take whatever you can get: its king of the hill, or I get it all: for the winner”.  Which is a historical threat which brings war/ pestilence/ tragedy/ crime/ failure/ disease/ and every other tragic event of human making there is, or just about.  They fight for sex too/ because it’s a game they wish to possess, or present trophies for; and that adds injury and failure at every turn in society; murder/ children lost or abandoned/ tears and tragedy;   because sex, is not a game.  It is a human dimension, altering the disciplines and distances between two people of the opposite sex.

 The tragedy of human suffering just beginning, is developed by another male game;   the making of money or more correctly numbers:   by playing with the assumption of numbers, by gambling (games for money without work).  In the case of wall street/ the banks/ government/ etc in america: the game is, take something of actual value, and multiply it into numbers that are nothing but fantasy.  Then take those numbers and tell the people its real, even though all but a fool know it is just fantasy:   but they use it, until reality comes/ because the public believes the media, even though at every important turn  of life first/ or democracy first/ or survival first/ or anything of value: it is a failure to them.  Unfortunately reality is coming, you have not evaded, or gained anything, but a little time to adjust.  Just consider this, 1.5 trillion the additional debt for this year in america: equals one million ounces of gold, at $1,500,000.00 per ounce.  Its just math!  As with all depressions, in any nation: critical financial tragedy exists/ because the wealthy were too successful with their traps.  The penalty of trapping people was hidden/ fraud was created to insure greater entrapment would come/ and instead of money that “meant something because it was attached to reality”;   there is only numbers, which multiply endlessly. And a government which says “its debt/ when in fact its simply inflation; only the poor people are stolen from, because they don’t get to share in the new numbers”.   No harm done right/ “its just a number”?  To return to reality is very simple.  STOP LYING.  And that includes the millions of people who believed they would be “well off, or rich” when retired because they got pensions and promises: HELL WE WON’T WORK, cause we got slaves/ see all the money we are promised.  BUT the Money was created because the organizations that wanted MORE, and could not get any more because it did not exist.  Demanded “money in the future then”/ or we won’t work. EVEN THOUGH, no money back then means: no money in the future either.  “The university was very successful, they took over government, the court, the election, everything called leadership: and took what they wanted. All who followed with : we WANT too”, simply added in to the fantasy someone will pay.  But you did not earn any of it.  Instead, you stole it from people who could not pay another penny; but felt they needed you/ or just didn’t have a choice.  Like the other “rich men”/ you will surrender these claims too.  They are the evidence of your theft/ the reality of “winner”; the ones who caused this financial crisis to exist/ and aided and abetted the enemy of wall street in their attack on all things secured for the future.  All gone/ a whole world lost to gaming, because “going to get rich/ on fantasy numbers: HELL THE DAMN STUFF BUYS DON’T IT!”   Alas, what it actually bought was damnation for a world/ hell, and insanity and starvation.  But its all good right, “cause you’re a winner”. You won the prize, congratulations.
A sharing society, is a caring society; and greed is not welcome therein.  Obviously that statement DID NOT describe america for decades now.  Even so, there are excuses that can be made for many:   should we put them on your tombstone?

May 12, 2010 It is worth noting, that the definition “of me” seems to have distinctly changed/ I, am different. A flurry of emotion is somehow evident inside/ no idea what to do with it, or why. Another strange day.

Subset cf 1

in this composition of life, the accumulation of evidence is: that you, the vast majority of human life on earth CANNOT lead yourselves. You are still children, worshiping WANT instead of living and appreciating life. Still children, wanting an association with GOD/ but NOT willing to accept the levels of trust and truth that make this possible. Still children, wanting to play games, and declare yourselves “winner”/ irregardless of the damage done to all the rest, and to yourself in pride. Pride is a horrible thing; the death of love/ because you chose yourself instead.

The comprehension of this, leads to an increasing awareness; that we cannot simply depend upon women as the answer/ in changing this world. If the possibility still remains, that you can or will survive. That means, in order for truth to lead, the acceptance of base level education must exist to point the direction for change to take. As you GROW UP, and leave your fantasies and delusions behind/ discarding all the tragedy & leadership, that both men and university have created for you. The reality must be: to attain life first, you must think beyond a child!

The question then becomes: HOW, can this “the opportunity” to be more than a child, drowning in want and selfishness/ come to be?

The realty: you want to be tempted (not my fault/ you made me do it: even though you chose for yourself). The reality is: GIVE ME EVERYTHING/ be damned to hell, for the rest, I won’t care. The reality is: You cry and whimper, instead of learn and grow. The reality is: you refuse to learn, so that you can claim not to be responsible; making you a liar/ because we are responsible for the life we live, the things we do, or do not do. The refusal to learn is NOT an excuse. The hiding and continual running away from all things important for life, a demand to crucify life and living: within yourselves.

The consequent answer is then: somehow, you must be made to understand the consequences of being a child/ running away/ and refusing to accept the consequences of truth, and what you know inside can go wrong. That lesson erupts with the clear and certain lesson of oil spillage in the gulf of Mexico today. Being well aware of the possibilities for disaster/ didn’t care is the reality: you will! Being well aware of the poverty of leadership, and absolute greed that is devouring this nation/ stood like sheep, and let them destroy your living, your food, your environment anyway: war is next, because the burden will be harsh. That war will be against the failure of a few who make the decisions that affect us all/ or it will be against life and property as is common with riots: up to you. But if you do not legally arise with the purpose of intervening in all the coming tragedies: NOTHING else will matter. This site lists the major troubles, but there are many more. HELL and ARMAGEDDON will follow this oil spill, if you do not accept the requirement to grow up and defend life on earth.

The continual education that I have provided, is a participant in helping you change this world/ not alone, there are others working for life; but they are very few. Because the children called men, prefer to gamble with life and living; as is seen throughout everything they do. NEVER is safe, balanced, and a foundation for future life chosen/ ALWAYS is the pride of men WANTING to “be the greatest achiever”; a consequence determined to take power from this life, by asserting I AM more than you/ or “be my slave/ worship me: or be my trophy of power”.

A part of that is the intent to cause women or say to women: CHOOSE ME, for sex. Not love/ not life/ not happiness: just sex, so the men can prove to the other men “I WIN/ I took, what you wanted”. The historical reality is: not a lot of choice existed for women; therefore we do not know, if it is a conscious decision to accept this proposal, or forced upon them by the reality of man’s design over them. Either way, CHANGE must come.

