Just talking


As we wait for trial to determine the level of criminal   conspiracy within the entire court system in this USA. The understanding aligned with an alienation of law, by the judicial employees of america is a very simple:   who can stop us, from playing god? 

The obvious answer is, “I cannot”/ only the law, and its enforcement by the people, and their alternate employees in judicial practice which are the police and lawyer contingent; actually determine if the law will be followed or not.  The obvious indictment: if they don’t want the consequences of obedience to the law, by the definitions of truth which will arise/ then LIES and anarchy, are all you have left.   All lies destroy something, and to date, it is your own nation nearly wrecked, nearing annihilation, and subject to a growing hatred that is at risk. If you don’t care/ then this work is ended, for all intents and purposes, because its entire design and purpose is to create the redress of grievances by the first amendment in the constitution:  thereby real and true Democracy in action.  If you don’t want that/ there is nothing more I can do.  “It’s a choice”.  Created for you, dedicated to the american ideal, chosen by its relationship with freedom, truth, dignity, and discipline.  But, If you choose anarchy and destruction/ then that is what you will get.  Simple as that. A fact generated by the evidence, not me.


As to Revelation 17 and its interpretation;   the functional reality of that prophecy is, that women must take over the leadership of this earth, from men. Men have led us to the door of extermination, by the evidence; and if the leadership is not truly different: they will cause your extinction.  If women succeed in being leaders/ then the previous curses spoken of in earlier Revelations from the reality of consequences caused by the leadership of men, does disappear.  However to actually do that, women must understand, the very nature and relationships of sex/ the foundations of male: to the reality of man, and how women do truly interact sexually.  That they may in fact learn to control with consistency and purpose, the sexual definitions and truth of their relationship with men. The reality of men is: once the sperm is removed/ their majority aggression and strength is gone too.  That leaves women with the opportunity to rule.  To learn how to do that, the prophecy says, “one will be used (woman on the beast)” to make this happen.  The critical learning is: how to take the sexual control from man/ and give it to women?  The reality governed by, what you can or cannot do to control a penis, regardless of the desires of man. When you can control them/ they will own a new respect for you!  I CANNOT teach you:   everything is “different”!  But I cannot stop you from using me either; and the spiritual woman who owns my life apparently has something to teach with this body.  I DON’T know/ sex or more correctly this body and mind is different. I have completely lost control over everything/ can’t even tell you what sex used to be like.  Everything is a mess sexually/ mixed up between male and female;   just really different and I cannot put it back together.  Pieces are missing somehow; “working breasts” I cannot escape.  Not a game, its my reality; can’t really explain it/ DIFFERENT. I guess really it is very much like some women have described marriage to a man: “he took over/ and I just have to tolerate what is left”.  Only a spiritual woman that began in me through Revelation 12 took over/ and I lost all rights to being male somehow; unless she lets me, a little once in awhile.  Really HARD to describe.

{If you cannot tell: I just don’t care what you think of me/ ain’t interested in your respect/ am aware this is something written I can never walk away from/ NOT the tiniest bit of perversion here; this is strictly between me and women/ and have no honest reality inside what on earth will happen next as to this dilemma in me. I don’t own me anymore.  Such a change, you cannot imagine.}

 BUT that is not all that will determine success.  Women MUST cradle themselves within the law as justice, equality, fair play and truth by the evidence of reality functionally demand this world shall be so.  If they do not, the men will organize themselves and women shall not be able to defend themselves.  With the law, they can control revenge, abuse, and criminal intent.  Without the law fully enforced as justice, men will gang together/ and the law become useless.  With justice, and all it demands; a new and different world shall come into view/ and life shall rejoice; thereby insuring the position of women as leaders of life here on earth. A world that men cannot accomplish/ thereby understanding will come, that it is women who made life better.

