ALL, WANT an easy answer/ that is free for them:   NOT going to happen.


INSTEAD: we have two choices, either accept reality as it is/ or deny reality as is the constant of leadership, and continue to lie, cheat, steal, and continue to sink into an abyss we simply cannot survive.  The threats we face, the fundamentals of this moment in time, PROVE that is our choice.  The purpose of this work is not to tell you what to believe/ BUT TO DEMAND, that you shall investigate this reality and this our decision for life or death to the planet: by its truth.  It is that simple.


Of the basic definitions that escape leadership, because they DON'T want to hear the reality is:   that our world has changed.  We are literally 7 billion people on earth and growing.  We are literally a billion people already hungry and without  sufficient water/ we are using more oxygen for motors, fires, etc than this earth produces.  We are standing on roughly one acre of "agricultural ground, per human being"/ and that acre must sustain us, with every other living creature, other than what we get out of the sea.  Many creatures nearing extinction.  And there is much more.  Life here today, is NOT what it was even 30 years ago; because the leadership refused to do its job and protect ANYTHING.  Instead, they chose gluttony and greed: "to get all they could get/ before it all went bad".  So then today, we are at the end of that cycle, and must correct it/ or die because of it.  Want is irrelevant/ life survives because of truth, if it can.


Nonetheless, the little things do matter, and we then must understand:   that the majority of jobs are not coming back/ machines have replaced us.  The majority of food is NOT going to increase/ we, our needs, will grow instead, even if the population does not, for more than a decade.  Our resources have been used at a rate there is no possibility of sustaining.  Our pollution has increased to the point of causing irreparable harm.  The failure and thieving of leaders have produced all the elements necessary for world war/ and there is no survivable solution apart from world law, and a world court/ with policing: that brings the leaders to court, for justice under that law.


That and much more presents us all with the reality: without change we die as a planet/ IF we survive the experiments that are intentionally trying to exterminate us all.  STOP THEM, there are no second chances.  That is your job, not mine.


The future is very simple:   IF, we choose to become friends instead of competitors or enemies waiting for a chance to steal/ THEN we can conceivably survive.   If you do not choose to be honest friends as a world, very little probability exists that any of us will survive.  Just how it is.  That is because the resources are already limited, and necessary for us all.  The impact on environment, etc/ etc/ etc is world wide.  WE MUST share the burdens of life/ the resources required for our survival/ and the opportunities that build a future, both in work and reward.   NOT one group enslaved by the others/ but every single individual made aware, that our duty to one another is real, fundamental to our existence, and critically necessary because we are literally SO MANY PEOPLE!  Nature now needs our help to survive/ and if you refuse it dies;   therefore you die.  Simple and plain.


With limited capitalism we can be friends instead of extreme competitors.  With a two tiered money system; there will be rewards;   BUT the few CANNOT control what is necessary or desirable to us all: it's a choice.  With the opportunity to control how much the employer makes: by linking that to the number of full time employees, with law, and more/ we become truly "organized labor".  By understanding: business needs realistic freedoms, and the opportunity to recover its investment first/ the foundation exists to benefit all.


The future of life and living WILL be governed by reality/ because nothing less will keep us alive.  That means for instance, that medical expenses shall be established as a small income tax/ that increases up to a percentage of income as is decided by the majority and their vote.  Such as ten percent:   regardless if you're a millionaire or poor/ don't want to pay, don't go.  The competition of doctors must be increased substantially/ it starts in grade school, and continues, for all who have an interest.  NOBODY gets a pension plan/ everybody is on their own.  As to social security:   that SHALL become a percentage of the GDP/ because that is all the money there is.  NO MORE pretending the children can be your slaves.  Social security funds SHALL go directly to the people receiving it/ for their own vote in dedicated groups.  They will decide how to spend it.  They will decide "who must die"/ BECAUSE there just isn't enough, for those who fall below whatever guidelines you must set.


The education system must be linked directly to the needs of the children themselves/ INSTEAD OF the stupidity of failures and their current delusions.  What is substantial to life gets a grade/ that you must pass.  What is beyond survival and basic skills, is entirely on the student to learn, and needs no grade/ BUT will come with critical instruction in what knowledge can do for them in their own futures.  The student loan program dies entirely/ instead, the professor shall be rewarded ONLY when their student having been taught sufficiently to obtain and hold a job, within that field:   is then made to share for a period of ten years, a portion of their salary.  There is no other cost.  The states can decide if they will share the burden of housing, maintenance, utilities, etc.  But no program or money shall be charged for sports.  You may collect at the gate, to your events/ but that is all.


The prison system MUST be revamped entirely: for instance,  parole shall be determined by the inmates themselves/ because they know, far better than you: who is a safe bet, and who is not.   The restriction is:   IF they let out someone early, that then goes back to crime/ those who remain in jail, will lose something of value to them, for each one that fails.  IF the people they let out early do well/ then the inmates who remain, will be rewarded.


Our situation in life is very simple: given enough food and water, some basic shelter/ and even a little healthcare as needed;   we will survive.  That means everything else is not a need,   but either a want, or a reality created and chosen by the men or women, who could and did intervene in our lives.  WE MUST create  different ways and means to live as society today.  WE MUST be fair with each other.  The reality is: that we will share the work, and learn to be happy without "wanting everything and more"/ because that is what is necessary for a future for us all.  Those who absolutely refuse, shall be separated/ no return.  Together we can design a better world, that everyone benefits from by sharing.  That does not mean free to anyone/ or making any group slave.  It means sharing the cost, the burden, and the reward:   with honest justice for all.   We decide together/ we change together/ we build together/ we work for our lives, our world, our nature, and our future together.   By providing needs to each other in this interim period of choice:   we rebuild the future.  By doing everything you can to help, we unite to bring happiness and peace to this world.

Making new laws, as we the people: THE OWNERS HERE, is a priority. 


As to current work required from us all:   the cost and reality of insulating every building/ everything that uses energy.  Combining facilities that produce waste energy either cold or hot, to reclaim that "free" energy.  Stopping the waste in all area's.  Using nuclear energy because we must (running out of oxygen)/ BUT in MUCH different ways and methods, that reduce the size of these types of plants by two thirds, and make them redundant; such as is using the steam generated to run the pumps that cool them, so that heat is always at work, and the pump never stops/ putting the entire plant under water, so there can never be "no water available".  And so on.   We must rebuild the forests/ reuse/ recycle/ clean the ocean; stop the pollution, reduce the size of fishing ships, feed the sea, and much more.  Because we must, or we die.  We must enable the next farming generation by limiting the ownership of ground/ "you can't have it all".  We must stop the factory farm, because antibiotic misuse is setting the stage for horrific pandemic's around the world.  Those antibiotics are failing/ and that means the entire industry will collapse, in a very short period of time, taking the majority of the livestock herd with them.  It cannot be rebuilt/ we are just too many people, and our needs too extensive.  We must stop the logging industry, NOT because of any other reason than it is currently completely unsustainable; and we need the oxygen, the habitat to keep nature alive, and so on.  Until it becomes feasible to restart/ not a game.  We must protect the water, or war.  The list is long/ WANT may NOT have anything to do with what must be done.  Rather what is true, substantial, and ultimately necessary or fair shall decide.  We are too many people for any other way.   Its just simple and plain/ want does not belong; that want, has done most of this damage; it is evicted, or you fail.


Substantial changes must be made in urban planning, to reduce transportation/ making the various areas "self-sustaining"; because as time goes on, there will come a time when those who failed/ cannot simply come to steal what the others did choose to build.