That truth brings trial: Champaign County, IL
14SC-2 ;
information on www.trialoflife.info
Trial begins : defending the following constitutional law
US CONSTITUTION: article 5 “...nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation”. IS A CONTRACT!
The money I, or we; have earned is “private property” . A right to tax; MUST ACCOMPLISH: A debt that must serves all the people! Not just a few.
1. Because a tiny few said: "Let us bring the same fire 10,000,000 degrees F/ as on the sun; here TO THIS EARTH! The national ignition facility NIF Tries everyday.
Their theory is: "not enough gravity here to sustain it". Their defense “ the fire, will extinguish itself.”
There is no going back, once ignition begins Our planet will burn. The university denies laws of thermodynamic principle/ law governing gases and pressures/ law associated with physical properties of energy/ and all physical evidence; relies upon their math which also says, “WE KNOW” all the mass in this entire universe came out of a tiny spot no bigger than a needle point. Think about that, and ask reality: HOW?
2. Pandemic's are generally created when a disease crosses species barriers“. Geneticists do that EVERYDAY”. Literally injecting chaos, into NATURE ITSELF! Quote: Scientists have begun blurring the line between human and animal by producing Chimeras-a hybrid creature that's part human, part animal.... fused human cells with rabbit eggs...etc! The danger is not just bio-terror, but "bio-error"... sequenced and stored in digital form, will move instantaneously across the globe and be resurrected in ....labs thousands of miles away.
NATURE ITSELF, is the "factory, instructions, refining, utilities, etc/ that build the bodies of life" called DNA. Not a game, every living thing is at risk/ Life itself CAN BE LOST; BODIES: can be. HORRIFICALLY CHANGED!! Plainly and simply: EVERYTHING we are as life on earth IS BEING gambled, as if life was their toy!
3. Three exo-watt lasers are being built: each described as “one million/ one trillion volt lightning strikes all hitting the same spot at the same time.” Completion expected roughly 9/1/2015. ALL are situated to triangulate into one single spot that will then become 3 million/ one trillion volt lightning strikes, IGNITION, a sun fire guaranteed; that consumes everything!
4. Scientists said: "lets play with the single most destructive event in the history of this universe". That is CERN.
5. TODAY: We burn more oxygen with fire, and motors; than this earth can produce/ you also cut down, mutilate, or destroy the very organisms that produce the oxygen we need. Biosphere 2 project clearly defined the amount of oxygen being produced/ being needed. Our water is under attack, in every conceivable way/ our ocean life is about to go extinct, for a wide variety of reasons/ our resources are being destroyed, at an extreme rate/ our environment is damaged/ the chains of life, are being devastated/ the insect world, responsible for pollinating at least one third of all food we eat, the diversity of flowers and trees, and being the single food source for a wide variety of creatures “in billions of tons”; is about to go extinct. The food is mutilated, because a tiny few said “its all good”/ who actually know nothing. We are 7 billion + people growing at 2 million more mouths to feed, per week/ with one billion already chronically hungry. The money we use for economic stability is counterfeited. We are being dispossessed as citizens of this nation by that counterfeit money spread around the world by leaders and wall street. The people say “a gun is their answer”/ and that, is just the beginning.
These are excerpts from the cause and consequences of US TAX COURT CASE 11108-12L
selections from three different FILING’s
I have PROVEN: ..... because you are not “scientists/ and you are banned from just believing a theory; ”.
That means YOU MUST INVESTIGATE, AND PROVE: the extreme threats, that use OUR MONEY, our nation, our resources, our everything, cannot be THE DEATH OF US/ when their theories are proven wrong.
The question presented is NOT: whether I am wrong or right regarding threats that can exterminate us all. It is not even whether those who experiment are right or wrong. That is fundamentally unnecessary.....
The reality of a decision that can take away our future, and destroy life on this planet:
The LEGAL answer is: BEING WRONG IS DEATH TO US ALL/ our right to understand fully, and decision for ourselves, without interference: is in fact undeniable!
WE, the people are the law established; by governing ourselves through democracy (we died for this/ we sacrificed for this/ we paid for this. IT IS OURS.) itself; as is the constitution by definition.
I am denied: a guaranteed right of constitutional law, to inform the citizenry through LEGAL procedure, by assembling information such as I have: to ask of "we the people", must we not defend ourselves? By legal trial: demanding accountability for this!
It’s called redress of grievances, a first amendment law!
Your choice:
WILL YOU JOIN, and make redress happen?