Living in a fantasy will not protect your life/ your child/ your future/ or your world.  Lies are an enemy.  Living in the delusion, that “numbers and debts don’t matter/ or that you can be rich, and everyone else will be happy to be your slave:   is just for fools.  Believing in your pride:   “I am great/ I have more/ I am a winner and a big success, next to these” are all about creating enemies; therefrom war, failure, and death to us all.  Letting people consume this entire nation because they hide what is so obviously inflation by calling it debts.  Just means they get to keep the money they create from nothing/ and buy us out; thereby making this entire nation to be slaves, “whether you like it or not/ its true”.  The critical truth of wall street is: it’s a casino that has been playing with your business and industry as its toys.  They create their own counterfeit money, by producing monopoly currency with margin buying:   give us one dollar/ and go buy with ten dollars instead.  That is inflation, NOT created by government/ but by this casino; used to pay its bills/ buy and sell business and industry/ and whatever they want to do, “without real money”.  Gold and silver are stable currencies/ however like all conceptions of value:   “Its not going to keep you alive/ if you have to eat it”.  Or more simply, you have to trade it, to find value for life.  These will sustain a critical level of value/ but will be confiscated, at a fixed value; because the world will need to find a solution to the counterfeiting, being done throughout the world.  This gold/ silver,  is most likely it;  it has proven to work throughout history.  “I do, have a few coins in a bank security box”/ can still be stolen, etc; but it is important to do something.  Panic leads to crisis/ crisis leads to conflict over immediate needs:   consequently something physical that can be traded is useful, to stay “out of the fray”. Although dollars are in fact “essentially worthless”; we must still operate with something/ so they will be active for the first 6 months or so of crisis.  Beyond that solutions must be found. The critical reality is if you can find even dollars/ banks will be empty; I don’t remember what they must have on hand but its seems like 2%:   or more correctly “gone in a hurry”.  Coins will take on more value than they suggest; as they are “more real”/ instead of just paper.  After three months or so; the primary methods of dealing with a crisis must be “ironed out”/ and things become more normal, or violence will erupt/ and governments can be lost.
Treasuries and government bonds exist for those who believe the state, municipality, nation cannot go broke.  By the numbers, its just not true.  Money has no meaning of its own, its just paper and promises.  When people stop accepting the promises as worth something/ the money dies.  Simple as that:  we give money its meaning.  If we stop accepting the numbers have meaning/ then the money has no value: its up to us.  But we do have to have a means of trade: FAIR, LEGITIMATE, AND TRUE however will require very significant change.  People WILL be in shock; because the lies are so extensive.
An endless amount of people will offer:   “We were doing just fine with the lies/ how dare you affect my life with your truth”; DAMN YOU! 

The tragedy of their way is by example:   like the people in a train headed for a cliff, it’s a one way journey to hell/ if you don’t stop.  But so long as the cliff does not exist in their mind/ or it is going to be somebody else’s problem “cause they have a plan”.  Or whatever excuse is used:   they all figure its “not going to be me: so they don’t care”.  Got news, we are all on this journey together/ everybody is on the same train, heading for the same cliff.  Either we stop/ or we die; the failure to accept or believe the evidence by its truth and consequence is insane.  Our reality is clear, by the threats which encircle us with every definition of extinction for all life on earth plain and simple to see.  The short list is!  
IF you manage to get past the lies long enough to accept that a courtroom can prove by the evidence what is real/ thereby what is true, and the consequence that will become our future as life on the planet will be.   How can that be bad for you?  Unless you worship the lies so much/ that your own image of yourselves/ or your idol worship of things and people that lead you by lies; will make your own life fall completely apart.  IS NOT TRUTH A FRIEND?  Answer the question/ because we will not survive all these lies.  The price that must be paid for your lies/ is the price that must be paid for your lies!  Simple as that.  Either face the truth or die/ it is that critical and real.  Don’t believe me is fine/ THAT IS NOT what I ask you to do!  Rather lawsuits have been created to investigate/ examine/ and discover the truth among yourselves, with your own evidence and people presenting; your own lawyers asking or defending your interests.  How is that not in your best interest?  Answer the question.

