Not really a blog, instead, the consequence of everything to do “with female spirituality” and me; as has been written.   Is just something that needs to be refined or adjusted; “or something”.    its complicated!
This is, about women and me/ men are irrelevant to the words, dis-associated from the life, devoid of influence apart from the possibilities called hate.  NOT about sex/ NOT about personal “gender issues”.  This is about the absolute insistence, that I MUST learn about what the life called woman means/ how that is influenced (in their descriptions) by men, sex, etc.  What must be done to establish respect and fair play through equality.  And so on.  I do NOT know why me, its just the price/ for an answer; to how can we survive as a world: that I desperately needed some 5 or so years ago. 
This started, believe it or not: with reading Revelation 12 from the bible.  NOT for religious reasons, but because I was out of answers for life as male, I read it for the prophecy with regard to the question is this “the end of this world”!  There is a more detailed description/ but you have to look for it among the sites.  There is a running discussion, of the experience; in several sites, including this one.  Not interested, don’t read further! 
It extends down, by dates: edit or find “date”.

Perhaps the only thing that it is necessary to know or remember in this is, that throughout this period everything associated “with the life in me” has remained constant/ same/ at peace/ established by love/ and without regard to the simple things of time.”  THAT CANNOT be said, of everything related to living in this life as time, in the creation of body and mind.  If you want detail search/ because the purpose here is NOT to entertain, but educate on the basic principles that must be known for you and life to survive.  This is just “extra”/ an enormous surprise to me.  I am not, going to attempt to teach you of intricate spiritual realities or definitions/ this is just required; there were NO negotiations, opening the door, began a fight for control/ I lost.  Simple as that.   A part of that price, the search for an answer, “male just couldn’t find”; is no choice for me. I don’t know why not, I just couldn’t do it an answer, men do not have an answer/ they will return to “ their history”.  Consequently it is honestly;   more than “a fair price”.   I am doing the best I can.

 This is NOT, “he wants to be special/ not, he is controlled by evil spirits/ not, he is out of his mind/ not trying to get women to love him, or hate him or whatever you might think or be told it is/ not for sex/ or any psychological babble, by the endless line of “expert fools” that live in this world today.  This is just my reality; simple as that.  It is not complex in its creation or conception: I simply “opened a door”/ and became trapped by what that truth applied to me; or if you prefer, lost the fight “to do things my way only”.  I literally do “have to share” the decisions that are applied here.  Reality has proven without a doubt: “thank goodness, for the intervention”/ because without it, I guarantee, this entire work;   would have went “a different way”.  The truth here, “male and female are married together”/ but as is the relationship I now share, everything is the opposite of common expectation.  “The spiritual woman” rules the end result; its complicated.  Truth like law, does have consequences.  Keep it simple, or you will get lost.  That, is bad for you!  Just so you know, “I am NOT” some kind of alien, etc.  Searching diligently, demanding truth, respect from my life, and clarity; endless cleaning of the mind and spirit: I learned or was allowed access to spiritual realities that have ended here.  Time decides, I cannot; the reality is, what it is. 


Date:   January 20, 2011

 What is simple and plain is, that I am now introduced to the concept and potential reality, “that I cannot tell women no”/ or more critically, although I can say no; they have inherited the right to treat me as men have treated women instead.  My safety or respect or body more conclusively their decision than mine, by the consequence called power.  NOT happy with that:   My immediate response was “stop this, I have rights too”/ but that is proven to be completely irrelevant.  In a world of over 3 billion females, the whole potential problem is “mind boggling”; but I am reminded, “true for women too”.   Just doesn’t make me feel any better about the situation at hand; but honestly, “it’s a bad feeling”.  Still, not fear/ can’t explain it; just life, got to live it/ not a choice.  Hard to comprehend, honestly. 