To accomplish the needs of an economy for a nation, the first and primary rule of reality and truth MUST be applied.  That money is NOT a form of payment by gold, paper, or any other currency generated as a tool of society.  Rather money is what we choose to give ourselves in trade for services rendered, or resources surrendered.  Money is not “a dollar bill”/ because that does nothing, until a human being accepts it as payment in exchange for the work or resource they will do.  It is the humanity, and natural resource that has value/   the measurement of a tool (as is currency), is merely the determination of what society wishes to give to itself. In america, that wish has been greed/ gluttony/ consumption/ want/ selfishness/ power/ and pride.  Congratulations, you got exactly what you wished for/ too bad, it will be the death of a nation unless you change very quickly!  Not a threat, just a fact. 

But as we all know, “the believers” will never accept reality, when faith in a system they have used for years is being attacked by truth.  Nonetheless, truth will win!  So then we have to ask:   what will the believers in america accept as truth, so that they can save themselves from complete destruction?  That is a hard question, because they have already turned down realities so extreme that it is impossible to believe in them.  Such as bringing the same fire as is on the earth will result in this earth becoming “just like the sun”/ can’t put it out, can’t control it, everything here is fuel.  But alas, the worshipers of satan (that which destroys worlds) hold on tight/ “can’t make me, an unbeliever”; and why not, the media propagate anything for money, pride, power, and control of the people.  Everyday a new round of fear, rather than purpose to seek truth, and work for justice in america.  Fear, because it gives control/ and the people then hide or run away: “tell me anything else”.    OR recreating the single most destructive event in the history of the universe right here on earth; “who the fuck cares/ leave me alone”.  OR mutilating in every conceivable way, the very fabric and design and dignity of life itself; just to play god.  No sir/ “believers to the end, where insanity becomes the measure of the very few who are not utterly destroyed of mind and body”/ don’t worry though, they will get their chance too. none will be left out.

So then, if the american public CANNOT believe in sanity or truth or discipline or respect or all the lies, cheating, stealing, etc of the past, even though they were told years ago.  The question remains:    How do words establish some type of sanity, between the various religious cults generated by the university and this people lost to absolute hypnotic stupidity?  It certainly is not the religions, whose job it is to keep the people in line.  Can’t uses the media, whose job it is to keep the people hypnotized.  Can’t appeal to common sense, because the vast majority are cowards, whose concern is:   “If I help/ then the others will pick on me”; and if we lose, they will make my life bad”.  I won’t go!   Did try poking the pride apart/ but arrogance here in america is absolute; “practically gods/ damn it, shut the fuck up”. The politicians don’t want to know. Tried kindness, being polite, and virtually every other approach.  But,  All things considered, the fact judges are nothing more than an average citizen then comes to understand;   its really not so much about the courtroom as this people themselves.  Because they are the nation, and if they wish: THEY WILL control the courtroom, and change this nation themselves.  It is a fact, a reality born in the truth:   WE ARE THE MONEY!  And nothing gets done without our work.  Consequently, a nation that quits taking the money in exchange for lies, becomes a nation that chooses for itself.  So then, it is at least plausible if the people understand the money they receive for their work/ particularly due to the economic stimulus package:   is losing value everyday!  That is a truth: they add more numbers to the economy everyday as debt.  A debt that cannot be paid is simply inflation/ it is not a debt unless it can be paid, and we simply cannot pay; its over!  Added to that is the simple truth: this government hopes to add 12 trillion more dollars to the numbers being used over the next four years.  But they won’t call it inflation, because debt sounds so much better; and they can then continue Lying.  Lying, or failing to confront the reality: in a nation of 50 million workers, divided by 12 trillion dollars, the new debts intended to be generated by your federal politicians equals a net increase in dollars bills of $240,000.00 two hundred and forty thousand more numbers per each worker in america.  Can’t pay it, so its not money/ its inflation, the lies used to pretend we don’t have to declare bankruptcy.  Inflation means: “empty pretentiousness, pomposity”; or more simply the employees who made you broke and cannot pay are increasing the numbers in currency, so that each number now represents a new reality/ and they can pay you with numbers instead of reality called “fair play”.  So IF,  you believe it is possible to get paid even though: “the very rich” are accumulating the entire nation: understand this.  Someone gets the $240,000.00 in “extra numbers” per each and every worker!  Is it you?  After the banks, the wealthy,  and a few others get these numbers, CAN YOU compete with them, at an auction to buy anything?  No, you cannot/ they will soon own everything. Think of it this way, currently 3 trillion dollars in new numbers have been added so far/ that is over “the average american income per worker” in america/ or more simply: there are now twice as many numbers in circulation/ BUT YOU don’t get any more. YOU must accept currency which in fact has half the value of what it did just one year ago.  And soon, when real inflation comes, your dollar will buy much less than half what it did today. The wealthy get all the numbers (did you get any)/ they get to buy every foreclosure possible; “handed more numbers every single day/ don’t have to do a damn thing, except take it”.  And like the Palestine nation, you will find yourselves evicted from your own property and nation.  They are a different issue/ but take a look and understand:   prior to this, had you asked them if Israel could come back/ NOT A SINGLE ONE, would have said yes.  They were wrong, but believers are hard to shake, aren’t they!  If you believe in what is true, there is never a moment when truth can be changed.  If however you believe in lies, then nothing can sustain you, regardless what comes; cowardice and carelessness arise, and if one thing doesn’t work, well then there are plenty more lies.

