100 N.E.  Main street, Peoria IL 61602

 Trial  case:  11-cv- 2023                                   
Extending from Champaign county, Urbana IL
trial#   10 MR 906
dated: 2/ 18/ 11

2191 COUNTY ROAD, 2500 E,     ST. JOSEPH, IL 61873
the electronic file is at

box 19281    Springfield IL 62794-9276
Box 19281   Springfield IL 62794-9281
Environmental protection agency for the USA, Chicago office IL:
US EPA region 5 Ralph Metcalfe Federal building   77 W. Jefferson blvd Chicago IL 60604
Department of OSHA for this USA.  Chicago area
701 Lee st.   Suite 950   Des Plaines IL 60016
Department of traffic safety for IL
box 19245   Springfield IL 62794-9245
Department of human rights;   100 W.  Randolph st.  Chicago IL 60601-3218

added as lawyers for the above are:
US ATTORNEY Gerard A. Brost   211 Fulton st.  Suite 400,   Peoria IL 61602
STATES ATTORNEY office Champaign county 101 E. Main st.  Champaign IL 61801
IL ATTORNEY GENERAL   500 S.  Second st.  Springfield IL 62706
champaign county circuit  clerk 101 E. Main st Urbana IL 61801


Supplemental brief

The grain elevator, that began this search for equal rights and justice between community and business relationships/ has now received delivery of his next 1.4 million bushel bin/ to be built in Royal IL.  Or more simply the invasion of our rights/ space/ environment/ lives/ property/  and future/ etc:  increases in scope and cost for this community and me.
The fundamental realized, or expected is: the full and complete legal relationship between the rights of an individual or group; and the people his business or industry is allowed to commit our lives to endure.
Or more simply: what are the terms and boundaries of  liberty (the rule of us all, bearing witness to the fact freedoms have boundaries)/ the right of rule for us all. Or more critically:   what must government do, as we the people, to separate and control a new world order that recognizes, “we are now so many people”/ that our lives have changed. 

Freedom itself, the personal quest to anything I damn well please;  allowed to rule our individual lives. But liberty is the rule by law which guarantees us all the inherent safety: YOU CANNOT rule over me/ only the law is allowed.   Although that is a fundamental question easily understood/ the relationship I or we as a community share here,  with this elevator:  witnesses to the fact that some people believe they have the freedom to inflict damage on our lives/ devalue our property/ alter our environment/ present risks to these children/ pollute the property upon which we live with genetically altered/ mutilated dust, molds, impacts on biological organisms above ground/ below ground/ in the air/  and in the water.  Because nearly all the plant seed delivered here is genetically mutilated.  And we or I,  can just “go to hell”/ because this business has a right to do whatever it wants.
I do not sue the elevator at this time, again to procure the necessary legal realities,  and assess the battleground prior to meeting them in court: that is your job within the agencies and protections of government.  I sue you, because I need protection from this invader; and you have done nothing to protect me or this community, so far.   We are under attack.  And I will have to move from the residence owned by my family, inheritable, and occupied by me; for most of my life.  That is an personal injury; but the impact extends  beyond me to  the community; therein reference is given to them as well.

The frustration of purpose here is: that no suitable fair doctrine exists between what is the legal right of a business or industry/ and my or our right to oppose the massive expansion of that business or industry because of its increasing impact on my or our lives.   That is NOT the contractual basis of what my residency here expects/   I have lived here, with this elevator for decades, and only recently has massive expansion begun to take over my or our lives.  They changed the contract of our environment/ by their decision to invade my space/ and my world, for their profit.  This is not an opposition to business.  This is FAIR PLAY and JUSTICE FOR ALL/ with equal rights expected, &  protections for all. But even so, I remind you that the impact is on many/ and the invader is but a few.  There is a difference in that fact, regarding who owns the significant right of action/ because money or more specifically the desire for greed/ power/ and pride is NOT equal to life, hope, family, or home.
The full faith and credit of constitutional doctrine begins the discussion, and sets the terms or conditions of what we should expect as citizens of this state and nation.  The elemental task of redress as WE THE PEOPLE/ asserts, “if our employees cannot fix this problem: then we must do it for ourselves within the legal confines of constitutional law.

This state of IL says I should expect:
We, the People of the State of Illinois - grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberty which He has permitted us to enjoy and seeking His blessing upon our endeavors - in order to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the people; maintain a representative and orderly government; eliminate poverty and inequality; assure legal, social and economic justice; provide opportunity for the fullest development of the individual; insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense; and secure the blessings of freedom and liberty to ourselves and our posterity - do ordain and establish this Constitution for the State of Illinois. (Source: Illinois Constitution.)
ARTICLE I BILL OF RIGHTS SECTION 1. INHERENT AND INALIENABLE RIGHTS All men are by nature free and independent and have certain inherent and inalienable rights among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights and the protection of property, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. (Source: Illinois Constitution.)
 SECTION 2. DUE PROCESS AND EQUAL PROTECTION No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law nor be denied the equal protection of the laws. (Source: Illinois Constitution.)

The task of governing employees in IL is then: “- in order to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the people”.  In this lawsuit against the agencies of the state of IL and the USA ; the question asked is:  what are the rights, and who are the agencies that should be protecting our health, by sustaining our liberty to participate as equals, fairly and deliberately designing this environment we all inhabit;   each one together, as a community?  Where do we encounter safety in our ability to assess the risk of our environment, when mutilations of nature do potentially threaten us all?  To address that concern:   the absolute need to understand the process and methods used in their entirety, in terms of HOW IN REALITY are the relationships of “experts claiming to know”,  safety;   are created.   When we all know:   thousands or millions or billions or trillions of organisms upon which we are all dependent in the creation of chains/  in the ladder of foods and life;     that sustain all because nature has survived?  Or more simply WE DEMAND OF OUR GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEES:   prove the individuals who claim “ITS ALL SAFE”/ actually know, it is in fact all safe.  And arrest them for fraud/ CRIMINAL TRESPASS/ and intentional theft of our securities;   if they are simply risking our lives for their own purposes or money, etc.  That is within the task of our agencies to procure.
The pollution of our environmental chains of life/ of nature itself with genetic manipulation MUST BE SAFE!  Every LIVING creation depends upon that fact/ every future life demands this MUST be safe, or we die!  The assessment of that risk, is ours to decide as a world.  We/ I want to know, who and how the experts, can or shall prove “we are safe”: SHOW ME. Because this is in fact, an extreme risk to all of life.  Like the various cola drinks that rot teeth over time; just because nothing particularly noticeable has occurred yet;   doesn’t mean anything at all.  Just like mesothelioma, sometimes things remain hidden for thirty years or more, only to suddenly erupt, and then take life away.
The “experts” didn’t predict that would happen did they?   Health & Welfare & business interests are limited to fair and legitimate risk/ genetic mutilation exists,  not just because its easy, lazy,  or there is money involved; but because people want to play god over nature.  Therefore the question MUST be answered:    DO WE LET PEOPLE PLAY GOD WITH NATURE.  Do you accept their assertion:    Our lives will be better, bodies, and world “perfect”, by the decisions of men/      than if nature, the creation that gave us life,  decides for us?  It’s a question/ with a VERY severe and serious answer!  Our right to decide as people of this world.  NOT their right to risk our everything, just because they can.

