The reason you have not stopped this oil flow is VERY SIMPLE:   they want the oil, more than they want the environment, or the people who are affected/ AND their experts are useless.  The new point man in charge of “getting the oil” is the coast guard commander, whose concern is “getting the product on board”.  They are collecting less oil, than they increased in flow.  Take the damn cap off, put a “cork on the end of that pipe, and shove it into the bottle below” crimping it in place.  See picture below.  Currently the best method would be: raise the cap, have a submarine establish the cork, inside the cap by whatever method is useful to keep it there; such as a plug sized to fit the cap: to control turbulent effects; and held with spring tension/ cork goes below.  And then shove the cork down into the well, with the drill/ siphon pipe. Then lift the cap, to leave behind the cork.  The cork is self contained and needs only the instruction to deploy.  That could be a number of things including a simple timer.

The current leadership is a proven and complete failure/ and must be removed.  There is improvement in the uptake of oil, because enough oil is being lost to keep most of the water, which causes freezing, out/ that requires substantial losses.  The intent to put on a new cap, with a better seal will work, if the water is held out/ but without a substantial connection, it cannot be shut off/ and it cannot be sustained in a storm; which means millions more gallons lost. The intersect wells are trying to hit the downward spilling well;  AN EXTREMELY hard thing to do/ and if not carefully done, this can increase the problem instead. The use of a funnel at a distance sufficient to use the heat of the ocean/ would allow for manipulation of the joints, while containing the oil: the use of a funnel on the current cap and pipe attached at twenty to fifty feet above the cap, would collect the oil.  The need to put guy wires and stabilize it like an antenna is obvious. CORK IT, is a far better plan.  but if you do not yet understand, that environment is more important than your “free ride to nowhere”/ perhaps you deserve to starve.
If, YOUR GOVERNMENT LEADERS, continue to insist on collecting this oil, trying another cap: it is absolutely necessary if nothing else is done, that you incorporate a heat exchanger in the cap design.  That would look like several pipes extending up around the central pipe, for 50 feet or so, and then reintroduced into the main collection pipe, in stages: thereby  moving oil from below, for the purpose of warming it (the effects of gas pressure release) with ocean water.  Further the most cylindrical device for sealing, available to you is potentially the hub itself on the vertical side, rather than horizontal where the bolts are.  A method to enclose it from the bottom would be useful as well.

 At this point, it is critical and necessary to understand all the food lost WILL matter/ even if you care nothing about the sea. Particularly if not stopped soon, as decades could be affected.  At this point it is critical to understand: THIS WAS a decision of this entire nation to “drill baby drill” regardless of the consequences/ and it is beyond question if prior to this disaster YOU would have been asked the question DO WE NEED any more supervision or alternate methods or preparations to continue on: YOU WOULD have said absolutely not.  Therefore, its your bill too!  That means a tax of at least 50 cents per gallon of gas/ to go directly and only to the relief of people truly affected in the gulf/ and the poor, as it will affect their ability to get food in the coming months.  YOU CHOSE/ YOU PAY TOO, everyone who uses oil UNWISELY, has contributed something to this crisis.  If you don’t contribute to their welfare/ they will begin to abandon the area: to bring more competition to you! Unfortunately, most without money. the obama administration only gives to the rich! The reality of healthcare is:   nothing more than a hidden tax, which this administration will use, for everything but healthcare.
Contrary to believing whatever you want/ IT IS necessary to believe what truth tells you is fact.  Such as: the 13 trillion dollar debt, is strictly what the federal government owe for its portion/ and does not include personal debt/ state debt/ business debt/ agriculture/ finance/ or any other.  Combined, These total over 100 trillion dollars.
Contrary to a “single leader”, and failure by his or her decision/ it is absolutely important to establish a truth forum instead:   OR MORE SIMPLY, MAKE THESE DECISIONS, AS ALL OF SOCIETY, BY VOTE. This, is what we choose!  Redress according to the first amendment is:  an accounting required of our employees/ and the decision we will then make as a nation, or state.

