facing truth

As I search for the values which you will recognize as necessary to understand; the constant is, that you want what you want, and nothing is going to change that until you are forced to accept the consequences you do not want. Only then, as history does prove, are you...


In the question of our existence, comes a few simple details: there is life/ there is death: and everything in-between those two boundaries is either body or time. A human being alive, is frightening to both predator and prey; because being human is greater than being an animal. A human...


The creation of an elemental mind: one that develops through the purposes of a mob (I want, what I want), rather than an individual constructed by the desire of life, which is to be truly “alive”. Is the reality functionally described by judgment, which means not only to measure, but...


The difference between us, is very simple: you believe whatever you want to believe, worshiping university as gods. While I search for truth, without any preconception; opening doors/ lifting rocks/ picking through the garbage if absolutely necessary/ and understanding the only solution to be found: will occur with respect. If...


There is an assessment needed, for the sustained reality of any type of social change. Humanity functions as a herd, or a pack of predators dependent upon who they are; with very few actual individual participants. NOT because they cannot be individuals, but because they lack the confidence to make...


Your university cult gods (we cannot question them): have failed in all major ways possible, relying upon assertions that simply do not exist/ and failing to recognize realities that do exist. Such as: with regards to the sun: they can only see the “ash cloud”/ released by the flame. They...


The overview of life on earth is simply this: the greatest of all species is humanity/ and the worst of all species is humanity; because they can experience and express both love or hate, as a deliberate decision. Making life a reality of consequences, that teach the widest range of...

want 2

Within the realities of being human, the single most critical definition of a curse: is want. Or more distinctly, the corruption of desire, into something far less truthful. Freedom presents us all, with a decision: to let truth establish the desire of our heart, by the essence of living life...


Just as it was in JESUS day, “HE, delivered his message to a few” who were then expected to deliver it to the rest. Without their work, and their writing, their sacrifices; HIS life, would have died in vain. Same as today, their religious leaders assumed: someone to do the...


If, we examine the elements and essence of life itself, the values which arise are astounding. The reality of a composition even in its most minimal form of life, is simply beyond comprehension: because the complexity, requires a very significant amount of thought, to even conceive of the possibility called...