  The task of our governing employees of IL is said to be: “eliminate poverty and inequality; assure legal, social and economic justice;”.  Poverty is by its effects, the lack of resources to make your life better/ thereby we need business and industry in respectful, dedicated measures, which support and maintain our communities and their work.  When that business or industry enlarges beyond the work of a community/ the reality is: taking someone else’s means of employment to shove them into poverty, for a few dollars more here.  The inequality of being invaded from the outside;   thereby not being able to protect ourselves from an outside invader, either here or as a foreign entity:   is fundamentally wrong.
That means there must be a legal right exhibited for all to see/ a law to recognize what is FAIR to all.  There must be a social platform or method, for the majority of the community or nation to assemble behind/ that decides by legal redress of the community, for ourselves.  There must be a respect for the people who are being targeted by “a business or industry too big”/ OR an individual demand too small.  Where is my right, then resounds as the platform called liberty: WE SHALL CHOOSE.  
The difference in legal terms then becomes, DO YOU have the right to become rich/ a reality only,  BECAUSE YOU chose to make me poor?
That is a legal issue, and a social value: determined by the people themselves/ its our society, its our world, held up to the light of what we shall call JUSTICE/ EQUALITY/ AND FAIR PLAY.   While the courtroom is necessary/ it is society itself that decides.  Redress of grievances creates these moments.  That is the short and concise purpose of this trial.

The task of our governing employees is said to be:” provide opportunity for the fullest development of the individual; insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense “.  Each of these is governed by the truth of what opportunities do exist for each citizen.  To accept the responsibility of insuring each one has the benefits of an equal chance to secure and support his own decisions and life:   THERE MUST BE equal access for all/ there must be a future for the rest.
For there to be equal access, there must be limits imposed upon the freedoms of a few who demand to control everything and enslave or destroy the properties, value, lives, and securities of the rest; because they want great wealth/ at our expense.  Liberty insures that we all have a stake in our freedoms, our society/ not just your freedoms, or your greed!

  The difference is SHARING the possibilities;   so that all have access to a better life.  NOT socialism or communism or any other:   but limited capitalism.   The right to say: YOU have taken enough, from us/ OUR RIGHTS now exceed your freedoms for yourself.  That makes us equal, with the opportunity to compete and earn for yourself.  NO more extreme   wealth.  Still rich and poor/ but with limits both sides, for fair play.  These are the realities of: “ secure the blessings of freedom and liberty to ourselves and our posterity”.

The primary responsibility of the governing employees of this United States of America is, by its constitution:   “In order to form a more perfect union”!   We are entitled to proceed under the protections of justice, to secure a better life for us all.  That does NOT suggest or say:   “Let the individual take it all/ let a tiny few own it all/ let a little group do whatever it wants to the rest/ or let governing employees change our relationship with capitalism:   “which means that supply and demand shall decide/ NOT government entities”.  A reality which has not existed in this nation for decades.
Rather the command of our nation called a democracy is:   “Make this union a better place.... with justice....for ourselves and the children who shall follow”.  The demand then:   CHANGE WHAT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED!  A reality which has not existed in this nation or state for decades. 

The critical question of our need to intervene at this time within the functional realities of governing ourselves:   IS WHAT CAUSE, DETERMINES THIS NEED FOR CHANGE?  Because if everything is in fact “working well, with justice, for ourselves and our children and their future” then we need not do anything!    THAT IS NOT THE CASE!  Which would then cause this trial to become: 
 a redress of grievances trial, under both state and federal constitutions.

So then this clear and critical question is defined and determined by the consequence and level of threat that we can reveal:   as impacting or injuring our lives today.  As deadly or dangerous to our future, and every child!


1.  That when antibiotics fail, surgery fails too/ as well as treatment for countless diseases?    Has it NEVER occurred to you, that genetically mutilating everything we need to survive has consequences/ or throwing poisons, by the billion ton HAS a price?   Or that cancer is essentially a small genetic mutilation: WHERE, is your statistical information, over time;  about what is really happening in healthcare? Therein the cause of that failure in antibiotics, is not simply all, “natural” resistence.  The subsequent end of surgery because of un-treatable infection (a choice the university diploma and business made). Is a matter of criminal intent: because people die. The monopoly controlled by the medical hierarchy,  over the number of doctors educated; is illegal.  The monopoly over citizen needs and welfare for pharmaceuticals IS UNWARRANTED & ILLEGAL. The inherent and inescapable extortion of accident, disease, etc; does NOT allow free enterprise: it is not a choice.    The financial reality of healthcare is in a proven crisis. The endless claim of drugs gone bad/ and the failure to be specific with the risk as in “ten people out of every one hundred will die; ten saved/ ten without result/ we don’t know how much damage done to the rest”; and so on, is missing where is our right to know. And to know about our doctors as well.  The failure of medical intervention to WORK ON THE CAUSE of disease in reality (such as the statistical variations between those who use “aspertame” in relation to breast cancer, those who benefit from breast removal as a statistical percentage separated from those who do not have breast removal;  or those who use “acetamenaphine” in relation to liver disease).  Rather than genetics (playing god), do what we can do; is a course of action that the court can take.  Or more simply:  

WE NEED INFORMATION/ WE NEED THE MONOPOLY AND EXTORTION TAKEN AWAY/ WE NEED MEDICAL PATENTS TO BE OWNED BY GOVERNMENT/ WE NEED 10 times more,  MEDICAL DOCTORS TO BE SCHOOLED;  TO INCREASE COMPETITION.  Each of these is fundamentally within the possibilities of law and its enforcement.  EACH of these represents a demand that redress, as we the people;   can address and change.  Our nation/ our rights/ our liberty/ our responsibility and bodies/  our choice!

