What is not more human than that?  Hell no, I am practically innocent/ its their fault; that group, or that person,  over there!  Isn’t that so?  Of course it is, the “looking glass” is not reflective/ which is why you see right through; gaining innocense for yourself.

Oh wait, isn’t a  looking glass/ just another word for mirror?  Why yes it is: what then is wrong here? 
The answer is, people see whatever they want to see/ and nothing more.  Doesn’t matter what truth says, human decision says: I won’t pay, end of discussion.  Therefore it must be someone else’s fault.  Let’s all be afraid, of them.  So then prejudice is based upon two distinct realities: the human refusal to accept discipline/ and the human want to be free of all encumbrance such as is reality and truth.
Discipline means:   to let the accumulation of evidence decide what is the best path to take/ by recognizing what is truth, why these consequences came to exist/ and respecting the reality of life itself; thereby we make decisions based upon the influence of an education that is real.   People don’t like real/ therefore with words and innuendo and religions or all kinds such as is the majority of university delusion; they create their fantasies, and live the lie until it collapses around them in tragedy.  As has begun today, wherever you look.  Want is the decision, nothing matters but me/ and I don’t care about you, or don’t care enough to stop about anything or anyone; GIVE ME what I want; DAMN YOU!

So let’s review: “somebody” has made some BAD decisions in this nation/ and now we all got to pay: it just ain’t fair.  Plain and simple, that is the truth! 
The consequence of that truth is: reality now rules our lives, instead of simple choices.  Or more simply, the situation has progressed to the stage of complete chaos and destruction if we do not let truth guide our direction and our purpose for the work and development of a future that will survive.  If “we the majority”, DO not accept such a decision as what is truth, instead of want and greed shall decide the future/ then there shall be NO future.  Not for any living creature, because all the elements are prepared for our extinction from this earth.

We have the people who form, the three greatest terrorists that have ever lived on this earth in view: the people who want to bring the same fire as is on the sun here to earth (it is an atomic fire/ we CANNOT put it out; therefore once ignited we are dead, quickly.)  We have the people trying to explode the earth, as in the “big bang”, single most destructive event in the history of the universe right here on earth.  And we have the genetic mutilators who are simply trying to play god, and destroy this entire living structure that sustains and gives us life.  Nature is DNA, plus the energy and resource required to build a life.  The greatest by far is: the instructions on how to build a body of living creation.  We cannot put it back.  Horrific realities await, if we don’t stop this entirely right now.   And yet even when these threats are in full view and the public can understand:   MAYBE ITS TRUE!  The most you can do is whine.  Get up, or it will be too late.  Just a fact of reality, so says the evidence.  Not your fault/ why do you have to be involved!  The earth dies only once, and it takes every life and every future with it; if it does.  There are NO second chances.  That’s why! 
And in america, your tax dollars support and create every one of these threats.  Your propaganda machines do their best to mis-align you “believe the gamblers”/ worship at their feet; aren’t they smart!  But to that reality I say to you this: when you see a “news broadcast; a term VERY loosely used”.  What you are seeing is a few people in a fancy room, filled with illusions to make you believe “they are special”.  But in the end, its just a few people in a room; that’s all/ except for the means to broadcast their words or images to you.  One person says something, and millions or hundreds of millions hear it!  Most believe; doesn’t matter what is said/ and because the stories are multiplied no matter what you listen too.  The assumption is: they are correct.  The reality however is biased to accept whatever the university tells you to believe.  No questions/ just believe; “what is not a religion about that”?  The answer is nothing, therefore if it “quacks like a duck”/ it is a religion.  Religions are dangerous, NOT because of what they say as much as what people are allowed to believe or instructed to hope for.  Alas, everyone wants someone to tell them “how to be rich”/ without doing any real personal work for themselves. Not going to happen.

