What is the identity of truth?
Or more simply, the foundations upon which the law does rest.  Every law is a value upon which distinct references or realities will become predictable and certain. Every truth is then a prophecy of our future as life on earth.  The critical reality of where truth comes from/ the fundamental distinctions of who defines it, are of little interest to the consequences that are life.  Rather, value is created through the impact that is life understanding its future, and the path that it must take to survive, be happy, be courageous, or whatever it is that assembles a life, and a future, truly worth living.
It is known and understood, that lies make this impossible/ as they conflict and compete with all things of value, with the simple intent to confuse and destroy the foundations of knowledge and thereby the law of truth and its predictability. Liars choose to inflict damage upon others, society, self, nation, and world; because they refuse to accept the limits of their ability to transform their world into what they particularly want.  Having failed/ they lie, to create the fantasy or delusions of a game wherein truth does not decide reality; “consequently playing god, whereby they believe their lies are truth”.  The elemental impact on humanity, IS AS CONVERSATION.  Because words are what we use to decide who to trust, and who  or what we will believe or fear.  Conversation is the backbone of functional interaction/ while sexual physiology, is the functional agreement of acceptance where there is no other interaction.  Rape is the violence that pretends, a lie, or liar, can win the game.  Violence itself is the assumption “this game is unfair/ OR, you can win, if this situation is changed”. 
Conversation is a two directional relationship with the reality that you perceive inside of yourself as having value to you;  with or by another creature/ even object, or imagination.  That means of the base formations in development, a conversation can be created with or without any aspect of truth. Conversation with truth, is an elemental creation with the disciplines that are law.
In this world today, are the story tellers that assume one tiny bit of knowledge entitles them to an understanding far beyond the base level of wisdom necessary to achieve any understanding.  They fill in the blanks, with assumption/ arrogance/ and the desire to rule over you “as an expert” who cannot be denied: therefore pay me attention, and give me the power and the money.  To achieve control, the story tellers have woven themselves into complex gangs.  Each dependent upon the other to weave an intricate lie, and not surrender to the truth, or even admit it exists.  The base conversation of this world is “we know”/ while the reality of this world is, “we have theorized, like any other religion that has ever existed on earth”.  The only difference is the content of the message/ or more simply the words used to say: “follow me, I know”.  That is always a lie, because no person knows where, why, how, where, or when: ONLY TRUTH knows that.  Truth and human, is not the same/ therefore our reality is constantly shifting with the “sands of a conversation in religion; whatever form that takes”.  Religion is used by humans to disconnect from their fears/ and assume “everything will be alright/ because we know”.  When in fact, the foundations and evidence upon which these fears are laid to rest is commonly arrogant and filled with lies, stupidity, and failure to understand properly. Today, media takes these lies, this arrogance and pride, to propagate failure unto all people as best it can.  The purpose is to sell/ doesn’t matter what the content is, so long as the conversation does not get dull, so that people quit listening.  The desire is, to assume expertise and demand attention because you are part of the gang which owns the knowledge upon which society depends.  When that knowledge is bad/ society fails, and then self destructs.  When truth is the evidence followed and investigated upon by which then, we make decisions: society builds and succeeds in harmony and happiness. The base experience and expression of life, in society; is then respondent to the formation and content of its conversation.  When society is dying, tragedies are forming: this evidence is of LIARS AND FOOLS, lead here.
Liars always say, “we speak the truth”/ its their way, can’t hide if everyone knows your lying.  Liars always point to an evidence preferably without concrete anything/ so as to give the illusion of competency and gain trust.  Liars distract so that the real purpose of their reality can be dispensed with, by altering the situation and making you accept something else is more important than investigating me.  Every liar is a fool/ every lie, the intent to steal something of value from you. Every liar “loves him or herself” while the lies are working/ and they are winners.  Every liar hates you, when the discovery of lies reveals, they have been stealing, purposely stalking, manipulating/ controlling/ and tempting.  It ruins the game.
Truth is an expression of law, that reveals the intent and purpose of law is to understand the value of a relationship beyond yourself, that is intricately woven into the foundations of life and universe, itself.  Truth is the elemental reality of a decision that creates itself/ thereby becoming leader, by virtue of a significant and real value to life. To participate in the venues and realities of truth, it is absolutely necessary to discard all potential conversation that is not trusted as truth, and apply yourself to a relationship analysis that consists of the path within the definitions that reality will prove do exist as truth.  Wisdom is built, one fragment of knowledge or understanding at a time.  Truth is perceived, based upon the level of interaction that knowledge, understanding, and wisdom conceive of by the relationship that they create. As knowledge, understanding, and wisdom increase/ the basis of a relationship and the conversation limits that are defined by your acceptance of what is true, will change. Truth is a journey, and a destination created by the evidence of law. Law is therefrom a “home” created within the dimensions of a trust that cannot be denied.
Here alternate conceptions of expression and experience transform the basis of life, into the discovery of truth; by completing the cycle of what happens in the future, by sustaining the evidence as trusted through their past.  Liars form the single conclusion: humanity cannot be trusted.  Reality then searches for what can be trusted, so that we as life, can begin to understand what our future will hold. 

