The function and finality of all these threats, that exist in real ways, with real machines, and the true intent to play god with an entire world, with every aspect of nature, with every life/ does not allow for balance and purposes that are small or trivial.  Consequently my writing is directed to the singular purpose of an understanding that is beyond “following the leader”/ or accepting what has always been.  If, it were not an entire world at risk/ I would leave you alone, and live my life as I would choose under any lesser condition.  But it is an entire world standing at the edge of complete extinction “in a thousand ways, or more”. 
Nonetheless, it is necessary to remain within the certainty that     GOD ,   OUR CREATOR,    Does know everything that is going on here.  IS STILL GOD, and we shall not die, until that day when the point of no return has past/ nor will we be abandoned until “the final vote is in”; that women will lead for life, or not.  In that truth, it is fitting to give a little time, to a world where different ways are won/ and life itself is transformed into peace, harmony, and happiness.
So then we question the future, by examining the past; and asking what are the primary motives, or catalysts that bring us to this place in time whereby we are literally so very threatened.  How and why did this happen/ thereby learning the lesson of what we must do, to change a world into better. 

Of lessons to be learned is, the invention of money is not a bad thing, nor is it a good thing within the terms of honor or life.  Money however like it is said of the old west, “the gun made men equal/ small or large, a bullet can kill either one; with just a finger”.  So then money transforms the meek into a formidable force/ makes the strong weak, when that have none, and controls who shall lead by establishing who has or has not done what society respects:   “Make me, work for you”.  As the saying goes: “if you could do it for yourself/ then why did you not”. Therefrom we learn, that society is a balancing act, between all parties, because without the variations and diversity of life, adaption to changing conditions is not possible.  Another tragedy of men, as they change nature with genetic mutilation,  into their want/ destroying diversity and ending adaption.
Greed enters, when pride demands “I WANT MORE”.  Consequently in reality, the only method to get more, is essentially to take what someone else would have used to be equal, or happy.  Selfishness arises as “I DON’T CARE”/ and the foundation of a world cast aside, so that arrogance, pride, and power can rule; becomes as common as rain.  The critical alteration of equality in humanity, is then provided by money, or power, or pride in the three constants that betray our world.  Money allows one person to collect and gather far more than the others.  Power presents one person, or a few, the opportunity to make the rest fear.  Pride understands, “if a trophy can prove I am superior/ then I am your god”.
Peace, happiness, & harmony are none of these things, but live where truth rules the day and night. Truth demands:   we are & we must, be EQUAL/ because we are lives that neither built ourselves, or made a single choice in development; not even to be born.  Equal compensates our existence with peace/ thereby equal establishes harmony; so that our lives can search for the blessing that is inside: the elements of individuality, the compensation of knowledge, and the radiant existence called participation in love/ the basis of happiness throughout life.

If we love, we then live to understand a relationship that gives us the freedom and liberty to be ourselves, “as best we can”/ but also remembers, life is the intensity of what we build together. Death separates us/ life, builds “the family of existence”.  Therefrom we ask simply: what is the truth, of what we should build for both life and love?  We ask simply, what is the value that grants an expression and the experience which translates life into love?  In the essence of truth we find survival, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom/ but not love in its complex relationship that is beyond ourselves. Love is, the creation of RESPECT,   through the formations that understand, loneliness is a reality destined to be “life”/ unless someone/ some other life,  beyond ourselves exists.   Respect then recognizes the simple truth, that your presence in my life, is a blessing to me.  Respect entitles us to search for reality, and identify both self, and the critical knowledge that brings wisdom to the relationship between survival and living:   that truth MUST be learned, and the reality of being correct functionally changed our lives/ our direction/ and our destiny simply because we did accept what the laws identified by truth both allow and insist upon.  Therefrom respect understands and chooses a relationship with wisdom/ rather than an undisciplined or uncaring reality that is unwise/ bringing death or destruction.  Wisdom then reaches between the lines of life and death, to create the dimensions responsible for eternity, and the distance that does exist between those who choose and build a life/ in direct opposition to those who choose and destroy, or simply don’t care enough to find respect, or truth, in their existence.

The value of life, is love/ everything else fails completely by comparison to the relationship that changes loneliness to creation.  The value of loving, begins in the essence of truth, whereby we choose to live by the law that grants our relationship with time, and the possibilities that are eternal. The value of life in creation, assembles our relationship with infinitely small, to incredibly large, and everything in between; by simply attaching the reality of movement and choice/ the consequence of growth or death/ the ability to survive; “not as a rock”, but as a living source of change. Change creates beauty, wherever discipline searches in love,, for a life balanced between love, duty, and hope.  Hope explains the search beyond ourselves has value, the life we live is an expansion beyond the boundaries of what we know, to the edges of what we perceive as the possibilities of life itself. Hope is entry inside a relationship with life itself, justified by respect, but established only by the choice to accept truth and live with the expression that is soul.  This is the expansion of a spiritual dimension, whereby life becomes integrated with realities beyond time.

