The elemental sense of time, lists the realities that present to us our future. The consequence of these decisions then becomes the freedom to choose life, society, and world/ for good, or bad.
The composite called mediation of reality, is not about wrong or right/ BUT WHAT can we do now, to limit the damage that has been done/ and establish at least the possibilities of a future that does not threaten our very world.

So then: Let’s visit American reality; the definitions of our truth/ the consequence of our ways/ and with honesty decide the future and why it is so bleak.   “Hell NO”, we are great/ isn’t good enough to survive.  And work to establish the truth of who we truly are as “american’s and more specifically the world of humanity itself.  The game is over, our truth begins.

One of the very first things that becomes evident in a search for reality is:   that America is a warring nation.  Take a look backwards for one hundred years: “actions in Libya; asked for, but over-extended”: Iraq/ Afghanistan (an appropriate war, in the beginning)/ Iraq-Kuwait (an accredited war)/ invaded two little countries/ Vietnam/ Korea/ world war 2 (a necessary war)/ world war 1/ and of course the cold war, which truly began after or because of all the nuclear bombs detonated by the USA in order to “make the world fear us”.   Not the history of a peaceful nation is it.  To which the patriots all claim: we had to do it.  On the other side of that claim is the certainty, “if America had not been exploding nuclear weapons around the world, to prove how destructive america could be: the rest may not have been!  But that of course is, “a warring general’s worst nightmare”.  No enemies/ no generals.  Not to worry, didn’t let that happen. 
Instead the absolute need for balance, brought the USSR to fight for power and fear. That brought the american “race to the moon program” to hide the fact they were testing missiles for nuclear delivery and the end of the world;   “To the moon” was just more propaganda/ it worked well.  Can’t have the people worried: WE ARE, going to kill them all.  Let them have toys/ let the children play.  But the game was nearly called in Cuba/ realities along the way nearly ended the earth more than once. Vietnam was started as preparations for world war 3; prepare the soldiers, “for the big one”/ DON’T win the war, its just a game.  And we have the basic framework that is “american peace”/ or more simply  the propagated american belief; a society clearly under the delusion they are not lied too, every single day.  IT IS very likely, that Kennedy would have started world war three (he started Vietnam/ he created the situations that brought about Cuba/ he hid the intercontinental missile delivery system in “going to the moon”; how much more?);  Oh well.  “He was great”.   Was not Reagan “great”/ of course he was; bribing everyone in sight/ giving away everything he could;   while he stole the entire gold reserve from Americans and sold it out of sight, to build a greater military.  And the “free press” was his friend/ not ours.  Is not theft of a nation worth reporting/ is it not traitorous, when clearly knowing; choosing not to tell?  Or lying about balancing the budget under Clinton/ by simply removing the expenditure of social security?  Not a word, from the press.

Mediation begins with the elemental truth, that war is not always avoidable/ because people WANT more/take more/ steal more/ lie about everything/ and in general want to make the rest their slaves one way or the other; its let me play god/ and the rest of you then worship me.  That is a disaster to nations/ societies/ and communities; but it happens throughout time, by leaders who refuse to be “equal”.  Its not fun to be leader, if you don’t get to play god.  Simple as that.  But it is also true, that in working for better, people do what they want to do/ believing they are right, regardless of the consequences: they are right, can’t be wrong; its up to me to decide.  One might assess Kennedy in his moves to create world war 3 in a similar manner: he was in world war 2; in a situation that was life or death/ and surprise does matter when your killing people.  His preparations were for war, including the speech “as not what your country can do for you/ ask what you can do for your country”; how is that not propaganda intending to establish SACRIFICE.  Instead of asking or demanding the people ask, what is truth here/ its just follow me.  As all leaders do. 
The mitigation of leadership allows: NEVER “just follow them”/ always investigate and examine the evidence as best you can to establish and define what our future shall be if we choose this path.  Determine the level of gambling/ the tragedy of belief (I am right/ let the truth be damned)/ or the failure to understand more than “one tiny little thing, instead of everything else that is or will become involved here”. 

