The ascension of one man or a tiny few men as “the rich/ leaders/ etc”;   comes not, from the distinctions of “a better view”;  but from the reality, that they have achieved an organization of men below them who will follow and do what they say.  Therefore it is the followers in truth, that make a few men powerful.  It is the weapons, and the fear, that keeps them in power.  Not a right/ merely a reality of price.
We begin with the simple conclusions of “the rich”/ that we the people owe them:  that we are in fact, “their slaves”, because the financial positions of these few are so extremely disproportionate with what they have done.  The foundation of every wealth, but a tiny few is:  LET THE OTHERS PAY/ to demand it, I will control their access.  To the things they want or need.  The leader says:  I am the one in control, because I am a “winner”!  which can only mean, he chose to make the others “losers”.  The foundation of that claim is a game/ but the reality of that game is a war to determine:   who will fear, or want more. 
The upside down pyramid is a description that serves only the rich, leaders, and those who demand “I am/ we are, in control”.  The critical description is:   the common scheme of a financial or other pyramid is to gather a little from every member, and make the people who gained the most, those who are “the fewest, with the most”.  Creating a tiered effect, where money from a wide variety of sources/ becomes the property of a tiny few people at the top of the pyramid itself.  This is bad enough, but reality proves once those at the pinnacle of every deceit and attempt by man to “get rich” have accumulated enough money:  they move through the bottleneck of time (cutting off any claim or right;  to maintain control), and turn the reality of these financial scams into the means to acquire “truly dirty money (the upside down pyramid)”.
Dirty money is a metaphor, it illustrates the power now in place:  to control governments/ to control the judiciary/ to control the laws/ to control the media/ and to control the people themselves:  by any and all means possible; including war, of any and all types.  Thereby not only enslaving the majority, but proving “I CAN play god, if I want too”.  And they always do.

The critical question is not, how do we defeat the followers (I got bribes/ my life is better than yours) and their leaders (I am a god/ I am more than all of you).  Rather the critical question is:   how do we grant ourselves access and rights, to all that is fundamentally our own, as life on  this planet.  The critical reality is:   HOW do we replace the money, that invades our lives, and removes our ability to defend ourselves when confronted with organizations that are determined to make us their slaves?
The answer is:  changing the money itself.  Because without the extreme monetary gains that are critical to demanding “I am a god/ over you”.  There is no means to bribe, or otherwise control the necessary armies that damage and destroy to create fears; in society itself.
That statement is more critically true, than you suppose.  Without the extreme money at their disposal:  we become equal.  Without the control over property rights, beyond what is fair:  we become equal.  Its called limited capitalism! Without the power to bribe, by controlling governments ourselves, which DOES MEAN:   we create the laws, or change them ourselves, “one vote per person on the law itself (demanded SIMPLE AND PLAIN)/ NOT a vote for someone to vote for me”.  Which is the surrender of democracy, to others BEYOND our control.
So then we search, for a truth that binds us together, as one people united/ rather than separated by the demand that money rules: instead of us.  The critical question is:  to what foundations shall we agree, “this is our nation/ this is our right”.  That answer is a constitution proven to be “fair”.  As is proven by my own court cases  located primarily on  those who want power;  will simply refuse constitutional law and conspire to deceive, control, manipulate, threaten, and tempt those who can make a difference into “desertion of duty/ or acceptance of the bribe being made”.
The critical answer is then:   not letting those who have no right to refuse us all/ steal our nation, lie to us, or cheat us from our heritage.  The foundation answer of men has always been:   we must go to war!  The critical reality of men is then always, that to win/ there must be compromises to the reasons we went to war;  because those who like war, will always search for the means to enslave and control.   Therefore our only true option is, TO GO TO COURT, and prove that we the people, are the government:  and we are the owners here/ and you the employee shall obey the law we created as our nation.   As is proven time and again:  the leaders and their followers shall not help.  The people themselves  always fear/ because to lose means, “the predators are at your door”. Therefore only the law, and the constitution itself become an army sustainable to drive the invaders out.  The critical question is HOW?
          THE DELIBERATE ANSWER IS:   the people themselves MUST learn to hide behind the law, and constitution itself:  to protect their lives against the enemy. To let the law be your army.