The change is hard to imagine.  The reality is, I have now spent too many years typing, and turned soft.  The truth is, I just have to endure.  Everything has or is changing, good/ bad/ or indifferent.  Its not a choice, which makes it a form of slavery/ but the slavery is entirely designed to demand: you WILL learn, what women endure, what they need, how to be equal.   And I honestly don’t know what else.  I do however know, the spiritual world DOES NOT teach by “words or theories”; it gives you reality, live or die.
I feel like I have been moved to an alternate planet, completely abandoned, no chance to escape/ same life, but everything is different.  I feel like everything male has been removed like old clothes, throw to the side, and someone ran away with them; or destroyed them, or something.  I just can’t find them back; you can’t imagine. Everyday since it began, a little more female has “come inside”: I just can’t stop it.   NOT for the consequences like people who are struggling just to survive, “as in drag queens”/ there is no perversion.   But as the beginning to be overwhelming change, women have changed places with me, I have to live their life, and they have inherited mine instead.  The opposite of everything, is now in charge.  It DOES seem so unfair/ but no one “in charge” is listening to me.  I don’t know how it all turns out or what will be “the middle”. 

Unfortunately however, I do know: that all these words are like an invitation to men, particularly those who abuse and hate/ to come ridicule/ disrespect/ and disgrace me.  I do know, that confronting power, pride, selfishness, hate, etc;   as is the purpose of this entire work is an invitation for violence and revenge against me.  Is a reality of “this is our enemy”/ so as to organize and support a cause to unite as hate, and demand death, after torture.  Its not a guess, are these not constants in history and life?  Only women decide.  Men can help women/ but not me directly.  It is part of the price.   Choose, but remember too late is too late.  And I do not say that as a temptation to take over my life, sex, or whatever:   its just reality.  Would you ask who knows how many men to protect you/ as a single woman?  I have NO CLUE, how this turns out/ but the possibilities are not, “all friendly”.  To keep me alive, will require more than a few.  Make your decision.  But understand, until or unless the critical communication that initiates the true possibility power, pride, hate, etc:    CAN LOSE their grip on this world.  The probability of violence against me is less than 50% for now.  It just depends on “who knows” at this point. 
Did you ever have your life just “slip away”/ what is left, isn’t yours anymore.  My life has changed so much, I can’t find a better plan.  Even if I did, the spiritual woman has other plans.
Remember this, “you don’t need me to survive”/ I can simply help; but that is all.  I do also remind you of this: your leaders brought you here, to the edge of extinction/ and you followed them, or let them do it.  That ain’t a temptation/ its just a fact, a distinct undeniable reality.


Date: January 21, 2011

There is a difference today, my mind has accepted the idea of female and me, or as me; I simply do believe I can be happy, and have hope for this new direction in life.  I know that I can be ok, life is still exactly the same/ its just mind, “body parts”, and the external world that is different.  I regard the body as simply ugly; sex is not a participant in my life for more than twenty years so its not a factor.  Strange, but no longer completely unfamiliar.  In spiritual terms, I am given now a book to learn “how to live”/ its huge, going to take at least a year.  Yes, I know:   you can make life miserable for me/ yes, I do know how vulnerable I am/ etc/ etc/ etc.

 I will offer instead,    GOD     CREATOR OF LIFE ON EARTH,     Can do anything HE DESIRES, except cause you to love; it’s a personal decision.
I do believe, some type or consequence of value does or will exist in this, and choose to accept change. You may not wish to say “thank you” to    GOD    For life and body, mind, etc/ but I do.  That is my honest desire.  My actual reality however, is I am completely overrun, by spiritual female; I don’t get to decide, I get to live the reality of her decision for me.  “Its complicated”.