  Or, if you refuse, you could depend upon “obama”, and his statement “don’t want BP giving all the money to the rich/ and just nickels and dimes to the worker/ fishermen”.  But of course, is that not exactly what he did, with tarp, and every other “give the money to the rich scheme”? It’s a matter of fact/ not a disrespect. The reality is: contrary to what the rich men want/ WE ARE, better off making the decisions ourselves; THE LAWS, which influence our lives;    instead or being told what to think, do, or say! Is that not so?  NOT a black issue, or a white issue, etc/ IT’S A LIFE ISSUE.  A true right, granted by democracy; IF you enforce it. YOUR LAW ALREADY; simply remove anyone and everyone, in the judiciary that stands in your way.  IT’S THE LAW.  Our, guaranteed right, according to the first amendment of the United States constitution!

  A truth forum would be:   dedicated to finding each and every possible solution to this problem and identifying what is good or bad about each.  That means SHORT/ PLAIN/ AND SIMPLE!  No arguing allowed!  Simply put your individual information in one hundred words or less; and apply it in the category, where it goes.  What is most likely to succeed in short order.  What is fundamentally correct, and suitable solution for the environment: will be discussed at length!
TO HELL WITH THE MONEY, or you don’t eat/ because these threats can multiply considerably.   Or, in terms of a truth forum the purpose is:   TO IDENTIFY WHAT IS TRUE/ AND ESTABLISH WHAT WE LITERALLY CAN DO.  What OUR choice as a nation simply is!  Don’t need no damn leader/ just need the truth, and enough organization to make the things we decide to use, happen for us.  That specifically means:    No more damn experts (they are welcome to provide “One hundred words or less” per topic/ BUT NO ONE, is allowed to say “expert”).  If you can do some good/ you are not only welcomed to try, but invited, to do whatever you can do: the truth, not the person is important for us all.

As to oil, if you believe they will work:  build the various machines that I have described for you, anywhere in the country or world, and come make a difference for life.  All machines and information here, ARE FREE/ period, no strings attached.  Please do add to them.  If you need help in understanding: ask.

 The appropriate cork would include, a taper point for easier insertion, a series of seals/ protected by a reamer which is incorporated and goes first, to create  a series of larger openings. Each with its own seal.  The reamer pushes the cut material down, and the cork contains the necessary openings to collect those cuttings and keep them out of the seal.  The first reamer includes a protective metal taper to guide and protect the teeth from damage against hitting the well piping too harshly. After two or three reamers to create the hole for  sealing.  There is an alternate seal functionally established by something like a multi-ribbed power belt/ with an alternate material in-between the groves.  This simply fits around the cork tightly and will be supported by a stable ring at its downward side, with a movable metal ring on top.  The “pipe spikes” located just above this for securing the seal to the pipe walls will force the rings down onto this new seal and thereby enlarge it slightly.  The pipe spikes run through slots in the cork, as many as necessary.  Each is functionally attached to a hinge point, from which it is moved out into the piping wall.  The spikes themselves are made of points or sawteeth      THAT WILL be suitable for penetrating slightly into the well piping. These pipe spike members will be forced up and out at the center of the cone or cork, preferably by an electric motor drive, battery incorporated in the cone.  As the mechanical drive screws upward, it lifts the inner end of the pipe spike, pushing down as a consequence onto the ribbed seal to enlarge it.  When completely perpendicular to the mechanical shaft, the pipe spikes are fully engaged and holding. To accommodate irregularities each pipe spike member   should have a hydraulic constituent, that compensates. At full perpendicular extension, a pressure seal can be broken in the individual arms/ to allow for end to end , no room left/ set into place.  Or if you believe the seal is good enough, you can simply allow for a slight bit of room in this part of the mechanism, because the spikes are intended to be established even if it lets go, by means of an upward slant. An alternate means of engaging the pipe spikes is hydraulic ram, with a pressure container holding ten thousand pounds, simply opened to move the ram upward or as you desire: this needs to mechanically lock into place/ the size of the opening determines the speed of pressure release.

See picture below


   If that one seems to complex, use a deformable metal cone with a simple and common pipe expander located within it, and operate accordingly.  GO to your local muffler shop to find out what this is, if you don’t know.  This one takes less pipe depth to install, and can be forced more easily, although more likely to leak if the pipe has not been prepared prior to insertion.  Even so, it is also probable the well pipe can be “crimped” on top to insure it will remain in place.  It is also realistic to believe a tool can be lowered into the pipe to “significantly round it out” prior to insertion.

