Strategies two, the reality of women

Throughout the millennium, the female answer for male aggressiveness and war/ has been primarily limited to:  capitulation/ surrender, negotiation, or just plain survival.  That is because no matter how you argue, the reality of physical strength does come into play, between battles regarding men and women.  They can be subdued, so they sacrifice what must be sacrificed to survive.  As is consistent throughout history, the winner of the battle attacks the survivors: torture for men/ raped, ravaged, and enslaved for women.  That will occur in Libya, should the rebels lose.  Because an insane leader, builds an insane military;  “Or more simply we don’t care/ you are whatever they say you are”. 

The question for today is: WHAT can be done differently? 

The answer for today is:    As has been stated before, the women and children DO NEED to gather in one city/ in one area; and apart from the potential medical needs being met at the outskirts of the city;   NO men allowed until the fighting is done.  Therefore NO POSSIBLE excuse to be attacked.  Let female  observers come in to prove it is so.  This neutral zone, is then by all terms of reality;   a safe place that CANNOT be invaded by “the enemy”: they too, should have their own safe zone.  This neutral zone is then to be protected by the international community, and it will be a no fly zone, within one hundred miles because anything less will not protect it from a bombing raid.  If the other side wishes to bomb within that area, it must provide warning/ and there shall be a fighter aircraft, or other;  in the air to insure: NOT beyond here.  For that cause NO anti-aircraft guns within twenty five miles of the city; anything inside that perimeter will be taken out by the international effort.  No plane allowed unless it is international
In the event one side or the other surrenders/ they shall return to the neutral city; where international military aid SHALL separate the sides.  The price of male entry into the city is the surrender of weapons/ NO MALE shall be allowed to surrender until their side does so as a whole.  Men shall live elsewhere until the battles are done.
The primary purpose is then: the literal protection of women, by the international community.  The literal protection of medical support for life by the international community which defends them at the outskirts of this city.  The literal and distinct protection of one side of the combatants, so that horrendous atrocities do not occur.  Just because you lose/ does not grant the right to horrific behaviors, or slaves.  Once the battle is done, the international community SHALL be negotiator.  It is consistent with reality if something realistic cannot be accomplished/ then the nation shall be divided.  To sustain that division appropriate measures shall be taken.  SPECIFICALLY: IF THE WINNER FAILS TO ACCEPT THE INTERNATIONAL SOLUTION/ then their leaders shall be brought to international court and charged with war crimes.  You will not attack the nation/ you will attack the leaders, and provide incentives for the people to bring that leader, and his henchmen to you. If they do not/ then you will go get him, with the necessary force/ or if that is “too costly”, the necessary bombs. 

There should be, a ring of female soldiers/ with automatic weapons surrounding the women in their city if available.  Simply because women are a target for men, friend or foe/ after any period of real separation.  Stop them is essential/ therefore arm the women of the city and teach them to use the weapons and why.  Accept the fact, to call for help requires “victim defense jewelry” and learn to use it.  The law and the courtroom, are the essence of peace, security, safety, and hope for every society on earth.  DEFINE IT/ PLACE TRUE AND REAL PUNISHMENTS UPON ANY WHO DEFILE IT/ work in support of it.  And create the laws in very simple terms, that MUST NOT be broken.  Identify freedoms, create liberties, alter conspiracies to control.  Remove money first, as the foundation for society/ and prove LIFE ALONE, shall be first.  Create the fundamentals for currency: which are so many numbers DO represent so many individuals.  Thereby what is fair can be known, and recognized, and divided by all.  Make international trading, strictly by international currencies based upon such things as gold or silver. 
In other words, for the women in their own neutral zone; it is up to you, to refine and create a new government so that all the death and tragedy that is going on does not fall away as useless or vain.  Build the words that give society life first/ create the meanings that prove we will have justice and equality for all.  Divide freedom, from liberty/ divide liberty from equality/ divide justice from anarchy/ divide government from evil, by reducing its power to control.  And give yourselves the vote required to sustain control over what shall then become a democracy.  We the people rule ourselves. 