As to the list of base level directions, what is plain and true establishes: ALL THREATS TO LIFE ON EARTH, MUST BE ELIMINATED as safely as possible. It is that simple/ there are no excuses/ no exceptions/ no refusal/ no surrender until the job is completely done. That requires work, and the surrender of personal want, until life is re-secured with a future. Simple and plain.

Beyond that description of NEED. Is the simple truths of changing social environments themselves. That list includes

1. No more playing with the criminally insane; a particularly heinous crime such as is: sexual assault pedofile/ serial killers/ and a variety of others: shall be exterminated in thirty days, if you are absolutely sure. If you are not, there will be continued examination of the evidence until you are. It is a disease called hate/ and the disease has killed them, or will be responsible for that death. NOT because its “the right thing to do”! But because this earth is full of humanity, and we will be lucky to survive: DON’T need these anymore. But understand this clearly: it is hate (the evidence of violence and revenge, the decision to play god) alone that you will attack, not anger as is created by other human beings. Once the anger has abated, you must provide the incentive and reality necessary to re-accept, and participate in society.

2. WE THE PEOPLE MUST MAKE THE LAWS OURSELVES. Not pitiful excuses for control/ but laws that govern our society: not theirs/ OURS. It does require work, but once done, it DOES give life the freedoms and responsibility it deserves. THIS IS, take the power away from the few, and establish true DEMOCRACY! Our choice, by law; our way!

3. THE CHILDREN DESERVE THEIR CHANCE TO SURVIVE/ THEIR OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE CHOICES FOR THEMSELVES! And you shall not take that away, for your own greed, purposes, failure, or consumption: they HAVE RIGHTS, even if not yet born. They have needs that must be met/ therefore requiring YOU to make decisions, and do work, for a future you will not see.

4. The elemental truth of every society is the same: EITHER YOU CONTROL THE FEW, by taking away their right to control you/ or you die slaves and fools: because they WANT to control you. Taking away the money MEANS, they have NO option to control you/ nor you them, beyond the limited capitalism: which means, of what society itself allows BY YOUR OWN CHOICE AS WE THE PEOPLE! Taking away the primary weapons of fear/ removes the threat and reality, “they will kill us”! Because unless its an army after the weapons are removed; only little can be done. And the introduction of HONORABLE: WORLD LAW, and world policing will keep this tragedy from occurring, to any real degree.

5. The development of business IS A VERY SIMPLE REALITY: people make business, because of their own needs, purposes, demands, and desires. “The wealthy” do NOT make business/ they merely control it: because the humanity refuses to cooperate within itself. Thereby demanding someone must lead, BECAUSE WE, are all at war, within ourselves. Can’t be fair/ don’t want to share/ fools and failures, blind, diseased with fear, and consumed with greed. So the rich become rich/ because the populace cannot find a way: TO BE FAIR, by themselves! TOO MUCH GREED/ so the greediest among them win.

Fair means: without power or pride, what is good for life and society shall be chosen.

6. The relationship of society to its government: IS a demand of people: to their government, to intervene on our behalf to control those who would strip us of our dignity, our work, our sexuality, our freedoms, and our time on this earth/ by making us slaves. Most fail miserably, because GREED/ POWER/ PRIDE/ MANIPULATION/ PROPAGANDA/ VIOLENCE/ HATE/ MONEY/ LUST/ AND THE INTENT TO PLAY god; all fight for the right to become “leader”. The ONLY possibility for true democracy in any nation is, to limit the size of government/ limit the size of ownership or control of resources/ limit the amount of money that can be controlled/ limit the size of corporations and all business: AND ESTABLISH fair and legitimate, for us all. It is our ability to “do for ourselves” that gives us the power to rule our own lives. You cannot do that, if the door is shut to everything needed to be free! Therefore freedom arises, and liberty is sustained: when the populace finds justice exists/ when power and pride do not! That means: SMALL in terms of armies and their weapons, to war against us/ both by death, and its fears: or money & its possession. Small in terms of government itself is: the work necessary will be bid upon by society itself/ controlled at the local level/ elected and reelected as is necessary. Society decides the terms and conditions to be met; to bid. BY THE LAW, we rule ourselves/ not by the vote. By the vote we determine for ourselves what that law shall be.

7. Freedom is NOT “your decision to make for the others”! Freedom is your decision to make for yourself, regardless of what the others demand. That means: so long as you choose not to directly harm or endanger the others, or life, or environment (to a substantial “I pay too” extent)/ you get to do what you wish. It is social wisdom, that provides the lessons, or demands the learning be established: for decisions that will end badly for you/ but it remains freedom, even if you WILL regret this decision: it is your own/ because it is your life. Liberty is what we decide for our own society and nation.

8. The critical relationship of labor to the reality of work in a society is determined by the amount of resources that will be consumed/ and the machines that will be used. That means control of the workplace, is decided by the machines that we will allow. Resources and consumption will be determined by the description allowed to be “our want”. And reality will define our society and world, by what we did do, or refused to do for life. The work must be shared/ because none are allowed a free ride; ITS YOUR DUTY/ THEREFORE “ITS your job”. The reality of union is then replaced/ with the clarity of a job, and a business controlled by the laws we create ourselves. An education determines who can do certain things, or in fact anything: THEREFORE an education transforms society by making us equals/ and giving us the freedom to compete. An education DOES NOT exist, within the confines of most educational facilities today/ rather these are the intent to control society, by the use of debt/ the demand of people who control you/ the relationship of trash to “actual knowledge provided”/ and the intent to enslave by asserting: no wisdom is allowed/ BELIEVE whatever I say. The path to wisdom is created with knowledge/ but by understanding, within the distinct relationships that truth aligns and reveals. NOT memorize this useless and irrelevant trash. A wise society, pays the teacher dependent upon what the student achieves. A wiser society makes higher education dependent upon a percentage of what the student makes as income: if they attain a directly related job in the field expected by what was taught. There is no claim for money, beyond this fact. There are NO OPPORTUNITIES to be free with research, in ANY POSSIBILITY that gambles with our lives, our nature, our future, our water, our energy, our everything: we decide/ but only within the terms that will be created as THE LAW GOVERNING: “OUR WORLD”!

