DATED: 3/ 30/ 12
In regard to your letter dated march 26, 2012
As stated in a reply letter/ I did not refuse a conference with you. I REFUSED A CONFERENCE WITH YOU, THAT DID NOT PROVIDE ME WITH ANY MEANS OF RECORD. That is a breach of duty on your part. That is the collection of information from me, for which I do claim is an anticipatory breach of contract: between this government and me. 682F. 2d 883, 885. I have the same right as you, to the same information collected regarding me: as this information is being used to create a claim of penalty/ a claim of responsibility owed/ a claim of rights by this government employee, that I failed in some manner or way. Therefore to enter within an arrangement that DOES NOT give me the same rights and the same legal options as it does to you: is a hostile action against me, which I refused. Stating instead give me written correspondence, and we will talk. Take me to court, and let us address the truth about this dispute which is: MY GUARANTEED RIGHT, AS A CITIZEN OF THIS USA: to first amendment law, as is redress of grievances.
This dispute arises from the fact that the court system/ employees of this nation, whom you represent. Who you collect money to pay for their services, as a contracted employee, hired to do deliberate and real work: strictly and legally bound by oath, that REQUIRES. They shall DO what the constitution requires them to do.
These have deliberately and illegally refused to adhere to their duties. These leaders/ employees of the nation have rebelled against this nation: therefore against we the people, and chose to deny a foundation principle and law of the American government that is: WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS NATION/ not you. We are the government, NOT you. You are the employee, the leaders of which guaranteed by oath, that they would indeed make the constitution sovereign, and participate only within the limits and rights and laws called constitutional democracy. They have failed/ citing all the highest paid leaders, most powerful employees; of this OUR government proving anarchy instead. The US supreme court case 08-1339/ a previous case illegally discharged/ US supreme court case 11-100/ the extra ordinary writ 2023/ and a wide range of lower court cases all determined to bring the law called first amendment redress to the people WERE ILLEGALLY DENIED.
AS WAS the 3rd article of the constitution itself, which requires the federal government to intervene in matters between a citizen and his state. Wherein the state of IL, DID guarantee to each and every citizen in its fifth amendment or said guarantee: THAT THERE WOULD BE REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES, for we the people of this state. Absolutely refused by our IL judicial, and political employees. Absolutely refused by the federal employees, at all levels: to administer the constitutional law and guarantees to the citizens of this state: that this is what our state government will be. Breaking every contractual vow of both state and federal governments. Or more simply YOU BROKE THE LAW/ and I refuse to pay for criminal enterprises that not only practice anarchy and deceit. But literally threaten my/ our lives with experiments that will destroy our future, our lives and our world: you may view that information at
not a game!
I DO NOT refuse to pay, what each and every citizen owes respectively. I DO REFUSE TO PAY, for contracts broken (I have a legally guaranteed right)/ for anarchy and rebellion against we the people (those involved deserve impeachment). I DO REFUSE TO PAY those who criminally conduct themselves outside the law; as you have done. I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO PAY THOSE WHO DELIBERATELY THREATEN MY LIFE, AND REFUSE to prove that as fact in open court: with the public invited, involved, and able to exercise their constitutional right for accountability and ownership in government.
I have “timely filed”. I have established undeniable proof, that these claims are real and justified. I have complied in every sense to your demands, as is realistic under the law/ and within the claims for justice that I have made. YOU HAVE NOT. Instead of taking me to court, as requested of you: so that the legal avenues of “democratic guaranteed rights” shall be tested and found true. THEREFORE YOU MUST PROVIDE REDRESS.
You threaten me with a claim that suggests frivolous/ you assert, that a penalty of $25,000.00 is within your right as representatives of this US government. You accuse me of failing to pursue administrative remedies.
When it is absolutely clear, NONE of these things apply. Which can only mean harassment, with the clear criminal intent to extort and steal. Even though I invited you, to go ahead and steal the money from my bank account, and put that money in place within that bank account so you could do that very thing. STEALING, BECAUSE YOU OWE ME A COURT CASE, TO PROVE THAT A GUARANTEE OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, to each and every citizen: IS THE LAW, and it does apply to you/ to those who are your superiors/ to the courts, president, military, police, legislatures, and every other employee of this state, and this nation. Who have clearly conspired against WE THE PEOPLE, to destroy our nation, and our democracy; by refusing to obey our law. Our law/ NOT yours. OUR NATION/ not your play pen as rulers over us. OUR FUTURE, NEVER YOUR right to gamble and destroy or risk our lives/ these children/ or an entire world of life. Which you so clearly do.