JustTalking5.info | Is, an alteration to the work which proceeds it. Now, its simply live or die, as a world! |
Justtalking4.info | A summary site of what matters most/ what threatens immediately or worst. |
Justtalking3.info | Compilations choosing to inform with various methods employed. |
Justtalking2.info | Centered around supreme court cases demanding redress of grievances. Proving corruption in the US supreme court. |
Justtalking.info | The beginning survey, a disciplined talk. |
TrialForLife.info | Centered around US federal court, tax case: demanding adherence to democratic authority & constitutional law. |
TrialOfLife.info | Centered around state of IL realities: refusing justice/ corrupt, and supporting "cruel and unusual punishment" upon the poor. |
SoulTalking.info | Confronting initial questions "why". |
CriticalEconomics.info | Asking what is real for tomorrow. |
ComplexDestiny.info | Developments in life and living. |
These represent a search, for what will get your attention, as the decades previous proved: truth (evidence)/ consequences (extermination)/ reality (can't be wrong)/ money (all gone)/ religion (we only believe what we want too)/ nor anything to do with life, or values, or evidence "of biblical proportions": could not! There was, more than a reason humanity itself, should investigate. But chose "to hide, and run away". With very few exceptions!
WANT, was all that mattered.
“Just like the bible” If it seems “out of place, not consistent”/ it almost certainly is. Truth is a law, that does not waver! Each site is a composite demanding LIFE, not money or games: MUST COME FIRST! Download these html sites; so they cannot be easily taken away.
How, did we pay for current costs! “etc”?
Add reality has a list and federal reserve #1 & #2 & #3
Then ask yourself: if nothing but a few forced pennies, have been spent on infrastructure for the future of this nation over the last fifty years. WHO took, or spent the money on fantasy or their delusions? The answer is, “every university diploma” that became “our leaders”.
The battle for your SOUL! Inner walls Critical development Critical personal development Energy made simple Limited capitalism victim defense jewelry World laws sites I provide A testament to Hope
Primary forum/ mine; secondary forum, democracy and law; third forum, scientific, evidence, knowledge based discussion; initial forum, short discussions to enable “living and life issues”. chatrooms 1; 2; 3. For the purpose of you, creating opportunities/ organizing with others (meet only in public places, “safety first”/ no excuses, no exceptions), simple discussion; etc. A primary concern: The extreme light infrastructure (eli), Additionally federal reserve accounting. Review of hospital billing A Beginning
Can be summed up, in the words: “Liar/ traitor/ cheater/ terrorist/ treason/ and thieves”; or more simply the creation of intellectual whore’s! “Nothing matters, but me”.
Soul is a word summed up to mean: our bond, to the living world/ our connection with its Creator/ our acceptance of miracles/ which bring and sustain our respect for the reality, that begins with our existence, and ends wherever your own distinct truth shall go. Into eternity; as love, terror, or oblivion. That knowledge and YOUR acceptance of MIRACLES: is the very foundation of your invitation to search for a relationship with GOD ! That is, the beginning, of humanity: rather than simply “animal”. As is the creation of thought, and the purity of desire; constructs: “beyond yourself” means spiritual exists. YOU, must achieve “human: a design/ a miracle, enabled and created by the essence of GOD”; to be considered for eternity!
NONE OF that is, “intellect”: the possibilities of delusion/ arrogance/ pride, power, lust, hate, traps, lies, etc. Rather the evidence of our reality insists: IF YOU, as a majority; CANNOT “rescue your soul, from the sewage that has invaded your life”. It is absolutely certain, by the evidence: that every horrific event prophesied in the bible will occur quickly now. The only way out, is to accept what is true, and identify what is not true: WITHIN YOURSELF! That means we must investigate our reality, for threats against life/ we must examine every possibility, and understand realities that can end life. Not only accepting: to Understand DUTY, means WRONG, or even the potential for being wrong/ SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED! BUT RESPECTING LIFE ITSELF! That appears not to be possible, within the Understanding of a university brain. As their choices ARE now, soon to be HORRIFIC, because of their preferred terrorism. In contrast: we the people with LIFE inside, must now decide as a world: NOT TO “let them” GAMBLE WITH ALL LIFE ON EARTH! Or we all will surely die! So says the evidence. Don’t believe, FIND THE TRUTH. Not only your life, and your child, and your world are depending upon you: every single creation that could exist as a future living creation IS DEPENDENT UPON OUR CHOICES, in this day! Everything is at risk/ NOTHING remains as it was: our world has changed, and we are threatened with extinction/ even extermination from the universe itself, as a solar system destroyed by creating another sun out of this earth. How is that NOT “your concern”?
The storytellers use mob control/ the definitions related to mass hypnosis; to convince you of their own fantasies, delusions, and illusions of grandeur. REMOVE THEM, FROM THEIR PEDESTAL; and make them equal, never more again! Mob control is: “we have a right/ they are attacking us”; regardless of truth! In this case, the mob created by mass hypnosis, believes “the university knows everything”/ therefore they can play god, with our lives, our world, our nature, our money, our future, our everything. As is proven by the evidence of what universities do, in terms of threat and terrorism and traitorous acts. These will be discussed.
As to mass hypnosis, the primary means exists as this: to control a multitude of people, by presenting “something” they will believe unanimously! It doesn’t matter what/ but it does matter, that they all come to the conclusion that: WE ARE superior, to those, or that, which is being described. It is superiority that creates mass hypnosis: the willingness to believe “I AM superior”. It is that superiority, that transforms itself into a mob, when some form of retaliation can be found for a description that is against “our superiority”. Or more simply the mob forms to declare itself “god”/ and then proves it with violence! To their shame. Mobs don’t exist in war. Mobs exist only when the majority are searching for a cause that will let them justify aggression, the preparations for war, or outright stealing.
As to the intellectual: he or she being certain, “nobody is smarter than me”/ asserts, “I KNOW”, therefore I am god over this! When that is about to be proven, not true; “stories erupt”. Because right or wrong, people want to be superior, to the past/ the others/ themselves/ or whatever it is that lets them believe whatever they do want to believe. Or more critically: I AIN’T going to lose my pride, power, money, and job; to no DAMN truth! So stories that cannot be plainly proven false, without thought: then become lies surrounded by the people who want to believe. As is constant with all religion; “belief, DON’T need no damn proof”.
The university is a religion, that has cult followers/ priests controlling media/ and a long list of enforcers throughout society. Created by the believers of “university knows”: their control over society, what it believes, and what it does; has become synonymous “with human gods”. You cannot question them, with reality/ you cannot question their methods, or what happens when these things they do, GO WRONG; destroying all life/ you cannot question, the law or this democracy or anything that is within their grasp. Because like all religions, “they have a book”/ and the book is god. Regardless of reality! As in the case of media: the university is NEVER questioned/ the university knows all. An example: like the recent media propaganda of believe in this relic, from Ethiopia; “a human jawbone complete with an obvious set of human teeth, that show absolutely NO DETERIORATION. Even though the substrate they have been “glued into” is unrecognizable from stone.” How blind a believer can you be? Answer, “horrifyingly stupid/ bordering on insane”. Crippled and without sense. Cult worshipers, of the damned; bowed down, so they cannot see!
As is constant with talking to all true believers (I don’t need no damn proof/ I have a book) of any religion. IF they don’t run away/ which most do: the very first order of business is, “to prove, being WRONG HERE”. Is the death of everything/ the consequences GRIM, or a GRAVEYARD. Or more consistently with the need, to examine reality: those who are called “god” must lose their “halo”/ and be returned to reality!
We begin with lies: “the university knows everything” it needs to know about the sun/ about the fire that is on the sun: therefore they can gamble with every life on this planet. WRONG is a dead world/ a second sun, in this solar system called earth. Not a game, attempts to ignite this same fire as is on the sun goes on everyday/ and will soon be accomplished. Their claim is terrorism at its worst: “DON’T worry”, this fire once ignited, will just extinguish itself/ because there is not enough gravity here to hold it onto the surface. OUR ENTIRE WORLD, EVERY SINGLE LIVING THING; lives or dies based upon this theory. Because a ten million degree fire, that obviously burns atomic bonds: CANNOT BE PUT OUT! There are NO second chances. This fire either extinguishes itself/ or we all die. Including this solar system; because a second sun will explode quickly; the oceans will see to that! I have sought to question the university “brains”/ which threaten our world. I have sought to question and inform the political “brains” which are a completely delusional cult, worshiping the university. I have demanded “democracy rules/ WE THE PEOPLE HAVE LEGAL RIGHTS” to protect ourselves, to demand protection through our courts and our constitution. Their failure is TREASON.
I have provided information to a wide variety of people and organizations; proven cult worshipers too. I have worked for forty years, and even more: demanding BELIEF IS NOT ENOUGH/ TO GAMBLE WITH EVERY LIFE ON EARTH! And they don’t even know what gravity is, and that is a fact, unless they finally learned from me. Regardless having proven themselves wrong at the national ignition facility: by trying to combine hydrogen into helium, as is the first part of their theory of sun fire. They failed completely, but continue on regardless of the evidence: to demand, their story “that fire is just like an atomic bomb”. Although reality does NOT agree: a fire, is not an explosion. They bear almost no similar characteristics. How is that not true? They say: hydrogen is what the sun is made of/ and call it the most dense object in our solar system. The lightest, most unlikely element known. They say: its on fire from the center out. Yet that means all the available fuel is being used/ therefore it cannot go supernova (no extra fuel, to enlarge the flames)/ therefore it cannot burn for any length of time, “everything is being burned at once”! THAT IS, what on fire from the center out means/ and with their conclusion of “its made out of hydrogen”; they cannot prove long-term sustain-ability in any form. They claim something unknown is at the center of the core “pulling magical wires into it, to keep the planets in orbit”. Something completely unknown, and without any real definition. They say the fire is the size of the sun/ even though the law of thermodynamics proves them wrong. Heat requires space. Etc/ etc/ etc. Storytellers whose terrorism and intent to destroy: encompasses every life on earth lost in fire. A ten million degree fire that will eject our atmosphere in a few weeks. And a biblical prophecy (for the religious) as well, that indicates this earth will be destroyed by men: with fire: coming true! Yet nothing invades the cult, because they are believers. Not even their own horrific deaths, along with the death of everything, and everyone they value. Not a game. We KNOW this fire exists/ therefore IT CAN be recreated here! This ENTIRE world is about to BURN! Because that is the choice, “university made”! Believe it or not/ the evidence is real we shall burn. While the university CANNOT prove a single assumption/ not even one. Their trap is: “we have big brains”. THEIR reality is: many more energy experiments with potentially HORRIFIC results, for our world!
Your “university gods” also attack ALL OF NATURE, with mutilation and the intent to destroy EVERYTHING, “CALLED A BODY OF LIFE”! Because that is what they do, and the university “brains” even tell you they are doing it/ because they are going to make everything “better”. And they are going to play god, with life, recreating it by mixing DNA all together to form “anything else”. Even though they KNOW: THAT SPECIES BOUNDARIES CROSSED IS: THE PRIMARY CAUSE OF EVERY KNOWN PANDEMIC! They do it anyway, because the cult believes in evolution. Or as is the summary of evolution: “We built ourselves/ we just went shopping, and picked everything we wanted out, off the shelf, FOR FREE”. Its just a happy accident/ wherein “their big brains” come last! Discarding all elements of truth/ disgracing and disrespecting every aspect of reality; to play god.
Evolution assumes: “a billion things/ over a billion years/ without ANY form of thought or tool or food. Constructs what can only be called, the most significant, intricate, and complex realities THAT ARE LITERALLY SO EXTREME; not a single human being can even come close to truly understanding any of it. Not life/ not design/ not the integration of all necessary parts and pieces/ not the manufacturing process/ not the reproductive process/ not the mental aspects or its networking, or its “software”. Not the building of bones, or the integration of joints, tendons and controls. Not the realities of organ, and the demand that each one is absolutely necessary at the same time: or the entire system fails. Not blood, or food, or the ability to find, catch, control, swallow, eat, or anything else that MUST be available from the very first second: for life as a body designed TO BE: built within itself, and able to survive. They have only adaption/ which is an element of “perfect design”. Something so profound, so extremely intricate, balanced, and clearly designed: IS NOT chance. Something similar is not evidence of adaption, just because it is similar. That alone, does NOT mean the extremely “SIMPLE, damned (you lost your soul) mind” can claim, boundaries were crossed to become something else. They have NOT ONE single piece of real evidence to prove anything of evolution/ BUT they do have a terrible long list of invasions and attacks, against life; that will turn our food into poison, and release unimaginable horror in every possible way. Ending life on earth. The price of being wrong! They have a tiny few people called the FDA, that assert, “its OK, MUTILATE EVERYTHING/ nothing can go wrong”; cause evolution will fix it in a few billion years. That, is their plan for failure. So lets ask your plan: WHAT DO YOU, want mutilated on your body, or your child, or your world? Answer the question/ because YOU have run out of time. This ain’t no game. YOU don’t believe your car is an accident/ you don’t believe anything you do is an accident, or anything good can be the result of NOT thinking at some level/ you don’t believe life is easy for most, or that you can survive without arms, legs, teeth, blood, brain, or anything else: the utter fools of university claim. HOW, can YOU be so damn blind?
Only the extra special smart people are willing to do that, GAMBLING WITH EVERY LIFE ON EARTH, and you follow, with your face buried in the ground; so as NOT to see. Because you are afraid, “they talk better, and have formed an army against us”. But; By crossing species boundaries: TO CREATE HORRIFYING DISEASE! Everything “beautiful” is going to be destroyed! You, MUST find your mind; because anything less is death! DNA is nature; as this is the instructions, that build every body of life on earth. For instance: if an egg is not completed, within its shell; just a little “not done”/ then the entire species dies. How is that not true/ prove it? Or, what if instead of the common one human child/ there shall not be twenty inside a womb! It is said, that in the past volatile fuels got into a water supply; pregnant women drank it, and the child they produced was born “perfect/ but without a brain”. Dead on arrival. Think about what you do/ and especially about what these other university “brains” are doing to you, and to our world of life! There are no second chances, pandora’s box/ cannot be closed once it is too damn late.
Find your mind/ understand what is true/ and accept your duty to defend LIFE ITSELF! Because Their clear desire is then: To destroy us all, and this world/ by claiming to be “gods”! By making life, “their toy”! Made possible only because you are hiding behind your fears. To your shame! This is ARMAGEDDON coming; or nature in chaos/ because men and women, made it so! Destroying the very foundation of all life on earth, by their own insanity! Wrong is everything we value: GONE! Because you didn’t care enough, to say NO!
RETHINK your answer, and fight for your world. Do it NOW or DIE. Because the evidence is not lying; EVERYTHING IS THREATENED WITH EXTERMINATION.
THE DUTY TO OUR WORLD, does NOT end with simply controlling the university infection! They are, as a group: little more than, “a bull, in a china shop; rampaging/ raping/ and destroying everything they touch”. The value of trinkets and toys; is very limited. The reality of medicine without BALANCE; has proven to be an extreme threat to our very planet. “Like it, or not”!
In addition to the horror of a university intellect/ the tragedy realized by university leadership: are the endless failures, fantasies, and fools that have manipulated our world and our lives into even more tragedies coming. The evidence is clear/ the reality is certain; and our only option is to depend upon truth and thought to change our course, and reconstruct the possibility of life, here on earth. Our world has changed! Not because I say so/ because the evidence proves it is true. Apart from university knows/ the cult responsible for SO MUCH DAMAGE. Is the reality of “we the people” failing to recognize and accept the restrictions required: IF WE DON’T die, as nature expressed. Then we over-populate this earth/ and destroy ourselves with the competition that consumes everything. Turning us quickly into the horrors of endless war, and cannibalism. Such is the coming reality of our lives in this day. WE CANNOT feed more people/ nature which feeds us, will not survive: so says the evidence of life. There are already a billion people who have only the bare essentials of survival/ and we grow at a rate of over 2 million more people to feed, every single week on earth/ over deaths. Take the population increase/ divide by 52! YOU HAVE a responsibility to life, reality is NOT a game/ fail and we all die.
YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY to future life/ fail and they cannot live: because you took every resource, and as your garbage dumps testify against you/ YOU CHOSE to throw their lives away! AS DOES all the resources, you consumed to do it. There is NO MORE EXCESS of anything, but salt water.
YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY to every living thing: to protect life; by recognizing the cost of being wrong: must now govern everything we do/ or allow others to do.
YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY to understand the cost of what is being done. You have a DUTY to accept that reality makes the decision instead of you from now on. Because without truth, there is no hope for the survival of anything on earth. That does mean CHANGE.
YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO KNOW: what the future will bring/ by the evidence and knowledge which examines resource depletion/ and what that means, to every child.
YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO CHOOSE WISELY, because damage done already, has eliminated everything else.
1. The oxygen consumed in your fire/ motors/ etc: FAR EXCEEDS the ability of this earth to replace it. Either change that or be asphyxiated. Not a game/ a proven fact, which MUST be addressed right now.
2. The ocean is in trouble, every life form that you require for food; is in jeopardy of extinction (can’t be used by you; very few left). A billion people or more die: THEY have no food/ which brings terrorism and destruction for all. Immense factory ships, “take them all”/ destroying the chain of life in that part of the ocean; all, AROUND THIS WORLD.
3. Every drop of water for drinking is now precious. We cannot live without it/ and you know it. Lose an aquifer, and a million or more people now have to move: YOU won’t like the result/ and if it is not fast enough, there will be war. One single earthquake, and there will be terrible consequences caused by your decision to release natural gas into a situation that is by NO MEANS: a simple, layering of soil (all the same) as the propaganda demands. It only takes one little leak to destroy a water supply. Then comes all the drinking water being used to lift the oil in reservoirs long thought empty: trillions? Go find out, or just calculate the amount of oil used in America for the last hundred years. Then comes ethanol, roughly equal in water volume to the amount of gas you burn. Then comes the incredibly insane reality of mining, and all the destruction that can result. Then comes the endless poisoning of or by; everything agriculture. Then comes the endless disgrace of everything urban; or “we don’t care”. Then comes the tragedies of military, and the realities of everything else that demands: we will thirst to death/ and soon. According to your scientists: it takes fifty inches of rainfall/ to add one inch of water to an aquifer! And today, people are pumping poisons into dry aquifers. Water is, No small part of, “The Apocalypse”!
4. We examine the reality of food, and find not less than one in every thirteen young people are now allergic to some type of food! One in less than one hundred are born autistic; etc. Things that change within a small amount of time: are governed, excited, and controlled by something that changed. Such as genetic mutilation of food plants. Genetic consequences of changes to livestock. Poisoning in the sea/ Poisoning at every level, of life. Poisoning in the cities too. Poisoning at the pharmaceutical levels; which can be either “considered safe/ OR NOW known to be BAD”. Even excess use of antibiotics, can have devastating consequences. All such things, and more can cause genetic deformities/ such things can impact and change after decades, or instantly, or under only specific conditions, or within specific types of people. Through any number of realities shifted or changed because of choices that were made. Or human choice changes the integrity of everything, other life depends upon/ and then we ingest it from them: OR A TRILLION OTHER consequences, all of which you cannot conceive of. Yet you gamble with all life on earth anyway: because your cult called “university knows” demands they can play god.
5. We turn to examine food production, to learn: not only are the consequences of poisoning everything, a potential horrifying reality. Agriculture is poisoning every crop/ destroying a primary base food supply for every other creature on earth: insects. Which soon means, “a very quiet spring”/ because without food, birds/ reptiles/ amphibians/ small mammals and more will die too. Extinction is mandatory, without food! Which soon means: there is no diversity left/ because the pollinators are gone. Leaving us with only mutilated foods/ which are certain to turn poisonous. Because that, is what you chose.
6. We examine the livestock industry to find, without antibiotics that work/ every living thing we depend upon for food; CAN BE LOST, within weeks. Livestock pandemic’s do exist/ not a game. Ending all possibility, that we the people, could wait for the numbers to regain. Because we are so many people hungry, that “the very seed” for another crop will simply disappear. And you have no alternative, but to let them continue/ or change everything.
7. Your antibiotics are failed; or soon will be. Which means far more horrendous diseases are coming to your horror. It is antibiotics, that made every other form of your current “medicine/ surgery/ etc” possible. Without them, it all disappears: because the universities said, “this is the EASY way”. Go ahead, save a penny.
8. Your logging/ especially your waste: has destroyed the environments supporting other living species on earth. Has destroyed a great deal, and soon, there won’t be another tree of size left on this earth; because you took them all. A cost, you cannot even imagine.
9. Your business claim is: “We now produce more products in ten years/ than in all of human history combined.” WHERE, are you going to get “more”?
10. You have weapons of mass destruction/ and tyrants are plentiful: look in any university/ in any government or military. It only takes one! Because your leaders refuse to commit to world law, and the policing of leaders: by our law as we the people of this earth.
11. Your leaders especially here in America: have bankrupted the nation itself/ with their own GREED. Counterfeiting everything/ destroying lives/ destroying trust/ and soon it will be either world war, or civil war: because that is what you chose. Your media was worthless throughout. Just like it is, with every other threat listed; and so many more it is worthless to care.
12. The foundation laid by the university cult, is simple: make them all our slaves! Terrorize them, so they remain silent. Make them fear, by bringing a level of violence throughout society through “entertainment” and other means: so they will not rise up. Stop all forms of independence or freedom: by taking away their jobs/ their right and their opportunity to try, to be anything other than what the university says: controlling everything. Dispossess the nation itself, by counterfeiting money/ giving it to foreign nations, and then selling them “our property/ our literal nation”. Be a traitor to every college student, by confining them in debt/ by demanding NEVER criticize, just memorized and be “good little robots”. Or we WILL destroy your financial future/ and that leaves you nothing. Just like “all medicine” does: substantively “whipping the slave”! Control the press with bribes, power, and money. Control the courts with power, arrogance, and “puppet masters to insure they obey”. Control the government with bribes/ NOBODY gets in “without us”: we counterfeit trillions. Control the business by taking it away, control the jobs by insuring “every hire is: US”/ and then consolidating the rest, against those who refuse to obey. Take away all independence by lying about inflation/ cheating with debts that cannot be paid/ and stealing everything from a world; as best they can/ blaming “we the people”. GIVE THE NATION ITSELF away/ disguising PROPERTY used to bribe foreigners, because, neither we, nor they have little legal or political say. Through counterfeiting/ and then lies, the public that built this nation does not have a chance: because immigration surges on/ and every diploma wants them, “because they don’t like us”. Let the property change hands, a world preparing for civil and world war. Because the people themselves only wake up, when they have truly become SLAVES; you lost! This, is No small part of the Apocalypse either; a gun behind every door/ in every hand: BLOOD beyond description! “Its all gone”. Too late now, for everything! All indications are: that the university diploma’s having recognized in the sixties that everything would go wrong/ although they did try a little bit. Abandoned that: choosing instead of working to insure we did the best we could for life/ decided to take everything they could get/ not only, abandoning life itself, but every child. Choosing to fantasize about being “god” themselves, with delusions so grand, “the believe they can control the same fire as is on the sun/ or even life itself, by throwing garbage into the machinery of life. They are: “Leaders, to hell/ with the majority of men, following close behind”! Or more simply, “without the majority of men, who wanted to play too”/ this could not have been done. EACH BRIBED, to accept counterfeiting and lies, thereby hiding the truth, so you could have stolen property too.
13. The reality of every governmental organization is: little more than a burglar hiding in the shadows, waiting to invade with taxation as soon as the people inside go to work. Little more than thieves, as every debt they create is known to be in default immediately; because we cannot pay. They lie about inflation, and prove in their own accounting, that real inflation is over $90,000.00 per year per one in three of citizens/ and has been for years. They dispossess us from our land, and our nation: selling title to foreigners, with counterfeit money they created/ and kept from our own hands. Its called TRAITOR. They have corrupted the courts completely, proving treason by the evidence of trial after trial presented by James F. Osterbur refused “not even a whisper, from the court regarding all constitutional law”. That is called TREASON: the intent to destroy a nation/ and make themselves RULERS. They have created rule after rule, to “whip the slaves”/ and failed justice at every turn. The chose the powerful, and gave them our lives: to play with. Such are the leaders of the United States of America, a group filled with “only the university diploma” may sit here. Only the university diploma SHALL have “a million dollars more” regardless of contribution or anything to do with life. Failed/ fool/ tragedy/ disgrace/ disease/ and death to our world, unless we change this now.
WE NEED “LIMITED CAPITALISM”/ WORLD LAW enforced against leaders/ we need JUSTICE. None of which exists today. Such is the reality of “University control” over life and democracy. We need reality to decide, by the evidence of truth, and the consequences of being WRONG! We need LIFE FIRST/ never money first, again.
The biblical prophecy is: 1290 days after “the single worst decision humanity can make begins”. The university says: its safe, gambling that SUN FIRE will simply extinguish itself. Trying to ignite that fire on earth! As is going on “everyday” at lawrence livermore laboratories in San Francisco.
The end of this world has begun!
Established by the prophecy of fire, and the ending prediction: “men did this”. Then 45 days later (book of Daniel) the earth shall be completely dead: the atmosphere ejected/ the planet overheated beyond life. And for the Christian religious; your rapture, is nothing more than being sucked into the flame. Where even atoms cannot survive! As a ten million degree updraft/ will demand a thousand mile per hour wind. And what did you do to stop this?
BECAUSE IT IS A HUMAN DECISION THAT THREATENS US ALL! Which does mean: WE have the power to stop it!
OTHER THAN your FREEDOM to decide, your fate: GOD , IS NOT “involved”. THIS IS ENTIRELY Done by, MEN! Are you not leaders first!
The approximate date, when this world ends is September 2015. Particularly enforced, by the predicted completion of the extreme light infrastructure: which are three lasers, when focused together (they will be), that shall establish an energy burst EQUAL TOO: 3 MILLION OF THE LARGEST LIGHTNING BOLTS POSSIBLE. ALL HITTING THE SAME SPOT, AT THE EXACT SAME SECOND IN TIME. WITH A POWER RELEASED THAT IS EQUAL, BY THEIR PREDICTION: TO ONE TIMES TEN TO THE FIFTY FOURTH POWER. A reality equivalent to approximately all the energy received on this earth from the sun, in that speck of time/ focused onto that speck of virtually enclosed space: by the energy expended. We KNOW that fire on the sun is real/ how is this not enough to ignite it here? They do it by storing electricity in capacitors, and releasing it through a laser.
You know: the sun exists. Therefore that fire CAN be ignited! But it cannot be put out.
There are NO second chances! THIS IS ONCE, and either the fire extinguishes itself/ or we all die, our entire planet. How is that not your concern. Construction continues on “ELI” SOON, they will ignite this planet/ and your option to stop them, your life on this planet ENDS! AND THAT, is only one of the extreme energy projects threatening us/ along with all the rest a university diploma has done. LITERALLY AGAINST OUR WORLD!
It is not an education or knowledge that defeats us: but the planning/ plotting/ arrogance/ counterfeiting, which gave them tremendous control/ endless lies/ and utterly diseased storytelling/ but a clear and absolute intent to not only play god, by the few: but they do intend to destroy our lives! As the evidence does prove. How is that NOT your concern? Prove it isn’t so, is your life, and your world worth SO DAMN LITTLE to you/ that you don’t care what happens to this entire world?
You cannot prove the evidence is wrong/ THEREFORE stand up, and demand a clear investigation/ a thorough examination of what happens next: WHEN THEIR EXPERIMENTS DO GO WRONG! Demand it. Demand the failed terrorists of media SHALL in fact, establish the communication necessary to save this world. Because if they don’t; “HITLER, will look down on them!” Not a game; reality speaking.
The function or foundation of every purpose, is identified by its own version of truth. That leaves us with the single relationship, that fundamentally proves of humanity itself: what you are, or are not willing to do in respect for life itself! My purpose is: humanity must change, or it dies/ planet and all. Very soon! A proven desire.
Established because the evidence does prove:
Our entire planet is threatened with extinction: so says the evidence/ that has nothing to do with me, other than I point it out. Unless you believe, life on earth can survive a ten million degree F. Fire(just like on the sun)/ or as university theory goes: “it will just extinguish itself, cause there isn’t enough gravity here to sustain the fire”! Wrong is a dead world, even a dead solar system: that is the gamble your leaders, university, military, media, religions, and the majority of people in courts prove they will take. Machines exist to create that fire here, and everyday the national ignition facility/ lawrence livermore laboratories in San Francisco tries.
They created Quote: NIF will achieve....180 million degrees F/ .....only three places in the space and time of our universe have ever produced anything close to these conditions: the big bang, when the universe was a primordial fireball: the interior of stars and planets, and thermonuclear weapons. A supernova is...18-54 million degrees F....the extreme density at NIF is larger than that achieved by a core-collapse supernova-an exploding star- or when two neutron stars collide. The exawatt lasers will be completed on or about 1298 days later. 3 million of the largest lightning bolts possible, “all hitting the same place/ at the same time”. Predicted completion, September 2015.
To date, the NIF experiments have failed to do what they promised to do: which is to combine hydrogen under extreme pressures, to “fuse it into helium. As they state, this is the source of fire on the sun”/ even though no helium is now, or ever has been (by the evidence) produced by the sun, in any quantity, to prove it is so. They know not what gravity is either; a proven truth. Soon NIF will start their military purpose: to explode small amounts of thermonuclear weapons, “to see if it still works”. One laser out of 192 fails, and the energy can be released. Greatly increasing the likelihood: they will get their fire. Even so the exawatt lasers, which are positioned to triangulate their beams into one spot: are an inevitable probability, that they will ignite a sun fire. We DO KNOW, this fire does EXIST; therefore entirely possible, to bring this fire to earth. With just one experiment. These are machines which store electricity in capacitors, so it can be released in one instantaneous jolt.
This is no game, these machines do exist. The levels of energy are so extreme, the probability of failure is unlikely. But then you do believe in your “university gods”/ or more simply: you know, that you believe this is true as well. Any other conclusion supports either intervention: NO YOU CANNOT! OR, constructs the assumption “they cannot do it”/ therefore I need not be concerned. Because the machines are running or being constructed: and experiments, plus money spent, to bring “sun fire here” are very real!
They spent 4 billion or more, of your counterfeit dollars to build this machine called NIF/ billions more to build the exawatt lasers, which have no legitimate purpose beyond being a match, to ignite this world on fire. The leaders lose their jobs/ their power/ their pride/ etc; or have to admit they were wrong, and became terrorists or at a minimum fools without a mind/ drowned by their own fantasies. They have proven: they won’t quit. Just like your courts have proven anarchy and traitors took them over: by making rules to control constitutional law. Thereby rewriting democracy by becoming “the government” themselves. By destroying the foundation of justice, which is the jury gets to decide if this was FAIR. Not simply the law applied, but justice (the concept of right and wrong) in this society, for ourselves as well. Making a mockery of constitutional decree: our choice, by law, guaranteeing this society shall be governed by WE THE PEOPLE! Rather than our employees. Media was sold to a tiny few, by the US supreme court/ and they do, control your news: providing you with nothing but fear, or hiding failure, propagating “the expert”/ because power and pride rule them with greed.
Alas; You believe your “University gods” (can’t be questioned/ they are “our saviors”)/ “I want a doctor to save me”. Without antibiotics, that won’t happen anymore. The entire livestock industry across this world depends on antibiotics as well: soon all gone/ nothing left of medicine but horrendous disease, produced by antibiotics, mutilation, and poisons.
Can’t question a leader or their decision (just believe): does provide and prove the terms of a religious cult; with media their propaganda arm (never a question asked of university; is there? No, not one, everything is accepted as fact, by media, and washed over the public like endless rain through television). You believe they are working for you, for a better world, and they lead you to invest in genetic mutilation, everything else: demanding you to believe they can be gods over life. Another horrendous gamble that cannot end well.
quote: Scientists have begun blurring the line between human and animal by producing Chimeras-a hybrid creature that's part human, part animal.... fused human cells with rabbit eggs....for years scientists have added human genes to bacteria and farm animals....not only life as we know it/ but also "life as it might be"...synthetic biology-including synthetic organisms, biological engineering, artificial chemistry, origin of life, paleogenetics.... cloned...first human embryos. Quote: created an organism with manmade DNA...worth more than a trillion dollars..."its pretty stunning when you just replace the DNA.....and in a short while, all the characteristics of the first species disappear and a new species emerges...means cheaper and widely accessible tools to build bio-weapons, virulent pathogens and artificial organisms that could pose grave threats to people and the planet. The danger is not just bio-terror, but "bio-error"... sequenced and stored in digital form, will move instantaneously across the globe and be resurrected in ....labs thousands of miles away.
This is only a tiny part of what they do, to life on earth: the university diploma, literally intent upon destroying nature itself! Which is DNA or the genetic instructions which build the body of life itself. Inside university decisions for over fifty years: genetics, WILL prove evolution/ because they have NO EVIDENCE whatsoever. Evolution is “every life form built by chaos”/ that is the intent of their work over the last fifty years: to bring chaos into nature itself. By mutilating genetic structure and releasing that into life on earth/ waiting, watching, and working for “the horror to come”. With your money, and with your blessing: never asking once, “what happens, when this goes wrong”. Experimenting on children, others as well. To your shame/ they will end all life, and you help.
Poisons everywhere/ sterilizing seed and destroying pollinators/ reducing diversity to a tiny few. Overpopulation, means taking more than nature can produce; which ends only in cannibalism, complete devastation, and war. Every fire needs oxygen, and humanity consumes more oxygen that the earth can produce: it is a proven fact. The ocean is ransacked and raped/ ravaged and torn; throughout this world. You are now “eating the seed” for next years crop; which means life in the ocean, will soon be extinct. Because 7+ billion people need a great deal, and want more/ and will add another billion soon. The world of nations suggests an area of agricultural land, in their accounting; as roughly equal to one acre/ per person. Today, that acre must provide for the rest of life as well. Trillion of gallons of drinking water have been lost each and every year, simply destroyed in America and other places. Geological services state “only one inch of recharge will enter an aquifer in permeable soils/ per every fifty inches of rainfall”. Air-conditioning has accelerated global warming, beyond all expectations/ and will continue to multiply its effects. The loss of sea ice is the end of a food supply that regenerates itself on that ice/ to feed the ocean. Like your glass of water with ice/ once the ice is gone, there is no cooling the water anymore; nor this earth. Over 80% of all forest on earth have been destroyed/ along with the habitat of its creatures. Every resource on earth is attacked/ so the machines of man can work/ and humanity can throw the future of all life, into the garbage.
The elemental disciplines of life, are a journey completed only when truth conceives of purity, and life becomes a vessel to achieve “heart”. Within that heart lives the essence of soul itself; as life revealed through the dignity, the desire, and the respect that is love beyond self!
When you lose that journey, because of fear: “darkness settles in/ and so does cowardice” when the grave becomes a terror. To live in peace: requires you to clean out everything that does not belong here, within your mind! Once you have done that, harmony begins. To achieve courage, it is only necessary to accept both pain & death as: the price of a miracle, the simple reality of BEING ALIVE.
To achieve bravery, means to understand: miracles which are true and without question “a gift to us all”/ CANNOT be so simple, as a human brain. Therefore beyond the grave, can and does in fact; conceive of GOD! JESUS is evidence, we are not simply forgotten. Simple and plain.
Remember this; that a body is merely an invitation: the possibilities that conceive of an eternity. Like all invitations whether it is trimmed in gold, or stained, soiled, and torn/ so long as it is functionally still intact: it is still an invitation: “to the home of GOD” ! So says “JESUS”/ and HIS work and HIS ways proved respect, love, hope, and courage. As reality proves throughout our lives/ “you can’t stay here”. Think about that, and understand the miracle of who you are/ the beauty of where you are: and what that means. The Christian religion attempts to conceive of these things: which does mean, it is a useful place, to let the children believe in “happiness, and hope; even in death”. It is not “religious indoctrination”: IF, the foundation of what is taught, is simply about a life, that proved “I did the best I could/ I do testify, this is the witness of my faith/ the reality of evidence in life, that proves who I am”. Each has a right to their own “faith”/ what determines that, in your future is not religion; but your own choice. I grew up in the Christian religion: it did not hurt me/ or you! Although like all religion, it can be saturated with evil, when people “just believe”.
Pain will stop. The essence of life itself, is eternal/ given substance by the words: what is a foundation (built upon this) truth, can never be changed or doubted, because that truth is proven to exist. Therefore what is substantively true, as identified by the most critical decision of value or hate you have achieved with your time: does become the foundation of your destiny or fate. Because these are the moments you chose life or death, for yourself. Intensities construct a cavern (a place where trust is revealed). Realities of your heart, must then pull you through it, to begin again/ or to rejoice in the honesty of your soul. Fear not, if it is love you desire most: trust binds us to life. Love itself, is on the other side of that tunnel; when trust is true, and life is real. But make no mistake, there are liars among us/ who do know how to disguise themselves for evil. Evil is: to attack and harm/ to take away love, from the possession of someone who has earned it; as their peace, hope, trust, happiness, harmony, truth, and all things of value in the living. No matter how much or little you take, unless given to you/ that is, “evil”. Evil is even more so: when your decision is to lie, cheat, & steal; just to do them harm.
In the reality of life, we must all face the truth: at some point each of us “will stand at the front of the line”/ where life ends. It is a certainty, no escape; because these bodies cannot be eternal, they are time. My dad died of melanoma; a skin disease that enters inside. His last forty eight hours, proved “everything good was gone” the first day. That night, he obviously couldn’t breathe: yet the nurse and my sister said, “DON’T you do anything different/ you know nothing”. Even though they forgot, his nose was completely plugged up, and the oxygen was doing no good. I gave him relief/ considered the fact, “everything he connected with living life” was now gone. And returned the oxygen to his nose: he died roughly 24 hours later. Because without enough oxygen the organs shut down; “end of life”.
YOUR reality is much the same as his: IF YOU don’t start waking up to our reality as life on earth, faced with countless threats of extinction. Then like him, there is nothing of true value I can do for you/ we stand on the crumbling edge of extinction; even though your mind is dim and dull from television/ it is true. Nature is not a game/ men are now in control; or more correctly their choice is: damage by poisons. A reality with consequences; truth will have its way. Because that, is what you chose. As to human existence, as a body of life: When you can no longer participate, your life is over/ even if you remain outside the grave, just a little longer. It is unkind, to prolong death. I did what I was told to do: “leave him alone”. Necessary in all ways, because death requires at its last moments of each one: to prepare for eternity, by abandoning this life. It is UNWISE, to intervene in that, demanding to be recognized as “I/ or we, love you”. That time has past. His future required: NOT to complain or “wish you would stay”. But to accept time ends: OR more directly, “the risk” being left behind (that is what you chose)/ is far too serious to play. Life beyond time means; if you have faith in GOD : “A different life/ a different experience awaits”. But recognize, that is Not your choice! Mercy alone decides.
Added, because: That is exactly what you have been telling me as well: LEAVE US alone/ we WANT none of this! For decades. But reality and truth are completely devoid of your continued want: it is what it is! You are potentially, about to receive the full extent of your wish/ a world where you have played god. To your chosen ending: you are not GOD/ proven true. Unfortunately, the children have rights, and needs/ a desire for life here in time too; but you don’t care!
To your shame.
“There is no side line left”/ every life is threatened; everyone lives or dies because of what a few people did do, and because of what everyone else did or didn’t do, to stop them. It is not a choice/ this is life or death for a planet. Every biblical horror coming true/ because humanity didn’t care! OR, you will fight for life must come first, for our entire planet; NO more excuses. We CANNOT be wrong! Or we: become extinct.
Our future as life on earth is beyond bleak, at this moment: because without true and certain change, there is no possibility any life will survive, in these next few years. Looking at biblical prophecy to identify the possibilities: “these things” may be true! Establishes the single most important time frame at this particular moment. Which is: once the great abomination rises/ which means, the single worst possible decision humanity can make, becomes real. NIF begins! Bringing the same fire here as is on the sun is that abomination: they gamble with all life on earth, with two theories, that are beyond insane. Asserting: Fusion is the process of that fire/ already proven wrong at NIF. And gravity here is insufficient: to sustain a fire that clearly burns atomic bonds. The whole world dies, when this is proven wrong. Nonetheless, biblically this decision of humanity if not stopped, ends in 1298 days from its beginning/ oddly enough, the predicted date for completion of the exa-watt lasers. Mere coincidence? Or a reality of prediction so nearly impossible to believe, that it cannot be denied because of the evidence. Adding in, the Daniel prophecy goes: the world is dead in 1298 days (fire starts)/ and in 45 days more, all life is gone (the entire atmosphere of earth, will be ejected in that amount of time/ or the heat will have ended life; one or the other). Establishing, a reality of prophecy that foresees: something they, or he, had absolutely no possibility to understand, or conceive of! The children, you, life, and the future of everything: is dead. There is no possible greater abomination: of human decision, or its PROVEN reality, or your work, or your money, or men both leaders and followers; just don’t care.
Without true and literal change, that simply stated is: From this moment forward, EVERY DECISION WE MAKE AS all HUMANITY, MUST CHOOSE TRUTH AND RESPECT, FOR LIFE: and FOR THIS PLANET, SHALL PROVE, LIFE DOES COME FIRST! Money is removed, from control over society; as is the leadership of men. Because this is, the best they did do/ and we stand on the edge of extinction. Believe it or not; truth does not care/ it controls the universe. Truth simply is, what it is. The evidence of our extermination from this planet, is true! Prove me wrong/ do not assume: prove what is true. Is all life on earth, NOT worth that effort? Prove you can survive a ten million degree fire, that obviously burns atomic bonds for fuel, on a planet that is nothing but fuel! Because your “university gods” are bringing that here! Prove you can survive their pandemic’s/ as are known to be caused when species genetics allow disease to cross boundary lines. ETC, ETC, ETC!
Donate to this site, to keep it running for your own purposes/ as I have carried you through this work for the last forty years without significant help. It is your responsibility.
Download these html sites; so they cannot be taken away; all work distributed here is free, and without copyright. Use it for life!
On this earth, there are literally trillions of “all life on earth”/ every single one of which is being threatened with extinction; including yours. That fact comes clear, as our reality becomes certain: our destiny or fate is: “about to be sealed, so says the evidence”! In these words, you are asked to share: is, The question! With trillions dependent upon what we do/ you do. With trillions of individual lives, including every child, & every future child (we are all miracles); dependent upon the reality: do you/ or do we care? The answer must be: LIFE, for this planet, MUST COME FIRST! There are, no other significant objectives here: simply life must survive, by law; & no gambling with our world. No threatening every existence on earth, with your experiment, theory, fantasy, lies, theft, or excuse. WE MUST SAY “NO”! Taking their tools for this, away. BY ENFORCING OUR LAWS/ OUR CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY: called “WE THE PEOPLE”/ are owners here. We paid, for that right! |
Audio | Heat, Fire and Explosion | Audio | Whipping the Slave | Expressions | ||||
Audio | Atomic Structure | Elements of Me | Beyond Desire | Treasons of tragedies | ||||
Audio | Reality of sun energy | Forming Destiny | Audio | True Democracy | I Chose | |||
Presence | Battleground of Harmony | Man Wants More | Reality of Energy | The Law of True Democracy | Basis of War | |||
Trials and truths, the summary of me and this work
Since I was a child, the foundations of human failure were recognized; particularly as in the threats of weapons of mass destruction/ as was known through the television set. That constructed a need to be more familiar with the world that could be lost. The Cuba missile crisis then came about/ which made it clear: not only a threat, but sooner or later it is a certainty these will be used. After that crisis abated, there was a period of calm for me; that allowed a more simple beginning/ teenage years followed. Where it is certain no matter how smart you are/ you can and will be “stupid”.
Time is a measure of tragedy, need, love, or failure; because nothing else truly matters; the value of life, is love! Love is, the single most precious thing throughout this entire universe; because it is among other realities of living “the least abundant resource” in life or time or eternity. That fact is a tragedy; but since love is an entirely personal or individual decision: it is what it is.
Realities multiplying as time increased, renewed my own purpose of finding a solution by which humanity could reduce or refuse or remove all the threats which assail us all. That process takes time, decision, and a passion not to let anything hinder the fight for life on this earth: until that job is done. Consequently although women have always been desired in a wide variety of ways and meanings; there is simply no room in my life, because the level of threat/ the reality of extinction: to all life on earth increases every day. Love does not participate at an individual level; if your own failure contributes to the end of everything. Therefore it is a choice.
Work is what work is, there is no purpose in denying the value or reality of work; because need will not be “wished away”. Money is money; while it must be respected for what it can do, when you don’t have enough/ it is not a “wishing well”. Unless you are willing to trash this earth/ destroy the future of every child/ and end the possibilities of all life on this planet. Too many are/ to their shame. The university decision is: that they WILL play with everything, intending to be “god” over life/ come to us, worship us, give us everything we want, we “know it all”. As their endless stories prove; little more of life, than continual deceit. The living body did not arise from chaos (the destruction of everything)/ because we CANNOT live by adding “one piece” at a time. Wishing will not grow you a new arm, or eye, or anything; evolution is for fools and idiots alone! LOOK AT THE HUMAN BODY closely and some me one single hair that exists, “by accident/ by chaos”! Only truth and the exercise of thought can change anything/ can build anything, if there are resources and tools to do so. Show me, how life began, ate, sustained itself, reproduced, etc: everything necessary had to be there! In terms of “the chicken and the egg; who came first”/ the answer is thought came first, because without thought you cannot assemble, survive, or recognize anything. Does a machine operate or build itself; only an ass, says yes. The body is “extremely complex”/ and evolution says, the most simple blob of a living species; built all life. Without arms, a mind, tools, movement, food, reproductive abilities, or anything else. Fool is not enough; which leaves only the religious term “satan (people who intend to destroy ALL life, on purpose) at work”.
As to this work itself; after forty years of trying to communicate, “we are threatened/ we must change this: LIFE, must come first”. Throughout the first decades, not a single life agreed; insofar as a willingness to help or choose anything but greed. Even those whose desire was for life, could not find the courage: for saying to all the rest, “you are doing wrong”. So much so, the idea of evidence and thought, will do this was retired/ and the construction of “a biblical format” was created. Consequently, time was spent rearranging everything; and a foundation was laid to build from the ground up an opportunity to learn slowly, and by your own understanding; if you read. Few read, and they finding threats abound quickly turn away to hide from truth. Alternately some come simply to steal; even though everything here is free, and you may claim it for yourselves. The implied consent is: USE THIS for the protection of life and planet/ NOT more damn greed, arrogance, pride, power, or all the rest of what hatred can do. As always the vast majority fail completely; because not a single penny is raised to support the work/ a very tiny few will actually communicate the purposes of this work, or its site so you can choose for yourself.
The process of making democracy work for us all, by demanding redress of grievances in a courtroom/ therefrom constitutional guaranteed rights as the law provides. Was met in every courtroom by those whose only desire was to insure “we are the power/ to HELL with democracy and life”. The purpose of including the policing agencies as could have jurisdiction here, even the military proved useless: as the threat they found “was me”/ rather than reality itself by the evidence of what WILL go wrong. The end result of all other forms of leadership throughout, and particularly in media was: stop him, he may make the people think they are free, to choose for themselves. So they ganged up, to ridicule, and to conceive of anything but respect: find a flaw, and use it to destroy a right, is the common demand among them. Then comes the people themselves who with near perfection all say: “Don’t tell me nothing/ I WON’T be responsible/ I WANT, what I want; and I sure as HELL don’t want this: GO AWAY”! Is their answer. Therefore we stand on a crumbling edge of horror in every conceivable way. Proving with little or no possibility of refute; that every biblical catastrophe is coming true. So says the evidence of our reality; and I always accept the decision of truth, and its consequence. Because it is a law, being revealed through the decisions being made.
As to all other things: I would say to every child, “I DID DO, what I could do for you”. Whatever success or failure that will inevitably be, is not up to me/ as I am no one’s “savior”. Just a man who did do, the best he could do; even if many areas might have been done better “with help”. There was (a tiny bit) of help occasionally, but not long, or much; throughout an entire forty years; apart from “paid”. People have heard the message: web sites keep totals of people opening them/ forums have running totals of people who have been there. The open response is exactly what it appears: even though the world itself is in terrible danger of complete collapse, horrifying mutilation, massive extinctions, world war, without resource left to rebuild; and even being burned completely, with the same fire as is on the sun. A fire that burns your skin from 91 million miles away in summer. Yet your elders still cannot rise, to protect life: they want, what they want, and fear losing “their good life”/ because everything that has been done in the last forty years especially, was wrong. Counterfeiting destroyed the economy, and it exists entirely by lies accepted: because the truth is too frightful to be let free. So the children are sacrificed/ and the world is abandoned to the cult called “university knows”.
University means: those who struggle to find, the details in life and time, so as to manipulate and control the responses of humanity, by designing or changing something instead of being subject to nature or its natural processes. While that has had some value for civilization throughout this period: the end result of it, is we face extermination/ as does the planet itself. Given that conclusion of the work, it is deemed undesirable, errant, and diseased; for a wide variety of reasons and the consequences we can no longer ignore. That does not mean certain sections of university knowledge is to be abandoned. But it does mean: the precipitations of university arrogance in energy, apathy towards life, and a wide variety of other tragic or foolish occurrences MUST BE STOPPED. To end the cult, there must be a recognition “they are more enemy than friend”. So these sites will support.
Media was sold to a tiny few, by the treason of this, our US supreme court. Thereby giving control of propaganda to the individuals who now control the jobs, pay, and words of those they employ. By monopolizing the business itself: NO you can’t go anywhere else if you don’t do what we say/ because we the few, own it all. It is a real threat, and the sheep fall, leaving the nation and this world in jeopardy from every possibility of power, pride, arrogance, thief, traitor, failure, fantasy, and fool.
To summarize the work, is to summarize my life; as all but a few teenage years were given to this purpose: to fight for life on earth. I failed as the man intending to make a difference, you refused. This is, NOT because I wanted to do this work/ but because it is life or death for our world. But a one man war has no meaning: The difference is, “your decision, for life or death too”, and you refuse. Making my life strictly as man; useless! Women are different, beyond the comprehension of men; more so, than I could or did believe; “one last hope”. Because the evidence of our reality is clear: soon, no more choices left, resources gone/ nature mutilated beyond repair/ environment changed forever/ weapons of mass destruction/ chains of life broken/ extinctions/ destruction/ ocean life gone/ counterfeiting which then becomes WAR/ and more than you can imagine, are piled high, and ready to collapse. But you want what you want/ and absolutely don’t care; or if you do, in a few minutes all but a tiny few will return to: want/ or don’t want; therefore I won’t believe anything but what I want.
To summarize the reality of my life today is: to admit, as a man I could find NO ANSWER, for how the world might be saved. Because men have ruled this world for thousands of years, “and this is the best they did do”/ this is what they want. This is the reality they did choose as a majority/ and that sacrifice of everything else: cannot be defeated by evidence in truth or life or consequences; it is their want. The majority follow, because they refuse to take responsibility for their actions: believing they can blame the leader for what they do themselves. It is not so, when you follow you accept the consequences of that choice just as if you made the choice yourselves/ BECAUSE YOU DID. That is why you follow.
Consequently, since this is the world men built for themselves. Then the only possible answer for survival requiring true change/ relies upon female: they DON’T have an intricate network of how to control the rest of society, in place. They are different, but they do dramatically influence each other: giving doubts as to what they can or will do for life/ rather than self. Different means, they can choose a purpose/ LIFE FIRST for the planet.
Because men don’t understand them; they cannot be run over with the same methods or means, of man against man. Men do not understand women/ therefore they will not be able to stop them: from assembling themselves into a “voting march” to demand democracy rules: NOT our employees. To demand life must come first before all other things. That requires: I accept this to be true. Which becomes another blockade of want; because women have a long list of wants, pride, and designs in power too. Nonetheless, men have failed life.
Unfortunately, that snippet of knowledge required “knocking at the door”: into the spiritual world of female. A reality that changed my life, which you can read about throughout the sites I provide. That is up to you, I don’t care. At the opposite end of that male passion to demand and find an answer is: the possibility our world could survive, comes from female. The reality of that influence is: As “Female demands, I shall provide evidence; this is true”. That reality has changed me; not by any assumption women are better/ they are not. They are simply different/ and we absolutely MUST HAVE DIFFERENT than today, or there is no hope for life on earth.
As to all other concerns about my own intention, values, or design: I remain, for all intents and purposes, entirely focused on the consequence of threats, that simply put will bring every biblical prophecy for tragedy and horror, into our lives! With an extreme measure of discipline compared to most, I have fought against that reality; demanding from you, not only respect for life on earth/ but a foundation for survival as well. Instead of fantasy and delusion; truth and reality, even if you don’t like it. Truth demands trust and survival requires it. Everything else is moot, because without a world of life, environment, nature, and peace: there is nothing left to live for in this time. To go outside the boundaries of individual living; adds simply, if this work finally does become tangible and alive in you/ then it is not “by the hand of man”.
The list of enemies willing to kill or torture me (for reminding them, continued want, pride, and power cannot survive: surrender it): WILL increase by the day; making anyone connected to me, a potential target. Because this is about money, the freedom to destroy without accepting consequences, want, pride, power, and so on: and I guarantee “many are the men willing to fight/ NOT to lose these things”. Even though they are gone already; because the earth cannot survive any more destruction/ nature cannot survive any more attacks/ the earth cannot survive their experiments in energy/ the money is already gone, whether you like it or not, and so is their power to control this earth. Because so many people exist, “even in one in one million people, equals over 7,000 individuals”. Consequently hate continues to grow; we are so many “the discarding of humanity” will grow/ making true in time; the words, “we HAVE NOTHING to lose”. Because men (particularly their leaders; & women too) want everything for themselves/ men want to win, which means someone must lose/ men want to control and manipulate, and demand slaves (everything for me/ nothing for you)!
The demand, “he cannot do this to us”/ will occur; even if you reduce the numbers to one in one million assassins, etc; it is still over 7,000 people. Greed, selfishness, arrogance, liars, pride, power, etc all know, “the numbers of people who do not want change is very high”. After all, if they can blame me for “revealing truth”/ they can then hide their lies, not accept responsibility for what they did do, and pretend “life has not changed”. That is historically, “how men, particularly leaders work”. Universities simply hide in their stories, or propagate experts whining about “how smart we are”; or “you” could never understand. Don’t try, don’t question, don’t believe anything “the media (our priests)” doesn’t tell you to think, fear, or attack. Or, more simply: just believe everything we say, and memorize it as if we were gods, “so you can be smart too”. After all, the media tells you everything you need to know; “like current US asset claims of $200 trillion dollars: which divided equally, becomes, “$28,571.43 per each of 7 billion people”. You got yours/ somebody has! The media knew, “I told them” years ago. But then “regular people can’t understand such things; Not like us “university gods”, but they should always be good little slaves, soldiers, or fools; following the pied pipers. “Toys and trinkets” are not life or death/ they are merely delusions (not god) or destractions of minimal value. The obvious job of every media outlet 98% of which is owned by a tiny few of the most powerful people around: is to hide the truth, and make certain you don’t ask any questions/ or silence those who do. Fear, is a powerful tool; make them hide from reality. Take a look, “fantasies everywhere”......how is that not so?
Consequently, I do not participate in “long term relationships”. There is only a little time left for this earth anyway/ without true change, and none of that exists at this moment. As life knows, what you want is irrelevant/ truth will decide. People will decide by their own truth.
As for me; I will simply survive, until needed here no more! Eternity comes for us all, therefore time is actually irrelevant too; if you are prepared. “Everyone should have, at least the potential for life hope, on this earth”/ even me. I spent a lifetime for that. This work is about hope, and the passages, purposes, and understanding required to get there by real definitions in truth, and for life. Your need is about balance, life first, truth before anything else, reality governs/ but understands the cost; everyone equal, accepting the fact, “we are not the same”. Nature, environment, chains of life, oceans, oxygen content in our atmosphere and every path to life as a future for even a single child: is built upon changing what you do now. Essentially nothing is true to life/ such is the ways of men. That has been irrelevant to men for thousands of years, and they all say, “nothing has changed”. They are wrong! Approaching 8 billion people on a planet with a stated 7 billion acres of agricultural ground/ with an ocean in deep distress (no food left soon) for us either. Weapons/ experiments truly identified as “satanic”/ mutilation/ water & resource destruction/ livestock confinement, which means one single infectious disease can wipe them all out/ the end of antibiotics, the production of “super-diseases”/ no pollinators, no insects to feed countless species/ extinctions growing daily/ poisons everywhere/ changing the balance of this earth itself/ mining caverns, that threatens HELL on earth (when they drop, like a large asteroid hitting this earth)/ fracking, when the earthquake hits, no more water; as is biblically predicted “wormwood”. A billion people need a billion pounds of food a day/ 8 billion need 2.92 trillion pounds of food a year; with a billion people already hungry, every single day! Etc/ etc/ etc, not to mention, your endless deceit, temptations, manipulations, bribes/ bankruptcy/ guns/ lies/ theft/ fire/ counterfeiting/ and so on. This world has changed, believe it or not: your survival is no longer dependent upon nature/ it is dependent upon you! Or more correctly, since we know what men will do, and this is it. Our survival does depend upon different/ and that requires women; because there is no other real choice. Men cannot be different than they are. Men cannot change who they are, because want circles you right back to the beginning: therefore nothing changes, until want, pride, and power die in you.
After forty years of approaching primarily men at various levels of influence, purpose, and consequences; (Apart from a very few) your only significant contribution is: “We want to play/ WE DON’T want nothing you have to say: and of course the constant, “I DON’T CARE” leave me alone. GIVE ME MONEY, or get lost! Regardless of the evidence, or its sources. Always an excuse. That, is what men do. Religion is the same/ all the same; afraid, or consumed by competition, or consumed by want, pride, or power; fighting for life/ rather than living it! Images rather than reality. Lies rather than truth. Fantasies instead of miracles and happiness, through respect. You can’t even defeat: “water came from asteroids”/ whereas why isn’t the moon, or any other planet: “flooded with water”? Or asteroids brought life: in a flaming ball of high impact exploding debris (no life could survive), through a journey of “billions of years”. How is that not equivalent too: if the university told you, “your eyes are really in your ass”/ would you not believe that too? Many would! Dumbass.
The only real difference between us as men, is choices, and what we believe: I think and work, only for life, believing only proven truths, and foundations that build/ while the vast majority of you, think and work or want only for money; believing in greed (I will get more). To create images of what you want to do with slaves (get me this/ do that): regardless of the consequences to life or earth. Simple as that! My choice is the survival of life, and world. Preferably as GOD did intend; as best we can. THAT is not religious, as religion is about what men want and believe. That is truth, without the alterations of men or women. Simply let truth decide. Nonetheless, the ending as such here; is “just a dream”. You will do whatever it is you will do. Life or death is now your choice for this world/ and your eternity.
What will women do? “Not my choice”.
Mine is a lifetime of learning/ not a lifetime of want, “just for me”. The end result of it is, “an interesting, passionate life”, even if none would choose it but me. I utterly refuse to let this planet die without a fight; consequently, “I am, what I am”. My advice on a personal level: live each day at a time, remembering reality, defining and discovering truth, learning about love, life, and miracles. Because no one knows what your own future will be, things change. Truth knows, but not by the function or expectations of humanity.
In contrast our fate as a world is governed by truth, and the evidence can reveal what is coming. Because for every truth there is a consequence; understanding that, sustains the evidence as constructing a future, or an end. The reality of our lives is: that every human being must decide who or what they “love” the most/ because at the end of your time, and days in-between: the demand to choose shall exist. I choose GOD, and I choose JESUS, and I choose the spiritual reality of truth assigned by creation itself/ and then this world of life as created/ and then me. While that seems “More than one”; it is essentially life created; even beyond time. Miracles are evidence enough!
In contrast and disrespect, as declared by university; their demands that chaos made every body of life by accident are completely without substance or truth. Chaos destroys, it never builds; as is proven in human life, time and again. By biblical prophecy, in the book of Daniel: this earth has only a few months left. Because the great abomination is: energy experiments so extreme, as is bringing the same fire here that is on the sun, a nuclear fire/ that cannot possibly be put out: the whole world burned to death. Experiments began at lawrence livermore laboratories in a suburb of San Francisco. The exa watt lasers represent roughly the same amount of energy gained from the sun by this earth/ focused onto one spot. There are three, and they will be combined to create an energy burst possible through storing electricity in capacitors of 1 x TEN, to the fifty four power. University fantasy, “not enough gravity here” is wrong. 1298 days later; Times’ up, around September 2015. Another 35 days or so, and the entire atmosphere of earth, is ejected into space. Just one successful experiment!
There is no greater abomination, than to risk every single life on earth/ based upon the theory, that a ten million degree fire will just extinguish itself. Obviously a nuclear fire, which means it burns atomic bonds for fuel; on a planet, where everything is fuel.
That of course, is just the worst of the worst; in a world where university diploma’s are mutilating every part of nature/ everything we need to survive is under attack, and even more. In answer to all of that is: people who refuse to fight for their democracy, their world, their nature, their child, their food or water or air or life. Demanding only “I got a GUN, etc”. When all you really have to do, is demand and enforce: we are the owners here/ democracy rules this land. We have rights. Wake up or die.
I, am Clearly not your enemy
James Frank Osterbur
Does NOT need men or women or children to defend HIM. HOW IS THAT NOT TRUE!
The claim, of a zealot (I must/ they can’t); is beyond ridiculous/ beyond insanity; and rests upon the delusions of a cult. The ravages and rape of a zealot; or the simple cancer and disease of humanity called: A terrorist! Eternity or death, will prove GOD; or any other decision that HE makes! Each is responsible only for themselves/ religion gives NO power to intervene for GOD! HE DOES NOT NEED YOU.
Unfortunately, this earth is full of terrorists and their followers, which makes the illusions of one/ the source of dysentery for the others. On this list of human disease; comes those whose goal is individual horrors, so they can play god/ whose purpose is, social chaos, so they can play god/ and those whose only conceivable desire is the destruction of our world; so they can prove to be SATAN.
(Religious or not, it fits their description).
Of realities that are given to humanity, to prove RESPECT for GOD/ to give thanks FOR LIFE/ and to appreciate this Creation with happiness: are these.
1. FIGHT for this CREATION, because the clear and certain destruction of this entire world DOES prove: humanity is its enemy! These are human decisions: that means you are responsible for yourselves, and your “brothers and sisters”.
2. FIGHT FOR NATURE, because humanity is mutilating DNA, the builder of every body of life in existence; through their own universities/ and those who follow believing “the university knows/ or is the image of god; INSTEAD OF LIFE”! To your horrifying shame.
3. FIGHT FOR SANITY, because humanity as a construction of university and government: IS GAMBLING WITH EVERY LIFE ON EARTH! And will soon destroy us all.
4. FIGHT FOR ALL LIFE ON EARTH; because every food chain is being broken/ every creature is in danger of extinction (even us, because we cannot survive without nature). Defend livestock by making them less vulnerable to disease. Defend the forests, because they are 90% consumed; as is the habitat for every creature which depends upon this nature. Defend the insect; because it is a primary link in the food chain of a wide variety of species. They are NO “small thing”.
5. FIGHT FOR THE WATER SUPPLY; because without it, “Instantaneous war” erupts/ and all you have to drink is “their blood”. We are in grave danger around the world.
6. FIGHT AGAINST POPULATION GROWTH; because we are already standing at over more than one human being per acre of agricultural ground on earth; and that acre, needs to support the rest of life as well/ if, what is left of; a forest/ or an ocean cannot. We are growing at over 2 million more mouths to feed EVERY week! THINK, what that means!
7. FIGHT FOR YOUR OCEANS; because they are in grave danger from humanity/ and life within them WILL collapse; UNLESS true changes are made. We MUST feed the ocean as well, or we DON’T stand a chance to survive ourselves: WE NEED the food/ dead human bodies are all we can spare! Like it or not.
8. FIGHT FOR RESOURCES; because without them, NO future exists/ and that means you have assassinated every child; just for a trophy, you then throw in the garbage. SHAME on you.
9. FIGHT for REALITY AND TRUTH to lead you: because the result of; lies, cheating, thieving, fantasies, and failure of those who led us here/ intend to exterminate life on earth! So says the evidence!
10. FIGHT for peace on earth through WORLD LAW; whereby WE THE PEOPLE create the laws our leaders SHALL OBEY/ or our own policing force, shall bring those leaders to court, (or to death); and we the world shall judge them. ENDING ALL WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! By, Not allowing wars so they can hide from what those in power did do! LAW, so we will investigate, examine the evidence, and decide as we the people: what is true, fair, and legitimate to ourselves.
11. FIGHT for JUSTICE! It begins, and is sustained by “Judging the court/ and all its participants”. Then throwing out ANYONE who does not comply with what is true about this society. We are the law/ we are the work/ we are the business/ we are the government/ we are the military and police/ WE OWN THE RIGHT, to govern and guarantee for ourselves: our truth, as a society! Which means: we must make the laws and vote for them ourselves. Simple and plain.
12. FIGHT for EQUALITY/ not for “same”! The difference is what you earn/ or refuse to do for others. No more welfare, no more pensions, no more public unions, no more medical monopolies, no more unfair taxation (we will completely disband the IRS; and do this locally, providing all forms and all mediation for ourselves). No more governmental powers to manipulate the economy/ or spend money that we did not approve/ or play with our lives/ or propagate “university knows”, by disguising and denying all opportunity to heal or improve society itself. No more corruption of the courts, or outright terrorism, or university delusions of grandeur, or anything else that is not consistent with FAIR PLAY, and the essence called: LIFE ITSELF, for this entire planet, MUST COME FIRST! No more want, no more greed or selfishness or power: LIFE with a future for every child shall lead us all. Or we ALL die! BECAUSE behind every closed door, and every failure of media, are the realities of evidence; that threaten us all: therefore, we must fight together.
My testimony is: GOD, can do anything HE desires; so says the evidence of life! Except, make you love HIM! That is your decision alone. That, is your choice, and it does have “eternal consequences”. As is true for every form of “ascended life (beyond animal)”/ without love, there is no further purpose, in living! Do consider that beyond the simple! Believe it or not.
The Critical Element, Discoveries in Life
Organizing for life/ the return path to true democracy!
the national ignition facility
mutilation of nature itself/ the intentional destruction of DNA/ the biological release of “weapons of mass destruction” as is the crossing of species boundaries” a known cause of every pandemic identified in history.
The fire fence, Bribe 1 theory of operation video
This is the video for bribe 2 stopping the tree borer. Theory of operation.
Yours Mine Ours, Hope and Happiness, Seven Things.
Main forum. Court Cases Forum.
THE FIRE FENCE TEST WILL BE: on Sunday October 26, 2014 Fire started at 2:00 pm/ and is expected to burn at intensity for about 20 minutes total. That ASSUMES the wind will be from the south or southwest, and less than 15 miles per hour; to insure no unexpected damage can or will be done. It also assumes the burn materials will be fully dried. The location is approximately 2170 county road 2500E St. Joseph IL
The patch of cornfield to be lit on fire is 24 rows wide/ each row 24 feet in length/ with roughly 60 bags of dried leaves placed between the rows for added intensity. The smoke could be heavy/ but I hope not. If for some reason that fails to happen on that day/ the next date will be the following Saturday or Sunday at 2:00 pm. You may check this link for information on the day of the fire/ unless the internet goes down here, which it sometimes does.
We are now 7+ billion people across this world/ roughly one person per acre of agricultural lands/ water under attack/ oxygen depletion (every fire needs oxygen & every engine too), and everything that produces oxygen being is being massacred/ the plants, thereby food mutilated, soon allergic reactions everywhere/ livestock production completely dependent upon antibiotics (which will soon be useless)/ a trillion tons of weight ready to fall twenty feet, entirely dependent upon “salt pillars”/ the sea nearly empty (believe it or not): all of which must then feed other life as well. The foundation requiring human change is absolute, undisputable, and without excuse. Truth has no mercy, it is what it is: the brain does understand that! And still you refuse to investigate the evidence/ examine the reality of what our future shall be/ or decide for anything but want, selfishness, greed, or lust. A complete failure to the needs of life itself, gamblers with an entire planet: how is that not so? Fools with rules, counterfeiting in preparation for all out world war. Propaganda to insure nobody stops HELL(complete insanity, we are trapped: we are, the living dead)/ the APOCALYPSE (a billion guns are ready, with fire and everything else: to prove I am angry or hate) AND ARMAGEDDON (mutilation everywhere, nature in chaos, nothing but horror left). But hey, why worry: the university says it will ignite this planet on fire; just like the sun. So “be like them” if you wish, and throw the world away. Just fall down and worship their cult (we are gods/ don’t question us); After all, who cares but the children: right! Oh wait, you do care: letting medicine pretend to be gods mutilating life just so you can get one more day: too bad, eternity is real.
In the reality of humanity, the consequence is: “We the people, and in particular the rich and powerful” DO NOT WANT, to change nothing! Or, I know what I got/ and I want to keep it. GIVE ME MORE, or mine/ mine/ mine; is want wrapped up in a human being.
Thereby in this time wherein humanity itself expands by 2+million more mouths to feed each and every week: extreme risks are taken, so as not to wreck their power, pride, want, selfishness, etc. WE WANT WHAT WE WANT/ and don’t want nothing else. That is fundamentally the reality of why leaders, university, and media are all committed to bringing the same fire as is on the sun here to this earth. Free, we won’t pay NOTHING, for life or too life/ we will be gods! “It will be great”/ practically free heat without pollution, or environmental damage”. THE ONLY PROBLEM IS: we cannot control or extinguish a ten million degree fire that does in fact burn atomic bonds for fuel. We can’t get within a hundred miles of it: “Too hot”. Therefore if their theory, betting: “the fire, will just extinguish itself” fails/ and it will! Then once ignited, the entire planet burns as a sun/ all life gone. There is no greater gamble/ abomination/ or no worse delusion or fantasy than this.
University says: that the fire on the sun is fusion: or hydrogen gas forced to become helium by pressures exerted at the core of our sun: which then releases heat. Lawrence livermore laboratories in San Francisco, is the national ignition facility built and charged to bring this fire here to this earth. They have failed for the last three years, but that does not mean, they cannot ignite the fire/ they simply haven’t so far. Instead they have proven that fusion DOES NOT have anything to do with the fire that is on the sun. Because they worked for years, under extreme conditions, trying to prove they could ignite that fire by crushing hydrogen into helium/ and failed completely. They now experiment to trying to crush or incinerate anything they can find, in a search to ignite this ten million degree fire. Completely oblivious to the fact, that once ignited, the earth and all its life is dead: in just 45 days or so, the entire atmosphere will be ejected, and the heat will take every last life. That is their gamble: life or death for this entire world, based upon their theory, “not enough gravity to sustain the fire”. As if it was dependent upon oxygen or air. Who are more foolish than they? Leaders use OUR LIVES AND RESOURCES, counterfeiting money to fund a clear extermination of this world. Media refuses even to question the possibility of being wrong/ they are cult. Religion either runs away, hiding in their fantasies, or fears the messenger; or both. People recognize the problem, and believe they can do nothing; so they run away to hide; refusing to learn, because then they must change and take responsibility/ and none want to do that. That is our reality/ but hiding will not keep this earth alive! That however, is NOT the end of the national ignition facility (NIF); because once they quit trying to ignite elements: IF they do not succeed in bringing that fire here/ they will soon switch to their military purpose. Which is to ignite small amounts of atomic bombs and contain the explosion with these lasers. In a suburb of San Francisco. The increase in energy is massive, and the potential for destruction is great. Exterminating our world, with the experiments, that cannot be done today, is far more likely tomorrow; even one laser that fails to operate, and all the energy contained will escape. The stated energy blast of the lasers at the NIF is one thousand times more than all the energy used in the USA during that “moment in time they function”. Times an equal amount of atomic energy blast being contained. Their stated 180 million degree heat with lasers alone/ WILL be magnified greatly.
That brings us to the exa-watt lasers; each being the equivalent of one million lightning bolts hitting the same target at the same time. They are building three at the same time, even though they have no appropriate use for one. Each one of which may in fact instantly ignite this earth on fire. But they are building three situated in relation to each other so they can triangulate their beams into a single location establishing a 3 million lightning bolt impact on that spot; a guaranteed match, to ignite this world on fire. That is the reality of university/ funded by counterfeit money/ and hidden in “back country Europe” to insure nobody interferes in their purpose. The “expertise” comes straight from the national ignition facility. The clear purpose of these lasers : Which is to destroy us all/ as there is no other reason for these to exist. Assembles as a simple fact: if nothing else fits, then it is the single reality that does.
That brings us to the reality of genetic mutilation of all that nature is on this planet: through intentional genetic mutilation. Your scientists throw every form of garbage and disgrace and disrespect they can find into the very mechanisms that build the bodies of life throughout this world. They cannot fix what they destroy/ which means they destroy NATURE ITSELF! Intentionally, because they believe in their religion called evolution, and want desperately to prove they are gods, and can create life. Greater fools only exist in trying to bring the same fire here as is on the sun. These “devils”, function only to bring pandemic’s/ mutilation that cannot be stopped/ endless heartache and tears/ the absolute failure of life as a body on this planet/ and a host of consequences so horrific, you cannot even imagine it; as we all turn into slime/ “the least organized form of life, as chaos destroys all of nature, the only thing, their “evolutions’ god” can do. Nature is genetic construction of bodies. Their genetic purpose as so stated is: to find HOW to destroy the disciplines/ balance/ order/ structures/ thought/ etc of nature, so they can then take it over, and create anything they want, as they try to be literal gods. Their delusion is at the threshold of exterminating our world: their purpose is, to take over this genetic world. Soon, it will be horrifying, and unstoppable: Armageddon (nature in chaos). That is a simple fact, easily understood/ and it can destroy your body, everything you use for food, every child as well; and that is only the beginning. The reality of a human body, and every other body of life is: that it is dependent upon “a billion” or so chemical processes that are equally dependent upon achieving the desired chemicals to complete or start or manipulate the process itself. Is also being lost. That is why we eat different “foods”, plants and creatures/ to obtain those chemicals. Missing chemicals, or a delivery system that fails, etc/ etc/ etc; and you end up with missing arms, a head coming out your ass, toes the size of legs, and more than you can imagine, that will become terrorizing. The failure, or human extermination of insects; removes that food source for life by the billions of tons/ removing those chemicals, and all the life dependent upon those chemicals, and all the chemicals you rely upon now going extinct as well. Yet your scientists play, gambling with this entire world of life. Give money to medical research:; then you give it to genetic mutilation, and become their accomplice. Etc. Everything you are as a human being is being gambled with/ everything life is, as nature which gives us all life, is being destroyed; one mutilation at a time. There is no going back. And they can’t wait, to try to infect the world with all the ingredients of true and endless pandemic tragedy for every life on this planet.
These things need not be: THEY ARE ENTIRELY “MAN-MADE”. Take the tools away, stop the money madness, and quit being insane or simply herded by the propaganda media to your death! Just “To begin”, even the possibility we might still survive as a world. The point of no return is here; what you do with that decision defines the future.
The short list of threats that can easily make us ALL extinct, as presented to one of many: courts, by trial/ demanding let the people be informed/ and decide for themselves if this risk is too high! All refused, with treason, traitorous acts, and conspiracy to : Deny and destroy the constitution of this USA. How is that not your problem?
The most powerful words ever written are: redress of grievances, the right and the law, “to take our employees to court”/ decide for ourselves/ and change our nation as we see fit. Denied, is traitorous/ hidden from view, particularly when an entire world is threatened: is treasonous.
The foundation of democracy IS: A TAX REVOLT. Which legally constructs the demand: UNTIL our constitution is obeyed as written and established by the words of WE THE PEOPLE ourselves/ it is our nation, that interpretation is our choice! It is our contract with each and every employee of government; charged with the duty to obey, and do no more than you are allowed. Our constitution is our government/ it is our agreement with each other, to form and support and defend this nation as our own. An employee is NOT “the government”/ they are merely workers assigned a specific job, with rules they must obey, honor, and respect: or be found criminally liable.
The foundation of life is: DON’T DESTROY NATURE! We must defend ourselves from extinction/ mutilation/ the anarchy of leaders who have discarded our democracy, for the purpose to become our rulers/ and more. This is no game, and the consequences are real. Every part of human society as governed by men and their money; has become the road to tragedy; as your reality does prove. Your police fear you/ which means they are beginning, to functionally align themselves with “the nazi, SS: if you are not one of us/ then you can be killed easily, and without cost, to me”. It is a consequence of media, whose chosen purpose is to help you fear life and people; because that is easier, than love. Propaganda refuses justice, democracy, reality, equality, or foundations in fair play; because they want the money, and its power. While thieves everywhere, and bribes seemingly without end: will become civil war. Hate lights fire everywhere it goes/ to watch you cry, or burn. The burden of survival increases by 2 million+, more mouths to feed each and every week across this world, and there will be starvation. If not extinction, because your leaders refuse to accept their decisions have led/ are leading: to chaos, same as university. Religion worships its power, letting you die.
The message of this work is then change, as needed to survive and stabilize the future as best we can for the children; or die. Countless words and descriptions have been used, to help you understand, “ a bit better”. Trial after trial has been established, to construct “our reality” as opposed to your assumptions or media propaganda. These are the last days of earth/ unless you change. Within that regard, it is fair and legitimate to search the biblical prophecies in support or denial of that fact. The book of Daniel IS, clear: once the great abomination has been established, the work finished, the reality begun. As is the national ignition facility, and its gamble with all life on earth/ even the planet/ even the solar system itself: everything risked based upon a theory: “this 10,000,000 degree fire will just extinguish itself”! Clearly no greater destructive fool, or group of fools; has ever lived. Therefore 1298 days later the end is due. Somewhere around sept 2015.
Don’t believe it could be true? Guess what, reality does not care what you believe. But igniting this fire, has a clear and certain consequence.
Don’t believe in Noah’s flood? The evidence is overwhelming, as no other possible method could have created the massive fossil fuels we know to exist in this day. All buried, after being clumped together/ some of it thousands of feet below the ground level. There is no other possibility, in reality or truth!
I have done my job. The rest is up to you.
As to the people igniting fires in America, there are things that can be done that will help/ including this fire fence.
1. Be more vigilant, and aware that a fire can be started at any time; particularly when conditions are bad. That includes all manner of watching from planes, drones, watchtowers, satellites, etc.
2. In area’s identified as likely targets for igniting a fire that will do damage: use camera’s on every road/ so as to know, who was there.
3. Have a fleet of large planes standing ready, for dosing a fire as fast as possible. Have small planes, immediately up; that scout the area for all vehicles, etc/ so as to locate everyone that might have participated in igniting that fire. Take pictures.
4. Identify every person that comes into a high risk area through credit and debit card purchases. Make anyone not known, using cash, for any purchase; identify themselves with picture ID. Target campgrounds, hotels, etc for identifying those who have been found in the area’s of fire, particularly more than one location of fire, and so on. It is hate that tries to burn you out/ find hate, and you find trouble, disrespect, and discord or fear. Anger is different, it has a legitimate cause, and there is, or could be a solution. Hate is a decision that becomes “cold” to all life.
5. Blockade all roads as quickly as possible, once a fire is found. Taking pictures, license plates, vehicles, passengers; establish a record. To be compared, with other areas. Stolen vehicles/ rental vehicles get a special search.
6. Put up signs and make laws: if you intentionally start a fire/ you will pay; let the jury decide, based upon evidence.
7. EVERYBODY helps on the fire line/ no more being pushed aside, because “the professionals” are here. MUCH MORE HELP is needed/ they have failed. Learn how, establish classes, train everyone including those over the age of 12 years.
When confronted with someone that is unclear as to their role in a fire/ it is hate, that ignites fire for the purpose of violence and destruction. Therefore look and identify hate. Hold hate for investigation, and create laws for doing that very thing. Anger is different/ although it can be found participating; learn the difference and judge accordingly.
On this earth, there are literally trillions of “all life on earth”/ every single one of which is being threatened with extinction; including yours. That fact comes clear, as our reality becomes certain: our destiny or fate is: “about to be sealed, so says the evidence”! In these words, you are asked to share: is, The question! With trillions dependent upon what we do/ you do. With trillions of individual lives, including every child, & every future child (we are all miracles); dependent upon the reality: do you/ or do we care? The answer must be: LIFE, for this planet, MUST COME FIRST! There are, no other significant objectives here: simply life must survive, by law; & no gambling with our world. No threatening every existence on earth, with your experiment, theory, fantasy, lies, theft, or excuse. WE MUST SAY “NO”! Taking their tools for this, away. BY ENFORCING OUR LAWS/ OUR CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY: called “WE THE PEOPLE”/ are owners here. We paid, for that right! |
Audio | Heat, Fire and Explosion | Audio | Whipping the Slave | Expressions | ||||
Audio | Atomic Structure | Elements of Me | Beyond Desire | Treasons of tragedies | ||||
Audio | Reality of sun energy | Forming Destiny | Audio | True Democracy | I Chose | |||
Presence | Battleground of Harmony | Man Wants More | Reality of Energy | The Law of True Democracy | Basis of War | |||
The basis of all war, is very simple/ THE RULES OF PEACE.
The foundation of “basic/ or simple” man is: “I want/ I need/ therefore I will get MORE; one way or the other”. Women do encourage this, because reality is reality. To achieve this desire called want, men work when the resources are many, and the realities involved as easy/ BUT when the resources fail, or reality is not easy: very many turn to the violence of “I will take yours”/ or I will make you leave. Thereby society is then divided, when times are harsh; simple when life and work is relatively easy. If that “works well for them”/ they turn to lazy (this is enough for me, you do it), or to power (a thirst for more/ I share nothing, because I do not care). That reality of exclusion establishes armies; and serves to make other men and women their slaves, in one form or another. When the opportunity to rebel exists: there will then be war. War/ prejudice/ the mob of insanity/ and the realities of injustice, are all directly tied to resources and the competition of one human being against the others. The decision to lie, cheat, steal, and assert violence all stem from want/ and the intent to be selfish. The mob lives, to steal from justice and law: by insisting the right exists, to destroy far more than either justice or law or governing allows. Thereby constructing the purpose of genocide, with an excuse: we had to do it, “they are animals/ LESS than us”. Consequently they have no right to live (they are ALL, like this), or we will drive them all, out of our lives forever (they are not the same) they are less: so says the mob. Clearly NOT TRUE! Nonetheless All of it; a reality of over population pushing all sides “to the limit”/ because they know this environment cannot, or will not soon; sustain us all. Or they won’t let us live equal lives, thereby we become slaves. Or more simply, “someone has to die/ because we cannot work this out, for life”. That lends a limited truth, that something must be done/ before we all crush ourselves and die. Or, it is the mob that creates war, by assembling the assumption, and demanding participation: these are ALL, less than us/ they are “a cancer that won’t heal affecting our body of life!
The only alternative, is to work together with laws that all find acceptable. Truth we will all accept, because we DO understand as a vast majority: we must. To find justice, instead of revenge: or fail this entire environment. That means in volatile societies: HATE must be found, and removed. It is different than anger/ anger has a cause that can be rectified. Hate does not, because it is a personal decision: to remove all forms of justice for you, and them. Which means simply: hate is the enemy/ NOT humanity itself, where justice can and will live. Because we chose to care, about life! Anything less, is merely waiting for all of society to explode into chaos.
To survive the desire or truth, called need: the foundation of our existence is a resource that can be used for life. That means when every resource is treated with respect, and every human being accepts the limits and boundaries where peace and harmony reside: we are free, to be happy. The consequence of this day is: life first has been neglected, and both this earth & all its nature are ransacked, raped, ravaged, and destroyed; as is constant in the reality of most human, and particularly male decisions. The ability to survive ends with that reality of destruction! The consequence, humanity MUST move or die; if they are too late to save themselves, by respecting what does keep them alive, where they are. When that is not possible, someone must leave! Consequently, war is exerted on “a smaller segment of the population (prejudice and bigotry)” as a means to end that competition/ by making these move, quit, or die.
When humanity is “having fun: WE have plenty”/ they do then have an abundance of children, and throw everything away; insuring tragedy will come. When they have “fun”, because resources are plenty/ there is room, for every fantasy, wish, greed, and assumption. Few care about anything, until the resources end, and peace dissolves, as it always does. When humanity is NOT having fun, “this is terrible, we are enslaved, we are in trouble, we NEED some happiness: men first turn to “dividing the populace (like me/ not like me)” or separate them. Because someone needs to be driven out. Then they turn to the power and pride of rape, prostitution or sex; in whatever form (because it is a trophy/ you wanted, I got): to survive their own mental anguish & troubles from an uncertain future. Multiplying their problems by having more children/ causing more grief and increasing need: becomes the legacy to a mob. Mob means: “tell me what I want to hear/ and we will fight, to make that come true”.
To assist the children, without restricting pregnancy through actions required of the adults; means, “you save the children for cannibalism if not war/ because the increased pressures on environment will only multiply the trouble”. When massive immigration occurs as a result, the competition where they go enlarges, and the ability to survive and be happy, for those who have been impacted “with someone else’s children”: turns to anger. “Because I needed these resources/ or my own children did/ or my own future. You have made me work harder, & for less reward taking peace and harmony away from me”; all because you came. All because you, or those who came before you chose to desecrate and destroy your own home; because truth and reality did not rule. Now you are doing the same, to my home. Thereby we cannot be friends, when your need is so great, that you change my life, my society, and even the realities of my children; because your situation is critical and without a solution other than genocide. As is the reality of America; as the immigrants with guns and an unlimited supply of people, almost completely murdered the American Indian who lived here/ “nothing personal” we just want everything you own, for free. Or more simply: there are consequences to having more children than nature itself can survive/ realities required of us all, because these must choose to destroy nature and resources to survive themselves/ or they will war with others. To alter, the planet itself: for every part, and every corner on or of this earth; regardless of the price that would be established as a future destroyed; against this whole human world. It is not a game, there are consequences in reality/ that the fantasies of “university smart” can’t understand: “its called idiocy”, failure, and fool. While the rest become more restless and angry, because they now must choose, what no sane person would desire.
This world today, that grows at over 2 million more human mouths to feed each week, MEANS: the competition will soon turn to cannibalism/ because you have already raped, ravaged, and destroyed so very much of nature, ocean, and this earth already, the future is VERY BLEAK. Because that, is the choice your leaders have made. That is the future, you as followers did earn; because you didn’t care enough to learn/ didn’t share enough to trust that truth must lead/ didn’t respect enough, to be friends. Or more simply you chose want, pride, and power/ destroying all the rest for selfishness, in a blind frenzy “to win”. The liars won/ the thieves stole, everything/ the traitors, and their treason have betrayed us all/ and the media gave you nothing but fears: not even the opportunity to defend yourselves, as they chose to be quiet about everything important.
So then we come to the beginning of world war 3, whereby the competition must be eliminated/ as there is no place to push them away too, anymore. They must fight/ just like you must make realistic room; even if it is unfair: so long as reality supports a second chance by truth and its consequences. As there are no substantial resources available for a future, “you threw it all away”/ and added in, because the earth and everything in it or on it is attacked: mercy is limited, or we all die. Because nature itself is intentionally mutilated/ the foundation chains of life, which keep all nature itself alive, including us; have been desecrated, diseased, and are approaching complete destruction; as is the reality of nature in chaos or “Armageddon”. Our option is, to abandon want/ to discard the ways and means of the past: and rebuild as best we can in a completely different way. Or more simply LIFE COMES FIRST/ never want, money, power, or pride again. The earth is manipulated into near complete disharmony/ the water is nearly destroyed, as is the oxygen to breathe; and a long list of other delusions and fantasies, established by university leadership: do they not control every important decision in society! Indeed they do, turning the realities required for our very survival into trash. By discarding reality as if it were merely dirt or rock, to be walked on/ the consequence is certain: truth knows you are going to die. Very soon, no possibility of change will exist, TOO DAMN MUCH IS DESTROYED; and then you become the walking dead. Established by the current cult of “university knows”: NOBODY gets the information required to help life on earth survive; it “disrupts their power”/ damages their pride/ stops their counterfeiting/ and removes the blind obedience of a cult. Therefore the information life needs, is regarded as little more than an inconvenience; to the media/ leadership/ university/ or religion, or more simply “to every branch of their cult”. Because they want power, pride, and selfishness more than life/ so they gamble “we are god”. As all fools do. Information of destruction to life on earth, which the cult insists, NONE should learn or know exists... As they may not wish to die. Has been proven, in the courts and throughout all leadership: to be a game, which we the people may not play. The cult, and its media propaganda machine; functionally, is then feeding poison to the world; by keeping truth away. Their own purposes revealed: they want to be god. As is evident by: Including the clear and distinct decision to gamble with this entire planet, deliberately bringing the same fire here as is on the sun. That they may declare themselves to be “god (we did this/ and you could not stop us)”. A ten million degree fire, that DOES burn atomic bonds to create that heat; which does mean everything here is fuel. A reality allowed, because your cult ( which means, none; can’t argue or question them as your “god”), as in university knows: says this fire will just extinguish itself, or not enough gravity here to sustain the fire. They say they can be god: by making evolution god of life on earth. Demanding that chaos: which literally means the destruction of all discipline/ order/ balance/ structure/ thought/ truth/ and reality, are what built the bodies of life on earth: and shall now rule life. And they want to create for themselves “spidermen/ every fantasy of greek mythology (we ARE now creators). Which will be, the complete destruction of EVERYTHING we depend upon to sustain this LIVING world. Ain’t they so DAMN SMART; Hell, what could go wrong with that, and so many more experiments of fantasy and failure being done around this world: is so far beyond insanity, that it must be called “satan”. Answer the question: and all the people say, “NO, this just can’t be”/ that’s why we have leaders, media, courts, government, policing and all the rest to: stop the insanity. But it is true, the evidence is absolute, and failure cannot be in question: it is the end of life on earth. Change this/ grow up and stop being “spoon fed lies” like an infant, who has no knowledge: Or we all die/ everything on earth; because you didn’t care enough to say “NO”. How pathetic, that you must be told: only a cult can achieve this level of delusion/ you are believers, “in university knows”, and will soon die because of it. That is the price.
The facts of this day: construct, we are running out of everything, including time. By relying upon their university decisions; this world has established with proof and evidence. The results of their cowardice, failures, theft, treason, lies, and every other form of delirium, diseased mind, and pandemic catastrophe coming. That they use our lives and every child’s future, to pile up riches for themselves by counterfeiting. (Got to get mine now); is irrefutable. Where no future exists, there is no time to wait/ no excuse to say, “not me”: because they stole that too/ we all die, when they gamble with all life on earth/ even the planet/ even the solar system itself, by creating a second sun. They simply could not control their greed/ the pride has reached complete “sewer collapse”, within their mind/ and the power driven by their complete absolute ARROGANCE has overrun far too damn many foundations that literally keep us alive. Which means lies must be used, to keep reality at bay. Thereby the evidence of a cult formed: you cannot question us, we are “experts”. Propaganda must exist, to control any doubt. Leaders and courts must be controlled: so that none can rebel or accuse the criminal conspiracy that exists/ proving BETRAYAL. Thereby this nation that contorts itself with lies, because the pain and penalty of returning to truth and reality: seems to great. Does continue to die/ taking the planet with it. To assemble this much damage against an entire people or world; the arrogant and the walking dead, found their means under the direction and the method, of true purposeful counterfeiting: we have stolen their lives, and made them slaves, and they don’t even know. The fundamental IS: a nation whose leaders and elderly have agreed, along with every follower who knows anything: That this is, LET THE CHILDREN BE DAMNED. Let their future be destroyed/ so that we don’t have to pay. Because that, is their result & by the evidence, it has then become their purpose. To steal every resource for themselves/ to destroy every chance for the children to survive/ to refuse every possibility for life to continue: is true BETRAYAL, of the young, and life itself.
Religion is the excuse for many, to war: because you can be a zealot in religion; using extreme behaviors, lies and innuendo to hide the fact, your intent is murder/ theft/ rape/ and enslavement of others. The majority CANNOT condemn you, if religion is said to “maybe allow it”/ because “its gods will”. They being “god” of course.
Isn’t that so, as it is true most religions have a clause or two, which does allow pure violence; to establish “ our purpose as a group is, to rule society: by these rules”: WE ARE/ and we are intended to be “god here”.
Leaders use armies to gain that same power (we HAVE a right/ because we have a weapon), creating rules to make the people obey their will. To remove their freedom: so that some can be made to die thereby using fear to assault and control the future. Demanding insanity or death, from anyone who will not obey.
The university uses experts, and propaganda; with words that are purposely foreign: so none of the general population can argue, understand, or compete with any force. The media are then “the mufflers of society/ whereby all are silenced: enforcing, listen only to the cult.
So then we have the three big influences on human society identified: “university knows” constructs the propaganda and plague (we have a book). Declaring, we are like god: therefore “we are going to do whatever we want/ regardless of the outcome or future for any child”. Cause we are SO SMART/ you can’t stop us. By the evidence, they do prove: We can lie, talk, and organize ourselves into an army with weapons covered over by your own fears: better than you! We are the smarter ones, as the evidence does prove: they can indeed steal, betray, tempt, disease, plague, mutilate, propagate, or destroy: better than “we the people”. By words, used to demand worship of the university priests called experts, and obedience from their robotic paupers (you lost your mind) who memorized and supported, lies as their trophy. They do say: we will defeat you, “cause they consider themselves; better than any god/ they attack religion so they can be religion”. The evidence proves success; and the people say “WE BELIEVE”. Give us more, so the counterfeiting enlarges, the attack on resources is frantic, and propaganda demands “fear everything but your saviors; the university knows”. After all, this nation in particular is the most drugged both legally and illegally population that all of history has encountered. Fear does that of course; but it is oppression that forces people to accept an escape without even the possibility of hope. All praise the university; “ain’t that so.” After all, what could an endless amount of lawsuits possibly prove; about shoving anything you’re told, or tempted to take; into your body. Why hell, what could go wrong/ those damn people are just raising the prices for us all; unless of course its you, damaged and betrayed.
The constant of Religion is: we are going to insist by violence or other, that MY WAY shall be done/ after all, “we have a book”. THEREFORE: We have a “religious right, we are like god/ by proving this book, and any interpretation we desire; is our decree from god”; TO DO whatever we believe is right by our own interpretation. Or more simply, “we are the righteous ones”/ we know everything we need to know: to prove we are gods children, and have inherited HIS power. You however are “less than nothing, if you don’t agree, and worship us”. “God by the image, they create”. The rules they demand; cause well, “they are so damn special” how could they be wrong? Unless of course, reality/ truth/ love/ life/ or anything else of value should ever be conceived.
And the historic; endless line of male leaders who conceive of rules by which they will control every life one way or the other; to give themselves riches far beyond all others. Which does require SLAVES! After all, “they wrote their own rules in a book/ and you must obey; cause its in a book”. They are god, by FEAR; using weapons, prison, torture, theft, lies, propaganda, and war. Or, THEY BRIBE using counterfeit money as their weapon to tempt, control, manipulate, and deceive the people into giving them what they want; until that ends in civil war. All of them establishing the simple proof, by the realities created from these decisions: they choose to be “devil: NOTHING matters but me”/ rather than accept, life for all, must come first.
That leaves human reality, with a simple decision: if you do not choose life first, planet first/ nature by its terms, instead of your university or human delusions/ ENFORCING THAT AS WE THE PEOPLE!
if you do not let truth itself decide the future, by conceiving of all that we can do, to stop the destruction and repair the realities of a life and a living; that we can survive as life on this earth: then you die.
That of course assumes it is not too late already.
Some say, “it’s a tough decision” to discard everything you want MORE OF/ for a reality, governed only by truth; that is not functionally selfish and demands respect for any living thing, resource, child, or anything else but hate/ from us all.
Even though with 7,000,000,000 + people all demanding MORE/ no possibility exists for anything but war. Want remains in control/ thereby war is coming. IT IS A FACT created by resource devastation from over population and failed leadership, throughout humanity.
Even so: Removing hate so that war itself can be banished from the future: because we cannot survive it anymore. Means another large portion of people will be removed from their job (the essence of war, requires participation). Thereby these are now competing for MORE, in other areas, where there is already little, with nothing extra. But if the children are to have a future at all/ you will pay the price, and learn to life with life instead of attacking it for personal gain. It is a simple decision: want is irrelevant/ the question is, life or death for this world? You will choose, and the price is eternal.
The question, what is the proven truth confronting us? Requires: The reality of investigation to prove or disprove by the evidence what is functionally defined as our future, by the essence and elements of our need, as explained by the survival of nature itself, and the stability of this planet. IS a reality: REFUSED BY ALL LEADERSHIP, MEDIA, AND COURTS. The cost of being WRONG, in university experiments: “As is a fire that cannot be put out”/ thereby all life ON THIS ENTIRE PLANET dies, once ignition occurs. IS REFUSED BY ALL LEADERSHIP, MEDIA, AND COURTS. Bodies of life BEING MUTILATED and cannot be “reassembled or protected from pandemic disease once mutilated beyond repair/ EVERY BODY OF LIFE BROKEN, DISFIGURED, AND DESTROYED. IS REFUSED BY ALL LEADERSHIP, MEDIA, AND COURTS. Chains of life broken, killing everything above it, including you; and so on. IS REFUSED BY ALL LEADERSHIP, extremely limited in all media AND DISCARDED by the COURTS. It ain’t a hard concept, you are going to die soon/ these are proven facts on the web sites provided. Www.trialoflife.info
Even this beginning evidence, Just like your money: proving, the counterfeiting leadership has betrayed your future/ lied and cheated, and stole. Not a single word from your media, in your support existed/ not from the courts/ or leadership; even though they know. Because I told them.
The tragedy is Well hidden: because that counterfeit money goes across this world, “so we don’t see the reality”. Spread about in pension plans here/ hidden in wall street numbers / student loans (be a robot, or join the poor)/ bonds that cannot be paid/ etc. All while foreign hands, bring the money back to dispossess you from this land. Extreme experiments, without the slightest respect for life/ salaries and bonuses for every diploma/ and every whim or fantasy they desire: are all funded by counterfeiting. Anything or everything “the devil called university knows” wants, but NONE for you/ unless you whine, and are thereby bribed. Slaves are required/ none get to be rich, without making the rest poor! You can’t compete with their “free money”; so they take anything they want, ending the middle class/ and constructing the means to inflate at any time every form of debt and demand to pay/ that will destroy all you have left. So the few, SHALL indeed own it all. The bloodiest civil war in history IS coming; right here. Are you not prepared? Guns, etc/ plus games to increase the violence from the very beginning teaching the young in particular to be vile, mean, and without mercy.
The facts prove, everyday the current administration and congress add $241 dollars per each and every person of one hundred million people into the american economy. Or more simply according to the federal reserve: 2010- 2014 Line 33 total assets $188,503.7 =$188.5 trillion table L.5
the difference 16 years makes is: An increase in debt of $83.2 trillion
An increase in assets of $112.4 trillion
the difference 4 years, for this nation makes is:
An increase in debt of $17.8 trillion
An increase in assets of $35.2 trillion Establishes the truth: instead of facing their own reality, traitors are stealing from the young/ betraying every worker: and refusing reality; so the university can play god and live within the fantasy of a counterfeit world. The end of supply and demand economics means: there is no control forbidding the ransacking of future resources. That means with counterfeiting THE FUTURE IS ROBBED. Who do you suppose has to pay that debt then! Who do you suppose dies/ begs/ and cannibalizes themselves because the leaders of this day (are they not all with a university diploma) have failed LIFE ITSELF. Or more simply this entire world.
The old don’t want to pay their own bill/ “its too late, this is out of control”. The result goes directly to civil war against those who deceived, lied, and stole/ once the bribery fails. This people betrayed themselves, by depending upon leaders, and media: who failed miserably, and then lied successfully. Nonetheless, the young fear depression just like the old. You the young, also believe in the “university knows cult” even more than they.
Because you want the money! Nonetheless; we are all “in this titanic” together/ we all stop “the ship”, or we all die, even as a planet.
So that reality can decide what comes next, BY TRUTH and the substance of a real investigation/ and substantial democracy as is redress of grievances. Humanity itself MUST arise, and confront the lies, consider the consequence of being wrong, and save this planet for life. That is all you have left. There is no other solution, there is no other possibility for survival: it is your last choice. Find truth, rebuild a reality that can potentially survive: or literally go to HELL (the world gone insane, because it is without hope) ARMAGEDDON (nature in chaos, dying, mutilated, and destroyed)/ THE APOCALYPSE (I have a gun, and so do 5 billion other people all ready to use it; blood spilled, beyond belief in every form of civil war there is)/ ETC
That leaves the young, when confronted with slavery, death, and cannibalism (its all gone/ there is nothing left); leading to all out extermination of life itself. Even the death of this planet itself: with war.
The young are now required: With their own decision to make: to obey your elders, and question nothing/ or fight for your life, because they will not. That too, SHALL have consequences/ but not the end of all possibility for life to continue; as is doing nothing. The voice of life is: WE NEED OUR FUTURE, NATURE, WORLD, with resources; TOO!
The religious (we know everything we need to know) the powerful and their cult (you can’t disagree with us/ we won’t allow it) of “university knows”. WILL lose its grip/ as reality proves, the future of every life is dead. Whereas these “leaders” have been proven little more than traitors, liars, and thieves. Their Toys and trinkets of university WILL become irrelevant; when compared to life itself! No one has been more destructive to life itself, or a future for children: than “University knows”. Its just a fact, aided by their propaganda arm, “the media”. That does not allow for some benefits along the way; after all worship requires some level of “witchcraft (I have powers beyond you)/ or reality constructed by thought, & addressed or accomplished for good”. The question of university is again, NOT a diploma, or any portion of reality that constructs “life, for this planet and its safety; must come first”. Rather it is an arrogance so extreme nothing matters but power, pride, and selfishness. Take a look at our reality, and you will see in truth: why “university knows” is allowed to be a “blanket statement”.
The fundamental is simple: reality does not decree a diploma one way or the other as good or bad. However the extreme arrogance, and utter disregard for life, or any portion of survival as a planet/ nature/ or for the body of life itself has proven to be the most destructive “evolution (the body of man, without a working mind)” possible.
Evolution as is the religious order of insanity, that men use to refuse truth & thereby pretend they, can be god. To Become satan; “destroyer of a world” has invaded all our lives with mutilation and genetic horrors coming beyond all imagination as discipline/ order/ structure/ balance/ and everything valued or beautiful is dissolved into chaos as they demand. Those without {diploma means, yes, this one memorized what he or she was told} / are no better. You accept any delusion/ worship any assumption that even suggests “you get one day longer for yourself”. As is the essence of all selfishness, and its critical relationship to hate: let the rest die/ I have what I want.
When the people too, conceive of how they may play god with life, or over life, or as superior to other life, or without the slightest respect for any other life, living thing, or method required for survival of anyone or anything other than themselves. The nation becomes identified as “devil: let the world be damned/ I want, what I want”.
Is there not always someone who says, “we can make them/ do what we want; by plotting/ planning/ temptations/ or other”? This is the basis of a “deviled” diploma: HELL NO, we don’t have to follow the truth that leads and protects all life and planet/ WE WILL play god instead. How is that not “university knows”?
These will insist as do their followers, WE MUST do what we do/ because there is no other way for us to survive, or be happy; we must do, what we do, it is our right/ anything less is insane. We have the right/ we have a book, “it can’t be wrong”. WE HAVE MORE/ that proves we are right. After all, the book was written by men playing god.
But reality proves the future is dead! The opposite of what we must do; as all their methods, planning, etc have proven to be the very thing. The reality expanded, that is now destroying all life on this planet. Or more simply: just because some will die/ or just because you WANT MORE: does not give the rest, OR ANY; a right, to change the balance, order, disciplines, structure, or genetic compositions, planet or anything else; that keeps everything and everyone alive. That is insane.
A TINY few of: the clear tragedies for life and planet, that do come to mind established by humanity as we are great/ are: massive fishing trawlers that empty the sea/ cars that changed the very fabric of society, leading to endless pollution, waste, oxygen depletion (a small car uses the oxygen in one hour, that thirty people need in 24 hours/ a semi truck uses the amount 100-120 people need), and resource losses/ antibiotics that kept billions more alive to consume the planet itself, have made the world dependent upon confinement livestock (antibiotics fail, so does the food supply), and antibiotics now stand ready “by becoming useless; as the single most destructive element ever conceived”, until the mutilation of genetics/ the chain saw which has deforested 80% of this earth in a few decades/ taking with it habitat, and the very “lungs of the earth”; and yet people cannot wait to destroy housing and more (tear it down) because they expect “to just go get more”; chemicals and mutilated crops have devastated insect populations destroying pollinators/ causing abortions in other creatures/ ending the food supply for a great many species, and preparing a mass extinction that will be worse than any similar catastrophe in history . Or, how is not this leadership a blind/ dead/ dumb/ stupid/ HORROR story beyond imagination? Etc/ etc/ etc; and there are so many more consequences the list would seem endless. Each of which did have its blessings; until they became the ingredients that established change: we as a world cannot survive anymore.
I have benefitted from each of these too/ as have you. but each of these (and many more) now attack our entire world in different ways, and must be altered from the current reality: so that life, truth by its consequences, and realities we can survive: demands change must now be. The consequences are severe, & We are simply too many people, and must change, or we will die as a planet.
Instead of the constant male chant and command: “we can do something”/ therefore we are gods. Reality insists: without learning the truth of what comes next from these changes, and accepting that price is or is not bearable to life on this planet: there is no future. To change something is NOT being god/ it is disassembling what GOD did provide without learning the lessons of WHY this is or is not necessary to all of us. Those lessons are, the basis of wisdom itself. The essence of every living thing/ the composition of this entire world: is a miracle of complexity we cannot even conceive of. Therefore religion such as is evolution seeks to destroy the very foundations of mental discoveries (the level of thought recognized in these miracles and this planet is beyond ourselves), by covering it over with absolute stupidity, disease, and disgrace. These “satan worshipers” are Deliberately trying to destroy the evidence of life itself, by injecting chaos into nature/ thereby taking away “everything we value”. That is the university arrogance: taking over government with their religion: WE WANT TO BE, WE OWN YOUR MIND; or in their mind: “We are your gods; BELIEVE or we will discard you into poverty”. By using media propaganda to enforce that decision, life itself is being thrown in the garbage. To your shame!
You, the people of this day; WILL conclude the experience and expressions of humanity deciding for all life on this planet/ by the choices you are making today; to die. OR you will draw back, from the edge of extermination as a world; stopping destruction, and rebuilding for life. You will, find in WHAT IS TRUE, the foundation(s) for new decisions that will become a different world. You will learn and accept: no matter how little or greatly you desire it/ that this is “the best men did do; as thousands of years of history do prove”. Thereby we know, without truly different leadership, there is no future. That leaves only women to lead; not as individuals, “the way of men”/ but as the combined force of a reality chosen by vote: that must, and will establish: LIFE ON THIS PLANET, comes FIRST; forever more. Help them or die. This is democracy enlarged. This is the opportunity to achieve the laws that rule your life, by your own vote; as equals: removing power from government, and giving it to yourselves. Women are better organized to do that very thing. Women are more cognizant of life must come first, than are men. It is a choice.
As war teaches you: changing leadership has little effect, in nearly every case/ even if that leader does well, there will be others who do not. One death, and everything gained can be destroyed. History proves fools will rule in the end/ as is today.
LAW TEACHES US ALL INSTEAD: that the essence of human society is governed by the decisions we all agree, “bring JUSTICE/ PEACE/ HARMONY/ HAPPINESS/ HOPE (as best we can)/ LOVE/ TRUTH/ TRUST/ FAIR PLAY/ FREEDOM/ LIBERTY shared honestly/ AND A WORLD THAT WILL SURVIVE, regardless of the few; should that be necessary. Therefore it is the law that controls your destiny or fate, as a world.
Therefrom it is the elements of a courtroom/ the dimensions of a policing force/ and the foundations you set into place: that clearly and certainly protect these decisions of humanity to enforce upon itself the means and methods which can present “joy” to us all; that then, will decide our future, as we the people. Establishing nothing less than true respect/ by democracy, for all. Confronting all with the choice, either we will find a way to share and care about each other/ OR, this entire world shall WAR.
Men failed to do this/ they wanted power and pride instead. Thereby leadership and governing, were surrendered for selfishness. To disrupt and thereby stop that lesson from history: the possibility is given to women, that they may try, to adjust and conceive of THE LAW itself for better purposes, changing government in the process. Not because “I say so”/ but because without true and distinctly DIFFERENT WAYS, METHODS, AND LEADERSHIP; there is absolutely no hope left, for life on this planet. We must have different. Men cannot be different than they are; thousands of years of history cannot be wrong: how is that not true!
WHAT IS NECESSARY is: that WE THE PEOPLE OURSELVES, must make the laws that will govern our lives. What is essential is, that WE THE PEOPLE shall grade the courts/ control the police/ remove and disassemble leadership and governing until, in this America, it fits “constitutional demands”. Changing the constitution itself to reflect our reality, as a nation and world today. What is required: is an end to every public union of any kind (they have proven to be thieves)/ an end to every form of pension beyond social security (no more lies/ no more cheating the rest): so we are all “in the same boat together”/ and know it.
The end of counterfeiting is required, therefore the complete, thorough, and true accounting of what is and is not real: decided and determined by the jury OF, FOR, AND BY OURSELVES/ through redress of grievances. SHALL occur!
What needs no proof or discussion is the end of all university experimentation UNLESS WE THE PEOPLE fully understand the consequences, and determine by public vote, upon specific realities ourselves. UNDERSTANDING this takes away money from other needs. Whether any university decision, experiment, assumption, assertion, theory, or any other form of so called “expertize”; shall or shall not go forward. Etc/ etc/ etc.
I have retired from direct intervention/ because it is easier for want to make me an object of ridicule and derision: rather than merely a “messenger”: proving a need exists to investigate and determine what is true. It takes a world of humanity recognizing we are in trouble, and must change ourselves. It takes YOUR OWN DECISION to do that very thing, and nothing less. CONSIDER THE SOURCE: your universities, media, leaders, and more tell you they are going to create the same fire here as is on the sun. They created the national ignition facility for that purpose, and everyday they experiment with bringing 500 trillion watts of laser power onto a single spot/ creating 180 million degrees (more than an exploding supernova star, so they say) on that spot: “every day”. They do it by storing electricity in capacitors, and releasing it like a lightning bolt. Your president believes its going to be great/ no more coal fired electrical generation: so they don’t need it to be built. But there is a problem, “if this ten million degree fire doesn’t extinguish itself as predicted/ the entire planet becomes a sun, all life dead.” That is the price of this experiment/ and a greater abomination does not exist.
That job, of communicating this need for life and world: to say STOP, THE RISK IS TOO GREAT/ is now yours! I have failed, all refuse. But reality continues, & I suggest to you: by biblical prophecy (consider the source); the end of this world SHALL come by roughly September of 2015/ unless clear evidence and critical decisions stop the destruction of this world going on today. Unless we stop this, it is strictly a human decision to do so/ we CAN stop it; there are few/ we are many.
