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Reviewing human society

The question here is WHY, does every society men create, end in war, dissolution, and its subsequent chaos, destruction, and loss of habitat, resources, and life?
As we look or investigate the subsequent cause and effects of human society, as men design it:   what becomes absolutely clear is, that society is governed first by want, so long as survival is not equal to desperation.   Want brings with it the desire for trophies (I am better than you), which then creates pride (the games men play to support “I am better than you”) and power, the intent to play god over you, because I can, with this weapon.  The most common weapon is money/ not because it is evil, because the desire of men and women can abuse or use it for evil.  By manipulating society itself, and transforming the lives of many into slavery or death, “because I own it all/ and you can’t have anything”.  Every society men build, ends here, with a few owning everything/ refusing the rest substance and hope for their own lives.  Which results in discontent, the degrading of all society, elevations in criminal activities, and then war.  To remove those who call themselves “gods, over us”.  These “gods, in their own mind (got money)” of course refuse to be equal, ain’t never going to share or care [even if they give a little away, to appease you]/ so blood flows until a settlement is reached.   Commonly I am so tired of war, lets’ all stop; “good enough”.   Women have commonly been considered a prize, a trophy, a plunder to be seized by war.  Thereby used, abused, manipulated, and enslaved by men.  That is the summation of society by the will and whim of men.

The question is of this day is:   can we continue to survive this leadership?  The answer is no, because the entire planet has changed, it is not the same.  Today, we are 7,000,000,000 “all” trying to gather and create a life wherein the most want is achieved.  That has accelerated the destruction of everything on this simply finite planet, and we now face the truth:   the survival of nature, the chains of life, this environment, food, water, oxygen, etc are all DEPENDENT upon what we the people of this world choose to do.  Or more simply instead of survival because nature and planet takes care of us/ we must now CHOOSE to take care of both nature and planet, or they will fail, causing us all to die.  Only an idiot can dispute this/ only a fool chooses to hide and run away.  The only question of this day is:   HOW MUCH time do we have left as life on earth, by living in this way?   All the liars say:   “Don’t have to worry for decades”!   Truth however says: the point of no return is very near/ the place wherein the damage done is so severe, the realities of nature and planet cannot recover from the damage we have done.  Therefore the future is dead.

The question is: what can we do, to forestall this event, or keep it from happening so that life on earth retains the possibility and hope for a future beyond this moment in time?
The answer is change humanity!  The foundation of that change is, “things must be different/ the leadership must choose different directions/ the reality must separate itself from power and want (money first):   to become living and society, dedicated to LIFE MUST COME FIRST, and instead of trophies for a few, justice and equality for the whole.

To which the common answer is: “I WANT/ I WANT/ I WANT”!   But want is a choice, while life itself is absolutely dependent upon the truth of any given situation, and the resource required to survive.  So the question is:   will you, or will you not continue to assassinate the children and yourselves/ because it can easily be seen, in less than a decade billions could easily die; ending all time for living, because the destruction is too severe.  That too is a choice.

Since money is your god, and religion is your playpen; the reality is a conflict of power (I will be god/ NO me), and “small talk” wherein no one gets to prove anything beyond the shadow of doubt/ therein everyone gets to believe anything.  Failure is immanent/ as has already been proven, by economic reality (entirely chosen and conceived by men). 
The question is: WHAT can be done, BEFORE it is too late for life on earth/ to discard this disgrace and determine what is valuable and worthy of our investment as humanity to rebuild our chance for life to continue on?
The answer is:   to remove power, with limited capitalism and democracy recognized in truth by its distinguishing words:  “We the people”.  Or more simply, let us all be educated sufficiently to decide for ourselves what we must do, for life and a future.

The answer is:   to understand that religion is not without its value/ but endless religion that has no merit is.  The compromise between what is real and to be valued/ and what is merely fantasy and delusion, regardless of how many lay claim to their images and wants:   IS TO DETERMINE, what fundamentally cannot be denied, and accept that as the base reality of what we all believe, or more correctly accept as truth.  NO DESCRIPTIONS, as to “this people or that” allowed.  Much more simply:    GOD IS NOT “a human creature (ain’t jew/ arab/ indian/ etc)”/ NOT defined by us/ NOT isolated by any, or owned by any, or bought or sold by any.   GOD IS GOD, leave that alone.  Which brings us to miracles and the possibilities of eternity and love or hate. These are the subject matter of truth, in so far as we can determine them, beyond reasonable doubt.  That leads us to the appropriate discussions regarding evolution, etc/ and why or why not, do these things become lies.
The removal of power and games, presents us with a life freed from war and conflict; although criminal conduct will increase for a time/ because men want their games.  Hate however can be examined, and defined/ proven and then discarded from society;   “Cleaning out the garbage” so that there shall be peace and harmony. 

The removal of fantasy and delusions, the elemental pride of a failure to accept what is true, rather than what you want to be true.  Is the realization, that life itself, is more important than are you.  The difference is, that life is the foundation of our existence in reality/ while the essence of you, is your own creation in this place called time.  Selfishness demands, “I can be anything in eternity I desire to be”.  While reality accepts, LIFE or the evidence of its truth, shall decide if eternity exists, and discover what is beyond this limit, or boundary called time. The purpose, “to remove the authority of religion to say: I HATE you”.  By establishing, it is our individual decision to believe/ NOT the authority or superiority of religion (a few men united) to believe for us/ or command from us.  Thereby “the liberty” of a world, saying that “we are free”.  Not free from eternity/ NOT freed from reality or truth/ but freed from fantasy and the delusions of men, the tragedy of religious power over our lives.  Religion itself, is to remain unharmed/ that is for the people to decide.  But the power to rule, must dissipate and disappear.  Religion is an opportunity, to understand the disciplines and problems of life, by alternate views.  Belief or the acceptance of faith,   IN GOD,    Or anything else, is an absolutely personal decision, which has nothing to do with the others.  It is YOUR decision/ your eternity, good or bad.  The elements of mob control by money, religion, etc must be eliminated by the confrontation that is truth, rather than want.

