It is elemental and real
that the trafficking of humanity for sexual slavery MUST END, under every and any circumstances across this world. That does not include, the prostitution of women who literally choose, by being in complete control of their own destiny; to sell their bodies for sex. Freedom means freedom, regardless of the fact it is an extremely bad idea for you. But to assert and maintain that fact of independence to choose, there can be “no handlers” of any kind/ within any part of the process by which women choose sex as their business. NO MALE IS ALLOWED ANY PORTION OR PART “of the business”/ absolutely nothing, which would include ownership of the building, payment of the facilities, etc. STRICTLY women owned, in all facets of operation, intent, and authority. Society DOES need to protect them somewhat, because violence, religious delusion, nor hate is acceptable. Tax them with fairness, it is their life and their potential eternity. NOT a freedom to “do business anywhere”/ that would be a crime. But a freedom to “do what you choose to do” where society can protect you, and must allow the reality of what freedom is: to do, what I desire to do/ so long as no others are intentionally, or seriously harmed.
ALL OTHER SEXUAL ACTIVITY that is not adult or desired by the woman herself, comes under the heading: you shall NOT rape these women, nor control, nor abuse, nor use. Without exception, there is NO ownership/ No excuse for denial of necessary work or means to make a “decent living”/ and NO acceptance will be tolerated for the withholding of food, the establishment of fear either for herself or another, or any other means to establish compliance for sex. In other words, YOU WILL RESPECT ALL WOMEN! AND THEY MUST respect themselves.
To attain compliance and purpose without compromise any and all men who are found guilty of endangering or controlling the life of any woman for the distinct purposes of prostitution will be incarcerated, and handed over to the homosexuals in a prison built for the purpose. Chained to the floor, and captive to the whim of those who will use, abuse, prostitute, and consume you. Any adult male who is found guilty of endangering or controlling by instilling fear through sexual abuse, or violence against a minor whether male or female will be killed. Thirty days is long enough, before execution exists. Any property confiscated and used for minors in their needs and time.
Whosoever reports an incident of sexual abuse against women, where that report identifies an attacker and proves useful in aborting violence against women; shall be offered a reward by society. Any person who identifies a man holding any woman or child hostage for sex in particular, shall gain every possession of that man for themselves. The perpetrator of violence, shall be killed as quickly as is reasonably possible under thirty days. Where a woman is involved, they go to court to determine the level of insanity that existed, because she simply does not contain the equipment commonly associated with rape.
You will remember some women are liars. You will remember some women change their minds too late, and you will remember some men drop the fraud, and become true villains at the drop of a hat.
Those guilty of drugging a woman for sex/ holding drugs for the use of drugging a woman/ etc will face a jury of women who will decide if they are to be castrated or not; if they are to be used by other women for sex instead, or not (as a lesson in, we will do this to you). Or more clearly, the day when rape by any means or intent is acceptable is over. And that is regardless if a woman is absolutely naked in front of you or not. Without consent you shall do nothing. Without control, you will ask women for help/ and they will teach you accordingly by whatever means they do choose.
Sexual trafficking occurs for three separate reasons: poverty or addiction demands it/ men control it/ and the law ignores it, because the courtroom costs money, and people don’t care. By removing the money or the possibility of monetary gain/ while establishing the fact: WE WILL take everything you have! Men are largely removed from “the business of sex”. By applying the law, that society WILL PROVIDE enough protection for women to allow them to eat and live a poor but decent life; the rules of poverty are turned away. Those who have entered because of addiction, must then turn to “business as is run by women under the direction of society”; and are thereby fundamentally protected as is realistic to the circumstances. That leaves us with the courtroom and the male intent to make money, or use money and the women for themselves; as an excuse not to interfere. Consequently, it is necessary to establish all female courtrooms, and juries to handle these issues of life/ and establish justice for women in their area’s. Or more simply, it is the women themselves who will decide if you were using, abusing, defiling, terrorizing, consuming, etc other women through sex. Women will be your judge and jury/ and they will decide if you have any money left, or other demands for justice as they may define.
In other criminal matters: the prisons cannot be managed by people who know little or nothing about what is real or not, about the prisoners inside. That means, probationary release will be turned over to the inmates inside a prison. IF YOU SELECT those prisoners who after serving ten percent of their sentence are able to be considered; For release, and you are correct, they can survive within the law/ then your time as a prisoner population will be reduced by one half the time they would have served as a full sentence. BUT IF YOU RELEASE a prisoner back into society, and they prove unworthy of that trust/ they will come back to you, and your sentence as a prisoner population will increase by the length of time they would have served as a full sentence. Or more simply: return a prisoner to society early and they do well, you are rewarded by a reduction in your own sentences as the rest of the prison population by half of the sentence they did not serve. Such as a ten year sentence not served, equals five years less for you/ because they did well. HOWEVER, if the prisoner you return to society fails to do their duty as best they can, with an actual chance to comply; and are returned to prison. Your own prison population sentence will grow by the entire ten years that was not served by the prisoner who failed you. The prison population sentence is defined by the number of parolees that are released/ the length of days they did not serve/ and divided by the percentage of individuals within the prison walls. Or more simply. If you release one parolee per hundred individuals, for a period of one year prior to sentence. Then the one hundred individuals in prison are subject to a .5% (one half a percent) early release from their own sentence. Or if you release ten individuals from a prison containing one hundred individuals, then the entire prison population NOT holding a life sentence for violence or hate, will receive a 5% five percent reduction in their own sentences. If on the other hand all ten of the prisoners you release fails badly, your own sentences as a prison population will increase by ten percent. I suggest you work “as a society for your own benefit” to and for the creation of an opportunity to prepare for life in real society: the people you consider possible for release. Prison population Vote decides who can or cannot go. The parolee, gets one half of one percent of the money it would have taken to incarcerate for one year; as a means to begin. Although a seventy percent vote by the prison guard can remove any prisoner from release/ IF THEY substantiate their own vote, with clear and substantive facts. Either side can ask for mediation, and receive it by jury from society itself. It is not too much to ask/ these are living human beings, and many do not belong behind bars. BUT SOME CLEARLY DO! By that standard, and within that cause, if you require a sentence more than twenty years to establish change/ then life on earth does not need you anymore. The future however DOES need its resources.