It is an enemy who seeks to destroy constitutional law, instead of defend and obey it.  The constitution is OUR AGREEMENT, it is OUR RIGHTS DEFINED, which cannot legally be taken away.  THEREFORE those who defile that law, and seek to destroy it:  are in fact, “enemies”.  Because that law/ that document is the contract we hold, that gives us a nation to own;  for ourselves.  Not theirs/ OURS!
WE THEN search for reality to displace leaders who fail us/ by understanding the methods of an “upside down pyramid”.  These are used to build military armies/ just like they are used to build financial armies as well;  etc.
The critical question of every army is:   WHO, gets to make the decision!  If it ain’t you or me/ its them, and they do whatever they damn well please;  lying/ cheating/ stealing/ abuse/ threats/ murder/ and all that men can be for evil.  The developmental understanding is:  that based upon “the leader” in charge, all things can be “as best they can”/  OR all things can be horrible or worse/ or somewhere in-between.  Therefore LIFE ASKS:  WHO should our leader be?  How do we choose, for ourselves?
The answer exists, as the relationship all life shares with a future, that is more, than simple violence!  The answer is:  TRUTH MUST LEAD!
          The critical test being:  how do we know, what is true?
          The answer is:   as you build a foundation constructed by the teachings of reality, a dome of knowledge is found.  The elemental teaching of knowledge, examines the evidence of every action and reaction to recognize and understand, what can be trusted with any confidence or not.  Wisdom then sorts through trust, to accomplish the decision that most correctly identifies what is true.  When you have found that truth, the battle is half won.  Because LIARS will always appear, searching for any other solution, any other path:  so they don’t have to surrender their own wants.  Want is the basis of all lies/ therefore want, is a known enemy, that will betray those who fail to see it.   Truth examines the evidence/ investigates the desire and its purpose:  only then, does it accept the decision that moves life in a direction called honor, courage, and justice.
The upside down pyramid of man, is a demand created by want/ which serves only  to enslave the others by temptations, or any other means useful:  to make them believe, “YOU will gain, only by aiding me”.  Like prison bars bending to enclose you, the reality is:  every want is a primitive decision, to surround yourself with the things, desires, or purposes you cannot have. A demand to cheat and steal, if you can.  These are prison bars.  When men all choose the same fate, established by their want:  they become an army of mercenaries, an army of fools;  spending their lives, by discarding their soul.  Even so, the choose leaders, who then climb to the top of their prison, and funnel themselves into a position to take everything they want/ leaving all the rest behind.  To sustain themselves, they do “branch out with bribes”.  Because no army of men, can be sustained in power by less than a barrage of temptations/ a reality designed to be:  are we not greater, than these.  While the rest of want says: “they got what they wanted;  a little at least”.  Which brings the next tier of bribes;  the next reality of those who demand “they want something too, anything, and corruption spreads like wildfire”.  The end result is:  by example, like this,  “time here in America/ where, want has corrupted the nation, bankrupting the people>  but the counterfeiters have been very busy tempting all those who want with the simple words:  “let the dollar, be your guide”.   Divided equally, every citizen babies and all, are entitled to claim one half million dollars.  Did the temptations not work well?  You sold your soul (the right and the reality to search for GOD) for numbers;   to hold a DAMN trinket, a toy, or a trophy.  you  sold your nation for a fantasy and a delusion:  and you stand at the edge of eternity, about to commit “forever lost”.  You gave away love and friendship, worshiping lust;   for literally nothing of any true value.
THE CRITICAL reality of money is:  that if it is only a number, rather than time, resource, and reality exchanged in relative fairness/ then those numbers become a whip (you must, and you will/ or the penalty will be harsh), and a reality in counterfeiting instead.  In America, every financial description is a number that has NO REALITY attached to it.  Every foundation for fair exchange in society, and even this world is generated by an assumption of numbers/ by a bribe, to keep the “upper army” from abandoning their leaders:  so as to keep the slaves in place.  You spend your life chained to a job/ while others spend their lives, “giving themselves, fantasy numbers, which the rest then accept”.  How is that not slavery/ there is NO EXCHANGE. They do whatever they wish, and you pay the price.  This is supported by the overtaking of government and media, by the few/ who did so, to give themselves numbers (do you believe, the evidence is real):  to make you their slaves.  People don’t believe, because the price is too high/ and the sheep go to slaughter easily.  But even so, “the prison keepers, for slaves” believe themselves better off, because of bribes:  so even if they know the truth, they join the thieves, and destroy a nation and a world;  because selfishness rules this world.   Can’t be true?