All the evidence, and there is much strongly suggests this biblical prophecy in the book of Daniel, of 1298 days past the beginning (of the worst decision humanity could possibly make); and the world dies shall indeed be so. It continues with 45 days later the entire world is lost. Which simply means once ignition occurs, that is the amount of time required for the ejection of our entire atmosphere/ heat to fry us all. How will you survive, “the same fire as is on the sun”/ here on earth. The sun burns your skin in summer from 91 million miles away! The university, etc says: “we can and we will bring that fire here”/ they promise. They are closer than you think, which does mean, this world can die at any time. I prefer to believe we have one year left/ and as the prophecy is quite good, if you know how to read it. The university theorizes, the world is safe because: “not enough gravity here to sustain the fire”.
Consider the source. Consider the cost of being wrong. Consider the experiment being built, 3 exa-watt lasers/ situated to triangulate their beams into one location: which will focus 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (ten to the 52nd power) watts of electrical power, into one tiny spot in on this planet. Or three million of the largest lightning strikes possible, all hitting the same place at the same time. Grab hold of a one hundred watt light bulb, and get a clue; every zero multiplies by ten! They do it by compressing electrical energy into capacitors and then releasing it all at once. This is a match, strictly used to ignite the planet itself on fire, there is no other use. Find more threats at www.trialoflife.info
1. Without hope men war/ turn to hate/ or commit suicide, because without hope there is no future worth living.
2. Without respect, there is no purpose for me, “in your society”; therefore I reject it. Therefore I lie, because I want more.
3. Without opportunity, love does not survive; or it will be buried so deep, it can’t be found. The consequence is “an angry society”.
4. Without love, there is no value/ without value nothing is forbidden, thereby life becomes a game. Without love there is no purpose or desire that constructs peace or harmony; therefore why should we not war with you?
5. The game of men is money; but to achieve their trophy, the impact is anything but a game. The reality pushes and shoves, until someone is crowned winner. That winner leads: having learned not to care or share about anything but money. It is the way of men, because without a winner/ there is no army. Without an army, there is no protection from a government of “us”.
6. Survival means, I have found what I needed, life and society made room for me/ therefore I am “a man”. Or as the case may be, woman fighting to be free. Failing that, I am a beggar, or prostitute, or thief. Resources decide.
7. Gender means: “nature requires opposites to attract”/ it is a foundation of life; and cannot be dismissed without consequences. Therefore what happens between male and female disrupts or stabilizes the world. It is no game.
8. Women are a separate and different element of existence, from all men/ who can doubt. They must receive respect/ because unlike men, they are the very foundation of human existence. They OWN the body, that brings life onto this earth. Men offer little/ “unless they pay” to sustain that existence.
9. Women, who are honored, and at peace within themselves: make men identify the reality and blessings of what peace and harmony can be. Thereby women establish the basis of happiness for both; as “family”. It is no small thing.
10. Children create a cause, to do more for family: thereby the element of man which demands more/ is subject to reality, and the pressures women and life apply. The consequence now, of a world in trouble; where women must choose “one child (not more than two) is all we can afford”, as humanity on earth/ as a world.
11. Politics are the deception: that we can “make a deal”/ that benefits us all. But that is rarely true, because those who can; conceive of and hide for themselves “much more”. Selfishness then rules! It is the law alone, chosen by all, with justice for all/ which gives all, the opportunity to be at peace. But only when the courtroom, and the policing; is carefully monitored and controlled by the people themselves.
12. Religion is the last refuge for an undisciplined man or woman. The last hope for those cast adrift from society or family and without friend; anything less is just “for fun or fear”. Thereby they come, for the rules and the rights; hiding in the sanctuary “can’t get me now”/ without making any other decision for themselves. That has value, until the tragedies of power, pride, want, greed, lust, temptation, hate, selfishness, and so on invade the privacy and purpose of a life outside “the lines”: of games men and women play with, or against, each other.
The search for “OUR CREATOR” is not about religion/ it is merely a stepping stone. More clearly and truly, life is about the purposes of our own heart, the reality of our own decisions to participate in truth, trust, love, respect, wisdom, and participation beyond ourselves; just as a beginning path. That path is most clearly defined, by JESUS, as is the biblical descriptions of a human being/ that proved, life is more than survival, and gave credence too: “eternity exists/ we are not forgotten”. That life itself is, a participation given through the relationship called thought. NOT intellect, which is merely the mental ability to define or conceive of traps. But the relationship we share with freedom itself.
The reality constructed by: “shepard’s of death” leading their flock on a march into Hell and Armageddon/ every other disaster as well. As the evidence does prove! By constantly reminding the people who are blind, deaf, and dumb; NEVER question “university knows”/ as is their god. Are at its core; living the 23rd psalm “He makes me (not a choice).....quiet waters (a place where water never runs/ turns into slime)..... restores my soul (who took it away/ and what did they give back).....righteousness establishes (your truth/ NOT “GOD’S” ).....valley of the shadow of death (GOD of life, is not here).....your rod and staff comfort me (they are used to attack, and demand obedience)..... in the presence of your enemies......I will dwell in the house of the lord (that AIN’T here). Is that not so! Or more correctly; “being simple minded/ and under control of someone else”: ain’t going to save your life on this earth, or otherwise.
The issue raised by all “religious fervor” is the same. To assert ANYTHING is perfect in this world, IS an act of insanity. To claim that a book clearly written by men/ in a man’s language/ and for a man’s purposes/ about men and their lives on earth, “is perfect”. Has no credence in reality! Look again at the basis in fact of what you declare is perfect: not a single thing that established your book is perfect/ how then can what they built, be perfect? It does not exist. HOWEVER, “these guides” to living/ these instructions that constitute an understanding of life by creating lessons we can learn: does have value. NOT AS “GOD” over your life! But as the reality of its purpose, to participate as the best we can do, in understanding and presenting that knowledge, to the coming generations: so says the believer. Of the various religions, it is only the Christian religion that allows or creates “a guide” into eternity: that alone cannot be judged, “for value to life”/ because who can say or prove, by the evidence of JESUS : That they are “better informed”? It simply isn’t so.
Consequently we come to the understanding of religion, as it not only participates in the disciplines of life, by creating a path to knowledge. BUT BECOMES a format for the creation of a mob, as these books are defiled to create an excuse: “These others are less/ and ought to be destroyed, as a cancer in our body of life”. THAT AIN’T, RESPECT FOR GOD’S CREATION! Nor the purpose of our time on this earth. Our desire is intended to be: answer the question, DO YOU desire life by love/ within the rules and laws called truth! Your answer, determines your eternity.
The only fool stupid enough to accept evolution/ is too blind, deaf, and dumb: to understand anything/ chaos builds nothing. Or more simply what part of your body didn’t you need at the same time to survive: LIFE wasn’t built one part at a time, “it WAS designed and then created by thought establishing ORDER/ DISCIPLINE/ BALANCE/ STRUCTURE/ THOUGHT AND PATTERNED PARTICIPATION/ BOUNDARIES/ AND MUCH MORE. None of which is an accident. Evolution is so absolutely sewage/ that it further invites, THE MUTILATION of all life. These particular cancers DO, deserve a second look/ and a one way trip to JUSTICE. We survive by truth, not simply remaining stupid. Truth is not a book. Truth is the substance and reality created, that leaves humanity outside the line/ which constructs what will or will not be. Our participation in truth, is merely the failure or blessing that we inject into time itself. If you learn, a blessing will come. If you refuse to learn/ tragedy and chaos will exist. That is the summation of “religion”. To go beyond religion and search for LIFE, AS DETERMINED BY CREATION: means you must be spiritual. Spiritual means: “beyond time”/ there is a path, that leads to the essence and truth, of your own life. It is strictly, “a personal journey”! “The mob (we will do this together); in any form” is not allowed. Religious books, are merely “a babies milk”/ the congregations religions form, sum up the playground, whereby we find ourselves, in the midst of people who are not unlike ourselves. That purpose is simple: the potential to see ourselves in others/ and to understand the basic differences that determine the discovery allowed as “different states of mind”. None may decide for us, as is a cult. Each must decide what they accept and trust as true/ which then becomes the foundation upon which they build an identity.
Religion creates or identifies “a possibility” in life/ by understanding the decision we create within ourselves; the reality we accept as our relationship with truth and its consequences; the foundations upon which we build our future, our courage, and our love all conceive of an opportunity to consider what life itself does mean, “for me/ and you”. That is enhanced by the elemental dimension of what thought, and energy can do. That does NOT preclude the possibilities of “spiritual direction or major prophetic announcements (change or this will become true). Rather reality simply amplifies the possibilities of truth, as they become more distinct.
Construction of the base elements, whereby eternity can be found, begins here/ and it is up to each individual to earn the passage, by creating the journey, and accepting the destiny they have chosen, or will be given. The essence of life, is then the discovery of possibilities beyond ourselves/ whereby, we inherit the foundations being alive grant, for building that eternity within ourselves: with GOD . Thought is the essence of life/ without it, you are no better than a rock: how is that not true? Energy is the power of creation itself/ without it, even though alive today; you will dissipate into “nothing”. JESUS is a guide, into the creation of what must be learned inside your soul, to survive your own journey into eternity.
The question of eternity itself, is discovered in the following description: What is an energy so extreme/ no reaction can exist against it, or because of it/ thereby it is freed of all restraint. The question of GOD : as defined by our existence, is assembled by the following statement; love is the single greatest treasure in all this universe, even more so than life, because it makes all life worth living. Love is a gift/ it cannot be a debt, thereby each must be free to choose, and accept the responsibilities love creates. The question of JESUS: as established by HIS life here in time; constructs the following reality. Whereby the evidence is, that HIS ability and knowledge were far superior to anything humanity has achieved even to this day. Understanding HIS purpose, and desire were far superior to anything humanity has achieved in any other human being even to this day. Becomes the reality, of a guide; who answers the question to our GOD : “were we abandoned/ or are we loved”. Can we be more, than simply time?
No greater thing at this time, can be given to you: than the possibility to choose peace: that was the work of JESUS.
No greater reality can be extended to you: than the message called change/ or you will die as a planet. That is in fact, the message given to me/ to deliver to you. As I have done. Foundations created by JESUS have been illuminated for you/ even though I am far less than “perfect”. Who could not have been a messenger? I only need be determined enough, to accept the teaching, & deliver the message. Because this work identifies that even this entire planet is at risk of complete destruction/ very soon. The foundation of that reality on its own merit: suggests that GOD IS participating in this delivery/ but it is strictly a decision that humanity will make. Because you are free to choose/ and demand that it shall be so.
MAKE YOUR DECISION. There are no second chances/ no changing your mind: participate in thought, and recognize reality, or fail life. Establishing “you didn’t care enough”/ to even save yourselves. It is your choice/ because every true risk you face is constructed by your own hands, or your own failures. GOD does not judge you/ YOU WILL JUDGE YOURSELVES: with life, or death for all.
This is not a game.
EVERY day, the people at the national ignition facility (NIF); try to bring this fire to our world. WRONG, is a dead world, every life in EVERY nation: destroyed by the same fire as is on the sun. A fire that burns your skin from 91 million miles away.
A fire that clearly burns atomic bonds. A fire that is not “fusion”: stated to be, “two hydrogen atoms fused into helium”. The math is: for every two hydrogen atoms lost/ there will be a helium atom present emitted from the sun. Consider the quantity of helium, that would then be evident escaping the sun (would be everywhere because of time). There is no helium in any real quantity that show up on the spectrograph images of the sun; it doesn’t happen: ask why? Whereas, only a little hydrogen: would be consistent with “an ash cloud” from all the atomic nucleus being destroyed, by bonding destruction is proven true. Wrong, about fusion; is a dead earth.
Everyday this threat exists, and at any second of any time; that “sun fire” can be ignited at NIF. In which case every life on earth lives or dies based upon the theory: “The fire from the sun: will just extinguish itself”.
Biblical prophecy is added: from Daniel, the great abomination is, “the single worst decision humanity can make”/ which would be, to bring the same fire here as is on the sun. That began at the NIF on its day of completion. Prophecy states: The world ends 1298 days later/ but it goes on to say the complete end is 45 days later: roughly the time it takes to eject all the atmosphere of this earth into space. Or more simply: the writer from thousands of years ago, “knew that it would be the same fire as is on the sun: because, “it is end of the world” & no other explanation for this gap could exist.” Even if he didn’t understand.
The exa-watt laser is predicted finished at about that exact time of the prophecy ending; they are, building three. Even though they don’t admit it: they will triangulate those beams into one location. To cause by their own estimates 1 x 1000,000,000,000,000,000 watts of power, released per each laser. With three, that gives us a total of 1 x 54 zeros (10 to the 54th power) as their predicted “watts of power crashing into each other, when done. Or 3 million, of the largest lightning bolts possible; all hitting the exact same place at the exact same time. Can you survive that, as a planet? No!
AS STATED: the entire purpose of trial/ the purpose of these sites, and this work is fundamentally summed up by the motions filed in this case: 14SC-2
EACH BEING FUNCTIONALLY ABOUT: what happens, TO US; when you’re wrong?
Motion 1 (to investigate threats that gamble with our entire world.)
Motion 2 (To investigate threats that gamble with our entire natural world of life).
Motion 3 (To identify and prove, what the future will become/ as it applies to resources and environment)
Motion 4 (To stop and prove counterfeiting/ thereby returning to reality and truth in money). To stop civil war, by using the law.
Video | Last | Lecture |
Consider the Source | Constitutional Redress | Leaders Involved |
Miscellanious Summary | Consider the Source | Established |
Consider the Knowledge | Consider the Understanding | Court Statment |
The truth about which came first “the chicken or the egg” is: THOUGHT came first! Because without discipline, order, balance, thought, respect, structure, abilities, resources, construction methods, energy harnessed, and all the rest that makes ANY BUILDING POSSIBLE. Nothing is created. Without thought by its acceptance of truth: NO LIFE IS SUSTAINED! That does mean: the essence of life itself is not physical by the definitions you understand.
WITHOUT THOUGHT, YOU can do nothing. It is that simple.
The ending of my work, HAS FINALLY been established; even though it took decades, because you would not assist. The reality is: I have opened the door, turned on the lights, showed you the tools, assisted you with the information necessary for change, and provided the evidence as is realistic to this situation: to DEMAND, if you don’t do the work and accept whatever truth requires of you/ then this world is going to die. Because of the horrible or horrific decisions men, and their universities have made. Not a game, as bringing the same fire here, as is on the sun; a ten million degree fire, that burns atomic bonds for fuel. Expected by the university and your leaders, “to just extinguish itself/ experiments going on right now; with more to come, until it is accomplished”. Or, more simply: stop them, or the whole planet burns.
I remind you that it is the university and the leaders of men, who brought us to this moment in time; “both bad and good”. They made the decisions, they led, and they followed, and here we are, at the edge of extinction; whether you believe it or not/ the fact is reality proves that statement true. Without true change, there is no future for any life on earth/ and there is no place to hide or run away from the complete destruction of the planet/ its nature/ its environment/ its resource loss/ and everything else we all need to survive. Dramatic change is required: which means literally “women have to try”. That is accomplished with a vote, and a change distinctly defined by justice and fair play for all. You must also share, care, respect, and choose friendship over greed/ or you will fail, this very last chance to remain alive on earth. That is not a game, it is the cost of decisions already made: that will continue to send you into the abyss of all things death, horror, and hell. Why do you doubt mutilating all life should have any other consequence/ stealing all the money is anything but bloody civil war/ destroying the water, oxygen, etc. Not to belittle the horrifying tragedies of your own weapons of mass destruction, and all the rest. Not a game.
I bring you to the door of change/ but cannot walk you through it: because that, would be leading you. I cannot do that, nor would it be wise; as these changes required consist of your own decisions to change yourselves, your own expectations, and your own relationship with this world and all its life; including yourselves. Friends, is not a small matter/ and it requires that the base element of “Games men play” must be dissolved: as that leads to war, severe competition, and all things that form disrespect against this earth and its life. Reality and truth MUST LEAD you; all ways forward must conserve resources, and fight to protect nature rather than discard or abuse it. Women must lead in reality; because when confronted with situations men don’t like, or don’t know how to resolve: they turn to war. Women do not, & it is that simple; because we do not as a world have enough resources left, to do anything militarily other than remove the weapons of mass destruction; and like realities. And then create world law, so that we can bring rulers before the court of WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD; have commanded you NOT to do that/ and this is to decide if you the leaders, have failed; as we are now judge over you.
This is the end of “my fight alone”/ to protect and defend life on this earth: you will fight for yourselves, and I may or may not join in your effort. Because the time has past, which allows anything but a true and concerned effort on your own part. Fail, and it will be too late, to resurrect what has been done; too late to “make changes now”. Which does mean: you must use your mind, and decide without question, “we simply CANNOT BE WRONG” anymore. Therefore we MUST CHOOSE, “LIFE SHALL COME FIRST”/ and as a consequence money (I won’t, not even for a planet or its life: unless), is discarded to last. Hate is an enemy too: separate it from you/ find a way, and remove it “to some place, where it shall not leave”. Then build a new world, where humanity knows life rather than money, competition, or war, has value. But you don’t want too? If that is your true choice: then you are freed to die/ no exceptions, no mercy, no miraculous “saved” events; nothing but the insanity, abuse, cannibalism, hate, and horrors “university knows” as they have built “your new life”; shall come true. The only “mercy” to dissolve that, will be death by the planet burning on fire. As to the religious: if you didn’t think this entire creation was worth fighting for, or that everything was free just because of some little “trinket of affection”. I suggest to you: “That won’t buy you anything”, in eternity, but the truth of why you would not accept; the value of life, and this creation: is more! Therefore you chose, and you failed, even eternally. GOD HAS NOT JUDGED YOU/ you have done this all: “yourselves”.
I am aware this is hard, and you are comfortable in the ways humanity has always lived. But reality will prove what is true, your mind will understand what the future holds; if you try even a little. The consequences coming cannot be reversed: too many people/ too much destruction; unless you are willing to work for this world and be honest with life itself. RESPECT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PLANET.
The path forward is life or death; for our world/ it is not less than that. Which means EVERYBODY IS INCLUDED/ AND EVERYBODY DECIDES; none are excused. If the media refuses/ you must do this for yourselves, however best you can. If the leaders deny you/ then remove them by whatever means possible. If the courts blockade/ then discard them, and do it yourselves. THERE ARE NO EXCUSES; either fight for life and world/ or it dies. No more games. No more waiting to see if catastrophe will strike. YOU WILL DO THE WORK, to insure catastrophe does NOT strike; as best you can. No more excuses, life is too important to be wrong. Death is too extreme to stop. These are the choices; make your decisions. There is no going back; as the fire from the sun here on earth will prove to even the dullest mind. Too late, is just too DAMN late. Keep it in mind, and do your best; Or die. That too, is your choice/ because this is so very late; for what is clearly, just a beginning. If humanity fails you/ then accept: you can only do, what you can do/ that is the end of the human story; failed or “a success”. We are just people, and we have only one voice/ only one vote/ and only one life to use for the planet, and its life; or against it. That is our choice. Multiplied by the consequences and cost of 7 + billion. What was simple and easy when we were half that many, the earth tolerated because nature could still survive. Today nature itself is dying/ and everything required for our own survival, as well as every other living creature on earth: is under severe attack. DO NOT COMMIT SUICIDE; or you die a murderer, and a coward. How is that “worthy of eternal happiness”; if you so believe? If you believe otherwise: how is “dirt, better than life”: GO DO MORE, as best you can/ find a way. Would you not expect or demand that IT IS someone else’s responsibility to save your life: if they knew something COULD be done? So is it, for your responsibility and this earth, for every life on it/ apart from hate. Hate is not anger, which has a solution; if you listen. Hate is a decision for ending life, because you want, to see the others die; playing god is great. Remove them, so peace will flourish among you. Too harsh: a dying planet is worse/ particularly, when you are its victim. Be fair with life/ not hate.
You are going to depend upon your leaders/ your universities and media: and REFUSE TO EVEN INVESTIGATE REALITY, by its truth? Then you die as a planet: because it is clearly your leaders, media, and universities that stole all your money/ are bringing the same fire here as is on the sun/ refusing to protect or defend the future/ and are mutilating all life on earth. That is their decision. Because they want, “to play god”/ or more simply, they want to be your answers to everything. Such as the fire from the sun is going to solve every energy problem. Except for that whole “WE CAN’T PUT IT OUT” thing. So they resolved that with fantasy, or “we want/ we want/ we want: so we believe”. Etc/ etc/ etc.......................etc. Your religions want an easy life as well, can’t fight against the university: as leaders, “we all came out of there”. That is fighting against ourselves. All say: TO HELL WITH LIFE OR PLANET OR FUTURE. Because the price is higher than we want to pay. So it is: but as every “common citizen” knows/ just because you don’t want to pay it; is absolutely irrelevant. We DO, have to do what we can do; for our survival. Or life is very harsh indeed/ how much more, “death of a planet”. Just how it is.
Don’t believe/ don’t believe/ don’t believe: TO HELL WITH YOU! Reality knows you can kill me (liars and thieves hate to be exposed/ and face their own truth), but it won’t solve any crisis you face. I AM NOT ASKING YOU TO BELIEVE ME! That is stupid.
I AM TELLING YOU, THE EVIDENCE OF WHAT HUMANITY IS DOING TO THIS PLANET; is now definable, and plain to see, IF YOU simply investigate for yourselves. The future can be known. That future; as is so clearly stated by “university knows” is. THEY ARE going to bring the same fire here as is on the sun. THEY ARE going to mutilate every life on earth (if an egg does not complete the enclosure: THERE IS NO next generation), and destroy the disciplines, order, balance, structure, thought, and everything else this creation is: because they worship evolution as their own religion/ and want nothing of truth. THINK FOR YOURSELF! Evolution says: we built ourselves, one piece at a time/ without even a mind, a hand, a tool, or anything else; “Its all magic”. WAKE THE FUCK UP/ pitiful damn dumb ass! What good is the rest of your body without a heart/ or blood/ or a mind: Its just a PITIFUL lie, without substance of any kind. Except adaption, which is the sign and seal of true thought and design: “I knew this would be needed/ so it was prepared in advance.” THEY ARE, going to destroy every resource; and are working in countless ways: TO MAKE YOU WAR! That is what hate does, or more distinctly, that is what rulers are willing to do; so you can’t or don’t see their mistakes and failures/ and remove them. THEY WANT power, pride, and prestige; more than your life is worth. Arrogance is an enemy/ a disease that rampages through society when at epidemic levels; as is today.
THAT, is what the evidence says! Even you, can understand what that future will be: Call it whatever you wish/ it is, all SIMPLE AND PLAIN, tragedy coming. Wake up or die! This ain’t no game.
This is, your last chance to make a change; and keep this world alive. When you know that is true, beyond any doubt: THEN YOU, have past the point of no return/ and became the living dead. To your coming horror. CHOOSE FOR LIFE FIRST/ USE YOUR BRAIN/ THINK FOR YOURSELVES! How is that wrong?
I will not be attending court today 4/ 16/ 14 there is no expectation for constitutional law to be adhered too in this court. which means trial is worthless to me.
Because reality says: This is your trial of life or death; as a beginning to your future/ whatever direction that will be. I am not your savior/ leader/ etc. I am a worker/ and I have finished my work. You do owe me the penalties and fines, or whatever is excessive: because the purpose here is entirely “FOR WE THE PEOPLE”. And that is your responsibility, as society, as the United States of America; far more than it is mine. I have already paid, in more ways than one. If you refuse, or if you send more: that will be revealed here.
THE COMBINED DECISION of all leaders involved; which goes far beyond this judge: when commanded to adhere to constitutional law/ and support the government of this USA; this state of IL, which is the constitution itself.
A prepared statement for trial. Delivered at that time.
Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government
Constructed by irrefutable foundations in with clear legal, democratic, and contractual obligations upon the court; as defined in all filings with the court. And established in all MOTIONS BEFORE THE COURT.
I am prepared on any given day, to file and pay taxes; both state and federal. As would be “my fair share”/ according to the foundations all citizens are charged, with. After receiving DUE compensation for the robbery that took place against me in US TAX COURT 11108-12L. Criminal contempt by the judiciary; for the law of our democracy, IS NOT: “What I am willing to be taxed for”. Threatened with extinction for all life, from this planet is a foundation of trial: the legal duty of this court is simple. The threat of terrorism/ the reality of potential murder: SHALL be investigated. Prove it is not so/ because the machines and the experiments to do that very thing; to destroy us all. Do openly exist. None can doubt, or prove otherwise: the same fire as is on the sun, once ignited; COULD DESTROY THE PLANET ITSELF. Prove it is not so, or do your job! And create REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES: SO ALL THE PEOPLE, can decide if they are willing to accept what it means (our planet turned into a sun)/ when these fools are proven WRONG. If the vote is yes, let them continue: then I will pay the tax. But without the right to say NO, YOU CANNOT GAMBLE WITH ALL LIFE ON THIS PLANET: then I say you have gone too far, and removed our freedoms, our liberty, our democracy, and our rights by TREASON. As if we the people were nothing “but a toy”.
ONCE THE COURT DELIVERS ITS CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY, AND PROVIDES ALL CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEES TO ME, a citizen; AS SUPPORTED AND DEFENDED BY OUR DEMOCRACY! The contract we enforce upon our employees by oath. Proving you DON’T get paid for invading our democracy, and removing our laws, and destroying our constitution from the courtroom, and threatening all life on earth. Or stealing all our money, or using the military however you wish.
THE LAW OF THIS United States of America and state of Illinois: As defined in these filings/ this case 14SC-2! PROVES by law, and irrefutable evidence: that the constitution does not rule here/ the court believes in arrogance; it has no legal obligation to adhere to its oath. Therefore a legal guaranteed right, as written in the constitution itself: for each and every citizen of this state or nation; THIS DEMOCRACY, does not exist. Or it will be established in this trial.
I fully support democracy, and will happily pay my fair share.
I do not support tyranny, theft, lies, threatening a world, or acts intended to destroy this democracy by removing its constitutional laws. It is my duty to stand against these things, and demand LIFE COMES FIRST!
Jury trial shall decide; WHO IS LEGALLY AND DEMOCRATICALLY CORRECT, BY CLASS ACTION SUIT. If the constitution rules! As is DUE process under constitutional law; clearly defined in the filings.
In contrast; if I am ordered by the court to file any tax report/ I will do so, because as with all large organized crime realities: unless the people being extorted rise to protect themselves. There is nothing an individual can do. I do however demand a payment schedule that is commensurate; with the reality of income. As I see no purpose in paying quickly. Since biblical prophecy fully declares: this world will be dead before 2016 arrives. That being the book of Daniel: whereby the “great abomination” is the single worst decision humanity can make. There is nothing more horrendous, as a consequence; than bringing the same fire as is on the sun here to this earth. Therefore the start of the 1298 days begins here/ and the forty five days longer is simply the time taken for a ten million degree f. Fire; to eject the entire atmosphere of this earth.
But hey; “University has to be smarter than anything, in the bible” right? After all, “it takes brains to destroy a democracy, rob it completely, and threaten a world”/ ain’t that so? HELL, why worry, ain’t that so!
While it is true, “I am NOT, a religious man”/ the foundation remains correct: when the evidence is clear and simple and plain, “it should be believed/ until proven otherwise”. As I have interpreted many biblical (simple and plain) prophecies, and found them likewise correct, to these particular days; there is no cause to believe this one will be different. Rather the experiments are underway/ machines are being built; and “university knows” is planning even more, with higher intensities for the singular purpose of bringing that sun fire here. Exactly as predicted!
Why should I or anyone not believe that day will come: which then determines whether this entire planet of life shall die, based upon one simple- minded theory, already proven wrong. Which can never be turned back. Reality is refused because, if they admit being wrong/ they lose their superiority, and must return to reality; or we will force them. They lose their job; and very easy life, pride, and privilege. As with these others: we Add to that, the mutilation of all life, and food, water, & oxygen/ end of all resources/ realities of war threatening (because you cannot steal everything), and then throw the people out to starve as soon as problems erupt/ and not get war. Arrogance is a true enemy.
I am however responsible for delivering this last chance “to serve and protect” all life on earth; as the evidence will prove. Putting life itself first, before your own wants; so that we all can continue to survive. It is not a hard concept/ you do understand.
My work is done. The rest is entirely “You”.
Now comes reality, no more excuses; you do have everything you need, without exception. Therefore the singular moments that decide not only my fate on this earth/ but yours exist. This is your trial, more than it is mine: because constitutional law, democratic rights, threats against our entire world of life (every single one). Including, the end of all possibilities we can survive, by resource destruction. And the LEGAL right to be involved when a tiny few people are gambling with all life on earth: IS NOT A GAME. It is life or death for this world. THAT IS, now your fight, or your failure: it is not mine anymore.
I am in fact, as a litigant or citizen, irrelevant to your decision/ which means the outcome of this trial is also irrelevant by the fact: it will not decide your fate. ONLY YOU AS PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD, shall do that. Even if you run away and hide, that too is a decision to let this planet die. I have simply delivered the opportunity: to change your future now, or let it die. That, is my gift to you as a world; “not free”. WHAT YOU do with it, is entirely your decision. As neither I, nor anyone else, can save you: these threats are all decisions of men, leaders and followers, therefore you must save yourselves/ “from yourselves”; and grow up.
IF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW HAS NO PLACE OR MEANING, in a courtroom/ as is proven by the evidence: THEN THIS IS NOT AMERICA ANYMORE! Does that not demand a fight?
By the simple truth of our time, on this earth: IT IS NOT necessary to pay the ones who are attacking life/ exterminating the future/ killing the world/ destroying the nation/ living in fantasies and lies/ and corrupting everything of value in society. That would be “paying the executioner”/ and it is not a valid expense. When the guaranteed rights of constitutional law have been met/ the reality of threats, that will make us all extinct are investigated, and proven by public examination, wrong is not death for this world/ the money is returned to reality, ending counterfeiting and lies; the dispossession of our nation, our property, simply given away by lies, is stopped. Then taxation has its dignity and purpose returned. The first amendment US law says: REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES/ or more simply, the right of WE, THE PEOPLE, to hold our employees accountable, and determine our own future by vote, under constitutional restraints: governs as our authority. Because we are the owners here! The money is dead, because no matter what you give these leaders in tax/ they spend whatever they want, by counterfeiting! Then claiming what can never be repaid, is not inflation: when it so clearly is. The reality: Only we, the people are removed from those numbers/ we don’t share; because this is where “the university diploma” gets its million dollars more; “Straight from fairy land”/ without any reference to reality at all. Other than the fact, the money in your bank account has no meaning; other than, “it lies”/ to pay for their “endless wants, without any association to reality”. Somebody has to be slave, if the money is not real/ its you, is that not so. Liars/ cheaters/ and thieves; ain’t government, “its organized crime”. Fools, failures, murderers and assassins: form the demand to exterminate life on this planet with genetic mutilation, experiments that gamble with all life in this world, and realities of resource depletion that can only lead to complete world chaos: ARE, at its essence “SATAN on earth”. Destroyers of this world; not religious/ our reality. A ten million degree fire, that does not extinguish itself; NO ONE survives; “just, for instance”.
Where is your duty to life? You just want what you want/ don’t bother me! Well guess what, once chaos ( the destruction of: ORDER, discipline, balance, structure, even the ability to think itself) has spread too far, the whole earth dies, including YOU. Can’t be, university knows what it is doing? What it is doing, as is proven by the evidence: is playing god/ to get more power, what it wants is to destroy everything that does work, as in this democracy, nature, economy, and world; etc. So they can replace it with their intellectual games; and proclaim themselves in charge of all life on earth. Take a look around, through eyes that do your own thinking; and understand “being wrong/ about life or death for a planet” IS BEING DEAD, for every living thing on this planet..
THIS IS NOT, “believe me”! THIS IS INVESTIGATE, PROVE THE EVIDENCE IS WRONG; OR MAKE CHANGES TO SURVIVE: before your WHOLE WORLD is dead. Prove what is true, because there are no second chances; that day is gone. Ultimately, because of the severity of threats/ life on earth now must choose: either “university knows”/ OR AS GOD CREATED and built life on earth. Both, cannot be as they are, anymore. Either Creation returns as LIFE CHERISHED and PROTECTED/ or the people who have chosen to bring chaos to this world: demanding evolution, by destroying nature, (which is DNA) itself/ BRINGING the same fire here as is on the sun: which burns your skin in summer from 91 million miles away! Claiming, “its safe/ not enough gravity here; so it will put itself out”: will rule! Death by horror, hell by insanity, bloodshed by the endless theft of counterfeiting, cannibalism by the failure of every resource, or world war 3/ because there is nothing left of life in happiness or hope. Make your decision, because there is no going back. Return to truth, life, love, nature is sacred, this world is a MIRACLE! Or die, at the hands of “university does not know/ or they are, intentionally trying to exterminate life from this earth”. Because that, is what the evidence does prove. Your leaders say: “Let us die”. These are the same leaders who in federal court stole roughly $8,000.00 from me as a penalty for demanding that constitutional guarantees MUST be provided; it’s the law! FOR DEMANDING, NOBODY HAS A RIGHT TO GAMBLE WITH ALL LIFE ON EARTH; as is consistent with bringing the same fire here as is on the sun, mutilating nature, etc! Threatened with a $35,000.00 additional fine/ removed when I demanded jury trial, they refused. Then they stole an additional $8,200.00 by refusing to give me the exact same deduction that everyone else does get; in open court, “all eyes watching”/ a true criminal act. Refused by the US supreme court. These leaders fight with OUR GOVERNMENT; which is the constitution both state and federal. Claiming to be rulers, instead of employees. That is anarchy, treason, and betrayal: WHERE IS YOUR DUTY, to this nation or state?
Make your own decision!
Because life or death for this world, is no game.
Court date for trial 14SC-2 listed below; is April 16, 2014 2:30 should be courtroom D, champaign county IL. “Just compensation for taxation; as US amendment 5 demands”. Etc! Or, more simply: “its called, PROVE you deserve to be paid for a job you not only failed/ but refused, denied, and attempting to destroy: the terms under which you were employed. As in an oath of office swearing: “the constitution (our guaranteed rights, etc) shall be first”.
Still “Just want to be happy/ NOT my problem”? Well guess what; we all live on this planet and depend upon its nature and its resources; together as one living entity of life, because that is our reality. Or more simply: we are all in the same damn car together/ and when it falls over the cliff; we all die together. Because nobody cared enough to “look out the damn window” and see what is coming! Go ahead shake your ass/ fight for a counterfeit dollar/ etc; it won’t save you from a dying world.
Prove the evidence is wrong!
Fight for life on earth; prove, to each other, LIFE MUST COME FIRST. No gambling, in any way; with the realities that gave us all life, and keep us all alive! Time for a change, is almost gone. There is no turning it back. The grave won’t care what you believe/ is that not so! Only truth decides. Lies damage or destroy, is that not so? Prove what is true.
Experiments are going on today, to bring the same fire that burns on the sun here to earth; a fire that burns your skin in summer from 91 million miles away, because its “10 million degrees F” hot, and burns atomic bonds for fuel. They say its safe, “because, the fire will just extinguish itself/ not enough gravity here”. Wrong is a dead planet! When the national ignition facility stops playing with “fire”/ there military mission is to explode small amounts of thermo-nuclear fuel: testing it by containing the explosion with lasers, in a suburb of San Francisco. Experimental machines are being built that will translate an energy burst by triangulation: of 1 times 54 zero’s of electrical watts. Or three million of the biggest lightning strikes possible, all hitting the same place at the same time. They do it by storing electricity in capacitors. Ignition complete, if not before. A reality that corresponds perfectly with biblical predictions about the end of the world; the additional days forty five days predicted in the book of Daniel; are needed, to eject the entire atmosphere of this planet into space. Once the same fire as is on the sun is ignited. NIF tries to do this every single day.
Of the many failures
Everything here, that I provide is free/ use it however you wish; but NOT by restricting others. It is necessary, for you to contribute to these sites and take responsibility for distributing their purpose: LIFE COMES FIRST!
Their reply: “The king (we are the power)”, will not let the slaves go free:
From the court Paid Filed. Exhibit A, B, C, D, E, F, G Dated & H Dated I & J & K, L& M, & N
MAKE A TRUE AND HONEST DECISION ABOUT LIFE, and our reality. Download the html site zip file; so the benefits and substance of these sites cannot be taken away.
the disease comes back to play
101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E
ST. JOSEPH IL, 61873
www.trialforlife.info Www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
as represented by GOV: PATRICK J. QUINN
State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
dated 3/ 14 / 14
case #___14SC-2__
Jurisdiction declared: In Champaign county court: as in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights included page 2: 20 ILCS 2520 I am taking issue with this assumption of debt by; demanding JURY TRIAL. By demanding class action suit! As is my legal right!
US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. A CONTRACT!
THE CHARGE against this society is COWARDICE, FAILURE, FANTASIES AND GREED. “Freedom isn’t free”.
The court, and its lawyers/ the leaders, and each litigant called does produce: “A COMPLETE and repetitive denial of constitutional law; as is consistent with this claim”.
The respondent claim: III argument/ memorandum of law “A. Petitioner has failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted this cause should be dismissed pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2-615".
The respondent claim: “B. This claim is barred by sovereign immunity and this cause should be dismissed pursuant to .......: the law quoted: (1) That the court does not have jurisdiction of the subject matter of the action, provided the defect cannot be removed by a transfer of the case to a court having jurisdiction.”
THIS, subject matter; that relief can be granted on in this case/
Does provide jurisdiction; as is the law: TO, WE THE PEOPLE. IN OPEN REDRESS TRIAL AGAINST OUR EMPLOYEES OF GOVERNMENT. Both state and federal!
Because we are threatened with EXTINCTION, and our representatives have made this possible. It continues: Having established corruption, “our constitutional guaranteed rights; are frivolous, so says the court”/ collusion (I am denied access to both state and federal courts; for demanding constitutional law, and a sworn oath of office SHALL be kept, and threatened with egregious financial costs)/ conspiracy (every court in this state and nation; has found the same level of contempt for WE THE PEOPLE, as is proven by the repetitive reality of constitutional law, not only covered up by the absolute refusal to even acknowledge the constitution in court/ but the clear anarchy that is repetitively proven as, “an irrelevant rule of procedure is used to deny constitutional rights; over and over again: at all levels of government;”. Proving betrayal). covered over with excessive lies (it’s not inflation, its debt/ BUT, we the people just cant pay it in a thousand years), theft (WE ARE, being dispossessed as a nation, because the counterfeiting of our numbers/ our securities/ the blatant stealing of our working lives; has made that possible), and cheating (we DON’T get to share the numbers of inflation: we GET THE DEBT. The clear and certain repetitive demand, in this and all trials established by JAMES FRANK OSTERBUR; both state and federal: Is WE THE PEOPLE must decide this case for ourselves/ as is consistent with first amendment US constitutional law, under REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES.
The IL supreme court was demanded to take this case, previous to its filing in Champaign court/ and has been on notice throughout this trial: the US supreme court has been subjected to scrutiny, and found legally lacking, found in criminal contempt of our democracy by allowing the actions listed above. By denying the appeal of US TAX case 11108-12L. A case wherein organized criminal activities are apparent/ orchestrated/ and approved by the court/ IRS/ president/ congress/ FBI/ and more.
established in this case, below: as an excerpt from filings
“backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government
Constructed by irrefutable foundations in & with clear legal, democratic, and contractual obligations upon the court.
The demand: FOR FIFTH AMENDMENT LAW, as filed
The demand: FOR FIRST AMENDMENT LAW, as filed
The demand: FOR FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT; DUE PROCESS OF LAW AS HAS BEEN DENIED TO ME, again and again; the most egregious example being 2 US supreme court cases, “exhibits e & f”. A clerk of the court CANNOT deny a docketed case: DEMANDING CONSTITUTIONAL LAW MUST BE UPHELD. Only a judge can deny any docketed case; and it does require his or her signature. No court can deny constitutional law; which mean treason is noticed.”
Having outlined the foundations of democracy itself, and proving every aspect is valid and true; by not less than the respondent has no legal answer for why those who represent the state of IL: cannot obey/ refuse to acknowledge constitutional law: as is the foundation of every court in this land. But choose treason: we will kill this democracy instead/ and rule ourselves. While the people cower, and fear; as the evidence shows/ by buying guns exhibit L“to calm their own fears”/ just before chaos, as in civil war erupts. While the entire population, are subjected with endless temptations TO, “drug yourselves (it buys your news)/ what better method of selling drugs, than fear” by the propaganda media.
Having outlined the foundations of failure, critical threats that will end all life on this planet/ as in resource loss/ food, water, oxygen depletion/ environmental damage/ mutilating and crucifying nature/ releasing known foundational causes for pandemic disease/ deliberately funding an attack on nature itself, by releasing biological agents that can become biological weapons of mass destruction/ gambling with energy experiments that can literally ignite our world on fire/ and MUCH more. IS TERRORISM.
Denying information to this people, so they might protect themselves: IS a hate crime so extreme: that this government of the USA and this state of IL ARE FOUND literally protecting and defending and supporting, those who deliberately gamble with all life on earth: AND RISK EVERY LIFE ON THIS PLANET. Producing machines to exterminate life/ DESTROYING NATURE as is the genetic code that builds every living creation/ and much more. The most vivid, or egregious of which is: bringing the same fire here, that burns your skin from 91 million miles away, in summer. There will be no escape. Their excuse: “Not enough gravity here to hold the fire down to earth/ so it will just extinguish itself”. Wrong is the planet itself on fire; because we cannot put out, a 10,000,000 degree F fire. It will burn us all! WRONG is dead, every single life on earth!
Having outlined and proven by simple math, in these filings: that traitors stole the entire wealth of this USA and even increased that by stealing all the wealth of this entire state of IL; by PLAINLY, counterfeiting the money/ then lying about the inflation/ then keeping all the inflated dollars to themselves, by claiming this is debt owed by all the people instead of the truth; AND even giving themselves pensions for life. These rebellious employees; even with excellent pay, and all benefits and everything possible, that the common citizen cannot even dream for. Are found completely lacking: they CANNOT EVEN KEEP THEMSELVES ALIVE, OR AT WORK; without counterfeiting our money, so they can and do STEAL; our own securities, democracy, courts, laws, and elections.
Wealth is: the opportunity to stop working for a time, and say to another, “it is your turn now/ I did my share”. Wealth is: the resources and realities of a future that was well planned for, and is now “blooming with life, and all its possibilities”. Instead of this future: your leaders have condemned you to “a thousand years of slavery, seek to destroy nature itself, refuse to protect ANY aspect of reality that is absolutely necessary for survival. Instead of leading us to a future/ they have condemned an entire earth; to no resources, and no chance to survive; thereby the children condemned to death, insanity, cannibalism, and horror beyond imagination. That is reality, that is our future; by the truth of real life evidence.
And still the leaders demand: refusing both reality and truth to say, “fantasies are better than reality/ BECAUSE WE DON’T WANT TO PAY; NOT FOR NOTHING/ let the world war instead.” As all fools do.
Having outlined clearly established: that I cannot bring the state of IL to trial/ first: because our employees contrary to law, do not allow it. They claim to be “sovereign, which means above the law”.
Second, because the Champaign county court used tyranny to deny me access. As does the respondent agree, in his filing: Therefore, We return to the cause of trial, and the foundation of access that cannot be denied.
Jurisdiction declared: In Champaign county court: as in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights included page 2: 20 ILCS 2520 I am taking issue with this assumption of debt by; demanding JURY TRIAL. By demanding class action suit! As is my legal right!
Thereby it is the law 20 ILCS 2520 that takes the constitution of, the state of IL/ & the US constitution, because it oversees the IL constitution: to trial, in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights. As is consistent with the guaranteed constitutional 5th amendment, and the plaintiff’s cause established: US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. A CONTRACT!
As these are undeniable truths
The question is: how can any employee in the court system of this state or nation DENY ME THE LAW, THAT IS MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. Thereby this trial exists to prove: who or what is the government of this state, and this nation?
WE BEGIN with the assumptions of the respondent by his lawyer: HIS CAUSE!
To dismiss investigation OF: terrorism/ TO destroy constitutional law/ TO defend counterfeiting and the betrayal of every working citizen/ TO construe, that the taxpayer bill of rights has no basis in this trial “about just compensation” according to federal law: AND the investigation of horrendous traitorous actions, against our entire world, and every future life: that now jeopardizes every child, and every creature on this planet. In this; a nation whose “savior” is either a gun or a weapon of mass destruction.
The respondent CLAIM IS: “these two rules, that follow (add in incoherent and incomprehensible/ and you find the repetitive ruling that denies case after case, of constitutional law)” grant him the right of dismissal/ and the sanction of $1,000.00 against me. In addition to, the current fine and penalties; more than the simple tax. In a period of 7 years, over which I had no control: YOU chose the date of this trial, I chose to bring you to court; by the only method not illegally blocked. I do not refuse taxation. I DEMAND tax justification, and redress trial to prove democracy as is: WE THE PEOPLE SHALL DECIDE; because we are the owners here!
(735 ILCS 5/2-615) (from Ch. 110, par. 2-615)
Sec. 2-615. Motions with respect to pleadings. (a) All objections to pleadings shall be raised by motion. The motion shall point out specifically the defects complained of, and shall ask for appropriate relief, such as: that a pleading or portion thereof be stricken because substantially insufficient in law, or that the action be dismissed, or that a pleading be made more definite and certain in a specified particular, or that designated immaterial matter be stricken out, or that necessary parties be added, or that designated misjoined parties be dismissed, and so forth.
(b) If a pleading or a division thereof is objected to by a motion to dismiss or for judgment or to strike out the pleading, because it is substantially insufficient in law, the motion must specify wherein the pleading or division thereof is insufficient.
(c) Upon motions based upon defects in pleadings, substantial defects in prior pleadings may be considered.
(d) After rulings on motions, the court may enter appropriate orders either to permit or require pleading over or amending or to terminate the litigation in whole or in part.
(e) Any party may seasonably move for judgment on the pleadings. - See more at:
(735 ILCS 5/2-619.1) (from Ch. 110, par. 2-619.1)
Sec. 2-619.1. Combined motions. Motions with respect to pleadings under Section 2-615, motions for involuntary dismissal or other relief under Section 2-619, and motions for summary judgment under Section 2-1005 may be filed together as a single motion in any combination. A combined motion, however, shall be in parts. Each part shall be limited to and shall specify that it is made under one of Sections 2-615, 2-619, or 2-1005. Each part shall also clearly show the points or grounds relied upon under the Section upon which it is based.
(Source: P.A. 86-1156.)
A rule does NOT control constitutional law: A TRAITOR DOES.
NONE, but a fool; would find this level of incompetence, anything other than criminal contempt. The demand that our democracy, our future, and even the world itself, can be throw in the trash with nothing more than this disease of arrogance/ and absolute corruption.
This Does deserve sanctions: “its called prison”/ because anarchy is not a game: it is, a conspiracy: the intent to destroy our form of government. The demand democracy shall not rule: our employees will! That is betrayal, and it is treason.
With the very simple warning, to the respondent and his lawyers; As is consistent with this trial: “you cannot defeat the government of this state of IL/ nor this nation called the United States of America.”
That is because the government is the law, and the law is not your toy. Neither is it subject to your whim, as our government is the constitution itself. NOT you.
Thereby we search into the foundation of truth, as is assigned by democracy; and created by the ancestors of this people: To your shame as a people. The very fact, this trial exists: proves their sacrifice and their work has been lost, by current greed, and utter failure to understand counterfeit money is an enemy/ freedom is not free/ and the constant lie, “we will pay later/ but never do” is traitorous to yourselves.
Nonetheless, democracy demands: THE CONSTITUTION itself, RULES OVER US/ thereby, NOT any damn ruler, as is the assumption of our employees established by the claim of sovereignty!
Or more simply, the need for WE THE PEOPLE to once again UNITE, as one nation, or as one state, to prove that it will be the constitution, and laws which comply; that we create, to rule us. Not employees who now claim to be “The government”/ that will rule us instead. That is treason, an oath broken/ a lie submitted as truth is: betrayal of the people themselves. By the denial of our constitution: THE GOVERNMENT, which binds us together: A TRAITOR is found. That represents anarchy, the intentional destruction of democracy itself. Plain and simple.
My Response: motion to dismiss
1. I did not file a complaint within this court seeking $2,326.95
I DID FILE, a lawsuit in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights included page 2: 20 ILCS 2520 Disputing “just compensation for property taken”. As is on the top of every filing: so it cannot be missed. You presented the jurisdiction, that legal right, and that law to me, letter ID CNXXX134441328XO : INVITING ME TO COURT. Thereby these and all further claims of “obtaining leave from the court”; are legally moot.
It is, IN DISPUTE: That your right to continue taxation of me or any other citizen is subject to review as to the legitimacy of your claim. Therefrom class action status is irrefutable.
That you are in fact working within the confines of the constitution/ and the good of all the people as is the purpose: of the oath required for all “upper level leadership employment”. Proves equal under the law, NOT superior or sovereign or exempt. It is the basis of a contract: you swear to uphold the constitution and all its purposes as best you can/ and in exchange we the people agree to pay you for THAT work, and no other.
Established in trial documents: are the foundations describing, WE THE PEOPLE ARE BETRAYED, in this state and nation. Little proves that more, than “the emperors box” built with taxpayer money for the Uof I football stadium in Urbana/ although there are lots of “contestable realities”. Nonetheless this is Undisputable: YOU failed US/ you stole our money and used it for frivolous purposes. You stole our work, thereby our lives: consistently expecting that we would be your slaves; as is found in “lifetime pensions for you, at our own expense”.
As is proven by the debts created, the pensions which benefit only a few, and much more tax theft. The term “Liars and thieves”, backed with evidence; such as is found on exhibit K. Have then been leveled at the reality of government/ by employees of WE THE PEOPLE. It is consistent, with the obligation of any court: to investigate and prove the truth/ when evidence supports “even the possibility”. How much more so, threats of our very extermination, or the horrifying reality of mutilating nature itself, and all the rest.
As is consistent with any TRUE, taxpayer bill of rights: my expectation of governance: IS ABOVE THIS LEVEL CALLED TREASON.
AS IS THE LAW, of the United States: the right of redress of grievances: is the only jurisdiction with the power to control, the authority to change, and the foundation of democracy to RULE over our employees: in the discovery of what they have been doing, with our lives, our world, and our money. Realities being contested here go far beyond $2,326.95
2. Respondent admits, “served with summons”; he was legally bound to appear in court.
The respondent is correct, he is legally bound/ but insists by his lawyers February 20, 2014 exhibit H; “your pleadings......a brief review of this material indicates that all of the assertions contained in your pleadings do not support any defense...”. The respondent for employees of IL claims, by his office exhibit G; 1/ 14/ 14 “.....After careful review of your letter, it was determined that it dealt with an issue outside the jurisdiction of the office of governor and therefore cannot be processed by this office”. He then appears on the court date with two motions and no substance. Claiming an increase penalty of $689.33 from December 20, 2013 to February 20, 2014. With no adherence to: (20 ILCS 2520/4) (from Ch. 120, par. 2304) (b) To include on all tax notices an explanation of tax liabilities and penalties (explain the $689.33). The respondent does claim: On a total tax filed: $1493.00. A penalty and fines to 2/ 20/ 14 of $1523.28. Demanding in sanctions an additional $1,000.00. Bringing the total penalty demand to $2523.28. For demanding constitutional law, and guaranteed rights, and a sworn oath: MUST BE OBEYED, by our employees. Even though I have repeatedly through the years, with every judge and lawyer involved knowing: my demand.
“ I will pay the tax, SIMPLY obey the law first; and provide my constitutional rights. With regard to all threats: YOU MUST LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES, AS IS DEMOCRACY ITSELF. Nothing less than the law, was demanded.”
The respondent is again found: Refusing constitutional rights; through the deliberate deceit that is, absolute avoidance of any mention or right as has been claimed and proven to be: THE LAW, BY CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEE. A literal conspiracy found in EVERY COURTROOM BOTH STATE AND FEDERAL. IN EVERY CASE, establishing collusion and deliberate corruption OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. The irrefutable evidence; as FILED, in case after case: by James Frank Osterbur.
The purposeful and deliberate destruction of constitutional law and its intent; is outright betrayal of, WE THE PEOPLE. Consistent conspiracy to deny democracy its guarantees, and its right to know and understand and decide as a nation or state: critical controversies or criminal behaviors: by redress of grievances. Throughout the court system of this state and this nation; is treason. These are OUR LAWS/ THIS IS OUR GOVERNMENT; they are not your toys, and we are not your damn “piggy bank” for fools.
You have no discretion or right of interpretation, beyond a clear constitutional meaning intended: THE LAW IS THE LAW. An oath, is an oath, sworn; to establish penalties exist. Any attempt to control or discard or disgrace OUR LAW is a foundation beyond contempt: which asserts “a criminal rebellion is underway” against this state, and this nation: BY IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE. As in a courtroom which not only denies the constitution exists, refuses the oath to obey it, but insists that rules of procedure override and control the constitution itself/ and thereby WE THE PEOPLE instead of our law. That is anarchy, and it is proven treason.
3. The assertion being: that I can legally be denied a courtroom/ and therefrom DUE PROCESS of law as is guaranteed by the fourteenth amendment: in direct denial of constitutional law.
Their claim, In accordance with this rule overrides the law:
(735 ILCS 5/2-615) (from Ch. 110, par. 2-615)
Sec. 2-615. The motion shall point out specifically the defects complained of, and shall ask for appropriate relief,
(e) Any party may seasonably move for judgment on the pleadings.
I DO hereby submit and testify: TO THE BEST OF MY RECOLLECTION. I do not find it. That I did not receive at any time the so called “Motion for sanctions” from the IL attorney general’s office/ nor the IL dept of revenue. As is the law.
Thereby, this court is ordered to provide those motions with their filing stamp clearly identified; to me/ at my home address; for the purposes of this trial. Establishing by the evidence, with regard to the injunction. The question: am, I right in this submission or wrong: provide the evidence.
Alternately: I was informed by the court after the conclusion of trial 10-MR-853/ and the judgment had been handed down. The trial had closed/judgment given: on April 25, 2011. That the judiciary of Champaign county court: then without legal authority or jurisdiction since there was no trial. Consequently no motion; at this time. Order of the court exhibit A, is filed 6/ 7/ 2011
That they did intend to order me out of the court, was known/ raising the question of ILLEGAL action, was useless. Thereby no purpose in my attending their organized collusion to remove me from my own constitutional rights. Or more simply “the law” did not rule here. And motion for review of that injunction, now exists.
The court, by its judge/ or this respondent by its inclusion in trial: is hereby commanded to establish the foundation for their declaration:
“Plaintiff has engaged in frivolous, vexatious, and repetitive litigation in clear violation of IL supreme court rule 137.
One excerpt from, initial filing: 10-MR-853
...... the reality is, that according to the state constitution and the US constitution each declaring that redress of grievances; an accounting of government legally required by the people upon their employees/ wherein the court guarantees: TRUTH as best we can! With accuracy and severe penalties for lies: MUST BE GIVEN. REDRESS is the time WE THE PEOPLE “clean house and reorganize as best we can or desire to do”. Therefore, I claim it as the law that must be, provided to me. My guaranteed right as a citizen of this state of IL and this nation called USA. The failure to abide and protect the sovereign rights of this people, my own guaranteed inherent (cannot be taken away) rights: IS TREASON.
Without that guaranteed and inherent right of law to the people themselves, thereby proving this is a democracy of the people: THERE IS NO CAUSE TO PAY THE TAX!
As this is the power OF WE THE PEOPLE, to prove WE OWN this state, or this nation/ AND YOU, are in fact our employees. There can be no acceptance of taxation; by the people/ by me. Either YOU OBEY THE LAW, and provide redress of grievances/ or you fail your oath, condemn justice to an employee whim, and strip democracy from us. Is that not a treasonous act? ........AS IS, OUR LEGAL OWNERSHIP OF THIS STATE, AND THE PROOF THAT WE THE PEOPLE ARE A DEMOCRACY. WE ARE THE OWNERS, AS SUCH WE DECIDE, if you failed to do the job for which you were hired. The RIGHT of ownership is ours. The beginning of our enforcement, the truth of our democracy/ as we begin to take back our state or nation: IS THAT THE MONEY DOES BELONG TO US. Those whose work deprives or destroys this union of us/ rather than establishes our democracy are not entitled to be paid. Criminal consequence and penalties are deserved instead.
There is no cause or description that validates the need to pay employees for a job they either did not do/ or did so poorly as to produce threats/ the destruction of property/ a future pursued by catastrophe: or those who clearly rebelled against us as a people! For their own greed and selfishness. There is NO NEED to pay for consequences that can even take our very lives and future away. Either ESTABLISH REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES, or there can be no cause to pay taxes; beginning in the year 2011 and continuing until such time as you obey our right to rule over you. You are an employee. We are the owners/ as is said to us all, WE SAY TO YOU: IF YOU don’t do your job adequately/ if you don’t OBEY the law, and accept the duties required of you: YOU won’t get paid/ criminal consequences can come. You are not rulers/ YOU ARE WORKERS, just like us; only with a duty, an oath, and a demand of employment that says “protect us all”. We are owners; the law of this land belongs to us! We want the truth/ we want better/ we want our money back/ and we won’t pay debts that don’t belong to us; even if our employees made promises, they had no right to make. That would be employee fraud/ not the people themselves,
In accordance with the law,
(20 ILCS 2520/5) (from Ch. 120, par. 2305)
Sec. 5. Taxpayer's suits. Taxpayers have the right to sue the Department of Revenue if such Department intentionally or recklessly disregards tax laws or regulations in collecting taxes. The maximum recovery for damages in such a suit shall be $100,000. If a taxpayer's suit is determined by the court to be frivolous the court may impose a penalty on the taxpayer not to exceed $10,000 to be collected as a tax.
(Source: P.A. 86-176; 86-189.)
That demand includes: Refusing due process as is CONSISTENT WITH the democracy of this USA and this state of IL: presents Every constitutional law presented by the plaintiff in these legal actions. These repetitive cases: MUST NOW be identified as to why they are frivolous. Why they are vexatious, when confronted with a corrupt court.
Rule 137 The signature of an attorney or party constitutes a certificate by him that he has read the pleading, motion or other document; that to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief formed after reasonable inquiry it is well grounded in fact and is warranted by existing law or a good-faith argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law, and that it is not interposed for any improper purpose, such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of litigation.
“The court, and this respondent; have engaged in frivolous, vexatious, and repetitive litigation in clear violation of IL and US constitutional law. Subsequently they become controlled by supreme court rule 137.
Sanctions are due: in the amount of $100,000.00.
(4). In any future proposed action by plaintiff..........following a determination by the judge that plaintiffs claims are colorable.
YOU ARE ORDERED by your own words to examine and declare: WITHIN, THE LAW. To support and defend constitutionally all DEMANDS that would remove this trial from its legal position under the constitutional laws cited, in case 14SC-2.
Contrary to the past, “your whim” is not enough. This trial 14SC-2 is justified/ and explains by the law, enforced by guaranteed constitutional rights: the determination to be found. Whether this trial does in fact, seek to defend the people, this state and nation, the state and federal constitutions themselves, and every other element of legal dispute, found within. Show me the “frivolous/ prove vexatious by context”: prove your right to deny access to the courtroom by law.
4. An order .....barred.....without first obtaining leave of the court exhibit B.
excerpt DATED: 4/ 20/ 11 CASE #: 10-MR-853
Titled: words for court
In this court on April 20, 2011 during this trial 10-mr 853; the single reality of this hearing is: that the plaintiff shall be informed, as to why the leaders of this state government called IL; believe that they need not obey the constitution of this STATE, in this nation USA. The defendant calls for this hearing fully knowing this trial; is the cause called redress, for the people of this state of IL. Therefore he or she shall give their answer to this people. It is that simple. Explain: is the constitution the law ruling our democracy/ our employees, or not?
....... The legal description of a constitution is: the exact agreement of the people and their heritage involved in creating the definitions of this our democracy called the state of IL. Or more simply the limits and guarantees, that our employees owe to us, for the right to exercise or establish our needs as a society; by the introduction of law, work, taxes, and all that physical governments mean. A constitution is not “free reigns over us”/ a constitution is our control over you. Therefore explain, why you fail? Believing yourselves to be rulers, rather than employees. Simple as you can.
In accordance with the law, that is the constitutional government of this USA and this state of IL: Every constitutional law presented by the plaintiff in these legal actions/ these repetitive cases: MUST NOW be identified as to why they are frivolous.
Why is this case 10 MR 853; and this case 14SC-2 frivolous or vexatious, when confronted with a corrupt court.
Rule 137 The signature of an attorney or party constitutes a certificate by him that he has read the pleading, motion or other document; that to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief formed after reasonable inquiry it is well grounded in fact and is warranted by existing law or a good-faith argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law, and that it is not interposed for any improper purpose, such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of litigation.
Instead of me:
“The court, and this respondent; have engaged in frivolous, vexatious, and repetitive litigation in clear violation of IL and US constitutional law. Exhibit B; Subsequently they become controlled by supreme court rule 137. And are found suspect, describing; constitutional contempt. The betrayal of WE THE PEOPLE, and our law. By denying the constitution rules instead of them. Wherein NOT ONE SINGLE WORD in response to constitutional law, can be found. THE DEMAND: to claim: REDRESS (accountability to the people) IS LAW. IS LEGITIMATE, CONSTITUTIONAL, AND WAS DENIED WITHOUT CAUSE; WITHOUT LAW; AND WITHOUT FOUNDATION: REPETITIOUSLY, BY THE COURT, and attorneys for both state and nation. AND has been found to be vexatious against the petitioner here.
Proven by US supreme court cases 08-1339 & 11-100. If this corruption is proven true. A conspiracy in this state, and this nation: against our democracy exists: at the highest levels of government, by all parties. Organized crime was found in US tax case 11108-12L
Sanctions are due: in the amount of $10,000,000.00.
5. The petitioner did not seek a money judgment against this state in the filing of 14SC-2. The petitioner disputes “JUST COMPENSATION, for private property taken”; as has been plainly established. And demands an accounting under the law called redress of grievances; established by first amendment US constitution law/ and state of IL law; as my inherent and protected right. Thereby lawful in every concept and purpose.
The petitioner DEMANDS: the government of this state called ILLINOIS is its constitution; “Our agreement as WE THE PEOPLE/ to rule ourselves, by this law”. That agreement is sovereign! Our employees have no legitimate claim to “sovereignty”; that would instead be a clear description of tyranny. They have sworn an oath to uphold our agreement to ourselves: thereby proving they cannot be sovereign against us/ swearing instead to be representing ourselves (in our best interest as equals), under the terms of their oath. As we did hire them only, to be our employees for these constitutional purposes/ and they agreed.
None can submit: “The state of IL employees, should not be held accountable to their oath/ and the reality called their decisions under that oath.” That would be traitorous, because the purpose of an oath is to remove all conception: that you may do anything you want!
6. Respondents: Memorandum of law
I introduction
A) “petitioner seeking $2,326.95;”. Blatantly untrue, I seek JUST COMPENSATION FOR PRIVATE PROPERTY TAKEN, FOR PUBLIC USE.
B) “contains no factual information to support monetary judgment”. There is no demand for monetary judgment from this filing; as it originates, “in dispute. See above”.
C) “filings/ memorandums are confusing, and it is unclear what purpose they serve or what issue they are addressing”. A blatant lie. So says the evidence. Filed under: US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. A CONTRACT!
D) “fail to present any set of facts or claim upon which relief can be granted”. A declaration by the respondent: that constitutional law cannot be kept or understood; incomprehensible! The coherent reality, Repeated in these filings: the rules, and the reality in pursuit of justice, life first, and responsibility owed, to we the people is held within constitutional law! The question, inherent in “any set of facts or claim”: demands, are we taxed for us/ OR for them? THE subsequent DEMAND is: TO ESTABLISH AN ACCOUNTING, “IS THIS, THE GOVERNING/ the democracy: WE HAVE PAID FOR”? Therefrom a legitimate “tax case”.
Or more simply: the full faith and credit of the state of IL employees to do their job/ has failed. I DEMAND REDRESS/ let the people decide, if this reality, is consistent with the work done in our stead, as the job we paid for? By our employees: and in particular the threats we face. Is “Just compensation” for taxes paid. Is this consistent with the terms of DEMOCRACY; defined as, We, are the owners here/ not you the employee.
E) “monetary judgment......sovereign immunity”.
There is no demand for money in the originating filing: as is plain and clear, the demand is consistent with constitutional law encompassing all the facets established; and in particular the threats against our lives.
THESE THREATS, Which cannot be dismissed: because many are clear and simple warnings of a threat; THAT WILL CAUSE EXTINCTION.
THEREBY, the court is duty bound to investigate, before the full knowledge and understanding of the people themselves. As it is their own lives and future you threaten; or allow to be threatened or support, with their own money and resources. Its called LAW.
You have no sovereign immunity as employees/ as is clearly and deliberately proven by the purpose of an oath. Which is legally intended to remove any and all places to hide from the people and their law, their government, and their demand for ownership, knowledge, or control. Only the constitution itself, is sovereign; and there is no other legal conclusion.
F) “subject matter and parties” are examined by constitutional guarantees: which exist and are enforced, in every courtroom in this state and in this nation as the foundation of society and purpose of governing and fundamental percepts for every law itself. There is no law without the constitution. Which means, “the constitution controls every courtroom, legally, the judge does not/ only the law can rule”. Constitutional law is a foundation of every courtroom, and a demand upon every judge: no exceptions/ so says your oath.
II standard of review “The claims of inferiority”
G) ...”pleadings shall be liberally construed with a view to doing substantial justice between the parties”.... “cause of action should not be dismissed....unless it is clearly apparent that so set of facts can be proved that would entitle the plaintiff to relief”......”the complaint must plead facts which bring the claim within the legally recognized cause of action”......”the court does not have jurisdiction of the subject matter of the action, provided the defect cannot be removed by transfer of the case to a court having jursidiction”.
This case speaks for itself; NO standard or rule exists, to remove constitutional law.
III argument
H) “A. Petitioner has failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted this cause should be dismissed pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2-615".
“...a complaint must be legally sufficient, ...recognizable claim for recovery”. “The complaint must plead facts sufficient to bring the claim within the legal cause of action...” “...claim is both legally and factually deficient. Petitioner fails to state any comprehensible claim or facts...”
This is traitorous, and it consists of a base attack on the constitution itself by denial of all rights, guarantees, ownership, and authority as declared by WE THE PEOPLE own this nation, state, etc. It has no basis or foundation in law, or democracy.
I) “B. This claim is barred by sovereign immunity and this cause should be dismissed pursuant to .......: (1) That the court does not have jurisdiction of the subject matter of the action, provided the defect cannot be removed by a transfer of the case to a court having jurisdiction.”
THIS, is again, the subject matter of this case/ and it does provide jurisdiction. It does demand REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES AS IS THE LAW. NO employee is sovereign or protected against their oath.
{ backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government
Constructed by irrefutable foundations in with clear legal, democratic, and contractual obligations upon the court.
The demand: FOR FIFTH AMENDMENT LAW, as filed
The demand: FOR FIRST AMENDMENT LAW, as filed
The demand: FOR FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT; DUE PROCESS OF LAW AS HAS BEEN DENIED TO ME, again and again; the most egregious example being 2 US supreme court cases, “exhibits e & f”. A clerk of the court CANNOT deny a docketed case: DEMANDING CONSTITUTIONAL LAW MUST BE UPHELD. Only a judge can deny any docketed case; and it does require his or her signature. No court can deny constitutional law; which mean treason is noticed.}
J) “....barred by sovereign immunity....”. While the government of the state and the nation; which is respectfully: the constitution governing all actions of both the public employee and the public citizen. IS SOVEREIGN. The employees, bound by oath, to prove they are subject to law, as is everyone else: are NOT.
K) “.....although the plaintiffs claims were stated in terms of indemnification and framed as an action for declaratory judgment...”
Indemnity is: ....a right to insist that the duty be performed by other,.... 18 A. 2d 807
L) “....subjects the state to possible liability. Therefore, this case is barred by sovereign immunity.....”. While construction exists to demand liability; the foundation of any monetary claim exists primarily against those who are responsible: the leadership employees of the state of IL.
IV Conclusion
M) “ Petitioner has failed to comply with IL pleading requirements, and has failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted...”
The necessary and proper clause of the US CONSTITUTION art 1. Sec 8 Cl 18, Consists of a demand that the congress SHALL do all things possible for the carrying into execution of the enumerated powers of the constitution itself. In this trial, we apply that law to the state of IL; and find them in contempt of the constitution by outright denial of constitutional law. As is open denial of all constitutional law used in this filing and every other case presented both in state and federal courts. That does constitute a clear and certain demand for redress of grievances: as the “congress of WE THE PEOPLE OURSELVES” as owners here must now examine the wreckage of our government, and define a new path for ourselves. 361 US 234
1. “....seeking $2,326.95 without stating a basis for his claim”. There is no claim for this amount. It is MERELY illuminating that I am taxed, as a citizen of IL. The fifth amendment law of the US constitution which states: US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. A CONTRACT! IS THE CLEAR AND PLAIN BASIS AND FOUNDATION OF THIS CASE.
And I have stated claims, such as the “emperors box” on the U OF I football stadium; used 6 afternoons a year/ at a cost of over 121 million: as a prime example. Which DOES NOT suggest “just compensation”/ nor is the equivalent and more determined reality: pensions for some/ but not for all: IS UNJUSTIFIED; as a democracy. Whether our employees guaranteed themselves that, by our work, and our property, or not; we must pay! The reality is: We are in this matter not treated as equals, but their slaves/ and that is against the law. They are not “superior, as in the nobility or king”. Their level of intellectual leadership reviewed by the evidence is a complete failure; involving endless theft/ as must be investigated and proven before action is taken by law. A foundation the court fully understands.
2. “....barring him from filing any “uncolorable claim”.
YOU, must prove that I have failed this test! Show the evidence.
Colorable means: that which presents an appearance which does not correspond with the reality, or an appearance intended to conceal or to deceive. Or more simply: the claim of constitutional rights and protections and guarantees in democracy itself; are not what they appear to be.
Thereby in the terms presented by the injunction: having made this claim “uncolorable” against me/ it is now your responsibility to prove that the constitutional laws established in these filings are “anything less than true”.
3. “Required to attach the order of permanent injunction with any complaint”. A rule of procedure.
Overruled, by the fact that the State of ILLINOIS INVITED ME; into court under the protections of the IL taxpayer act. As plainly proven: on every filing Jurisdiction declared: In Champaign county court: as in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights included page 2: 20 ILCS 2520
This state law, has jurisdiction over the champaign judiciary, and its order is thereby moot.
4. The respondent has produced two documents exhibits G & H declaring himself above the law, and without obligations to the law; and suffers no sanctions from that contempt of the court or its subpoena. WHERE is justice? In contrast, I have produced the foundations of democracy, and established their presence instead in this trial; on several filings
The three great legal contributions of democracy are
1. That all citizens are equal/ none are above the law: liberty, DUTY, and responsibilities are for all to decide.
2. The individual is guaranteed both freedom and rights, OR no one owns my life, my work, or my property but me: except for the degree the constitution, which is our agreement with each other to unite: allows that to be so.
3. The jury is our guarantee, that justice shall not only be carried out according to the law/ but as fair play, depicted by equal treatment for all, conceives of the realities, that do govern us all. As truth declares for society itself. Social law is not as written/ but as society declares it will be.
Redress of grievances asserts: the fourth great legal foundation of constitutional democracy should now enter into our lives/ because the world has changed and we are ready for true democracy. Not a vote for someone to vote for me/ but my own vote on the law, and the realities that govern our lives and our future FOR MYSELF.
The need for sanctions against this attorney, and this respondent are obvious and blatant. So says the constitution of this state and this nation. HE HAS CHOSEN to deny constitutional authority/ thereby betraying we the people, with a clear intent to rebel against our government.
5. Rule 137. Signing of Pleadings, Motions and Other Documents—Sanctions
(a) Signature requirement/certification. Every pleading, motion and other document of a party represented by an attorney shall be signed by at least one attorney of record in his individual name, whose address shall be stated. A party who is not represented by an attorney shall sign his pleading, motion, or other document and state his address. Except when otherwise specifically provided by rule or statute, pleadings need not be verified or accompanied by affidavit. The signature of an attorney or party constitutes a certificate by him that he has read the pleading, motion or other document; that to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief formed after reasonable inquiry it is well grounded in fact and is warranted by existing law or a good-faith argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law, and that it is not interposed for any improper purpose, such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of litigation. If a pleading, motion, or other document is not signed, it shall be stricken unless it is signed promptly after the omission is called to the attention of the pleader or movant. If a pleading, motion, or other document is signed in violation of this rule, the court, upon motion or upon its own initiative, may impose upon the person who signed it, a represented party, or both, an appropriate sanction, which may include an order to pay to the other party or parties the amount of reasonable expenses incurred because of the filing of the pleading, motion or other document, including a reasonable attorney fee.
(b) Procedure for Alleging Violations of This Rule. All proceedings under this rule shall be brought within the civil action in which the pleading, motion or other document referred to has been filed, and no violation or alleged violation of this rule shall give rise to a separate civil suit, but shall be considered a claim within the same civil action. Motions brought pursuant to this rule must be filed within 30 days of the entry of final judgment, or if a timely post-judgment motion is filed, within 30 days of the ruling on the post-judgment motion.
(c) Applicability to State Entities and Review of Administrative Determinations. This rule shall apply to the State of Illinois or any agency of the State in the same manner as any other party. Furthermore, where the litigation involves review of a determination of an administrative agency, the court may include in its award for expenses an amount to compensate a party for costs actually incurred by that party in contesting on the administrative level an allegation or denial made by the State without reasonable cause and found to be untrue.
(d) Required Written Explanation of Imposition of Sanctions. Where a sanction is imposed under this rule, the judge shall set forth with specificity the reasons and basis of any sanction so imposed either in the judgment order itself or in a separate written order.
(e) Attorney Assistance Not Requiring an Appearance or Signature. An attorney may assist a self-represented person in drafting or reviewing a pleading, motion, or other paper without making a general or limited scope appearance. Such assistance does not constitute either a general or limited scope appearance by the attorney. The self-represented person shall sign the pleading, motion, or other paper. An attorney providing drafting or reviewing assistance may rely on the self-represented person’s representation of facts without further investigation by the attorney, unless the attorney knows that such representations are false.
6. As a result of the respondents failure to comply with the constitution of this state of IL, and this nation called America. The petitioner has incurred the unreasonable expense of being threatened with “dis-inheritance”/ and has been told either stop, it or will soon be completed. An inheritance roughly estimated today at $1,000,000.00 AND I AM STILL HERE.
BECAUSE THE THREATS WE FACE AS AN ENTIRE WORLD, do not allow for anything less than a fight to the finish. In addition, take a look at your gun sales: and KNOW with absolute certainty: BLOODY CIVIL WAR IS COMING. Because of your failures both in state and national government. The courtroom of fools, traitors, and anarchists; have done irrefutable harm to me, my family, and all relationships. One sister being so extremely anxious and stressed over this, nearly dying. Not alone; as a lifetime of friendship between my dad and me was also substantively destroyed, over his last few years. Because he believed, “if the courts do not agree/ then you must be wrong” ending in contempt and disrespect/ that we then both shared. ETC! Destroying what would have been a “lifetime”/ doing far different things. BECAUSE of YOUR DELUSIONS, as the leadership of state and nation. Not only allowing, funding, and supporting those who do THREATEN AN ENTIRE WORLD/ AND REFUSE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: ESTABLISHING “a traitor”. But even more; Building the national ignition facility/ funding experiments in energy far beyond sanity/ mutilating all of nature/ refusing to protect the future, or any child. And basically in violation of every facet that is the preamble of the US CONSTITUTION. Destroying, Your sworn statement: This is what I will do!
Constructing the singular evidence: only a religious cult would do this/ a brainwashed failure of life; so deluded with themselves, they can’t even conceive of a reality SO BLATANT: That extinction, by horrific events; for this entire world is the only possible outcome of these decisions.
Sanctions are due!
a: ONE LIFETIME; more than all the money in the world
b; An inheritance: REPAY ME FOR WHAT YOUR decisions have STOLE. By threatening and proving with criminal actions, as in case 11108-12L; these are not baseless fears.
C; ALL THE RELATIONSHIPS YOU BROKE; More than you can conceive of.
D: living with the continual threat, our world is dying; TIME IS RUNNING OUT; And fools living in their DAMN fantasies, are stealing, rebelling, and destroying everything I value.
E: for fighting this battle alone/ for forty years!
10 million dollars.
Remove the TRAITORS OF UNIVERSITY, MILITARY, ETC; who are playing with our lives, & every living thing! Remove: as if they were “gods”/ and we were their toys. Threatening life itself with their experiments. LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE!
WHEREFORE, the above and foregoing reasons, plaintiff submits that this court must pay all sanctions:
And ESTABLISH REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES IN FULL; as intended (by the preamble of the US constitution), fully advertized, completely, true and honest to the purposes of democracy itself. And in full view of the people themselves: by vote, THEIR DECISION shall rule.
By the legal acceptance in all courtrooms: of the constitutional foundations which are guaranteed to us all. IN ACCOUNTABILITY/ JUSTICE/ PRESERVATION OF THE FUTURE/ DUTIES TO THIS WORLD; AND WE THE PEOPLE ARE OWNERS HERE!
I, James F. Osterbur: do hereby declare, that a true and correct copy of this filing; case 14SC-2 Has been mailed to the following parties at the addresses so listed:. Placing the parcel, in the US postal service/ as prepaid mail on the date of 3/ 14 /14 TO: CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
STATE SUPREME COURT Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson 233 S. WACKER DR. SUITE 4030 Chicago IL
IL IRS; Box 19035 Springfield IL 62794-9035
Lisa Madigan IL attorney general office 500 S. Second st. Springfield IL 62706
Governor Patrick Quinn State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
DYLAN P GRADY assistant attorney general; 500 S Second St. Springfield IL 62706
the disease comes back to play
101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E
ST. JOSEPH IL, 61873
www.trialforlife.info Www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
as represented by GOV: PATRICK J. QUINN
State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
dated 3/ 19 / 14
case #___14SC-2__
Jurisdiction declared: In Champaign county court: as in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights included page 2: 20 ILCS 2520 I am taking issue with this assumption of debt by; demanding JURY TRIAL. By demanding class action suit! As is my legal right!
US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. A CONTRACT!
SO THERE CAN BE, “NO, misinterpretation” of my design or purpose here/ the following is filed; to the resurrected trial
NOT only have I proven an absolute willingness to protect, defend, honor, respect, and accept the duties of supporting my government: which is identified by the words of the constitution of this nation and this state. The foundation of that fact, is fundamentally proven by the realities of this case. I have established constitutional law, time and time again. All have been discarded by a corrupt court. I have established “a long series of laws lesser than, but still substantial to this case”; all of which have been discarded by a corrupt court. I have established constitutional redress of grievances in the US supreme court/ and established trial against all upper level leaders, who refuse to accept their duties under constitutional law, and by their own oath. Illegally denied/ as is consistent with a corrupted court from the least to its greatest rebels.
I have been criminally robbed in open federal court by the IRS/ the court/ and all functions of government as were called to correct this situation and did not. It is a crime to withhold a deduction, given to all other citizens who qualified; as did I. It is a crime to punish or fine me: for the demand that YOU MUST OBEY constitutional law. It is anarchy, to refuse.
I have been criminally robbed in state courts; first a used vehicle, which had been clearly tampered with previously/ I was made to pay for, the entire price of the vehicle, and they owned the car for 18 months. I was not allowed to inspect that vehicle/ I was not allowed to pursue the most likely subject in questioning for tampering. Over a thousand, don’t remember how much.
I have been criminally robbed in state court; by an irrelevant rule used to discard and ridicule every facet of justice; the foundation of every functional law known to man. The judge stealing an additional $3,000.00/ that wasn’t even on trial. The judge ruling against tens of thousands of dollars owed; because when the contract is broken, the rules do change. The state criminally in contempt of every small business: by enforcing a thirty day rule, for all mechanic liens/ as makes a simple pay me without the rest. The state and nation rob us all, by pretending the university debt is so damn grand; You have to die, to escape it. Absolutely unfair, and critically untrue. NOT JUSTICE.
I have been robbed of a lifetime; because threats that have escalated over the years which we cannot possibly survive: Go un-communicated, to a world that does absolutely need to know. I demand democracy as in LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE, if they will investigate: FOR THEMSELVES; the corrupt court and leadership refuse. Thereby the fight continues, and a lifetime is lost, to all other things; because life or death for a world CANNOT be discarded or denied without truth by its evidence.
I have been threatened with extermination of all that I value in this life and this world; every living thing being mutilated or discarded into the arrogance of a university so blind: it is literally willing to gamble with this entire world, all its nature, and everything that keeps us all alive. I have watched as tragedy after tragedy unfolds; and very few will help/ primarily because they are literally afraid of you. And your attack on their finances, without cause or justice. I have endured considerable family unrest, because the foundation of this work assembles a fear that will not go away; if you know it/ and nobody wants to know it; because it does mean true change for us all. Want is irrelevant/ if we shall survive. By no means a certainty. That however is also irrelevant, because if change does not occur immediately; we don’t stand a chance. Not even this entire world, because once it is absolutely undeniable we are in so much trouble/ it is TOO DAMN LATE, to do anything about it, but war. But not to worry, someone will release weapons of mass destruction; and the end will come. Assuming you have even the tiniest brain to assess and understand: the energy experiments are an executioner working/ and it won’t be long, before they get to you. As is mutilating all life on earth. As is throwing every resource in the garbage. As is the intentional demand for civil war/ by all who counterfeited our money; so they could play “king or queen”. It will be extremely bloody, and without end; because that, is what you chose.
Consequently: I HAVE already paid more tax, than any other citizen alive/ bar none, except those who have given their bodies or life as a soldier. I HAVE done my duty, to this democracy MORE SO, than any other living citizen, to enforce the law: because without a constitution, or the people who do truly enforce it/ there is no democracy as is plainly proven, by your own endless failures and fantasies without the slightest honor, justice, or truth. The question is truly: WHAT have you not failed at? The answer is DAMN LITTLE; and that includes a population explosion this earth cannot possibly feed. The question is truly: WHAT do I owe you for being a traitor to my government the constitution; which gave you your job? The answer is: NOT A DAMN THING. The question is truly: WHAT DO I OWE YOU FOR THREATENING, AND DESTROYING EVERYTHING I VALUE ON THIS PLANET? The answer is: a fight to the finish/ or until sufficient communication exists to prove the people have had their chance. To make a different choice/ and pay the price to survive. Its NOT a hard concept.
This is a tax revolt, because you as employees of government, have proven to be traitors. Whether that is intentional or not, has become irrelevant/ because even our entire planet is under attack, from those whom you support. Every living body of life is under attach from those whom who support. Every resource is being destroyed/ just so you can throw it in the garbage; and kill every single child, in HORROR. How is that not traitorous. And you add in an endless counterfeiting operation, hidden in claims of debt/ which are anything but. How is that not anarchy?
I AM more than willing to pay my fair share of tax; for the government guaranteed to me, by the constitution and all the people who declare themselves to be “United for this common cause, as WE THE PEOPLE” Whose purpose is, to rule ourselves, by the law we create. Return that to me, to this state, and this nation; and end the threats against our world/ and I would be happy to pay “my fair share”. How is that not duty to democracy? How is that not fundamentally “fair play, and justice, through equality between every citizen here recognized by OUR LIBERTY TO DECIDE FOR OURSELVES. If we will support or allow all this tragedy to continue/ or make it stop. The propaganda press has destroyed the free press, which would have supported life and democracy. The endless greed created by counterfeit money and extreme bribery, has driven people into the clear insanity of not demanding an investigation of the most simple of all threats: bringing the same fire here as is on the sun. Your experts claiming: “Its ok”/ because the fire will just extinguish itself. Nothing, could be less intelligent; even a cockroach would know better; but the disease of arrogance, and the attack of words (only the experts knows anything) and the attack of money keeps people bowed so far down in competition to survive; they are literally brainwashed. Failed/ diseased/ damaged/ and seeking complete chaos and destruction: is the description of your “experts”/ by their reality. Proven true over time.
Fantasies and stories of stupidity CANNOT UNDUE the criminal terrorism of what is being done. YOU use our money, our name, our future, and every child to do what should NEVER be done! Prove it is a duty, to help you destroy our state, nation, democracy, nature, or world! Prove a counterfeiter/ liar/ and cheat should be given even more!
We add up just a little more, in accordance with exhibit L; not including social security and medicare; the federal budget for 2014 is $4.134 trillion. Budget for healthcare is roughly $3. Trillion Budget for social security and medicare is $1.377 trillion workers in America 102 million
summary Total federal government spending including healthcare all sectors: $8.511 trillion dollars divided by 102 million workers = $83,441.00 spent by the federal employees on our behalf for this year/ “Cause well, we just ain’t smart enough to spend our own money; they have to do it for us”.
We then add in state of IL income tax/ sales tax/ property tax/ miscellaneous tax divided by 5,233,908 workers . Pension liabilities now $100 billion. General Fund Spending $35.6B all fund spending 60.4 billion for 2014 taking 60.4 billion and dividing it by 5,233,908 = a debt load of $11,540.00 per worker. That our state employees are spending on our behalf; cause they cannot stay within limits or boundaries; THEY want more! With pension liabilities rising at: Gov. Pat Quinn estimates that the pension liability grows by $12.6 million every day.
In 2012, the state collected almost $20 billion dollars in personal and corporate income tax revenue, a 79 percent increase from 2010. Still, the state’s backlog of unpaid bills increased by 60 percent and its unfunded pension liabilities went up by 13 percent over the same time period. The state is currently grappling with more than $9 billion in unpaid bills and a worst in nation $96.8 billion in pension debt.
http://rebootillinois.com/?infographic=2652#sthash.mJ3aFe6v.dpuf Combined average tax 41.2 percent; and you can bet “not everything”.
Combined federal and state of IL expenditures, with healthcare; are per worker, before we get a penny for ourselves as those who carry the burden: $94,981.00 billed to us as individuals! You got anything left? For yourself! Is that not, “a description called slave”? It will be!
GIVE ME REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES, AS IS THE LAW OF THIS STATE AND NATION. Then let the people decide for themselves: as is their right of life/ for an entire world. EVERY part of the filings establish clearly: I AM NOT the question to be decided here. I am the messenger telling you in no uncertain terms, that this world cannot survive the horrible things being done. The evidence demands: either investigate for yourselves, or die. A world lost forever, because of leader arrogance and people fear. I have established: “not a fool”! Thereby, Not a game anymore.
The only WARNING you get is: IF YOU DECIDE FOR THE REST, TO GAMBLE THEIR ENTIRE WORLD on your own arrogance and fantasies. Then you gain their fear/ their horror/ and their terror for an eternity. GIVE THEM THEIR SAY! It is their life, child, and world! Not just yours, “on death row”.
Give me my life back: LET THEM CHOOSE!
ALL THIS FAILURE does not begin to compare with the reality of threats already listed We add in: exhibit M
I, James F. Osterbur: do hereby declare, that a true and correct copy of this filing; case 14SC-2 , including exhibits L & M. Has been mailed to the following parties at the addresses so listed:. Placing the parcel, in the US postal service/ as prepaid mail on the date of 3/ 19 /14 TO: CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
STATE SUPREME COURT Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson 233 S. WACKER DR. SUITE 4030 Chicago IL
IL IRS; Box 19035 Springfield IL 62794-9035
Lisa Madigan IL attorney general office 500 S. Second st. Springfield IL 62706
Governor Patrick Quinn State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
DYLAN P GRADY assistant attorney general; 500 S Second St. Springfield IL 62706
Just so its clear: not a single judge in this land requires permission, or is granted absolution by leaders, because they didn’t/ Your job is, OBEY CONSTITUTIONAL LAW!
101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E
ST. JOSEPH IL, 61873
www.trialforlife.info www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
as represented by GOV: PATRICK J. QUINN
State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
dated 3/ 5 / 14
case #___14SC-2__
Jurisdiction declared: In Champaign county court: as in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights included page 2: 20 ILCS 2520 I am taking issue with this assumption of debt by; demanding JURY TRIAL. By demanding class action suit! As is my legal right!
US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. A CONTRACT!
a quick review
the rules, and the reality in pursuit of justice, life first, and responsibility owed! The question: are we taxed for us/ OR for them?
The three great legal contributions of democracy are
1. That all citizens are equal/ none are above the law: liberty, DUTY, and responsibilities are for all to decide.
2. The individual is guaranteed both freedom and rights, OR no one owns my life, my work, or my property but me: except for the degree the constitution, which is our agreement with each other to unite: allows that to be so.
3. The jury is our guarantee, that justice shall not only be carried out according to the law/ but as fair play, depicted by equal treatment for all, conceives of the realities, that do govern us all. As truth declares for society itself. Social law is not as written/ but as society declares it will be.
Redress of grievances asserts: the fourth great legal foundation of constitutional democracy should now enter into our lives/ because the world has changed and we are ready for true democracy. Not a vote for someone to vote for me/ but my own vote on the law, and the realities that govern our lives and our future FOR MYSELF.
backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government
Constructed by irrefutable foundations in with clear legal, democratic, and contractual obligations upon the court.
The demand: FOR FIFTH AMENDMENT LAW, as filed
The demand: FOR FIRST AMENDMENT LAW, as filed
The demand: FOR FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT; DUE PROCESS OF LAW AS HAS BEEN DENIED TO ME, again and again; the most egregious example being 2 US supreme court cases, “exhibits e & f”. A clerk of the court CANNOT deny a docketed case: DEMANDING CONSTITUTIONAL LAW MUST BE UPHELD. Only a judge can deny any docketed case; and it does require his or her signature. No court can deny constitutional law; which mean treason is noticed.
The demand:
Each prospective holder of a State office or other State
position created by this Constitution, before taking office,
shall take and subscribe to the following oath or
"I do solemnly swear (affirm) that I will support the
Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of
the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge
the duties of the office of .... to the best of my ability."
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
Having met all legal, and cost requirements established by the court. Having demanded “tax justification, for taking private property: initiated with the demand to justify why a single penny was used for the football “emperors box” at the university of IL in Urbana. (Used just 6 times a year, for its purpose). Having established that democracy means ALL OF US/ not just a few of us shall benefit from taxation. Recognizing it is common knowledge, that our employees of both state and federal government HAVE MADE US ALL BANKRUPT. Proving sufficiently by any justifiable standard: that the choices which have been made, in our name/ as our debt/ and with our future; EVEN OUR WORLD; THREATENS EVERY LIFE ON THE PLANET. With such realities as mutilation of nature itself, by genetic alterations that cannot be justified/ HORRIFYING RISKS, such as gambling with this entire planet itself; as is consistent with bringing the same fire here as is on the sun. A fire that burns our skin in summer, from 91 million miles away. And refusing to protect any resource/ much less every resource required for life to survive.
The fundamentals of this courtroom, and the realities of WE THE PEOPLE; both state and nation: have been proven to be SO CORRUPT, that exhibits G & H establish/ under not less than the potential direction and disguise of the IL Supreme court: Does prove conspiracy, and collusion against the laws, and the rights of this democracy called the State of ILLINOIS and this Nation called the United States of America. By these defendants, who claim to be “above the law”.
THEREFORE AS IS CONSISTENT WITH THE DUTIES IMPOSED UPON EVERY CITIZEN: As is the implied powers of democracy itself; uniformly demanding we the people are owners here. Under the direction of US supreme court case McCulloch v. Maryland (1819); “Let the end be legitimate, let it be within the scope of the Constitution, and all means which are appropriate, which are plainly adapted to that end, which are not prohibited, but consist with the letter and spirit of the constitution, are constitutional.
The demand for tax justification according to the fifth amendment: IS CONSTITUTIONAL. The denial of class action suit; “as this does fundamentally affect us all” is plainly adapted to that end. Refusal to dignify democracy, as is exhibits G & H; by respecting the true ownership of WE THE PEOPLE; I being a citizen thereof; and our right to hold accountable any who seize our property for taxation: by examining the facts, and holding our employees to the test: Did you obey your oath? Is the execution of powers vested in WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS STATE CALLED ILLINOIS, AND THIS NATION; USA.
Article 1, section 8.1 US constitution: states, “the purpose of taxation is to provide for the general defense: clearly not being done, by the reality of threats against our very survival as a world or its nature.” REFUSED the reality of demand, in case after case: “LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES!” Provide for the general welfare of the United States: clearly not being done, by the evidence of counterfeit money. A federal deficit totaling over $170,000.00 per each of one hundred million people. Paying the debts, “with inflation/ rather than reality” is a crime. The demand for an investigation stands: and is supported by first amendment redress of grievance law.
Section 8.2
To borrow money on credit: did become stripping the entire wealth paid into social security by WE THE PEOPLE; for the purpose of our own well being, and a future NOT intended to include bankruptcy. Has been identified as stolen/ and completely unsupported by reality. The demand for an investigation stands: and is supported by first amendment redress of grievance law.
Section 8.3
To regulate commerce with foreign nations: DOES NOT include surrendering our businesses, our securities, our purposes to remain able and willing to provide for ourselves. Our ports, lands, resources, properties, or anything else that belongs to the private and personal definitions raised by “securing the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity”. The demand for an investigation stands: and is supported by first amendment redress of grievance law.
Section 8. 4
It is a duty of the United States government employees; as herein declared: to support, describe, define, and demand the uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States. That includes the bankruptcy caused and plainly evident in exhibits I, and J.
federal reserve accounting: total liabilities Dec 9, 2013 line 19;
$139.512 trillion dollars. Divided by the illusion of CPS 145,224,000 workers/ that equals $960,670.41 of debt per claimed worker. But who is and who is not a full time worker is not disclosed. Just taking tax records to determine who earned anything, includes numbers which add in retired people who file earning only social security/ young people who only work a few hours a week or a year; and is NOT consistent with reality.
federal reserve accounting: total liabilities Dec 9, 2013 line 33
$188.503 trillion dollars in assets claimed. Divided by Mar 04, 2014
U.S. Population 317,636,914 equals; divided by every single citizen each holds $593,454.32 in assets. Over half a million dollars, if you missed it.
We are cheated, and did not share in these expanding numbers. We are stolen from; because this is given as OUR debt. We are lied too: because this cannot be paid, therefore it is, and it is nothing else, other than inflation carefully hidden from view. So the few could have anything they wanted, and the rest would lose all their property, all their securities, and all their work: because at any moment in time. The true cost of inflation can attack us, and take away everything for the vast majority. Leaving us without defense/ in a nation angry, and full of guns.
Section 8. 5
To coin money and regulate the value thereof.... Gives none the right to strip all value out of our money. The demand for an investigation stands: and is supported by first amendment redress of grievance law.
Section 8.6
To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States. The demand for an investigation stands: and is supported by first amendment redress of grievance law.
Section 8.11
To declare war.... As has been established, when failure and fools leading a charge are allowed anything they want. OUR ENTIRE NATION PAYS, even this world. Thereby the elements and demands of WORLD LAW, COURT, AND POLICING OF LEADERS, by obedience to our laws as we the people of this world demand. Is fundamental to the terms of
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819); “Let the end be legitimate, let it be within the scope of the Constitution, and all means which are appropriate, which are plainly adapted to that end, which are not prohibited, but consist with the letter and spirit of the constitution, are constitutional.
The demand upon our employees of the Constitution of this United States is: as the preamble and the Amendments guarantee their work shall be. The articles which contract our laborers and employees under constitutional law; are the elements that have been sworn “I shall uphold”. The demand for an investigation stands: and is supported by first amendment redress of grievance law.
The champaign county court having failed to file documents Civil war 3, 4, 5 without cause. Having been returned to me without any instructions whatsoever/ other than pay more money. So that I might rectify this. Establishes DUE PROCESS DENIED. A reality and fact that constructs: Corruption will occur/ the defendants denial of law, constitution, subpoena rights, and refusal to submit any legal argument whatsoever. Instead sending message by exhibit H, that fines shall be excessive: FOR DEMANDING CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHTS. Thereby establishing: no legal argument in court shall be heard. Or, more simply “you are a slave” without rights.
The court is now ordered: TO PROVE IT WILL OBEY THE LAW, AND PROVIDE TRUE DUE PROCESS, AND OBEDIENCE TO THE CONSTITUTION. BY DEMANDING THESE DEFENDANTS SHALL BE CALLED, AND LEGAL ARGUMENTS SHALL BE HEARD; as is consistent with the constitution and its guaranteed rights. Or be found in contempt of WE THE PEOPLE, AND OUR DEMOCRACY. That lends itself to the consequence or conception; called traitor to this state, and this nation. The demand for an investigation stands: and is supported by first amendment redress of grievance law.
THIS CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT IS: ordered by your oath: to establish true judicial participation in the constitutional laws that do govern our democracy. Ordered by the exhibits and content of the filings hereby: to resurrect this case, and provide a true trial under the laws, precepts, and foundations: that govern our democracy, as
WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE OWNERS HERE, and we are not to be betrayed.
Thereby it is proven true: that to appear in a corrupt court/ is not a duty, nor is it defending this democracy. To demand DUE PROCESS that is justified by law, and legally upheld filings and subpoena’s; is.
I, James F. Osterbur: do hereby declare, that a true and correct copy of this filing; case 14SC-2 Has been mailed to the following parties at the addresses so listed:. Placing the parcel, in the US postal service/ as prepaid mail on the date of 3/ 5 /14 TO: CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
STATE SUPREME COURT Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson 233 S. WACKER DR. SUITE 4030 Chicago IL
IL IRS; Box 19035 Springfield IL 62794-9035
Lisa Madigan IL attorney general office 500 S. Second st. Springfield IL 62706
Governor Patrick Quinn State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
In the realities of life in society, the consequence of corruption is: ANY refusal, or avoidance of the truth/ turns into a crisis, that will one day require; WE HAVE NO CHOICE. In this particular matter of trial 14SC-2; the reason I have no choice/ IS A LIST OF THREATS THEREIN, WHICH CAN EXTERMINATE OUR WORLD, YOUR LIFE, EVERY CHILD, AND EVERY CREATION. Because the arrogance that delivers it is so extreme, the cult that requires it, so absolutely delusional, and the media that refuses to protect life or world, so completely corrupted.
This unfortunate truth, is surrounded by other lies and barriers including money which CANNOT be separated; simply because the rebels holding our government hostage; refuse to obey even a small part of the law. They do: Discard our democracy in the trash; and because it is hidden inflation, by calling it debt: they keep all the “free money” to themselves/ counterfeiting what we receive. As is true of all counterfeit money; the day comes when it is worthless. But today; the reality then comes: that we the people DO have choices to make. IF WE THE PEOPLE CONTROL our own laws and demand our own constitution shall rule, in the courtroom/ THEN WE THE PEOPLE SHALL DECIDE FOR OURSELVES, what the future of us all is going to be. With limited capitalism; we shall decide what our world is going to be. With world law, and the policing of leaders instead of nations: we WILL remove all weapons of mass destruction; so they cannot exterminate us.
There is nothing easy forward. I have turned off “this television set, so you can sit and do nothing”. This now Requiring: you must participate instead of simply watch and pretend it doesn’t matter/ or the promise of better will die. Not a game, life or death of a world/ life or death of this nation, by the consequences of leaders who have betrayed us.
I have “laid this little infant” of a new democracy, and a new society/ a BETTER future; and the possibility of survival upon this planet: ON THE COURTHOUSE DOOR. In full view, so society can take care of it, and protect the promise of a tomorrow, that is clearly better than today.
Your leaders have proven they will not do so/ they have tried again and again to kill all accountability required of them; BY LAW! That won’t change. YOU MUST rebuild this nation and this world for yourselves/ by accepting only the truth can control society, and only the decisions supporting LIFE FOR THIS PLANET; CAN COME FIRST. Or you will fail. It is a choice. Make your decision/ because there is no going back. We do stand at the edge of extinction, even though that has been hidden from you, by “leaders”/ it remains true. Consequently even if you run away and hide: IT STILL means you have made your decision. I tell you true, “eternity is watching you”. CHOOSE FOR LIFE! Because this Is, life or death to this world/ so says the evidence. Prove the evidence is wrong, or accept the need to be certain: WE CANNOT LET THESE THREATS, AND FAILED THEORIES: BE WRONG! Thereby we must investigate, and examine the truth. Simple and plain.
You can hate me, or whatever you like/ but you cannot prove I caused anything but the demand to FACE YOUR TRUTH; and protect your world. Everything else, is yours. You let “the universities” run free. I have done everything I came to do. Do your job; or the threats you face will make you extinct. What you believe is irrelevant: truth will decide.
A note: Ignore the introduction on the ultimatum filing; I forgot to change it. They sent that filing back; I changed one copy INTO the “untimatum”, and re-filed the other.
NOTED: when fools and failures are allowed “critical information”/ and subsequently declare themselves to be “traitors” to our democracy and the law. Then the only thing left to do, is give that same information to the public in the simple understanding: TO BE PREPARED, is better than panicked and surprised. Choose and establish: world law, and the world will “love you” instead. Lead, isn’t that what you say!
Noted: if you are counting the 1290 days from the time; “the abomination that causes desolation, is set up”; it starts here: http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7403916n&tag=mg;mostpopvideo 1335 days simply refers to the number of extra days (45), it will take a 10,000,000 degree F fire; to eject the entire atmosphere of this planet.
101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E
ST. JOSEPH IL, 61873
www.trialforlife.info Www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
as represented by GOV: PATRICK J. QUINN
State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
dated 2/ 28/ 14
case #___14SC-2__
Jurisdiction declared: In Champaign county court: as in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights included page 2: 20 ILCS 2520 I am taking issue with this assumption of debt by; demanding JURY TRIAL. By demanding class action suit! As is my legal right!
US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. A CONTRACT!
a democratic authority
Bill of Rights
A declaration of rights, which do pertain to our democracy, as the basis and foundation of government.
Section 1: that all men and women are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely the enjoyment of life and liberty, which the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
In this state and in this nation our right to be free and independent, has been altered and deprived by debts/ established and created by the manipulation of the people through media and controlled by constant surveillance; as is consistent with surveys to define and create “the words people will accept” , the counterfeiting of money by all means including pensions, the lies about inflation (all for us/ none for you) ,
and the penalties established by those who consider themselves to be rulers, BEING COMPLETELY UNFAIR.
in the matter of Champaign county court 11TR22442
coming out of the fourth district appellate court/ Springfield IL.
This trial Case 4-12-0429A percentage of income in a financial penalty is “same level of punishment, for all”. US Article 14 “...nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the EQUAL protection of the laws.” Equal includes, that a punishment shall be no greater for me, as a consequence in REALITY/ than for you; according to the same offense. “If you make a billion dollars, and I make a thousand”; the same fine is NOT appropriate.
Clearly rebellion and betrayal against we the people.
We have been deprived and turned away from our posterity, the ability to make choices for ourselves/ the right and expectation of happiness, peace, or the enjoyment of life. BY THOSE who stole our money. Creating a public union against the people themselves; by holding their children hostage. By creating pensions and salaries, which cannot and could not be paid. By creating an army of the bribed; an army to protect the thieves who have turned our democracy into their tyranny and made us slaves. WE HAVE been chained to a debt load, that can never be repaid. Which means bankruptcy is our only salvation/ or the chains cannot be broken. Which means as is constant and certain and sure: these rulers have stolen not only our work, but our future as sacrificed and intended; even the lives of the children; for their own criminal activities and disgrace.
Section 2; that all power is vested in, and consequently derived from the people; that magistrates (judges) are their trustees and servants, and at all times amenable to them.
As proven by the vermillion county case of Osterbur versus Selimi;
We the majority, as is consistent with small business, and the intent to “get ahead for ourselves”; ARE MALIGNED, MISTREATED, DISRESPECTED, AND BETRAYED. Proven true by this case is the reality: in a business contract, that demanded “extra pay; for all work outside the contract purpose which only included “THE DINING AREA”. His extreme fear of bankruptcy caused ; an unexpected consequence to me. THEN, unaware of the time limit; and having refused to file within thirty days, because my own business now had to deal with a different future, and a different reality. I am refused by the state, a simple “mechanics lien” ; to just demand the money be paid in some form. Where is my legal notice!The answer is: this state of ILLINOIS discards, the rights and realities, of small business as if it were garbage. Then they give to themselves as “university diplomas” the right to collect anything owed on a student loan: FOREVER to collect. And not even bankruptcy can remove it; only death. How is that not slavery?
The consequence of no lien, is trial. The consequence of not including “the lawyers shall be paid by the loser; a truly irrelevant facet of a contract: used only to insure there is no justice without a damn lawyer”; means, I have to pay and depend upon a lawyer, and cannot recover that money; so even if I win, I can still lose. Because of the damned and the disgraced, and the disease of this legal system. The corruption of lawyers, and the disease of money. In trial preparations: even though every aspect of participation by me existed: including testimony, the payment and initiation of trial, clear description of the conflict, and probable cause established had been met. The court makes a mockery: I received only a notice from the defendants lawyer suggesting “I could come, if I wanted too”. The judge makes a mockery; being saddled with the single task of refusing an excuse that did not exist/ AS IS HIS JOB! Instead the mere fact that I did not stand physically, where all the evidence proved I stood in every other conceivable way; and if it were a criminal trial, WOULD have been sentenced to prison, had this been evidence against me in a such a trial. Which means all necessary aspects of appearing in court HAD BEEN accomplished. THIS was not trial, this was the presentation of an excuse; and is not bound by the same rules. This judge cost me an additional $3,000.00 which was not even in dispute. Dismissed, without even notice sent; I had to physically go to the court. The criminal organization {they stole, enslaved, cheated, destroyed, counterfeited money, denied rights, rebelled against democracy, and committed treason by failing to protect against proven threats} called a courtroom in this state and this nation, is now a proven cancer on society, and by no means, “amenable to the people”.
Section 3. That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community; of all the various modes and forms of government, that is best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety, and is most effectually secured against the danger of mal-administration; and that when any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, inalienable, and infeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.
Thereby we come to the purposes of this trial, as subject to the realities and truth that has invaded our lives.
A true “continental congress”; to reassess our situation and reality. To investigate the threats that have invaded our lives, which DOES include the long list of “university diplomas” that have taken over our businesses, our government, our education, our religions (every leader has, a university degree), human resources to shut out all who do not have a degree/ medicine/ and everything they could touch: and then gave themselves A HUGE RAISE AND BONUSES, thereby bankrupting this state and this nation; BY ENSLAVING US, with counterfeit money, and promises that WE the damned slaves “have to pay anything they demand” FOREVER. That ain’t democracy.
WE THE PEOPLE, RULE OURSELVES, BY THE LAWS WE CREATE! As has been proven without compromise or doubt, our representatives are no longer “trusted friend”/ but clearly enemies without honor, duty, or respect. That does not mean many didn’t try/ it means the majority have failed for one cause or another. Which brings us to the truth: CHANGE WILL ONLY COME, “IF WE DO IT OURSELVES”! Anything less will fail, as is proven by all the terrible consequences we now face, and will soon face, because of university failure and disease. This ain’t about an education, this is about arrogance and power/ which has become tyranny and treason. Even going so far as terrorism. To gamble, to aid and abet those who do gamble with every life on earth/ all of nature/ every resource/ and steal all our money, destroying the future for every child; is nothing less.
Section 4. That no man, or set of men, are entitled to exclusive or separate emoluments (benefits) or privileges from the community, but in consideration of public services; which, not being descendible, neither ought the offices of magistrate, legislator, or judge to be hereditary.
Tyranny examined.
With the use of counterfeit money, that money now controls our elections/ our media/ our business and military/ our housing/ and everything else that money can touch. Including giving away that money to foreign lands, so that they can come here and dispossess us from our own property and nation. The use of counterfeit money has proven to be the “fuel and machinery, that drives all the major threats against this entire world”. That counterfeit money has driven us all into bankruptcy. That counterfeit money has taken away our business by government employees giving “wall street” the right to be its own banker and create its own money. Which as was the reality in 1929; led to extreme counterfeiting/ which ended in our own work and resources being sent away to foreign lands. That counterfeit money led to the housing collapse, as nothing was based in reality. That counterfeit money gave student loans to the university in the amount equal to a debt now exceeding $10,000.00 per one in three citizens (babies and all). That counterfeit money, has been the tool; to steal our homes; establish an inflation raised/ to steal everything we worked for. At over 2 million percent we did not participate in: they gave the “new money to themselves”/ and they gave us the debt, holding the reality of our economy steady (by foreign borrowing); so they could continue to steal. That counterfeit money, was created by stealing the very substance out of our social security; leaving it bankrupt, with only an “IOU”/ while hiding that reality behind closed doors. That counterfeit money, HAS FUNDED federal employee “social security, pensions, healthcare, retirement, and everything they could want: FULLY. That counterfeit money was used to support AEG, when it was failing/ because government pension funds were invested in the single largest business scam the world has ever seen: buying derivatives “without a clue” as to what they actually were/ or just didn’t care. That counterfeit money, bailed out banks, and more; and continues to bail out all “the friends of OUR DAMN KINGS AND QUEENS”; by buying debts that failed, with our money/ and then giving that debt to us. That counterfeit money was used to buy all our “freedom of the press”; and condense it from MANY HANDS AND MINDS; to literally the control of a tiny few; who do have complete control over what you can or will hear as communication with the public; DENYING YOU the last bulwark of defense for democracy; section 12.. To keep you under control by manipulation and destructive temptations. ETC/ ETC/ ETC. Happy now!
And the odds are very high; that the MONEY for: the exo-watt laser, nothing more than the match to ignite this world on fire, “like the sun”. Is coming from all this counterfeit money. Go search/ because the nations that are building it; don’t have that money, nor do they have any cause to build it. Rather it is buried “out of sight” so you don’t see, what they are doing/ and don’t recognize why.
Without counterfeit money: the war in Iraq would not have been. The complete overriding fears of a legislative branch of government running behind complete cowardice, from a single minor attack “with a little damn dust”. Became; death to many people/ and tragedy to another nation; just to try and prove “FEAR US’. It was a fool’s game. With consequences.
Section 15. That no free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people, but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue, and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.
There is none of this principle of democracy here, in this state or this America on this day. The denial of first amendment rights, called redress of grievances is established in trial after trial; constructing irrefutable evidence. The ridicule of fifth amendment rights as in “nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation” constructs tyranny. The literal threat against our lives as is proven by this trial, DISCARDED INTO THE GARBAGE; is clearly terrorism supported and defended against not only our lives, but even our nature, every future, and this entire world. That is traitorous and treason. The continual denial of due process, as in justifiable cause to deny trial; proven in case after case; is betrayal of we the people.
The absolute refusal of the courts to let these people decide for themselves; is anarchy. The intent to dismantle DEMOCRACY altogether/ to discard and destroy the law, the rights, and the unity of WE THE PEOPLE. Our right to know, decide, change, and protect ourselves!
Or, more simply: NO, these damn people have no say: WE ARE THE RULERS HERE.
The fundamental principles most necessary for our state and our nation at this time is under the declarations of democracy; as is a fight for independence from tyranny and control; found in these words.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal;........that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among those who unite to be citizens; deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That when any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.....to reduce them under absolute depotism. It is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security.
Without change, everything we value shall be lost. Not a game!