For the sake of conversation, let us review a tiny bit of current reality:   billions/trillions, spent on space exploration. Little gained, but threat to life on earth.  Physicists spending trillions, gambling with the entire earth and every life in danger of immediate execution by failed experiments.  Geneticists mutilating nature and transforming the balance that keeps us alive/ preparing absolute chaos, destroying the sanctity of body, thereby life.  Geologists playing games, making stories discounting every truth and proving nothing; leading humanity into the religious underbelly/ or anis of evolutionary insanity.  Political correctness altering government to a state of anarchy.  Justice, bought and sold by the rich.  Media constricted by the snake of money, power, and pride; therefrom willing to sell the nation and world, just to keep their selfishness intact. Biologists  threatening every life on the planet with extinction, by providing clues on how best to harvest life for execution. Educators that prove nothing but how insane they are/ presenting information that merely entraps and controls the young. All medical, a business run by the intent of extortion/ a reality if they can take them for all they got, and their life’s work, and their future “for a damn hangnail”/ then why can I not as well.  Sociologists creating the opportunity to kill this environment, because well people might be affected if they quit doing bad things. Psychologists living in greed, purposely drowning the people in need, with costs far beyond their means.  Business, the method of ransacking every resource/ raping every life in the future;   because someone wants the money, and the garbage dump makes money too. the military, simply using people to challenge life with poisons and products intentionally created for fear/ NOT honor.  Entertainment, just another method of control by pumping fears, utilizing temptation, or altering the current social environment with “their own version of engineering”.  Human resources, the absolute source of retaining control and enslaving the people, by acquiring the position that determines who will decide based upon a diploma/ not a reality of work.  The lawyers run “the pirate ship”/ making attacks on anyone who comes close;   making the courtroom a fraud/ failure/ buffoon/ and scam controlled by words, not laws of merit or value. Agriculture is reduced to the monopoly game of who can own it all/ to hell with nature everywhere, BUT for me: raises the price of what I sell don’t it.  Industry is the essence of a plague, the reality of an environmental disaster.  Tourism and retirement a fools paradise, where only the young have to work/ because you stole their money, and left them to die.  Food is attacked in countless ways/ water resources are destroyed without the slightest concern for life or the very next second.  The work and reality of “common people” simply a pawn in the greater game of playing god with everything on earth. Don’t need no damn oxygen to breathe/ HELL, WANT MY DAMN CAR, and everything that goes with it, LET SOMEONE ELSE PAY.  Financial everything, the biggest scam this world has ever seen.  Chemistry, the making of a pit/ dedicated to poisons which will never go away; the place you will soon live. University, a maximum security prison whereby all are indoctrinated with stupidity and the memorization of what someone else will demand.  Stupidity, because what is the greatest value is life/ and as is written of above:   that life, is held to be worthless compared with the damage of those who worship playing god. Those students indebted, strangled, and in fear of never being able to survive the burdens placed upon them are then,  too weary to fight. Fantasy leads, delusion follows because the story tellers are in charge, and they do their best to propagate only what they want to be their own fantasy through media and government; thereby controlling the slaves, and defeating them with words and illusion.  The biggest lie: “we know the truth”/ regardless of the evidence used to theorize every new religion that comes along.  “Worship anything, but truth” is the mandatory work of a university driven reality: TAKE A LOOK IN TRUTH, at where we are.  The nation at the edge of chaos/ the environment at the edge of collapse/ the ecology threatened with truly massive extinction/ the future dead as a corpse. And everything we depend upon gambled they can play god, and get away with it.  Wake up or die/ it’s a choice. Believe what is proven true, and if you do not know the difference between what university and greed with propagate with lies covered by fear.  Then demand trial, and make it happen so that the world itself, will understand and know truth/ rather than lies.  Just because it is written or promoted or sold within a university context/ DOES NOT make anything true or real.  These WANT the money, the power, and the pride;   and they make their words fit that particular purpose, and nothing more. The environment of our existence today, has been shaped by those who led us here, to death’s door; ain’t nobody ruled without a diploma, for decades; not anything.  Therefore we do look at the door, from which all this misery did form.
Can’t believe we are in trouble, just a “blip on radar” that means nothing to you?  Apparently you don’t need food or water or oxygen or resources for work or truth or time to live (because the experiments and weapons created, all stand ready on a thousand fronts to make you extinct within just a tiny few minutes of their release).  You don’t need nature?  Apparently alteration in genetics that will defeat your body immunities don’t matter, or balance in a body, or discipline within the environment of that body or mind, or the chain of events and relationships that allows every living thing to survive;   because what they need, is provided; and will now disappear.  Who cares about money?  Well as it turns out, “a great many people”/ who are willing to kill or torture you, willing to go to civil war/ light your cities on fire/ kill your children and eat them/ and more; just because they were cheated, or believe it was so.  Even though their expectations NEVER should have existed in the first place/   but congratulate the liars, because they were truly effective. made you believe didn’t they! The ocean is nearly dead/ the currents that deliver “the food” for an ocean nearly gone.  The pollution on all fronts so massive not only does it warm the earth: a unit of btu’s so massive it is not worth mentioning. Probably millions of square miles of ocean habitat ruined.  A stack of nuclear waste with no where to go/ and nuclear facilities that will soon pass their point of no return, where safety asks the question: what happens as this stuff ages/ when every indication is failure, means death to society in that area; and we have no where else to go. Historians prove the stupidity and arrogance of men/ but men refuse to learn from it. failure is anywhere you look/ in a reality that has changed from the option to use more resources to survive.  To now a reality that we must do far more, with far less today; merely hoping that somehow we might survive.  Your university has solved this problem: they decided you will die/ therefore they can take anything they want, because selfishness demands it.  BUT if you don’t desire death for yourself, if you are young and need time: THEN YOU MUST WORK FOR LIFE, and present this world with true change, or the assassins win.