The creation of topics more suited to the sustain-ability of life. 
The passage of time indicates the foundations that work and provide happiness and peace/ the creation of war, by men define and demonstrate the foundations that turn to hate.  Both are in evidence of what we currently do to ourselves and this world as humanity across this earth.
Of critical realities that are not linked to direct threat/ but are the foundation fundamentally linked to hate and then war, is the complete disregard for a future tied to resources that are currently being depleted and consumed; most without merit, or right, or even a useable purpose.  This partnership with hate, that is chosen by common influences of want; are in fact an assassination of the future, thereby the killing of your own children; simply because you didn’t care enough to think beyond this moment in time.  Strictly, “I WANT/ GIVE ME EVERYTHING”/ and nothing about tomorrow is a concern. Like loggers, that clear cut an entire forest/ and cannot wait to enter the next: the reality is, every forest is under attack, and threatened with complete destruction.  Every demonstration of the economics of man, clearly defines the end of society, because there is no thought to a future beyond this second in time.  That causes war/ because at the end of resources; comes the bitter truth, now we die; because few/none, cared enough to stop the slaughter of everything we need. The endless demand of men is simple: give me what I need/ and I won’t care about anything else.  In the society of men, the reality is a fight to be included in work, and in life/ because if you will not fight, you will be trampled underfoot;   as the majority all compete or “war” with each other in the bastard game of “who can get the most: WINNER”.   UNTIL there is war, of sufficient time and pain to dispel the idiocy of making life a game/ men play, because they are forced by other men who will take everything, if they do not.  It is a game played nearly from the beginning of human time. It is the single maker of deserts, disasters, and death that are attributable entirely: to the reality of choices made by men. These then create war, because hate overwhelms them/ and the reality spills over to women, because rape is an act of violence to other men as well as to women.  Revenge is then the single consequence of a failure to respect the reality of life, on this earth;   and accept life is NOT a game.
The foundation necessary for survival in this day, is then very simply:   NO more games with life, NO more games with sex, NO more games with resources, and NO more games with government.  Governments are where men play the most; making other men bow down to the decisions of a few/ making them war, at a whim;   or communicating lies, thereby making men believe what is untrue, and assume hate. The propaganda machines of history, all compete for control of the human mind called men.  They are unconcerned with women, because it is the men who ruled history; it is the women, who were forced to endure these decisions and definitions of tragedy; as produced by the games men play.  To appease the hate in men, created by the games played upon them by other men;   men use women as toys, prizes, and simply as tools for their penis.  Thereby reducing revenge, because sexual actions dispense with considerable anger and resentment; creating in effect a pacifier for men/ at the expense of women.  To keep women underfoot, they are economically deprived; thereby dependent upon making money with sex, simply to survive/ or they are simply stolen from the life they lived or earned, and abused for nothing;  until the garbage can comes.
Critical to a new world, is the understanding: that to achieve freedom from games/ there must be law, NOT people (particularly NOT men) leading us.  For law to be effective and useful, it must be limited to the words and the reality of demands that nearly every human being can and will learn.  NO more rules pretending to be law/ ONLY what is absolutely necessary and true, can be law.  Anything else, becomes the means for a tyrant, and a failure in society.  That means law, is broad/ but specific.  That means the fewer more concentrated the words, the more effective they will be.  Do not make laws for the court, or business, or police, etc:   MAKE LAWS ONLY, for we the people.  And apply these to business, court, police, etc.
A society run by law, is a society that has contributed and been involved with the creation of those laws.  As there shall be no law, that has not been chosen by the people themselves/ BUT THERE MUST BE, an overriding document that states WHO WE ARE, ALL OF US, as a nation or world. And every law comes under the direction of this simple one page statement of the facts and the foundation which will become our laws.  The preamble to the USA constitution is suitable for this job/ and acceptable for today.  The elimination of the games men play, begin with law, as law then becomes the government, and power oozes out of men, and becomes the essence of law as it controls society itself.  The purpose of true government, is to guarantee the laws of society are followed, and accepted.  The true desire of a government must be:   that we will endure, because we followed the truth rather than men.
The passage between the power of men/ and the power of law ruling government instead of men:   IS A VERY SIMPLE, we the people have chosen, to make our law/  our government.

