The restructuring of governments

IT IS NEVER a good idea to simply destroy the old, if it is working at all/ because time is required to understand and establish the basic frameworks of what we need to do; in order to create a better society and way for each other.  In other words, taking apart the old without a true balanced definition and method for meeting the challenges of a new governing body are far more likely to be tragic than good. 
That said, it is necessary to begin dialogues among all sides, so that the best compromise available for your own situation becomes apparent.  To remove the old hierarchy by force, simply opens the door for military takeover, or other forms of dictatorship; while disbanding the various people required for change.  There are always “opposing views”/ because there are always people who benefit regardless of how many are enslaved. 

 What is necessary is to decide the various ideas and create the comprehension of law: so that we all know, what it is that will be fought for.  You/ we, can enforce the law upon us all, including leaders.  You/ we CANNOT enforce anything without law as accepted by the people:   because its just “your opinion or mine”.  And that is NOT enough.  Law is the rule of society/ thereby law is the government of society/ thereby law determines who rules society, and who does not.  Democracy decides who can lead.  The constitution decides what they can do.  The courts decide the limits of mercy and reality.  The people decide by controlling the laws that they live by themselves; and the money, by restricting currency to so much per person/ based upon population counts/ and by reducing the expenditure of taxes to specific taxes such as a gas tax; provides the money strictly for road construction.  The rest of taxes limited to the percentages “for social security”/ for military/ for _____” as you dictate.  With penalties that take away the salaries and jobs of those who fail to obey our commands.
Once you have decided and communicated the various beliefs that will influence governing direction, and leadership to the people themselves.  Those who do agree with you, WILL participate without guns/ because it is easier to stop the payment of taxes, or the production of guns, ammunition, etc;   for those in leadership.  Than it is to kill them.  An entire society that accepts “ THIS IS A BETTER WAY”/ will cause the change they seek.  Nobody gets to ignore “a million people on your doorstep”. 
The question is then:   WHAT CAN WE THE VAST MAJORITY AGREE ON?  For the purpose of governing ourselves, or being governed in another form of society rather than democracy.  A vote all by itself is worthless!  An educated vote, “we understand the benefits and costs” of this decision/ is a vote of the people.  To achieve that level of education, it is absolutely necessary that NO communications other than what is truth, and the discussion of why that is truth, and what the consequences of not recognizing lies shall be.  It is a mistake to limit communications/ THEREFORE the discussion in society of truth and truth alone exists as:   THE LISTING OF REALITY.
The disciplines needed to achieve “the listing of reality” are expected to include, but are not limited too:

1.   We must have a concentrated view of a specific and distinct topic of contention or conversation.  In other words: WHAT are you trying to say, as absolutely simple and plain as possible.
2.  When you get that accomplished, then it is possible to argue and contend with each other about the various relationships and words that make up that sentence so the people will understand and choose with you.  In other words, it may or may not be one or a few who present the idea/ but it is the people who will choose an idea for themselves; consequently you must provide the variations of fact that allow a full and complete disclosure.  Giving all the people possible, the necessary knowledge to understand their own vote.  Which means, they will vote for their own lives and future, because they do know what they want from life.
3.  That brings us all to the truth:   WANT HAS BECOME IRRELEVANT!  Or more simply, just because you want something or everything/ this world can no longer support anything people want.  It is far too crowded with people, and there is no getting rid of us all, without killing everything/ an entire planet.    WHICH MEANS, WE WILL BE NEGOTIATING from now on/ or dying, it’s a choice.  The only true negotiation is determined by “limited capitalism”!  Limited capitalism seeks not to tell anyone what to do/ but insists with boundaries and limits:   THAT YOU MUST let us have our share too.  No more, “a few get it all/ and the rest are slaves”.

