For a more complete picture.

The ability to understand and accept the need for change is a development of the possibilities created prior to this day/ in contrast to the potential realities of tomorrow, wherein everything promised is not as expected, or even possible.

Of things not dealt with properly, or at least with enough respect to make you aware.  One is the genetic mutilation or manipulation of crops/ with the essentially singular purpose “more grain”.  Few believe this can’t be anything but “good, for humanity”/ but of course, they see only the money, the ease, and the intent to play god without consequences; a fact that does not exist.  So then what if “it can go bad”/ could possibly go bad, with manipulation; when the result is we HAVE MORE?  The very first reality that is noticed is:   great amounts of water are expended to create this crop/ along with expansive amounts of fertilizers which are not endless/ along with excessive amounts of nitrogen; which then ends in the water, killing off massive amounts of aquatic creatures, causing algae blooms which in turn kill off massive miles of coastline and its sea creatures/ which in turn translates into alcohol production, taking even more water out of the aquifers which are only recharged in the most fertile area’s at about one inch of aquifer recharge per 50 inches of rainfall.  So in many ways the production of crops that are more extensive than needed does create trouble.  The functional element of crop production beyond our need, is a hungry world, and the cheaper it is, the better fed humanity can be.  But the answer is not more production here/ but more production of suitable crops there.  Even so, we turn to the reality of genetic mutilation, the addition of genes that are from entirely different biological organisms, and in particular the current production of biological warfare against insects, worms, etc with a chemical produced from this mutilation that kills them.  What could go wrong with that, less pollution/ safer for humans; hell “its perfect”/ ain’t it?  But in reality, the assumption that altering the genetic structure of anything is safe for humanity is absolutely false/ as every known pandemic is created from genetically crossing species lines, and mutilating one with the other.  Even so, apart from that insanity, comes the news, that the creatures which do pollinate our world, providing the fruit/ the vegetables/ the flowers/ and plant life we don’t even know about yet;   ARE DYING.  Dying because the reality of chemicals that are especially toxic to insects, and worms, kills not only the insects but everything that eats them.  When the creature cannot detect why this must not be eaten, it is particularly vulnerable as a species. And then comes the news, that genetically mutilated crops that kill insects and worms, alter and advance the diseases and virus’s that infect these things by evading the immunology that keeps these creatures safe.  Added to that is the relationship that occurs when we in fact eat these products for ourselves.  As they represent a completely different strain of biology than anything the human body can recognize; what does not kill us immediately, can in fact cause inflammatory infections, such as abortions and birth defects, asthma, allergies of all types, and a weakened immune structure due to the additions of things unknown. It doesn’t take much, when new and different, to create death.

We now add to that, for the associations within the plant mutilated itself.  Every plant has an immune line of defense/ and every defense is based upon the known quantities and types of biological structures that it expects.  When new is added, if not immediately attacked/ there can be a delayed response that then causes the plant to actually attack itself, causing widespread species disease or death, due to a change that cannot be then defended against.  Or more simply the plant has lost its sense of identity, and loses control of its environment/ because the boundaries are lost.   Added, is the cost of discarding all base diversity/ which opens the door to existing threats, whereby with a slight alteration within itself the possibility exists that a simple disease that had little effect before/ suddenly attacks with the voracity of a true epidemic.  Or the various fungus, worms, etc that form the basis or decomposition shall find themselves defeated, and the resultant “can’t get rid of the old crop”/ finds ourselves with “shit on the ground everywhere”.  Then there is the effects on other creatures that eat the grain.  The possibilities that exist for diffusion of trouble with excrement, the flies, into the water, and thereby into the aquatic structures, and so on.  And for what?  To play the game, “I got more than you”, as to the primary american cause or reason.

