Simple, if not entirely plain.
While there are any number of ridiculous assertions regarding “easter Sunday/ JESUS rising from the dead”. A more significant understanding is simply this.
As to the physical reality of anyone rising from the dead, the question must be asked: what is the difference between life and death if not the body itself? That can be isolated down into the creation or understanding of thought, and its relationship to freedom as a choice that can be made, to identify individuality. If we reduce it further, we find the difference between life and death as a body is: NO further individuality, or more specifically individual freedom or choice/ that is over. But we can also assert, that thought is more complex and integrated into the structure of existence, than is simple individuality/ therefrom we begin the journey into what is possible, as a relationship shared within that participation of thought that is creation itself?
Creation means simply: WE, did NOT do this/ not by any possible method, choice, chance, or other. Religions are all based at some level upon the idea that even though we did not do this ourselves, WE DO have some level of control as to what happens to us, after the body is no longer alive as our existence. That is wrong/ therefore religion is fundamentally wrong; but it comes with the caveat that TRUTH or MERCY; DECIDES EVERYTHING, IN ETERNITY. We choose our own individual truths, as an identity that we create. Within that simple but plain truth the reality of religion comes to help us decide what that truth we recognize as most significant in our lives ought or might be. Therein it is functionally realistic to assume that religion does play a part in what eternity can be; IF IT IS SEPARATED FROM LIES.
The journey from lies into the foundations of truth, requires that you actually think for yourself; instead of “going with the herd”. Or more distinctly, if you believe that as a church goer/ synagogue/ etc, “you get to go to heaven, because you are a part of this group”; you are absolutely wrong. If on the other hand, you have learned to think and identify your own truth through the help of this group/ then that truth shall substantially impact your own eternity. We live and we die as individuals; there is “no group”/ in that truth. There is however love, and love identifies those who are intrinsically married to the peace and harmony of life itself/ as opposed to those who are against love/ or simply don’t care enough, or refuse to share the burdens of life with those who are in need. That too, has an effect on who is or who is not going to be invited into the physical dimensions of creation itself.
Nonetheless, in terms of the possibility that JESUS “rose from the dead” and remained for a short time to convince HIS followers; that this is in fact possible for them too. The foundation for the discovery of possibilities; resides within the spiritual world itself. Or more simply: since we did not create ourselves or any part of this world that works in balance or with real disciplines, or anything that is harmonious; rather than man’s contribution of war and strife. We must look for what did create everything/ it is not, in religion. But exists as truth itself. The compositions of truth as a relationship to our lives is elevated from the potential of life to life itself, by the discovery of thought as our most valued contribution to existence. Thought is not a game/ it comes with serious or severe consequences if you fail to respect these realities. But it is also a massive influence on the relationships we share, the realities we design, the creation of a future called hope, and every other purpose and desire of both heart and soul. IF you let thought in/ and pay the price which is pride, selfishness, and want: MUST be pushed out.
Thought by the essence of its ways, is the creation of a destiny/ by the establishment of a journey to achieve that very thing. Therein we know, that all things, all life created has the distinction of a purpose, or more correctly the possibility of a relationship with that journey and that destiny desired. BUT unless you accept the journey, and desire for yourself the destiny assembled as our rightful existence; you cannot participate, because you chose to go “a different way”. It is that simple, a choice; that you make for yourself/ because groups do not walk in the spiritual world, only truth. If you are participating as that truth in reality/ then the spiritual truth that exists is stronger. But it is still, “a single truth” established by the consequence of a real desire and purpose.
Every truth has a dimensional framework/ but it is the law that provides a dimensional reality. The difference is the potential for a creation to exist/ as opposed to the actual reality in existence itself; either as time, or as spirit.
The question exists: HOW can it be possible for any person or life to do, what everyone else agrees, “is impossible”? The answer returns to the consequence of human ignorance, and looks at each of the religions themselves to understand WHY do these exist as they are? The answer is: most all want an “easy answer” to their fears or failures or insecurities or uncertainty about what is life and eternity intended to be? Not a small matter/ it does take a lifetime of learning, no matter who you are or where you start; there is more to learn. So we are never truly done. Religion, all religion establishes a tiny first step; and people nearly all/ STOP THERE. “Its enough for me, I just want to live a life that is happy and free/ and I want to pay the insurance bill for eternity; don’t we all agree, this is enough”! That of course is irrelevant, because eternity is not decided by you, your religion, your group, or your want! It is decided by GOD. Creator of all life in this universe. Is that you/ obviously not. That we have a CREATOR should not be a question: it is a proven truth by the complexity of life, and the integration and balance of nature as our reality of evidence. Fools contribute endless fantasy as is evolution, broken down it says “we shopped/ picked what we wanted/ and created ourselves”. Like fools’ gold/ it is worthless; but more importantly lies that steal your eternity; therefore just another enemy.
What is important about JESUS is, that the story told does exactly what the participant JESUS said it would. It introduces humanity to the possibilities and potential of truth, love, eternity, hope, life without the failures of men, happiness through disciplines and desires worth sustaining, forgiveness wherever possible: healing/ therefore thought, through an understanding we have not yet achieved; and GOD as none before HIM, had conceived. “OUR CREATOR, Loves us”. More than we know or can understand! Simple and plain, by the evidence provided.