4.  Of the various relationships that determine the success of governing, the most critical of them all is: that all the people have access to food, water, sewer, and some degree of shelter that is adequate to their own needs.  These are NOT governed by leaders/ although plainly they can and do interfere.  Rather the proof of leadership is defined by the creation of “a future for us all/ or the lack thereof”.  Human society across the planet/ thereby fails, as there is currently no future for anyone; beyond a tiny few years more.  Our lives, have been sold to death/ because the “leaders”; and society in general;   chose to fight for themselves instead of making the hard choices that will create a future for us all.  Fail to reverse that decision and remember LIFE AND WORLD HAVE CHANGED!  7 billion people stand on one acre of green earth, each one individually.  Or more simply we have no more room.  From this point or moment forward we MUST CHOOSE, according to what nature needs and wants, instead of simply ourselves.  Together we can have much/ if we share with each other, and care for this world!  If we do not, from this moment forward, it is all “downhill” to the grave/ an entire world lost, because we have simply become “too many people” for any other way.  It is not a true choice/ we must do, what we must do, for the life of this planet to survive.  Like it or not is irrelevant and worthless.  Life for this planet,  is now a decision regulated by human touch.  That said: we must learn to garden effectively/ “farm the ocean”, which will require, using dead human bodies to feed this sea life; its all we have to spare.  Fail to feed them, and they die/ because the impact of human fishing is already at the edge of extinction (too few to repopulate and feed us).  We must end factory farms, for two reasons: they cannot survive without antibiotics in their feed/ we cannot survive the result of biological mutilations caused by feeding antibiotics; or the resulting pandemic’s coming.  We must respect the water supplies HONESTLY!  We must build housing without wood, or very limited quantities for now, because too much has been taken.  And so on.  NOT BECAUSE “I want to restrict you/ because this is your reality;  a fact created from extreme destruction of resources; chosen by men competing to have the most (throw it all away; for jobs)/ for nothing!”  Fools, simple and plain.

SO THEN, APART FROM WANT: what are the base realities of life and living, upon which we can all agree: this is how our government shall be?

5.  The critical truth is:   we all need to eat/ drink/ sleep in peace/ have some access to healthcare;   or more simply provide for our basic needs each one.
A.  The answer to that is not welfare/ the answer to that is not a job.   The answer to that is understanding as has been consistent throughout thousands of years: that we must work together for life, the money is irrelevant.  Money is what we exchange to have more of something, than we would otherwise be entitled to if just working for food, and survival.
TO UNDERSTAND that statement requires: the assertion, that we are all ENTITLED to a job that fills our need for survival.  It is not a game, and there is no possible entitlement, that gives you the right to control everything or “too much”/ while I or the rest do starve as a result.  Given that truth, it is NOT money that decides: when governing is fair.  It is simply the truth if we do our “respective share” of the work, or not.  All work is not the same; thereby money does come to participate.  But the possibilities of work in terms of survival, SHALL NOT be decided by “money”/ we are all, far too important for that.   So then for simplicity, lets give money a new name, and divide it into two distinct parts. 

Survival rights, or for simplicity the acronym “SRS” / and money for “extras” which we can call “MES”.   Make up your own name/ this is just for simple.

We are all guaranteed work in exchange for the hours regulated by society as necessary; OR you can starve.  We don’t care/ do it or die is reality; according to societies wishes as a majority.  Thereby we now understand that SRS is a guarantee of work for survival and that means it is the means to buy food, shelter, healthcare, etc.  You can exchange it for MES but you cannot use MES for survival.  There is a limit that WILL be decided by all of society HOW MUCH OR HOW LITTLE:  SRS,  anyone can obtain within a weeks worth of work.  The closer these limits are, the more equal all will be in terms of food, housing, and other.  The limits of MES are for society to decide as well/ but they are different.  You have NO guaranteed right to earn MES.  Or more simply as member of this society:  we are going to control “reasonable” equity in survival, for all/ but not in pleasures and toys, before the limits we choose to set for these as well.  That  Society does not care/ its entirely up to you to gain money for toys or pleasures. The reality is, “an end” to the very rich man or woman/ an end to the holders of large amounts of property: and thereby a shared existence in reality, by or among all.  Large Tools rest between these area’s, and are determined for most by credit.  Credit is determined by society and their decision to increase the “money supply” of society by 2-4% per year or not; as a means of providing credit.  The banks or creditors have no right to expand that.  All currency creation is determined by the vote of how much we ourselves will decide to increase the numbers available.  Remembering inflation is the devaluing of numbers already in your possession.  It is not complicated, its just two forms of money/ designed for two distinctly different purposes.  You decide exactly what purpose fits your needs.  Supply and demand/ resources and work;  will still determine what is available to get.