I, James F. Osterbur: do hereby declare, that a true and correct copy of this filing; case 14SC-2 Has been mailed to the following parties at the addresses so listed:. Placing the parcel, in the US postal service/ as prepaid mail on the date of 2/28/14 TO: CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
STATE SUPREME COURT Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson 233 S. WACKER DR. SUITE 4030 Chicago IL
IL IRS; Box 19035 Springfield IL 62794-9035
Lisa Madigan IL attorney general office 500 S. Second st. Springfield IL 62706
Governor Patrick Quinn State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E
ST. JOSEPH IL, 61873
www.trialforlife.info Www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
as represented by GOV: PATRICK J. QUINN
State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
dated 2/ 27/ 14
case #___14SC-2__
Jurisdiction declared: In Champaign county court: as in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights included page 2: 20 ILCS 2520 I am taking issue with this assumption of debt by; demanding JURY TRIAL. By demanding class action suit! As is my legal right!
US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. A CONTRACT!
developmental review
a quick review
the rules, and the reality in pursuit of justice, life first, and responsibility owed! The question: are we taxed for us/ OR for them?
The three great legal contributions of democracy are
1. That all citizens are equal/ none are above the law: liberty, DUTY, and responsibilities are for all to decide.
2. The individual is guaranteed both freedom and rights, OR no one owns my life, my work, or my property but me: except for the degree the constitution, which is our agreement with each other to unite: allows that to be so.
3. The jury is our guarantee, that justice shall not only be carried out according to the law/ but as fair play, depicted by equal treatment for all, conceives of the realities, that do govern us all. As truth declares for society itself. Social law is not as written/ but as society declares it will be.
Redress of grievances asserts: the fourth great legal foundation of constitutional democracy should now enter into our lives/ because the world has changed and we are ready for true democracy. Not a vote for someone to vote for me/ but my own vote on the law, and the realities that govern our lives and our future FOR MYSELF.
Critical to the relationship, that is WE THE PEOPLE; to our employees hired to oversee the fundamental running of government: IS RESPECT.
1. THE DEFENDANT, which is the state of IL; has proven contempt for the court/ denied due process and a jury trial to me/ refused litigation, which means in detail: that the constitutional laws that unite us as a nation and a state are refused/ ridiculed both subpoena and trial in their letters which are NOT trial documents; meaning as indicated, they have refused the legitimacy of trial, and the right of I or any taxpayer to demand “JUST COMPENSATION” FOR BEING TAXED, AND OUR PROPERTY TAKEN.
Exhibit H; Lawyers for the refusal of law, state: “..All assertions contained in your pleadings do not support any defense”.. And they have given none. Subpoena for the state/ and in support of every taxpayer, refused. Jury trial denied. The law, the court “....your small claims (justification for taxation/ the taking of my property for invalid and frivolous usage, establishing debts beyond all possibilities of payment/ being criminally attacked in federal court/ threatened with the loss of everything valued by me, including this world”..., my guaranteed rights under constitutional law, and due process: Ridiculed, and completely disrespected, with the intent to penalize.
Exhibit G, From: Governor of the state: even though this is constitutional law, and demands tax justification a reality of the governors job descriptions reply: “...determined that it dealt with an issue outside the jurisdiction of the office of governor, and therefore cannot be processed by this office...”. Subpoena refused. Class action for we the people, denied. The law which not only allows but provides for taking this state to court, ridiculed. The court, my legally guaranteed rights under constitutional law, and due process: Ridiculed.
Constitutional law refused! The demand to protect this nation from anarchy and betrayal: as is the foundation reality of exhibits E and F/ whereby “the clerk of the court” dismissed US SUPREME COURT TRIALS. Ridiculed, and dismissed for the purpose of hiding the facts from a courtroom, and thereby refusing public knowledge, of legally substantiated: failure in law and democracy.
2. The state, and its lawyers: having established complete defiance, and contempt against WE THE PEOPLE; and OUR law, against OUR democracy, and against the constitution of both state and nation; AS CLEARLY STATED. Are reminded, that according to the rules of the court. They have now established: that they CHOSE, NOT make a legal appearance in this trial. “You have not shown up in court”. THAT, does mean by default, all aspects of the filings already made are accepted, as binding on the defendant/ and I do win any and all rights to the actions of democracy, the people SHALL know, and the state SHALL pay for redress of grievances. And provide class action jury trial shall commence; against the state of IL; as I decree it shall be. leadership employees hired, to protect and defend our lives, our securities, our equality, our justice, our constitution, and our future: by election, or position shall be on trial. The penalties as in one million dollars owed to me/ shall be payable within thirty days. As is the law.
Because “justice is blind”; thereby the judge is not allowed to know the difference between litigants; and CANNOT simply speak for the state. Rather he or she MUST obey the law/ and accept its conclusion as “same for all”. Or find themselves in contempt, and in criminal defiance of this democracy, and our constitutions; an open rebellion.
You are further reminded, exhibit H establishes a refusal to submit to the legal ramifications of trial, or participate therein. That means you have absolutely no jurisdiction to contest with any filing or make any claim, or penalize in any way, shape, or form. Which you have already done in your letter, by establishing penalties, while being in court against me: that too is contempt for the court, and this democracy. Even though you say “we are not in court with you/ the subpoena, this democracy by its constitution, both state and federal; and the law of this land, state otherwise”. While it is true, you are not recognized as a participant; at this moment/ you are proven in contempt! And that means deliberately: THAT NO EXTENSION OF TIME, elaboration of cause, nor any other excuse: shall be legally granted to you. That is contempt of LEGAL DUE PROCESS. You are an equal in law/ thereby not superior. NOT entitled to extra-ordinary measures, as you have proven no cause.
I have brought you to court; which means the courtroom is mine. Unless you establish filings for the state of IL; IN MY HAND/ with time for me to respond; prior to TRIAL DATE, MARCH 7, 2014 courtroom D 10:40 am. That last date for receipt of those documents by me is; NOT later than March 5, 2014.
3. Contempt against we the people, and our right to just compensation for taxation, proves: that we must fight for ourselves, against those who have overrun our lives by corrupting our union in both state and nation. NOT BY A GUN/ NOT BY AVOIDANCE OF TAXATION: BUT BY THE DEMAND, “if you refuse to do what we have ordered you to do, by our constitutions/ and in fact have illegally rebelled against us, using the power of position to deny our constitutional laws: even though you swore not to. Then it is our duty, to withhold that taxation, UNTIL SUCH TIME as our democracy is proven to be legitimately; “RETURNED TO US” As is justified by our own authority as THE TRUE OWNERS HERE.
We now expand this case
4. WHERE IS OUR DEFENSE;Economic depression comes: because we are a nation ransacked/ raped/ ravaged/ and to a large degree ruined. That is said ONLY because our leaders have done so much damage. Just federal debt alone is now 17 trillion dollars. Which is equal too: a debt load of $170,000.00; per each and everyone of one hundred million citizens. From their decisions. Ransacked! We add in the failed policies that brought us all into massive debts, and recognize that social security funds were spent, by our federal employees instead of borrowing outside the country or defending their actions/ returning to us nothing more than “IOU’S”. An action said to equal roughly $70 trillion dollars/ OR, $700,000.00 spent by these few in our name, per one in three citizens; babies or not. Raped! Our debt load as a nation courtesy of the federal reserve site http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/current/accessible/l5.htm
is about $145 trillion dollars (haven’t looked, for over a year; it’s a guess; you look). The table is in billions (every 1. Is one billion dollars). Ravaged. The reality of all that currency inflation is: roughly 2 million percent. Or more simply: if we go back in time prior to Reagan releasing the currency from reality, and start there. For, Every dollar in your hand: prior to that day, even at enormous debt then. There are now about 2 million more of them in circulation or someone’s bank account. It is spread around the world as counterfeit money; and the world is coming here to dispossess us all from our nation by buying our property with this counterfeit money. Which we did not get to participate in. Did your income go up 2 million percent? SOMEONE’S DID. Who then stole all the money? So we follow the money, and find it in the hands of “every university diploma” that could take it. Which then gave them the power, to change our government/ control our elections/ propagate anything they wanted/ and steal our work, our time spent, and our sacrifice for a future intended to be “for yourself”. All gone.
5. WHERE IS OUR PROTECTION: a recall of beef at 8.5 million pounds represents about 15 million head of cattle. Add that to the recent 8 million pounds of beef recalled a few months ago, and you have lost roughly 28 million head of cattle; just because “a diploma” wanted too. All of agriculture, is run by the aged/ with few to replace them! The cattle herds are being decimated, and will soon be lost. The pig herd in close confinement has a disease that will essentially wipe them out, because antibiotic feeds are no longer effective/ and close confinement does not, and will not work without them. Poultry faces the same conclusions. The insects responsible for roughly 50% of all diversity on earth, are nearly extinct because of mutilated genetics, and poisons; or, not many fruits, nuts, and vegetables. The seeds are sterilized, and being brought to a level of similarity with all natures defenses removed; because that is what you chose, to let happen. The seas responsible for feeding a billion people or so; have huge factory ships which “take them all”/ ending the possibility of rebuilding/ ending the predatory fish that prey on them. Global warming has reduced the ice flows on the ocean/ WHICH MEANS, a primary base food source for much of ocean life has lost its ability to reproduce; because they do so, on the bottom of that ice (no longer there); so the ocean starves. Etc/ etc/ etc. Guess whose next!
We will add another billion people, in the next seven years or so/ unless something is done: that means cannibalism by 2020, if not before. Assuming you stop the people who are trying to ignite the entire planet on fire.
6. BECAUSE, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO HONOR OR RESPECT in the leadership of ILLINOIS; There is no possible expectation that even the most significant of events or threats are treated with anything but contempt. As such it is absolutely necessary regardless of the risk, to establish in public record: FOR EVERY CITIZEN, That we must prepare for the reality of this; because it can happen. Our defense of ourselves, our democracy, and our world; is based in a warning that gives us an opportunity to prepare. This is that warning. “It takes only a puddle to settle a salt column, and thereby collapse a ceiling”.
EVERY TERRORIST that may find this IS HEREBY WARNED: That to deliberately send roughly one hundred million lives into chaos/ can only result in weapons of mass destruction being released: against ANY AND ALL assumed targets; “guilty or not”. Thereby you become responsible for ending this world. That means YOU, WOULD BE CURSED for an eternity in TRUE TERROR/ with the screams of every heart you destroyed exchanged, for your soul. Truth will prove itself, true, what you believe is absolutely irrelevant; truth will decide.
A private letter sent only to IL gov Patrick Quinn
dated 1/13/ 14
James F. Osterbur
as a supplemental to trial 14SC-2
Within the realities of the many threats we face as is consistent with that trial “vs the state of IL; There are many more threats we will face at some time in the future; being at least minimally prepared is absolutely essential
with regard to that statement one of the many; that are crucial to address, is the enormous salt mine under one of the great lakes downstream of you. As I recall from searching years ago; that mine is roughly 300-400 feet below the lake, I believe it is Ontario; preceding Niagra falls. And by this time the mine roughly equals the size of the lake, with ceiling heights that semi-trucks drive in and out of.
The salt is used for treating highways for ice melting, across several states. And the above sediment layers as is consistent with a lake bed are NOT “extremely strong”.
The threat that exists is if a single sink hole appears in the lake, down into this mine/ it will quickly flood the entire mine, with the entire lake. That means lake Michigan will be lost as well ending the water supply for Chicago just as a beginning. A water supply that cannot be recovered for YEARS. It will also end all shipping, etc for YEARS. It will also shut down Niagara falls and its power plants for YEARS, ending the electrical supply for New York City and several states. And much more.
No water means the people do suddenly have to move/ or steal someone else’s water. Think about that.
In addition to the waiting period for replenishment of the water supply by rainfall/ are the following facts: once the water enters the mine, the salt pillars that hold the mine up will dissolve within a few days or weeks/ that will cause the entire mine ceiling to collapse/ then pushing the water, and all remaining salt residue now bonded to the water back to the surface in geysers or streams. That means the entire fresh water supply for all water downstream will be lost for MANY years, ending the life of every creature that depends upon freshwater. In addition to that threat, is the simple reality of salt pillars holding up the entire lake structure/ and what a simple leak means to the undercutting of the ceiling stability; the entire structure that holds up the weight is dependent upon salt, which MELTS in water. We add to that, an earthquake that can easily destroy a salt pillar. And then in the realities of this day and why this information has only once in the past been given “a slight glimpse”/ are the terrorists who once realizing the extreme vulnerability of millions of people for years. And it takes only one truck going under the mine with explosives to destroy it all, and open the drain.
The choices are limited, and each reality is serious. The only thing you can really do is seal the entrance of the mine to stop terrorists/ but they can drop explosives into the lake as well, same result. And if you close the mine, there will be discussions which then leak out the fact it is because of all this trouble; which will leak back out to terrorists. So the information is “top secret” so to speak. But if you don’t stop mining, it is going to collapse; the next earthquake is likely to be why.
What can be done, even though it also lends to learning how much trouble this can be: is the separating of chambers under the lake so that walls you build, can then contain the flood to at least a possibility of lesser tragedies. That costs money, and you will have to dig a hole close by. It is also possible to create a drain under the mine, if you have a place to drain it into/ which would be the hole that you dig. The only real aid to stopping a sink hole made by any cause; is the preparation of tools for the purpose/ so that you can use them when needed.
The most suitable tool for this purpose is as follows: you know the ceiling height of the mine/ thereby you know how long to make the pipe that will then become a structure for the ceiling, I will call it an octopus plug (OP). There are four basic parts: the pipe that holds the pressurized gas/ the reinforced balloon bag/ the spiked arms that fold out in support of the bag given a widening hole/ and the valve that opens when the pipe hits the floor to inflate the bag. (ADDED, is timed release or any other method that works. The system that uses the floor of the mine is for LARGE holes. Smaller holes can be filled with a round ball, having 2 openings at the top, and concrete in the bottom, to stop the drop; and concrete mix above that to form a more durable plug when water seeps in.)
This is lifted with cables from a helicopter, and then lowered into the sinkhole by winch until it is captured by the water at its center drain; then released to plummet through the water until it impacts the floor, which opens the valve and deploys the bag. The “octopus arms” or spiked spring steel members which are hinged to the structural piping at the top, are pushed outward by the bag, and the spikes are forced into the walls of the sinkhole, as a means of getting a grip in support of the bag. A mechanism such as hydraulic cylinders that cause the pipe to be centered under the weight by simply adjusting cylinders is a good idea. The bag can also contain two liners or more the outer bag containing a concrete mixture that when small holes allow water in sets up into a structural mass. Don’t forget the floor under the sinkhole is going to be washed out some, dependent upon the strengthens of the particular floor area. It is also absolutely necessary to be fully alert to any possible sink hole occurring, because if it is not plugged quickly it will be too late. With some skillful engineering, it is possible to use several of the “octopus plugs” tied together; to act as one plug; if the helicopter is big enough. The one thing you do have in favor of this operation is the several hundred feet expected, but not assured within which to contain the bag. It takes a little longer to open the hole that way, but it won’t be more than a few hours. By the way, WITHOUT a drain; the water that flows in will melt the salt pillars in days, collapsing the ceiling anyway. Consequently it is very important to get the water out as fast as possible. Which means you do have to be ready, helicopters close by, and watching night and day; etc. Because to be wrong has a wide ranging reality of tragic consequences that will end in deaths; and so much more.
Alternate means of water supplies are required if possible, but that too is fraught with so many people in all area’s needing water/ it will be war. Mass migration. Complete economic chaos for the entire nation, including Canada; etc/ etc/ etc. In other words, to mine under the lake was “horrifyingly STUPID”. Oh well, “who cares”!
7. This ain’t no game. Legal notice is hereby given, that should the court; by its judge, NOT obey the consequences, disciplines, and duty of its oath of office. Refusing WE THE PEOPLE OUR RIGHTS, AND PROTECTIONS, AND LEGAL GUARANTEES. By the inclusion of the IL supreme court; As has been established by the proof of service below; no appeal is possible for me to pursue. As this is a legal constitutional tax case/ a legal constitutional rights case/ a democratic authority case/ and a demand for tax justification for all the people. The reality of any appeal necessary IS HEREBY GIVEN to any and all lawyer firms as may choose to work for LIFE AND STATE AND NATION; as we the people DEFENDING our DEMOCRACY. Thereby a standing legal right, to and for all citizens! Or, more simply, “go get them yourselves”/ I am certain you can find methods to be paid.
I, James F. Osterbur: do hereby declare, that a true and correct copy of this filing; case 14SC-2 Has been mailed to the following parties at the addresses so listed:. Placing the parcel, in the US postal service/ as prepaid mail on the date of 2/27/14 TO: CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
STATE SUPREME COURT Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson 233 S. WACKER DR. SUITE 4030 Chicago IL
IL IRS; Box 19035 Springfield IL 62794-9035
Lisa Madigan IL attorney general office 500 S. Second st. Springfield IL 62706
Governor Patrick Quinn State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
added to the list of mailing is “the book of life or death; final result”.
101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E
ST. JOSEPH IL, 61873
www.trialforlife.info Www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
as represented by GOV: PATRICK J. QUINN
State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
dated 2/ 25/ 14
case #___14SC-2__
Jurisdiction declared: In Champaign county court: as in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights included page 2: 20 ILCS 2520 I am taking issue with this assumption of debt by; demanding JURY TRIAL. By demanding class action suit! As is my legal right!
US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. A CONTRACT!
a quick review
the rules, and the reality in pursuit of justice, life first, and responsibility owed! The question: are we taxed for us/ OR for them?
The three great legal contributions of democracy are
1. That all citizens are equal/ none are above the law: liberty, DUTY, and responsibilities are for all to decide.
2. The individual is guaranteed both freedom and rights, OR no one owns my life, my work, or my property but me: except for the degree the constitution, which is our agreement with each other to unite: allows that to be so.
3. The jury is our guarantee, that justice shall not only be carried out according to the law/ but as fair play, depicted by equal treatment for all, conceives of the realities, that do govern us all. As truth declares for society itself. Social law is not as written/ but as society declares it will be.
Redress of grievances asserts: the fourth great legal foundation of constitutional democracy should now enter into our lives/ because the world has changed and we are ready for true democracy. Not a vote for someone to vote for me/ but my own vote on the law, and the realities that govern our lives and our future FOR MYSELF.
The lines have been drawn.
The evidence of two witnesses, as required by the US constitution, Article 3. Section 3.1 has now arrived. Exhibit G[ from office of the governor of IL; review of your letter, it was determined that it dealt with an issue outside the jurisdiction of the office of the governor and therefore cannot be processed by this office”] . Exhibit H [from Linebarger, Goggan, Blair, & Sampson LLP; Chicago: letter dated Feb 20, 2014: “a brief review of this material indicates that all the assertions contained in your pleadings do not support any defense to the outstanding obligation due our client, the IL dept of revenue”]
Demanding the subpoena is denied/ the guaranteed legal rights of US constitutional law, as is the first, fourth, fifth, and seventh amendments; guaranteed to every citizen; denied/ due process as is US fourteenth amendment law, “nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”; denied/ US constitutional amendment 16; grants ONLY to the federal government the right to collect income taxes, and NO other; which means, without constitutional authority; it is against federal law to do so.
US constitutional law amendment 13; establishes that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall be allowed: which does mean, you must give account, and justify the private property you take/ as is commanded of you by the US fifth amendment. “IN ALL suits at common law (we have a contract, you do what the constitution demands of you; and I will pay taxation at a justifiable level. YOU are not ruler, YOU are employee). .....the right of trial by jury SHALL be preserved....” Denied.
The letters exhibits G & H identify with clarity: that I have absolutely no legal standing in court; even though law is identified, US and IL constitutional law is cited, a subpoena was issued in the Governors name as required when suit is brought against the state of IL. But these two entities describe me as “beneath their superiority over the law”/ thereby making the claim, the law of this state and nation cannot touch them; because I am too insignificant to deal with. Even though this is a clear and well defined TAX ACCOUNTABILITY LEGAL CASE, under US constitutional law, and demanding not only a jury trial, but class action suit because it does apply to us all. Thereby the office of the governor, and the legal counsel for the IL IRS have both said to “ WE THE PEOPLE” of IL. You have no legal rights, and they will not be held accountable; not even in the matter of “Just compensation” for a U of I football stadium observation room; for 6 damn afternoons a year; at a cost to we the people of over $129 million dollars. We, the people have a contract with our employees. That contract called a constitution DOES NOT allow, these employees to take or do anything they please. Our legal right is: to demand accountability from the actions taken by our employees, and receive justification for our payments. We bought a product, with our tax: that product is a better democracy/ justice for ourselves/ opportunities as are appropriate to reality/ and FAIR PLAY. Any employee who knows this is what they have been doing: IS ready to reveal “they did their job”. EVERY employee who knows: “they have been lying/ cheating/ stealing/ and destroying the very foundations of what they were hired to protect and defend” REFUSES accountability. Because prison is coming.
Their legal statement then is: the law has no effect on them/ they own the law: and we are NO BETTER, than a slave/ without rights or any authority to demand “why have we been billed for this”. Their letter is: PAY OUR EXTORTION or be damned, to endless servitude; as the penalties rise. Or more simply, as history proves again and again under the direction of men: they have crowned themselves “the new nobility/ we have a degree”. Therefore superior; we get more pay/ we make all the decisions/ we are to be worshiped as gods (we are the law, not subject to it) over you; “nothing but a damn slave”. In terms of democracy, THAT IS TREASON.
Within the purposes and demands of constitutional law; IS the oath sworn. You cannot be our employee at a high rank, to receive the work and position you have obtained: unless you give that oath. Each letter, from the defendant, who is legally liable for accepting all lawsuits as a defendant for the state of IL/ and his lawyers, who are paid by the citizens of IL: constructs the demand, “we are above the law”. That IS TREASON, in open court; the witness declared, by an overt act to remove ALL THE LEGAL GUARANTEES CITED in the US constitution and IL constitution. Because this is a trial, and you are signed and sealed as litigants; this then becomes irrefutable evidence of the same.
THAT IS ANARCHY and BETRAYAL of “WE, the people”; as this legal demand, stands in open court as a trial, demanding: That JUSTICE shall be BLIND! Which means each litigant stands on equal ground, no one is superior as democracy demands. Only the evidence, by its own truth shall decide within the meaning and words called law. Which means you have no superiority over me, or any other taxpayer: the law has superiority over each the same. ITS CALLED DEMOCRACY! The law says: I am entitled to just compensation for all taxation demanded of me. The law says: I am legally entitled to redress of grievances, accountability that gives the authority OVER all government: TO WE THE PEOPLE. For our own decision. THE LAW SAYS: WE, SHALL NOT BE THREATENED, by our own employees, with death/ with mutilation of nature/ with any experimentation that is beyond constitutional law and the rights of reality justified by communications which then identify what the truth is, when something goes WRONG. The LAW says: that our future shall be protected and defended/ NOT every child shall be sacrificed as is being done today. THE LAW SAYS; that our decision as a democracy and as a nation is,
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. “All of us”, as one.
To accept anything less than our promise to ourselves: is DESERTION of DUTY. A crime against this state and nation. THEREFORE A LEGAL TAX REVOLT IS JUSTIFIED. Until such time as obedience to the law, and fair play to the people has been re-established. The corruption/ collusion/ and conspiracy REMOVED!
To belittle and demean the courtroom, the laws of this nation and this state. Is to use contempt and fraud as the means of escaping judicial intervention, and democratic authority. The demand for JUSTICE in taxation FOR ALL THE PEOPLE; as well as protection of all life; is NOT discretionary. That is the law of our nation, and the agreement of this people. Those who seek to destroy democracy itself, establish the assumption: every leader is a ruler; and every ruler is above the law that rules us all the rest/ but not them.
Anything less, than the legal right to question and obtain clear and deliberate answers; within the law, is not democracy. Within our legally guaranteed authorities as a citizen protected by “we the people”; as is constitutional democracy: refusing the oath sworn, is treason. Anything less, than true obedience to the law; regarding those who swore they would uphold our constitution, “as the reason we, the people UNITED in this state and nation as this government itself”; is traitorous. Anything less than due process: which means ONLY by the law, may you answer; because that makes each one EQUAL: is slavery. You have attempted to steal our only legal protections, and make yourselves superior to the law/ that is rebellion. Anything less, than true equality in a courtroom: as one citizen to another, divided by the rights and truth of law itself (not a judge)/ is not democracy. Therefore it is anarchy (trying to destroy democracy itself), and it conceives of traitor: the deliberate conspiracy between two or more, that corrupts the courtroom and colludes to deny the law, and subvert this democracy; is to destroy: we the people. That is a hate crime against democracy itself.
TO TERRORIZE, by aiding and abetting/ protecting terrorists from examination of their activities by this society; AND ALLOWING THEM to gamble with every life on the planet. IS NOT LESS “than Satanic”. It means to deliberately choose to destroy, damage, or mutilate; ending life on earth, forever. The assertion “it won’t happen, MUST be proven true” PRIOR to any experimentation. That is impossible/ therefore NO possibility exists to proceed.
Nothing is more deliberately SATANIC; than igniting this planet as a sun/ by bringing that fire here.
So we examine the reality, and find your hidden truths here: establishing traitor.
1. No evidence exists to support the claim of fusion: “Its just two hydrogen atoms combining into helium”; as the means of heat generation on the sun. Where is all the helium/ it does not exist. Neither has experimentation here on earth produced anything but affirmation: this fantasy is nothing more than LIES.
The only chemical signature from the sun is: an ash cloud from the fire. You cannot see through the fire/ and no instrument of any kind can reveal what is behind a ten million degree fire. Rather the result of the fire is: hydrogen, because the burning of atomic bonds, would release the simplest possible atomic creations; which is hydrogen, and much less helium. As is fact.
PROVE IT IS NOT SO. Because anything less, establishes terrorism, and any participation in a coverup, to hide the truth: these are extreme traitorous pre-mediated attempts to be murder us all. Constructs A HATE CRIME against this entire world.
2. No evidence exists, to support the claim of extreme density; size/ other than fire; made of hydrogen, fire that exists from the core outward; or any consolidated theory of gravity (you have less than that); as is necessary to claim or consider: “We can gamble with this entire planet, and every living thing” because we know. Not enough gravity here to sustain the fire/ so it will extinguish itself.
PROVE IT IS NOT SO. Because anything less, establishes terrorism, and any participation in a coverup (DON’T let the public see or hear), aids and abets these extreme traitorous pre-mediated attempts to murder us all. Clearly A HATE CRIME against this entire world.
3. No evidence exists, to prove this fire by any name; will simply extinguish itself/ OR that it will not continue to ignite across our entire planet; just like the sun. There is NO putting out a ten million degree fire; therefore NO second chances. Ignition is either the end of this world/ or the elimination of an extreme amount of jobs.
EVIDENCE DOES EXIST TO PROVE: by the laws of our physical world, These realities are proven to exist.
4. By the evidence of history, as a proven source establishing the constant temperatures this world receives from the sun, over thousands of years. A proven fact. Demands nothing less than a very stable relationship between the fire on the sun, and its fuel source, does exist. Clearly true. That is not possible with the core (the entire sun) on fire. A core fire does mean all the fuel must be critically involved (there is no more). A proven fact. Like a house on fire, there must be room (not density) for turbulence. Disproving theory. Thereby if the fire begins, where all the fuel exists; where every part of the fuel is sustained on fire; from the inside; then the sun will expand to its maximum limit quickly. A physical law of pressures and temperatures. The sun will then extinguish itself; in a very short time; because the fuel will run out. A proven fact.
5. By the evidence, the fire on the sun is driven by atomic fuels: it is a ten million degree F fire. Nothing else can achieve this energy release; it’s a physical law. Stability does not include a series of explosions, inside, or outside; as that with an entire sun engulfed from the core outward, would cause the entire mass to explode, wobble; or appear with crevices/ canyons/ mountains, and such. Simple volcanic reality. If you claim the gravity pulls it back together/ then prove it exists. There is no evidence of any sort, or kind of series, or individual events noted throughout all of history: that can be labeled as “continuous explosions”; as that is not stable. This is fire, everything on earth demands: they are different. Where are your facts/ math is not enough: TO GAMBLE OUR WORLD; nothing is a bigger liar than numbers: take a look at American currency; just a fantasy too.
By their math, used to calculate: “its safe to bring the same fire here as is on the sun. Their assertion, by that math is: all the mass in this universe came out of a tiny hole smaller than an atom. No big bang, because for that mass just to exit: it would take how many trillion, trillion, trillion years for that to actually happen/ and WHERE was all the mass stored? Other than their imagination. Their, Fantasy land.
6. By the evidence, the law is: heat causes expansion, or pressures inside “the container” will continue to rise until an explosion destroys the whole, or not less than a large part: It would be visible. The sun is proven stable. The assumption of density beyond what any physical law will allow; unless they proclaim it’s a “black hole”; denies that law. If it’s a black hole, “its black, because no light is allowed to exit”. If its not a black hole, then there is no possibility that the energies released by a ten million degree fire can be considered dense. Flame spurts are said to extend 12 million miles, from the corona of the sun. Thermodynamic laws demand space, because heat expands. The fire is different than the heat/ they are not the same. Likewise fire and explosions are separate entities, and do not occupy the same space; although they have a similar signature in some ways. The claim that the sun is the densest object in our solar system; is made of hydrogen: is a lie. The lightest known element in our solar system/ cannot occupy the same space as the heaviest (most dense) elements. The refusal to accept: further denies all facts known about element composition: the physical laws we rely upon. Replaced with fantasies.
7. By the evidence, an exploding super-nova star proves the core of a sun cannot be on fire. Because it expands massively, in heat; on its last days, and that expansion requires new fuel. It is a proven fact. This is the opposite of a core on fire, and refuses the assumption that elements of greater density will arrive last into that fire, even if they are, or are not on fire. The densest materials are heaviest/ thereby as gold panning proves: they would go first into the core, gravity pulls them first. It is a proven fact.
THEORY DEMANDS: according to the laws governing physics.
8. That just like a candle fire, that rises above its fuel source, due to thermodynamic expansion. A fact The fire on the sun rises above its heat source. Because it is a sphere, it rises even more. A fact. A ten million degree flame needs a lot of room. A fact Therefore what is viewed as the size of the sun, is simply the flame, and NOT the rock underneath. A ten million degree flame DOES have an extreme vacuum: because the rise in temperature from the fuel source stability, to ten million degrees, is VERY RAPID. A fact. The heat from that flame, even though it has risen above the surface of the fuel: affects the fuel source and heats its outer surface causing it to expand on top faster/ than the material underneath, thereby cracking; then it is to be vacuumed up by the fire. Where the flame will disintegrate all atomic bonds dividing the elements involved into the subsets of atomic structure. A fact. The atomic bond is what is on fire/ and it is very similar to the molecular bonds of chemicals we know as fire on this earth; except for the energy release. A fact. The tornado appearances in the fire, are particularly hard spots on the rock called our sun; beneath the heat, that refuses to release their elemental bonds. Simple reality. As a consequence, the heat and flame surround this spot, opening space; and turbulence in the fire, then massively increases vacuum, and heat, to release it. Similar to the earth in some respects this rock has different elements as a part of its fundamental structure. The flame spurts on the other side of this phenomenon are elements that have been vacuumed up in a higher quantity that what is normal for the system to produce; thereby more fire for an instant, here. Simple reality. More fire needs more space. There is by the math a large volume of empty space, between the rock that is the sun, and its flame: as thermodynamics prove, and intense vacuum applied in this space prevent the heat from going down to the rock; it remains relatively cool. Just like the space underneath your fire here on earth/ because the law of thermodynamics rules the sun too. When the fire gets closer to the rock, the fire has cooled/ but then makes the rock gets hotter and that releases more fuel to grow the fire, by vacuuming up more fuel. When the fire gets farther away from the rock, the fire grows in size, but not heat; and returns to the fuel source; because the heat is the source of expansion not the fire. Either way, the outer appearance of the sun will remain similar in size, and heat; because of the interchange.
9. It is the fire itself, that sustains solar gravity. The atomic release of what holds the particles of atomic structure together: REQUIRES, that there is an equal but opposite reality of energy sustained by an atomic bond in the creation of an element. That means when released, or forced apart; there will be an action and a reaction that follows. On an atomic energy scale. This is proven by the heat released from the atomic bond. To achieve a stable element capable of sustaining itself, in a balanced state. THERE MUST be the equivalent of “the opposite energy in place” to hold the relationship, within a specific environment. Or described more simply, “a great deal of heat/ to achieve a balanced state: must then be influenced by an equal amount of cold”.
The oblong pattern of planetary orbits are likely influenced by cycles of “fire close/ fire far”.
10. The composite understanding of basic elemental atomic structure, that the sun represents, as a relationship to heat and light, is then as follows. Fire releases the energy, that controls the bond in an atomic nucleus. The bond itself however retains its attachment; by being compressed into what can be called similar to laser light (a string, that holds both ends together; so to speak). We know that is true, because the light retains considerable energy, even though it travels through an incredible amount of time and space. “Sun fire” roars: The radiation revealed by sunlight, constructs a rhythm as a result of that roar, that functionally ties both ends of the string together. The net effect of that is “solar gravity”. In terms of atomic environments: the bond between proton and neutron is created when they smash themselves together/ that action causes a compression to exist that then crushes tiny bits and pieces that stand in the way of a “perfect fit between the sides”. These bits and pieces are called electrons; the “atmosphere” of an atomic nucleus, is then constructed because of that action and reaction to mass being compressed, by bonding.
You are now educated beyond all possible excuses. The failure to remove this threat immediately; is your death wish granted. Every single life is involved/ therefore it is YOUR DECISION TOO. Either make them ALL stop or die by your own hands.
NOTHING, IS A GREATER CRIME; than destroying NATURE itself.
YOU, THE PEOPLE OF EARTH: DO KNOW; that mutilating nature itself, which is genetic structure, boundaries, disciplines, order, balance, energies, and design; IS UTTERLY INSANE, AND THEREBY REEKS OF “SATANIC WORSHIP”. No, you can’t play god, without destroying this entire creation. FAIL TO STOP ALL OF THIS; and you will get your wish; the disease of university chaos will infect EVERY LIFE on this planet. And nothing but HORROR, TERROR, AND CATASTROPHE BEYOND all possible imagination will result soon.
You are now educated beyond all possible excuses. The failure to remove this threat immediately; is your death wish granted. Every single life is involved/ therefore it is YOUR DECISION TOO. Either make them ALL stop or die by your own hands.
Because of your diseased mind, the complete betrayal as is media propagation of “university knows”: the endless temptations to “believe in us/ we can be gods”.
The review of evolution; the primary religion that has taken control over government, and allowed control over media; by the assumptions of their theory. The disease of their failures. Is given slight overview, because of your insanity.
Chaos builds nothing. The lack of even a brain (they say a brain is last), builds nothing. The lack of tools, such as hands, eyes, etc; builds nothing. The inability to use, collect, transport, communicate, remove waste, establish utilities, give birth, find food, inherent knowledge which then knows what to do to survive, the ability to breathe is not simple. The ability to swallow, is not simple. The ability to create blood, or build blood vessels, or have a heart and make it pump with valves and arteries; etc; is not simple. The reality of bones and joints and lubrication, and tying them together so they don’t fall apart; is not simple. The consequence of muscles, and the reality of they MUST grow in exactly the right order at exactly the right time; or the body fails to work properly; is not simple. The senses giving to life its essence of participation in this world; is not simple. Immunization to keep you alive, the skin which completes itself and heals, the mind and neuro-senses which give you the ability to grasp knowledge or understanding are absolutely necessary; as is pregnancy, the ability to stop another baby from beginning in the same womb as one already there/ the construction of mammary glands, and about one trillion other miscellaneous details of life; THAT MUST COMBINE AT THE SAME TIME, to conceive of a species called life. Are no game. The proof of adaption, within specific species boundaries; is an element of perfect design, “I knew this would be needed”. There is NO adaption across species boundaries/ ANY INTERFERENCE HERE becomes pandemic disease; TO REMOVE the intruder, and keep the genetic species involved alive and intact, as a whole entity of life. Rather than simply one individual is more important than the whole.
And YOU KNOW IT. There is no excuse/ other than worshiping “your university gods”. Who have become the evidence of Satan on earth. It means destroyer of a world!
The three rings of death 666; have been constructed, and now exist as nearing completion. They are an attack on the planet itself/ an attack on nature itself/ and the attack on humanity itself, which will result in all out war, beyond every possibility of sanity returning to life. The last being the removal of resources/ the destruction of money (your god of greed)/ the devaluing of life, as is consistent with your media and video games, and a gun in every hand; as is the purpose of chaos. And more.
You are now educated beyond all possible excuses. The failure to remove this threat immediately; is your death wish granted. Every single life is involved/ therefore it is YOUR DECISION TOO. Either make them ALL stop or die by your own hands.
I, James F. Osterbur: do hereby declare, that a true and correct copy of this filing; case 14SC-2 Has been mailed to the following parties at the addresses so listed:. Placing the parcel, in the US postal service/ as prepaid mail on the date of 2/25/14 TO: CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
STATE SUPREME COURT Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson 233 S. WACKER DR. SUITE 4030 Chicago IL
IL IRS; Box 19035 Springfield IL 62794-9035
Lisa Madigan IL attorney general office 500 S. Second st. Springfield IL 62706
Governor Patrick Quinn State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
added to the list of mailing is “the book of life or death; final result”.
101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E
ST. JOSEPH IL, 61873
www.trialforlife.info Www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
as represented by GOV: PATRICK J. QUINN
State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
dated 2/ 11/ 14
case #___14SC-2__
Jurisdiction declared: In Champaign county court: as in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights included page 2: 20 ILCS 2520 I am taking issue with this assumption of debt by; demanding JURY TRIAL. By demanding class action suit! As is my legal right!
US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. A CONTRACT!
the rules, and the reality in pursuit of justice, life first, and responsibility owed! The question: are we taxed for us/ OR for them?
The three great legal contributions of democracy are
1. That all citizens are equal/ none are above the law: liberty, DUTY, and responsibilities are for all to decide.
2. The individual is guaranteed both freedom and rights, OR no one owns my life, my work, or my property but me: except for the degree the constitution, which is our agreement with each other to unite: allows that to be so.
3. The jury is our guarantee, that justice shall not only be carried out according to the law/ but as fair play, depicted by equal treatment for all, conceives of the realities, that do govern us all. As truth declares for society itself. Social law is not as written/ but as society declares it will be.
Redress of grievances asserts: the fourth great legal foundation of constitutional democracy should now enter into our lives/ because the world has changed and we are ready for true democracy. Not a vote for someone to vote for me/ but my own vote on the law, and the realities that govern our lives and our future FOR MYSELF.
THE RULES for legal civil war are:
1. The force of law is our army/ the reality of obedience, by our employees; to that law is under investigation by we the people. As is first amendment redress of grievances law; the legal right to investigate the evidence/ examine for ourselves the consequences, and hold our employees accountable!
2. The constitutional law that is our government, can only be described by its intended purposes: defined under constitutional guaranteed rights to every individual/ and accepted by the responsibilities assigned to our employees by that constitution under their free will oath.
3. The enforcement of law is determined by cowardice (the mirror glued in front of your eyes, that values nothing but “me”) or bravery (the proven desire, that life and the values in every miracle that surrounds us; is more important than me). Bravery demands: life must be protected and defended from all who attack it/ by all who unite as society determined to be more than just “toys for the few”. Cowards simply let life die, even when they KNOW an entire world depends upon us all/ therefore their reward is death, and their label is “to hell”. We the people outnumber them “the powerful”; dramatically, and they have no true weapon to stop our decision. Only the intent for fear. But fear is a two way street, and those who “enforce”/ can be found on either side of that street; which does mean, whosoever controls the force of law; will control the outcome. The force of law, is the refusal to accept less than what is true, deliberately fair, and is built on a foundation of equality for all.
4. The enforcement of democracy constructs OUR DECISION, as one people united for the singular purpose of ruling over ourselves/ by the constitutional laws and agreements that we make to do that very thing. Our employees are NOT rulers; as that would be a proven treason against us all. We do fight, as did our ancestors: FOR FREEDOM (it is my right to choose for myself)/ and FOR LIBERTY ( it is our right to choose, the critical values, and the fundamental disciplines, that balance and grant an orderly society; thereby our vote DOES cherish freedom as much as is functionally possible).
5. The contract we enforce as our democracy/ as OUR GOVERNMENT: is the constitution that we grant, accept, and enforce TO CREATE the law over our lives. The future we must live. No individual or group holds that honor or respect. Our government is constitutional law and responsibility; and there is no other. Any who claim to be “the government” are then traitors.
6. The foundation of justice is: that anger SHALL be investigated for its cause/ and examined by the disciplines assigned as its truth; so that none can say, “they know/ or they are a god (superior)/ or they cannot be questioned”.
Rather justice is the ascension of a better, equal, or fair way, so that life in society can be found at peace, and within harmony as best it can. That removes all claim to “let nothing be changed/ & the current protect the proud, powerful, and rich”. That illuminates the possibilities of what our future can or will be; and it is up to society itself to determine as best it can: WHAT OUR LIVES, and your children’s lives, are going to be.
That cannot be done without knowledge. Knowledge is NOT confined as “their property/ but our disciplines, balanced with questions that discover truth”. Understanding is the ascension of order/ but if you follow the wrong disciplines, we all end up dead: more simply “their truth is not enough”! Our truth is then: what we accept, within the information that grants our own understanding, and our own decision. Our reality as a world, is governed by laws which have absolutely no basis or foundation in what we decide or want. The law of life exists as, the critical foundations upon which we survive. Fail to learn or respect them; as is common today/ and there will be no future.
7. The critical relationship we share with life, and planet, and all of humanity; is governed by respect for each one/ or the lack of it. Every such relationship extends and controls our happiness; only because it is built on trust. Sadness, depression, war, etc are controlled by want, and the endless failures of those lies. Without trust, we die; because we are far too many people on earth for any other way to survive. Therefore hate must be controlled, or removed; because its purpose is to destroy relationships, and prove violence. Hate is the purpose of prison, or other means more severe. Hate is not anger, as in “I have a cause”. Hate is a decision: “it sounds like” you are less than me, and I will destroy life, proving my power over you by making you fear; does make me superior. You are then less/ little more than the trash. Because that is their choice/ they have no place in society.
8. Civil war constructs an investigation/ thereby the examination of: the elemental boundaries that are dividing our unity/ and destroying peace. Therefore the elements known to be capable of that, as are common and proven throughout history; are listed.
The failure of justice/ the refusal of equality/ the limiting of freedom/ the destruction of liberty/ the betrayal of government/ treason from officials/ games and rules which play with life, rather than protect or defend us all/ the refusal to let HONESTY AND RESPECT decide by the laws which unite us/ the restriction of fair play, “only for us, not you”/ the execution of governed society by lies, theft, cheating, and traitorous acts/ the corruption of the courts/ the conspiracy to become rulers, instead of employees, by leaders/ and the collusion of power to consolidate and “own it all; thereby removing fair play”. Each of these plays a part in today’s trouble. But they are NOT alone.
The failure to protect or defend life, nature, child, and even planet. The failure to protect or defend the future, sustaining hope we can survive. The failure to protect or defend our environment before “money” and our nature before “want”. The failure to protect and defend the oceans, a source of food that feeds a billion + people. The failure to accept limitations upon human choices/ as is necessary for the survival of everything, or even anything. The fantasy of experimentation whose only real purpose is to play god over life, planet. The deceit of propaganda, and the illusions of “the expert” to reinforce the delusions/ and take the mind of humanity away; by controlling who has a right to “know or understand anything”. The failure of religions, particularly the take over of society and life by evolution/ and its parent “university knows”. The drugged mind of fools, idiots, and the diseased death of those who demand, “we want this bribery, this playing god, to be true”; so none can say: we must pay for our choices. The infected brain, that cannot be cleaned: of all these things; is dead. Life requires truth/ because truth does not care: it does not require life.
9. The composition of judicial inquiry in redress of grievances court is by: the delivery of information through whatever means are available. To educate and inform the public that a trial is necessary. Their own participation is not only warranted, but required for life, and for government to be returned to survival, society, its democratic authority, and the hope for life. The children need you. Life on this planet DESERVES your participation. Eternity will remember you, either way; because this trial, this demand for redress of grievances: is life or death of a world!
10. The foundation of a courtroom for trial of governmental employees: extends from simple judicial choices. Wherein those hired to protect and defend our democracy either choose to do their job. Which means the people will be informed by the court, & their leaders: of choices that DO require their attention because. The reality of this day: TO BE WRONG MEANS, THE DESTRUCTION WILL BE SEVERE, AND EXTINCTION IS PROBABLE FOR AN ENTIRE WORLD. The public does get to choose/ because “we are united in the results, good or bad”. No one can hide from a dying earth; we are in this together; no one is excused!
11. The refusal of a judiciary at any level, to obey the constitutional law, and rights of democratic authority as is distinguished by WE THE PEOPLE own this nation. Allows and aligns a different kind of courtroom wherein the potential called traitors; must first be confronted by the public themselves: and a decision shall be made accordingly: without vengeance. A decision owned by truth, law, evidence, and a justice that admits, “you participated too”. The question that controls is: DO WE THE PEOPLE OWN A RIGHT TO THESE DECISIONS. Is this OUR nation and state, even our part and responsibility for a world? The answer is YES.
A) Whether we the people shall allow; the same fire here as is on the sun? If wrong, this entire earth becomes another sun/ even destroying the solar system itself.
B) whether we the people shall allow; our nature to be mutilated, maimed, cannibalized, crucified, or completely destroyed without a fight? There is no going back, once genetic nature is damaged or destroyed: EVERYTHING WE VALUE is lost! No second chances/ no mercy: you chose!
C) whether we the people shall allow; ANY nation on earth to gamble with our entire planet, and every life on it; in any substantial way? World law is required, immediately! The control over our money, our resources, or any other means of supporting such experimentation by leaders of any kind; MUST END. WE DECIDE, BY VOTE, or it shall not be done!
D) whether we the people shall allow; the destruction of environment/ resources necessary to our very survival/ extinction of creatures and all that is nature/ the devastation of food chains that control our own ability to survive/ the future of every child assassinated/ the relationships we must sustain to establish peace in and for humanity: OR MORE SIMPLY, OUR WORLD, has been attacked. Thereby the decision that we SHALL have a world court, law, and policing: making every nation the same: and every leader the object of that law, and that court. Demanding removal of all weapons of mass destruction from this planet; as quickly as possible/ is absolutely necessary.
E) whether we the people shall demand: those employees who have been hired to sustain our democracy and improve our future have obeyed the law of our constitutional authority over them?
12. WE THE PEOPLE OWN ALL RIGHTS, AND ALL POSSIBILITIES OF MASS COMMUNICATION AMONG US, or from us onto this world/ or from the outside nations into our borders. There is nothing we do not own about those businesses and other, which control, manipulate, tempt, communicate chaos/ lies/ violence/ and anything that is not functionally free speech. Free speech is NOT the right to control/ manipulate/ tempt/ or communicate realities that will degrade society, immediately or in steps. Free speech is: the right and the duty to inform life of truth and consequences, the right to communicate ideas that functionally support the elements of life, society, justice, fair play, equality, equity, democracy, love, hope, disciplines, order, balance, courage, dignity, respect, knowledge proven, understanding established, wisdom assembled, the structural foundations of human endeavor for life and society as are consistent with a purpose to encourage and support the integrity of our desire to be “the best we can be”. And other means and methods suited to an expansion of values that dignify, RESPECT; and do NOT betray, our own existence and desires. Particularly for love, hope, and acceptance of each other through respect for each other, is fair. Protecting and defending, everything about this earth that we value, or should value, is RESPECT. The alternative is Want: want is an abyss (it has no end)/ the foundation of every lie; and ought not be tolerated. Thereby free speech is: the freedoms which support and defend life, by participating in happiness, truth, hope, survival, knowledge, and law. Free speech is NOT teaching the children to betray themselves or this earth.
THE ASCENSION OF LIFE FIRST/ demands the removal of want and money as the primary purpose of human endeavor.
LIFE: Requires the elevation of duty, from “who gives a damn/ I WANT MONEY”: To the fundamental examination which establishes, either you will care, or you will die/ because this world has been overrun by humanity. THAT means: if we don’t share our existence with the realities of nature, by the sanity of human choices, that make our own lives possible: THEN EVERYBODY DIES.
Legal civil war exists because money rules, and want decides. Thereby lies, theft, fantasies, mutilation on purpose, deceit, cheating, stealing, traitorous acts, terrorism, treason; and a long list of failures have become the reality of our lives. We do stand at the edge of extinction: because that is what your leaders chose/ and humanity accepted. Discarding the future; because you didn’t even care enough to try; to keep this earth, and these children alive.
DUTY DEMANDS: that you as an individual are NOT more important than we the people/ the children/ nature/ life/ or survival of this planet. That is not open for debate: it is fact! For us all.
DUTY DECLARES: that there can be NO gambling with an entire planet, all its life, or all that is needed for life itself to survive. That too is not open for debate: the fact that our employees assigned to govern as the constitution demands have failed in all categories: proves this trial, this demand for public participation is real/ and cannot be considered a game. The evidence is insurmountable. WHICH DOES MEAN TERRORIST NOT ONLY EXIST, BUT ARE SUPPORTED AND PROTECTED BY OUR EMPLOYEES, AND FUNDED BY OUR OWN MONEY. That is treason, at a minimum.
The ascension of life beyond the simple lessons of predator and prey; as is the current realm of “intellectual governing”; demands these lessons shall be learned.
1. Every predator knows, “life for me, is either you or me/ are going to die”. The weapons I possess say, “too bad for you”.
2. Every large prey knows: while it is impossible to defend an individual life, from predators. When we all run together as one united force/ NO predator dares to stand in our way, because WE WILL trample them all.
3. The question of humanity is: when you take the weapons away, then predator and prey are said to stop. But as the above proves; a predator without weapons is going to die/ so they must do something else to survive. Thereby the removal of individual weapons has very limited value/ because someone will find a way to make you fear. Before the gun; people were beaten with sticks/ heads crushed with rocks; etc. The gun & other devices; however makes even cowards consider themselves to be brave. That means FOOLS AND FAILURES have a method of believing “they can prove, FEAR me too”. When they believe, they have the means to escape retribution for their actions: even cowards then try to play god. The insane are incompetent: because their life is not bigger than themselves/ they are buried inside their fear. Until their fear overcomes them, and hate arrives to take control.
4. Therefore the answer of humanity must be, the removal of a human predator/ and the ascension of those who have been prey to a new level of confidence: WE CAN, DEFEND OURSELVES. Is the essence of a new world. A world built on respect for life, and law. A world where the power and pride of leaders is removed; and we become the rulers of ourselves.
Therefore the utilitarian purpose of every government is quote, “WE, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”.
But the true purpose of every form of government is: that together we can raise the power and purpose of every individual existence, by becoming dependent upon the law, and its true companion which is government. This is the ascension of life, by order/ discipline/ balance/ and the structural integrity of a written instrument which defines and controls the people placed in charge of the equitable distribution of our own values, and the simple needs of our own society.
The critical failure of every form of government is: that individually people choose to believe, “they can be or get more for themselves/ than life, reality, or truth will otherwise allow”. All they have to do is LIE/ STEAL/ KILL/ OR CHEAT; and then rule by want. Or, TO HELL with the law/ democracy/ guaranteed rights legally protected by law/ and more: we want to play god, and rule with games.
So now we turn to the critical truth of who owns the law of this or any other nation: is it ourselves as we the people/ OR, do those who believe themselves to be our rulers possess it entirely, and may then do anything they please? Answer the question!
The evidence of a true democracy MUST possess: “We can defend ourselves”! That includes in the courtroom as an individual, without the aid of lawyers: simply justice, by fair play, and equal treatment for all. The reality of true justice is: the evidence was proven by investigation, and the decision was built upon the premise: WHEN WE CANNOT accept the reality of being wrong/ then we must decide for life first!
the decision: is this corruption (the law does not rule)/ conspiracy against democracy (we are not provided constitutional guarantees)/ and collusion (the reality of our leaders choosing against us, and protecting themselves from accountability; the demand, “You made an oath”).
The DEMAND to clean corruption out of government; never ends! The evidence requiring redress: resides as a beginning on a wide distribution of failures, the public being at least slightly aware. The worst of which is constructed by battlefield 4.
Therefore this “civil war #2" is about the second level: the conspiracy to control government by any means possible; which does include the traitorous act of DENYING CONSTITUTIONAL LAW/ OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE/ CRIMINAL THEFT/ DELIBERATE EXTORTION AND THREAT OF BATTERY. All of which and more can be found in US TAX COURT 11108-12L . An irrefutable definition of evidence established by courtroom filings; that does include all levels of primary leadership in this nation.
Content of this case is found on www.trialforlife.info
We begin with excerpts: from, the US supreme court appeal of that case. Filing 4/ 30/ 13
AS IT IS WRITTEN: You have no rights, and you have no laws to discard or disregard this case. That means, since you have blatantly chosen to do so, in the appeal of a US TAX COURT case 11108-12L AND ITS ASSOCIATED EXTRA-ORDINARY WRIT as so indicated in now 8 legal filings within your court. 6 of which you have illegally acted to avoid. That is nonfeasance 191 N.E. 2d 5889, 591. At its minimum and malfeasance 97 S.E. 2d 33, 42. when associated with the other blockades of fundamental democratic law/ that you have deliberately destroyed in the past: against the full and true legal standing: OUR CONSTITUTION DOES RULE/ not you.
YOUR mandate as a clerk of the court IS NOT: to destroy constitutional intent, but support it, and let the people decide what is: as represented by this case: A LEGAL RISK OF THEIR PLANET/ THEIR NATURE/ THEIR LIVES/ THEIR FUTURE/ AND THEIR WORLD.
YOU HAVE no authority, therefore malice is shown true 99 A. 2d 849, 854. Under these circumstances that is malice aforethought and comes under criminal law 75. Thereby you are found accused of criminal behavior and intent to destroy. In this case, whereby the president of this USA, the FBI of this USA, The ATTORNEY GENERAL of this USA, and the SOLICITOR GENERAL of this USA are all involved and have been notified. They are now called to do their duty and arrest you. Try you for treason, and take you to prison/ along with whosoever gave command to GAMBLE OUR LIVES AS IF WE WERE NOTHING, but the trash.
Your excuse is invalid, and without merit.
You have no jurisdiction over constitutional law: ONLY THE JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT ARE ALLOWED. Rules of the court CANNOT destroy constitutional law, NOR can they devalue the lives of 310 million citizens or a world that is threatened with extreme destruction. That means: Even they cannot destroy the purpose nor intent of our constitution. BECAUSE THIS IS OUR DEMOCRACY, and it will never be their property to discard or destroy or deny.
I have PROVEN: that the evidence is substantial enough to warrant supreme court relief/ and that it cannot be obtained in any other form or from any other court. And these are EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES; because you are not “scientists/ and you are banned from just believing them as is consistent with any religion”. That means YOU MUST INVESTIGATE, AND PROVE: that extreme threats based upon theory and religion/ that use OUR MONEY AS WE THE PEOPLE/ our nation, our resources, our everything, cannot be THE DEATH OF US/ when their theories are proven wrong.
Which means this court stands on the brink of joining those who have proven to be terrorists.
under 74 P. 695, 501 and is governed by the needs of 9 F. Supp. 422, 423.
This is life or death for our entire world! No excuse is accepted/ an investigation in defense of this nation, and the protection of its citizens CANNOT BE DENIED._________________________________________
IN THIS APPEAL: the clerk of the US supreme court; produced a blockade/ as he had done in previous cases. CLEARLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and thereby traitorous in its intent and purpose.
We continue with that reality by remembering the two docketed cases; content found on www.justtalking2.info 08–1339 & 11-100 in US SUPREME COURT trial: docketed means, they shall be decided by a judge or jury. Each [exhibit E & F] was denied by the clerk of the court. Without a judge’s signature that makes each denial invalid, and thereby as the critical source of US judiciary influence: traitorous. It is the clear and obvious denial of due process constitutional law; thereby anarchy, as it consists of an attempt to destroy our democratic government as written and agreed.
The blockade erected by this clerk of the court; against the third trial at the US supreme court which was extra ordinary writ 2023. A trial demanding that the limits and boundaries of federal law MUST be applied to the take over of a small town/ and thereby the people protected as is fundamental for health, happiness, and the protection of property and rights. Establishes without compromise: THIS IS “STANDARD PRACTICE”/ against the laws of this USA. And without doubt supported by the judges of the US supreme court, against our democracy!
The seventh filing 4/ 22/ 13
The substance of US TAX COURT CASE 11108-12L is
The question presented is NOT: whether I am wrong or right regarding threats that can exterminate us all. It is not even whether those who experiment are right or wrong. That is fundamentally unnecessary.
The question is: IN EXPERIMENTS, that literally CAN AND DO endanger our very existence as a planet/ WHICH THREATEN the very nature we require to survive and be happy; as is everything ALIVE! 221 A. 2d 315, 318. 358 S.W. 2d 302, 305.
The reality of a decision that can take away our future, and destroy life on this planet: DEMANDS, WE THE PEOPLE, SHALL HAVE OUR OWN SAY? Is that NOT democratic authority and purpose! Is that NOT “America as it should be”?
The LEGAL answer is: BEING WRONG IS DEATH TO US ALL/ our right to understand fully, and decision for ourselves, without interference: is in fact undeniable!
The democratic answer is: OUR LIVES ARE THREATENED/ therefore our legal rights, and our own decision: IS THE LAW. Our legal authority is, WE, not you; are the owners of this nation, and this state. You are, our employee; governed by the constitution and the oath you do take/ the penalties you do accept: to attain your job. 314 F. 2d 718, 749.
Should we NOT legally be informed; of any and all consequences? Should we NOT be enlightened: as to the risk of being wrong? Should we NOT decide for ourselves: Particularly in experiments using extreme measures. 73 N.J.L. 729, 744. If we are willing to die for this theory, these people who say in effect: “we can be gods”.
Failure to allow our public participation: Becomes treason, 69 P. 241, 243. The reality: you have taken it upon yourselves to gamble: with our lives/ our nation/ every child/ every living thing: and even our world, our nature, the planet itself. 278 N.E. 2d 504, 510. That reality as is fundamental and true states: there is NO POSSIBLE consideration, NO legal construction, or legal conception of: “abiding in the law”, or its justice. By this decision/ that takes our lives, and our everything for their purpose, or to become their toy, AND HIDES EVERY DANGER, as if it didn’t exist. Using media propaganda to disguise what being wrong truly means for life, future, and planet. That is 255 N.E. 2d 793, 795. 95 N.W. 2d. 657, 664; 162 N.E. 99, 100. The law of the case.
DEMOCRACY is proven ownership, by the controls we accept give us an unrivaled authority/ over our employees. More simply: THEY MUST obey the laws/ no discretion, no excuses, no misinterpretation, and no betrayal of purpose or desire. They must protect the future, and defend our lives from all threats. They MUST NOT BE WRONG; when life or death is the consequence.
The sixth filing 4/ 19/ 13
At no time, and under NO consideration of facts, intent, or purpose, not by presidential, or congressional actions: can the constitution of this UNITED STATES, or the constitution of the state of ILLINOIS be considered less than: THE LAW GOVERNING THIS, OUR DEMOCRACY; Called WE THE PEOPLE! 177 P. 742, 744. The constitution IS OUR AGREEMENT UNITING US AS A DEMOCRACY: BY THESE WORDS. IT IS OUR AUTHORITY OVER OUR EMPLOYEES. WE, the people are the law established; by governing ourselves through democracy (we died for this/ we sacrificed for this/ we paid for this. IT IS OURS.) itself; as is the constitution by definition. The contract we declared to be "sacred": the foundation of life in society and law: in this United States and the state of IL. There is no other!
Our constitution IS THE LAW, because the constitution is no less than the authority under which this people does UNITE, the foundation upon which we rule our employees. OUR DEMOCRACY, means: we the people UNITED under this common cause. That cause which unites us: IS OUR LAW, over those we employ to govern under our authority. BY NO MEANS or method, is that an opportunity to rule us. That purpose of our constitution is: to define and create OUR FREEDOMS, and OUR LIBERTY, and OUR DUTIES that govern ourselves in the responsibilities we owe to each other. That demand obedience from our leadership employees by their oath/ because our constitution governs them, through its words, its intent, and by its redress of grievances (power to the people): when proven necessary.
The oath of office does matter/ it is not discretionary. Democracy exists as our authority over you the employee: therefore redress is an absolute guarantee.
The filing 4/ 15/ 13
Even though the US SUPREME COURT refuses to acknowledge receipt of the filings/ IT COULD NOT be more clear: that this is, and is intended to be a US SUPREME COURT MATTER, involving constitutional law/ democracy first/ WE THE PEOPLE, do have guaranteed rights as is the law of this state and nation. Among those rights are: NO ONE shall jeopardize our lives, our world, our nature, our food, our future, our children; and more. As is the substance and merit of this case, which you denied.
Anyone who criminally constructs the consequence of a dead nation/ when their assumptions prove to be wrong: IS A TERRORIST.
From filing 4/ 8/ 13
1. FOR THE COMPLETE FAILURE, in your duties as employees, too: this United States of America. 100 trillion dollars/ as is consistent with the debt accumulation of over $125 trillion dollars; so says the federal reserve. The sale of all substantive "gold reserve"/ and the removal of all reality, in accordance with the inflation noted; as its result. The allowance of "the financial street (all of it)"; to play government and create inflation (the increase in numbers, that represent counterfeit money. NO reality.) at its own demand. Is now overdue against our employees of government.
2. FOR THE COMPLETE FAILURE, in your duties as employees, too: this United States of America. $200 trillion dollars/ as is consistent with the damage done to this nation, by the lack of honor, courage, discipline, balance, respect, disgrace, and all things lacking the substance or reality of your sworn oath, in acceptance of these jobs. The attack on all resources combined/ the disintegration of any and all realistic hope for a future on this planet, or in this nation/ because you refuse the responsibility owed; as is consistent with LIFE MUST COME FIRST. Is the substance of a traitorous act.
3. FOR THE COMPLETE FAILURE, in your duties as employees, too: this United States of America. More than you can imagine/ as is consistent with creating, supporting, "supplying munitions too", defending, and protecting the terrorists: that have threatened our entire planet, our future, our nature, these children, and every living thing in existence. See US tax court case #11108-12L As is consistent with treason.
4. FOR THE COMPLETE FAILURE, in your duties as employees, too: this United States of America. For the refusal to obey constitutional law, AND PROVIDE REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES AS IS FIRST AMENDMENT LAW.
The reality is: what do you owe this people? Their law/ their constitution/ their government/ their lives/ their future/ their children, more than mine. YOUR DEBTS have been calculated; and you are overdue. Subsequently the charges and interest, including penalties exist below
To steal everything of value, or sell it: discarding our rights as a nation; even gambling with our entire world, cannot be less than "prostitution". Exchanging "our sacred", for your money, power, or pride. IS A SERIOUS OFFENSE. We are used and abused, threatened and bankrupted/ lied too, cheated, & Denied rights
from filing 3/ 19/ 13
1. It is a cult, that believes in their leaders so absolutely, that they choose to gamble an entire world based solely upon the delusions and fantasies of a tiny few. When all the evidence supports this will be the end of our earth instead. Consequently it is NOT your right to gamble with the planet and all its life. It is NOT your right, to gamble with this entire nation/ to use or abuse its rights, privileges, possessions, resources, or any other form of "demanding to be our rulers"; in the plain worship of a tiny few so delusional, extremely arrogant, and without the slightest sense of any kind: that they would IN FACT risk every living thing on this earth. It is beyond insane; you have entered into "aiding and abetting satan (for lack of a better word: you do, know what it means)".
Consequently you stole my life, and made me confront you/ because all life on this planet is at risk of dying. By your own choices. Because you believe in fools/ devils, or whatever the religious, as is yourselves call it. Becoming terrorists, and choosing treason, against this world.
as is consistent with civil law: guilty until you are proven innocent!
From filing 3/ 22/ 13
Regardless: I am NOT insolvent as of this time/ that would be a libelous statement, and does not construct a defense against the current US SUPREME COURT appeal of case 11108-12L
I have been assaulted by the IRS against the laws of this land. Your statement in a previous letter that established an intent against the law of 47.5 % interest consists of battery/ the intent of an organized crime to threaten and succeed in the extortion of money not owed.
I have been assaulted by the US TAX COURT and its judge: wherein the battery or attempt at extortion of organized crime as is "we can penalize you $35,000.00" for demanding that this nation and this state MUST OBEY constitutional law.
I have been extorted money by a criminal organization that stole from me with "all eyes in leadership watching" the demand that I am owed depreciation on my truck as the law provided and the IRS allows and enforces for everyone else. I am battered/ denied due process and the law of this land: and forced by the judiciary and the IRS IN direct collusion with each other, to pay money I obviously did not owe.
I have been extorted money by a criminal organization in conspiracy with two or more branches of government, and their organizational heads in direct denial of their oaths of office: in the sum of thousands of dollars. For demanding that my GUARANTEED RIGHTS UNDER CONSTITUTIONAL LAW must be given to me. I am denied due process, citizens rights, and my democracy protecting me; because there are then traitors involved.
I have been refused my constitutional right for a jury trial.
I have been assaulted by both state and federal courts for demanding my constitutional rights/ and removed from further legal actions by denial of access: when the entirety of "my crime" was to demand the first amendment of the US CONSTITUTION must be kept as law/ and the fifth amendment of the IL constitution must be kept as law in accordance and under the values placed as the first amendment which controls.
From filing 3/ 14/ 13
THAT under no circumstances, and by no means nor claim of expertise: CAN LIFE or death for ON THIS EARTH; BE SUBJECTED TO EXPERIMENTATION.
Particularly not, a one time only life or death extermination EVENT.
NOR: A pandemic, CREATED entirely by humanity!
NOR the acceptance of mutilating NATURE IN ITS ENTIRETY, (which is the building of the bodies called life; as IS ORDER AND DISCIPLINES/ BALANCE, STRUCTURE, AND EVERYTHING ASSOCIATED WITH DNA; thereby destroying our very existence!
That which can burn this entire planet, and every living thing, to death: is a heinous crime of terrorism, by the mere fact it exists. When proven wrong, we are literally dead as a planet. Which makes this experiment a weapon of complete mass destruction for our world.
The genetic mutilations, the demand by a religious cult called evolution to: destroy order, and bring chaos into nature: makes life itself unbearable because the bodies we require are then no longer functioning. That is biological warfare against this world.
IN BRIEF: Having established in case 11108-12L US TAX COURT; Osterbur versus commissioner of internal revenue. That this cause and this case, and this purpose of delaying tax: so as to obtain a jury trial under the constitutional law called redress of grievances, IS VALID AND MERITOUS. The critical test for justice is, the most important demand of REDRESS TRIAL:
From filing 1/ 29/ 13
IS: THE CLEAR AND CERTAIN DEMAND UPON THIS TAX COURT: To provide first amendment, redress of grievances as is the law: To this citizen so guaranteed. That is your job! That is your oath. That is our democracy in action/ our right as owners to enforce the constitution itself on you; as you did swear to do.
That is: "A claim upon which relief can be granted"/ IT IS constitutional law!"
There is NO excuse.
To conceive, that constitutional guarantees: cannot be "a claim upon which relief can be granted", in a court of law / as the respondent suggests: Is traitorous.
Accordingly, This demand: the charge of treason now exists.
These others, sworn to protect and defend the constitution; are called to do their duty!
have been added as participants in this suit
From filing 1/ 11/ 13
With check 3122 paid in full, both taxes 2005, and the extortion demanded. All assertion of taxation owed to the "government" falls away; proving this case, is not an avoidance of taxation. Leaving only, the reality of corruption, the demand for constitutional redress of grievances, and the right of this people to understand: OUR LIVES, OUR FUTURE, AND EVEN OUR PLANET WITH ALL ITS LIFE; IS BEING GAMBLED WITH! And the need for "Democratic action (as in WE THE PEOPLE) must come. Or life itself will fail.
Their Failure, created with our money, time, and resources: (the theory is wrong) becomes extinction for us all. That is not a right of government/ medicine/ or business: not a right of university/ not a right of leaders or even nations: it is a sacred promise of the constitution itself: As defined in the preamble of that document summarized: "We will do no harm"/ we will search for peace, security, freedom, and harmony as best we can; for us all.
The actual words are:
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution, for the United States of America."
Its purpose being: to control those, who would control us. To make them swear, they shall obey, protect, defend, and serve the constitution, and this people: by the purpose and authority of, these words. Or there will be legal consequences!
I have demanded in trial 11108-12L that there must be a jury trial to determine: IF WE THE PEOPLE SHALL ENFORCE OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT, to hold our employees accountable: for endangering our lives, for stealing our money, and for refusing to do what is necessary to sustain our future as life on earth.
TO: US TAX COURT, in conjunction with case 11108-12L
AS: a letter to the president Obama
2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E. ST. JOSEPH IL, 61873
this paper is assigned to www.trialforlife.info A sister site to www.justtalking3.info
dated 11/ 26/ 12
a summation of corruption/ graft/ discrimination/ conspiracy/ and failure for which the legal responsibility, and fundamental duty of employment FOR OUR GOVERNMENT, THE US CONSTITUTION (the agreement establishing WE THE PEOPLE); must be accepted, as a need to correct.
The reality here is: that you have deliberately and with clear contempt for the law, with clear corruption against the rules of your job, and complete defiance of the legislative branch of government. The employees of our government, called this USA: are charged with, conceiving of a criminal plot, and executing that plan, to cause me harm.
Established by:
Even though you, and your superiors; have legally been informed, of your failure, in the tax liability of 2011. By the US TAX COURT, and by me; as a matter of record, in the case 11108-12L " United States and Commissioner of the internal revenue" being sued.
From filing 11/ 26/ 12
IN US TAX COURT: case 11108-12L
The foundation of legal rights and guarantees; as a democracy, unto ourselves. Through which, we govern ourselves by law/ has been denied.
The organized criminal contempt for both this society and the individual is clear. The conspiracy to deny constitutional redress of grievances proven with absolute clarity. The failure of policing, leadership, and the courts: at all levels of leadership in reality is: a fact that cannot be denied through the many trials presented by James F. Osterbur. In the courts of the state of IL, or its federal affiliates, or its supreme court; both state and federal.
The critical concentration of power, that recognizes this union as a democracy has been betrayed; stealing our rights, destroying our government: which is the constitution itself. By our employees presenting themselves as "the government" instead; is treason.
From filing 10/ 16/ 12
a first amendment trial, of the US constitution
the charge is now TREASON
in this US court. By these realities:
1) the deliberate denial of first amendment constitutional law and subsequent law removed from the court under false pretense. "Not a proper document to be filed with the court".
2) aiding and abetting terrorists/ protecting them from investigation and/ or prosecution. The return of exhibit #7
3) the illegal destruction of evidence in a court of law. The deliberate removal of due process: the right to be heard/ the demand for democracy/ and the elevation of governance by the constitution itself.
accordingly: these others, sworn to protect and defend the constitution; are called to do their duty!
have been added as participants in this suit
to insure they do: other high ranking officials are now called, to fight for this democracy as well; the list of governors starts it.
From filing 8/ 4/ 12
IS: THE CLEAR AND CERTAIN DEMAND UPON THIS TAX COURT: To provide redress of grievances as is the law: To this citizen so guaranteed. That is your job! That is your oath. That is our democracy in action/ our right as owners to enforce the constitution itself on you; as you did swear to do.
That is: "A claim upon which relief can be granted"/ IT IS constitutional law!"
There is NO excuse.
{THE ELEMENTAL DEMAND FOR INVESTIGATION OF TERRORISTS: DEMAND TO KNOW, WHAT HAPPENS IF THEY ARE WRONG! No guessing: HOW do they put out a fire that burns atomic bonds (EVERYTHING IS FUEL), at millions of degrees, and miles high? THEY CANNOT: they gamble with this planet, and every living thing on it.} ASK THEM!
From filing 7/ 3/ 12
To legally participate in redress: (we demand answers) as we the people in this our government, by demanding accountability and ownership, over our nation; as we the people under law. This Requires, A courtroom and its jury shall identify the right, by their vote: to call a greater audience, thereby to demand by majority a trial. The decision: IF WE SHALL investigate "this grievance" in our own presence, as a people? By examining the evidence, demanding the truth, punishing those who refuse. In trial, for the clear purpose to decide for ourselves: what is the truth; as best we can.
To discover: if we have or have not, been betrayed, or turned to disaster; to decide for ourselves, if there is a better way to achieve both society and governance as we desire it to be under the constitution. as a democracy.
Demanded of the court: LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE, their own fate/ THROUGH REDRESS!
From filing 7/ 30/ 12
Each of which are now evidence in this trial of the judiciary, and/ or those who consider themselves to be, the leadership of America; that refuse redress of grievances for this people.
The demand is for constitutional law to be upheld, the first amendment guarantee to each and every citizen established for me, as the legal right of ownership that democracy grants to WE THE PEOPLE; through our right under redress to demand accountability from our employees/ and establish true democratic control; as we the people desire it to be. That is neither "light nor frivolous": it is democracy itself taking root. It is our lives, our honor, and our freedom at stake in this trial for constitutional sovereignty over the court, its hierarchy, and those who would call themselves our rulers.
The evidence of this case is: that the judiciary DOES NOT obey the law/ DOES IN FACT disregard and destroy the purpose of their own oath: which is to guarantee "if we give you this job"/ your every action and response will be within the purpose and desire of the constitutional document to which you swear: shall govern our lives, our nation, and our future. Not you the employee, but our constitution as written.
This court not only fails to properly establish this case, it contorts itself by looking for any means possible to consume the substance of this trial, and attack the merit of constitutional law itself. Neither is viable, nor legal; nor within the authority of this court or its judiciary.
That evidence is further established by the return of "petitioner exhibits" identified here.
Such excerpts as established in the second filing include:
"Constant with the demand that our employees MUST obey the law/ the foundation of any and every contract: "You do this work for me/ and I will pay you as agreed"! Must be upheld as the foundation of a right to demand that work contracted, SHALL BE DONE.
That is a foundation principle of law, therefore adequate and principled and well within the rights of evidence and law: the court by its authority conceives of perjury.
From filing 7/ 23/ 12
A false oath under Perkins and Boyce Criminal law 511 (3rd ed 1982) establishes a willful and corrupt sworn statement made without sincere belief in its truthfulness has consequences; whether by a clerk/ a lawyer/ other/ or a judge is irrelevant. Rather the use of "official authority or position" does NOT allow any representative of this nation to, create and send to me a false return "frivolous or improper". That understands and supports by the evidence: there is an intent to injury me and my case/ my cause established under the constitution, and its law/ its demand for due process IN A DUTY PRESENTED under constitutional law. Under this petition to simplify, support, and define the guaranteed right called redress as is a foundation guarantee of the first amendment; equal to "freedom/ religion/ speech/ and press", thereby identified. A demand under the law 266 S.W. 2d 723, 726. In this beginning of trial, as was the purpose of a commissioner for the IRS assumes, a claim for money/ the law 52 N.E. 635, 638 appears. The foundation response by this litigant/ petitioner for constitutional rights, and true contractual duties owed to me, by the employees hired to do the work and provide this law, called redress; as is our foundation called the constitution. This democracy itself, has been identified as our government. NOT an employee shall govern (these are merely hired to do a job)/ but the constitution itself is the government; as the truth called WE THE PEOPLE, who shall rule ourselves, by the law we create.
DUE PROCESS OF LAW under the fifth amendment understands three significant things with regard to this lawsuit:
The fact that I am threatened with a $25,000.00 fine DOES constitute a grievous financial loss to me: and I again invoke the 7th amendment requiring a jury to decide "frivolous or not". Or it is clear and certain extortion/ a charge extending, without substance or merit: IS A FELONY taking of property/ a clear and certain theft. The conspiracy between agencies/ employees of this US government to steal, constitutes my own right to charge these agencies with a one million dollar fine: attempting to deny to me my guaranteed constitutional right/ the clear threat, used deliberately, 314 P. 2d 625m 631. To force me away from constitutional law. penal code 5.03. Constitutional law is NOT under the authority of a judge/ a judge is under the authority of constitutional law. 208 U.S. 412, 420.
3. Due process owed to me, 341 U.S. 123, 162-163 understands that treachery in the court IS NOT allowed. Rather the purpose of constitutional law reaches out to protect this citizen/ and sustain or deny a courtroom with its individual employees regardless of position: by allowing and acknowledging, "the constitution itself is an army described by the law". 140 F. Supp 925.
From filing 7/ 13/ 12
Redress is: LET THE PEOPLE OWN THEIR DEMOCRACY, by using the court to demand our employees account for what they have done. We begin with bankruptcy/ but beyond any doubt, THE THREATS WHICH CAN MAKE US EXTINCT as have been identified in this courtroom: MUST BE INVESTIGATED/ EXAMINED FOR TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH; Because our lives, our nation, our children, and OUR EVERYTHING depends upon the singular fact: WE CANNOT BE WRONG, in these things. Or we die.
No other explanation of redress is warranted at this time, as all understand: "This is not the democracy of our preamble"/ this is not, what our employees were hired to do for us! Which means the contract between we the people/ and you the employee IS BROKEN. There are lies established against us here/ our financial basis as a nation, is ruined here/ we the people have been cheated out of our right to control those who do literally gamble with life, planet, absolutely everything" and that is completely UNFAIR, ILLEGAL, AND UNJUSTIFIED. WE HAVE RIGHTS, particularly clear: My life, my world, the nature I need, the value of every child and every living thing; ARE NOT to be played with. It is fundamental and fair/ you need not be told this: because YOU KNOW this. Which then conceives and proves not only a criminal act/ but terrorism itself. That, to gamble with our lives, even our entire world, is terrorism, at it's base level, it is attempted murder. Because a theory proven wrong; is an entire world on fire just like the sun. Or even to be right by these fools, who would concentrate "extreme light (the energy of the sun hitting this earth into one laser beam)" means: we are dead, as a world. Fusion, the burning of atomic bonds will destroy us all.
This is the demand made upon this courtroom: GIVE ME REDRESS AS THE FIRST AMENDMENT DEMANDS IS MY GUARANTEED RIGHT. IT IS THE LAW! Then PROVE, as does the evidence presented demand: that these experiments with energy/ with nature; at levels intentionally putting our entire world at risk: "cannot be granted relief, by the court". Cannot be investigated, or examined for the truth, and the reality of what it means to be WRONG: when being wrong ENDS LIFE ON EARTH.
You Demand tax from me. But I demand reality, truth, and law from you; the defense not only of this democracy, but everything we are, or the future will be; FIRST. Then I will happily pay the tax. Or more simply: stop killing this world! As is consistent with every guarantee/ every lawful right granted to the American citizen/ contracted and sworn by the leadership of this nation, "you AGREE AND ACCEPT" the demand to obey: FIRST YOU MUST HONOR THE GUARANTEE; and then you will be paid.
I, James F. Osterbur: do hereby declare, that a true and correct copy of this first filing has been mailed to the following parties at the addresses so listed:. Placing the parcel, in the US postal service/ as prepaid mail on the date of 2/11/14 TO: CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
STATE SUPREME COURT Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson 233 S. WACKER DR. SUITE 4030 Chicago IL
IL IRS; Box 19035 Springfield IL 62794-9035
Lisa Madigan IL attorney general office 500 S. Second st. Springfield IL 62706
Governor Patrick Quinn State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
DUTY, is the development of a distinct decision, a signature in truth to the people who own it (I AM, standing here, for a purpose you will understand). We are a world at war, with those who would out of disrespect, and a complete disregard for reality and truth destroy us all. The trial that completes these sites, given as a dispute over taxes/ identified by the words of the US constitutional article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. Income as is every form of money earned: a private property: that cannot be taken for taxes unless there is just compensation; as in WE ALL benefit from this/ NOT just a few. US congress has just approved another loan of $11,000.00 per one in three citizens (babies and all) to pay themselves more money; in salaries and benefits (where do you think the money goes!). This state has approved for itself pensions that we the citizens here cannot afford.
That however just opens the door, to our truth need: WE ARE THREATENED WITH EXTINCTION, and must address that reality by investigation of all the facts, examination of what goes WRONG, and how that will affect our future, your children, our world, and our lives. Thereby making a decision for ourselves, that these leaders cannot! The responsibility to defend your world is ABSOLUTE/ nobody is excused; when our very planet, and every form of life is threatened with extermination: not a game/ our reality. You are not asked to believe that level of threat/ YOU ARE ASKED, to join this lawsuit Champaign County IL 14SC-2 court date is March 7, 2014; And make redress, a first amendment law/ and a guaranteed right of the US constitution happen. So that we all have the opportunity to understand our situation, and our future: AND MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS. Video Advertizement: short version / middle/ long version.
101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E
ST. JOSEPH IL, 61873
www.trialforlife.info Www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
as represented by GOV: PATRICK J. QUINN
State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
dated 2/ 7/ 14
case #___14SC-2__
Jurisdiction declared: In Champaign county court: as in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights included page 2: 20 ILCS 2520 I am taking issue with this assumption of debt by; demanding JURY TRIAL. By demanding class action suit! As is my legal right!
the battle-cry: our constitution controls!
a quick review:
US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. A CONTRACT! The money I have earned is “private property”/ and as such you MUST justify and establish what is truly in support of all: “we the people/ our freedoms/ our rights/ our authority over government by constitutional law/ our needs/ our future”; when used. A debt must serve all the people! To accomplish ANY form of expenditure, beyond those real life descriptions. Requires our vote, as society itself.
This is: THE REVIEW AND ACCOUNTABILITY of leadership/ the understanding assembled to know: If our employees have obeyed their sworn oath/ TO PUT OUR GOVERNMENT, as is the constitution FIRST? Our needs as we the people before, any other decision possible !
The elemental reality of democracy is: that we are united under the constitutional contract, that is OUR OWN DESCRIPTION, of what we the people have chosen to be our government. This is the essence of democracy, and the reality of that contract between ourselves as WE THE PEOPLE: and our government through its employees; that are governed by our constitution. No representative is given the right to discard these governing laws, or endanger the people. Particularly not gambling with our entire world, its true nature, or its life in any form. That demand of we the people; is an oath of office, given, as your proof: “You agree; TO GUARD, the freedom and guaranteed rights to every individual citizen. That is your job. Those laws called constitutional foundations for life, work, and leadership in this state and this nation: CANNOT BE DISMISSED, AVOIDED, DENIED, OR DESTROYED, by our employees. WE ARE THE OWNERS! WE, ARE THE AUTHORITY THAT OWNS all; “LAST and FINAL, INTERPRETATIONS, DIRECTION, DECISIONS AND RIGHTS”.
WE THE PEOPLE, are America/ those employed to do our will, and assigned to provide for the children, their future; MUST as well protect and defend our lives and our future; as governed by constitutional law.
The failure, that accepts gambling: with their nature, their planet, their democracy, and their children as if; nothing more than toys for the purposes of “university knows”: IS TREASON! Penalties exist.
Foundations continue
The consequence of every society that becomes overburdened by their employees of government is: that they must identify and determine what is “measurable justice/ and what is failed, defiled, or traitorous; including what is worse, as is terrorism. To accomplish that need, the US constitution and the IL constitution both accept the reality of REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES as the legal means to resolve all disputes between we the people/ their employees; and themselves. The legal accounting of problems and realities; whereby the people then judge for themselves. But as is consistent with treason, those who believe themselves to be rulers rather than employees insist that they shall not be accountable to the law, the constitution, their oath, or we the people. The law says: “Justice is blind, and does not know one from the other, allowing nothing for position or pride or money: all ARE EQUAL!” The constitution says, in Amendment 1: that their shall be redress of grievances/ it is that simple, so long as there is peaceful assembly, and NOT violence. Or more simply we shall decide this by our constitution and its law. The oath of office says quote: “I do solemnly swear, that I will faithfully execute the office of _____, and will do to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
It is worth mentioning here, that every state MUST accept the limits and boundaries set by federal constitutional law; and they cannot diminish that law under any circumstance, or any state law or decree. It is further stated article 3. Section 3.1 “to adhere to the enemies” of this nation, is also a crime: Desertion of duty/ the active and deliberate support of experimentation that CAN MAKE US ALL EXTINCT! Are examples of treason. THE FAILURE to accept and defend constitutional law, to protect democracy itself and the economic realities of our lives, are further examples of treason. No matter where that criminal activity is found.
Which does mean: IN ANY PRESENTATION OF EVIDENCE, that can be asserted as terrorism, as is experiments that when proven wrong: CAN make us all extinct! Or simple betrayal of this nation itself; as is counterfeiting: hidden by debt. THIS STATE OF ILLINOIS, IS REQUIRED TO DEFEND ITS CITIZENS, and that does include against federal leadership, all enemies; that fail, this state and nation. Refusing, LIFE ITSELF, must be protected/ and must come first, before any possibility of death for a world or its nature; NO GAMBLING! The failure to protect and defend our world, establishes aiding and abetting the enemy. The failure to accept, the first and fifth amendment of the US constitution as law: is treason. It is your duty, as representatives hired to protect and defend our lives and our state and our nation: TO CONFRONT AND INVESTIGATE ALL EVIDENCE AND CLAIMS OF TERRORISM OR TRAITOROUS CONDUCT. None own a right to gamble with another life. None own a right to gamble with every life, and even the planet itself: that is the law! None are to be protected by mock trials: TRUTH MUST DECIDE! This government derives its power, from the consent of the governed: THEY ALONE have the right to gamble with a nation/ BUT NONE have the right to gamble with our world, its nature, its children, or its future. That is terrorism. The failure to confront terrorism/ to prove: what can go wrong is NOT “horrifying”; is required. Terrorism in all its categories/ by whatever means possible; is against the laws of this state and nation. None in government are allowed the religious conviction, “we believe”/ therefore they are allowed. That too is against the law/ proof MUST be absolute, when the price of failure is extinction, terror, or horrors so extreme even the imagination lacks an ability to describe. There is no greater domestic violence, than to gamble with all life on earth. US constitution Article 4. Section 4.
It is clearly stated by oath above: that defending all parts of the constitution, is NOT discretionary. It is clearly stated in the preamble of this USA; that our agreement, our legally accepted governmental purpose: as a united people shall be: quote, “WE, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”.These words comprise the foundation of what every person who swears: to get their JOB; accepts this job, as their governmental duty. Each and every constitutional amendment constructs a legal duty, without discretion or interpretation beyond what the people themselves expected; when the words were bought, and protected: with BLOOD. No frivolous excuse is allowed.
To understand judicial power, is to understand that there are limits and boundaries which cannot be broken, without betrayal. One such betrayal is, that the judiciary cannot be thrown out, without severe trouble. The constitution in article 3 allows only: quote, “the judges both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during GOOD behavior....” And that certainly does mean, NOT BAD behaviors as in letting irrelevant rules control constitutional law, or discarding justice for trivial assumptions, or remove constitutional protections to proclaim themselves rulers, or hide terrorists from investigation, or removing ownership, rights, decisions, or the protection of life and this democracy from the people themselves. As has been proven in irrefutable court documentation through the various trials that depict and identify the reality of our judiciary, leaders, and more.
CIVIL WAR begins with the understanding: WE ARE THREATENED WITH EXTINCTION! Our nation is threatened with complete economic chaos, because of leadership counterfeiting. OUR WORLD is being raped for the very resources required to keep us all alive. Our state of IL has enslaved us, for the purpose of a very few. Our democracy, the right as owners to call for accountability, and the proof of ownership which is to judge, and decide for ourselves: redress of grievances; has been denied. That is betrayal US constitution article 6. 2. Thereby our laws and our government are being destroyed. The constitution rules/ not our employees; MUST be identified and defended.
Having created irrefutable evidence, through courtroom trials (James F. Osterbur, vs/ both state and nation)/ plus clear proof available through media and other forms. Proves corruption (the judiciary denies the constitution) / collusion (the judiciary and leadership, refuse to obey the law)/ conspiracy(the judiciary, leadership, and police refuse to investigate themselves)/ anarchy (our resources, the very future of our world, are being destroyed)/ betrayal (the judiciary, leadership, police, and media refuse to provide OUR RIGHT to be informed of experimentation than can make us all EXTINCT)/ terrorism (not only is our money, our nation, and our rights stolen, but traitors use it to play god over our lives)/ traitors (very serious matters are refused by frivolous rules, and irresponsible actions: our nation suffers at the hands of a cult; our government is denied to us) and a complete disregard for all future life on earth (every child is assassinated, because that is what the future holds for them; in chaos and war).
The foundations are then laid, to determine and conceive of the legal battlefields needed to resurrect our democracy, and our lives from failure, terrorists, traitors, and fools.
The reality created and defended: Demands EACH AND EVERY FAILURE TO PROTECT, DEFEND, OBEY THE CONSTITUTION, OR SUPPORT LIFE FIRST by any individual; particularly when terrorism is clearly defined and supported by the evidence: DEMANDS A DUTY/ AND ALLOWS NONE DESERTION. Our world, every life is at risk/ and none can prove otherwise.
Assembled by reality, the primary power of the people themselves against their employees is: THAT WE SHALL NOT PAY, to have our democracy, or our lives destroyed. That gives “weapons and power”, to those who are now accused of traitorous conduct. To accept that a tax must be paid today: means that tax is going to be used for the purposes established in the preamble of the US constitution, or the expansion and stability of its guaranteed rights, and foundation purposes. That does not exist today, thereby a legal tax revolt: the withholding of tax to demand the return of our true democracy/ the reality and relationships that govern our currency, alter our society, destroy our ownership, and threaten our lives SHALL BE STOPPED FIRST! To do less is a desertion of duty; it is America surrendered to complete failure. We must return ownership to ourselves.
Instead: we are attacked by liars (this inflation of our money is counterfeiting for personal gain, as in their own income, benefits, etc)/ thieves (our economic lives are now in ruins, as determined by the reality of numbers) / cheats (we have not shared in the numbers being generated, which means ORGANIZED CRIME exists)/ and traitors (our very nation is being dispossessed, as this counterfeit money is being passed around the world, and coming back to literally take away our property, business, resources, industry and lives).
The law is an army of one, and needs no other help to convict, or assign punishment. Noticed as to punishment: is the trial of the Oklahoma bomber; whereby the man who failed to PROPERLY notify the authority (we are the authority, this nation, this nature, this world is ours, and in no possible way exists as owned by our employees. The terrorist act in question today, gambles with our nature, literally; our very world, and every life on it), of the potential called terrorism: was given life imprisonment. THE TRAITOROUS acts that are assembled as proof, of our employees deliberately denying our constitutional law; to become our rulers; is for the people to decide. The enforcement of that law, is a decision of WE THE PEOPLE, as the only true owners of this democracy: it is our right/ and we shall not be denied. Because that is treason by the people themselves. There are no exceptions: either we fight for our nation, our future, and our world/ or there is nothing left BUT COWARDICE! Not a choice, a reality of our time. To insure the laws of this land are kept in clear and consistent respect to their intent, and purpose of democracy: the office of the presidency exists. Not a game.
Because this is a trial assembled against the state of IL in dispute of “just compensation for taxation”; a US constitutional amendment, article 5. The fundamental levied begins with proven extremely frivolous, a football stadium “emperors box” for 129 million dollars/ and the clearly prejudicial expenditures that are without doubt, entirely unjustified; where is our pension! Establishing for these few: against the lives, and by their enslavement: of every other citizen in this state of IL. Extreme debt for all, but pensions only for the favored few (common throughout history; for all who call themselves “King or queen”. Who declare themselves to be superior “nobles” to ourselves) thereby worth so much more. US constitution article 1. Section 9.8.
To achieve domination over this people called the state of IL; our employees conscripted an army against us. Of “college diploma” soldiers, whose insistence they are special, and deserve more than all the rest; has been proven completely unfounded, and without substance. Yet the theft is clear, without doubt, and a betrayal of us all. As their entire contribution to life, is now seen to be death and disaster coming. Whose full disclosure of purpose, as is now seen: riches for themselves/ slavery for all the rest. Making toys, for their amusements; out of life, planet, and nature.
In its more simple sense: those who account themselves as employee of this state of IL/ have been granted an extra-ordinary privilege, granting themselves presents, emoluments, titles (diploma= better), and pensions; above and beyond the people, they are intended to serve. Demanding: Every other citizen in this state, must pay them, at a level far beyond reality. With their own work and resources; for this special disease, that seeks our own destruction; a free ride in luxury; for these who are doing nothing. Our taxes, our work, our resources, MUST BE GIVEN TO THEM; till the day we die/ with absolutely nothing in return, till the day they die.
Expanded, that means those employee of the federal government, have given themselves the same, extra-ordinary privileges, trophies, benefits, and rewards. While Every other citizen must pay them, with their own work and resources; for these who are doing nothing, but destroying our state, nation, and world. A job they were paid to do, but failed/ and then quitting very early so we can make their lives easy; because we slave. It is slavery, particularly when the currency is now worthless by all standards with reality. Worthless because all that counterfeiting was just to pay for themselves/ and leave us with nothing. “Its what kings and queens do”!
These realities DEMAND: an accounting and a true relationship for JUST taxation, which does not include REAL compensation for all: AS IS THE ESSENCE OF DEMOCRACY. SAME/ EQUAL/ FAIR/ by the foundation called JUSTICE, for WE THE PEOPLE; not slaves or fools; just for “you”. An involuntary servitude, has been established/ without exception. The demand to accept you are superior, because of a diploma/ and thereby get more than do we: when the wages are particularly low, (we don’t get to share) absolutely does construct slavery. In direct opposition of amendment 13. In direct conflict with reality, YOU are destroying this state, nation, nature, and world; by choosing for your own greed, and teaching others the same.
There is no constitutional amendment granting social security/ which means it is an illegal construction; because until it is constitutional law. Therefore it is not within government authority. Even so; The Clinton administration removed social security from the federal budget/ but kept the entire amount paid into social security, as federal income; separated from social security, and funded only by “IOU’S”. Then called the federal budget “balanced”. That is theft, WITH media and judicial collusion, or conspiracy.
That is treason, when you are hired to protect the resources, and defend the securities: for we the people of this nation. Instead: To steal our money, for old age/ and use it for your purposes, to cover us your failures; through what is called government: is an organized crime which includes congress. That is traitorous, and constructs anarchy as is now becoming seen.
Changing the constitution, is governed by “the will of the people themselves”/ and if they so desire to resurrect social security. Then it is their duty to ratify social security as constitutional law. If they do not, then there are NONE who have attained social security. The IOU’S of social security today are roughly totaled to be, 70 trillion dollars: let the employees of government prove otherwise. If they say: “we have it”/ then let them put that money in a separated account without borrowing, and without their control; thereby it shall remain untouched; apart from those called government/ and available only to those who are recipients.
If we the people do pass the amendment, then there is ONLY ONE social security, and it applies to all, the very same; as described by that Amendment. FAIR PLAY means: There shall never be “a special class” who receives benefits above, or different, than all the rest/ which clearly includes all governmental employees. Same is same, equal as citizens no difference in the money received/ unless you have too much, and need it not. How is that not a constitutional precept, proven true, by the purpose of democracy: to insure none are rulers or receive special treatment? All the same; Let the people decide.
To borrow money on the credit of the United States article 1 section 8.2. Is a decision based upon reality/ the possibility of repayment! If there is no possibility of repayment/ THEN IT IS NOT CREDIT! But constructs thievery, extortion, the sale of assets that belong to this nation; NOT to our employees/ the reality of fraud, and the consequence of inflation hidden; which is counterfeiting. There is no credit, when you cannot pay: to proceed is “an unreasonable seizure of our assets”. It is constitutionally banned; US constitution article 6.` 1. Our agreement to hire those employees under “sworn contract” as a nation or state includes: that this constitutional contract must be strictly construed, and each “leader” shall then be confined as “subordinate to the public interests”. To destroy our currency/ to hide failure: then becomes anarchy.
Employment as government officials does not include insolvency/ slavery/ fantasy/ or acts beyond all reasonable doubt, that this is in the best interest of the state or nation itself. And not just you! There is no grant as employee, to discard reality. There is no grant, to hide inflation by calling it debt. There is no grant, to destroy the value and securities of this entire people; not state or nation; by corrupting their currency/ their economic reality; with numbers beyond all possibility of repayment. Or by war. There is no grant, to collect taxes for the purposes of treason. Treason is: the deliberate destruction of our nation; by choosing against democracy as is “we the people deserve redress”. Treason is, the destruction of our currency: inflation is the expansion of numbers beyond reality; organized crime is the reality, “we are not participants in this theft of our future” the few took it all. Treason is, the destruction of our unity, peace, future, life, democracy, or world; thereby the potential destruction of experimentation that intends to bring a ten million degree fire here/ or replace an orderly, disciplined, balanced nature with chaos/ or discard all possibilities for every future, for every life by destroying resources/ or stealing from the children, claiming let them pay for your failures IS traitorous. PROVEN Terrorism (gambling with every life on earth) supported by our own employees, with OUR money: IS TREASON. Treason is the dispossession of our nation, by giving access to many others: because of your lies, counterfeiting, and complete failures, are distributed as our debts across this world. Borrowing lies, to cover that inflation as OUR debt; to make yourselves seem “rich”.
Each and every one of our economic values, every democratic need and right, every form of life and future: is under attack. Our money, our lives, our children, our world and our nation are NOT “ to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution” DEFENDED by our employees, and neither is our constitution. Instead this reality of governmental employees, for decades, now reeks of organized crime, and terrorist activities against us all life, and especially we the people of this USA. The limits and demands of constitutional government are destroyed by employees intent upon being our rulers instead. Things like, “presidential limits on expenditures for travel and entertainment at a maximum of $100,000.00 utterly destroyed.
One trillion dollars is equal to ten thousand dollars per each and every individual of one hundred million people. Just federal debt alone is now 17 trillion dollars. Or roughly for one in three citizens of this USA, babies and all: They have been placed under a new debt load strictly because of federal officials at $170,000.00 apiece, in the last 12 years or so. Or more simply: those who received this promise of payment, granted by our employees against we the people: now hold the keys to buying one hundred million properties, worth $170,000.00 apiece. How is that not dispossession; and there is much more!
Federalreserve.gov table L5 proves trillions more has been counterfeited, and thereby lent as if it was affixed to some reality. However currency inflated beyond all hope of payment: has no reality. Added together; the sum total of all inflation roughly is: 17 trillion federal/ 70 trillion social security/ 145 trillion national debt. OR IN PROMISES MADE: for which someone expects us to pay, the debt load divided by 7 billion people for simplicity: every human face the same, in this world equals $33,000.00 per person on the planet.
Which means “this is NOT debt/ and neither is it credit”. It is lied about inflation, which only the few are granted access too. That is treason: our work, our resources, our democracy, our future is tied up in what are called the securities of currency. All of it dissolved by a tiny few whose job did not include: anarchy/ treason/ or betrayal.
Or, more simply put: the delusions and realities of your lives, and our nation will not stand much longer. The crater is deep, the consequences are real/ and bankruptcy IS LITERALLY: the only way out! Like it or not is absolutely irrelevant/ they failed, now we fail.
Rebuilding is by war or law; MAKE YOUR DECISION.
THE MOST TRAGIC REALITY OF OUR LIVES; a university diploma, threatens our planet, our nature, our resources, our future, your children, our everything WITH EXTERMINATION. Our truth is nothing less than this, it is fact proven true by the consequences of being wrong!
In courtroom after courtroom, both state of IL and US federal and US supreme courts: the reality of being wrong is dismissed with the causal grasp of a true religious cult. Or, more simply, “we need not question the university about what they are doing/ because they know EVERYTHING”. That is not less than a religion/ and it is not less than a cult for each member of that religion that refuses reality, and cannot accept truth when it is a proven fact. To be wrong is not a game/ and there are no second chances with the same fire as is on the sun/ with destroying the balance, disciplines, order, or structures of nature which is genetics; INTENTIONALLY TO BRING US CHAOS, as is the religion evolution unleashed on us. There are no second chances when resource loss equals death for every life on earth. No second chances for environmental, or planetary changes we cannot survive. No second chances for food, water, ocean, insects or every other facet of the chains we require to survive; so that we can then survive too. There is absolutely nothing about life or living, that is not under attack by the university so called “elite/ the extra special, arrogant ones” so determined to play god with our lives, our planet, our everything; that we, your children, our nature, OUR WORLD; have become their “toys”. No government has this right to threaten or support or hide or provide sanctuary to those who are nothing less than terrorists. Whose “bomb” is intended to destroy us all! That literally does make them “SATAN”; a religious word, but you do know what it means: Destroyers of a world!
Throughout courtroom trial: at no time were any involved asked to believe in me, or let any assumption carry the weight of irrefutable evidence. RATHER, IN EVERY COURTROOM TRIAL THE DEMAND WAS: WE THE PEOPLE MUST BE NOTIFIED! Of what happens when this is proven wrong. THEREBY given our own opportunity as life, to decide if our very world, and every living plant, creature, etc; in it SHALL BE GAMBLED WITH?
Refused in its entirety, by those who believe they can choose: TO GAMBLE WITH OUR LIVES. Because they believe, “university knows”/ and by a diploma assume they are rulers instead of employees. Sufficient cause was presented to assert: they are, or can be wrong. Which means an entire planet will die. The judiciary proves only games to play, lies to promulgate, forces to hide, rules to hide behind, or the deceit to accomplish an open rebellion against constitutional law. Thereby denying democracy (our constitution rules) itself!
We begin again: with the single most conspicuous failure! The university says: “We can bring a ten million degree fire here/ because there is not enough gravity to hold it down to earth: SO IT WILL JUST EXTINGUISH ITSELF! A fire, that clearly burns atomic bonds! To a planet made entirely out of atomic bonds: WHICH MEANS EVERYTHING HERE IS FUEL FOR THE FIRE.
The second: geneticists intend and have been working for the deliberate purpose of “Destroying the order/ balance/ structure/ and disciplines of genetic nature [our literal existence as a body of life]: so they can bring “their god” evolution to this planet. Evolution is the religion that says, “chaos built everything, one piece at a time”. So the question is: JUST WHAT PIECE OF YOUR BODY, don’t you need? In evolution thought is irrelevant/ or it comes last. Answer the question: what can be done without thought, or a body that works? Nothing! Their assertion of Adaption: is merely the evidence of “perfect design”/ or; I knew this would be needed, so it was installed in “the software of design”. There is no going back; like any other pandemic which are known disasters caused by the boundaries crossed between species. These terrorists intend and act to cause extreme pandemic’s crossing these boundary lines/ and then releases their disease into nature; “every single day”. SATAN at work.
The third: EVERY resource is the difference between life or death/ how many do you suppose can live in a desert? EVERY chain of life, is the difference between those who will eat, and those who will die. EVERY breathe of air you take, keeps you alive courtesy of the oxygen produced by other life on this planet: every fire, engine, etc uses oxygen/ and it is a proven fact, that we use more than this planet now produces; CHANGE or die is a fact. EVERY search for water, is now threatened with poison; an extreme attack on every water resource in this USA is under way/ and soon there will be nothing to drink; because that, is what you chose, the reality of what you did not respect could go wrong. Go search, and prove the evidence will let you survive. SATAN is here.
The cause and consequence of each battlefield, each courtroom: is summed up by the simple words, “Without a religious affiliation, it would be impossible for these things to have happened”! It takes NO DAMN genius to understand bringing the same fire here as is on the sun/ CAN DESTROY ALL LIFE. It takes NO DAMN genius to understand DESTROYING NATURE ITSELF, for the purpose of proving evolution IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE! It takes NO DAMN genius to understand, we cannot live without oxygen, food, water, chains of life, environment ETC! It just takes an absolute arrogance without respect for life in any possible way, to believe these can play god. It takes a religious zealot, and a cult following: not to question SUCH EXTREME realities of life or death for an entire world/ and just believe what the propaganda tells you to think. Which means: this entire nation has been indoctrinated “like a MEDIA caged experiment”; to believe only what the experts say.
Or more simply: you don’t think, the “expert decides, and the news tells you”/ therefore you wait to be told. By the propaganda news, and the universities who survey you endlessly to learn what it is you will accept, and thereby believe with “just a change or two”. Or you are continually indoctrinated year after year: to believe whatever media and advertizing tells you. Not less than guilty for your own part in this tragedy for the planet, and the nation. BUT NOT TRULY INFORMED OF THE CONSEQUENCES in any form. Because: the truly arrogant, and greedy have done everything they can: to keep you IGNORANT AND BLIND; and continue that today. They made you, “Believers too”/ just not zealots; the difference is: accepted, because the nation is out of our control; only an expert has a mind/ you have nothing to offer. Is that not so? They own/ you slave.
That can only mean: invaders have been here/ tyrants have overtaken our nation, as is seen by the currency, and our state as proven by their intent to install slavery/ traitors and anarchists have consumed our laws, courts, and government/ and we are alive today, only by “Living on the edge of extinction”.
WHY are you scared? It is worthless. Fight for life. But fight with the law, there isn’t enough planet resources left; to rebuild everything you will destroy with a gun. Which would then mean, the fight is worthless. BUILD WITH LAW (THIS IS, what we demand) AND DEMOCRACY (WE DO, have a vote. But NOT a vote for someone to vote for me: MY VOTE, ON THE LAWS AND RIGHTS AND REALITIES THAT DECIDE OUR FUTURE), it is the only way.
Time to let the evidence decide. Which does include US SUPREME COURT CASES 08-1339 and 11-100 realities of constitutional law, wherein the lawyers for this nation found no cause to complain; and only the clerk of the US supreme court denied. THAT IS CRIMINAL FRAUD! Only a judge can rule on a legal case, documented, docketed, and assigned before the court/ none did.
Which does mean, by default both of these cases demanding the constitutional law, of first amendment rights: TO REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES, for this nation DOES exist. And have been won.
Redress means: together we stand, for the guaranteed rights, freedoms, and realities of law that are declared in constitutional words & intent. Together we shall judge our nation, by investigating the realities of our lives. Together we shall assemble the information that CLEARLY STATES: what will go wrong if these experiments fail/ and choose for ourselves, if anyone shall gamble with all life on earth. Together we shall decide our future/ because we have earned that right, and it is OUR LAW! Together we shall own our democracy again, by law!
We, are the owners here; because we are the experts in democracy. Or, more simply: each one OWNS their vote/ together we inform/ together we then decide. Its called “THE UNITED” States of America.
All of us, NOT “just a few”/ who have already proven to be failures.
Expanding to
The question presented is NOT: whether I am wrong or right regarding threats that can exterminate us all. It is not even whether those who experiment are right or wrong. That is fundamentally unnecessary.
The question is: IN EXPERIMENTS, that literally CAN AND DO endanger our very existence as a planet/ WHICH THREATEN the very nature we require to survive and be happy; as is everything ALIVE! 221 A. 2d 315, 318. 358 S.W. 2d 302, 305. The reality of a decision that can take away our future, and destroy life on this planet: DEMANDS, WE THE PEOPLE, SHALL HAVE OUR OWN SAY? Is that NOT democratic authority and purpose! Is that NOT “America as it should be”?
The LEGAL answer is: BEING WRONG IS DEATH TO US ALL/ our right to understand fully, and decision for ourselves, without interference: is in fact undeniable!
The democratic answer is: OUR LIVES ARE THREATENED/ therefore our legal rights, and our own decision: IS THE LAW. Our legal authority is, WE, not you; are the owners of this nation, and this state. You are, our employee; governed by the constitution and the oath you do take/ the penalties you do accept: to attain your job. 314 F. 2d 718, 749.
Should we NOT legally be informed; of any and all consequences? Should we NOT be enlightened: as to the risk of being wrong? Should we NOT decide for ourselves: Particularly in experiments using extreme measures. 73 N.J.L. 729, 744. If we are willing to die for this theory, these people who say in effect: “we can be gods”.
Failure to allow our public participation: Becomes treason, 69 P. 241, 243. The reality: you have taken it upon yourselves to gamble: with our lives/ our nation/ every child/ every living thing: and even our world, our nature, the planet itself. 278 N.E. 2d 504, 510. That reality as is fundamental and true states: there is NO POSSIBLE consideration, NO legal construction, or legal conception of: “abiding in the law”, or its justice. By this decision/ that takes our lives, and our everything for their purpose, or to become their toy, AND HIDES EVERY DANGER, as if it didn’t exist. Using media propaganda to disguise what being wrong truly means for life, future, and planet. That is 255 N.E. 2d 793, 795. 95 N.W. 2d. 657, 664; 162 N.E. 99, 100. The law of the case.
The accumulation of threats, 237 U.S. 309. Its understanding: as is consistent with our legal right to defend and protect ourselves, your children, our future, our nation, and our world: 25 F 556, 558. are listed below. 329 N.E. 2d 880, 885. With the clear intent that an investigation must ensue, and the reality of our own decision, as state or nation: SHALL rule, what is or is not allowed. 167 P. 619, 620. That begins the fundamental called justice/ the legal right called ownership. 203 S.E. 2d 739, 740. Or more clearly THIS IS OUR DECISION/ not yours, not theirs, not even this nation: because gambling with all life on earth, with the planet itself: IS NOT YOUR RIGHT! IT IS, TERRORISM.
1. Because a tiny few said: "Let us bring the fire on the sun here TO THIS EARTH! The national ignition facility NIF (with 500 trillion watts of power), and 192 lasers all surrounding and focused on the same spot in space and time”. Quote: NIF will achieve....180 million degrees F/ .....only three places in the space and time of our universe have ever produced anything close to these conditions: the big bang, when the universe was a primordial fireball: the interior of stars and planets, and thermonuclear weapons. A supernova is...18-54 million degrees F....the extreme density at NIF is larger than that achieved by a core-collapse supernova-an exploding star- or when two neutron stars collide.
Their theory is: "not enough gravity here to sustain it". Is enough to risk all life on earth. This is their defense for bringing that fire here/ that “ it will extinguish itself.”
Not a game, if that fire does not put itself out: then it grows, and consumes the earth; it burns atomic bonds: which means EVERYTHING is fuel for the fire. That fire, will eject our entire atmosphere in roughly 40 days. They DO bet our lives on what is literally a one time experiment/ NO going back! We cannot put out a fire that is 8-10 million degrees hot/ with flames said to reach 12 times farther, than the distance of our moon to this planet. Which means we live or die, as a planet/ based upon their theory!
From me in opposition: THERE IS absolutely NO scientific evidence that the fire on the sun is “fusion: the joining of two hydrogen atoms into helium”. That is an outright lie, USED to make the fire seem “safe; we can control that”. Where is the helium, etc! These terrorists, simply want to play god with the sun, “what, is more powerful than that”.
So we begin again on the theory of gravity that the sun is extremely massive, and thereby the anchor itself, in solar construction; as mass. Thermal dynamics, or Thermal expansion means that the fire seen on the sun has grown apart from its source fuel/ because it must, or be turned back upon itself. Consequently the fire by expansion lifts from the surface of its fuel. As is plainly seen with a candle. The sun is not, “the functional reality of its flames. Instead clearly we know by thermal dynamics; that the energy has expanded enough to allow room for itself on top of the flame. Heat expansion requires it/ the greater the heat, the more room required. Because this is a sphere, we know that the expansion is even greater than what would normally be seen here on earth, because there is no place else for that expansion to go, other than out. Like a flame on top of a candle/ the heat expansion rises above its fuel source, by a substantial amount even at a temperature change of roughly 500 degrees F. Your scientists proclaim that the aurora, outer edges of the sun’s flame are millions of miles long and millions of degrees F hot. That means, the actual mass at the center of the sun CANNOT be anywhere near the mass they believe it is/ because thermal expansion will not allow it. It is a law of the physical universe.
