
Patterns in all animal behavior, are the result of three distinct things: “what I want/ what I don't want/ and the links which put “the train of thought patterns” in place. Links are how we store the various inputs of information, that occur everyday, and what we chose to be...


This is a world of shouting/ at least a nation of shouting; because each wants more than they have, OR, they utterly refuse to share anything so others can be equal with them. The end result is chaos that grows over time to become the basis for war, prejudice, and...


The reality of bias, is without doubt, the critical element of most human behaviors. You believe, therefore you need no other information/ no evidence or consequence of thought matters; because you already have your answer. It is exactly what you expected it to be. That of course is rarely true,...

freedom 2

Life is either a discipline which sustains itself by the laws of order and truth, or it is a level of chaos that leads into more than simply death of a body. Since we are human, each must encounter some of the above at different moments in their lives; your...


I tell you the truth: as has been proven to me time and again/ in my own life and work. What is to be, cannot be stopped; the odds of success or failure, make no difference whatsoever. My job, is to do what I can do. It is not to...


It is the tragedy of both, men and women; that they have allowed their lives to be turned into a game. Life is not a game, it is precious and disciplined with respect. Without respect, it becomes a game, that can be measured, by any measure desired; for either winner...


Within the foundations, of discipline as it creates the interactions of life: the essence of our core experience is expressed either through life itself as spirit; which means life (not body) meeting life (not mind)/ the essence of our energy balanced by the direction of motion. OR, it is expressed...


7/16/19 the one certainty in the human world is: when the competition gets too much, there will be those who are forced out, under threats of death/ to live somewhere else. They then invade the lives of others, to compete for resources they didn't work for. Even being so brazen...


Destiny, is the difference between what you truly did do/ and what you didn't do, even if you believed you did. The value of truth is unending/ while the failure of lies, or fantasies, will always have a consequence. The critical truth above all the rest, at the core principle...

last date

We now look at the last date biblically, by the old testament: for mercy to be given to this earth. Because of what men chose to do. The end result of it is: even “if the hammer” does not fall upon us instantly/ the reality of your choices have by...