At the other side of this story we find the realities of men in society and their absolute addictive behaviors toward money in particular. It is not “the jews/ or romans” who killed JESUS. It was the money changers when their business was destroyed in the temple/ money lost. Until then, they were not happy with the power struggle as is plainly established in the religious leaders of the day; but they endured, because of MONEY, MONEY, MONEY: “see all the happy people”, they spend. When the money was “dismissed from the temple”/ they sought to kill, and did. Simple and plain.
That is a truth that will not be dismissed easily from this current demand for LIFE MUST COME FIRST for us to survive on this planet either. They will come to kill me as well, if your ability to grasp and contend for FAIR AND LEGITIMATE; as a democracy proves to be true in you. Just a fact of greed, not a temptation or other; just plain reality, proven particularly, by the leadership of humanity in time. Although everyone who is capable of greed, shares the same disease.
Regardless, after much confrontation, jealousy among all nations (why not “our son”), we end this reality with a clear view this one single life, HAS DEEPLY affected our human existence here on earth. That is evidence in and of itself; something more than a simple story exists here, in JESUS.
So we ask the question: of its most serious and complex description, “Rising from the dead/ into eternity”. How is this possible? To answer it, this world must be divided into what is spiritual/ what is truth/ and what is time, as a relationship to our existence? Or in more simple terms: what is the difference, between life, and body? Then, where does eternity exist?
Time is the existence of “for every action, there will be a reaction, of similar size.” Therefore eternity is: “an energy so extreme, that no reaction can exist”. Simple as that, because it is action that identifies freedom, and it is reaction that identifies the essence of time which is a deterioration expressed by the evidence of atomic or molecular decomposition. The problem with our joining eternity is: that we must be established in this type of energy to participate. That in and of itself, is simply NOT something we can do for ourselves/ which means it is entirely “up to GOD” If we can join. Plain and simple, no options or exclusions; we cannot/ therefore it is “mercy or love” that decides based upon the truth of what we chose to become. This is an issue of faith, rather than religion/ which is the composition of belief. The difference is faith is the acceptance of truth as a reality unto itself/ while belief is the acceptance of possibilities. Or more simply “I want to believe it is true/ I just can’t, because what is or is not true is completely unknown to me”. As a reality the possibility of faith is determined by the journey each person individually makes. Without knowledge and understanding faith is impossible. Without the journey into and beyond the physical limits of time, as is consistent within thought without fantasy or delusion/ there is no true knowledge or understanding to rely upon. Consequently no faith exists/ only belief instead, in or by those who “want” to identify themselves with participation beyond self. For whatever cause or reason exists within purpose for life or fear of death.
Beyond the physical restraint of the differences in real energy conceived of/ is the actual dimension of a living existence that is not tied directly to “body parts”. Or how can we live, if there is no body within which to identify or contain ourselves as “a life”? The functional answer to that is held within the positive relationship that is life itself/ to the negative aspects of what is time and the deterioration of body parts into death. Or more directly, “we live”/ because we think. We then live as a participation in very minimal thought, within the house we call body and mind. Consequently what is true as to our lives in time results from the house or environment of body containing our identity as an individual existence in time. Or more simply although we do not live here in time without a body, by any identifiable means. The reality of our existence as life itself is dedicated to the single relationship we share with thought as a relationship in choices to the freedoms we possess within that body or house. The right to manipulate and choose for our own bodies, is at its extreme maximum expression; the right to do whatever we wish to do, regardless of “right or wrong/ the influences of law, as it designs and defines the universe itself”. That is freedom, even if the consequences are UNFAIR. That freedom is from time, the measurements made by the mind; to identify FAIR, JUSTICE, PEACE, LOVE, AND LIFE. As opposed to fear, hate, lust, jealousy, cowardice, and so on. Therefore life in time has a distinct purpose: to educate you on the choices that exist as a living creation in truth. Want to be educated or not/ you are, and will make your own choices accordingly. Consequently “GOD TOO”, in terms of whether you shall or shall not be invited into eternity; a place of peace, love, and harmony. Or more simply “do you fit, in this place”? Truth decides. But mercy allows some things.