2.   Antibiotics are incorporated as feed everyday in livestock meals (by the million ton)/ because without antibiotics to contain disease, there is no confinement agriculture.  Therefrom we KNOW, that when antibiotics fail, the entire “factory farm system/ ALL confinement agriculture” fails with it.   No one believes this won’t happen, it’s a guess when, it will happen/ that can be, at any time.  The creatures we depend upon for food, without working antibiotics,  will quickly die/ and there is absolutely NO secondary system upon which we can turn.   The small farmer was put out of business; and that means:   YOU WILL go hungry!  One single livestock epidemic can mean: NOT enough numbers to recover/ because humanity needs more; so they will all die. BECAUSE,  That means either we starve, or we finish killing them all/ cannibalism is next.  People die easily, and by war.

The intervention of law in a situation so immensely dangerous that it can impact and cause war/ even cannibalism:    IS WITHIN the jurisdiction or indemnity of our court system and government.

3.  Did you know that antiseptics, various poisons, genetic mutilation, and more;   cause a biological tragedy in much of the microscopic world.  The bacterial germ and virus environment, as well as the other creatures which consume the dead, and take care of our waste, can be destroyed. Allergens, pollens, attractants for insects and other life and so much more all at stake. Alterations in these environments can easily become pandemic to them and us, / leaving life without defenses or immunity, because they have been mutated do to a wide variety of causes emanating from greed. Leaving us with endless refuse and manure we cannot get rid of: just like your own garbage, it doesn’t get rid of itself.  These conditions speak of horrible pandemic’s waiting to happen.  Every application of toxic materials or intentional genetic harm/ HAS A CONSEQUENCE. 
One simple truth/ one plain example is: my own teeth have been nearly dissolved by soda pop/ do to a “poison event”;  I quit drinking the water/ because the glass had been contaminated; and it took time to “figure that out”.  For twenty years no problem (doesn’t seem damaging does it), but then do to repeated acid drinks, the enamel disappeared, and the teeth soon followed.
Proving just because you do not see an effect/ does not mean it ain’t happening.  Or think of the people with asbestos poisoning/ commonly dormant in the body for thirty years: then it kills you in 2-3 years: didn’t even know you were sick for thirty years!  So it is with all chemicals.  There was a story close to the Mexican border: specific chemicals in the water/ pregnant women gave birth to “whole children/ except they didn’t have a brain”.
People will die

The intervention of law in a situation so immensely dangerous that it can do dramatic biological harm we cannot even see, until it is too late!    IS WITHIN the jurisdiction or indemnity of our court system and government.

4.  Did you know, that the factory ship is required to stay out on the ocean until the entire ship is filled:  with fish, millions!  That means, when they find a school of fish/ these ships stay on top of that school until every last fish is taken on board (so the humans, can go home).  That means this entire colony, has been removed from the sea, and every predator fish that depended upon that colony will now die too.  That means, when predator fish do find alternate prey schools they eat them all too/ which further exasperates the problem.  That means literally in ocean terms, they are turning the sea into a lifeless desert.  The tonnage caught, the species that have been lost, the fuel consumed by ships all indicate the sea itself shall soon be empty; because of what men choose to do.  The sea feeds about one in six humans/ when the numbers can no longer reproduce themselves in sufficient quantity for our needs. There will be,  no food:   equals people die.  We MUST give the oceans relief/ we MUST substitute ocean food with plant food for a time so the oceans themselves can recover;   meaning all non food crops will be discontinued for two or three years in exchange for a severe drop in ocean fishing catches; by large predators.  Only small boats allowed.

The intervention of law in a situation so immensely dangerous that it can impact and cause war/ even cannibalism:    IS WITHIN the jurisdiction or indemnity of our court system and government.

5.  Did you know, that based upon population counts across this world, we are growing at roughly 2 million more mouths to feed/ including deaths: each week!  As they grow, each one needs more.  We are already standing roughly one person per green growing,  acre of earth; and that green acre has to provide for every life on the planet, including animals, birds, insects, and you.  That the ocean does not.   7 billion people, each standing on a square 3 feet by 3 feet= 63 billion square feet “reach out your hand/ and touch someone”.  63,000,000,000 divided by 43560 feet per acre= 1,446,281 acres of solid humanity.  In a single living human line 3 feet apart 7 billion people reach 21,000,000,000 feet divided by the circumference of this earth at the equator 24,900 miles times 5280 feet= 131,473,279 feet.   21 billion feet of people, each  spaced 3 feet apart at the equator =   205 trips around the equator in an unbroken line.  If we don’t stop over-population/ IMMENSE and LIFE ENDING WAR. Is absolutely certain.  THE WORLD HAS CHANGED!    The failure to change ourselves, means we’re dead.  No more encroaching onto growing lands/ no more subdivisions/ only greater density housing;   choices for a future, governed by reality and truth.  No more assassinating the children, or giving them life “so they can be ate by cannibals.

The intervention of law in a situation so immensely dangerous that it can impact and cause war/ even cannibalism:    IS WITHIN the jurisdiction or indemnity of our court system and government.

6.   Did you know our pollinators are dying; those creatures responsible for creating flowers, establishing fruit and vegetables: the insects, bats, and various other partners in creating nature’s abundance for us.  Without them there is no flowers, fruit, or vegetables for a world/ they help nature seed this world as well.  Without the insects there are very birds left, a portion of all forms of life will fail.  The biggest genocide  contributors are: the new insecticides which promise no insects left in your yard/ the newer crop varieties that promise an insecticide genetically mutated into the plant, to kill insects.  The sterilization of plants.  The various poisons and genetic alteration which if not directly responsible, are indirectly responsible by altering molds, germs, diseases, foods, and other factors which these creatures need, or which attack them.  Life is, “Not all about us”/ because without nature and its food for us, we are dead.  Therefore their needs are our needs/ their death is our death.  The reality of genetic alterations in food plants is very simply: LIFE STRUGGLES TO SURVIVE/ but pushed past the point of no return, it simply dies.  These plants and these methods of genetic mutilation;  will soon leave you with a living organism that, will simply fail to reproduce anything/ because you stripped it, of a desire to live.  Life is not a robot/ but even a robot cannot function without “a reason (the software to direct it)”.  Because the majority of plants by humanity wants today , are sterile/ the poisons devastating the insect world, causing the complete collapse of seed distribution other than man: extinction is massive. The “smart people”, will laugh “we don’t have to care; we’re gods”!  But life is not a mathematical equation, not a demand or creation of humanity: it is life, and in partnership with life, is the decision to survive. YOU chose to make them sterile/ YOU will get your wish, a dead earth!  If you do not immediately stop.  Plants & People will die.