  Some things are not obvious in the beginning; it is like the evidence of my teeth; there is no clearer example for you to understand:   that although you may believe nothing is happening with your poisons and mutilations, destruction, etc: OVER TIME, the consequences are “very unfortunate/ or worse”. Or its like the common chemical example of farmer attitude in the sixties and seventies, “I stuck my hand right in it/ and I didn’t die”; so its nothing to worry about!    Although bad teeth as a consequence for me; created the example or instruction this does matter.  The cost, is still worth the price if you learned, and make a different choice.   I can’t tell you if “issues of female” will become an example of your hate (used against me), a lesson for your love (we did well together), or simply ignored, ridiculed endlessly or whatever ( you still just don’t care) .  That is not, my decision to make.  The change is inside of me, rather than outside.  Men are irrelevant apart from the damage they could do, to my life/ or the possibility of work, either peacefully or not.   This is not perversion; not about costumes or accessories; not about sex; not a like or dislike for male or female; not an illusion.  Its just life, from a different or opposite view, a different way of living in the sense of understanding an alternate side of life better.  It is simply necessary as a purpose, to help you survive this time. Because men did bring us to the edge of extinction/ and there is no other way to survive, than to let women lead.  History proves what men will or will not do/ and it repeats continually, because it is the men who do not change. 
I do not lead, but I can help women.  YOU MUST DECIDE for yourselves if this is important to you, because no matter what you choose/ YOU WILL live the result.  There is no going back.  Dead is dead, the end of time.

Dated: 2/2/11 There are questions today; specifically what is the distance, between time and the truth of recognition/ the critical reality discovered within thought, by the challenge of who we are/ who I am going to be? Destiny is created by this question, as I learn to rebuild a new journey, from things I don’t recognize. Different today. The answer is, I don’t have a clue/ everything has changed. What has not changed is the truth, before any journey can be realized, it must be identified by the existence of what is true, by the definitions of desire, purpose, hope, and a decision called life. Each of these must be answered, prior to a destiny recognized, a journey begun. The question of desire remains: LIFE on this planet must NOT die, the price of doing whatever must be done remains the same, determined to help; no excuses. Nothing has changed here. The reality of purpose is an understanding, based upon the knowledge of what happens if the critical mass of choice and reality fail to meet where truth allows for survival and hope. The discipline to remain steadfast to the purpose of life, the relationships necessary to survive and be happy within that life. nothing has changed here. Hope however is completely undistinguishable, as to the ingredients of an individual life. A life turned “upside down”; still no clue how to be something I have never been? My whole internal relationship with women, cannot be more “out of control”. My own choices have become less important than the choices which can control me from female sources. Thereby my own identity is revealed only when I can get beyond the influence of others, to become myself, instead of what someone else could or does make of me. This IS a big problem, in comprehending the possibility of my own future or destiny. Everything changed completely! You can’t imagine. No clue. The decision of life, is to survive and participate as best you can. I can do that/ until the day no purpose or desire in love continues to exist. Simple as that. No reason to stay, if love does not exist here, and in me. Nothing has changed here. The distinction of these compilations, is then to find a way, “to hope, that female is what I can truly be”. You cannot possibly understand, how completely different that concept is. So many critical changes left to make, body, mind, spirit, soul! It’s a long list. But can’t go back either/ what was male, even the possibility of “boy”; just doesn’t exist anymore. I feel caught, in the middle, but clearly on the side of women/ female. Isolated completely. Not a decision/ just a fact of life. My future is absolutely not a relationship with male/ even though I was happy personally: apart from all the DAMN corruption/ contamination/ mutilation/ extermination/ destruction, without cause/ poisoning/ GAMBLING with all life on earth/ failure/ foolishness/ stupidity through an arrogance so damn pathetic, the shitheads actually think “they can play god”: etc/ etc/ etc! Male was otherwise, “all good”/ apart from women who seemed to believe (by the tears), that “I was killing them, by leaving”; to continue on with this work you see today. Anyway life has changed, good or bad is yet to be seen. Life is “a surprise”; the spiritual world however is all truth. Every possibility is blocked, I do; live in a female spiritual world. Trapped forever, or change it’s a choice. Perhaps, as it is plainly seen above, with even a glimpse back to male; it will be better. Anything is possible “right”?

Dated: 2/ 4/ 11

The question comes, why tell you anything?  The answer is, that having elaborated this far, to leave it alone invites those who WILL make up whatever fantasy they choose, if I do not.