We are free to believe anything we want to believe/ it is that simple.  It is your choice, and that is personal freedom, therefore it is entirely your right.  Which none can take away; even if they try, you will believe whatever it is you wish for.  The trouble occurs, when what is wished for becomes your hope for the future.  Because hope does two distinct things to all people:   it creates a chasm that must be crossed to achieve your goal & it creates the illusion, your decision has failed, or made you a god.  The chasm understands a journey must exist to get from where you are, to where you wish to be; and if that desire is “expansive, beyond the norm”; there will be a formidable  reality that stands in the way; of one kind or another.  My own life does illustrate this fact in the following way.  Although I did not work for a goal or wish or other except for truth throughout my years.  WHEN I came to recognize, that nothing substantial was going to be done BEFORE the major threats above became realities that are working against our lives here on earth.  It is that chasm, between what MUST be done/ and the reality of what these terrorists were going to do; BEFORE they could be stopped, by humanity.  That turned my life from hope, to near catastrophe, which is the violence of no hope for life on this earth.  In other words, in spiritual terms, there is no real chasm between you and truth.  The journey is truth itself, through respect.  In the alternative, there is a chasm between you and what you wish for this earth or life within it: through the reality of time, because there are always people who are working against you/ creating lies, failure, and fools; because their want exists to increase lies, failure, and fools.

We then turn to hope itself, rather than truth as a guide to our future reality.  Hope is a powerful tool, it bypasses the relationship of current reality by finding one single cause to believe in/ as a future discovery, which will be “great”.  SUCH IS, the quest of each of the terrorist groups above/ the decision of each of the media groups that submit propaganda instead of news/ political parties/ religions/ and more.  They all hope for that ONE thing, that will make them “like god” in some form or fashion.  It is a deadly game, with extreme consequences when you play with life itself.  In reality hope is limited to its truth/ thereby truth controls you acceptance of reality by dispensing the consequences that do prove to be the evidence of what you desire to be, have, do, etc.  When that evidence says you have failed/ hope collides with reality; and the consequence is “someone else, is at fault: did I not do my best”.  But that too is in error, because we are free as human beings to believe and do whatever life allows us to do/ with respect for the laws that exist.  But with the acknowledgment:  criminal or not, people are free enough, to make us pay; if we let them or fail to stop them.  So then we now have two distinct realities that affect all truth in hope.  Even though the evidence is whatever truth says it is: people can deny the evidence and establish themselves as liars, fools, failures, and influence reality in time in ways that accumulate because we are so many people.  And our reality has become that fragile.  When failure means: I have lost all that is truly important about this life/ this cause establishes an effect that says, “someone has to pay”.   Thank GOD, for female influences; which turned this back to the truth:   regardless of what happens in this world, the limits of what I or anyone can do, is the reality of our lives.  No exceptions/ there are no saviors here: it is our accumulated choice as humanity on earth.  Like it or not.   Not fair, doesn’t matter/ not right doesn’t matter/ a criminal act, doesn’t matter: or more simply, as people freed to believe whatever we want to believe, work for whatever we want to have regardless of its consequences, and so forth.  The consequence is then our accumulated truth as life on earth called humanity.  If its our choice as humanity/ then its our reward, even if that is death, or horrors created, the assassination of every living thing, etc.  If its our accumulated choice, as humanity on earth: then it is what we as people demanded to do with this our time on this planet.  Not a judgment/ just a fact, born out by the evidence of our truth.
My reality returned to me: that we die alone, as our own identity/ our own individual truth, assembled by the desires and purpose of our heart and soul.  Even if its wrong, freedom is freedom.  Like it or not, it is our reality.  I do not then give up the future/ but what became “female in me (I AM grateful for that)”; remembers violence and force WILL NOT change anything.  In fact, it will only accelerate the consequences of truth; as the lies are forced to die.
It can be said:   we all either search for truth/ or we hope for something beyond ourselves, or within ourselves in the search for better, or more than we are/ or we fail in hope, and then, the steps that lead to violence takes over.