There is no need for medical treatment, to those with violent offenses/ a part of your punishment is, the same reality you chose for others, if nature or humanity attack. You get nothing.
Some will decry this as cruel or unusual punishment, in some ways. Some will decry this as too much, or too little, and so on. What is real however asserts, that I will not give the life of a child in the future/ for a tragedy in this day, chosen for yourself. Mercy is determined by verified truth/ if society refuses to do this for you: then I suggest you request of the prisoners that are released, to give you the aid you need to be heard; pay them as best you can. LEARN to use the law, & Let society pay for those who are found to be unjustly charged/ with the fair and legitimate costs of an investigation that honestly produces a greater justice for us all. This can literally be a “good business” if you work. This is equivalent to the amount of money that would have been spent to incarcerate, plus ten percent added to that amount for the person being released.
Again, the necessities and needs of the homeless cannot simply be wished away. Society does have an obligation to provide the opportunities needed to earn a decent living wage by work/ as has already been discussed earlier. Housing the homeless is a requirement of this day, and has been dealt with earlier/ but needs a reminder for those too lazy to look. Transportable “row houses”/ no bigger than 8 feet by 8 feet/ by 7 feet tall. Made simply on a frame that simply lifts off the ground to place transport wheels/ to be pulled by truck. Creates a tiny habitat that truly makes a difference to human life. One electric heater, one light bulb and two plug ins with a bed and enough insulation, with one small window : to make life and energy acceptable is fair. A simple temporary electrical service/ placed where water and sewer are available/ with a bathroom on the back; and you are done. Suitable sites are determined by the community, none are allowed to refuse/ BUT if they are willing to pay the price of refusal, (a years costs plus maintenance and utilities) then if another place is open; that money is used for upkeep and utilities. Every 6 months the housing will be moved, and the site left alone for one year/ unless the majority of all parties agree to leave it here. If a family needs it, then you can open a door between two individual units. Bus service will be extended as needed, including a realistic pass. Some type of security lighting is required. Video surveillance is a decision of the community providing the service, it cannot be dismissed by the “renters (some public service can be required).” Problem “ individual renters” will be reviewed, and if found to be considerable trouble, “moved out”. The longer you stay in this housing, the more public service can be required of you/ but not over twenty hours a week. You would not expect that for yourself if living there/ neither should you charge it.
In the overall reality of crime and violence against GOD’S CREATION What matters to eternity, is whether you steal, kill, or abuse a life that would have otherwise made it into eternal life. Let this warning sink in: Leave the children of GOD Alone! So that HADES will not be your eternal torment, or at least the very worst of damnation can be avoided. Eternal damnation is LITERALLY about what you choose to do, “to the children who belong to GOD “. Do you know who they are? Liars they are not.
Pedofile’s will simply be killed, if they have attacked (a week is more than enough time)/ where it is “their child” that is attacked, castration for the sake of the child may be more in order. So that the child knows, it is clearly NOT their fault, this one dies. Let the parent know, NEVER AGAIN, as best you can. Those NOT determined to be a serious threat can be castrated, or if a jury decides something less.
In cases of teen sexuality; beyond puberty, or including both as minors, sexual reality demands honesty and mercy. In cases with an adult and a teenager either male or female, where clear consensual reality exists; where NO FORCE of any kind has been used. The reality is, a situation governed by the human behaviors that cannot truly be judged or measured by others/ as is an abortion to some “a right to live the life I choose/ and to others the death of an innocent life without cause” so is an adult and teenager who believe they are in love. Some things are better off, simply left to the decision of those who will live this reality.
The reality of schools and bullying is a need for the children or young adults to participate in democracy as a forum for creating and sustaining peace and law through the effects of “We the people”. Therein it is fundamental that where bullying is expressed as “too extreme”/ there should be a school trial, wherein the entire student body is made aware of the problem; and they then decide if the child being bullied must be allowed to go to “a kinder/ gentler school”. Or the student doing the bullying shall be reprimanded to counseling/ disciplinary schools/ juvenile detention/ removal of teachers or staff for failure to intervene; and so on.
True crimes that are heinous by nature, meaning too grievous NOT to be dealt with as an adult/ such as setting another student on fire. DOES IDENTIFY a massive need to create REAL UNDERSTANDING of what life is or is not/ and what society demands of you, or will pay you back because of in like measure. Or more simply, a simple mind does not contemplate the damage that will be done to another life or their own/ and CONSEQUENTLY MUST BE TAUGHT, so that there can be no exceptions to the rule: YOU KNEW, and chose anyway. Critical values must be instilled in school/ from an early age. Identifying what will NOT be tolerated/ and exactly what will come to you, if you do this anyway. Beyond that, where it is clear an understanding existed, “an eye for an eye” is fundamentally fair/ or a fire for a fire, is critically the same for you, as it is for me. You will live this lesson too. Before that is accomplished, in this day and time; the penalty most fair is: my day as the injured has been suffered and with pain/ should not your day be the same! Until such time as the pain goes away, and peace returns to heart. Indeed it should. You lose less than did I as the injured/ therefore you lose three times as long, sharing the same demand “I AM in pain, and unable to escape”. Fantasy land is over.