grain drying

Grain drying; the fundamentals which do need to be fully investigated by USDA and others to determine exactly at which points in the storage of grain a real life scenario of additional fan usage is necessary. Since this is work: they haven't done it/ will never do it; as is...


The critical issue is: that law, nor rights, nor being justified, nor even the cost of being wrong/ can sustain life or nation; unless those deliberate decisions are enforced by the vast majority. In this America: the vast majority all say: “DON'T DO NOTHING, because I am making money/ and...


Happiness measures us, by our desire; without desire we soon decide life has no meaning: of the many consequences that will exhibit, just one of them is “I will make life into a game/ thereby playing, instead of living” which has become hard. Pride is the result, forming the battleground...


Of realities which shape our existence; the one certainty is, ONLY THE LAW, can protect the people. Because the law itself is our army/ our right to demand: no one, is above the law/ all must obey; a valid and constitutionally true, contractual demand that is then made by all...

primary elements

We will examine the realities of human behavior, by recognizing the primary influences which create the foundation effects. In that regard: human behaviors begin, with the understanding “these people are trying to hurt me/ they don't love me/ they are using and abusing me/ I must defend myself, or I...


The most evil, therefore the most vile and corrupt; of all human creation: is the intent and participation in destroying this world. By pretending to be gods! Your geneticists are deliberately trying to prove their claim of evolution/ by deliberately destroying genetic nature itself. Thereby forcing evolution to take control...


As to this site; the most controversial conception is: whether or not, “the spiritual woman inside of me” could be true; as it depicts a relationship with the spiritual world that cannot be proven true. So the question is: DOES the Biblical book of Revelation predict her coming?  IT IS...


So that there is no excuse for considering suicide, or escaping into depression, or devaluing the others just because you can. Reality allows, at the edge of extinction/ for one last construction to be given. While hope is the essential ingredient in every life, the value of life expected from...


This does not support critical race theory, but discounts it in all aspects of its construction. The foundation of “race relations”; is dependent upon the availability of resources. Plenty of resources, and everybody gets along. Not enough resources; and people try to remove the competition by claiming “any group” that...


LIFE is a search within thought, by constructing an environment related to energy; through which we achieve the dimensional expression of what we experience life itself to be. Living in time requires us: to accept the dimensions of body and earth; as the limits and boundaries of our experience, and...