There is the functioning failure and reason for draining the great lakes:   WE WANT this waterway we created for shipping/ “its great”.  And of course it is nice for ships/ the only problem is several trillion gallons of water from the upper great lakes is already gone.  Made aware years ago/ even as part of a IL state supreme court case, that was refused;   still after years, the first few words of talk/ but no action.  I guess just don’t need that drinking water for millions/ or transportation/ or lifeline for cities and aquatic life, in countless ways.  “Its inconvenient to put in locks”/ just don’t want to.  Damn it.  And of course let us not forget that under lake Huron I believe is a tremendous cavern from the removal of salt/ that if a single small hole develops at least two lakes will be completely unuseable for anything.  Requires partitions to be erected in sectioned grids, so that if a hole develops it can be contained.  Can’t happen/ don’t bet on it: oh wait I forgot, you already did.  What about an earthquake?  Well who cares.  And then there’s the known “mountaintop” that sits across the Atlantic ocean/ waiting for the moment when it falls into the sea/ add ocean rise to that, and you may not be waiting much longer.  The solution is obviously remove the threat by pushing what is known to be potentially terrifying as a 400 foot tall wave headed to the east coast of america into the water.  “Its what bulldozers are for”.  So then lets add Yellowstone National park, which contains enough energy to wipe out millions of acres of cropland/ kill millions of people, in a single day/ and turn the nation and this world cold beyond belief.  Where do you think the glaciers came from?  The obvious solution is to remove the gas from beneath the ground in the magma center by drilling it.  Without the gas, it is not an explosive.  By drilling into the magma chamber or just above the use of steam generation for electrical power, WILL IN FACT help cool the magma chamber/ thereby causing its pressure to ease.  Limiting the chance for eruption.  But of course, as this too was presented years ago, “just too smart for me”.  Ain’t no cause or reason including the fact it’s a national park worth NOT doing the best we can, to stop this explosion/ as soon as possible. That simple!  Then there is always the threat of a nuclear submarine in deep water being hit with a missile, or something simply going wrong.  If one single warhead detonates on board ship/ it will take every warhead on that ship with it: the end result potentially a one thousand foot wave coming on shore/ not to mention the rest.
And then we go to artificial intelligence and ask the question,    WHAT do they intend to do with this?  Promises aside, what is the intent really?  And we get to the obvious military strategy “lets kill people with robots”/ and indeed that is exactly what they will do.  So lets pretend you give them the robots they want/ and lets assume “some people ain’t nice/ some are even traitors”.  That gives power and murder and mayhem into the hands of a single person/ or even the possibility “robots against humanity” in some limited extent.  And lets not forget;   YOU want more competition for your job?  Because this is it.  Have you not looked at the automotive factory floor for instance/ where once thousands worked, now there are robots assembling, welding, etc, and a few hundred servicing the robots.  What happens when you are not needed/ do you really think they will pay you for nothing! Before when people scoffed at the computer/ can’t take my job?  Well now it has, in many different applications.  That does not mean computers are bad/ it means they took your job.  Artificial intelligence however can take your life.

The elemental truth of nano-technology is: at a biological scale, the production of a new invasive substance that no immunology exists for/ can and will create havoc within the biological living cells.  The cell membrane of a living creature or existence holds gates and valves and specific sized holes, permeability, a wide variety of capillaries, lymph nodes, chemical senders and receivers, sensors, actuary glands, and a lot more all of which maintain order by the selection of size and type.  When adding new substances into a biological system, that amount to throwing a wrench into the engine of your car for example/ nothing good can happen.  Particularly when some of these substances are self replicating/ and as a consequence are going to act and react exactly as if it were a virus within the body.  Are you familiar with the term virus?   Its that sickness that kills a lot of people/ or makes them really sick for awhile. And in the case of nano substances, since they are new; it is entirely possible the body may never be able to eject them.  Nothing insane here, well unless you want to live.   
There is a long list, complete devastation in the ocean/ oxygen/ population exceeding one person per acre of tillable soil: which does still have to feed the rest of life, not just human. Suspicion that soon a tremendous amount of ice could fall into the sea in antarctica.  The solution, it is said a large amount of water sits under this that can be pumped to the surface thereby allowing that surface to depress, containing the movement; simple as drilling a few holes and putting up wind turbines to run the pumps.  We need to capture the glacial runoff and transport it to where it is needed/ for new agricultural land; using sewage sludge as fertilizer with yard waste as additional help to restart vegetation and refurbish for life.  We need to potentially pump water out of the ocean in winter to spray onto glaciers in winter/  to keep them in place and particularly fill the cracks and crevices to keep the actual surface area exposed to the sun limited for the rest of the year.  It is salt water instead of fresh/ but we are at a crisis of environment, and need to consider this anyway. 

