
SURVIVAL FOR THIS PLANET, and what is left of life itself: is now limited to one single decision; because you have failed the conception of thought, and rest in the horrors of university; as believers do. In order to dethrone the university as your god/ and make the cult of...


There is literally no place on earth less likely to explore or allow the constant of thought, than a university. But reality proves the universities are a religion of their own accord, and as such the constant is “fantasy, imagination, delusion, and beliefs rule the day.” Their university “gods (we...


REALITIES, SHAPE US ALL! An undeniable fact, that participates directly in all that humanity has been, is now, or will become; if allowed to survive. The believer always interjects that he or she cannot be wrong/ as they know, all they need to know; because they believe “as they want...


To examine the question of life, we must first begin the journey by understanding the boundaries and limits of time. Time is built upon the dimensions of a fabric that identifies the different characteristics of an individual atom, by how each interrelates with the other atoms of like kind, or...


The acceptance: life has value, is the source of happiness/ it is not more complex, because thought can do all the rest. What is critical however is: that thought can take you to wherever you wish to go, and that includes hate, violence, revenge, and so on. So the decision...

revelation 12-22

AS IS true of all predictions/ prophecy: you must look at the writing through their eyes, and in their time, along with their own descriptions as are consistent with the words they would have used. Biblical writing is NOT perfect, as is true of the men who write it down,...


More simply: the price of my heart is, don't control me/ don't manipulate me/ don't own me/ don't use me/ don't tempt me beyond done in play/ don't believe you know me, as I do have a mind of my own. Freedom shapes trust into the decisions I have made...


It is necessary, to develop the realities of “brain versus thought”/ a concept extremely few understand; as they are entirely different realms of existence. The foundation of evil rests upon removing happiness, so that you will be influenced by turmoil. To destroy miracles, and replace them with chaos; is merely...


Beyond the simple things: life has meaning! The reality of human society is;  "if you don't care about me; then I  won't care about you"/ if you don't respect me, or what is valuable to me; then I won't consider you valued, or your life to have meaning.  The prelude...

read this

Throughout human existence, all that is vile, searches for what you are willing to trust; and as parasites do, they creep and crawl into these places: so they can appear as something valuable. While the intellectuals among them, lie/ plague/ cheat/ steal/disease/ and other, unthinkable things (to those with value);...