Confrontation as is constant in the reality of men, CANNOT fix this world.  Even the confrontation of truth only minimizes the impact of want/ the reality of want exceeds the possibilities of truth, as does history prove beyond any doubt.  Want is a reality of both men and women/ confrontation is a constant in men, which leads to war.  Negotiations, mediation, and persuasion are constants in women; which leads to bargaining instead of war.  What we need as a world in trouble, at the edge of catastrophe is NOT war/ but negotiations, mediation, and persuasion.  To find the ways, the meanings, and the reality that will save our planet from extinction.  Not a game, investigate and determine the truth for yourselves;   or more simply “prove the evidence is wrong”.  The functional difference between male and female in this is:   male says, “I know what I want to say, and I will say it/ therefore you must hear it.”  While female says; “I must understand how and what they need to hear, so they can and will listen to me”.  Male views the world by strength/ female sees the world, by the distance that must be traveled before a compromise can be reached.  The variations in men and women decide; what shall be war, or surrender, or change  IN BOTH AS NEEDED.


Want MUST be adjusted by reality, to conceive of and accept TRUTH shall be “the boss;  here, now, and forever more”.   That means neither you or I or they;   get to decide.  Simple as that/ to which all humanity complains: BUT I WANT to decide, I WANT to be leader, I WANT to prove I am superior, and I know what I am doing “like god”.    But our reality, the listing of threats, the fact we now face extinction as a very real possibility/ and the assassination of every child as a fact of life today:   proves, “no more of this, or we die”.
Reality faces our truth:   EITHER you quit playing games and ACCEPT the limits and boundaries of what RESPECT demands our decisions must be.   OR WE ALL, face extinction VERY soon/ with no possibility of life returning no matter what we choose from that point on.  It’s a choice, let truth decide/ and let women lead so as to minimize the probability of war; a reduction in the consequences of power:     or we die.   Make your decision.

Want MUST face the conclusions of truth: that this world can no longer support us, in the ways of men, the ravaging, rape,  and constant plundering of this planet.  Which means “the garbage dump closes”/ and the reality of need as will respect the future realities of life:   must find the solutions required to give every child a life.    NO MORE:  The constant claim of men is, let them dig in our garbage, “it’s the new gold mine” of the future.  Or at the intellectual side its:   let the children believe everything is ok, give them gifts, propagate lies to keep them at silent/ because soon we will all be dead.  WHY try to do better/ GET OUT OF MY WAY:   and let then OUR gluttony and greed begin! Let insanity rule.

WANT MUST accept, the earth has limits/ nature has boundaries which must NOT be surpassed, even though you now can.  Because if you do, the consequences shall be so extreme death to a planet can come in an instant/ or as such HORRIFIC CHAOS that all will wish to be dead.
That means: we must protect this earth, our nature, our future including every child,  and refuse to let the gamblers risk our lives.  THAT MEANS, don’t trust the fools of university;   as has been proven, coming tragedy too many times.

Discipline asserts and assembles the consequence and identity of every man/ love challenges the breathe of every woman.  The distance between them, is less than you think.  The reality a purpose identified by respect.  The elemental change in society from the constant that is male in charge, let us compete for everything, “winner take all”/ until we have to war, so the rest can survive.  Unto the reality of women in charge, which is an elemental truth that love/ therefore respect:   is the basis and foundation of peace and harmony.   Until we can achieve it for us all, men and women as true equals/ there is no lasting society on earth.  Equal means, supported by the facts; not propagated by the powerful, or perverse. What is true, then decides.  Justice is the participation of all the people in determining what the truth of our society, our humanity, and our decision shall be/ or in alternate terms;  the reality of life by the demands of survival upon us all, here and now. The question of freedom, bends to the true needs of a society/ the question of liberty, bends to the true and legitimate needs or wants of the individual:   justice extracts the price we agree to pay on both sides, all the same/ no one is special.   Anything, that is extra-ordinary: stands as the decision of society to allow or deny/ UNLESS it is a clear and provable fact, that nothing need be damaged by this, except for the individuals who claim it to be their right.  Those that risk their own body needlessly, in extra ordinary ways:  pay their own bills.

The assumption of all energy use is, “if I can pay/ then I have a right + even if I can’t pay, I have a need”.  The reality however is, that the result of current practice has already damaged the earth itself.  We cannot continue it, or we die.  Therefore the foundation of all legitimate energy use is: that we all have rights/ but we all must accept limits and boundaries, which means if you want to stay warm or cold, you better insulate well and use only the most efficient machines.  Or more simply, be fair with this earth, nature, and the children:  respect their needs.  One of the most distinct changes is: that attics collect millions of btu’s, which can easily be collected for warming water, and drying clothes.  Hybrid cars are no solution, they rely on rare earth materials that cannot be sustained, and more.  Removing incandescent bulbs is no solution, as these simply contribute to the heat during the heating season/ therefore no energy loss;   they should be recycled, and it is fair to assert during air conditioning season they do cost energy (but natural light does most of the work).  It takes 2-3 times more flourescent to accomplish the same degree of working light for humanity; consequently the savings disappear/ chemical creation, etc.  Add to that we must begin saving the glaciers, by leveling them and filling the holes.  We must protect ourselves from Yellowstone super volcano, by drilling down to release the gas pressure (causes it to explode).  We must “save the ocean”/ and much more.


Since this is a one-column layout, the .content is not floated. If you add a .footer within the .container, it will simply follow the .content div.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?