9. The foundation upon which there is NO discussion or exception allowed is: all natural, environmental resources, BELONG TO US/ TO LIFE AS WELL/ TO THE FUTURE; and cannot be sustained as “mine”. That means no real possession exists/ rather if you care for the truth, and respect the reality of what these things mean to life on earth: your opportunity to remain in control of what is allowed by society shall remain intact. If you do not, within the terms created by and voted upon by all the people/ then you will be removed from what you call “your possession”. Our lives/ our future/ our nature/ our environment/ our earth: IS MORE IMPORTANT, than you! I “guarantee it”. With descriptions, that shall not be misinterpreted, we will decide, as a world.

10. The elemental social issue of religion, shall not be dismissed, they do teach discipline; combined it is everything men have accumulated throughout history regarding life, and it is their right to believe whatever they wish. Rather any religion that does not preach hate, or sacrifice of life/ or demand control of its “public” shall remain. However all religions, and their subsidiaries shall disclose and keep current, EVERY aspect of their finances/ absolutely everything (except for names of parishioners) we will know/ because you will tell us: or we will disband and destroy your place among us. What you believe is your business, it is not societies. Religion is: Completely without lies, is a rule you must obey.

11. The elemental essence of every society that lives with justice and peace, through happiness and hope IS A FAIR AND LEGITIMATE relationship between men and women. That includes sexual realities, and the decisions that make these a foundation in society. What we have today is built upon what men chose for themselves. What we have today, HAS established failure, and the disease of destruction that has swept this world. What we will build for tomorrow, MUST BE CHOSEN by women/ because this reality of men has proven to be a doorway to extermination/ hell/ hades; and everything gone wrong in and with human life. You are through/ women may choose; because without change, nothing will survive. They “have a clean slate/ without religious obstacles or restrictions: THESE are the choices of men”. If they choose wisely, life will be better/ if not, you are already threatened with complete extinction/ burning as the sun/ exploding the entire planet; AND EVERY OTHER POSSIBLE form of extermination in real life that men could conceive of! Women will choose/ because under NO POSSIBILITY, or set of circumstances; could they possibly choose worse. Men chose our reality in this day, and we are at deaths door/ whether you believe or not.

The life of women IS NOT less important than men/ therefore, their chance, their opportunity to do and rule this earth has come! Fail to accept it, and consequences will be grim. NOT the leadership of women already in power, taught by men. Rather the leadership of women as they organize themselves into a combined unit of reality that will choose for themselves by vote/ and by the critical submission of information and decisions based in reality that will be voted upon.

12. The children SHALL have their chance/ their right to determine for themselves and not be your slaves. That is a fact that you must accept. A reality that those who have aged beyond a child must endure. The children deserve their own forms of “medicare/ medicine for free, with respect to reality”; NOT the old. The old deserve their percentage share of gross national product as is respective of their work; to be decided upon by them as they wish/ by their own vote. No more. The nation decides how much that will be/ but they cannot promise you any debt/ because that is taken from the children, and they are beginning: YOU are ending. They deserve their place in life/ YOU will surrender yours, as have all generations past.

Subset cf 2

the fundamentals of life are very simple: never let someone who has not been poor, pick for the poor/ they know nothing, in america; but throw it all away. Never consider the wealthy, they are irrelevant/ and have proven competitive enough to take care of themselves. Rarely are the religious less than too righteous, believing in every sense of the word, “they are the perfect ones”/ rarely accepting responsibility for what they do, or decide themselves. The university diploma is continually so proud and arrogant, they haven’t got a clue, about anything beyond: “one tiny little thing”. The trades are consistently “just me/ I don’t give a damn about them others: TO HELL with them”. That leaves the rest, who are so rapped up in “going to be rich, or just plain survival; nothing else matters at all”. There are subsets to these, but very, very few honestly or honorably working for life and choosing for justice.

That means, to proceed in this life and society; we must depend upon the constitutional guidelines that give us our power within the law, as WE THE PEOPLE. Stick with honor, and life will be happy. Choose respect, and there will be disciplines. Be honest, and people will quit running away; IF they can find any courage at all.

The functional reality clearly shown in the gulf oil disaster is: the experts are GREEDY FOOLS/ this government is a participant in disaster/ the failure to choose for yourself, contributes to environmental collapse/ the fear of “the courts”, makes people afraid to even keep themselves from starvation/ the people of america, DO NOT understand: those in powerful positions are merely the same as you and me; they are not gods, they are not experts unless able to prove without a doubt it is so, they are not the decision makers, when it is your life that lives or dies, and the people are NOT without power themselves to prove to each and every leader: WE WILL NOT be your toy, slave, or fool. Clearly the people around the gulf who now begin to recognize reality, have only begun to get a clue. And yet about even more serious end of the entire planet (as is fusion/ or end of life as is genetic crucifixion; etc) people trying to exterminate us: still nothing but contempt. Not a clue, going to die, without true and immediate change.

