The creation of trade internationally, is defended by the critical needs of this world.  Or more simply, believe it or not, what is necessary to sustain this world, is to accomplish the five basic goals of survivability: 1.  Population must cease to rise/ and decrease.  Any nation that accomplishes that in a fair and deliberate way; WITH WOMEN in charge; because it is their bodies/ shall be paid. With critical infrastructure as the world decides.  2. The ocean shall be cleaned, toxic wastes reduced dramatically/ fed/ and carefully fished.  Those nations that accomplish significant realities based in the truth of what actually helps this world honestly/ shall be paid.  3.  Critical respect is required for energy consumption is absolutely necessary: the first and foremost accomplishment is insulate everything at least 5 times more than is average for today; no exceptions/ if you heat it, you will insulate it, or your fuels shall be shut off.  Working carefully to install and replace with only the most energy efficient/ prove critical and real reduction and you shall be paid.  4.  Without resources, the future is dead.  Therefore critical and real recycling/ reuse/ and fundamental choices that do not consume, pollute, or destroy are required, or the children die/ and you go to war.  Therefrom with legitimate proven reductions in consumption and the allowance that will be created with a reduction in armament and war machines of all kinds.  You shall be paid.  5.   The relationships we share as both men and women/ society and community/ nation to nation/ and life to life are all elemental to constructing an environment of sharing and caring about each other; so that war/ hate/ and failure are eliminated.  The direct avenue to that dimension of peace for life, IS equality and fair play/ or justice for all.  That includes women, and children and men.  EQUAL and FREE, EACH ONE;   in every sense/ every aspect of justice/ every opportunity in life/ and every penalty that can be imposed. Respect denies the same, as life is life, and different is different/ BUT JUSTICE DENIES the assertion that some are winners and some are losers:   because LIFE is not a game.  We are alive/ not toys. Do your part, and you shall be paid.
The question of payment then arises with the words:  exactly how do you expect to pay separate nations/ who decides/ and who provides?
The answer is: given the truth, that unless you accomplish these things, set before you as critical realities to survive you will die.  The foundation of authority is simply proven by: make a choice, life or death!  Given that as reality, and your job set before you in a court of law to prove this is not correct by the evidence of life and world at this moment in time: the opportunity to say, “we don’t WANT” is limited.  Rather the alternative is to war and die/ because that is where you are headed, and soon. Lies, cheating, stealing, propaganda, threats, destruction, pride, power, arrogance, greed, hate, and violence DO have a cost.

So then WHAT do you suppose the price of a war   would be?  Do you honestly think you will rebuild/ and with what: look closely at what is left.  Understand clearly just how many dead bodies there will be.  And make your decision:   WAR or PEACE.  What is then, the price you are willing to pay for peace?  Will you accept reality/ will you let truth decide/ will you share and care about the planet and each other: OR WAR?  It’s a choice/ but not for much longer. I do not know the day/ do not wish to calculate the question of can’t survive this, beyond this moment.  But time is clearly running out for all life on earth. Simple as that.
As to money: the promises of one people to another/ or one person to another.  The foundation is: “fair and legitimate, is simply fair and legitimate; nothing more & nothing less.”  Today, the struggle is to come back to a situation which we know, that life on earth will survive.  Nothing else matters, so then fair and legitimate is anything that helps our planet and its life survive.  Nothing is more important:   therefore top of the list is;     population control is imperative and without question/ thereby it is a “resource saved”, a life that will survive in this future without the current fantasies of let them fend for themselves; from your garbage. It is a world problem, and requires a world solution.  That solution is: pay the women as a nation to participate in real world solutions that they choose for themselves. Then pay the nation, for doing the best they can; anything less is unworthy.  In exchange for true “birth control/ NOT abortion”; it is fair to believe the benefit to this entire world is substantial; therefore the benefit to that nation must be something equally substantial.  BUT NOT in money to leaders/ as realities decided by the people themselves.  In other words: you will ask, what is important enough to you/ and the world answers IF YOU DO IT, we will provide with honesty, fair and realistic improvements for your life as a nation/ NOT as an individual or group.  Primary to these offerings comes clean water/ sewage distribution and treatment/ power generation/ and so forth. As is realistic to reality.