The mediation of authority begins and ends with the communications required to inform and educate the people so that they can determine for themselves what is or is not in their own best interest/ their own decision in this matter of importance;   because now we know.  As best we can/ which does include the necessary “courtroom institutions” to penalize and punish those who lie/ cheat/ or steal our lives.  That leaves us particularly dependent upon media and journalism; those who have clearly been sold out to treason over the last decades especially/ but who have clearly been limited over all time, in every episode of history by the refusal of leaders to provide the truth.  Take one look at the bush propaganda for going to war with Iraq: just one lie after another/ but NO ONE gets an independent look at the facts, its “believe and follow me” period/ because I am right.  And of course, “let the truth be damned”.  Truth provides the media CANNOT be owned by anyone; therein whatever is found, can find its way into the public consciousness.  To accomplish that, it is the nation that provides access but not control.  It is the people who prove they are journalists by their stories, that will become the protectors of society: because they choose among themselves/ which story gets prime time news.

Which brings us to the question: how did the free press become our enemy?  Propagating only what the rich or powerful want us to hear, or believe?  The rich or powerful bought all the news organizations and condensed them into a tiny few under their control.  The answer is:   with Nixon, the reality of a press “out of control” became apparent.  Which means to the wealthy, WE HAVE GOT TO CONTROL THESE PEOPLE.  What is the way to control society, the answer is: strangle the law/ disperse those who fight for democracy, by refusing access/ and replace them with people who do know how to take a bribe or be controlled.   Or more simply: The answer is,   OWN THEM, like any other theocracy or dictatorship in history/ only hidden away, so the people cannot see. Let the people believe, WHAT WE TELL THEM!  Truth be damned.  Let the story be what we say, or it will never be heard.  Let the journalist obey, or be “blacklisted” forever.

But it does take followers, to infiltrate and steal a nation: treason is not carried through unless there is an army to make it happen.  Therefore, to have made this happen in america: “lets see who traded our lives and our future, by counting,  the bribes”!
The biggest single voting block that can be depended upon is the elderly.  Their single biggest concern is themselves.  So then what bribe did they receive, to insure that every vote was about how much they got for themselves/ instead of what is right or fitting for a nation, and a future for every child.  The answer is: social security and medicare have consumed over $60 trillion dollars in debts (not to mention what they took beyond debts created as spent,  but not paid)/ which means no bigger thief of the american way of life can be found, than these.  60 trillion is equal to=300 million (does everyone work?) US citizens owing $200,000.00 per each one is apiece over and above federal debts/ state debts/ personal debts/ business debts; ETC/ ETC/ ETC.  And of course, they want more.

In mediation there are two sides to every story; the elderly side is:   we are about to die/ we deserve to be treated “nicely” in every conceivable way.  Simple as that, or more clearly GIVE US MORE YOU DAMN LOAFERS.    Alas for the children, who have not yet found the possibility for a voice/ because they do not count in politics.  Therefore the old do have an extreme advantage/ because the children cannot defend themselves. Consequently as is seen in america: the children are sacrificed/ stolen from/ abused/ used/ lied too/ and given failure, cannibalism, and a world of resources thrown in the garbage as their future.  But hey, “the old are going to die/ right”.  Well not so fast/ first they get to spend a few million dollars of the children’s money on whimpering, lusts, and “its all about me”.  Mediation begins with the absolute truth: that the children NEED their vote too.  Which means in this case that the parents shall cast for them, until they pass a citizenship test which allows for three critical tools to be proven recognized.  That a decision made today/ WILL be paid for in the future.  That work is what you are, OR WILL  be asked to do: therefore you should and must understand WHO is getting the benefit of that work: investigate it.  And an education means:   to examine the reality, and prove you do understand more than what you are told.  In other words be free;   not enslaved by the purposes or descriptions of others. In ANY decision that separates the two groups “young versus old”/ it is the young who shall win, it is their future that must be protected.  Which means the old shall pay when required/ it is their time to go. Like it, or not.