Let’s review:   as a common citizen, living a common life, do you not go to work, get paid accordingly, go home and buy what you need/ with only a possible very little left over.  And feel “its ok” because I have enough.  How can that be a slave/ isn’t that right?  After all, it is fair:  I do the job, I found for myself, and receive the wage accordingly.  I choose the living space, transportation, meals, according to what the job pays, “just like practically everyone else”. How is that slavery/ he is a fool!   BUT LETS NOW, LOOK CLOSER AT YOUR REALITY:    your leaders tell you, “we spend trillions more, than the nation earns/ the students borrow trillions more than they earn/ the public borrows trillions more than it earns, and they make their own loans on credit cards, by  a trillion or so.  You then get from foreign nations, massive amounts of resources, for which you don’t pay.  You promise yourselves, THE CHILDREN WILL PAY these debts:  so that you don’t have too.  And you refuse to address the future, because everything in it, is either harsh or a price you will not, or cannot pay:   because all these liars/ cheats/ and thieves have been living on credit, for which there is NO POSSIBLE MEANS of return.  Nonetheless, while you live a common life/ there are people collecting and spending all these promised trillions of dollars:  is that not so?  YOUR president continues to spend trillions more than is real or fair/ promising foreign nations, “the children will pay;  or giving them bribes;  telling the leaders in every other nation;  “its all good, because with this many numbers;   EVERYBODY, can be a thief”.
So then let’s review your “common life” and its future.   Let’s say the common man makes ten dollars an hour/ which many do.  So you have no savings, and any little thing that goes wrong, is a  potential or real crisis, in your individual world.  Multiplied by millions;  the constant and real crisis of falling outside the safety net of money to buy food, or live in proper housing, etc:   IS A WHIP TO MAKE YOU DO, whatever you are allowed to do.  But so  long as there is food from somewhere/ at least something you can do:  “its ok, sort of/ because it could be worse”. 
So then let’s review the lives of more; called the middle class, and its future.   Or more simply:  “I GOT a damn home, I GOT more than those;  I AM A WINNER/ hell, I got numbers beyond:  I AIN’T NO DAMN LOSER, HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A SLAVE!”  damn bastard should be ridiculed and thrown out of this society!    But let’s review reality, shall we:  practically gods, aren’t you/ so what’s a little reality hurt?  Ain’t that right.      Even you know, can do the math  one trillion dollars, divided by every possible citizen worker (100 million, or one in three;  babies/ retired/ sick/ etc, don’t count)  equals ten thousand dollars spent, that you are supposed to pay for :  isn’t that right/ you do pay your bills, don’t you.  HELL YES, why this is the backbone of the nation/ WE ARE THE WORKERS, &       WE PAY.  So then for the year 2012, your leaders intend to spend 6.3 trillion dollars:  divided by one hundred million people:  they spend $63,000.00 per each and every one of those one hundred million workers, just for this year.  HOW MUCH, do you have left for yourself/ for your debts/ for the future?  Answer the question?  Oh wait, yes I know:  “the rich/ take all these taxes and pay them for  you/  “isn’t that right”?  Billionaires and all included:  the average income per capita americans is $41,663.00.  for a household in 2010 was $51, 914  that statistic from the US census bureau.  SO THEN, the federal government alone spends just for itself: MORE than the incomes of every single American.  Let them argue about exactly how much it is .  The reality is:  by the math, not a single american worker has a penny left to spend on themselves;  your “government employees” spent it all/ and they spent your children’s future as well.  Or more simply:  every American citizen lives entirely on credit!  That is your truth.  WAIT/ CAN’T BE:   YOU got a pile of numbers in the bank/in the stock market/ pensions/ etc!  HELL YES, CAN’T BE BANKRUPT;  you got numbers, ain’t that right!  DAMN RIGHT/ AIN’T NOBODY stole from me:  I protect myself, ain’t that right. Nobody steals from you, ain’t that right!   But let’s review:  your government employees spend by the math, more than the entire nation takes in as income, for people.  Therefore all the money MUST come from corporations and the stock market:  therefore we are still rich, ain’t that right.  THE ENTIRE TAX collected for America is $738,801,679,000. 00 .   $738.8 billion (less than one trillion dollars)  source US census bureau
www.2010stcreport.pdf . The tax paid by  corporations is $38,176,589,000.00/  $38.1 billion,  for the year 2010;  source US census bureau.   So then, if your government employees are spending over 6 times more, than they are collecting:   where did the money come from?   Lets ask the stock market: As of today, the Total Market Index is at $ 14708.3 billion, which is about 98% of the last reported GDP.  Or 14.7 trillion dollars.
