The Chapter; AI@
The development of AI@ which means myself and only myself, nothing else belongs/ represents the mental alteration of life, into just me! The word mental describes the relationship of want to the definitions of need and hope and choice and pain! These 4 illustrate the boundaries of a physical life divided by the environment called self, which simply means Asomewhere you must stand@ or more simply the four directions of influence pull or push upon the confidence of your position, creating a composition wherein you are the Aartist@ and the portrait is distinguished by the anchorage of your true feelings.
The word Afeeling@ exists as a description of Acolor@ in your own world, the four directions produce the expressions : need is the experience of reality, demanding the moments of my life/ hope is the experience beyond reality wherein life becomes what is important to me/ choice is the measurement of my heart, the truth about the importance of life to me/ and pain establishes the boundaries and what it can mean to cross over those boundaries. The colors that define and direct your actions in this life, exist as a tapestry created by fears, constantly moving around the center of life. These fears intermingle pushing or pulling each person in one direction or two at the same time, but never more. The feelings or color, of the existence of a life demanded rather than earned or sought after, become mixed with fear altering the beauty of a life defined by so many special moments (every color on earth) into a drab green or brown camouflage color which exist as Ahidden feelings@ which become seclusion, panic, depression, and surrender. These are the portraits which exist as disappointments or failures within every society common to those who would/do say: no one love me/ no one needs me/ no one respects me/ I do not belong/ & I am Aleft out of life@. The examination of the experience applies the complaint to review and finds a long list of; AI,I,I,I,I,I,I,I, and so on. Consequent to all these AI=s@ the development of suicidal is literally the emotional plea, Alisten to me@!
Here we begin to question the reality as Awhat is honor@? The answer; understanding the miracle of life not simply as, a measurement of myself/ BUT ACCEPTING, life is the meaning applied to the experience of motion, the measurement granted by knowledge, the opportunity of rebirth as a human by the expressions of love, the possibility of being reborn spiritually within the respect of CREATION, and the reality of participating in an eternity, which exists as thought and energy and love and freedom and VERY MUCH MORE! These things are a description of GRACE; the possibilities that extend existence into the realm of soul. It is within your soul, that the definitions of caring ( which means my soul understands your need, and is willing to help) alters the constant cry AI@, into a relationship with life itself as a participant who accepts the blessing & the burden, & the responsibility of life. The focus may no longer be yourself, as soul, RATHER you are a gift of GOD! Therefore remember GOD IS FIRST , the gift of faith is already inside your heart, Placed there by JESUS HIMSELF according to the truth of your acceptance, so shall your faith be. The question of faith is NOT, an intellectual acceptance, you shall never find it in your mind/ RATHER FAITH is a searching of your soul, by examining your own heart. In simple terms: the miracle of life, the existence of an Identity and truth, ARE examples of a LOVE GREATER than anything the sum of its parts/ it is an expression illustrated by a death without compromise, SIMPLY DONE to show us the AWESOME VALUE of a world we can only glimpse, by realizing that nothing here can compare.
It is in this world molded by people, that someone is always Alooking for a reason to condemn/ hiding & waiting to attack@: they/ these represent VERY FEW INDIVIDUALS, DO NOT let them control your world/ your life. RESPECT keeps us all alive! YOUR DESTINY according to the treasures of your heart & the truth of your soul is to be FAMILY, SONS & DAUGHTERS OF ALMIGHTY GOD! Do you doubt? Look at your life more closely, and appreciate HOW DIFFERENT you are than a rock or a dead body, WE ARE TRUE MIRACLES! Extreme arrogance says, AI built myself (evolution), or I will build myself (genetics), or I will escape to another planet (PURE fantasy)@. If you are honest with yourself, then you will know order & discipline are relationships with truth & thought & energy, NOT mutations (take a look at what mutation really is/ not adaptation but mutation/ NO chance of evolution here) NOT human intellect or computer driven consequences (take a good look at what human interference does/ war, poverty, resource depletion, stupidity, greed, lust, power, hatred, the existence of weapons designed and intended to destroy the entire earth in the hands of a Acouple of people, who are already power hungry@/ are these things in harmony with living or life or even hope, the answer is no/ therefore no matter what the emotional outcry the result has already been determined, and you/ we as physical beings are already dead only the date & time is obscured. To change this future we must change our reality! The question of planetary travel does not even bear mentioning if so much money were not wasted. Money is a participation is physical alterations of the environment, including your own body. Therefore let us examine for a second, the reality of isolation, the existence of trillions of dollars of investment to send even one person to an environment where no one can survive, much less complete a return on the investment/ these people are in one way or another fearful of the coming disaster and believe in some form they are going to survive and be like Asuperman@ somehow. It is past time sanity returns.