
We now review: the possibilities of what we can do, to survive as a world! First and foremost: EVERY THREAT must be investigated to identify what is true/ EVERY SINGLE UNIVERSITY DRIVEN ANYTHING OR INDUSTRY OR ANY OTHER ASPECT OF “UNIVERSITY”; IS to be stopped entirely and without question: while...


Let us confront, our existence as society. Our experiences and our expressions of life and living are confronted by the definitions of our society/ and thereby what we choose for that society to be; within the constraints of our environment, and by our laws. Becomes the elemental foundation of our...


LIFE, Is not a participant of the brain/ rather, THE BRAIN IS THE KEY STRUCTURE: tHAT translates life, BY TYING OUR BRAIN, TO THE BODY OF TIME.. The value, of that understanding is: you cannot fix your life, with your brain/ you can only measure and calculate the values of...


HOPE, is the elemental rise of destiny; as we escape the bonds of time, to reach out into the essence of what a miracle does mean. Truth identifies a miracle, as is every body of life, and the planet itself/ as impossible to claim by man or woman. The existence...

death rate US

while no conclusive answers are found; because there is variations between the reporting agencies; the following does sum it up; as best we can. Until you realize; while undocumented people are counted as deaths/ they are not counted as population. NOR is the population rise accounted for in the numbers...


The most tragic thing about being human: is to look around, and understand; the vast majority of these are animals/ rather than being alive as a human life. An animal must have a leader, because as prey they are vulnerable, and almost certain to die; without the herd. Every herd...


Life is, “our relationship with thought”/ whereas time is, our relationship with body and brain. The difference: the knowledge of time is, “predator and prey/ living or dying”. In contrast, LIFE offers the knowledge of eternity, in a journey beyond the limits and boundaries of time, as our passage into...

you decide

as the cost of your failures continues to increase; my decision to participate with you continues to decrease/ and your counterfeit money is being discarded; as not worth my time. Your society being the failure of fools, an army of cult worshipers showing their mask as the emblem of their...


If, we were to consider; the conception of life itself, we would be required to assemble an energy which could sustain itself. Because without motion, or at least the potential for motion; there can be no purpose or desire or hope. Therefore we know, that the elemental rise of life,...


The march into world war 3; is little different than the German nazi march of world war 2. The Nazi party wins: by the people being tired of the cost for world war 1; all agree, “let's take what we want/ we don't need no damn reality”. Jews are targeted:...