Even though this argument has been given many times; in a nation so utterly devoid of respect for anything but money and greed:   it is in fact the only real “hole in the dam” of believers, that WILL prove indefensible. The worship of money is even more prevalent than the worship of power, pride, destruction, lust, hate, and more. Money is your god, but proving power through pride is your faith.  Therein faith in “satan” will also falter and die/ causing truth to once again rise, and reality prove the consequences of a failure to change. Poverty, distress, disgrace, humiliation, ridicule, hate, because “the money is bad”.  You spent it all, like a drunken robber, who must get rid of the evidence/ that will convict him of something.

Satan, because you understand the word, “bad, destruction, death, and so on”/ it is not a religious expression to me.  Even so;  doesn’t mean a certain validity cannot exist.

It is useful and apparent, that some blame for the current economic reality should shift to where it belongs.  The consequence of major losses in manufacturing in this nation, was NOT really do to foreign competition nearly as much is it was do to wall street.  With your money, these devils (people who don’t care about anything called life, but themselves) chose to raid companies and industry for its property.  They then shut it down, and built residential housing in “location, location, location”; and sold it.  And the nation, its pension funds, and its unions all, LITERALLY RAN TO WALL STREET and said; “let me help you tear down manufacturing: JUST MAKE ME RICH/ I DON’T give a damn”!  And so you did.  But alas, when the possibilities of borrowing money in the amounts needed to keep the game running dried up/ you know, job loss, etc: the new game of how do we create absolute fraud began.  And of course among the first participants was found in “washington dc”; after all, it is impossible to run the very biggest scams without the help of regulators and government. “Just change the law”/ just stop regulating; and we are all going to be rich!  As all pyramid schemes go, IT DOES work for awhile/ but alas, a house of shit actually belongs in the sewer; and “so it goes/ flushed with your job as well”.  It should be noted: “the world” saw an opportunity/ and america found an opportunity to sell some machines to create competition against us/ but more importantly a new creditor to borrow from; a new set of slaves in the immigrants coming from abroad.  Let them work, we are “too good”.