The intervention of law in a situation so immensely dangerous that it can impact and cause war/ even cannibalism:    IS WITHIN the jurisdiction or indemnity of our court system and government.

7.  Did you know, that only one inch of rain in every 50 inches of rainfall actually reaches the aquifers ; a quote from the IL dept of natural resources/ state water survey.  Just one inch of recharge in over a year of rainfall, over most of the world/ less than 50 inches a year, in this state.  Do you really believe the aquifers we are all dependent upon/ are not being drained?  When trillions of gallons are poisoned each year/ trillions of gallons are pumped into old oil fields to produce oil and natural gas, polluted beyond life uses/ trillions of pounds of toxic waste is pumped into area’s close to aquifers and can explode out of containment at any time destroying that aquifer forever (or an earthquake, releasing it).  Trillions of gallons lost to ethanol production/ trillions lost to the production of poisons.  Or garbage dumps built right on top of the aquifers.  Did you know trillions of gallons of water have been lost from the upper great lakes?  We CAN thirst to death/ and we CANNOT replace this water.  People will war/ lose their ability to spread out, and condense into chaos, and hell on earth; while they die.  Did you know the size of the salt mine under lake Erie could drain the entire lake altering this nation forever: the salt will ruin it/ fresh no more.  Shipping no more.  Water for large cities suddenly no more, or miles away.  The shoreline completely altered and our world changed.

The intervention of law in a situation so immensely dangerous that it can impact and cause war/ even cannibalism:    IS WITHIN the jurisdiction or indemnity of our court system and government.

8.  Did you know, that according to yearly fuel consumption statistics we burn enough fuels as a world to consume more than all the yearly oxygen this planet produces.  We know how much fuel we burn, because we sell it.  We know how many forests burn, etc/ and how much oxygen each of these fires consume.  Based entirely upon this projection of air by volume, necessary to burn these fires; the first 200 feet or so of atmosphere is required, and all the oxygen in it: JUST FOR OUR FIRES/ OUR MACHINES.  And neither you, or any animal has yet to have a breath of oxygen for yourself.    People will wish they were dead.  Did you know, that an experiment “for space travel” was done in the desert some years back; a greenhouse sealed over 3 acres (I believe) all kinds of plants, a water fall, “everything expected to be needed and more”/ with 5 people who were suppose to live in it for years.  They broke out in weeks, because the oxygen content had dropped too low.  In other words this is a statistic we can investigate; a reality of living and life we cannot ignore.

The intervention of law in a situation so immensely dangerous that it can impact and cause war/ even cannibalism:    IS WITHIN the jurisdiction or indemnity of our court system and government.

9.  Did you know, that a portion of base food supply for nearly all life in the ocean was being taken for livestock feed.  Every living thing in the oceans; on this planet, are dependent upon the chains of living creatures that feed us all.  Every life, is under threat of extinction do to the practices of men.   These creatures help supply our oxygen too.  And the ice shelves which grow or support much of this life, is disappearing.  When the ocean is dead, or past the point of recovery: what will you breathe/ one in six people won’t eat anymore.  Therein we learn, Climate change is deadly, to the sea/ one in six live because of the sea!   People die.

The intervention of law in a situation so immensely dangerous that it can impact and cause war/ even cannibalism:    IS WITHIN the jurisdiction or indemnity of our court system and government.

10.  Did you know the ocean contains a million square mile garbage dump filled with plastics/ or that thousands of miles of ocean shore is dead because of agriculture and city pollution. All or nearly all of the various incubators of ocean life have been devastated, across this world.  Or every year, major releases of oil are lost into the seas.  Important to you, because without this food, a billion people will go hungry; is that not war coming?  The food distribution network “ocean currents”;  around the entire ocean is stopping, due to global warming.   These ocean currents; Which also keeps the European communities warmer than otherwise, “ delivers food throughout the sea”/ and supplies directional “mapping” stability to all ocean life.  Without a food supply for the ocean, or currents in the oceans, or the ability to know where you are/  due to global warming; we will go hungry too. Because without delivery, “the grocery store for an ocean, goes empty”.  With these creatures dead/    you  die too.

The intervention of law in a situation so immensely dangerous that it can impact and cause war/ even cannibalism:    IS WITHIN the jurisdiction or indemnity of our court system and government.


11.  Did you know our resources as a world are nearly gone; ransacked and ruined/ thrown in the garbage for the sake of “a job”/ for MONEY( the promises only as good, as the integrity, determination, and health of the ones who made it).  Money is worthless next to resources; its just a promise, a resource is life, work, hope, and more.  A job is not worth a war/ a job is determined by what we do have that can be shared.  Because if it is not shared/ THERE WILL be war.
 We cannot live without resources/ money be damned, no resources literally means: NO LIFE.  Simple as that. This is not an infinite world, we WILL soon run out.   We would already be out of one of the three fertilizers that made food production bountiful, if more had not been found? What happens when that supply is over? The answer is world food production falls/ you starve, and so do they.  How much is lost, to a damn yard, golf course, etc   What will you do, when that, or any other critical resource is gone?  The answer is people will die/ war will come.

The intervention of law in a situation so immensely dangerous that it can impact and cause war/ even cannibalism:    IS WITHIN the jurisdiction or indemnity of our court system and government.