Lesson five: your scientists theorize that the mass of the sun, is extremely hot at its core. They base their entire conclusion about gravity on this illusion. However the facts cannot support that theory, in any shape or form. If the core was on fire, then the entire mass is being consumed, all at the same time. IF THE ENTIRE MASS is being consumed at the same time/ as is a house on fire, all at the same time: it will be reduced to ashes quickly/ and will not be sustainable for long periods of time. We know the sun is relatively speaking: about as hot as it was several thousand years ago, by written human history; therefore we know that the relationship between a sustainable fire, and a fire that is literally out of control is determined by how much fuel is being burned/ at once. To retain its fire at a constant level, for these thousands of years: it cannot be consuming all its fuel at once. Rather that fuel is suctioned up, in the flames above.
Lesson six: in the reality of a supernova, as your scientists state, “they know”. The first part of that reality in time and space is: for the flames of a sun to grow in size and heat. Therefore we know, that MORE FUEL is being burned. Simple as that, no other physical force can cause this effect/ therefore proven true. For more fuel to be burned, there must be fuel available that has not been involved in the flames before. That means the core cannot be burning as your scientists say/ unless they can prove as they suggest: the heavier materials are last to be burned at the center core. Which would mean: somehow the lighter/ less dense materials such as hydrogen would be burned first. That is contrary, and in open denial of gravitational pull/ and thereby unproven or dis-proven by their own theory. Because heavier materials sink to the bottom/ center first; is that not so. Consequently for a sun to burn as they say: it must consume the heavier materials first/ because that is what is available at the core. Leaving only less energetic materials/ with less gravitational pull for last. So they have defeated their own theory. Even so, the composite description demands a major explosion at the end of this cycle: without “dense explosive materials” how is that possible? Again proven wrong. When only the lighter materials are left, it is simply a flame dying out, smothering itself so to speak/ and the mass that is left; turns cold.
Lesson seven: your scientists declare, “that the sun is made out of hydrogen/ a gas”; because that is what their spectra-graph shows (lines that show a chemical signature, in a machine dividing the physical view of light). There is no doubt as to the fact that the most common “release of ash” so to speak, during a fusion fire is the least massive or most simple combination possible in atomic environments. Because everything else has burned away. Not a lot of pollutants coming off the sun from that fire/ which means nothing escapes, but the simplest elements, most of which can be reformed as they escape. The simplest elements possible to reform; are hydrogen first, and some potential helium. Or more simply the sun is NOT made of hydrogen/ the hydrogen seen is simply the result of the fusion process, the reassembly of what is left: its “smoke” if you will/ which turns out to be hydrogen.
So then lets review: your university diplomas/ with your political leaders providing your money: are gambling this entire planet and all life on earth/ BASED UPON the simple theory, “there is not enough gravity here on earth;” to allow fusion fire to continue burning. They consider it to be, an explosion that simply continues on as fire/ rather than an actual explosion that expands so rapidly it cannot be contained as fire. Which means to them that such an extreme gravity exists, a pressure so immense that it melts the core; which holds the fire to the sun. That defies the law of thermo-dynamics (heat must expand/ NOT contract). That refuses the laws of an action or reaction must occur. “If gravity” simply melts into the core and disappears into nothing: WHERE IS THE PROOF/ & WHAT IS GRAVITY, that you gamble our entire planet on these assumptions?
The critical review of fire however, even here on earth where we know the difference between a molecular fire, as is common fire/ and a molecular explosion as is seen in such things as TNT, are not the same. There is a difference between an explosion, and a fire/ the energy release is entirely different. Which means the situational realities are also completely different. They assume that a thermo-nuclear bomb is fusion released; because of the energy/ rather than a fission bomb as is considered to be the first atomic bombs used. However, where is their proof?
2. When you hear the words truthfully, that understands with all certainty: the university terrorists are mutilating every form of life on this planet/ altering life as they themselves describe. Fully knowing the reality of pandemic's are generally created when a disease crosses species barriers: and these terrorists are doing it intentionally, “EVERYDAY”. Literally injecting chaos, into the genetic (NATURE IS, the building of a living body) reality of our lives, and our world. Quote: Scientists have begun blurring the line between human and animal by producing Chimeras-a hybrid creature that's part human, part animal.... fused human cells with rabbit eggs....for years scientists have added human genes to bacteria and farm animals....not only life as we know it/ but also "life as it might be"...synthetic biology-including synthetic organisms, biological engineering, artificial chemistry, origin of life, paleogenetics.... cloned...first human embryos. Quote: created an organism with manmade DNA...worth more than a trillion dollars..."its pretty stunning when you just replace the DNA.....and in a short while, all the characteristics of the first species disappear and a new species emerges...means cheaper and widely accessible tools to build bio-weapons, virulent pathogens and artificial organisms that could pose grave threats to people and the planet. The danger is not just bio-terror, but "bio-error"... sequenced and stored in digital form, will move instantaneously across the globe and be resurrected in ....labs thousands of miles away.
NATURE ITSELF, is the "factory and instructions and utilities etc/ that build the bodies of life" called DNA. Not a game, every living thing is at risk! Balance “two hands/ two eyes, etc. Disciplines, including thought, eye focus, “sewage” realities. Order: if your muscles are not grown in a specific sequence, and through a distinct pattern: “nothing works correctly”. ETC! Evolution is “chaos controls everything; WE SHOPPED, and picked out anything we wanted, it was all free”/ a religion without substance or merit: a fools fantasy! What did you build out of chaos? Thought alone builds. But reality knows: what builds us/ can just as easily destroy us instead.
Quote: "Building an evolvable physical self-replicating machine is a grand challenge. The main problem is that the device must be capable of hereditary variation, that is replicating in many configurations-configurations into which it enters unpredictably by mutation. Template replication is the solution found by nature........replication must be maintained by preventing side reactions such as spontaneous ligation, cyclization, product inhibition, and elongation of staggered ends. The last of these three results in every lengthening sequences in a process known as the elongation catastrophe. The extreme specificity of structure required by the monomers is indirect evidence of some kind of natural ......prior to existence.....life.
FROM ME IN OPPOSITION: as is the reality of the last paragraph made above: biology is NOT a simple mix of chemicals in a pot, stirred/ it is not numbers to be rearranged. Mutilations cannot be undone. Pandemic's cannot be reversed. Lives destroyed, bodies of life horrifyingly mutilated intentionally: is crucifixion of life itself. Biological weapons can kill 97% + already, of humanity. These things are biological warfare against us released by university and others: with your money! Logic asserts: the only possible explanation for this terrorism is the intent to kill billions/ if not an entire world. The power is: bow down, or we destroy your body and mind; everything you value as life or world.
And government employees combined with media propaganda demanding your support; your money, and tolerance for the destruction of nature itself; is unyielding. The courts refusing all critical information to be given to you, regarding the consequences of being wrong: equal, Terrorists one and all.
With our money, and with support from our universities, and leaders: these exist.
3. Consider the next big thing an exowatt laser: stated to be 1million times more, than 10 billion 100 watt light bulbs of heat, packed into a single laser beam. (Grab a 100 watt light bulb and see. Imagine the heat of every person on earth 7 BILLION of us/ holding 1.4 million : one hundred watt light bulbs EACH). An instantaneous release of energy equal to one million/ one trillion volt lighting strikes; ALL hitting the same place at exactly the same time. And they are building three, aligned by triangulation; these lasers can be combined into 3 million/ one trillion volt; lightning strikes, all hitting the same place at the same time. A fire so ferocious/ PACKED INTO A LASER BEAM; That it will ignite the same fire as is on the sun/ here upon this earth instantly. The exowatt laser does represent the single most likely event to destroy this world immediately: expected roughly 9/1/2015. Although the others, are equally dangerous. Time does run out/ this world dies only once. Are you willing to be WRONG? There is no going back, these are life or death trials for our entire world. How much more information do you really need? Logic says: these scientists know/ which means the power is threatening all life on earth with death, in their hand.
4. Scientists said: "lets play with the single most destructive event in the history of this universe". They have currently created a 5 trillion watt explosion at CERN: the instantaneous release of 3.2 billion btu’s of energy or 67 billion units of horsepower. In their tiny cage fueled by numerous atomic energy power plants. Not a game. Very NEAR to igniting that fire, which would destroy us. Other planetary damage as well.
FROM ME IN OPPOSITION: Their reality at CERN: is an environment of extreme atomic de-stabilization/ coupled to an electron mass so extensive: that it can allow a completely different state of energy suspended outside of time. That electrons WILL retain its connection here. Or more simply: even just one impact that escapes the consequences of time in this experiment, can multiply and influence changes in every other proton that is going through that energy, causing it to grow. The stage is then set with a cloud of electrons set apart from the nucleus of atomic structure/ considerable lost, to the surrounding environment; but what remains is "determined". Three things happen when "a train wreck of protons" above the energy levels called time are caused to exist. 1. The orbital reality of electrons is moved to chaos, but still connected. 2. The critical structure of a proton/ neutron relationship is changed to become aggravated: relieved of disciplines called time. 3. A separated environment establishes its own rules and laws.
The answer is: that a big bang did not happen without structural disintegration. That means: SOMETHING "sliced and diced" the mass to be blown apart prior to the big event so that everything could go at once. That means in real terms "a proton" so energized no physical resistance could oppose that force, existed against it. But tied by "electrons", this force moved back and forth through the mass at tremendous speed. Thereby destroying atomic order (time itself), a little with every pass. THIS is what they do!
Separated from extreme threats listed above: but still able to damage or destroy us all. Realities REFUSED, by the courts and the media and all leadership: TO INFORM “the people, and let them decide”. Logic says: unimportant, because the religion of “university knows” intends to kill us all. As they have already abandoned the future, and now live only to make us beg.
1. We burn more oxygen with fire, than this earth can produce/ you also cut down, mutilate, or destroy the very organisms that produce the oxygen we need. Biosphere 2 project clearly defined the amount of oxygen being produced. "The average person uses about 3,000 liters of air to breathe a day; a small car, driving one hour, over average distances: use thirty times that much. A large truck over one hundred times more." Think about it: using more oxygen just for fire than the planet makes/ WHAT happens next? The answer is, the OZONE layer is the storage container for thousands of years of excess oxygen generation: when its gone, “its just the atmosphere”, and what this earth can make. Answer the question; are you going to survive?
2. Antibiotics are failing/ which means the factory farm is nearly extinct: a single pandemic then destroys the entire herd; across this world (taking your food with it). Close confinement DOES NOT work without antibiotics in feed. We cannot wait to rebuild, ANY livestock herd or flock/ and probably can’t rebuild. Too many mouths to feed. We have NO OTHER means or substantial methods left: to raise or keep these animals currently; therefore it will be cannibalism. Antibiotics are what make most of your healthcare possible; surgery without is worthless for most/ the disease will get you. "All gone, for a few pennies, and a little ease". Pharmaceuticals of all kinds; sucked in by the handfuls; ARE without doubt causing the increases in autism, asthma, and more; chemicals of all kinds, ADD IN. Mutilated foods are a clear concern in allergies/ and the livestock which eats that mutilated crop, can easily become allergic to it; which means they then all die, and cannot be returned. Your “experts” are a tiny handful of people guessing: and being paid well, to guess as they are told/ or as their religious university cult demands, “believe in us”! Consider all your “pharmaceutical, bad drug: lawsuits”.
3. Only one inch of rain reaches or replenishes an aquifer/ per fifty inches of rainfall. Ethanol is added to fifteen percent of all gasoline used in the USA/ times at least three gallons of water to make it/ times (guessing another two for irrigation, etc). The Ogahalla aquifer stretching across several states is known to be nearly dry: “the dust bowl returns” with no end in sight. You lose “a billion bushels, and more”. Trillions of gallons of water have been pumped into gas fields/ oil fields/ coal mining/ used in chemicals/ made toxic by chemicals/ contaminated from radiation or garbage/ removed from saturation into the aquifer by tiling; and a whole lot more.
Go find out: what are you going to drink. Test your wells, particularly where ethanol is made: when will it go dry? The aquifer collapse. Understand this is no game/ it makes war. The reality of opening pressures beneath an aquifer: sure as hell ain’t worth no damn job. It takes only one earthquake (or other possibilities), to change what is contained gas, from under a water source: to become a released gas: we cannot drink it! Just like the Japanese: “our generators are great/ nothing bad can happen”; you are now very vulnerable. As tsunami’s prove. But then the people who say it, do commonly leave/ or take the money and run away, when things go bad. No water means no life.
4. There are experiments in nano technology, small enough particles to invade cellular structure and clog immunology, function, foundations of life and life processes as well as other cellular activities Self replicating means: potentially complete overtaking of the biological system/ even every biological creature or plant on earth. Can’t get rid of it/ can’t stop it: pandemic IS a true possibility. Your media presents only propaganda, “it will be great”.
5. The advances to artificial intelligence are an easily detectable threat. It will be horrible because it can be horrible/ not because it has to be? Machines to kill you, controlled by a tiny few: is the essence of insanity itself: we are trapped, they just won’t die. Your media presents only propaganda, “it will be great”. With GPS, we will find you “anywhere”/ preparations are already underway. But not to worry, “you have guns”/ isn’t that so? So when the leaders order: go get their guns: “its your job” (call for backup)/ and the people refuse, we won’t let you take everything away (call for backup); the ensuing massacre heard around the world. Is a bloodshed event, that will be HORRIFIC, after all, you got guns. The reality in advance: With bribes being paid by counterfeit money: the result of which is, that all the property in this nation is being sold to a tiny few, including foreign nations. “Like Palestine” YOU TOO, are about to wake up without a nation to live in. “Its all gone”. Your media says nothing. And your counterfeit money taken in place of titles and property, will dissolve into nothing, “overnight”. None will save you, “its their law”; so guns are all that is left.
Can’t happen here, it already has. Search REIT’s and find out who owns your nation/ find out who owns the property, and how they bought it with counterfeit inflated dollars, that you have nothing to do with. They don’t share the numbers, “do they”? Hell no. But last year the federal government borrowed 1.5 trillion dollars or so/ that equals $15,000.00 per one in three citizens of new debt. Your media says nothing. That does not include the inflation directly responsible for controlling the GDP numbers, from manufacturing and all forms of actual business. By changing roughly 5 trillion dollars of actual work and products. Into 14 trillion dollars, “courtesy of wall street, and your big bankers”. If it didn’t come from business/ THEN it is “imaginary money, and a promise to pay/ what cannot be paid”. Because one trillion dollars is equal to $10,000.00 per each and every one of 100 million people. That is the math. This is your debt. Federal reserve table L.5. But it does not include $70 trillion or so in social security, nor state debts; and without doubt bonds hidden; etc. If you look at the table, you will find gold: divide the gold by the price per ounce today/ and it is NOT “Fort Knox full”. Just a semi load, or so, for the entire nation. “Reagan” sold it all/ and the media didn’t say a word. Clinton hid social security debt, by separating it from the federal tables, saying “it’s the people’s debt to themselves/ not the governments responsibility”. BUT THEY KEPT THE MONEY, and didn’t fund anything, claiming in that lie: “We balanced the budget, and owe nothing”. And your media said nothing. The people then all said: “Oh boy, MORE bribes”, don’t look no farther: LET GREED CONTROL. STILL think it can’t happen here? Dumbass.
6. The introduction of mutilations such as Bt corn (kill any insect that bites, sicken many insects in contact with the pollen/ and the pesticides based upon that same chemical reaction/ or other types of killing. DOES sicken the entire living world that lives on insects, or lives on the results of insects. Killing the insect world, IS transforming the rest, destroying “the bottom, as we know it” of the food chain on up. IT IS destroying a vital link in the chain of life on earth. Cities and yards the same.
The determined end of habitat for all but what men want, IS the extinction of species, by removal of diversity/ poisoning everything in sight, water, and everything else. Devastating OUR POLLINATORS, the creatures who ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR; an entire base food source to this world. The entire system of pollination, from all its creatures, to all its seeds (sterilized or mutated), to all its life is being decimated. We are about to enter and live within and forever changed as, "a true silent spring". Where fruits and vegetables no longer exist/ where much of life itself is now extinct. You cannot take the food, the homes, sicken, alter or injure reproduction, breaking apart the chains of life and more: without extinction. As is so evident today, and will accelerate. The only thing left: swarms of insects dedicated to the plants men do want: MORE poison.
7. Fail to feed fish populations that you have so badly decimated, and they cannot return/ therefore you starve; and WAR. Global warming exists as is proven by the loss of ice cover in the ocean in 2011-12 in a size more than the United States of America. Much of the initiating ocean food chain begins on the bottom of those ice flows. Therefore not only is the ice gone/ but so is the food/ and so is the relief from human trawlers (can’t get me here) dedicated to “taking them all”. Just so you know; the only thing we have to spare to feed the ocean is: dead human bodies. The ocean feeds over a billion people/ you already have a billion hungry/ and another billion coming before 2020.
8. "It's a choice"/ or more clearly its your choice: to fight for this world or just surrender as cowards! Think for yourself. The media and its constant propaganda “the university knows”; regardless of how little you are told about anything important or real. Is subjected to the term: brainwashing from the cult of their religion “university cannot be wrong”: we are believers. The tragedy of belief is: you can believe anything you want/ it is absolutely irrelevant. But only truth determines if it is real. Truth is NOT a game or a theory, or a delusion by its fantasy. Truth is not “this makes me money: so shut the hell up”. Truth is reality proven, by consistency; or proven by the fundamental: even without true knowledge established by life itself/ I believe love can do this. Love is a truth. The elemental threat is: that you have been led, (you are told what to think/ rather than understanding or investigating for yourselves) and we do stand at the edge of extermination from this planet. Because your leaders “believe” in university knows. The evidence proves them entirely wrong, in terms of: LIFE, and our DEMOCRACY in every decision, MUST COME FIRST!
9. Evolution is their excuse, it will fix anything they destroy/ so they say: “a pure fool’s dream and fantasy”. They do expect: Something new will come out of your chaos, their intentional destruction of life on earth, (we CAN MUTILATE LIFE, because evolution will fix it) "in a million years or so". You want to wait a million years? They have proven nothing, but adaption: the sign of perfect design, and clear thought: “I knew, this would be needed”. Evolution is the basis of genetic mutilation: “We can do anything we want”/ without responsibility, TO LIFE! IT IS “A PURE (what could be worse; but do remember above) THREAT OF EXTINCTION”.
10. Of the various things available for us to see the past/ one of the most clear is: that to have created the vast amount of coal, oil, and gas underground/ major caches of organic debris had to be accumulated. Then some buried thousands of feet down. The ONLY KNOWN mechanism to do this is: There had to be a world wide flood/ nothing else could bury this amount of debris, all buried at one time, in the same places, on top of each other; so as to produce these quantities. Of relatively pure life decayed, into coal, oil, and gas. The same religion that establishes this flood declares, "the next time" by fire. So enters; fire as on the sun! A religious prophecy or not: we do stare at “it is coming true”! “Lake of fire, and so on”.
11. THERE IS NO WORK/ NO LIFE, WITHOUT RESOURCES. How long before you have nothing left? How long, before a critical part, a critical material or element, disappears forever? The future assassinated, along with every child! The business media brags: “in the last ten years” we have produced and sold, more than the entire history of humanity put together. How long, before it is all gone, with 7,000,000,000 people demanding, wanting, and needing every single day “for a hundred years or whatever it is they live before they die”? How many does a desert keep alive? Your life too.
12. More simply, when the ice melts, you cannot "make cold" anymore. The heat required to melt this amount of ice: will NOT have anything to stop it soon. As simple as “your glass of water cannot be cooled without ice”. This world will increase in temperature by ten degrees a year; soon! Because it is a “multiplying cycle”/ the more it accelerates, the more it accelerates. Great amounts of ice have melted, some say enough for a 20 inch rise in sea level around this earth. THAT IS, ALL THE PROOF REQUIRED: TO PROVE GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL! That means you have moved "this much weight" from its location on one tectonic plate/ to another tectonic plate shifting the balance and disrupting the stability of these earth structures. You do this with mining too. Creating tsunami’s, earthquakes to come, etc. The major impact on global warming is not only burning fossil fuels/ but air conditioning: heat to generate electricity/ more heat to remove the heat. Blaming greenhouse gases is just an excuse to remove responsibility: “It’s the planets fault”. Dumbass.
13. The current situation in USA with weather: is likely to remain abnormally hot and dry: on average/ because ground temperature can prove there is no great deviation from hot to cold across the nation. That temperature difference creates the weather and its rain. Just because it is hot or cold in your area of the world, has nothing to do with the reality of an entire world. Our weather will change, is changing, entirely because of human impacts. We are “Tearing our only house down”. Shifting weather patterns/ changing food production or water resources: causes massive “human movement”. The world is full/ which means war will come.
14. We cannot be wrong about energy experiments. We cannot be wrong about genetic crucifixion of life, or mutilation. We cannot be wrong about weapons of mass destruction. We cannot be wrong about food or water or anything that will make us extinct. We cannot be wrong about oxygen. We cannot destroy the ocean life, WITHOUT true consequences to humanity. We cannot be wrong: Because if you are/ the planet dies, and you with it. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
15. Because men want NO DIVERSITY/ they want only what they want, it is the search for money: that ends the diversity of life. That process, establishes unintended consequences, and describes environmental change. The chains of life are real, break a chain and everything dependent upon it fails to survive. It is the cost of chemical pesticides/ herbicides, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, and more; interrupting life. Creating Dead zones. Dead or damaged rivers. Dead eco-systems. Entire chains of living organisms dead. Pollution without recourse. Radiation as well/ already more than you know, or can imagine. Failure at every level.
16. We cannot ignore Yellowstone super volcano/ if it erupts; life on earth will die by the billions (just in the human population); a reality of consequences. Thought must prevail. We can intervene by drilling to relieve the gases that cause an explosion to occur. Without the gas, it can only be as is an Hawaiian volcano; no explosion. There are Possibilities that can be changed to intervene; for tsunami’s both man-made and natural.
17. THE OCEAN FEEDS OVER ONE BILLION PEOPLE (you already have one billion people hungry). Factory trawlers that “take them all”: are Ending the food supply for every other kind of fish dependent upon that food supply too: such as tuna and others. Killing entire " sea nations at a time". It is devastation on a massive scale/ nothing left for predator fish. The tiny few left are defenseless. No balance: it's a man's way.. Nothing but want, and greed. "Make me rich"! Don’t come back, until the ship is full! The list is very long, regarding human tragedies created upon the sea and its life;
I will let those more educated by studies of fundamental science: NOT theory; inform you, with regard to critical decisions. As is consistent with all descriptions here.
18. Ships Are now invading even the last refuges for the very last stocks of many types of fish: because the ice is gone or leaving, in the Arctic, and Antarctic .. That is extremely bad; the next generation lives here! People, Are genetically mutilating creatures of the sea. A complete we don't care attitude, a "we are gods" arrogance. What is the result: IF NOT a DEAD OCEAN? You are polluting/ stealing from base food sources/ poisoning/ attacking with noise, such that it makes creatures deaf, effectively killing them/ interrupting ocean currents with global warming/ killing the incubators of ocean life/ killing the creatures that make oxygen/ extreme garbage dumps / invading sea life with diseases caused by entrapment: and much more. None of which is sustainable, all of it a man-made disaster.
19. While human engineered crops are currently producing more: in exchange you have opened the door to an epidemic/ a catastrophe: that can kill the entire plant/ leaving you with no option but to abandon the entire species once this has taken over. Life is not “simply numbers to be rearranged”.
Life is, the very critical reality of “lower species” that must get along in the same place (same body) and do well, and NOT contaminate or invade the other species (and their needs) that form together to create a more complex living structure.
IF ANYTHING goes wrong in that living environment; the entire plant or life dies. If anything escapes and contaminates the rest of the species by any one of a variety of methods: the entire species will die. YOU HAVE NO CLUE/ “university doesn’t know/ can’t know/ won’t know, until it is far too late. And they race outdoors, with every mutilation: specifically to endanger everything they can, “to prove evolution, by changing life; themselves:” CATASTROPHE IS COMING! A religious cult gone mad: or evolutionary priests demanding, “we have NOTHING/ so, we will make it happen”!
Is it not said: that asbestos poisoning takes 30 years to erupt into trouble/ until then, “everything is fine”! Think about it.
The vast majority of plant seeds are now sterile; and the base “natural” plants from which all “engineered seed originates” is nearly extinct (very little new seed production per plant) : too much interference. Consider that a warning. All life, “needs a reason to survive (happy)”/ slavery, and prison; isn’t it. Or it accepts suicide.
20. The extinction of multiple species in all categories of life is consistent with: “You changed everything/ WE CANNOT survive”. Reminding you again: You are killing all pollinators at once/ with poisons clearly introduced that weaken their defenses and make them vulnerable to everything. You are affecting every species dependent upon insects and pollination; including you. Your chemicals have invaded every landscape and environment.
JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT THEM, does not make any chemical safe for life, or the pollination/ reproduction of a species. These are dependent upon “cleanliness”. As all are forms of living within specific boundaries/ and if not consequences occur. There will be trouble.
21. You have built death and starvation searching for easy money/ we will control it all. You have built "superbug's/ or extremely powerful diseases with antibiotics: that can invade us as well". You will starve. YOUR surgery and healthcare are very dependent upon antibiotics: and that means, you die too. Most antibiotics are completely worthless today, ABUSED. All are going in that direction: ending close confinement livestock farms, your easy healthcare, and your chance to survive. Because the factory farm is not going to quit on its own, until disease takes it away: TOO LATE. Healthcare will simply rise dramatically in cost; as will death.
22. With one billion people already hungry/ 2 million more added EACH, and every week; as the human population grow; they need more. A population that is over 7 billion + people: A POPULATION THAT WILL BE 8 BILLION before 2020. 9 billion, by 2028. A sea so badly damaged today; it is about to die/ leaving another one billion hungry with no place to turn, and NO water to drink. How is that not war or cannibalism. 3 billion hungry people in less than 7 years: COMING! With no food or water to give them. HOW are you going to survive? What will war use, if not weapons of mass destruction: “Just too many, kill a billion people/ STILL 6,000,000,000 to go”/ and growing. And that does not include disease, or the release of biological weapons. It will be chaos: hell on earth.
23. Because men don't want to pay the price for life: WHICH IS, from this point forward: ONLY LIFE FIRST MUST LEAD. BY ITS OWN TRUTH/ no more money first, no more want first, no more insanity. ONLY LIFE FIRST, forever. That is your choice. Or the world itself will die/ taking you with it. The consequence of that is: we must find “different leaders”; or the ending of us all, is plain and simple.
24. With a world filled with nuclear bombs, only twenty five detonations of which are said to be enough to end life on earth: Time is limited, you will be dead. World courts, governing leaders with law and world policing: to enforce OUR LAWS/ we the people. Supported by all nations, as policing power: IS THE ONLY solution. Which means we must have one single overriding language; so we can all talk and understand: the deaf know best! What is important.
25. With many nations holding biological weapons, whose stated efficiency is OVER 97% DEATH RATE in humans if released: WORLDWIDE. Your leaders believe they will escape: prepared/ too bad for you. With university experimentation that is already biological warfare released: you have no chance to survive unless you control them, and take away their tools. Make all, just as vulnerable as everyone else. The consequence is: Killing anyone who refuses to obey: NO MORE OF THIS.
26. PURPOSELY trying to cross humanity with any other form of life, in a direct crucifixion of the genetic stability of nature itself. THE INTENTIONAL HORROR, injected into living creatures of life on this earth: as is mutilation/ consists of such things as “if it were you, finding worms in your chest, eating you alive; limbs simply falling off; “order died/ balance ended/ disciplines destroyed: and so on”. This is.... Crucified/ in any life form.... the intentional killing by torturous means! The Media cults, propagating "how great this will be; we are gods"/ praise the university, all bow down and give up your money, and your life.
Functionally: It is Armageddon (nature in chaos). Coming true.
27. How is an angry world, a world stolen from, and berated as less than "us/ the extra special smart people" going to stop itself from war. A humanity reduced to slavery by the extreme prejudice of “university over life”, in all ways and with all money, opportunity, and soon to be property. Men reduced to slavery; choose war as their answer, how is not the GUNS SOLD a clear indication of your future? You threaten yourselves, or more correctly your “university gods” have proven to be devils in disguise: taking far more than life can provide/ and sharing nothing. Removing life must come first for this planet! That is a threat.
28. 7 billion people growing at 2 million more each week! A world of people, that ARE: Standing on one acre of "growing land" each. This world is limited, that acre of growing land “farmable” must also produce enough for every other creature alive on land as well as you. Crop land that can grow nothing, which means it is not even an acre now. The children will grow, and need, want, and demand MORE.
29. Want a better world, create world law; to govern leaders/ & dedicated world police, to intervene where life and law demand we must. Those, who will not attack nations, BUT WILL bring their leaders to justice by trial, or if necessary other means of enforcement and denial of superiority, including death for leaders, if necessary. The law, Will enforce our need to control those who intend to control us.
30. The separation and protection of women from men in terms of making a nation different: we are equals. IS A TRUE incentive to men, to make the other men change. To change themselves: So that the women will return. Which means simply: any nation that fails to treat women fairly, MUST BE DIVIDED into “women here/ men there”. Until JUSTICE AND FAIR PLAY, THROUGH EQUALITY FOR ALL is served; for women/ and for all. You will protect the women; as a world. For enough time to establish whether the men will change. IF NOT, those women who refuse to return, shall be allowed asylum in another country. Let the men fight, give them weapons/ but make them change: where it is necessary. The women MUST make their legal demands clear!
31. Want to use all the resources of earth today: HELL yes/ no worry, we will just go get more! After all, how much stuff can 7,000,000,000+ people take, every day/ every year for their entire lives: answer the question!
32. Armageddon means: "Nature in chaos". Geneticists are actually working as hard as they can, for the last fifty plus years/ DELIBERATELY trying to cause genetic stability, disciplines, and balance to be destroyed. They believe once they see it fail/ then they will know what to do, to "be gods themselves". I say: instead of gods/ they will be "satan"; the destroyers of this world. WE CANNOT FIX, “WHAT THEY ARE DESTROYING”! That means it is a life or death question for this entire world. Are you going to stop them entirely/ NO exceptions. Did they fix A.I.D.S.? No, they just made it possible to infect more!
33. Just your garbage dumps/ failure to recycle properly; prove the reality of leadership. “Lets throw it all away”.
34. You have numerous nuclear power plants, that all have a distinct life expectancy: because corrosion WILL eat away at the pressure vessels. They won’t tell you, “just before the explosions occur”: there are always excuses. They don’t tell you when toxic waste sites are full. They don’t tell you anything/ and the media joins them, because the money controls. The people with money will leave; just too bad for you! You must participate in understanding and reviewing the evidence/ and you must pay the price for intervention; whether you like it or not.
35. You have an extreme threat under one of the great lakes, that has been defined; and will not be again, because of terrorists. Solutions are at least in part; somewhat available.
36. Of all the failed schemes and declarations, “we are the superior ones”/ that have clearly brought us to the cliff edge of extinction for an entire world: little has been more destructive than, “let one, or a tiny few” speak for all. This has become, the “land of the expert, and the media” ( a monopoly, 18 N.W. 2d 905, 908. as have others invaded our nation, to rule)/ we have all failed ourselves; because they chose. INSTEAD OF TRUE DEMOCRACY WHICH IS: LET ALL, “speak for one”!
I, James F. Osterbur: do hereby declare, that a true and correct copy of this first filing has been mailed to the following parties at the addresses so listed:. Placing the parcel, in the US postal service/ as prepaid mail on the date of 2/ 7/ 14 TO: CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
STATE SUPREME COURT Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson 233 S. WACKER DR. SUITE 4030 Chicago IL
IL IRS; Box 19035 Springfield IL 62794-9035
Lisa Madigan IL attorney general office 500 S. Second st. Springfield IL 62706
Governor Patrick Quinn State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
THE REALITY of case 14SC-2 is: as indicated by the lack of substantive correspondence from the court and lawyers for the defense, as in the state of IL. That the clear intent is, they are very likely, going to deny the tax payer bill of rights 20 ILCS 2520 AND its fundamental constitutional law demanding “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”; because they cannot win against the law itself. So as case after case provided by me to prove redress of grievances as is first amendment law; denied to us all, ILLEGALLY. The reality of that statement is now expected to continue with this case, unless a suitable number of people join the petition to demand redress and fair equitable treatment for all taxed citizens shall be addressed. That makes redress and fair treatment as taxpayers; “Your decision”/ because the police and the courts and the leaders and the media WILL NOT provide our guaranteed rights for us: they all refuse to communicate the failure and fraud of democracy today. You then have to make them, by providing the necessary weight, of a citizenry that does care how this trial turns out. Fear will not help society/ you do, have to stand up for what is JUSTICE for all. It’s a duty.
I reiterate: that it is not I, that functionally calls the state of IL to accountability, but the law itself. As is US constitutional amendment article 5, every tax must be justified. As in US first amendment constitutional individual guaranteed right as is redress of grievances; the employees of governing must be accountable for their decisions. As is IL law, guaranteeing a taxpayer a distinct, bill of individual rights. It is further noted: with regard to bringing the state of IL to court requires, that the governor be sued. That constructs a criminal fraud as does exist in the letter from the governors office; if it is not retracted. The element of organized crime becomes clear: when the law of both nation and state will not be obeyed.
Each prospective holder of a State office or other State
position created by this Constitution, before taking office,
shall take and subscribe to the following oath or
"I do solemnly swear (affirm) that I will support the
Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of
the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge
the duties of the office of .... to the best of my ability."
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
As is consistent with a subpoena: you are called to court/ and your choice is: to let the law decide, what is or is not valid/ OR show contempt for both law and WE THE PEOPLE. Because the letter falls directly after the subpoena clearly should have been received; as delivered by the sheriff office paid to serve; springfield IL. Time has past prior to my response. To be certain, fraud is clear.
Who else is more critically responsible for taxes collected, or being spent; than the governor. As in the case of the Uof I football stadium observation deck, at a cost of 129 million dollars/ plus maintenance of taxpayer money; and is realistically only used for 6 football games a year; an extreme example of wanton disregard and disrespect for our lives. Or collecting taxes from all/ but giving a pension to just a few; an extreme example of prejudicial treatment, that cannot be justified. That is a tremendous inequality, and this case reminds the employees of state government: that in fact it is we the people who shall decide what your pay and benefits shall be/ NOT you.
To refuse addressing the absolute need to investigate and identify to all the people: realities of experimentation that literally gamble with every life on this planet/ is an act of terrorism, or the direct insistence that this cult of “university knows” can play with our lives, our future, every child, and even our world, without the responsibility of clearly and completely identifying what can or will go wrong. IS BETRAYAL, and worse. The cult cannot rule/ our lives, our everything, even our world CANNOT be gambled with. Or, at the alternative: WE DESERVE OUR VOTE; or there is anarchy involved.
We are not your slaves; the counterfeiting of money has taken away our securities, and financial tools to defend ourselves from the inflation that has been deliberately hidden from our lives. That is organized criminal felony crime: To aid and abet ANY felon, particularly those whose actions are a direct threat to this state and nation itself: become felons, or traitors themselves. We are the owners, and we demand full disclosure and accountability in our currency/ the removal of debts, that were not created with “real money” as in all debts that could be paid within a time frame not exceeding ten years/ and the command over currency itself, so that no more betrayal exist.
Our government is the constitution/ it is not, nor has it ever legally been; a single or every employee granted the job of doing what was constitutionally demanded and sworn too. Our government is the constitution, and it is no other, and all departments and employees of government owe their allegiance ONLY to that constitution, and NOT each other. To US you owe, a duty, that will no longer be denied.
Our courtrooms SHALL BE FOR JUSTICE AND THE LAW AS CONSTITUTIONALLY APPLIED; and betrayal of that justice shall never again to given over to an arrogance, or assumption of rules. We do demand justice in our lives, and in our courtrooms, and through our judges and those lawyers allowed to present cases, and all people who choose to represent themselves: as a right, that will be governed by JUSTICE/ FAIR PLAY/ AND EQUAL TREATMENT FOR ALL. Not the clear disrespect, the foundational contempt, the ridicule of law and citizen and democracy and life and work: AS HAS BEEN clearly established by irrefutable evidence in the cases that have been established in both state of IL, federal, appellate, and supreme courts. That is treason, to use our own courtrooms against ourselves. To deny our government is the constitution, and no discretion exists. To openly steal, and produce criminal contempt as is US tax court case 11108-12L proving this type of corruption, conspiracy, and collusion; is epidemic throughout the entire leadership of this USA.
All of that and much more is held within the demand for redress of grievances against the state of IL. Not as an individual citizen; but in class action suit, so that each citizen shall understand and know what is, or is not fair about the taxation that we pay; and the debts that have been declared as “ours”/ by our employees. The betrayal or democracy established: that we must decide for ourselves. We are the owners/ and we do have rights beyond any employee. Period! Our lives are not pawns to be gambled with or enslaved for anyone’s purpose other than our own. We have legal rights, as citizens under constitutional government: which is the law! And there is no other, including judges. WE THE PEOPLE has meaning.
WE THE PEOPLE own this state and this nation: the trial, Champaign county court, IL; 14SC-2 filed 1/8/14. established on the principles of democratic ownership. Seeks to identify and prove: the following statement as our authority exposed: so that NO MAN OR WOMAN employee, etc: shall then ever dare say, or imply; to any citizen again:
(we can, and will gamble with your life, your world, your nature, your child, your future; steal your money, imprison or enslave you/ or anything else we so desire; and there ain’t nothing you can do about it).
Ownership means: The clear and certain authority of democracy, MUST BE ESTABLISHED, and ENFORCED/ same for all. No one is ruler, that means redress of grievances a first amendment guaranteed legal right of the US constitution: MUST BE OBEYED. The reality of redress is: “the most powerful words ever written”/ because the legal right to bring our employees into court, and demand an accounting or investigation DOES prove we the people truly are, “THE OWNERS” here. But that does mean LEGAL participation/ responsibility/ & decisions to investigate our employees, OR the very extreme and serious threats that can make us all extinct/ the opportunities of TRUE ownership/ etc as we the people: ARE GOING TO BE DETERMINED BY YOUR VOTE, or YOUR ACTIONS, or YOUR DECISIONS in the next few weeks. The filing is/ the laws used/ the brief and the summary of trial purposes. Trial 14SC-2 is “your trial for democracy and control”. Make your decision, because there is nothing else legal, or illegal; I can or will do for you. You have a legally guaranteed right: either use it, or abandon it. The law is true.
101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E
ST. JOSEPH IL, 61873
www.trialforlife.info Www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
as represented by GOV: PATRICK J. QUINN
State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
in response too: collection action notice of intent: December 20, 2013/ received in my hand
1/ 3/ 14; Demanding $2,326.95 immediately. Letter L0400373964 (exhibit A)
dated: 1/10/14
case #___14SC-2__
Jurisdiction declared: In Champaign county court: as in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights included page 2: 20 ILCS 2520 I am taking issue with this assumption of debt by; demanding JURY TRIAL. By demanding class action suit! As is my legal right!
US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. A CONTRACT! The money I have earned is “private property”/ and as such you MUST justify and establish what is truly in support of all: “we the people/ our freedoms/ our rights/ our authority over government by constitutional law/ our needs/ our future”; when used. A debt must serve all the people! To accomplish ANY form of expenditure, beyond those real life descriptions. Requires our vote, as society itself.
ESTABLISHED in the filing dated 1/8/14; Are the following facts: the complaint proves I have been taxed/ exhibit A proves that taxation is from the state of IL. Exhibit B establishes the law/ the rights/ constitutional jurisdiction/ and the fundamentals of democracy. Exhibits C & D define corruption/ conspiracy/ and collusion among the leaders of this United States of America.
The US tax court trial 11108-12L defines and proves that same corruption, and defiance of the constitutional laws of our nation; criminal acts. Extend well past the 9 members of the US supreme court; as is consistent with “who leads the judiciary”; there are clear and traitorous acts, in any courtroom where the constitution is not the authority. Supported by irrefutable evidence, the US supreme court denies constitutional redress/ and refuses to contain or discipline , proven illegal conduct, and criminal acts. Congress refuses intervention, let crime exist. The FBI looks the other way; as does the president. Duty then shifts, to the people and their states to intervene and demand JUSTICE MUST RULE; not crime.
As is consistent with US article 5: in exchange for taxation/ WE THE PEOPLE demand our constitutional rights, as is legal redress of grievances. A right that not only extends from the US constitution/ but is embellished by the IL constitution; as there is NO possibility the IL constitution can detract from guaranteed US legal rights. The legal right to obtain protections under US article 1, and article 5: are without interpretation or discretion/ they are guaranteed by our nation and state, to EVERY individual citizen. There is NO discretion allowed in any constitutional demand; not from ANY court. NEITHER are there rules of the court which can dismiss the laws of this state or nation, or OUR constitution which is the government of our state and nation. No employee may say they are the government, neither can an agency or court, or other. The constitution is our government: it is the law. To refuse that reality: is treason, and betrayal, by the judiciary, an oath rejected. Any employee who knowingly assists, as is the clerk of the US supreme court; is guilty of aiding and abetting the enemy. Contrary to claims by the judiciary that they cannot be removed: are the true words of the constitution “....the judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during GOOD BEHAVIOR.....” Anything less, is then cause for immediate dismissal, and penalties. Let the constitution be served!
NO construction exists, to assume or pretend that taxation should not exist; as it is constitutional law, US article 16. Neither is it questioned as to the state of ILLINOIS .
This case 14SC-2 is about individual constitutional guaranteed rights, which CANNOT be denied without treason being involved. This case, is about citizen rights to accountability, thereby proving “just compensation” for taking our property. Or more simply as is the foundation of that law Article 5: Our employees DO NOT have the right “to play ruler/ or king” over our lives. Rather their actions MUST come within the directives given by the constitution both state and nation. If they do not/ then our property has been stolen, and a tax revolt must occur until that corruption no longer exists. Neither do the employees of government, have the right “to vilify any group as is prejudice, nor target them for higher taxation/ nor hide the true level of taxation that exists: the total percentage paid/ is our right to know; nor use “a tax maze, to hide their own loopholes”. These employees must account/ they must answer by laws imposed: as presented in exhibit B in this trial. They must prove individual FREEDOM is less: than their rules, opinions, and purposes of control. The level of true threat, on an individual basis; decides.
OR, they MUST produce redress of grievances; by establishing in true and adequate communications whereas the vast majority of the people themselves.
THAT THEY DO HAVE A LEGAL CHOICE. And shall legally receive their choice: by an informed public vote PROVING beyond any doubt: that we the people are, THE ONLY TRUE OWNERS of this state called ILLINOIS, and this NATION, USA.
Mass communication for the purposes of informing the public SHALL include:
WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS STATE, shall decide: IF our employees, either state or federal SHALL or shall not be taken to court: to give account for what they have done. To determine if their oath has been kept. To decide for ourselves: to Change this democracy as we demand, or not. Or do, what owners do, as constitutional law allows: And claim our authority! That investigation of our democracy/ that examination of the evidence; leading to our decision. For life, state, nation, world, nature, and child.
Begins with a firm reliance upon these initiating demands
1. TRUTH MUST BE KNOWN/ no threat which can damage or destroy our ability to survive, our future, our everything we value: shall go un-investigated! Review of the facts shall lead to the decision: Is this terrorism?
Rather than simple “religious university knows everything”; acceptance/ or belief”: a true literal accounting of what happens when this goes wrong, shall govern what can or cannot be done. The facts supporting either claim; must be examined for proof, [NO theories or assumptions allowed: if horror can be the result] . Every gamble with life, MUST BE decided by the people themselves; who are owed a true simple and plain; education prior to that vote. As best we can! A moratorium SHALL be enacted, immediately; stopping all threats. Until the people decide for themselves, if this shall be allowed.
No justification exists, to take my money/ our tax: TO EXECUTE ALL LIFE ON EARTH, MUTILATE NATURE, OR DISCARD THE FUTURE, & EVERYTHING I, OR WE VALUE; or crucify living organisms by genetic splicing of DNA, “trying to make two or more different species into one”. The life that begins in this chaos; is attacked/ and cannot escape the intentional terrors; as is being done daily. As is the known recipe for creating biological weapons against us all, released into nature itself.
No justification exists: to allow or believe a tiny few at the FDA can predict the future of genetic modification to biology by man. They are not “god”. And we cannot fix what they break; risking the food/ risking the planet/ risking every creature/ risking ourselves/ risking sudden biological allergies, reactions, and consequences without end. Has nothing to do with how many times can you get away with being insane: but it does have everything to do with what happens when these biological weapons turn against us all. There is no going back. No “un-poisoning the earth or water, etc.” The university/ industry/ military/ etc; threat, IS EXTREME.
2. TRUTH MUST BE KNOWN/ regarding the threat of money, taken or counterfeited, and used to bribe; the army raised against us as citizens of this state and nation. By enlarging government employment, and bribing those employees, “with better than we get”: they become attached to their jobs; protecting themselves, instead of us. Therefore it is fair to say: You, the employees of our democracy have produced soldiers battling us/ for their personal gain.
Whereas we the people, have been made your slaves/ we are NOT treated equal. Because you have counterfeited our signature on debt; we have become poor, and unable to pay what you demand: SLAVES! We are NOT treated EQUAL; the tiny few that represent the university continue to get taxpayer money: even though they claim one trillion dollar student debt. One trillion dollars, is ten thousand dollars owed, by one in three US citizens; or one hundred million people. They are treated “like gods”/ and we are treated like slaves. NOT JUST COMPENSATION, THEFT!
The federal government, made inflation only for themselves: to pay their immense salaries and bribes: which have become the literal means to dispossess us from the property WE PAID FOR, with our lives, and give it to others. That is treason! THEY LIE, AND CALL IT DEBT, TO HIDE THE INFLATION: as is traitorous. They have bankrupted us, for their own purposes.
Therefore an investigation shall arise: proving that our taxation/ your forgery of our debts: has in fact benefitted WE THE PEOPLE equally/ instead of just you. The people removing the so-called, middle class: more correctly called WORKERS.
The accounting of who owns this state, and this nation today MUST ALSO BE ACCREDITED, by information which includes: All corporate entities; religious; etc: claiming ANY FORM OF property, in this state and this nation. SHALL reveal the true owners, their nationality, and their purpose. Anyone not listed, ABANDONS their claim. Any false or misleading information will dismiss your entire claim; and the property be sold: with full knowledge and awareness among the people themselves. Literal, we the people Citizens first; to buy.
3. TRUTH MUST BE KNOWN/ demanding as is consistent with constitutional ORDER AND OATH: Are you, or are you not going to do as employees, what we the people have commanded you, and made you swear to do:
IN OUR GOVERNMENTAL ADDRESS TO YOU: The state may embellish/ but the US constitution controls, in its preamble and articles particularly important: 1-15.
That job description is justified by adherence to the US preamble:
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution (OUR AGREEMENT TO UNITE, AS ONE PEOPLE) for the United States of America. The amendments exist, to certify you understand what that means. Not by judiciary interpretation/ but by constitutional law and intent. Realities that may not be interpreted in any other way or by any other means.
4. THE TRUTH MUST BE KNOWN: As established by irrefutable evidence in courtroom case after courtroom case, presented by James Frank Osterbur, the litigant herein. The courtroom exposed, as well as others being sworn to their decision/ their oath: ARE YOU, OR ARE YOU NOT: Going to produce JUSTICE/ FAIR PLAY/ EQUAL TREATMENT which includes the reality of punishment/ and EQUITY for work done, as is consistent with: IF WE DON’T GET A PENSION, ETC; paid for by our own tax money/ then YOU don’t either. That would be our slavery, to you; and its against the law! We are the same/ equal, not less. Are you going to clean this state and nation completely, so that our constitution rules: or shall we?
The return of protected democracy/ defended life: IS, fundamental to this case.
WE THE PEOPLE own this state and this nation:
identifies the following statement as our authority exposed: so that NO MAN OR WOMAN employee, shall then ever dare say, or imply; to any citizen again: (we can, and will gamble with your life, your world, your nature, your child, your future; steal your money, imprison or enslave you/ or anything else we so desire; and there ain’t nothing you can do about it).
Ownership means: The clear and certain authority of democracy, MUST BE ESTABLISHED, and ENFORCED/ same for all. No one is ruler/ no one speaks “for god”/ no religion shall rule, even if it is disguised as a “university knows” ; hidden disease. We THE PEOPLE; are the owners. The failure to understand, or more correctly ACCEPT That: Has produced a level of conspiracy and collusion against us, beyond corrupt: it is anarchy, and it does seek the destruction of democracy itself; making it “pure treason”.
The utter delusion and arrogance that allows, any group, or any person to believe: that they have a right/ or a knowledge so superior to “all the people”. They convince themselves, that we CAN AND WILL gamble with every life on earth, everything we all value as our very existence, happiness, and well-being in this life. Are beyond insane. As is consistent with all religious zealots, “the book knows everything/ or the priest/ or whatever”: so much so, they cannot believe themselves wrong. WILL ALWAYS, REFUSE THE TEST, THAT PROVES WHAT IS OR IS NOT TRUE. As have leaders, media, and the courts! They are believers, or the puppets of believers/ or just don’t care, certain nothing bad can happen “to me”.
But these games, the delusional play: ARE LITERALLY LIFE; OR DEATH WITH HORRORS, for our entire planet. Every single living thing. Consequently I do not say to you “believe me”/ that is not consistent with evidence. I say to you, without the slightest intent to lead: THAT BEING WRONG IS DEATH FOR US ALL; so says the evidence. Consequently, you must investigate for yourselves what is or is not true, and make your decision accordingly; because I CANNOT be your savior. I am merely a citizen exercising his LEGAL rights. Presenting the demand: I will NOT pay for the destruction of my planet, its nature, this democracy or anything else you have NO RIGHT to attack, my life/ our everything; for your own damn benefit, selfishness, power, hate, want, greed, or pride. I fight instead; for life first!
I, James F. Osterbur: do hereby declare, that a true and correct copy of this first filing has been mailed to the following parties at the addresses so listed:. Placing the parcel, in the US postal service/ as prepaid mail on the date of 1/ 10/ 14 TO: CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
STATE SUPREME COURT Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson 233 S. WACKER DR. SUITE 4030 Chicago IL 60606
IL IRS; Box 19035 Springfield IL 62794-9035
Lisa Madigan IL attorney general office 500 S. Second st. Springfield IL 62706
Governor Patrick Quinn State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
THE foundation of our democracy as a state and nation is: that WE THE PEOPLE, are owners here/ there are no rulers/ no religion may rule! In contrast to that, our employees have created situations and corruptions that fundamentally deny our right to that authority; and give it to the assumptions of university knows. The US constitution HAS a solution: its called redress of grievances/ a first amendment law. In contrast to the claim by the state of IL; that they are “doing their job”/ comes the realities of debt, that only serves a tiny few. Failure to protect the people even though the evidence of potential terrorism is absolute, and against this entire world. A failure to confront federal employees in their counterfeiting of money, conspiracy to deny redress; etc. A failure at very many levels; “Because our employees, believe the university knows everything/ and the people can call them “the government”; as is a lie. That assumption constructs a cult worship: where even though it is clearly known, and removed from court time and time again. To bring the same fire here as is on the sun/ can in fact make us all extinct! There is no proof of otherwise. There is only a blind and extremely foolish assumption: “Not enough gravity here to sustain the fire; so it will put itself out”. If that fails/ WE BURN. Every threat, that possess the potential to destroy billions of lives, and even an entire planet/ or mutilate all life: BY LAW, must be investigated. BY LAW, our lives cannot be gambled with. BY LAW, WE THE PEOPLE DESERVE the right to know, but all are refused, by all forms of leadership. When/ how/ what can happen/ what is not known, but merely is an assumption or theory without ANY TRUE facts. Is nonetheless a reality: which exists as experimentations that can destroy everything we need, & everything we are. IS A TRUE THREAT, a reality that can become our extermination. Or the refusal to protect resources we depend upon for our very existence and survival: is substantively a very traitorous act, by our leaders. Not the demand they must do as I say, or believe anything I present other than law. The law: recognizes the fact, that potential complete extermination of life; its mutilation of genetic DNA potentially beyond horrors; for a religious cult called evolution. The known resources in jeopardy of collapse. Even the threat of civil war, by the counterfeiting of money. Or a long line of extinction in nature itself; that ends in our own demise. Are all facts that can be investigated: and are absolutely within the public right to know/ and in fact must know, for their own survival. Gambling at this level: IS OUR DECISION/ NOT, a tiny few; who claim to be “god (we can, and will gamble with your life/ and there ain’t nothing you can do about it)”.
This court casefights for redress; as is the law. Exhibits A, B, C, D. This court case fights for protection from execution by, SAME fire, as is on the sun: it burns atomic bonds/ because nothing less can produce the energy. TO INVESTIGATE : is NOT the assignment, “the court must decide what will happen”! BUT THE DEMAND: TO INVESTIGATE, WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF THESE SCIENTISTS ARE WRONG! And subsequently protect us all: when being WRONG, is absolutely our extinction. Because there are NO second chances. Once ignition occurs/ once a pandemic is released from species mutilation/ once nature collapses, or our primary resources are completely lost: we die. Just the facts!
This court case fights for equal treatment under the law; through democracy: WE HAVE GUARANTEED RIGHTS. And does seek the reality of justice, and fair play; including the demand LIFE must always come first/ for this planet. This case is not less, than any of these things: it is more. Time is running out 1, 2, 3
Which brings me to you: trial date is set: march 7, 2014 courtroom D Champaign county courthouse case # 14SC-2. THIS IS, the very last “go around”/ last chance anybody gets to interfere with the outcome of all the threats we do face. Because there just AIN’T enough time left; for any other chance or person to intervene. Like it or not!
This ain’t my war, its OUR war to survive. If you can’t find some way to support the fact, by a fair and deliberate reality: THAT WE DO NEED TO INVESTIGATE THESE THREATS. Then; I am done/ because time does run out, and a long court battle that merely delays the inevitable: “ YOU JUST DIDN’T CARE ENOUGH”. Isn’t worth the effort/ even if I choose to continue anyway; it will be pointless. One second too late, and we are all dead. Not a game, a demand for proof: we won’t die, because our leaders failed/ a damn theory was wrong/ or a blatant curse, to demand evolution must be proven. Were just plain lies, or worse!
Not a game; why should we be their slaves/ as is a debt that cannot be paid (no end); or an inflation that we do not share in the numbers: “the few, get it all”.
101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E
ST. JOSEPH IL, 61873
www.trialforlife.info Www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
as represented by GOV: PATRICK J. QUINN
State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
in response too: collection action notice of intent: December 20, 2013/ received in my hand
1/ 3/ 14; Demanding $2,326.95 immediately. Letter L0400373964 (exhibit A)
dated: 1/8/14
Jurisdiction declared: In Champaign county court: as in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights included page 2: 20 ILCS 2520 I am taking issue with this assumption of debt by; demanding JURY TRIAL. By demanding class action suit! As is my legal right!
US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. A CONTRACT! The money I have earned is “private property”/ and as such you MUST justify and establish what is truly in support of all: “we the people/ our freedoms/ our rights/ our authority over government by constitutional law/ our needs/ our future”; when used. A debt must serve all the people! To accomplish ANY form of expenditure, beyond those real life descriptions. Requires our vote, as society itself.
This is: THE REVIEW AND ACCOUNTABILITY of leadership/ the understanding assembled to know: If our employees have obeyed their sworn oath/ TO PUT OUR GOVERNMENT, as is the constitution FIRST? Our needs as we the people before, any other decision possible !
The elemental reality of democracy is: that we are united under the constitutional contract, that is OUR OWN DESCRIPTION, of what we the people have chosen to be our government. This is the essence of democracy, and the reality of that contract between ourselves as WE THE PEOPLE: and our government through its employees. No representative is given the right to discard these governing laws, or endanger the people. That demand as is an oath of office, is given, as your proof: “You agree; TO GUARD, the freedom and guaranteed rights to every individual citizen. That is your job. Those laws called constitutional foundations for life, work, and leadership in this state and this nation: CANNOT BE DISMISSED, AVOIDED, DENIED, OR DESTROYED, by our employees. WE ARE THE OWNERS! WE, ARE THE AUTHORITY THAT OWNS “LAST INTERPRETATIONS, DIRECTION, AND RIGHTS”. WE, are America/ those employed to do our will, and provide as well as protect and defend our lives and our future; are governed by constitutional law.
The failure, that accepts gambling: with their nature, their planet, their democracy, and their children as if; nothing more than toys for the purposes of “university knows”: IS TREASON! Penalties exist.
The foundation of trial here in is NOT a refusal to pay taxes that are fair and legitimate. RATHER; It is the legal demand: ALL LEADERS, SHALL OBEY THE LAW, AND ACCEPT THE CONSTITUTIONAL DUTIES APPLIED BY OATH ; TO YOUR EMPLOYMENT! YOU SHALL HONOR OUR DEMOCRATIC AUTHORITY CALLED WE THE PEOPLE/ AND ESTABLISH: OUR DECISION AS STATE AND THEN NATION; AS IS CONSISTENT WITH CONSTITUTIONAL DEMANDS. The question: “ WHETHER OR NOT OUR LIVES/ OUR NATURE/ OUR PLANET/ OR OUR FUTURE CAN BE GAMBLED WITH OR IGNORED; for any cause or any reason/ by anyone. IS NOT: a description of your authority. IT IS A DESCRIPTION OF OURS! Only we the people HAVE A RIGHT; to decide, if our lives/ your children/ our nature/ our planet/ our future/ and everything about our world; Can be someone’s toy.
Every single person in this world, has a right to that information/ and we the people, have an absolute right to that decision! WHICH MEANS THE DECISION HAS ALREADY BEEN MADE! NONE ARE SO ALLOWED/ AND ALL MUST BE STOPPED.
That fact asserts and assembles the charge: you, the leaders of state and nation; are aiding and abetting terrorists (the people who threaten our lives, nature, future, and planet)/ failing to protect our democracy/ and discarding all sworn duties to protect and defend life, democracy, and planet with your fantasy worship of “university knows”.
Consequently this legal accounting established by the law called REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES; WE THE PEOPLE MUST, “PROTECT OURSELVES”.
Now exists.
These are then CONTRACTUAL DEMANDS: you failed your duty, and your oath/
and deserve no payment for services you did NOT render,
to PROTECT, honor, support, or defend our lives; or this democracy.
UNTIL, you complete the legal tasks, support the legal rights, protect LIFE ITSELF FIRST, and provide the democratic solutions: WE THE PEOPLE OWN. Not you.
You, “the leaders” have NO CLAIM, “To be paid”/ YOU did NOT do the work for which you were hired; and in fact, committed anarchy, betrayal, traitorous acts, and treason.
These charges require: A LEGAL TAX REVOLT, until the investigation/ examination of facts/ and judgment of we the people has been established.
The failure to do the work for which you were hired. The failure to uphold the constitution you swore would come first in any decision affecting us as necessary to your employment; failed. Your henchmen no less guilty/ if the constitution, “our governing democracy” was failed. The deliberate and willful theft of our money/ by enslaving this people with a claim: we must pay anything you declare/ regardless of justice or fair play to ourselves; as “WE, ALL THE PEOPLE”/ not just a few.
There is no such authority given in the constitution, “to separate and divide”. The right of taxation: IS DELIBERATELY AND DISTINCTLY LIMITED TO, IN SUPPORT OF US ALL. Not a damn few, that claim they are so fucking superior/ we have to become their slaves. As that is what you have done: US article 13; establishes it is a criminal act. By claiming we the people must provide pensions or other, for a tiny few separate from us all: is absolutely and irrevocably unfair/ and unequal treatment to every citizen.
You, your predecessors, and your army of employees; have failed our democracy. You have lied about debts, and stolen the credit you were given charge of, “to fill your own pockets” at our expense. You have corrupted the courts, as is presented, and proven in each of the trials, claiming irrefutable evidence: established by James F. Osterbur; both federal and state. You have prejudiced taxation/ and provided debts given to the people: in favor of a tiny few, as is so clearly established by the football stadium box over the UOF I, Urbana spending 129 million dollars so a tiny few, could play king or queen over their subjects; 6 damn games a year . How is that “for the people, or in support of their democracy! You have failed LIFE, by letting terrorists play with nature, and pretend they are so damn smart “go ahead and bring the same fire as is on the sun here”. To your eternal shame. You have failed the future, discarding the facts: that without a true and realistic assessment and protection of the very resources we absolutely need to survive on earth; we all die. You have failed this democracy, you have failed the children, you have supported terrorists, you have mutilated nature, and allowed species boundaries to be crossed: which functionally means, a life must endure “what the devil (man or woman without respect) has sown onto their bodies”. It is “a crucifixion”. You have literally allowed, the production and release of biological weapons, and the purposeful design with is pandemic disease against life on earth. You, the leaders; have done absolutely nothing of value for this state, refusing justice for all/ cursing democracy with rules; so you can be “rulers”. As is consistent with the words, “we are the most incarcerated people in the civilized world”.
Until you literally do, what the constitution of this state and this nation demands. You have no right of taxation.
WE THE PEOPLE deserve better than you/
therefore a legal tax revolt is my/ our, DUTY! As designed by law, and supported by this trial.
A legal investigation and examination of sworn statements/ false and intentional misrepresentations/ prejudicial conduct/ corruption/ treason/ terrorism/ threats/ and the reality of whether each who made them: shall be held to the consequences called prison, and penalty; must arise.
Removing the disguise, of a carefully camouflaged traitor: IS, THE BUSINESS AND THE NEED, of an entire state and nation.
In the matter of these clear and constitutional rights:
the deliberate failure to deliver to me, and to us; the constitutional guarantees, that we are individually promised, by both state and nation. The refusal of law. The rights of democratic authority as is dictated by the words: “WE THE PEOPLE”; establishing these are OUR RIGHTS/ has been lost! Your sworn statement as our employees, to uphold those rights as the law, the purpose of your employment: and to respect the governing body of this state and nation which, IS A CONTRACTUAL GUARANTEE, of duty you accept! It is now charged: THAT YOU THE EMPLOYEES OF THIS STATE AND THIS NATION FAILED TO UPHOLD, your duty, your oath/ and OUR DEMOCRACY.
In addition:
FEDERAL, and US supreme COURTS having failed the rights of due process, the guarantee of first amendment redress of grievances/ with deliberate refusal of the laws of this land. Stealing in open court, as is proven by case #11108-12L. Establishing Corruption, collusion, and conspiracy identified in that same trial. Denial of civil process in the US supreme court; by erecting a blockade as is the consistent traitorous conduct of the US supreme court. Treason by congress; “power and lies, are more important than justice and law”. The massive LIE, and deliberate deceit that is, calling actual inflation; a debt. CHEATING every worker and every citizen by, claiming social security payments as federal income, to be disbursed by congress. But separating out the debt of social security as not a federal expense; and stealing the money for your own use! Providing a future with grievous consequences, for all US citizens; because you stole the money for yourselves. Counterfeiting money, is outright theft; against our entire democracy! Distributing that money across this world to cause the dispossession of our lands, is betrayal. Supporting terrorism by experimentation that is a clear and certain gamble with all life on earth: is a clear and certain TREASON against the entire planet.
Even, protect us as a community from the invasion of noise by business within the limits your agencies have set as the standards beyond which hearing is damaged; refused.
So then are the beginning charges, against the leadership, of this state and nation. These; Are only the beginning/ because what is hidden behind closed doors; the result of bribes; the destruction of elections with “counterfeit money”/ the removal of a free press, by combining all ownership of communication into a tiny few hands which then control the propagation of information, to remove their ability to defend themselves as we the people. Or, we can’t/ because the claim of “expert”/ rather than citizen; is too strong. Instead of “us” searching for understanding, and presenting knowledge to each other; it is he or she “knows everything; consequently no real discussions are allowed”; and as has been demonstrated by reality: You the people have been deceived/ and NOT one substantial true description of knowledge as was necessary to defend or protect this democracy, our money, or our lives has been given “to we the people, by media; for decades”: a complete failure.
1. Outside the legitimacy of trial: two judges of the Champaign circuit court did in fact; deny me further access to the laws and guaranteed rights of this state and this nation; by removing me from fair and legitimate courtroom trial.
That is an illegal usurpation of justice, and constructs conspiracy, collusion, corruption, as the denial of due process rights. It is a state and federal criminal offense/ and it does construct an assault charge.
Given the cause and consequences of trials, preceding this moment: that action, is the clear and certain denial of US article one. Its only purpose, erecting a barrier against redress of grievances; that is a traitorous act; the entire first amendment is law.
Given the cause and consequences of trials preceding this moment: it is the clear and certain denial of US article 4/ whereas by no possible means of conjecture: the investigation and ultimate decision of whether university and government driven demands, “to bring the same fire here as is on the sun”. Stating as their defense: NOT enough gravity here to keep the flame lit! Is a gambling with every life on earth/ and there are NO SECOND CHANCES. Wrong, is death for this world! And that is only the beginning of terrorists supported by the employees of this state and this nation have created. My demand under US article 1 & US article 7: that we have more at stake here than money; THAT WE THE PEOPLE HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW, AND DECIDE IF THIS SHALL PROCEED: discarded as “frivolous”. My demand for an investigation of what happens if they are proven wrong; and this fire sustains itself: thrown aside in the trash, by a judiciary that operates in an apparent cult worship; of “university knows”. Where NO SECOND CHANCES is absolutely apparent, and proven true as is the sun.
Under the conscripts of US preamble to the constitution definitions: My demand LET DEMOCRACY DECIDE AS WE THE PEOPLE, by OUR vote/ if this gambling with our entire planet can go forward: BECAUSE IT THREATENS ALL OUR LIVES/ utterly refused.
My demand : mutilating nature itself as is the “building and construction methods of genetic stability: on purpose IS TERRORISM/ and the intent to produce plagues. Let the people decide/ with FAIR AND TRUE accounting of what happens when this is proven wrong. The investigation demanded: When it is proven true, you can produce chaos in nature, as your gods of evolution decree/ but you cannot stop chaos from exterminating life. No second chances! Denied.
My demand: WE CANNOT SURVIVE the realities and consequence of complete disregard for the resources and the environmental relationships, the very chains of life that keep us alive. Recognizing these realities of life or death; are in danger & facing collapse: these things that keep us all alive: discarded and thrown out.
Throughout every trial: Not a single law of any substance that could withstand my review; was given by the court or its lawyers. Nothing, that account for denial of due process; denied anyway. NOT A CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEE established; as was clearly and deliberately delivered by me in defense of my claim, or our democracy upheld: all discarded in the trash. The demand: You CANNOT destroy life, or the future of this planet, and its children/ by hiding from the law of this state or nation. Refused, a traitorous act/ an anarchy exposed/ a betrayal without surrender; as trial after trial proves true.
2. Within jury trial, in Champaign county court 11TR22442: my rights to select, and question the jury that did find me guilty of a minor traffic offense/ was overridden and construed unnecessary, by the judge. My demand for justice which includes the fine, and is absolutely essential to the democratic authority that is a jury trial/ denied. My right to inform the public, to establish a foundation principle of constitutional rights governed by amendment; in both state and nation; called redress of grievances. Refused with threat of imprisonment. The reality of being wrong, without doubt, or possibility of error being: “we are threatened with extermination/ and must respond, with an investigation of facts identified before the people”; refused! My presence in court required by threat, again and again at the demand of a judge: and for no other purpose than to wear me down, and extract my time; as is my possession: merely mockery of due process itself. Our democracy destroyed: by the consequence of judicial order directing the jury, stating: you may only decide if I did or did not stop at the stop sign. What is or is not justice, has no place here! That is fundamentally the subversion of everything democracy stands for: as assembled within the words, “we rule ourselves by law/ we rule our employees by jury”; to govern freedoms, and protect ourselves from “rulers”.
These failures are clear corruption in the court: as my right to select the jury is mandatory and protected by US constitutional law: a jury is not “impartial under direct examination by a judge”/ and I being refused the questions I had prepared to ask the jury, being thrown out; did in fact, remove my own legal participation, in that process. Making this a federal offense/ US article 6. My right to be secured in my possessions, person, etc; US article 4/ which DOES include protecting myself, and this society: From those who literally gamble with everything valued by me, or life, and is absolutely essential to survival: discarded as frivolous.
Particularly when the judge made it a point to demand: this is a criminal trial/ for not coming to a full and complete stop in the town of Gifford IL.; I carefully and without incident or threat to any: as I did proceed through the stop sign, at roughly one half mile per hour.
The subsequent charge (I am now a criminal), penalty for doing what is “common practice”($120.00), and threat, (I can make this $1,000.00/ and throw you in jail for contempt if you bring redress, or any threat against us all; in front of this trial): All, excessive and unwarranted.
The clear reality of stalking by a police officer who followed me through 4 directional changes/ the fundamentals of organized crime, by using rules of the road, to extort money; was refused investigation. The subsequent appeal Case 4-12-0429 removed for failure to pay an extreme and excessive second time, to digitally send the transcript to the appellate court (a poke the button reality of electronic transfer; which takes less than one minute, and costs much less than one cent)/ having already paid hundreds of dollars, I said no.
The clear and certain reminder, established in the appeal sent to the IL supreme court, by certified mail: demanding, according to the IL constitution, “I shall receive justice, FREE of charge”. Failed to be docketed/ was refused due process. That is, Treason in the IL supreme court/ the denial of due process, the right to be heard, is NOT discretionary by a judge. US article 14; is the law. Extortion by the appellate court in their demand for money; is obvious and blatant.
The demand for EQUAL punishments for every citizen DENIED; as is consistent with a percentage of income: shall decide the fine/ NOT same number for all. But the same levels of punishment! A percentage of income in a financial penalty is “same level of punishment, for all”. US Article 14 “...nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the EQUAL protection of the laws.” Equal includes, that a punishment shall be no greater for me, as a consequence in REALITY/ than for you; according to the same offense. “If you make a billion dollars, and I make a thousand”; the same fine is NOT appropriate.
3. The failure of evidence/ the denial of court due to the frivolous and insubstantial claim: that even though, I had established EVERY POSSIBLE THREAD OF EVIDENCE: so much so, that if it had been an illegal act/ that amount of evidence would have convicted me regardless of any other thing. Then being in court on the day in question/ was absolutely irrelevant to the purposes or realities of trial. For a simple motion trial in the case of “Osterbur Vs Selimi; vermillion county court”. The defendants right to find cause why he should not be brought into court, to present either the law or excuses was unhindered. WHEREAS, IN TERMS OF JUSTICE, AND BY LEGAL TESTIMONY there was no cause for dismissal. The fact: yes I did stand in court that day, by all manner and means necessary to prove, I was ready for trial. Was irrevocable proven true. The EVIDENCE PRESENTED was legal testimony & ESTABLISHED by registering with and paying money to, the court. Evidence that, IS ENOUGH TO SEND SOMEONE TO JAIL, if it were criminal; IS then it is enough to prove “I was there”; for nothing more than a motion trial, “to demand the defendant KNEW what he was being charged with/ and establish his own claims preceding trial”. He knew/ and a substantial amount of money WAS involved! Dismissal, increased the penalty to me, by $3,000.00.
This was a precept to trial; therefore it was not covered by US article 6. This was his chance to find an excuse, or a law by which he might escape examination or investigation; where none existed.
I chose to depend upon the judiciary. The judge failed life/ reality of work: state/ and nation! My presence was completely UNNECESSARY,: he knew what he was charged with by documentation filed in court. His right to present law, or an excuse; had nothing to do with me, unless I wished to contest his excuses. In a trial where, no possible conclusion of law or justice lives outside a courtroom, or for protection of society exists. The judge still finds a foundation for dismissal. Consequently “the shadow of” a criminal action by the court itself, exists.
The judge ain’t god. The law ISN’T for failure. Every courtroom is intended to be: “For nothing less than justice, rights, democracy, and freedoms”. The disease of extreme arrogance as is consistent with his decision, fails the purpose of a court/ and the right of a citizen. The absolute letter of the law infers that the law is in fact “infallible”/ it is not. Therefore justice rules, and the jury may decide alone if the question of justice requires adaption, because the motion trial was left up to a judge. Probable cause was established. My words and charges were supported by “an oath: the words I filed are a testament by me/ which can be used against me, if found untrue”. The offense was described in detail, and the place where that offense was identified, the people involved clearly stated, and the demand for restitution established under US article 4. He was established as a defendant, legally identified; by the terms used in law.
The state of IL being liable for its failure to defend the innocent, protect the worker, and provide justice for all; BY FAIR AND APPROPRIATE COMMUNICATIONS/ BY JUSTICE. Fails to provide the information needed to make this a very simple “none payment of contract dispute. By limiting my time to file; as thirty days/ so said, the lawyer I talked to after roughly 60 days. A time necessary to reassemble my life and business after discovery; “that my work would be stolen”. The lawyer further identified, “that as the contract did not further state, legal expenses would NOT be paid by the defendant in this dispute, EVEN if I won”. Proved that proceeding without a lawyer was my defense. Judicial dismissal, establishing PREJUDICE, without restraint/ a courtroom where no respect existed . As I received not even a letter from the court/ not even for dismissal, and they had my correct address, and my money.
The state of IL congress: being told in no uncertain terms by letter: that it is responsible for this case/ because 30 days to file a claim IS NOT SUFFICIENT. Any financial claim against me, other than by small business is given 7 years to file! Utterly unfair/ and bigoted. The absolute failure to inform, or protect, or establish EQUAL treatment before the law: is clearly and certainly a CANCER THAT MUTILATES democracy and its citizens; into “toys, and trash, for the elite”. There is no justice here, only ridicule and disrespect for every small business.
That is failure, by a traitorous and treacherous congress. They have been given time to fix this tragedy against working America. By initiating new changes in law/ to repair the acts of their own incompetence, and proceed as is their intended direction of oath and job: to protect us all. If not yet “fixed, in law”; then that is an intentional betrayal, and theft from every small business throughout this state. The issue of not being able to charge the defendant: because of his own failures/ adding to my expense; is also absolutely inexcusable. And constructs the intent to burden society: with lawyers/ rather than justice.
4. LINEBARGER, GOGGAN, BLAIR, SAMPSON; IL dept of revenue being forewarned and provided with the same legal filing: as sent to the IL supreme court for docketing: re-filed here as exhibit B. Its purpose being to establish THE LAW involved in this declaration of a legal tax revolt for failure to do your duty/ for betrayal of the people/ for gambling with all our lives. For stealing our money by intending to enslave us excessive salary, benefits; and with pensions “just for you”. Constitutional redress of grievances; the law/ we have a right to control our government; by investigating our employees, for their duty, their evidence: did you, or did you not, obey the truth and purposes of constitutional governance over your actions, or reactions.
“The title page, a bit more”
Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
To the IL IRS; Box 19006 Springfield IL 62794-9006
2191 county road 2500 E.
St. Joseph IL 61873
a clear and deliberate citizen of WE, THE PEOPLE. Equal rights= responsibility.
No threats/ democracy and life must come first.
www.trialforlife.info www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
state of ILLINOIS
dated 5/ 6/ 13
140 F. Supp. 925.
576 F. 2d 165
426 U.S. 833, 851.
392 U.S. 409, 437-44 197 U.S. 207, 215.
347 U.S. 497, 499
265 S.W. 2d 462, 464.
9 F. Supp 422, 423.
1 F 2d 1001, 1002; 498 P 2d 9, 14; 57 A.L.R. 3d 1058, 1065
203 S.E. 739, 740 95 N.W. 2d 657, 664; 162 N.E. 99, 100.
326 U.S. 310, 316 THE RIGHT TO REDRESS as assigned by true democracy.
We the people are, participants in this trial. Establishing the supremacy of democracy. The fundamental principle called WE THE PEOPLE.
THE DEMAND, called self-defense 23 So 2d 19, 20. AS IS, consistent with a legal tax revolt 215 F. 2d 415, 418. In this situation where confronted with extreme threat: not from “democracy”/ but from those employees who have used, abused, threatened, and bankrupted us all 108 S.W. 2d 489, 493. Those entities of university; that choose to risk extermination of all life from this planet. 126 P. 2d 406, 408. THIS government aiding and abetting the same 24 A. 2d 85, 87.
the demand for trial in the IL supreme court 140 F. Supp. 928
ui89 the inherent powers of WE THE PEOPLE 437 N.E. 2d 164, 168.
112 U.S. 76
Jurisdiction is presented as constitutional law, both state and nation; DEMANDING protection from threats that DO endanger and affect: this entire populace 147 P. 2d 759, 761. that cannot be ignored, and must have injunctive relief 236 S.W. 111, 112. Witness to that threat is documented, and filed: within these words. 146 A 2d 924, 926. We the people are sovereign under democracy, and we declare under eminent domain: the right to demand this courtroom is ours/ and you are the employee. 15 A 2d 647, 650; AS IS CONSISTENT WITH REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES. Under both 1st amendment federal law, and 5th amendment IL law. Thereby establishing the right to INFORM AND DECIDE for ourselves.
the demand is: the court MUST answer the law, as is presented here, and obey its oath, by defending this people, protecting this state and this world: with clear and certain knowledge/ anything less is tyranny. They must investigate each and every threat cited; and establish the risk 45 C.J.S. 753. assigned to each threat/ by reliance on fact/ not “experts OR theories”. That assessment SHALL encompass the consequences of being wrong! And need not be further assigned as to any other potential: ONLY THE THREAT OF DAMAGE, INJURY, OR EXTINCTION. These threats DO, violate the people’s trust, and threaten their world, their children, their democracy, and their future. Failure is equally nonfeasance 191 N.E. 2d 588, 591 402 So 2d 1197, 1200; and will be construed as anarchy/ or open rebellion against this people, and their laws.
correspondence to: Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson box 06140 Chicago IL 60606-0140
RE: harassment 2/ the intent to refuse me constitutional law.
437 F. Supp 201, 220. 123 N.W. 504, 508.
Argument begins in consent: the right to be duly informed as to the consequences, rights, and penalties for being wrong. WHERE EXTREME THREATS EXIST:
348 U.S. 436, 444-45. 323 P 2d 301, 309
The IL supreme court refuses to docket or reply/ sent certified mail; they did receive it. That is betrayal of democracy, a treasonous act.
This same law firm or irs agency now returns; fully knowing that I demand and do support and identify THAT I HAVE A RIGHT, AND I DEMAND: MY DAY IN COURT! AND HAVE SO ESTABLISHED, by this evidence/ that my demand is NOT consistent with a refusal to pay a proper and honest tax, for the purposes of democratic society.
Discarding my demand for let the law decide in court. They have sent me this collection action in open defiance of my demand for court. Simple contempt, and corruption of the process called democracy; which entitles me.
Every person shall find a certain remedy in the laws for
all injuries and wrongs which he receives to his person,
privacy, property or reputation. He shall obtain justice by
law, freely, completely, and promptly.
They refuse.
I declare today, that the constitution must rule to you: demanding,
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property
without due process of law nor be denied the equal protection
of the laws.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
How is that not a criminal act? When: I ask for my day in court, demanding OBEY THE LAW, DO YOUR JOB CORRECTLY/ and they refuse, clearly attempting and intending to extort, to ridicule, to slander, and commit libelous acts (I have not refused taxation/ I have refused continued failure and enslavement: there is a difference) against me, a citizen of this state called IL.
5. A CONSTITUTIONAL GRANT OF DEMOCRACY; As is the separate entity of this state called ILLINOIS. Means, the people here have chosen to unite themselves as if all the people/ where speaking for just one person; fighting for freedom and guaranteed rights for each person/ every single one. Not a leader speaking for all/ but all the people united in defense of the whole, by the laws we created/ the oath we demanded; this is the essence of democracy.
That fact organizes the claim: When this citizen of the United States of America is denied a guaranteed constitutional right/ by its Lowly employees, who are pretending to be our rulers. Those who have established anarchy against democracy; by refusing to obey our laws/ refusing to be our employees; by the traitorous act of assuming “ruler: the law does not apply to us”. Then it is subsequently proven, that we the people of this state; having employed our own representatives as a state army; whose duty it is, to not only protect our guaranteed rights, in this state. But act in open and direct cause and participation; to defend this nation, this democracy, & this citizen as: from those who prove to be enemies to us all. The state of IL as a democracy; thereby commands this nation, this United States of America/ that its federal employees, one and all: shall in fact.
OBEY OUR CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS, AS A NATION AND STATE, and in practice defend life, and freedoms first. / PROTECT OUR CITIZENS AS A NATION AND STATE, against all forms of terrorism and potential terrorism as is experimentation in any form that gambles with all life on earth/ PROVIDE FOR OUR DEFENSE AGAINST EVERY TRUE OR CLEARLY POTENTIAL THREAT; by demanding proof of what happens when the university is WRONG, and found to be our executioners/ ADHERE TO JUSTICE, and discard rules, whose only purpose is to defeat law/ PROVIDE GUARANTEED RIGHTS, and establish: OUR RIGHT, TO BE INFORMED OF ANY SEVERE THREAT( as is clearly bringing a 10 million degree fire here to this earth/ mutilating all life on earth/ deliberately attempting to create pandemic disease/ destroying the very resources we depend upon for life and survival and happiness/ identifying threats to our future, &TO BE FREED FROM PROPAGANDA owned and controlled by a tiny few. Freed, from THE TYRANNY OF the religious cult called “UNIVERSITY KNOWS”/ removed from the religious control of evolution in government/ SUPPORTED BY THE DECREE OF RESPONSIBILITY SWORN TOO: as the requirement that allows employment. The demand: that you shall obey the preamble to the US constitution/ which is “THE GOVERNMENT”, OF THIS USA; and this state called ILLINOIS. As sworn and honorable employees respecting this democracy/ not rulers! Thereby establishing “FAIR PLAY, THROUGH EQUAL TREATMENT, for all of society; AS IS YOUR DUTY”.. Including protecting their securities; as is money and social security.
You have failed democracy, in the state/ discarding “we the people”, for let the university have everything they want and more; making the people your slaves. You have failed democracy in this United States of America, rejecting duty: to inform/ protect/ and defend according to the law; by demanding the purposes of our constitution/ the reality of our lives: MUST COME FIRST. ALL its states/ and all its “WE THE PEOPLE”; being put in jeopardy, because of treason (the decision: to put “University knows” before life/ before the future, or the planet, before this people). Allowing the true and clearly potential threat: WE LITERALLY ALL CAN DIE/ even this entire world, and all its life in horrors. Nothing is a greater form of treason/ or in the alternative, a more EXTREME, zealot form of religious brainwashing as is consistent with a true and plainly diseased CULT. And plainly equal or worse than; the religious terrorists more commonly exposed; in this day.
The charge is supporting terrorism, at a level that attacks our entire planet and all its life! Disguised as “university knows”: the stealing of our money/ the release of biological weapons/ building weapons to dispose of this entire world/ and purposely creating all situations necessary to insure nothing in this world shall survive what has been done under your supervision; as state, nation, and the clearly “university terrorist organizations” that have supported these university decisions of death to our planet, and its life; around this world.
Numerous federal trials presented by James Frank Osterbur demanding constitutional law SHALL BE HONORED AND RESPECTED/ THE PEOPLE PROTECTED/ AND THE RIGHT TO DECIDE FOR OURSELVES; were clearly and without legal cause or right: DENIED! WHEN CONFRONTED WITH THE POTENTIAL ALL LIFE ON EARTH CAN OR WILL DIE BECAUSE OF THIS ACTION; that has been proven to be: SUPPORTED, FUNDED, and ALLOWED BY THESE EMPLOYEES OF OUR GOVERNMENT. Consigns the word traitor/ to your lives. Our democracy provides redress as the law: THAT IS NOT ONLY OUR DEMOCRATIC RIGHT, BUT OUR LEGAL AUTHORITY TO DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION OF ANY THREAT CALLED TERRORISM OR BETRAYAL as is counterfeiting money. Redress allows for our legal examination of employee participation/ and the reality of an oath kept or destroyed. Bringing judgment to the owners, as is WE THE PEOPLE.
I Demanding throughout: that NO rule of the court can control or deny constitutional law! Refused. I demanding: The law stands alone, under the constitution; and it is “untouchable” by a rule, or a judge, or a court! DENIED! I demanding: The final say as to constitutional interpretation as is DEFENDING ourselves, as: WE THE PEOPLE! Clearly proven necessary. The citizen demand this is OUR NATION, EQUALS this is OUR LAW our court, AND OUR RIGHT TO JUDGE! OUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE; what is or is not consistent with the purposes of your employment; your oath.
Particularly when every life in this world has been threatened, or betrayed; by an occult that believes it knows “not enough gravity here to keep the same fire as is on the sun burning”. BEING WRONG IS A DEAD PLANET, WITH NO SECOND CHANCES! As is the betrayal of all life, by clear and intentional mutilation of nature itself: the builder of the bodies of life we inhabit!
That means: every life on earth has been threatened by terrorists, through university knows. That means terrorists have been supported by both state and national employees; with our work/ and their counterfeiting of our lives! Or again, their alternate conclusion of hate: that is the religious zealot and his or her cult.
The religion called evolution demanding: That chaos built life, one piece at a time. Is, Both the essence of “satan himself: or an arrogance so extreme and delusional/ that the priests of “university knows” believe they can be god”. And they intend to prove that, by playing with life, gambling everything on the assumption that evolution is better than order, discipline, balance, thought, and reality or truth.
Proving, terrorists can destroy, even this entire planet: because they are so DAMN MENTALLY , DISEASED!
The court trials of James F. Osterbur: Prove, Each CASE denied was without law in support of that denial/ and in direct opposition to the law presented. Each case was toyed with, and ridiculed by rules; or destroyed by such claims as did the 7th circuit federal appeals court in Chicago: by making up complete & ridiculous lies, with absolutely no bearing in law or even ties to the case itself/ a complete fabrication. Then destroying the evidence.
Each judge: Claiming that literal descriptions of cause, including extermination of the planet, loss of critical resources, a future destroyed for every child, or mutilation of all its life; was insufficient cause, for the court, to be involved. How is that not contempt for WE THE PEOPLE, & our law. Fully informed, and with preconceived knowledge & substantial understanding: means each judge commits perjury/ and establishes contempt for the law and our democracy. By clearly choosing to become: accredited cult members, whose allegiance is worshiping the university, and bringing their religious views to rule over this nation/ this earth/ and our destruction as life and earth.
In opposition, to the lies and assumptions used by federal and appellate courts in each case. The US supreme court cases 08-1339 and 11-100; were summaries of some of these cases/ representing an appellate “line of evidence”. They WERE responded to very simply, but effectively by: US attorneys representing the solicitor generals office of the USA. Who refused to contest. Summarized by me: because the law and the constitutional right was true. Exhibit copies ; C & D
6. For these things and more, efforts presenting the demand in a variety of LEGAL ways: that the policing agencies/ the FBI/ the presidency/ the congress/ the state and local police, etc; COULD UNDERSTAND. And are employed for the purpose of protecting and defending our lives. Thereby familiar with the concept, “we must investigate every true threat. Instead of the slightest questioning, regarding terrorist activities of the cult “university knows”. With absolute proof: that is bringing the same fire here on this earth; THAT BURNS OUR SKIN, in summer; from 91 MILLION MILES AWAY. And the only theory given: “Not enough gravity here/ so it will just put itself out”. Wrong is the planet itself, turning into a sun. A one-time ignition/ with no second chances! WHO DOES NOT understand the biological terrorism of mutilating nature on purpose; except a damn cult, who is so busy worship; that their mind is becoming, “worthless.” These are NOT games! Experiments go on daily, and as the cult profess’s “the university knows” what they are doing! Indeed they do.
But instead of questioning them: I HAVE been harassed, and ridiculed. Not only by the courts, but visits from: the FBI/ homeland security/ state police/ champaign and vermillion county police/ Urbana police/ federal courts police/ IL attorney general office police/ and notice from the Champaign police; given to me by the Urbana police they were looking for me.
And not one of them could conceive that the university which does not even have a theory about gravity; is gambling every life on this planet: by bringing a 10,000,000 degree Fahrenheit fire here to this planet. That burns atomic bonds for fuel!
Choosing: to be, Completely dependant upon the utterly “beyond insane” idea: “Not enough gravity here to sustain the fire”.
Proving: The religious cult of university knows, have established through propaganda: they cannot be questioned, or even considered WRONG, “Because they are god”!
The propagation of this cancer, this “devil worship” HAS WITHOUT DOUBT, taken over our nation! That is anarchy; a direct destruction of democracy, by assuming “university knows better than we the people”. It is outright betrayal, choosing theory over life/ letting biological weapons of mass destruction be released, by those who claim: “We will take away every tear”. And are absolute LIARS!
How is that not true? It is an invasion, by enemies: OF EVERY LIFE ON EARTH.
7. The consequences of this fight having damaged or destroyed all aspects of what would have been; MY LIFE! HAD IT NOT been for the religious zeal of employees who support “university knows” without question or reality. Letting LIFE DIE, by attacking the law/ the money/ our democracy/ and our future/ OUR RIGHT TO DECIDE FOR OURSELVES; so the university can do anything it wants to do, across this world.
They are: Trying to exterminate a world with their “religious, we are gods” view. Our employees: Literally worshiping those who have so clearly, “Stolen from this state and this nation; to the point of complete bankruptcy”. Employees fighting FOR HELL (all is lost/ no second chances), discarding justice, fair play, and equality in absolute terms of defiance against we the people. By not giving we the people, even the opportunity to know or decide: if they can gamble with every LIVING THING ON THIS ENTIRE PLANET; “Because they are so damn smart”. Our employees: DEMANDING ARMAGEDDON ( nature in chaos/ make evolution god) is better than letting the people decide for themselves with true and accurate information, by investigation, and the deliberate knowledge: WHAT HAPPENS, TO EVERY LIFE/ WHEN THIS GOES WRONG!
That level of failure: Does demand at the conclusion of this trial: a one million dollar penalty; shall be payable immediately, to me. That demand: for 40 years of my life and dedication lost to your insanity; AIN’T NEARLY ENOUGH. It is, merely the illusion of a punishment, that also “AIN’T nearly enough”.
I fought/ I did my duty to this nation, state, and world: for all life/ YOU FAILED. And have literally tried to make every citizen a slave/ counterfeited every penny you stole. YOU participated in the threat of extinction; with the continual worship of “university knows”! At threat levels, where wrong is death of this planet. And betrayed democracy, throughout the court system of this state, refused to protect them against federal employees doing the same: and committing treason against this people. By contributing NO: “university knows, cannot be questioned/ they are god”. To your everlasting shame.
EVEN THOUGH EVERY LIFE on this earth: IS PUT DELIBERATELY AT RISK OF HORROR, AND ABSOLUTE TERROR; WITHOUT A SECOND CHANCE, or even the slightest chance TO SURVIVE. By those people who claim: “We are so damn smart/ we can play with this entire world”: gambling with everything; to prove themselves “god”. Our employees not only helping/ but destroying our economy, our future, your children, and our world in clear obedience to their intent: to cause our extinction!
As is betrayal of democracy: WE THE PEOPLE were denied the LEGAL right, and the courtroom necessary: to be informed our lives are in danger. We the people were thereby denied OUR OWNERSHIP of this state and nation/ a clear traitorous act. While our employees pretended, they were our rulers; and made rules for themselves, to discard the law of this land. A clear act of treason, and betrayal.
Thereby, whether I live or die/ whether I do or do not attend and participate in trial: THE LEGAL RIGHT, To call for REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES, AS IS ESTABLISHED IN BOTH THE US CONSTITUTION and the state of ILLINOIS CONSTITUTION. Which now Stands in witness of democracy itself:
as the cornerstone of this trial: the question most deliberate and demanding. Which is: the absolute right to KNOW, to UNDERSTAND, and to decide for themselves as WE THE PEOPLE; now governs this case. And every employee who touches it, is called to testify, or runs away from our absolute need to know; by cowardice. Let there be no escape. The world is at risk/ therefore life itself is on trial. The judgment made, DETERMINING OUR FUTURE.
By Deciding: If our world, our nature, and every future; is a toy for university fantasies and delusion. OR NOT! If we are to be their slaves/ or not, by rising again as WE THE PEOPLE OWN THIS STATE, AND THIS NATION. And we will decide for ourselves!
I, James F. Osterbur: do hereby declare, that a true and correct copy of this first filing has been mailed to the following parties at the addresses so listed:. Placing the parcel, in the US postal service/ as prepaid mail on the date of 1/ 8/ 14 TO: CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
STATE SUPREME COURT Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson 233 S. WACKER DR. SUITE 4030 Chicago IL 60606
IL IRS; Box 19035 Springfield IL 62794-9035
Lisa Madigan IL attorney general office 500 S. Second st. Springfield IL 62706
Governor Patrick Quinn State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
In the US Tax Court Case 11108-12L 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, My Response Last Order And again. And again. Yet again,
This is now Exhibit B in Case 14SC-2
Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
To the IL IRS; Box 19006 Springfield IL 62794-9006
2191 county road 2500 E.
St. Joseph IL 61873
a clear and deliberate citizen of WE, THE PEOPLE. Equal rights= responsibility.
No threats/ democracy and life must come first.
www.trialforlife.info www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
dated 5/ 6/ 13
140 F. Supp. 925.
576 F. 2d 165
426 U.S. 833, 851.
392 U.S. 409, 437-44 197 U.S. 207, 215.
347 U.S. 497, 499
265 S.W. 2d 462, 464.
9 F. Supp 422, 423.
1 F 2d 1001, 1002; 498 P 2d 9, 14; 57 A.L.R. 3d 1058, 1065
203 S.E. 739, 740 95 N.W. 2d 657, 664; 162 N.E. 99, 100.
326 U.S. 310, 316 THE RIGHT TO REDRESS as assigned by true democracy.
We the people are, participants in this trial. Establishing the supremacy of democracy. The fundamental principle called WE THE PEOPLE.
THE DEMAND, called self-defense 23 So 2d 19, 20. AS IS, consistent with a legal tax revolt 215 F. 2d 415, 418. In this situation where confronted with extreme threat: not from “democracy”/ but from those employees who have used, abused, threatened, and bankrupted us all 108 S.W. 2d 489, 493. Those entities of university; that choose to risk extermination of all life from this planet. 126 P. 2d 406, 408. THIS government aiding and abetting the same 24 A. 2d 85, 87.
the demand for trial in the IL supreme court 140 F. Supp. 928
ui89 the inherent powers of WE THE PEOPLE 437 N.E. 2d 164, 168.
112 U.S. 76
Jurisdiction is presented as constitutional law, both state and nation; DEMANDING protection from threats that DO endanger and affect: this entire populace 147 P. 2d 759, 761. that cannot be ignored, and must have injunctive relief 236 S.W. 111, 112. Witness to that threat is documented, and filed: within these words. 146 A 2d 924, 926. We the people are sovereign under democracy, and we declare under eminent domain: the right to demand this courtroom is ours/ and you are the employee. 15 A 2d 647, 650; AS IS CONSISTENT WITH REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES. Under both 1st amendment federal law, and 5th amendment IL law. Thereby establishing the right to INFORM AND DECIDE for ourselves.
the demand is: the court MUST answer the law, as is presented here, and obey its oath, by defending this people, protecting this state and this world: with clear and certain knowledge/ anything less is tyranny. They must investigate each and every threat cited; and establish the risk 45 C.J.S. 753. assigned to each threat/ by reliance on fact/ not “experts OR theories”. That assessment SHALL encompass the consequences of being wrong! And need not be further assigned as to any other potential: ONLY THE THREAT OF DAMAGE, INJURY, OR EXTINCTION. These threats DO, violate the people’s trust, and threaten their world, their children, their democracy, and their future. Failure is equally nonfeasance 191 N.E. 2d 588, 591 402 So 2d 1197, 1200; and will be construed as anarchy/ or open rebellion against this people, and their laws.
correspondence to: Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson box 06140 Chicago IL 60606-0140
RE: harassment 2/ the intent to refuse me constitutional law.
437 F. Supp 201, 220. 123 N.W. 504, 508.
Argument begins in consent: the right to be duly informed as to the consequences, rights, and penalties for being wrong. WHERE EXTREME THREATS EXIST:
348 U.S. 436, 444-45. 323 P 2d 301, 309
that is a question, that the court can investigate, answer, and establish before the people themselves.
The critical question in this lawsuit is whether or not, you can enforce your religious beliefs upon me, and the citizens of this state. 71 P. 2d, 220. 253-254. Whether or not you owe me and the citizens of this state: the constitutional demands and guarantees of the state and nation. 142 U.S. 128, 130. “WE did the work/ WE demand what we agreed to, in return!” Whether or not you owe me and the citizens of this state: a respectful employment that is dedicated to protecting our lives, defending our state, nation, future, and world. 271 U.S. 228, Whether or not you can discard our money, and destroy our securities by bankrupting this state: thereby enslaving all, but yourselves and your religion “university knows”. 112 F. 2d 886. Whether or not, it is legal for you to so prejudice our government against the needs of we the people; by such things as the observation box atop University of IL football stadium built a few years ago for $126 million dollars; 124 N.Y.S. 2d 634, 636. so your “religious priests” could pretend to be emperors for 6 afternoons a year, at our expense. 429 S.W. 2d 381, 382 The question is not, “greatly concerned with science”/ ONLY the truth regarding costs and consequences/ the extermination of life, the reality of biological weapons of potential mass destruction being released/ and so on: based upon the religious belief, “university knows”. 268 So. 2d 290, 292. [Reasonable care CANNOT be construed when an experiment, which if theory fails/ CANNOT be undone, we all die. UNLESS WE KNOW, what happens if this goes wrong, and make our own decision accordingly: there can be NO RELIANCE on “experts or theories”. There can be NO BELIEF among our employees, that justifies risking our planet, its nature, our future, or life on earth in any form] When clearly: formed by theories and experiments that can go wrong, and destroy all life on earth/ they absolutely do not. 43 S.W. 508, 509. Our state, nation, and our world is being ravished/ mutilated/ crucified/ gambled with/ used and abused in every conceivable way. That is nothing less than organized crime overtaking our government 571 F. 2d 880.
This level of threat and disrespect for every citizen in this state and this nation: DEMANDS, WE ARE EACH ONE INVOLVED IN THE OUTCOME OF THIS CASE.
IL constitution section 2; This Section shall not be construed as
limiting the authority of any branch of government to
establish and enforce ethical standards for that branch.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
The question extends: Whether or not the constitution rules the courtroom and this government, both state and nation. 137 So 479, 482. Because the US constitution promises and guarantees certain rights which the state can in no way and under no circumstance diminish or deny. 516 F. Supp. 399, 404. Due process of law is a suitable process, or an appropriate procedure that is not destroyed by rules of the court/ or the abuse which is denial of law itself by the court. The state can merely add their own guarantees to further the purposes and intent of the US constitution. 216 P 446, 449. “Our state/ our nation: we are the owners here”. 147 P 2d 759, 761. Whether or not the constitution is a contract between our employees and ourselves as the true owners of this democracy: whereby we enforce that ownership with oaths, and their penalties. Establishing the same through redress of grievances as the law allows and states. 71 P 301.
Of these critical questions: the only ones that truly matter to me are the extreme threats that exist against our lives, which we cannot survive as a state, nation, or world. 278 N.E. 2d 504, 510. Those threats are refined in the clear, concise, and dedicated intent and purpose of WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; as declared within the constitution of this USA. 159 F. 2d 642, 643. To be illegal/ to be terrorism funded illegally, by our employees of government/ to be “religious dictum”; as that risk to our entire world and every life/ IS GOVERNED, by their beliefs; rather than any purpose or description called fact. That is illegal.
It reads since you don’t know it: as follows
“ we the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.” 328 U.S. 217. 407 U.S. 493.
OR, in comparison; this government is dedicated to, the responsibilities, needs, and thereby duties of the people themselves; in their own efforts to sustain freedoms, guarantee rights, and protect themselves from tyranny. Our reality is: “Its not free/ someone always believes they can be ruler.”
All issues of taxation 280 P 2d 81, 85. arise out of conformity to these basic demands, that are made upon our employees, and that includes this state of IL. 160 P 2d 37, 39. I DO NOT REFUSE taxation. Rather I demand you prove to me by law, 78 A 2d 572, 576. That you have the right or authority to risk our planet, our nature, these children, our future, or my own life/ using my own money to destroy me. 65 N.W. 2d 785, 791 Failure to provide; IS ILLEGAL; so says your oath, and the fourteenth amendment. NO RULES of the court, no conjecture as is theory, no harassment of the constitution or this democracy, no assumptions of religious “university knows” belief, no lies as to what happens when they are proven wrong or abuse of the court; or using OUR government to hide behind by refusing due process without the law as conspiracy and collusion have proven true. This is a demand: the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth 203 S.W. 2d 548, 552. PROVE: that my demands in law, merit, threat, duty to this state and nation, and legal tax revolt 109 So 2d 375, 378: are NOT CONSISTENT with the law of this state or this nation. 342 F. Supp. 1048, 1062 While you may argue that is not your job/ it is the job of the court, and I have filed in the IL supreme court, developing this argument: the constitution rules this state/ NOT you. and in the US supreme court demanding that the constitution rules this nation: NOT YOU 290 U.S. 389, 394. , your oath demands, constitutional laws shall be kept 230 S.W. 2d 770, 775. “THIS DEMOCRACY, IS OUR PROPERTY! You, are the employee; THAT IS YOUR JOB, to obey the constitution, and provide the full intent of the law that is established through the preamble written above. That is your oath of office, for this state and nation: THAT is, our right to demand as a contractual obligation: OUR EMPLOYEES DID SWEAR, to keep. To obey the constitution, protect this people, and defend this state and this nation. Just as we the people are called to war, to do the same; irregardless if war, at this time if it makes any sense at all. We do our job/ and you must do your job. AS IS THE CONTRACT BETWEEN US. 655 P 2d 116, 118. "I do solemnly swear (affirm) that I will support the
Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of
the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge
the duties of the office of .... to the best of my ability."
(Source: Illinois Constitution.) YOU ARE NOT RULERS, SECTION 4. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY ABOLISHED 452 A 2d 75, 77.
Read more.
101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E
ST. JOSEPH IL, 61873
www.trialforlife.info Www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
as represented by GOV: PATRICK J. QUINN
State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
in response too: collection action notice of intent: December 20, 2013/ received in my hand
1/ 3/ 14; Demanding $2,326.95 immediately. Letter L0400373964 (exhibit A)
dated: 1/10/14
case #___14SC-2__
Jurisdiction declared: In Champaign county court: as in accordance with the taxpayer bill of rights included page 2: 20 ILCS 2520 I am taking issue with this assumption of debt by; demanding JURY TRIAL. By demanding class action suit! As is my legal right!
US article 5 “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. A CONTRACT! The money I have earned is “private property”/ and as such you MUST justify and establish what is truly in support of all: “we the people/ our freedoms/ our rights/ our authority over government by constitutional law/ our needs/ our future”; when used. A debt must serve all the people! To accomplish ANY form of expenditure, beyond those real life descriptions. Requires our vote, as society itself.
The critical relationship being: that redress of grievances is more important to me/ than money or making you obey the law: by proving, that court DOES have a purpose/ and so does democracy. Which may or may not include lawyers, to assist me; at this time. That demand being again: YOU ARE REQUIRED BY LAW, AS IS MY GUARANTEED RIGHT: TO PROVIDE REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES/ or produce, legal proof of why that shall not be so. That can stand up to appeal after appeal if necessary. No court has, to this moment in time.
Obey the law, inform the public of their need to investigate the threats I have outlined/ and give them that right to vote: if they will have redress, which clearly is: “accountability & ownership in government, PLUS the investigation of threats”: and a duty, for themselves to be involved. It is their choice/ it is my right, and my decision; to demand they have a choice under democratic authority. Provided by both state and national constitutional decree, as is the foundation of our law and ownership, called democracy.
Once the vote is cast; I will pay the tax without further complaint/ and let whatever the public here decides: be the end of my legal trials in court. Their opportunity to defend themselves and protect life on earth having been established as real and true, through democracy, by law. THEIR CHOICE!
I will be a limited participant if they choose trial/ discard the case; unless you attack me: if they say no; by vote. Trustworthy, by the fact redress continually returns in these trials as evidence it is my true purpose here. This is a fight, for life must come first. It’s a decision.
If the public fails to agree, that we the people need to protect ourselves, and make our own decisions to defend our future. I am then finished, with this entire matter/ all done, and will return to “simply me, rather than a duty for us, and our world”. If the public by majority vote does demand to continue in redress trial: they then must provide their own attorneys for the public weal; and I will become a participant, in their trial. I did my work/ its their turn to pay.
To accomplish this task: THE FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTS an alternate path, to the demands of a court trial/ and the push : to demand DEMOCRACY RULES, not you.
I will trade you: your obedience to the law, as follows/ in exchange for an informed redress of grievances vote. That information :Accomplished not less than one full week in advance. Their decision: by fair and deliberate means provided by; an honest part of the March 4 primary vote: among the people of Champaign county, IL.
YOU SHALL pay for, and cause this vote, to happen by: Informing the public with: the information I provide; outlined in substance; “in the brief filed” as the 4 initiating demands. You are not allowed to alter it, although if you find anything “Unfair, or substantially errant” that is open for debate and removal. The foundation purpose of all information is: Let the public decide by vote if they so choose to accept the duty of governing, protecting, and defending ourselves, and our future; by the legal right of redress.
That is the purpose of this case 14SC-2.
The information and vote/ the subsequent decision made by the public: is all that redress requires of you.
In exchange: I will abandon the trial, pay the tax, and not produce any more litigation unless it is strictly personal to me, if the vote is no. If the vote is yes, the public must provide their own lawyers, and fight this fight for themselves.
Letting the trial be removed without further appeal, or pushing for the legal rights we are owed by government employees: abandoning threats; and ownership of us all in a variety of other ways. Is a big deal. IT IS THE LAW called REDRESS, I am demanding that you keep! Nothing more or less.
YOU MAY preempt that information with: “This is an experimental trial of democratic controlled government, under constitutional authority; which asks the public at large, BY VOTE: if they do/ or do not desire a more literal public ownership, and RESPONSIBILITY; in governing this state or nation.” IN DECIDING IF OUR LIVES CAN BE GAMBLED WITH, or there SHALL be limits.
Taking whatever personal credit you wish: “its my idea/ or our idea or whatever” to do so. I absolutely don’t care! Just produce the informed vote as decreed; and we will be done. I will allow the removal of this summary from the record and my web-sites: to assure as much as possible, no contradictions will come from me. If you request it. I truly don’t care, and it is functionally a choice that you will make, and establish; one way or the other. The credit is yours/ or you may insist its mine, or anything you like.
THE COMMUNICATION REQUIRED: To accomplish REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES, outlined; for the simple purposes of this particular trial.
I will limit my demand to critical and true information, established in mass media ; by including the 4 initiating demands in the brief SHALL BE placed first; on the news-gazette editorial page. Sunday edition February 24, 2014. General delivery, and no excuses. It is included for your review: Surrounded by a border and of the same size as standard type face; Commonly used everyday; for the entire paper. You shall not change the content, nor the style to any degree; it must remain “Intact, and simple to find and read”. The information shall include my website www.trialoflife.info , to accommodate and support anyone who does wish to know more.
In addition you shall pay for & there shall be: a full five minute, no interference or advertizing: explanation, on TV during the 6:00 news as provided by me: for redress, and against extreme threats as is our democratic right. On area channels 3-15-17 any one of the three is required in this time slot/ or all of them is irrelevant to me. That presentation shall not less than, one full week in advance of the march 4 primary vote. I will provide this video, prior to February 23, or you are excused/ unless serious accident, injury, or death should occur: in which case you agree:
To read in my absence or inability to complete the task, as noted above: the news gazette ad provided, shall be read; plus the listing of threats established in case 11108-12L the link is http://www.trialforlife.info/index.html#extremethreats You shall also identify, the US tax court trial from which they came.
Establishing this redress, our democratic authority by law: is a decision directed, as part of trial 14SC-2 : that they, the public may choose by vote: to proceed with ownership of this state or nation: by direct involvement in trial/ or deny and discard that authority by a vote that does not produce more than 50% in the affirmative; among those who vote.
The choice, presented as EITHER:
That vote shall accept: A check YES MEANS, I CHOOSE in the affirmative/ BY ACCEPTING the duties and the consequences of trial 14SC-2. TO INVESTIGATE, and examine the realities described in trial. A decision that will establish: We the people DO want more personal control over our government, our future, and our world/ and a duty to make that happen.
That vote shall accept: A check NO MEANS, I CHOOSE, that my direct involvement in governance/ our future/ or our world; including the investigation of threats asserted,: is NOT necessary; and I am happy to depend upon the employees, “university knows”, and all decisions related to our existence; that have taken us this far.
The information shall be clear, simple, and plain; and to the point: about the primary cause of redress to be voted upon. Broadcast in this County, not less than one week in advance of the march primary vote. You are entirely free to rebut, in any way you desire; for as long as you wish.
The literal and real means to vote within Champaign county must exist; no games; simple and plain as is ordinary to the purpose of a vote.
Let the people decide, as is democracy/ let constitutional law rule, or establish in opposition; as has NOT been done in trial after trial! The law that demands: the US first amendment has no place here. OR accountability, oaths, threats, duty, failure, etc as the evidence predicts will be found: is insufficient. Bearing in mind: whatever you establish in trial or avoidance of trial/ CAN be used against you.
Simply prove me wrong, by law/ if you do not wish to continue with this cause called redress of grievances by first amendment law. OR, provide my guaranteed rights, as both the IL and US constitutions demand. There are NO alternate decisions/ this is “your only choice”; to avoid trial, appeals, and whatever public support can be found against those who deny their oath of office.... and our lives.
I, James F. Osterbur: do hereby declare, that a true and correct copy of this first filing has been mailed to the following parties at the addresses so listed:. Placing the parcel, in the US postal service/ as prepaid mail on the date of 1/ 10/ 14 TO: CHAMPAIGN COUNTY COURT 101 E. MAIN URBANA IL 61801
STATE SUPREME COURT Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson 233 S. WACKER DR. SUITE 4030 Chicago IL 60606
IL IRS; Box 19035 Springfield IL 62794-9035
Lisa Madigan IL attorney general office 500 S. Second st. Springfield IL 62706
Governor Patrick Quinn State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
In the definitions that control our lives, comes the truth: that we did not create the miracles of life which surround us, and keep humanity alive.
Chaos, the assumption of the religion called evolution DID NOT create/ chaos only destroys. Which means thought, discipline, and order, came before anything else called life. The human reality of this day is a march into chaos, that will end in the destruction of everything; SO SAYS THE EVIDENCE, and its introduction here . Therefore you, the reader: MUST comprehend an honest and real understanding, “UNLESS we change as a world; from WANT first: TO LIFE MUST COME FIRST”/ there is no future, for any living thing. To be wrong, on numerous decisions that gamble with our entire world, and ability to survive; means we are dead/ no second chances. As is consistent with the theory: “we can bring the same fire here as is on the sun/ because there is not enough gravity to sustain the fire”. Even you, can understand; being wrong, is death to this planet. You know: That fire burns your skin from 91 million miles away in summer: it burns atomic bonds at 8-10 million degrees F! We can’t put it out. One, of the Experiments going on right now.