Repairing the ocean, and feeding it;  is absolutely essential to our own survival/ as this does represent the best and only true possibility for feeding humanity in this our future.  The mutilation of plants, animals, reduction in pollinating insects/ etc/ etc/ etc; all means: humanity has tried to destroy itself.  And the only real possibility of creating more food quickly comes from the ocean, if it is respected and repaired.  Fed with dead human bodies/ thereby using a resource that is plentiful, and currently discarded as the trash; whether you poison a body and put it in the box/ burn it/ or just bury it for the worms; you have discarded it as the trash; fancy box or not.  Because it is simply nothing more than that.  I know, there is an emotional attachment; and children/ or soldiers at war; shall be exempted.  But apart from that, it is plain simple and true: either we feed the fish or we starve ourselves, or turn to cannibalism.  Take your pick.  Consequently those who participate in bringing the sea back to life with honor/ are entitled to assistance in their national food and water supplies, as best we can: WITH FAIR PLAY TO ALL! In like accord to the benefits proven that we will all share in later. They are also entitled to harvest up to  50% percent of the areas other nations leave behind; if they do the repairs.  Dependent upon what is to be done: that includes a twenty year lease.

The essential work in energy consumption and its associated problems is A LONG LIST of realities that must be changed.  You cannot continue to drive vehicles as you do/ etc/ etc/ etc.  CHANGE must come.  Reduction in transportation means: that there must be more local production/ sales/ etc; so that excessive transportation is removed. There must be higher density living: to substantiate that, parks and most importantly noise cancellation or suppression is critical. The lesson of  “Chicago public housing” in the past is not: this does not work.  But the more critical reality, without access to a decent job, and respect for yourself and your neighbor; nothing else will do.  Therefore as to cities and buildings: there can and will be ethnic neighborhoods;  Because these people share an understanding, and background assumptions.  But there shall also be critical penalties involving entire buildings: if peace and harmony do not conform to social requirements.  Those penalties are: individuals are removed/ and there shall be witnesses testifying in court with honesty; or entire floors shall be thrown out.  If substantial problems within a building are not resolved with the aid of society: as in organizing a “building courtroom” and its necessary opportunities in the law/ THEN failure means the tenants in an entire building will be removed; and sent not less than one hundred miles away.  There, you will rebuild and act peacefully/ or you will be removed to an area which will threaten your lives by nature, unless you learn to work significantly together for the sake of each other. Those who survive, may be considered for returning within society after two years.  Prove hate exists amidst you, and to jail they will go/ or to death; as there is NO room for hate in society. Not a game, learn respect or die: won’t matter to anyone, but you! The buildings themselves shall have solar chimneys used both to isolate sunlight from the building by the use of reflective panels on the back side and will capture energy from the induction of wind, or thermal rise within the chimney itself.

The hybrid vehicle is useful for any and all city driving/ it is unlikely to be acceptable for any other need. But there is a lot of city driving done: don’t forget batteries have to be replaced. Much smaller personal vehicles are required/ but they MUST be survivable in a crash; preliminary designs are in the site below. Battery vehicles do their polluting at the power plant; it can be more/ dependent upon the efficiency of those machines. Machines that develop energy from vehicles stopping built into major intersections must be used.  Collecting energy from both forward motion and weight.  There are some beginnings in inventions (on the left.)  These can be transferred to simple pedestrian traffic as well. Simple and effective, with city planning that isolates business areas; so that “city trains or subways” can replace the majority of  trucks, are necessary. Wind energy exists, but the machines do need a substantial redesign. That would include possibly smaller blades, and a double set of blades on opposites sides of the main box (same shaft)/ thereby rotating faster with as much force/ but quieter in terms of gearing. (Lights in the blades to warn birds, and planes).
Wave generation has a number of initial considerations on the site above. One that is not mentioned, where it does not dramatically affect nature is the damning up of tidal rise; opening up the gate to let the tide come in and using “paddle wheel type generators (turbines harm aquatic life) to gain electrical power or just pump water;  on the way out. Or if nature allows you can gain electricity on the way in as well. You can use this to directly  pump or as electricity to pump seawater into towers and then collect energy from there as needed. Where the tidal rise is low/ a ramped area, using a paddle wheel style aid to mechanically aid by cranking the platform, to assist the pumping action will be used.