12.  Did you know: global warming does exist/ ecological chains of life are disappearing/ environmental disasters are being created/ oceans are rising/ deserts are increasing/ the ozone (excess oxygen supply) is disappearing for real/ species are becoming extinct/ terrorists are multiplying (people without hope, assume “you killed me/ so I kill you): etc.  Not to discount contaminated water, sewer diseases, genocide, etc.  Not to forget, you cut down trees creating enough board feet to reach far beyond the moon, and more every year/ completely unsustainable; trees ARE  necessary for oxygen production and life, they fight with the wind for us: these human behaviors are,    completely insane.
Current Leadership decisions have been:    CHOOSING WAR, because they are forming a world at the brink of collapse, creating demands that cannot be met, and avoiding all issues of merit/ because THEY WANT LIFE, to be “for free”.  Beyond that, for decades in america: these leaders and this people HAVE WANTED and CHOSE to take the lives of their children/ their future; by not putting anything back.  Or more simply “this freedom/ was created by assassinating their future”.    Your leaders chose:  not to respect anything/ to steal from tomorrow, for the want, gluttony, and selfishness of today.  This people chose to let them/   you followed, choosing not to build for life.  You chose not to care about reality or truth.  You chose only money first, only WANT and we DON’T care! And people will die, because money means nothing, in a world without hope, resource, or possibility of survival.


The intervention of law in a situation so immensely dangerous that it can impact and cause war/ even cannibalism:    IS WITHIN the jurisdiction or indemnity of our court system and government.

13.  Did you know, that a mere 25 nuclear weapons detonated around the world are expected to be enough to kill life on  this earth?  There are more than ten thousand, and that is just what your told: “in a world full of liars”.  Did you know, that ONE single  biological weapons of mass destruction is expected to kill over 97% of humanity.  Specifically the worst pandemic diseases in human existence have been  genetically altered & mutilated into diseases, “re-engineered by men:” to avoid biological immunity.  That  Means: One broken vial, and no humans left on earth/ because the dead bodies alone, will finish the last.  As was true in India, the  “Bophal disaster”:   the chemicals which surround you, can easily take your lives away/ can easily become weapons of your own mass destruction.  Called your saviors, called your protectors, all these weapons of mass destruction are merely waiting; for one single excuse in men: to kill this entire world.   And you are so gullible you believe/ “they protect us”.  SHAME ON YOU. This nation, shall organize and demand: NO MORE OF THIS HERE!
 We will choose world law and policing instead.  And pay the price required to build and sustain that law, with this world.  Because anything less and life on earth will die.  Not because I say so, because the evidence is real.

The intervention of law in a situation so immensely dangerous that it can impact and cause war/ even cannibalism:    IS WITHIN the jurisdiction or indemnity of our court system and government.  The creation of a court for international intervention is within the ability of the legal profession to support and enable.

14.  Any self-replicating consequence of human engineering as has been done with nano-technologies constitutes a very distinct threat against this biological world.  As structures that mimic and conform to the base descriptions of a life threatening disease, virus:   THEY DO then establish the  potential for an epidemic/ pandemic/ and various other biological interferences we cannot survive.  These then Do constitute a threat! These Man-made objects that can interfere with biology in countless ways.  This threat,  Is subject to distinct review, and our decision, in redress trial:  as to the credible threat we face as a people and world.  The risk we are willing to take, and die or live because of what we chose.   When we;   Can’t be wrong, it is our reality to choose/ lives are at stake.  It,  Is our need to understand/ therefore get educated as best you can.

The intervention of law in a situation so immensely dangerous that it can impact and cause war/ even cannibalism:    IS WITHIN the jurisdiction or indemnity of our court system and government.

  And there is much more!

THESE ARE THEN the rights and realities of a nation or state unto itself.  The definitions by which we choose our lives, our future, and protect the world of our existence by decisions which are fundamentally:   the right of democracy/ the reality of  liberty/ and the experience of freedom. 
That means this trial MUST exist under the legal cause and definitions of REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES, both state and nation.

In the elemental discovery of an alteration in the  environment that can or does harm myself or this community ( a pollution/ a change we cannot endure)/ do to the decisions of a few.  The critical analysis of a courtroom decision is mitigated under the influences of law as our decision by the government “our agreement as a people” which includes (the foundation documents, of this nation:   its constitution/ declaration of independence/ and bill of rights.  Which profess and declare our agreements with each other/ which did then  bring about the sacrifice and blood let,  to bring this nation into being).   Our rights to establish change in government is as “constitutionally determined”.     Or more specifically are based upon those stated agreements. More simply, the function of democracy as the United States of America is too protect ourselves, more so, than to protect the individual freedoms and liberties of those who choose to endanger us, the children, or our future.
Elemental to the considerations of this redress trial, is the impact of environmental decisions that are NOT within the bounds of “we the people/ are children/ or our futures” are being  protected.

 In this case of individual and/ or community versus the wants of business or industry.  The fundamental value of justice is NOT “for me, or them, or us”: but for life itself.  Without the basic needs met for the natural environment NONE can survive.  That means the fundamental elevation of a trial from one or a few of us inundated by the actions of a group perceived to have rights granted by liberty to do for themselves as they desire; demands, the constitution itself must decide.
The constitution declares as the purpose of our future: to those employed to do the work of governing our society:
  “we the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the USA”.
  The question to be decided in this situation presented for trial:   because we have now “filled the nation/ or earth if you like”: what boundaries and limits, that must be changed,    to create the greatest good for humanity? By accommodating our new realities of life.  We are too many people, for “anything we want”!  Reality and truth both decree:   NO.   That means new conceptions of freedom and liberty must arise/ want has nothing to do with their purpose.  Reality, life, need, truth, hope,  and a future for this planet must lead the way.
The constitution says;    as to our guaranteed rights as individuals in amendment 4:   the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated...
The question to be decided in the situation presented for trial: WHAT DOES this protection of all the people mean?  What is an unreasonable search or seizure?
We are guaranteed in amendment 13, that we shall not be required to endure slavery or involuntary servitude...
The question to be decided in the situation presented for trial: WHEN does the influence of one person or group/ cross the line, and damage the others too much to continue as they are?
We are guaranteed in amendment 14, that under no circumstances shall we, you, or I be denied our day in court; wherein the laws and guarantees and protections provided to us all shall decide.
The question to be decided in the situation presented for trial: the placement of our trust must be within the law, thereby the influence of those laws prove: WE MUST create these laws,  for ourselves.   In simple, short, easy to understand, can’t be misinterpreted or changed without our consent demands of the people;   as their own choice for LIBERTY!   We are a democracy, we have a right/ that cannot be denied!  We are the government ourselves!