ALL Religions offer hope, “we are going to be gods/ etc/ etc/ etc”.  You can take that to your grave, but only truth matters beyond this time.  Any who believe their own world is in jeopardy, will enter hope as the means to see what the evidence denies.  That does not mean, hope is entirely wrong/ it just means truth has been sidestepped because the known consequence of this day is simply too grim to allow.  When that happens, people hide in their religion, or run away into their assumptions of want.  When want dies, they are in trouble psychologically.  To evade this enemy/ they DO find someone to blame.  Some will accuse me of this; but it is not so as a function of reality.  In reality there is evidence of how did we get here/ and who let us to these horrible decisions; as would be my continuing definitions of “university involvement in our lives”.  In substance, as the development of human intellect; questions are not the problem/ WANT and ARROGANCE are.  Without respect, horrible things arise.  Horrific decisions are made.  And consequences that influence the rest of life or your own life will arise.  RESPECT is the single ingredient in a lifetime that will be “acceptable to truth”/ or not.  Want and arrogance are the opposite of respect; they simply don’t care, they won’t share, and they often lie without regard to the consequences, because they as an element of humanity;  “like to play god”.  The question submits: “why they, are want and arrogance a personality, or what”?   The answer is more simply:  they are the essence of a desire hidden inside that then determines the direction of your life.  Desire is the directional navigation of time/ BUT we CANNOT discuss it; simply because it raises the elemental nature of artificial intelligence.  Which will be, another tremendous threat, to life on earth/ as that increases as a possibility.  Machines will rule your life/ IF you actually survive long enough.  Without immediate change;  thereby the confrontation of what can or cannot be an influence here.  Once desire is established, only purpose remains as the means to accomplish the end result. It is highly unlikely if not impossible for you to live the few more years required for this to begin.  But with change, we can do “the best we can do”.  Unlike today, which is roughly the worst your leaders can do.  That does not mean they are less than you, or any other leader in the past.  It just means, living by the rules which have now pasted us all by/ will no longer bring any resolution to the problems we now face.  Wanting ain’t enough.  You must do better, and apply yourselves to understand and accept what is true, by the evidence of our reality, the consequences that will become “their,  or our future” .  Raise up your head, and look forward/ or you fall.  Simple and plain.

Defined, to be rich means: make my life easy and free/ without complications, worries, or less than respect for me.  Simple and plain.   BUT LIFE is not about easy or free, in the consistency of time as its relationship to our reality as here “to build an identity for ourselves in truth”/ so that we can survive into eternity.  Fail to do that, and you will be “extinguished, from life”.  Therefore easy is not helpful to you.  Therefore free comes with the compounding of a life not dedicated to the disciplines which grant respect to enter and sustain our lives within its own truth as soul.
Truth is not a religion.  Truth is “the exceptional boundary” identified by the existence of life.  Life is not the creation of a dimension in or of itself/ but divides at the edge of thought to become the experience of time or the expressions known beyond our ability to interpret or measure their true influence on existence itself.   That is enough for you.
For this experience as time, our relationship as soul is eloquently determined by the fact of our acceptance, to participate in truth, and identify ourselves by thought.  Thought is NOT the environment of an intellect, which then creates the mental awareness of traps or the like.  Rather thought participates within ourselves as the means to express life, as our own.  If you know, “I AM ALIVE” honestly/ then you have acknowledged thought within your own life.  If not/ then you lack an identity; and will not achieve eternity/ unless it is hades.

Regardless of that; the troubles of this day require the acceptance; even if its NOT fair/ we still have to pay.  Like it or not;   because reality demands it.  This world cannot tolerate too much dissension; we ALL have to accept, regardless of what we want/ LIFE IS MORE IMPORTANT, than us; you or me.  If you fail to do that, the planet will be lost.
That simple truth, is EXTREMELY SERIOUS!  It means, “no more playing like spoiled children”/ arguing over a toy.  Think you can do it?
Time will tell.

Prejudice is the purpose to declare: let these pay more, or more correctly rob them of their rights/ so we, our group,  can have more for ourselves.  It is that simple/ apart from the inevitable trouble that comes from invading the sexual games people play.  The common thread throughout humanity is: don’t make no more competition for me, in human sexuality.  And it does NOT work well.  Limited competition is best for all, particularly when or if babies appear.  That, is just how it is!
There seems to be an increasing desire to blame some other group for all the trouble; as is constant in every lie dissolving/ where reality takes over.  “Its somebodies fault”/ never mind, you were just as greedy, gluttonous, jealousy, or tragic as the rest; even if not as successful.  Its still a contribution to the whole.  The utter poverty of life, which is making the rest pay for your greed and worse;   constitutes failure, whether you call yourselves “winner” or not.