 Bankruptcy is the only answer, prolong the lies a tiny bit too long; and you die. Because far more important things than money are threatening this entire earth.  Can’t happen?  Ever hear of deserts, created by man?  Ever here of pollution so bad, it cannot be touched anymore.  Ever here of diseases, or birth defects, or accidents so horrendous; that death is the only answer?  Ever here of being so insanely arrogant, you believe you can play god?  And so on. There is no answer but bankruptcy for this economy and this nation.  But if you are fair with each other and the world/ then you will survive and return to dignity, discipline, and order.  But in terms of every other threat you will face or deny:   IF YOU DON’T CHOOSE TRUTH, if you fail to accept reality and work for life first/ then there is nothing that can be done to save you from the extermination men have planned.  Can’t believe it?  Well take a look at all the weapons of mass destruction!  There are far too many around the world to be “a deterrent”/ which makes them all “obsolete”: but they are still here, waiting for one single moment which can be literally the end of this world in less than twenty minutes.  World law, IS THE ANSWER! World policing is the method, NOT attacking nations, BUT ENFORCING the law on leaders instead.


The question of hate is real.  The question of those in power utterly refusing to surrender their pride, is real.  The question of men who initially will absolutely refuse to even consider the leadership of women is very high.   The literal foundations of this human world (societies) men built, and its based upon games of money, abuse, and control have been intact for millennia, because some  men will kill for it.  Religious zealots need an enemy, or hate must die; “can’t have that”.  And who knows how many women are literally against any conception that makes them work, risk, or fail to use men for their own gain: I don’t know?  But I do know, “I have attacked them all/ where they live/ and at the source of their power and pride:   the very thing they hate more than anything or anyone alive.”  The question is then simply “when, and how”/ it is not if, or why; will they attack me? Plenty, answers the question called who.  It is possible, a moment or two might be dispensed, for my sake, for the simple truth:   without a world, there isn’t even hate/ just absolute criminal insanity and worse.  But I doubt it.

What I do know is: as this site becomes substantially known in its purpose, substance, and reality.  The number of people who will want me dead, by any or every means WILL grow daily.  In truth, I am ready to die (not a game/ I am), or if women come they can save me, or whatever it is, “that GOD” has in mind; will simply be/ based upon the decisions of women!              

Consequently unless, there is nothing of value here to humanity: and they simply don’t care/ which guarantees hell and Armageddon/ if not quicker means.   The future I never considered, doesn’t really exist.  Just talking, not actually complaining/ not really asking for assistance from women; its just a statement in reality.  Based upon the knowledge by observation;  of what hate, evil, violence, power, etc really are. My death is simply “another resource lost”/ but that is something I cannot stop, or change;   only women by the help of   GOD can do that; if they wish.  You have had opportunity to prepare, this is not a new thing.

I DO “wish you well”.  Although the language used is somewhat harsh from time to time:   because you are SO DEAF, “etc”! The reality is, I do wish it could be “a different way, simple and kind” but you don’t want it that way. Love is a blessing, but it is neither free, or without risk, or a relationship unless you accept the cost. Death is an absolute, only eternity really matters for any of us.                                                                                                                                          

This is then a simple conversation, dedicated to whatever I wish to talk about.

You need to learn how to talk to each other/ to listen to each other/ to care about each other honestly, and forget always being selfish or unkind.  That begins with an acceptance; loneliness is a harsh thing, the lack of a relationship becomes a foundation for all manner of failure.  Just a little friendship changes everything:  “Try it sometime, you might even like knowing something but pride about life.”  There is no lack of people who are lonely. Stop being so damn scared! Find your life back.

The difference between this day and the distant past is: in the past people needed each other, to help with everything from work to entertainment to religion or whatever.  Today, you buy a machine, a game, or tell the others “pay money or die/ what do I care”.  Shame on you, a competition with a damn pitiful box, without the slightest compensation; except for the fact, most no longer know how to communicate or trust/ or act around any other person.  Sold your world for air conditioning, and stupidity.