Solar energy exists in two forms; the first question of photovoltaic’s is how long will these last, and at what percentage of performance?  The second form is creating indirect concentrated btu’s at a high enough temperature to work for humanity.  The generation of pressure is simple enough/ that pressure can be applied to mechanical work in any number of ways.  Or more simply, instead of working to concentrate large areas into smaller targets.  Collect long lines of pressurized gas, and run it through a common engine, thereby creating rotational forces for electrical generation/ heat exchanger’s recycle the effect.  It will aid you to use magnifying collectors to increase the pressure at acceleration joints.
These and many more can assist you in energy movements/ and constitute a payment as working machines for your work.

The institution of legitimate and real WORLD LAW and world policing that WILL BE DECIDED BY THE LAW, NOT a few powerful countries.  OPENS the door for all that time effort and materials destined to damage and destroy; to be used elsewhere for the good of life on earth.  It is absolutely imperative that these simply laws be created by you, as regards the behavior and control of nations, or more specifically their leaders.  Such as: 1.  You shall NOT cross boundary lines for war.  2.  You shall NOT threaten each other with weapons, of substantial destruction.  3.  You shall NOT steal, cheat, or lie to your neighbor: the penalty if you do shall go to world court, and the law decides.  4.  You shall not trespass or remove from your neighbor anything that is rightfully theirs; and that includes water rights, and more.  5.  You shall not pollute or destroy your neighbors property, or your own: we the life of this world, demand better.  As best we can.  6.  You shall not attempt to buy or own your neighbors property, regardless of the offer; ONLY the people of that nation can own their own property, no other nation can.  7.  You shall NOT tempt, flatter, alter, separate and divide society; either large or small by making one or a few leaders/ and thereby entitled by your estimation to make a deal for the rest: EVERYONE VOTES, everyone understands the future consequences of this vote, as best humanity and world law can make them understand.  Only then can resources be plundered, if world law allows. YOU MUST BE FAIR.  8.  You shall not destroy the environment, alter the ecology, or deny to its species the right to survive.  That includes draining a lake for incidental power generation: won’t last long/ thereby completely unsustainable and a robbery of the future.  For instance.  9.   You shall not send your people out of your own country because you failed to respect your own environment.  Immigration is limited to those countries that have respected the reality of environment.  If you cause your environment to fail/ then fix it, as best you can: or die, because you refused discipline, and chose insanity.  The day has come, when you are responsible for your portion of this world.  MAKE DECISIONS that let you survive.  10.  You shall:   accept the foundations of religion are disciplines for men/ even if in error; and let them be.  That does not include terrorism.  To establish equality and peace: those who call themselves rich shall be forced to relinquish their claims unto the reality of any specific situation in which clearly the people are in need/ and these have no right. As is Haiti today.  A tiny few own all the land/ and none have a right to rebuild, because they own nothing.  As a world, the law will rebuild by aiding the people to be owners for themselves.  That does not mean reduced to poverty for the “wealthy”/ but it does mean: by vote among the people themselves with HONEST understanding by education of what that vote will mean.  The amount of property that can be owned by any individual or corporation shall be determined/ and the rest shall be removed, and redistributed to the people themselves; by auction, with the understanding/ IF YOU DON’T get a “substantial” shelter erected here, within two years (or show legitimate REAL progress as decided by the people themselves), it returns to auction and you are not invited to bid again. The rich can keep the specific property they want/ but only in the amount declared fair to the people.

The relationships we share as man and woman together with love and respect for each other BUILD OUR SOCIETY, AND REALITY AS A WORLD.  The fact TOO MANY MEN have too little respect for women; establish failure in many societies because if there is not happiness and freedom, in male to female relationships/ there will be NO opportunities for shared success.  There are no substantial demands for respect for nature to keep us alive.  There are no significant works being done for the sake of society; just trophies and complaints being fought for/ died for, instead.  A fair and legitimate relationship between man and woman IS NECESSARY; to rebuild this world and keep it alive.  That simple reality, WHICH YOU DO understand/ is not beyond your grasp.  That simple truth, as a relationship to society DEMANDS: that women shall be in control of all matters regarding sex.  Women shall be judge and jury, in these trials, and they shall determine the punishment; just like men have been determining their punishment throughout history. To survive this coming time/ women shall rule sex, determine what is correct and fair, and establish punishment accordingly.  In all nations!  Apart from the simple perversion of men doing profane things to each other. They are exempt/ let men decide. Make women in charge of all sexuality; the price for joining world law, and the protection therein.  Understand as well, that ALL NATIONS SHALL join world law/ because it is necessary to remove the weapons of mass destruction,  that will exterminate you, if you do not! Plus it is necessary to demand obedience to “our laws”, as a planet. No one is exempt, whatever force is necessary, shall be applied!

