real change

Since you utterly refuse to help, or participate in any honest way: I will write for you the fundamentals of what must change. Apart from all the massive threats that curse you with betrayal, horror, and “every bad prediction from the Bible”; there is endless more. More than I would...


We do, need to discuss the critical fundamentals to life or survival or eternity; because the monkey cult of “university knows”; has been effective enough; to take over your world. To your shame! Included in that death march, TO UNENDING CATASTROPHES; is the reality of the sewage monster, called evolution;...


Let us examine want/ rather than the elements of life and love through thought, and the dignity of desire. Want is an animal/ the elements of life and love are the essence of being human, alive by the dignity of a life elevated beyond the simple things or survival of...


Did you know, that time shares life with existence? It is, a far more interesting construction than it appears. But the question is: why share it with you? Answer: my life is turned upside down, or inside out; and I now have little to do apart from waiting to see...

fairy tales

FAIRY TALES: by the numbers. The DEATH MARCH! (alas, there are so damn many; this is strictly about energy). YOU ARE REQUIRED; to understand, I can be wrong. But your universities cannot: because they threaten our world with extinction, if they are not perfect/ the very first time. IGNITION of...


We look now, into the future: to recognize, there is only complete catastrophe as designed by “university knows”/ or there will be true change, as is consistent with all life deserves respect, for this entire planet; and the health as is distinct sustainability, without sacrifice for and of this earth...

art of living

The art of living; is to construct a value beyond self, as will be defined as love. The critical curse to be overcome: IF I DIE, or am unhappy/ THEN the world itself, means nothing to me! Or, more simply “I” am, the only thing that matters to me/ nothing...

the war

The art (I can paint a better picture than you) of war; is deception. Or more distinctly; by enveloping what is important into a fantasy or delusion/ I then lead you into the crucible of where you die. Evolution is that fantasy/ the assertions we need not change from the...


Power is either like a bad storm/ or a slow sprinkle of rain that will not stop, or just keeps coming back: to prove, you cannot do what you need to do, for yourself: one way or another “we consume you”. More distinctly covid 19; is the disgrace of leadership...


The elemental presence of time, discovers the three parts to existence: as the force to confront/ the force to bind/ and the comprehension of force, that makes energy move; as completed by an identity. Therefore eternity becomes the quest, to either conquer or continue within the energies that exist, by...