There are those who wish to take Christ, out of Christmas/ and while I accept the simple truth you can believe anything you want.  The alternate reality is: this particular belief contributed mightily to the America that was, for its people in the past.  Your nation on the other hand, did not do well for you/ OR YOU would not be here.   Consequently I suggest you create your own little existence somewhere separate/ and let what has built this nation continue as best it can.  They are dying anyway, and soon will be without a clue how to continue.  Let them die in peace; or return to life/ if they can find their soul back. [not me/ instead of faith, truth, or belief: “they have an education now”.  Don’t need no damn respect for GOD, its all about sales].  Either way, don’t like it;  build your own nation: or just plain go back home/ or where your own religion works for you.  Change without discipline, order, or respect does not exist; anything won against these is simply a lie that ends in destruction. As is plain in this america today; no discipline/ no respect/ no order of life first; nothing but greed, shame, and apathy;   “Aren’t you proud”?  HELL YEAH, got mine, you damn fool! Ain’t that right?


There is also the absolute insanity of believing you can alter the body or mind with drugs; and be better off. Legal or illegal, its thinking with your ass/ not your head.  The human body is a chemical factory, complete with “millions of chemical interactions” that fundamentally control your ability to live.  The body and mind have “living slaves inside” whose function is to create, destroy, separate, evacuate, protect, multiply, excavate, identify, alter, excecate, transport, grow, expand, translate, occupy, contract, combine, emulsify, homogenize, signal, repair, rebuild, lubricate, balance, discipline, define, order, encapsulate, enclose, porosity, size, capture, think, and a whole lot more.  And it does this all, with the methods and means of a chemical supremacy, that humanity will never understand as their own.  And you want to play games, doctor or not by adding chemicals “the old fashion way”:   shoved the damn shit down his throat, and he didn’t die/ “so its good”.  Or the new way, don’t know a damn thing, but we want to play god anyway;    Get out of our way!  Add to that the pharmaceutical propaganda and media blitz:   and today we have a nation that believes anything its told/ shoves billions of pills down its collective throat everyday; and ain’t got a clue if its killing you or not.   Get to be hero’s, when they tell you: “your going to be sick in ten years/ BUT if you take our snake oil, we guarantee: it won’t be as bad/ if you don’t die first”.  Ever think about how much money they are making on your fears?  Ever wonder, since we know people are greedy especially in this nation: “could it be, FOR THE MONEY”?  Why hell no, ALL doctors are just “practically god”;    Don’t we got to do whatever they say?   Medicine is a miracle in some aspects of hope and truth;  antibiotics which built your medical relationship this day; were a miracle.  Too bad the end result is a world so full of people we are about to kill everything on the planet.  But a wonderful success anyway/ except for that one little thing.  But alas, the antibiotics will not remain much longer/ the chemicals are not only causing massive body breakdowns in discipline and order/ the pollutants just from the pharmaceuticals are destroying massive aquatic life, with a major impact on a wide variety of things:   but we all know, “your much too smart, to believe the human body is better off without your mind or propaganda interfering”; after all, a lot of us wouldn’t be here without antibiotics, including me. A lot of us won’t be here much longer without them either.  But that’s ok/ cause feeding antibiotics everyday to trapped livestock saves a penny;   and GREED needs every damn one. Don’t you know: a king can’t rule, if he don’t own everything.  

Have you not noticed, due to evolution we can now all be described as “animals”/ or more specifically linked to rats, or mice, or monkeys or any other aspect of what is otherwise considered to be “livestock”.  Or more simply a prey creature, pet, or food.  Have you not noticed, the police consider any armed suspect, any potential armed suspect, any threat of any kind as nothing more than a predator to be killed: “I AIN’T taking NO chances/ he dies first/ not me”.  Can’t blame them, can you? After all, it can be too late in an instant.  But if we were not all “animals”/ then perhaps our lives could still be described as humans; “those capable of so much more, they do not compare in truth, with any animal or other species”. Ever notice how media intends to train you “like pavlov dogs”/ tempt them into submission with want. Or the many variations of religion, “hey, I want to be a winner too”.  Or perhaps its how government designates, “herd dogs” rather than justice, truth, fair play, or real equality.                              