The elemental fabric of my life, “the critical bindings:  between life, purpose, desire, and hope”.  Fundamentally make me aware, that I have no life left within the auspices of male.  If you look at the previous date above, that reality became absolutely clear in the foundation of anger which still broils; because of the truth, as ALL life on earth we stand on the very edge of complete disaster and worse.  What is man in me, has lost his ability to forgive you for that; at least at this time or in the foreseeable future.  Because it absolutely DID NOT have to be;   YOUR arrogance, want, pride, power; etc refused to choose life first over these past decades when a better decision could have been made.  Nonetheless, that age is over/ the end result is; not only did you choose badly for yourselves/ but proved an intent to assassinate your children as well.  Shame on you, is enough for “the female in me”/ because she knows that there is a limit to what “I can do”; and it does not include violence, confrontation beyond a legal means, or the reliance on strength and determination in the face of others.  What is male, apparently still envisions war/ as confrontation that cannot be dismissed.  That is no longer me, no longer my purpose or desire; thanks to female intervention that could be said “to have saved me from these things”.  Fighting with men is pointless, it always leads to violence, revenge, and war with mutilation and murder.  THAT IS A; “ critical step beyond true confrontation”: the need to make you understand, and hold you bound by whatever means necessary; until we both know YOU DO understand/ and literally make this decision, OF LIFE OR DEATH, for yourselves/ and your children.
So then, we have the elemental means, to achieve an understanding of what it takes to push my life beyond the boundaries of male; to ask female:   WHAT would you do! The disciplines necessary to understand what is spiritual all begin in truth.  Take a look at where you have been led, and know your own journey’s for all but the tiniest few, have not even begun.  There is no purpose in greater explanations/ you cannot understand.  That is not arrogance, or lack of respect, or devaluing you; it is just a plain fact, that instead of working on your own lives, the vast majority chose want/ and have been competing to see who can get or steal the most trophies.  I did not compete; most “laughed at me/ found the means to ridicule/ or other”.  Just as you do with all others, to make yourselves greater than you are.  I am simply a worker, for life/ not trophies or want: that alone,  made us different.  Today, there is more.

The reflection of a life established by both male and female parts (breasts, that are absolutely not male)/ has changed my world.  The reality of female ways, intruding to accomplish the most basic need of my life: to find a way, which gives hope, for life on earth.  To accept, that I must trust: there will be enough time given in a reprieve/ so that you can learn and decide instead of simply die.   Have all been highly desired, thereby accomplishing the purposes of male; “all done”; because of female intervention!  That leaves the truth, I am indebted/ even though overtaken and controlled by “a limited sexual context”;  as explained in these writings. 
Truth does not force/ truth provides the access to participate within its own boundaries of life and living.  You must accept the parameters/ because if you do not, the alternative is to be thrown out into the world that you yourself have created instead.  Failing to know everything about truth means: that will be a lie/ there are consequences accordingly.  I do NOT choose, to participate outside the truth in any form.  That is not a statement of extreme detail/ but the absolute purpose of a direction that then determines the journey.  I do now belong, to the spiritual truth of women/ even though I do not truly belong to the same dimensional environment they establish as themselves.  I live in the middle, of male and female instead; it seems to be “my own truth instead”/ even though I do not understand.  It is a world beyond male, but not female either; although “she” does own the rights. 
Bear in mind, although I am inviting you to understand/ in NO possible way, do I force you to read or acknowledge the words as right, wrong/ good or bad.  Its your decision not mine.

I stand personally at a cross roads/ as do you.  My decision is to accept the journey into female consequences and adjust my life as necessary/ or not.  Your decision is to accept the facts of life as they are today/ governed by reality of threats and a future that will not survive without significant and very substantial change in you as well/ or not.   As stated earlier: if I were to refuse, the consequences are grim/ because I am not god, therefore would end as a life dissolving into lies, and their consequences.  I UTTERLY REFUSE!  One way or another, I will adjust somehow; as best I can.  As stated earlier:   if you were to refuse the facts of life as reality and truth dictate them top be/ YOU would end as a life dissolving into hell/ hades/ Armageddon, the apocalypse, etc.  Not because I say so/ because the evidence proves it is to be so; without dramatic change.