This world is not infinite.  Contrary to the dreamers and illusion aries;   nobody is escaping to another planet or world.  Not going to happen.  Either we care and respect this planet from this moment on, or we die with it, from your neglect and destruction of reality. Not a hard concept, whether you like reality or not.

The critical function of every economy is to make it possible for people to “do one simple thing” and with that take care of their own needs and wants in survival and more.  Unlike the non-monetary version of life, wherein we each must do everything possible for our survival and wants ourselves.  Money makes life easier/ but it comes with risks, that now: people can simply steal the money, as opposed to carry off something more physical and identifiable as mine.  Regardless of the complications, money is obviously here to stay/ so long as we have governments.  That means, when it is physically proven that our money has in fact been ransacked, and the value stolen from us through our government representatives.   Like it or not, there must be change.  We have been defeated without a single gunshot so to speak/ because hidden behind closed doors, they have been making counterfeit money, and spending without a relationship to our reality.  The fact we let them/ the fact our news press, who are suppose to protect us failed/ the fact everyone wanted greed, NOT truth.  All points to the evidence, the vast majority earned this disgrace, because you just didn’t care enough to investigate or stop it.  Plenty of evidence “floating around, to know lies, cheating and stealing was going on”/ but everyone said, “just give me the damn money/ and shut up!  DON’T DO NOTHING, to change this, I am getting rich”.  So now, with reality proving lies never survive/ truth cannot simply be killed:   we do face the consequences of your failure to respect each other.  Every theft is against someone/ you knew stealing was going on: you chose to do this anyway;  because the bribe was too good in the beginning.  And the reality too costly in the end to change: GIVE US THE MONEY LIES/ we don’t care; the clear and plain slogan and chant, for very many people over this last decade or so.
To return to financial securities 4 distinct realities MUST be achieved: 
1.  To protect the currency from thieves: it is absolutely necessary to tie that currency in numbers, to something that is distinctly tangible and not easily counterfeited.   Such as so many numbers per person shall be all the money available in this nation.  Or more simply: if the average annual salary here is $50,000.00 , then times the current census of 309 million citizens= $15,450,000,000,000.  But that is a salary for every single citizen, and only workers earn a salary.  Actual workers in america are to be determined: then a number fixed according to workers.  The annual salary can be anything you like/ its just a number; until you turn that number into a resource and labor.  The important part here is you take control over the currency itself, by tying it onto something physical so NOBODY gets to create numbers out of fantasy again.

2.  To protect nations from international thieves: it is absolutely important to tie a world currency onto something tangible and not easily counterfeited, such as gold, silver, etc.  Everybody uses the same money for international trading, NO national currency can be used.  Make a law.  Want to take a trip, then buy world currency, and change it in your nation of choice.  There is no nation to nation buying or selling of currency.  Every foreign transaction must be with world currency.  You can divide it up as a new beginning;   or you can result as a battleground wherein no one will win/ all lose.  But that does not mean all debts are wiped clean.  Instead, because every nation has contributed to an international crisis in money to some extent.  Every nation gets to vote/ ONE vote per nation: regarding the debts owed, or to be paid by another nation.  With this exception: at the end of the voting when the dealing is done:  NOBODY pays or owes more percentage wise, than the average of all nations together.  In other words, you CANNOT pick out one nation for slavery, poverty, or wealth.  This is about money or trading up to: the date in question/   which is the decision of nations establishing a new world currency backed by gold, silver, etc.  When that money takes over/ old accounts end.  BUT A WISE WORLD, will establish: the payment for old accounts will be, “to environmentally correct, in nations owed” the past destruction of this world and prepare it for tomorrow.
3.   CREDIT is both the cause and the benefit of many social problems.  Credit changes the life picture of individuals or groups, so that they believe “their dreams” can come true.  As has been the world view for decades, “dreams and fantasies” are enough has been proven false.   YOU MUST return to reality/ dreams are then dead, and life must prove to be worthy of the loan.  The difference between who can decide what or who, is worthy of a loan/ becomes power over the people.  Excessive  Power in the hands of a few,  is always bad.  Small banks owned and run by a community is infinitely better than large.  Tear the large banks down/ so that you can regain control.  There is no purpose in a large bank: beyond stealing your money, they give you nothing.  Regulations as were the case in these banks shall be returned and reviewed.