Who is the next biggest recipient of bribes?  The answer would be the universities.  “We will give you anything”/ just make us the next big weapon. And so the biological mutilation programs went from “little rooms”/ to absolutely anything goes;  we are gods/ we will be RICH, WITH POWER beyond our wildest dreams. Other programs as well, particularly energy.  And especially including:   HOW DO WE CONTROL THESE PEOPLE, how do we propagate lies, journalism “the american way”; and a sewer filled with deceit?  The answer of course is:   let the people go to college/ make them indebted up to their ears/ make them completely dependent upon the jobs being promised/ and make them promise their parents, wives or husbands, children, and the world how great they will be.  “Can’t quit now; everybody depends upon me/ I am great”.  How do you get them into college?  Make student loans seem cheap and friendly/ but attach them for a lifetime: “promises/ promises/ promises”.  Or more simply, give the university all they ask for, by putting the people in debt/ as opposed to let them earn the money like everyone else in real society.

Mediation of this group requires the understanding: PROMISES ARE NOT ENOUGH 2257.  Which means, if your business is promising to get someone else a job/ then you don’t get paid until they actually get that job.  And your pay shall be a percentage of what is made in a job, that you distinctly and deliberately participated in creating for them.  That does not include being paid for what graduate students teach instead of you, it includes the work you did for the people you are intended to make pay.  NO more loans, the university shall be  “private enterprise”/ proving your money is earned, by what you did do.  Those who have graduated shall be reassigned payment according to these terms, NOT according to loans.  The university shall be indebted to the supplier of those loans, YOU CAUSED THEM TO EXIST.   Should the university fail to pay them back, wages shall be garnished, and adjustments made.

Our next companion to treason includes:   HOW DO WE STEAL/ CHEAT/ AND ROB this people, even more than before?  The answer from leaders is, since “the bank” robbers won’t sell/ we MUST conspire with them, to collude, corrupt, and consign all the property not anchored down by the people;  to the bank troughs.  Where greed can be seen as the only purpose of this institution.  Therein, these banks/ stock market, and  government officials have produced the single most profound method of destroying a national economy ever established.  Let us proclaim “we owe the money”/ let us control the press, so that NONE ever take account of the truth, or are given the right to inform the others.   Let us establish the single biggest bribe in the history of the world:   which is “come get you a car, house, or property; practically for free/ JUST SIGN here; because “nobody cares”. Lie, cheat, steal; we DON’T care, just sign your name, and be happy!  This lets people buy with numbers that mean nothing, which then translates to property given into someone else’s hands: which then becomes worthless, because all you got, “is a number”! Because when you claim a debt that cannot possibly be paid/ it is mere fantasy.  BUT when  IT COMES with the numbers, that give to powerful and proud people, the opportunity to spend these fantasy numbers and buy your property;   just like the numbers held a value, or as if, they were real “someone will pay”.  It is then real workers, who lose the value of their own money, resources, or time: because there is a limit to the work they can or will do.  If no one trades for your numbers, then they are worthless.  HOW MANY NUMBERS are the american dollars using?  GO SEARCH, and be ashamed!  Be aware, you get nothing in the future/ and understand the “rich” are stealing you blind.  Because “we” are not allowed to play the game with fantasy numbers/ SOMEONE has to do the work, and live a “real life/ with real responsibilities and disciplines”.  Certainly not “the leaders”/ just the worker.  But only the “leaders” get the fantasy numbers don’t they/ not us.  Which means we are fools for accepting them.   Banks and others were not only able to evade regulations and laws intended to control them: “ they were promised by leaders/ NO ONE will pay, but the workers themselves: WE CAN TAKE IT ALL”.  As has been clearly proven, is exactly what they did.  Not only did the banks and others break every law, rule, discipline, ethics, legal, and moral obligation to the nation or its people:    They laughed at us/ as the tiny few who could, gave them not only everything back, but every opportunity to steal more; and a free pass for all the tragedy imposed upon the rest.   They say: We “are better off/ because everything else is a depression”.  But the reality is, continuing to let only the rich people play with monopoly money, in the extreme expressions of their delusion, “they get to play god/ and take it all”.  Simply leaves the rest of us with nothing.  The end of a criminal reign/ is the beginning of a new day; regardless of its cost/ THAT IS A BETTER DAY.  Because the crime stops, and the criminals pay instead of us. There AIN’T NO easy answers.  There has never been a recovery from ANY OF the failures of the last seventy years! Because instead of a recovery, or any action to mediate the debt created (the right to demand we must be paid)/  your politicians just pushed the tragedy away, by introducing NEW DEBTS, sacrificing the children, and creating bigger fantasies for themselves.  Why hell, better than comic book heros/ they don’t even got a villain to blame:   WE GET AWAY FOR FREE.  Ain’t that so?  Which ain’t new:   we have been completely unable to pay since the Reagan years.  Which means “every recovery” has been a lie!  Instead of truth and reality;   america has been steadily fed lies, deceit, failure, fraud, and theft.  And the media sold it, as a good thing; “its all free/ nobody actually pays for nothing: let the children be sacrificed”.  Well, except the poor, who pay for most everything; “somebody has got to do this work/ be our slave”.  Damn you, shut up/ I WANT MORE; let them be slaves.  Isn’t that so?  And the courtroom verifies:   HELL AIN’T NOBODY got responsibility here, except the slaves: WE MUST be feared, or the people get out of control. 