  You want/ you want/ you want/ you don’t want; and truth has nothing to do with WANT;   just want it/ get out of my way.  One of the peculiarities of life has been, people just plain want it, and that’s all there is too it.  In the past, I have practically beat people up/ trying to make them understand, what they have in mind is going to turn out badly.  And for a second or two, they might accept the reality, agree with the argument, understand the message given to them about true consequences/ but they always turn around and do it anyway.  Then comes the constant:    HELL, YOU should have made me stop/ YOU should have made me quit/ YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE.  When in fact, the only way to have stopped them would have been to shoot them with a gun; and that probably would have just delayed the inevitable.

The question is, WHY?  Why does want exist at such a level inside the common human brain, that no comprehension of truth can survive long?  Why are people willing to risk their lives, their future, their opportunities, and everything else; “for trash, pomp, pride, lust, or greed”?  Why?

The answer is:   because the fight for freedom/ to prove I can decide for my own life, is a critical reality of need.  When the decision has been made, prior to learning about any other possibility that might surface/ it is a surrender of your own basic will to succeed: to stop, listen, or chose differently.  Don’t want to know nothing else, because “I have struggled with this/ and made up my mind”.  Right or wrong, this is my decision, the evidence of “my humanity”. Of course after it goes bad/ then its “your bad choice/ is now my decision” for not “making you stop”. Dumbass.

Want does that, never truth!  Because truth isolates the base foundations of right or wrong at its beginning, thereby learning from both sides, that the complex association of critical relationships assemble a basic path unto the conclusion that truth itself suggests.  Or more simply, want has nothing to do with truth/ truth has nothing to do with your decision in reality as with wisdom: RATHER truth itself, decides by the evidence, and we as humanity choose by allowing wisdom to make the decision for us. In that way, we are not right or wrong, but participants in truth, and the passage between the definitions which accept a journey will be completed, when we can understand the destiny created by this truth. We step into the path of eternity, when we know, that wisdom will teach us the essence of life itself.  Truth is an existence in fact/ every truth that can be conceived of as reality, cannot be changed. Instead, where there are living truths, such as humanity; the possibility of change can restructure and rebuild a living truth upon foundations that can survive; regardless what comes.  The expression of truth is a simple one, “I am, what I am”. The relationship we share with truth is also a simple one: either we accept this truth/ or we do not.  Its not a game, either yes or no.


Of the many terrible consequences of “university control”, at least one of the worst (there are so many), is instead of individuals, we have been reduced to “lab, or more correctly field experiments”.  Instead of being treated as individuals, massive amounts of data have been, are being collected for the simple purpose of deciding how to control you, with the words you hear/ the things you want/ or the fear that can be generated in your mind.  Do you really think this cannot turn out badly for humanity?  Really, learning how to tempt, manipulate, control, and lead you “to the slaughter house”/ isn’t a bad thing.  Works, do you not see all the people in desperate financial straits.  They DIDN’T get there by themselves: THEY HAD HELP, in this land of “ten thousand traps”. It is impossible for me to believe any other society could have built such a massive disgrace of lies, cheating, stealing, misinformation, temptations, and all the rest throughout history.  Congratulations, “you’re the best”.

We need to turn away from those who attempt to control us, and find ourselves in the individuality of who we are.  NOT “players of games”/ but real life existence, with real life hopes, needs, honesty, truth, and miracles of body, mind, and soul. Unimaginable numbers of people are being left out of society, left out of relationships, left out of everything valued or valuable as family, friend, or even acquaintance:   all because media in all its various forms works continually to create fear, rather than compassion or purpose or friend. They do it, because it is then easy to talk about in society/ NOT because it should be, but because in this land of ten thousand traps, WE ALL run across the damn fool, who worships greed every day, in some form or fashion.  Greed is the intent of power, pride, and selfishness by whatever means are necessary.  Kill him, maim him, sacrifice them, abuse her, violate anything with disrespect;  turn society to hate/ and then these have cause, “to destroy you”; cause you are worthless.  Once through that gate, slaughter, cannibalism, murder for sport, or any other form of violence suddenly becomes; “we have a right/ cause your worthless to me”.