As to “the special people at the university” and their stories.  We come again to the simple proof: how did all the coal, gas, and oil come to be buried under thousands of feet of material, all around the world?  When we know, that these were in fact buried at one single time, in a catastrophic event/ and the only possible means to establish these reserves is a global flood.  But of course, the university absolutely refuses to discuss these realities/ because it flatly defeats nearly all their claims as to dates/ and evolution/ and time in general.  Not to mention every book on geology, and all their theories.  Oh well, not to let a little thing like evidence and absolute proof stand in the way of their pride, power, and assumptions without the slightest proof at all.  Evolution is such a good religion/ it gives greed an absolute right to take anything it wants.  HELL WE CAN MUTILATE ANYTHING WE LIKE/ cause in a few billion years maybe life will return;    Ain’t that a good reason?  It’s the one they give.

You don’t recycle/ you don’t reuse/ you have idiots for leaders.  They spend your money on space, it is an endless cycle of stupidity.  All supported against the public by your media/ who refuses with absolute arrogance, any and every possible avenue for your education/ that you may protect your lives and your interests and your nation.  Owned by a tiny few people, who then control all the jobs: has been treason by the court and the governmental employees.  You failed the nation and the people, by giving away the right to be informed/ to greed, power, and pride.   Shame on you.  Propaganda is not an education/ it is the temptation to simply believe without any sign of proof, what you are being told is real or relevant or necessary.  Take a look at the latest;    A complete idiot, tries to blow himself up on a plane/ and the news media “makes him somebody”.  Which is the design and desire of nearly every terrorist on the planet;   AIN’T YOU SMART.  Dumb ass.  But hey, got to fill the time with something!  Certainly can’t accept the duty to provide and protect society itself.   Money first/ let life go to hell;   or more correctly WE AIN’T going to believe nothing until you prove it beyond all doubt!  But of course that actually means;   beyond the point of no return, when humanity has become “the living dead”.    It is arrogance, insanity, stupidity, disgrace, violence against society (we decide/ they are nothing) and disrespect all rolled into one: for simplicity I just use the word   “Satan”/ cause it fits.
But hey, this is america; where everybody knows,   “We are all just perfect”/ nobody does nothing wrong here/ the press tells us everything, hell we even get play by play “the president  went to the bathroom, more news at ten when we know #1 or #2.  Yes sir, they tell you everything.  Not unlike when they led soldiers to experiments essentially just like the Nazi’s after world war 2.  Or used the truth, about blowing up Islands.  Or didn’t manipulate you, because a couple employees had shit in their pants/ and fear in their heart when they themselves were targeted; prior to Iraq being invaded.  And on and on.  But not to worry, I am sure the next “big ice cream social” will be broadcast world wide/ as something you are certain to need to know.  And if not, you can count on whatever the university wants to sell, WILL get center stage/ regardless how stupid or at risk we the world are.