The expert does not exist/ only what is honest, true, and within the disciplines of respect conceives of “the right thing to do/ or not do”. Of these it is critically HORRIFIC, to assume anyone crucifying/ mutilating/ destroying intentionally the genetic structure upon which every single living thing relies on this earth: is anything less that “SATAN” in reality come onto this earth. Not a religious statement, a reality of destruction upon us all. You cannot fix, what they destroy. You cannot return life to the living or the future, once it is destroyed. Your satanic worshipers in media/ propagating “be silent/ worship these gods”; are YOUR ENEMY. Because they give to the destroyers, their option to hide and continue where real life and anything resembling common sense WOULD NEVER GO. Because the danger to every life on earth, absolutely everything we depend upon to survive: IS BEING WRECKED, DESTROYED, AND PREFORMING THE SINGULAR TASK, of presenting us with ARMAGEDDON (nature in chaos)/ because men made it happen, by playing god. Media gave them access, supported their every need, and government sold your lives to HELL. Wait and see? YOUR DEAD! IT IS, like waiting for a bomb to go off, by pretending it is not there. Did they fix AIDS/ what did your experts do for you/ what did your media protect you from: YOU ARE BANKRUPT/ YOU ARE BEING ENSLAVED AND ROBBED CONTINUALLY, by the debts they create, and give to the rich; so they can own your lives/ by buying everything in sight/ YOU ARE BEING THREATENED WITH FUSION, bringing the same fire as is on the sun here to earth: WHERE EVERYTHING, IS FUEL! ALL OCEAN LIFE IS AT THE EDGE OF EXTINCTION/ check your seafood sales, and understand how many thousands of ships go out everyday. Everything about life and living is being decided today! EVERYTHING, because we cannot survive the choices your university diplomas’ and their propaganda machine, or government leadership HAS DONE TO YOU. Nothing is what the future gets/ nothing but slavery is what the children get/ nothing is what you get, in every conceivable way: BECAUSE THEY INTEND TO KILL YOU. They want everything, REFUSE to pay for anything, destroy all they can touch, and choose to gamble with every life on earth. And YOU THE PEOPLE: REFUSE TO UNDERSTAND/ because you are so damn fucked up diseased with “experts and propaganda” you can’t think or understand anything for yourselves. Take a look at the gulf, clearly IMMEDIATE ACTIONS needed to take place as soon as this spill started to happen! INSTEAD, what you get are people whining and crying and growing mad: BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE THEY NEED A PERMIT FROM SOME DAMN SHITHEAD, to do something to protect their very lives. Not a damn bit of sense in any/ because your life is dying, and you wait for some damn pitiful excuse for a bastard to give you permission to do something for yourselves. SHAME ON YOU/ kick them out of the way, and work as best you can, right now. Any that complain: LOCK THEM UP/ who is more powerful all the people of the gulf, or a tiny few damn leaders without respect? Do you think the military is coming after you? WHO IS the military! Answer the question/ and if they lock up one single person for working to save your lives: GET THEM BACK/ and choose to show them who is the boss here! The law is NOT a leader or a judge/ they must obey. The law is what JUSTICE, FAIR PLAY, EQUALITY, EQUITY, AND FREEDOM DEMAND FOR EACH AND EVERY CITIZEN. That has nothing to do with leaders/ that is a participant in life, with respect for each one. The failure is you/ because you refuse to respect yourself: GO SAVE YOUR WORLD. Or die, because you chose to be insane. CHOOSE!

This is your last line in the sand/ IF YOU DON’T come out of your hypnotic trance and find your mind, your heart, and your soul: HELL will take it all away. This is your world dying, and it is only the beginning. Stop those who are threatening/ stop those who are gambling with all life on earth/ stop those who are terrorizing you, with their failures/ stop the DAMN FOOLS, found everywhere in government and university/ FIND YOUR MINDS! GET YOUR HEAD BACK, OUT OF THE UNIVERSITY ASS! Because you are going to die, if you don’t. Not polite enough for you/ write it on your damn coffin; cause I don’t care. GET OUT of your hole, and stand up for life, before your dead/ and every child, every living thing with you. DO IT NOW. Did you know, they are ready to start playing god with all life/ did you know they are already trying to bring fusion, a fire that cannot be put out if successful on this earth: a fire that burns atomic bonds/ making everything on earth fuel; AND MORE. WAKE UP! THIS WORLD ONLY DIES ONCE. After that, you can cry, fear, and horrify yourselves every second on your descent to absolute chaos, and insanity. But don’t worry, plenty of cannibals to make it all better; right! Too bad about that no refrigeration/ so they keep you alive/ while they eat you. oh well, “children first”.

Subset cf 3

The functional reality of society (the banding together of humanity for safety, ease, friendship, and defense)/ is that we all need to participate: and some will try desperately hard NOT to do their share; as is common with most university diplomas. Their desire is to play, command, pretend, and fantasize about being god; while taking all the money, pleasure, and lust they can. Take a look, at american society today: and you will see this is true. There are the other university diplomas, working very hard: to be RICH, beyond all others/ just have to step on whoever gets in the way. No problem; “we no share/ we no care: GIVE ME THE DAMN MONEY, slave”!

A footnote; I am not downtrodden by university diplomas, nor do I feel slighted, or envious. Rather: I AM aggravated and angry at all the threats, the tragedy already here and coming, the absolute failure to put life itself in any aspect of what you do (an overwhelming majority)/ your leadership to these gates to hell and Armageddon/ your incessant demand to gamble with all life/ and a few thousand things more: ALL TOTALED UP/ THE EXTERMINATION OF LIFE ON EARTH. Fix that, and I will give you praise instead.

REGARDLESS OF FOOLS AND FANTASY: the reality of our lives is work, health, happiness, and hope in that order. Without work, and the resources it requires, we do not survive. Without health we cannot work to any degree, thereby our personal lives die, for the good of the rest. Without happiness we fail to care about the others. Without hope we fail to share with the others. Therefore these four things are equivalent to the basic health and survival of any society.

Work being the greatest contributor to a peaceful society, it is first. We work, because of our needs and desires. We do NOT work because of someone else’s money. We work for ourselves and our desires, or we do not work at all/ more than reality forces upon us. We work for money, because someone else is in control of the resources we need to survive or use as freedom and desire allows us to do. That means: those who control the resources, regardless what resource that is/ controls the consequent outcome of our lives/ because of their ability to force our acceptance of their “cost, or assertion: we must pay”. To then the question of human society is: HOW do we control our lives and our society so as to be fair to all/ and provide equal opportunity to each one: WITHOUT making any rich/ so that they can force our freedoms away, and make us slaves to their own whim, purpose, fantasy, or failures? The answer is by limiting their ability to possess, or establish an income that gives them control. That does not mean, no personal possession/ because IF YOU DO the work, and share the responsibility; society should reward you in a reasonable fashion. But there is more. Without wealth, the question becomes: WHO shall lead, and direct us, where and how we shall go as a business, etc? Wealth is the current negotiator, in this regard/ but it, like so many things has become so badly corrupted by university leadership and arrogance: it no longer has or is a basis for anything but greed. That means it is absolutely necessary to pick new leaders, in an alternate fashion. In a democracy, we pick by voting! The term being laid out for those who succeed in being selected is: by the numbers you will rise of fall/ IF WE the people of this company: make money, while protecting the future of this company/ then you get an automatic one more year. After three years, with OPEN ACCOUNTING to every employee, and every citizen fundamentally affected: such as a city depending upon these jobs. In the fourth year a vote shall arise. If at any time prior to this a petition is circulated and signed by more than one third of all employees asking for a vote. Then there shall be an immediate vote of yes or no/ for the current leader. If no/ you are out of a job; forced from the company.