As a society, and possibly world, you have built a legacy of loneliness.  An endless sea of people who are not happy inside, because real friendship does not exist.  A part of why people are “addicted to cell phones” is their own desperate need to “feel attached” to someone.  Can’t do it in person, because the competition with media entertainment, the expert, the liars, the greed, the want and selfishness; etc/ etc/ etc are simply taking over so many lives.  You can be “a player”/ so I can be a winner!  But beyond that, “relationships are a little bit of work and time and effort”/ and this world or more correctly this society is just too damn lazy;   to pitifully gluttonous;   to believe a friend has value (unless your pretty or rich; I CAN USE YOU).   Which of course leaves them without friends, and hate multiplies.  Not you?  Are you sure?  When was the last time you actually made a real friend/ someone who does love you for the life you are?  Be truthful for once in your life/ try it, who knows it might become addictive; “just being yourself”.

For the lonely, it is unfortunately true, nothing really compares with an honest and real friend/ but that does not mean sadness, just a little more work.  Contrary to the assertion “working for charity will make you happy”/ it does not.  Rather choosing to give something back to   GOD   for your life, understands there is honestly a relationship inside, with the life you are as body and mind.  This has value/ beyond all imagination.  As to working in any capacity for those less fortunate than you/ does or should remind you, to be thankful for what you do have, rather than what you lack.  The essence of life is found in love.  Therefore if you love, life is exhibited by you/ and those whom you meet will know, if they care enough to try.  You CANNOT make someone love you/ it is a gift; that means, “entirely their decision”:   just as it is yours to love or not.  Always remember, heart and soul are not measured by looks, color, size, age, or any other human description.  Rather heart is the essence of a relationship with life that is balanced, fair, disciplined, true, and governed with the purpose and desire called care.  While soul, is the recreation of   GOD   in our lives, by the value we have assembled inside, with which we share our existence, our love, and everything life can be.  GOD is a friend, to all who desire it with their heart and soul.  Believe it or not/ HE IS “the life inside of you”. A greater companion and friend, you will never know. The spiritual world examines truth, because truth defines eternity.  Choose to be true.


In this world, there will always be those who choose to “make believe, friend”/ because that is how they steal.  Not exactly malicious, but not friend, because the real value they choose to care about from your life, is not you/ but what you possess.  Whether that is looks, or money, or some type of ability, or access, a trophy (many times sex),  or whatever it is;   it’s a game of “hide and seek”.  When they find “the treasure”, commonly they leave.  If you fail to give them what they want/ or they feel, “you have taken too much from my life”: the game turns to abuse.   Even if, you had no option or input or opportunity to be heard when they made their decision to demand “you would or could be theirs/ you, didn’t matter: they chose/ and now its your fault”.  The functional literacy of understanding this comes down to:   NEVER put anyone but   GOD    FIRST .  That means, allow the spirit of your own truth as an individual life, to decide what can be taken from you.  Protect with    GOD FIRST always, the innermost purity of love that your soul creates/ and share the rest in like portion to those who give of their love to you.  Be first to love, “you can afford it”/ but do not be frivolous with love, because it is literally a gift; and that means something of you leaves with that gift. Even if you want more/ it is not fair, unless they honorable give that love to you, at their time, and in their way.  Loneliness helps everyone who loves, because it is loneliness that drives people to give of themselves a “little more”; opening the door to possibilities and passions that exceed simple decisions. Love inside, IS LITERALLY what drives loneliness away.  Choose to love, choose to believe in miracles.  And understand life means, “even if it is a plant”/ we do have a literal connection; an honest participation with life itself.  Life is not a body or mind, it is the creation of truth, through the possibilities of energy.  Energy exists in thought as well as body; life is a far more complex reality than any university or religion will teach you.