The letter to any and all who have assisted in this work

Over the last month or two, I have changed the level and purpose of this site from “entertainment and the possibility of consequences which grant conversation”/ to the probability that these threats are real, and today the foundation of anyone reading requires:   make your decision.  That has been established by the fact readership has dropped off: which simply means, “you got the message”.
Therefrom the impasse is now in place, the message fully transposed into a consequence that cannot be ignored.  Much like a doctor telling you that “cancer has been found”.  The majority run away and hide initially, either in fear or foreboding/ but will return in the not so distant future, because they do believe their lives are at stake.  The same is true here as well, but not because I say so, or because you believe: it is the evidence that must decide.  Because the game is intentionally over. The opportunity to participate for free, is no more.  You must decide; “life or death” for a planet.  That is, the elemental foundation of what all the threats we face do mean.
Not free,  is true for judges, lawyers, clerks, and all the rest the very same as well;   not a game anymore.  Not free for any religion either;   time creates the reality of evidence/ this is a demand to investigate for yourselves and find the truth.  The division between right and wrong, establishes who and what you are, in terms of life; “it’s a choice”.  The consequence of threats that are elementally, “the potential end of this world”: defines, and establishes, the critical truth of your own life.  This is, who you are; no one is excused.

We have lived a reprieve, “thanks be to GOD” believe it or not.  But that fact will not last forever, or much longer; and your own choices, shall decide if the world lives or dies. Reality is not a religious belief:   it is the truth of our situation in this time.  Regardless what you think of me, the truth identifiable in threats that can exterminate our lives, our planet, or even mutilate all nature:   determines the outcome of your own choice/ I do not.  It is your decision that allows these gamblers/ mutilators/ “satan’s” to continue. This is your choice, this is your moment in time, to either stand up for life, or let it die.  You are NOT asked to believe in me/ NOT asked to obey or let me lead, or provide me with any reward, or anything else.  YOU ARE ASKED, to investigate the reality of these threats that can destroy us, and stop the madness;  by having proven to yourselves, this is real, therefore necessary; want too, or not.  Another decision that I cannot make for you.  Its your choice/ I am irrelevant;   life for the planet, is strictly your choice.  Clearly, and without doubt, I cannot save you/ or even pray for you in reality; “not my job”.  Its yours!  Live or die however is, the true outcome as a planet/ because of all your threats.  Established by men/ but women did play a part, even if they were silent.  Is life not worth fighting for?

You are asked to recognize, what has brought us here; to the extreme reality of these decisions:   MUST BE CHANGED, forever.  There is no other way.  That fact, causes men to be angry/ that fact causes many women to fear.  Power to turn violent/ and pride to refuse or run away.  But this is not a game, and life requires A COMMITMENT that will sustain our existence/ rather than abandon life itself, to its own human tragedy; as man already chose.  There is no avoiding the truth, that we must change this society/ this humanity on earth to survive.  There is no avoiding the truth, that we must have “different leadership” regardless of the outcome/ WE MUST HAVE DIFFERENT LEADERSHIP.  And there is no option other than women to make that possible; like it or not.  Just how it is.  TOO MANY, Men love the games they have played throughout history.  Life must come first/ not money/ not trophies/ not competition:   LIFE MUST COME FIRST, and what it needs, as a planet to survive.  Or we die with it.  As 7 billion people, roughly one person per acre of green earth:   “Time is no longer a game we can play/ time is life or death to the planet, dependent upon your choice.  Consider the truth:   oxygen comes from every green leaf:   people build fires everyday requiring oxygen, just like us; all year long; and cut down every green leaf regardless of this truth, or respect for our own lives or planet.  We consume more oxygen than this planet produces.  That can be proven as fact.  “I want/ I want/ I want” must die; to be replaced with, we need this to survive.  It’s a choice/ but not for much longer.  We grow at 2 million more mouths to feed each and every single week.  Its not a game.  Mutilating plants, all life;   IS NOT AN ANSWER/ it is “death in the pot”.

Nonetheless, I have been told numerous times “DON’T lecture me”/ even if its not a lecture, but simply necessary facts.  So I will quit.  But I do offer you this.

Some question me “are you jesus” (hoping only to find me saying yes so they can then accuse me as “a horrible liar/ and false prophet”; or whatever else they have in mind).   I AM NOT,   “Jesus”/ as anyone with a clear mind would know.  Plain and simple, that is not what this is about/ I am however a messenger delivering the truth, that threats so extreme an entire planet will die DO exist:   and you must change that truth or you will die.  Its not a hard concept.
There does however seem to be one single correlation with the past, Jesus does represent:    The people want/ the people fear/ the people hide and run away: but the money (behind closed doors) controls them, regardless of the truth, or true value to life or the living.  You value your lives, more than you value life itself, or planet.  Nobody lives without nature, planet, environment, ecology, etc;  including you.  Meaning Money is useless, in a reality of death.  Which means your fears are baseless; save the planet/ save life on earth, and everything it needs to survive;   or there is absolutely no need to fear for your own life/ it is lost.
In JESUS day, there was a seed he planted, that people did learn to emulate and love slowly/ eventually changing the world, to a very large degree.
Today, you DON’T have that kind of time;   this message is an immediate need.  This reality is NOT learn what love means, and apply it to your lives.  This reality is learn how greatly you have fallen from truth, life, value, love, hope, or anything of real value;    and resurrect your own lives/ or you will soon die.  Mercy is over/ you must grow up.  This world has changed, we are so many people/ nature can no longer defeat us.  We have attacked, and will soon destroy the final ties that keep nature itself alive;   because it is not so simple as you imagine/ or your priests in the university describe.  Find your heart and soul/ or lose an entire world.   “Its your choice”.