We have then discussed the various branches involving life and death/ but the option that arises as “overwhelming death” to rise again. Understands that what MUST occur is an alternate relationship with the energy that life is. Life is an option that exists in freedom/ therefore in plain talk, it is a distinct relationship completely dependent upon the energy that gives us a choice. Or more distinctly our opportunity to participate and influence that energy in ways that provide the foundation for change or freedoms to occur. By the elements of healing, clearly developed and derived from the story of JESUS; he was far more thoughtful and skilled at the base levels of understanding what life and energy were; than we are; everyone. As a consequence, it is then entirely possible or probable that he “could heal himself” as was required to arise; through the consequent realities of spirit/ than are we. I doubt this not at all, personally. You decide for yourself. Nonetheless, it is also required, that a spiritual life had to exist either at the time of death or prior to it; so as to allow for the awakening from a body taken away by death/ and the connection to the processes of thought and energy that would allow for a new beginning in that body from death. Spiritual definitions are based entirely upon truth/ the strength of each spirit is defined by the fundamental truth that conceives of its existence. That JESUS would have had an “unbelievably strong spirit”; I personally do not doubt either. Therein the ability or reality of HIS individual strength to contain and redefine HIS own spiritual identity and creation after death; is also without doubt in my own existence or relationship with the realities of this earth and our lives in time. Choose for yourself, but I have faith. That is not defined by any religion/ but it is aided and even seeded by the reality of the Christian version called religion. Even though I have moved on from “the mother’s milk” it and the bible represents.
The reason being: it is not enough to believe. Rather we are all called to journey into the destiny our soul creates for us. If we refuse, the reality is either rejection/ OR, the elemental consequence of being trapped within the confines and seclusion of what the religious call “their belief”. The soul is, “our relationship with Creation itself/ the essence of life within us all”. Which then establishes, that the freedom we call “ourselves/ myself” is in fact, the substance of time, as we wander through the marvels of what we can choose to be/ or what life will force us to be. Time is not free, in the sense of no restrictions/ rather time is governed by our acceptance of the base relationships required for us to sustain, or we die instead. A simpler way to define it is, that we have options in living/ but also duties to life. The various religions will have us believe that we have duties to them as well/ however the opportunity to believe allows for this duty to be accepted as a gift by which we return respect and the reality of something back for the blessings of life given to us. The problem with religion however is that men in particular/ although there are many women just as bad; that believe they are “priests, rabbis’, etc who understand themselves as “shepard’s, leaders, etc. They are not. Rather what is true leads, what is founded in the evidence of miracles presents testimony (as is the human body and all of nature), what is love seeks to share a relationship bound within respect, and what is the elemental truth of our care for one another by the blessings of life ascends as our contribution to GODS’ CREATION, and HIS will on earth. These are not commonly found in any religion/ rather they are commonly content to “pay their insurance premium” and do whatever they want to do the rest of life and living outside the walls of those who see.
Therein it is clear and substantive to recognize that even though the reality of life by the essence of truth leads us to realize what is functionally possible. The foundation of what is our ability to understand is limited to the reality of what we do within ourselves, as is evidenced by our relationship with society. Those who do commonly at least “try harder” to accomplish something with their lives apart from want, pride, or selfishness are honestly more prevalent (but not limited too) within the various religions than those who are not. My own parents suggest “I should go to church/ but not say anything at all: cause that might upset things”. And they are correct. Although in reality it is not functionally my own method or way of “communion or communicating with the spiritual existence that is the truth called my life, in this creation called time”. To each his or her own is true/ because our eternity is judged not by where we go, or the religion, etc. But by our purpose and desire for a destiny that is within the “LOVE, designed by GOD” and given to us by JESUS to conceive of a journey unto that end. A time and a distance to be walked as the creation of our own identity called truth, as an individual man or woman or child. That said, do understand: it is not the level of your intellectual abilities or simplicity that matters/ but the purposes of your heart, and the desires of your soul that participate to become the truth called your life. It’s a choice. You will make it/ simple as that. Eternity will know/ is it not your truth!
Whether you are sexually active or not, BY CONSENT (of realistic age, “an adult/ between male and female”): determines nothing but your relationships, trials, and troubles here on earth. The damage you do, to the life of someone else however; DOES have a significant difference upon the outcome of your own eternity. All manner of perversion does matter/ but it is not a curse; rather a distance apart in eternity that will make you cry: “you changed GOD’S plan”. Man and woman are equals, without the slightest shadow of a doubt. Nudity is the same, it matters not/ unless the consequence is the intentional temptation, that ends in tragedy; whosoever causes physical harm is responsible. But like sex, if you fail to make the proper choices, there will be trials, tribulation, and trouble. The body belongs to you, and no other; not ever/ it is your choice. Choose wisely, but be free to understand “a truly great gift is, meant to be shared; NOT hidden away”. Learn the blessing, live the respect, that completes life, body, and sexuality as the grace GOD gives to each one. Life is a reality, love is a decision based upon the truth; I can trust you/ I will respect you; we will share and care because it is our choice, each one.
The relationship we share as male and female is a blessing because of our differences. It is however woman, that translates into the evidence of a “true temple of GOD” here on earth. Not only because female is the “incubator of life, the mother of all living bodies”. But woman is also where man finds his own acceptance of value, a thankfulness for being created as man. Thereby respect and the blessing of “GOD” in his life. How is that not a temple?
Those who hide from the world, “chanting or discovering nothing more than a way to escape the lessons of life”; are not blessing the world with their ways. Rather they simply remove themselves to become what they believe to be superior to the world; and that is pride beyond measure. Pride does not survive in eternity, it is “a war, with GOD”. Put it aside, live for all life/ because that is what this world needs: people who do pay the price to enrich and bless the others. Not people who refuse and close the door.