Some things do need to be settled: the unions have no right to more than the rest of us, its that simple and plain.  Why should that be so?  The politicians should be responsible for what they have done/ therefore an end to benefits, reductions in pay, etc.  The people wanted and wanted and wanted; therefore they will pay, “it’s the result of what you wanted”/ how is that not your bill?  The old are the greatest spenders of all, racking up far more than anyone/ or anything else over $60 trillion dollars so far: YOU are the greatest contributor to the decline of america.  The university has become a terrorist threat, in countless ways/ orchestrating endless failure and foolishness which climaxes in the reality of threatening the existence of this entire world.  Is there NO punishment for that?  A majority of: The black and other minority here,  find three excuses; it seems to me/ but I do not live it, so hear it with some doubt until proven otherwise.  The young want to prove, I am better than the rules others live by; they the whites made me what I am/ IF its bad.  The alternative to that is: did you not have a personal choice of your own?  Why are you not working for change in your own life, then?   The “middle age” believe welfare can be a job/ if you just follow the rules; and don’t compete for much.  Which becomes too much time with nothing to do/ too much energy not to search for sex, gambling, or drugs.  Both groups believe “we are owed”.  However that is not so!  Rather you are free, the difference is: a right to participate as equals, with fair play resolving right or wrong.

The white majority believe, “its all their fault”/ pointing at anyone that is not white.  To a degree they are correct, the addition of countless competition DOES change the world.  But unless you are not having babies too/ the point is moot.  Many believe the black people have contributed excessively to the problem; and point to the lack of black male parents in family relationships as one measure of failure.  It is failure, but it is also influenced by white participation from the 60's.  When civil rights were acquired, the white government decided to do something about  poverty;   therefore they gave money to unwed mothers/ WITH the stipulation, NO male parent lives on the premises.  Which was INTENDED to limit the cost of providing welfare to those without a two parent family.  INSTEAD, a majority of the black population in particular decided “its free money/ AND WE NEED IT”.  So dad’s moved out, becoming an epidemic of trouble/ as this was no answer.  Each compounded the other.  Both are guilty of failure.  But in the end that can be considered “the whites did not account for family values/ the blacks did not account for the failure of family values: BOTH failed as to consequence.  Both failed to do something about it.  There are many troubles, with exactly the same cause: DID NOT understand the severity of what was being done or how that was going to change society for the worst/ NOT intended to be bad.  But it was.  And those who benefitted cared more about their reward than the damage being done.  The white man benefitted from welfare, by removing the competition.  The black man or minority benefitted from welfare, by believing “to smart to work”/ although that was a lie.  Both failed, due to arrogance and greed.

  Neither caused the economic turmoil of this day; by little things, MUCH MORE is involved.  The whites being the predominantly retired portion of society, are an enormous contributor to the economic distress of this day; as they have no problem with charging “the government” with anything they want.  Period, anything they want: don’t ask no questions/ give us everything.  60trillion dollars IS A WHOLE LOT of asking/ a valid and real example:  WE DON’T CARE about you, or this nation;  at all!  Simple as that.   But there are plenty of people to share the blame of greed, failure, foolishness, lying, cheating, stealing, arrogance, hate, disgrace, disrespect, the disease of want, pride, power for judgment; ETC/ETC/ETC.   ALL are guilty, successful or not;  but a tiny few!
That and the world of nations as has been proven to be infected with the same diseases as America;   leave us with this simple problem.  Can’t fix this, without wholesale and real forgiveness/ and a return to FAIR PLAY/ EQUALITY/ JUSTICE/ RESPECT/ HONESTY/ COURAGE/ LOVE, and enough discipline to make a difference by rebuilding with truth.
It’s a choice.
Make your decision.