4.  The rise and fall of business and industry; therefrom jobs, is based upon 3 independent factors.   1) the human demand.  2) the critical resource.   3) the competition. 
Each of these contribute to the reality of our lives in society.  The human demand never goes away, which means there is always work to be done, IF we can afford the resources to do it/ that is then not an issue for debate; people want and need forever.  Simple as that.   The critical resources that allow us to survive are all natural in content apart from an education to use those materials to our advantage or protect them from ruin.  We live and work so long as there are resources to keep us alive/ we die as soon as there are not.  Simple as that/ it will not change.

The competition is our contribution as society to either gain or loss/ war or friendship; it’s a choice.  If we are to share and care, regarding jobs/ respect/ dignity/ mercy/ etc, we will become friends. As friends we can take advantage of the time given to us by the fact we are so many people it is necessary  share the burdens of work:  only for “a few hours” each week.  But that does not give anyone “lots more” than the rest/ some people get bored/ some people are too lazy to share or care about anything/ some WANT lots more.  And so on.  Limited capitalism allows for these variations while accepting the fact, although we will let you have more/ YOU CANNOT turn us into your slaves, or consume everything valuable to us all.  While you can debate any other method you choose.  The reality of our lives will always turn back to the consequence of destroying the resources we must all have to survive.  In the past that has always translated into war:   WE WILL TAKE EVERYTHING/ AND YOU have no choice, but death.  That however is now mitigated by the numbers of humanity;   we are so many people/ you CANNOT possibly kill us all: which means we WILL kill you too!  End of the game.
In the past men decided with weapons, confrontation, and war.  In the future, if we are too live: law must decide/ resources will control/ and whether we are happy or dying is entirely dependent upon what we have done to respect this planet and be friends with each other across this world;   or not.  It is a true choice/ there are no second chances.  We HAVE overcome nature in all its conceptions;   therefore the world has changed.  Because now it is humanity that must choose to keep nature alive/ rather than nature that allows humanity to survive because it can.  Today, nature can no longer keep us alive;   UNLESS we do our part to sustain and respect its needs, just like ours.  Nature is the chains required for life in all its aspects; missing one little piece “like the key for a car”/ kills the whole organism.  Men CANNOT be gods; apart from “satan himself” here on earth: going to destroy it all! 
Think about it.


The necessity of protecting our lives from those who demand to swindle and steal money from us at a personal level, has become more apparent to me lately.  Therefore the questions and answers of what can we do for ourselves is a matter of concern.

The very first thing that you need to do for yourself is to NOT/ or DON’T,    HAVE A SINGLE BANK ACCOUNT, holding all your money.  In today’s world, a robber just needs your name and your bank account number, and if they know how: they don’t need your pin number or your signature.   The entire account is gone in a second.  
The best defense is:   one small bank account which you do use everyday/ with enough in it to cover the expenses you do expect and a little more.  And at least one more account, preferably in a different bank so as to keep them as separate as possible.  NEVER have a checking account tied to your savings account (such as protection from overdraft fees);   because that means robbers can clean both accounts out, with information from just one.

A necessary law is:   that WE DECIDE how much money can be withdrawn from a bank account during any period we so describe.  Such as not more than one hundred dollars a day/ or an hour/ or a week;   or whatever it is that you want this limit to be set at.  The bank becomes responsible if more is withdrawn.  You are responsible for coming in person if you wish to the bank to inform them of more;   or a phone call/ password/ etc.  In other words: make it impossible to clean this account out/ unless here in person at the bank; talking to someone alive.  Dependent upon what you choose for yourself.  Particularly in regards to foreign banks withdrawing any funds.  They will then seek to go through national banks:   which must hold the funds in this country for a period of days/ provide notice to the account holder/ require signature if desired from all people listed on the account/ and so on before delivering the money, or allowing it to be taken physically in this nation.