An alternate, understands that if there are complications with “the pipe” going through the blowout preventer/ then there is also an understanding about the internal parts of the blowout preventer which would allow the use of a “toggle bolt” style fitting added to the tapered insertion point on the well cork, thereby: YOU CAN design the necessary anchors to fit the blowout.  Additionally, in pictorial views it is clear a bolt on hub exists above the blowout, and if it can be bolted on in the beginning, it can be unbolted off and a valve replacing the top of the blowout preventer put back;  by simply bolting a new one in place.  It needs a valve because of oil flow and pressures. Held down by the drilling pipe, and turned as necessary to align, with a slight taper insert, below the new valve: to create the correct primary alignment and stationary placement of hub against hub;   against the oil pressures that must be dealt with.  A tool on a submarine will get this done: its just a spinning impact socket wrench on the end of a manipulating arm.  They already have these wrenches and submarine robot arms. An extra collection of bolts should one drop is necessary; screw it in to a holder the robotic arm can easily access.

The addition of a funnel as depicted will increase the ability to contain all the oil with the current small cap/ it is as described in the picture with the exception of how to make the seam closing the funnel sealed. Scissors open the gap and close it again with hydraulics or whatever/ a submarine moves it into position, held with the secondary piping/ scissors close.  Submarine moves around loops a cable around some type of anchorage (wrap around’s), and laces it back and forth, to draw the two sides together: the wrap around’s should be made so they become a part of the means to align and seal those edges.  That can be done with simply folding over the edges to they hit each other properly and are then held in place by the cable, or they can be enlarged to butt together with a rubber seal or other.  They would need structural stiffeners to retain positioning and allow for tightening, for anything but the curled edge approach/ and would be useful here too.  A simply stiff arm attached to one, that holds the other side in place.  See picture.

AFTER you get this oil well under control/ THEN command the submarines already in military/ industry/ or university hands shall go inspect with people observing in real time video broadcast to the world;   every single well and pipeline that exists to learn just how extensive this problem is.  Because this is not everything.  Learn how many ships sink, and how much damage has been caused in the oceans by all tragic realities of what men do and have done/ and be shocked.  THEREFORE CHANGE.

LEARN: that even though this is just one leak that has overwhelmed you quickly/ out of thousands of wells:   how many more do you need to prove: this is a disaster, and the experts know nothing but pride and money first.  THEN LEARN:   WHEN IT HAPPENS IN GENETIC MUTILATION DUE TO WHAT MEN DO/ OR WHEN IT HAPPENS WITH EXPERIMENTATION IN ENERGIES WE CANNOT CONTROL/ OR WHEN IT HAPPENS IN COUNTLESS OTHER THREATS THAT CAN EASILY DESTROY ALL LIFE ON EARTH:   THAT CHANGE IS NECESSARY/ NOW, NOT LATER!            NO MORE, “big science”/   LIFE FIRST!


In all ways, this oil spill catastrophe to very many people simply represents the reality of all the threats you face.  Even though, thousands of times before this very same work has been accomplished with grave or severe incidence: IT ONLY TAKES ONCE!  Therefore the understanding is:   stop the terrorists working with genetics/ extreme energy/ weapons of mass destruction/ etc;   OR the day will soon come when you have no choice at all!  The coast guard commander for the gulf has made a commitment to the oil/ NOT the environment or life first; which can only mean “terrorist or fool”.  YOU will have to take control of the situation, and decide en-mass what you are going to do: a title is irrelevant/ he is one man, nothing more, and nothing less, until it is proven “terrorist” instead of fool.

