
In the search, for why society and humanity is, what it is/ and not what it should be for life and planet. The following identifies the cause. Nothing is more prevalent, than “I want what I want/ and I don't want, what I don't want: and I don't give a...


The god of death, is a university. Like money, it can be either for good or for bad/ unlike money, the scourge of parasites invading the very foundation of life itself. Altering the balance, disciplines, and order of the planet. The destruction of resources. The plain poisoning of everything valuable...


Something for peace Contrary to the “hocus-pocus” assertion, that people can just pray for peace and it magically arrives. The reality is: peace is built one piece at a time. Prayer is, the opportunity to be heard/ it is not a shopping cart, by which all your wants, can be...

friend or foe

THE FOUR ELEMENTS, TO ESTABLISH AND CREATE FRIENDSHIPS! You must be open to the addition of a value beyond yourself/ and that requires you not to judge or measure someone else. To know truth, is to accept life is a journey that lives in your heart, more than a body...


The reality of life or death to this planet, and all of its existence; both now and in the future: resides upon the definitions which will determine if you continue to follow the universities into HELL. This is not a gift/ this is a fight between “your gods of university,...


Talking, the fundamental most human of all. It is my understanding of human existence; that we must individually identify our own distinct decisions/ as that is in essence the value of our contribution to life itself. Love is the result of your decision/ as is hate/ as is everything in...

final copy

CHANGING THE WORLD: by law, by vote, with wisdom. This book is sent to you, for your evaluation: strictly because the price of losing our world, destroying our nature, igniting atoms of fire; just like the sun on our planet, mutilating the bodies of life, risking all sources of food,...

true democracy

The critical reality of life or death to this planet; IF YOU EVEN TRY/ is based upon a single principle. Choose life and planet comes first/ NOT just your life, but all life; because whether you like it or not, the chain of life is not so simple as a...


In the values of time, the critical consumption of news that matters; makes the difference between being prepared, and learning how to fight for survival. The consequence of that has become a book, which you can buy if you wish. Life Discovered: The Human compass Kindle Edition   balancing the...

wall street

To whom it may concern from James F. Osterbur. Since it is a true reality, the consequence is to be far worse: for not being prepared/ than to be “slightly in advance of an economic depression”. I do present you with this warning; reminding you as stated directly below, when...