My full and clear expectation in this is NOT: “costumes, accessories;   this has NOTHING to do with men;  excuses, or other assumptions of “he wants to be a girl”.  Nor do I have expectations of sexual interest; as personal descriptions are not “what women commonly want”.  Rather it is my expectation to learn, because I must/ because I turn my life and do so hereby choose it, without reservation (as best I can).  Left to my own devises, none would notice any great differences/ apart from kindness reinvented, or hope reestablished, or vulnerability that must be dealt with.  I honestly don’t have a clue/ apart from what I have been recently taught to this point of time.   The other side of that reality however is: the spiritual woman is in control; and I am not.  I DO NOT know why, why me, or what comes next; it is not my decision.  Not being “female” means;   I don’t know/ not a clue, what she has in store as a reality of change in me or too me either.  Although there have been clear “hints”; NONE of them were mine, even though written by me:  it is a spiritual thing you would not understand; if you don’t already.  I cannot say, what, why, when, how, where, or who; or even if; I simply don’t know!  I must live it, to find out/ it’s not a choice.  There is no going back/ I absolutely refuse war and its results as a world wide knowledge, without the possibility of court as the means to resolve this crisis of earth.   Truth is my only destiny for life, and I don’t care what you believe or think or assume.  Male or female are “environmental issues”/ not life issues, apart from living.  It’s the people, that alter reality; by their prejudice or expectation, establishing lies, rather than freedom or truth. That too is a choice.  When you degrade, judge someone, or something as worthless, or decide they have little value to you: that opens the door to “terrible things”/ but it is a choice you alone make.  Not me.  Hate is a reality of war against all things life; a consequence of personal truth that judges itself.

Your full and clear expectation for survival, must be:   NOT “power, pride, arrogance, or want/ NOT the reset of selfishness, gluttony, or greed.  But the building of a foundation for life must come first in all our decisions for the future.  Because if it does not, some if not all will die.  This is NOT the same world as 50 years ago by any means: today we are 7 billion people; enough people to stand as one individual on every single acre of green (growing) earth.  And we cannot do this anymore.  Men will lose their power; and become equal.  Women will lose their ability to believe a child is their own answer.  You, have become “gods” over this earth/ meaning your decision alone stands as the difference between life or death for this planet.  More than enough information has been given to prove this is so.  Do whatever it is you wish to do.  BUT REMEMBER THIS, past the point of no return which is soon/ nature cannot feed or care for you anymore.  Cannot recover itself, to keep you alive.  That leaves only cannibalism and war.  Without an end to genetic experimentation/ mutilation and crucifixion of everything alive is next, if you fail to stop it all.  Failure means HORRORS beyond imagination.  It’s a choice/ take away their tools, their money, and their rights.  Stop the threats, or they will kill you all.  Simple as that.  This is not a game, it is your reality and mine.
The future WILL be different for both of us.  I because I do believe   GOD CAN MAKE ME A WOMAN, if HE so desires to do.  Or as is my individual truth, the spiritual woman in charge of female truth and environment can as well, if GOD allows it.   I certainly cannot/ nor would I ever attempt to try;   I am not god/ there is no possibility. Not my desire to be ANYTHING other than what   GOD gave to me in life; this is a choice with a difference.  GOD comes first.   I believe man and woman are equal in every sense of the word/ therefore it is irrelevant to me which I should be.  The only true question is “body and mind”.  I cannot answer for that, but I believe “anything is possible with GOD”.  Simple as that.
As I look back, at the man I was; the reality seems clear to me, he has died for all intents and purposes.  It literally took everything he had to get this far.  The anchors are gone/ the foundations are gone/ most of the primary and secondary memories are gone/ most of the physical attributes are gone/ and other male contributions just not mine anymore.  But he got his wish; you do have a chance to make a different decision and survive/ not just wake up, the living dead;  one day soon. It is your choice now!