What is functionally necessary to understand in the translation from life in society controlled/ to life as society shared.  Is the elemental consideration of three separate things:  WHO owns our destiny as citizens here?  WHO owns our resources here, in this part of the earth?  WHO has the right to control our lives?  If that answer is “the people themselves”/ then the path to getting that reality for “ourselves” is:   to refuse slavery.  Power is only as effective, as the people who allow it to be.  Therefore we ask of power: WHAT can you do to me?  The answer is “considerable”.  But when we ask of power: WHAT can you do to us?  The answer is far less clear.  As has been proven in history, the refusal to work is met with weapons and force to accumulate pain and suffering.  Thereby causing people to believe this is not worth the price/ until the human experience “explodes in rebellion”.  Then people die, and the process starts all over.  A more deliberate and effective method for change is simply:   let the women and children move to one city, as a neutral zone; protected by the international community.  WILL YOU ABANDON THEM?  TO MURDER, CHAOS, RAPE, FILTH, AND TRAGEDY?  Do not do that.  If they need protection, it is your job to separate and protect: because they are not combatants.  Should the international community do its job.  That leaves only men to decide if they will be slaves or not.  Because if you do not work, the power authority cannot enforce control/ UNLESS it has the products you make.   By removing the prize; which is to control you, particularly by threatening women and children/ the possibilities to take your work and life away from  them, multiplies: the game ends.  You need not fight greatly/ because that is not their reward.  Do grow your own food and hide it as best you can. Their reward is making you a slave, and capturing your work, and your time and effort/ taking away your resources; because that is in fact “the money”.  AND CONSUMING your women/ because that, is power over you!  But if the international community defends them honestly, that too is lost.  The hierarchy has then lost control, when it has lost the “money/ the reward”.  When they have to work for themselves, they will degenerate into fighting groups.  Separated out into various factions/ they are much easier to defeat.  Using communications that “gossip” by being coded with the names of people you wish to associate with assassinations and the like; further damage is done to the hierarchy. 
In this examination of strategy, the reality is that outside influences must be met with plain truth.  We cannot let you have this resource now.  You must wait/ and if you are NOT in support of our lives: THEN we will not give our resources in support of yours.  If you do not remain neutral, and provide protection for the women and children/ THEN YOU ARE going to lose.  To stop the interference of foreign money and business, the critical question is:   WHAT TO DO? 

The critical answer is:   TRADE, no money involved for either side.  Or more simply, because the international community will lose, regardless which side it takes/ IF they are not neutral; dependent upon the outcome.  The decision to split resources traded for materials, comes down to “half for you/ half for us”.   Neither side gets “big” weapons, air power/ etc; or support materials.  Only personal weapons “same for both”/ but not unless both sides do.  A nation clearly divided by the proof of women and children separated out.  Is a nation that can go either way; and any international concern that fails to recognize that fact; stands as an enemy to one side or the other, or both.   If you fail to establish this truth/ you will fail; all sides.  DO NOT fail to insure that every woman KNOWS to be left behind in these situations is a certainty for massive gang rape/ DON’T do it!  Join the rest, regardless of what your husband or boyfriend; etc; says.  Do not be left behind. As women identify who is or is not missing/ and find them.  Or remember this place as the men who deserved to die.  Internal society problems are created by men, and they must be solved by the men that created, or allowed  them to continue; or as their heritage is.  The international community MUST resolve to protect female non-combatants and children;   because that is a duty to life.  Don’t deserve rape, etc.
You may trade only, for the amount of resources delivered to both sides; by plane if you must.  NOT more. The international community divides that resource according to the percentages they were taking from the nation previously.  In other words, if you had been taking 30% of the oil being produced/ your quota is thirty percent of whatever is now being produced.  You are buyers/ NOT owners, you have no say; however a price shall be awarded for those who do adequately take care of protecting and providing for the women and children; such as is realistic to the endeavor.

Be aware, a wise generation will seek to resolve their differences as best they can, in the steps required to find peace. Because they know justice is better than war.  An unwise generation will seek war, believing they shall take over for themselves, and be in control.  Essentially the same thing, just different faces.  Steps toward equality and fair play,  include the laws which shall be enforced to make it so.  Includes a vote among the people periodically, such as is once every four years;  by which the people do design their future, in stages.  NOT to elect representatives/ but to vote on the laws and issues important to society for themselves.  One vote/ one life.  Only the women shall decide, when it is in their own best interest to let the men back into their lives.  Until that day exists, there shall be protection from the international community.  But it is NOT “never ending”/ protection ends not more than,  3 years past when the men have ended their own controversies.  In other words make your demands known/ but understand mediation is in your best interest.

Without international support a no fly zone is not appropriate, because it will provide an opportunity to look at the American’s and say, “see the dead people/ its their fault”. Like it or not. But if you want to stop the killing, maiming, rape, and torture: simply tell gadahfy that unless he stops the war and starts negotiations with the people who do own this nation/ the international community SHALL simply go after him, and his immediately group of leaders. Make it clear: come to international trial, to determine if the claims are true/ to let the people have their say; so the law of this world can decide. OR, we will just send a bomb or two as needed into your home, or car, etc. Not a hard choice; either surrender this fight to negotiations/ or die. This does require an international effort. But it is not boots on the ground/ no particular effort; offer a reward to anyone who can provide the proper location of his life, and computer aided bombs are very effective. Who cares, if not the first/ certainly the tenth; wouldn’t you say. “Its hard to run an army, from a hole/ or pay them”.