The power to apply that decision to reality: IS MONEY/ as the men in government all worship money, because it is their option to play with life/ just as the military is their decision to play with power.  Money is an irrelevant resource/ because it means only, that humanity is being bought and sold: by the power it represents.  Therefore, if money is not granted the power demanded by men/ then people do not become the slaves of men who demand pride.
WHAT IS RELEVANT IS: that the work necessary for survival shall be done/ and the people who do that work will be respected by society, and granted its rewards, as is consistent with the reality of who we are, and who we can be as a humanity working for peace, harmony, and hope in a future that is not death.  The question is:   what better method does exist, than money/ to distribute and select happiness and peace in society itself.  The question is: what better method of life in society WILL stop the insanity of war, and destruction; so that we can live in truth as people dedicated to the balances and purposes we set out as a law for ourselves?
The first answer is the most fundamental;   we must remove those who hate from ourselves/ by identifying them, and using whatever method is most appropriate to that end.  Anger is not hate/ anger is justified by its purpose or desire.  Hate is the decision, that life is worthless/ that violence is acceptable where no cause in truth exists/ that “you” own another, and can use or abuse because you are god over them/ or the purposes that group massive amounts of people into “enemies”.  Individually, we are capable of being enemies/ as massive groups, we are not; rather war is forced upon us all, where men create it on purpose.
The second answer is more volatile.  Because money is the game men worship with their lives/ granting it the power to control not only their destiny in this life, but establishing that life itself is unimportant to men, while money is not.  Therefore the pursuit of money is an integral part of who men have become, and they believe in it as a group, more than any religion that has ever been achieved.  Therefore like religious zealots, they will fight to keep their money/ but they will lose, because the LIARS AND THIEVES have stolen so much, that reality now begins to seep within the lives of billions.
We then begin with the understanding of work: that it is time, or more clearly your life given to another for the singular purpose, let someone also give to me.  It is effort, or more simply the dedication to a job, that allows productivity to create more than you demand, or at least your needs/ because anything less will result in failure.  And it is resources, that critical link between what we can do, and what we cannot do/ based upon what nature itself will provide, or the efforts of other people can build.  Without resources, there is no work for any/ that is the difference between poor and rich, as a nation or a family or a hope.  Therefore our primary link as a society to each other when defined by work, or the economics of using the resources that are available to us:    Is time and effort when confronted by humanity/ is resources or the control of those resources when confronted by the reality of what is possible or not.  The common scale of time, is then fundamental to every aspect of society when talking about work:   OR more simply, WE ARE EQUAL AS HUMAN BEINGS:   one hour of my life, is equal to one hour of your life, and it matters not how you measure that truth.  Life is life.  Money is then redefined by time.  BUT the truth of money in terms of work is also divided by the reality of effort, and what you did to deserve more or less than anyone else/ because although time makes us equal/ work and effort are individual creations, and these do not make us equal, they are foundations that must be nourished, or tolerated/ unless there is no work of value; whereby these are simply cast beyond the border to fend for themselves any way they can.  Society owes us a job/ but if you refuse to do your part, then society owes you nothing, not even a place among us.  Therefore a working society is the only truth that matters.   As to effort, there are foundations in work that allow and assume a greater risk to life and limb and everything important; and these deserve more reward than a job which does not.  That can be simply less time taken, or required by your job for society; or any other kind of reward society might choose.  There are jobs that require more education and skill; but where that is governed by “college” or other methods of building those skills or knowledge that WE THE PEOPLE already pay for, by allowing you to go and learn;  then it is not a right to say you deserve more.  Your reward is the time allotted to you, to be at ease, and learn/ it is the job you choose, rather than the job that must be chosen.  There are jobs that provide for other people, more so than they can or would provide for themselves; the ability to form and sustain a business is worth something to society; and must be respected.  But NOT in a gluttony of greed.  Rather respect means; what the business needs is first, and held within society by the banks; where it is shared as loans/ what the entrepreneur takes as income is determined by the levels society will allow.  Therefore the business is sustained/ the entrepreneur is rewarded/ and so is society.  The argument “got to pay excessively; to get the best people”/ IS NULL AND VOID: AS THAT argument has led directly to the pillaging/ plundering/ rape/ and violence that is humanity under the governments of men today.  Look deeply, and you will see nothing but graft, corruption, power, selfishness, and pride;   each contributing to the end of life, if you will not change this future they made.