As I look forward at “female and me”:   I am taught, I have no rights or control over parts and pieces that belong strictly to me.  I find that completely unfair/ but there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.  A fact far too many women and girls,  around this world already know about; I am, sad to say.  Perhaps men will learn something, but I doubt it/ without force, and the boundaries called law.  That, requires you.  How on earth, my introduction and living, within this personal, new world can be of benefit to life, and in particular to women; is a mystery.  The end result being:    I am here, at this moment, that is the best I can do.  Its up to you, as women to decide what could possibly be next.  I don’t know, just lost;   don’t know how to be female;  that is not a temptation, it is just a fact.
End of the story/ I am done telling you about me.

Your future will be different as well, by your own decision.  IF YOU ASK   OUR CREATOR, for HIS BLESSING on your work for life first.  I strongly believe you will be answered with life, hope, and happiness to come.  Not by religion!  Rather by the truth of your own HONEST beliefs.  By searching inside yourself, for the truth of what you do believe is real/ and accepting that relationship with your life, as a participant in love with you.  Regardless of the ending, on a personal level: understand this, that whether this world lives or dies/ YOUR decision for life, equals the truth of your gift to eternity.  The question that becomes a path unto your soul.  Find soul, and you shall NOT be lost.  Even if less than you could have been.  It’s a decision/ governed by your own distinct truth as an identity called life.

Dated 2/ 8/ 11
questions and identities expand the differences between male and female, I am now faced with the composition of either thought or life/ that I have no power to control my own future.  Power in this case being, the absolute right to decide what that future should be, by my choice. 

It is a fundamental change.  To some degree, I now see myself as an “ male image, of who I was,” standing beside the new me.  I do not know, if that can influence time, by helping me in life, or not.  It is, “a strange reality”. 
There is NO expectation for “viewable change” in my life/ apart from perhaps a different “temperament”.  But I honestly don’t know what this future will bring; I have no understanding sufficient enough to provide that information.
Nonetheless, if I am to help women, as it appears I must.  Then women must find a way to express the top 4-7 things they truly wish to change that I might be able to help with.  I cannot legally represent you/ I am not a lawyer; however perhaps a direction or something is useful.  I don’t know what it is you need.  Simply tell me; so that whatever it is, that I am suppose to do for you can be done.

Just so its clear: even if I have traded places with women/ that doesn’t mean I am just going to be pushed down, used, or abused without some form of “respect for my life”.  I do understand sometimes there is no choice for you as women/ but much of what can be taught in simple defense; can be used against you, by other men,  just as easily.  It is still, the best defense:   to use chemicals for identification of an assailant/ creating identification useful in court/ applying the call for help even if you cannot/ and allowing for the tracking of an individual simply from smell:   most predators survive, do to smells, because it works.  As would be available to you through jewelry that works to release such chemicals when under attack.  Jewelry because it is worn, easily reachable, on the outside (no hunting), and can be applied in numerous locations on the body or clothes to aid in its release.    THINK about it, and you will be helped by it.

May   GOD    Bless us all.

My hand and arm is now giving considerable more trouble with carpel tunnel/ no more writing apart from court.  It comes and goes somewhat;   perhaps a little more.
The four home row keys on the right side need to be exchanged with the four top row keys on the right side, and most carpel tunnel will disappear.  YOU CAN relearn this relatively easy.

It is a spoken concern today that football has become too dangerous/ resulting in life time injuries.  The simple solution is to put sensing devices within the helmets so that an actual record is kept to determine how hard this helmet was hit.  A wireless signal, or flashing lights built into the helmet, or voice;  would then establish by levels set, who can or cannot stay in a game.  It would establish who was hitting too hard, and thereby get them ejected from the game/ or season.  It could establish in professional football, a personal penalty for dangerous play; accounting for a monetary or other cost applied to you/ paid to the one you hit.  Sensors on the helmet strap would also indicate damage due to the alternate force.

