In the absolute need to establish: even though I do not have a university degree/ THAT DOES NOT mean I cannot think for myself.  This is merely a detail, in the consideration: “common and plain” people, are not stupid.  That means you! 
The elemental reality is, “an education” belongs to those who choose it, AND do the work.  NO education comes to those who wish for it/ IT IS a choice.  The university experience is for those who do not wish to do the primary work/ but gain knowledge or understanding simply by being told what to think.  NO WISDOM emanates from this method/ wisdom comes with the work, because all actual work is developed within the medium of its own truth.  Truth is the teacher/ an education is the work encountered as you journey into truth.  The separation of “university”, as the creator of people who simply want the pride, and power of a degree/ rather than an education because these choose it and do the actual work of following truth. Identifies and clarifies:   ONLY TRUTH can lead.  Those who follow truth, whether by a journey of living, or within university or not; LEARN to be wise. A diploma is absolutely worthless/ only wisdom matters.  Knowledge is a treasure used by humans to enslave.  Understanding is a treasure used by humans to manipulate and control.  Because most choose: “I am the only truly important one alive”.  Learn WANT, is an absolute failure/ a disaster waiting to happen.  Only truth can decide.            ONLY LIFE, CAN BE FIRST.  NEVER money.

The reality is, enough information must exist to prove that the level of thought provided by me, establishes a burden of proof on the university.  For you, to review as a people:    If you can or will, simply discard YOUR LIFE, “to the smart ones”.   I SAY TO YOU OPENLY,    WAKE UP OR DIE!  Because intellectual simply means, “someone who can design traps, for or against, the others”.   Demand they prove me wrong/ because in any situation where the damage for being wrong is so extensive that even a world can DIE. As is true of so many things being done today!  Then it is absolutely certain that those who gamble or allow the others to gamble with their lives, their children, their future, even an entire world:  MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS/ and prove to the world,   “They are NOT terrorists”.  As the saying goes, “if it acts like a duck/ quacks like a duck/ looks like a duck: it probably is a duck” OR IT’S A LIE, used for something like a trap, and propagated for power!  People who threaten a world, LEAVE NO PERSON UNTOUCHED/ NO NATION WITHOUT CLAIM TO RIGHTS/ NO FUTURE OR CHILD WITHOUT A CAUSE TO COMPLAIN AND ACT.
There are many acts of terrorism being carried out: IN THE UNIVERSITY/ THE MILITARY/ AND THE GOVERNMENTS of this world.    TODAY, contrary to the past;    IT IS POSSIBLE to exterminate life on earth;   by human decision!

Sermon over for now; but make no mistake: the people who are threatening our lives here on earth, HAVE NOT stopped.   You must make them stop!  Failure is death, to you.

At a more simple measure of thought, comes the invitation to describe the actions that present a tornado here on earth.  What is the cause, or action that brings the fundamental tornado itself down to create havoc? 
What we know is: that swirling winds (multiple directions) are involved.  We know that heat and cold are combining to create the energy transition, or reaction that is wind speed and hail.  We know that “large cloud masses” make this possible.  And we know that heat and cold have divided to create the separation necessary to produce a funnel.
When two distinct winds (streams within the ocean of air) meet at roughly ninety degrees, they form a torrent or sheer area in that meeting, where the faster wind jumps past the slower colder wind.  That effect is to create a corridor capable of developing “vacuum”.  It depends upon whether the sheer wall is vertical all the way to the ground, or nearly so.  If it is, a tornado can form.  When two distinct winds meet at less volatile angles, a smaller tornado can be formed. Therefore the size is determined by the angled direction of winds meeting/ and the specific dimension of the rush in air volume.  Two winds which meet and have what is essentially a small area of counter turbulence to cross, will either not make a tornado, or a small but intense tornado; usually of short duration.  Because it takes the energy of two massive fronts to make a large tornado, or make it stay on the ground.   What makes the wind speed increase, is the centrifugal force that is applied as    One rush of air, tries to regain its directional pull/ when sheered from the parent mass.  The vacuum developed by sheer, creates centrifugal action.  Hail is the effect of water trapped within the vertical cone with cold, as hotter winds surround it, pushing the weight higher with the effect of upward movement as is provided by the energy involved and the shape of the funnel which is bigger, where the real energy resides.

The concentration of cloud mass in a vertical mass illustrates the heat beneath it, has caused the cold mass to rise, forming the cloud, and carrying the weight of water with it.  Clouds can carry millions of gallons of water/ and if you multiply this by 8 pounds per gallon: water adds a distinct energy of its own.  So then in review, hot and cold are known to convect as air turbulence/ the effect of hot air rising will lift whatever does not allow it to escape/ water although highly conductive conceives of a material essence in that cloud that withstands the heat rising.  And the effect of lifting water, is to create a vertical energy, that does not sustain itself, should the wind or air rising stop.  When a lull in the wind is created, where sufficient energy in the form of water weight has been concentrated and lifted to unsustainable heights: IT WILL FALL.  Thereby creating a highly concentrated cell of intensely cold air/ because this is what holds together above the heat.  If that cold wet air falls all the way down to the ground, IT HAS divided from the swirling winds that created it/ and exists as its own dimension in time.  If the sheer hole is big enough, for a large mass of cold to fall within/ a tornado exists.  The cold disciplines the turbulence, and makes it uniform: thereby instead of acting and reacting with the alternate energy of the original cold air mass which created a sheer effect.  A tornado discards in effect that original mass, and works strictly within the disciplines of a vertical air mass that keeps it from realigning with its original direction.  The tornado now has the ability to remain enforced.  The vertical rise of air within the vacuum now known as a tornado, is sustained by the much higher concentration of energy above it.


It is necessary to note: a rising cumulus cloud, is built upon the containment of heat and energy/ which means as it rises it also pushes cold air out of the top of the circulating mass.  That cold air creates a downward depression, just outside of the spiraling mass that is the basis of the heat rise creating the cloud, adding to the energy.  The functional energy of a tornado is directed in a loop current, when the cold air being dumped, is greater than the heat rising to replace it.  The swirling center, is functionally a replacement affected by gravity, friction, and energy creating, a conduit for the rise of concentrated heat: an easier path.   It is developed wherever the energies allow for the creation of distinctive order/ at the back side, where less tearing and more constructive filling of the vacuum above, can occur.
The change from storm to tornado, is a function of alterations created in the flow of air, from a circulating mass, to a disruption of air flow, wherein greater cold air from above can be deposited all the way to the ground.  As it hits the ground in sufficient quantity, circulation picks it up and moves it to the center of the mass.  Where hot air is rising: the cold reacts to heat expanding, and the conduit to feed the vacuum created above the cloud, pulls it in.  A cloud is moving, therefore the center of its energy at ground level;   moves backward due to the elongation in distance between ground and cloud.