6.  The distinctions of a job are controlled by the educational requirements of that job, and the ability to acquire access to that job or education.  These have been controlled throughout history, to “protect my job or business” from you!  No one likes competition, in anything they want to obtain or use for themselves.  That is no longer valid/ with 7 billion people, there shall remain nothing but competition for everything from here on.  Therefrom WE DO UNDERSTAND;   new and different methods are required.  Instead of allowing people to control their work, thereby the pricing by retaining that control, and proving we won’t let you have this/ UNLESS you pay what we ask.  The new way is: that if your talent is required by society/ then we will require you to train more people to share this work.  Prove you are doing this effectively and we will consider paying you a bit more, for producing the desired work.  Inventions are created by individuals with enough time and money to search for their interests in time, place, or things; it is never about institutions.  Universities and the like are about refining inventions, by investigating the various aspects of any idea to make them better known.  Both are done regardless of major amounts of money in “investments”/ because true inventions are done because it is a personal decision to create them.  Likewise, business will always employ whoever they need to simplify or design for cost savings whatever it is they can sell.  People with enough time and energy are inventors/ inventions worth enough money or inspired with enough interest find the money they need.  Government employees get involved simply to claim the prize.  People who say to you we won’t work/ simply are not yet hungry enough.  Simple as that.  Some choose to steal or revolt instead, most will work when they must to survive.   So the question is not about who will or will not go along with change/ it is simply about controlling the currencies so no choice is allowed.  If WE THE PEOPLE control the currency with limited capitalism:   we gain, our right to limit the influence of others upon our own lives/ by making them share with us.  Those who hold some specialized knowledge or talent, shall teach/ because they will not be allowed to extort, or control anymore.

7.   The foundation of change is discovered in the critical truth of who controls the policing and military.  Because without enforcement of the laws, in an orderly fashion/ there will be bloodshed.  So then the question of life in society whereby orderly change is established, remembers the very simple words:   IF WE DON’T PAY YOU, with our taxes/ you will have nothing!   Or more simply: compliance with power and pride is assembled primarily through the promises of payment and bribes.  Do this, or you too will know poverty and tragedy just like them.  The contrast to that is very simply:   WE THE PEOPLE, pay for everything in this nation.  Simple as that.  Which means, if we take over our own governing from these employees: THEN YOUR PAYCHECK will be governed by us/ your pension/ your possibility to find a new job/ your prison term is we so decide/ your everything just like ours is on the line; if you choose the wrong side.  And not only do we outnumber you greatly;   we do know who you are too!  A decision is required, either the ruler/ or the people.  Simple as that.  Reality for rulers,  then comes down to weapons and threats, if all else fails.  Rulers do sometimes choose;  Thugs and failures consumed by hate, if everything is being lost, by a ruler/ because they can be bribed/ and the most intoxicating bribe given is; “go ahead and kill them, if you like: its free”! 

That reality is also governed by “the majority”/ because if warned and ready, the vast majority will win.  Thugs and failures will retreat, when faced with a fact they cannot conquer with relative ease (they have guns too; is a powerful deterrent to these; they are predators, and want surprise on their side).  The purpose of a thug or failure is, to make the people choose violence.  Because if they do/ then it is time to demand the police and military stop this madness before it gets worse, and they do.  That returns power to the ruler, by making a smaller group of them “violent criminals”: or I had a right, you cannot refuse.  Thereby we do understand, that violence must not escalate beyond protecting ourselves/ beyond returning exactly what you intended to do to me, is fair; when true violence is your purpose.   That leaves one simple solution, coupled to one clear objective.  Gather together with enough weapons to stop an attack/ claiming all who are on our side shall choose peace.  But we will not be killed or damaged without a fight.  The objective then is, to clearly and deliberately deliver your message of peace and hope for this nation to “we the people”.  Through all means possible.  Having achieved that, by whatever means are available to you, including taking over the areas of communication that have otherwise been denied: so as to get your own message out. [ DO THAT, as peacefully as possible.  Telling the people who are there, and in the way/ this is your excuse to know you cannot be held guilty, we are the ones doing this; not you, unless you join.]   Making enemies is not helpful, do so with respect and fair play as much as is possible.  Once the message is out, and the people are prepared to hear.  Then demand to go to court, establish the framework and ideas that are most important to you (pick carefully)/ and let the people know that THIS IS YOUR WAY.  The law is your weapon, and social change that will impact all our lives, is a decision best left to all the people by their own vote.  It can be called redress of grievances; or more simply “the true accounting of government employees, by understanding therefrom exactly what they have done, to us all.”   These are lawful means to a legal ending.  The decision to establish change by law instead of guns or weapons.  The right to understand, as a people:   and thereby decide for ourselves.

If you choose a gun/ you get what a gun can offer you: ruled by fear, mayhem, and chaos.  If you choose the law; governed by the facts and evidence most fundamental to our needs as a society/ thereby our choice as we the people.  Society will bind together, and form change through understanding.  The essential ingredient missing throughout all the years of human history prior to this day, was the ability to communicate effectively as people to people, thereby understanding what is or is not true.  Pushed to flow like “flocks”/ humanity becomes herded by weapons and threat.  Disciplined by knowledge, balance, and the essence of fair play:   we become individuals with a choice!