IF you agree with the purpose of that statement: “life first”/ THEN you have become “a messenger” burdened with the truth: that we all have a right to know what threatens us. We all have a right to understand the possibilities and potential of what can be changed, to rebuild our futures. We all have a duty, to build for hope/ and accept the responsibilities that come with our existence on this planet, in this time; and choose; to work for life first. There are consequences, to what you do/ or what you do not do. The reality of greed, the consequences of want, the tragedies of pride and power and destruction: have become a burden nature can no longer overcome. That DOES mean, our world has changed. You, are destroying faster than nature can provide. You, failed to “put anything back/ and you cheat, lie, and steal; proud of yourselves for that fact; its called revenge/ or they did something, to me first”. You worship a university that has increasingly threatened not only you, but this entire planet. Without change: YOU WILL receive your reward, for the decisions made. Not “GOD” punishing you/ reality and truth establishing, “no more lies, no more mercy”. You chose!
In the hope that you will “find your mind, heart, and even soul: and fight for life on this planet” / therefore I continued the work. These sites are provided free, and may be used without restriction. Take them to your own sites/ change the name; do whatever you consider best, in a battle for life on this planet. I don’t care: they are “yours”. Download the html sites so they cannot be taken away. Support the sites, and each other: so distribution can be simple and successful; when or if needed. I am irrelevant to your decision: this is YOUR choice/ this is for your world, your child, your future, and even your eternity. It is not mine, I have made my choice/ and done as duty required. My job, and my need to participate ends here; because only you, can change yourselves, or your world.
It is not my job, to bribe/ tempt/ manipulate/ lead/ or control you. It is your job, to RESPECT YOUR WORLD. If you continue to refuse: the duty and responsibility, to use, or understand what has been substantially prepared for you, for free: to defend this world, and protect its life: then simply, YOU deserve to die. I cannot support that, with continued work/ I have not failed your children, or life; substantially or on purpose: they do not deserve to die. Can you say the same? I HAVE proven to be “a friend, to life”/ not an enemy, or any religious illusion. I have proven here on these sites, your need to investigate/ examine the evidence/ and decide for yourself. Simple and plain.
Excerpts from energy | Excerpts from Biology |
Hope and Love | Jesus |
Tyranny and Deceit | Forums / Chat Room |
Freedom & Time | Friendships and Rulers |
Heart and Mind | The Majority |
We come to the moments of accountability/ the clear and deliberate action required to reclaim a world, and climb ourselves out of the abyss that want has made.
The measure of any human being is, the reality of their soul. Soul means a relationship achieved, with life itself, rather than “just body or mind”/ the existence of more is accepted as true. That is not a belief/ as is consistent with religious fervor. Rather truth examines the evidence, investigates the realities involved, and assigns the level of thought that we each participate within to determine the cause and consequence of what now must become faith. Faith is: the decision, that based upon the evidence and proven truth that is profound within my heart and mind; the investigation of reality as it searches for cause and effect. The clear distinction, that my soul understands, “this that I accept, is not less than the discovery: I AM ALIVE”. Life tells us time exists! Being alive, understands, I am a miracle that cannot be acknowledged in any other way than to accept: thought, the essence that is order/ disciplines/ balance/ courage/ truth understood/ love/ values of living/ happiness, and more brought me here/ to be alive. Thought demands, by truth: that what we do understand, without measures or lies, constructs a path into truth itself, by the life we lead. Where there is truth/ there is GOD. Where truth is understood as consistent with reality, through the evidence of thought; there can be faith.
We are, a world in trouble! It is that simple, because those who could; CHOSE this road upon which we have traveled as humanity on earth. Greed led/ selfishness controlled/ lies, deceit, temptations, lust, hate and more are found wherever we look/ theft is rampant, and securities for an entire world of working people are ransacked. The rape of governments by its employees, is a disease infecting this world. The reality of resources being destroyed, cannot be denied. The experimentation that can only end in our extermination has clearly arrived in both biology and energy. The weapons of mass destruction under control of liars, fools, and thieves: WILL end our lives, if we don’t dismantle them, and change this world. That is our reality, and it is only the beginning.
Those facts give us all one choice: either hide and run away pretending the whole world dying won’t affect you too/ OR FIGHT FOR LIFE on earth, by demanding what is true shall decide. And our only purpose from this day forward will be LIFE MUST COME FIRST! Because no matter how you view the consequences of what the rest shall mean: the fact we are over 7 billion people and growing at over 2 million more mouths to feed each and every week/ has consequences we cannot deny; such as an ocean nearly dead, oxygen diminishing, water being destroyed; etc. Or all that will be left is cannibalism/ then war/ then extinction; just because we are so many people. These are the basic facts, and they won’t go away just because you don’t like what they mean, or how it is said!
To fight for life means: WE MUST USE THE LAW! War only hastens the death of our entire planet/ because we CANNOT afford to lose any more resources or environments. It is that simple. To fight with governments, or courts requires the law: REMEMBERING particularly in any democracy, that every government official is none other than “just plain your neighbor or yourself”/ they AIN’T nothing special. But they DO GIVE AN OATH OF ALLEGIANCE to the cause, rights, purposes expressed, and realities defined by the constitution. If they break that oath/ they then become criminals, or traitors and are equally subject to the laws, and penalties of this land; “Just like you”. The power of we the people is then clearly defined by their oath “to obey us, as the constitution commands in its preamble, amendments, and purposes/ or face the consequences. They provide none of it, or very little: which means, you can confront them with the law on your side. They rule by forming an organization “to do this together”. We rule, by forming the same kind of organization to establish WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE OWNERS HERE, and you, the employee, merely work for us. The difference between us is weapons! The reality of force is more distinctly remembered as WE OUTNUMBER THEM, “a thousands to one”. They are a ripple in the ocean/ but we, are a tidal wave. So says reality. We do the work/ we pay the bills/ we provide the resources, and everything else that makes this nation survive: WE HAVE RIGHTS! Simple and plain.
For forty years, that I have been working against all this tragedy: NO ONE CARED! Or more correctly so few, that no impact was made. People wanted MONEY, and nothing else mattered! Just how it was. Today with the critical realities of consequences that could have been avoided becoming real: it is at least possible some sanity might now exist. Or not, its up to you. But there are no more second chances, the point of no return looms large.
All of that confronts each person with a “brain; those not brainwashed” by indoctrination into the cult of “university knows: they are a god/ don’t question them”! Just give them everything, and accept their lies. To ask you directly: WHAT HAPPENS, WHEN CRITICAL REALITIES OF SURVIVAL FAIL? Or more simply: what happens when the delusions and fantasies of “university knows” is proven to have failed? In the case of the most simple illustration which is: “We don’t have to worry about bringing the same fire here as is on the sun/ because there is not enough gravity to sustain it: so a ten million degree fire, will just put itself out/ on a planet made entirely of fuel.”
they assume, an opportunity to play with that fire, because it “puts itself out”/ although every form of real evidence available is the sun, and the sun does not put itself out, until it goes supernova. Consequently a fantasy, built on the illusion that their theory of immense temperatures at the core of the sun is true. While all the evidence established by understood physical laws of energy, says: that cannot be. Theories are irrelevant: what happens when you are proven wrong, is absolutely essential! Discarding nature, to bring chaos intending to prove evolution: “we shopped, and picked everything we wanted off the shelf for free/ without even a brain”. Is absolute insanity, and has no bearing in truth whatsoever! Adaption is merely the evidence of perfect design, “I knew, this would be needed”. They literally have nothing else. Another religious book found in every american school, that is absolutely delusional and beyond stupid.
We now enter the most critical reality of whether we live or die as a planet: IF the parents/ the elders will hold onto their assumptions of value, continue demanding counterfeit money is real, refuse to fight for life/ and destroy their relationships with the young in order to sacrifice all life, and keep from paying the debts they know were incurred. It is completely certain, “the old” will demand: “just fix it a little bit/ it will hold until I get where I am going”. But like the Titanic, “its unsinkable”/ reality will prove; this just isn’t true. In the metaphor of this world “is like the Titanic”: below the water line is an endless array of patches and holes; ALL of which are now leaking. In the reality of this time, current evidence indicates; we will NOT be alive by the year 2016. And if not energy experiments then tragedy from any of a number of threats that cannot be undone! The wealthy and the old intend to survive; at all cost, including the young. They WANT MORE, and many will absolutely refuse to accept “less is coming”/ we MUST share! But NOTHING apart from REAL CHANGE can save their lives either; we all change proving life on this planet, will be first now: or we all die. The fact, that you “followed the rules” and should not have to pay; is completely without merit. You knew your leaders were doing these things/ and you refused to confront them, or in any way alter the course of history: Simply DEMANDING, MORE MONEY FOR ME/ instead!
So now, the children must fight for themselves. The women must fight for themselves, as they held a back seat to all decisions; nearly entirely. Every life on earth is dependent upon the outcome; of what those laws can and will mean.
So the question is: HOW do those who otherwise appear to be helpless, and without any conceivable method defeat the powerful, as are the men who chose the realities of this day; when we find our planet at the edge of extinction? The answer is a vote. NOT a vote for someone to vote for me! BUT A TRUE AND REAL VOTE; DEFINING THE REALITIES OF LAW, THAT TURN SOCIETY INTO A DECISION, “THAT LIFE ON THIS PLANET COMES FIRST”. The money and war; that has held men captive for thousands of years and determined their “winners and losers”/ will end.
The law, is an army unto itself! When everyone is equal/ NO ONE is exempt. When WE THE PEOPLE, control the law: everyone WILL be equal; including judges, etc!
The enforcement of law, is not dependent upon a weapon/ but exists as the force of “we the people demand this”. That said, the cost of enforcing law, and rights; without an equal or superior weapon can be devastating: so says history! The US constitution agrees, as is the proof of its second amendment/ or more simply, “we will have guns too”/ NOT just you!
So the question is: HOW do we keep from MASSIVELY killing each other, with all these weapons? The answer is law: you cannot do anything you please, because we have rights, and the power to enforce those rights too. But the question remains: HOW do we control those, who are given the power to control us? HOW do we enforce our rights, in ways that do not surrender our lives unnecessarily? Both construct the answer as follows.
A) it begins with: the police have more power than the citizen/ but the army has more power than the police. Therefore the question of real citizen authority establishes the absolute necessity for: “The bill of rights” for a soldier! Or more simply: those who are amassed together with the most effective arsenal of weapons: ARE US! But they remain trapped under the demand of leadership, even when that leadership is wrong. Consequently as an individual they have no power or authority to aid and abet the population at large. HOWEVER, with the law on their side: particularly as it concerns the nation itself. That fact denies leadership the right to do anything they please/ and sustains the soldier in denying what would otherwise be tyranny, and traitorous acts, against ourselves. So then the reality of a soldier, who is one of “we the people of this nation”/ holds the key to real enforcement of the foundation values, and critical democratic authority that is our right to decide as owners for ourselves. “You are one of us/ this is your nation too”: therefore don’t betray us, and we will protect you from any enemy, regardless of rank, order, or suggestion. Don’t interfere in, what we demand is our guaranteed right as citizens of this state or nation: let democracy decide! But do interfere wherever it can be found by the evidence that the police or courts or politicians have gone too far; discarding our constitutional right/ by demanding to be rulers instead. To enforce true protections for the soldier: ANY AND EVERY court-martial that involves an action taken on American soil, for or against any American citizen: SHALL HAVE A CITIZEN TRIAL, with legal aids being both military and citizen/ a jury of citizens not less than 24 in number/ and a public trial in all aspects with full view, complete access, and the rights of appeal if granted by the jury: before the nation itself. Should the police and the courts be called into question: the jury shall be 12 citizens/ and 12 active duty soldiers; chosen by random; among those who volunteer.
B) the courts and the politician have more authority than the police/ but they lack the power of enforcement other than with words: therefore the police exist. A politician means: given the right to decide for us, within limits and boundaries. A court means: given the right to enforce the decisions of society, by its politicians or decrees as is the constitution/ by the sanctity of justice, fair play, and a purpose that includes equality for all. The highest ranking members, who do have control over the others: are required to give an oath to the constitution. That oath demands acceptance, that our intent and purpose as a nation is discovered and explained and accepted by the people themselves in the words that comprise the preamble, and its amendments. There are rights and responsibilities for the employees as well; but the foundation of an oath is not “to keep the rules applied”/ but to honor the purpose of this agreement binding us all together as a nation. That oath, gives us the power as we the people under the legal rights called redress of grievances: to establish and judge, if you kept your word or did not, and as a consequence these leaders; are now subject to the criminal law that is tyranny/ treason/ or other. By investigation/ examination of the evidence/ and the truth we, are now your judge; as you swore to us, “Your allegiance”.
C) The police construct a barrier, between ourselves, and anarchy! The reality is: ANY small group that becomes “the leaders”/ inevitably fall into the power and pride to control us, and take more for themselves, than any honest person intended. By separating this small group outside the others/ but giving the authority to the courts and politicians instead of the police, through law: civilization is born and sustained. The current problem of anarchy in US government that is university diplomas rule us; without exception or complaint allowed: IS THE FACT, these have now become a very large group/ instead of a small group that is much more controllable by the population itself. That means, the critical link between controlling government/ instead of it controlling us: is the size of the group in power. The current group having used its size to steal everything we own, being more than enough to prove: THIS, SHOULD NEVER BE AGAIN! They attained their power, by the simple rule: GIVE THEM A BRIBE, and they will fall into their own trap! And “COUNTERFEIT THE MONEY”/ or, there will not be enough to steal a world, and cheat an entire humanity! Both of which have been heavily used against us all. Both of which have been accepted by the common population: because they all, want more! Establishing the trap: A rich man or woman can only be rich, by making many more people POOR! It is rarely true, for any; that anything of substance or value existed in that tyranny; consequently “a legal crime”. You can’t have slaves/ unless you have poor. You cannot own great resources/ unless you truly would not share, with those who had an equal right, by the essence of life itself, with you. Being rich means, “You have attained slaves and servants”: those who work for far less, with little or no choice; than do you! Or, you control and manipulate their lives. The police are used to enforce: ITS OUR MONEY/ go to hell! But the police are also given the job of demanding: we can’t be thieves against ourselves either; so it’s a mixed blessing, with many tragedies on both sides.
The question is: HOW do we make this better for all people in society?
The answer is: by controlling the money with limited capitalism, we become our own rulers in business and life. We hold title to the resources as a nation, and determine for ourselves what is, or is not: TOO DAMN MUCH for any individual to hold over us. Without the money to bribe with/ or the power to spend our money and attribute our debt, to their decision or activity: we remain in control as WE THE PEOPLE.
The answer is: TO REMOVE POWER from government/ by taking control over all taxation, and deciding for ourselves, where that money will be spent: as a percentage of GDP given to specific programs; that cannot be changed but by us. As time passes, what is the proper percentage, will be found. After that, no further irritation need arise.
The trial, of our continued existence; relies upon three distinct challenges! To remove the influence of money, thereby reducing its power into a servant of society/ rather than its ruler. To reduce the destruction of this planet, to the minimum possible; regardless of human complaint for more, that is undeserved. To re-construct the value of life, by aiding and abetting friendship, marriage, respect, reality, truth and its consequence, laws for society/ rather than rules against it, the removal of leadership/ replaced by the consistency of our own decision by vote.
To accomplish these things: we will use the most appropriate venue possible!
The past is dead, “to time”: and cannot be changed/ therefore it is irrelevant. THE FUTURE IS EVERY HEART & SOUL, THAT DEPENDS UPON YOUR DECISION IN THIS DAY! Therefore this exercise is assembled as a trial, that constructs the values and realities that decide if they live or die.
The judge, over your eternal “reward or punishment”:
We begin:
Assembled before this court in this day are, “the people who will judge this earth, for life or death of those who are too young to protect themselves/ those who cannot defend themselves/ and those yet unborn!”
LET THE DEFENDANT, “our entire humanity” RISE!
THE CHARGES ARE: that you have willfully and with determination chosen as a majority to threaten, mutilate, endanger, exterminate, destroy, and disrespect all life on earth!
That you have willfully and deliberately chosen, as a majority, to experiment with nature; demanding to play god/ and play with the essence of life itself on earth, as a biological reality; as if it were a toy: FOR YOUR DESTRUCTION.
That you have willfully and deliberately chosen by refusal to inform, and the apathy assigned by those who do not care about life or this planet: to play god over this earth by creating tools assigned for its very destruction.
That you have willfully and deliberately chosen, to reduce this earth and all its resources/ environments/ chains of life/ eco-systems for the regeneration of life/ foundations necessary for life/ oceans/ means of survival/ and the fundamental fabric that ties our very existence to time itself: to destruction.
That you have willfully and deliberately chosen, to create weapons of mass destruction/ instead of world law, and the HONEST acceptance of peace as your desire.
That you have willfully and deliberately chosen, as a majority: to depend upon poisons for agriculture/ antibiotics for livestock/ destroying entire sea populations with oversized trawlers/ allowed the destruction of entire forests and their ecosystems without punishment/ introduced methods & poisoning ; destroying the drinking water supplies of earth/ taken every resource you can find, to throw it in the trash/ attacked the foundation of oxygen generation that keeps this planet alive.
That you have willfully and deliberately chosen, as a ruling group calling themselves “university knows”: the theft/ lies/ cheating/ enslavement/ control and manipulation/ propagation of failure and fantasy by media/ destruction of securities for the people/ removal of their laws and protections, asserting “we will play god” instead.
That you have willfully and deliberately chosen, to betray the children; taking their substance, and destroying their future: for your own ease.
Let the defendant plead!
So the examination OF FACTS, the investigation of REALITY, may begin! The consequence and fundamental truth that is: what happens next! Be assembled to identify, both criminal and civil punishments that will be attached.
Let the understanding: Be established by the fundamental realities of what it means to BE WRONG/ when gambling with all of nature and planet, or its life and future.
This is your beginning! Fail to assemble redress and confront the realities of this day, and you Die as a planet! The choice, is yours.
The most powerful words ever written are/ The most critically impressive economic reality identified, “each $1. representes one billion dollars/ $1,000. Is one trillion”. One trillion dollars is equal to ten thousand dollars per each and every one of one hundred million people/ or roughly one in three US citizens, babies and all. The basis of society, and the foundations of our behavior are recognized through understanding. The most critical questions humanity has ever faced now exist as the relationship we have allowed to be created: through university leadership. Our ability to understand the levels of extinction that we face: cannot be determined by what you believe or what “we all want”/ as that is irrelevant to this reality, in this our time, and by the consequences of our truth; as the choices made by human societies on earth. Our courts and political leaders have made their decision; regardless of the law, constitution, or democracy itself: they choose power over us; an illustration of some of the laws they deny.; at every level. The media, or more correctly the propaganda machinery of the powerful and proud, have made their choice: they choose pride and want, over life itself. Every single life on this planet is involved in the outcome of what is being, or has been chosen by those who lead humanity on earth today. Our leaders, have chosen HELL: humanity without hope/ ARMAGEDDON: nature in chaos/ APOCALYPSE: a war without end or mercy, because hate controls now; where all weapons of mass destruction will be used/ and turning this planet into a sun, by bringing the same fire here as is on our sun. Saying of their efforts, “the fire will just put itself out/ because there is not enough gravity (they admit: don’t know what it is) here”; even though this entire planet is made out of fuel. As that fire is: the burning of atomic bonds. As is similar to the burning of molecular bonds by fire here on earth. A reality similar to the difference between TNT and theatomic bomb. Time for change, is running out.
To demand better requires this information must be distributed so as to give humanity itself as WE THE PEOPLE/ their right, to refuse: and control, those who are so badly attempting to destroy our world. Those who literally gamble with all our lives, based solely on their desire to do so, risking our entire planet, all its nature, and every possibility of a future that exists by refusing to address the threats that we cannot survive. WE HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT TO INTERVENE; this is life or death for our planet! WE HAVE LEGAL JURISDICTION, the law called REDRESS: THIS IS ABOUT LIFE OR DEATH FOR OUR NATURE, EVERY CHILD, EVERYTHING WE VALUE. Therefore this decision requires, US ALL, thereby: to take control over our democracy, and resurrect our future/ ending the fantasy and delusions of “university knows”. By demanding truth/ nothing but the truth/ and no excuses or lies. All theories refused/ or examined by proven realities: for what happens when this is proven wrong! NO GAMBLING WITH LIFE! Is necessary to survive, not only as. WE THE PEOPLE OWN, this nation! But as aworld. To refuse payment, for those employees who have threatened our extinction with their decisions: is fundamentally required. The need is: GO TO COURT, and examine the evidence/ to find what is TRUE! Before you die, or have absolutely no recourse: “to damn late now”! The sites I provide to assist you are these. If you succeed, the requirement to aid in the distribution of this news, to a world; demands a donation. Let those who say, “its not time yet/ or the consequences are too extreme”; remember the lesson of a tornado or other natural event: We you literally see it coming, IT IS TOO LATE, to prepare now! The lesson of this day is: “the cancer of a diploma, is a disease that kills, steals, and destroys”; because the power released upon society by the assumption of “an expert”; has proven their pride has no boundary, and their want extends past INSANITY. A proven; absolute failure, to all that is important for life. True, whether you like it or not. Reality then states, “the expert so called” can and must testify, but only to present the existence of known data. No theories accepted/ absolutely no rules allowed: only justice, the literal expressions of “fair play”, and the quality deserved by ALL life, understood by the word: “equal/ not superior in any way” . Judged by the reality called liberty, and the jurisdiction called freedom: establishing WE THE PEOPLE! Under constitutional rule, as the preamble, and its amendments demand. “We, are the owners here”/ not our employees!
Reality states: our employees/ “the university diploma” stole our money/ they stole or attempted to destroy our future/ they refused the very basic elements and fundamentals of democracy that support our lives, and keep us all from dying! THE PRICE for that is: NOW WE DECIDE!
You can control leaders by establishing world laws, that do have the authority to bring ANY LEADER into “our courtroom, as people of this world demanding critical rights and fundamental respect”. When they understand: you are NOT EXEMPT from the laws WE DECIDE and enforce as a world/ nations will be changed. You can control any weapons, in any nations; that you so choose as a world: so long as its equal and fair to all. You can protect the earth, the sea, the resources, and more; by enforcing cooperation with these laws.
You CANNOT evade or choose, to lie about the truth of your destruction: and what must be done to hope, “life on earth shall continue”. Truth decides everything; applied to reality, means then: your decision shall be made.
YOU CAN, resurrect the money; by simply tying the numbers to a population count: thereby each knows, what is or is not fair. Choose a number as the maximum anyone can keep, and erase everything above that line. Let limited capitalism do the rest.
DOWNLOAD THESE html SITES, so they cannot be taken away. Distribute them; they are yours, free of charge.
The elemental relationship that has limited my own response “to the law”; shall be recognized as owed to “the spiritual woman inside”. As is constant with male, “I was, headed in a different direction”. Law is the answer/ force is not! Let the law be your army! But make no mistake, without direct participation from we the people as a nation or a world or any part thereof: you will fail.
I am not your leader/ change yourselves! It’s: YOUR JOB. Not mine. You have: the tools/ the law/ the rights/ the democratic authority/ THE NEED/ the understanding/ the incentives/ and the foundation DUTY, TO PROTECT THIS WORLD, and even this nation and its democracy from terrorists. That includes: protection against the geneticist/ the physicist/ and all who threaten life; which does include population control!. If you fail to accept the responsibility you owe to life on earth, and every child: I guarantee, you will get everything they have prepared, with your blessing: for you’re own extermination, and conviction (you chose too). The death of this world: So says the evidence. The religion of evolution, which has conceived of genetic mutilation, and brought it into our lives: believes, and attempts to destroy genetic disciplines/ balance/ boundaries/ order/ and everything life is, to bring chaos into this world. In an attempt to prove, what is an absolute lie. This is “Armageddon coming”.
The evidence also says: you, are the worst generation that has ever been, to have allowed all this destruction and wanton failure/ BUT YOU ARE also the generation that decides if this earth and all its life will live or go extinct, by terrors unimaginable. Making you the most important generation that has ever lived. It’s a choice. You WILL make it, and be responsible for what you did or did not do: forever! There is no place to run. There is no place to hide. There are no excuses that will be accepted: including fear! Life or death for this world, is no game/ and neither is the threats you face. I DO NOT demand that you believe this message/ rather I demand you investigate, examine the evidence, participate in a courtroom decision as the democracy you are, and identify the truth for yourselves, and this world. Which does have every right to participate; in what affects us all. Because there are NO SECOND CHANCES! The failure of any critical system or chain of life, means we are all extinct. Any assumption, that our world cannot be lost; is dis-proven by “Noah’s flood”: because the evidence of fossil fuels found covered all at once, some thousands of feet deep/ CANNOT have occurred in any other way. Try thinking for yourself; for a change. Is dis-proven by a sunburn, from 91 million miles away. Is dis-proven by birth defects/ hunger/ and reality. GROW UP.
The disciplines of leadership DO NOT include, an outright gambling with all life on earth! Of all the critical failures, that represent the reality of “university knows leadership” in this portion of the same US supreme court/ US tax court case ; that identifies criminal corruption in all the highest levels of US federal government. The very worst/ most easily identified is: these leaders have decided they CAN bring the same fire here to this planet as is on the sun, a 9,000,000 degree F fire, that burns atomic bonds. Because the theory goes: “Not enough gravity here on earth to sustain the fire”/ so it will just put itself out. On a planet that is nothing but fuel! In case you missed it: that means when they are proven wrong, this entire planet becomes another sun. There are NO second chances/ once lit, either it puts itself out, OR we are incinerated . It is that simple/ no one escapes “being wrong”.
Of the various methods needed to prove them wrong/ it is also useful to understand. In terms of gravity failing to hold the fire to this earth/ the more critical reality is: just how much suction does a 9 or ten million degree fire establish, particularly in this atmosphere? Do you not understand a forest fire 3,000 degrees; sucks in air (a chemical bond fire)? It does so, because the expansion of heat creates a vacuum! The probable air speed of this atmosphere on earth being sucked into that fire at the base of its flame is roughly one thousand miles per hour. Or more simply “just like a candle sucks up the was to burn/ an atomic fire will suck up this earth and burn anything that is built with an atomic bond. Which is everything. In terms of fire growth, a chemical fire doubles in size every minute. An atomic fire will do over 12 times that. In terms of a candle and the room needed because of heat expansion: test it for yourself/ light a candle with full air flow. The flame will be roughly 7 times bigger than the wick/ the flame will rise roughly 7 times higher than the wick engulfed. A candle flame is roughly 500 degrees/ as we then multiply the effect of heat expansion which is the same regardless of the source or type of fire: a 10 million degree flame needs 140,000 times more room! That simple reality proves the flames you see on the sun itself (its visual size), are NOT the source of fuel/ but the reality of heat. The wick itself turns to ash as it is incinerated. The ash cloud of an atomic fire, is the simplest possible combination of atomic structure that is able to form after any possible “singular” components of atomic structureescape the fire. Thereby the hydrogen chemical signature of the sun is nothing more than its ash cloud. Everyday, the national ignition facility tries desperately to ignite an atomic fire on earth. The day comes soon, when that fire will destroy us all! No one escapes. Or, more simply the CULT of “university knows” will then be SATAN on earth. With all its believers assigned as “devils”. You chose to let them! You have NO EXCUSE, because you do understand a fire 91 million miles away, that burns your skin here in summer; is no toy!
THE SUMMARY OF LEADERSHIP, when applied to life must come first!
Elemental to all social needs is: the demand, you must know and acknowledge what justice is/ to establish justice for all. The demand, you must know and accept, what is fair to all/ in order to give peace and stability to a nation. The demand is: without equality as is described with a clear recognition for work, realities, and choices that have been already done (the existence of evidence); the courtroom fails all.
Reality states: contrary to the frivolous claims and illusions of propaganda, leaders continue to fill their pockets, (in billions). In every nation on earth; at the expense of all other life. That constant established democracy/ but true democracy was stolen, by those who demand we cannot vote on the issues themselves, the laws which drive and control our lives; because we must vote for someone (they choose) to vote for me instead! Reality rejects that proposition entirely. Democracy unleashed is: redress of grievances, a first amendment law which states, if we so choose as a people to take our employees to court and test whether they have obeyed their oath to become “government workers”. Then we shall so do it, by law/ and judge them as we the people. As the US supreme court trials 08-1339 & 11-100 on http://www.justtalking2.info/ prove.
To prove, the power of we the people, as owners here: “a legal tax revolt is called for”. Not you don’t have to pay/ rather, UNLESS you do as your oath and the constitution of this state or nation requires of you/ that contract, sworn by our employees: that democracy itself shall rule, is broken. And it is a duty of this democracy: that we must not pay those who fail us all! Our nation depends upon it. The constitution is “our government”. It is Not, our employees, who have proclaimed themselves to be “our rulers”; a traitorous act. Democracy is: we rule ourselves by the law we create/ we own the right, to change or control our democracy as we the people desire, as the constitution allows. Or we must change the constitution, as we the people; by more than 70% majority agreement.
Justice is: the relationship we all share with life itself, which is the fact and foundation of a right to believe and accept, that NONE are better or superior to me, or you! The ability to conceive of thought, or do work, or establish love, hope, life, happiness and more that has value to the living/ is a decision that identifies an individual. RATHER THAN a humanity, which is born into the life they will live, rather than having earned life itself. That fact makes us equal. The law divides an individual decision into: for life and value to the living/ OR for hate, and the descent into chaos and destruction. Therefore the essence of justice is; WHAT, is the decision that you made? The essence of law is: WHAT, is the decision we have made? The reality of punishment is: the freedom to be wrong/ does NOT include “terrorism, in any form”. Simple and plain.
FAIR IS: the reality of work, in direct relations with the risk, the time and sacrifice, and the purpose that constructs “this is for societies benefit/ this is for happiness and hope directly benefitting society and a variety of people who may then share/ this is for me or you, as a relationship with my or your own freedoms. Freedom is, the opportunity to be wrong/ but not significantly threaten any other. Freedom is not distinctly about being right, because truth establishes right. Right means: I deserve to be what I choose to be, so long as I hurt no other; or, I DO NOT deserve to damage the future significantly discarding any care or concern for life, all life. Truth establishes what is disciplined order, as is consistent with the law that governs life, mass, and energy through time. Therefore it is not a choice, but a reality which can only be disrupted, or lessened: the choice is to accept these boundaries or lie. Fair constructs the simple truth, that life is time here on earth. As a consequence the single unifying factor of time and its relationship to our existence, discovers that we are equal, apart from our individuality. Fair DEMANDS: that trickery, deceit, manipulation, flattery, temptations, the failure to forewarn, abuse, and more SHALL NOT be allowed. Each must understand what is or is not true, without complications or misdirection.
Equal is: the ascension of a critical decision. That decision is RESPECT. Without respect, the ability to achieve any “valued” relationship with life does not exist. Without respect, life is irrelevant and worthless. Without respect, there is only greed/ want/ pride/ power/ and lust. These are the elements which become hate. Hate is the destruction of life, the search for revenge. At the opposite end of human decision is VALUE. Value means, I have accepted respect into my life, and found miracles exist. That developmental difference, between those who do find “miracles”/ and those who in the opposite existence of hate, judge “worthless”. Fundamentally explains, why humanity cannot live in, or out of society, without significant crime, tragedy, and tears. Thereby equal does NOT represent the assumption of all are the same/ but rather, identities must be examined to ascertain WHY every action or reaction “has a cause”. Some just want to hate, and essentially begin life in that direction. While some just desire friendship and love, and search for the value that is hidden within all miracles of life itself. Hate is a decision/ it is not anger, which stems from “I have a right, and you are wrong”! Rather hate is a relationship formed with DIS-respect. Thereby achieving the judgment, “I can play god”.
LOVE is: the treasury of life exchanged for, the acceptance “even if all the world were offered/ still I would choose YOU”. Love is, the elemental decision, that true and honored friendship is better than life, if we search together “for our home”.
Society exists where love and friendship abide in you and me. Society dies, and then wars, because it has nothing left but hate, when too many judge, “the rest are worthless to me”/ rather than accept “we are MIRACLES, equals as life; alive, in the value of our own identity”! To be happy, requires love.
THE SUMMARY OF LEADERSHIP, when applied to the planet and its living requirements: must come first!
Establishes the elementary demand: NONE have a home, without this earth. Establishes the elementary TRUTH: that NONE, have a body or mind or the possibility of life or existence or happiness or anything else, not even of hate; without the critical instructions that are “genetic NATURE”! NATURE IS: the elemental building blocks that produce the bodies (physical existence) of life; combined with its energy. THESE ARE NOT TOYS, and human existence has proven itself beyond all measure INCAPABLE of studying or attaining anything: BUT THE DESTRUCTION OF LIFE ITSELF. By playing with genetic DNA or any other form of alteration, mutilation, crucifixion, study, or any other form of complete DISRESPECT and mayhem. More simply: DON’T TOUCH LIFE! Apart from breeding programs it is ALL absolutely off-limits/ or you die! Take their tools and funding away/ carefully empty their laboratories, & destroy their experiments/ you WILL open their damn doors, and never let university, industry, business, hobby, or any other version of threatening terrorism over life and body cross this world again. ALL, “called WE THE PEOPLE, will make any decision that threatens nature or planet in any conceivable way: a few shall never again, decide to gamble everything, or even anything without our direct permission as a world. NEVER give these things back! NOT to anyone or anything including courts, governments, or any other version of authority, or individual decision. The punishment: for failure to comply completely is death. The punishment for terrorism, or its deliberate threat against a world: is death by torture. This includes all threats to the planet or its life; as is the case with extreme energy experiments.The reality of human decision HAS BEEN PROVEN a complete disease to all life: all FAIL/ none, in university, media, or leadership cared enough! Did you the public NOT go along? They can’t play god/ and neither can you. Complete failure as is consistent with world leadership today means: THEY SHALL NOT continue to hold or threaten with weapons of mass destruction anymore, neither shall they possess extreme weapons of any kind. Instead YOU SHALL create world law, and a world court with a policing agency built from all nations participating, with one language; so nobody gets to hide what they say. Whose purpose is: TO BRING LEADERS TO TRIAL, OR if they refuse, to take their power away by death. They shall also contribute, to the control of anarchy where heinous crimes such as the mutilation of bodies to enforce slavery/ kidnaping of women or children to enforce or control prostitution/ etc is found. Your solution is the law, for this world/ each nation/ and each individual.
The foundations of failure required to protect life first: are found discarded, in every part of human life on earth; the current evidence suggests, in every nation! The single unifying factor of leadership today on earth is: the college education/ diploma! That means your intellectuals are destroying your life. Looking to China, where they killed all intellectuals a century or more ago; for no doubt similar reasons. The reality proven by China is: that too, is a bad idea! The elemental need of democracy for this world is: that we the people must create the laws we will live by for all society, FOR OURSELVES. By our vote on the law, or the reality of society and work for ourselves. NO MORE “voting for someone to vote for me”/ that is simple anarchy, hidden by the cloak of lies. Only a few short, clear, simple, and plain laws are needed. Once created, they will serve till the end of time, with little change. Or more simply: DO the work now/ and let it then be done. Control the money of nations; with a percentage of GDP dedicated to specific projects; such as social security. Let the money go, to the people themselves; such as the retirees that get social security, so they may decide within the groups they create, who gets what. Or more simply: TAKE THE POWER out of government employment/ and give it to yourselves. One distinct method of doing that is, LIMITED CAPITALISM! OR, more simply we all have rights/ not just a few. Or more simply in the implementation of limited capitalism, ‘tell them its nothing personal/ just democracy (we the people SHALL rule ourselves) in action”.
THE SUMMARY OF LEADERSHIP, when applied to the elements of resource that are the foundations of work, life, and the chains; environments; and eco-systems of our planet itself. Cause life or death to be sustained. They are NO GAME.
The foundation of all majority human influence on this planet is: to make every resource a game/ or a war! To assemble and abuse the pride that says “you lose/ I win”. To assemble and abuse the want that says, “look at me, I WIN”. To assemble and abuse the element of power and control, which demands; “Listen to me, I OWN you”. To assemble and use HATE, as a weapon designed to steal, kill, or manipulate the others into slavery.
Establishing the truth: pride is an enemy/ want is a liar (because if you don’t want/ then you don’t lie)/ power is a disease that infiltrates and distorts life, to do harm/ and hate is your own personal decision NOT to participate in the values of life, but try to destroy it.
The critical relationship we share with this planet and all its life is very simple: WITHOUT RESPECT, WE ALL DIE! That is true, because every chain we depend upon/ every environment we require to survive/ every conception of an intricate web of life that becomes our existence in time; requires us all. Every life, NOT just human. Because every life gives diversity, and that diversity gives us back every element of hope, happiness, discovery, challenge, courage, and all things valued by our own existence. The failure to care, is your own personal absolute disgrace/ proven true.
THE SUMMARY OF LEADERSHIP, when applied to the human elements of society; is gravely corrupt.
The foundations “simply human” of society are these: work/ law/ rights/ freedom/ education/ money/ and values! These establish “civilization: let the law decide”.
Work is an obligation we all share/ none are exempt. That means, all have an inherent and inherited right to the job they need to participate honestly and with respect in life. The critical failure of work, as controlled by the majority of men [is this NOT the human world they designed] is: greed controls, or more simply “they want your’s too”/ and refuse to care, refuse to share, refuse to participate with respect, and do choose deceit over honest reality. Particularly diseased is: “throw this away/ so we can sell more”/ destroying the future; as is consistent with tyranny (the power to control and abuse for hate) and fool (dead inside). Welfare is: the decision to buy the competition out, “here we will pay you not to compete with us”/ accepted by idiocy, “it does not make you win\ner; this means you surrendered”. Because it was the easy way.
The critical truth is: rebuild/ reuse/ recycle and don’t destroy. Your critical reality is, having attained a population over 7 billion people: roughly one person, per acre of agricultural use soil. And growing at over 2 million more mouths to feed each week. YOU WILL GIVE UP competition, you WILL control population: and work for life first/ OR YOU WILL NOT survive. Share the work/ care for this entire world/ do what has to be done to rebuild a future for life and child. Playtime is over/ grow up or die.
Law Is the relationship we share with RESPECT FOR LIFE AND PLANET! It is that simple. Without respect you die. Without respect for humanity and its needs you will war. Without respect for GOD : you will get what you deserve. The horrors and mutilation and terrors that your “human gods: university knows” have made upon this earth.
Rights Exist as the clear and certain principle, I am not less than you are! Thereby the essence of every human existence is tested as the right to be treated as the same/ wherever no substantial, clear, and proven threat has been made. The element “innocent until proven guilty” stands as a testimony to the power of rights. The reality of a jury that has NOT been swindled, and deceived, out of its own authority is; that we the jury shall decide if this court “played fair: that DOES mean the punishment shall be reviewed; and the judge shall be judged”. To achieve societies purpose of WE THE PEOPLE ARE RULERS HERE, and this is our law, and our court: it is not yours as a ruler or judge over us. The courtroom, the policing agencies, leaders, etc are not gods: THEY ARE EMPLOYEES! We decide what justice shall be under constitutional direction as the true authority of our government, and within all appropriate law, that is written for justice.
Freedom The essence of life itself, is our relationship with freedom! The decision: that we or more distinctly “I alone” own for the purpose/ desire/ discovery/ development/ love/ hate/ or assemble as the life I choose to live. No one has the authority to deny what is clearly and only MINE! Life, as is the evidence of this personal body in time, belongs to me. It cannot be owned by another. Neither can the decisions I make be given to any other in place of me. That is functionally and fundamentally freedom. Plain and simple: my life is mine/ and you own no right to deny that fact in any substantial way; unless a clear and deliberate threat to us all, or to others is proven to exist. Where freedom escapes “personal existence” and applies to “all or any other life”/ then the development called LIBERTY begins. Liberty is the proven truth: WE, or they, have rights and freedoms too; you cannot claim, threaten, destroy, deceive, or in any way create subterfuge, anarchy, treason, traitorous conduct, or criminal actions without our decision and our judgment by law or the foundations of life first, as needed.
Education Is the substantive creation of people who can compete, understand, and participate with you and I! It is not more, or less. That means if the people you pretend to educate are not fully prepared to take your job/ then you didn’t do your job. Humanity says: I/ we, WILL NEVER do that, unless it is my own child. Therefore the primary purpose of current education is: to babysit and control the competition/ to feed them flattery and foolishness: until forced to accept their right to work with us. And then make them pay and cost them time, in order to get a job (establishing more barriers, to control competition) they should have already been prepared to do.
So the truth of an education is: HOW does society accept its own children/ when they know, it will cost them “money”. The answer is: to remove the power of money! Money is: the trade of work, education, and time between people. Money is not fundamentally about resources/ because people do not create resources/ they create the work that develops resources into building materials for themselves or another. Resources are what nature and this earth provide to all humanity. Work, is what we do for each other/ rather than ourselves. Society uses money, because otherwise we would be required to trade for whatever we, or the other person has. Money allows us to trade with third parties, and distribute our work to someone else. Work is an ability. An education is knowledge useful to an understanding that creates “how this might, or will be done”. Time is the unifying factor between all humans, demanding: my life is partitioned by time/ my time is therefore equal to your life as well as mine. To remove the power, as we the people: that controls work, knowledge, and time for other people thereby distributing it to yourself as wealth: is called LIBERTY. The liberty to change our world elevates itself through democracy. The ability of democracy to participate in governing, as it is proven we the people MUST: comes from redress of grievances. The development of redress of grievances as constitutional law that must be kept is conceived and established through the court cases 08-1339 and 11-100. The answers of a corrupt court and government are.
Every value of life is created by the functional relationship: we are as we choose to be! For the weak, that is identified by want/ or more simply except for survival itself, what you want or do not want controls the existence of your life and your decisions. For the strong, that decision is verified by the clear and distinct purpose, established from the desire: that I will love/ OR, in its complete opposite, the choice your chose to hate. These do NOT live together/ you do choose one or the other. Because apart from survival itself, that choice controls your decisions, and thereby identifies your life. Anger establishes “Unfair”/ it alone resides in the middle. Depression is the recognition, “I cannot have what I truly want”. Suicide is; “I give up/ you have made life unhappy”. The other variations of human behavior stem from a combination derived from how we treat, value, or respect each other/ or fail.
THE SUMMARY OF LEADERSHIP, when applied to our future as a planet is:
That we WILL accept the limits of nature to provide what we need/ because anything less will end in the destruction of our world. WE ARE, “that many people”. Therefore we shall ALL, choose to help and sustain nature in its every form; because you know not just how valuable this creature or plant etc is! Every life requires a vast array of chemicals; that includes the chain of life: that ends in your ability to survive as well as the lower lives that sustain you. Kill the creator of a critical substance, a critical source, or a critical value; and you die too.
There is no allowance for the continued destruction of anything/ you HAVE already destroyed to the point of desolation coming. If you do not stop immediately, you cannot survive. Because you are not simply human/ you are a reality of nature, that is sustained or destroyed because of what nature itself can or cannot do. You are dependent upon water. You are dependent upon oxygen and its generation by nature. You WILL honor the fact, by your own choices from this day; ALL life on earth lives or dies because of you.
The ocean is a vast but fragile living organism; or like its soil driven counterpart/ it is a secondary nature combined with the first. You cannot kill, mutilate, destroy, disrespect, or in any other way assume: you can do anything you want to do/ because you have done that, and all ocean life itself, nears complete devastation. You must feed them. You must limit the size of fishing vessels. You must stop all coastal “cage farming”/ and move that into the sea: by using feeding stations to attract and sustain a population that you may then catch. Today: you are breeding disaster! You must control what is done in and to the ocean in every conceivable way. You must undo all the damage you have done: because without these creatures you will starve.
You will insulate, and limit the areas you heat, because it is necessary. The control of fossil fuels identifies who complies. You will stop all but what is absolutely essential air-conditioning; because that is the base reality that contributes massively to global warming. You will stop aircraft from all but the most necessary flights: they consume enormous amounts of oxygen, and grant little in terms of life. Move back together. You will identify and create a new society based around “village life, and village businesses” so that continual driving, as you do today; becomes abhorrent. You will establish nuclear power plants to create your electricity along with other sources that do not consume oxygen: because you DO desire to breathe. But you WILL NOT create nuclear power as it is today; the only purpose of which is, “look at me, I am god”. Rather you will use small reactors, appropriately placed underground so that a lake of suitable size can be always available to stop a reaction out of control. You will bore a hole deep enough into the earth, to safely dispose of radioactive water. You will transport and contain lower levels of nuclear contamination of materials into the vaults already prepared in America and into the deep caverns left behind by oil removal. You will take the most radioactive materials, contain them into small pellets that will survive lowering into the deepest part of the ocean, and place them there, to be recovered by the depths over time. You will drill into Yellowstone super-volcano and release or entrap at an alternate site; the gas pressures that cause an explosion to occur. You will discard all the university fantasy/ destroy all the military illusions of power: and choose to work for life on earth.
That means: millions of unhappy people {YOU, ARE BILLIONS}, because they think of themselves as gods, and they want what they want; and won’t be told no, without a fight. They are the insane, and they fill government and university, with many in military leadership. But there are also the masses, which demand “to be rich”. Even though to be rich simply means: “to make many other people poor/ to force them into slavery or poverty so you can have more”.
That means: HATE must be confronted. That means: hate must be eliminated from the planet or forced to accept boundaries that will not be breeched. So they can attempt to build their own world apart from the rest. What you must give them, is dependent upon their numbers. They will go, when the understand: ONLY HERE, can you try to sustain what is being done today. WITHOUT ANY HELP from the rest. With limits enforced by death; on travel, even into the sea. You may go, if not forced+/ but you may not return.
You must identify and control the base elements of industry at all levels; the most simple discussion revolves around the difference between what humanity needs and deserves in contrast with what industry needs and expects. The fundamental case to be used is identified as federal court case 2023. The foundations of US supreme court behaviors are to be viewed as well.
The consequences of agriculture by poisoning/ the elimination of diversity and the end of insect populations which contribute dramatically to our world by providing pollination and a base food source which cannot be replaced to a wide variety of creatures. The requirement and consequences: of antibiotic feeds as the foundation of all close confinement agriculture MUST also be identified and controlled.
These are a few, of the basic changes that must come in order for life to survive on earth. You stand on the edge of extinction, by numerous methods most of which is generated by what you call “university knows”. Your leaders refuse you the legal right to know and understand the threats that are coming to destroy you. Your courts refuse the law. Your media wants the money, and protects its pride. Your policing does not care/ they like it, the way it is. Your religions assumes they will lose power over you; and they may be right. So they protect their jobs instead of your lives or this world.
While it is true, that you have lived entirely by lies in society for a few decades now/ that will not remain so, as every single anchor that holds life, society, and nation; ; even this world together has been destroyed, or is nearly so. Truth will conquer you. One way or the other, not because it is ruler/ but because it is true. Every truth is a law unto itself, a reality generated by the evidence that proves an identity or a decision or a consequence of this universe and its law shall be obeyed. To do otherwise is insane, because it leads to destruction.
I am not your “question or answer”/ truth is! What is true about me is quite simple: I absolutely refuse, to let this earth and its creation die; without a fight! The consequence of that decision: after ten years of searching diligently, it is absolutely clear, man does not have an answer/ his answer as history proves is war. This is, the best life in human society by the power of men did do/ and they will return to it as fast as possible regardless of the need for change. That left only women to ask: “what would you do”? That became this reality as it is shaped by a clear dependency upon law. Because only the law can rule us all. Only the law can change us all. Only the law, can keep us all alive: BY DEMANDING WHAT IS TRUE, & WHAT IS NECESSARY TO INSURE LIFE ON THIS PLANET SHALL REMAIN: SHALL BE DONE!
You should understand as well, that throughout the early years I utterly refused to lead you: which demands you cannot follow/ therefore a clear and deliberate intent to remove focus and force you to rely upon your own intellect was used to deny any assumption that I would. The reality of your failure to do that establishes, “more information here” that I would have otherwise given.
This is, “the sum total” of my warning to you: that without change, every horrifying prophecy shall come true. Every possibility for your continued survival as life on earth will end: without true and significant change. There is no going back. Like the same fire from the sun here on earth; there is no putting it back in the bottle. Once ignited, it will consume you all.
Because we are so many people now, that nothing else will do. Because those who used to be called “wizards and warlocks or witches”/ are now the university elite, and by the evidence of threat: their clear purpose is to cause your extinction. Not because they are so heinous as a group, that they are simple terrorists. More directly their fantasies and delusions have let their pride consume them; and they obviously “think they can be or play god”. How else would you describe people who gamble with this entire planet and every life. Or choose to mutilate and crucify all of nature in a vain effort to pretend that evolution (we went shopping, and built ourselves one piece at a time; for free). The most insane religion ever invented. You need “all the parts and pieces” at once or you don’t live: IS THAT NOT TRUE? Go ahead cut out your own heart (didn’t need that part) etc, and see if you survive.
Let it be clear: I know, that you can kill me. But what true difference does that make when faced with an endless horror that will come quickly now, without true change. Your universities are set to destroy the disciplines of life in nature, creating Armageddon (nature in chaos); everything crucified including you. Your universities are set to destroy this planet by several means; consuming all life on earth by fire the most likely “first death”. Your leaders have corrupted everything to the extent that all of society “holds a gun” and intends to use it if necessary: but they have no organization, and when the killing starts, who will you trust. Making the apocalypse with all its blood spilled come true. And so on.
WHAT IS TRUE WILL DECIDE. The evidence says, “you’re dead” without critical change; which you don’t want to do. I cannot stop that. I am NOT “god”/ just a messenger, so whether I live or die is somewhat irrelevant; because only you can change yourselves. I have delivered this message. Your lack of duty, responsibility, respect, and reality/ the fact time is literally running out for this entire world; has caused me to abandon a building I would otherwise have saved and used. There is no purpose, when the evidence says, “this world will die”. Only you, can stop that. Which means to some extent: humanity gets its primary wish, now “you, are gods”; life on this planet, depends upon you. If you fail, an entire world will be lost. But I do guarantee: “eternity will remember those who chose to destroy GOD’S CREATION “!
Noah’s flood has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt/ because all the oil, coal, and gas that exists could not have become “fossil fuels” without it. The biblical account and prophecy of Daniel 12 clearly has been established. It reads: from the real beginning of possibilities (national ignition facility): to bring the single worst decision that humanity can make, “which is to bring the same fire here as is on the sun” here. There will be a reprieve of 1290 days for the rest of humanity to stop them. If you fail, then roughly in September of 2015 the end will come/ the fire will begin. At forty days beyond that, the entire atmosphere of the earth will be ejected. So we then look to see what other possibility of ignition hides in the making; and find the exo-watt laser. One million, one trillion volt (largest possible) lightning bolts, all hitting the same spot, at the same time.
The sites I provide are these. The primary information for all sites, for this entire work: is this portion of “trial after trial”: in both state of ILLINOIS and US federal and supreme courts. A FEW, of the thousands of links used upon these sites. The most powerful words for human society ever written. The question called life. The reality: those who say “debts don’t matter”; believe they are rulers, and never intend to pay. To even suggest media has not failed us entirely, is fantasy!
The purpose and desire very simply: we are threatened with extermination as a planet/ so says the evidence. That fact, cannot be left: to those who have made created the threats, and realities we now face. Download these html sites/ so they cannot be taken away, or hidden from you. Support this work, or it can disappear. Support “life for this planet must come first”/ or it, and we, will all disappear. You are not asked to believe: as was demanded of the courts; you are asked to investigate the evidence and prove what is or is not true/ because we cannot survive being wrong; not even as a planet of life. You are asked, as was the courts: to communicate these threats to “humanity” and let each one decide for themselves; as is consistent with freedom and democracy itself. As for me, I have proven and delivered everything in this work, I came to do. The decision, and the consequences of life or death for a planet: the investigation, trials, etc now comes to you. I have finished/ nothing else is required of me, for this work, or your decision.
Should the IL tax lawyers decide: after months of silence, to go ahead and accept the demands of the IL supreme court document filed; by certified mail: but again “refused, without a single word from the court or the lawyers”/ because they cannot win. I would return for that, or similar. As is consistent with your own realities; the work is not perfect/ it is simply the best I did do, for life, and planet; that will soon be approaching one tragedy or crisis, after another. The critical question is do you care, & will you share the information you accept as “too important to be wrong”; with anyone else?
Balance states; it should be recognized, that none of these sites/ all these words, represents the assumptions of an optimist (I believe everything I want, will come to me). Neither do they represent the assumptions of a pessimist (I believe everything I don’t want, will come to me). Rather reality states, that truth has a definable order, and the disciplines of thought are decipherable, if you simply apply wisdom/ honesty/ and a clear understanding of courage. Can you not predict: when you spent more than your checking account has in it/ what happens next? The same is true of more than “just counterfeit numbers”. Truth matters.
That said, the worst possible decision humanity could make is bringing the same fire here as is on the sun/ a fire that burns atomic bonds, here; where everything is fuel. There are NO second chances, a fire that cannot be extinguished/ just like the sun. The second worst decision is of course, the intentional destruction of life as a body in time itself. By mutilating and crucifying genetic structure; (the basis of all Creation itself, across this world), and spreading the foundation of pandemic disease. Which is genetic boundaries crossed between species. The third is the destruction of all resources that support life; as is constant and sure today. The critical question: where all leadership has failed, because they believe the universities are god/ can YOU find your mind in time, “to fight for this world”! All WILL certainly die, if you don’t! You are not asked to believe that statement/lain you are asked to investigate and examine the evidence, establishing a clear and certain response: CAN WE AFFORD TO BE, OR LET THOSE WHO ARE LITERALLY GAMBLING WITH EVERYTHING WE VALUE ON EARTH, including life/ planet/ survival/ and even the solar system itself BE, WRONG! That is a true and accurate statement, clearly establishing; this is not a game. Everything we are or need or value is threatened with extinction. The choice is yours; as I have done everything I could do, to inform and educate you. Only you, can change yourselves, or your world: or defend your future. Ask any farmer, “if you eat next years seed”/ you can be happy today: BUT, what certainly will happen to next years crop! To believe in your leaders, or your media to protect you, has been proven foolish. Clearly, they didn’t care about tomorrow, at all! We add one final reality, the prophecy called Daniel 12. It reads, “from the time humanity starts trying to ignite the same fire here”; NIF as is on the sun (worst possible decision)/ there will be 1290 days before that ignition occurs. That date coincides perfectly with the expected operation of the exo-watt laser= one million lightning bolts, all striking the same place at the same time. It continues at the 1335 day from this beginning/ all life on earth will be lost. Or, more simply: the fire will have grown, and the entire atmosphere of earth will have been ejected into space. For those who are certain this is just trying to scare you: the reality of coal/ oil/ gas/ as the fossil fuels we use, DO prove beyond any doubt, that a world wide flood did occur. Because there is no other way, to clump these masses of life together, and bury them under thousands of feet of earth or sea; in some places. Simple and plain, these things are, “life or death”; not a game. The destruction of a world, BY CHOICE: is called “SATAN”. Not a religious statement, simply a fact! Where then, do YOU stand? Eternity will remember/ there are no excuses; not for anyone, including YOU.
Stop a rape display, many rapes are begun by climbing through a window/ this is a simple motion detector, placed below or anywhere in the close vicinity of a window. It turns on a light, and a noise maker of some type by simply screwing in a light bulb socket adapter. Placed it could easily be hooked to a camera/ it could easily be hooked to an aerosol chemical spray, which contains an identifying chemical for tracing in court, an odor for tracing in a crowd, & some fluorescent paint; for seeing the perpetrator at night. There are a wide variety of types and kinds of motion detectors, the one in view cost $8.00. It is wired simply by attaching a simple two wire lamp cord, to the two wires in the motion detector base, and covering the base with a standard octagon cover plate. It can be set on the floor or hung on wall or ceiling. Victim defense jewelry is also a good idea.
Points to ponder
1. Why is it, that the US FDA believes it is “god”/ these tiny few people determine by themselves what foods we can eat. Asking the question then: “Who the HELL, made you god”? This “dozen people or so”: make the decisions, Whether or not our food supply, and plant and animal life can be mutilated. What drugs we can take. And whatever is or is not “safe” for us!
These people destroy “a million tons” of meat if they find a small amount of bacteria/ while it is guaranteed, we will never be freed of such things; and it is absolutely clear; that a large number of people are going hungry. Such meats CAN be “cleaned by cooking and other methods” to remove any contamination; particularly when the probability is that less than one thousand pounds of food is in question. It can at least be used for pet foods, once it is “cleaned”. Their practice to destroy “it all” is extremely foolish/ particularly in a world of over 7 billion people. If nothing else, the ocean is hungry too.
We now have every food we eat, or nearly so mutilated by university pride, and business greed. “Put my arm right in it/ and didn’t die immediately: so its good” type of mental theology in real terms. A description consistent with farmers when chemicals came out. A description consistent with manufacturing and other forms of chemical usage. Or more simply: if it didn’t hurt you immediately why should we be concerned. Tell it to an asbestos worker; where the problems associated with ingesting “new materials” did not become clear for thirty years. Or to a chemist, who does understand: some reactions do not take place, UNTIL you have reapplied the reactant repeatedly. Or more simply, the fools at the FDA are hand selected by the rich and powerful to do, and make decisions: that make them money. Whether that is by studying them or simply bribing them; it makes no difference to the outcome.
Take a look at the number of bad drug lawsuits that have come on television: because the lawyers Want to make a billion dollars/ and the pharmaceutical companies have the money. NOT because supply and demand could afford it/ but because the university graduate says, “we deserve the money”; and their army of thieves in government then says; “Let the government pay”. OR , more correctly “give the debt to the people themselves”. The reality being the university diploma wanting more than our economy can allow: simply counterfeits the money, and claims it is our debt, “in fantasy land”.
How many things like “drugs, which are suppose to limit bad cholesterol” are now found to do all manner of harmful things instead”. Drugs for heart attack prevention eating bones away. Drugs like tylenol which have been known for decades to induce liver damage if used beyond recommended dosage or prolonged periods of time. Drugs given for depression or other forms of mental control over another person with severe side effects. Medicines such as “antibiotics for the eye which can blind you if used more than once”. And a long list of realities such as “doctors, nor dentists, etc; are not perfect”/ and there are those who simply steal your money, and will do surgery just to charge you money; need it or not. THESE PROFESSIONALS DO NOT, “Police themselves”. Just like those in government employ DO NOT obey their oath of office, or accept anything conceived of as “moral or ethical behavior”. They simply “want, what they want/ and have too much pride to even ask why this is wrong”.
That does not mean the balance over what is beneficial and what is tragedy doesn’t need to be addressed! It does/ BUT NOT by a tiny handful of people who can easily be bribed or threatened; because extreme amounts of counterfeit money is involved. It works as money/ because you continue to take it. Thereby; Allowing the thieves to continue to steal your lives.
That does mean the new method of selling pharmaceuticals by giving you a list of complications ; to avoid further lawsuits cannot be allowed. Unless true and real numbers of people who do get these complications and others are included. That does mean: that it is the drug stores that should be determining which medicine: from a list, for this specific illness/ at these prices/ and a clear, simple, easy to use “people who have used the product”: literally reviewing the results, so that you can expect or at least hope for something similar. By making the decision for yourself.
In terms of “The university is so smart”; lets simply review the evidence.
1. Across this world, there are millions of people all considered to be working on the very same problems. Only a tiny handful, actually contribute something of value; the rest are simply paid to exist. When you get into a laboratory, what you see is not “extra- special smart people”. Rather you see people who take one small idea, and try “a hundred different simple things” to see what result that makes. Or it is VERY similar too: People in their own kitchen making food to eat, by mixing some ingredients together; they then sample it, and say “never again” or that is good, or something in between. That, is “primary” life in a laboratory. Should you not expect a few tiny results from all the money they consume? If you produced so little in your work: would you be paid? Still some value does come from the combined effort, particularly if you do not consider the consequences that “fundamentally go BAD”. BECAUSE, the university does NOT want to lose its easy money/ and to get more, or keep a job: something NEW must be found to spend money on. Its like finding a cure for a disease: WE DON’T need you anymore. Or building a house/ its all done, leave now; and don’t come back. So the university without a clue as to new directions ALWAYS says: “We need to make this BIGGER”/ then we can find out so much more. We need to be your savior/ so you will continue to believe we are gods. And the entire planet is threatened, because “they think”, their job/ their pride or want: is worth more, than life!
2. The question occurs: WHY would any sane person want to mutilate all life on earth/ destroying balance/ order/ disciplines/ courage/ love/ sex/ happiness/ and everything of value for every living thing in this creation?
There is only one answer, other than to play god over life. That is to kill the masses of people/ because our population is killing life itself. Therefore to some “Intellectuals” the answer is “biological warfare”/ packaged in a slightly less destructive box. Or, make a vaccine for us/ and then release war upon the rest. The answer is: make the people pay for their own destruction, by promising them “we will wipe away every tear/ just let us play with everything life is, or will ever be”. Because nature is just “Chaos/ or magic/ or piece by piece we built ourselves one thing at a time; and it was all just pick a part from the store, and its free; as is the religion simplified called evolution”. The disease of government (university diplomas in control) ruling your lives (by destroying justice and democracy with failure, as is testified too, and proven in court case after court case in the internet sites I provide) and telling you what you will “think”/ because they say so.
3. The university controls all education, government, and media; fundamentally introducing whatever social experiment they want. Demanding “believe in us/ whatever we say or do”. As does the evidence prove: I now believe they are trying to kill the entire human race, along with all life on earth, and even the planet itself. They do, “Simply want to be god”/ can’t create, so they destroy. “Same thing: isn’t it?” They can’t be “satan” without a weapon: the evidence of court case after court case is/ Not one damn thing will be done for life on earth, let them die! And as is the common cause of most cases: LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES/ IT’S THE LAW! A CLEAR, and absolute refusal constituting treason against life, world, and nation. Simple and plain.
So we look to the social experiments being displayed:
4. The university diploma is worth “ten times more” than a high school graduate/ and a hundred times more than a high school dropout. Even though these are the people who provide nearly everything in reality that is done for society; such as build, mine, farm, and work in a wide variety of fields that fundamentally keep us all alive. The university diploma says; we are worth more/ because we can replace you with machines, etc. Or we can kill you, with weapons of mass destruction, or we can tempt and manipulate you, to get whatever we want. And so they have. But their success flooded the university with “ME TOO”/ and now with millions demanding they deserve more; than the people who keep the rest alive. The 95% of economy which is supported by work, rather than a diploma can no longer function: because the diploma stole it all, and said, as vice president Chaney proved: “debts don’t matter/ for us”. Nonetheless the diploma CANNOT accept being equal; so they continue to steal, and destroy even the possibility that we might still survive as an entire world; if we change. That is treason. In case after case: NOBODY is allowed to question, their right to rule democracy as they wish! That is traitorous. The law does not matter, a tiny rule or simply refusal to allow DUE PROCESS can destroy constitutional rights, because the people have no say! Because oaths of office do not matter/ by the evidence: when diplomas, are the rulers; & the enforcers. That is anarchy.
The people being completely overwhelmed with anarchy by their government employees
said: we must obey the reality of our world, and send our children to university, so they can have a good life/ because everything is being changed, and we are losing control over our very lives. So they believe they can accept the university promise, “Be like us/ and we will give you a reward”. Save your children! But alas; it is a lie, as does more than a trillion dollars of college debts prove. One trillion dollars is equal too: Ten thousand dollars, per each and every one of one hundred million people. Or more simply: you have made your children slaves/ and disposed of all your options to be more than slaves as well, simply trying to keep the university diploma from destroying their economic lives. Too bad, you made them slaves instead. The reality now being, for their own existence: Controlled by university, “the job is, either memorize and do everything we tell you to do”/ or we will destroy you economically”. The human robot is born/ fueled by counterfeit money, and destroyed in every sense of freedom by the competition; fully understanding, “my parents” gave up their own economic lives for me to do this. Its too late now, this debt will follow me for the rest of my life.
5. So let’s ask: just what does the university teach? Having control over the children from 5 years old, in constant progression for the next thirteen years/ and then if college another; 2, 4, 8, or even more years? The answer is: only enough to keep you paying! The question is: what is a university diploma worth? The answer is: having nothing to do with understanding the foundations of freedom, survival, happiness, sex, and only a tiny little segment of actual work; VERY LITTLE, in terms of life. Learning the foreign language that they have made for themselves to control access to a job: IS NOT fundamentally worth much in terms of actual work, living, loving, or reality. It merely opens the door to an endless lie, or deceit: we can control/ because you cannot understand the words, and we won’t let you: because this is functionally just plain extortion. What can be taught rapidly, with benefits for life, and every aspect of living are “Unknown” by the university; at least that is what they teach, “nothing much”/ just keep coming and eventually we will give you that tiny bit of information that then allows you to “be tested”: IF YOU KEEP PAYING, and do exactly as we say. If you memorize every word, we will give you a reward; you can be, robots for ourselves.
6. The foundation of lies, that is the constant flow of money from one university graduate to another in terms of government employment is: “Lets make a job for each other/ I will hire you; if you later hire me, or provide a bribe”. Let the people pay! A prime example would be, “the space shuttle blew up/ and a million dollar prize is given away almost immediately for the idea, “put in two O-rings instead of just one”. Isn’t that special? Investigation of where did the money go, would reveal numerous things: about what university really is. Or more simply: the construction of an organized syndicate for the criminal damage and destruction of democracy, and even life: could not be more clear. The evidence of threats/ the denial of rights/ the refusal to let the people decide for themselves/ the intentional refusal of law/ the criminal construction of extortion and theft in open court with all eyes in high US government watching; and more are evidence enough.
7. So then we turn to the reality of “high pressure sales”/ or more distinctly: how, can and did university diploma’s create a situation so extremely delusional, and fraudulent/ and make this people obey? The answer begins with the creation of “an image”/ perfect is better.
Or, more simply; even if you can do the same thing/ WE can do it better. Which then becomes “winner”/ which then becomes “we are like gods” compared to you/ which then becomes, “you are near worthless compared to us”; it is fair, you should be our slaves.
BUT if they said things like that to the majority/ there would be outrage, and rebellion: so they do not! Here enters “high pressure sales”. That business model is built upon 5 distinct steps. First “inform the target, he or she is better off, if you just listen to me, I am really on your side; this thing I present is going to help your life.” Things that actually do that, do NOT need a salesman for long/ once the public understands this really is a blessing; they find a source and use it. Therefore it is an opening conclusion: if a salesman or woman is needed/ the reason is, its either new and different, which is sometimes true; or hidden behind some type of illusion, there will be a trap. (2) The salesman’s job is to find a way to hide the trap, and present the illusion. Traps are hidden with “friendship and entertainment”/ or, we want you to be happy? Do you buy from an enemy? No. Therefore some method of gaining trust must be found. (3) find the objection and conquer it, BY LISTENING! Few people listen, because when they listen, in America; they find themselves in a trap, more often than not. That opens the individual to potential happiness, “this one is listening/ without confronting me”. (4) let them win something, “that makes them feel smarter or luckier than you (safe, and now in charge)”/ or give them something, to assure “I feel safe”. (5) distribute the product, and collect. This is called high pressure sales: because no matter what your objection is going to be/ we have practiced, and have an answer, designed just for you. “They are the experts” you know; ain’t that right?
Unfortunately what can be used by you to understand various techniques/ can also be used against you. Make no mistake: WANT, is the foundation of every lie/ therefore listen yourself, for what their want is or hides: because the lies are inside! Be aware of what you want, because lying to yourself, is a constant/ UNLESS you remove that want, and let truth alone decide by the reality of evidence and the simple understanding of what consequences will mean to your future, or any other life. Truth limits access, to reality! The consequence of that limitation brings the temptation to lie. Pride enters in, and demands to win, or/ I am better, or at least equal; and must prove it. Power interrupts reality, by claiming control. So the question is: will you fail life/ or not? The answer is: if life itself (definitions of love and happiness as are given by trust through truth in friendship; the essence of passion) is the honest desire of your heart/ then whatever you possess or lack, so long as true needs are met; becomes irrelevant. Your purpose will become “soul”: To identify and align with the intensity of life itself.
In terms of direct university involvement : do they not tell you how rich you are going to be if you just give to them years of your life and agree to pay anything they want? Is not the illusion: we will make you a better life/ think of all that money can buy; you will be great: NOT like those losers? While the reality is an abyss of debt, lies, and deceit that cannot truly be measured because it is so extreme. Add in a relentless reality of threats, and a complete denial of consequences, hiding the truth from the public in every conceivable way and you complete the trap. With endless surveys and opinion poles, the university collects data upon you with your help; by again making you feel like you are being listened too; “as a friend”. However what they are doing is collecting your objections/ and devising the blankets of deceit that will cover over the truth; so that you may be led. With trinkets and toys invading your lives, instead of friendship and love, or even life as a reality conceived by truth, and understood by the consequences which shape our fate or destiny; they have made you a winner/ got too much debt? Its not a problem, we want slaves; “Here, have some more credit, its all good/ Just, KEEP THE FUCK WORKING”.
The product of university is: that we, the university diplomas’; are the army in charge of your lives. They collect, by containing every response/ modifying every law, to suit themselves/ incarcerating, as in bullying; a definable group (you want to be like them)/ using rules to destroy law/ collapsing the jury system into mimicking the judge, so they cannot preserve justice or stand for democracy/ & let their own “foot soldiers” of this army be in charge of all the little things of our lives/ demanding freedom is not allowed. They have their reward, by control (we play god too): and they are as righteous as they want to be (we will make you obey us/ TO HELL WITH YOUR FREEDOMS OR RIGHTS; You damn pisshole. This army exists in all ways, by continuing to bribe everyone and every nation and everything possible so that no one can organize against the people in charge: with counterfeit money. Because with money, you can buy a soul; from those who are afraid. Their constant chant: “We win”/ we got money instead of democracy; & you lose/ you get nothing.
IT IS the oppression of freedom to use ANY authority or power against anyone for any cause OTHER THAN: “You, are substantially threatening our lives/ prove it isn’t so”. That is fundamentally democracy as an applied authority governing a nation with justice/ fair play/ and equal treatment for all, UNDER the banner of freedom and liberty for all! There are no other true or substantial definitions of what democracy is intended to be.
Our employees want none of that! Demanding their own power and pride should rule us instead; “Cause they know better/ therefore our freedom is meaningless: because they do insist they are so damn smart, we are like worms”.
Reality proves otherwise. And in fact, the evidence proves the deceit/ fraud/ corruption/ theft/ fantasies/ terrorism/ traitorous conduct/ treason/ hate/ INSANITY/ intent and methods deliberately demanding our slavery (if its counterfeit money/ THEN WE HAVEN’T BEEN PAID. We simply exist in the lies they created, waiting for destitution.); and a further host of everything destructive to life on earth exists within this leadership and their ways.
Every depression means: “The rich have won/ and they no longer need any other person to accomplish their control, and our slavery: the masses have lost”. Because the temptations, manipulations, and power to control our lives was too great to survive the current reality. A depression is: only a tiny few control all the money/ while the rest, are in debt beyond their ability to pay. That makes the competition increase/ and that makes the wages and compensation for work become less: and that causes society to spiral down and out of control. Giving only the rich man, the freedom to choose anything/ the rest must simply survive.
But make no mistake as is obvious with temptations that you accepted: the people who demanded to be rich, and chose greed as the substantial purpose of their lives; did in fact “fan the flames” of social destruction. YOU didn’t care/ YOU wanted to be rich too! So then we all become poor/ because all wealth is simply (the resources we must all share) or more correctly in human terms all wealth is, making or having someone else help you do what you need or want to do. If we did not need someone else/ we would not need money. If resources were free! But resources are not free, and that means we did have jobs. Today however machines are taking a large percentage of those jobs, and leaving humanity itself without the means to support, “I did do my share/ and I deserve the resources I need or cherish as life in happiness for me.” The need for limited capitalism will soon be overwhelming. Today, the loss of resources in every conceivable way means our entire humanity on earth is in jeopardy of extinction. And your media/ your leaders in all fields/ your religions/ your courts/ and your governments have chosen that you the people have no right to know: what the threats against our survival as a world truly are. Not even, the attempt, by the national ignition facility at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories in San Francisco; to bring the same fire here as is on the sun. We know it exists/ therefore it can be brought here to this planet. Your universities have decided “not enough gravity here to sustain the fire/ so its safe”: BUT IF THEY ARE WRONG, THE ENTIRE PLANET IS DEAD! THE WORLD DIES ONLY ONCE. There is no putting out a fire that burns atomic bonds/ EVERYTHING IS FUEL!
THERE IS NO CLOSING “Pandora’s box” by mutilating all life on earth, as is currently being done in nearly every university on earth.
But you are believers’; and there is nothing more insane in this world, than a believer smothered by religious zeal. “The university knows everything” we need not fear or question anything/ because “they are gods”. Its called “A brainwashed cult”/ when not even the obvious death march as is bringing atomic fire here or crucifying all living creation CANNOT be understood.
That fire burns your skin from 91 million miles away; and yet you cannot or will not understand bringing this atomic fire here, where everything is fuel; Is gambling with all life on this planet/ even the solar system itself. It is a brainwashed cult: when mutilating life, EVERYTHING/ to prove evolution, or more correctly the liars or devils that want to play god by deliberately destroying genetic disciplines, order, balance, mental stability, and everything associated with happiness: By demanding life should be in chaos, as they do, every single day. You weren’t built, “one piece at a time”/ because if you were, then you have a lot of parts that just weren’t needed. Go ahead throw away your head/ what good is it, IF YOU CANNOT understand such simple damn realities, that are causing, or intending to cause: OUR EXTINCTION; as are these! There ain’t no escape for you either; and that means it don’t matter how fucking rich you believe you are/ or poor; we all die together, with this insanity and absolute failure of leadership in all conceivable ways.
YOU DON’T get a vote/ because the courts, the leaders, the media, the police, your religious leaders, and more; ALL refuse to obey the law called redress of grievances, AND GIVE YOU THE RIGHT, to know your lives are being gambled with, everything, with no possibility of a second chance.
Maybe you would like to use gasoline to put out a gasoline fire/ do you think that is a “good idea”? That would be the same as throwing anything built on atomic bonds into an atomic fire; as if you could get close enough at 9,000,000 degrees F of heat/ with flames that spread out from the sun a distance 12 times farther than the moon is to earth.
Or maybe you would like to put the pandemic’s being created “back in the box” by worshiping the very people who are creating them: Sure, why wouldn’t that work/ they are gods ain’t they? ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION: THEY ARE “ damn fucking gods” AIN’T THEY! THEY BETTER BE, or you’re dead / and all your family and all you care about on earth: by horrifying means filled with terror and worse. Oh hell, you were wrong/ they aren’t! And now your own body will be reduced to slime, as you wait for Armageddon (nature in chaos) to consume you. Have a “lovely time”; ITS WHAT YOU CHOSE/ why then isn’t it what you truly deserve? Have you run away yet/ sure go ahead, hide in the closet of a burning house: that is certain to save you/ ain’t that right. Of course it is, your gods are not going to gamble with your life; ain’t that right? Hell no, all the evidence must be wrong/ why, shit they die too. But alas, pride and power know no bounds, “they believe they are gods”; so they can do anything/ and its all free. Just like the endless debts they created for you/ so you could be their slaves; and give them anything they wanted. Go thank them, go ahead bend over and let them use a shotgun in your ass; You’re a believer ain’t you. Go ahead, what could possibly go wrong, its just a scattering bullet; you can probably survive a day, maybe. It’ll be wonderful, “close to god” ain’t that right; happy days!
The question of my life has become for decades now: HOW can reality be proven to a religious zealot/ when they cannot hear the evidence, when facts of all kinds (over the decades) have been used, and not one will hear anything of truth or reality? When: Truth doesn’t need to exist, because they believe “university knows”/ and are then a part of that very big religious (we don’t have to question everything, or anything, that is blasphemy; “They are gods”); block of fools. Even when you convince one/ they go back into the herd, and once again chant, “the university is our god”.
The answer is not evidence, or facts/ not truth or reality/ not death or life/ not danger or cause for fear/ not extinction because there are no second chances: But the question called “a fan/ or fanatic” as is distinguished more deliberately in sports; holds a key.
A fanatic means: I believe because “its fun for me/ or I feel like I am a part of something bigger than me/ or no one can tell me, my participation doesn’t matter, if I agree to call them gods for this little time”. Therefore not only am I accepted/ I am one of them, because I participated just like a cheerleader does. Not quite the same, but who the hell cares about that: I AM, someone important “a player”, while they play. Or more distinctly; I am NOT someone important, when they do not.
The religious zealot is little different, except “Going to be a child of god/ even better”/ because I participated in making the herd obey the religious dogma that I was taught. “Its perfect”/ so no one can complain; and if they do, “its because they are the enemy”.
TRUTH HOWEVER; Does not accept that any religious dogma can be perfect. All religious documents are written by men/ in a men’s language/ with a man’s understanding and interpretation of the facts; all of which are completely IMPERFECT. Which makes the reality “less than perfect” even if substantial substance is valid and true. Truth exists as a reality which cannot be changed/ it is, what it is; and nothing can alter that, UNLESS the evidence provides for changes that can be incorporated into the future, thereby changing the path that we will trod to get where, or do what, or when, etc; we will be going. The past cannot be changed. The future can be changed if thought does recognize reality, and the substantive process of understanding through knowledge. The university suggests, “that is what they do”/ HOWEVER reality is, doesn’t matter what they know or don’t know: they WILL INVENT a fantasy to cover over what they lack, and insist they know what is only illusion/ delusion/ or a complete and purposeful DECEIT. Because power is their purpose, and pride is their want hidden by “stories without substance or truth”. As is evolution (we went shopping, without even a mind or a tool, or the ability to get or recognize a resource. Just picked what we wanted from the shelf/ and it was all FREE); even a fool, should easily know better/ and yet the disease of a blatant mental cancer is spread throughout the education industry. Or more correctly education is: let us control the competition, by holding the livestock in pens and not letting them think for themselves. Let us give them nothing of value, or as little as possible to be used for life; so they can be manipulated, controlled, and enslaved.
So now let’s review: You want to be a fan of “the university is god” because they have proven to be the single greatest thieves in the history of this earth?
Or, You want to be a fan of “the university is god”; because they have proven to be, the single greatest threat to all life on earth, gambling in a wide variety of ways; that reality nor truth can stop or discourage them from being “satan”. The destroyer of an entire world/ crucifers, or mutilators of all its life.
Or, You want to be a fan of “the university is god”; because democracy is worthless to them, and the idea that the people themselves deserve a say, BECAUSE THEIR LIVES ARE BEING GAMBLED WITH, ALONG WITH EVERYTHING THEY VALUE ON EARTH; Can’t happen. Because the people are too damn stupid to realize, the university is their god for real (they can’t be wrong). Letting them in on the secrets, such as the university is going to make them extinct; might cause revolt. After all, they all; aren’t completely brainwashed, a few are still alive. Hell, like a bad apple, “they might infect the others with some form of truth! Can’t risk it; ETC/ ETC/ ETC. Because the threats are very many, and time is running out: forever!
Or, You want to be a fan of “the university is god”; because they hide the evidence which proves they are wrong. Such as a world wide flood did exist: because the evidence of fossil fuels could not exist as they are from ANY other description or reality. These carcasses were buried in mass (same place), at the same time; many buried thousands of feet deep underground and in the ocean. No other method of burial or collection exists, than a flood. The consequence of data proving “an extremely alive earth”/ because of all the fuel known by the evidence of coal/ oil/ and gas; at depths that cannot be reached by any other method than a flood. Proves without doubt: “Noah” in some form or fashion, was real. Which then does add credible evidence to the prophecy: the world will end a second time, “by fire”. Because that is what the people chose.
But hey, you got things to do; ain’t that right/ protecting a damn earth, or all its life: just ain’t one of them. So what they crucify life, destroy the planet, ruin all the water, destroy every resource, are the cause of pandemic after pandemic, cause livestock to be decimated, and all plant life to become the cause of allergies and grief; After all you didn’t get everything you wanted, so you should be “pissed off”. Hell let them all die/ didn’t you always want to be a cannibal, and live with continual war, until dead. So what if someone cuts off your arm to eat it, and keeps you alive “so you don’t spoil” for tomorrow; its just part of the game/ ain’t that so? What do you care anyway/ you GOT tons of counterfeit money, hell you’re like god; “Oh sorry, you think you are god”; go ahead eat your numbers; “Mum tasty”. Shit, you don’t even like your own life, isn’t that so/ cause if you did, you wouldn’t want to die, because a few damn people with worms for brains decided to gamble with all life on earth. Hell, they could be right, isn’t that so. Alas, no its not/ so says the evidence. Which means, in reality they are simply the literal translation of “Devils”. Religious or not, it fits.
Or, like a damn carrot on a stick, to make the horse run faster, to get it: oops, can’t quite reach it. So is the competition that keeps your head down, and makes you work sacrificing your life, your family, your future, your child, and your competency to understand LIFE IS MORE than this. I have asked your courts for the law, as provided by constitutional democracy: according to first amendment redress of grievances. Let the people decide for themselves, BY LAW/ not civil war! The courts refuse/ your leaders refuse (every single one). I have asked every form of organization to recognize, the foundation of my complaint here is: that WE THE PEOPLE MUST INVESTIGATE THESE CHARGES OF THREAT, because any one of them can cause our extinction/ THEREFORE WE CANNOT BE WRONG! They all refuse, every single one. I have demanded of the news media: the people cannot be gambled with/ an entire planet cannot be lost, just because a few theorize they can play god. They all refuse, every single one; because they insist, “the university knows”. Even though they plainly state as in the case of the same fire here as on the sun: its just a theory. A theory dependent upon gravity; and they don’t even know what gravity is/ not even a theory; Just an illusion of expertise, as is so damn many “university knows shit”. But the difference here is: We the world, CANNOT survive this fire, not even the solar system itself. And yet they gamble on, every day at the national ignition facility/ and they will achieve their purpose with the exo-watt laser: equal to the release one million of the largest lightning strikes possible, all hitting the very same spot, at the very same time; igniting atomic bonds (same fire as is on the sun). The electricity is gathered and stored in capacitors over time, to then release in a single instant. Coming to this world soon. But don’t worry, if that fails, they have prepared a very toxic mix of mutilated life; “But you worship a good horror story, don’t you”. Hell yes, “terror all around”/ it will be great! And unending! Aw shoot, times up/ the earth is dead, and so are you. Goodbye.
In the simple ways of life
Little is more important than friendship/ it is the beginning of both love and respect. As a consequence of failure those who refuse friendship commonly do: abuse, use, impact, tempt, manipulate, control, gossip, etc; or in any other way jeopardize and gamble with the honesty of one or more people who are trying to be friends. This does do, a great disservice to us all.
The critical question is why? The fundamental answer is; that to become friends, we must find a way to say and understand: this one, can be trusted. To accomplish that the simple ways are: work together/ talk together/ worship together/ act or react together/ walk together/ or have sex, “to discover the base element: are you going to share with me/ or abuse me”.
If you work too hard, you will not find a friend, because no opportunity exists. But if you work too little, the burden falls upon the others, and they won’t like that. Finding honest moments for sharing something of value, is necessary. Something of value is NOT “things that do not interst me/ or us”/ but rather finding common ground, enables us each to contribute in some way to each other’s life. Therefore people do try “to be like you”/ and that creates images, because the search for who that is, is never deep/ unless you marry. Images are the bits and pieces used to create “something the majority would recognize as belonging to this group, or this cause, or this type; etc”. An image however is not a human being, or even a life of any kind. It is simply your expectation being measured out, as the common reference used to identify “species groupings”. Images fail us all/ because even if the majority opinion is “he or she is this way”; the reality of images is, “they are playing the same game” in one form or the other. This type of / behavior is most common in the young, and usually disappears in the old. Because it truly doesn’t build anything but lies.
The fundamental MOST conclusive, as to whether you can or will be friends with any other person is communication; by whatever means you have available. The method does not matter. What does matter is: you did pay attention or notice and find some form of value in me”. What does matter is the content of your communication, and the ability to derive some form of “listen to me/ or I will listen to you” therefrom. The most unfortunate reality of human life is: that communication contributes to friendship, and friendship is valuable/ BUT FEW are truly able to communicate well, or even at all. Because they don’t understand the basis or foundations that give the others their chance to do better/ our chance to share or care for each other. Those who surrender to that fact, or are refused that reality and fail to learn how best to communicate/ most often choose to confront others. Getting attention by making someone else pay a price for knowing them. Or, I can ridicule you/ or make you afraid: thereby the others surrounding me, “will pay attention”. And those use what has been done in the same way, to tempt “pay attention to me”. So it is a ripple effect throughout society.
Honest communication is explained in the following ways:
1. Remember the purpose is, to define yourself/ to listen to each other/ to hear their complaint or success or need. To understand the reality of their situation and help find happiness for each. To belong not by content or form or bribe, but by the truth of who you are.
2. No friend: “thinks only of him or herself”. Selfishness is not concurrent with friendship/ therefore lust is a failure to accept “your life”. And constructs only a game to get your body.
3. Honesty is: i am willing to be your friend! Which means your own actions and reactions must find the time, to participate in each others life and needs.
4. Happiness is: the singular experience, I know that I am loved/ because of you.
5. Love is, the combined expression: my life has value, because of you.
6. Romance is: you are “the moments I treasure”/ the value no other has achieved.
7. True Sex is: created only through, EQUAL EARNED trust: between a man and a woman old enough to know, life is not a game! The reality I have found my friend for life/ perhaps even eternity.
8. Value is: my soul yields, to the desire of your own heart, same as mine.
9. Communication is: the discovery of a shared experience, built upon caring, and founded upon the decision, “I have accepted you”.
10. Life is: the blessing or curse that becomes the destiny or fate, of our own decisions.
These simple determinant factors lead us all, to the precipice of our own choice: To live with the flaws and complications that include another human being/ or to separate ourselves into some other expression or experience of life that we do accept as our fate or destiny.
Not every rejection has meaning beyond the point: I simply must do this alone. It is not a choice/ it is a duty, that I chose to accept. Such is the case with me, as friends are few and far between. Not because this is my choice/ but because this is my work, and its purpose is so significant to my life, that I have abandoned all other desires. Because the need is great/ and simply put, people require time, patience, attain the right to intervene in some fashion, and cannot understand, or fear it too much to participate: “the path I have chosen”. This world is in danger of extinction! So says the evidence/ by its truth.
Not so with a vast array of others, who choose to tempt (just give me what I want)/ who choose to flatter (you know you want to beliee this)/ who choose to control (I have rights and freedoms/ NOT you)/ who choose to abuse (I am, all that is important to me)/ who choose to use (you are my stepping stone)/ who choose to hate (measured and judged unworthy)/ who choose violence (I am your god). And so on.
The question of why do people choose not to be friends, or even try is largely dedicated to the reality: “Somebody did me wrong/ I was hurt, and nobody came to my rescue/ I was in pain, and no one even shed a tear for me”. I am abandoned, and without hope, because people have rejected me/ or denied that I am equal. Regardless of form or ability.
That brings us to why: do people do the things they do? There are three fundamentals:
I. I want, what I want! I win/ you lose! I want yours too/ you mean nothing to me!
II. I have judged you and me/ and you are unworthy of me. I have chosen to call you less, “and that gives me the right, to use or abuse you”.
III. I believe life can be better than this, therefore I do desire friendship and do construct the methods and means of my heart, to try.
The question which arises in all three returns to why? The answer to all three resides in the single decision: DO YOU desire love/ or hate? Because all other decisions rely upon this one/ apart from simple survival of the body itself.
The question of who are you? Then resides within that decision/ but is isolated as fact, or identity by the fundamentals of what do you want? Want is a lie/ because it exists only where truth will not let you simply take whatever it is that you desire. Therefore deceit is used, and all that arises or descends as a consequence to that, results in our lives.
The question: why do people choose to be “unhealthy” to their own bodies assembles the critical concern: I have nobody, to share my personal existence with. Even if you have family. Even if you have friends: this does not completely fill the gap loneliness can create. Therefore discipline dies/ because its purpose is to retain “the life we live/ and the body we have inherited”. Balance suggests “methods and means” of working toward an orderly solution of this problem. But if it fails to participate significantly in the mental creation of “woe is me”/ discipline fails, and so then does “the solution”.
The mind flows with the body, “it measures the chemistry”. Therefore the sensual existence of the body HAS an effect upon our lives. That means simply: participation with the body, or the lack of participation with those chemicals; does achieve significant consequences in the state of loneliness that we feel. That does mean sex can impact loneliness/ but if abused or being used, loneliness will be intensified. This is worse than being alone; this is without my true consent.
That leads to isolation, or the demand that I will NOT be used or abused or controlled again. I will not CRY for you, or anyone like you; ever again. The end of primary relationships, and the demand to be alone. It is not “a good thing”/ but it is life: when you cannot find someone true to love, for your living in this time. GOD is available, but not in religious ways. Truth decides, reality becomes: everywhere I look, the presence of GOD exists, in miracles not even a rich man could imagine or buy; I am not alone/ neither am I truly poor, so long as free.
There is a discipline to being alone. You must do, what you must do; not to be entirely isolated. You must be what you must be, in order to find some form of companionship with life. You must not judge, so that you do not condemn the others. You must adhere to love and the law; so that your own future may find peace, happiness, and harmony with this Creation in all its forms. So that no one can dismiss you with cause. If that becomes true: repent (I am sorry/ and will do the best I can, not to repeat this mistake or tragedy). Start again.
Our functional relationship with life, begins with time: the recognition of freedom, and a decision that “I will make”/ regardless if you run and hide or not; its still a decision you have made. Which does bring us to courage, or cowardice. The difference is: courage understands truth must be protected, supported, and defended. While cowardice only considers “me”. The question called why: examines the path of each and understands, “to be courageous” requires you to accept death as your destiny (I followed truth, and found my soul. “I, have a relationship with GOD”). While to be “cowardice”; requires you to fear death, and enter fate: “Your soul is lacking/ you may not enter here”. Do you see the difference?
A WIDE variety of people believe they “have a relationship with god”/ they do, its just a false god. Or more distinctly: the accepted definition “CREATOR OF THIS UNIVERSE”; Is not your buddy or pal. Rather soul accepts, the path into universal truth IS a long, and hard journey; without “side shows” or other attractions that deter from the simple purity: love has no equal.
The search for love in humanity, “pure it ain’t”/ is a fundamental intimacy that cannot be matched, aided, or conceived by anything less than truth in friendship as a creation of trust. Trust controls intimacy. Truth controls you. Respect controls relationships. But love once established controls nothing, it exists because it can exist. Which means it is a decision of your own heart, and only you can “make it go away”. The quest for love: the desire to feel more distinctly alive than in any other sense or way; is a value conceived by all humanity, and most of life itself. The decision, to accept love; is a discipline of your own heart, a reality of your own need and desire to go or live, beyond yourself. Therefore love is the door, that opens eternity and every level of truth that can be found. Including hate.
Hate is: the decision, to participate in the destruction of love, by destroying the possibilities not only for you, but for all others as well. It has many forms; from gossip and ridicule/ to murder, torture, and other forms of violence; even descending as in this day. To the final layer of hate which is: the quest for mutilating all of nature/ or destroying an entire planet. And its henchmen, “hide the truth, and propagate lies/ so they cannot stop us”.
Love is, the creation of value, the identification of an opportunity in life, that is more than yourself, your desire, or your need. To achieve this level of existence, requires you to ascend beyond the realities of your own life, and “touch” someone else/ hoping they will respond, and choose love for you. The heart, or more correctly: the fundamental purposes given within the desires chosen by you, MUST accept an altered purpose, or a new method of searching for what you desire most. Heart means: I have searched my own truth, and found this desire, and its purpose. The composition of purpose allows for an assembly of quests, to accomplish one desire. That desire is your own distinct decision. That desire either chooses love or hate/ because survival is not functionally a choice. It is a need. Needs are the elemental creation of: participation! Unless you participate with life under its own terms/ you will be granted very little freedom. Consequently how you choose to act or react to needs: fundamentally creates the life you will live regarding time. But needs are only one of three critical aspects of human existence.
The other two are: I MUST have a desire to live/ which searches beyond simple survival, and asks to be “happy, and have hope”. The other is: I MUST make decisions for myself, or there is no freedom, and no opportunity to expand beyond myself available to me.
Hate tries to defeat all three of these/ because it fundamentally lives on: “You failed too”. Which then becomes, I am god over you/ because I made you fail.
Love tries to build lives and create the substance and values we all need, thereby adding to life, because you belong too. Do you see the difference?
If not, consider this: happiness soars above the fray, because it relies upon the freedom to be “who you” choose to be. Only when reality refuses, or cowardice controls; do we find depression. The quest “for me” is then a composite of freedom, love, and responsibilities to life itself.
Hate asserts: I am everything!
Love asserts: I am a participant in the life and living I create and join: we are, in this together as one, which is fundamentally “family”. Together we become the essence of our lives, here in time. Which does mean, that people must be accepted for who they are too. Unless hate is found/ which is, distinctly like a cancer. Unfortunately nearly all worship some form of hate: I will never forgive/ I will never change, even for love/ I will never learn, not even for life; and so on. Or, I will use, abuse, step on, ridicule, tempt, enslave, and so on whosoever I please. Both are fundamentally the same.
Unfortunately, there are decisions apart from hate that wreck relationships and refuse trust. These are, “the shades of gray” that influence to what degree trust can be accepted. Some are/ some are Not really hate: but all are distinctly not bound to love or respect. Therefore an element added into life, by human decision. The question is why? The answer is: that human beings measure life, and judge it according to what value, have you given to me, “lately”. Thereby if something has or seems to have, or is considered hidden so as not to interfere: more or less value than you. Then the decision is to use or abuse you, to increase the value of someone or something else to me. Sex does fall into this category, but it is a different conception because the body itself interferes with chemicals and the consequent needs that arise from them. The end result of both sides “sex and not sex” in the relationship that uses or abuses “the value of us together”: becomes, I have lost/ or we have lost/ or you have lost. Sometimes that is a little, and sometimes that is everything you previously desired, or conceived of as valued.
The question of a love that Binds itself together/ as two people joined for love, and even potentially a lifetime! Rests upon the single discovery: I know, who you are/ you know who I am; and we do, accept each other as we are; flaws (not hate) and all. That cannot exist unless there are, critical “shining in the light” moments. Or more simply, the evidence is complete, and the reality is close and not hidden from me; so much so, I cannot be wrong. In aid of this fact is: what you want/ is why you lie. What you want, determines what you will do. The degree of selfishness established by what you want: determines the limits and realities of what the future will be, with you or them. Therefore open your eyes, and understand what is true. Love can exist, with or without truth/ but it cannot “be alive”, unless it is true.
That does not however mean: people won’t change. People do: they find wants, and more as time goes on/ OR truth decides their journey and the path they will take! They also experience trials and tribulation that causes a retraction of “beliefs” which then become a form of separation or dependency upon images or other decisions that assemble “my army will aid me/ I belong”. To belong requires the surrender of certain realities: the freedom to be whatever you please/ the reality of “we demand”/ the consequences of we own, not just you; and so on. It is a question built upon: what do we fear/ or what together can we force?
True religion is a discipline, therefore an opportunity to erect what has previously failed/ or learn something of value, that will aid the steps required to go beyond simply being selfish. It helps some/ it hurts others; it is a bandage for the majority, when life seems too much to bear. It is not, a violence; unless distorted and abused.
Life is the flow of time in humanity. Life itself is the flow of thought, surrounded by energy. The difference is, you can change your mind in time. You can change your destiny in thought.
Beauty is the beginning of an orderly ascent, beyond the measures of humanity; where life finds the moments, “I know, I am ALIVE”. Beauty is the assembly of “clearly these parts and pieces” belong together as one, a creation adorned with the opportunity to prove “what GOD has done”/ is beyond all expectation, or human touch, “it is a gift”. Beauty is the mental honesty of what love can do, the clear creation of shared innocence: “I don’t judge you/ you must judge yourself”..
Ugly, is the reality of “parts and pieces” that clearly don’t belong together, or have attached to them some consequence of humanity. Ugly is hate. Ugly is the violence people use, to destroy themselves or life or world.
We are surrounded by miracles, have you never seen the sky/ or heard the wind, or touched life/ or smelled a flower, or felt the movement of your own body, gracefully constructed and fundamentally “tooled” to participate in this world. Every life deserves respect/ until they deny that to themselves. Every life deserves the freedom to express and experience themselves as an identity of their own choosing. The cold tells us we are alive/ the heat tells us, to be grateful for time.
The environmental expressions of our lives, are constructed around the influences which we are unable or unwilling to avoid/ or choose to want/ or are defined by the existence of desire established in, or by the design of what is, or is not true.
The most fundamental of all environmental influences is: that male and female genders are the foundation of our lives, and the elemental truth assigned to each of us; by which the vast majority of possibilities and choices do arise. The question of male or female is chemically apparent, and critically chosen by the creation of body, and its own influence on the mind. Whether we are male or female is not a choice that we make/ nor is it an influence that can be chosen. It is the gift of body that we did receive, and there are no exceptions. Only GOD “can make an exception”: we are “HIS creation”. Rights are involved: Where or when we accept, I belong to YOU! That is my gift to you, a desire found true in me”! That statement exists in the simple framework: “That I do accept, GOD can do anything HE chooses to do, with the only exception being: Only you, can choose to LOVE HIM. That is strictly your own choice!
Which means the mental decisions that try to rearrange what the body is or can be; are simply that. The critical question “of a few”/ regarding their own sexual stability is determined by the presence of what “lives with you, in your soul”. Or more simply, the relationship that governs the foundations of your own expression, is determined by the truth most desired, by you. If that is, to abandon your sex, to assume “the others” have better/ then the chemicals will do the rest; because the mind is assembled for your own purpose to be achieved. The passions erected by sex itself, are fundamentally given; it is entirely up to you, to resolve their impact upon your life. These are decisions only you will make/ even if alternate influences exist. You cannot be attacked, unless you are tempted. But remember this, that truth is “a VERY powerful reality”.
Hate is the functioning expression: “I will NOT accept, what I have been given/ OR what life gives to me”. The critical expression of hate enveloping a human life is: that they choose to participate in revenge, or the expressions of violence. The assembling of revenge is: that you, shall achieve a trophy over their life and experience. The disassembly of violence is established as: you have gained, the relationship assumed to be “god over this one, or more”/ because now you can take their gift of life or body or mind away. Or you, can make them be, “whatever you want them to be/ through fear.” That is the functional equivalent of destroying their choice; their freedom to be, whatever life allows them, or has given them to be.
In the expressions of male and female sexuality as governed by nature, the translation being: “We were born to participate sexually with each other”. The maze of expressions found between man and woman, are detailed and definable; but they are not the purpose of this writing. Some elements of that reality are spread through the sites: www.justtalking3.info Www.justtalking.info www.complexdestiny.info Www.soultalking.info I do provide. Instead the elemental expression of male to female behaviors is found to be: HOW, can I trust you; when you will not let me be free? Love only exists where true freedom to decide for yourself can be found.
The elemental relationships that are sexually binding, do not account for love; but rather hinge on acceptance and comfort or compatibility. To be sexually bound constructs the fundamental: that I have given something to you/ and you to me, for which we have now established some type of relationship, whether that becomes friend or enemy or other. The reality remains the same: we have chosen or been forced, or allowed as a gift, the singular reality of our bodies, to influence this moment. To know the other person sexually, is to understand something about them; that cannot easily be erased. Thereby each does take “the moment, or more correctly the intent, the actions or reactions, and the purpose as is interpreted”; with them. If your intent is acceptance for each other, you will be friends. If your intent is use or abuse the other, you will become enemies. If your purpose is less distinct, there is no commitment. Every want is the foundation of every lie/ remember that, and understand it. Every love is, your personal decision to accept another life/ for better or for worse. Love is not a foundation for survival, as is truth, trust, courage, discipline, order, balance, and need. Rather love is our attempt to participate in happiness, by assembling the single most important ingredient in that happiness, which is functionally, “time spent” with another life. Love is, a decision that allows your own pursuit or desire to be identified as you choose it to be/ but love is NOT simply “one-sided”. Although you can love anyone for any cause you desire; without their love being returned to you: IT IS a cost that will become a burden, and then change many times into anger or hate. What is love is not sexual/ that is a separate decision used by most to gain time, by whatever seems necessary to you. Rather love is the essence of everything that can be acceptance and value expressed as you/ as us. Nothing is more fundamental of that truth, than sexuality as defined and experienced without the measurements of time or humanity. Or more simply true sexuality is the existence of “souls meeting”. The honesty of an experience shared that needs no caution, because trust has proven caring; and life has thereby been completed. At least for these few moments, in me and you. It is neither simple or easy, to ascend beyond the influences of time itself. Few do!
These are the base developments that express bodily influence and its impact upon our lives. Detailed expression established by the chemical traits assigned to male and female existence are not the purpose of this writing; but can be found in minimal translations through some of this work, on the sites I provide. If you choose to read it.
We now begin the process of learning, the mental expressions that become the behaviors and characteristics of our time on earth. Or more simply: the mental environment is separated from bodily response/ but distinctly intertwined in all mental functions, that are a deliberate decision: or have been influenced by environmental factors such as “the mental expression of society itself”.
We take from the elements of the mind, its formal understanding of direction; and apply the decisions of discipline, balance, and courage. The four basic directions are again: want/ pride/ religion/ and intellectual thought (I can, because I know; regardless of a right).
The blending of all mental expression comes from the decision to participate in any of these directions and is separated by the variety of your own personal choice: to pick one, and focus on that journey, or not. Those who live their lives distinctly limited to one of these directions are mentally stable, because they do not allow other influences to confuse them: THEY WANT this. Simple and plain, that is the treasure (want/ pride/ religion/ or control) of their lives.
For all the rest, the mental equivalent of not being focused on a particular goal or trophy means: you will enter the circle of life/ that is a mental decision followed by its opposite decision in an effort to balance what you cannot justify as worth, the effort and responsibilities of your time in existence. This is called laziness, or is fundamentally a confusion struggling against time. The push beyond laziness is defined by your own focus to extend life into one of the 4 quadrants that exist as your potential for mental participation and expression. Laziness does not allow for true expression/ therefore to live and be noticed for who you are, there must be a focus beyond the simple circle of confusion. To achieve focus, there must be purpose. To understand purpose as a gift you must give to yourself, reality then becomes a measured relationship to values, and rewards; accepted in your own life.
This requires a more detailed “moment of understanding”: to assemble and translate
demands, truth/ trust/ order/ knowledge/ and the consequences of need. You cannot choose what you do not know! You cannot depend upon lies/ they will fail you every time! Trust exists only when life teaches, this truth will not fail. Thereby we come to order, and the essence of a need constructed from the decisions which support happiness or cause it to fail. Happiness is the consistent value of life, but it is not achieved for long without true respect for the elements that are, and sustain life itself. Consequently to be happy, three base developments must occur: to find value and accept it as your own responsibility to cherish and protect these moments. To find truth, and understand that truth alone must rule your life, as there is nothing else that can be trusted to sustain or grant value in you. To know and accept order as the essence of what can be predicted over time, and within love; as our participation in growing or building the relationships which become a purpose, and transform value itself into the desires of a heart, searching for soul.
In its most elemental stages, purpose is a focus upon the quest for something certain/ it is a decision that grants your participation, regardless of the rest of humanity. Therefrom it is a search for yourself that fundamentally applies focus as a journey into the individual quadrants of mental existence. Quadrant one is: the decision to mix want with pride, and search for the means to measure and dismiss all other humanity and life/ thereby becoming god (I don’t need you), in your own mind. Each of the various combinations represented in quadrant one end in separation from the rest. OR, a gathering of “leaders and followers” whose purpose is to control this world. Whose purpose is greed: “Or, more simply; I WANT yours too/ you lose, or more to the point I WIN!”
Quadrant two is the elemental mixing of pride and religion: the quest to prove I have a right to rule over you/ because I am better than you! The elements of oppression and bigotry are aided by the simple truth: disciplines can be used either for or against the value and sanctity of life. Religion is a discipline/ while pride is a tyranny: together they become an oppression, when used against society itself or the individual.
Quadrant three is the critical knowledge that is order translated into the variety of disciplines that can aid or disgrace or destroy the human experience and limit its own expression: because the end result is usually “we want slaves”/ MORE than happiness for all. Between religion and intellectual thought, the translation of time into the balance of order and its wisdom: is the ability to achieve all forms of deception, thievery, corruption, conspiracy, and collusion. While these same abilities can achieve a greater knowledge of how best to apply and create justice, fair play, equality, equity, law, and happiness for all of society/ it takes no great understanding of history to prove that is NOT the choice men make; again and again and again. Simple and plain, the reality of even small amounts of balance and order has always been used for control/ not peace or harmony.
Quadrant four exists between the demands for intellectual control, and the essence of want itself. Between these parameters of individual separation from society, come the various levels of insanity that plague the mind and society. Each of the other quadrants have their own versions of insanity, as people try to achieve their own focus as is “Individual gain”/ you know why the insanity exists. Or, their purpose has been identified. But quadrant four sustains the multiple variations that are considered or described as: we don’t understand this! The most simple insanity being masochism: intentionally doing serious harm to yourself! The reality expressed is: a chemical addiction, as is triggered by the release of chemicals inside the body to counteract pain. These are VERY powerful drugs, which knowledge allows: I CAN trigger their release, if I do this! Masochism is the single true addiction, as it is clearly the most powerful drug interaction: nothing else achieves the true destruction of a body and consequently its mind: simply to know its chemical expression. Lesser man-made drugs achieve destruction of both mind and body, but to a much lesser extent. These are about the chemicals, and what they do/ masochism is about the body itself, and what it does to you. To escape addiction/ either one: each person MUST CHOOSE, “NO, I will not”!
We will examine this phenomena more simply as the expression that lives between want and the intellectual grasp of “what do I truly want”/ is it life, or chemicals? The critical decision begins as the determination of value itself. What has more value: life or chemicals/ to you? The critical answer determines a great deal about your relationship with this existence, as a body or mind, in time. Chemical signatures are associated with sexual response, and determine the extent to which you will be governed by personal sexual demand. Thereby the question itself resides within a variety of activities that border on the insane, and direct humanity into behaviors they do not always understand within themselves. Or more simply: to react, rather than act is a behavior, or characteristic of human expression as well. Purposes that evade rather than interact with a mental decision thereby constructing foundations; are simply “animal definitions”/ more so, than human.
The elemental reality of insanity is governed by three distinctions: the value of living must be elusive/ I have no true happiness in me. Life itself must be questioned as a relationship governed by survival: “I could choose NOT to do this”! And the chemicals which identify participation need not be by my own true choices/ but can be induced in me to attain something powerful, even if fleeting. Each of these reflects upon the single ingredient: happiness! Without this fundamental in our lives, focus is lost/ and therefrom the influences of what is called “mystical solutions” arise.
Mystical means: without the physical definitions that can be pointed too/ as cause and effect! Or, more simply: if there is no happiness in what I know as “this life in time”/ the imagination HAS solutions. But, these are able to be mixed with the spiritual existence of life itself: which is a function or fundamental of truth identified! Therefrom, the reality becomes what is, or is not true in you. This is the foundation of a game, that is played in your own expression as life in time. Or more simply: if no one else can be found to play with, to be happy with, someone to recognize “I have value too”/ then the imagination will share time with you. If that imagination becomes “your friend”/ then the elements of insanity exist. If on the other side of that experience, you have found truth itself/ searching for what is the essence and thereby value of life: soul comes into view!
We begin with want in the opposite direction of pride: is to construct a search that illuminates the elemental wish that conceives of a herd. Or if your want is to participate with people, and be surrounded by the value of those who can make your life happy: then it is very simple and easy to assume, “IF, I am like them/ then they will like me”. But want is a liar/ and everyone here is pretending in some form, to be “like someone else”. Consequently the measure of success is: how many people can you gather, or who will say “I want to be like you: thereby following you”. Versus how many people can you cast aside, thereby proving to be superior. Another lie. As we push around the outer circle of quadrant, we get to the intellectual side of want, and find the basis of true intellectual expression is limited to the separation of your life, from the others/ because thought itself, is NOT a joined activity. You must do so yourself/ none can help: only directional tools can be given, as is this work. The reality here is: to limit yourself as a member of the herd has the reward of participating in the herd, they are “just like me/ or I am just like them, even if it is part lie”. Or, to limit yourself as an intellectual isolates and removes the herd from you/ because you “are NOT like them” in their imagination. Consequently you are viewed as a threat or a deterrent to the harmony assumed. That should be recognized in reality by its own truth: if you are a member of a herd, found in the middle so that you cannot be attacked/ without death to all. Then you eat what has been trampled upon/ pissed on/ shit on, or has already been consumed “the best of”; the price of your protection. But it does not end there; because crowded together, there will be consequences of anger and failures to respect; the price of being afraid. Nonetheless, a herd exists in nature because there are predators. When the expectation is “safe”; the herd disperses, and individual traits are formed. When a herd feels itself under immanent attack/ then each discards individuality, and works clearly and with intent as if a “living stream of water”. Thereby offering no entry into the middle, or possibility of attack at the side without being trampled to death. Consequently we see why the herd requires “strictly like us”/ because any introduction of different will destroy the unity and harmony of motion that is its most fundamental and powerful means of protection for all. Only the weak and frail, are left behind to be removed from the herd. Want then means, to extract from the others, what cannot be achieved on your own. Here enters the variant called intellectual wisdom: the means and methods of claiming what is not earned, to establish dominance.
Intellect conceives of order for the purpose of control/ disciplines for the decision to use power, and establish superiority/ balance for the need to be secretive, and hidden behind an illusion or image of what is acceptable to the others. Thereby intellect discovers truth as best it can, for the singular purpose of using it, to imitate “god”. Or more simply: listen to me/ do what I say/ be what I want you to be/ and give to me all that I ask of you! These are the terms of primary intellect; as it achieves recognition for “the toys and trinkets” which let people assume even more can be done. Secondary intellect is the functional relationship created between those who sell the product, and those who create the product called intellect. Because without that “sales force” none of what an intellectual does comes out of hiding. They do not live in the herd, because individual conceptions require solitude, or they do not congeal on their own: consequently “the herd” rejects them. So they require the individuals called leaders to assemble participation, and create the base definitions of what has or has not been discovered. Leaders assemble and chain followers to a single purpose: “I will give you what you want/ just follow me. Which is located on the other side of want as is the first and by far most populated quadrant: the measures between want and pride. Because that is an intellectual concept, participating in deception by translating what is promised into what people shall believe, because their life is a game to be played, with trophies. What is deceiving about questions isolating any portion or part of an identified truth: is the focus so isolated on one tiny little thing/ that the realities of all life, survival, respect, and everything called value to life itself; are merely brushed aside/ as worthless compared to this trophy. Rarely if ever, is the reward of intellect of enough substantive value, that it is comparable to life. Such things as electricity are fundamentally life changing for the masses/ but that same electricity is now threatening our planet with complete destruction. Which means although some advantages have been achieved through intellect/ the curse that comes with them is the power of men have bas increased. And there will be consequences that are destructive to life or comprise the foundation that is extinction itself. Another reward of intellect is the antibiotic; a reality of biological existence noticed rather than designed by men. While it is certainly a benefit to humanity/ the alternate reality is a population explosion that now threatens all life on earth. And so on. Therefore it is simple and true, that while a tiny few truths have been noticed by men or women across this world, opening a thirst in humanity for more. The consequence of truth is: this shall become a challenge to existence itself; because humanity does not think for itself, and merely follows as a herd. Which presents the leadership with expectations of being a god/ causing them to fail completely, by choosing arrogance, therefrom lies; and as a consequence stealing, corruption, and propaganda to hide all the deceit, fantasy, and failure. This is the fundamental called intellect, and its expression: thereby “gift” to society.