Mediation for this requires a “new form of government” 2277/ AN ACTUAL DEMOCRACY, SUPPORTED, RECOGNIZED, AND ADDRESSED BY THE PEOPLE THROUGH REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES: the right to demand an accurate and true accounting of reality, NO exceptions.  The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Period, nobody is excused.  After an education     exists by the examination of our reality, and the investigation of our truth as a society and the future of our humanity.  THEN we choose a new method of governing ourselves, by the laws ONLY WE create.  Simple and plain.

Even so, it takes more than a courtroom, media, university, and voters getting bribes to take down a nation:   it takes pure greed/ and a political process that evicts truth as a bad taste in your mouth.  Greed is created by making society unhappy/ pushing the worker beyond his or her desire to remain working and enforcing the need “I WANT, to get out of here/ stop this: I NEED MONEY”/ THEY ARE killing me.  They have made me UNHAPPY”.  Once unhappiness and depression starts/ the lack of friends (used them/ abused them/ sold them/ or left them to be selfish) or opportunity to be “myself (I don’t know who I am anymore, BUT WITH MONEY, I can fix that)” thereby enslaved, to money.  Greed begins across society with a vengeance, because money conceives of freedom.  The lack of money not only brings slavery it enhances poverty, depression, ridicule, and violence in my world.  So then to get control, by greed the answer is (NOBODY gives a damn about me/ so I don’t give a fuck about them)/ GET OUT OF MY WAY.   Go ahead, Make the fool a leader, because I don’t care:   just pay me money and stay out of my world.  Which brings us to the political process of america:   HE WHO HAS THE GOLD, RULES.  Ain’t no room for the rest/ unless you commit to being OUR slaves, we have demands.  “Obviously not a problem” Plenty of people lined up, all saying “let me”.  And here we are. At the edge of extinction, because the reality of I DON’T CARE/ GIVE ME THE MONEY!   Is as, death to the world; the end result, an endless list of threats, because unlike the people who want out by greed/ their alternative companion to greed is “I WILL PLAY god”.  These then choose to steal/ lie/ cheat/ enslave/ destroy/ fail/ deceive/ throw away/ and in every sense terrorize the reality of a nation: for the more sinister purpose,   “worship me, or  Let them die.”  

Mediation of this reality in human descent, the failure of fools;   understands one single thing more than anything else.  The ability to retain and control peace and harmony for ourselves in society, IS DETERMINED BY:   our ability to retain, identify, create, and design individual freedom, and social liberties to rule ourselves with dignity, opportunity as is real, and a purpose to be happy through the relationships we are given the advantage to choose.  Rather than always competing to keep the damned from killing us/ or forcing us into slavery.   It is a simple thing.  It is a foundation lawsuit I provide. 2023

The elemental fool says, “it cannot be so/ we are great”.  But the evidence says: take a look around to see the truth in facts and figures and realities that do have a truth and consequence all their own.  Prove the truth, instead of listen to the propaganda and drown in their deceit, or die with the terrorists in control of your lives.
The true description of wisdom is: seek only truth, understand only value, search only for life.  Anything less, is a waste of time.  Time is, the reality of this life.