Add to that the simple truth, this nation does not graduate any more doctors today than they did in the 1960's .  We just steal them from other nations, so that the medical hierarchy particularly at the university can control the competition/ thereby controlling the price over us. {“extra special people”, aren’t they}.  Do you know why it takes so long to graduate a doctor/ its not because they have so much to learn: how much did you remember from all your years at school?  The answer is, just what is needed for the work you do/ and not much else.  The same is true for doctors.  Instead of “for you”/ the more indebted the leaders can make a student; the less options they have, to complain, or be less than the slave.  Making it far more easy to demand:   obey what I say.  The problem: as soon as the money leaves/ so will your foreign doctors, and many more.  That’s why they are here!  The solution demand no desertion/ and if you do, no citizenship forever.  Then open every school for medical training throughout the nation in every aspect of healthcare/ particularly paramedic training, so that the emergency room is less necessary.  Computers to aid the public (with software recognition tools), such as stick your arm under the camera, and the computer matches if it can. Pharmacists to decide with the public over medicine; and so on.  The nation owns the patent drugs, only the inventor gets paid/ not a company.  The US aids and assists those who actually do create medicines rather than companies.  Medicare and medicaid buy in bulk, from the lowest bidder that meets specs; nobody throws medicine away anymore, it will be reassigned to others, for free; particularly among the poor and elderly.  And so on.

There are thousands of things wrong.  Many completely able to exterminate life on earth/ either immediately, or over time through crisis after crisis.  Other things as well such as education is about teaching the children what they NEED TO KNOW/ rather than just being an excuse to collect your paycheck.  It is a long list, and it takes courage to make this happen/ not just a damn excuse to whine or cheer for a day; it takes a commitment for at least 3 years, before real results will begin to surface.  Not done yet, got more work to do/ but it is for life or death of the planet:   you got something better to do?  DO YOU REALLY think, this nation can continue to live without an income?  You borrow everything/ you owe everyone/ you live on play money and fantasy/ with liars, thieves, cheaters, male prostitutes and whores at the pig trough everyday, trying to screw you with every grunt they make.  Gluttony, traitors, disgrace, and disrespect everywhere.  Don’t think it will end?  There is NO FREEDOM to wreck someone else’s life/ just so you can benefit: that is a crime! That is a definition of hate.  GROW UP, all life tragedy or not, unless you change:  this world will be abandoned, and go insane.  This is no longer a game/ it is a trial, that decides what your own truth will be, for a nation and yourself.  No excuses allowed. None, not for you either!  You will choose.  It doesn’t matter in fear or failure or respect/ its still a choice.  Your choice.
There comes a day, WHEN YOU a human being given life here on this planet,     MUST come to recognize:   this cannot go on!  The life of this earth NEEDS US! THE CHILDREN NEED US! YOU NEED US!  Even we need to be true to life for ourselves, or there is no future.  It is that simple, WE THE PEOPLE, OR DEAD.  We must have change.  We must investigate, examine for truth, decide what can be or not.  And accept it is truth that will lead us all, or we are going to die/ because without truth, we have nothing to defend ourselves with, or pick a new and different way.

My job is done.  Your job is to enhance and establish the necessary work to inform the public across this earth/ build a case for court, and defend it.  Do what is necessary to create and demand truth must lead.  There is no other way.  I am finally free of it/ apart from the minimal things that are left.  And the hate, that is sure to rise, if in fact you do the work you must.  I am not allowed to help in this fashion.  It is not my work, it is yours/ so says the spirit inside; and I always accept what I believe is absolutely true.  It is my way.  I always search for truth, it is the evidence of my life.  And I give my fate here on earth to     GOD    , it is HIS LIFE to choose;   I wish to honor my Creator, and this is how.  I just do the best I can.  Its all I can do/ as is true for you as well.  Even if it lacks, if it’s the best I can do;   “That’s all I got”.  Can’t do better, at least not today.

James Frank Osterbur.

I will add a final reminder, before essentially I close this work for your discussion/ as have been the other sites; so that you may own your decision and not contend with “he said something else”.  Right or wrong/ good or bad is a development that needs the security of a foundation that does not move.  Therefore it is necessary, to give you “this work” and accept whatever it is you do with it/ as the result of my own combined with yours; or yours combined with mine; or simply the education that we now largely share. If you are willing to think, or at least read.