The element of life in humanity called pride; are fundamental exhibits of hate struggling to find the essence of power and control over the rest, or at least certain individuals. You cannot love someone, or respect them; and “wish to control them”/ these are opposites. The primary method is making a game of life itself/ thereby the winner rules, and the loser submits. The critical question is: WHY do people play the game/ or what is the expression of humanity in time that allows for life itself to be belittled or ruled? The answer is: that a humanity overworked tends to prize any form of relief as is evident and proven by lotteries. “I have nothing/ I want something, even if it is fantasy”. Men that are overworked and under respected, what relief in the form of sex/ that then makes then assert: “I won, something the others wanted too”. Women that are under appreciated commonly choose “shopping or food, in america”. But the critical reality of a game is fundamentally chosen by the rest as they attempt to control their own fate in this life. At least with a game, I have a chance to do better than the rest. The game is furthered into the conscious reality of society, by the addition of boredom: I don’t want what I have/ GIVE ME MORE! Children participate by understanding: control means, I am the one that must be listened too. Thereby pride assembles itself in two distinct directions: between the quadrants of want and pride, its purpose is power over the reality of your position in society. Between the quadrants of pride and religion, its purpose is to find the disciplines that change and redefine society “in your own image”/ or for your own purposes.
Religion is the fundamental attempt to discard humanity as a ruler over your life, and sustain the image of “a god” that rules over you instead. Thereby set me free, for you cannot rule over me totally; so says “my god”. To illustrate and assert this is true, elements of truth are found to give credibility to religion. Old words are used, so they cannot be contested: it is not allowed; either believe what we say is so, or walk away/ or be pushed away. The foundation of religion is: that I believe in what I cannot prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt. Therefore you cannot prove it is not so, either. Belief then rules/ and belief is, “whatever I truly desire it to be”. There is no attachment by which truth must rule.
So then the functional expression of all religion is: that I have found something, which gives me the freedom to believe whatever I wish to believe/ and the power to refuse whatever I do not wish to accept. There is an elemental strength in that, even if it is not true/ because belief rules your mind instead of the constant competition that is fundamental pride or want or intellect: people thereby escape their reality, and find relief. Discipline encourages that fact, and balance produces alternate elements, opposing greed, lust, temptations, and hate into society itself. Religion having established any form of power, will then be invaded by want/ pride/ and intellect as a means of using that power against the others to form control, prejudice which becomes the power to manipulate, and revenge: an action that is not precipitated by need, only hate.
Between the quadrants of pride and religion are the foundations of society which become a dissection of the herd. People are separated into the various categories of disciplined belief so as to recognize some level of individuality. Dependent upon their own focus, and its ultimate purpose. What is true further divides and controls the leadership so as to make it harder to manipulate without a justified cause. What is religion however allows for “justification, to be fanatical/ or fanciful/ or just plain ridiculous: and more”. Therefore religion cannot be considered subject to “simply the truth”/ because that is not what it does. Rather the disciplines are united with belief; so that the people are united in a common herd, “this is what we accept”! Or, to hell with you/ we are “saved”. We win!
Between the quadrants of religion and intellect are the summations of belief that become the physical remedy: if only they were like us! As this progresses into order and balance as a lifestyle and purpose, the procession of humanity becomes smaller: because these are foundations of personal change that require an acceptance of what is considered valuable/ and the refusal of all things not considered valuable. People rarely choose a life that will then become empty of want or pride or expanded intellect (the assumption of perfection). When these are removed, it is absolutely necessary to fill the void with something else. The correct choice is a journey into life itself, as is consistent with the means and methods of finding life itself, and understanding truth as the law which gives us life, and sustains our world. These are critical changes which do not allow for the assumptions of freedom which is: I can do anything I want/ so long as I don’t get caught; and can lie or steal or imagine anything is real. Rather the journey into life itself requires courage, a functional reality called RESPECT, and a clear dedication to the desire that then identifies the value in living as love, thought, and happiness or joy! These are the ascending steps beyond a simple life in time.
Contrary to ascension is the intellectual grasp: of a different way, which then serves the want that is control over humanity itself, or more clearly, the acceptance of “ MORE for me”. The road between reality of life, and the fantasy of playing god/ IS a decision that precipitates as an image accepted: so long as the inferior ones do not understand their option to refuse this slavery and oppression. Thereby the methods of confusion, mass hypnosis, temptations, manipulations, fantasy associations with the illusion of intelligence, and hiding the failure that is any decision which does NOT produce the necessary respect: which is LIFE must come first. Are all propagated and maintained by “the sales force called media and leadership through university expertise. To be an expert so called on “one little thing” has no inherent or real value in the creation of an understanding that is appropriate to the values and needs of life itself. One little thing, is as nothing compared to the “billions of variables” that is life itself. Only truth can lead, which means the intellectual cannot. Only truth can lead identifies the critical need to let reality itself teach us what must be done for life and survival: THAT, is generally referred to as “common sense”. Lessons of life that exist, because of pain, heartache, need, or joy.
Beyond the simple influences of time, and its circle of life; the quadrants of direction that produce distinct behaviors. There are the three elements of heart/ soul/ and destruction. Heart and soul rise above the expected directions of life, to abandon measurement and become a treasured element of life itself. And death or destruction which does descend from the elevation of humanity: to descriptions involving strictly “a predator and its prey.”
The element of death is, the assumption life has no meaning or value to me/ the taking of what has value, to prove you now have none.
The decisions that lead from a life in time which is measured only by the mind, to an elevation of life itself as the means beyond time by which we find in the treasury of life itself, the cause and consequence of love, honor, courage, blessings, and hope that our existence will not only be happy but achieve eternal life. These elements of value itself are found through the decision to participate in living as if on display at all times: thereby proving not only to yourself, but to others that truth and life, even humanity and the other living creations we share this planet with: are respected, and treasured by you. That is the first step beyond mentally measured! Because it assigns a value to each treasured life, that cannot be understood without the ascension of “Miracles”. Hate seeks to dispense and destroy the word miracles/ because they have no defense. They simply exist/ therefore it is true. Evolution is the evidence of hate, seeking to elude inspection/ investigation/ and review by assigning a single word called adaption: and giving it “the power of GOD”. Adaption however is merely the evidence of perfect design, and has nothing to do with; Evolution, an intellectuals answer to: how best can we hate them! Let them answer the question: how does a body survive without “all its parts and pieces/ such as lungs/ blood/ heart/ liver/ kidneys/ etc”? Do you not die without them all!
Soul constructs the more severe path, that conceives of purity/ because nothing impure is allowed any presence with GOD. Which means the truth of your own life must be extreme, or you will never enter the very close existence that is “with GOD”. To be true, to life! Requires a level of respect that is not definable in human terms: NOBODY is “perfect enough”/ that is simply the truth. Therefore it is mercy that allows change, and change, and change, and more change to identify who is honestly and honorably willing to accept the price of this journey beyond the rest; or not. It is a decision made. It is a reality, that cannot be less than true in you; a desire that is real. There are however “endless circles/ the explanation called heaven”; creating the levels of impurity that then survive because “GOD allows it to be so”. The quest for life eternal is not built upon power or control/ but truth. The reality of truth as life alive is: what better way to spend eternity, than to be “IN LOVE”! How is this not so.
We then begin with the various expressions of life that are fundamentally aligned with the elements discussed above and assert: three distinct realities govern our existence MORE than any other. They are: loneliness (a realization, or expectation: no one truly cares, about me). This results in all forms of depression, anxiety as is produced by fear, mental needs as are consistent with such things as bi-polar disorder. Wherein the person so afflicted has entered into their own want cannot be saturated with the life they live anymore/ and as a consequence let go of restraint, even at the cost of everything they love; simply to demand, or steal, MORE for me. Want is a disorder arising from the separation of your life, from all other lives. Or more simply want is, the making of your life to be more important than any other, unless you make them more.
Loneliness is responsible for most sexual behaviors, when separated from the chemicals that give the body sensations. Sex is, the desire to “play with the opposite-sex persons’, parts and pieces”. Lust is, the purpose of using or abusing another persons parts and pieces to play with your own. The difference is, the value of someone else intimately involved. Lust is want intensified. Sex is the search for someone who will participate with me, and be “the one” that can open my own heart to hear: a “life together” is what we both need. Loneliness makes that conversation possible, even if it is without words. Sex alone buys sex, because of the chemicals/ but that is never enough to sustain a relationship. Love asks or desires no one, “to be their slave”. Love asks and desires: let us be free, to understand the distance between our hearts, and the path between us will be bridged by loneliness. To know inside your soul, GOD prepared this one for me: exists as the eternal bond which will, or can be sustained, even beyond death. Because the soul exists where life understands, our choice is a relationship with GOD; our happiness is then the creation or expansion of what HE brings into our lives. To be one with each other, requires a blessing from GOD; that is neither simple or benign.
Understanding knows, that loneliness and desperation drive women and men into sexual relationships for the purpose of attaining help in the struggle to survive and be happy here in time. Sex is not a debt, unless you are prostituting. Lust is not a key to anything but abuse or I am used. The power of chemicals cannot erase loneliness for long: therefore it is futile. But they can establish “someone shared with me”; when love is present, and here for you. At least “this much”. Loneliness is the reality of no one to play with, no one to listen to me, no one who cares honestly or honorably that I am alive. Loneliness allows the search beyond time, and thereby fantasy (I want this to be true, or not true): Or spiritual recognition, whereby truth itself, the critical investigation of laws, which govern the existence of life, may or may not present a door beyond this world. You can enter/ but your return is not guaranteed.
Second to loneliness is need: the elemental truth that to survive here in time, certain realities of life must be met and sustained/ or we die. Need is NOT a want: which asserts that I can have whatever I choose, IF “I can find a way”/ regardless of right or wrong for life. Need IS: a reality that must be sustained, or we die/ we lose something truly valuable such as a limb or a child or something or someone that requires a truth to be sustained in them. Need is a critical demand, and it is never a game.
Third in the translation of time as our own creation is, the identity of who we do choose to be. The decision that we will make regarding life and humanity itself, is very simple. Every decision beyond need is prefaced with the simple truth: YOU WILL decide within your own truth as a life freed to do so, whether you will choose for love, I will be a friend/ or you will choose for hate, I will be an enemy. Because the impact of every decision that is not strictly tied to need; DOES have the means to effect a response from another life/ potentially changing their existence, because of your own. We live together as all life on this planet, and what we do, has consequences to the others. Even if you do not understand!
These are the basic environments of expression, from which the vast majority of behaviors are born. Participation from the mind itself/ impacts from the association of society by its own terms forms character/ and the elements of fear add in to construct the world as we know it, to be human. This site www.trialoflife.info Develops the court cases providing irrefutable evidence of what is criminal/ unfair/ unjustified/ and discriminatory. Becoming a cause, and a charge equivalent to anarchy, in the leadership of IL and this nation. Www.criticaleconomics.info establishes the lies, cheating, and stealing so rampant in US government. Www.trialforlife.info establishes irrefutable evidence in US TAX court, by its judiciary, and leaders of US government; criminal corruption, collusion, and contempt for justice and the law; is all that is left in these places. Etc.
The elements of life in time, require our assistance to establish change, to understand happiness or hope, and to build a new life for us all.
Download these html sites, to protect your right to know they exist. Open the zip files, then open the index file, and they will appear same as they do on the internet; but the links won’t work if they are outside that specific site. The individual files however will be there.
In the trial and tragedy that is Syria: World law means: ; We go get the leaders and bring them to justice, at trial based upon this law. Or kill them if that is necessary, to stop any aggression that cannot wait. No excuses, and NO exceptions. In the current case of Syria: the fundamental required of this moment is, “to distribute as many gas masks to the general population, and opposing forces; as is necessary.” Only then, shall you attack the chemical weapons held by the national army: equal to one bomb by them equals one bomb by you against their own chemical weapons [ which makes possession a distinct threat, to the soldiers who hold them ]. More.
Corruption or true democracy: “it’s a choice.
When corruption is easy, as it is today: “we can just make a few rules/ and then keep changing the rules so that none can defeat us/ or if they can: then just ignore them, by controlling the law of the land with power.” The reality of easy means: there will be more corruption and defeat of democracy and society itself. Why should we care/ let us play god and manipulate, tempt, flatter, lie, cheat, hate, threaten, or terrorize; and especially make them all fear! To fear means: we must build barriers, and prepare to defend ourselves/ we must trust no one, and assume the worst. That ends with hate, or at its opposite end of the same “stick to beat you with” the fearful choose , we have no power/ no options/ no rights/ and no reality by which we can survive. We are reduced to begging for life”. Those caught in the middle choose “ridicule/ bullying/ and other methods to declare “I am brave”/ even though this just proves you to be a fool instead: hiding in someone else’s pain/ who you believe cannot, or will not hurt you. Those who choose true violence, “want to play god/ when allowed, they just get worse”. Failure and fantasy breed the same; it is delusion buried by the quest for more power; and can be found behind nearly every “university door”. The endless list of “university terrorists” as are found in America and around the world today; suffer from the disease of want. They want to be gods/ they want every answer/ they want to control everything and play god. But the result of their efforts is: they have destroyed our future. They have assassinated every child. They have mutilated and seek ftlinethe extermination of every living creation on earth. They have created a long list of extreme threats, that cannot be dismissed without an ending in horror for this entire planet: but they refuse, and the media propagates: “Be happy/ don’t worry”, cause the university diploma is in charge/ they know”. Reality finds them a disaster. Truth assigns them the description called SATAN. And our lives have been stolen, prepared for terrors, and sold to HELL. They are then god, of destruction: for an entire world. What do you suppose is their punishment for that? What about yours, for letting them: without even a whimper, not the slightest demand for an investigation to find the truth? Even though the evidence is overwhelming and beyond doubt. You cannot survive with cowardice, or belief in fools: search for evidence and believe only in truth.
Intellect or intelligence as in “IQ” means: someone who can devise or perceive of a trap. That is all/ as a reality when used by want; it is like a serpent or snake winding around or striking its victim by surprise. That purpose is to remove any chance for escape. Used for illicit purposes intellect is like a poison to damage or destroy your heart or soul/ if you let it, then you become hate or revenge. Only the law can intervene. The purpose of every trap is to create a situation wherein your choice no longer exists: that is fundamental slavery. This America is infected with countless traps, courtesy of “university knows”/ whose primary purpose is to control and establish fear in you/ to get your money, and force compliance without justice or fair play; as is tyranny and oppression. The list of courtroom cases I provide on these sites is proof. There is no place to run or hide for a threatened world: either confront the truth with reality and law, or you fail yourselves, your children, and your world.
It is further noted: the poison of an intellectual want or abyss is/ the rule or law that steals justice, and forms the basis of criminal opposition or intervention in our lives, our nation, and our world. OUR OPTION IS: TO WRITE THE LAW, THAT RULES OUR LIVES, OURSELVES! SIMPLE AND PLAIN, AND WITH ONLY ENOUGH WORDS TO GET IT DONE. The ten commandments are a suitable example for content and brevity; as is proven by the fact they still survive, and are understood today. The same must be true of any law that is made. WE CAN ESTABLISH TRUE DEMOCRACY: which means we the people, vote for ourselves/ NOT for someone to “vote for me”.
A traitor is: anyone who takes from us our ability to defend ourselves! Anarchy is: the deliberate destruction of justice/ fair play/ equal treatment/ and fundamental freedoms or liberty; as is consistent with refusing constitutional law as is redress of grievances. As is proven in court, that is a fact established by conspiracy to deny/ the collusion of leaders in all fields/ and the corruption of rules, realities without merit, and the destruction of all policing from the least to the greatest here which have denied the constitution rules instead of these traitors. That is treason.
The destructive intellectual (university diploma; the single unifying trait) wants power to control the opposition, therefore war exists, and media propaganda is constant: it is substantively, “only we have a right to decide/ to speak/ to control your lives and your nation”. The tools they use to constrict you are: a courtroom corrupted and laced with lies/ lawyers who steal and threaten you with tremendous financial loss, just to make you fear; who have absolutely no legal right or merit to do so. Experts to prove you have no say, no rights, and no access to legitimate warnings for the people themselves; with an army of university diplomas they rule. But as is proven by the list of threats which is only the beginning; THEY HAVE PROVEN instead not only are they not “experts, beyond one tiny little thing. They may well be LIARS, fools, fantasies, thieves, traitors, and more.” Primary to manipulation and control over the people is: that they remove your right to understand with “foreign languages (words, or methods such as math; not used by common people)”. Thereby you cannot understand or participate; they can say or do anything, and claim whatever they want.
That is substantive arrogance which has proven to be VERY destructive: as these few political employees have behind closed doors taken our democracy, and turned it into “they are the government, because of their job”. They have taken our search as described in the constitutional preamble for free and true democratic society which serves us all/ and made laws to entrap and control, by manipulating rules to destroy justice. They have stolen our money, our lives both past and future, by corrupting the money supply, and destroying the basis of exchange that governs supply and demand: so they could have WAY MORE than they deserve/ functionally making us their slaves. Federal government claims to have indebted us 16 trillion dollars/ but they fail to list all the social security dollars they did steal, upwards of 70 trillion dollars: making these few people responsible for at least 86 trillion dollars of debt in the last few years. That amount equals $860,000.00 eight hundred and sixty thousand dollars per each and every person of one hundred million people. And they did it by stealing your pension plan money. Clinton and company with the full knowledge of media: simply removed social security from the federal budget (oh look, now we have a surplus)/ by saying it’s the people’s debt to themselves. But they kept the money we paid in the federal budget and even raised our social security taxes/ handing only “an IOU” TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY FUND ITSELF. They stole it plain and simple/ and that was still NOT enough. By using money as a whip/ by using LIES as a right, we have become slaves, and the poorest of the poor until bankruptcy removes this burden, and controls these liars, cheats, and thieves. The “university diploma” has invaded our democracy, and declared both financial war against us/ and social war infecting our society with their own versions of how our lives should be lived. Using media and the courts, to manipulate, threaten, or control. Claiming “superior”/ they warred against us by changing our society, cheating us out of our money, and destroying the only foundation that gives WE THE PEOPLE our right to defend and protect ourselves; which is redress of grievances. The legal demand: that our employees SHALL give account for what they have done/ and WE THE PEOPLE SHALL judge them, as owners, and fundamental rulers (by our vote) of the law that is our democracy.
The extreme counterfeiting, and belligerent claims “debts don’t matter for us/ only for you the slaves”: is treason. Or more simply “slavery enacted by the numbers used”. The absolute and complete refusal to acknowledge any form of reality or its truth constitutes anarchy: the intentional actions used to destroy the laws that hold our society together and unite us as a nation. Such is America today, under the direct leadership and direction of “the university diploma”. Primarily men, but not without women. We are saturated in their filth, and being destroyed by belief in “university knows”. Fear is a failure/ fantasy is a whore, or prostitute. The university diploma has proven to be a plague, and a pandemic whose only true purpose is to exterminate our lives. Nothing has proven to be more destructive that university arrogance. Nothing is more traitorous than destroying justice and law in a courtroom with rules that have no merit, corruption and conspiracy that is determined to overrule constitutional law, and establish treason. NOTHING IS A GREATER TREASON, THAT TO HIDE THREATS WHICH WILL CAUSE OUR EXTINCTION FROM THIS PLANET.
The foundation of that cause, makes everyone who assists to removing the possibility of the people to protect themselves: a terrorist. As is established in court cases James F. Osterbur versus : leaders and media both state and nation have proven it takes a conspiracy, those facts cannot be hidden but by collusion, and it is nothing less than corruption that destroys our right to know/ to think for ourselves/ and to understand what is truly at stake in when our employees establish their experiments, their delusions, and their actions: by gambling or just plain assassinating our lives with their arrogance and horrifying ignorance. The so called press or media merely pawns used to delude, manipulate, hide, and control the lies.
The truth is; you are bankrupt/ you are facing complete destruction of the foundations required by this earth to keep us all alive. Your cult the “university knows” is mutilating and defacing and diseasing every known life on earth: because they are “satan” for lack of a better word. And you help them do it, every time you believe and send money to “medical experimentation” ; they just mutilate more. You cannot be gods/ they can only destroy life; take a look at your medicines; how many lawsuits exist? How many have died or been found dead because of medicine? How many people have suffered horribly because the media did not tell you the truth: as is consistent with acetaminophen and the reality of liver damage that has been known even by me for at least thirty years. Didn’t ell you did they/ HELL NO, just let them die!
Their experiments to bring a 10 million degree fire here to this earth/ that burns atomic bonds; which means everything here is fuel: WILL soon burn you alive, this entire planet. The media nor any of your leaders DIDN’T tell you: they are gambling every single life on this planet, based upon one simple theory, “that there is not enough gravity here, to keep the fire burning/ so it will just put itself out”. An entire planet made out of fuel, and it will just put itself out: who is so completely stupid and without sense as to actually believe that? There are NO SECOND CHANCES, once lit, the end will be here quickly/ the entire atmosphere of this planet WILL be ejected into outer space. They don’t even know what gravity is/ yet they gamble everything, because they want to control the fire, and proclaim themselves “god”. God of death/ god of insanity/ god of stupidity/ god of the greatest fools that ever lived; is all you get. Horrifyingly stupid.
The mutilation of all life by the insane, and those who support them crying “give me another day of life or health” have chosen to annihilate life. Have deliberately decreed nothing is more important “than you”/ not even a planet or its entire life. What could be more selfish, even more hateful than that: to destroy all the rest/ even all of time, “for another damn day for you”. What do you suppose is to be your reward? It ain’t that you don’t know this is beyond insane/ EVERY LIFE KNOWS THIS IS INSANE, including you! There is no excuse. Every human being that exists knows the miracles of our own body and mind are far beyond comprehension; therefore to take what absolutely CANNOT be repaired, and simply destroy it for all of life: to participate in any way, gambling with everything is horrendous. Your mind, your body, your abilities, your senses, your everything as well as Every other life on this planet are all being invaded by terrorists. Life itself is being crucified on a daily basis in university experiments, behind closed doors, where everyone knows “don’t tell the truth” about the carnage, the horror, and the hell being required of life. The media, university, leaders, all say “this will be great/ we will be gods”. BUT THE REALITY IS: AS IS TRUE OF THE FIRE FROM THE SUN, EVERYTHING THEY DO IS LIFE OR DEATH FOR THIS WORLD/ NOTHING ESCAPES THE HORROR OF BEING WRONG. Including you!
You were told by media; to “love Reagan”/ he fixed everything; by destroying the basis and foundations upon which this society ran. He emptied fort knox/ where do you think the gold came from that was sold? He personally destroyed rural America by ending the payment of debts/ so that all those who were depending upon that payment suddenly went bankrupt in the cities too. Thereby giving all the money, their lives to those who did not earn it. Removing the gold standard made it possible for the university to steal everything: let the government pay, and they did counterfeit without end or merit. A failure at every possible level of sta te and nation. But hey, with bribes and free money: who was there to complain? Debts don’t matter/ unless you’re poor, ain’t that right! So lets review: “You can have as many numbers in your bank account as you fantasize about: IT DOESN’T matter/ that is the truth. UNTIL you want to spend them, then someone must supply the work and the resources, or the numbers are worthless. So the pyramid scheme works, until those who spend overtake those who save. Then it all falls apart/ because believing no longer holds the lies together.
Your water supplies will soon be entirely gone; go search/ destroyed by ethanol/ oil production/ chemical production/ mining/ pollution/ gas production/ vulnerable to earthquakes and toxic waste disposal; and more. Trillions of gallons lost from aquifers each year/ NOT REPLACED BY RAIN, as the IL department of water resources states: only one inch of rain per fifty inches of rainfall makes it into the aquifer, to replace what was taken. Yet you know nothing of water levels, and nothing of pollution that threatens, and nothing of what is being done apart from you that can in fact steal your water too. Only war remains, when the water is not sufficient.
You burn far more oxygen than the earth produces/ and attack every living organism that produces oxygen; with your vehicles/ furnaces/ electrical generation and more. As is proven by the biosphere 2 project. Idiots trying to prove we can take nature into space and time travel.
We stand on one acre of agricultural land per person on this planet/ and we continue to grow at 2 million more per week. With one billion already hungry. Who does not understand what this means/ without severe intervention.
Our oceans feed a billion people, and they are being decimated in every possible way. The last refuge which is the Arctic ocean is being melted/ and then they will all, be gone forever. In a year or two, so devastated by human need and demand; no possible chance of recovery for the needs of humanity, or itself. SHAME ON YOU.
And you know little or nothing about any of this, because the media didn’t tell you/ and your leaders refuse: because it is NOT what they want. Truth doesn’t care/ reality is what reality is; whether you like it or not, is absolutely irrelevant.
So then we must ask: what is so corrupting, so extremely delusional, that it can persuade humanity to look at truth/ and then discard it with the abyss of want? The answer is religion, and in this case it is the religion of evolution which gave university its initial power/ the atomic bomb which gave university its primary demand, “fear us”/ and the foreign languages or propaganda used and abused by university with trinkets and toys which have proven to have a strangle hold upon humanity itself. The world is choking and gasping for breathe because of them, not just America! Their little “black magic” is: we are smarter than you/ words and a diploma are, our weapons”. You cannot have them, unless you pay. The university claim is: we are smarter than they” But our reality is: NOT ONE of “the common and ordinary” humanity would gamble with our own world, the very essence of life that gives us time and body or planet. Who then is in fact “smarter with life, and time”?
The Chinese killed the intellectuals over a hundred years ago/ proving that too is a bad plan. But America has proven in this time, allowing the intellectual control over anything is an equally bad plan: and they must be supervised at all times, and made to accept, EVERY DECISION AND EVERY EXPERIMENT AND EVERY PURPOSE SHALL BE, “LIFE FOR THIS PLANET, COMES FIRST/ no gambling, and no succumbing to tears or threats or fantasy and delusion”. Truth controls, with an absolute demand: do not risk this earth or its life in any conceivable way.
Returning to the cult of university knows reminds us that “like every predator wolf pack” that lived/ their purpose is to wear you down/ so you cannot fight anymore. In comes the corrupt court/ thieving lawyers/ and cheating delusional leaders from all walks of life. Even life itself is for sale to the highest bidder; the demand, we will destroy anything for power, pride, arrogance, want, hate, greed, or fear. The purpose hate then multiplies, and liars will rule. Their law protects the corrupt/ and the rules control the people. Therefore the claim of justice becomes useless/ until the people have had enough. But here, we are reminded that the public is screaming/ hiding/ or running away demanding: DON’T TELL ME NOTHING/ I don’t want to know; it means I cannot be at peace or live in harmony, and my life will change. Instead give me bribes, so I can pretend to be rich/ and then make the rest “leave me alone”.
But alas, the very existence of our planet, and even our solar system is clearly and without doubt by the evidence: going to be exterminated by those who are so extremely corrupt and delusional they believe themselves to be gods; and DO GAMBLE EVERY LIFE ON THIS PLANET. With their experiments, mutilation, and more. You have no where to run. You cannot hide from a fire that consumes this planet. Even the solar system itself cannot evade this planet become a sun. So you have nothing to fear/ either stop the insane or die with them is your only choice.
Every resource is being thrown in the garbage dump. Every life and every child is about to be raped and cannibalized: because losing the food supply, the water supply, and more means insanity will rule. Nature cannot control us anymore. Change or die is our reality. Change will require a new way, with new leaders, and a true democracy. New democracy means: I vote for myself on the law that rules our lives/ NOT for someone to vote for me. A change in leaders and ways can only mean: women must rule/ because this is “the best men did do; and we are nearly extinct. Whether you believe it or not is irrelevant/ what is true rules life, lies fail”. They can do so, with a vote by changing the law, and direction of society itself. With that true vote on the realities that govern our societies for ourselves: WE LITERALLY BECOME RULERS OF OUR LIVES AND OUR WORLD. Controlling armies, and war, and more.
But alas; as members of a cult controlled by media propagation of “only we the university, can do the thinking here”; you have no mind/ you gave it away or they stole it from you. The media says, “be happy” we are in control; trumpeting every delusion university can fantasize about. Take a look at where you are! What is male demands a fight to remove this/ using body or weapon as his means, to demand this shall or shall not be done. What is female understands, “only justice, rights, freedoms, and fair play can keep us alive and give us peace or happiness”. Thereby the law must rule/ but the law can be corrupt; so only democracy itself can control what will or will not be true for society by enforcement of law. Law means: all of us demand/ this shall or shall not be done! Do you see the difference?
The university is about to crucify your heart; by causing insanity to rule, and extermination to be your only reality. That is the truth regarding realities of threat that can make us extinct. Once past the point of no return, only death remains.
The university is destroying your soul, with their illusions, fantasies, delusions, manipulations, temptations, destruction, and propagation of lies. The absolute arrogance of “they are gods/ and you are nothing”. What do you suppose the money is for? One trillion dollars is ten thousand dollars per each and every one of one hundred million people; or roughly one in three of us, owed to a tiny group. Not to mention all the diplomas who claim an extreme salary far beyond justice or right or work. Soul means our relationship with life itself, through respect. There is no respect here/ and that builds hate!
A clear and deliberate look at our future establishes every biblical prophecy that exists/ including death of a planet by fire; its just a case of what and when. Everything is here to cause it all.
Either you accept your truth and fight for life and child, or very quickly nothing will be left to do. Death will surround you/ and reality will convict you of not caring enough to even try! How is that going to be, “Oh, we will all go to heaven”? Dumbass? Go ahead explain how you chose not to fight for this Creation/ BECAUSE it didn’t matter to you?
So then we begin with or without you as the foundation of all human society is based upon one single principle: that we must communicate with each other to survive struggle and strife. Communication means: given the opportunity and freedom to choose for yourselves, based upon the receipt of knowledge, truth, and understanding. The resources of communication are known by you/ owned by most/ and available to all. What limits us all is those who demand to control our lives, and our information or ability to communicate with others/ because they control “the free press” against us. Having stolen it, by the us supreme court giving ownership to a tiny few. I have to wonder just how big a bribe did that take/ to establish that act of treason; against this democracy? The resources of this planet are what keep us alive with a future. Therefore we take this knowledge, apply understanding, and accept the boundaries of wisdom to become the reality of our time on earth. We will choose our future to be different than today, or die.
Understanding says, that unless I prove “to be somebody different”/ I am worthless to you by the decisions you have made. As you have so consistently proven true. Wisdom demands, regardless of my own desire; this entire planet MUST NOT be lost. So then we add in the following Simple discussion as well.
That time consists of 4 distinct defintions:
Mass is the blockade of “free space”.
Energy is the transportation of that mass/ the essence of movement itself.
Order is the boundaries which separate mas and energy or sustain them.
Discipline is the communication called truth, as is governed by the laws of all existence.
The realities of birth as is consistent with life/ are forever mute, and without discussion.
Nonetheless what is born shares these four distinctions:
To achieve wisdom requires the acceptance of truth by law.
To achieve knowledge requires the acceptance of boundaries.
To achieve understanding demands the acceptance of reality.
Human society is constructed out of these three: knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. But nothing is achieved as a true society unless communication exists. In addition reality demands nothing survives without every single resource that life requires of it. Therefore the foundation of our future WILL hinge on protecting what we must, in order to survive: protect. That requires knowledge, honest understanding, and the acceptance of wisdom which is only truth can decide based upon its reality. Therefore the law must be governed by truth, NEVER want, power, or pride again! The basis for all life, by law is established with: JUSTICE/ FAIR PLAY/ EQUALITY FOR ALL OF LIFE/ AND EQUITY as does construct freedom and its reward; As is consistent with human truths of work, freedom, and rights.
So then the second step to a new society is: learning how to communicate FOR LIFE, rather than simply for self! Learning says; communication is based upon the recognition of substance, or “the mass” which will control the foundation and strength of what we build. The application of value, defining the energy and determining the asset by its cost and reward is fundamental to any decision for justice in life or society. The criminal corruption of the court system declares: “the punishment does not matter/ only the law”. But they ARE Forever linked, and one does not exist without the other/ justice demands it. The punishment determines justice/ the law determines only whether we have a right to intervene in your freedom or not. This is the creation of order in society, and it proves peace & harmony or war.
Change requires courage/ therefore your fear decides who gets to control our fate and our future. No courage means HELL is coming/ whether you like it or not.
These basic fundamentals determine our existence as a society. They do form the base level agreement to live together as one people or one world; and are substantively explained more appropriately as a constitution. And specifically its preamble: or what we intend to achieve with this contract that binds us all together, as a nation or state.
Therefore we search to apply these elemental truths to our lives.
That unless we limit the purpose of “any law” to a single objective or destiny called justice/ peace and harmony will fail. Because freedom and rights, will be attacked.
Unless we choose to discard fear, and accept only respect for life itself and our reality as creatures upon this earth; our survival will fail, and we will be extinct.
Unless we accept what is clearly more important than “just yourself”: this world will now die/ because nature can no longer defeat us.
Life is not a game, and we are now so many people; you will either choose to be fair and considerate of each other, or world war 3 will consume you all. Unless the most severe horrors on the list of threats come first.
The third step, to a changed society is:
your failures CANNOT control your future. Three of the most destructive realities humanity has conceived are: #1 fear: I will choose to pay or sacrifice anything else/ but this price I fear. Including love, life, the future, every child, you, etc. #2 want: I am more important than anything else in this world to me. Therefore nothing is more important than me, including truth or the survival of a planet or its life. #3 arrogance and disrespect are equal to judgment and its consequences: that you assume “you can be god/ and rule life, damage it, or kill it”. Because you are superior. The reality of judgment by arrogance is: “You are worthless, if I so choose.” Consequently I can do anything I want “with the garbage”.
These failures constitute the base element of a society being destroyed. Add in a refusal to accept reality or its limits and boundaries, which include nature and population control: and we come to today, the edge of world war, and extinction.
The fourth step is:
Someone will lose every fight, every argument, and every conflict or judgment: which does establish a purpose or desire beyond want, arrogance, or disrespect. Thereby the assumption that this is a game/ rather than a deliberate attempt to find honesty, courage, and truth: substantively decides the fate of society. There is no game, that controls life. There are only games that life controls, and if we make people a toy to be controlled, manipulated, tempted or other: then there will be consequences that disturb peace or destroy harmony, or end in hatred, revenge, and war. Law is for the control of those who would control us/ who would threaten us/ or enslave us. A nation is for uniting us, in an ever present reality of protecting what we need, and desire for our lives by working for, and protecting our own future.
Life submits: that we are different, each and every one/ the question is not why/ the reality is simply we care about different things, we choose a different life, we are different people. BUT SOCIETY disguises us as a herd of prey, or a pack of predators: because that ultimately controls what we can or cannot do within the environment which has its own say. The critical distinction is: what matters most about our decisions as an individual or society is defined by fear. Fear decides the level of freedom that can be achieved by you. Want decides whether you lie, and consequently cheat or steal. Pride asserts, “I will make you lose”/ it is life reduced to a game. Power is the army of failure coming to enslave or control. The possibilities for all life hover around these decisions/ while environment decides reality beyond human control. Power lives by fear/ therefore the more power that exists, the less freedom you realize. Failures can be undone, based upon the realities involved. What is true about any situation constructs the question: WHAT IS FAIR, under the terms called freedom and the rights of every individual; because this is literally the only time we get. When shared responsibilities, the elemental reality of duty are found/ only then can fear be defeated, because it must be defeated. Fear has no place, which means power must be destroyed. Power is destroyed, when government turns to become a true democracy based upon shared responsibilities and a courtroom that knows and supports truth and justice for the sake of society itself. Only then can society blossom, like a rose: don’t play with us, our law can protect us/ respect us all. To that end, every assertion of value or reality giving society its freedom or grace to be “the best it can be” must be heard. To that end, fear and cowardice shall not be allowed/ you have a duty instead, and will learn to be, the best you can be.
Step five.
The removal of leaders, to become a true democracy. REQUIRES CHANGE!
Fantasy and failure, lies, cheating, stealing, power, fear, manipulation, temptation, and control over your lives by the corruption of every law and every substantive reality that is intended to be “a government to protect you”: MUST BE FIXED. The solution is reality itself, no more games/ no more escape or hiding from the truth. No more thinking only of yourself, and a want that knows no end. Instead you must THINK FOR YOURSELF, and understand that evidence is the difference between simply believing what you are told, and coming to a decision based upon the knowledge you have chosen to attain. Nothing is free/ you have to earn the substance of thought; and you cannot do it, by simply listening to media. Therefore turn the propaganda off/ and listen to life. The first truth you must accept is: FIND YOUR HEART BACK/ it is buried under the selfishness, open the damn door, and let your soul breathe. Respect life, respect yourself, respect the others: but make them understand, life or death for this world does not allow for any deviation from the simple truth. WE CANNOT BE WRONG! OR we die. Demand the truth. Prove obedience to the law that works for society and life. Punish those who refuse their oath and destroy our existence. Exercise the power and authority earned by: WE THE PEOPLE, as true owners of this America. Find redress, and earn your democracy. Find your vote, and earn your future!
Step six
Building a better world of humanity!
1. The law leads by truth/ and by constitutional mandate as is consistent with the preamble of this constitution for the United States of America. As is the agreement which contractually unites us.
2. The law leads this nation and this world; by the words that we use to create our boundaries/ the disciplines which control our freedoms/ and the limits which impose a balance upon our lives, our environment, and our liberty to interfere in each other’s life. That law enforced upon leaders and the public gives us democracy. Thereby we the people MUST create our own laws, by our own vote.
3. Limited capitalism means: everyone gets a chance/ not a guarantee. Thereby with our vote, we the people SHALL establish: the limits and boundaries of what it means to be rich or poor/ and establish just how much any individual or entity of any kind can control. By our recurrent vote.
4. JUSTICE rules only when we remove the power to threaten, from the courtroom. Only the law threatens/ NOT the lawyer billing! Which means we the people shall pay for the lawyer ourselves, based upon merit: but establishing a salary that mirrors our own pay scale as every worker in this entire society combined. No more financial rampage/ rape/ or pillaging. Fair play exists, only when we the people control the courtroom, and that requires supervision of every case and every judge. To do so, every litigant or party or observer is allowed to “judge the judge/ the courtroom/ the lawyers/ and the trial itself” to decide if JUSTICE was apparent and wise, or not.
5. Health and happiness go hand in hand. None owns a “bigger right” than any other/ unless society itself declares this one, is an exception. That exclusion requires an exception established by law; and will be forever, VERY limited. All equal means: then healthcare is based upon a percentage of your income or wealth as justice will define it for everyone the same. That is a reality in truth, that we as society can and should honestly do for each other. To accomplish this as fact: MORE DOCTORS SHALL be graduated/ and all facets of a medical education SHALL BE redefined to produce what is fundamentally useful and needed/ rather than the current monopoly and disgrace that is a medical education and thereby slavery and control over doctors ; today. Pharmaceuticals shall be owned by “we the people”/ discovery of new medicines will become governed by the process of invention, its rewards for the individual, and a reality of “no charge to try”.
6. Our planet and its resources are NON-NEGOTIABLE elements of life on earth, and who gets to live/ or who gets to die; WHICH DOES include the future. They must be protected, they must be recycled/ reused/ etc. Fair, plain, and simple.
7. Our population threatens our existence/ plain and simple. Kill a billion people, and there are still over 6 billion more mouths to feed. War is no solution. We MUST LIMIT population growth by the truth of our own reality. Those who refuse cannot be trusted, and as a nation are required to be entirely isolated and without options internationally until they obey zero population growth or less. Decisions regarding who is going to die/ as a nation itself, or as a world demanding: ARE REQUIRED. Because crisis after crisis is coming. If you remove hate. If you remove want. If you remove pride and accept truth must decide. Then you can survive.
A greater deceit does not exist than those who refuse to admit or hide the fact: THEY DO gamble with all life on earth. It is pure and simple terrorism, and should not be treated in any other way.
A greater lie does not exist: than those who mutilate life, and declare “we will be gods”. Risking pandemic after pandemic, and horrifying realities of devastation and disgrace upon life itself as an entire planet. It is pure and simple terrorism, and should not be treated in any other way.
A greater fool does not exist: than tose who declare “we will just go get more resources” on a limited earth/ that is EXPLODING with people.
A greater traitor does not exist in lesser terms than terrorism; than those who stole everything we worked for, by counterfeiting numbers and enslaving us/ declaring themselves rulers, when in fact they are merely employees.
A greater thief does not exist than those who willingly cover up “all these lies” with their propaganda. Removing and hiding the right of we the people to protect ourselves/ because “now we know”: has been, destroyed from us.
TREASON IS: to remove the law which protects us, and our democracy/ to replace it with rules and rulers.
A religious zealot is: one who believes everything and anything they are told, WITHOUT using truth as an anchor, or the evidence found in reality to be your guide.
A religious fools says: “This book is god”. Yet everyone knows, it is not, nor can it be: because it is written by men, in a man’s language, and understood by their interpretation. All of which are imperfect/ thereby proven to have failed: the true trust required.
The critical question of life is: DO YOU desire a true relationship with our CREATOR? That is the only true journey of any religion.
The question demanding which religion is “perfect” / fails completely, none are. Which means you alone are responsible for the path you take/ or the road many travel being convinced “like a flock, or herd of prey” we cannot all be wrong, even though only one or two lead. But the reality is: all can be wrong/ therefore your eternity is best chosen by yourself.
I chose JESUS as my guide. I learned: man cannot save this world, and we do stand at the edge of extinction by the evidence. Only humanity itself can change, to save themselves/ and that means, it is up to each one/ to do their part, their work, and achieve their duty to life. YOUR CHOICE! LIFE OR DEATH FOR THIS WORLD. I made mine! Finding no solution in male, because men will just return to what they have always done; as is clearly proven by history: the reality is, “that I chose to ask the spirit of female: what is your solution”! That has had consequences far beyond my own expectation. Nothing perverted: the price for that answer required, is simply between “women and me”. Nonetheless, her message was simple: let women try to lead! It is clearly, the only possible solution: or nothing true will change!
My decision is: that I am grateful to the spirit of women for that simple fact/ it provides hope, when none existed. Regardless of the outcome of this work/ this message warning you: change or die! I did do my duty.
Expressions beyond a simple mind; the elemental task of assembling critical content.
In this day of university organization that has trodden down democracy, and invaded every aspect of our lives; are now grouped together, from the least to the highest levels: same. By stealing our property/ destroying our constitution/ corrupting our courts/ and flagrantly infiltrating every aspect of freedom, to declare “obey us, or we make you pay”. Regardless what that level of freedom is/ a rule for everything is a tyrant establishing oppression. The foundation of anarchy that is we the rulers (having discarded employment and equality) of this state, city, or nation will not obey constitutional law. As has been proven time and again on my sites; starting at www.justtalking2.info is merely the beginning of proof: we have nothing left of our democracy, but traitors, liars, and their lies. The foundation of theft so flagrant that we are now 200 trillion dollars in debt; as is depicted on the federal reserve site http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/current/accessible/l5.htm but does not include the 70 trillion or so of social security debt. The lies and liars who counterfeiting our money, still had not enough and gave away our business/ selling our nation to foreigners/ driving our opportunities away, so that we become beggars, or must accept the very limited realities of only a tiny few hold every job/ a tiny few control everything. Threatening our nation, and Destroying our world, as is clearly assigned by threats listed below
The assertion is, that you have a legal right to violate constitutional law, and infiltrate my life/ trespass upon my property/ and oppress and change the meaning of freedom, the virtue of liberty: and assume your rule controls my life. That begins the construction of a claim assembled within amendment 3, you have intended to take possession of the property, and install your soldiers to keep watch that my freedom may be crushed by your rule. Just because a handful of people made a rule which violates property rights and freedom to choose for myself; as held sacred and true by any and all citizens and all property owners/ has no meaning unless it does comply with constitutional laws. You do not. The elemental demand that is freedom/ a guaranteed right within constitutional law DOES construct the singular demand: I shall NOT be told what I can do or not do, unless these actions demonstrate a critical demonstration of clear threat that cannot be understood as consistent with biological laws and fundamental physical realities/ OR accepted by common practice in society itself. Without a clear and true need : Your taking control over my property, or my rights in association with that property, or my requirements of work as is consistent with job and life: is criminal trespass/ as you have no valid argument of threat. As established in the extra ordinary writ arising from 11 cv 2023; you have no respect for zoning or law or citizen rights or any part of the reality called governing in a democracy. The courts threw that away. Therefore NO authority to intervene, regardless of the fact that you may not like what I do, legally exists. You have established treason; your job is to establish and insure the guarantees of constitutional law/ instead, you have invaded democracy as traitors, and seek to rule over us as tyrants. Critical threats established is not subject to your decision alone/ you are not god/ you are not ruler/ you are merely employees who have gone to far, again and again and again without responsibilities or duties owed to a worm. The disrespect proven by you for life, for every citizen, for this world is without doubt. The failure is horrendous. The endless listing of your fantasies, criminal conduct as has been proven in court, failures in every aspect of society, use of every child as your slave or pawn is tedious and without purpose. Rather the primary threats of your fantasy and total disregard for life and planet in conjunction with all rulers, who have deliberately acted against the constitution of this USA,/ is treason. These actions chosen to destroy the securities of this people/ have defied all pretense and purpose of law/ and are now proven to seek to destroy life in this world totally. Fundamentally, that can only be proven as nothing less than a satanic cult, out to destroy life/ a religious delusion of “university knows” gone completely insane. These facts Are defined within the term by tragic, catastrophe, horror story; or in other words “a university diploma”. As is the singular constant among, “Those who led us here”.
The accumulation of threats, 237 U.S. 309. Its understanding: as is consistent with our legal right to defend and protect ourselves, your children, our future, our nation, and our world: 25 F 556, 558. are listed below. 329 N.E. 2d 880, 885. With the clear intent that an investigation must ensue, and the reality of our own decision, as state or nation: SHALL rule, what is or is not allowed. 167 P. 619, 620. That begins the fundamental called justice/ the legal right called ownership, of our lives, our planet, and our future. 203 S.E. 2d 739, 740. Or more clearly THIS IS OUR DECISION/ not yours, not theirs, not even this nation: because gambling with all life on earth, with the planet itself: IS NOT YOUR RIGHT! IT IS, TERRORISM.
THE EXTREME THREATS: WE CANNOT SURVIVE, not even as a world, WHEN PROVEN WRONG. A gamble we cannot turn back.
1. Because a tiny few said: "Let us bring the fire on the sun here TO THIS EARTH! The national ignition facility NIF (with 500 trillion watts of power), and 192 lasers all surrounding and focused on the same spot in space and time”. Quote: NIF will achieve....180 million degrees F/ .....only three places in the space and time of our universe have ever produced anything close to these conditions: the big bang, when the universe was a primordial fireball: the interior of stars and planets, and thermonuclear weapons. A supernova is...18-54 million degrees F....the extreme density at NIF is larger than that achieved by a core-collapse supernova-an exploding star- or when two neutron stars collide. They continue experimenting today, which means at any time, life on earth can be lost forever.
Their theory is: "not enough gravity here to sustain it". Is enough to risk all life on earth. This is their defense for bringing that fire here/ that “ it will extinguish itself.”
Not a game, if that fire does not put itself out: then it grows, and consumes the earth; it burns atomic bonds: which means EVERYTHING is fuel for the fire. That fire, will eject our entire atmosphere in roughly 40 days. They DO bet our lives on what is literally a one time experiment/ NO going back! We cannot put out a fire that is 8-10 million degrees hot/ with flames said to reach 12 times farther, than the distance of our moon to this planet. Which means we live or die, as a planet/ based upon their theory!
For threats, 2- 36 click here/ not all by a long way, but enough to understand.
Having done all that I must do, for the sake of life and planet/ the rest is up to you. Because it is your life too/ and very few fight for life. The essence of every heartbeat is dependent upon true change, without it you will die, "a horrific death": so says the evidence against you. Want DEMANDS NO/ but truth has nothing to do with want. Our world has changed, because 7 billion + people have overridden nature's ability to survive and defeat us. That means what we do, decides life or death for nature and ourselves.
The reality of a heart elevated, by the creation of love; learns what is true decides. In contrast to that, I do have a choice; your pride will demand "we are gods (our universities will save us)/ we don't have to change NOTHING". But reality doesn't care what you want or think, only what is true does decide life or death for us all. Lies always fail, and your leaders/ your societies/ your universities, and everything else are so corrupted, nothing will survive. Thought presents to me, the possibility of doing more/ but you continue to refuse even the most simple concept of them all: bringing the same fire here as is on the sun; WILL result in earth being a sun. You even refuse to investigate/ your media absolutely refuse to protect you; about anything: they are only "Sunday social news/ propaganda/ or its ok to fear".
Extinction looms; However I choose simply to continue teaching/ these are some simple lessons, as I desire it to be. You must change yourselves, I cannot do it for you, "its not my right or possibility". Whether you learn or continue to refuse, the opportunity was yours. Elements of the heart/ Rules for relationships/ fundamentals of sexual behavior/ bribery and life/ no tears. As to the traitorous conduct that denies due process of law in the US supreme court/ or the IL supreme court; there is likely to be consequences, simply because pride hates to hide, it is a thief/ just like want is a liar/ and "loser, plots revenge". Failure is consistent, wherever university goes: not as the propaganda teaches you/ but as the reality of consequences hidden behind the doors they refuse to open suggest. The university diploma rules government/ and government could not be more bankrupt. "Pride steals/ and people lie" as is clear and present in this tax case
BELIEF, the elemental search
The singular element within which "I WANT/ I WANT/ I WANT" is elevated too, "god/ or an assumption of the purposes of god/ or words in a book; etc". It is not without notice , that "I DON'T WANT THIS/ I DON'T WANT THIS, ETC" is the basis in fact for hate. Thereby they function together at opposite extremes. Want forms the assumption of love, in a simple mind; because it accepts that more of anything, particularly a trophy or prize will grant happiness: "I WIN/ or you lose". It is momentary at best. While "I don't want", forms the critical descent which then becomes an opportunity to join hate, and despise the world of life.
The religious expression of belief explained here, is then NOT, directly functional by association, with what is experienced by want; assuming that theory is more than simple want. The purpose being to discover what is worshiped without a right. But the reality of belief, is assembled by asking: what is MORE important than want? Want and belief are intertwined.
What is not a "witches brew, or a sorcerer's intent" about this / humanity has not changed, only its tools, and the possibilities now, of extreme tragedy, and complete death for this world.
When we consider the possibilities of a billion times a billion watts of energy transfer, all within a tiny area as is a laser beam/ the reality of lightning strikes do come to mind. It is said that, one lightning strike at its maximum can generate a trillion watts of power (although none know for sure). Nonetheless the exo-watt laser would then be equivalent to the release of one million= one trillion watt, lightning strikes all in the same place, all at the same time. That is what "the university is doing next". YOU know what lightning is. We know that the fire on the sun exists/ how it is possible, a fire so ferocious as this will not light this planet on fire? The university says, "not enough gravity here to sustain it"/ but if they are wrong, in this one time is enough experiment: this entire planet becomes another sun! How is that worth the risk?
As is consistent with the realities listed above, identified in these works; to be led where the consequence of wisdom itself, does not let you go: is a disaster waiting to happen for you. We must gain wisdom, to understand the consequences of knowledge. We must let truth decide what is commensurate with RESPECT for life and planet, rather than simply wanting "to be more" than truth itself will allow. Without respect every relationship dies, that includes marriage and friendship, OR our ability to live on this planet. Without value, the essence of discovery, and the foundation of discipline; the reality of opportunities for the future itself; simply die. That includes the people who commit suicide/ and the people who prove they don't care about life, and gamble with our own. Eternity is not without similar rules. More of this, the list of sites I provide.
THE LAW IS AN ARMY OF ONE; that represents all of us, as one law, one order of things, one decision for justice, life, and peace. That law, is then used against those who fight against us/ or to defend those who are attacked. "I want you to remember those words/ as you read". Having now spent what can only be considered my entire adult life with the singular purpose: that life as is nature, planet and environment, the critical structures of discipline, balance, and order MUST BE PROTECTED AND DEFENDED. Against what turned out to be an army of invaders, that could not be intent upon anything less than the destruction of this world. The US supreme court WILL throw the case out, with a blockade of rules that have no meaning or place in constitutional law: but that is the reality of those who have invaded, and mixed traitor together. They fight only for themselves. The supreme court's; entire response to date is: ridicule, avoidance, blockade, or refusal to obey the law. Not a word have they substantiated against a single filing, only abuse. I have played their game three times\fs24fs24 in the past: and have proven it so. They will not defend, obey, or protect : these leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives.YOU must make them as a nation/ OBEY THE LAW; you must prove an oath has meaning. The courts are filled with graft and corruption, as has been proven in the past. I predict, the IL supreme court will simply remain silent, again; even though they are surrounded by the law. "We can make them/ I cannot". Pretending instead "monkey can't see or hear or talk/ or think"/ because someone controls them. They too: these leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives. "Let them prove otherwise"/ it would be a pleasant democratic legal change. Constant criminal contempt for the law itself as has been done proven already at US tax court trial: wherein open robbery with all eyes watching took place against me, and nothing less. In many other cases, all clearly defining conspiracy and collusion against the guaranteed right of redress. The court Proves the law itself, has no meaning to them. It must be enforced upon our leaders/ or corruption, as is organized crime will no doubt continue. If it is not organized crime; your courts and your leaders will all choose to fight for life itself, and planet, because that is what we need as a nation, and a world. Through constitutional redress; as is the court cases above. Not likely to happen considering they have already stolen from me, "a back alley crime, in open court"/ and now attack the family farm financially, without cause; and have succeeded in some damage. Just because it has a government logo/ does not mean it isn't from a criminal. More is likely to come. "Criminals" plain and simple. It is the new "nazism". Use the court system as the "SS"; after all, just call someone a terrorist, and they can be thrown away forever/ how is that not the same? But in a more polite sense; after all, "we are the most incarcerated people in the civilized world". Does that not mean, "Controlled by organized hate"?
You enforce constitutional law with a legal tax revolt: insisting, DO YOUR JOB AS SWORN, or you don't get paid; same as us. It is a duty owed to the state and nation, and world/ it is a contract signed by oath. My demand in legal tax revolt (trials above) is a jury trial/ under the terms of democracy/ as is first amendment redress, it is the law! OR more simply my demand is: LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES, if they have been wronged. Let the evidence be presented to them. Let them assess the risk of these extreme threats, "IT'S THEIR LIVES/ THEIR EVERYTHING"! They do have an absolute legal right! These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives. Should they continue to refuse; Make them steal the tax, one taxpayer in court at a time; rather than paying them for treason. Do defend each other, and insist on constitutional law comes first. It is also true, that refusal to participate in the destruction of democracy, our guaranteed rights, our future, or our world: IS A DUTY. Not a game.
Yet the people continue to say, "this is america/ can't happen here". Even though the evidence is clear; our money is stolen/ our property is being given away with counterfeit money/ the few who believe themselves superior intend that we should be their slaves. We are ridiculed for demanding the constitution rules. We are threatened with extermination from the planet; proven true. We are threatened with the destruction of all of nature; by endless mutilation of all living things/ we are threatened with biological warfare as these mutilations become a pandemic of disease crossing species boundaries to infect us all. We are left "hanging for dead"/ because these leaders absolutely refuse to recognize or accept: fantasies and delusions will NOT keep the truth about resources, or environment, or over-population or the rest away. These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives. They are cowards, hiding in their want/ stealing you blind/ and lying as fast as they can. It is that simple and plain. Your want, won't stop any reality coming either with tragedy for all/ like a hurricane or worse. Your want or refusal or fears; CANNOT keep your child alive; neither/ nor your friend , lover, or self. Only truth based in reality, can do that!
Your leaders and your courts and your media all say NO; the people SHALL NOT be informed or have any say. (they are cult worshipers) believers in "The university knows"/ university is a god, "can't be wrong". Believers that they are the superior ones and can make every decision for life or nation/ YOU cannot. They absolutely want power, and control over us as is consistent with organized crime. But established by extreme experiments is the truth: WE CANNOT undue, what will destroy us, when released. If the same fire as is on the sun, DOES NOT extinguish itself (as their theory goes/ not enough gravity here; but they don't know what gravity even is. Betting the entire planet anyway); we all burn with this planet; just like the sun. It is a true one time only experiment, once true ignition fundamentally occurs. These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives. They endanger and threaten us all, instead/ even the world itself.
You enforce the law by, making yourselves known; by proving "we the people"/ by demanding, that our constitution rules this state and this nation/ NOT our employees. Every decision that has been made by leaders/ university; is about what they"want"/ discarding truth, life, & reality as if it were trash. Our own desire for democracy, as is freedom, and guaranteed rights/ by constitutional law; the control over this nation by our constitution: we DO have to protect and defend them these as we the people. From the organized crime that has stolen our nation and states. That democracy and rights does Include first amendment; redress of grievances: which is "power to the people themselves". A reality of, "the most powerful words ever written" giving WE THE PEOPLE, the legal right to demand accountability from our employees. Our government is: " we the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America." these are the words which unite us, and give instruction to our employees. The amendments are liberties and freedoms we guaranteed to ourselves, as the society we would live in. These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives. Everything else in the constitution is about what, and how the business of government may or may not be done.
You should know; I DO NOT REFUSE taxation. Rather I demand you prove to me by law, 78 A 2d 572, 576. That you have the right or authority to risk or gamlbe: our entire planet, nature, these children, our future, or my own life/ using my own money to destroy me; to exterminate us all. 65 N.W. 2d 785, 791 These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives.
You cannot be so blind, as to not understand thelevels of threat against our world; since only a religion can cause this, with "I believe"/ or, "university knows". That reality by the level of threat; has then become an occult. The levels of tragedy facing us all, CANNOT be an accident: it is simply too much. Therefore the evidence is: Hiding the truth, demanding death, preforming experiments which prove hate, and the intent to destroy is "satanism".
Which means: there is no "Middle of the fence to sit on; either you work, as have I, FOR LIFE/ or you have chosen with them, to destroy us all/ or you are coward, and hide frightened, "in a burning house". Because we cannot run away from this dying world, this our only home; it is pointless to fear. That endangerment does include the end of bio-diversity, and sterilization of plants/ the end of pollinators/ the end of life in the ocean; etc/ etc/ etc; as lesser costs of what is being done, but tragic and life ending as well. That is NOT condemnation of the whole: that is a demand to "separate the chaff, from the seed"/ and stop the destruction! LEARN, by the evidence, what is true. Accept reality by its truth, rather than what you want. These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives. My demand is: LIFE must come FIRST: no exceptions, no games, and NO theories that endanger our lives. You may not ignore threats that destroy our future. You may not steal, lie, cheat, or in any way DISRESPECT US, OR OUR WORLD!
Nonetheless, neither I nor a tiny few can save this planet or its nature/ from "the university, or the leaders who have failed you". Instead, I have made it absolutely clear: we are in trouble as a world, and that is the limit and boundary of "my job". The rest is up to you. This is not a game, extreme experimentation, horrifying decisions with consequences beyond your imagination, horrific consequences to the truth of life itself; is being and has been done. The future is dead; as established by the evidence. These threats, are all absolutely necessary to identify; they are, as an invasion against our lives/ THAT WE MUST STOP. Nobody gets to pretend they live in a different world/ what happens to this world, is EVERYBODY'S RESPONSIBILITY AND DUTY. Every nation. It is Not just my duty/ not just theirs; but OURS. There are no excuses, either investigate and find the truth/ demanding an end to all that threatens OUR EXISTENCE ON THIS PLANET; or we die MUCH sooner, than you think possible. These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives. Prophecy (biblical Daniel) says: the same fire as on the sun (which burns your skin from 91 million miles away) will ignite 1290 days , after the single worst decision humanity can make, begins. Bringing that fire here is that decision. 45 days later, the entire atmosphere of this earth will be ejected into space, by an 8 million degree+ "pillar of fire". This is figuratively, "when the well runs dry/ there is nothing left to drink; so we die, or war".
This work is about legal civil war, OR more simply; changing what must be changed/ by making appropriate decisions based upon truth: demanding life for this planet comes first. As opposed to the common reality of BLOODY civil war, as men throughout history chose; "killing until both sides are ready to quit". It is no solution today; because even if you kill a billion people/ there are 6 billion+ left, and growing at 2 million more each week. Our resources will die with major war/ weapons of mass destruction will be used to exterminate us. We cannot continue as we are; "living simply for want/ isolating each other from friendship; with toys, fears, or failures". The earth must be protected, just like us. This is about sworn oaths, and truth in democracy. This is about justice, threats of extinction, and realities WE MUST correct as best we can. These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives.
We have overburdened this earth with the multitudes of people now living. This world has changed, because that has never been before. That is true, because nature can no longer defeat us/ humanity is then killing the very creation that gives it life; it will NOT go on. If you believe "not in your life time (not true)"/ that is a deliberate decision to assassinate your children. There are consequences. But there are at least some answers, provided; or at least started within these sites.
You have a choice: to investigate and find the truth as best you can, working for LIFE MUST COME FIRST, for this planet and its nature. Choose for life!
Do not simply believe/ GO LEARN WHAT IS TRUE! Or, you can continue as your university led reality has chosen: "its all about me/ life is my toy/ and I don't care about anyone or anything else"; and "we are gods". The reality of THEIR choices is: the clear cost and consequence of avoiding truth and reality, by declaring "fantasy and delusions" must rule; insanity decides. The tragedy of letting them inflate the money supply, and propagate the lie through media "it's all your debt"/ IS stealing lives. While their job of protecing and defending our lives "is thrown in the trash": avoiding every threat that will exterminate our lives/ even our planet, with their games; and money stolen from you. Is cowardice, and worse. Or more correctly it is belief in their "university knows religion", or more distinctly occult. Because the purpose of that belief is: to find excuses for avoiding the duties we owe to life must come first, for this planet. That is destruction. Therefore they worship death. These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives.
I have finished my work. You will stop the games/ YOU will demand trial. You will cause to cease and desist ALL aspects of "university is a god/ and stop letting them play with our lives and our world as if it were their personal toy". You will end extreme experimentation permanently, and without the possibility to return. You will choose world law, and world policing/ thereby removing all excuses for weapons of mass destruction. You WILL deal with overpopulation correctly. You will DO what you can do, to resurrect this world from the grave that your universities have created/ your leaders have chosen. Or this earth will end. Not because I say so/ but because the evidence against you is that severe. PROVE the evidence is wrong; or do your best to choose for life: IS your life, your body, your time, your child, your lover, your world; NOT worth that much!
FIND EACH OTHER (if you find one/ then you become two; etc), SHARE AND CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER AND THIS WORLD: CHOOSE FOR LIFE/ because you cannot be wrong and survive. LET TRUTH DECIDE THE FUTURE, and reality explain what you can or cannot do. Not want. Communicate, as if you were going to die/ because that is literally what is at stake. For our entire world, and every living creation in it. DEMAND democracy rules, and choose for yourselves. That means THE LAW RULES, not a judge or any other/ only constitutional law: is our government. It is not men or women, but our agreement and guaranteed to each other, that is democracy itself. That is the price of survival. To do better, you must actually learn how to think for yourselves; instead of waiting to be told. That means, there are NO experts/ only information that is true or false, proven by the consequences that cannot be denied: and the ability to communicate that for your own decision. Every truth has a consequence; that extends into eternity; believe it or not..
YOU HAVE YOUR CHANCE, to survive. Fail or live; but it won't be free. So ends my work! If you continue to refuse to do your work; the end will come quickly. Your work is done only: WHEN THIS EARTH AND ITS LIFE, are no longer threatened. Humanity is the threat/ therefore humanity is its own solution/ or is responsible for its own extinction. CHANGE what must be changed. Stop being a "spoiled infant; lies don't last, counterfeiting has a cost"/ and GROW UP. So said, because your desire is to blame me for stopping the lies/ stopping the deceit, ending fantasies, and delusions; and demanding, THIS IS, your own fault. These are the consequences of your actions and reactions/ NOT mine, blaming me for what you have done; has NO truth in it. You let a university diploma overrun, and enslave you. It is not my debt or decision that threatens/ but the unifying factor in all this tragedy is "a university diploma has decided these things". I have spent forty years trying to make you stop, learn, and choose for life. All chose want, or ran away to hide. Either appreciate your life, "living among the miracles of this earth"/ or lose it. RESPECT, THINK, UNDERSTAND, CHOOSE. Don't be wrong, about threats that can exterminate you.
The "ten thousand pages" of these sites, does represent a stairs by which you can climb to a better place for yourselves. But you must think/ you must understand "two or more" bits of knowledge are necessary here" FOR A BIGGER VIEW and so on. Not perfect, but within the words there are clues, foundations, and interpretations helpful in time; even beyond. I WILL stop supporting these sites in October 2013/ if you do not, they end. IT'S YOUR TURN, TO FIGHT FOR THIS WORLD!
You cannot have "simply what you want"/ this earth will not allow it; we are too many people. Want is the basis of every lie/ if you don't "want ", you don't lie. To survive: You must choose by the truth which controls our reality, and be responsible to life and planet. Or everything dies/ that is our new reality. Believe it or not; we are too many people for any other way. Or, more simply, YOU must stop thinking about what you believe is best for you/ and accept the price of our existence today is: what is best for life (all of it), child, future, nature, nation, planet, ocean, etc. Without these decisions, we cease to exist/ THEY ARE in your best interest. Start believing, that our employees in government and the courts, are nothing more than you or me with a job they swore to do/ BUT, they refuse to do. Stop believing, that "university people are extra smart"/ because ALL the evidence says: they are too stupid to survive in a real life world. Start understanding, the "worst disease" we have as a nation, "is the university diploma". They have invaded every aspect of our lives, the propaganda says "its great"/ BUT behind closed doors; THE REALITY SAYS, not only did they steal everything; now they intend to kill us, or create a war; to hide their crimes. Not because some benefits have been found. But because threats of extinction cannot be denied/ and yet the diploma refuses to accept them; living in a fantasy/ telling lies/ stealing everything we had/ & deluding themselves they can be god instead of working for life. Hardly "smart"/ its just plain insane. This is destruction! Not leaders at all/ unless you want; liars/ thieves, and cheats; that assume "their gods at the university" can't be wrong. You get to be dead too. The tiny bit they have done for life; Is irrelevant! And abused.
The purpose of government is as agreed in the preamble for this United States. Absolutely none of that, as declared is being done for us. In fact, every decision is exactly the opposite of what was promised and guaranteed to be "our society in democracy". No justice, no law, no securities, no rights, no equality or equity, no fundamental truth or reality; just greed, want, lies, betrayal, failure, delusion, fantasy, lust, and theft. These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives. Why, would I pay tax for failure? Let these employees; Obey our democracy; BE HONEST, SEEK JUSTICE, WORK FOR LIFE, CHOOSE THE TRUTH AND LET IT LEAD; and I will happily pay a fair share tax. Because it is a duty to participate in society for life/ but it is also a responsibility, whether you like it or not: to stand up and say no, to those who are destroying us all. How is that not fair? Prove it is not true, but beware; I do have substantial evidence. You don't want this! Why would you? Nonetheless it is our time, our lives, and the choices we have and will make for this entire world. That does have consequences, no matter what you do. Limits and solutions to help.
You should understand, "I DID NOT want this life I lead"; not, as a true choice/ it was a necessary choice. Want is irrelevant/ THIS IS life or death for this world. It is the most important decision any generation has ever made. YOU were chosen to make it! THIS LIFE of mine, IS CHOSEN, because I absolutely and without any reservation at all: REFUSE TO LET THIS WORLD, THIS NATURE, THIS EVERYTHING DIE, without a fight. It is that simple. Nothing else exists in this work, but a respect for GOD, and JESUS as is the evidence we are not simply abandoned.
Particularly not because of a university disease, politely called "religion or occult". EVERY LIFE , everything in NATURE ITSELF, being crucified; IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR! AN ENTIRE PLANET gambled as if it were nothing but a toy; IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR. HOW, can you not understand, or agree? These leaders SWORE, to obey the constitution, protect and defend our nation and our lives.
What will you buy, on a dead earth! What will you value, if your own body and nature itself; is completely destroyed by mutilations? WAKE UP. Shut the damn propaganda box off/ and think for yourselves. Time is running out. Even so, "this one man war" is over/ which now means your excuse is over too. Fight or die, its up to you. There are however, NO second chances. Too late, is dead. If you think "this is GOD'S job"/ then where is your responsibility to life: these are human decisions that threaten extinction/ human decisions that stole everything, and present us with civil war or more. HUMAN DECISIONS THAT CRUCIFY GOD'S CREATION! Do your best; is that not the lesson in life! This EXCUSE is just like, believing; "I don't have to do nothing/ food and everything will just appear". That is not reality/ YOU will starve! Believe your best efforts will be blessed.
Organize yourselves/ how many are NOT part of some greater expanse of people. Together we can, with truth, law, and respect. Hate cannot/ guns cannot/ bombs cannot; its just more death. Fire, etc will just consume the resources we need for life, and a future; killing, not helping. YOU CAN, do something lawful. Simply do it! Remember this; "To be distracted" is sometimes deadly. Just how it is. To forget, that we have no future as is our current reality means: You, are running away. Change must come. Can't stop thinking about the money; one trillion dollars is ten thousand dollars per each and everyone of one hundred million people.
In the US Tax Court Case 11108-12L 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, My Response Last Order And again. And again. Yet again,
Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
To the IL IRS; Box 19006 Springfield IL 62794-9006
2191 county road 2500 E.
St. Joseph IL 61873
a clear and deliberate citizen of WE, THE PEOPLE. Equal rights= responsibility.
No threats/ democracy and life must come first.
www.trialforlife.info www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
dated 5/ 6/ 13
140 F. Supp. 925.
576 F. 2d 165
426 U.S. 833, 851.
392 U.S. 409, 437-44 197 U.S. 207, 215.
347 U.S. 497, 499
265 S.W. 2d 462, 464.
9 F. Supp 422, 423.
1 F 2d 1001, 1002; 498 P 2d 9, 14; 57 A.L.R. 3d 1058, 1065
203 S.E. 739, 740 95 N.W. 2d 657, 664; 162 N.E. 99, 100.
326 U.S. 310, 316 THE RIGHT TO REDRESS as assigned by true democracy.
We the people are, participants in this trial. Establishing the supremacy of democracy. The fundamental principle called WE THE PEOPLE.
THE DEMAND, called self-defense 23 So 2d 19, 20. AS IS, consistent with a legal tax revolt 215 F. 2d 415, 418. In this situation where confronted with extreme threat: not from “democracy”/ but from those employees who have used, abused, threatened, and bankrupted us all 108 S.W. 2d 489, 493. Those entities of university; that choose to risk extermination of all life from this planet. 126 P. 2d 406, 408. THIS government aiding and abetting the same 24 A. 2d 85, 87.
the demand for trial in the IL supreme court 140 F. Supp. 928
ui89 the inherent powers of WE THE PEOPLE 437 N.E. 2d 164, 168.
112 U.S. 76
Jurisdiction is presented as constitutional law, both state and nation; DEMANDING protection from threats that DO endanger and affect: this entire populace 147 P. 2d 759, 761. that cannot be ignored, and must have injunctive relief 236 S.W. 111, 112. Witness to that threat is documented, and filed: within these words. 146 A 2d 924, 926. We the people are sovereign under democracy, and we declare under eminent domain: the right to demand this courtroom is ours/ and you are the employee. 15 A 2d 647, 650; AS IS CONSISTENT WITH REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES. Under both 1st amendment federal law, and 5th amendment IL law. Thereby establishing the right to INFORM AND DECIDE for ourselves.
the demand is: the court MUST answer the law, as is presented here, and obey its oath, by defending this people, protecting this state and this world: with clear and certain knowledge/ anything less is tyranny. They must investigate each and every threat cited; and establish the risk 45 C.J.S. 753. assigned to each threat/ by reliance on fact/ not “experts OR theories”. That assessment SHALL encompass the consequences of being wrong! And need not be further assigned as to any other potential: ONLY THE THREAT OF DAMAGE, INJURY, OR EXTINCTION. These threats DO, violate the people’s trust, and threaten their world, their children, their democracy, and their future. Failure is equally nonfeasance 191 N.E. 2d 588, 591 402 So 2d 1197, 1200; and will be construed as anarchy/ or open rebellion against this people, and their laws.
correspondence to: Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson box 06140 Chicago IL 60606-0140
RE: harassment 2/ the intent to refuse me constitutional law.
437 F. Supp 201, 220. 123 N.W. 504, 508.
Argument begins in consent: the right to be duly informed as to the consequences, rights, and penalties for being wrong. WHERE EXTREME THREATS EXIST:
348 U.S. 436, 444-45. 323 P 2d 301, 309
that is a question, that the court can investigate, answer, and establish before the people themselves.
The critical question in this lawsuit is whether or not, you can enforce your religious beliefs upon me, and the citizens of this state. 71 P. 2d, 220. 253-254. Whether or not you owe me and the citizens of this state: the constitutional demands and guarantees of the state and nation. 142 U.S. 128, 130. “WE did the work/ WE demand what we agreed to, in return!” Whether or not you owe me and the citizens of this state: a respectful employment that is dedicated to protecting our lives, defending our state, nation, future, and world. 271 U.S. 228, Whether or not you can discard our money, and destroy our securities by bankrupting this state: thereby enslaving all, but yourselves and your religion “university knows”. 112 F. 2d 886. Whether or not, it is legal for you to so prejudice our government against the needs of we the people; by such things as the observation box atop University of IL football stadium built a few years ago for $126 million dollars; 124 N.Y.S. 2d 634, 636. so your “religious priests” could pretend to be emperors for 6 afternoons a year, at our expense. 429 S.W. 2d 381, 382 The question is not, “greatly concerned with science”/ ONLY the truth regarding costs and consequences/ the extermination of life, the reality of biological weapons of potential mass destruction being released/ and so on: based upon the religious belief, “university knows”. 268 So. 2d 290, 292. [Reasonable care CANNOT be construed when an experiment, which if theory fails/ CANNOT be undone, we all die. UNLESS WE KNOW, what happens if this goes wrong, and make our own decision accordingly: there can be NO RELIANCE on “experts or theories”. There can be NO BELIEF among our employees, that justifies risking our planet, its nature, our future, or life on earth in any form] When clearly: formed by theories and experiments that can go wrong, and destroy all life on earth/ they absolutely do not. 43 S.W. 508, 509. Our state, nation, and our world is being ravished/ mutilated/ crucified/ gambled with/ used and abused in every conceivable way. That is nothing less than organized crime overtaking our government 571 F. 2d 880.
This level of threat and disrespect for every citizen in this state and this nation: DEMANDS, WE ARE EACH ONE INVOLVED IN THE OUTCOME OF THIS CASE.
IL constitution section 2; This Section shall not be construed as
limiting the authority of any branch of government to
establish and enforce ethical standards for that branch.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
The question extends: Whether or not the constitution rules the courtroom and this government, both state and nation. 137 So 479, 482. Because the US constitution promises and guarantees certain rights which the state can in no way and under no circumstance diminish or deny. 516 F. Supp. 399, 404. Due process of law is a suitable process, or an appropriate procedure that is not destroyed by rules of the court/ or the abuse which is denial of law itself by the court. The state can merely add their own guarantees to further the purposes and intent of the US constitution. 216 P 446, 449. “Our state/ our nation: we are the owners here”. 147 P 2d 759, 761. Whether or not the constitution is a contract between our employees and ourselves as the true owners of this democracy: whereby we enforce that ownership with oaths, and their penalties. Establishing the same through redress of grievances as the law allows and states. 71 P 301.
Of these critical questions: the only ones that truly matter to me are the extreme threats that exist against our lives, which we cannot survive as a state, nation, or world. 278 N.E. 2d 504, 510. Those threats are refined in the clear, concise, and dedicated intent and purpose of WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; as declared within the constitution of this USA. 159 F. 2d 642, 643. To be illegal/ to be terrorism funded illegally, by our employees of government/ to be “religious dictum”; as that risk to our entire world and every life/ IS GOVERNED, by their beliefs; rather than any purpose or description called fact. That is illegal.
It reads since you don’t know it: as follows
“ we the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.” 328 U.S. 217. 407 U.S. 493.
OR, in comparison; this government is dedicated to, the responsibilities, needs, and thereby duties of the people themselves; in their own efforts to sustain freedoms, guarantee rights, and protect themselves from tyranny. Our reality is: “Its not free/ someone always believes they can be ruler.”
All issues of taxation 280 P 2d 81, 85. arise out of conformity to these basic demands, that are made upon our employees, and that includes this state of IL. 160 P 2d 37, 39. I DO NOT REFUSE taxation. Rather I demand you prove to me by law, 78 A 2d 572, 576. That you have the right or authority to risk our planet, our nature, these children, our future, or my own life/ using my own money to destroy me. 65 N.W. 2d 785, 791 Failure to provide; IS ILLEGAL; so says your oath, and the fourteenth amendment. NO RULES of the court, no conjecture as is theory, no harassment of the constitution or this democracy, no assumptions of religious “university knows” belief, no lies as to what happens when they are proven wrong or abuse of the court; or using OUR government to hide behind by refusing due process without the law as conspiracy and collusion have proven true. This is a demand: the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth 203 S.W. 2d 548, 552. PROVE: that my demands in law, merit, threat, duty to this state and nation, and legal tax revolt 109 So 2d 375, 378: are NOT CONSISTENT with the law of this state or this nation. 342 F. Supp. 1048, 1062 While you may argue that is not your job/ it is the job of the court, and I have filed in the IL supreme court, developing this argument: the constitution rules this state/ NOT you. and in the US supreme court demanding that the constitution rules this nation: NOT YOU 290 U.S. 389, 394. , your oath demands, constitutional laws shall be kept 230 S.W. 2d 770, 775. “THIS DEMOCRACY, IS OUR PROPERTY! You, are the employee; THAT IS YOUR JOB, to obey the constitution, and provide the full intent of the law that is established through the preamble written above. That is your oath of office, for this state and nation: THAT is, our right to demand as a contractual obligation: OUR EMPLOYEES DID SWEAR, to keep. To obey the constitution, protect this people, and defend this state and this nation. Just as we the people are called to war, to do the same; irregardless if war, at this time if it makes any sense at all. We do our job/ and you must do your job. AS IS THE CONTRACT BETWEEN US. 655 P 2d 116, 118. "I do solemnly swear (affirm) that I will support the
Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of
the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge
the duties of the office of .... to the best of my ability."
(Source: Illinois Constitution.) YOU ARE NOT RULERS, SECTION 4. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY ABOLISHED 452 A 2d 75, 77.
Read more.
Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
To the IL IRS; Box 19006 Springfield IL 62794-9006
2191 county road 2500 E.
St. Joseph IL 61873
www.trialforlife.info Www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
state of ILLINOIS
dated 4/ 30/ 13
the demand for trial in the IL supreme court
correspondence to: Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson box 06140 Chicago IL 60606-0140
RE: harassment/ the intent to refuse me constitutional law.
As has been established in this matter of taxation, I DO NOT refuse taxation/ I DO REFUSE, the denial of my own constitutional rights, both state and nation. I DO DENY YOUR RIGHT TO assemble and create threats, that can literally destroy everything I value including all of nature with genetic mutilation/ the creation of pandemic realities never known before; the crash into chaos of genetic life as is the end of nature itself: courtesy of university delusions and religion called evolution. Using my own money to destroy everything I value. Using this government both state and nation to protect and defend those who intend and do try repetitively to ignite this planet on fire/ a fire we cannot put out, thereby ending life itself, “in a lake of fire” for us all.
I do refuse: that you allow yourselves to discard and disrespect all the various threats that can destroy our future beyond what is extreme.
I DO DEMAND: THAT THE INVESTIGATION OF WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THIS GOES WRONG, SHALL BE ESTABLISHED: within the terms and conditions of constitutional redress of grievances/ as this is risking all the peoples lives, the nation and this state, and this world. That judgment SHALL BE MADE by we the people. Because it is our lives, our world, our everything you play with as a toy.
I DO ESTABLISH THE CRITICAL TESTIMONY: that in the case of extreme fire released upon this earth that is “just like the sun”/ IT IS LITERALLY A ONE TIME ONLY EXPERIMENT. Because if it does not extinguish itself/ we absolutely cannot put it out. Thereby our lives and our planet are gambled with, based on one simple fantasy called a theory of insufficient gravity here. An absolute delusion. It is terrorism.
I DO ESTABLISH THE CRITICAL TESTIMONY: that in the mutilation of life, as is the intent to create the chaos of evolution. That fantasy and failure of ignorance attributed to the university is also a one catastrophe experiment. When genetic disciplines, order, and balance as does build the bodies of life in time has failed. Not a human being, or a group, or a university, or a government in this world, can put it back together. Therefore it is literal biological warfare. Absolutely against the law. It is terrorism.
I DO ESTABLISH THE CRITICAL TESTIMONY: that in the case of threats such as is oxygen depletion; proven true by the experiment at biosphere 2. Once our oxygen supply is burned up with fossil fuels/ we die of asphyxiation. No going back here either, as it is with over 30 detailed threats already sent to you. That is traitorous.
I DO ESTABLISH the traitorous conduct that is bankruptcy for both state and nation as has been found true by documentation that need not be repeated; we know it is true. Thereby the refusal to let those who have caused this to be true, and thereby creating severe hardships in the near future even to the point of civil war. CAN NO LONGER RULE.
INSTEAD: I DO DEMAND, THAT REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES: THE LAW, THAT LITERALLY GIVES POWER TO THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES TO RULE OVER THEIR GOVERNMENT, BY DEMANDING AN ACCOUNTING IN PUBLIC DISPLAY. Used to investigate all known threats including bankruptcy SHALL BE DELIVERED TO THIS PEOPLE through their constitutional government. That constitution does not rule, instead our employees have threatened our democracy, by believing they are the government instead of our agreement as a people governing them.
As established by appellate case: due process is denied at the IL supreme court. Due process is denied, at the IL appellate court. Due process is tainted at the champaign county court. The process of fines attributed to state government is NOT FAIR: as it is unduly harsh on the poor, and of no impact on the wealthy. We are the most incarcerated people in the civilized world; NOT JUSTICE. Look it up.
Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
in the matter of Champaign county court 11TR22442
coming out of the fourth district appellate court/ Springfield IL.
Case 4-12-0429
Osterbur, James Frank V. City of Gifford/ State of IL
denied 8/ 14/ 12; By rule 326
www.trialoflife.info www.justtalking3.info
DATED: 9/ 20/12
The petition at the IL supreme court
CLASS ACTION STATUS: IS A REQUIREMENT OF "WE THE PEOPLE" IT IS, a foundation demand of democracy itself.
IN ANY LEGAL MATTER, THAT INVOLVES US ALL, as is LIFE AND DEMOCRACY ITSELF: particularly when a constitutional guarantee is denied, and treated with contempt.
When justice and fair play are ordered "removed from this trial".
or, more simply these legal rights guaranteed by the constitution and sworn by judiciary: "we will obey". To WE THE PEOPLE, as our law! AS IS constitutional law.
Is NOT discretionary/ nor is it controlled by a rule of the court!
This IL SUPREME court is hereby petitioned to identify and substantiate the constitution of IL and this nation. RETURNING THIS CASE TO ITS RIGHTFUL LEGAL STATUS: as class action for we the people.
As a consequence to all your failures. As a reality to all the extreme threats that plague and threaten to destroy our entire world. As a traitorous act, which is to deny the constitution itself/ and thereby the employees have presented anarchy/ or more correctly tyranny to this state: because you have invaded our democracy, and refused to be ruled by our constitution. Denied the law itself, as the constitution DOES RULE ALL, including the judiciary/ and it cannot be overthrown by ANY courtroom rule. That is treason. Neither is constitutional law discretionary, it is OUR LAW. IT IS OUR DEMOCRACY AS WE THE PEOPLE, OVER OUR GOVERNMENT. It is not yours.
These fantasies of university religion trying to rewrite life itself/ trying to be gods over energy and risking all our lives. The absolute failure of everything important for all our future’s discarded and disgraced. Our democracy disrespected. The children assassinated because our future does not exist within these outlines of threat. And the single demand: YOU SHALL INVESTIGATE THESE THREATS. AND ESTABLISH IF IN FACT, TO BE WRONG, is as this testimony states. In a courtroom of law/ with me as a litigant, and this entire state as the plaintiff. WE HAVE A RIGHT TO LEGAL REDRESS. WE HAVE A RIGHT TO PROTECT OURSELVES. WE HAVE A RIGHT TO DEFEND OUR STATE AND OUR NATION AND OUR WORLD. WE HAVE A RIGHT TO THE INFORMATION WHICH WILL PROVE A FAIR AND BALANCED: Truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
We then have an absolute right to judge for ourselves as a state or nation what is “fair and appropriate”; what is constitutional or not; and what our employees have or have not done to our lives. Governing the reality of what we shall decide by vote: regarding the future for ourselves.
All you have to do: is obey the constitutional law, and establish this case. And I will happily pay for what it is YOUR JOB TO DO. No possibility exists, that any of these failures is within your job description. I do not bend to extortion which is: the reality of organized crime against us all. The extreme prejudice granted to university purposes SHALL then come under review, and we the people SHALL decide what is fair, and govern for ourselves. As is consistent with redress of grievances: our legal constitutional right, both state and nation.
PROVE: YOU HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT, to do these things. OR, prove I am mistaken in a court of law, and thereby gain the legal right through due process to claim the tax.
OR: THIS IS A LEGAL TAX REVOLT, until and only until, those employees who are guilty of robbing us of our democracy, as is WE THE PEOPLE established in this trial as plaintiff here. A clear class action status case, without the slightest room for discretion.
PROVE YOU DO HAVE THE RIGHT, to do these things, or that I am wrong, or that each and every threat against our lives is simply wrong by the evidence. And I will pay you.
Until that moment of trial, as is consistent and my demand for DUE PROCESS exists. Any attempt to collect/ every attempt to harass for the money: is illegal.
I DEMAND THE LAW, and DEMOCRACY ITSELF; SHALL RULE. Prove me wrong, in a court of law.
ANY attempt to steal is a criminal act, and as such it is either conspiracy against the people of this state who are dependent upon their laws for life and society; or it is outright corruption, and subject to prison. Based upon an oath of office, and a reality of truth and your purpose in collecting this money which is NOT to support, nor defend this state or its people. But to gain and control for yourselves, MORE than you deserve. That is theft.
I, James F. Osterbur: do hereby declare, that a true and correct copy of this first filing has been mailed to the following parties at the addresses so listed:. Placing the parcel, in the US postal service/ as prepaid mail on the date of 4/ 30 / 13
Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson box 06140 Chicago IL 60606-0140
IL IRS; Box 19006 Springfield IL 62794-9006
Lisa Madigan IL attorney general office 500 S. Second st. Springfield IL 62706
Governor Patrick Quinn State Capitol 207 Statehouse Springfield, Illinois 62706
The elemental message, and simple truth of these sites, is plainly: I did care enough, to give you another chance to survive, by understanding threats exist, legal rights exist, and democracy itself can control. I did investigate enough to identify extreme threats that we cannot survive. I cannot save you. It appears absolute and true, you cannot save yourselves. Therefore I do recommend: YOU, pray to OUR CREATOR. Because this is HIS CREATION, and HE can save it, if you are willing to change. If you continue to refuse truth, evidence, reality, disrespecting everything/ and worshiping destruction. You will die as a planet/ every prophecy will come true.
The price of survival which is: CHANGE, AND RESPECT THIS EARTH/ STOP DESTROYING IT & be fair with each other is simple and plain: YOU DO understand. The consequence of that, as a reality in fact will be: that you must accept, “the university can be your god no more”. We will return to equality, we will understand friendship, we will do the best we can for “life comes first” for this planet; and we will search for what is truth, love, hope, life, courage, and the blessings of knowing “we are as life and planet, clearly a true miracle of existence”. If that is too much for you to pay/ then clearly you do not deserve to live.
You are given a courtroom; all you have to do is take it. You are given an opportunity for different leadership and ways. You are provided the understanding necessary to establish all that must be done. To define and decide the fundamentals that will become a different world. Which means literally you have no excuse beyond “just too damn lazy or scared/ OR do it.” THE CAUSE; An entire planet in peril is no game/ therefore you have literally run out of excuses.
As for me, I am not your excuse anymore. Reality confronts you: your decision decides your future, even into eternity. Every truth, has its own set of consequences. If you refuse to intervene in life or death for a planet and its nature: you’re dead. Every single one. Not a threat, just what the evidence proven to be true says! So search for yourself/ its your life, your child, your future, your world and everything in it: no excuse exists. Not even if you are a cripple, or mentally unstable, or any thing else. This is: life or death for this world.
In all probability, this is life or death soon for me too/ as the list of enemies who distinctly want me dead: for ruining their easy control and manipulation of you, is now very long. It is possible, you will ignore this completely/ therefore giving them only a need for ridicule. But if you find it, learn it, and understand it as a relationship to your lives: it is absolutely certain, those who do belong to the long list of destroyers, “will not forget”, who led you away. Not really me, I am the messenger/ but isn’t that enough? YOU got the message.
Nonetheless, for a short time, I will continue to be “just garbage to be ignored”. History as men demand it to be; is not likely wrong. I have attacked the most powerful and proud people on the planet/ by giving you the option to rule yourselves, and change from destruction/ to life: “Kill him, and he will never bother us again, will appear”. After a time, even the “little rats and mice” will begin to believe, “we are the proud and powerful too”. Not such a good outlook for me, but I don’t believe anyone will be alive by 2016/ unless you stop the extreme experiments; so it matters little. To the children, “I simply did what I could; I did do, the best I could”. A long way from perfect, BUT; Not your savior either/ not even mine.
The words, and realities required for your change will remain. Download them now. Everything of life and value depends upon: “Make your decision, and spread these words, or not”. SO SAYS THE EVIDENCE. Certainly not because of me, I am irrelevant; your own decision will become, the fate or destiny of this world. How is that not true?
The words herein have established respect for: THE EXTREME THREATS, that no one can survive, are not LEGAL RIGHTS. Which means you do have LEGAL OPTIONS. Respect for the law is a relationship: which means both sides have rights and responsibilities which if not kept, become the basis for dissolution of association, or the power to make your own decision against the other, AND CONTROL those who threatened without a right. That is determined, on a case by case basis. But only if you investigate, and produce the evidence necessary: to demand a moratorium, as you gather and decide what shall be done, and why. You should also recognize: that respect is the basis of every relationship. Respect decides if you can remain married, or working together, or a nation, OR IF GOD Will continue to let you live on HIS planet/ mutilating HIS CREATION. Extreme threats are extreme DISRESPECT, for life, for EVERYTHING. Because they are a choice, people did make. Even if you “just allowed it”/ you chose. Even if they tempted you to believe; you chose. Even if you trusted “the university” and they failed/ lied/ cheated/ and stole from you; you chose to let this continue. Now you must choose to make it stop; or life will end. Any other cost, is irrelevant.
You do, have your chance, to survive/ if you stop them. My job is done, completely! I have given up 40 years of “life in time” for you; because life or death of a world, CANNOT be discarded or ignored. That reality CANNOT even be traded for love, family, or any other value of life; Because it is, the loss of everything/ therefore love and truth, demands the work. Nonetheless it is, now “sacrifice enough for me”/ I have carried you, “no help”; everything possible I could do; is done. It is your turn/ to fight for life; because it is your life, your child, your lover, your future, your world, etc; too. It is your turn to assess, understand, and respect the evidence; Or let the world die. It is a choice. MAKE YOUR DECISION.
IT IS TIME TO PUSH! To become, what we will be, “forever”! Make your decision: for life, and child, and world: “the essence of love”/ OR, want, selfishness, greed, and the rest “called hate”.
DISCIPLINE DEMANDS, That life should NEVER be a game/ that we, the people of this earth; have a value greater than theories/ more distinct than risk/ and more defined than those who believe “they can play god” with our lives. Reality demands: we must choose differently. Balance demands a new structural outlook, to what we do; In our relationships with each other.
The final analysis of this work is very simple: if we don’t recognize and respect the reality that is coming, the consequences of being WRONG/ we don’t survive. If we don’t respect nature, stop mutilating and crucifying it/ nature itself won’t survive, because we are now so many people, this world has changed, and nature can no longer defeat us all. It cannot defeat the horror’s inflicted if they don’t stop immediately. If we don’t accept our responsibility NOT to let people play with energies they cannot control; we all die, a horrible death. People say: I don’t care, and all run away to hide from all they fear. It will NOT help/ that changes nothing. Unless we defeat those who threaten us with extermination from this planet/ we die. It is not a hard concept.
The confrontation that is government employee versus law and democracy; constructs a literal demand: are we owners/ is our government, the constitution? How that is answered decides who rules the future! Currently our employees rule by bribes/ created with counterfeit money. But the reality is: having “printed” 200 trillion dollars of inflation; the national debt plus social security and state debts =$645,161.00 per 310 million people each. Did you get yours/ its all free: no reality attached! The answer is no, we didn’t/ but a few did, plus ours, plus whatever they wanted to loan with this inflation/ all covered over with lies by government and media: THEY DO KNOW. What is particularly bad however is this: that they take these counterfeit dollars, and they buy our real property with them. That means: they get it for free, someone got this money. But because there is no reality of payment attached/ consequently it is not a debt/ it is pure inflation, given to only a tiny few, who chose to inflate their salaries, benefits, pensions, etc by using our slavery. If it ain’t realmoney/ you didn’t get paid; they just kept you alive for the work, with bribes. Soon we the people will own nothing/ because you cannot compete “with a printing press”; nor out of control government employees. America will be, “like Palestine”: sold out; too late now. You must demand democracy rules, and enforce constitutional law, oath, and restrictions. As owners. Or you will be forced to abandon America itself.
Americans “have bought a gun”/ because they know its bad, and their options are few. But lets review: If you surrender ownership, and choose a gun: whose side are you on? If you say America or the United States, it cannot be so, because you have failed the law, and our democracy. We rule ourselves/ by the laws we create, the constitution that rules us all; including every law. The judiciary does not/ they are bound by oath in support of the constitution and its intent: that is their job, and its power to rule is strictly limited to constitutional rights and demands. What is important if you don’t use the law and democracy is: even if you win a battle in civil war/ you cannot change the ownership of property until you have created a new democracy to control and change that law, which then controls you and us. That means a new nation/ not this one: or more simply America itself, must be abandoned. it will be BAD. Particularly since it is unnecessary and irrelevant to the task of defining WHO DOES OWN THIS NATION/ and what is a legitimate claim over our property or not. That right, is justified and decided by law; according to evidence and its truth. Therefore whosoever controls the law, controls the future. YOU CANNOT control the law with a gun/ it is impossible. You cannot control truth, IT IS, whatever it is. You CAN control the law with democracy, BY YOUR VOTE. Not a vote for someone to vote for me/ but your own distinct vote on the law that governs our lives for yourselves. We need very few: short and simple, so we all understand/ and can use or enforce the law ourselves.
We can change our world, and our money/ by choosing LIFE, AND PLANET; MUST COME FIRST: for us all. If, you think for yourself! You are “smart enough”! We are at the edge of crisis in all kinds of ways: the cost and consequence of letting “the smart people” lead. THAT DID NOT work, they are lazy, as a group, living largely in fantasy and delusion; as the evidence does prove. We must ALL work together, not just you, me, or them. Learn more. Some basic links. Thinking differently;
Developments in democracy: HOW, we understand our lives, our duty, and our ownership of that democracy: within our state and nation or world: Preparations for redress, in ILLINOIS.
TRUE TO THE PURPOSES OF THESE SITES; the foundations laid by need, and the structures of peace and law built. Do testify and create, the final purpose of this work, which is: that women of this world, particularly this nation; SHALL come together to identify and choose, what would be "their solution" for this world's problems/ our problems and our future. Men have designed and created what exists today, and the consequences that will come, without change: threatening our very extinction, world war, and even more. We will NOT survive that/ not even as a planet. Through their leadership and courts: the opportunity to change, to protect, defend, respect, etc: was absolutely rejected, a criminal attack against our law, democracy, etc. They still refuse. THE NEED FOR CHANGE IS MASSIVE, our lives and even our planet are in trouble. THIS IS: for your decision: WHAT WOULD WOMEN DO DIFFERENTLY? And the expressions in law and reality that would give you as women the opportunity to make a difference, and lead this world by democracy.
A vote can be, a very powerful tool. JUSTICE is a clear decision, to share and care for ourselves, our world, and the future; AS EQUALS! It is a choice, men have failed severely. Therefore as women alone, gathered together as one: DO YOU, or do you not: DEMAND YOUR SAY! The purpose is true democracy, the reality is redress: an accountability governed by constitutional law. The consequence is: a legal revolution/ to resurrect our laws, our rights, our money, and our democracy as intended. Not a game, we are in trouble as a nation and a world. This is your chance as women: TO LEAD CHANGE, and demand equality for all!
A summary progression, establishing what I believe to be, the most important part: summarized as "LIFE COMES FIRST"/ No more gambling with life or planet.
To the IL IRS; Box 19006 Springfield IL 62794-9006
2191 county road 2500 E. www.trialoflife.info www.trialforlife.info
St. Joseph IL 61873
dated 4/ 25/ 13
re: correspondence to: Linebarger, Goggan Blair & Sampson box 06140 Chicago IL 60606-0140
Your action exists to refuse my day in court/ which is the only reason a tax has not been paid. Provide my legally guaranteed constitutional right/ and I will pay whatever I do literally owe. Since every other method of attaining my legal constitutional right has been denied to be in case after case through both state and federal courts: it is necessary to withhold taxes as that is the only thing that gets your attention. In 7 months, I have been granted nothing but harassment. Not law/ not rights/ not due process/ not justice/ not fair play: CLEARLY NOT FAIR in any aspect of governing to we the people, in an endless failure by our employees. Thereby we must find accountability for ourselves: as is the purpose of redress. You may not threaten me, with failure to govern university experimentation. You may not threaten me with slavery due to your endless perversion, and critical prejudice to “give everything to your religion: university knows/ they are gods”. You may not bankrupt, or destroy this state further, by your fantasies, failures, and delusions: without a fight. YOU MAY NOT protect and defend only yourselves, and the insane thirst and ridiculous assertion: that reality DOES NOT matter. Redress demands: the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And that includes you, your claims for money that cannot be paid/ AND OUR RIGHTS, TO ESTABLISH JUSTICE, AND DEMOCRACY for ourselves. Since you have proven to be traitors, thieves, and terrorists. This is a demand for DEMOCRACY FIRST, and the establishment that REALITY MUST RULE. This is the very critical statement: You may not gamble with life or planet or energies beyond reality, function, nor time as established by this world. LIFE must come FIRST: no exceptions, no games, and NO theories that endanger our lives. At an absolute minimum in obedience to our law/ OUR STATE, and OUR NATION. Obey the contract, called a constitution; and fulfill your job descriptions: to protect, defend, and serve us as owners of this state and nation. NOT TREASON, as is the cost of your failures. You are not “government as intended”/ you are a disease that needs to be treated with redress of grievances; before you cost us everything.
Thereby the statement comes into focus: TAKE ME TO COURT!
You may consider this "my second filing" in that case. This is the beginning of content as to what that trial will be. Time's up/ PAY WHAT YOU OWE ME.
The legal rights guaranteed to each and every citizen of this state and nation ARE DUE. THAT INCLUDES, the legal law called REDRESS OF GRIEVANCE. Which is fundamentally: Accountability to the people: AS WE ARE THE OWNERS HERE!
Constructing the basis of trial. Since I cannot take you to court: you must take me/ or there is a legal right for denial of tax payment associated with the failure of all guaranteed rights demanded of you by constitutional law. Within the continuing precepts of constitutional law: The following is presented.
Governing the development of a FAIR, JUST, EQUITABLE, HONEST, AND RESPECTFUL society is the purpose of democracy itself. That democracy has failed in absolute and real terms within the state of IL. That is elemental proof of FRAUD! We are attacked, at every level and possibility of society! The consequence being, that WE THE PEOPLE DO, need to be involved in our ownership of this state. The elemental right: demanding accountability from our employees is that fundamental of law: that gives power to the people themselves. And limits our employees. An oath of office is a boundary which must not be crossed/ in accordance with the purpose, stated desire, and performance of your job. The failure to adequately do your job/ IS CAUSE for the deliberate call for redress of grievances: because when our employees have failed, as is absolute and obvious today; the foundation of our lives is in jeopardy. NONE have the right, to do that thing called treason: to rule/ to steal/ to enslave/ to lie/ to cheat/ to destroy/ to terrorize/ to manipulate/ to control/ to imprison/ to disrespect and prejudice the future by choosing only “yourselves”/ NOR can you sell or trade our lives for the religious cult, or more correctly occult as is “university knows”. Our lives and our world, are worth more than your theories or delusions. Our future SHALL NOT be governed by your fantasies or expectations for our slavery: we cannot pay.
Which means: as our employees, YOU HAD NO RIGHT to engage in fraud and deceit, or traitorous conduct. These are prison able offenses. You had no constitutional authority to choose a small percentage of the population for lavish and endless “rewards” as has been received by university. Destroying our foundation as is money and the securities expected from our own work, and realities. That means YOU STOLE our lives/ by removing our future, FOR YOUR OWN BENEFIT. Your expectation is a lie. Your right to proclaim it as a state debt is absolutely cheating us: because we are NOT included in your plans for “a damn easy life at our expense”. Your occult the university religion knows it all: has now pasted the point of terrorism, and seeks to destroy the entire planet and its nature. A known fact as is consistent with the extreme threats listed below. Media as is our need to be informed/ has been controlled by a tiny few, with your aid, and not your protection or defense of our lives; not a moment, not a word has been raised in our defense. We must have the truth, when that truth is hidden away from us all instead: that is propagating control over the people instead of defending them. We are the most imprisoned people in the civilized world: which means “the righteous” are in control; as they believe themselves superior; and all others should just be locked up. That is the religious in charge. Religion is: “I have a book, or I have rules, therefore I know everything; and unless you believe exactly as I do/ you are as little or nothing”. NOT legal in this state or nation: we are equals/ we are free. That means: NOT to be played with as if a toy. Every child is endangered from the threats listed, as well as every life on the planet because of, or without the protection of your religious cult called “university knows”. The people you have given all our money too: hell yes, GO AHEAD AND MAKE THEM SLAVES. That is absolute disrespect for democracy and our lives. I demand to be treated as the constitution guarantees. That includes FREEDOM. That includes RESPECT. That includes EQUAL AND FAIR TREATMENT. That includes a future, that is not destroyed, or a foundation of work as is money that is not so damn corrupted from the collusion and conspiracy to make us all your slaves: that civil war is immanent and deserved.
Demonstrated by these charges: are the following developments that construct not only failure and arrogance beyond all considerations of insanity. But do construct the foundations as are EXTREME THREATS: directly the result of the occult called university/ that define, what is called “satan”/ the deliberate, preconceived, and intentional actions taken by humanity to destroy both life and world. With government assistance and protections. IN DIRECT DEFIANCE OF EVERYTHING this democracy stands for. Why, would I pay you for this! Obey the laws, DO YOUR JOB, protect and defend our lives; or you are left with the criminal conspiracies that have brought us to this your decision to violate our lives, our state, and destroy our world. That is not government, that is both terrorism & treason, at best!
The fundamental threats for IL include additionally:
This state with a stated population of 12.8 million is said to owe $544 billion dollars.
This state with a population of 41% either under the age of 20, or over the age of 64 represents then roughly 7,552,000 workers/ minus the prison population 49,000; and those to sick to work. No figure given. 7.552 million potential workers. Unemployment is 9.5 percent= 6,785,560 workers to share the debt load of 544 billion dollars= $80,170.24 per each one. Strictly for “state government expenses”. We add to that the pension costs currently $119.5 billion unpaid divided by 6,785,560 workers= $17,610.92 per each worker. Bringing our grand total for this current “reported moment to= $97,781.16 per each worker. Just for the state of IL/ which does NOT include local pensions, healthcare, or bonds issued for any fantasy offered. Or the intrusion of future pension costs exceeding $640 billion more. On top of what the federal government produced as bankruptcy/ and the social security spent without funding as mere debts. Because the federal government employees simply robbed them of all income for social security (didn’t put a dime in the fund: just IOU’S). THEY KEPT the money, and increased the tax; which then remained hidden. Nor does it include all the debts we owe ourselves, nor business/ agriculture/ etc. You have prepared CIVIL WAR/ by the demand for slaves. Not your job. I have demanded “legal civil war”; as a right established by constitutional government which does consist of democracy and its intent as is the preamble of the US constitution. Your continued failure, “is ammunition” to all those over the years/ and over several states; who havesaid: they ain’t never going to obey the law. This nation has bought guns: IT IS, “a clear warning to you”/ because a large percentage absolutely does not believe in “government employees or the court”. As you have continued to prove, a legitimate reality; NOT fair or equal. Or more clearly, NO justice here. Consequently it is true: that I work for you, as well as all those you have so tragically impacted with your failure and fantasies that they believe civil war will come. I never met anyone who desired it; and I have no names for you (I don’t collect names, & I quit pushing people hard, years ago; they just ran away, “you can’t do nothing”): none were criminals. But they all see your failures. This then: is the clear demand, “we MUST work this out together as democracy rules”/ because anything less will be horrible. This is a reminder, that no matter how much “the university diploma wants” to keep everything you stole/ IT AIN’T going to happen. There will be consequences. This is a reality of what our federal employees have done as well: creating a national debt over $125 trillion dollars/ and a social security debt of roughly $70 trillion more dollars; and state debt. Equaling roughly $200 trillion dollars FOR THE NATION. Which is equal to 200,000,000,000,000.00 divided by 7 billion people across this world = bringing our grand total of debt: to $28,571.42 per person in the world at 7 billion. OF AMERICAN DOLLARS, in use: somebody expects to cash them in/ is that not so! Do you not? There are even more american dollars in play when you look at what is called an asset. “ its your own federal reserve”. Not their fault: look to who wrote the check, and demanded the money! The invasion has already begun, and unless we literally stop the counterfeit money from stealing all our lives (by taking property, resources, assets, titles, control of this state, this nation, the courtroom, etc)/ WE WILL ALL be just like Palestine; thrown out of our own nation. This ain’t no game. The realities involved are substantial/ the consequence are real/ and severe.
CHOOSE THE LAW. How is that not your answer? Let the constitution rule; that is your oath! Obey the law, so we can return to peace, and a future: without these threats. Let reality rule, LET TRUTH DECIDE, what is fair, equitable, justice; and literally the best we can do. Doesn’t make anyone happy/ but it does stop WAR.
More to retirement debt than just state pensions
State and local taxpayers are on the hook for far more than the pension debt owed by the state’s five pension
funds. The state also owes $54 billion in unfunded retiree health benefits and another $15 billion the state borrowed to make its annual pension payments and shore up investment losses.
Taxpayers are also on the hook for at least $50.9 billion in local retirement debt. Like the state’s pension plans, local pension funds will see their unfunded liabilities skyrocket under the new reporting rules. Under the new GASB rules, for example, the pension fund for Chicago Teachers would see its pension debt grow to $20 billion, nearly four times the $5.4 billion it officially reports. Pension payouts The state’s five pension funds officially report $146 billion in accrued liabilities for earned benefits. But $146 billion is not the amount of money that the state will actually pay out for those benefits. Instead, $146 billion is the money that the state should have in the bank today to earn enough investment income to pay out earned benefits.
The amount of money the state will actually spend on pensions is far greater. Altogether, the state will pay more than $632 billion for pension benefits between now and 2045.2
The absolute prejudice of “university first” in any and all considerations. A prime example being the observation box on top of the university of IL football stadium at a cost of 126 million dollars. Plus costs for maintenance etc. So the special people could watch an afternoon of football, for 6 afternoons a year. Just the tip of the iceberg. The part that sinks ships.
The IL supreme court refuses to accept their duties according to due process of law. As in IL appellate court
Having been presented with THE CLEAR AND CERTAIN NEED FOR JUSTICE, FOR REDRESS, FOR CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEES, and the need to protect, defend, and honor our democracy as a state: THEREFORE help me make the individual employees in the US supreme court, etc: OBEY THE LAW.
They turn to the intended escape of a court rule
I refuse the extortion. An excerpt below
THE APPEAL OF JUSTICE/ THE REALITY OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW/ the demand for fair play/ constitutional precepts employed/ federal laws exhibited/ the critical need for US first amendment rights; & IL fifth amendment redress of grievances/ the foundations presented that demand an investigation into conspiracy within the courtrooms both state and nation/ and a jury tainted:
All men are by nature free and independent and have
certain inherent and inalienable rights among which are life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights
and the protection of property, governments are instituted
among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
by the judge to believe contrary to its legal purpose which is to choose what is "the society we demand": to believe it could only choose if a rule broken, that WAS OBEYED, WITHIN 95% compliance OF THE RULE, by me. Is justified by the fine applied/ the judges threat of an additional $1,000.00. And his demand: you shall not even mention the word redress (a foundation law of both state and national constitutions, OR I will hold you in contempt.
That case is denied today, by supreme court rule 326 "dismisses the appeal for failure to comply with this court's rule."
Even though I had delivered the transcript of the case, as given to me by the court's stenographer, in pdf, on a disk clearly marked and established in the filings. After paying $450.00 or thereabouts for that transcript/ the circuit court wanted an additional $180.00 "to push a button" and deliver the record on the internet. Even though I had already paid for this transcript.
I declared that the IL constitution must rule:
Every person shall find a certain remedy in the laws for
all injuries and wrongs which he receives to his person,
privacy, property or reputation. He shall obtain justice by
law, freely, completely, and promptly.
They refuse.
I declare today, that the constitution must rule to you: demanding,
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property
without due process of law nor be denied the equal protection
of the laws.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
And I command, that the purposes of our contract in democracy as we the people of this state and nation SHALL in fact be carried out as intended by this people. IS THAT NOT, WHAT THE CONSTITUTION IS FOR!
Constitution of the State of Illinois Adopted at special election on December 15, 1970
We, the People of the State of Illinois - grateful to
Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberty
which He has permitted us to enjoy and seeking His blessing
upon our endeavors - in order to provide for the health,
safety and welfare of the people; maintain a representative
and orderly government; eliminate poverty and inequality;
assure legal, social and economic justice; provide
opportunity for the fullest development of the individual;
insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense;
and secure the blessings of freedom and liberty to ourselves
and our posterity - do ordain and establish this Constitution
for the State of Illinois.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
This appellate court has denied constitutional law, established, and declared for me; " He shall obtain justice by
law, freely, completely, and promptly." section 12.