Over the past years when Iraq started I pushed for “explosive compensators”/ as in a tin can, inside a larger tin can, inside a larger tin can; and so on, dependent upon the force being expected. None listened!  Road side bombs have not gone away/ so I reestablish the claim.  This arrangement of cans “crumple zone”set side by side within a box that is slung under the common humvee and strapped there by simple hanging tethers allows for a large explosion to be absorbed prior to its impact on the bottom of the humvee; thereby protecting the legs and human compartment.  Filling the cans with a pre-measured fluid allows for hydraulic action to also be employed in absorption of the force.  By removing the tethering straps, the box simply pulls away from under the vehicle, and all is the same/ apart from anchor points.  The Clearance is not generally necessary, and if it is the box can either be drug along behind or simply abandoned.  The weight penalty is not significant. 

The second development for working with the disarmament of bombs already in place was designed as:   an egg shaped one person human compartment with “useful” robotic arms for actually working with the bomb/ spaced & mounted in-between two “outrigger tracks, or wheel sets” run by electric motor, with batteries contained that function as break away units, easily replaced/ simply plug them in.  If an explosion does occur, the egg shape human carrier if not entirely robotic is effectively as safe as it can be.  Cameras look at the work, not the human eye directly. A laptop computer operates the vehicle.

April 29, 2011

change seems almost complete in me today; life is so different/ can’t remember what it is truly like to be male.  Strange mentally, but somehow constant and simple otherwise; just a different life than anything I knew before.  Beyond understanding, I am living a new and different life.  Not better or worse, just different.  Can’t imagine the future.

Apart from NO MAN is invited here/ lest you be cursed for an eternity.  That   said however:   it is still certain and sure, more so each day/ that I have traded places with women.  They now have power over me, “I can feel it”/   in a similar sense that men have power over them.  I don’t know why, or why me: its NO SAY left:  you can’t imagine, “its life as a girl, for women”! I am “dismantled”/ and changed. Not a temptation, who would want this/ even if its not likely to be sexual, “not pretty, no teeth basically, too old; etc”?  It is still not “a comfortable thought”, being the only one in a tremendously large group. The question remains, WHY me? I don’t know why.  Revelation 12 comes true.  The spiritual woman inside, now owns my life.  This story is complex, and spread through several sites; read them if you wish.  It feels a little like being changed into a child, a teenage girl, & she is the parent. I have my own existence, but she controls my reality.  The life inside of me remains the same/ but the identity assigned by time has changed.  I do not understand why. The value in this, (no clue what it is I am suppose to be or do)/ is a complete mystery.  There is NO “turning back”/ whatever is coming, will just be, “my new world”. Whatever it is she desires from me, IS going to happen in me. I DON’T know why.  It is a strange existence.  I write as I wish, tempered by female;  unless its about women; in which case I am completely controlled.  Otherwise, it is the life I have lived which writes; even though I don’t own that life anymore; it’s a strange environment, reshaped to be “something different”/ and I don’t even know what.  Just have to wait and see!
I am,  Just trying to understand how to live this life;   so many things can go wrong.  Don’t know where to go, or what to do with this “new me”/ can’t imagine how to put anything back together; its all gone.  Don’t know what on earth I am suppose to do with this new life; somewhere between female and male/ because there are still some male and female parts and pieces that don’t belong together here.  It’s a strange life.  So much so, that “a journal” seems necessary at this time; establishing basic periods of change; so as not to get lost.  I really don’t know how it all ends.  My mind is different/ my body is different/ my ways are a little different/ my feelings are different/ my life is different; I don’t even know what to hope for, in terms of a personal future.   Honestly, you just can’t imagine.  DIFFERENT.  My whole life feels different, wants different things,  body too!  And the female spirit inside demands, that I write so that you will know.  Good/ bad/ or indifferent, that is how it is. Like it or not is absolutely irrelevant.