Today the top 1 percent of Americans control 43 percent of the financial wealth (see the pie chart below) while the bottom 80 percent control only 7 percent of the wealth. Incredibly, the wealthiest 400 Americans have the same combined wealth as the poorest half of Americans -- over 150 million people.  Or 400 people have enslaved one hundred and fifty million people:  because they have numbers to do so.  Do you not have to go to work, or face starvation/ being thrown out of society on the street.  Indeed you do.  How are you not their slaves? 
So let’s review the rich (the people who took all those bribes to shut up)/ those who say, “I got more numbers than god”;  ain’t nuthin, going to touch me!  Thereby we look at the upside down pyramid to see the bottleneck, where the money gets funneled down, to those who can “take it all”, and live like kings, or queens.  Here at the apex of all numbers generated in this nation called USA/ the illusion of debts don’t matter:  and inflation that strips away every aspect of control as a democracy to steal your world.  Those numbers are then funneled into the fantasies and delusions of the people in charge of spending those numbers/  do you not see their influence continually spreading “like a cloud over your head”.  Keeping the people under control, by letting them believe:  “its all good/ don’t worry about a thing;  or we will attack you”.  Thereby as we see with the exhibits established on “they have been busy fantasying, about how they will be gods”.  Taking these numbers to experiment with   MUTILATING ALL LIFE on this planet, and powers, or purposes combined with energy enough:  to destroy the planet itself.  CAN’T GET MORE POWERFUL than that/ can’t get more insane either.  And the rich man helps/ but it is the college graduate that decides:  because these are his delusions, and his demands to be god.  Does not the college graduate control not only government, but every aspect of business and industry in this nation, or nearly every nation on earth.  Yes he does.  Therefore who is the greatest liar/ thief/ and cheat of them all, if   NOT the university diploma.  How did they get this power?  The answer is:  YOU accepted them as your idols and images of superiority over you;  you let them be “the religious equivalent of gods”/ and they have chosen to kill you.  Because they now can/ read
The reality of this day is very, very simple:
You will repent of this or die.  You will change, as truth itself demands, FOR LIFE AND PLANET:  or be an entire planet, lost forever.  It is,  “your choice”.
As to the reality and consequence of money in real life/ IT AIN’T the numbers that make an economy:  IT’S THE WORK!  Combined with the resources  that make that work possible.  Therefore every true economy is based entirely on the worker, and on the resource available.  Feed the worker, and provide what they need;  and there is no real end to the economy possible;  UNTIL the resources run out.  Which means deliberately, the only thing standing in the way of a true economy is the reason you let this economy fall into ruin.  “YOU ALL, WANT MORE”!  Or more simply, you want pride “I am a winner/ they are losers”:  rather than friendship and responsibility.  You want “to be rich”/ even though the majority know:  “can’t be rich/ until you make many more people POOR (they pay for me, I am free)”!  Because that is the price.  You can go to bankruptcy court as a nation and fix this, by retaining control over the money and the decisions yourselves:  as democracy provides under redress of grievances.  Or, you can “continue to play, and die”.  YOU CAN STOP THE INSANITY OF PEOPLE PLAYING GOD, AND GAMBLING WITH THIS ENTIRE PLANET OF LIFE:   OR YOU CAN LITERALLY GO TO HELL AND ARMAGEDDON (nature in chaos).  But these are choices soon to disappear forever:  which means HORROR/ CHAOS/ AND TRAGEDY ARE AT YOUR DOOR.   CHOOSE!