The fact of eminent domain, as the proof:    “all of us” are more important than just a few of us, has stood the test of time.
What we learn from these things is: the basis and form of trial most likely to incur and distribute the greatest degree of justice to the nation or state, is indeed dependent upon communication of the facts/ in a clear deliberate exercise of independent free speech.  We have lost that today, because our news sources have been sold to a tiny few/ who may then propagate anything they want.  Because your job depends upon what we say/ not you.  The monopoly over communication must end/ a new and public owned entity arise:   with absolute safeguards put into place to demand never again, will our communications be owned or controlled,  by a tiny few.

A CRITICAL foundation for expansion of the right of any people to demand: WE MUST BE INFORMED!  Is the first amendment.   The fact:    We must understand the truth of our relationships in reality:   with life, nation, future, nature, energy, oceans, and more.     IS VERY URGENT!   Or more simply, NO more lies/ NO more games/ NO MORE PROPAGANDA!  Our media,  Has been an injury to us:   do you not see all these things that are threatening.    So very few citizens were informed.    The media knew/ I told them.  The made a choice: about all that you could not know.  All the rest including an economic crisis that was plain and simple to see:  we were not told about, as a society.  Our media sources and more knew far more than they said: “because I told them, time and again”.  They did nothing to protect anyone, that means they hid the truth, and let you “drown in debts/ be threatened with extinction/ and VERY much more.”  As if all were owned by “the same man”.
TO KNOW, that we are now actually protected.  Means,  what has been the “free press” of a nation/  must be dismantled, and made new.   For the sake of our democracy and ourselves.  It is,    Not a game.

Elemental to this trial is a search within the critical relationship of statistical analysis:   to determine what is a noise too much.  Because damage means someone must then pay as a sacrifice from their personal world/ beyond labor for this job.  Within these assumptions comes the certainty that noise is more than simply volume;   it is the function of critical frequencies that do harm us the most;  the higher the frequency is within our range of hearing/ the more damage it can do.  Or more simply “just because it is loud”/ does not mean the damage is more severe than something far less loud, but at a different frequency. Duration matters!   That same thing is functionally correct, in numerous realities of life, society, and nature.  “Just because it looks like a duck”/ doesn’t mean it is. Or more simply, trial requires an integrated look at the various processes and purposes and realities being generated in close connection to our ability to survive, be happy, and leave a future intact for the children.  This appreciates the legal guarantees given to us all, by this our nation and state.  As its preamble defines.

 Elements that describe our need for an investigation can be seen in this example. This elevator mentioned in trial, previously thought to create and install an ethanol production facility in this town called Royal, IL.  One of the mitigating factors that stopped it, was the need for water.  While the people here all believed that water in the aquifer cannot be run dry!     We have lots!  The IL state water survey people from the department of natural resources proved to them:   that in just a few years, an area 20-50 miles would be impacted and without water under their feet.   Because of the millions that would be drained from the aquifer system by ethanol production.   While all the people here believed “It rained/ therefore the aquifers are all full now”.  The scientists from the IL dept of natural resources managed to convince them that ONLY ONE INCH of water reaches and recharges the aquifer per FIFTY INCHES of rainfall.  But by the same reality, the Mahomet aquifer that sits next to us, and  below the one we use is currently being drained by two or more ethanol production facilities.  Millions if not billions of gallons lost every year/ how is that sustainable?  Since water seeks its own level, if there is a seep between these aquifers, our own water in the aquifer under Royal,  WILL be drained, into the Mahomet aquifer at some point in the future:  as water is lost.  In other words what they are doing a “few miles away”/ will also impact this community and me: if the amount taken is above the sustainable level, when all other factors are added in.  Drinking water is NOT an infinite resource/ there are limits, and when an area runs out of water, it will not be able to recover sufficiently for decades, even if left alone.  Moreover an aquifer that runs dry commonly collapses/ ruining it for the future, it exists no more.
As we look even farther away, we know that the Ogalala aquifer is already drained dry in some area’s/ estimates are, “it took 6,000 years to fill”.   And trillions of gallons are probably drained just for ethanol production from it.  The difference between today and the dust bowl of the 1930's is that aquifer.  The difference between billions of bushels of grain no longer produced is that aquifer.  The possibility of remaining on ground that no longer has sustainable water supplies, is very minimal/ and that means MILLIONS of people and livestock must move when it is gone.   You want them to come here?

The production of natural gases today from shale deposits and other similar geological structures is based upon the use of water, taken from our drinking reservoirs and dumped into contaminated areas so that it cannot be reused, by the trillions of gallons is the same situation as above.  These areas too, shall run out of drinking water/ and force their residents to move.  The fight then begins, because not enough for everyone, is a very serious matter: it is war, harsh and without mercy.  These industries  can use salt water from the ocean/ if they pay the price.
Each of these are high impact trouble for every community in this nation;   at some point in the future, it will cease to be an option and we will war.  2 million more people are born in this world every week: do you not believe they need water?
Production of oil and gas from Canada is dumping critical drinking water supplies in the very same way, in their nation/ cannot be recovered, too polluted.  Will they not come looking for water too?  How many years, before we war?  The answer is NOT many more.  How much, is that gallon of gas worth to you?
These are predictable realities based upon measurements WE DESERVE TO KNOW, HOW MANY MORE YEARS/ before our communities run dry.  We deserve to know;   and then what?  Or more correctly how many more years before water wars produce a massacre/ destroy our future as a nation/ and limit life on earth.

Our ability to survive as a world, is dependent upon human population counts.  We currently grow at roughly 2 million more mouths to feed each week, over deaths.  Projections will add another billion people in less than one decade.  Kill one billion people/ and you still have 6,000,000,000 more to go.  In other words whether you like it or not, UNLESS we work together as a planet to inform each other and made decisions that will provide us with a future: our lives will soon end.  That is a “community and personal problem” subject to our reality.  Or more simply, the need for statistical analysis and the performance of real world data as would be suitable for communicating ALL OUR LIVES are at stake here.   IS within the boundaries of this trial that asks:   of our governmental employees DO, please investigate and define what is a danger to us or not.   It is not too much to ask.  If someone else’s decisions are putting my life into danger/ my future at risk:   I DO, have a legal right to know/ and take courtroom actions to limit that risk to me, and to us.  Its called DUE PROCESS.   Or more simply

SECTION 2. DUE PROCESS AND EQUAL PROTECTION No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law nor be denied the equal protection of the laws. (Source: Illinois Constitution.)