The appellate court has denied constitutional law as established and declared for me "SECTION 2. DUE PROCESS AND EQUAL PROTECTION
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property
without due process of law nor be denied the equal protection
of the laws.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
They state by dismissal: rule 326 is greater than due process/ is greater than the IL constitution or this democracy. It is not.
This appellate court has denied constitutional law, established, and declared for me; "certain inherent and inalienable rights among which are life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness." My right to constitutional guarantees shall been stripped from me, by a supreme court rule demanding money or no justice: that is extortion. Penal code 223.4 SEE 148A 2d 848, 850. As proven true/ pay them, an extreme cost "for electronically delivering the transcript" or due process will fail.
To secure these rights
and the protection of property, governments are instituted
among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed. It is without doubt, that the "governed/ we the people" DID NOT allow or consent to "justice and fair play/ constitutional intent for our well-being" should be destroyed by a supreme court rule. That is then treason. Because it is more serious than theft/ this is our home, this is our property, this is our lives, our future, and the children: destroyed by a rule of the court which was never intended for justice/ but exists only for the purpose of obtaining money. That is a traitorous alteration to section 12 IL constitution. That is fundamentally done without the consent of the people themselves or the constitution: which means you have destroyed the law in so doing, with your rule. Becoming rulers thereby instead of employees with a job to do. That is rebellion, against this people.
The appellate court seeks to hide the conspiracy within the courtroom to deny constitutional redress of grievances both state and nation as presented by the evidence and through the evidence of nearly every court case presented by James F. Osterbur. That is traitorous, because it contends that our democracy is inferior to your superiority over the law. That is not, the substantive acceptance of your sworn oath. There is no merit in destroying constitutional law/ participating in extortion/ or destroying due process just to make money: these things exist as anarchy against we the people, established and defined. That is a criminal act, and if proven supported by the judicial organization that exists/ then it is a criminal conspiracy against our state or nation.
In addition to this under the designs and guarantees of IL constitutional law/ the foundation of law that is the US constitution amendment 4; "The right to be secure....against unreasonable searches and seizures...." And section 1 of the Il constitution; "... To secure these rights
and the protection of property, governments are instituted
among men," Not only is our democracy attacked/ our people bankrupted by the employees hired to govern us: such things as the football stadium box, at a cost of 121 million dollars; in Urbana IL; does prove an extreme arrogance and disregard for we the people. In US tax court case 11108-12L amendment 7 the demand for a jury trial by me the petitioner is returned as "improper" in the court. Even though it is constitutional law.
That is treason, an outright and deliberate rebellion. In the issue of tax; this case , its defendant the IRS refuses to identify or acknowledge money they owe me. Denying justice to me/ for the clear purpose of inflicting as much damage on me as possible. Declaring frivolous the declaration of threats that can exterminate us all/ the refusal to obey constitutional law or fulfill the contract that is our constitution: "before you are paid". Which is a demand for redress according to the US first amendment/ and its additional demands within the 5th constitutional amendment of IL. And much more, as court cases will prove.
A judiciary organized against we the people/ a government that refuses to obey the contractual demands, provide the guarantees, and protect the citizen with justice or fair play.
Established in this appeal as well is the fact that WE THE PEOPLE demand: FAIR PLAY in all financial penalties: not the same price for rich or poor/ but a percentage of your income or property holdings if required to be fair. INSTEAD OF SLAVERY FOR THE POOR, and nothing but an irritation to the rich. Added is the fact, WE are the most incarcerated people in the civilized world: NO human rights here, as is plainly proven in that statement; just treason.
ALL OF THESE THINGS AND MORE, are thrown from the court by these appellate judges John W. Turner Robert J. Steigmann Thomas R. Appleton.
We then turn, to the IL supreme court
Demanding: as did the judge order in trial 2011 tr 022442 Champaign county/ and the states attorney prosecuted me, based upon one simple fact: 95% compliance with a traffic stop, without threat to any, as proven in court by default: with a rule is NOT enough. "YOU, must be perfect". So says the judge, and the states' attorney.
Which then turns to the IL constitution and its written guarantees to each and every citizen of which I am one: and demands the very same of you. The law must be obeyed as written, or a criminal action has occurred, and a fine or imprisonment is owed to the people from the court, its legislatures, or its governor. Is that not justice by equality, and the rule of law you imposed? Answer the question.
They refuse to acknowledge or docket the case/ sending back corruption instead. Fundamentals are listed at www.trialoflife.info
Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
in the matter of Champaign county court 11TR22442
coming out of the fourth district appellate court/ Springfield IL.
Case 4-12-0429
Osterbur, James Frank V. City of Gifford/ State of IL
denied 8/ 14/ 12; By rule 326
www.trialoflife.info www.justtalking3.info
DATED: 9/ 20/12
The petition at the IL supreme court
CLASS ACTION STATUS: IS A REQUIREMENT OF "WE THE PEOPLE" IT IS, a foundation demand of democracy itself.
IN ANY LEGAL MATTER, THAT INVOLVES US ALL, as is LIFE AND DEMOCRACY ITSELF: particularly when a constitutional guarantee is denied, and treated with contempt.
When justice and fair play are ordered "removed from this trial".
or, more simply these legal rights guaranteed by the constitution and sworn by judiciary: "we will obey". To WE THE PEOPLE, as our law! AS IS constitutional law.
Is NOT discretionary/ nor is it controlled by a rule of the court!
This IL SUPREME court is hereby petitioned to identify and substantiate the constitution of IL and this nation. RETURNING THIS CASE TO ITS RIGHTFUL LEGAL STATUS: as class action for we the people. The failure of this appellate court/ and its denial of democracy: its sworn oath refused; evidence enough.
This is now, a legal revolt against what has been accepted practice in governing this nation and this state; by our employees. More substantially, this is the framework by which control as WE THE PEOPLE, who DO own this government MUST WORK to accomplish our authority as owners. There is no excuse for weapons or war; these are failures/ because they never then go away. This is law, by which the exercise of RIGHTS, as human beings united for a common cause: TO RULE OURSELVES BY LAW/ is established in peace, and with the maximum possible intent to be fair to all parties. It should be recognized in that statement: that this is NOT about everybody gets the same/ as that is completely unfair. NOT about there shall be no more wealthy people, that too is unfair; some do MUCH more than others/ and do deserve a reward. Rather this is about JUSTICE, the acceptance of limits, by the boundaries which control just how much more, or less; is fair. This is about governing ourselves; the ascension beyond being followers, to attain what is necessary in understanding and knowledge, for our survival as a world or nation. Whosoever makes the law/ rules the nation, because the law is its own army; when enforced. Therefore we must make the laws that rule over us all/ OURSELVES. A vote on the law itself/ rather than a vote for someone else to vote for me.
THIS IS more importantly ABOUT: REMOVING THREATS THAN CAN END OUR VERY WORLD; MUTILATE NATURE ITSELF; AND BRING HORROR INTO YOUR LIVES FOREVER. The change that is mandatory! Consequently the fundamental revolt is: that we must investigate our reality, instead of believing anything we are told. No more experts, we will decide for ourselves. We must establish as best we can our future, and design our society, lives, and economies around what truth defines as a consequence. A reality, instead of this fantasy: that will be in our own best interest as life on earth. NOT "just you or them/ ALL of us". Life for and on this planet, MUST come first. To keep us alive.
For this cause, and these reasons: these web sites have been created. This opportunity to gather as women to demand your own say, and your own descriptions of CHANGE in society; has been created. War is a man's way/ the game of money is a man's way/ the power to manipulate and control, is a man's way; each has failed entirely by the evidence of threat we do face. Therefore woman's way has been devised. Our leaders have been spoiled children, treating themselves to every form of disgrace and disrespect against us, that could be found. Failed, by their own decisions/ but also because of an endless supply of "beggars, cowards, and bribes to control too many people. As a "honest mother teaches her child"/ we will remind them: YOU have nowhere to run or hide. We the people can, punish you/ can deny you/ can force you to understand: THESE were bad choices. We are the military ourselves/ we are the police ourselves/ we are the nation, and without us nothing gets done. We do have the power, to surround you, and deny you food/ etc. We do have the power, to understand: we are the government, the owners/ you, are the employees! We do have the power to choose for ourselves, so long as we are willing to pay that price. It is not free. But we DON'T have the possibility to survive anyone of the major threats that exist today. This world has changed/ because we are now over 7,000,000,000 people roughly one per acre. One on every acre of growing land on earth/ and growing at 2 million more per week. That acre has to support every other living thing on land as well. The ocean nearly empty.
SO LET'S BE VERY SERIOUS/ the current supreme court case simplified. "Goodbye then".
This is the appeal of 2011 TR 022442 the demand that redress extends to the jury/ and threats that can exterminate us all, MUST be addressed by the constitutional law that gives us the power to demand NOT only accountability. BUT THE FACT: YOU SHALL NOT GAMBLE WITH OUR LIVES/ NATURE/ OR PLANET. Without our consent as a people. This is a constitutional guarantee/ a legal right that CANNOT be denied: because it is the law; granted by a constitution which governs this nation and state. This is our right to fight for our lives, our nature, and our planet: because WE TRULY ARE THREATENED WITH EXTINCTION. Therefore none, can truly stand in our way. The determination of we the people: because without direct attention and actions by the people of this democracy/ there is NO possibility of a "true legal outcome". YOU MUST ENFORCE DEMOCRACY/ YOU MUST DEMAND THE MEDIA ACCEPT THEIR DUTY: or it will not come. The exhibits and filings (court documents) |
filed in tax court; the demand "our leaders must obey the law. Letters to the IRS |
Appellate Remembering My Reply IL Treason ![]() IL Supreme Court 6-18-12 ![]() IL Supreme Court Second Filing Il Supreme ct 2 Establish and Define Ill SSupreme Court Refiled 7-14-12 / Exhibit 2 Exhibit 1 US District Mandate Denied |
Illinois IRS My Reply IRS 8-1-12 My Reply IL IRS My Reply 9-7-12 IL Irs runs away Illinois IRS Retruns , Tax Revolt |
Champaign Urbana Sanitary District My Reply Civil Rights My Reply to Sewer filing Charities Sent Sanitary 5 IL Attorney general | |||||
DON'T GAMBLE WITH OUR LIVES DON'T GAMBLE WITH OUR PLANET DON'T GAMBLE, OR MUTILATE; OUR NATURE DON'T RISK BRINGING THE SAME FIRE HERE AS IS ON THE SUN. DON'T LIE/ CHEAT/ OR STEAL; don't use or abuse, OUR FUTURE, OUR SECURITY, OUR WORLD; OR OUR LIVES. DON'T DESTROY: CHOOSE LIFE FIRST, for this planet, and our souls. We must work for a future. It is no longer a guarantee. That is the summation of this work and these petitions! The purpose of these two final trials, in court. They are your trials, because they do represent the constitutional guarantees given to us all. Thereby "your business/ your government; same as mine". They are not fundamentally about me/ these trials are about the constitution, our democracy, and citizen rights. Which means, "even if I die/ you may continue these trials without me". YOU DO, have my permission. But the reality is, these demands can only be implemented and established for society through the law. THEREFORE, the constitution is resurrected from the grave, it has been thrown into: AND "THE LEADERS" OF THIS SOCIETY CONFRONTED WITH : YOU MUST OBEY OUR LAWS TOO! Same for all/ everyone EQUAL by the constitution and its true law, designed as that preamble describes: regardless of employee position. "It's a job/ NOT the opportunity to rule. Democracy means: WE THE PEOPLE do rule here/ by the law we create for ourselves |
To: linebarger, goggan, blair, sampson
IL dept of revenue
233 S. Wacker dr suite 4030
Chicago IL. 60606
regarding your letter L1719514208
James F. Osterbur
dated April 2, 2013
returned April 10, 2013
I have put your letter on my web site www.trialoflife.info And am sending you, a copy of the latest supreme court filing with regard to US TAX COURT 11108-12L which does include the state of IL for NOT complying with ILLINOIS constitutional law. For denying me access to the IL supreme court, "without cause or comment" (see the site above)/ which is failure of democracy and due process. The bankruptcy of this state enters in, recognizing the extreme prejudice with which money is thrown at the universities/ and nothing REAL, is provided or left for the rest. Your absolute failure as employees of state government has presented us all with pensions that cannot be paid/ and a long list of fantasies which also cannot be paid; giving the illusion of government. A government run without substance or value in defiance of our right under both national and state guarantees of redress of grievances: WE WANT/ I DEMAND: AN ACCOUNTING OF EVERYTHING. And then a return to reality as is required to sustain a future. The continued lies that surround our lives today/ the critical THREATS THAT CAN EXTERMINATE OUR LIVES, by your cult/ the fundamental failure that is, the college graduate who has ate out the substance of our lives, by demanding extreme salaries and "benefits"/ not the least of which by example is the football stadium addition here at the Urbana U OF I ; for 126 million dollars plus maintenance/ etc. For 6 damn afternoons a year. Given to us as debt/ taken by you as a trophy, in absolute ridicule and disrespect; as is so damn much regarding university and its monopoly on government, and our lives.
Consequently I DO demand that constitutional law SHALL BE MET. The guarantees written and declared MY PERSONAL RIGHT by the constitution ESTABLISHED FOR ME. As is redress of grievances, an investigation into everything that is wrong/ a demand we will make changes as WE THE PEOPLE, see fit: BY THAT RIGHT.
Do that, and I will happily pay the tax. Otherwise: this is a legal battle over constitutional guarantees denied to me: the legal composition of that demands/ since I AM PROTECTING AND DEFENDING WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS STATE, and not you. Since I AM demanding constitutional law MUST BE KEPT as written, and not you. A reality of law that is without any assumption or credible assertion called discretion/ BUT IS THE LAW, that you refuse to keep. As lawyers, you are aware of the word betrayal. As a citizen, I have learned the words: DEMOCRACY FIRST. The end result is, IT IS ILLEGAL FOR YOU TO CHARGE ME PENALTY OR INTEREST. Because that tax was not paid for the express and true purpose: of demanding and attaining my own guaranteed rights/ which have been refused, by you in the acts of a traitor. Had you not refused the law/ or had I ANY RIGHTS to demand a trial in the beginning: IT WAS NOT, my choice to let you drag this out for 7 years/ this would not be so, we would have settled in the beginning. But this is your time frame, and not mine. This is your refusal to deal with constitutional law, and guaranteed citizen rights. This is my demand FOR CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHTS/ which you have refused. And you now owe me, not only redress/ but a fair and deliberate compensation for your theft/ your failures/ your ridicule, and this libelous statement: because by no means do I refuse to pay the tax. The time I lost in fighting for my democracy against "you the invaders". The ridicule and judicial failure and conspiracies I have endured.
I DEMAND MY GUARANTEED RIGHTS/ I DEMAND MY LITERALLY DEMOCRACY BACK/ AND I DEMAND THAT THE MONEY WHICH HAS BEEN DISCARDED IN THE TRASH BY YOU: shall return to reality, before I pay. THE ACCOUNTING RETURN TO EQUAL AND FAIR FOR ALL. Not you get everything/ and we the people who provide your very opportunity to survive as life/ get to be slaves.
You are not a ruler/ therefore you have absolutely no authority over the constitution NOT state or nation. YOU ARE an employee, required by oath and law: with penalties to be applied, for failure. You are required: TO KEEP OUR DEMOCRACY ALIVE/ TO KEEP OUR AUTHORITY AS OWNERS SAFE/ AND TO KEEP OUR SECURITIES, OUR MONEY, OUR PROPERTY, OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM AND EVERYTHING ELSE AS BEST YOU CAN. This is none of that. This is absolute FRAUD IN GOVERNMENT instead. A failure you have made, the entire state must now endure. Because you wanted, and you took MORE than we the people could realistically pay; handing us the debt for your inflation/ that we were not allowed to participate in. Or more simply the fact that you took many more numbers that could NOT in reality be paid/ GAVE TO YOURSELVES, an illegal advantage over us. "With counterfeit money to use"/ while we endured a competition against you; that was absolutely unfair.
2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500 E ST. JOSEPH IL 61873
THE LAWS OF LIFE OR DEATH, are now before you/ as the decision you will help make for this world. The trial is set, the foundation is laid for democracy and law. But the judiciary CAN throw it away/ if you refuse to act or react fast enough to prove: we the people care. You can force it back; but why?
The consequences are clear enough. The reality of failure, is truly beyond your comprehension: THEREFORE I SUGGEST YOU WORK FOR YOUR LIVES AND YOUR PLANET, with all you have to spare: communicate our need, identify a purpose, demand media attention or buy it, petition and make your voice heard: FIND a way to help make a decision FOR LIFE MUST COME FIRST. It doesn't matter/ do what you can do: No one is excused. No more time exists to play or hide: make your decision now, and prepare to live or die with the consequences. That is your choice. This is the last legal avenue in federal law left, for life or democracy: what you do with it, is your true personal choice between fighting for life on this planet/ running away, "to nowhere"/ or letting it die, because you didn't care enough. CHOOSE.
Our reality is very, very simple: we have absolutely nothing to lose/ because even our entire planet is in jeopardy of extinction. That literally means, no threat against family/ no threat against self, or a future exists: because unless we stop the insanity of experiments that will end our lives. There is NO threat, NO consequence, and NO reality that measures up against losing an entire planet or its biological life, or even the other threats that will make us extinct. There is no trust, until life first, is proven true. There simply is no future for anyone/ unless we solve these problems right now. Not those whom you love. Not those whom you hate; no future for anyone. Which means: NOTHING, not even family/ lover/ or child: is more important than stopping these threats that will exterminate our lives. They die too, if we fail. Life or death for a world is that serious. No bribe exists, NO cause exists to turn away from this world, that is literally facing extinction. The experiments to bring fire from the sun here to earth exist "everyday"/ and any day can be our last. The mutilation of all biological creatures/ thereby the release of biological weapons of mass destruction go on everyday, across this earth. And there are many more threats, equally bad, but not as immediate a threat. Whether you like it or not, your want has literally become; absolutely irrelevant. Your money, your anything is worthless as well, against any one of these threats: we simply die.
"This ain't my idea of a good time either"/ I could easily think of a thousand things I would rather be doing, just to start. Instead: this is a legal war, to decide the fate or destiny of our earth, and our biological lives, our entire future. Even if I knocked down the electrical power to this NIF/ they would just put it back, and the discussion would then be over: it has to be legal for me. The whole world is involved: which means either support the people of this USA: IF, they work for life. OR, dissolve their means for credit, resources, and every other facet of what can legally be done to them/ if they don't. To force them, to let the people of this earth decide for themselves: if these threats shall go further. Just can't be you say/ the "university knows" what its doing! Ok, then look at the sun! Ok, now you KNOW that this fire exists, and the university says, "we are going to bring that here/ it will be great". That experiment goes on everyday, to bring that fire here to this earth/ where everything is fuel. That fire using a 1000 times more than all the electricity force, than is generated in the USA at the same period of time; using 192 laser beams directed at the very same point in space; WILL bring the same fire as is on the sun here; where everything is fuel. Which means, there is no possibility to control it/ there is no possibility to extinguish it/ it will destroy us all; and "the university knows" this. So absolutely everything about this earth is completely dependent upon IF THEIR THEORY, that there is not enough gravity here on earth to sustain that fire is true or false. If true, you get more fire on an already overheated planet/ NOT because of greenhouse gases: but because of all the heat you release by fire. If not true: every living thing/ the planet/ and even this solar system are dead. Bow down deep to your damn god "university knows"/ maybe they have a special place where you and they can escape a fate worse than "Hitler". YOU PLAYED/ YOU LOST THIS ENTIRE CREATION; do you really think no punishment will come? The meaning of "666" is: a description of the very bottom of what eternal torment means/ there is only one lower level: made especially for those directly responsible: for destroying this creation/ this nature/ this planet. But as for the rest, "the forehead stamp"/ it identifies a nation, and the people most responsible; and where they go in eternity. Didn't stop it did you/ worshiped a pitiful delusion of the religiously insane: "university knows" until all life was dead/ the facts are: we will see. Its just a game, isn't that right: mutilating all of nature/ lighting the entire planet on fire; HELL, what could be more fun, "than playing god"?
The reality of the national ignition facility in a suburb of San Francisco; does identify a specific target that cannot be moved. The consequence of that in an entire world that has been targeted with death is: If the fire doesn't erupt to incinerate this entire city, in less than 6 hours first. The probability that an entirely different nation, religious, terrorist, or other group or individual; will target the installation: is high. That suggests; if you live anywhere close, "it is time to move/ or picket/ blockade, or whatever it is you do". And that is simply one threat against all life on earth, there are many more. Including the new exowatt laser being built in Europe: that will double the 500 trillion watts of power used in the national ignition facility; and put it in one single laser beam. A fire so ferocious, the instant it actually works: the same fire as is on the sun/ SHALL BE HERE. It is due to be completed roughly September of 2015. So believe it or not, should we actually survive that long/ there is no need for money or anything else beyond that date. Just how it is, in reality. And that does nothing about the biological warfare against everything nature is; our food mutilated/ our lives mutilated/ the chains required to keep life alive destroyed/ our water gone/ even the air we breathe sucked into fire/ our earth destroyed. HELL, how could the people at the cult "university knows" do any better than this; DAMN, ARE THEY SMART! Or what?
I DO NOT lead; it ain't my job. I do NOT save anyone, it is impossible/ not going to happen. I do however accept and testify: JESUS CHRIST is my savior!
Instead: I do work, if you work with me; as long as I survive/ not a guarantee.
The list of murderers will now increase, as insanity grows. You let this cancer grow, I did not. You believed in a cult, that bankrupted you, & now threatens an entire world/ I did not. You refused to work or care, prior to this day/ I did not. You let the propaganda machines make you dull and witless, by proclaiming "only the expert" has a say/ I did not. Your "idols and gods/ as is university knows"; (did they not take every job of consequence, and make every decision of importance?). They have filled this nation with thieves/ liars/ fools/ failures/ fantasy/ delusion/ idiots/ bastard's/ diseased by arrogance/ and expansive greed so extreme; the bribes kept you enslaved so long, THAT THIS is now your reality. Death at your door/ SO SAYS THE EVIDENCE. The evidence is: they stole your business/ stole your work and time and sacrifice and future: by giving themselves "MUCH MORE"/ demanding you shall pay. They control your jobs/ they took over your courts and religion and schools and future: should you now thank them? Because they took over government, and made us responsible for their debts. They took over democracy: and stole the depreciation value of my truck in open court "all eyes of government open/ and refused justice. They stole $6000.00 from me just for demanding constitutional law; and want more. They steal our property and lives with counterfeit money/ pretending inflation (you can't have it) is instead "just our debt"; ITS their lies! Spending it for their personal sewage and disgrace and disrespect to life, nation, and making us a defiled, raped, and ravaged nation before the world. "Gods of death and destruction" comes closer. A failure from beginning to end (trinkets and toys and tv are not enough); want/ not truth is what they offer, smothered in lies. From the beginning I said: LIFE MUST come first. Ridicule was their answer, and yours; they taught you, "only an expert knows". THIS, a nation filled with the disease of arrogance so extreme "they think they're gods", leaving a trail filled with threats of death behind them; THAT, is what their experts built! How is that going to keep you alive? Think for yourselves. They ain't smart/ they are thieves, even "satan". They are just more organized against you: pay/ can't pay; let the government pay so long as the diploma don't take nothing less than everything they want. Where do you think this bankruptcy came from: they demanded more/ and said let the people pay. They demanded so much, that the debt established by the federal reserve last I looked was $125 trillion dollars; that equals $1.25 million dollars per each of one hundred million people (one in three citizens); THAT is how much they took/ that you could not pay! {.pdf" filed; "1.0 equals one billion dollars)} But it ain't everything: because there are more hidden bonds/ healthcare without end; and more pensions not listed. They will steal your home for a single tiny trip to the emergency room after forty years of labor/ but we, are suppose to pamper them for the rest of their lives; for doing DAMN LITTLE. Add in, THE ENTIRE $70 TRILLION dollars in social security funding your federal employees stole, is not yet accounted for. "Clinton and company" decided "social security is the people's debt to themselves; so they balanced the budget by claiming they didn't need to account for this expenditure/ but they kept the money in the general fund. Or more simply, they stole your social security. Obama going to save you? "Hell yes, he's a great giver of bribes". But alas, just look at the bankruptcy of the automakers, and understand: ALL the "little investors" lost everything/ and all the political power lost almost nothing. That, is what he did for them/ including just plain giving the Chrysler corp to a foreign nation; "you lose, oh well/ your nothing but a slave". Too bad. Not to worry though, the federal government employees are going to save you, "this is America"/ where now people can be locked up without a trial forever, just call them a terrorist, or why bother, its so much easier just to use a drone, and explosives. Yes sir, "the land of freedom and liberty, without compare"; ain't that so/ why, other nations don't treat their citizens like that; America is special, "We are believers"/ don't need no proof. We already know it all. "The tv told us". "Its, we the people" for real/ although only a very tiny 10-12 people own every outlet for news media in this entire nation; and only they truly get to choose, what you do, or do not hear. Hell, thanks be to the US supreme court, "they're special too". And let us not forget, "the diplomas, which took over our nation, lives, and world: "The best of the class"/ don't forget to thank them as well.
You are controlled, manipulated, and tempted, to believe with toys and trinkets, "these bastard's are special". But lets be real for a bit: we have paid these scientists and universities for how long? They do whatever they want for decades and produce nothing of value, and one out of millions around the world finally has an idea: and they claim "we are special"/ just like fans at the football game. Come look at the Uof I in Urbana IL; $125 million dollars for a box over the football stadium; "so the special people can feel like emperors/ hey, you want to pea on the slaves". Used 6 afternoons a year, and charged with maintenance, to the people of IL. Didn't do anything, "but we won". Want your money back: pensions! Where is your mind/ do these bastard toys sustain your lives: the water resource is dying, the oxygen will be gone/ the ocean is nearly empty; every piece of evidence says: you won't survive. EVERYTHING WE NEED TO SURVIVE, IS UNDER ATTACK. And we cannot survive without them/ and we cannot stop their demise: unless maybe, you start right now, and do the best you can. Then maybe, just maybe we can survive if you try real hard.
To stop you from finding reality, to hide their endless failures: so they can continue to play god. They Survey you, to find what you will accept as LIES/ so you won't know, and rebel as the slaves you are. To make sure you don't question them, they create illusions. To insure no one questions their failures; they hide them/ they don't let you see the torture of life, the mutilation, the horrors of arrogance. And they prepare; "do you believe they landed a device on a moving comet"? Maybe, but the probability is higher, the software held programming to transmit back; that said it did; regardless of the truth: "who's to know". Now obviously it doesn't matter because nothing of knowledge, work, reality, understanding or thought, utilities, the making of materials, or separating of elements, or anything else of value; went into this or any other space probe or other claim of superiority/ because after all, in comparison to a human body or any other body of life; which "they know" to be nothing more than a series of accidents so bizarre "well, how could anything else explain it". Therefore NOTHING they have done is more: so why not just demand our money back? It was all an accident/ we don't need to pay for no damn accident; ain't that so? They teach you with their primary propaganda machine; tv, to accept more lies/ to believe only them, "the university knows expert"; as all cults do. And you suck it in as "zombies"/ don't need no damn mind: they tell us everything. Such as: They Claim you have no option but to pay them; because they made a law by stealing your government; that now only serves them. You say, WE HAVE GUNS! But reality says, you didn't even have a clue who your real enemies were/ and if you get out your guns, some of you will drown in the blood; as you destroy each other, and all options to survive. Search, investigate, examine, define, and honor and FIND the truth itself/ RESPECT LIFE. That is your option/ DO the work. Here is a truth to remember: "Got a billion american dollars/ where all the evidence suggests, of counterfeit money". Why should we take it? If it ain't real, then its worthless; ain't that so? Not so fast, "it will buy me any damn thing I want"! But only if people accept it as money: plain and simple.
Instead of believing in a cult; that is clearly out of its mind, with insanity and arrogance. Remember this as well: As is true of every group, no matter what group it is: IT IS UNFAIR, to paint a picture demanding "they are all the same"/ they are not. But make no mistake, it is absolutely necessary to come out of your delusion: and identify who the real enemies are. To stop the "beyond insane/ this is SATAN" from destroying literally everything on this earth; and do it now.
Is it not true, that the oil and coal reserves some of which are buried thousands of feet deep/ in clumps: PROVE A WORLD WIDE FLOOD? There is no other possible way for that to have happened. The university laughs, because they want no answer, and they accept no truth but their own. The university claims ORDER, DISCIPLINE, BALANCE, BODY, STRUCTURE, AND EVERYTHING ELSE THAT IS A MIRACLE OF LIFE IN YOU; Came just by accident. Are you an absolute ass/ they are? It takes a shit-hole, to assert this is true: "And look at you"! Where is your proof/ it ain't adaption; and you have nothing else but fantasy. Yet they use this religion to crucify LIFE/ and you let them! When did order come out of chaos in your life? Life exists; Only with thought and a decision based upon truth, not chaos. Where there is no order, there is no life. Evolution is insane/ just like bringing the same fire as is on the sun here to earth. They bet your life on it/ they bet your eternity on it. They bet an entire world on it, playing god with life and planet as if it were their own toy: nothing can be more stupid/ it cannot even be described as "less than SATAN"! Unless you join them/ what then does that make you?
The assumption of the "standard religious" is, "we get to go straight to heaven, NO problem, it will be great"/ so we will just hide and pray. The reality is: then you chose to let GOD'S CREATION DIE/ and you refused to do anything, even though you could. Give us your best guess: is reality going to judge you/ or fantasy define you, as failed life? The true demand is: WORK for life, and this entire creation to survive. HOW is that wrong? If a rhapsody does come/ does it not mean: YOU FAILED life on earth! What is your reward earned; for that? No one is excused: DO the best you can for life. This world depends upon it/ therefore what you do, or refuse to do for life; does become your own judgment as well.
The same fire as is on the sun is: judgment of the humanity on this earth by their own decision, in a lake of fire. Their own hands! There is no escape from this/ EITHER WORK TO STOP THIS, or die with the rest. Being wrong, is being dead/ as will be, everything on this earth. That is the price you must pay, for failure. Armageddon is: nature in chaos! Think about it: with your own brain. WHAT DOES, our future hold! "OH WAIT"; I forgot, you don't want to know anything you don't want to know/ OR, the media will tell us everything we need to know; "don't worry/ be happy", this is America! Ain't that right/ and if it ain't: I DON'T want to know it! After all, "we're rich". Although if you look at the federal reserve accounting statement under total gold owned: "it won't fill a semi truck"/ Fort Knox is empty; because Reagan sold it, and opened the door to counterfeiting beyond compare. The originator of "give it all away to a foreigner; just don't tell the people themselves". And the media all said: "Hell yes/ we love this guy". Didn't you?
HAPPY NOW! Oh wait, I know; just run to your religion; after all, they have just been cheerleading evolution for 70 years or so now. How could that be wrong/ you can trust them. Don't want to know this shit: LIE/ LIE/ LIE, "we don't want to pay": stop it! Not to worry, I can't do anything to stop you, as is proven by the fact these things exist: clearly proven, because I DID try. Its all up to you/ go ahead and lie; its just life on earth, and your own eternity at stake. What's another lie? HELL, you'll probably die first, and then you won't have to pay; ain't that right? Damn, eternity probably doesn't exist anyway; nothing but a damn "trillion/ billion/ quadrillion accidents all piled together in order, for no reason at all, with disciplines, food to eat, etc/ without even a brain until the end". Shit and sewage, we don't have to worry about that. Why evolution just might put you into an entirely different situation, forever/ you never know, ain't that right! What a great god, praise the university. Ain't that right/ answer the question, "damn liar".
Never forget, in this American democracy: WE THE PEOPLE OWN THE GOVERNMENT, through our constitution. Which means if we demand to change our society, it is our right, it is our authority, and it is our law to do so/ with or without representatives: because we do own our own vote. That vote, is all we need.
The preamble of the US constitution is our agreement as a people; it is the reality of a critical decision made by the people who fought/ died/ were mutilated/ or lost way too much in some other way: FOR A BETTER TOMORROW. The most critical demand of democracy is: WE ARE EQUAL! THIS, "ain't it"/ which means change MUST come.
Stated, our constitutional rights, and DUTIES as a democracy are: We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. This is the agreement, this is the reason people paid the price of this nation. Everything else is merely a demand: if you our employees fail to keep your oath, and provide these laws that direct and control your authority over us. OUR RIGHT as owners of this nation is: TO THROW YOU IN PRISON. Or as we see fit.
First amendment redress of grievances: the right to legally hold our employees accountable to we the people: ARE, the most powerful words ever written. They demand, and declare: THE POWER OF THIS NATION, SHALL REST WITH ITS PEOPLE!
NOW, are YOU: GOING TO WORK FOR LIFE ON THIS PLANET, the sacred truth of living bodies that we CANNOT genetically repair; no matter what the liars say. OR NOT? IT IS A CHOICE, and you are going to make it/ eternity will remember. A long list of writings to help you understand your world, has been done. Find your soul.
The elemental summary of all sites I provide: therefore on the top of each one; for continuity; so you may know. Establishes one simple thing. That I have done the best I could, for "we the people of this earth/ and this nation". Court trials that prove it is so. Not that you need to believe that/ it is simply true. Not perfect by any means; but adequate to describe a state of reality that can exterminate our lives: DOES EXIST. You are now dependent upon yourselves. To trust what has brought us all these threats, is unworthy of life.
The question presented is NOT: whether I am wrong or right/ that is fundamentally unnecessary. The question is: IN EXPERIMENTS, that literally endanger our very existence as a planet/ as the nature we require to survive and be happy/ as the reality of a decision that can take away our future, and destroy life on this planet: SHOULD WE NOT HAVE OUR OWN SAY? Your leaders and your courts say NO! Should we NOT legally be informed as to the risk of being wrong? Your media says NO. Should we NOT have a vote on the reality of an experiment that will turn this planet into a sun: when their theory is proven wrong. Your time to find out, to insist on that vote; will end.
They can create this fire, and they are mutilating all of NATURE ITSELF, which is the "factory and instructions and utilities etc/ that build the bodies of life" called DNA. Not a game, if that fire does not put itself out: then it grows, and consumes the earth; it burns atomic bonds: which means EVERYTHING is fuel for the fire. It will eject our entire atmosphere in roughly 40 days. They DO bet our lives on what is literally a one time experiment/ NO going back! Which means we live or die/ based upon their theory! That along with mutilating every living creature on the planet by altering genetics: what builds us/ can easily destroy us instead. Is the reason for this work, and a lifetime commitment to ending the threats we cannot survive. Not even as a planet.
How is that, not your concern/ its your life; or your death. Because a tiny few said: "Let us bring the fire on the sun here/ while others said, lets play god". And still others said: "lets play with the single most destructive event in the history of this universe". Not a game/ by stealing your money, and controlling your government: they have built machines to exterminate us all. Can't believe it is true: consider the next big thing an exowatt laser: stated to be 1million times more, than 10 billion 100 watt light bulbs of heat, packed into a single laser beam. A fire so ferocious; It will ignite the same fire as is on the sun/ here upon this earth. IF the national ignition facility does not succeed first. The need to confront and establish full documentation, that will allow you, "the defenses necessary" to establish "university expertise is not perfect". Is on these sites, but they are extensive: download them/ so they cannot be taken away. Support them, when that is necessary. If not before, the exowatt laser does represent the single most likely event to destroy this world immediately: expected roughly 9/1/2015. Although the others, are equally dangerous. Time does run out/ this world dies only once. Are you willing to be WRONG? There is no going back, these are life or death for a world, each and every one that constitutes a real and true threat. US SUPREME COURT TRIAL
Illinois legal tax revolt, changes location, for all new filings: to www.justtalking2.info added in, are the legal descriptions called redress of grievances, and fundamental description of society and its rights.
Currently that filing, becomes a letter to the policing agencies.
On this site www.trialforlife.info The latest filing is, "opening statement in preparation for trial".
A supporting site for www.justtalking3.info
REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES ARE: "The single most powerful words ever written, by including in our own constitutional agreement as a nation that this: is who we shall be. They are THE LAW! Enforcing this shall be true, through redress of grievances, BY THAT LAW IS: Power to the people established.
Redress is, the fundamental demand for accountability from our employees hired under the rules for governing, which are included in the constitution itself. A grievance is fundamentally decided in court/ by a jury, which must then decide if they will or will not "call out to the nation or state"/ that we the people being informed: must, or we will investigate, examine, and decide for ourselves; IF our employees did or did not obey the laws we placed before them. Did or did not protect/ defend/ and obey our constitutional agreement, "that this, is who we shall be". Within that fundamental ownership of a nation: is the cause and consequence of a legal revolt. When it is proven true, that our employees have failed us all. The end result of that is: WE MUST/ AND WE SHALL rule ourselves by taking over the law, and writing for ourselves, the simple truths that govern all our lives. Instead of hiring those, who then vote for me; for the few laws we actually need, as a society or individual. I will vote, on the law that governs our nation, and our lives: FOR MYSELF. As is true democracy itself, that is the essence and the reality of democracy enforced. That is, our right as owners to rule ourselves, and govern our employees.
I am weary of waiting for failures and fools to comprehend the simple truth; without respect for this people/ for their needs, their democracy, and their reality as workers being equal to all others. The acceptance: None are superior; it is merely a different job, etc. The foundation for civil war exists/ because all trust has or is ending. We are approaching true crisis, for an entire planet from their ways (those who lead), decisions, and demands.
A legal tax revolt consists of one single known reality: that we the people hired our employees for the purpose of governing, by giving to them the single set of instructions called the constitution of our state, and nation. We made them swear, that they would uphold, honor, respect, protect, and obey our society/ our freedoms/ and our lives. Instead they have stolen/ lied/ cheated/ and dissolved democracy so they could rule.
Therefore a legal tax revolt recognizes, UNLESS we are given by constitutional guarantee: what you swore you would do, as is constitutional law, which means, "sworn to ourselves", as well to enforce this. THERE IS NO OBLIGATION to pay your tax. Because you broke our agreement with ourselves, with you, and with the future; that we did build and intended to be maintained, by hiring you. That is fundamental treason. You worked against our state and nation/ you destroyed the financial foundations upon which we depend with your greed, lies, thievery, and cheating. And you refuse to protect anyone from anything; as is clearly proven true, by understanding we are the most incarcerated people in all the civilized world. BY RECOGNIZING: There are threats of extinction that we cannot survive; have been refused by the courts and leaders and police. There are distinct betrayals among all media outlets against this people. PROVEN TRUE: WHEN WE ARE NOT, even allowed to know as a people; "They are betting our entire world, our entire planet, and every life living on it"; on a damn theory that makes no sense, to anyone with a brain of their own. And each "set of leaders" have all said: NO, THE PEOPLE CANNOT BE INFORMED/ NO, THE RIGHTS GUARANTEED BY OUR CONSTITUTION SHALL NOT BE OBEYED. That is traitorous/ that is criminal/ and that is terrorism combined.
We add to that, the clear and certain betrayal that is the repossession of property for tax purposes. Wherein the courts become owners, and the auction of that property is sold for pennies; that never allow the public to bid/ and does not seek an equitable solution. SO, "The lawyers/ leaders/ or police; CAN AND DO, STEAL it first". Another outright theft, using our democracy as organized crime; by making rules to steal by.
It is betrayal to take property and then sell that stolen property to yourselves, or others. It is OUTRIGHT THIEVERY, "to open the door, demanding one thousand dollars/ and then taking ten thousand or more; just because you can". That is using "we the people" as a thug; as a brutal and deliberate attack to obtain the power of money, and destroy democracy itself. That is treason, because it is being used to tear the nation apart.
It is not betrayal to insist on being paid, when the proper and real work is done: but the reality of bankruptcy in IL, and this nation: is beyond question. The failure of schools, and nearly everything else; cannot be disguised. Which means NO REAL OR PROPER WORK has been done. Another, in a long line of the many; delusions called university "expertise knows": proven false. ALL THEY HAVE PROVEN IS, "they are more effective thieves, liars, and cheats" than the rest. If no real justification exists to claim a payment/ then it is extortion; or more simply, just because you can, by force. By using OUR government as your weapon. That is an invasion from an enemy force.
Therefore by UNDERSTANDING, the truth of democracy: WE ARE THE OWNERS HERE. The foundation for an accounting, from our employees; is absolute and real and must be exercised within the legal format: Someone is going to be punished for this. Our right to insist is called the first amendment redress of grievances/ enhanced and established for IL by its own fifth constitutional amendment. OUR LEGAL STANCE PROVIDED BY CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, IS BEYOND QUESTION; as is our jurisdiction as owners over our democracy and those we do employ.
THEREFORE: We must take responsibility for ourselves/ our employees have failed. But make no mistake, allowing this to happen CANNOT have occurred without a significant amount of people enforcing it as well. This, our state and our nation have become: a land that bribes, experts, and propaganda have destroyed. It is not the same, anymore! This is bankruptcy dissolving into "master and slave"/ because constitutional law does not rule here. This is civil war coming, because the FOOLS (you knew better/ but did it anyway), now lead the insane asylum: you let them do it.
Fundamental, or primary to our bankruptcy as a state is the schools, and those who rule over it. The public employee union HAS PROVEN ITSELF CRIMINAL. They have stolen our money, and given it to themselves. The reality of that is: immediately after unionization; teachers etc began the attack that continues in this day. Demanding more money than the school districts could pay (just don't have it)/ but the teachers say, "we are special/ we deserve more"; and they held the children as hostage. Making the parents who worked; in trouble (who will watch over my child), easily extorting more, by then demanding. "If you cannot pay us now/ then pay us in the future, with pensions, benefits, early retirement, and anything else we desire": all free for us/ slavery for you. Those who tried to say no, were overridden/ so they went to their state and said "we cannot". So the state officials said: do it anyway, we will make the whole state pay, by passing laws. So now as a state; we are bankrupt/ because we cannot pay TO ANYONE, beyond what is fair and justified for all. So now the education; as the sign says, more than one in every four students: finds NOTHING for themselves in a school. The teachers FAIL the majority, and the money is, as always "just for the few". These are contracts forced upon the people of IL/ by unions with power over us: a true monopoly. Because the university degree controls the school district by not allowing any other teacher than what they provide. They then give back that control to those who want a public job, by voting for those who vote for me; to steal the money/ because they want more: TO HELL with the rest, everything for us, is their constant creed. That IS NOT JUSTICE, IS NOT DEMOCRACY, IS NOT FAIR ; NOR is it LEGAL by contractual law. The opposing side had no real option to remove you/ no real option to negotiate: no option at all, to demand the children shall not be "used, and abused". A contract denied legal, EQUAL standing.
MONEY IS NOT A NUMBER, it is our time, our ability, our sacrifice, our resources, our family, and our lives; numbers are nothing more than a game. LIFE FIRST reflects what is, or is not fair! Money first; is a trophy, and that means a game: NOT FOR LIFE FIRST, it is, a demand to win or lose. A competition or legal battle; to justify NOT being fair.
It is absolutely unfair, to steal our money/ and enslave these children, who now believe without a diploma your lives will be bad: pay the student loan. Just to worship the universities greed: millions paid, for a damn coach for 6 games a year/ millions more to replace them if they don't win/ "a trophy box" on the piss-ass football stadium for $129 million dollars plus costs for 6 games a year. HELL JUST LET THE TAXPAYER pay.
It is, the absolute failure of student loans, without ANY association assigned by performance from the universities; or the job they promise, "you will win, with our diploma". Debt for life; let them be slaves, for many/ debt for a nation; let the taxpayer pay what we want; we are special. Because their greed is beyond everything fair/ their reality a proven network of failure, disease (you are killing us), and threats of extinction.
And all the university graduates in government employ say: "HELL YES"/ let the people be our slaves. Because every time you spend more money (promises you cannot keep, by work or resource or ability) than what exists in reality: somebody WILL lose. When one group gets millions, and another gets pennies: true damage is done to society itself. The university diploma has promised themselves "at least a million dollars more, than the inferior ones". Is that not so? Since work is about what humans do for humans/ or take from nature. That means after a lifetime of work: not only did the university graduate demand, slaves throughout their employment. Adding with state pensions, they now don't even have to show up and pretend anymore. Proving; all the people, who could not afford to give more "yesterday"; are forced to recognize, their work meant nothing, to their future. They have no rights/ have no reality of justice in court/ have no democracy left, to protect or defend them/ and they have nothing but guns. Those who believe themselves rulers add: "And we want them too".
It is time to resurrect this state. It is time to govern ourselves by the laws we create for that purpose. Making it simple and sure, that no damn lawyer gets between our rights and our laws. By deciding what laws will rule over us all, ourselves: WE OWN THE FUTURE. By demanding: we will be your slaves no more, and restructuring both money and work. Ending pensions forever/ banning public unions forever by constitutional law. Stopping every act of violence against us; whether in a court of fools, or the cancer of a university diploma that absolutely does not care about life or "we the people".
By, Keeping the LAW, simple and direct so all can understand/ therefore WE THE PEOPLE CAN ENFORCE that law, because we know what is real, and what is owed; for ourselves. One citizen equals one vote: for the law itself. NOT a vote for someone to vote for me/ a vote for myself, on the law that will govern our lives; and my life as well. How is that not true democracy! It is a CHOICE. Redress is proven by: WE ARE OWNERS HERE. Do you own this state and nation OR do you not?
A letter to the senators/ representatives of this state and nation; and in particular, to those who represent me.
James Frank Osterbur
2191 county road 2500 E.
St. Joseph, IL 61873
email: jim@justtalking3.info
dated 1/25/ 13
all permissions are granted, regarding privacy and any issue as has been previously discussed or identified in a court of law. Any definition, that serves democracy, and establishes truth through justice; IS GRANTED.
ERADICATING THE DISEASE of failure in society, REQUIRES the understanding and reality; We are this way, "because".
Enclosed is a description of corruption/ collusion/ conspiracy/ and traitorous conduct against this USA, and against the people of this state of Illinois. More importantly, it contains the legal document "writ and cease and desist demand" from a trial 11108-12L in US tax court. That identifies a list of extreme threats that can exterminate our lives, or create such chaos that life simply dies, because it has no choices left. And a leadership that fails.
Bring this trial to public view: bring redress of grievances to the people of this UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and this state of IL. Read more.
Foundations in democracy, create the fundamentals that become our economy.
This is done by understanding the basic rights of every human being, CANNOT be trod upon; simply because a few want more. Want means: I DON'T care, about you/ I want, what I want; and when that choice means, "me or you": IT IS CLEARLY, to hell with you.
The second participant is greed: or more simply, "I want yours too". Mine is not enough for me/ give me yours, or I will take it. Men have covered over this simple phrasing of what they do with money: or let the money "do its evil"/ therefore you can't blame me. However money of course means nothing more than men allow it to mean or do; which applies the simple truth, it is the men/ not the money, that defines evil.
The third participant in "a man's world" is pride: or more simply, "I am WINNER here"/ and that means YOU are the loser!
With these three things: want/ greed/ and pride, the world dies. To accomplish these three simple things; both men and women add in, temptations, power, control, manipulation, threats, lies, fears, denial, violence, hate, and destruction.
The foundation upon which democracy is laid is VERY SIMPLE: "WE THE PEOPLE, SHALL RULE OURSELVES BY LAW, WHICH WE CREATE". Read more.
The fundamental discussion of gravity/ solar gravity/ and how it works, should be read; because it discusses a base level of understanding, in terms of fusion: “that aspect of gambling” with all life on earth. WE ALL UNDERSTAND/ NO EXCUSES, “its fire”!
Download this site; so it cannot be taken away.
The elemental resistance, “I don’t want too/ there are consequences”. Meets truth: fail to act, and this world “You too”: will soon die.
NONETHELESS: I have shown you how, to discard their rules with constitutional law. I have shown you, the methods and the ways of fighting in court: to declare democracy rules here. I have proven their conspiracy, collusion, and corruption against you; in the courtroom/ both state and federal, through numerous trials. I have established a list of the most severe threats that cannot be simply denied: they are real, and YOU DO understand that. You do, have the tools, the information, the need, the knowledge, the extreme threat of extinction which provides a purpose like no other, and every foundation required to establish REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES: WE THE PEOPLE will rule here. Has been defined for you, so that you can control your own nation, and even the world through the laws you create for yourselves. So that you may choose for yourselves/ rather than to vote, for someone to vote for me. This is about one vote per citizen, ourselves; on the laws we create ourselves. So that you understand, the only fear worth having; is extinction itself/ you CANNOT hide or run away. This is about the entire planet, and every living thing; there is NO place to run/ no means to escape. We ALL, live or die together. Not a game.
You DO understand the basis and realities involved with “unionizing”/ it is not unknown. You KNOW the cost/ and you have seen the reward; and the reality of its then failure, by greed. To union is: to say to those who claim a power that you cannot contest: WE THE PEOPLE, do have rights. We are the reality of work that makes that power; thereby owning its truth! The essence of humanity in society shared is: together we build our future. The essence of power over society is: the few intend to enslave and control, even our minds. The reality of university is, as proven in America over the decades is: a diploma demands MORE; when the people could not give more/ they stole government, & counterfeited money. When that was no longer enough, they enslaved the children and claim “they owe”/ because we WANT more. When that was no longer enough, they sold your business, they are selling your nation, and they stole your securities/ your future so they could “play god” over our lives. Money is the exchange of time and ability between people/ by using resources. Your time and your ability is NOT so great, that the multitudes must be slave. LIMITED CAPITALISM is required. And what do they do with that money, power, and control? They threaten us with fusion a firethat burns atomic bonds; which means everything here on earth is fuel: “THINK about that, for one second, and understand what it means when their theory is proven wrong”. Know the consequence of ignition cannot be changed/ NO second chances; once and only once, can this be ignited. They mutilate all life. They create pandemic disease by crossing species boundaries, and deliberately trying to create “new creatures” in a soup of genetic materials. They discard the future as if it was excrement: because they WANT MORE for themselves/ “they pretend they can be god”. Such extreme greed and gluttony, even the entire history of this human world, has never before seen. These are “your priests”/ of the religion called “university knows”. Their failures and fantasy is your death.
YOU DO comprehend the essence of freedom which is democracy itself (we rule ourselves by law/ that applies the same to all). YOU DO understand what a fire that can consume this entire earth means/ what mutilation and birth defects; pandemic’s and disease, created entirely by humans. YOU DO understand what it means to run out of food, water, oxygen, a dead ocean, and the rest. YOU DO NOT understand why the people in power absolutely refuse to let you have a say in THEIR gambling with this entire world: they fear, you won’t let them play god. They fear, once you no longer worship “university knows, religion”/ that they will lose their power over you; and cannot then pretend to be gods anymore. Read more.
A final response to: Urbana and Champaign Sanitary district
from: James F. Osterbur
dated: 12/15/ 12
A PERSONAL NOTE; not tied to any business or other/ simply from me. A reality governed by the simple truth, all opportunities to stop the destruction MUST be given their chance. THE EVIDENCE says, we WILL soon be extinct. Even so, none can make you change/ you must save yourselves. This ends my involvement, in that reality, by its truth; without true and distinct change in you.
A final response to: Urbana and Champaign Sanitary district
from: James F. Osterbur
dated: 12/15/ 12
A PERSONAL NOTE; not tied to any business or other/ simply from me. A reality governed by the simple truth, all opportunities to stop the destruction MUST be given their chance. THE EVIDENCE says, we WILL soon be extinct. Even so, none can make you change/ you must save yourselves. This ends my involvement, in that reality, by its truth; without true and distinct change in you.
With clarity, certainty, and the fundamental demand for justice to be served, the rights and realities of basic contractual legal securities demanded: as is due process: DENIED. “The contractual basis” for why the business in question that presented here; is responsible for the usage of someone else’s water: DENIED. The foundation of every legal contract and billing arrangement established under the auspicious intent called law. Is DENIED. The element of FAIR PLAY (treated as equals), as is necessary for peace and harmony in society; DENIED. The critical relationship, that is JUSTICE itself (I have a right) in society/ to understand and know what it is that you are doing; as employees of government under the law WE the people have established for ourselves: IS DENIED. The demand for democracy, the elemental creation of how we the people rule ourselves by the laws we create: DENIED. The rights and responsibilities of society itself, the governance of who we are, by the things we do to each other: SO CORRUPTED and conceived by deceit, disgrace, and disrespect: that even though the business in question relented, and said to me “pay it anyway”/ EACH AND EVERY purpose of those in charge seeks only to THREATEN. To enforce: FEAR US/ WE, will make your life “hell”. The only thing asked of them: remove my name from the billing, it does not belong/ denied.
Justice does not give to you, or to me, or to anyone else the assumption that you “can do anything you want to do”. That is the despotic declaration of governments under the authority of those who call themselves rulers. You are not rulers, you are employees of this nation, and this state called WE THE PEOPLE. Read more.
The elemental battle for redress of grievances, HAS NOW BEEN WON. Literally, that means "power to the people". US TAX CASE 11108-12L will go forward, because this corruption in government case , cannot be denied. The court took jurisdiction over the tax year 2011, when it made its decision "separate". A reality established because they wanted to steal more from me. But a consequence that is now: they prove themselves truly corrupt if they do not do as the law provides. This corruption case, does not allow for "hiding in the shadows"/ THEY ARE involved, which means either "traitor, or the law will rule". To refuse to continue the case 11108-12L; as they have been doing/ would identify and prove: corruption, conspiracy, and collusion to deny constitutional law/ thereby democracy itself. That is treason.
That fact, will now push forward the IL supreme court case, demanding redress of grievances in the state of IL/ you will obey the law. That fact means: you must now watch the site and donate to cover the costs of data transmission, IF IN FACT that becomes excessive, as in over what I have purchased for you. No more than data costs are needed or welcomed; as money is NOT the purpose of this site.
New as of 11-26-12
It is the definition of this site, to acknowledge the reality of failure as has taken over our governments both state of IL and nation; and give substance to the claim: "Traitors". They use us, and abuse us, and treat us as slaves/ that is, the consequence of all the debt they created, means; soon it will be true. This federal reserve accounting statement is written in billions; line 19 our debts, equal $124 trillion dollars as a nation/ not just the federal government. There is a difference. Redress of grievances a first amendment law is: our method of legally and literally "fixing this problem as best we can". Democracy rising, is a reality of understanding that seeks the law, as we the people; to regain our nation and our world. However; Our employees, fight for arrogance, failure, and fantasy: NOT life. They refuse redress, and as a consequence: They fight against our democracy/ they discard our laws/ they refuse their oaths and the constitution; and they seek to destroy our very lives with experimentation that will do exactly that: when it fails. Bringing the same fire here as is on the sun, {If the energy change is larger than the activation energy (the energy required to make the reaction go), then the fusion reaction can be self-sustaining, with the output from one fusion event fueling the next. OR, the experiment at NIF to bring the same fire here as is on the sun, is expected to be "self sustaining"/ OR the planet gets consumed just like the sun, from one single ignition point. The excess above and beyond the activation energy can show up as heat, light or other radiation. Therefore, the fusion reactions in stars are governed by the mass defects of the elements..... Note that the initial "burning" stage, in which hydrogen is fused into helium, }is only one such experiment: if the fire, does not go out as planned on its own/ then we become a sun; every living thing burned, even the planet/ even you. All life on earth dependent upon the simple theory: "not enough gravity here to sustain that fire". THAT, is how much this planet and all its life is worth, to these people and their cult. How much more evil can you get/ than to gamble life or death, for an entire world, based entirely upon your theory?
These court cases I have provided as proof of substance, purpose, and determination: there is evidence! Establish, nothing matters to your employees other than the arrogance to gamble with all our lives and planet/ to refuse all responsibilities/ and disrespect us entirely as a democracy: because they simply don't want "WE THE PEOPLE" TO INTERFERE in their experiments. After all, we might say NO. Then they become, "Just like us"/ instead of rulers over us. They refuse the law/ refuse the constitution/ stonewall (refuse to continue court cases; even though it is the law)/ censor and control the web sites which report their failures, particularly mine. And in general DO, all the things "Americans' believe doesn't happen here". That is your failure/ a reality of your greed and belief, in the religion that is "university knows all". Apart from trinkets and toys; what have they truly given you but weapons of mass destruction? Answer! If you say its medicine/ then consider this fact: 7 billion people is a human being on every single acre of "growing green land" (places that grow plants). That is a severe threat. Without responsibility for a decision (such as is population controls), chaos and destruction can follow. Since the university diploma became in control over all government, business, education, jobs, and everything else: WHAT HAS happened to this nation. "Investigate, are you not bankrupt/ your education for the young is foolish, blind, stupid, and totally inadequate for all but a tiny few/ your banking is a fraud/ your jobs have left/ your world is collapsing/ your resources are being destroyed/ your food supply is near collapse/ your water supply is being destroyed on purpose/ even your oxygen supply is running out; and there is much more. GO PROVE the evidence is wrong/ because your leaders refuse; and that leaves you with a simple choice: GO TO HELL, or change the future yourselves. The university diploma is mutilating all life/ creating the basis and foundation for endless pandemic catastrophes (that is what happens when you mix species, as they continually do). Or perhaps you enjoy the ridicule of bodies deformed with tits that belong to cows/ or a face that came from a fish/ or skin that crumbles to your touch; or all that the crucifixion of what builds our bodies can or will mean: DEATH to ALL life itself. Can't happen? After all, they just throw everything into genetic DNA: what could go wrong? You tell me, when brain dead people are in charge. Added: They prepare and extreme laser, guaranteed to bring fusion to this planet; a reality of fire, that burns atomic bonds (much like a chemical fire burns molecular bonds). Or more simply; on a planet that is then nothing but fuel for the fire to burn: webecome just like the sun. How is that not your concern. How is that NOT your choice, as we the people: to be informed, and to make your own decision if this shall go on. Your university says: not enough gravity here to make fusion self sustaining/ BUT THEY DON'T even know what gravity is, and they merely guess at what the sun is made of, or how it works; strictly theories, without substance.
Your courts, and your leaders, and your media ALL REFUSE YOU/ because they want to play god with your lives. They want you ignorant and afraid: so they can do anything they please. They want to be "god's"/ and to prove it, they play with things you cannot. They play with things, that have the power to destroy us all, thereby saying to themselves, "we are gods". Have they not already stolen your lives, by devaluing your money; it is counterfeit, whether you know it or not. Search and understand what you are not told in this day: IS LIFE OR DEATH FOR THIS PLANET. Which means you too/ and there ain't no place to hide, or run away. Either we stop them. Either you learn what the true threats are, and make the necessary changes: or we die. It is that simple. So says the evidence. MAKE YOUR DECISION, and communicate our need to understand: TODAY. There are no second chances/ no going back; either we make a true decision for life in these next few days, weeks, or months; or life ends. It is that serious/ prove the evidence is wrong; or work for life must come first.
To that end, you may find this flyer useful, simply print it
Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
in the matter of Champaign county court 11TR22442
coming out of the fourth district appellate court/ Springfield IL.
This trial
Osterbur, James Frank V. City of Gifford/ State of IL
denied 8/ 14/ 12; By rule 326
www.trialoflife.info www.justtalking3.info
DATED: 9/ 20/12
The petition at the IL supreme court
CLASS ACTION STATUS: IS A REQUIREMENT OF "WE THE PEOPLE" IT IS, a foundation demand of democracy itself.
IN ANY LEGAL MATTER, THAT INVOLVES US ALL, as is LIFE AND DEMOCRACY ITSELF: particularly when a constitutional guarantee is denied, and treated with contempt.
When justice and fair play are ordered "removed from this trial".
or, more simply these legal rights guaranteed by the constitution and sworn by judiciary: "we will obey". To WE THE PEOPLE, as our law! AS IS constitutional law.
Is NOT discretionary/ nor is it controlled by a rule of the court!
This IL SUPREME court is hereby petitioned to identify and substantiate the constitution of IL and this nation. RETURNING THIS CASE TO ITS RIGHTFUL LEGAL STATUS: as class action for we the people. The failure of this appellate court/ and its denial of democracy: its sworn oath refused; evidence enough.
Where the foundation of this case looks directly at the corruption of the judiciary/ not only in the current case, but as a conglomerate of cases that extend OUR NEED as a people to bring the judiciary itself to trial: because we are denied redress of grievances/ a first amendment guarantee of the US CONSTITUTION. And a fifth amendment guarantee of this state called ILLINOIS. Not only denied to me/ but ridiculed, and removed from the courtroom with a claim (contempt, even to say the word redress; in front of this jury) by the judge in trial 11TR22442 Champaign county court.
Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
in the matter of Champaign county court 11TR22442
coming out of the fourth district appellate court/ Springfield IL.
This trial
Case 4-12-0429
Osterbur, James Frank V. City of Gifford/ State of IL
This petition at the IL supreme court; includes:
CLASS ACTION STATUS: IS A REQUIREMENT OF "WE THE PEOPLE" IT IS, a foundation demand of democracy itself.
IN ANY LEGAL MATTER, THAT INVOLVES US ALL, particularly when a constitutional guarantee is denied, and treated with contempt: is OUR business! "NO, providing for the common defense", here, unless the court does its duty.
When justice and fair play are ordered "removed from this trial".
or, more simply these legal rights guaranteed by the constitution and sworn by judiciary: "we will obey". To WE THE PEOPLE, as our law!
Is NOT discretionary! Nor can it be replaced by a rule of the court. The court fails: "and secure the blessings of freedom and liberty to ourselves
and our posterity".
This IL SUPREME court is hereby petitioned to identify and substantiate the failure of this appellate court/ and its denial of democracy. RETURNING THIS CASE TO ITS RIGHTFUL LEGAL STATUS: as class action for JUSTICE AND DEMOCRACY; identified, as we the people. "in order to provide for the health,
safety and welfare of the people; maintain a representative
and orderly government;"
Where the foundation of this case looks directly at the corruption of the judiciary/ not only in the current case, but as a conglomerate of cases that extend OUR NEED as a people to bring the judiciary itself to trial: an oath comes to declare; there is no choice. Because we are denied redress of grievances/ a first amendment guarantee of the US CONSTITUTION. And a fifth amendment guarantee of this state called ILLINOIS; the evidence is clear. Not only denied to me/ but ridiculed, and removed from the courtroom with a claim (contempt, even to say the word redress; in front of this jury) by the judge in trial 11TR22442 Champaign county court.
"assure legal, social and economic justice";
RE: this portion of THE APPEAL for JUSTICE/ THE REALITY OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW/ the demand for fair play in a courtroom of law, where: constitutional precepts are employed/ federal laws are exhibited/ the critical need for US first amendment rights DENIED is absolute and proven, by US SUPREME court cases 08-1339 & 11-100 ; & IL fifth amendment redress of grievances denied repeatedly in court cases. The foundations presented in that evidence; that demand for democracy in action FAILED by the court. DOES establish the clear need for an investigation into conspiracy, against we the people; within the courtrooms both state and nation. Further this initiating jury tainted:
All men are by nature free and independent and have
certain inherent and inalienable rights among which are life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights
and the protection of property, governments are instituted
among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
by the judge to believe contrary to its legal purpose which is to choose what is "the society we demand"; to control the judge and the law by establishing democracy rules here. They are lead to believe this jury could only choose if a rule was broken, or not. That rule, WAS OBEYED, WITHIN 95% compliance OF THE RULE, by me. Is justified by the fine applied/ the judges threat of an additional $1,000.00. And his demand: you shall not even mention the word redress (a foundation law of both state and national constitutions, OR I will hold you in contempt.
That case is denied today, by supreme court rule 326 "dismisses the appeal for failure to comply with this court's rule." "social and economic justice; "
Even though I had delivered the transcript of the case, as given to me by the court's stenographer, in pdf, on a disk clearly marked and established in the filings. After paying $450.00 or thereabouts for that transcript/ the circuit court wanted an additional $180.00 "to push a button" and deliver the record on the internet. Even though I had already paid for this transcript.
I declared that the IL constitution must rule:
Every person shall find a certain remedy in the laws for
all injuries and wrongs which he receives to his person,
privacy, property or reputation. He shall obtain justice by
law, freely, completely, and promptly.
They refuse.
I declare today, that the constitution must rule to you: demanding,
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property
without due process of law nor be denied the equal protection
of the laws.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
And I command, that the purposes of our contract in democracy as we the people of this state and nation SHALL in fact be carried out as intended by this people "eliminate poverty and inequality;" protect our lives (in order to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the people;).
Constitution of the State of Illinois
Adopted at special election on December 15, 1970
"the contract agreed to by the people of ILLINOIS"/ the oath sworn to uphold.
We, the People of the State of Illinois ‑ grateful to
Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberty
which He has permitted us to enjoy and seeking His blessing
upon our endeavors ‑ in order to provide for the health,
safety and welfare of the people; maintain a representative
and orderly government; eliminate poverty and inequality;
assure legal, social and economic justice; provide
opportunity for the fullest development of the individual;
insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense;
and secure the blessings of freedom and liberty to ourselves
and our posterity ‑ do ordain and establish this Constitution
for the State of Illinois.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
This appellate court has denied constitutional law, established, and declared for me; " He shall obtain justice by
law, freely, completely, and promptly." section 12.
The appellate court has denied constitutional law as established and declared for me "SECTION 2. DUE PROCESS AND EQUAL PROTECTION
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property
without due process of law nor be denied the equal protection
of the laws.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
They state by dismissal: rule 326 is greater than due process/ is greater than the IL constitution or this democracy. It is not/ that is criminal contempt for our democracy, for our lives; a coverup to declare the judiciary "are immune: from BAD behavior". It is NOT so/ that too is a lie, NOTHING in this constitution allows for judicial rebellion, RATHER the oath is very clear either protect our constitution, our state and nation: OR THERE SHALL BE PUNISHMENT.
This appellate court has denied constitutional law, established, and declared for me; "certain inherent and inalienable rights among which are life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness." My right to constitutional guarantees is threatened/ has been stripped from me, by a supreme court rule demanding money or no justice: that is extortion. Penal code 223.4 SEE 148A 2d 848, 850. As proven true, by this denial/ pay them, an extreme cost "for electronically delivering the transcript" or due process will fail.
"To secure these rights and the protection of property, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
It is without doubt, that the "governed/ we the people" DID NOT allow or consent to: " that justice and fair play/ the constitutional intent for our well-being" should be destroyed by a supreme court rule, demanding money. That is then extortion. BUT, Because it is more serious than theft, it is our democracy, our protection under law. The fact, this is our home, this is our property, this is our lives, our future, and the children: destroyed by a rule of the court which was never intended for justice/ but exists only for the purpose of obtaining money. That is a traitorous alteration to section 12 IL constitution.
That is fundamentally done without the consent of the constitution itself. Which means your oath is broken/ the people themselves and their constitution denied. Which means you have destroyed the law in so doing, with your rule.
Clearly intending: to Become rulers thereby, instead of employees with a job to do. That is rebellion, against this people. The act of a traitor against a free people.
The appellate court seeks to hide judicial conspiracy within the courtroom; to deny constitutional redress of grievances both state and nation as presented by the evidence; and through the evidence of nearly every court case presented by James F. Osterbur. It is now fact, that a conspiracy exists. That is traitorous, both in its outcome, and this coverup. Because it contends that our democracy, OUR FREEDOM AND RIGHTS, are inferior to your superiority over the law. That is not, the substantive acceptance of your sworn oath. There is no merit in destroying constitutional law, with a rule. You have no right to do that. This is participating in extortion/ destroying due process just to make money/ and refusing constitutional authority over you. These things exist as anarchy against we the people, established and defined, by failure of THE CONSTITUTION RULES. That is a criminal act, and if proven supported by the judicial organization that exists/ then it is a criminal conspiracy against our state or nation.
In addition to this under the designs and guarantees of IL constitutional law/ the foundation of law that is the US constitution amendment 4; "The right to be secure....against unreasonable searches and seizures...." And section 1 of the Il constitution; "... To secure these rights
and the protection of property, governments are instituted
among men," Not only is our democracy attacked/ our people bankrupted by the employees hired to govern us: such things as the football stadium box, at a cost of 121 million dollars; in Urbana IL; proven as an extreme arrogance and a complete disregard for; this: we the people.
In US tax court case 11108-12L amendment 7 the demand for a jury trial by me the petitioner is returned as "improper" in the court. Even though it is constitutional law.
That is treason, an outright and deliberate rebellion, against our government, which is the constitution itself. In the issue of tax; this case , its defendant the IRS refuses to identify or acknowledge money they owe me; the court allows it. Denying justice to me/ participating in fraud and criminal conduct: for the clear purpose of inflicting as much damage on me as possible. Declaring frivolous the declaration of threats that can exterminate us all/ the refusal to obey constitutional law or fulfill the contract that is our constitution: "before you are paid/you must obey the law and provide redress". Which is a legal demand for redress according to the first amendment. And much more, as other court cases will prove.
A judiciary organized against we the people/ to deny our government that is the constitution itself. A judiciary that refuses to obey the contractual demands, provide the guarantees, and protect the citizen with justice or fair play; as is constitutional law. WORKS AGAINST US, the people both state and nation. WHICH MEANS: that this IL judiciary MUST work for us as the state of IL to establish and demand our national constitution MUST BE OBEYED as well as this IL constitution. Its your job.
Established in this appeal as well is the fact that WE THE PEOPLE demand: FAIR PLAY in all financial penalties: not the same price for rich or poor/ but a percentage of your income or property holdings is required to be fair. INSTEAD OF SLAVERY FOR THE POOR (an extreme expense), and nothing but an irritation to the rich (pennies that don't matter). It is completely unfair.
Added is the fact, WE are the most incarcerated people in the civilized world: which means; NO human rights here, as is plainly proven in that statement; just treason. " opportunity for the fullest development of the individual; insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense;" Denied.
ALL OF THESE THINGS AND MORE, are thrown from the court by these appellate judges John W. Turner Robert J. Steigmann Thomas R. Appleton.
Therefore this IL supreme court has been called upon to decide for itself: Join the conspiracy or protect this democracy as you swore to do. "It's a choice"/ make your decision.
proof of service:
I, James F. Osterbur, do hereby declare and prove that I have sent in this day June 23, 2012 by first class US mail service/ with postage prepaid. A copy of this filing to the IL supreme court described above; at Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
to Illinois Appellate Court; FOURTH DISTRICT
201 w. Monroe st. Box 19206 Springfield IL 62794
Champaign County courthouse 101 E. Main, Urbana IL 61801
STATE OF IL attorney general office
500 S. Second st. Springfield IL 62706
city of Gifford, box 308, 308 S. Main st. Gifford IL 61847
The most powerful words ever written , identify one simple thing/ that we do have the power as we the people, to control or change this world. The most important, are about life, love, and eternity.
Nonetheless today with our entire world at risk of extinction, it is necessary to understand "our options". WE, are the money. WE, are the military family. WE, hold the keys to our future, because we are 7 billion people; and even if they kill one billion of us: THERE ARE STILL 6 billion more, and growing. Nobody, gets to ignore that fact; including ourselves. The demand for constitutional law; as is called redress of grievances: the right to decide and judge for ourselves as a democracy, is here in state trials/ is here in federal trial. Exists here, as numerous trials; clearly depicting exactly what the court system truly is in America, and this state of IL. The final time line has passed, and at this moment it appears those employees who face the reality of these trials, now choose to run away or hide: state/ federal/ IL irs.
The elemental truth of "life or death for a world"/ now rests with you. Will you/ or will you not stand up and fight for this world? Because even this entre world is being threatened with extermination. When you cannot hear the words honestly, and respect their truth: that university terrorists are literally trying to bring the same fire as is on the sun, here to earth. GAMBLING with our lives/ our everything: that their theory is correct, "not enough gravity to sustain it". When you hear the words truthfully, that understands with all certainty: the university terrorists are mutilating every form of life on this planet/ are crucifying the body we call life in time; and you cannot react with the need to say NO, THIS IS PRECIOUS! Fully knowing the reality of pandemic's are generally created with a disease crosses species barriers: and these terrorists are doing it intentionally. Literally injecting chaos, into the reality of our lives, and our world. When you cannot honestly react with a need to know/ a need to protect LIFE on earth. It means your heart has died. It means your soul is abandoned. Fight for your life/ and your world, is not eternity worth it?
HOW, can you choose to fail, ALL LIFE!
Consequently I will have my final say, with regard to the life we have shared as humanity; my work is done. I cannot resurrect you/ I cannot save you: you must save yourselves/ you must search within love and respect, "to be alive". It is your choice, your life in these decisions; not mine. It is your child, your earth that needs you. It is your failure, if you continue to refuse! The consequence of these last days; When life was particularly hard/ and nothing was happy, because the world itself is in trouble; exists because of too many moments of disrespect. Due entirely to the reality of your choice/ university work/ and liars who steal our democracy within the courtroom, and through the media; by not respecting us. Considered "insane by some", to even suggest those who call themselves "the government" can be told to obey the law. Is irrelevant to me: those who declare, "we cannot change governments", matters not. Because government is the constitution/ not the employee. The constitution is not the problem/ the employees are. My cause/ the reality of a planet threatened with extinction/ was tried in the court of public opinion, among those who have been met or informed in various ways, over decades. The reality to date is: few agree. The fear it, because different is different/ or more correctly they want more (greed and selfishness); not reality or truth! By this description/ this work to date; then failed. But truth is not a popularity contest, and what you believe/ or the majority believe; is absolutely irrelevant if it is not true. Therefore until the evidence is proven false, popular opinion is worthless . The consequence of belief, created and propagated by media and the "expert": but reality does not believe them, as they have been proven worthless: they have protected or informed you of nothing important. Is that not true? You are bankrupted/ you are tempted to buy, and spend, and are now drowning in debt. You are led to believe, "the university knows what it is doing"/ even though they literally gamble with all life on earth in this day: to be wrong means we are exterminated! Is that not worth knowing, "not even a whisper" will they tell you. Too late is dead, for all life on earth: simple as that. What is more important? Should you not know! The courtroom battles for redress of grievances are entirely developed so that you could and should know: before they kill us all. Arrogance refuses/ idiocy leads.
As all who know me do believe: this work has led to nothing visible, of value, insofar as anyone can see. Where is my proof otherwise? In actual fact, I legally: have won essentially all cases presented to the court/ none have been displaced by law, the court simply refuses to honor the law, the constitution, or their duty. Without "the people telling them: this is a traitorous act too"/ they continue doing whatever the rich and powerful tell them to do. Even in the stop sign case, with a jury; although they did choose against me/ it was only after the judge illegally chose them (it is my right/ the prosecutors right: NOT his). Then they were not allowed to decide is the penalty fit the so called crime; a usurpation of all legal intent for a jury; it is their purpose. And then the jury was instructed it could only decide if, I did or did not come to a full and complete stop at the stop sign: I told them, I did not/ and expected from them JUSTICE instead of rules, as a rolling stop at one mile per hour or less (approaching slowly); does not constitute a threat to anyone.
The answer: why do people refuse to learn, in the court or otherwise? Or more correctly some simply demand, "the university/ the court; knows what it is doing, we cannot compete"; they are too smart for us. But the university is gambling with everything, every aspect of life and planet/ and to be wrong even a little, in things that cannot be reversed IS LITERALLY TO END LIFE ON EARTH. Some argue: that democracy CANNOT be governed by "we the people", because we are too insane ourselves, too selfish and blind. I disagree. Some argue, it is: absolutely stupid to become a target for anything, , particularly when demanding that "the government official/ IRS/ etc" MUST obey the law; as the constitution itself demands. If successful, the most you can hope for is to be killed! Truth however requires, a reality of trial, that exists: because we cannot change these threats/ unless we all change this together. Therefore it is critical that the presentation of evidence be examined with honesty, and the truth be known for all the people to see. Do our leaders/ our judges, obey the law/ the constitution/ we the people; or not?
Without that trial: to understand what happens when the university terrorists are proven wrong is: time ends; the life on earth will be slaughtered; because that is what the evidence does prove... Like it or not. I never ask "believe me"/ I only ask: investigate this, examine our reality, and make a decision before you die, for yourself: FIND the truth. Don't die following worthless fools! Let truth itself decide/ think for yourselves. Those who believe majority opinion is absolutely certain: "we all cannot be wrong/ it must be you": are reminded whatever they believe comes from the university or media/ they have described: no other means of information beyond your own "little world"; only themselves as "gods"/and like it that way. No thinking required (believe in us)/ means no responsibility either. The public already has, No faith at all in the courtroom, the law, "this government official"/ or anything to do with those in power or the illusion of democracy. That means slave/ or the captive of money, just like you were taught. People "don't question authority from the university, so they say whatever they want, and are not confronted with reality"! Complete faith in these things (whatever they say) makes you a "patriot, or religious believer"/ someone who simply doesn't question authority or reality; a true believer. But again truth is not an opinion or a possibility it is reality unleashed. I, at the other extreme, following only truth: was/am, absolutely certain: LIFE on earth is threatened with extinction/ grievous and everlasting mutilation/ every child, every living thing will live or die because of what we do, or do not do in these days. I Have done the best I did do/ never perfect, but useful if you cared or shared the information. Few did. Therefore the price paid in this battle for life on earth is irrelevant/ because our reality has no second chances. Failure is death to this world; so says the evidence and the reality of these days. Prove this wrong/ or accept the choice is; either to work or live in cowardice.
Expectation was/ is, a final demand: "you have to grow up now"! My own demand, stated and true, "You are not ( a child anymore), and as do I; you must choose for yourself.
So the base line/ or the critical moment of personal direction; when confronted with a decision proven, "this is important": is this reality divided us as distinctly as our own choices allowed. You believe, this is the life we are living, and it is good/ DON'T CHANGE NOTHING! I believe, without true change, the future is absolutely bleak and filled with death and horrific things/ the children will be assassinated: therefore I DO WORK FOR CHANGE. The fact these are opposite definitions of the same choice means we did lose respect for each other. Because that is the price of believing "the opposite" of another/ or, therefore: "can't walk this together anymore". This is NOT losing love for each other, or more simply; if you cannot walk together/ it doesn't mean you don't love each other. It is simply a difference in destiny, a choice: to believe in the world that exists/ or a choice to accept the evidence that proves, time is short, and there is no going back. This battle is "for everything on earth". My desire attempts to keep us all, from losing everything. Your desire can only be: that the liars and thieves/ failures and fools, thugs and murderers do come/ but so long as it is too someone else's door: it doesn't matter to you. Because that, is what you do. Too bad, these come for us all, an entire world in trouble; you have no escape, only truth can help, and it does not respect want.
In addition: I know you don't want anything "unhappy"; consequently people simply could not accept, and would not understand anything that was contrary to their own expectations. Or more simply: "I won/ therefore its all good; I am proven the winner/ not you"; or I am going to get, or I have simply given up, so it doesn't matter to me anymore. Believed by this world/ this nation/ this "game" of pride and want; the avoidance of all things that are truly important besides survival: becomes a contest or conspiracy to lead you astray/ to make you believe things that will in the end get you into "great trouble".. Life however, is Not a contest it is; just reality and truth. The consequences of being wrong; when the evidence says everything dies: Is, life or death for a world. That, Is Not, a game. There are NO winners or losers; only tragedy and disgrace; disrespect for life, and horror to come.
There are those who have tried to understand, without admitting that they were concerned: "I could be right" for a time. However a mind centered in everything he or she was taught, cannot comprehend those teachers were wrong. Instead of believing in teachers, my own mind is centered in everything learned by life and living; there is a difference. As a consequence : some apparently chose, "going to figure it out myself": became,"an understanding without the base of knowledge or wisdom as depicted by different definitions than the propaganda". Which cannot then find reality: because reality is different than you were taught; and that makes a distinct challenge to everything you believe you know. Never returned , never admitted too, the need for simple assistance: to learn a basic path in thinking for yourself is. The reality is: you cannot simply accept what you are told/ the evidence to prove it, must be found, and understood, because your own life warrants it as true. You are not then told it is true/ you evaluate your own life, your own learning, and discover WHY, this is true. Then you have faith in the evidence; because reality proves I understand. The element of thought does not exist in what a teacher thinks/ it exists in the foundations that are built upon, because truth must exist first, or all that comes after, will be wrong. That, does not help our relationship, when explaining "you must grow up"; people simply get angry; "I fought my whole life against people/ I ain't going to be told". Or more correctly, instead of learning for myself/ I choose the religion: we are correct/ because we are many who accept the same thing. Proving belief is not enough, "rarely works"/ it's a religious thing. While "the rest of the world"; simply says, "I won't believe you; and I won't search for truth/ I will believe the university, I will believe the media, I will believe the religion, and so on". The reality, "these are gods"/ is that not so? They know everything, important? Or has that been proven false, by the state we are in: look for yourself! For my part is: I don't want people to believe me. I ASK INSTEAD: simply accept the evidence that exists/ and learn for yourselves: GO TO COURT and learn the truth by investigation and examination of our reality and especially, the consequence of being wrong. From that point on, it does not matter what any other "expert" says, unless they can literally prove the evidence is wrong by methods that are beyond reproach, or at least present a question. None have been able to do that; and I do have trials to prove it. They are the gathering of evidence: to prove exactly what the judiciary and courts are; etc/ the reality not the dream or fantasy. A purpose that has no other definition than: WE MUST have redress of grievances, so that the people can know what the evidence of these threats are/ and make up their own mind. Nonetheless, the literal foundation of that work relies upon constitutional law; and when none obey it/ when the hierarchy of government employees, fight against it: time passes, and we do draw ever closer to the very last moments of earth.
Not because I say so/ but because the evidence proves that very thing. Not a game/ simply a reality. Don't believe it, is absolutely irrelevant/ like a hurricane or anything else, just because you don't want it; has no meaning at all in a truth that will not be denied. You, are not god.
So then enough of that, a working relationship that did not bloom, has become stranded to the breaking point until the last weeks, or perhaps years of life. Even then, for both of us; the reality wasn't a lack of love (or the possibility of friendship). It was a lack of respect for the choices we had made: I, in a "don Quixote" type of battle "against impossible odds". Fully knowing from the beginning the probable outcome/ the attacks such as is proven by the stop sign case: 95% compliance, and still threats of a thousand dollar plus fine, penalty, warnings of contempt, a prosecutor out for blood "so to speak" and so on. And that is just the beginning. The public engulfed in simply surviving, or "getting more" for me; I want to win/ or I surrender; feeling safe, "out of view".
However, The work REMAINS: this is a battle for life or death of this planet/ the crucifixion of every living thing on the planet, by religious zealots trying to prove evolution is more than insanity/ those turning this earth into a ball of fire just like the sun, and more. So in contrast, it really doesn't matter what the penalty is. You have no place to hide/ nowhere to run! I, for my part WILL STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR THIS EARTH. That is my decision/ that is what I have done. It is up to you, from here.
The majority instead, living a demand, that what matters most: is how and what the people think of you/ anything less than "macho; or just like the rest; etc" is simply not acceptable. Reality Understands being a part of the group, was extremely important; but if you gave up an entire world for it/ and it died: how wrong would you be?
If "the group", had gone with me, the rest would have joined: but these are monumental issues, and all still, run away to hide. I DO understand those who say to me: the lack of respect/ the assertions against power: "all you get is to be broken or in jail by these things": YOU CAN'T WIN!
But ths is a battle for all life on earth, and we must try; to save ourselves; it is that simple. You can't change what people do, even if you're right. People can only change themselves. I assumed you understood why it was important to me, even if you could not stomach learning what the evidence reveals. But I do understand: That required departing from the rest (a different path); a reality few could do. Just part of the price, for both of us. But as is consistent with every human being, when we are broken down beyond want/ to what really matters to ourselves: we will choose from that base element of our existence: a behavior consistent with what does approximate happiness or the intent of happiness, even if it is not "suitable for the occasion". Or more simply, being "a part of the flock"/ is VERY important to humanity; even if it is killing you today. Who wants to be "the target"? Not even any respect.
This is: Just how it is. Because reality demands it. As a consequence, this is Not how my life would have been/ not how it was intended to be: but with the extreme and severe reality of an entire world threatened with death. This is the best we did do. The reality I chose, the consequence of your choices coming.
Failure, By a university arrogance so extreme, it is literally beyond insane; they gamble with the entire planet, and mutilate every life on earth; trying to prove evolution: the most insane religion ever conceived. IS a Life built out of chaos, without the slightest ability to think/ no disciplines, no order, no nothing "but violence and destruction". How is that real? Mutilation is the introduction of chaos into a disciplined system: It is insane. As are so many of the choices made by a university education called "leadership"! Disaster awaits.
Nonetheless challenging the most powerful people in American government and the courtroom, through trial; seemed insane to the majority. "Just can't work/ nothing but pure trouble; they will get you". It is, "an all but impossible task/ if not for the law itself". But of course that law, requires people who will enforce the law honestly. It is equally impossible without democracy supporting itself, AS WE THE PEOPLE. But that requires people who will enforce their democracy honestly and with respect for themselves. These are powerful things, that have already proven to change the world of humanity. But to date, nothing: but " a nation of fools, leading a nation of sheep". Those who cannot/ or more correctly will not, think for themselves will simply be led. The evidence of leadership, is proven a failure: does it not fail: in everything important! In everything beyond important as is life or death for an entire planet: is the evidence I present; that death is certain/ terrorism is real. Yet the people believe, In nothing important; they want the media to warn them, to protect you, aid you, think for you, or even do anything that tempts you into believing "the university experts" (make us believe). Are they not "your gods"? The media however has failed you too, as is obvious in so many ways! Never ahead/ always tempting. Now the university and others, intend to destroy this whole world, by playing god: pretending they can control the same fire as is on the sun/ pretending evolution is anything more than a ridiculous lie (mutilating life to prove it/ because they cannot)/ and more. How can you have a heart without blood, or vessels or lungs, or skin or everything else you need to survive? We are not built one piece at a time: "we come out complete"/ or we die. How many things that you have as your body could you lose, and still survive? No arm/ no fingers/ no balance of any kind: WHAT don't you need? Think about it!
But still "believers" everywhere. No room for truth, investigation, examination of the facts; etc/ which can only mean "it's a religion"/ not an environment that depends upon truth or evidence; evolution is what you want it to be. We shopped, and took whatever we wanted for ourselves "off the shelf"/ for free. Today, the university wants to be satan (for lack of a better word): destroyers of this world. Arrogance does that/ can't be wrong, "we are gods/ don't challenge us".
Anyway, "I" cannot save you, the planet, etc. That is literally a human choice for this planet/ your choice. Continue to refuse to work for life, refuse to let truth decide what the future shall be; and we die, simple as that. When you know all these threats are true, unless thought itself intervenes first, and change exists: YOU'RE already DEAD. Too late to change anything.
For the sake of this filing, the primary site identifying that work is www.justtalking3.info/ although current trials are at www.trialforlife.info and www.trialoflife.info http://www.trialoflife.info
I am not your leader/ not your religious anything; however at this very late stage of a battle for life or death of a world; the reality of spending the rest of my life teaching you how to lead yourselves is not my desire. But it is my reality; if you work/ I will help you. If you do not/ there is nothing of importance, left to do.
The foundations which establish our communities, and thereby govern our existence, our happiness, our hopes, and our friendships; are given power by five individual things. If you learn them, and choose to implement them correctly; this world shall change. Two distinct trials make it possible for you to change America; and show the world how.
1. The elemental relationship called male to female; governs at least 25% of our functional happiness. Thereby it is very important for the health, peace, harmony, and purposes of a society. That foundation CANNOT be destroyed by any of the methods which attack it in this day/ or more simply we must work to establish what is equal, fair, and justice for all sides. Which does include divorce/ sexual expectations/ and all the rest. To accomplish this, a level of education that has not yet been done must exist/ a decision that is NOT subject to emotional outcry or any other in a courtroom must be established: "Everybody marries or divorces under these rules" understand it, or don't do it. Children are limited to two per female that desire them/ then "Infertility applied". You cannot steal their future. Abortion is not birth control; however, where enough time has pasted, or no waiting is needed (the first forty days); that right shall be owned by the female experiencing pregnancy or its suspicion. You cannot steal her future. Beyond forty days, unless it threatens a life/ or clear birth defects exist; YOU SHALL NOT.
2. The elemental relationship of a job to life, and its needs or wants CANNOT be disassembled simply because a few want to be rich, or hold power over the rest. Thereby a job is functionally guaranteed by society for every member that is above the age of 18 years, or clearly in need of that job. The primary reality of a job, for the foreseeable future is: this world has been severely damaged by human decisions. That MUST stop, and THE DAMAGE must be repaired. Which does include insulation in every situation which requires power to support heating or cooling. Efficiency in every machine that uses energy. Decisions that will safeguard the future, and provide habitat for life. Ocean and river cleaning so as to make room for aquatic life. Forest conservation, because it is absolutely necessary. Protecting the food and water supply/ the resources which make life possible, including all chains of life and environmental realities, and their decisions. And so forth.
3. The elemental reality of "who pays for this"; is functionally provided by the deliberate decision to be "friends"/ rather than enemies or competitors! There is a distinct difference, "limited capitalism" will help you, help yourselves. The base development is: WE WILL be equal/ not in everything; but clearly in life, and survival. That means the courtroom governs/ but the law we create for ourselves shall govern that courtroom; and we will remove any judge found to be "less than sufficient" to the law. The most fundamental question here is how do we insure for ourselves that we "eat, drink, and have the basic necessities for life"? The critical answer is governed by limiting the right to buy what we all need for ourselves: "you must share". That is easily done with two distinct types of money. One type is strictly for the purchase of basic necessities (you decide)/ while the other type is for anything else. When you control the numbers in circulation (money supply), you control the food, water, etc. The elemental reality of an education is governed by: WHAT do you desire to know, as a student/ NOT as a teacher. Or more simply let the schools teach what is in the best interest of every student; not pick a few for college. College SHALL be paid for, as a percentage; out of the income earned in a job for which that college prepared the student. If they get no such job/ then a minimum amount can be charged for spending time in college; but the rest is simply discarded after ten years. It's a business, if the college fails the student/ you DON'T get paid.
4. The elemental path for governing ourselves IS NOT held in a vote for someone to vote for me; as is clearly proven across this world. We must vote for ourselves. To do that we must take control over the money, because that is where and why the politician comes to govern: the power to control. Remove that, and then only those who are more honestly intending to work for society shall come. There are only three base things that governing does for us/ apart from military. They enforce the law. They present options, for a decision. They investigate and examine. To do these things they take money, from us and distribute it as they desire. Clearly our money in America has been taken by these leaders and distributed to themselves; as huge salaries/ pensions/ etc. They say "because we have a college degree" we earn it. However that is clearly NOT true/ which means they stole it. If we give them a salary based upon what has been done/ then to prison they go for lies, cheating, and theft. But that will not help our society in this day. We are equals as life/ not your slaves. That will be enforced, so long as justice is served.
Regardless of that; the foundation that presents the reality of governing on society is: whosoever spends the money has power over the society. Therefore we must spend the money ourselves as a government called democracy. To do that we simply take the TOTAL INCOME and divide it in percentages; to be used for what we choose. There is no more than 100% period! That is all there is, and there shall be NO MORE PENSIONS that intend to take from the future/ because you couldn't get it today. None of it. Only social security is left/ and that includes all health related problems: to be divided by those who are collecting it. No government employee, the people themselves. The rest of what is to be taxed etc, is best governed by such things as a gasoline tax, WILL fund only roads. And "like that". Contracts will be public/ and common to the business world; nothing special, do the work correctly (as is common or accepted by the industry; approved by the people)/ get paid. Simple and plain.
The final aspect of governing ourselves is the foundation of military realities: THE CLEAR AND SIMPLE RIGHT, of the soldiers to govern themselves. Not as leaders/ but as the law they create, to establish NOBODY can play god, or convict/ punish/ use/ abuse/ or control them in ways that are not functionally necessary or in the public's best interest, or theirs. They shall have rights.
5. The last elemental relationship we have as a society is formed by healthcare; "I have a need, for your help". There must be limits applied to all/ there is a time, when your healthcare is NOT in the best interest of this society itself. At that point, as governed by public vote, and REAL payment for the reality that you choose; nature decides, or yourself.
Everything else is functionally the same for us all; each is a life/ each is to be considered as equal. That means a percentage of income regardless what you make will be charged: when the debts incurred by standard procedure reach that amount: as determined BY THE AVERAGE INCOME for us all. A predetermined percentage of income shall be charged (same for all)/ when that "average" amount exists. It will be collected by the state, and redistributed back to healthcare professionals for their individual work. No going out of the country for medical care, or we will charge you as if you were here/ refuse to pay and we will revoke your citizenship. As to poverty scale, the reality is: you shall work for it if you can/ at an "average wage (paid to healthcare), if you can produce a comparable result". If not you work longer. If you bribe/ you go to jail. If you spread a "bad disease/ knowingly": you get no further treatment, and go to jail. Those with sexual diseases SHALL provide that information by taboo; at the genital area; so as to inform someone who is about to have sex with you/ THEY HAVE A RIGHT to know. The use of children, with harsh diseases: for "guinea pigs", SHALL be investigated honestly to see the true cost of such a reality; no more lies/ no more stories/ no more hiding anything, we will know the truth, the pain, and the life gained or lost.
The foundations and trials presented by me, explain the possibilities that exist, the realities that must be dealt with; to make change possible for this world. Without true change, your time is very short. Without true change, every prediction of a horrific end to humanity comes true. Easily by the evidence within the next twenty years at the maximum possible length of your survival. PROVE THE EVIDENCE OF OUR REALITY; IS NOT TRUE! Or accept the truth, without immediate change, we are literally doomed. Your leaders WILL point to me, and say "fool/ etc"; if they lose the battle to keep me silent. I REMIND YOU, without the slightest doubt: I am NOT the decision you are asked to make. I am merely the messenger assigned to deliver this simple truth: LIFE CANNOT SURVIVE AS YOU ARE/ because the planet itself is dying; because fools are gambling with this entire world: and if we don't stop them, if we don't do better than kill the very creation that gives us life. Then we die too. It ain't a hard concept! You do understand. That means YOUR CHOICE IS: to fight for life/ or discard it in the trash; because you didn't care enough, "about all life/ and every future life on earth". You just didn't care/ to busy filling your garbage can with last weeks trophies apparently. MAKE YOUR DECISION. Time has run out/ either you grow up/ either you wake up from the trance of worshiping the university; or you die. NO GOING BACK. Prove the evidence is wrong. OR WORK FOR LIFE. "IT'S A CHOICE"! It's your choice, there are NO excuses; the whole planet is threatened.
As for me; I have spent what is basically my whole life on this matter; the elemental truth of a planet in peril. As to my own basic identity, the fundamentals outlined in these simple links will give you a clue. Useful because there will be those who claim "Either nuts, the anti-christ, insane" / or any other lie they can think of. I am a little different/ that is not important to you? My work is the removal of power from the few; by giving true democracy and control of the money to the masses: so that you can make a decision that lets you survive/ they have failed. Nonetheless this reality IS, the very last thing people of power, and pride want; "they want, to be superior/ NOT equal".
I am this way: rhythms, the essence of capitalism, our situation, life or not, earning life, ascending; and 8 web sites dedicated to teaching what must be learned, establishing through many words so you can understand, the need and ability to be "LIFE FIRST". Why me is irrelevant/ I am NOT your decision. Your decision is: life for this planet, because you care enough to be certain "THE WRONG DECISIONS" cannot continue. Simple and plain, no more gambling with our lives! I am not here to tear down anything, that's your job/ what has been has already failed you completely; and you will soon know it, if you don't. This is an insurmountable reality without bankruptcy. The threats about to make you extinct are certainly MORE important than that. www.trialforlife.info is provided primarily for changing a world www.trialoflife.info is provided primarily for considering the changes to community.
www.justtalking3.info fundamentally ties the entire work together. If you wish the web sites to remain open past 1/1/ 13 then you must pay the costs for yourselves; more than enough to pay their expenses is not required or desired; donation.
Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
first amendment redress of grievances (US constitution)
fifth amendment redress of grievances (IL constitution)
conspiracy in the court system throughout America and the state of IL to withhold and deny constitutional law: redress.
On this elemental path to constitutional construction by law, the foundation presented is: our employees shall obey the law called redress of grievances/ and be accountable for their actions. Therefore two distinct trials are in effect as of this time. US federal tax court 11108-12L and a yet to be docketed case in the IL supreme court titles as "THIS CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CASE"/ the conspiracy... The more decisive filings are presented on this page/ the full cases are presented at the two links above. The primary site is www.justtalking3.info
The critical foundation presented being: that I, being a citizen of this nation USA, and this state of ILLINOIS have been promised, and distinctly guaranteed the foundation of democracy called REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES. The legal right, to demand by trial, an accounting from our employees in governance: so that we the owners here/ SHALL JUDGE if our contract "the constitution" either state or federal has been kept. Their oath of office; honored or destroyed.
The constitution guarantees to us, a society governed by its preamble and its two distinct other foundations of government: the declaration of independence & the bill of rights. The constitution allows and mandates, that our employees hired to do the work of governing SHALL obey the mandates of their employment as clearly written within these documents; and be limited by the freedoms or liberties that we have promised to ourselves.
The US district court, being presented with the mandate under article 3; that it must make the states obey their constitutional guarantees to each citizen: they must protect the constitution; concludes, as follows. Their complaint "enough is enough" identifies the reality of their previous decisions.
Work to communicate/ demand to investigate/ identify those who are helping, and those who are hindering democracy as constitutional law. And fight for your world/ this nation: because it is NECESSARY. WE ARE threatened severely in many different ways.
case docket number 11108-12L dated 7/ 13/ 12
a first amendment trial, of the US constitution
the summary demand: obey the constitutional first amendment/ or be accused of treason. Make your decision!
NOTHING IS MORE UNCONSTITUTIONAL, than to refuse the constitution as written/ to refuse the foundation of democracy which is: WE THE PEOPLE rule ourselves by the law we create. That law accepted and understood as our government/ our law; NOT your law, but our law is the constitution itself. The appeal of case Case 4-12-0429 www.trialoflife.info for a more spread out view.
To the IL IRS; Box 19006 Springfield IL 62794-9006: Your action exists to refuse my day in court/ which is the only reason a tax has not been paid. Provide my legally guaranteed constitutional right/ and I will pay whatever I do literally owe.
You may have a forum as realistic to the purpose here, IF someone can be found to monitor it.
A requirement as established earlier, when forums left alone/ became overrun with "trash and garbage". I am not going to do it; simple as that.
Supreme court building 200 E. Capital Springfield IL 62701
This trial
Case 4-12-0429
Osterbur, James Frank V. City of Gifford/ State of IL
appealed from
Illinois Appellate Court
201 w. Monroe st. Box 19206
Springfield IL 62794
case 2011 TR 022442
2191 county road 2500 E. St. Joseph, IL 61873
www.justtalking3.info www.trialoflife.info
DATED: 7/ 5/ 12
IL SUPREME APPEAL#__________________
THE FOUNDATION DEMANDS OF DEMOCRACY ITSELF: guarantees, respect, limits, and ownership as created by constitutional law! These are legal rights, by the contract we hold with ourselves as a constitution, and over those hired to be our employees.
The clear constitutional demand: JUSTICE/ FAIR PLAY/ EQUALITY/ AND SECURITIES FOR THE PEOPLE, through their law, and their courtroom.
The LAW that is REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES; under both the US and IL constitutions: our ownership as WE THE PEOPLE/ YOUR accountability as employees.
In the administration of penalties/ the right and reality of a courtroom.
And define, this direct appeal; in a case and a cause that becomes a DUTY/ through the evidence called : THREATS, WHICH CAN DESTROY OR DISSOLVE our relationship with this world.
DECLARE, without exception:
Constitution of the State of Illinois
Adopted at special election on December 15, 1970
We, the People of the State of Illinois - grateful to
Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberty
which He has permitted us to enjoy and seeking His blessing
upon our endeavors - in order to provide for the health,
safety and welfare of the people; maintain a representative
and orderly government; eliminate poverty and inequality;
assure legal, social and economic justice; provide
opportunity for the fullest development of the individual;
insure domestic tranquility; provide for the common defense;
and secure the blessings of freedom and liberty to ourselves
and our posterity - do ordain and establish this Constitution
for the State of Illinois.
(Source: Illinois Constitution.)
The exhibits established in this trial: primary threats and more
The functional meaning and purpose of this site, is to understand that WE THE PEOPLE: DO, have a choice in the governance of our nation/ we DO have a choice in the reality of people who literally can kill us all: when their theory is proven wrong. We NEED NOT, allow anyone to threaten our lives/ our planet/ our future/ or our nature.
The distribution paper/ print it for yourself
The purpose of these petitions, is: so that we may force constitutional intervention, thereby establishing the clear and simple right: OF AN INVESTIGATION, THE EXAMINATION OF TRUTH (the whole truth and nothing but the truth) AND THREATS BY THEIR REALITY, AND THE DECISION, THAT IS OUR democracy, therefore our decision, "AS WE THE PEOPLE".
There is NO ASSUMPTION or intent; that you should believe me instead of the others. BUT THERE IS A REAL DEMAND: that when "scientists" threaten, and gamble with every living life on earth. NOT ONLY DO WE DEMAND TO INVESTIGATE, EXAMINE ALL THE FACTS, AND IDENTIFY FOR OURSELVES WHAT IS TRUE OR NOT TRUE; AS OUR OWN DECISION, our own consequence either way. The constitution of both this state of IL and this nation USA, DOES demand that this is a right we own, as a democracy entitled to understand: because this is everything we are. By our vote then; they stop, or go ahead as you decide.
Verizon Do you want a class action suit The Free trial.
OUR AUTHORITY TO DEMAND OWNERSHIP OF THIS DEMOCRACY, "OUR GOVERNMENT"/ is held within the constitutional guarantee called redress of grievances. IT IS FUNDAMENTALLY OUR RIGHT, as state or nation to determine exactly what that means; and enforce it upon our employees. WE ARE THE OWNERS/ they are the employees. WE HAVE THE POWER CALLED DEMOCRACY, "we the people own this nation, are this government": and we can enforce that right, it is not only democracy established/ IT IS CONSTITUTIONAL LAW.
This is a site dedicated to the last trial, in a long series of trials, that did establish: our employees of government, as is the judiciary and other high ranking officials, ABSOLUTELY REFUSE REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES. A CONSTITUTIONAL LEGAL RIGHT GUARANTEED TO EACH AND EVERY CITIZEN. That is an impeachable offense, rebellion against us, and a conspiracy to impede and destroy a foundation of our democracy which is anarchy.
Read the US SUPREME COURT TRIALS 08-1339 11-100 & the last formal supreme court document filed extra-ordinary writ 2023. You WILL then see, that this is not a game. The promise or possibility of an appeal, that is "useful, to democracy" is valid. The traffic case is irrelevant/ the appeal is not: as all the foundations now exist, to expand this into constitutional law.
As to the current traffic court case/ having proven in every court throughout this state and this federal government court system: that it is indeed a true conspiracy to deny redress of grievances. The court system both state and federal have denied me access to any other courtroom, but as a defendant. This traffic case is then the last courtroom, and this potential appeal, the last time I will give you the opportunity to enter a courtroom with me. As we the people, searching for and demanding our inheritance; "a true democracy". Your choice/ fail to petition, and it stops.
There is a legal demand upon the IRS both state and nation: TO PROVIDE ME WITH THIS CONSTITUTIONAL LAW FIRST/ or I don't pay, because I am owed my constitutional right, my deliberate guarantee from both state and nation: which I am refused. IT IS A CONTRACT with our employees, that they failed to produce. By oath: That is treason. By the demand repeatedly refused: conspiracy/ rebellion against we the people/ and more is established, as true.
Therefore the question is raised, "TO YOU, the people of this democracy": DO YOU demand a literal hearing/ a specific demand, established in appeals; by which we the people CAN IN FACT, open the door to redress of grievances in a courtroom of law, and prove "WE ARE THE OWNERS HERE"? Do you DEMAND: NO GAMBLING WITH LIFE OR PLANET/ unless we the people agree?
BUT IF YOU, do not; by FAILURE TO establish your name to the petition: OUR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES MUST OBEY THE LAW.
Threats are revealed, reality is plain and simple: without change we die, because that is the truth applied by the evidence of our time. No second chances, no more excuses: either we save ourselves from catastrophe and chaos; or we inherit the reality of what has already been chosen: extermination of the planet. It is that simple, not because I desire it to be: truth demands, this is just our reality. No turning away, the whole planet is threatened/ none will survive.
Some will immediately run away and hide/ some will immediately hate even the possibility of what this site says: but that won't change a single truth, or its result. Some will want "anything else". Some will demand, "kill him"/ then this will go away: but that is a lie, reality and truth do not go away anymore than you can scare away, a hurricane just because you don't like it; a few will try anyway. A realistic expectation is; "some" will work, because they know it is important, and life itself requires our involvement; it is a choice; I personally regard these workers, as the biblical "144,000".
What is not a choice is: fail to correct these threats immediately, or you die as a planet: so says the evidence, by its truth. Either you do what needs to be done, for life first/ or you fail, and reap your reward. That is your choice. Your judgment shall be: according to the change you create, or desire in truth that you live and work for in the future: to create, & work for love, hope, truth, peace, harmony, respect, and discipline (because we must). Eternity will remember you/ one way or the other. Fear is abandonment of life, for self: eternity will remember that too.
You now see two separate cases: one to prove constitutional authority/ and one to prove "YOU SHALL NOT gamble with our lives". This second is yours to prosecute; BECAUSE IT IS AN IMMEDIATE NEED!
The petition: FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES/ OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. Shall be given 6 months to collect signatures/ but bear in mind, even one second too late for such things as bringing the same fire as is on the sun here to earth, OR a mutilation that infects us all: means we are all dead. So I do encourage you all: "to hurry".
IF realistic cause by signature is established; to start and establish this appeal, by the first part of may. THEN, It will go forward. BUT; If not, the entire process of legal participation as WE THE PEOPLE, will disappear. It is up to you, simple and plain. Do you want redress to establish WE THE PEOPLE ARE OWNERS HERE/ or do you not? It is a choice, and there are no excuses; it is your choice, and you will enforce it by choosing to either buy/ demand: media time, ETC/ ETC/ ETC.
YOU WILL PROVE, BY DOING, what you can do to establish constitutional law you have been denied; or it dies, and perhaps you with it. Do read, THE SITES provided; and their CASES as this will contribute to your understanding of law & primary threats.
The distinction of this work is: that as of this date,
April 12, 2012 every single courtroom level, from traffic court through every appellate court, including both the state and federal supreme courts (as in 3 US supreme court separate cases; two dismissed illegally, one refused without cause). The absolute denial of first amendment law/ and fifth amendment guarantees as is the state constitution of IL; have been proven without doubt a conspiracy to deny.A judiciary in open rebellion to our law, our guaranteed constitutional right!
Redress is our right of ownership/ our authority as a democracy/ and our rule of law over society and our employees as determined by ourselves. It is, the demand for accountability and the purpose that is democratic authority: WE THE PEOPLE, SHALL HAVE "THE LAST SAY", as to what is or is not the interpretation and governance of our state and nation! The law, we give, or gave to ourselves.
Those cases exist primarily on www.trialoflife.info And www.justtalking3.info
Today, the last case in a series of cases; from complex and important established in law and with citations of authority; all denied without cause. ALL PROVEN by the law, but rejected by the judiciary, because it usurps the power over we the people/ proving, instead of freedom and liberty: these employees and those who control them: want slaves. All cases: Which prove that our democracy has been taken from us, ends with this simple jury trial that was described by a simple stop sign ticket, as its beginning.
But even a rule, CANNOT be separated from the fact: no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Each guarantee of the constitution is a privilege granted to each citizen. I am denied. In this case, the judge establishes contempt for that order of the people themselves through their constitution: by denying me the right to address, a legally assembled jury of the people, as described by the first amendment of the US constitution. EVEN after in a legal court case, during trial: I have proven the fact, these people have a right to hear/ there very lives are in danger, "without objection, as to the fact".
THEREBY, my petition to the government called WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS STATE AND NATION. My demand for redress of grievances as is the law/ my clear and certain need and duty to establish in a courtroom of law: what is distinguished as the liberty to defend my own nation, by "freedom of speech"/ are all denied. I am slandered, with the word "criminal"/ and because the jury is so deliberately tainted by the judge, that they are unable to act or react due to his prejudicial conduct in manipulating/ controlling/ and contaminating the jury itself: that these people are UNABLE to hear or consider the words JUSTICE/ FAIR PLAY/ LET THE PUNISHMENT FIT THE CRIME, and justice is a reality not a rule. Which means it was NOT a "jury of my peers"/ but an intimidated collection of people, unable to choose for society as democracy demands. That is an illegal court.
That there are grievances so horrific and so insane by the leadership of this state and nation: that we are not only bankrupt by their hand/ we are threatened with extermination from the planet, or every life on earth mutilated beyond repair. These things the judge stood against.
The judge not only forbade even the term redress to be used in front of the jury: he challenged that order given to me; with contempt. Even though redress is the law, established by the legislatures of both state and nation, and signed by governors and presidents as the agreement of "we the people". The contract we have made with our employees/ that they must obey. The judge established on his own the terms what is required for redress to be used: stating only a law established by the legislature, and signed into law by the governor (president) may be used in court. Therefore he knew, or ought to have known: that the foundation of every law in this nation; MUST BE ALLOWED in every courtroom of law. Both state and federal constitutions are that foundation/ but I am refused. Which presents us all, with an illegal court, acting belligerently against the constitution itself. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. The constitution is the law, both state and nation.
The judge further states, that he knows of no definition that is adequate for redress to be used/ no precedent either/ nor has he any information about the critical legal definition and interpretation of a constitutional guarantee: TO EACH AND EVERY CITIZEN; within the state of IL. He establishes by his own testimony, that he believes redress to be "worthless in a courtroom of rules"/ even though it is equal and equivalent being issued as a guarantee to all the people through the first amendment. The very same guarantee to the people; as freedom of speech/ the press/ or of religion.
As this is the last courtroom of the judiciary in this state and this nation: thereby establishing EVERY LEVEL, has been tried and found guilty of refusing to obey constitutional law. WE MUST LOOK TOO, the leadership of this organization as is the supreme courts both state and nation: because something proven time and again as common practice, IS GRANTED AND ENFORCED by their leadership. Therefore the supreme courts of both state and nation are on trial; and we the people who own this nation, and this state; SHALL be their judge.
Through the courtroom trials of James F. Osterbur throughout the years: a plain, distinct, and proven conspiracy to deny that federal constitutional law called the first amendment & the state of IL fifth amendment & article 3 of the US constitution: (they refused to enforce the state of IL constitution, and make them obey our guarantee) is embedded within the judiciary, from the top down.
That is rebellion against the rule of democracy. That is anarchy against the foundation of law that we set into place. That is tyranny as expressed in the criminal act of placing rules over justice and the law. Therefore a whistle blower case, wherein I am the litigant exists. The demand this organization acts in ways that are illegal, and against the constitutions of both the state of IL and this nation called the USA.
A demand for investigation and the return of our constitutional rights, as written and fully interpreted by we the people: both for this state and nation exists. A command that those judges who have refused constitutional law shall be disbarred, including those who sit on the supreme court; is considered the penalty most likely to be just. Let the people decide. They held the authority to honor WE THE PEOPLE, but refuse it.