Jesus brought to you mercy, the consideration or potential that eternity exists, and will be kind to those who accept its price:   “Respect/ truth/ the value of love; much more”.  He was an example of that.
I bring you the end of mercy, even the end of time; because of the threats you as men who lead this world did create.   Unless you accept the work that must be done in order to survive, remove these threats, and sustain nature without “playing god”.   Fail, & The reality life on earth will end!  Because of these decisions men and university chose to exterminate life with: unless you change/ that decision is final, it will occur.
Because of the severity of that truth, “I Do” consider this a message from “GOD”.  NOT because of anything other than this simple reality.   This message is then,  about a decision that you must make/ which will determine if GOD’S   CREATION   survives.  Its your choice/ because you demanded your freedom to choose, and have subsequently chosen extinction.  By the threats you did cause to appear.  Consequently “last chance”.
I am an example of determination, but that is about all;   it is mixed with love, because without love there is no need to care.  It is mixed with life:   because life is worthless when there is nothing left but “rocks, or fire”.        Not, what I would fight for!  Lots of failure, lots of stupid, lots of why me;   no “savior” in me.  Just a messenger, the job is done.  Its your choice now.

 Wait too long/ talk too much/ value too little the life that exists; and the point of no return shall pass; ending in your death.  The reality of choice will end/ death will come for every living thing; unless there is change.  Prove the evidence is wrong/ I say, “it cannot be done”.  So says the evidence of YOUR threats against this planet, you,  and all its life.  Your choice is ending/   make your decision.  That too is, “ a little bit like JESUS day”/ one day the people were happy, the next “hate won”.  The difference, time will neither teach or heal you this time.  These are your threats, nature/ planet/ environment/ etc will only die once.  Too late, is simply too late; as was proven to all those who did value   JESUS called the CHRIST.    Make your decision.

A final statement:   JESUS “participated” with 7 women in his tent every night (so the bible says/ do check), surrounded by disciples so none could disturb.  He chose and controlled that without doubt, as did they choose as well. I would assert “all male”/ by strength, courage, etc.

 I on the other hand have resorted to participating within a spiritually female environment, I had no answer as male, for how you might survive; men will return to their games; as history proves.  I just couldn’t conceive of “women in charge, or as an answer”/ until reading Revelation 12, “ the result; it was how could this possibly affect me/ better prepare a little” (it’s a long story, written on these sites).   Regardless:  The price of searching for an answer in “spiritual female”.   She controls, &  now has taken over control of my life, “every day a little more female in me”/ its just becoming overwhelming now.  Can’t get out, don’t understand female enough, lost control; change has come/ not a choice. DIFFERENT, not kidding/ not a game/ not a temptation for men or women!  Just how it is.  Not “horrible”/ just really different/ strange.

        NOT the same at all. Not critically, not definitively, not without the slightest doubt.  But that does come with one caveat “I would not be here, no message would or could have been delivered had it not been for the influence or reality that JESUS applied to my life, over all these years.”

That is not the same; that is a complete dependency, or the facts would be different today.  I personally see no correlation of any kind; other than the fact we both delivered a message about life.  He provided lessons that changed a world, through his own example.  I am telling you, to change yourselves or lose a world; and know I am irrelevant, as an example.
How many others, work for the same (LIFE on earth)/ surely I  not alone; CAN’T “save you”.  Do you work?
Don’t know how it ends/ or what comes next; not my decision/ not my job.  Plain and simple as that.
The conversation is over.

  What will be, is your decision.  I DO, strongly recommend, that you DO NOT believe: rather search for the truth, and let reality/ honesty/ and courage decide.  Let women lead, we must have different, to survive.  That is not a choice/ we must have different, or we die.  Search and prove, this is not true, by the elements of knowledge/ understanding/ and wisdom as assigned by truth.  The indisputable relationship between life and its need.  Don’t “play”.

I pray for “a happy ending” to all this trouble, all this lack of respect for life, everything.  But in truth it is women that will decide the fate of life on earth.  Men have already decided to exterminate us/ it is women that must save “creation”.  NOT because they are better/ because they are different, and consequently will choose differently.  It is, “their turn to decide”/ their lives matter just as much as men: EQUAL IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE WAY.  Is that not fair?

I believe, “   GOD   WILL intervene as is necessary”/ if women do in fact commit to fighting for life must come first; nothing less will do.  That is my true belief, established by the spiritual woman inside:   essentially the only belief I have.   A belief, because I cannot prove this one to you.   Everything else I support as necessary to understand:   is decided by faith (the acceptance heart and soul declare, as true; thereby living accordingly), or truth (the essence of what cannot be denied/ the real evidence which cannot be duplicated or denied by assumption/ theory/ or lies), in this reality called our time.  Everything worth fighting for, is decided by truth and love.  Love is not want, love is the blessing of shared existence because I care what happens to you, and you care what happens to me.  It is truly not much more complicated than that/ respect decides/ discipline controls/ the decision about what life must be, in this time and this creation determines who can honestly stay.  It is important for you to understand, in terms of love; for example,  I was married once; but the price was high.  Determined to make a difference in all the threats that we faced forty years ago, I was not interested in marriage; the woman I married was just as determined that I should not get away.  She changed, making decisions she would regret/ I changed because she demanded to “get what she paid for”.  The end result, both of us sad and distraught.  If you change someone, it must be for something they do accept/ even if they don’t want it.  Because that is the price.  Or you will both fail/ and have to rebuild.  Disciplines decide the future/ but unless you both choose the same destiny, there must be a parting of your ways.  Doesn’t mean you can’t live together, it just means the journey called life will be different for each one.  It’s a choice, dependent upon your heart.  The heart is defined by;   a discovery inside, called friendship.  Friendship is the essence of elementally caring about life surrounded by soul:   the decision to participate as a miracle of life.