To help you accomplish a serious need to plug this well, another machine is suggested.  The well plug below is built to be a specific size; because the blowout preventer is a known size and configuration; therefore no guessing.  Therefore this well plug is expected to be built out of a frame work that includes a rectangular top member with a frame slide that holds the tapered plug, sized to fit.  The adjusting screw on that frame slide will either be independent or operated by sub: rubber fittings allow for movements for alignment/ as the taper fits its hole.  An optional saw that swings around on the structural pipes to re-cut the well pipe is up to you.   This machine consists of an independent hinged clamp, that has two independent grabbers, hinged on the structural pipe, a hydraulic cylinder opens and closes the scissors like action; not shown.  Independent mechanical screw locks on the openings allow for permanent placement.  The structural pipes, are pulled through the hinged clamps that are now attached to the blowout preventer.  Hydraulic cylinders (2) shown pull the framework down through the hinged clamps/ thereby lowering the tapered plug.  Two mechanical locks insure that the tapered plug stays in place.  These locks are shown with “toggle like pins” for simple drawing, but the style and kind is up to you.  Functionally the hinged clamps can be moved down and reapplied if necessary;  but that is unwise; simply make it correctly the first time.  It is necessary: that the frame and clamps be put on “reasonably level in all directions.  But you have a blowout preventer to work with to decide where, and how this should be made.  Attaching it a the drill pipe, on an alternate drilling ship will allow you to do that/ and wait to remove the other ship until all is ready.  The optional saw should be attached to the hinged clamp instead of the moving structural pipe, to avoid any interference.

One of the things you need to remember is: THESE ARE NOT HARD CONCEPTS to think of/ they are simple and easy.  Which means there is no good reason why they have not been put up for at a minimum discussion prior to this.  Instead of plugging the hole, I consider it probable the US “government (one or two people)” ARE ONLY considering getting the oil/ INSTEAD OF stopping the flow.  Therefore plugging it, is not on the agenda.  THIS IS A CRITICAL AND FOOLISH mistake/ if not a criminal act (which it is).  I do suggest it comes from those in government because:   the bp representative “wants his life back”/ which means HE IS, willing to stop the oil; if someone suggests it.  Sometimes you get lost, and fail to recognize an alternate solution.
What is equally important to recognize is: the oil producers DON’T have oil cleanup equipment BECAUSE they have not had to do anything but pretend/ and then do nothing.  YOU can see this is true, because none of them have spent one dime in preparation or looking for methods and machines to be prepared.  Because the media play the game, and the public is left guided like sheep to believe whatever the media or its owners want.  Every aspect of oil production, must then be taxed because of this spill/ as a clear and literal reminder: YOU MUST BE PREPARED to protect this environment “WELL”.  Nothing less will do.  A float without the slightest chance of containing the oil permanently is not a solution of any kind.  People in plastic suits on a beach is not the slightest solution of any kind/ people putting the little they do clean up into plastic bags: are an affront to reason;   they could at least use trucks or something besides a plastic bag.  Following what happens to those bags, is another media “black page”;   you don’t need to know.  Either get involved and do what you can do, to make the terrorists get out of the way so this well can be plugged;   or you will be sorry.  Even if you put together a funnel to collect more, even all; IT IS NOT a long term solution unless it can survive the ocean storms intact, without loss of oil.

Do you still think this is america so we don’t have to do nothing; for our government, “too proud to believe, your leaders are not up to the job, errant, or foolish”?  Consider again the 1.6 trillion dollars being added (just to the federal government accounts)in new debt this year.  That is not only 1,600,000 millionaire’s giving up their entire million dollars to pay this back.   IT IS ALSO:    “Somebody, is getting this money/ and it ain’t you”; or its one million people getting one million, six hundred thousand dollars this year; or its 4,383,561,643 (4.383 billion dollars) spent every single day (365).  Divide it out!  Or, if there is 100 million workers, it is   $43.83 that each one pays every single day=$306.84 per week/ per one hundred million workers.  That is how much money, being inflated into this economy:   HOW MUCH, did you get?  And if that is how much one trillion 600 billion is: THEN consider the fantasy being portrayed as american GDP.    WAKE UP, before everything is gone/ and there is nothing left anyone can do, but die.
The redesign of blowout preventers REQUIRES mechanical shut-offs on both top and bottom of the preventer/ preferably one underneath the concrete or sea floor so that very little can go wrong.  But remember this, if something lands on the control handle; it stops working.  Therefore a guide pipe, and a long chain to pull it closed is reasonable/   along with a secondary valve or chain to be pulled in an opposite direction.  Or more simply something that will survive an impact from debris falling on it; and still work.