Our ability to eat is threatened in every single way as a planet: the life ocean is going to die due to extreme human pressures/ that means we will lose food for one in six or so people; and there is no chance for recovery.  Because numbers matter.  We MUST feed the ocean and provide it with whatever it needs to survive.  Like it or not, that means the only abundant resource we could use to feed that ocean is dead human bodies;  there is nothing else.  The loss of food for one in six human beings world wide is a community endangerment; because crisis and chaos follows.
Our factory livestock farms are fed entirely with antibiotic laced foods:   which means simply they CANNOT survive in close confinement without these antibiotics/ all will die.  Antibiotics are becoming completely useless for humanity due to this practice as well, “millions if not billions of tons of antibiotics produced each year, across this earth”.  Just one livestock pandemic and the numbers that would allow a recovery will be lost/ it will happen fast.  It is a choice to stop.  WE NEED TO KNOW THAT CHOICE, as a society: by its truth, NOW/ not later.

All of these things and many more are interrelated to the safety of a community, the environmental awareness of our ability to survive, the health and happiness of our future in this place; and even the world.  That means it is a bigger issue than will simply be defined by the distinction of a trial dedicated to “me and Royal”.   Consequently this trial requests the distinction of   first amendment redress law by our constitutional guarantees.  By our state of IL constitutional guarantee of redress as well.  That we as a nation, state, and even world shall have the opportunity to evaluate our existence, ways, and means;   and decide what our future shall be/ rather than simply wake up one day, an entire world lost.
By educated vote, we will then decide.  What is, or is not true/ and create our decision for life on this earth: OURSELVES!



After sufficient news and other media have been employed to provide the public with an understanding of what this redress trial means to them in terms of democracy :  “their decision, as owners;  regarding accountability from employees,  and the determination of their own futures”.  The possibility to provide the opportunity to participate as jurors for themselves; must be opened to the public.
Their decision, as owners: regarding accountability from employees,  and the determination of their own futures” shall be required as a jury of 24, to initiate the process of redress within a courtroom;  or close it down. 
So as to provide the opportunity to participate as jurors, under their own right as citizens here.  The decision  for themselves requires:  all who desire to be on this jury shall submit their name for consideration in the lottery that decides.  None are impartial, therefore each jury  must be decided,  by public lottery.    21 years of age and a citizen of the state wherein this jury resides is required/ all who comply are welcomed to participate.  The lottery decides who shall be the jury.

This is,  A jury composed of not less than 24 individuals whose job it is, to determine if sufficient evidence either by what is presented in court or by their everyday lives suggests that WE AS A PEOPLE;   NEED OR DESIRE to make the base foundation decisions our society must live with; shall be ourselves, or our employees.   This jury shall decide if our employees must give true and accurate account of our reality as a state or nation/ perhaps city someday; in trial with penalties.  Based upon this first initiating jury decision.   The court shall inform and then certify:    if there are any other district courts within  a specific state (national trial)?   Which have had a citizen residing within their jurisdiction/ to file for similar jury:   on this foundation question created by the first redress court.   The purpose being to infuse true democracy and understand the true meaning of   WE THE PEOPLE HAVE CHOSEN.   Requires all shall be entitled, to get their day in court; thereby  invoking their own decision on this redress trial. For a nation!  When a state by majority decision,  has consented or denied,  to move forward or close the case.  It then goes to all the states in this nation for their decision by the same procedures: public awareness/ lottery jury/ their decision to initiate or not as a state deciding for a nation.
Proving truth in the evidence to be presented in this courtroom to which is initially to determine:    if our government employees shall be taken to court or not/ IF we the people demand to make “this decision” for ourselves:    is NOT held to any severe test.  This trial/ these initial trials; are to determine if the states as a majority of their people,   do demand to hold their employees accountable/ their right as a democracy sacred;   or not.

  Thereby a decision in these initiating trials: determines the purpose/ the reason/ the reality of what will be investigated and presented as our need for evidence/ the agencies to be examined/ and whatever else if functionally realistic to or with the base foundation question: of this particular case: that we the people demand. 
The presentation of information,  from our employees, or others:   is required at our request/ there is no fifth amendment: the public and nation are in danger/ you are the employee, citizen or other;   and we will have an answer/ or find you in no less than contempt.  Intentional Lies will be punished by the court.

 As to the truth, understanding, and reality of this situation within which we have found ourselves: our first need is for knowledge that is critical and sure. Our future will be determined and decided; as best we can/ by the understanding that exists.   Therefore all LIES shall be punished/ but dependent upon their intent to do harm.  Based upon the threats that do exist, WE WILL CHOOSE/ to accept/ control/ destroy or remove: our future.  Those things which can damage or destroy our lives, state, nation, world, or future:   are a choice.  When there is no choice, we live or die accordingly.   Our lives, equals our right to choose/  our choice for ourselves.
Based upon the existence of cause to believe “that adjustments” must or shall or should be made, by we the people!  We will vote/ majority shall rule.  In order to achieve the stated goals of the preamble of this OUR government as is proven by the constitution. The decision for or against redress,  shall be made, by all the people.   Should we go to actual trial for redress/ must then be based in a national trial: upon the jury decisions made, from these initiating proceedings.  Which then do determine,  if the nation consents to have the actual trial.  Each state has one vote, regardless of how many people or district courts; you will combine each jury decision into one vote, for your state.