The elemental truth about organizing a company is: first there must be a need or a desire to fill! Without a customer, you can do nothing but serve yourselves; and that is not about money (what society exchanges, so they need not do everything for themselves). Second, there must be a resource available to in some form or fashion supply this need, either by trade or in another more direct way. Third, when the work and resource are combined into a product (what we do for ourselves, by establishing something for you); IT MUST be worth the effort and reality to those who do the work, the environmental cost, and the consequence that is the future. When these three factors are combined successfully, you have a business.

Future business across this world begins with our most basic needs and desires. We must have food and water (realities currently being destroyed in countless ways by your leaders, with university help and guidance. Change this, or die; it is that simple). As to the future, we will soon run out of food; for a wide variety of reasons/ but mostly arrogance, insane stupidity, utter incompetence, and absolute denial of everything future. To alter this descent into war and extinction: WE MUST protect/ clean/ support/ care/ and share with life in the ocean. Because we NEED that source of food. Simple as that/ they don’t live/ you won’t survive. The elemental beginning in this is to feed the ocean life. That is done by using ocean platforms with large cages below, so that the young can survive without being eaten. And the food is: like it or not/ dead, shredded up, human beings; NOT killed/ those who die. It is your contribution to our future, the children who need you to do what must be done. There is no other food to spare/ this is “the only surplus” there is; not a game/ this is reality. The second part is land based intensive farming throughout the world, with minimal fertilizer and irrigation/ the use of green houses to establish faster and more productive results. And a wider range of plants to insure survival. Livestock operations MUST be broken up into: NO MORE ANTIBIOTICS FOR ANIMALS, at all! Or bare minimum at best/ NEVER again in feed. Because the epidemic is coming, that will destroy them all.

As to the functional reality of life beyond food/ the understanding WE ONLY GET one inch of aquifer recharge per fifty inches of rain per year: absolute respect WILL be demanded for the water. NO MORE FUELS, for life!

We all need and enjoy heat, some benefits are clear for limited air conditioning; and electricity does work for our lives; therefore we do wish to keep it. The only way that is done IS TO INSULATE EVERYTHING/ and refuse to allow utilities that are unwarranted as in storage facilities, etc/ and those places which have not done all they could do, to insulate, reuse the heat, and protect our world. You don’t participate/ you don’t need utilities or fuels; we refuse. As to the more change in the generation of heat: all business that generates excess heat must be designed and located with businesses that need that excess heat. All business will be reduced in hours demanded, so that more people find a job/ and those who go to and from work; shall feel strong enough to take alternate transportation to work and back. There are a variety of things we can do about the generation of electricity, and various other aspects of energy use; some are provided in these sites, others are not. The need to be self-sufficient as a community and a person, WILL be rebuilt; making it thereby possible for a greater degree of freedoms. Nothing is gained by “too big”/ it just makes YOU a slave in the future. And is clearly the truth of this day, every “extra promise” they made to you, was a lie/ now that reality has come to rest on those promises made can no longer be kept: the pyramid scheme has fallen apart, AS IT ALWAYS DOES. Consider how it is built: everyone pays a little, so that those who climb their way to the top can get more: but as time goes on, more and more and more climb their way to the top/ WANTING everything promised, and there is no longer a base at the bottom to feed the top; therefore it collapses, onto itself.

We cannot continue logging, YOU TOOK too much/ for now! Fail to quit, and not only will there be nothing left/ there will be much greater winds/ and no opportunity for the future of life that is balanced by these things; desert, in more ways than one: by your choice. Marijuana was useful for paper, rope, and such/ it shall be again/ or whatever alternate plant is more productive to replacing the trees used in these things. We must fight for this world, by doing what is needed for life first. Because if you continue until nothing is left/ then you die, because 7 billion hands reaching out every single day; NEED everything this earth can provide. A great many of this 7 billion are small children/ and that means THEIR NEEDS AND DESIRES are going to grow! Prepare now/ or die in war, starvation, HELL, and ARMAGEDDON; IF you refuse to stop genetic crucifixion and the people playing god. It’s a choice/ but not for much longer. MAKE YOUR DECISION.

Just so its clear, I do not say these things to lead you/ they are directions which assert: investigate and determine if this is not in “life’s, best interest”/ and then choose accordingly. I say to you simply: it is not such things as logging I am against (I own and built a sawmill). Rather, it is simple and fair to assert: WANT must not decide/ truth alone, can do that with honor, for this world. Remove your want, and choose for life.