The emblem of peace, harmony, and happiness in this world as time;   is “a new-born child”.  Not infected with all the troubles of a humanity bathed in their own versions of want/ not a humanity, struggling to achieve their own desires “to be somebody”/   not affected or altered as yet with the demand to survive by the choices that they will be required to make. Instead life has arrived, the essence of a new beginning has come, for an individual separated from his or her relationship with “human creation”/ to become an identity of their own desires.  Peace is an empathy accepted, harmony is a choice that has been made, happiness is the reward for believing in the best possible relationships are for us (not for just me).  Our relationship with each other determines the path we are most likely to choose/ NOT because we must, but because it is “easier to react”/ than it is to define oneself, and choose to create your own version of life and living.  That does not mean change cannot or will not come/ as is the example of my own life today.  From an identity defined and created in “strictly male/ plain and simple”;   to its sudden alteration, by spiritual intervention to what is now “more female” than I can honestly explain.  Life, has its own needs/ and we must help it survive.  Even if that means change, in the ways that continue to honor and respect   OUR CREATOR.   
We are no accident/ we are not “man made- chose it myself”.   We are designed by thought, as clearly as if the difference between light and dark, were somehow separated/ instead of blended into a single day.  Liars have always come, to cause bleeding and take away the living who could not find true respect in their own heart.  The most recent lie, is the evolutionary disgrace of a few bones pieced together from nothing.  They put their puzzles together, and say “presto, its magic”/ they weave stories beyond all possibility assigned by the evidence; and call themselves “wise”.  It is not worth my time/ but you can ask for “genetic proof” these things are all a part of the same.  You can ask “for lots of things/ investigating claims made for decades”: BUT WHY?  WHEN, the simple fact is evolution is dead, in the truth “we need all our parts and pieces to be alive/ not to mention food, knowledge, reproduction, and much more.”

The first signs of hate have appeared, in relation to my life/ the first car to stop and examine the property where I live in the night.  It is a composition created from the intensity of a search provided by male/ wherein aggression is used to strike at the things men find most annoying; “how dare,....    He say that”.  The first whispers of, “lets kill them/ then we don’t have to pay our debts” have also appeared. The first evidence, of potential killers who believe, “they will never pay/ let us take what we want”.  It is a sign of things to come/ it is pride demanding, “I am winner/ even though I lost the game”. It is revenge searching, for ways “to even the score”/ regardless of the fact, “it was your own game, this is the result you chose, this is the reality you gambled away, and the truth there shall be a new day coming”.  Whether you like it or not.  As is constant and true, the liars will fuse together as they did in Nazi Germany:   so as to find a common enemy, by ridicule.  Others will fuse together in search of “MORE” than life will allow/ as did Japan, establishing “world war”.  Both will exist, so as to associate the decisions you made, into a reason for war.  Did not the liars tell you “weapons of mass destruction/ are your saviors”?  Indeed they did, and will soon search for ways to prove it/ even though it is the end of this earth, and they know it.  BUT WHO, wants to be so poor as we have become?  Who wants to pay our debts/ when it is easier, to kill the one we owe. Who wants to share, or care/ when lies, fantasy, and thievery is already rampant on this earth.  So they do believe; the people who are PROUD! 

In the elemental descent of male aggression, the fundamental most at work is: I can make a difference in my life/ our lives, by defeating you, or whatever it is.  Aggression is then a decision to use strength, purpose, and reality, to alter the current influences into “something else”.  The relationship man seeks in doing so, is entirely dependent upon the desire of his own heart and soul.  Most seek, “I am more”.

There is aggression displayed in my work as male, the fundamental influence most at work was, “we will die/ without change”.  To my absolute and complete surprise, critical change has occurred to me; spiritual desires regardless of human decision:   can change “your world”/ but you must enter their environment, and be defeated by the definitions of your own world; or it cannot happen.  I am defeated personally as male; EVERYTHING has changed.  What is female, has become “the major part in me”.  Even dreams have changed into “vivid full color displays and video’s/ about things I never would have envisioned before”. Everything has changed/ I have changed, it is no longer “me, the life I lived”. I don’t know what happens now, it is not “my world” anymore, “my breasts” are out of control, I can’t stop them.   “Defeated”:   Because my own definitions and need to help this world survive as male, have died.  I cannot even help change this world, because what is needed “is woman”. That foundation has become, “I can only be what I am/ if you find something of value that benefits you, then you can be blessed by your own work”.  Clearly more feminine, clearly more correct. The reality of confrontation, aggression, and basic education has proven insufficient; because fear is greater than truth in you. Somehow it must be conquered, but this is not a game or a work, to do that. This is change, in me/ you, are not a participant.  I never would have believed, any portion or part of woman could arise in me, am at a loss to understand my new truth/ never a thought, or a clue/ never a possibility;   but now a reality.  I am, so surprised, you cannot imagine; but another part of me understands this as necessary.  The quest for life to survive on earth, is now coupled to the reality of removing fear.   That too, “is not my world, I have lived / yes or no- alive or dead”.  It is a hard concept to understand. But vulnerability has increased, and reality knows tragedies can come. Even so, worrying is worthless.
It seems the most critical question is this:   to understand fear does not help, is to understand the basic things “I/ we” can do in our own situations as life.  Among those things, brings a return to the lessons of a skunk; and the reality its potential smell deters every predator, and keeps its life relatively safe: even though it harms none long term.  A beginning exists in inventions at .  And so, the quest for invulnerability is a fantasy/ but the reality of a defense even though you are smaller, weaker, and without weapons can be adapted for us all.