In summary, nature is all we have/ nature is all we are/ nature is all we can be/ nature is the life of this planet: genetic structure is nature, and if you allow “SATAN”, to destroy it by playing god.  Then you surrender every life on the planet, to destruction and death within the next few years/ by means so horrific you literally cannot even imagine it.  Not a game/ a fact that cannot be defeated.  No amount of personal whining or fear can justify gambling with every life on the planet.  No anything, can accepted as “fair or legitimate” where every life must endure what comes from the reality of this work, this TERRORISM against the entire planet of life itself.  There is no excuse/ either stop them or dissolve into genetic chaos, and in the end after all the disease and horror, you will end as slime itself; no structure, no discipline, no order, no balance (two hands, legs, etc) & no life or mind or hope or cause to remain alive for an entire world.  All because a tiny few, have NO RESPECT for life itself.  Shame on you all/ across an entire world, that you must be told.  How can you be so extremely BLIND.  So deafeningly STUPID!

As to money, the only true human desire for most/ you are bankrupt, simple and plain.  In america the debt created (1.5 trillion dollars)/ not including the monopoly money created and spent for last year (a little more than 3 trillion dollars that we know about) or a little more is by the math   1 trillion dollars equals 50 million workers times $20,000.00 each worker/ divided equally.  And anyone who has lived for awhile knows: “the rich man don’t pay nothing”/ because even if they have to give back a tiny fraction;   it will never be as much as the poor man who must surrender a large portion of his actual income. The number is irrelevant/ the percentage is not.  So just for the sake of it, lets review again:   federal income tax/ state income tax/ social security tax (that does not get separated, and has already been spent), you will never see it, if not already old/ sales tax/ real estate tax (even if you rent/ its included)/ and a wide variety of miscellaneous taxes that do add up to over 50% for the average worker. Plus since that is not enough for your government employees they borrow money and hand you the bills/ they sell bonds, which are just another form of debt handed to you:   because they would not behave.  And in total “the government employee” takes roughly one hundred percent of what you make/ but hide it under the blanket of debt, they say “you get to pay later”.  Got news: it ain’t debt/ its all inflation.  And then there is the business debts/ industry/ financial/ agricultural/ PERSONAL/ etc!    You are the bank (we the people)/ and those given the right to “pay OUR bills”/ have been using the money for themselves, everyday & in every way. To continue hiding and running away, they just concluded the biggest theft in the history of this world, by giving the very people who engineered the theft, all the money you can pretend to make for the next hundred years/ not enough, so behind your backs they are giving the entire nation away.  Selling you out from resources to jobs to a university assigned to steal even more with experiments that can only end in disaster for life and planet and humanity.  Industry certainly helping; destroying entire colonies of fish, emptying the ocean/ polluting everything in sight/ and in general working to be the first:   to remove every life from this planet.   Seen the show life without people: its based upon their expectation WE WILL KILL THEM ALL!  And why not, with weapons of mass destruction/ with experiments that are so far beyond reason or right or validity as an experiment even: that the only possible conclusion these exist is:   SATAN on earth, “going to get you now”.  But hey, your way too smart for that, right.  Who the hell cares/ its just life on earth, and you didn’t get your share:   isn’t that so?  Hell, why not kill them all/ that will teach them how superior you are, right.  Except you die too.  Except you judged life on earth not worth living or protecting; and believe it or not HADES, an eternal punishment for YOU, does exist.  Be brave, why not/ its an eternity.
You can play/ you can continue to suck the life out of this world with your arrogance for a bit:   but your lies are ending, and that means at a minimum, the list of ANGRY, turning HATEFUL people is growing everyday.  With an endless supply of guns, and nothing to lose, filled with hate and war:   “Gee, what could happen next”?  Answer the question.  Well not to worry, soon the water will be gone/ soon the food will all die/ the oceans be empty/ and even the air, with not enough oxygen content to breathe properly:   but NOT to worry, there is still plenty of humans to eat. Plenty of guns, biological warfare to use, and let us not forget the absolutely insane.
All because, you didn’t care enough to be human!  This is no game/ these are realities you can plainly identify in your mind and heart, and soul if you have one.  You are NOT sheep/ although you live like captured prey.  YOU CAN CHANGE THIS WORLD, by the law, and by WE THE PEOPLE through the law of redress to begin. And then the writing of laws that    Redefine our world for life first/ NOT money first.  These are the last days on planet earth for every living thing, if you do not stand up and demand TRUTH, JUSTICE, LIFE FIRST, AND RESPECT;   by NO gambling/ NO threats/ NO LIES/ NO more stealing, cheating, delusions, or fantasy.  The return to reality CANNOT come soon enough.  It is your job, to do this.  To accept truth as your leader/ women as your writers of the law, that you will then vote upon and accept/ and RESPECT for THIS CREATION,     AND ITS    CREATOR! 