The construction of a different world, requires a different attitude and reference of what is important/ and what is not. Therein relationships are searched to discover the base influences which conceive of life and money. NOT in the translation here of actual life/ but the realities of what is society at work, rest, play, and truth. This question begins, within the reality that I too, cannot conceive of what is different/ unless "different" becomes a part of my world too. That has actually happened, and life has truly become different; more than you can imagine, or I can understand on this day. Even my body and mind are different, and continuing to change; not functionally life/ but the reality of environment. The most impressive difference: "defenseless, without the law". A reality that is "unimaginable" until realized as true. Although it may or may not be "different with men, with regard to defenses; women will decide for themselves, I cannot". The "keys" to return to male, are completely gone/ they are literally absolutely lost. I have no choice, its like being run over by a steam roller, again and again. I am "overrun", by the essence and purposes of female inside, she has taken control/ its NOT awful, "its just, not male". A strange reality at best; a body change, to remind and instruct me; that is at least half female or more; you "can't imagine". NOT by or with perversion/ but as an impact without end, upon the decisions that are my world. She has created the possibilities of your own survival (my desire and purpose in life, to reveal the threats that must be addressed. NOT "your savior" by any meaning/ my decision, as my participation, my value in living; in the reality of creation has a value to me!) She, by insisting ONLY THE LAW can decide/ time for this will be granted. In exchange, I provide what is important to "spiritual female (their guardian of life for women)". WILL be honored and respected as if it were truly my own. A simple reality in truth and conception/ a difficult reality in change. So then the question for a world, or the impact of different; has turned to the reality of what most men do: choosing money first/ fighting to decide who will rule/ playing games to determine who wins and who loses. Are abandoned! The question becoming: IF THESE are not sufficient for life first/ then what is? The environment of hope reveals: the struggle to survive takes a precedent move from the games men play, whereby a few win everything/ and the rest "win nothing, or very little" in terms of what society can produce or take for possessions among themselves. To accept that we MUST BE EQUALS, as life! The search for equality begins in the understanding of identity, whereby it is certain, clear, and sure: that we are not the same/ even though we are equals in life itself. The reality of boundaries identified by alternate resolutions of freedom and the varied expressions and experiences in time; establish the element of distinctions, that give us each one; the opportunity to be who we believe we desire to be. Therein hope establishes that belief, through the envelopment of what our own boundaries of distinction prove that we are entitled to be: it is our choice! Therefrom, NO amount of rules, laws, legislation, etc can alter the base dimension of critical truth that is: we are equals in life/ but different within ourselves. We are entitled to be free! But we are not entitled to interfere with the others in their search for life, as we/ I believe it should be. That however comes with a distinct warning: FAIL to respect life, reality, truth, or the others and their needs as well/ and society is torn down. The foundations of justice, fair play, RESPECT and equal; form the basis of life in society that survives with peace, harmony, and hope. The elemental essence of law IS: the basis and reference which divides society into the three categories of time. Those who want, and therefore grow in hate, consumption, and disrespect/ requiring control by society. Those who live within the boundaries of an expectation that shares or expects the law will protect them, even though they do nothing to participate in that action. And those who live as the law designs, understanding this relationship requires a harmony and peace in its conception that goes beyond simple words or works, to accept that the nature of law: is the translation of justice, the assessment of peace, the foundation of harmony, and the purpose of equality GIVEN to humanity, by its RESPECT FOR LIFE AND TRUTH! The law is not a game/ the words which are to become law, are not "frivolous or cheap". The law, is our best effort to understand, define, and defend the reality of who we will be/ what our society will become/ and how, we will decide our fate. Therefore the law in its truth: is the essence of what it means to be human, in this our struggle to ascend beyond the simple environment of survival, to become the elemental essence of ourselves. As we choose therein, or thereby to believe. Truth will decide who is correct, not us. Therein a leader is NOT functionally valid. Rather what is true, as life reveals it to be: identifies value. The disciplines of society, are divided into 4 distinct categories of living: what is the purpose of women/ what is the purpose of men/ what is the place and definition of children/ and what is our relationship to life, the reality of what is not human? These are answered as follows: purpose explains, the foundation of ownership is a discovery value. The foundation of value, is a definition of truth. The foundation of truth leads to life, and its expression through the experiences called time. Therein we learn: women own their bodies and mind, the value of their own existence as identified within the truth/ they are, the creators of human existence as life on this earth. NOT life itself/ NOT the reality of nature that is time, body, and mind or spirit/ but the truth, without women there are no human beings. Therein we learn: that men have contributed strength, in a world defined or more correctly plagued, by the reality of their own desires and beliefs. We learn that men, have established games, rules, procedures, the tragedy of law and religion which are filled with corruption and disrespect, in a direct attempt to be "rich (the enslavement of others)". We learn the function of a dispute, is to cause a fight; thereby demanding the excuse to "create war, at every level". We learn, that the contribution to life as a participant with women in that creation/ is VERY small, unless they accept the responsibility of sustaining that relationship and the life which erupts. We learn, DISRESPECT is epidemic: the reality being against resources / women/ law/ environment/ money/ basically everything but pride. We learn: that without change, the massive threats that have been accumulated, built, established, and chosen by men WILL destroy this entire earth and all its life, within the next very few years without change/ that is true, significant, and real! A fact that cannot be denied, with truth! We learn of the truth that is child: more precious than this cannot be comprehended/ because it is life itself being renewed. However we KNOW, that although children are precious forever/ our current reality is: this world is FULL. And there must be restraint on the part of every adult, to adhere, support, and defend the truth: one child (your own replacement) can be allowed/ but no more. Because if you fail, cannibalism WILL be the result/ mass extinction at every level of life will be inevitable/ wars will result; and life on earth will end. This earth, HAS all the people it can support, right now. This is NOT open for debate/ it is the simple truth. Let the old die, they have had their time; if necessary/ let the children survive. We learn of resources and life created by its every description: that there is nothing here, within the description of what human beings can do/ or any other form of life in this time. We learn that reality is: a relationship beyond our comprehension/ a reality defined by so many intricate layers of balance and composition, that we will never learn the whole truth of what it means to be alive in this body of time. We learn that tragedy can take it all away. We learn that human beings can inflict that tragedy of decision, intentionally, or not. We learn that there are limits, which truth shall not allow to be broken: therefore life dies, and the possibility of life is not renewed. We learn the value of time, is in the creation of ourselves as an identity that we do believe in, a reality of design granted the freedom to experience and express our decisions. We learn, we will die/ because without this, no place exists for the children to inhabit. And we recognize without continual "reuse/ recycling/ wisdom/ and hope: we would not exist either, the future dies!


The construction of a different world, requires a different attitude and reference of what is important/ and what is not. Therein relationships are searched to discover the base influences which conceive of life and money.  NOT in the translation here of actual life/ but the realities of what is society at work, rest, play, and truth.

This question begins, within the reality that I too, cannot conceive of what is different/ unless “different” becomes a part of my world too.  That has actually happened, and life has truly become different; more than you can imagine, or I can understand on this day.  Even my body and mind are different, and continuing to change; not functionally life/ but the reality of environment. The most impressive difference: “defenseless, without the law”. A reality that is “unimaginable” until realized as true.   Although it may or may not be “different with men, with regard to defenses; women will decide for themselves, I cannot”. The “keys” to return to male, are completely gone/ they are literally absolutely lost. I have no choice, its like being run over by a steam roller, again and again. I am “overrun”, by the essence and purposes of female inside, she has taken control/ its NOT awful, “its just, not male”. A strange reality at best; a body change, to remind and instruct me;  that is at least half female or more; you “can’t imagine”.  NOT by or with perversion/ but as an impact without end, upon the decisions that are my world.  She has created the possibilities of your own survival (my desire and purpose in life, to reveal the threats that must be addressed.  NOT “your savior” by any meaning/ my decision, as my participation, my value in living; in the reality of creation has a value to me!)  She, by insisting ONLY THE LAW can decide/ time for this will be granted.  In exchange, I provide what is important to “spiritual female (their guardian of life for women)”.   WILL be honored and respected as if it were truly my own.  A simple reality in truth and conception/ a difficult reality in change.