The consequence of international trade is: that these seek to be employed by capturing the business needed in other lands; by their own people. All nations do it in an attempt to become rich/ the gambling casinos such as wall street make it possible by creating fraud, abusing worker and nation, and simple manipulation of numbers.  The casinos use as wall street have literally nothing to do with actual business; rather like any other type of gambling game, “these are the chips/ or dice/ or cards with which the game is played”. Looking distinctly at the process of trading stocks WITHOUT the slightest attachment to actual business use of those stocks/ does prove, it is “unattached; until the actual business is lost in the sewer of this national disaster/ or businesses become infatuated with the idea of wealth, and consume themselves as did so many here in america.  If stock in a company has NO BASIS IN REALITY/ then it is not a function or part of the company itself; it is merely a disguise.  Stock or the value in a company does not rise nor fall, based upon the stock value.  True value in a business or industry or agriculture or any other form of work for the assumed benefit of society: IS BASED UPON the production of that benefit/ not the gamblers that fail to respect the work. The casinos are simply tied, to the illusion of work/ that they may appear to be legitimate.  They are not. These are merely gambling institutions, which rob society of its right to determine who is or who is not benefitting ourselves, with work. Good companies are destroyed “for an extra dollar”/ bad companies are promoted as “extra special wonderful, to suck people into the trap, and then destroyed; as predation of human beings simply forms a new method of consumption. They have no real regulation of value/ the rich and powerful own the nations; and their purpose is strictly to make you a slave, by taking everything you, and anyone around you;  have ever worked for.  That is what gambling is for: promise them wealth, show them a trophy once in awhile, to keep them playing/ but take it all away instead. Casinos such as wall street simply do this at the national level, instead of the individual levels; as is evident and true about america today.  The tiny few: sold you out as a nation/ took your wealth as american’s and others/ and spent it on nothing of value for anyone but themselves.

  The use of machines, has made the consumption of raw materials MASSIVE; and as a consequence threaten the future in every way. The use of machines has eliminated the majority of skilled labor/ thereby making the whole of humanity competition, because the majority of human skills are not necessary. Just someone to feed the machine; and let everyone understand work goes on everyday to replace those who feed these machines, with machines; and soon much of the standard workforce shall again be displaced; by more machines.  Everything clearly repetitive has been replaced.  Everything repetitive that requires some type of dimensional definition is being replaced.  Everything that is associated with movements that are complex but confined to specific environments will be replaced. Everything that is associated with rudimentary thought, is being assaulted with the intent to replace.  Or more simply, the purpose of university and the wealthy is too replace every worker possible with machines so that NO HUMAN BEING can share in their wealth, “greed WANTS it all”. no exceptions.  Government employees WANT WEALTH AND POWER AND PRIDE for themselves; so they make rules and enforce laws for that purpose; discarding people/ throwing them away without respect, because they WANT the money; life is irrelevant/ take a look, not a single decision, or very few that involve anything but money, power, or wealth. That leaves us as a world with two options: either let them continue until war breaks out to remove this cancer/ unfortunately killing the world in the process.  OR remove the cancer itself, and declare limited capitalism (not everything/ you WILL share with us) and democracy (we decide: one person one vote/ on the issues and laws important to us) for ourselves shall govern by law.  The power of law is in evidence in the trials on this site;   as is the reality, WITHOUT enforcement of our laws as WE THE PEOPLE, the law has the right, but not the power.  Thereby it is absolutely clear: WE MUST govern ourselves.  We must enforce the laws, we choose to govern our lives, our nation, or our world.   Not as fools, but with RESPECT, DISCIPLINE, AND DIGNITY FOR ALL; who are not proven to be enemies of the people.