Not a game.  Fail, and you will be abandoned to everything men have chosen, completely dead as a world within 2 decades, if not two weeks.   It’s a choice, and YOU WILL make that decision/ without mercy or excuse.   There is NO going back, not ever.   This is a trial, for the life or death of this world/ and you are the jury, by your actions and deeds.  But you are also the defendant, and will live or die, because of what you did choose to do, or not do.
Beware of the simple truth: that the voice inside your head, is NOT “yours alone”/ if it was, would you have to listen?  No, you would not.  Instead, this is evidence of the cause and effect of what you see in life, media, and every other source of conflict that can or will arise.  Consequently, it is absolutely necessary to listen only to truth/ develop behaviors that are strictly tied to the reality of justice, fair play, and equality.  And struggle to redefine your life, not by “this little voice”/ but by your own decision.   Do not let the world of humanity or effects, alter or change your destiny/   CHOOSE FOR YOURSELF.  And that requires, learning how to distinguish between a decision you make/ and a “voice inside” that leads you to action or reaction that will become a tragedy.  Truth, must be searched for, recognized, and retained.  Tragedy is little more than chaos, wrapped in the disguise, “we must/ or I have to/ or I want to regardless of the consequences”.  Reality understands: THIS GAMBLE is not worth my body or my life/ there is no reward that can take these things from me.  I will choose for LIFE, NATURE, AND LOVE;   and work to retain my health, rather than surrender it in utter stupidity.  The difference between old and young is:   young believe “it will heal/ I always do”.  While the old know, “sometimes it does not/ and then you live for the rest of time without”.  The young believe this is not so hard/ while the old know, there is a price not yet seen.

 Or more simply, climb out of the measurements and effects of your mind/ and into truth itself, so that life can be saved.  Stop playing as if you were little babies without a clue/ and understand this is forever.  Not a game, the evidence surrounds you.  The reality of threats that can literally exterminate you and this world could not be more clear/ regardless of the noise any individual or the world shall make.   YOUR CHOICE IS,   to help this world, live or die.         And there is no place to hide/ no place to run away or barricade yourself within:   YOU WILL make this decision and reap its reward.

James Frank Osterbur

it is necessary to retain the right to include any and all subsequent legal writings or decisions with regard to the case on this site/ or if desired a subsequent case directed at the US supreme court for their failure to obey the law.
Should I so choose, another site could be linked here with the slight addition of that introduction on top of this web site.  But I regard that as UNLIKELY.  You are on your own/ apart from legal necessity as I have already described.
Your story, or “news source” begins.
This message ends.  Either begin, or die.
“It’s a simple concept”/ that you do understand.

NOT your savior/ NOT your leader/ NOT your religious anything;   just a messenger, telling you without change, by the weight of the evidence against you.  This world can end.  Therefore it is your duty to tell the world, they MUST HELP.  Just as it has been my duty, to provide this information to you/ so that you do not die, without a true and legitimate opportunity to change, and survive.      RESPECT LIFE!  Simple as that.