So then the question for a world, or the impact of different;  has turned to the reality of what most men do:   choosing money first/ fighting to decide who will rule/ playing games to determine who wins and who loses.  Are abandoned!  The question becoming:   IF THESE are not sufficient for life first/ then what is?

The environment of hope reveals: the struggle to survive takes a precedent move from the games men play, whereby a few win everything/ and the rest “win nothing, or very little” in terms of what society can produce or take for possessions among themselves.   To accept that we MUST BE EQUALS, as life!  The search for equality begins in the understanding of identity, whereby it is certain, clear, and sure: that we are not the same/ even though we are equals in life itself.  The reality of boundaries identified by alternate resolutions of freedom and the varied expressions and experiences in time; establish the element of distinctions, that give us each one; the opportunity to be who we believe we desire to be.  Therein hope establishes that belief, through the envelopment of what our own boundaries of distinction prove that we are entitled to be:   it is our choice!  Therefrom, NO amount of rules, laws, legislation, etc can alter the base dimension of critical truth that is: we are equals in life/ but different within ourselves.  We are entitled to be free!  But we are not entitled to interfere with the others in their search for life, as we/ I believe it should be.  That however comes with a distinct warning:   FAIL to respect life, reality, truth, or the others and their needs as well/ and society is torn down.  The foundations of justice, fair play, RESPECT and equal; form the basis of life in society that survives with peace, harmony, and hope.
The elemental essence of law IS:   the basis and reference which divides society into the three categories of time.  Those who want, and therefore grow in hate, consumption, and disrespect/   requiring control by society.   Those who live within the boundaries of an expectation that shares or expects the law will protect them, even though they do nothing to participate in that action.  And those who live as the law designs, understanding this relationship requires a harmony and peace in its conception that goes beyond simple words or works, to accept that the nature of law:   is the translation of justice, the assessment of peace, the foundation of harmony, and the purpose of equality GIVEN to humanity, by its RESPECT FOR LIFE AND TRUTH!  The law is not a game/ the words which are to become law, are not “frivolous or cheap”.  The law, is our best effort to understand, define, and defend the reality of who we will be/ what our society will become/ and how, we will decide our fate.  Therefore the law in its truth:   is the essence of what it means to be human, in this our struggle to ascend beyond the simple environment of survival, to become the elemental essence of ourselves. As we choose therein, or thereby to believe.  Truth will decide who is correct, not us.  Therein a leader is NOT functionally valid.  Rather what is true, as life reveals it to be:   identifies value.

The disciplines of society, are divided into 4 distinct categories of living: what is the purpose of women/ what is the purpose of men/ what is the place and definition of children/ and what is our relationship to life, the reality of what is not human?  These are answered as follows: purpose explains, the foundation of ownership is a discovery value.  The foundation of value, is a definition of truth.  The foundation of truth leads to life, and its expression through the experiences called time.  Therein we learn:   women own their bodies and mind, the value of their own existence as identified within the truth/ they are, the creators of human existence as life on this earth.  NOT life itself/ NOT the reality of nature that is time, body, and mind or spirit/ but the truth, without women there are no human beings.
Therein we learn:   that men have contributed strength, in a world defined or more correctly plagued, by the reality of their own desires and beliefs. We learn that men, have established games, rules, procedures, the tragedy of law and religion which are filled with corruption and disrespect, in a direct attempt to be “rich (the enslavement of others)”.  We learn the function of a dispute, is to cause a fight; thereby demanding the excuse to “create war, at every level”.  We learn, that the contribution to life as a participant with women in that creation/ is VERY small, unless they accept the responsibility of sustaining that relationship and the life which erupts. We learn, DISRESPECT is epidemic: the reality being against resources / women/ law/ environment/ money/ basically everything but pride.  We learn:  that without change, the massive threats that have been accumulated, built, established, and chosen by men WILL destroy this entire earth and all its life, within the next very few years without change/ that is true, significant, and real! A fact that cannot be denied, with truth!

We learn of the truth that is child:   more precious than this cannot be comprehended/ because it is life itself being renewed. However we KNOW, that although children are precious forever/ our current reality is:   this world is FULL.  And there must be restraint on the part of every adult, to adhere, support, and defend the truth: one child (your own replacement) can be allowed/ but no more.  Because if you fail, cannibalism WILL be the result/ mass extinction at every level of life will be inevitable/ wars will result; and life on earth will end.  This earth, HAS all the people it can support, right now.  This is NOT open for debate/ it is the simple truth.  Let the old die, they have had their time;   if necessary/     let the children survive.
We learn of resources and life created by its every description: that there is nothing here, within the description of what human beings can do/ or any other form of life in this time. ALL LIFE, IS A GIFT!  We learn that reality is: a relationship beyond our comprehension/ a reality defined by so many intricate layers of balance and composition, that we will never learn the whole truth of what it means to be alive in this body of time.  We learn that tragedy can take it all away.  We learn that human beings can inflict that tragedy of decision, intentionally, or not.  We learn that there are limits, which truth shall not allow to be broken: therefore life dies, and the possibility of life is not renewed.  We learn the value of time, is in the creation of ourselves as an identity that we do believe in, a reality of design granted the freedom to experience and express our decisions.  We learn, we will die/ because without this, no place exists for the children to inhabit. And we recognize without continual “reuse/ recycling/ wisdom/ and hope: we would not exist either, the future dies!

WE LEARN, that to change this world:   we must return it to “our possession”/ as the people who have chosen life first!  Rather than want, pride, greed, selfishness, hate, or the rest.  That means: THERE WILL be resistance, as those who hate learn this is a war   directed against them.  As the people of want learn: NO MORE, can you destroy what all life needs.  As arrogance continually tries to prove “they can and will play god”/ and we insist: do so, and you will die.  Life is not a game, and NO more gambling with life is allowed.  The men who believe they are “like gods” over women/ are to be removed: discarded like the trash, or proven to respect all life so they can remain.  It’s a simple choice: BE FAIR/ BE EQUAL/ BE JUSTICE FOR ALL: or be gone forever banned, or dead.