Love is a destiny, not a sex or a body/ rather it exists in the treasury that is your, or my soul.  The endless ridicule that is certain to come, does not conceive of happiness/ it only knows want.  The difference is: being alive (I AM more than I can imagine, a miracle created by GOD: as are you), and sharing life (you are the difference called soul, the place where we meet;  because trust allows that to be so): gives us the value called love.  Love is a true gift, the heart that beats because the passage of time has opened a door, to the rhythms we then share
The essence of life is not time, it is desire.  Desire conceives of more, because it lifts the spirit of existence beyond ourselves to create a path established by one/ striving for the voice and expression and experience of two, or more.  Desire means: to belong, where only life may go.  To decide, what only life may choose.  To be, the elemental truth of a living creation.
Where we meet, life begins.  Because absolute loneliness, is not a destiny any living thing can endure.


May 1, 2011
What I do understand is:  It occurs to me, that my breasts no longer have a massive effect on me.  I have somehow adjusted to the chemicals.  There are different effects now, the chemicals seem “to make me a little off balance”; not “walking”/ but living, as if something is missing or needed or something like that; don’t know why.  IT IS NOT “men”.   What I do know is, that male is now “the spiritual side of me”/ he still writes, because I know he needs to finish the work in its entirety, but that is all.  “I” am now different.  The mirror is ugly, but nobody is promised to like what they “get in life”.  We all have to do the best we can, with what we have.

What I believe is, a new beginning is a new and different search, to discover what has value/ what is my place/ and where do I go from here?  That said, it is clear and distinct the life of woman is far different than I could have guessed.  There are needs that must be addressed, values which I do not understand,  and knowledge that could be of help.  Life is plainly unfair for many women, more so than men; perhaps that can be changed.  But it needs to be recognized that life is unfair for many men at the hands of women as well, and that needs understanding.  This is,  Not as men would change it, or women; but the cooperation of both/ simple and plain, for the purpose of balance, discipline, and respect.  Perhaps this is just about “becoming more compatible between the sexes”/ I simply just don’t know. Time will tell, what is or is not possible or fair.  Not a temptation, just me working as life has taught me to work.  It’s a choice.  It’s a reality certain to establish ridicule and complications, but in the end I will firmly believe,  something necessary for life on earth shall be the result.  Perhaps this is about business for women; perhaps not.  The biggest influence for what my future will be, is simply what “will women do”?   I cannot do anything for you on my own.  Simple as that.  It is not likely, that I should survive the world of men without you;   the opportunity for ridicule and abuse/ violence and aggression is massive.  Not to mention all the rest.  Still not a temptation, its just a choice based upon the most probably reality of evidence available.  Like any other prediction:   once you know the result/ there is nothing left that can be done to change it.  Good, bad, or indifferent.   No, I don’t know what should or should not be done/ its not up to me.  So says the female spirit inside. NO, I do not feel a need to dress like a woman/ etc.  That last shred of dignity for the life I lived, remains.  I have simply been changed, there is no hiding, no running away, and no turning back.  Simple as that.  But it is also true, without this female influence; the work you see for your own benefit would not have come.  I had given up on men, and the future of life on earth/ because men will simply return to what they have always done; given the slightest chance.  It is only the advent of a concept that women ARE DIFFERENT; which presents hope for this world.  Opening the door to female spirit; “was both the best for you/ worst for me as male” reality of my life.  But still worth its result: YOU DO have your chance to investigate the threats against you/ examine the future as men have made it/ and decide if you desire life enough to change, so that it is still possible this entire creation, shall remain alive.  
These are human threats of extinction that represent death and danger.  Which means it is humanity that caused them, particularly male/ and it is humanity that must fix them, particularly female (by changing humanity itself, as a world):   or you get, what you deserve, “no more playing”/ unless you can be god, you die!   Want to guess which it will be?  You are not gods, want to be or not.
Change is a choice, a literal decision well within your ability to grasp it, do it, and accept the new life you will live because of it.  Even if it is “nothing the same”/ even though it is so very similar life looks almost unchanged.  Not as dramatic as me, but not without costs that are similar to you.  It is a choice/ IS LIFE ON EARTH, worth the price?  Answer the question.

So ends this writing.