 Every nation needs to be self-sufficient/ as much as they can be.  Because that represents the beginning of freedom, thereby happiness. But like every freedom/ NOT everything you can choose, makes you happy; as is the case of drug addiction, even if you have a right/ you will be sorry, or a fool,  in the end. Self sufficient with the aid of others as communities tied together for the benefit of all, is the expression of what makes us happy as best we can be.  Self sufficient means: with sufficient  health and realistic access to the resources absolutely necessary to survive and do better/ I CAN and I will take care of myself.  The base transformation of want, into need means: a need is required, a want is simply the excuse to take more than life and nature otherwise allow.  The difference will become life or death for a planet. The difference will decide if the children, or their children have a chance to live.  Happiness exists between the borders of “safe and free”.  Honor lives within the borders of “it is my right, and I care and share with you honestly”.  The value of living, is defined by the words “I AM ALIVE”! When reviewed by truth, the absolute miracle of those words cannot be denied; thereby we know, that life is a gift, bound in love/ but surrounded by the freedom to choose hate instead. Knowledge and understanding are required, but they grant wisdom, and that grants peace and harmony when shared with truth; the decisions that are our lives. Discovery says: with friends and family who honestly respect and choose me, I can be happy. Time however states: the choices we make every single day, add up to the life we will live/ every choice has a consequence/ every choice is a decision that participates in love, hate, or survival. A wise community shares their decision: not by electing politicians.  But by choosing to be educated, in the possibilities which exist, that will aid or transform our lives.  This is done, as is established by “the biblical ten commandments”: WITH SHORT, DISTINCT, EASY TO UNDERSTAND; statements defining the problems, needs, hopes, work, costs, and expectations that our choice shall bring to us; if we do this work together.  Everything in life is a choice, or a need.  Take care of your needs, so that you may make choices that define your happiness and hope.
Every nation needs to take care of their own employment realities as best they can by themselves. That means simply: its your life, be responsible for it/ live within your means.   Every nation needs to understand: IT AIN’T MONEY, that decides if you work or not.  It’s the decision of society to be fair with each other, as best you can. The access to resources decides if you can work/ you decide if you will work. Access to resource, to food/ water/ land/ or any other foundation required to survive or do better; when controlled separates and divides the people into rich and poor.  Rich means: I can make you a slave/ by refusing to let you survive or do better.  Poor means: I must do what I am told, or my life, and or my family will starve or sink into crime. Both are controlled very simply by WHO has access/ and WHO enforces that control over access upon the people.  Without control, men rush in to take everything they can get and often destroy the rest to keep the others away; and control access accordingly; that ends in anarchy and destruction of life.  With government control, as is organized by the rich; only the rich and government get control, and they take from the public whatever they want until the public revolts and kills them.  Or they are killed/ or a “demilitarized zone” accomplishes increased acceptance (not worth this price) by the majority; thereby pushing the poor aside into complete poverty.

 In other words; people go to work for money today, so they can survive or get what they want later on if possible.  They do so under the control of the wealthy/ because if they do not, they shall be forced to starvation or crime. Some simply surrender, and let suicide or drugs or other take their lives away. This happens because a lack of control by the majority is established, because survival is an issue that will NOT wait for an extended period of time.  IF SURVIVAL was guaranteed to everyone in exchange for twenty hours of work each week or so, by a salary and a job that governments must supply if private business does not. Then the possibility of power over the people is lessened greatly/ and each has an opportunity to work for their happiness, freedom, governmental control, and more. They have the opportunity to seek justice/ fair play/ and equality.  NO MORE WELFARE, a guaranteed job, primarily REPAIRING NATURE; if you work, the prescribed hours, with honesty and determination. Want, can then be controlled, if reality and truth lead the way; that, is up to you!  Beyond those hours, its up to you to find a way to get more, to attain your wants. Want is irrelevant to society; work for yourself, its not our job to help you with want.  If private business takes care of your needs, no guaranteed job exists.  Even so, the question is: if personal want, is why you work:   then what if you wanted a better society, with more options for friendship, caring, sharing, and living in equality were the choice you made? The removal of hate, allows for the creation of cities and towns that are safe and free.  The introduction of respect, gives everyone a value deserved/ rather than a fear described by what happens if this one is a predator too!  Rather than hate, greed, gluttony, selfishness, or pride (making enemies)/ a life and community without hate or its effects: is a very different place.  A place where happiness blooms, if truth makes survival possible. Hate and anger are not the same: anger has a distinct cause and reason, clearly defined. When that cause is modified or erased significantly the anger dissolves.  Hate however: is the decision to regard any other life as worthless/ and without value to me, apart from being my toy, my trophy, my tool, my slave, or my purpose called abuse. Thereby creating inside the decisions which become:  disrespect, assembling violence, and learning or accepting the difference between predator and prey. “I can/ and I will kill/ hunt/ chase/ or cause you harm”; is hate.  Predator by any other name.
The value of international trade is: to exchange what you do not have/ so that work can be expanded to include a wider variety of options and hope.  The tragedy of extensive international trade is: the removal of independence/ making both sides “too big to fail”.  Which always ends in calamity and chaos/ or power in the hands of too few, which ends in war. When the resource fails; violence begins.  When the violence is effectively countered, the war begins soon. When the rich gather armies to defend themselves, starvation is close behind/ anarchy comes, and society separates or implodes upon itself.  Then comes genocide; “because we WANT MORE”.