“Too much for you”?  Reality will prove, these are the last days of life on earth UNLESS THERE IS TRUE CHANGE!  Because the destruction is already so extensive, that even now survival of the planet, is still a question.  “Can’t be so”?  Consider 7 billion people, all striving to take “EVERYTHING they can get, 24 hours a day, every day: and GROWING by 2 million more each week”.   Understand, that selfishness and hate have only one outlet:   VIOLENCE AND WAR!  And understand, with weapons of mass destruction; and a thousand threats more any one of which can lead to mass extermination of life on this planet: MEANS YOUR DEAD.   Without critical and real change for LIFE MUST BE FIRST!  Fail to accept the challenge to reclaim life first, for us all!  And I guarantee this world ends soon.  Whether you like it or not, is utterly irrelevant.  This physical world is under massive attack, and if you don’t stop that war/ IF YOU DON’T accept you must defend life on this earth for real, not with games, pride, power, or the other insanities so epidemic in this world: you        Will die.   It is,   that simple.  PROVE me wrong/ because the evidence is plain: truth is accurate and obvious.  And your damn want means nothing at all.


I know, this is not what you want to hear.  I know, your mind says “leave me alone”.  I know, reality can be harsh, and people ARE always running away from anything they “don’t want”/ hiding continually in lies, from a truth they don’t wish to hear; saying to themselves, “if I don’t hear it/ then its not my fault if I don’t do nothing”.  But all those things are a death sentence now; either you work for life first/ and distinctly choose it, so that you do indeed live it.  OR life on earth will become extinct:   “Life, or death” is then on trial/ and YOU ARE its judge.  Fail to respect the truth, and your dead/ killed by your own decisions. Destroyed, by the men who led you here, to the edge of total chaos.

This is not a game.  This is not a demand to lead you/ or enslave you/ or play god over you/ or any other delusion or lie.  This is a description of what is coming, as the evidence describes it: and as this site proves, IT IS THE DEMAND to go to court and prove this is not true.  Whereby, the decision of what you will or will not do about the future we do face SHALL BE CHOSEN.   Or, more simply: I do NOT ask you to believe me!  I SAY TO YOU, go to court and prove me wrong by the evidence in truth!  If you fail to enforce your need to go to court and prove me wrong/ THEN YOU HAVE made your decision to die; as truth will prove.  Its your choice/ not mine.   But hurry up, or you will be too late.  Fight for your life, your planet, and a future.  Remember this: that given the proper tools, resources, and environment, “LIFE, is very resilient”.  But remove even one primary factor, that is important for living; and life dies quickly and without mercy. Look at your future, and decide if you can survive!  Answer, WHY, with respect?

I too, am asked to change in very serious ways/ just so you know.  I KNOW, it is a hard thing to do, but the reality is war and death if we fail.  Returning to strictly male, cannot be without severe consequences.  He remains intent upon the tragedy of all this destruction MUST STOP NOW.  But in this world, within those ways;   only war and destruction can come with it.  Therefore everything inside of me agrees: life MUST be governed by “female intervention”.  Therein the law serves to produce and establish: an education and a decision among the people themselves, because nothing less can save this world.  Time is not on your side, consequently male in me remains aggressive.  However reality and truth are accepted:   “Only woman in me” can lead to life first with hope for survival, as if raising a child.  Nothing else will do. Certainly not your “savior”/ clearly not your enemy: plainly doing what must be done for life. The struggle is real/ your struggle will not be “greatly different” in many ways.  It’s a choice/ I have made mine.  Make yours!

My world, is already so different its hard to believe the evidence/ but it is true. I have changed greatly already, in very many ways.  It is, worth the struggle; life or death for a planet requires hope.  What was male, relinquished hope, because men cannot save this world.  They built it as it is for humanity; which simply means:   this is, what they intended, what they chose/ and different than male is NOT what they commonly do, or accept: With only extremely rare exception.  If not different/ then the same! Perversion is not change/ it is submission because life for you, is too hard, or reality not wanted.  Change is the moving of foundations, or laws/ but not necessarily values;  to accept new and different ways.
Thereby the only possible conclusion is:  Women must lead, because men will run right back to what they chose from the beginning: money first/ games/ and war to decide who gets to rule.  Hopefully women will do better, if not/ life, will soon be over.  That is a statement based upon the fundamentals of truth, that do surround us all.  Like it or not, or more simply “what you want”;   is absolutely irrelevant.  Choose life for us all, nature included: or die.
If you don’t care about anything but yourself, then you live within the base parameters of a predator.  If you refuse to share, or care because fear controls you; then you are a prey.  If you conceive of religion as your savior/ then you are following the same road as those who preceded you: were they god?  If you have apathy for everything and everyone, then you participate in hate/ if you have hate, then life will discard you as a disease. Liars fail, because only truth can survive.  These are choices you have made, going one direction or the other. 
The journey toward life, is created by the choices we do make. The disaster that will be eternal death, is also formed by the choices you do make.  The difference is, a truth for love/ or a truth for hate, as displayed in the countless ways people want, regardless of the cost to others, all life.

Thought participates as our foundation with living/ without critical thought we cannot perceive of “eternity” because, it is not a participant in time: therefore people say, “it cannot be so”. But thought tells us, even though time cannot establish an eternity: because our very existence is based upon thought itself, the existence, experience, and expression of “self, freedom, choice, movement, etc”/ then our reality as life, is determined by the distinctions thought creates as an element which does participate in eternity with truth and energy.  Truth remains forever, it is a fact of life/ you cannot change what is true, but you can change yourself, so that a new truth emerges, a different life in you.  Thought is the existence elevating hope, by ascending through truth into the environments which identify the relationship we do have with miracles.  Miracle means:   we know not how/ this great blessing or work came to be.  Energy is a translation from one state, to another in time, or beyond the limits of time; energy still exists.  Therefore we must concede, that although time is obviously limited/ life itself, is a creation born within the limits and truth, of a completely different world.  Change is necessary, otherwise we cannot survive.