 The heart wants, what the heart wants is a current saying for many/ recognizing want as a definition so ingrained in the theory of life, that most believe it is part of living.  It is not, rather want is the decision not to care about a future, but live by playing god.   Some will suggest “we have to want, to live/ otherwise the world is not fun, or happy”.  That too, is not true;  but instead understands the relationship we share in friendship and hope for the sake of love, is what sustains us in our own journeys as life.  To want means: to take more, than you need/ causing others to have not enough.  That is expanded, to understand “creatures and plants, etc” have needs too.  The theory of human life is very simple: if we are to die/ then lets take everything we can; who can stop us, if we lie.  But “heart” is not a simple thing, it is the essence of your life; the translation of who you are, by the things you actually do. There are no lies, “in heart”.  Only the expression of love by its truth, or soul by its reality. Heart is never a want/ rather it is a relationship with life itself, because truth allows it to be. My heart does not search, rather it lives in the certainty that life is worth the price, whatever it is if love is the honest reward.  Some fear me/ some ridicule me/ some gossip and intend humiliation of me/ some “have plans” for both my demise and torture.  None of this is worthy of my time, rather instead of the things humanity believes;   the opportunity to serve MY CREATOR for the sake of HIS CREATION   is my delight, and my honor as well.  What you do with that honesty, is entirely up to you.  I, can only do, what spirit and life allow. 
If you continue to threaten all life on earth, there can be no peace.  It is the price you will pay/ because death comes to overwhelm you, destruction will change this world to terror, and you will know what horrific fools you chose to be.  You will recognize, even as slaves trodden underfoot, it was necessary to revolt against those who gambled everything of life away. And you will cry without end/ because it is all that is left, but torture, terror, and fear.  The proud will laugh, and jeer/ the educated “smart people” will deride and complain “we are gods”/ the powerful will fight, “not to surrender one DAMN penny”/ and the rest will complain:   WHY DID YOU TELL ME THIS, I want only to live.   Let me hide or run away.  But there is no place to go, no place to hide, from people who threaten an entire world.  We must fight, LEGALLY, because war is just as deadly a threat as any other/ it can grow.  The constitution is correct, use it as intended.  Demand the law shall be kept/ the law is:   you shall protect us & NOT gamble with our lives.  Is that too much to ask?  To accept the law?  To accept our purpose as life, IS NOT to blindly let a few “SATAN’S” kill us all?   Where is your soul?

Peace, harmony, and happiness are the expression, and the experience of a life, embraced by the eloquent meaning of romance, and the passion created when life comes down to you and me.  The embrace of an entire world is revealed, when human life acknowledges, as truth;   “There is more here, than money/ power/ or pride”.  It means, there is a chance “for listening”, to the heartbeat of life itself/ and understanding the cry for help. Life is being executed, before our very eyes/ because so few actually care/ or are afraid to stand out.
Peace is a destiny of itself/ to attain peace, there must be three things in your life, or nation, or world.  The acceptance of true, honorable, and honest law as judge/ not you.  The relationship with life itself, that understands I was born without the slightest influence from my own existence/ therefore it is absurd to believe we truly understand death.  Believe as you choose, but understand truth will rule.  And the wisdom to work for a future, that will belong to you, and to your children because you cared enough to let truth, rather than want or money;   lead the way.  Anything less leads to death, your own evidence is real, investigate your future/ understand want and money brought you here to the doors of hell and Armageddon (nature in chaos).
Harmony is a decision based upon truth in reality, assigned by the understanding law is superior to our individuality.  Law is the essence of both freedom and liberty, where freedom means to do as you wish, where none are significantly hurt but you, & liberty means, to guarantee between ourselves, the rights of a life as citizen here.  Harmony is the basis in fact of equality, the ascension of justice, beyond ourselves. 

Happiness is a life without measurements/ without judgment of any kind (let the law, and truth;  do that).  Happiness is the creation of blessings for one an all, because we cared enough to participate in the elemental grace, that we are indeed family.  That we are humanity; a place in the distant light, where truth becomes our way, life rises like the sun, and eternity shines from the soul shared with    GOD. 

BE AT PEACE, but work for life.