While the judiciary has superior constitutional authority over the president and legislature/ IT IS WE THE PEOPLE, who have superior authority over the judiciary: IT IS OUR NATION/ IT IS OUR STATE. We are the owners/ NOT they. They are employees, simple citizens with a job which they received only BY SWORN OATH, that they would obey the constitution and hold it superior to themselves. They do not.
This is now, the last legal attempt to set into place all that is important to life, this democracy, and this world: by providing the legal opportunity called: we the people. To demand our constitutional right, called redress. Or more specifically the demand for accountability to us/ by our authority as a constitutional right; over our employees. This Creates: as we investigate/ examine the evidence of what has been done, and decide what these employees are, or have been doing; for ourselves. by legal trial. Our nation, our state; our constitutional right to decide, what the future shall be: IS OURS. Our literal right, by one person one vote: to establish the preamble of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONSTITUTION; what we believe to be in our best interest, as a free people/ as owners, NOT slaves or any other description of servitude. We the people; OWN THIS LAND, THIS GOVERNMENT/ THESE COURTROOMS; and we will decide for ourselves; because, that is democracy.
If you believe employees are going to put themselves on trial/ thereby simply surrender to the law: you are mistaken, as these cases prove. You must take them, by literally proving constitutional law IS THE RULER of us all/ proving no matter who you are, THE LAW will be obeyed, the punishment same for all. To prove that a sworn oath IS IN FACT, a legal description that carries severe penalties for failure. Is our right/ because it is our contract with you!
I am found guilty of going through a stop sign at "one mile per hour" instead of a complete stop. But it is redress that is now open for appeal. As redress itself: has truly been established in a courtroom of law/ by a judge, with all the necessary descriptions to address that matter in appeal.
THAT REDRESS NOW PARTICIPATES WITHOUT MISDIRECTION. As a distinct part of the case itself. The judge introduces it to trial, establishes the parameters, and declares that it is necessary "the first case must exist".
THE APPEAL, then recognizes everything that was admitted in the court including the exhibits, details, and warnings provided by me: THAT ARE OF REAL CONCERN TO US ALL. The evidence will prove, the above statements are true/ and more.
Therefore the question is raised, "TO YOU, the people of this democracy": DO YOU demand a literal hearing/ a specific demand, established in appeals; by which we the people CAN IN FACT, open the door to redress of grievances in a courtroom of law, and prove "WE ARE THE OWNERS HERE"? Do you DEMAND: NO GAMBLING WITH LIFE OR PLANET/ unless we the people agree?
BUT IF YOU, do not; by FAILURE TO establish your name to the petition: OUR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES MUST OBEY THE LAW. Or IF YOU fail to appear in time, to assist in this matter with your voice & your actions to organize or represent democracy for yourselves. Searching in all manner and means and methods for the voice of: WE THE PEOPLE are UNITED, by our constitution, and our democracy: OUR GUARANTEED RIGHT AS IS THE LAW. Then the appeal simply disappears.
IF you bring to me an army by which I can enforce constitutional law because you provide the weapon which is your honest attention, WORK, and desire to show, and to prove: we the people are demanding to be "a true democracy." Returning ourselves to the words of the preamble of the US constitution: Proving to those who believe they hold "the power over us"/ that today: DEMOCRACY, SHALL BE " our way".
Then I will quit "being a sheep" in court/ and grow "teeth". That is up to you, as it is impossible to proceed behind locked doors, with armed guards everywhere, and arrogance spewing endlessly: to demand the law, without that army. The illegal means to order imprisonment regardless of a right: is all I will get! UNLESS YOU DO YOUR PART, at this time.
Prove TO ME: you will work for democracy and our future, our lives, your children, and our world. And I will prove: democracy is more than a word. Its up to you.
The rule of justice is: that you may NOT threaten my/ our lives, just because you want to; whether by the employees of government or not. WE ARE THE OWNERS, NOT YOU. Which brings us to redress of grievances. The first amendment law of this UNITED STATES, equal in all regards with every other first amendment guarantee to this people. Guarantee means: THIS CANNOT BE DENIED to ANY citizen/ certainly not to "we the people". But as has been established in this court: IT HAS BEEN DENIED, not only to me, but to every other citizen throughout this nation and state. Since our history began. That is tyranny, and rebellion.
Not even a true and distinct decision, definition, or interpretation exists: BECAUSE IF IT DID, then the court would have to obey it. They then deny us the law, our direct constitutional guarantee: by simply refusing to interpret, define, allow, or establish through the certification called "a precedent, certification, or statute". Even though the constitution is the foundation of all law, certified as our LEGAL rights. These employees have refused to accept that law, denying our constitutional AUTHORITY and right; "With a mere rule/ or absence of a distinct interpretation".
This case HAS CREATED the foundation necessary: for that definition/ that cause/ and that interpretation to be reviewed by the appellate courts, and be established as the law that it is. IN YOUR PRESENCE, BECAUSE IT IS YOUR LAW, AND YOUR GOVERNMENT AND YOUR COURTROOM. That is the fundamental to be declared, in this appeal. This description will be more in-depth/ should the case continue: but that is up to you, as it is clear and certain; critically proven throughout the court system not only of IL, but of the entire federal system/ its leaders, and its legislatures/ and its policing apparatus. That our employees: All who swore to obey the constitution: deny redress! Which is constitutional law! All litigants as are the defendants called in this case/ this review of the lawsuits created as evidence, in this trial of illegal acts/ a constitutional conspiracy to deny redress by our judiciary. Will be prosecuted for the purpose of identifying who will, and who will not obey our law. No excuse will be accepted. Those who refuse the authority called democracy, OUR CONTRACT, WITH OURSELVES: THIS IS, "WHO WE ARE". As in we the people are rulers here/ we are the owners, NOT you: will be punished, and removed from their bench.
I cannot dissuade or enforce change: as is confronting the reality and abuse of terrorists, liars, thieves, etc: who did steal your money, our democracy: to threaten our world, our lives, and our future. Even to the dismantling of our democracy: WITHOUT A COURTROOM. That is up to you: you must fight for it, and prove democracy which shouts, "WE THE PEOPLE" exists.
This is a trial for WE THE PEOPLE: whether I live or die. Therefore any lawyer who believes they can fight for WE THE PEOPLE, and bring a moratorium to stop these threats/ so that we can decide for ourselves. Is encouraged to fight for that. Any legal entity that desires in truth, to fight for our lives and our democracy with me; is encouraged to contact me for that purpose. I will not, be paying you, but if you accept / this is for life on earth; THEN it is just as important to you as me. Money can be gained from the court, for you: is that not so? This is a trial, for the individual guarantee of the constitution of this state called ILLINOIS, and this nation called the United States. The proof of what is, or is not true. I am in charge of that/ I am the litigant, all legal aspects are subject to your review; but not your authority. The purpose is now, NOT to collect further evidence, or opportunity: but to win. The battleground; I consider to be, "is, life or death for this world". Therefore NO sympathy will arise. If you are not able to accept those terms; do not come.
To the people; you must understand that once this definition is established by law; it is very hard to appeal, "a failed definition that does not give us our constitutional right". Is worse than none. Consequently, you are warned: this case is established first/ therefore it HAS PRECEDENCE. Therefore its decision shall have "first rights". But there too: it will be the weight of your own signatures, your own work; that gives it presence is a courtroom of law. If you fail to prove, "we the people" DO, demand this shall be done for us. Then you will lose everything necessary for your future as a democracy enforced. Simple and plain: by ourselves/ for ourselves/ and of ourselves, courage is required. It's a choice. The functional definition of redress begins as, and is established as. If you wish to contribute to that definition: then you must demand redress, here in this trial, by commanding the court to provide it to you; AS THE RIGHT TO SIT IN JURY for yourselves. TO HEAR as redress trial: the evidence of threats/ the reality of democracy/ and the consequence of failed employees. So that you may decide OUR FUTURE, for yourselves. this very thing, is democracy. Prove it exists. Such things are NOT POLITICAL ACTS: BECAUSE OUR LIVES, OUR EVERYTHING IS AT STAKE, EVEN THE PLANET ITSELF! Therefore the law MUST intervene. Make that come true, whether I live or die.
You now see two separate cases: one to prove constitutional authority/ and one to prove "YOU SHALL NOT gamble with our lives". This second is yours to prosecute; BECAUSE IT IS AN IMMEDIATE NEED!
The petition: FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES/ OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. Shall be given 6 months to collect signatures/ but bear in mind, even one second too late for such things as bringing the same fire as is on the sun here to earth, OR a mutilation that infects us all: means we are all dead. So I do encourage you all: "to hurry".
IF realistic cause by signature is established; to start and establish this appeal, by the first part of may. THEN, It will go forward. BUT; If not, the entire process of legal participation as WE THE PEOPLE, will disappear. It is up to you, simple and plain. Do you want redress to establish WE THE PEOPLE ARE OWNERS HERE/ or do you not? It is a choice, and there are no excuses; it is your choice, and you will enforce it by choosing to either buy/ demand: media time, ETC/ ETC/ ETC.
YOU WILL PROVE, BY DOING, what you can do to establish constitutional law you have been denied; or it dies, and perhaps you with it. Do read, THE SITES provided; and their CASES as this will contribute to your understanding of law & primary threats.
What is important is: that we are threatened as a world/ as all of life, and even planet; by what the leadership has done. Because only "diplomas": are allowed to participate in leadership today. The following proves true. The university religion (we are your saviors/ believe only in us); the university cult (established by those who are so insane/ they believe themselves capable of being god; and gamble with our lives, our everything). Have threatened our lives/ stolen our money, and used and abused this democracy.
Those who call themselves "superior" have proven to be LIARS/ the University graduate who became so insane: they no longer believe they can be wrong threaten our entire planet. Those who stole our money for themselves: are thieves. Those who refuse every avenue that establishes LIFE FOR THIS PLANET MUST COME FIRST; using the term "expert" to deny us our safety and our rights: are cheats. Do these NOT seek and literally demand: "Let the future die/ let the children be cannibalized". Because that, is the reality of what they do. They took democracy, and declared themselves rulers instead of constitutional redress; thereby stealing, "our right as we the people to rule ourselves".
BUT MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY THING ELSE IS: THEY DO INSIST, "WE WILL GAMBLE WITH ALL LIFE ON EARTH, through endless mutilation of all life/ with bringing fusion (same fire as is on the sun) here to earth, a fire that cannot be put out/ and more experiments that are so extreme: the TRUE RISK IS, even the entire planet itself, may not survive. How is that NOT a religion of bastard's & cults? A reality of the power mad, and the absolutely insane!
If that ain't you, diploma or not/ then you are not guilty. But if it is, then you are a terrorist of the most vile and horrendous kind. Not an attack on education or knowledge/ this is about the reality of choice; and those who do NOT respect our lives, our world, our democracy, or any other value that could be termed: LIFE FOR THE PLANET, MUST COME FIRST! Or, you may not play god, over our lives/ this nature/ or this planet/ or anything else. We shall be protected first, as life on earth: NO EXCEPTIONS.
This countersuit of case TR 022442
Is divided into 3 parts, due to the fact that this is traffic court: instead of a more substantial opportunity, to detail the substance of this matter. First part: exhibiting threats. Is twenty pages long/ with large 17 x11 "witnesses" attached.
THIS IS, "the first part"
The exhibits here, represent the foundation argument in this case which is:
I am accused, "by these employees of government": of threatening the public, and you are called here as a jury to investigate the facts/ examine the evidence/ and decide who or what you believe is fair. Whether you believe going through a stop sign at one mile per hour or so (not a full and complete stop); without incident or concern. Is substantive enough for their demand $120.00 fine/ plus whatever court costs this court will add.
I, being the defendant argue: the employees of government which accuse me of threatening the public/ ARE IN FACT, the clear perpetrators of an absolute injustice against me and the American public; even the world. By threatening our very existence. And that in and of itself describes a situation which proves, I owe nothing by comparison of these facts.
My demand is:
" the US constitutional law/ FIRST AMENDMENT redress of grievances; the IL state constitutional fifth guarantee to its citizens of redress of grievances, MUST BE legally UPHELD." : to prove and provide: you have a right to decide for yourselves. IF THESE THREATS are too much to allow/ therefore all necessary work and efforts shall be taken by the court: TO STOP the progression of these threats/ these employee failures; UNTIL WE THE PEOPLE, have had our opportunity to decide. If they may indeed be done.
Thereby, if agreed WE MUST investigate and find the truth: then the county/ state/ nation/ and even world must and WILL be called to REDRESS. The demand for accountability and truth: OUR RIGHT, TO LEGALLY investigate/ examine the facts/ and decide if these employees have acted in good faith or by criminal actions as a terrorist against our lives. OR MORE SIMPLY: WE THE PEOPLE SHALL BE THE JURY, that decides.
That is the summary of this case.
It is up to you the jury to decide, if the exhibits presented are a potential threat, THE POSSIBILITY of catastrophe or hardships that cannot be undone. IF these exhibits do pose the distinct reality: WE CANNOT be wrong here, no second chances: so we must investigate for ourselves/ because failure is death, to a planet and its life.
It is up to you the jury to decide, if the foundation of democratic action as is consistent with redress of grievances is the proper and real method, for "we the people" to address and stop this insanity of threat/ these arrogant assumptions of a decision to gamble with all our lives: with everything we are or can be; the future of us all.
It is up to you the jury to decide, if the law, that governs our state or nation has been kept within the boundaries of what we the people believe is justice and fair play or equal treatment. And if not/ then it is up to you, to call for an investigation of the facts most prevalent/ the examination of the evidence by its reality/ and determine the cost to our society, when rules go too far; and justice is too little to be counted as real.
The exhibits constitute the first part of this trial: in the interest of time; you may base your decision upon this. If you wish to do better/ then continue on.
EXHIBITS: of primary interest , papers containing the quotes: plus.
A; coming the lasers will be the first to operate in the exawatt scale–a quintillion watts. That is about a million times more powerful than 10 billion 100 watt light bulbs. And a fourth laser to be built.....twice the power of these three. By 2015
You are reminded with regards to each, "in opposition" position referred too: that if I am right or wrong is ultimately irrelevant, because I do not threaten you with extinction. BUT THAT IS NOT TRUE, of the terrorists who have created these threats.
FROM ME IN OPPOSITION to exhibit A: this is a fire so ferocious, that fusion is guaranteed; a planet on fire. The claim of an energy roughly equal to what the sun brings to this entire planet, in the same second; isolated into "a pencil point"; by men. What could go wrong: "take a look at your sun"!
B; an extreme IMMEDIATE threat: page 1, "411 trillion watts of power" NIF said—1,000 times more than the entire US consumes at any given instant. .....dramatically increase the power ....by the end of this year.....drive toward fusion ignition......we have all the capacity to make it happen in the fiscal year 2012.
page 2, NIF will achieve temperatures of more than ...180 million degrees fahrenheit....pressures more than 100 billion times as large as the earth's atmosphere.
–only three places in the space and time of our universe have ever produced anything close to these conditions. The BIG BANG.....INTERIOR OF STARS......THERMONUCLEAR WEAPONS. .....laboratory experiments that attempt to reproduce the processes in the sun.....in order to drive the implosion of the ignition capsule....
Page 3. The equivalent of five million 100 watt light bulbs....result: one miniature star. ....fuel will be compressed to a density 100 times that of solid lead, and heated to more than 100 million degrees celsius- hotter than the center of the sun.......produce energy the way the stars and the sun do...our little star will produce ten to 100 times more energy than we used to ignite it.....the light and warmth that we enjoy from the sun; a star 93 million miles away, are reminders of how well the fusion process works and the immense energy it creates.
"Supernova explosion...much lower than the temperature expected to be achieved in the NIF target.....density.... well below what NIF will achieve.....the extreme neutron density at NIF is larger than that achieved by a core-collapse supernova-(an exploding star- or when two neutron stars". collide.)
FROM ME IN OPPOSITION: the next step if contained is the creation of a black hole; if not fusion. The process: if the energy absolutely cannot get out/ and more pressure is applied than the environment can withstand, then it must turn inward, and that is what creates a black hole, or dark matter as a result; "for every action/ there WILL be a reaction". Is that not so!
Idiots suggest/ scientists gamble our entire world on: it takes extreme pressures to sustain a fusion fire (therefore safe)/ because they believe "the sun burns from the inside out"; But we see no fissures. HOWEVER the primary evidence OF, the processes on the sun, in reality are already discovered. That a dying sun (getting ready to explode) goes supernova, and as a result expands to more than 3 times its current size. For this to happen: the core/ mass of the sun must add more fuel to the fire, to increase intensity.(fires grow). For more fuel to be burned than previously, as a supernova proves. It is absolutely impossible to believe the sun "burns from the inside out". If it did, all the fuel in question would be already engulfed in flame/ burning quickly; it does not. The evidence of a supernova, ultimately and without question proves this their theory is in doubt. But there is no doubt regarding what a fire released on earth just like the sun will do: just look at the sun. The evidence of reality as to what does happen on the sun with fusion is: heat expands, just like the flame on a candle: therefore we know, that the flames are lifted off the surface of the orb/ causing the fuel to be vacuumed up: not fire held down by "their delusions of gravity: which they don't even have a theory for". The element of note here is: a solar flare represents a "soft spot" on the surface of the sun/ while a sun tornado does represent a "hard spot" on the surface of the sun.
The foundation of most current thinking regarding fusion is exhibited in the assumption that it is fusion that comes from a nuclear bomb. However what is necessary to understand in this scenario of threat is: that NIF does NOT represent an explosion expanding to release that energy/ but a machine deliberately containing that explosion to mimic and exceed the temperatures inside an exploding supernova star.
Neither is the assumption that combining atomic environments into elements is what creates energy as heat. While it is true that atomic nuclei combined into different elements does release heat, IT IS NOT the making of a new molecule or element that releases heat. IT IS THE INTERFERENCE GENERATED, by adding into or subtracting from the orbital arrangements of an atom that causes heat to come forth. The rhythms/ balance/ disciplines/ and stability of the whole atom/ each atom: is interrupted and influenced to remove energy, and from that energy releases from the outside (electron field) atomic environment: that is heat, from a chemical reaction. NOT the end result which is a different molecule or element/ but the degrading of atomic stability for a length of time. Heat from a nuclear fire, is the degrading and dissolution of bonds that hold the proton and neutron nucleus together. In the case of the sun and planetary orbit: the remaining neutron now freed, is attracted first to the remaining mass of the sun itself/ and secondly to all other mass close enough to be influenced: that effect/ represents gravity itself. Therefore it is the fire on the sun that presents the greatest gravity in this solar system. Not the mass. A greater mass attracts a smaller mass, because there is more degradation, of the nuclear environment; wherever there is more atomic nuclei, in motion. The sun is NOT hydrogen, held together "by magic". The sun is a dense rock, being dissolved by fire because the atomic energy of individual orbiting electrons are removed: thereby releasing the potential energy that is a proton at its core, by the resultant chaos, which "shakes the proton"to be melted. The debris field left that is ejected from the sun; consists of whatever can survive the fire. WHICH IS, the smallest/ lightest potential element/ that then reassembles itself beyond the flames; and even smaller particles; as does become the debris field of this fire being ejected: therefore viewed as hydrogen. It is a result of the flame, NOT a composition of the orb itself.
Add in, that they do expect their "star" shall produce 100 times more energy than they put into it: they say they put in 1000 times more power than all the electricity used in the USA during the same time. Or by their quote: they must contain an energy equivalent of : 500 million 100 watt light bulbs in their machine. 50,000,000,000 (50 billion) watts, unleashed, in a very tiny area.
DRESS REHEARSAL is over/ nothing left to do, "but create fusion or a black hole/ or a megaton explosion in San Francisco".
C. Crucifying our world: Page 1. "Is the first microbe that thrives and self-replicates with only a synthetic genome to guide it....forming an artificial chromosome 1 million characters long. ...motivating force is commercial....could be worth more than one trillion dollars....proof of concept that we can make....changes across the entire genome of an organism....add entirely new functions....create a new range of industrial organisms....produced short strands ....strands reassembled....spliced in. The crucial step...synthetic genome and transferred it into another kind of common bug. As this bug multiplied, some of its progeny ditched their own DNA and began using the synthetic genome. THEN the transformation began. "Its pretty stunning when you just replace the DNA software in the cell. The cell instantly starts reading that new software, starts making a whole different set of proteins, and in short while, all the characteristics of the first species disappear and a new species emerges".
applications of this enabling technology are enormous....weaponised microbes...make the most powerful bioweapons imaginable....limited mostly by our imaginations... unless it is deliberately injected or sprayed into a goat...
Page 2. They're building life.....dubbed genetic engineering on steroids" - is inspired by the convergence of nano-scale biology...mail order synthetic DNA. "Just about anyone has the potential to construct genes or entire genomes from scratch, including those of lethal pathogens..... scientists predict that within 2-5 years it will be possible to synthesise any virus.....backed by government funding and venture capital. They aim to commercialize new biological parts, devices, and systems that don't exist in the natural world. some of which are designed for environmental release.... concentrated in the hands of major multinational firms....biological samples, sequenced and stored in digital form, will move instantaneously across the globe and be resurrected in corporate labs thousands of miles away.....tools for synthesising genes and genomes are widely accessible and advancing at break-neck pace....there must be an immediate ban on environmental release of de novo synthetic organisms until wide societal debate and strong governance are in place.....new technologies that will challenge human society and food sovereignty...
Page 3. ...successfully fused human cells with rabbit eggs....for years scientists have added human genes to bacteria and farm animals....artificial life refers to the synthesis and simulation ...and also to possible life forms and concepts that man not have occurred ....not only in life "as we know it", but also "life as it might be"....US biotech company announced they have first cloned human embryos.... all embryos died early.... federal policy regarding stem cell research, human cloning, and biotechnology.
"Building an evolvable physical self-replicating machine is a grand challenge. The main problem is that the device must be capable of hereditary variation, that is replicating in many configurations-configurations into which it enters unpredictably by mutation. Template replication is the solution found by nature........replication must be maintained by preventing side reactions such as spontaneous ligation, cyclization, product inhibition, and elongation of staggered ends. The last of these three results in every lengthening sequences in a process known as the elongation catastrophe. The extreme specificity of structure required by the monomers is indirect evidence of some kind of natural ......prior to existence.....life.
FROM ME IN OPPOSITION: as is the reality of the last paragraph made above: biology is NOT a simple mix of chemicals in a pot, stirred. Mutilations cannot be undone. Pandemic's cannot be reversed. Biological weapons can kill 97% already, of humanity. Evolution is nothing more than another religion: very little more than "I went shopping for what I wanted a body to be/ I chose/ I built myself, over billions of years"; without a mind. How is that not a religion? Rather you cannot have a body of any life; without all the parts, pieces, processes, reproduction, utilities, etc: that you must have/ that you need from the beginning to survive. An entire body without lungs/ a heart without blood or vessels/ mussels without bones or joints or hands/ everything else but no mind? WHAT, DON'T YOU NEED, for life to survive? How then did evolution build you one tiny piece at a time? It is insane.
D. the experiment: can we create a big bang here on earth: the single most destructive event in the history of the universe. CERN; Experiments that smash protons...."god's particle"....proton smashups to 115 to 130 gigaelectronvolts....(.00000000000000232). LHC will run through to the end of 2012....the beam energy for 2011 will be 3.5 TeV......to prepare for higher energy running starting 2014....prepare for it running at its full design energy of 7 TeV per beam.
FROM ME IN OPPOSITION: The answer is: that a big bang did not happen without structural disintegration. That means: SOMETHING "sliced and diced" the mass to be blown apart prior to the big event so that everything could go at once. That means in real terms "a proton" so energized no physical resistance could oppose that force, existed against it. But tied by "electrons", this force moved back and forth through the mass at tremendous speed. Thereby destroying atomic order (time itself), a little with every pass. A GREATER understanding, is provided at the end of these exhibits. Lacking the intent of a foreign language used to hide it, from the general public; as is math; so that you may understand.
E. LIARS, CHEATS, AND THIEVES: Page 1. Is a short summary of the various sites and information found, detailing the extreme disregard for reality, as it reveals "just 363 billion left in US account; after social security and medicare for a year, from taxes". But they spent 6.3 trillion in IL they collected $21 billion, but spent 140 billion. The money called a debt/ HAS IN FACT, been inflated to $504 thousand dollars per individual citizen: they just call it a debt/ so they can keep these numbers for themselves; using it, to steal everything; because we cannot compete with these numbers they did counterfeit; simple as that.
page 2. US FEDERAL RESERVE RELEASES. Table L.5 total liabilities and its relation to total financial assets. In BILLIONS; add nine zeros (not including cents) behind the period. Or total liabilities (line 19) reads 121094.8 which then becomes $121,094,800,000,000. Or 121 trillion, 94 billion 800 million owed. Total assets (line 33); translated as total reported dollars in circulation currently: $155249.5 or $155.2 trillion dollars looks like $155,249,500,000,000.00 or translated into more understandable terms: divided equally there is enough dollars inflated into the currency of this nation to provide $155.2495 trillion dollars divided by 308 million citizens presents each one with $504,056.82. Babies, prisoners, and all. "You got yours"/ someone does.
FROM ME IN OPPOSITION: a debt that cannot be paid, is inflation. One trillion dollars is ten thousand dollars per each and every one of one hundred million people: one in three citizens. Bringing our debts divided by 100,000,000 people equally too: $1,210,948.00 or 1.2 million dollars per each and every one in three citizens. Do you need more? Every dollar the federal government loaned to the banks, was multiplied by at least ten: which means they gave the money to banks, so they could secretly multiply that money by ten. The stock market allows: buying on margin at 50- 1 or more. Every dollar bet; turns into 50 dollars.
F. the short list, from other threats listed here:
1. We burn more oxygen with fire, than this earth can produce/ you also cut down, mutilate, or destroy the very organisms that produce the oxygen we need. "The average person uses about 3,000 gallons of air to breathe a day; a small car, average distances: use thirty times that much. A large truck over one hundred times more." Think about it: using more oxygen just for fire than the planet makes/ WHAT happens next? Answer the question.
2. Antibiotic feeds are failing/ which means the factory farm is nearly extinct: a single pandemic then destroys the entire herd; across this world (taking your food with it). We cannot wait to rebuild, too many mouths to feed. We have NO OTHER means to raise or keep these animals currently; therefore it will be cannibalism. Antibiotics are what make most of your healthcare possible; "all gone, for a few pennies, and a little ease". Pharmaceuticals of all kinds; sucked in by the handfuls; ARE without doubt causing the increases in autism, asthma, and more; chemicals of all kinds, ADD IN.
3. Only one inch of rain replenishes an aquifer/ per fifty inches of rainfall. Ethanol is added to fifteen percent of all gasoline used in the USA/ times at least three gallons of water to make it/ times (guessing another two for irrigation, etc). Trillions of gallons of water are pumped into gas fields/ oil fields/ used in chemicals/ made toxic by chemicals/ contaminated from garbage/ removed from saturation into the aquifer by tiling; and a whole lot more. Go find out.
4. There are experiments in nano technology, small enough particles to invade cellular structure and clog immunology, function, foundations of life and life processes as well as other cellular activities Self replicating means: potentially complete overtaking of the biological system/ even every biological creature or plant on earth.
5. The advances to artificial intelligence are an easily detectable threat. It will be horrible because it can be horrible/ not because it has to be?
6. The introduction of mutilations such as Bt corn (kill any insect that bites, sicken many insects in contact with the pollen/ and the pesticides based upon that same chemical reaction/ or other types of killing sicken the world that lives on insects. Killing the insect world, and transforming the rest, from the bottom of the food chain on up. The determined end of habitat for all but what men want/ extinction of species, by removal of diversity/ poisoning everything in sight, water, and everything else. Devastating OUR POLLINATORS, the creatures who ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR; an entire base food source to this world. The entire system of pollination, from all its creatures, to all its seeds, to all its life is being decimated: and we are about to live within and forever changed as, "a true silent spring". Where fruits and vegetables no longer exist/ where much of life itself is now extinct. The only thing left: swarms of insects dedicated to the plants men do want..
7. Fail to feed fish populations that you have so badly decimated, and they cannot return/ therefore you starve; and WAR.
8. "It's a choice"/ or more clearly its your choice: to fight for this world or just surrender as cowards! Think for yourself.
9. Evolution is their excuse, it will fix anything they destroy/ so they say. Something new will come out of your chaos, their intentional destruction of life on earth, (we CAN MUTILATE LIFE, because evolution will fix it) "in a million years or so". You want to wait a million years?
10. Of the various things available for us to see the past/ one of the most clear is: that to have created the vast amount of coal, oil, and gas underground/ some buried thousands of feet down. There had to be a world wide flood/ nothing else could bury this amount of debris, all at one time, in the same places, so as to produce these quantities. The same religion that establishes this flood declares, "the next time" by fire. So enters fusion!
11. THERE IS NO WORK/ NO LIFE, WITHOUT RESOURCES. How long before you have nothing left? How long, before a critical part, a critical material or element, disappears forever?
12. More simply, when the ice melts, you cannot "make cold" anymore. Great amounts of ice have melted, some say enough for a 20 inch rise in sea level around this earth. THAT IS, ALL THE PROOF REQUIRED: TO PROVE GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL! That means you have moved "this much weight" from its location on one tectonic plate/ to another tectonic plate shifting the balance and disrupting the stability of these earth structures.
13. The current situation in USA with weather: is likely to remain abnormally hot and dry: because ground temperature prove there is no great deviation from hot to cold across the nation. That temperature difference creates the weather and rain.
14. We cannot be wrong about energy experiments. We cannot be wrong about genetic crucifixion of life. We cannot be wrong about weapons of mass destruction. We cannot be wrong about food or water or anything that will make us extinct. Because if you are/ the planet dies, and you with it. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
15. Because men want NO DIVERSITY/ they want only what they want, and that ends the diversity of life by process, establishes unintended consequences, and describes environmental change. The chains of life are real, break a chain and everything above it fails to survive.
16. We cannot ignore Yellowstone super volcano/ if it erupts; life on earth will die by the billions (just in the human population); a reality of consequences. Thought must prevail. We can intervene by drilling to relieve the gases that cause an explosion to occur.
17. THE OCEAN FEEDS OVER ONE BILLION PEOPLE (you already have one billion people hungry) Ending the food supply for every other kind of fish dependent upon that food supply too: such as tuna and others. Killing entire " sea nations at a time" is devastation on a massive scale/ no balance: it's a man's way.. Nothing but want, and greed. "Make me rich"!
18. Are invading even the last refuges for the very last stocks of many types of fish because the ice is gone now in the Arctic .. Are genetically mutilating creatures of the sea. A complete we don't care attitude, a "we are gods" arrogance. What is the result: IF NOT a DEAD OCEAN?
19. While those crops are currently producing more: in exchange you have opened the door to an epidemic/ a catastrophe: that can kill the entire plant/ leaving you with no option but to abandon the entire species once this has taken over
20. You are killing all pollinators at once/ with poisons clearly introduced that weaken their defenses and make them vulnerable to everything.
21. You have built death and starvation. You have built "superbug's/ or extremely powerful diseases, that can invade us as well". You will starve. YOUR surgery and healthcare are very dependent upon antibiotics: and that means, you die too.
22. With one billion people already hungry/ 2 million more added EACH, and every week; as the human population grow; they need more. A population that is over 7 billion:
23. Because they don't want to pay the price for life: WHICH IS, from this point forward: ONLY LIFE FIRST MUST LEAD. BY ITS OWN TRUTH/ no more money first, no more want first, no more insanity. ONLY LIFE FIRST, forever.
24. With a world filled with nuclear bombs, only twenty five detonations of which are said to be enough to end life on earth:
25. With many nations holding biological weapons, whose stated efficiency is OVER 97% DEATH RATE in humans if released: WORLDWIDE.
26. PURPOSELY trying to cross humanity with any other form of life, in a direct crucifixion of the genetic stability of nature itself. The media propagating "how great this will be"/
27. How is an angry world, a world stolen from, and berated as less than "us/ the extra special smart people" going to stop itself from war. Men choose war as their answer,
28. 7 billion people growing at 2 million more each week! Standing on one acre of "growing land" each.
29. Want a better world, create world law & dedicated world police. Who will not attack nations, BUT WILL bring their leaders to justice by trial, or if necessary other means of enforcement and denial of superiority, including death for leaders. The law, Will enforce
30. The separation and protection of women from men in terms of making a nation different: IS A TRUE incentive to men, to make the other men change. So that the women will return
31. Want to use all the resources of earth today: HELL yes/ no worry, we will just go get more! After all, how much stuff can 7,000,000,000 people take, every day/ every year for their entire lives:
32. Armageddon means: "Nature in chaos". Geneticists are actually working as hard as they can, for the last fifty plus years/ DELIBERATELY trying to cause genetic stability, disciplines, and balance to be destroyed. They believe once they see it fail/ then they will know what to do, to "be gods themselves". I say: instead of gods/ they will be "satan";
The machines are built/ the reality is at hand/ a moratorium (and everything else to stop it) is required at all levels: including demanding the press SHALL NOT escape our reality
. We are going to intervene RIGHT NOW, or we will be too late. Play time is over/ GROW UP OR DIE. It really doesn't matter what you want/
Finishing the basic framework, in opposition to CERN.
Their reality at CERN: is an environment of extreme atomic de-stabilization/ coupled to an electron mass so extensive: that it can allow a completely different state of energy suspended outside of time. That electrons WILL retain its connection here. Or more simply: even just one impact that escapes the consequences of time in this experiment, can multiply and influence changes in every other proton that is going through that energy, causing it to grow
The stage is set with a cloud of electrons set apart from the nucleus of atomic structure/ considerable lost, to the surrounding environment; but what remains is "determined". Three things happen when "a train wreck of protons" above the energy levels called time are caused to exist. 1. The orbital reality of electrons is moved to chaos, but still connected. 2. The critical structure of a proton/ neutron relationship is changed to become aggravated: relieved of disciplines called time. 3. A separated environment establishes its own rules and laws.
You cannot conceive of more, unless you understand the atomic environment as a whole in time as it is. That relationship is constructed by three separate things as well. 1. In the exploding mass that established a "big bang"/ there is an outer jacket of material, and an inner core of materials: each of which will experience a different level of energy. Because even instantaneous means, the release of structure still requires a breakdown, by force, more severe internally than externally. 2. A black hole is created by energy being turned into itself/ requiring the only possible exit, of a force too extreme to be denied is: that it must turn on itself, and change its own description, becoming the opposite of what it was. As a formation, that is called a black hole; commonly created through a supernova effect. In this particular case; where all the mass of an entire universe is held together as one entity; KNOWN by the reality of expansion; the effect of an explosion beyond comprehension. The reality of instantaneous presents us with the question: if there was not time to form the structure of a black hole; or, there were many black holes that created spin in each other to the point of disintegration/ then what happened to the energy and mass, forced to turn upon itself in the extreme chaos that was internal to this reality? The answer is: what is called mass/ anti‑mass & energy/ anti‑energy left the area together; mass and energy in front. BUT, what is a greater "anti‑force and level of attraction" coming quickly from behind. 3. The effects of an explosion are: that what is external (the outer skin), receives the least foundation effects; in this case becoming the electrons (pieces so broken up/ they lose their identity (not mass); but retain an existence (force released, a hole without substance); later becoming a universal dust or haze/ but deprived of an orbit); divided into tiny particles that were pushed by explosive forces to extreme levels of energy. Second is the middle effect, wherein larger pieces of composite materials shaped and filled by the forces exhibited are released, and then bound together/ including a wide variety of very small pieces or the existence of force defined, as in electrons are formed here as well. Third are the internal components which have been altered to cause, or become the explosion itself. Thereby the most vulnerable and most subjected, to extreme conditions: "can't get out, immediately; must endure".
We then take these conditions and examine nuclear compositions today: to understand, in order for an environment to be nuclear, and contain the levels of energy sustained/ there MUST be a force equal to/ OPPOSITE OF, and greater than; the energy being contained. It is called gravity. That force, can only be what is called "anti‑matter/ energy". What is otherwise called a neutron (forces and mass which mimic or express what are in effect, "like, tiny black holes/ improperly formed"), which does create the opposing force to contain an electron/ proton. The proton being the force which becomes responsible for environment, the building of mass. The neutron representing balance applied, by causing available mass to enter within the environment itself, until saturated. The effects described as "positive or negative".
The levels of heat and cold do matter. What is cold, will attach to what is cold, in a hot soup: if it happens quickly. You can actually see this effect, by simply frying "tator tots" in hot oil. Therefore, the middle composition mass, of the explosion: having the least physical effects; because of distance; are found to be of varying shapes and sizes. The question is: what is cold, or heat/ the true physical forms of energy in time and space (atomic dimensions work on a different plane)? The physical existence of an action will result in an opposite but equal reaction is limited to heat or cold. The critical question: what is temperature? The illuminated answer is, an action or reaction that is measured in time, by the forces applied to it. That force being, what is or is not done to the atomic environment/ when confronted with opposing dimensions that must shift, to become integrated, or at odds with the balance of the whole. More simply, the chemistry of time is, the balance or failure to balance of the whole atomic environment. Cold is then, balanced and in a state of sustained cooperation/ while heat is unbalanced, the direct denial of "cooperation", within the components (no rhythms match/ collisions result) of a separated atomic environment. These rhythms of an orbiting field of energy and mass binding together, or separating either quickly or over time, construct the basis of time itself. A distinct definition or measurement, that can be determined by the structure of what is involved.
The elemental dimensions of atomic structure itself are: that forces balanced by what is real in this dimension as mass and energy applied by force/ BUT CONTAINED as a relationship in time, by what is not conceived of as real, in this alternate dimension as is anti‑matter and anti-energy. "The space in‑between matter & energy and its anti-/ opposite effect": Becomes a three‑dimensional state. Becoming Polar opposites, with their result, which is the space called time.
These elements which include and become the primary foundation are: the experience translated between what is real, and what is not real; assembled then as, {visited by the expression called thought}. Thought is, "a living experience".
As extreme energy is then, the critical existence of all those nuclei that have been elementally separated (forced to extreme distances) from their electrons by the reality of force being used, called electricity; the proton becomes an atomic anchor shaken. Better understood as: the relationship between the atomic elements: proton/ neutron/ and electron are governed by rotation. Once that rotation becomes disconnected from the reality of its own rhythms, which did make it an independent atomic environment. The energies associated with that environment are changed as well. The result is, "a proton/ neutron mass" that does not remain stable: "it shakes: due to electron effects in a less symmetrical or organized orbit". The result of that is a mass that works like a chainsaw or sledge hammer/ on common balanced atomic structure surrounding it.
How a wormhole is made
Humans have now made "extreme energy/ as the basis of a kinetic existence (outside the speed limits of light), within an environment that does not allow that action (therefrom beyond time); as a consequence nothing exists (no reaction) to stop it from sustaining itself. Much like an electron sustains itself in a nuclear environment; the rules are much the same. BUT the potential effects are distinctly different due to the size of particles being allowed/ and the range of motion, separated from its disciplines by nuclear law; this "super weapon" is now free. The question is: what can the proton or "energy deposit" of a nuclear environment do here? More importantly: can the proton now accelerated beyond the limits of anything being able to react to its existence, continue on without interference from anything/ will it not heat up? Can it explode, without the element of heat being used? Is it freed forever, and what are the limits if any? Critical to the elemental study of what is possible, is the transfer of heat, from proton to the environment of cold; without an electron shield for balance/ the question becomes, "exactly what does the excited electrons already in this cold do, with an alternate nucleus that now mimics an electron freed; but is not"? There are only two feasible choices: either they tag along for the ride/ or they interfere with the passage of this proton, thereby heating it up. If then it is true, that the proton has nothing that can react to its presence/ in the absence of heat; it would also be true that the electrons in orbit around other atomic nuclei; cannot react to its presence either. BUT if it is true, that this proton represents a stronger draw to the electron than does it "parent nucleus"; then surely that electron will gravitate to the greater draw. The question becomes: does the "super proton" have greater/ or similar speed than an electron? In which case, the proton organizes a march essentially: of an army of electrons as it proceeds. The question of an orbit is abandoned, the balance of power is shifted within a similar situation as is the planets and sun; due to gravity. The larger draws the smaller, even though the distance in space can be great. Unlike the sun and planets, there is no discipline of action/ because there is no consequence called reaction to create time. These simply gang up, like a swarm of insects or such. The question remains: are they completely random, or is there an influence that remains to establish some aspect of order, as an alternate law in nuclear physics. In every gravitational solar system, (galaxy) there is a black hole at the center.... within which a planetary systems reside (an effective order). In this scenario, there will be no black hole created by the effects of pushing proton particles past the edge of time/ HOWEVER the influences illustrative, of a supernova collapse that leads to a black hole will be realized. Or more simply: in a supernova when the atomic energy is exhausted to the point all previous order fails: there will be an reaction equal to the action that preceded it. Or in this case, as is the design of solar systems: a disk of influence will be defined, because the explosion has a distinct direction and at right angles to that direction the debris will flow(mass cannot keep up with the forces ejected/ therefore they spin to the side). The effect of creating a "wormhole"; which is nothing more than an opportunity for electrons to collect in transition from a balanced atomic environment, "to an army"; is fundamental to pushing an accelerated proton past the limits and disciplines of real energy in time. Once past, the disk created by gravitational influences; these are held to the consequence of what a wormhole can do. Like a cord, it hangs on/ because the thread of influence is time itself. Therefore a constant emerges. Time as a constant, emerges as thought/ but time as a constant of energy; conceives of things that cannot be measured, because they exist at speeds so extreme there is no reaction to that speed: in essence then eternal. Critical to the end result is: how does the thread of existence, retain its identity? As energy, the critical existence of all those nuclei that have been abandoned by their electrons; become an anchor. That elemental truth then becomes a line which is attached to an endless action, that returns and returns and returns at unimaginable speed, slicing and dicing the reality of time and its balanced atomic nuclei at it proceeds through this earth.
the terrorists at CERN/ the particle accelerator buried in a mountain, are reviewed.
Their stated purpose: "to recreate and study, the energies responsible for the BIG BANG"/ THE SINGLE MOST DESTRUCTIVE EVENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE. Here on earth. IT IS, A gamble with this ENTIRE planet that is complex/ but understandable, if you try.
THESE "EXPERTS" ARE, attempting to demonstrate energies that led to:
creating the structural defects that caused the originating mass to explode, and expand into the universe we know today. We know structural weakening occurred because it is a documented explosion of. such force, that no doubt exists only "dust and gas" was left. There estimate of time being entirely fantasy: because they do fail to understand, in an instantaneous explosion of any kind, materials are scattered nearly equally in all directions. Therefore the "deep space field" or empty spot is the originating area of that explosion/ NOT assumptions of galaxies "far, far, away".
THESE scientists, ARE GAMBLING: they can create the same energies RESPONSIBLE for this explosion: and use it as a toy to study. Simply turning their machine back off, will mean nothing bad can happen. They BELIEVE , THIS EARTH WILL NOT EXPLODE; EVEN THOUGH THEY EXPECT, intend and demand: THESE ARE THE SAME ENERGIES, THAT DESTROYED THE ORIGINATING MASS, of an entire previous universe. To be wrong then, is to create the destruction of this earth/ same energy, same result is not unlikely. Therefore we review their theories here. (IN BRIEF) And demand: if even more than a one in a million or billion chance exists; this entire planet is destroyed. Then THIS MUST STOP! IT IS, our lives/ our future/ our everything: NOT just yours.
They BELIEVE, the potential rewards, outweigh the risk; they risk our lives, wanting to play "gods"; a simple look at me, I DID, what no other could do/ therefore I am great. However the reality once released, means we cannot go back in time. If they are wrong, the evidence is: an entire universe was changed, by this energy; and they know it! How much less, just this small planet.
Their machine is described, as the following statements: ( described at scientific american, February 2008, for the propaganda media).
1. We will achieve one trillion volts of contained energy, traveling at the speed of light; within this machine. You could think of it roughly; as the energy required to lift 3 or 4 empire state buildings off the ground (just for context, not a calculation).
2. We will boost the proton's energy (the active part of a nuclear bomb) by 16 times. Or if they could transfer this imposed energy into a nuclear bomb, it would be 16 times as deadly and destructive.
3. We will smash these protons at the speed of light 30 million times a second, for up to 10 hours. These are (for visualization) bunched into "trains". The number of trains or bunches on the "rails/ wires" are 2,808 at any one time. The number of collisions per second on this ride is up to 31 million crashes per second, at 4 locations. The expect as many as "20 individual train cars " collisions at every crash site, each time; the rest travel on. 31 times 4=124 million crashes per second for ten hours=36000 seconds times 124,000,000=4.464 trillion crashes per day times 20 individual proton crashes per time= 89 trillion, 28 billion proton crashes/ plus release of electrons; per each ten hour experiment.
4. Several nuclear power plants are required to generate the electrical forces needed for their experiment. Add that to fuel consumption/ pollution/ your money/etc.
5. All of that force is isolated "into two wires (for simple understanding)", the electricity moving in two different directions/ and then directed into a head‑on "train wreck" collision through what is in fact "a needle, or proton ejection means, shooting the gap between wires"/ all that power, going through"a needle" kind of like your sewing machine; sort of. Their desire and intent: apart from any other description is, to create energies: "to search for new forces never before seen in time". While this may sound exciting, the reality of unleashing forces that do not obey the laws of energy and mass in time; as has already been proven to explode an extreme mass. IS WITHOUT DOUBT EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. YET, this is their plan/ their purpose/ what their machine is for: and it is playing with tremendous force. Established, with your money.
WHAT THEY DO NOT TELL YOU IS: that in playing with energies this extreme, it is entirely possible that they WILL create the same energy that caused the originating mass of the previous universe: TO WEAKEN ITS STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY & (all gathered together/ just like this planet): TO EXPLODE with an intensity, that nothing seen in time can duplicate. Or more simply, given the incomprehensible size of that originating mass: WHAT WE DO KNOW IS, THAT EVERY SINGLE ATOMIC STRUCTURE INVOLVED EXPLODED AT THE SAME TIME! Creating instantaneous expansion of the whole. Or more simply, it exploded so completely and so violently, that only dust and gas was left from the entire originating mass.
Think about that for just a second/ and then go back to their stated purpose: to bring this energy here on earth.
What is important about the big bang for this discussion is:FOR ANY STRUCTURE TO DISINTEGRATE INSTANTANEOUSLY , as did the originating mass of this universe: ALL THE STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS INVOLVED, HAD TO BE WEAKENED, (a very important fact). RATHER LIKE BRINGING DOWN A BUILDING TODAY; YOU WEAKEN IT FIRST! In other words, something preceded the explosion itself. The question is HOW? The answer is: only an energy SO EXTREME, that no reaction could exist, no elemental relationship could defend; to confront it. An energy and momentum accelerated so fast: that time did not exist, by the laws we know as OUR truth. Time is by actual fact: the law that says, for every action there will be an equal opposite reaction.
What is important here is: THE RISK TO OUR WORLD/ THE GAMBLE these few, and their propaganda news teams, experts, and governmental leaders have created: to an entire planet of life. The question is: HOW MUCH velocity and momentum can the altered energy; as dimensional protons of mass, escaping time; exit from this chamber with? We return to their statement: "We WILL increase proton energy (the explosive part of a nuclear bomb) by 16 times, due to our acceleration process". A 20 megaton nuclear bomb then becomes a 320 megaton nuclear bomb: it is a massive increase in momentum. Therefore lets remember: if a proton escapes at the velocity of the speed of light/ with an equivalent momentum of 16 times its normal state of energy, it needs only a push: to be accelerated beyond the speed of light/ or the arena wherein time and its dedicated limits of: for every action there shall be a reaction/ or measurement of time exists.
To give these protons that push at cern, in these experiments: there is "at the atomic level" ; a massive nuclear explosion behind them/ with every crash. 89 trillion proton, crashes in ten hours Does that not sound like "a push"?
There is also a massive aurea of electrons in front, behind, or surrounding them; opening the door, to escape velocities, for any proton that breaks free.
DEPENDENT UPON: the protons that do escape beyond the limits of time, or action and reaction limits imposed by time. The extreme number of electron energies pulling them or more correctly TURNING THEM BACK, (opposites do attract in atomic energy; electrons exist at speeds over "light") will be applied. This then becomes the ingredients to form: "like a trampoline or spring, at low amounts of mass, or more specifically, if enough mass is ejected, or collected at once; a centrifugal loop". The energy created identifies itself by the trail of electrons it creates/ but because this is over the speed of light, time cannot measure it. The end result is: protons will bounce back and forth, or circle through the earth or around it; unnoticed and unfelt until the true force has gathered together enough protons with sustained momentum to "leave the womb" of its creation, called CERN. With this mass in place, and these controlling electrons an established force, anchored in place. This energy now, begins influencing time. OR more simply, once enough momentum has been achieved to establish, the centrifugal effect, an "upside down electron tornado" effect, will occur; which will then pull atomic structures apart on earth, and eject them into space: the end will soon come! Which is: the necessary effect in, or allowing: the complete weakening of atomic structure in large or small mass. Once the tipping point has been passed, more and more protons will be accelerated to complete the process by the actions of this energy)/ as is proven possible by the originating mass. Prior to its explosion, which did create, Our completely new universe. Or, in this case OUR; evaporation from space and time, as the planet explodes. Not a fantasy, these are the energies being created/ THE REALITIES already proven to exist. The purpose of the machine at CERN! They play a game; without regard to consequences, planet, or life: using fantasy, delusion, arrogance, and absolute selfishness GAMBLING with our lives. But reality proves it is no game. http://www.justtalking3.info
More simply: The anchor described above, becomes an elemental truth, not governed by balance or time; it then becomes a separate environment: which is attached to an endless action, that returns and returns and returns at unimaginable speed, slicing and dicing the reality of atomic nuclei at it proceeds through this earth. Destroying our world: because it has achieved such speed and momentum that the law of: for every action there will be a reaction no longer exists: "to it". The force of electricity (orbit dislocation)/ the acceleration of exploding protons (caused by the machine): & the gravitational pull of an atomic environment (the anti‑matter/ anti‑energy of the neutron) changes the atomic relationship/ therefore past the point of no return: changes time. The critical force being, that between an proton and a neutron, there is a relationship. The critical reality: that too control an electron, three things must be enforced. A rotational definition, presenting a relationship in kinetic energy: ; as is between electron speed and force of mass proton, present. A potential energy presents the mass of the proton, establishing an environment as an anchored point in space and time. And the force called gravity itself: or more distinctly, a neutron is "anti-matter (attached to the proton), and its consequent anti-energy"; which exerts the opposite forces necessary to keep an electron in place. That "anti-force, or opposing force" is gravity itself." As is clearly represented by the atomic environment itself. This machine, Disrupting the balance between atomic relationships that are held in check as our time, because of the strict laws which brought these together and formed elements. Are being challenged at their core: BY ESTABLISHING FAR GREATER ENERGIES IN THE PROTON MASS/ then EXPLOSIONS/ THEN SEPARATION from antimatter as gives the entire atomic environment stability: disrupts and changes the relationships of atomic matter and energy; changing their effects in this world. Freeing extreme energies from the law called time/ to damage and destroy our world: just like it did, in the big bang. The single most destructive event in the history of this universe. While it is true, that few will understand this, by its substance/ the reality in place here is: DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU HEAR from the cult called university, or their "brain washed" servants. THINK FOR YOURSELF!
Better explanations are not necessary. What you need to understand is: "changing the foundations upon which time depends (the rhythms, rotation, or atomic environment)"/ changes the universe itself. Time depends upon the boundaries, rhythms, and balance that is constant in atomic environments: TO REMAIN STABLE. Anything past stable proves the laws which govern time can be broken.
YOU WILLING TO BET YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHILD, YOUR FUTURE, YOUR ENVIRONMENT, YOUR EVERYTHING/ YOUR PLANET (the universe exploded/ and this IS, what they are trying to recreate; by their own words) : ON THE RESULT? They are betting exactly that, and the machine is now running.
CASE 2011 TR 022442
YOU ARE WARNED: that because time has run out “for play”; restraint has been cast aside. THESE WORDS are then delivered with the strict attention required/ that demands you,
The very simplest minds in the universe CAN understand the next few simple statements.
The, "extra special smart people (THE UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA (we are smarter than you), the politician, etc)" CANNOT. THEY MUST be told/ they must be forced to listen, because their arrogance has made them insane.
Exhibits and the necessary words, follow.
WE DON’T want the same fire as is on the sun, here on earth/ WE CANNOT put that flame out! These people gamble and intend, “to prove their theory, not enough gravity here, to sustain it”. However; when proven wrong/ we are dead.
The very simplest minds in the universe CAN understand: WE DON’T want the same situation or energies that caused the destruction of an entire universe in its previous state: brought here to this planet. Risking the same event here. These people cannot, or more correctly refuse to understand. They have reborn themselves, in fantasy and delusions so extreme: they say all the mass in this universe today, CAME from a point in space no bigger than a needle. Rather the evidence is without doubt: that the mass already existed as “the entire whole of it”. Because without the mass already in place, the energy to create such an explosion as clearly did exist, SIMPLY COULD NOT have occurred. Who then do you believe/ think for yourself?
In the “big bang”: Without an atomic “chainsaw” to destroy the links of atomic structure, weakening the whole prior to its explosion. That explosion could only otherwise propagate through the entire structure in time ( a sustained explosion, traveling from point a, to point b): as opposed to an instantaneous eruption (all agree), of the whole, as is the truth. Therefore something preceded that explosion.
The very simplest minds in the universe CAN understand: that life is nature, and nature is DNA, or the instructions that build the bodies of life and complete, the integrity of mind. These people mutilate everything. The truth of Mutilation is in evidence, “its called a birth defect/ etc”. DO YOU WANT MORE, of these?
These people cross species boundaries and deliberately try to destroy the disciplines and balance of life and body, to play god. WHEN THEY DO KNOW, that species who become susceptible to a different “shared disease”; because of these things, CREATE PANDEMIC’S. Either these people know better, or they intend to kill us/ or both. They tempt/ flatter/ promise to be gods, “wipe away every tear”: and literally by reality: seek to destroy us all, with HORRORS/ TERRORS/ AND TRAGEDY coming; a genetic disaster that cannot be stopped. How can you doubt?
Evolution, OR; “we built ourselves one piece at a time, by shopping for what we wanted without even a brain”! Is utterly insane: Damn fool, what part did you not need! Got everything else, but no heart/ got everything else but no stomach/ blood/ blood vessel/ etc, etc, etc: WHAT did you NOT need, to survive? Answer it!
What can we be wrong about, when failure is extermination from this planet? When they gamble and risk, absolutely everything we value or need as life, or for experiments without true value! What: Is that NOT “your business”/ when this earth and its nature is at risk?. Read more.
A selection of lessons from life, translated for you. The reality of employees throughout both state and national government who say: “there is no such thing, as REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES” either state or nation, regardless of what the constitution says/ guarantees/ or displays as “citizen rights. The threat is anarchy in government, the reality is rebellion against our democracy, the consequence is treason; proven true!
This handout is provided to “some religious leaders” for their view as to the interpretations of Ezekiel/ Daniel/ and Revelations. You are reminded, that the difference between truth and thought when joined together, exists as a very narrow pathway discovered, that leads to many doors. Where the foundations of every elemental truth are formed, the spiritual ascension of thought exists. To participate, you MUST enter within that truth, and understand. It is NOT, “for the faint of heart”.
More important, than anything else on earth, in this day and time. More important than anything else in this site, or that YOU WILL EVER DO, or fail to do! Are the realities of choice being made, the tools and machines: that literally CAN become an end to life on earth. NOT A GAME, a decision of fools, so completely insane, they gamble with our very lives, our planet, and our future as life itself on earth. It’s a decision: THAT WE LET THEM, play with our lives, our planet, our future/ and accept the threats so blatantly disastrous to life! There is no going back. No amount of tears, will replace what these terrorists have decided to do. No prayers will matter/ regardless of your religion.
If we let people intentionally gamble & potentially DESTROY our lives, and our world: then YOU, are responsible as well! It’s the choice you made. Or there must be a decision to stop it, or at least investigate it first, BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. Carried out for the sake of life, rather than pride! The utter insanity; “We will be gods”/ AIN’T investigating; its fantasy! Examine the truth about what happens, when they are proven to be WRONG. THERE IS NO GOING BACK! Like every gambler: they say “I can’t lose/ I will gamble it all”. With rare exception that turns out to be: you lost everything instead.
The propaganda media: know only pride (the cheerleaders, don’t really care/ “unless you won’t look, or listen to me”). The reality here: is life or death for us all! How is that not worth your time and effort to investigate/ BEFORE its too late? Explain that to me! Some say: Your “gods” at the university “know what they are doing, even if it is a theory”? Even though, if they are wrong WE ALL DIE; along with the future, the planet, every child, and all life on earth! WHO, is then more arrogant and blind, for letting them play this game, WITH LIFE: “Them or you”?
This is not a game, these are in fact: the decisions being made! The machines built and running, or the tools which mutilate every living life. Its your life, your child, your future, and your world: STAND UP, and be counted! Or damned, because you didn’t care enough to learn anything. “THIS IS, LIFE OR DEATH, for this planet”. Believe it or not, there is no going back. Some will say, “haven’t died yet”/ and laugh. But we only die once, isn’t that true/ an accident that kills you need not happen twice. Isn’t that true? My nephew was playing with his go-cart awhile back: “its all fun/ until he made the ramp a little bit bigger, and sped up just a bit more: then the cart went over, ended upside down; to almost break his neck, and become a quadriplegic for the rest of his life.” Can’t come back from that can you: ain’t it so! Not fun anymore. Can you understand?
WAKE UP. YOU DO UNDERSTAND! An entire world of life lost! Its not a game, its not one life or a few: THESE TERRORISTS ARE gambling with every single life on earth: our lives! There is no tomorrow, once they are proven wrong, even just one, of these insane experiments can destroy life, forever. And there are more. Prove the evidence is wrong. PROVE, that with experiments so extreme, it is not likely: that we shall all be dead, before another year goes by. PROVE IT, no guessing allowed. Since, None can prove “it ain’t possible”. Try thinking for a second/ maybe then, you can survive. It’s a whole world at risk!
The functional definitions of all sites I provide are now listed on www.justtalking3.linfo the purpose being: to provide the option and tools required to give all members of society a chance to change their world, before it falls into chaos. There are threats that CANNOT be dismissed/ there are issues of democracy and fair play which CANNOT be dismissed without the loss of freedom/ there are issues of economies destroyed, because greed ruled too long. There are lawsuits required/ officials warned “we the people” can occur. There are people warned, to fail is to die, because the truth of our reality is clear enough to know what the future will bring, without change. The foundation of this work has proven: humanity itself does NOT want to participate in anything but their own wants/ you want, to blame someone else, excusing yourself from the consequences, the reality of a choice you do not wish to make. That is the decision of a small child/ and will not be accepted as enough to stop the destruction of this planet or its life. Which means simply: YOU MUST GROW UP, and take responsibility for what you CAN DO. If all you can do is pass this message on/ then that is what you must do, for life and a future, and yourself. NOT because I say so, that is irrelevant. But because the truth is clear enough for all to see: threats beyond our ability to survive past the point of no return/ are threats that make us all extinct. Not a game, a fact of our existence in this day. Believe it or not, I will be proven true. This is your chance to fight for life on earth/ fail, and it dies; you too.
YOU ARE NOT A BYSTANDER/ YOU, are a participant in what our future can or will become. You are, the reality of what you choose to do/ because that is your truth.
The fight for social justice: vs the IRS; trial preliminaries/ vs the FBI, the initiating trial/ vs state of IL judiciary. More at site www.justtalking3.info |
These trials, both state and federal: because of their severity, in terms of being wrong. Account for the reasons this work has been done/ all other sites and work are merely complimentary or foundations for that work. They exist at www.justtalking3.info or download that entire site as a zip file here.
There is no right to threaten or gamble with WE THE PEOPLE in any sense or purpose, design, or possibility. That includes weapons of mass destruction. I DO NOT PAY OR INTEND TO PAY, THOSE WHO THREATEN THIS ENTIRE WORLD, and me; WITH EXTERMINATION.
The proof: A reality of rebellion against us all, as identified by lawsuit after lawsuit denied without cause! AN ARROGANCE SO BLIND AND INSANE; even a DAMNED monkey is smarter than “these extra special smart people”. WHO DO: choose, Gambling with an entire world! THIS is beyond schizophrenic, or any other version of“they ain’t normal”: it is SATAN himself. The destroyer of worlds, by PRIDE.
Daniel 12 | Revelation 12 | Revelation 13 | Revelation 17 | Ezekiel 1 | Genetic Crisis |
Science at the Extremes | Terrorists Found | Atomic Structure | Destruction | Information | Fantasy |
This is a counter-suit case, taking the declaration of our “employees”/ as does form a government: that my tiny infraction of a traffic rule, as is common practice across all of rural america: which threatened no life/ risked no property/ and is proven by my own driving history, critically without cause to believe it would.
The same CANNOT be said of the employees throughout government in this state or this USA. Rather greed consumes them, justice fails everyone, the extreme threats: of mutilating DNA as is the reality of genetics; NATURE IS GENETICS, the reality of how every single body of life is built. Just what would you allow some other person to play god with (make decisions without you)/ over your body? Take out your liver maybe/ disconnect your arms and legs/ let your heart fall into your stomach? What, would you be better off with if some “damn monkey” were given the keys, to change life on this earth forever: because that is literally what they are doing.
Therefore I say to you: they threaten me, and you. And my tiny infraction means nothing.
These employees risk our entire planet with fusion, through the national ignition facility; which as its name implies has a purpose that includes bringing fusion here to this earth. Fusion is the burning of atomic bonds/ which means everything here is fuel; CANNOT be put out. The extra special smart people say: “It will put itself out, because there isn’t enough gravity here to sustain it”: so it’s a worthless experiment! Or a lie, and they are simple terrorists intent upon killing us all/ because they want to play god, that badly. HOWEVER when they are proven wrong, the entire atmosphere is ejected in less than one month, and we stand in a lake of fire, as death on earth. How is that, worth the risk!
The history of our planet proves Noah’s flood did exist: BECAUSE there is absolutely no other method by which all the gas, oil, and coal could exist at the depths and in the concentrations that have been proven true: without that flood. But hidden from your view, refused by the media: by the university diplomas; that want your mind, to be controlled by them: isn’t it true? There are debts beyond all possibility of payment; which means it is literally inflation, but hidden, so the few gain all the numbers, and the rest become slaves. Current claim is 1226 billionaires in the US/ can you not see the truth in this reality? Add in, Every 1 trillion dollars equals 308 million citizens, “babies and all”: owe, $3246.75. The media reports ONLY the federal debts/ and that does not even include social security: together as of last summer, by the federal reserve reporting site: we owe as a nation $120 trillion dollars! Go ahead, collect from your infant/ ain’t that so? Which means our employees have been LYING / CHEATING/ AND STEALING from us all; using/ abusing/ and planning our extinction, because they don’t want to pay the price, or deny themselves anything. Their answer is: fantasy and delusion/ propaganda and fools.
There ARE many great and terrible threats; to our very survival as a planet or its life; identified, and able to be proven true. And I am accused of threatening you, as is this ticket: because a traffic rule is suppose to protect life. But the reality is: this town has been using traffic violations as a means of generating revenue, extorting the public (beyond themselves), and defiling the purpose of government which is to produce peace, harmony, and opportunity to participate for all the people, all the time. Peace and harmony are joined, when we choose to respect, when we establish justice, and when we aid the value of life and living with clear decisions that are generated by the truth: and its clear decision, “we intend to be friends”. In other words: IT’S A CHOICE, the lazy, the fool, and the failure never make!
They charged me with $120 fine. I DO countersue with the demand: BRING ME REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES, AS IS THE LAW, of our constitution in this state, the fifth amendment. As is the first amendment of the US constitution: and let us all see, who threatens/ who risks life and property and value and war, in a courtroom demanding accountability and truth. In greater trials before many judges: this law HAS BEEN DENIED TO ME, in all courtrooms both state of IL, and US federal courts, and US supreme court, in three separate trials. THAT, IS TYRANNY EXPOSED. That is anarchy, and open rebellion against the democracy guaranteed to be, “this UNITED States of America”. By our employees, the law is not a choice: they must comply. This tiny rule however, is nothing more than a notation describing who was most at fault, when things go wrong; because we all choose NOT to get into a wreck/ or its criminal. Unlike the employees who know the horror and tragedy of playing god is coming: and “pull in front of the truck on purpose”. I WAS, fully aware of the realities involved, and made no decision to risk/ threaten/ or otherwise gamble with harm, for any life whatsoever.
This is a case about the rights and realities of democracy itself/ versus the rules, that give power over us, “to rulers”. Not the end of rules, the understanding of life, governed as a society by the liberty (our choice)/ that we choose to inflict upon ourselves. Not a game. Expanded beyond a traffic violation/ because of necessity; a last chance to intervene for the sake of life on earth. So says the evidence of our reality. This is a personal decision, to provide one last chance for a random selection of jurors: to make a choice that is beyond simply wanting something/ by acting or choosing to make a difference for society itself. This is the last attempt for me, to help you recognize, what you must understand; before true crisis comes/ before the point of no return is past, for life on this earth. The answer is law, the reality is you! Or more simply, you must save yourselves, with the law. This is a description of what is real, but as yet unseen in terms of critical threats against us, that will heavily impact ALL our lives/ and our world, unless we do make the changes that are necessary today. This is not “believe what I say”/ this is asking to investigate the evidence that is fundamentally proven, a threat to our lives, our society, and our future. To be wrong, is to be dead; with many of these threats. To choose ignorance instead of defending life, is cowardice. To hide or run away from our reality, instead of face the truth; because the world itself is in jeopardy: is insane. We cannot go back/ we must make better decisions: DON’T GAMBLE.
This is an insignificant case, about a tiny infraction of the law, that serves to prove: power takes away freedom. Democracy without justice, becomes a lie. And rules without the foundations necessary to prove restraint, are nothing more than the failure of any society. Because the people refuse to rule themselves. They give their responsibility to rules, “I don’t want to work or listen or think” / they give their freedom to rulers, “to make me safe, with a gun, or a force to inflict damage”. They give their decisions to politicians, saying “make me happy”. They give their future to a university, saying “I will believe, make me a god too/ take away all my pain”. Or more simply: the threat of horrendous things (WEAPONS), that have come from the universities; HAVE made you fear them, and capitulate your own authority to appease, their thirst for power and greed..
Thereby the courts throughout this state and federal system, have refused constitutional law. Thereby the university threatens us with the mutilation of all life on earth (nature is genetics)/ by bringing the same fire as is on the sun here to this planet (where everything is fuel for that fire, including rocks, water, etc). Thereby we are bankrupt both state and nation. Thereby instead of world law, and making the rulers obey: we are at war, as a nation there are more threats of war, over nuclear weapons; which CAN ESCALATE beyond anything expected. Thereby a tiny infraction of a rule can result in absolute injustice: because it gives no allowance for the reality and disparity of income/ making what is a tremendous penalty for some, nothing more than a slight irritation for others. Thereby the police consider themselves to be “a separate force, an army against; that must protect themselves first; rather than let the law decide. Because the law of men and politicians, even a jury; can be unfair”. The reality of power is, “corrupting”. The consequence is anger and hate.
Thereby the question arises: if freedom were valued/ if life itself was respected rather than the money. WHAT then would we the people do? If they understood fear is not an option?
The answer is: we the people would investigate our truth/ examine our reality/ search within ourselves for responsible answers/ and create a new and different world, within which all these threats, & all these tragedies coming would be mediated. The answer is: through redress of grievances, as is the foundation of our government in this United States of America. The preamble to that document declares a right, and establishes our ownership: To choose for ourselves.
“United” has a meaning; “Look it up”. Justice is a cause, that literally knows not, what power means. Rather justice searches for value, establishes respect, and identifies the truth first, before all other decisions can be made. Life, truth, and justice; are the purpose of this trial!
In champaign county court
101 E. Main st. Urbana IL 61801
James F. Osterbur
2191 county road 2500 E.
St. Joseph IL 61873
Gifford, IL; police department
Trial date 2/ 6/ 12
New Trial date is March 5th at 1:30PM
CASE 2011 TR 022442
RE: The citation for: a failure to come to a complete stop, in the town of Gifford IL. At a stop sign therein. Ticket number 3171 Gifford police. The charge $120 dollars. I, the accused, DEMANDING A JURY TRIAL.
The following constitutes my defense/ the reality being: “It is not so simple as it sounds”.
This is about my life/ my work/ my freedoms, and OUR FUTURE:
kindly remember that, and use your mind!
The composition and content of this trial: the difference between rules and rulers/ versus the reality and truth of what freedom and democracy means, for us all.
From the least to the greatest, your leaders have failed us all. This is your chance to choose better for yourselves, allowing the constitution, life, and nation: the respect “we the people” are due!
In addition: the clear intent is, that this earth & this nature/ this life for us all; shall be given the respect it deserves as well.
Notes Read More.
In champaign county court
101 E. Main st. Urbana IL 61801
James F. Osterbur
2191 county road 2500 E.
St. Joseph IL 61873
Gifford, IL; police department
dated 1/ 24/ 12
CASE 2011 TR 022442
RE: The citation for: a failure to come to a complete stop, in the town of Gifford IL. At a stop sign therein. Ticket number 3171 Gifford police. The charge $120 dollars. I, the accused, DEMANDING A JURY TRIAL.
I have decided to remain silent in court, as that eliminates the fundamental of buying a transcript of the trial at a later date for web purposes on the site www.trialoflife.info; unless trial is complicated with particularly disrespectful actions by the court or its attorney. A greater probability than not.
Consequently silence requires one last method of developing an environment that is suitable to the understanding initiated within this trial. That our freedom is at stake, our liberty is fundamental to the process of redress, and justice for all is necessary for democracy to be real. Read more.
In champaign county court
101 E. Main st. Urbana IL 61801
James F. Osterbur
2191 county road 2500 E.
St. Joseph IL 61873
Gifford, IL; police department
dated 1/ 16/ 12
CASE 2011 TR 022442
RE: The citation for: a failure to come to a complete stop, in the town of Gifford IL. At a stop sign therein. Ticket number 3171 Gifford police. The charge $120 dollars. I, the accused, DEMANDING A JURY TRIAL.
The foundation argument and summary.
The critical respect needed on all sides of every society, to accept the realities of discipline and establish peace and harmony amongst ourselves is governed by law. BUT LAW, and rules: are an entirely different thing. The law communicates and enforces the truth of what we believe together is absolutely necessary or the liberty to say to each other: that “our living together”/ requires this much respect. The foundation of that being: DON’T substantially threaten me/ DON’T force me, to do what we as a people voting together, would not do/ DON’T make my decision for me, “its mine, you don’t belong in it”. DON’T tell me what to think, DON’T lead me, and DON’T substantially edit or rule my freedom, with your actions or reactions: THIS IS MY LIFE, not yours. Liberty governs us all equally/ freedom is my individual right, so long as I don’t substantially hurt you or any other living reality.
Granted this level of liberty: the essence our reality as a united people/ that forms our combined creation of law, by vote among the people themselves, sometimes is less than wonderful. But every side of an argument deserves to be heard. The right of every action or reaction within the understanding that gives to each one their freedom to say, “YOU were never affected, YOU were never threatened, YOU were not involved, and YOU cannot simply make a rule, and force me to do what you say: because that is not freedom!
Freedom is the elemental foundation that presents us each one, with happiness. Without freedom we are slaves, or imprisoned. With freedom we choose our lives to be our own/ because we made the choice, and must live the reality. That is true of love, life, body, hopes, responsibilities, and more. Without freedom there is hate, revenge, jealousy, and more. Therefrom we do know, that the essence of peace and harmony in society is FAIR AND JUSTIFIABLE LAWS, WITH EQUAL PUNISHMENT FOR ALL; and the freedoms which grant I will live, “my own life”/ rather than you attempting to enslave or control me, or I you. Keeps us all from anger, and war.
So then on this issue of an infraction against the rules, as regards this stop sign case. Read more.
In champaign county court
101 E. Main st. Urbana IL 61801
James F. Osterbur
2191 county road 2500 E.
St. Joseph IL 61873
Gifford, IL; police department
dated 1/ 10/ 12
first filing
second filing
third filing
pretrial filing
defense argument begins
CASE 2011 TR 022442
RE: The citation for: a failure to come to a complete stop, in the town of Gifford IL. At a stop sign therein. Ticket number 3171 Gifford police. The charge $120 dollars. I, the accused, DEMANDING A JURY TRIAL.
From the merriam/ webster dictionary tenth edition/ because legal dictionaries do not list a meaning: thereby those in power intend to control, by avoidance/ what can or cannot be discussed regarding the first amendment of the US constitution/ fifth amendment of the IL constitution/ by excluding it from their vocabulary. An illegal act in absolute defiance of the constitution itself.
the definition of redress is given to be: 1 to set right: remedy. 2 to make up for; compensate: b. To remove the cause of (a grievance or complaint). c. To exact reparation for ; avenge. Or archaic; to requite a person for a wrong or loss.
And again redress is given to be: 1 a; relief from distress b; means or possibility of seeking a remedy (without ~ ) 2: compensation for a wrong or loss: reparation 3 a: an act of instance of redressing b; RETRIBUTION, CORRECTION.
From the legal dictionary: grievances is given to be: one’s allegation that something imposes an illegal obligation or burden, or denies some equitable or legal right, or causes injustice.
Under 137 P.400, 402 an employee may be entitled by a collective bargaining agreement to seek relief through a particular series of steps called a grievance procedure.
So then we take these two definitions: and apply them to the standard set by the US constitution in the first amendment: which is written, “....or, the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances”.
BECAUSE THE US CONSTITUTION, is a document dedicated to the legal rights of all citizens in this nation. WE KNOW, that this law of redress in the first amendment is a legal right, and NOT a political one! The entire document is generated as our agreement as a nation with ourselves as a democracy called we the people/ thereby as we are the rulers here. This document sets out the boundaries between employees (those hired to do the everyday work of governing), and the owners called we the people. Or more simply: we have distinct rights provided to each and every citizen/ which our primary employees are sworn to obey, and understand as, the restrictions placed upon their authority over us. Read me.
To the IL dept of revenue
with regard to the current claim that you owe me nothing including court.
dated 1/11/12 Regarding letter ID L0412131712
I remind you that your own letter of collection provides to me QUOTE: “you have the right to appeal our decisions in many instances within specified time periods, by asking for our review or by taking the issue to court”.
As is the previous letter to you/ titled as below and can be found on www.trialoflife.info I HAVE DEMANDED COURT, and made it plain what my legal foundations are/ and how you may correct that failure on your own part.
As of this date: you, the employees of the citizens of ILLINOIS: REFUSE to obey the law. Thereby you surrender your authority over “We the people” : because you refuse your contract with us, as is sworn to by oath.
OBEY THE LAW, SURRENDER THE FIFTH AMENDMENT GUARANTEE FROM THE ILLINOIS CONSTITUTION: OF REDRESS TO THIS PEOPLE/ AND TO ME. As a jury trial, provided by my state, to this citizen. NOT a trial I force you to surrender. But your decision to OBEY OUR LAW, AND DO AS THE CONSTITUTION DEMANDS OF YOU. Anything less is a complete disrespect of this people/ and a true rebellion against us. YOU CANNOT change the constitution/ thereby YOU CANNOT discard its law and authority over you. YOU destroy your oath at your own peril, because we the people ARE THE OWNERS HERE. And we do hold the keys to “prison” over you.
We the people/ I, James F. Osterbur DEMAND YOU OBEY THE LAW.
Be advised: that because you refuse to obey the law, and refuse to obey your own collection brochure indicating I AM ENTITLED TO COURT. I WILL interpret and prove that putting my name among those who are published, as you threaten: TO BE HARASSMENT/ AND LIBELOUS. The fine is one thousand, seven hundred and ten dollars +60 cents. Because you have no right.. Read more.
In champaign county court
101 E. Main st. Urbana IL 61801
James F. Osterbur
2191 county road 2500 E.
St. Joseph IL 61873
Gifford, IL; police department
dated 1/ 2/ 12
RE: The citation for: a failure to come to a complete stop, in the town of Gifford IL. At a stop sign therein. Ticket number 3171 Gifford police. The charge $120 dollars. I, the accused, DEMANDING A JURY TRIAL.
The over-riding reality as has been proven in the past for this trial is: that the various judges in numerous trials, have failed due process/ denied the law/ disgraced the constitution of both this state and nation/ and refused to obey WE THE PEOPLE, by our standard of employee conduct which is their own sworn oath to obey, rather than deny our democracy.
Consequently as has been proven before: an opportunity to speak to the facts in an open courtroom will likely be denied to me/ a fair and impartial jury, uncorrupted by at least one or two, extremely unlikely. The reality of “proper and real” examination of witness: likely denied to me, as it has been before. The reality of contempt by the court, through interference in my own defense/ as demonstrated by one judge, a complete lack of respect for the courtroom by silencing his microphone: so as to “illegally instruct me”, a probability. And more, all testify to the fact: my defense MUST BE WRITTEN, and presented into evidence prior to any courtroom date. Because the war against constitutional guaranteed REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES is so viral and diseased throughout the judiciary: that evidence of threat, even the reality of murder on my life could easily occur. Just to silence the constitutional right called redress. After all, what could be more important: than keeping all the people confined as livestock behind the gate. People die for less across this world, every day. No democracy here, or more correctly a dying democracy: established by “herders and pens”, the refusal of law by a corrupt judiciary and legal system. The propaganda of money, and the “lies, its not worthless” (one trillion dollars, is ten thousand dollars, per each and every one, of one hundred million people: roughly one in three. Your baby going to pay? then its worse than you think.): even though they printed AT LEAST one half million dollars per citizen. To use against us. DID YOU GET YOUR “FREE MONEY”? The rich, the powerful, and the proud did/ the university did! Read more.
Office of the attorney general
Diane Saltoun, inspector gaeneral
100 w. Randolph, 12 fl
Chicago, IL 60601
dated 1/ 2/ 12
James F. Osterbur
2191 county road 2500 E.
St. Joseph, IL 61873
RE: I am directed to you, by the office of the legislative inspector general/ as he wishes to hide from constitutional law; and protect the people who are charged with a sworn oath to obey it, protect it, and respect the people of IL by enforcing it through the laws that they have already made: as is the constitution of IL itself. Thereby discarding the people/ their purpose in hiring a legislature/ and paying the price for their employees.
Nonetheless, as inspector general over the attorney general office itself: this does in fact fall to you, as a matter over which jurisdiction cannot be avoided. A summation of the offense involved is provided in the associated papers. The complaint is: criminal misconduct, and literal defiance against the people, & the law, of this state of IL. By the attorney general’s office/ particular executed or conducted against me, and the people of IL by a deliberate and undeniable refusal to obey, honor, or respect the constitution of IL, and its fifth amendment as a guarantee to this people. That is a traitorous act, in absolute defiance of this people and their agreement to unite and protect each other under constitutional mandate, as a state. To be united under this document as one people here, is not a game. It is NOT “a discretionary law”/ it is NOT a matter of judicial decision/ there are NO RULES, which allow this miscarriage of justice: no judge is allowed to disavow, or disgrace the constitution either. IT’S THE LAW, plain and simple, an unavoidable truth! And that means it is literally a criminal offense to deny or avoid or pretend it does not exist. A traitorous act, in direct contradiction of any and all oaths of office so involved.
I do not argue, that Mr. Grant does this on his own/ nor do I argue that the judge in question fails, on his own either! Rather deeper levels of authority, or more correctly the power of money; are ruling here, and the realities of conspiracy, corruption, and collusion are evident/ the power of an illegal force: dictating and controlling government here: INSTEAD OF OUR CONSTITUTION as agreed by the people. As these two primary figures have nothing to gain, and everything to lose, by failing to obey the law. That leaves us with “traitors/ rebels/ and thieves, hiding in the background”.
In response to this corruption and conspiracy against our democracy, I have demanded of HIRAM GRAU; head of the state of IL police: that he shall in fact be involved; and not only arrest Mr. Grant for betrayal of the citizens of IL. Acknowledging contempt of court by refusing to acknowledge constitutional law/ a treasonous act against, we the people. But also the foundation offense itself, called treason: to deliberately act in ways that intentionally destroy the power of this democracy, the reality of our ownership/ our government called WE THE PEOPLE, who do rule ourselves by the law we create. The unity granted, the protections demanded by the constitution: for this people. For breaking his oath of office, denying the law: is an act of war against this democracy, he does know better. The reality that his position demands of him, is NOT unclear. For he is not the law, and whosoever corrupts him, does so with his consent.
To date Hiram Grau has made no response. That fact brings to mind: another, potentially entrenched in this conspiracy to deny the people their constitutional guaranteed right as well. A reality of people in powerful positions: colluding, conspiring, and corrupting each other against this people called ILLINOIS.
Either we all obey the same law, as it is written in the constitution/ or the constitution fails. This is not a rule, whereby minimal matters are dispensed with. THIS IS CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, a guaranteed right to each and every citizen in this state. A demand made upon the employees of this state, and is upheld as punishable by oath/ because it is a crime against the people. When our employees fail; when they do not, obey our law.
That means, it is your duty as well: to institute and create an investigation, to discover the traitors within our midst/ who do, and did seek to destroy our democracy, “from the inside out”. By controlling the courtroom with fraud, with tyranny (they cannot legally simply refuse to acknowledge the law, thereby claiming it does not exist). That is an act of war, against this people: because it is our power as a people, TO RULE OURSELVES: to intervene and control our government, our future, and our destiny by our own vote our agreement which is the law of this land called a constitution.
The question is: what do you intend to do about the people you are in charge of/ the oath of office you took to honor, respect, and obey the constitution? Because the evidence is in MANY courtroom cases/ which makes it irrefutable, undeniable, and absolute.
The issues of taxation in this matter: DOES participate in this/ as it is absolutely clear. Those employed, BUT who refuse to do the job for which they were hired: absolutely need not be paid/ nor do they deserve ANY promise they created for themselves, or expected as a servant of the people. That is the price of war, against us: WHEN YOU LOSE. Copies have been sent elsewhere: my site for this is www.trialoflife.info
In champaign county court
101 E. Main st. Urbana IL 61801
James F. Osterbur
2191 county road 2500 E.
St. Joseph IL 61873
Gifford, IL; police department
dated 12/ 28/ 11
RE: The citation for: a failure to come to a complete stop, in the town of Gifford IL. At a stop sign therein. Ticket number 3171 Gifford police. The charge $120 dollars. I, the accused, DEMANDING A JURY TRIAL.
pretrial; the preparations for trial
Common to the development of critical justice, is the element of fundamental awareness, as to the purpose and proper prediction of what it is that will or will not be decided in this action against the defendant James Osterbur.
Therefore, we look to the previous filings, police record (tape and recording), and the ticket to understand: no denial of failure to come to a complete stationary stop, at the stop sign in question exists. Rather statements as will be backed up by the expected police video/ audio recording (its typed transcript for trial)/ and, or required testimony of the police officer/ will prove that true. The officer states, after stopping: that he followed me through 3 stop signs (immediately following each other, a trip around the block), wherein a complete stop did not occur/ I went through 4 stop signs. I agree stating clearly, at no time what anyone or anything in danger/ not the slightest threat existed: HE AGREED. Therefore stopped for the infraction of a rule. Following through an admitted total of 4 stop signs: Offers the question, IS THIS STALKING (the act of a predator)/ or is the supposed crime as indicated by the words “the people against James Osterbur”; so minimal that it needs no interdiction until the price or claim is sufficient to be extreme. The penalty being $120.00/ DID HE, OR THE TOWN, simply want the money? Which is operating under disguise: for the illegal seizure of assets. Let the record prove what is true. Let the jury decide if criminal investigation is necessary. Read more.
The federal reserve establishes this simple fact: that there are more than 154 trillion dollars in circulation: divided by every single citizen, that equals roughly $500,000.00 per each one; babies and all. THINK about that truth, and understand. What is not fair!
The short paragraphs, words contained within this border, now represent “the summary titles or, table of contents” as various excerpts: from the site itself below.
If you copy any segment of the test within a paragraph, using [ctrl and f on your keyboard, at the same time is “edit or find”: paste it there], that should take you to the corresponding text on the site below (no links will open, unless you click on them). A few paragraphs contain more than one link. The design of this site is then refined to give you more control, by requiring less time: to find what interests you. For a true summary of the site, click this.
The range is from the possibilities of democracy/ from freedom to slavery/ the demand for redress, & more. The primary site is www.justtalking3.info/ all secondary sites, that I provide, are linked there. This most current site is www.trialoflife.info
We enter the question of what change truly means, to the individual, the nation, and the world: by asking, “WHAT CAN WE DO”?
Therefore the real question becomes, WHAT does truth say to us all? Since a lot has already been written about that, it is time to understand the rest instead or repeating it. I will repeat however, that population control is an absolute necessity, regardless what your religion says/ IT IS OUR NEED, as human life on earth. Not a choice. It is a decision, only women get to make/ no man allowed. Fail to respect that as any man, and your own consequences will be eternal. Their body, their right.
Truth says: the foundation of working together as a human society is based upon letting everyone contribute as best they can. UNLIKE the current demand which is “ONLY THE DAMNED, university expert can decide/ the rest are garbage, to be stepped on”. Therefore we begin with what can all the people do, to communicate their best efforts/ and what can we do as a society to listen: so that all can benefit from the wisdom of life, gained as a human being, intending to benefit all? Common sense is, simply the truth of what pain and reality will teach/ unlike the fantasy of university religions, and their deluded parishioner’s: pain and reality teach truth. Therefore instead of “dreams and stories”/ there will be disciplines, even if the story needs interpretation.
I am not willing, to simply start writing for your ease. The foundation of learning is simply this: that in order for you to recognize the disciplines you must, it is absolutely necessary that you do the work to understand, what it is that must be learned. Or more simply, “the worlds worst rulers lead/ allowing none to intervene, or be heard: because they want the glory, the power, and the pride for themselves. Right or wrong. While the people WHO DO help life on earth, whether many or just one: the reality is always the same, “I will help you, to understand, by letting you do the work yourselves”. That is how I am taught, nothing is free. But more important than that is: when I know for myself/ then I can understand, make a decision for my personal life, and accomplish the goal called wisdom, whereby it is possible for me to write for you. If it is possible to guide you in a different direction, or participate by teaching something specific, as I have already done: then I become a teacher, and you the student of life. When you do have something to teach me as well, the exact opposite is true, and we balance each other out: so that no one leads, and all have their say. Politely teaching the rest, so they too can be said, “to be equal”, in these things. There can be no experts, or leaders in the foundations which bring us to peace and harmony with life, planet, environment, etc. Rather there is truth, identified by humanity as the direction we must go, because the discipline of known reality shows us all, “we can see the future”/ as best any human being can. Because we chose the truth, and work for life. Everybody is involved in peace and harmony, there is no separation/ there are “no seas, or boundaries” in human existence that keep us apart from this point onward. We are joined, like it or not: Because if we fail to understand our responsibility extends beyond this simple moment, or this simple place or body: we lose life and time, for us all. We must all learn, so that we all know, protect, and serve this planet and the miracles that gave us life in time. Not a game.
There are however MANY people who want nothing to do with peace and harmony or responsibilities for their lives/ they WANT POWER & PRIDE & SELFISHNESS & lust; etc. Or more simply, hate is their only friend/ revenge & jealousy their only true thirst. Our reality as a world: will be determined by who wins that battle. Or more simply “love or hate”/ it’s a choice.
If hate wins, and you remain nearly as you are: you shall claim its reward for you: every threat comes true, including the horrors of mutilation/ OR, one of the extreme experiments will take your life.
If love wins, and you do not only agree to change, establishing what women will choose, forever. Then the separation of those who hate, from our lives will also begin/ when that time appears. You will know it, because hate will try to make you fear/ so as to control and change your determination to remove them from your lives. Without those who love/ all hate dies, because they cannot stand themselves or work without a fight. If they cannot overcome you/ then revenge will overcome them. It will be a war/ but hopefully a short and simple one, with minimal loss to life. Not a game. This is not about enforcing “our choice, as people who choose love instead of hate” on these others who demand hate. This is about defining a boundary between love and hate: so that love can live as it desires/ and hate be forced to do the same. Opposites do not live together.
Rather, if you desire peace and harmony through love and friendship, it is a fact those who hate must be gone. To their own section of this world, separated and contained; dependent upon how many there are. Or if so vile, it must be so: then dead. Not a game, we are so many people on earth/ there really is no other way. Because without clear truth, responsibility, or respect: we cannot survive as long as it is possible for time to exist: unless we build on a foundation that can survive. The future needs peace and harmony, to sustain ourselves and this planet; its not a game.
You don’t get to be wrong anymore! You don’t get to be “baby sitting in shit/ anymore”: Nature is in jeopardy/ the planet is threatened/ everything is approaching extinction rapidly/ war is looming, due to the consequences of your pride: nothing is safe! Therefore, Either you respect that reality, of current human decision/ or you fail, and the planet dies. Ending time on earth. Its YOUR decision. No second chances, this is it. As is obvious by the extremes that can be proven to threaten us all. Not a game.
These were your decision/ or you simply followed and didn’t care about the consequences to anyone or anything, but yourself. Eternity will remember that! I GUARANTEE IT!
DO remember this, that anger is not hate/ anger can be “fixed”. Hate is a liar, and will not be “fixed”, even though it will pretend: because revenge and jealousy, are desired more than life.
Remember as well, that I am NOT the difference between whether you live or die/ I am NOT the difference between whether you believe in this warning or not: you are! Each and every single one. Nothing is more important, than removing all these threats which will exterminate us, if we do not. The planet is threatened, in countless ways: “From your couch”/ you get to die: GET UP, and open your voice one way or the other. Why die whimpering and diseased: fight for life, as best you can.
Some will say, this fight is worthless, and should have been done better/ or would have been done better “if GOD was really in it”. That is for you to decide, this is the best I did do: plain and simple, no excuses/ it is the best I did do; good or bad. The same will be true for you!
I will however remind you, that over the decades of my life that have been lost, because YOU ABSOLUTELY REFUSED TO listen to anything but greed, pride, want, and selfishness. The only thing left to “beat a hole in your head” was temptation/ manipulation/ control/ and bribery; which cannot save anything, because it WON’T last. You must understand the situation and choose. Until it was at least possible for you to hear, nothing else could be done. Until you were facing the truth of your choices: nothing else could be done: YOU DIDN’T CARE! You chose, to believe “they know what they are doing”/ and consequently, they lied/ stole/ cheated/ threatened/ mutilated/ rebelled against democracy and life/ and chose to gamble an entire planet so they could play god over you. You have become bankrupt. You have become “toys and slaves” to those who believe they are gods. You have become surrounded by the tragedy of their failure, foolishness, and fantasy. Because you didn’t care enough to be concerned with anything but greed, want, lust, selfishness, or hate. Humanity itself has then failed. And the constant even today is: YOU HIDE and run away; even though the house is on fire, and you must put it out or die.
Some will argue: “He is a fool, he is insane, he is whatever ridicule can hope to bite”. Because the most effective means of discarding something important/ is to turn against an individual, and make him or her the decision instead. I am NOT your decision. Your decision is to decide if one or any or all of these threats identified before you is “possible to cause either tremendous grief/ or death for us all”. That is your decision, and if you find even the slightest possibility of that evidence: then ONLY A FOOL turns away, until everything has been done to prevent the loss of us all, an entire planet. There are NO SECOND CHANCES. We either live or die/ there is nothing in-between.
Some will still argue, “look at his own words, female spirit and all/ HOW can you listen to anything he says”? But the reality is, what you don’t understand, has nothing to do with whether it is true or not. You don’t understand “enormous amounts of things”/ but they are all still true. As to descriptions of me: I have studied by a tiny amount, the methods of mass hypnosis (how did these people get here?). And find it is largely due to three separate things: they became upset with their lives and situation/ they were told only what they wanted to hear, or threats were given so as to make them fear/ they were given a leader to focus on, the illusion of someone special, “listen to him”: so as to NOT make their own decisions or do their own work in defining a cause and understanding the appropriate answer as is identified by truth. Consequently in response to that: the first situation is entirely your fault. The second situation has been dealt with as effectively as possible to give you the information necessary. The third situation is: I tell you a little about me, so that it is absolutely impossible for you to design “a leader: someone special”. Rather I am the same, if not just a touch odd, to some. Merely trained a little different: enough to know, YOU MUST DEFINE YOUR OWN ANSWER, accept YOUR OWN TRUTH, and do your own work for life. Don’t look to me, look to truth itself, and do the best you can: life or death for a planet is cause enough!
In less frightening news, than reality: the collapse of an entire planet. The games that come from the never ending demand of leaders: “We don’t want to surrender our pride, or power”! Consequently they take no responsibility at all. As is constant in the flood of numbers, so that “the rich man” doesn’t have to pay/ or give anything back, from the games that were played. The constant that is “the rich man” is: “Its MINE ALL MINE/ go get your own. THIS IS MINE, and I won’t give nothing back”; even if there is no more, and if there is a tiny bit left, he WILL commonly fight you for it. Even though the reality is: others are now dying, stealing because they have too, selling their bodies to survive, letting the children be abused, surrendering their future to drugs, and giving up all hope as is suicide; even souls lost, because their situation is bleak. And no one is there to be even the possibility of a friend. Has the media not taught you to “fear every one”! Indeed they have.
All of that, a direct result of the games people play with each other/ instead of respecting life itself. But there is also the constant demand: I WANT EVERYTHING, from all sides/ until its all gone, and everyone then has nothing, but tears and hate.
The reality of this political day is: in america, one party wants to spend regardless of the cost, give me more/ while the other party wants to give everything to the rich, because they paid for the leaders and want their return: both see the public as merely slaves to be used or abused.
The reality of this day in economic terms is: all leaders grabbed onto the idea, “we don’t need NO DAMN STABILITY in our currency”/ we can just print numbers, and take everything we want; let the public be our slaves, “they are too stupid to know: we the leaders, stole them blind, and left them naked and cold”. Or more clearly, THEY CAN’T stop us from taking everything we want.
Comes the truth of this day: releasing more numbers into the currency, GIVES ALL those numbers to the rich man to spend/ so that he can take all the property and the resources and the rights and the government and the courts and the military for himself. Because “he now has all the money”/ ain’t that so! Did you get your cut, when they passed out trillions? Ten thousand dollars per each and every one of one hundred million people: is the math. Did you? NO, you did not/ but someone did! You got their debts/ they took your money; the end result is you are working as slaves/ and they are being given money (your work and resources) for free. Numbers without true meaning, are just numbers. They do have to feed you even as slaves or you die. Didn’t have to do a damn thing/ they just gave it to me, cause we own the government and courts. Let the slaves holler and squeal/ let them die: who cares, are there not too many?
These numbers they pass out among themselves DO HAVE A PURPOSE, AND DO CREATE AN IMPACT, so long as you remain believers so caught up in the reality “WE DON’T WANT TO PAY THIS PRICE”. Accepting their delusions, and fantasizing we don’t have to pay for this. That is a lie/ you do. The price will be war/ OR IT WILL BE COURT: the people against their government: defined, investigated, established by truth and reality, and confronted by what is or is not now fair; or more simply the best we can do. IT’S A CHOICE! The numbers are merely toys, “they look like the real thing/ but they aren’t”. Which means the game you play has an ending. It cannot survive. The longer you play, the less chance this earth will survive: that includes you, and your death for failure to accept reality. THE DECISION, “TO BE GROWN UPS”/ is waiting. The reality of “ITS NOW TOO DAMN LATE”/ IS COMING! Make up your mind, or be killed, because you just plain stood there, panicked and afraid; a coward by all descriptions of reality.
You must rebuild BETTER. Or you die, one way or the other/ all these threats cannot be “wished away”. All this debt cannot be “pushed behind closed doors much longer”: because there are so many people now, that the resource loss will kill you if nothing else. You want to give your last breathe to “the rich man”/ did he not take everything else? STOP BEING AFRAID, and do the work that must be done. Its not a game, the end will come/ rather than a new beginning if you don’t take control as a democracy (WE THE PEOPLE), and understand what the truth here is.
Taking control as a democracy is the same anywhere in this world. YOU CANNOT simply confront the military, and take over governments by force without war. RATHER YOU CAN CONFRONT THE “GOVERNMENT” BY LAWS, and the DEMAND FOR JUSTICE AND FAIR PLAY. As you establish among yourselves what is expected in this society: as the reality of justice and fair play by law. THEN you can “adjust society” to your needs and desires/ imprisoning leaders, for their failure under the law, if they refuse. THE LAW IS AN ARMY, the law is determined by who does make those laws. The people make their own law, by challenging the status quo: with change this law for us/ we demand it must be so. The failure to accept justice and fair play: becomes an army against the leaders, so as to reveal this one or these fundamentally ARE “THE ENEMY”. Once they become the enemy, of justice/ fair play/ law/ and equality: there is no place to hide. Once they are rulers by military fear alone/ the people turn away, to find new solutions of their own. The army must then choose for themselves/ and without any merit left: there will be those who desert hate.
Every army is, “an assortment of the poor”/ largely led by the rich man’s son; or those who swear to protect the rich man, in one form or another. That is a divide, not easily protected.
But like the police, who understand particularly in hard times: IF I DON’T do what I am told/ then I end up like them. Consequently the difference between “people who align with the rich”/ and people who align with the poor. IS THE REALITY of what happens to me?
When building a new society, a change in government: the very first thing that must be done is then establishing, “what will happen to us, in this future proposed”? That is done with law/ that is established with JUSTICE, FAIR PLAY, AND EQUAL treatment of all. When the people believe this is possible, then the majority shall choose to let it be so. While all the rich continue to say, “ WE MUST NOT let this happen”/ because that means they will not be “excessively rich” anymore. This is functionally a turn into reality, by the means of truth. Truth and law lead/ MEANS, the rich man does not. That leaves the military and police, without their excuse.
So then we ask: what can possibly be the result of this?
The question of social order, then revolves around the courtroom and its fulfillment of DUE PROCESS, our demand as a society for justice, and fair play. When that is functionally visible and proven to be true: “this is happening for us”. Then we have obtained our democracy by the laws we established for ourselves. We control the court/ BY GIVING THEM NO IMMUNITY from the law. Rather the law rules the courtroom, and the judge must comply with those demands: as we the people write them to be. As we the people control them to be, with our vote.
The reality of social economics IS: as it has always been, the rich, and those who want to be rich; demand power and pride. Pride (I WON), demands a trophy. Which is constantly the demand to use all of societies resources, “to make me great/ like a god, before YOU”. Therefore large projects are built, large buildings created, large extreme experiments are undertaken; etc: JUST TO PROVE, “I am like a god”/ next to you. These rob society of its life and its future.
The foundation of every society is a framework within which we all find within ourselves an opportunity to do something that is legitimately worthwhile, and helpful to our lives and society in general. That framework is nothing less than a right to be considered and treated as an equal, WITH RESPECT. That means literally, INSTEAD of the rich man controlling everything including a job: we the people must control it for ourselves.
Control means: “The right to decide”. Control comes in three forms: the right to decide for myself (freedom)/ the right to decide for society by vote of the majority (liberty)/ and the right to enforce the law, as it exists (legal boundaries).
To understand these is very simple: a legal boundary exists to punish those who fail to keep this limit. Liberty exists to understand, what constitutes a right to say, “not in my yard, property, etc”. While freedom asserts, “You CANNOT tell me what to do, what to think, or in any way alter my decision: unless it truly and significantly affects your life in ways that cost you something substantial”. Any substantive restriction you place on someone else/ is a restriction you place on yourselves: just like anything they manage to restrict you from doing, is a restriction on them. Consequently be careful what you do/ because it AIN’T as simple as it sounds. Happiness is controlled by freedom, and without happiness societies crumble and fall.
THESE ARE THE BASIC PRECEPTS OF UNDERSTANDING, “How best to rebuild a society”. They are a beginning, that you do understand. The evil in every society, are those who use “rules, to undermine” what the vast majority have decided for themselves shall be our truth. The evidence of what that means is evident in most of the trials I have provided you with. Control the rules/ or power will seep in and control you: taking with it your everything, if they succeed. Build with law, or you fail!
The methods of providing work to each other/ sharing the burdens of life and society with each other/ and so on are for you to decide. Each nation itself. Its your choice. But the building of a democracy: WE THE PEOPLE RULE OURSELVES BY LAW. Is the same for each one. Do the best you can, its important!
The constant harassment that is information gathering on individual lives is a direct attempt to control you, by understanding what you will accept as true or legitimate, even if selfish. As is every questionnaire/ every survey/ etc; even the advertizement’s are watched closely to see “what will you accept”: so as to determine what “your leaders/ the rich” can do to you or say to you to propagate their agenda. The end result is a careful delusion surrounds “the experts” who come to instruct your lives in what to believe or think. “We have already discounted your ideas, and produced the response to kill your doubt”. Or then, believe in us/ because we do have the knowledge you don’t! When in fact, they simply gleaned that knowledge in its very limited forms from the public itself, and then corrupted it for their usage.
I too, have taken the constant that is “an expert” declarations of knowledge/ and turned them around to discount their ideas, and force you to decide for yourselves. Because they don’t have the knowledge, and they won’t allow a challenge to preconceived and predicated ideas such as evolution/ BECAUSE THEY WILL LOSE. This is one of the foundation demands of university/ and has been catastrophic in its effects of demoralizing the public; so as to mutilate and control life on earth: because “they are superior”. Sufficient information has been left on these sites to confront and control them; to kill this damned religion/ sewer. BUT THE MEDIA, will likely never help you, because the control by university diploma, is their means to greed and selfishness as well. “Nobody allowed, but a diploma”. If the diploma dies from stupidity and storytelling; their authority as “experts” dies with it. So they allow you to be threatened as an entire world with extermination, BECAUSE THEY ARE SO DAMNED PROUD. Hell, its our money, pride, power, and lust: WE WON’T NEVER surrender. Simple as that.
The rich man or woman always says: “throw it all away/ there is plenty more”. What they mean is “plenty more for me”/ who gives a damn about you. But of course that is no longer true, there isn’t any extra for anyone; because we do stand as roughly one person on every acre of ground that can grow something for us to eat. When the ocean surrenders, soon now: there will be war, because a billion people will starve. Do you see the problem? WAKE UP/ it is too late to fix it when you are starving. Too late to stop the slaughter of all livestock, past the point of no return (the numbers cannot recover) when that happens as well. Etc/ etc/ etc. Which obviously means WE MUST do what we can do, TODAY/ in an effort to stop the tragedy certain to come tomorrow. Of such things are the end to a single other acre taken out of production for any other use than agriculture: the production of food supplies, for this world. The introduction of methods that use less, to produce more. Stopping the waste of water, or its poisoning immediately. And much more. It is a choice. That includes a demand: you simply CANNOT burn all these fires (machines too) and expect to breathe easily, within the next ten years. It won’t happen/ do the math. Change now, because once it becomes too late: time will not let you survive long enough to recover then. That of course means war/ which then kills us all. Not a game.
So then we come to the bottom line, so to speak where the totals are added together: the price laid out.
Fail to accept what is true, and reality or men, as led by the university diploma: will destroy us all.
Fail to accept change REQUIRES DIFFERENT/ and you will fail life itself, because without real change we shall not go much farther as life in time on earth.
Fail to understand we are now SO MANY PEOPLE; that this fact and its consequences: does control the future.
Refuse to accept the disciplines of real law, as dictated by “us all”/ or cause that to exist: and we war, to our end.
Refuse to believe the university is “less than a god/ providing ONLY trinkets and toys to amuse and entertain you”. And they consume your planet, your future, your life, and your child: everything, because that is our reality.
Refuse to put LIFE FOR THE PLANET MUST COME FIRST, in everything/ thereby removing money as your “god”: or, everything dies in horror. And soon.
It is fundamentally true, that people want leaders, to lead them/ believing that now “its NOT MY fault”/ don’t blame me, lets all blame them. That is no longer valid: because this time, there will be no second chances if you fail. The game is over. Because the evidence proves that is so. Or more simply “you cannot be led to your own death”/ without your own consent, you must be dragged. To stop being dragged: You must do the best you can/ you must participate in the decisions that determine whether all life on earth shall survive or not. You must understand the enormity of risk/the reality of consequences/ and the fundamental truth: nobody gets to follow anymore, we all have our say. We all have our job, whatever that is; for the planet. We all participate in responsibility, duty, honor, and respect/ OR NOT. It’s a choice.
As for me, you cannot defeat reality by merely destroying me/ or even this warning: because truth absolutely does not care what you want. It is what it is/ and our truth is numerous threats each of which can bring our extinction as life or a planet: to this reality. Like it or not. Neither can you make me change by attacking those who are near/ IT CHANGES NOTHING, I guarantee it, not even me. It just deepens the terror and horrors of hades for your eternity. This is an entire world of life being fought for, individual lives CANNOT change the outcome. We must change together, for life.
My reality is: finding absolutely NO POSSIBILITY of sustained survival in male truth, for this planet/ I turned to female: “do you have an answer”? This continued work, is the result. It is its own proof. But, there is a price to me: that cannot be held back/ I just can’t do it. Which is “female is in charge of my life”/ change was required to sufficiently understand that answer. That means: to men/ DO NOT interfere, I am whatever it is women will make of me, “to help or not”/ or whatever it is otherwise. Not a game, I don’t know the ending or the path, or the immediate future. To women: I have never been “confused”. However learning, by realities and responses, I simply cannot control, exists”/ it is a limited knowledge, and a dramatic change, more than you can imagine. Kindly respect the intent, the purpose, and the reality: “please”. I am not “a toy”/ kindly remember that.
And do understand, this is not a plea (if they hate me, and you help: then they will hate you too)/ you don’t have to do anything. That includes protecting, listening, or whatever it is to be. That is your choice, I already made mine. I am NOT the difference between whether the planet lives or dies, “you are”/ I can only help, if alive: and I have tried to minimize that as much as possible. My intent is, that you should have everything you need, today. But as with everything “it ain’t perfect”/ as is nature. Because nature could, “take care of itself, until now”: perfect enough. Mutilating that to play god, as is the university delusion: simply could NOT be more insane.
It is always possible, that humanity across this world will recognize and accept what is true must lead the way; thereby pride cannot control or threaten or demand you must fear by violence, etc. BUT I DOUBT IT (even if the masses do/ plenty will be left who hate me). Not so much a prediction as a fact of life. The reality of producing law, and change non-violently (as much as is possible): requires critical communications, and fundamental knowledge: with a passion to do the best you can. Less than that, and you fail. Why let anyone kill you, without a fight? Learn when that is necessary. Learn when, to simply look beyond time, and accept eternity. The difference, relies upon the truth. Playing GOD, is not up to you or me: we get to do, the best we can/ or not.
I DO expect considerable ridicule, as should you: the initial battle plan of all “winners/ and losers looking for revenge” IS ridicule. Ain’t giving nothing up: “lets make him lose” instead! Irrelevant/ just remember, I AIN’T the decision: whether you allow the threats that can exterminate you to continue is. A second minimal issue is: if you will continue to allow liars and thieves to enslave and steal your lives? That is up to you/ my true concern is the planet, and ALL its life. You have nothing here without that, nor do I: “there AIN’T no running away from a dead (nothing left), exploding, on fire like the sun, mutilated, or dying planet.” And we are standing on that threshold; believe it or not. I tell you again, “don’t believe me”/ that is NOT what I ask. Rather GO SEARCH FOR THE EVIDENCE, and believe what is true. Search for yourselves, rather than experts to tell you what to think, believe in common sense: the reality taught, by failure or success in life itself. DO YOU WANT TO BE WRONG? Do the work, think for yourself; as best you can. Stop listening to the propaganda, “its killing you”.
While some might say, “he is just looking for female company or sex”/ the reality is: I surrendered my life, all but a few teenage years to this truth: that we are truly threatened as a world. That included women, because the world is so MUCH more important than any individual it cannot be left to chance. Including me. While I never expected it to take this long to conclude my own work: I guarantee, none of this is an attempt to create, control, demand, or desire female company or sex. That is the truth. Simple and plain. Neither is it a demand to be heard as a person, who is lonely, trying to take over your lives, or in need of friends; etc. This is, as is its truth: a warning/ without change, we will all die. If you cannot understand that, it truly is useless to continue the conversation. The end.
Critical to our future, is the truth regarding who has the power to decide our future, our fate as this world; alive or dead? It is up to us to decide/ as we the humanity of this earth are its problem, its destroyer, and its potential savior.
The reality is, whosoever makes the law/ rules the land. Whosoever controls the resource, controls the work. Whosoever manipulates access to the vital links of communication and transportation, etc; controls the competition/ the propaganda. Whosoever believes the money has value, gives that power to someone else, or consumes it for themselves. Consequently as we look past this moment: we see as a humanity, these are the primary tools or weapons which enslave or free us. There are others, but these are the human ingredients intended, to rule us all.
It is the money, that builds a military, and buys a weapon. It is the desire for power and pride, that causes this to happen/ because if it was not for power and pride, “the demand by leaders to play god”, there would be world law, and its enforcement on the leaders. Rulers HATE that reality/ therefore it does not yet exist, and will not until we the people choose it for ourselves.
The question essential, “to, power for the people”/ is built upon the single principle: do you have the means to survive as a society, WITHOUT rulers? Or more simply, it is the least amount of government, that gives the greatest power to the people. Because you are dependent upon yourselves/ and can be so, because you then do control the four ingredients or directions for society written above; for yourselves. The bigger the government, the more influence it has on your lives, thereby the less power to rule yourselves shall exist. Therefore we understand simply: to be free REQUIRES a small government/ BUT it also requires these four ingredients to be respectfully balanced, and under the control of the people themselves, if not: THERE WILL be trouble. Read more.
I DEMAND A COURTROOM: WHERE THE LAW, CALLED REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES IS OBEYED! OR you prove that the law written into first amendment guaranteed rights: is in error! WHERE THE PEOPLE HAVE THEIR SAY, AS IS REDRESS: without open rebellion and a judicial war, against the law. One way or the other, the answer here is: this choice (our future/ the investigation of our past) belongs to we the people, it is not yours. It is ours: as the constitution provides for the safety and security of this nation: called DEMOCRACY/ by redress.
Prove your gambling with this entire earth, threatening every life with extreme experiments is NOT AGAINST the very nature and reality of our agreement as a people.
Prove securing the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity; has not become: nothing more than a sewer, for the filth of your disease. The disaster of minds so disfigured with pride, greed, and selfishness: you cannot comprehend LIFE MUST COME FIRST.
The law that governs life is: LIFE COMES FIRST! The reality of risk, regarding the now, need to fight for our future is: the decision before us is LIFE OR DEATH for this world, because that is what these threats mean. We must choose, or the planet dies. We CANNOT do nothing, and live. Want is completely irrelevant, we must fight for life on earth with LAW; or we will fail, and the future dies with us.
We stand at the precipice of very critical changes in everything ONE WAY OR THE OTHER/ it is becoming true, the middle ground, is literally being taken away. Because nature can no longer sustain us/ and the reality of men (both leaders and followers as a majority) and their machines and their ways; DO SUBSTANTIALLY THREATEN us all, with extinction. If we do not change those facts of our lives in this day/ then we have no future, regardless of what you want, or believe, it won’t come true.