Because NONE are exempt from the confrontation that this shall influence “my own life too”/ there can be NO allowance for a “jury picked from individuals”.  Rather ONLY JURORS selected by random methods such as “lottery balls” for instance/ shall be allowed the position of declaring for the majority.  It must be a jury/ because this is a legal trial; with legal consequences/ and NOT A POLITICAL MATTER.  We decide for ourselves/ rather than a vote for someone to vote for me on the law, the rights, and the reality that rules our lives.   When all states have recorded their decision: If this “single jury” then  believes:   we should indeed have redress in the matters presented.  To court as a nation we go.   By the initial filing, and its “jury contributions” the people are  asking: for justice and democracy through truth.   In this initial filing; the legal question: MUST OUR OWNERSHIP as a democracy be enforced:   it is James F. Osterbur as plaintiff/ in the trial of a nation, it is WE THE PEOPLE, AS PLAINTIFF.
Each jury may add to the question of democracy, adding to the list for investigation and examination; so long as it is functionally within the same parameters of purpose as the base foundation submitted for trial.  Such as is “the legal boundaries of liberty, between us all”; arising here.  Through these various
“Question trials”;   the district trials to come/ the people have their say.   Prior to subsequent full national trial; so as to limit a future need.  When the initiating redress trials such as is this one are decided,  across the nation:  This process is over/ you have chosen what the parameters of trial shall be, for the national trial itself.
You may insist upon which agencies you desire to be in charge of collecting the evidence/ or be investigated/  or you may let the “legal/ and judicial services” do it for you:   it is your choice.  Through the different states:   This demand for redress shall be established,  by not less than two-thirds majority in subsequent each question trial.  Cases; throughout the state require the same.   Two thirds majority as is reached by the decision of _34 states    in affirmation: YES, if achieved, there shall be redress for the nation.  Each jury for a state question trial:   may contend that a national trial can be by simple majority is enough/ if they wish.   It is their choice, for a state.  It is our choice for a nation if the majority of states do so demand a simple majority.  Then national trial is determined by “26 states affirming”.   Whatever you choose:   This majority, Rules the decision/ yes or no.
Or more specifically, this redress question trial, asks the people of the state of IL, in this district:  by jury trial of 24 :   if they will ask every state in the nation;  or in the alternative every federal district in the state of IL.  IF we the people of IL demand a national redress trial as true democracy.  Either way others MUST AGREE, or it holds no action serviceable by a judge.   If this state says yes, the entire nation  votes, district  by district,  on whether we MUST govern ourselves and seek redress, through a national trial.

 Or trust our employees and the decisions they shall make if we do not take this responsibility upon ourselves.   This trial does Demand accountability from our employees, as is a right of ownership.  Or more specifically; as a people we are entitled to know “the laws and the rules; or change them to meet our needs” as democracy provides.    Protecting the future for these children and ourselves by our own majority vote, when it is clear the employees are failing. That vote can be higher than a simple majority if you wish.  “We the people” becomes, a democracy in action/ when we make our laws, and our employees are accountable to us.
If the states say yes, WE WILL have redress or national trial;  here in this nation called the United States of America.  If this state of IL, by its people, “today does initiate the lawsuit for redress”.  OR  does not pass that enforcement of democracy/ then the other states shall not either. Only a filing accepted by the initiating trial can be sent on to other states.   OR MORE simply if this filing by James F. Osterbur fails in court/   someone else MUST file elsewhere, because I cannot do more than appeal.  The standard of court rules:   no playing games.
IF the decision is yes:   Then it will be expected and demanded that immediate communications with the public in the jurisdiction of this district court shall be “duly informed”.  That they may decide to participate or not.  If they say yes/ then  within the various other federal districts in this state of IL , there shall be an immediate access and opportunity for trial under the same conditions, as this district has achieved.  The question trial,  repeated in this state of IL. They the  people of ILLINOIS; may ask for additional issues to be presented in national trial/ but they cannot reduce the original cause presented.  Redress trial shall be mandatory, ONLY if someone else files in their district; using this initial trial with their name.   Throughout the districts because the state of IL (in this case) demands it, as we the people/ the decision of this state shall be known.  The people have a right.  But the trial shall not go forward to full state  adjudication, thereby full and impartial hearings, with accountability and full ownership rights for the people.    Unless two thirds majority exists in the initiating trial jury.  Redress is our trial/ therefore the jury can decide for itself:   but without a true majority “the price should be considered”.  If the initial trial vote is unanimous/ the alternate states can be advised to continue now!  Let the people themselves serve notice on their own district  courts/ it is their duty.
There can be more than one case for redress across this state or nation/ if they represent a different foundation question.   The majority decision, across all districts for the state; rules the outcome. There cannot be more than one, originating court case to be decided per foundation issue (you may add to it by the force of your democracy, but not subtract from it) for the  presentation of  trial decision.  That originating case, with trial content goes to trial before the other districts. Every case is not its own, based upon this singular truth: this is democracy in action/ therefore we go to trial as we the people!  The purpose is to enforce our ownership;  against our employees in this state or nation, or not. 

Let each respective district,  be responsible for informing their people, the media, and for costs; it is the price of democracy.   That the people of this state have this right to demand redress/ have a right ask of this nation:   come to national trial we MUST address these issues.  Is a distinction of ownership holding their employees accountable is democracy.   But governed by the laws establishing that right: NOT yours or mine, but our right, as we the people.  Along with and in conjunction with, the state of IL constitution, and its associated US constitutional guarantees,  governing all.  This demand for redress, communication, etc; follows immediately upon confirmation of the people: that WE have decided for redress, there is no wait period.   We the people have decided means, there will be redress upon this land; as soon as is possible we shall begin/ because a crisis needs to be addressed as quickly as realistically possible.

This is a democracy/ by the vote, and will of the people themselves! Our state/ our nation  as a living democracy, means: THIS IS  our decision; not yours or mine.  THE LAW, says: I have the right to ask!  Democracy says, the people themselves have the right to refuse.  But the court HAS NO AUTHORITY, other than to obey the law, and aid the people in their understanding or methods and ways.  Our nation, not yours; as the employee.  Our law, means our choice! 
You cannot refuse.









100 N.E.  Main street, Peoria IL 61602

dated: 2/ 18/ 11                      Extending from Champaign county, Urbana IL
 case 11-cv- 2023                                    trial#   10 MR 906

2191 COUNTY ROAD, 2500 E,     ST. JOSEPH, IL 61873
the electronic file is at

box 19281    Springfield IL 62794-9276
Box 19281   Springfield IL 62794-9281
Environmental protection agency for the USA, Chicago office IL:
US EPA region 5 Ralph Metcalfe Federal building   77 W. Jefferson blvd Chicago IL 60604
Department of OSHA for this USA.  Chicago area
701 Lee st.   Suite 950   Des Plaines IL 60016
Department of traffic safety for IL
box 19245   Springfield IL 62794-9245
Department of human rights;   100 W.  Randolph st.  Chicago IL 60601-3218
added is
US ATTORNEY Gerard A. Brost   211 Fulton st.  Suite 400,   Peoria IL 61602
STATES ATTORNEY office Champaign county 101 E. Main st.  Champaign IL 61801
IL ATTORNEY GENERAL   500 S.  Second st.  Springfield IL 62706
champaign county circuit  clerk 101 E. Main st Urbana IL 61801

plaintiff provides:              SUPPLEMENTAL BRIEF

 I, James F. Osterbur do hereby prove and declare: that on this date the above entitled document was mailed, by prepaid US postal first class service to the addresses  listed above. Including the court.