The recent crack in the ice in Antarctica establishes two separate elements at work: that there has been a significant rise in water height thereby lifting the ice up/ particularly in rough seas. And that the reduction of ice from underneath the berg through melting it/ has since allowed that rise to fall slightly breaking open the weakest point along where the “teeter-toter” across a fulcrum allows it to break.  The lifting power of even a small increase in the water level, DOES multiply into a massive force over a large area. Not only water from melting ice/ but from the temperature of the water itself in an entire ocean rising.
What we can understand from this is: THERE ARE MASSIVE unseen consequences to altering the weight that rests on the planet.  Removal of massive quantities of ice, puts that weight into the ocean basins/ which then changes the balance of tectonic plates, which alter their positions to compensate causing earthquakes/ volcano’s/ and more.  That leads to further change in the balance of earth/ and even more collateral damage is caused by the draining of reservoirs for the sake of fossil fuels and other mined elements.  Shifting weight from one place to the other.  Every engineer knows:   “Its all about the weight, or forces generated by that weight”.
The functional reality of the day being, that this ice crack needs to be filled with ground up ice and water pushed into it, so that it can and will freeze back together, and hold the massive block in place.  Get ice by machine/ pump in water with wind or fuel driven pumps.  An international effort.

One of the major realities of this day is: while it may be simply too late to stop the processes that humanity has caused to fail.  The reality of some things such as icebergs, must be dealt with as best we can.  While options have previously been discussed for glaciers.  The reality of large icebergs MUST be dealt with effectively as best we can.  That in simplicity will mean:   we must once they are loose in the sea/ direct them to where water is needed and then move that water to reservoirs on land.  WE WILL NEED IT.  Many areas are going dry/ and you have few options for water,  apart from these icebergs.  In terms of life or money: make a choice.  Believe the money is more important/ or a future, with water instead of war.  Do, WHAT you can do.
The simplest way is:   simply dig in a trench that will let the iceberg “come ashore”.  Then close the gate, use pumps to drain or move the water as it melts.  A wind turbine can mechanically, move a lot of water, without the generation of electricity.