The value and reality of all business is: either we work to supply a need, or we work to fulfil a want.  Neither of these are controlled by “the rich man or money”.  Both of these are controlled by our ability to access what we need to succeed, either as time, education, health and ability, resources, participation, or desire.  The rich man provides nothing, but to restrict our access/ thereby regulating consumption, by reducing it or increasing it, with money.  If you regulate yourselves/ the rich man becomes obsolete and destructive to life.  Governments are intended to do that, but in the end are conformed by the desires of the rich.  That means, to regulate government, both power (access to control by the rich) must end/ pride the demand to play games with life, must end AND the ability to make laws must be established only by popular vote and education. Limited capitalism does establish regulation over the rich/ and much greater freedoms for the rest. Owning the laws, makes any nation, a true democracy: we the people are in charge.  Telling the employees of our government how much they can spend and on what, eliminates the influence of money and power; and gives us liberty to determine what our own futures shall be.  Is that not worth fighting for?
The secondary effect of “wealth” and its greed is: I WANT MORE, than the rest/ NOT the same, I WANT more.  This demand is shared by men around the world/ prejudice is created to force the competition out/ games are created to prove, I can steal yours without killing/ money is demanded, to insure control/ depressions exist only because the majority lose control of their financial lives/  and wars are built upon the fact, “there is nothing left to fight over: they took it all/ or we destroyed it all, and need theirs”.  Men choose this reality, because hate searches out the opposition to war/ and seeks to kill it.  Controlling hate, is fundamental to controlling war, and building peace & harmony within society. It is not an option/ these will be removed.
If we mediate and negotiate these things properly, letting truth rule our decisions/ NOT WANT; THEN we build a new world.  Negotiation and mediation as is the domain of women/ their historical need and reality; by their specific differences from men: prove women should lead.  HOW is that NOT a better world/ HOW is that not the only world you can survive in this time?

  What men can do, has been done/ history proves their  reality. This is it/ it is the best they did do!  When demanding more, or suffering with less, and everywhere in between: men turn to confrontations;  in the form of games or threats, and when that no longer works, they turn to hate (not only don’t I care/ YOU ARE WORTHLESS to me) and war. War of any real size, will kill us all today. Which means, their time to rule this earth is over/ because we are SO MANY PEOPLE on this earth today, and the destruction under “rich &/or, men in charge”; has been so devastating: we cannot survive it as a world without change.  That leaves us with women to try; NOT because they are better! But because they are different, and we MUST have truly different, than today. Or we don’t survive, not even as a planet. We are threatened/ and we do face extermination; by countless decisions of men.  This is then life or death for this planet, nothing more or less.  A decision we all must make for life and change/ or soon it will matter no more, even a whole world, completely lost!

To be ruled by women, does not constitute more of the same! But consists of the accumulated vote of women working to understand and educate each other in the foundations of our need, the reality of our day, the truth of what can be done and why/ and working to do the same for men.  By majority rule, every vote truly desired by women, is then won: and life is changed as a consequence.  Remembering to point out, “everything wrong today”; is either due to the leadership of men/ or the leadership of wealth, pride, and power/ or the leadership of the university diploma.  THESE have ruled us together, for decades and more.  Consequently it is fair to say; our descent into this abyss of threats which will exterminate our lives without true change:   IS LITERALLY THEIR FAULT. Due to fears/ greed/ want/ pride, etc.   YOU MUST do better than did they.  YOU MUST choose for the needs called:  life shall come first/ money is irrelevant.  Because money in its entirety; is just a promise, from one human being to another. And it is proven today, that all those promises were lies: NO possibility these promises can be kept/ all are broken, by the greed of your leaders, and the people who empowered, because they followed and wanted more for themselves.  Life first, is not a game/ it is the truth, of whether you live or die as a human being and a planet.