The specific problem with computers in this day robbing you is the account information that exists on your computer;   what you provide on the internet needs to be run through security services if possible.  Nonetheless, computers can and do provide all manner of detail and information if its attached to the internet.  To combat this type of crime it is absolutely necessary NOT to do your taxes or banking on your computer/ because if its hit; they get it all.  Children use computers too/ in other words you are not as safe as you think!  You can do tax and banking on your computer if you use another portable memory device; just put the software on that, and access or store,  only through this source.  So that the information comes back out when you are not doing this type of work.  That disk or flash drive or whatever then becomes volatile; so don’t use it for anything else, and keep it “safer”.  There are encryption programs that will do that for you even if its stolen. 
Don’t leave your computer running on the internet/ get on and get off. NEVER send money through western union or other to foreign nations:   UNLESS YOU have initiated this yourself.  If a friend calls from a foreign land, demanding help I am dying here:   ask where they are at/ and buy them a one way ticket/ non refundable except to you:   home to the place you select if you are going to help.  Either that or work through the “American” consulate.  There is no such thing as “right now”/ if there is, “its just too bad”.  Water should be available/ food needs allow for a week of starvation with little consequence for most.  True medical needs are not addressed over the phone “with you”/ call your consulate.  Look up the police station on the internet if that is a problem, and call them directly asking for information from everyone you talk to. 

 When receiving an unsolicited “I won something”.  IF you are going to respond: the very first thing to do is get on the internet yourself, or phone and call a company you recognize and see if they have that program, and what it entails.  If they do, and you have won; they can give you the details themselves.  If it’s a company you have never heard of, or the spelling isn’t quite right; etc.  Don’t call them or contact them; if they cannot make money/ then they cannot afford to give out gifts.  Consequently you can’t win!  In other words, investigate/ before you jump in.  Don’t accept anything, is too harsh.  Don’t be afraid of everything, it is too fearful.  Do understand you are gambling, when it comes to offers you do not initiate.  Do understand LIARS exist, and their purpose is to make you pay. Simply choose: do not be tempted.  
Every con game works on the same principle: THE BAIT is, that you can see something for yourself/ that others did overlook.  They weren’t as smart as you/ or they weren’t as observant as you/ or they _________!   The hook is:   it’s a once in a lifetime chance.  Some people get lucky you know!  And some do/ but somebody does always pay.  The simple way is don’t be tempted.  If the value is there, there is time to make sure its real.  Down-payments are for that purpose, in tiny amounts;   but remember this “if they can get a dollar from a million people” / then they have one million dollars!  Do you understand?

One of the most critical financial delusions of humanity is the expectation of a gambler: “I am a winner/ or will be a winner/ or they will lose, because I deserve to win”. And so on.

The critical reality is:   IF THEY DON’T make money/ then you cannot win money!  Decades ago, it was said your odds of winning in Los Vegas gambling casino’s was 200-1 or more simply 200 people will lose/ per each one that wins anything.  Lotteries are worse, a person I know was buying scratch off tickets so I said to him “lets look at the odds of winning on the back”.  He let me, at the time decades ago the odds of winning on that ticket were one in 750 buyers, will win $25.00 .  Which means the average person will have to spend $750.00 to receive a ticket back that has an actual value of $25.00.  Do you understand?
When you are thinking “I won before”/ the reality is you just didn’t lose that time.  People tend to think they will win big;  if they win small, “like looking on a lottery ticket and saying I was just one number off”.  Is that not absolutely irrelevant: DID YOU NOT lose?  Casinos etc, intend to make money: is that not clear?  Costs money to keep them open does it not?   The more people who win, the less they make, is that not so?  Why would they give you all the money you want/ going to keep gambling till you get that amount; are you not?  So then one win is not enough, is it?  GOT TO GET MORE!  Ain’t that so!  It’s a losers’ game/ that is so.


Gambling with the lives of children, as some immunization presents is an unnecessary risk.  Not because immunization is not worth the price considering how many lives have been saved/ but because IF the process of immunization is anything but the safest possible method, given over the safest and most realistic time frame possible: it is wrong.  In other words, where an epidemic is not immanent there is no immediacy for the shots.  Where combinations of shots can work for the majority/ the reality is some will be affected badly, just because it is a combination of shots.  Or more simply: NO parent should be forced to allow shots for an infant/ or without the safest method possible;   AT THE SAME PRICE, as other methods if they so desire.  Whether you believe this is OK or not/ it is a parents right to choose the safest possible method for their own child.  Unless a valid reason exists however, keeping the rest of society safe by the use of vaccine; is not unrealistic/ as has been proven by several such as polio; over time.  Be as safe as you can be/ but understand the reason people are afraid of these sicknesses is: they can kill, and are more likely too, than a vaccine.