Can’t happen, nothing has changed; the world lives on forever?  Are you certain?  Lets review: with 7 billion people each one stands on one acre of ground that can grow a crop; that same acre must grow everything needed by every other creature as well.  The ocean and its life, have contributed enough to date to make this fact unobserved by all but a tiny few; but that ocean across this world is dying, and will be dead for all intents and purposes for human food in not over five more years; can’t bring it back, much will be extinct. Oxygen is consumed well past its regeneration, by fire/ economies are dying around the world, with hundreds of thousands of weapons of mass destruction, to make the war of men fatal for all. The drinking water supplies are being destroyed in immense quantities. Or more simply the list of threats, each and every one of which can destroy or cause extinction is very long.  Not the same world, as even twenty years ago!  With a youth population, in place/ that can produce enough babies, in under 5 years, to make this earth “implode under the stress of human existence”.  These things are the evidence of your life on this planet/ NOT A GAME.  They are your reality, and if you refuse to face the truth; you will die.  That is not a game either/ no turning back/ no mercy/ no second chances:   EITHER WE FACE OUR REALITY AND ITS TRUTH, or every threat of extermination created by your leadership and decisions as human beings on earth, will mount an assault against you, that will be devastating.  The food supply will disappear/ leaving you as cannibals; believe it or not. The resource will end.  The mutilation of nature will first turn you into deformities that cannot even be imagined. The oxygen will fade away. And much more.  IF you don’t let the experimenters and their machines completely exterminate this world first. Can happen any day, because these “satan’s” are running right now. Not a game, they are playing with energies that have consequences/ there is no going back.  Pick life/ or prepare for death; is your reality.  There is no middle ground left/ one direction or the other!   THESE are the decisions of your money/ your leaders/ your university, and those who follow and let them lead.  Weapons of mass destruction, are propagated as “our saviors”/ by the fools who believe: “finally, we can stop men from being men, and creating world war”. How blind can you be; WAKE UP! Failure is surrounding you/ soon failure is going to consume you: work for life! TODAY.

For reasons not my own, I am called to the bible; and it opens to Ezekiel 17, for interpretation.
In the context of international trade; the interpretation is:

The great eagle is a nation, strong and able to cover long distances, with many offerings; comes to a neighboring state. Breaking the top branches asserts this is “the new growth/ the best of business as it pushes forward to become ever more noticeable on earth. This nation takes this business growth and goes to another nation, a place where people “only want the money”/ and this nation plants it for the purpose of trading goods and income.  With it, the allegory says “the nation took some of its own soil, or manufacturing abilities; and made it work because this new people wanted the plant to succeed very much.  They took good care of the manufacturing and it grew across their land; spreading out in all directions. “Its branches turned back to the original nation/ but its roots remained in the nation wherein it was planted, and became well rooted in society.
Verse 7 however claims: to this nation of merchants which grew the new vine, another big eagle or nation or group of nations will come/ and will be sought after; to take even more of the fruits of this now, “manufacturing nation”.  Verse 9 however predicts that all these efforts are then about to fail, and wither away; because this greater dependency upon other nations, has made it vulnerable to every type of calamity.
Verse 11-15 indicates that after this time; there will be great strife between the many nations/ each of which trying to make the other obey their rule and collect everything they can by imposing treaties and the threat of war.  The players are now  changed to countries rather than “eagles; the symbolic sign of the most powerful people in a nation”/ or vines, the sign of growth spreading throughout the land. More simply instead of money and greed/ the charges will be one people against another!   None will be happy with the outcome
verse 16-21 is a war between the two countries; which we can only hope shall not become true/ none will win in reality.

Verse 22-24 states: our    GOD OF LIFE, will plant a new way where everyone can see it, with the hope purity of heart shall see and take hold of the possibilities/ and the people make it grow, within their own lives, governments and world.  There in that method of “being a human society”/ life on earth will return to its abundance.  What was the old way shall be brought down.  What is the new way shall rise; even when it seems impossible that this should be so.